Faurecia Clarion Electronics NX702 CAR DVD PLAYER User Manual

Clarion Co Ltd CAR DVD PLAYER Users Manual

Users Manual

English2NX7021. FEATURES ........................................................................................................................ 3Expanding Systems ........................................................................................................... 32. PRECAUTIONS ................................................................................................................. 43. CAUTIONS ON HANDLING .............................................................................................. 6Front Panel / Generalities .................................................................................................. 6Cleaning the body ............................................................................................................. 6USB Port ........................................................................................................................... 6SD Slot .............................................................................................................................. 6Handling Discs .................................................................................................................. 74. CONTROLS ....................................................................................................................... 8Operational Panel .............................................................................................................. 8Names of Buttons .............................................................................................................. 9Remote Control  .............................................................................................................. 105. MAIN MENU OPERATION .............................................................................................. 126. SYSTEM SETUP .............................................................................................................. 137. DISC OPERATION ........................................................................................................... 17DVD System .................................................................................................................... 17Accessing a Disc ............................................................................................................. 19DVD Player Operation ..................................................................................................... 20CD Player Operation ....................................................................................................... 22MP3/WMA Playback ........................................................................................................ 23MP4 Playback ................................................................................................................. 258. SD/USB OPERATION ...................................................................................................... 26Accessing an USB ........................................................................................................... 26Accessing an SD Card .................................................................................................... 26SD/USB Audio Operation ................................................................................................ 27SD/USB Video Operation ................................................................................................ 279. BLUETOOTH OPERATION ............................................................................................. 28Bluetooth Telephone Operation ...................................................................................... 28Bluetooth Audio Operation .............................................................................................. 3010. SiriusXM Satellite Radio OPERATION ........................................................................ 3111. HD Radio OPERATION ................................................................................................. 3412. iTunes Tagging ............................................................................................................. 3613. iPod & iPhone OPERATION ......................................................................................... 3714. PANDORA OPERATION ............................................................................................... 3915. NAvIGATION OPERATION ........................................................................................... 4016. AUX OPERATION.......................................................................................................... 4017. TROUBLE SHOOTING .................................................................................................. 4118. ERROR DISPLAYS........................................................................................................ 4419. SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................... 4520. WIRING AND CONNECTIONS ...................................................................................... 4721. WARNING ...................................................................................................................... 49Thank you for purchasing this Clarion product.• Pleasefullyreadthisowner’smanualbeforeoperatingthisequipmentandstoreitinasafeplace.• Checkthecontentsofthe enclosed warrantycardandstoreitina safeplacewiththismanual.Contents
3EnglishNX7021. FEATURES• 7”Wide-VGAcolorLCDTOUCHPANEL• 4V/6chRCA OutputwithDigital TimeAlignment, 3-way Crossoverand 5BandParametricEqualizer• SiriusXM-Ready™andHDRadio™receiverwithiTunes® Tagging• LatestMapGuaranteeExpanding SystemsPortablePlayer(ConnectviaAUXIN)USBMemorySD CardBluetooth®cellularphoneHDRadio™Tuner(THD301)SiriusXM-ConnectVehicleTuneriPod® / iPhone®(ConnectviaCCA-750)Notes:••6ChannelAmplierExpandingaudiofeaturesRear MonitorRear VisionCameraExpandingvisualfeatures
English4NX7022. PRECAUTIONSForyoursafety,thedrivershouldnotoperatethecontrolswhiledriving.Also,whiledriving,keepthevolumetoalevelatwhichexternalsoundscanbeheard.1.Whentheinteriorofthecarisextremelycold andtheplayerisusedsoonafterswitchingon the heater, moisture may form on the disc or the optical parts of the player and proper playbackmaynotbepossible.Ifmoistureformsonthedisc, wipeitoffwithasoftcloth.Ifmoisture forms  on the optical parts of the player, do not use the player for about one hour. Thecondensationwilldisappearnaturallyallowingnormaloperation.2.   Driving on extremely bumpy or rough roads can cause the disc to skip during playback.3.  This unit uses precision parts and  components for its operation. In the event  that trouble arises, never open the case, disassemble the unit, or lubricate the rotating parts. Contact your Clarion dealer or service center.4.  FCC STATEMENT 1.ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCCRules.Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:   (1) This device may not cause harmful interference.   (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 2. Changesormodicationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliancecouldvoidtheuser’sauthoritytooperatetheequipment. NOTE: Thisequipment hasbeentested andfoundtocomply with thelimits foraClassBdigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These  limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipmentgeneratesusesandcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,ifnotinstalledandused inaccordancewiththeinstructions,maycauseharmfulinterferencetoradiocommunications.However,thereisnoguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallation.Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioortelevisionreception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentoffandon,theuserisencouragedtotrytocorrecttheinterferencebyoneormoreofthefollowingmeasures: •Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna. •Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver. •Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhichthereceiverisconnected. •Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.5. FCCRadiationExposureStatementThis equipment complieswith FCCradiation exposurelimitssetforthfor anuncontrolledenvironment.Thisequipmentshouldbeinstalledandoperatedwithminimumdistance20cmbetweentheradiator&yourbod.6.  “Made for iPod,” and “Made for iPhone” mean that an electronic accessory has been designedto connectspecicallytoiPod,oriPhone,respectively,andhasbeencertiedbythe developer to meet Apple performance standards. Appleisnotresponsiblefortheoperationofthisdeviceor itscompliancewithsafetyandregulatorystandards.PleasenotethattheuseofthisaccessorywithiPod oriPhone mayaffectwirelessperformance.   iPhone, iPod and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.7. HDRadio™TechnologymanufacturedunderlicensefromiBiquityDigitalCorporation.   U.S. and Foreign Patents. HD Radio™ and the HD, HD Radio, and “Arc” logos are proprietary trademarksofiBiquityDigitalCorp.8.   SiriusXM™ and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Sirius XM Radio, Inc. All rights reserved.WARNING
5EnglishNX702INFORMATION FOR USERS:Changes or  modifications to this product unapprovedbythemanufacturerwillvoidthewarrantyandwillviolateFCCapproval. 9.   Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.  “Dolby” and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.10.   This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorizedbyRoviCorporation,andisintendedforhomeandotherlimitedviewingusesonlyunlessotherwiseauthorizedbyRoviCorporation.Reverseengineeringordisassemblyis prohibited. UseofthisproductbythecustomerisrestrictedtoplayprogrammaterialstowhichtheRovicopyright protection process has been applied.11.   The Bluetooth®wordmarkandlogosareregisteredtrademarksownedbyBluetoothSIG,Inc.  and any use of such marks by Clarion Co.,Ltd, is under license. CHINA530-1710kHz 87.9-107.9MHzTHIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS:(1)THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2)THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH DHHS RULES 21 CFR CHAPTER I SUBCHAPTER J APPLICABLE AT DATE OF MANUFACTURE.CLARION CO.,LTD.7-2,SHINTOSHIN,CHUO-KU,SAITAMA-SHI,SAITAMA-KEN,JAPANThis product includes technology owned by Microsoft Corporation and cannot be used or distributed without a license from MSLGP.MANUFACTURED:URFHD Radio Technology manufactured under license from iBiquity Digital Corporation.  U.S. and Foreign Patents.  HD Radio™ and the HD, HD Radio, and “Arc” logos are proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corp.PN:127071000890TX-1087B-AFCC ID: AX2NX702NX702U.S.Patent Nos.6,836,549; 6381,747; 7,050,698; 6,516,132; and 5,583,936.Covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents: 7,295,673;7,460,668; 7,515,710; 7,519,274Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.  “Dolby” and the double-D symbol are trademarks of  Dolby Laboratories.
English6NX7023. CAUTIONS ON HANDLINGFront Panel / GeneralitiesForalongerservicelife,besuretoreadthefollowingcautions.• Donotallowanyliquidsontheunitfromdrinks,umbrellas,etc.Doingsomaydamagetheinternal circuitry.• Donotdisassembleormodifytheunitinanyway.Doingsomayresultindamage.• Donotletcigarettesburnthedisplay.Doingsomaydamageordeformthebody.• Ifaproblemshouldoccur,havetheunitinspectedatyourstoreofpurchase.• Theremotecontrolunitmaynotworkiftheremotecontrolsensorisexposedtodirectsunlight.Cleaning the body• Useasoft,dryclothandgentlywipeoffanydirtand/ordust.• Fortoughdirt,applysomeneutraldetergentdilutedinwatertoasoftcloth,wipeoffthedirtgently,thenwipeagainwithadrycloth.• Donotusebenzene,thinner,carcleaner,etc.,asthesesubstancesmaydamagethebodyorcausethepainttopeel.Also,leavingrubberorplasticproductsincontactwiththebodyforlong periods of time may cause stains.USB Port• TheUSBmemorysticksmustberecognizedas“USBmassstorageclass“toworkproperly.Some models may not operate correctly. Whenthememorizeddataislostordamagedbyanychance,Clarionshallnotbeliableforanydamage. When usinganUSBmemorystick, werecommendthatyoubackupyour datastoredonitbefore using a personal computer etc.• Datales maybebroken whenusingUSB memory sticksinthefollowingsituation: WhendisconnectingtheUSBmemorystickorturningthepoweroffduringreadingdata.   When affected static electricity or electric noise. Connect/disconnecttheUSBmemorystickwhenitisnotaccessed.• Connectingwiththecomputerisnotcovered.SD Slot• WhenusingaSDcard,werecommendthatyoubackupyourdatastoredonitbeforeusingapersonal computer etc.• DatalesmaybebrokenwhenusingSDcardinthefollowingsituation:Whentakingoffthecardorturningthepoweroffduringreadingdata.   When affected static electricity or electric noise.• Connectingwiththecomputerisnotcovered.
7EnglishNX702Handling DiscsHandling• Newdiscsmayhavesomeroughnessaround the edges. If such discs are used, theplayermaynotworkorthesoundmayskip. Use a ball-point pen or the like to remove any roughness from the edge of the disc.• Neversticklabelsonthesurfaceofthediscormarkthesurfacewithapencilorpen.• Neverplayadiscwithanycellophanetapeorotherglueonitorwithpeelingoffmarks.If you try to play such a disc, you may not be able to get it back out of the player or it may damage the player.• Donotusediscsthathavelargescratches,are misshapen, cracked, etc. Use of such discs may cause misoperation or damage.• Toremoveadiscfromitsstoragecase,pressdownonthecenterofthecaseandlift the disc out, holding it carefully by the edges.• Donotusecommerciallyavailablediscprotectionsheetsordiscsequippedwithstabilizers, etc. These may damage the discorcausebreakdownoftheinternalmechanism.Storage• Donotexposediscstodirectsunlightorany heat source.• Donotexposediscstoexcesshumidityordust.• Donotexposediscstodirectheatfromheaters.Cleaning• Toremovengermarksanddust,useasoftclothandwipeinastraightlinefromthecenter of the disc to the circumference.• Donotuseanysolvents,suchascommercially available cleaners, anti-static spray, or thinner to clean discs.• Afterusingspecialdisccleaner,letthediscdryoffwellbeforeplayingit.On Discs• Neverturnoffthepowerandremovetheunitfromthecarwithadiscloaded.CAUTIONForyoursafety,thedrivershouldnotinsertorejectadiscwhiledriving.Ball-point pen Roughness
English8NX702Short press [OPEN] button to slide down the panel.LeftSide Front Side4. CONTROLSOperational PanelSD Card Slot[MENU   ALL ] [MIC][MAP   PWR]RemoteSensor[-] [ + ]DiscSlot[     ] EJECTRESET[OPEN/vR]MicroSDcardslotOnly navigation map card is available and don't removeitwhenunitispoweron.
9EnglishNX702Names of Buttons[MAP   PWR] Knob• Presstopoweronthesystemwhenignition on.• Whenpoweron,presstoenternavigationmode.• Pressandholdthiskeymorethan1second to turn off the system.[ MENU   ALL ] Button• Shortpresstoshow/exitshortcutmenu.• Longpresstoshow/exitmainsourcemenu.[-,+]buttons• Presstodecreaseorincreasethevolume.[ MIC ] Hole• InternalmicrophoneThe way of SENSOR control (  /+/-)             MUTE                                                          VOL UP (1 degree)      VOL DOWN (1 degree)MENU (long press)Speaker Setting ModeWhenpoweronrsttime,“SpeakerSettingMode”dialogappears.1.  Select “Initial settings”, all speaker settings return to default setting.   3 Memory of previous speaker mode are deleted.   Touch [OK] on the dialog box, then select a mode.2.  Select “Load settings”, currennt speaker settings are kept.3. Speaker Setting Mode Normalmode:FrontL,R;RearL,R;SubwooferL,R 3Waymultimode:MIDL,R;HIGHL,R;SubwooferL,R 2Waymultimode:MIDL,R;HIGHL,R;REARL,R[RESET] Button• Presstoloadoriginalsettings.   Note: When the [RESET] button is pressed, frequencies of  radio stations, titles, etc. stored in memory are cleared.[ OPEN/vR ] Button• Shortpresstoslidedownandclosethepanel.• LongpresstoVR(VoiceRecognition)function.[   ] EJECT Button• Presstoejectdisc.
English10 NX702Remote Control  [SRC /   ] Button• Showmainsourcemenu• Poweron/Poweroff(longpress) [OPEN] Button• Shortpresstoslidedownandclosethepanel.• LongpresstoVR(VoiceRecognition)function. [+],[-]Buttons• Adjustvolumelevel [MAP] Button• Enternavigationmode [PIC] Button• Adjustscreen [BAND] Button• Selecttunerband [TAG] Button• SiriusXM / HD Radio mode – Tagging [TITLE] Button• DVDTITLEMENU [RPT] Button• Repeatplayback [ENT] Button• Enter [RDM] Button• Randomplayback [ROOT] Button• DVDROOTMENU [],[ ] Buttons• Manualtune• Fastbackward/forwardplayback [SUB.T] Button• DVDsubtitle [ANGLE] Button• DVDangle [  ],[ ]Buttons(Rear)• Chapterup/down• Fastbackward/forwardplayback(longpress) [SEND/END] Button• Pickup• Hangup [MUTE] Button• Mute the volume [0]~[9] Button• Numerickey [SRCH] Button• Numberinputmode [BACK] Button• Backfromsourcemenureturntopreviousdisplay  [  ],[ ],[ ],[  ] Buttons• Movecursorup/down/left/right
11EnglishNX702 [   / STOP] Button• Play/Pause• Stop(longpress) [  ],[  ] Buttons• RADIO / HD RADIO / DAB mode • Previous/nextpresetstation • Seekdown/up(longpress)• SiriusXM mode • Previous/nextposition. • Seekdown/up(longpress)• DvD mode  Previous/next chapter. • CD/BLUETOOTH mode  Previous/next track.  [ZOOM] Button• ZOOM(DVD) [AUDIO] Button• DVDaudiostreamchange. [SRC]Button(Rear)• Changenextrearsource [  ]Button(Rear)• Play/Pause• Stop(longpress)Remote Control Use and care of the remote controlUsing the remote control Point the remote control in the direction of the front panel to operate.Whenusingforthersttime,pulloutthelmprotruding from the tray.Replacing the battery1   Slide out  the back cover of the remote control.2.Insertthebatterywith theplus(+)andminus (–) poles aligned properly. •Whenusingforthersttime,pulloutthelmprotrudingfromthetray.3.  Close the back cover. CAUTION• Keepthebatteryoutofthereachofchildren. Should thebatterybeswallowed,consulta doctor immediately.• Batteries(batterypackorbatteriesinstalled)must not be exposed to excessive heatsuchassunshine,reorthelike.CAUTION• UseoneCR2025(3V)lithiumbattery.• Removethebatteryiftheremotecontrolisnot used for a month or longer.• Thereisa dangerofexplosionifthebattery is incorrectly replaced.  Replace onlywiththesameorequivalenttype.• Donothandlethebatterywithmetallictools.• Donotstorethebatterywithmetallicobjects.• Ifthebatteryleaks,wipetheremotecontrolcompletelycleanandinstallanewbattery.• Wh e n dispo s i n g of use d  b a tterie s ,complywithgovernmentalregulationsorenvironmentalpublicinstitutions’rulesthatapply in your country/area.Important• Donotstoretheremotecontrolinhightemperatures or direct sunlight.• Theremotecontrolmaynotfunctionproperly in direct sunlight.• Do notlettheremotecontrolfallontotheoor,whereitmaybecomejammedunderthe brake or accelerator pedal.
English12 NX7025. MAIN MENU OPERATIONLong press  [ MENU   ALL ] button on the PANELtoshowmainsourcemenu.Short press  [ MENU   ALL ]buttontoshowShort cut menu.Front Zone SourceTouch [-]onthebottomofscreentoshowfront zone sources. Change page by dragging left or right or touching other [-] buttons.Touch the icons on the screen to enter correspondingworkmode,suchas Discmode, Tuner mode, Telephone mode, etc.Touch [AudioOff] to mute the volume.Rear Zone SourceTouch [Rear] on the  bottom of screen to showrearzonesources.Touch the icons on the screen to enter correspondingworkmode,suchas Discmode, USB mode, iPod mode, etc.Touch [2ZoneOff] to  turn off the rear zone monitor.Custom SettingTouch [Custom] on the bottom of screen to showcustomsettingmenu.[Settings]:Touchthe icontoentersystemsetting menu. (see “System Setup”)[Beat EQ]:Touchtheicontoenterequalizersetting menu. (see “System Setup”)[Short Cut]:TouchtheicontoenterShortcutsetting menu. Hold the desired icon for more than2 secondsuntilit’sactivated,then dragittothebottom.Thenamewillappearonthebottom. • Hold the center of the screen and drag left orrighttoshowmoreicons.• You can make total 5 shortcuts.• You can access  the shortcut list by pressing the [ MENU   ALL ] button. [IllumiColor]: Touch the icon to enterIllumination color setting menu. (see “System Setup”)[Wallpaper]:TouchtheicontoenterWallpaper setting menu. (see “System Setup”)[MonitorOff]:Touch theicontoturnoffthemonitor.To turn on the monitor, touch the monitor again.
13EnglishNX702At all mode, long press [ MENU   ALL ] button  to  enter  main  source  menu.  Touch [Custom] on the bottom left of the screen, then select [Settings] on the screen to enter Setting menu. Touch the icons on the left of screento selectcategory:General,Time,Sound, Display or Setup. To exit Setting menu, touch [   ] on  the bottom  left of  the screen.GeneralSystemlanguageandBluetoothVRlanguageTouch the button to the right of “System language and Bluetooth VR language” to showlanguagelist.Selectdesiredlanguage,touch [OK] to confirm, or touch [Cancel] to exitwithoutsaving.NavigationVRlanguagesettingTouch “Settings”  button from navigation menu.Touch “Sound and Warnings” button.Touch “VoiceLanguage” button.Select desired language.(When select  the TTS Voice, navigation VR functionwillwork)Touch “Regional” button from navigation menu.Touch “ProgramLanguage” button.Select desired language.(When select  the same language(Voice language and  Program Language), navigationVRfunctionwillwork)6. SYSTEM SETUP
English14 NX702CloseoperationbarWhen select  [Auto],theoperationbarwillclose automatically after 10 seconds.When  select  [Manual],theoperationbarwillnot close unless you touch the blank area on the screen.MainMenuIconsWhen select  [Active],mainmenushowanimation icons. When select  [Simple],mainmenushowsimple icons.IllumiColorTouch [Set] to the right of “Illumi Color” to showkeyilluminationsettingmenu.Edit Color: Thereare12presetcolors and3 custom colors, you  can select one color by touch Color 1~12 or Custom 1~3. Touch [Adjust]toshoweditcolormenu.Drag the color bar or inputting the RGB value to select one color, touch [OK]toconrm.Initialize:Loadoriginalbuttonsbacklight.Touch [   BACK ] on the bottom left of the screen to return to main setting menu.WallpaperTouch [Set]totherightof“Wallpaper”toshowWallpaper setting menu.Touch [   ] or [   ] button to select the scene, and touch  the picture file name on the right topreviewit, thentouch[Set]toconrmthesetting.To import images, touch [Import]. Select a mobile storage device on the list, then select desired images and touch [Import]. Touch [Cancel] to exit.Monitor AngleTouch0~+6buttonsonthescreentoselectamonitor angle. BeepTouch [On] or [Off] to turn on/off the key beep sound.Blinking LEDTouch [On] or [Off] to turn on/off the blinking LED.At blinking LED [On]mode,whenACCoff,theLEDonthetopleftofthepanelwillblink.AmpliercancelTouch [On] or [Off] to set the internal amplieronoroff.SystemsoftwareTouch [version]toshow currentsoftwareversion.FactorydefaultTouch  [Restore] to load the original factory settings.TimeGPSsyncTouch [On] tosynchronizetimewithGPSandthefollowingsettingisdisable:“Time”.TimeTouch the  button to the right of “Time” to showtimesettingmenu.Touch[  ] or [   ] button to select hour  or minute. Touch [Set] toconrmor[Back]toexitwithoutsaving.24-HourformatTouch [On] to select 24-Hour format. Touch [Off] to select 12-Hour format.SoundBeat EQTouch the button to the right of “Beat EQ” to showEQsettingmenu.Youcanselect:“BassBoost”, “Impact”, “Excite”, “Custom” or “Off”.Toadjustthevalue,touch[-] or [+] button on the screen. Touch [Back] to exit.Balance/FaderTouch [Set] to the right of “Balance/Fader” to showBalance/Fadersettingmenu.Touch  [   ]  or [  ]buttonto adjustFader,and touch  [   ]  or [  ]buttontoadjustBalance.Touch [Center] to reset the value.Touch [Back] to exit.
15EnglishNX702SubwoofercontrolTouch [-]   or  [+] button on the right of “Subwoofercontrol”toadjustsubwooferlevel.SubwooferphaseTouchtoselectsubwooferphaseNormalorReverse.HighpasslterTouch the button to  the right of  “High pass lter”toshowthe sub-menu,thenselectthelter:“Through”,“55Hz”,“85Hz”or“120Hz”.Touch [Cancel] to exit.LowpasslterTouch the button to the right of “Low passFilter”toshowthesub-menu,thenselectthelter:“Through”,“62Hz”,“95Hz”or“135Hz”.Touch [Cancel] to exit.TimeAligment(NormalMode)Touch [-] or [+]buttontoadjusttimealigment.FrontHPF/LPF(NormalMode)Touch [Setup] on the right to Front HPF/LPF to  spread  the  setting  list.  Touch  buttons  on thescreentoadjust.RearHPF/LPF(NormalMode)Touch [Setup] on the right to Rear HPF/LPF to  spread  the  setting  list.  Touch  buttons  on thescreentoadjust.SWHPF/LPF(NormalMode)Touch [Setup] on the right to SW HPF/LPF to spread the setting list. Touch  buttons on the screentoadjust.X-OverHigh(2WAY/3WayMultiMode)Touch [Setup] on the right to X-Over High to spread the setting list. Touch  buttons on the screentoadjust.X-OverMid(2WAY/3WayMultiMode)Touch [Setup] on the right to X-Over Mid to spread the setting list. Touch  buttons on the screentoadjust.X-OverSW(2WAY/3WayMultiMode)Touch [Setup] on the right to X-Over SW to spread the setting list. Touch  buttons on the screentoadjust.SpeakerGain(2WAY/3WayMultiMode)Touch [Set] on the right to Speaker Gain. Touchbuttonsonthescreentoadjust.Store SettingsTouch [Store]  on the right to Store Setting, select Memory0, Memory1 or Memory2 to store current settings.RecallSettingsTouch Memory0, Memory1 or Memory2 to recall corresponding settings.Reset Setting ModeTouch[Reset]and[OK]buttons,thesystemrestartandshow“SpeakerSettingMode”menu.DisplayDimmerModeTouch [Auto],  [Day] or [Night] to choose dimmer mode.Auto:Thedimmeriscontrolledby yourcarlight.DimmerTouch [-] or [+] button to the right of “Dimmer” toadjustdimmer.The setting is only for Day or Night.SetupTouch [Setup] on  the right of screen to spread the setting list. Then touch the button totherightof desiredoptiontoadjustorshowthesub-menu. Touch[Close] to close the list.AUX• InputAuxSense(AUX1) Choose“Low”,“Middle“or “High”inputsense of auxiliary device.Bluetooth• Bluetooth  Choose Bluetooth function on or off.• TelephoneSpeaker   Choose  Front Left or Front Right speaker at telephone mode.
English16 NX702• ToneSelect   Touch [Auto] to use ringtones  of your mobile phone.   Touch [Internal] to use preset ringtone of the unit.• SoftwareUpdate Updatethesoftware.Camera• CameraInterrupt   Choose [On],thescreenwillswitchtorearcameramenuautomaticallywhenbacking.DVD• Menu Language  Select menu language from list.• Audio Language  Select audio language from list.• Subtitle Language  Select subtitle language from list.• SetPassword Tosetpasswordforparentalcontrol,Touch [Set]toshowpasswordmenu.Input numbers  by touching the digit and [OK] buttons. Touch [X] button to delete a digit inputted. Touch [Back] to exit.• Parental Control   Touch the button to the right of “Parental Control”toshowparentalcontrolmenu.Enterpassword,thenselectaparentallevel.  Touch [OK]toconrmor [Back]  to exit.Navigation• NavigationInterrupt   Select  navigation interrupt On, Pop-Up or Off.• VoiceGuidance ON:Interruptfunctionofvoiceguidanceis on.  While interrupting no attenuate function of AV sound. MUTE:Interruptfunctionofvoiceguidanceis on. While interrupting attenuate function of AV sound is on. OFF:Interruptfunctionofvoiceguidanceis off. While interrupting no attenuate function of AV sound.PANDORA• PANDORA   Select PANDORA On or Off. IfyouriPhonewithPANDORA application, please set on, else set off.Anti Theft• AntiTheftcodeYou can set an Anti-theft code. After set successfully,whenBatterywirereconnect,you need to input the Anti-theft code.1.  Long press the [General] button until a dialog box popped up. Touch [Yes] to set a personal code of Anti-Theft.2.   Input a 4-digit code. Touch [OK]toconrm.Theninputitagainforconrmation.3.  To remove the  code, long press the [General] button  and input the old password.Note:Please make a note of the Anti theft code not to forget. if the right code is not inputted, it becomes impossible to operate this unit.
17EnglishNX702DVD SystemDVDvideoisahigh-qualitydigitalvideosource that provides crisp and clear images. One 12  cm disc contains either one film or four hours of music.DVD Video FeaturesThisunitprovidesthefollowingfunctionsinadditiontothehighimagequalityandsoundqualityofDVDvideo.Notes:• Thefunctionsdescribedinthissection,forexample, the recorded language, subtitles, angles, etc.  differ depending on the DVD video disc.   Refer to the instructions provided with the DVD video.• Somedisc functionsmayoperatedifferently from described in this manual.Multi-sound functionDVD video can store up to 8 languages foronelm;selectthelanguageofyourpreference.• Thelanguagesstoredonthediscareindicatedbytheiconshownbelow.Multi-angle functionADVDvideothatislmedfrommultipleanglesallowsyoutoselecttheangleofchoice.• Thenumberofrecordedanglesareindicatedbytheiconshownbelow.Subpicture (subtitles) functionA DVD video can record subtitles for up to 32 languages and you can select the language ofthesubtitlesyouwishtosee.• Thenumberofrecordedsubtitlelanguagesareindicatedbytheiconshownbelow.Multi-story functionWhen a DVD video contains more than one storyforalm,youcanselectthestoryyouwishtoenjoy.Theoperationproceduresvarywiththedisc;observe the instructions for selecting a story provided during playback.Menu screensMenu can be called up during DVD video playback to perform menu setting.• ExampleshowingmenudisplayDiscsPlayable discsThisDVDvideoplayercanplaythefollowingdiscs.Playable discsDVD video discs         Audio CDs            CD TEXTPlayable media les                  MP3/WMA                             MP4 About CD Extra discsACDExtradiscisa disc inwhichatotaloftwosessions havebeenrecorded.Thefirstsession is Audio session and the second session is  Data session. Your personally-createdCDswithmorethanseconddata7. DISC OPERATION
English18 NX702sessions recorded cannot be played on this DVD video player.Note:• WhenyouhaveaCDExtradisc,onlythefirst session will be recognized.About playing a CD-R/CD-RW disc (MP3, WMA)This player  can play CD-R/CD-RW discs previously recorded in music CD format (MP3, WMA)About playing a DVD-R/RW or DVD+R/RW discThis player  cannot play DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RWdiscspreviouslyrecordedinvideo CD format.However,MP3/WMAfilesrecordedonDVD-R/RWandDVD+R/RWdiscscanbeplayed.Discs that cannot be played backThis DVD  video player cannot play back DVD-Audio, DVD-RAM, Photo CDs, etc.Notes:• Itmayalsonotbe possibletoplaybackCDsrecordedonaCD-RunitandCD-RWunit.(Cause:disccharacteristics,cracks,dust/dirt,dust/dirtonplayer’slens,etc.)• If a CD-R or CD-RW disc that has notbeen finalized is played, it will take a long time  to  start  playing. Also,  it  may  not  be possible to play depending on its recording conditions.• YoucannotplaySuperAudioCDsPlaybackoftheCDplayerisnotsupportedevenifitis a hybrid disc.About MP3/WMA playbackThis  unit  can  play  back  CD-R/CD-RW, DVD-R/RWandDVD+R/RWdiscsonwhichMP3/WMA music data have been recorded.For a  detailed information, see the section entitled “Listening to MP3/WMA”.Note on region numbersThe DVD  video system assigns a region number to DVD video players and DVD discs by sales area. DVD video players sold in the AmericacanplaybackDVDdiscswiththeregion number “ALL”, “1” or any combination of numbers that also incorporate a “1”.The DVD video region number is marked on thediscjacketasshownbelow.46
19EnglishNX702CAUTIONFor your safety, the driver should notinsertorejectadiscwhiledriving.Eject functionPress [OPEN]buttontoslidedownthepanel,then press the [  ]buttontoejectthediscevenifthepower totheunitwasnotturnedon.Notes:• If you force a disc into be fore au toreloading, this can damage the disc.• Toavoiddamaging,removethediscfromthe unit after it pops up.Listening to a disc already loaded in the unitLong press [ MENU   ALL ]  button to enter main source menu, then select [Disc]  to enter Disc mode.If Disc is not on the current source menu, touch [-] buttons on the bottom of the screen, or hold the center of screen and drag left/righttoshowmoreicons.When the  unit enters the Disc mode, play starts automatically.Loading a discPress [OPEN] buttontoslidedownthepanel, insert  a disc into the center of the discslotwithlabel facingup.Thediscplaysautomatically after loading.Notes:• Neverinsertforeignobjectsintothediscslot.• Ifthediscisnotinsertedeasily,theremaybe another disc in  the mechanism or the unit may require service.Accessing a Disc
English20 NX702Playback menuTouchthe bottomhalfofscreento showoperation bar. 1.  Play/Pause2. ShowcursorkeysinDVDtitlemenu3.  Previous chapter Fast-backward(longpress)4.  Progress bar5.  Next chapter Fast-forward(longpress)6.  Root menu  Root Title (long press)7. Showotheroptions 8.  Repeat play9.  Select audio language10.  Select subtitle language11. Shownextpage12.  Select DVD angle13.  Back to main operation bar 14. Showpreviouspage15.  Turn on Widescreen mode16.  Direct search17. Adjustpictureeffect18. Showplaybackinformation19.  Mute indicatorPausing play1.   Touch the [   ] button on the screen to pause play.2.   Touch [   ] button to resume play.Selecting a chapterChapter-up Touch the [   ] button to move to the beginning of the next chapter.Chapter-downTouch the [   ] button to move back to the beginning of the current or previous chapter.Fast forward/Fast reverseFastforwardTouch and hold the [   ] button for more than 2 seconds.FastreverseTouch and hold the [   ] button for more than 2 seconds.RepeatDuring playback,  touch [   ], [ Repeat] buttons to repeat play.Search functionDuring playback, touch [   ], [   ] buttons to showsearchmenu.Input number  by digit buttons, touch [OK] to begin searching or touch [Close] to clear inputting.Touch [Chapter]  or  [Title]toshowDVDchapter/title list.DVD audio selectDuring playback, touch [   ], [Audio] buttons to select audio language to listen if the DVD has multiple audio languages.DVD Player Operation
21EnglishNX702DVD subtitle selectDuring playback, touch [   ],  [Subtitle] buttons to  select the subtitle language if the DVD has multiple language subtitles.Playback informationDuring playback, touch [   ], [ Information] buttonstoviewplaybackinformation.Adjust pictureDuring  playback,  touch  [   ], [  Adjust Picture] button, then use [-], [+] buttons to adjustDimmer/Brightness/Contrast/Color.DVD angle selectDuring playback,  touch [   ], [ Angle ] buttonstoselectdifferentangletoviewiftheDVDhasmultiple-angleviews.
English22 NX702CD Player OperationPlayback menuTouchthebottomhalfofscreentoshowoperationbar.1. Showtracklist(Browse)2.  Title/Artist/Album information3.  Play/Pause4.  Repeat play5.  Previous track  Fast reverse (long press)6.  Progress bar7.  Next track Fastforward(longpress)8.  Random play9. Showotheroptions Scan:ScanplaystoredstationsBrowse modeTouch the [   ]buttontoshowtracklist.Dragup/downtobrowsethetracks,andtouch desired track to select it.Pausing play1.   Touch the [   ] button on the bottom left of the screen to pause play.   “PAUSE” appears in the display, and [   ] button becomes [   ] .2.   Touch [   ] button to resume play.Selecting a trackTrack-up1.   Touch  the  [    ]  button  to  move  to  the beginning of the next track.Track-down1.  Touch the [   ] button to move back to the beginning of the current track.2.   Touch the [  ]buttontwicetomovebackto the beginning of the previous track.Fast forward/Fast reverseFastforwardTouch and hold the [   ] button .FastreverseTouch and hold the [   ] button .*  For MP3/WMA discs, it takes some time untilthestartofsearchingandbetweentracks. In addition, some error may occur in the play time.Search Function1.   Touch the [   ]buttontoshowtracklist.Touch [   ] button to enter search menu. 2.  Input numbers by touching digit  buttons, then touch [Search] to begin searching.   To delete numbers, touch [   ] button.3.  Touch [   ] button to exit.Other various play functionsScanplayThisfunction allows youtolocate and playtherst10secondsofallthetracksrecordedon a disc.Touch the [   ] button, then touch [Scan] to scan play.RepeatplayThisfunctionallows youtoplaythecurrenttrack repeatedly  or play a track currently being played in the MP3/WMA folder repeatedly.Touch the  [   ] button  to select Track Repeat, Folder Repeat or All Repeat.RandomplayThis function allows you to play all tracksrecorded on a disc in a random order.Touch the  [   ] button to perform random play.
23EnglishNX702MP3/WMA PlaybackThis unit is an ID3 Tag compatible model.This unit supports the ID3 TAGs of the Version 2.4, 2.3, 1.1 and 1.0.In displaying, this unit gives priority to the Version 2.3 and 2.4 TAGs.What is MP3/WMAMP3 is an audio compression method andclassiedintoaudiolayer3ofMPEGstandards.WMA is an audio compression method developed by Microsoft Corporation.These audio compression methods have penetrated into PC users and become a standard format.These features compress the original audio datatoabout10percentofitsinitialsizewithahighsoundquality.Thismeansthatabout10 music CDs can be recorded on a CD-R discorCD-RWdisctoallowalonglisteningtimewithouthavingtochangeCDs.Note:SomeCDsrecordedonCD-R/RWmode may not be usable.Displaying MP3/WMA TAG titlesTag information such as title, artist and album title can be displayed for MP3/WMA lecontainingTaginformation.Precautions when creating MP3/WMA leUsablesamplingratesandbitrates1. MP3:Samplingrate8kHz-48kHz,Bitrate8 kbps-320 kbps / VBR 2. WMA:Bitrate8kbps-320kbpsFile extensions1.Alwaysaddafileextension“.MP3”,“.WMA”toMP3,WMAlebyusingsinglebyte letters.  If you add a file extension other  than specified  or  forget  to  add  the leextension,thelecannotbeplayed.2. FileswithoutMP3/WMAdatawillnotplay.Theleswillbeplayedsoundlesslyifyouattemptto playfileswithoutMP3/WMAdata. *WhenVBRlesareplayed,theplaytimedisplay may differ the play location. *WhenMP3/WMAlesareplayed,alittlenosoundpartiscausedbetweentunes.Logicalformat(Filesystem)WhenwritingMP3/WMAleonaCD-Rdiscor CD-RW disc, please select “ISO9660 level 1, 2 or Joliet or Romeo” or Apple ISO as the writingsoftwareformat.Normalplaymaynotbe possible if the disc is recorded on another format.FolderstructureA disc with a folder having more than 8hierarchicallevelswillbeimpossible.Numberoflesorfolders1.  Up to 999 files can be recognized per folder. Upto6000lescanbeplayed.2.  Tracks are played in the order that they wererecordedontoadisc.(Tracksmay not always be played in the orderdisplayed on the PC.)3.  Some noise may occur depending on thetype ofencodersoftwareusedwhilerecording.PlayingMP3foldersWhen selected for play,  files and folders (Folder Search, File Search or Folder Select) areaccessingintheorderinwhichtheywerewrittentothemedia.Asa result,theorderinwhichtheyareexpected to be played may not match the orderinwhichtheyareactuallyplayed.Youmay beabletosettheorderinwhichMP3/WMAlesaretobeplayedbyassigningfilenamesbeginningwithplaysequencenumbers such as “01” to “99”.Forexample,amediumwiththefollowingfolder/filehierarchyissubject toFolderSearch, File Search or Folder Select.Seethediagrambelow.
English24 NX702()012♪①♪②5♪⑧♪⑦67♪⑨♪③34♪④♪⑤♪⑥Layer1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Layer5○Root FolderFolder♪FileTheplayerwill onlyrecognizethreefolderlevels and does not display folders containing other folders. In the example above, the unit willdisplayfolders2,3,5and7,but1and6since they do not contain others.Playback menuTouchthe bottomhalfofscreento showoperation bar. 1. Showfolder/lelist(Browse)2.  Folder/Title/Artist/Album information3.  Play/Pause4.  Repeat play5.  Previous track  Fast reverse (long press)6.  Progress bar7.  Next track Fastforward(longpress)8.  Random play9. Showotheroptions10.  Scan play11.  Rotate the album image12.  Back to main operation barFolder SelectThis function allows you to select a foldercontainingMP3/WMA lesandstartplayingfromthersttrackinthefolder.Touch the [   ] button on the upper left of thescreentoshow folder/filelist. Youcanselectafolderorlebytouchingit.Search Function1.   Touch the  [  ]buttontoshowfolder/lelist.Touch[  ] button to enter search menu. 2.  Input numbers by touching digit  buttons, then touch [Search] to begin searching.   To delete numbers, touch [   ] button.Other operations  about playing MP3/WMA are as CD Player mode.
25EnglishNX702MP4 PlaybackPlayback menuWhen playing,  touch the bottom half of screentoshowoperationbar.1.  Play/Pause2.  Repeat playback3. Previousle  Fast reverse (long press)4.  Progress bar5. Nextle Fastforward(longpress)6. Stopandshowlistmenu(Browse)7. Showotheroptions8.  Select audio language9.  Select subtitle language10.  Turn on Widescreen mode11. Showplaybackinformation12.  Back to main operation barBrowse modeTouch the [   ]buttontoshowfolder/lelist.Dragup/downtobrowse,and touchdesiredoption to select it.Pausing play1.   Touch the [   ] button on the screen to pause play.  “  PAUSE” appears in the display.2.   Touch [   ] button to resume play.Selecting a leFile-up Touch the [   ] button to move to the beginningofthenextle.File-downTouch the [   ] button to move back to the beginningofthecurrentorpreviousle.Fast forward/Fast reverseFastforwardHold the [   ] button .FastreverseHold the [   ] button .Repeat playThisfunctionallows youtoplaythecurrentfile repeatedly  or play files currently being played in the folder repeatedly.Touch the [   ] button to select File Repeat, Folder Repeat, All Repeat or Repeat Off.Search function1.   At video main menu, touch the [   ] button toshowfolder/lelist.2.   Touch [   ] button to enter search menu. 3.  Input numbers by touching digit  buttons, then touch [Search] to begin searching.    To delete numbers, touch [   ] button.Audio selectTouch the  [   ] button and touch [Audio] button to select audio language to listen if the lehasmultipleaudiolanguages.Subtitle selectTouch the  [   ]  button and touch [Subtitle] toselectthesubtitlelanguageif thelehasmultiple language subtitles.
English26 NX7021.  Insert an USB device into the USB cable.   When connecting an USB device, the unit willreadthelesautomatically.2.   To remove the USB device,  you should first select another source or turn off thepower, inordertoavoiddamagingthe USB  device. Then take off the USB device. 3.   To  a cc e ss   an  U S B   d e v i c e   a l r e a d y connected to the unit, long press [ MENU  ALL ] button to enter main source menu, then select [USB] to enter USB mode.   If [USB] is not on the current source menu, touch [-] buttons on the bottom  of the screen, or  hold the center of screen and dragleft/righttoshowmoreicons.1.   Press  [OPEN]buttontoslidedown thepanel. Insert an SD card into the card slot located on the left side of the panel.  Wheninsertingacard,theunitwillreadthelesautomatically.2. Toremovethecard,youshouldrstselectanother source or turn off the power, inorder to avoid damaging the card. Press to pop it out, then take off the card. Close the panel.3.   To access an SD card already inserted in the unit, long press [ MENU   ALL ] button to enter main source menu, then select [SD] to enter SD mode.   If [SD] is not on the current source menu, touch [-] buttons on the bottom  of the screen, or  hold the center of screen and dragleft/righttoshowmoreicons.Accessing an USBAccessing an SD Card8. SD/USB OPERATION
27EnglishNX702SD/USB Audio OperationSD/USB Video OperationThissystemcanplayaudioles(MP3/WMA)stored in a SD card or USB memory. You can use it as an audio device by simply copying desiredaudiolesintoit.Notes:• Thissystemwillnotoperateormayoperateimproperly with some card or USB.• Files protected with any DRM cannot beplayed.This system can play  video files (MP4, etc) stored in  an SD card or USB memory. You can use  it as an video device by simply copyingdesiredvideolesintoit.Notes:• Thissystemwillnotoperateormayoperateimproperly with some card or USB.• Files protected with any DRM cannot beplayed.Operation about SD/USB video  is same as MP4 playback mode.Select SD/USB Audio modeTouch top  left corner of  the screen until SD Audio or USB Audio appears.Operation about SD/USB audio is same as MP3/WMA playback mode.
English28 NX702Bluetooth Telephone OperationPairing1.   Turn on the Bluetooth function of the unit.(see <System Setup>, <Bluetooth>)2.   Turn on Bluetooth function of your mobile phone.3.Entermobilephone’sBluetoothsetupmenu.4. SearchfornewBluetoothdevices.5.  Select NX702 from the pairing list on the mobile phone.6.  Enter “0000”asthepassword.7.   After pairing successfully,   indicator on the bottom right of the screen turns blue.Search from the unitYou can  search Bluetooth device from the unit. 1.   Touch [Add] on the right of the screen, the unitwillsearchtheBluetoothdevicesandlist on the screen. 2. If your desired device isn’t on the list,touch the  button on the bottom left of the screen to refresh.  To stop searching, touch [Cancel].3.  Touch the device name on  the screen to select it, then input PIN code on the sub-menu. 4.  After paired successfully, select device image, touch [OK]toconrm.5.   If connect unsuccessfully, select [Retry] to reconnect or  select [Cancel] to return to list menu.Choose paired deviceAfter paired, the mobile device information appears on  the right of screen, such as model number, Signal, Battery.1.  To select other paired device, hold the middle right  of the screen, and drag it left orright,touchittoshowcontrolbuttons.2.   Touch [Connect] to connect the Bluetooth device. Touch [Cut] to disconnect.3.   Touch  [   ] to delete the paired device from pairing list.Telephone menuLong press [  MENU  ALL ]  button  to  enter main source  menu, then select [Telephone] to enter telephone mode.If [Telephone]  is not on the current source menu, touch [-] buttons on the bottom of the screen, or hold the center of screen and drag left/righttoshowmoreicons.9. BLUETOOTH OPERATIONTheBluetoothallowsyoutoutilizeyourcar’sbuilt-inaudiosystemforwirelessmobilephoneormusic handsfree communication. Some Bluetooth mobile phones have the audio features, and some portable audio players support Bluetooth feature. This system can play audio data stored ina Bluetoothaudiodevice.ThecarstereowithBluetoothwillbeabletoretrieve phonebookcontacts, received call, dialled call, missed call, incoming calls, outgoing call and listen to music.Notes:• DonotsetthemicrophoneofBluetoothhandsfreeintheplaceswithwindpassingsuchasairoutlet of the air conditioner, etc. This may cause a malfunction.• Ifsetitintheplacessubjectedtodirectsun,hightemperaturecancausedistortion,discoloration which may result in a malfunction.• ThissystemwillnotoperateormayoperateimproperlywithsomeBluetoothaudioplayers.• Clarion cannot guarantee the compatibility of all mobile phones together with the unit.• Audioplaybackwillbesettothesamevolumelevelassetduringtelephonecall.Thismightcause problems, if extreme volume level is set during telephone call.
29EnglishNX7021. Showhistorycategories2.  Backspace3.  Paired device information4.  Number pad5.  Call/Hang up6.  Turn on/off Auto Connect function7. Turnon/offAutoAnswerfunction8.  Set PIN code9.  Select internal or external microphone10. Shownextpage11.  Back to main operation bar12. Showpreviouspage13. Adjustmicrophonegain14. ShowBluetoothinformation15.  Bluetooth indicatorMaking a call•DialNumber1.   Input numbers by digit-keys on the screen.2.   Touch [   ] button to dial.  Touch [   ] button to delete characters.3.  Touch [   ] button to terminate call.•Dialed/Received/MissedCallHistoryYou can search any Dialled/Missed/Received Call History.1.   Touch [  ]buttontoshowfollowinghistorycategories:Dialed,Received,MissedandContacts.   Touch [Dialer] to dial number manually.2.   Touch to select a category, the numbers of the category are displayed.3.   Select  a  number,  touch [   ]  button  to dial.  Touch [   ] to return previous menu.•CallfromPhonebookYou can search the contact name in the phonebook and make call.1.   Touch [   ] button and select [Contacts]. It maytakeafewminutes tosynchronizethephonebookatrsttime.2.   Select  a  number,  touch [   ] button  to dial.  Touch [   ] to return previous menu.Note:Some cellular phones may not be able to  transfer the Phone Book data.•AnsweringacallYoucanansweranincomingcallbypressingthe [   ] button.*   T o uch  [    ]  bu t ton t o  reje c t anincoming call.
English30 NX702Bluetooth Audio OperationAudio Streaming OperationWhat is audio streaming?Audiostreamingisatechniquefortransferringaudio data such that it can be processed as a steady  and continuous stream. Users can stream music from their external audio player totheircarstereowirelesslyandlistentothetracksthroughthecar’sspeakers.Pleaseconsult your nearest Clarion dealer for more informationontheproductofwirelessaudiostreaming transmitter offered.CAUTIONPleaseavoidoperating yourconnectedmobilephone whileaudiostreamingasthismaycausenoiseorsoundchoppyonthesongplayback.Audiostreamingmayormaynotresumeaftertelephone interruptasthisisdependentonmobilephone.Note:Besure toreadthechapter“Pairing”and“Choosepaireddevice”beforeproceeding.Playback menuTouchthe bottomhalfofscreento showoperation bar. 1.  Title/Artist/Album information2.  Play/Pause3.  Previous track  Fast reverse (long press)4.  Stop5.  Next track Fastforward(longpress)Play / Pause a track1.  Touch the [   ] button to pause audio playback.2.   To resume audio playback, touch the  [   ]button.Selecting a trackTrack-up1.   Touch  the  [    ]  button  to  move  to  the beginning of the next track.2.   Each time you touch the [   ] button, the track advances  to the beginning of the next track.Track-down1.  Touch the [   ] button to move back to the beginning of the current track.2.   Touch the [  ]buttontwicetomovebackto the beginning of the previous track.Stop playbackTouch [   ] button to stop playback.   Note:Playing order will depend on Bluetooth audio player. When [   ] button is pressed, some A2DP devices will  restart the current track depends on the duration of playback.Some Bluetooth  audio players may not have  play/pause synchronized with this unit. Please make sure both device and main unit are  in the same play/pause status in Bluetooth Audio mode.
31EnglishNX702Everythingworthlisteningtois onSiriusXM,getting over 130 channels, including the most commercial-free music, plus the best sports,news, talkandentertainment.ASiriusXM Vehicle Tuner (sold separately) and Subscription are required. For moreinformation,visitwww.siriusxm.com.Accessing satellite radio modeLong press [   ALL ] button to enter main source menu, then select [SiriusXM] to enter SiriusXM mode.If [SiriusXM] is not on the current source menu, hold the center of screen and drag left/righttoshowmoreicons.Operation menuTouchthe bottomhalfofscreento showoperation bar. 1. Showchannellist2. Bandswitch3.  Information area4.  Scan play (Depends on search mode)5.  iTunes tag6. Manualtunebackward(Dependsonsearch mode) Rapidbrowsebackward(longpress)7.  Select search mode8. Manualtuneforward(Dependsonsearchmode) Rapidbrowseforward(longpress)9.  Add Artist/Song for Alert list10. Showotheroptions11.  Enter Replay mode12.  Select Song/Artist Alert13.  Select Game Alert14. SelectTrafc/WeatherJump15. Shownextpage16.  Back to main operation bar17. Showpreviouspage18. ShowParentalLocksettingmenu19. Showpasswordsettingmenu20. ShowSiriusXMRadioID21. ShowTaginformationDisplaying the Identification (ID) CodeBefore you listen to satellite radio, you must subscribe to the  service  using the  SiriusXM Radio ID number.  Todisplay theradioID,touchfollowingbuttonsontheoperationbarin sequence: [   ] -> [   ] -> [Radio ID]Thescreen displaystheradioIDwhere thechannel name is usually displayed.The SiriusXM Radio ID can be found by tuning to Channel 0. In addition, the Radio ID is  located on the bottom of the SiriusXM Connect Vehicle Tuner.Please note that the SiriusXM Radio ID does not include the letters I, O, S or F.10. SiriusXM Satellite Radio OPERATION
English32 NX702Activate the SiriusXM Vehicle Tuner using oneofthetwomethodsbelow:• Online:Goto“www.siriusxm.com/activatenow”andchooseACTIVATERADIO.•Phone:Call1-800-XM-RADIO(1-800-967-2346). Select a bandTouch the top left corner of the screen to changebetweenthreeSiriusXMbands(SiriusXM1, SiriusXM2 and SiriusXM3). Each band stores up to 10 preset stations.Select a stationTouch  the [    ]  or  [    ]  button  on  the operation bar to tune to another station. Preset mode10 numbered preset buttons store and recall stations for each band. Preset scan1.   Touch the [   ] button on the operation bar.2.   When a desired station is tuned in, press the [   ] button to continue receiving that station. Storing a stationTo access  Preset Channels Store menu, touch [   ] button.Touch [   ] to  enter store menu. Select a preset position on the screen to store current channel. Delete preset channelTo access  Delete Preset Channel menu, touch [   ] button.Select unneeded channels and touch [   ] to delete it.Select Preset channel1.  Select a band (if needed).2.   Touch  [   ] button  on  the  upper  left of thescreentoshowlistmenu.3.   Touch the option on the preset channel list to select corresponding stored station.Category and Channel search1.   Touch  [   ] button  on  the  upper  left of thescreentoshowlistmenu.2.   Touch  [   ], then select Channel or Category list.3.Holdthelistanddragitupordowntoscroll.4.   Touch to select it.Direct searchToaccesssearchmenu,touch followingbuttons:[  ] -> [   ] . Input numbers by touching digit buttons, then touch [Search] to begin searching. To delete numbers, touch [   ] button.My Music / My Games searchYoucanaccessthechannelswhichbroadcast the  contents in the activated Alert list.1.   Touch [List] button on the upper left of the screentoshowlistmenu.2.  Touch [   ], then select  My Music or My Games list.3.Holdthelistanddragitupordowntoscroll.4.  Touch to select it.The most recent Alert content is listed at the top.PasswordToaccesspasswordsettingmenu,touchfollowingbuttonsontheoperationbarinsequence:[  ] -> [   ] -> [Password] .Inputoldpasswordbytouchingdigitbuttons,then touch [OK]toconrm.To delete a number, touch [   ] button.To delete all numbers, touch [Clear] button.Theninputanew4-digitpasswordasabove.(Originalpassword:0000)Parental Lock / UnlockTheSiriusXMParentalControlfeatureallowsyou to control access to channels that you consider inappropriate  for younger listener. When enabled, the Parental Control feature requiresyoutoenterapasscodetotunetothe locked  channels. Information on setting up the  passcode, setting up the channels to be locked,  and the method to access the lockedchannelsisdescribedbelow.Toshowchannellockmenu,touchfollowing
33EnglishNX702buttonsontheoperationbarinsequence:[   ] -> [   ] -> [Lock]. Youneedinputpassword.Touch [   ] or [   ] button to scroll the list.Touch [   ] to lock station, and [   ] to unlock.ReplayTheReplay featureallowsyoutopause,rewind,andreplayupto30minutesofliveSiriusXM Satellite Radio. To enter replay mode, touch [   ] and [ Replay ].23.  Play/Pause24.   Previous track/program    Fast reverse (long press)25. ProgressBartoshowremaintimeandcurrent position26.  Next track/program  Fastforward(longpress)27.  Exit replay modeArtist & Song AlertsWhile listening to SiriusXM Satellite Radio, youcanbealertedwhenyourfavoritesongsor artists are playing on other channels. The radiowilldisplayan Alertmessagewhenamatching artist  or song is found on another channel.Thenyoucanchooseifyouwanttotune to that favorite or you can ignore it and stay on your current channel. Information on setting  up the Artist and Song alerts is describedbelow.1.  While listening to favorite song, touch  [  ]buttonontheoperationbartoshowMemorize sub-menu.  Touch [This song] to add it to the “Song Alert” list. Touch [This artist] to add it to the “Artist Alert” list.2.   Touch [   ] button on the operation  bar, then touch [Song/Artist Alert]toshowthesub-menu.    Select [On] / [Off] to set alert function On or Off. Toadjust the alertlist, touch[Edit],  then select [Enable] / [Disable] to enable/disable the  alert function for each Artist or Song. To remove it from the list, touch [Delete].3.  When the memorized song/artist is broadcasted on  another Channels. Alert dialog box is displayed. Select [OK] on the dialogue box to broadcast desired artist or song.   Touch [Cancel] on the dialogue box to return to previous screen.   Alerted  artist/song contents are listed in MyMusic whilethosecontentsarebeingbroadcasted.Game AlertsTouch [   ] button on the operation bar, then touch[GameAlert]toshowthesub-menu.Select [On] / [Off] to set alert function on/off. Toadjustthealertlist,touch[Edit], select League and Team on the list menu, then select [Enable] / [Disable] to enable/disable the alert function.When the memorized game is broadcasted on another Channels. Alert dialog box is displayed. Select [OK] on the dialogue box to broadcast desired game.Trafc/Weather JumpThisfeatureallowsyoutotunetothechannelbroadcastingthetrafficandweatherreportfor the city you selected.  Operationisdescribedbelow.Touch [   ] button on the operation bar, then long touch [Trafc/WeatherJump] and [Edit] to select state and City on the list menu for desired city. You can select only one city for Trafc/WeatherJumpfeature.While you listen to a certain channel, touch [Traffic/WeatherJump] forjumptoanotherchannelbroadcastingselectedcity’sreport.(Traffic/Weatherindicatorwillbe turnedonduring tuning to this channel.)  Touch again [Trafc/WeatherJump]toreturntopreviouschannel.If there  is no channel broadcasting for selectedcity,Jump willbependinguntildesiredcity reportwillbestarted.(indicatorwillbeblinkingduringpendingmode)
English34 NX702About HD Radio™ TechnologyHDRadioTechnologyallows CD-qualitydigital broadcasting  of your local AM and FM radio  stations. HD Radio broadcasts can include  multiple channels on the same frequency,whichiscalledmulticasting.Withmulticasting, you can receive up to eight additionalmulticastchannels:HD1~HD8.With an  HD Radio tuner connected, you willreceive HDRadiodigitalbroadcastsautomaticallywhentunedto astationthatoffers HD Radio Technology. NOTE: Not  all FM or AM stations offer HD Radio  (digital) broadcasting. You can receive both analog and digital stations with the unit.Accessing radio modeLong press [ MENU   ALL ] button on the panel to enter main source menu, then select [HD Radio] to enter HD Radio mode.If [HD Radio] is not on the current source menu, touch [-] buttons on the bottom of the screen, or hold the center of screen and drag left/righttoshowmoreicons.Atradiomode,touchthebottomhalfofscreentoshowoperationbar.1. Bandswitch2.  Information area3.  Preset station number4. Currentstationfrequency5. Showpresetstationslist6.  Scan preset stations7.  Store iTunes® Tagging info8. Manualtunebackward Autotunebackward.(longpress)9. Frequencybar10. Manualtuneforward  Autotuneforward(longpress)11.  Select next multicast12. Showotheroptions13.  Select local or distant seeking mode14.  Select Blending mode15.  Select PTY type16. ShowTagInformation(Touch[OK]afterinformation Box displayed to delete all tag)17. Shownextpage18.  Back to main operation bar19. Showpreviouspage20.  Auto store preset stationsSelect a bandTouch the top left corner of the screen to select one radio band among FM1, FM2, FM3 and AM.Tuning-SeekTuningHold the  [ ] or [ ] button  for more than 2 seconds  on the operation bar to seek a higher/lowerstation. -ManualTuningPress the [ ] or [ ] button on the operation bar to movetheradiofrequencynumberupordownonestep.11. HD Radio OPERATION
35EnglishNX702Preset stationsUp to six stations on each band can be storedaspresets,whichcanthenbeinstantlyrecalled by pressing the associated preset button. NOTE: Multicast stations can be stored as presets, but the unit must be in Digital or Auto reception mode to receive them.Preset scanPreset scan receives the stations stored in preset memory in order. This function is usefulwhensearchingforadesiredstationin memory. 1.   Touch the [   ] button on the operation bar.2.   When a desired station is tuned in, press the [   ] button to continue receiving that station. Automatic store (AS)Onlystationswithsufcientsignalstrengthwillbedetectedandstoredinthememory.To star automatic station search, touch followingbuttonsontheoperationbarinsequence:[  ] -> [   ] -> [Auto Store] -> [OK] .To stop auto store, press other buttons having radio functions.Notes:1.   After auto store, the previous stored stations will be overwritten.2. Theunithas4bands,suchasFM1,FM2,FM3and AM.FM3and AMcanstoreby AS function. Each bands can store 6 stations, NX702 can store 24 stations  in total.HD Radio multicast channelsTouch [  ]buttontoswitchtonextsub-station of the channel.Digital,CD-qualitysound.HD RadioTechnology enables  local radio stations to broadcast a clean digital signal. AM sounds liketoday’sFMandFMsoundslikeaCD.ProgramServiceData:Contributestothesuperior  user  experience  of  HD  Radio Technology.  Presents  song  name,  artist, station IDs,  HD2/HD3 Channel Guide, and other relevant data streams.Adjacent to traditional main stations areextra local FM  channels. These HD2/HD3 Channelsprovidenew,originalmusicaswellas deep cuts into traditional genre.            iTunes® Tagging  provides you the opportunitytodiscoverawiderangeofcontent and  the means to “tag” that content for later review and purchase from theiTunes® Store.
English36 NX702TheNX702offersiTunes Tagging,whichallowstheuserto“Tag”songsplayingonHDRadio™ and SiriusXM stations for purchase later through  iTunes. When touch [Tag] button, the unit stores the title and artist song information that can then be transferred to youriPod whenconnectedtotheunit.A listtitled“Tagged”willappeariniTunes,allowingyou the  option to purchase your tagged songs.Note:“iTunesTagging”functionworksbyconnectingTHD301orSXV100(soldseparately).iPod compatibilityFor detailed information on the playable iPod models,seeourhomepage:www.clarion.comNotes:• iPhonecanalsobeconnectedtothissystemand“iPod”appearinginthismanualshouldbereferredtoas“iPod/iPhone”.• Thissystem willnotoperateormayoperate improperly with  unsupported versions.Tagging musicTo begin tagging music, tune to an HD Radio station. The DIGITAL icon at the display must be illuminated,  indicating a digital station is beingreceived. TAG icon lightsupwhenTagging function  is ready. Touch the [Tag] button on the screen.  The tagging function is highly  depends on the receptions of the radio station.  If the channel reception is insufcient,itwilleffecttheoperationofthetagging function.“Tagging Finished...##%100”willappearinthe display. The song information is saved to the unit memory until an iPod is connected. You can tag up to 100 songs before the tags must be  transferred to an iPod or deleted. When the Tag memory reaches capacity (100 tags) the bottom of the screen displays “MemoryFull”.12. iTunes TaggingTable 5: TAG MessagesTag Message ReasonTagging Finished...##%100Tag data is stored on the unit.Tagging... Searching tag data.Tagging Fail Tagging is unsuccessful.Note:Tags saved to your iPod can be managed using the  iTunes software, available at www.apple.com/itunes.Downloading tags to your iPodTodownloadtagstoyouriPod,pluganiPod into the unit. All existing tags are automatically transferred to the iPod and deletedfromtheheadunit’smemory.Note:When transferring Tags to an iPod, the unit must remain in HD Radio mode. To purchase tagged songs, you must sync your iPod to iTunesandthenclickthe“Tagged”listontheleftsideoftheiTunessoftwarescreen. Clickthe“view”buttonforpurchasinginformation.• Thetagging operationsofSiriusXMarethesamewithHDRadiomode.
37EnglishNX702Connect an iPod or iPhone to the USB connector via CCA-750 cable.Whenconnectingadevice,theunitwillreadtheles automatically.Thetrackinformationdisplay on the screen once playback start.11.  Turn on / off Simple Control12.  Select Audiobook play speed13.  Back to main operation barBrowse mode1.   Touch the [   ]buttontoshowlelist. Dragup/downtobrowse.Touchaitemoflist on the screen to select it.2.   Touch [   ], [   ] and [  ]buttonstoshowthefollowingcategories:Playlists,Songs,Artists, Albums,  Genres, Composers, Audiobooks, Podcasts.   Touch to select a category, the contents of thecategoryaredisplayed.Dragup/downtobrowse.Touchanoptiontoselectit.Pausing play1.   Touch the [   ] button on the bottom left of the screen to pause play.   “PAUSE” appears in the display, and [   ] button becomes [   ] .2.   Touch [   ] button to resume play.Selecting a trackTrack-up1.   Touch  the  [    ]  button  to  move  to  the beginning of the next track.2.   Each time you touch the [   ] button, the track advances  to the beginning of the next track.Track-down1.  Touch the [   ] button to move back to the beginning of the current track.2.   Touch the [  ]buttontwicetomovebackto the beginning of the previous track.Fast forward/Fast reverseFastforwardTouch and hold the [   ] button .CCA-750Accessing iPod modeLong press [ MENU   ALL ] button to enter main source menu, then select [iPod] to enter iPod mode.If [iPod] is not on the current source menu,  hold the center of screen and drag left/right toshowmoreicons.At iPod Audio mode, touch the bottom half of screentoshowoperationbar.1. Showlelist(Browse)2. SwitchbetweeniPodAudioandVideo3.  Song/Artist/Album information4.  Play/Pause5.  Repeat play6.  Previous track  Fast reverse (long press)7.  Progress bar8.  Next track Fastforward(longpress)9.  Random play10. Showotheroptions13. iPod & iPhone OPERATION
English38 NX702FastreverseTouch and hold the [   ] button .Repeat playThisfunctionallowsyoutoplaythetrackrepeatedly.Touch the [   ] button to select Repeat one or Repeat all.Random playThisfunctionallowsyoutoplayalltracksinarandom order.Touch the  [   ] button to  perform random play.iPod menu alphabet searchThis function  searches the subfolders for desired alphabetical letters.1.  Touch the [    ]buttontoshowlelist.Touch [   ] button to enter search menu. 2   Input characters by touching buttons on the screen, then touch  [Search] to begin searching.   Touch [123]toshowdigitkeypad,touch[ABC]toshowletterkeypad.  Touch [Space] to input a blank space.   Touch [   ] button to delete characters.Setting iPod simple control modeUsethis functionifyouwishto operatethrough your iPod connected to this unit via the USB cable.Touch  the [   ] button,  then  touch [Simple Control] to set it to [On].iPod video playbackTo playback video from iPod, touch top left cornerofthescreen, thenselectavideoleto play.During playback, touch the bottom half  of screentoshowoperationbar.1.  Play/Pause2.  Repeat play3. Previousle  Fast reverse (long press)4.  Progress bar5. Nextle Fastforward(longpress)6. ShowiPodlistmenu7. Showotheroptions8.  Turn on / off Simple Control9.  Turn on Widescreen mode10.  Back to main operation barReturn to video list menuTouch [   ] button on the operation bar to return to video list menu.Play videos in wide screenToplayvideosinwidescreen,touchthe[   ] button, then  touch [Wide screen] to set it to [On].
39EnglishNX702PANDORA, the leading internet radio service, gives  people music they love anytime, anywhere, through personalizedradiostationsavailableon awidevarietyofconnected devices.To listen to PANDORA internet radio, you candoasfollows:1.  Connect a compatible iPhone to the unit. (refer to “Wiring and Connections”).2.  Touch PANDORA icon from Main Source Menu and open PANDORA mode.3. PANDORA willautomatically startto playstreaming. If it does not start automatically, justlaunchPANDORAAppontheiPhone.Touchthebottomhalfofscreentoshowoperation bar.1. Showstationlist2.  Track/Title/Artist/Album information3.  Play/Pause4.  Skip5. ThumbsDown6.  Progress bar7.  Thumbs Up8.  Add bookmark9. Showotheroption14. PANDORA OPERATION10. Createanewstation11.  Back to main operation barAdd bookmarkTouch [   ] button, then select [Track] or [Artist] to add it to the bookmark list.Create a new stationTouch [   ] button and [NewStation] button.  Then select [Track] or [Artist] to add it to the station list.Thumbs up/downTouch [   ] button, “Thumbs-Up” feedback willbesenttoPANDORA station.Touch [  ]button,“Thumbs-Down”feedbackwillbesenttoPANDORA station.PANDORA  limits  the  number  of  Skip  or Thumbsdownallowedontheirservice.Ifyouattempt toSkiporThumbsdownsongsbeyond the limit, the current song continues to playback.PANDORAlimitsthenumberofthumbsdownallowedontheirservice.Ifyouattempttothumbsdownsongsbeyondthe limit,  the current song continues to playback.Select a stored stationTouch [  ]buttontoshowstationlist.Touch [ByDate] to list the stations by date. Touch [A-Z]tolistthestationsfromAtoZ.Dragupordowntoscrollthelist,selectadesired station to play it.
English40 NX702Access navigation mode1.   Press  [OPEN]buttontoslidedown thepanel. Insert a MicroSD card into the mini card slot located on the bottom of the panel. 2. Toremovethecard,youshouldrstselectanother source or turn off the power, inorder to avoid damaging the card. Press to pop it out, then take off the card. Close the panel.3.   Press  [  MAP  ]  button  on  panel  to  visit Navigation mode.*   The navigation operations depend on your map,itmaybedifferentfromthefollowingcontent. Control buttons1. TouchtopleftcornerofthescreentoshowGPS informations. Touch [Back] to return.2.   Touch bottom left corner of the screen to enter Navigation menu. Touch [ShowMap] to return.3. Touchmiddleleft ofthescreentoshowshortcuts of general functions. Touch [   ] button to hide.4.  Touch bottom right corner of the screen toshow Distance/TimeLeft/ArrivalTime.Touch it again to hide.5.Touchtheblankareatoshowcontrolbuttons.  Topleftcorner:Plane/three-dimensional Toprightcorner:Cursorlocation.  [   ]/[  ]:Moveleft/right  [   ]/[  ]:Moveup/down  [   ]/[  ]:Enlarge/reducethemap  [Back]:Hidethebuttons.  [More]:Showmoreinformations.  [Select]:Selecttheroute.Long press [ MENU   ALL ] button to enter main source menu, then select [AUX] to visit rear auxiliary device.If  [AUX] is not on the current source menu, touch [-] buttons on the bottom of the screen, or hold the center of screen and drag left/righttoshowmoreicons.15. NAVIGATION OPERATION16. AUX OPERATION
41EnglishNX70217. TROUBLE SHOOTINGGENERALProblem Cause MeasureUnit can not power on.Unit fuse blown. Replace with new fuse of correct rating.Car battery fuse blown. Replace with new fuse of correct rating.ACC power is turn o Turn on the ACCUnit can not power on.Nothing happens when buttons are pressed.Display is not accurate.The microprocessor has malfunctioned due to noise, etc.Turn o the power and press the [RESET] button with a thin rod.Note:RESETRESETRemote control does not work.Battery depleted. Change the battery.Battery installed incorrectly. Install the battery correctly.No/low audio outputImproper audio output connection. Check wiring and correct.Volume set too low. Increase volume level.Speakers damaged. Replace speakers.Heavily biased volume balance. Adjust the channel balance to center position.Speaker wiring is in contact with metal part of car. Insulate all speaker wiring connections.Poor sound quality or distortionNon-standard disc used. Use a standard disc.Speaker power rating does not match unit. Replace speakers.Wrong connections. Check wiring and correct.Speaker is shorted. Check wiring and correct.Unit resets itself when engine is o.Incorrect connection between ACC and Battery. Check wiring and correct.Battery voltage is too low Charging the battery, or replace the new battery.The display is dark.Thebrightnesscontrolistoolow. Adjustthebrightnessproperly.The operating condition is not good.The temperature inside the vehicle may be 0°C orlower.Settoanappropriatetemperature(25°C or so) and check it again.The headlight of the vehicle is lit.The display is made dark at night to prevent the glare (When the headlight of the vehicle is lit in the daytime, the display gets dark.)There are red, green, and blue points in display____________________This is not a faiure, but a phenomenon peculiar toaliquidcrystalpanel(Theliquidcrystalpanel is produced according to technology withveryhighprecision.Notethat,thoughthere are effective pixels of 99.99% or more, pixel missing or normally lit pixels account for 0.01%).
English42 NX702DISC PlayerProblem Cause MeasureDisc cannot be loaded.Another disc is already loaded. Ejectthediscbeforeloadingthenewone.Thereisanobjectinstalledinsidethe unit. Removetheobjectinsidetheunit.Sound skips or is noisy.Disc is dirty. Cleanthecompactdiscwithasoftcloth.Discisheavilyscratchedorwarped. Replacewithacompactdiscwithnoscratches.Soundisbadwhenpowerisrstturnedon.Condensation may form on the internallenswhenthecarisparkedin a humid place.Letdryforabout1hourwithpoweron.Video images are not displayed.The parking brake is not engaged. Check that the parking brake is engaged.Thedimmercontrolistoolow. Adjustthedimmerproperly.Disc cannot play withthedisplay“PARENTAL VIOLATION”shown.Feature exceeds set parental level.Releasetheviewlimitationorchangetheparental level.See the subsection “Setting up the parental level.”SD/USB DevicesProblem Cause MeasureSD card or USB device cannot be inserted.The SD card or USB device hasbeeninsertedwithwrongdirection.Reversing the connection direction of the SD card or USB device, try it again.The SD card or USB connector is broken. ReplacewithanewcardorUSBdevice.SD card or USB device is not recognized.The SD card or USB device is damaged. Disconnect the card or USB device and reconnect. If still not recognized, try replacing withadifferentcardorUSBdevice.Connectors are loose.Sound skips or is noisy.MP3/WMAlesarenotencodedproperly. UseMP3/WMAlesencodedproperly.No  sound  heard withthedisplay“NOFILE”shown.No MP3/WMA le is stored inthe card or USB device.Store these les properly in the card or USBdevice.No video image of iPod Video The video signal is no connect Use connection cable for iPod Video.(CCA-750)Thevideosignaliswrongconnection. Checkwiringandcorrect.
43EnglishNX702BluetoothProblem Cause MeasureCannot pair the Bluetooth enabled devicewiththecaraudio system.The device does not support the prolesrequiredforthesystem. Use another device to connect.The Bluetooth function of the device is not enabled.Refertotheusermanualofthedeviceforhowto enable the function.Theaudioqualityis poor after connectionwithaBluetooth-enabled device.The internal microphone gain is not set correctly.AdjustthegainoftheinternalmicrophoneinSystem Setup.The external microphone is not set correctly nor properly positioned.Adjustthegainandpositionoftheexternalmicrophone.For example, stick the microphone onto the dashboard so it is close to the driver.SiriusXMAdvisoryMessagesMessage  DescriptionCheck Tuner  Check the SiriusXM tuner connection on the back of the unit to ensure that its correctly connected. Check AntennaEnsure the SiriusXM antenna cable is connected to the SiriusXM tuner correctly. ChecktheSiriusXMantennawireforbreaksorsharpbends.Replacetheantenna if necessary.Load “Factory default” settings on Setting menu. If the message remains, the antenna may have been damaged.No Signal Thevehiclemustbeoutside,andtheantennamusthaveaclearviewofthesouthern sky. Channel Not SubscribedThis channel is not included in your SiriusXM subscription plan. Call 1-800-XM-RADIO (1-800-967-2346) to subscribe.Channel Not AvailableThis channel is not a valid SiriusXM channel.Thechannelnumberhasbeenenteredincorrectly,orthechannelwasremovedfrom the SiriusXM channel lineup. Channel LockedThe selected channel has been locked by the parental controls, or a mature channel has been selected.Aprompttoentertheunlockcodewillappear.Entertheunlockcodeasdescribed on page 32.Subscription UpdatedAn update to your SiriusXM subscription has been received by the SiriusXM tuner.  Press any button to continue.
English44 NX70218. ERROR DISPLAYSDisplay Cause MeasureDisc loading Disc is being read Pleasewait,itmaytakeseveralminutesfor some disc or storage device.No DiscDisc is dirty CleandiscwithsoftclothDiscisupsidedown InsertdiscwithlabelsideupDisc not present in loading compartment Insert discUnsupported DiscDisc is dirty CleandiscwithsoftclothDiscisupsidedown InsertdiscwithlabelsideupUnknowndisc Disc format is not compatible withthisunit Change another disc.Region Error DVDisnotcompatiblewithregion code of unitUsediscswithcorrespondingregionalcode.Error Illegal mechanism operation Press EJECT key for 5 seconds to reset loading mechanismIfanerroroccurs,oneofthefollowingdisplaysisdisplayed.Takethemeasuresdescribedbelowtosolvetheproblem.If an  error display other than the ones described  above appears, press the [RESET] button. If theproblempersists,turnoffthepowerandconsultyourstoreofpurchase.*   When  the  [RESET]buttonispressed,frequenciesof radiostations,titles,etc.storedinmemory are cleared.
45EnglishNX702FM TunerFrequencyrange:87.9-107.9MHzUsablesensitivity:13dBfFrequencyresponse:30Hz-15kHzStereoseparation:30dB(1kHz)Signal/noiseratio:>55dBAM TunerFrequencyrange:530-1710kHzUsablesensitivity(S/N=20dB):30dBμDisc PlayerSystem:DiscdigitalaudiosystemFrequencyresponse:20Hz-20kHzSignal/noiseratio:>93dBTotalharmonicdistortion:    Less than 0.1% (1kHz)Channelseparation:>60dBVideosignaloutput:NTSCVideooutputlevel:1±0.2VMP3/WMA modeMP3samplingrate:8kHzto48kHzMP3bitrate:8kbpsto320kbps/VBRWMAbitrate:8kbpsto320kbpsUSBSpecication:USB1.0/2.0Playableaudioformat:  MP3(.mp3):MPEG1/2/AudioLayer-3    MP4(.MPEG4 / .AAC)  WMA(.wma):Ver7/8/9.1/9.2Playablevideoformat:    AVI,MP4,MPG/MPEG,3GP    480x272SDMemorycards:    Standard SD/SDHC, microSD/SDHCFilesystem:FAT,FAT16,FAT32Playableaudioformat:  MP3(.mp3):MPEG1/2/AudioLayer-3    MP4(.MPEG4 / .AAC)  WMA(.wma):Ver7/8/9.1/9.2Playablevideoformat:    AVI,MP4,MPG/MPEG,3GP    480x27219. SPECIFICATIONSBluetoothSpecication:BluetoothVer.2.0+EDRProle:HFP(Hands-freeProle)     A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Prole)  AVRCP(AVRemoteControlProle)  PBAP(PhoneBookAccessProle)  Send/ReceiveSensitivity:Class2Audio AmplierMaximumpoweroutput:    200W (50W x 4)Speakerimpedance:4  (4 to 8  allowable)7 Inch TFT LCDDisplayresolution(dot):    800RGB (H) x 480(V)Activearea(mm):157.2(H) x 87.3(V)Screensize(inch):7(Diagonal)Dotpitch(mm):0.1965(H) x 0.1715(V)InputAudioinputsensitivity:  High:320mV(at2Voutput)  Mid:650mV(at2Voutput)  Low:1.3V(at2Voutput)    (input impedance 10 k  or greater)AUX-inAudiolevel:≤2V  Videolevel:NTSC/PAL1Vp-p@75ΩGeneralPowersupplyvoltage: 14.4VDC(10.8to15.6Vallowable),   negative groundPre-Ampoutputvoltage:  4.0V(CD play mode:1kHz, 0dB, 10k  load, volume max.) Fuse:15ADimensionsoftheMainUnit:    7”(Width) × 4”(Height) × 6.4”(Depth)    [178(W) × 100(H) × 163(D)mm]WeightoftheMainUnit:5.1lb(2.30kg)DimensionsoftheRemoteControlunit:    1.9”(Width) × 0.5”(Height) × 5.5”(Depth)     [49(W) × 12(H) × 139(D)mm]WeightoftheRemoteControlUnit:    1.94oz (55g) (including battery)
English46 NX702Note:• Specificationsand designaresubjectto change without notice for further improvement.PowerOutput:18WRMSx4 Channelsat4Ωand≤1%THD+NSignal to Noise Ratio:93dBA(reference:1Winto4Ω)178mm 100mm163mm7" 4"6.4"1" 27.5mm
47EnglishNX70220. WIRING AND CONNECTIONSSiriusXM (sold separately.)USB MemoryBlackSiriusXMBlackRefer to the right.NX702Connect it to the car power supply terminal for illuminationConnect it to the car power supply terminal for antennaBlue/White wire (Amplifier turn-on lead)Connect to remote turn-on lead of amplifier18-Pin Connector Extension Lead(attached to the source unit)Brown wire (Phone mute lead)Yellow wire (Memory back-up lead)Red wire (Power lead)Black wire (Ground lead)Orange/White wire (Illumination lead)Blue wire (Auto antenna lead)Connect it to the car power supply terminal for parkingFresh Green wire (Parking)Connect it to the car power supply terminal for reversePurple/White wire (Reverse)Connect to vehicle chassis groundConnect to cellular phone mute lead.Connect directly to batteryAccessory    12VFront RightFront Right Gray Gray White White Purple Purple Green Green Gray/Black Gray/Black White/Black White/Black Purple/Black Purple/Black Green/Black Green/Black4-Speaker system2-Speaker systemorRear RightRear LeftNot used.Insulate each wireFront LeftFront Left6-Channel AmplifierVideo InAudio InRear Zone MonitorVideo OutRear Vision CameraYellowVISUAL INBlackYellowCAMERABlackRedWhiteAUX IN 2RedSteering Wheel Remote Control TerminalGray GrayExternal MicrophoneConnection(Black) BlackGPS Antenna (Black)BlackUSB connectorRedWhiteLine Out Front RightLine Out Front LeftGrayRedWhiteLine Out Rear RightLine Out Rear LeftBlackRedWhiteSubwoofer 1Subwoofer 2PurpleYellowVIDEO OUTBlackRedWhite2 ZONE OUTGreenRadio Antenna (Black)Video OutiPod/iPhoneCCA-750 (sold separately)or• BesuretoconnectSiriusXMcableproperly. Mistakenly connect to SiriusXM cable may cause damage to your unit or the connected device. (Black) (Black)  (Black) (Black)Radio AntennaRefer to next page.GPS AntennaExternal MicrophoneConnectionRedBlackVISUAL INCAMERABlackBlackRediPod/iPhoneVideo OutVideo OutRear Vision CameraCCA-750 (sold separately)WhiteYellowYellowAUX IN 2VIDEO OUT2ZONEOUTBlackBlackSiriusXMGreenGray GrayRedVideo InSteering Wheel Remote Control TerminalAudio InRearZoneMonitorWhiteYellowGrayBlackBlackorUSB connector6-ChannelAmplierSiriusXM (sold separately.)PurpleRedRedRedWhiteWhiteWhiteUSB MemoryLine Out Front Right/MID-RLine Out Rear Right/HIGH-RLine Out Front Left/MID-LLine Out Rear Left/HIGH-LSubwooferL/REAR-LSubwooferR/REAR-R
English48 NX70218-Pin Connector Extension Lead(attached to the source unit)Yellowwire(Memoryback-uplead)Brownwire(Phonemutelead)Redwire(Powerlead)Blue/Whitewire(Amplierturn-onlead)Blackwire(Groundlead)Orange/Whitewire(Illuminationlead)Bluewire(Autoantennalead)FreshGreenwire(Parking)Purple/Whitewire(Reverse)Connecttoremoteturn-onleadofamplierConnect to vehicle chassis groundConnectittothecarpowersupplyterminalfor illuminationConnectittothecarpowersupplyterminalfor antennaConnectittothecarpowersupplyterminalfor parkingConnectittothecarpowersupplyterminalfor reverseConnect directly to batteryConnect to cellular phone mute lead.Accessory    12VFront Right Gray Gray White White Purple Purple Green Green Gray/Black Gray/Black White/Black White/Black Purple/Black Purple/Black Green/Black Green/Black4-Speaker systemor2-Speaker systemNot used.InsulateeachwireFront LeftFront Right /MID-RRear Right /HIGH-RRear Left /HIGH-LFront Left /MID-L
-English:"ThisdevicecomplieswithindustryCanadalicence-exemptRSSstandard(s).Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:(1) this device may not cause interrence, and (2)  this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undersired operation of the device."-French:"LeprésentappareilestconformeauxCNRd’IndustrieCanadaapplicablestechnicienauxappareilsradioexemptsdelicence.L’exploitationestautoriséeauxdeuxconditionssuivantes:(1)l’appareilnedoitpasproduiredebrouillage,et(2)l’utilisateurdel’appareildoitacceptertoutbrouillageradioélectriquesubi,mêmesilebrouillageestsusceptibled’encompromettrelefonctionnement.»21. WARNING
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