Festool BPERGO Wireless Vacuum Control System based on BTLE implemented within multiple devices User Manual OBJ BUCH 0000000961 001

Festool GmbH Wireless Vacuum Control System based on BTLE implemented within multiple devices OBJ BUCH 0000000961 001

Users Manual_5

GB       Instructions for Li-ion battery packs22Instructions for Li-ion battery packs1SymbolsSymbol SignificanceWarning of general dangerRead operating instructions and safety notices!Do not dispose of as domesticwaste.Recycling symbol – recycla-ble materialOnly use and store the battery at temperatures of between -10 °C and +50 °C.Keep away from heat and open flames – never throw into a fire – risk of explosion.Keep away from water – do not immerse in liquids.Symbol Significancemax. 50°C
23Instructions for Li-ion battery packs      GB2 Safety information for Li-ion battery packsWarning! Read and observe allinformation and safety instruc-tions.Failure to observe thesafety guidelines and instructions maylead to electric shocks, fires and/or seri-ous injuries. Keep all safety information and other in-structions in a safe place for future ref-erence.Cells in lithium-ion battery packs aresealed so as to be gas-tight and are non-hazardous provided they are used andhandled in accordance with the manufac-turer's instructions.–Handle discharged batteries withcare. Battery packs represent a safe-ty hazard as they can cause a veryhigh short circuit current. Even if Li-ion battery packs appear to be dis-charged, they are in fact never fullydischarged.–Make sure that the battery pack is notsubjected to physical blows or im-pacts. Impacts and penetrating ob-jects may damage the batteries. Thismay lead to leakages, the generationof heat or smoke, or cause the batteryRBRC Seal - LiIonSymbol Significance
GB       Instructions for Li-ion battery packs24pack to ignite or explode.–Keep the unused battery pack awayfrom paper clips, coins, keys, nails,screws and other small metal objectswhich could bridge the contacts. Ashort circuit between the battery con-tacts poses a risk of burns or fire–Protect the battery pack from exces-sive heat or constant heat sourcessuch as sunlight or naked flames.Fire and temperatures over 130 °Cmay cause explosions.–Do not open the battery pack. Open-ing or modifying the battery pack maydamage the protective devices. Thismay lead to the generation of heat orsmoke, or cause the battery pack toignite or explode.–Do not immerse the battery pack inliquids such as (salt) water or drinks.Contact with liquids may damage thebattery pack. This may lead to thegeneration of heat or smoke, or causethe battery pack to ignite or explode.Do not continue using the batterypack. Consult an authorised Festoolcustomer service agent.–Only charge the battery packs inchargers recommended by the man-ufacturer (see image). There is a riskof fire when using a charger which ismeant for a specific type of batterypack with a different battery pack.–Never use water to extinguish burn-ing Li-ion battery packs; always use
25Instructions for Li-ion battery packs      GBsand or a fire blanket.–There is a risk of vapours being re-leased if the battery pack is damagedor not used correctly. The vapourscould irritate your airways. Seek freshair and consult a doctor if you feel un-well. –Only use the battery pack in conjunc-tion with your Festool power tool.This is the only way to ensure that thebattery pack is protected against adangerous overload. Using a differenttool poses a fire hazard and may causepersonal injury.–Fluid may leak out of the battery packif it is used incorrectly. Avoid contactwith the fluid. Rinse with water anyareas which accidentally come intocontact with the fluid. If fluid gets intothe eyes, also consult a doctor. Leak-ing battery fluid can cause skin irrita-tion or burns.–Fluid may leak out of a faulty batterypack and contaminate neighbouringobjects. Check the parts affected.Clean them by soaking up the fluid us-ing dry kitchen towel and then rinsingwith plenty of water. Wear protectivegloves to avoid contact with the fluid.Replace the parts if necessary. –Do not use damaged or modified bat-tery packs. Battery packs which aredamaged or which have been modifiedmay exhibit unpredictable behaviourwhich could lead to fire, explosion or
GB       Instructions for Li-ion battery packs26injury.–Do not open, compress, overheat(above 80 °C) or burn the batterypack. Failure to observe these precau-tions is a fire hazard and may result inburns. Observe the manufacturer's in-structions. –Do not use damaged battery packs.Stop using a battery pack immediate-ly if you notice anything unusual suchas odour formation, the generation ofheat, discolouration or deformation.If you continue to use the battery pack,it may get hot, emit smoke, ignite orexplode. 3Technical dataFor further technical specifications seethe rating plate on the battery pack.4 Intended useBattery packs are suitable for use withFestool cordless power tools and thespecified Festool chargers (see image).Battery pack BP 18 LiFrequency 2402–2480 MhzEquivalent Iso-tropically Radi-ated Power (EIRP)< 10 dBm
27Instructions for Li-ion battery packs      GBThe battery pack is suitable for automati-cally switching the mobile dust extractoron and off. 5 Machine featuresThe specified illustrations* appear at thebeginning of the operating instructions.* Illustrations may deviate from the origi-nal.6Operation6.1 Information for making optimal use of the battery packThe battery pack is delivered partial-ly charged. To guarantee that thebattery pack provides full power,[1-1]Capacity indicator button[1-2]Capacity display[1-3]Bluetooth indicator[1-4]Vent holes (only BP 18 Li ... ASI)[1-5]Buttons for releasing the batterypackCAUTIONRisk of injury from the mobile dust ex-tractor starting up unexpectedlyBefore performing any work with themobile dust extractor, check whichbattery pack is connected to the mobi-le dust extractor.
GB       Instructions for Li-ion battery packs28charge it completely in the chargerbefore using it for the first time.The battery pack can be charged at anytime without reducing the battery life. In-terrupting the charging process does notdamage the battery pack.After the power tool hasswitched off automatically, donot press the on/off button.This could damage the batterypack.The battery pack is fitted with atemperature sensor, which only permitscharging at temperatures of between 0 °Cand 50 °C. This ensures a longer batterylife. – The battery pack should ideally bestored in a cool (5 °C to 25 °C) and drylocation (air humidity < 80%). – Do not, for instance, leave the batterypack in the car in the summer. – Significantly shorter operating timesafter each charge indicate that thebattery pack is worn and should be re-placed with a new one. – Observe the information regardingdisposal.6.2 Capacity displayWhen the capacity indicator button [1-1]is pressed, the capacity indicator [1-2]displays the charge status of the batterypack: 70 - 100%
29Instructions for Li-ion battery packs      GB6.3 Bluetooth functionsThe Bluetooth indicator [1-3], which indi-cates the connection status of the batterypack, is located next to the capacity indi-cator: 40 - 70%15 - 40%< 15%Recommenda-tion: Charge bat-tery pack before further use.Continuous blue lightCordless power tool starts up and the mobile dust extractor is con-nected via Blue-tooth or the battery pack is connected to a mobile terminal
GB       Instructions for Li-ion battery packs30The battery pack uses Bluetooth toautomatically switch correspond-ingly equipped mobile dust ex-tractors when used with a cordlesspower tool. Connecting the battery pack to the mo-bile dust extractorThe mobile dust extractor can onlybe connected to one cordless powertool at any time. If a mobile dust extractor which wasinitially switched on using the bat-tery pack is switched off using theremote control, the temporary con-nection between the connected bat-tery pack and the mobile dust ex-tractor will be lost. The battery packcan then be connected again. Activate the mobile dust extractor's au-tomatic mode (see the operating in-structions for the mobile dust ex-tractor).Pulsating blue lightThe battery pack is ready for con-nection to the mobile terminal (e.g. for a soft-ware update)
31Instructions for Li-ion battery packs      GBShould you have used the cordless pow-er tool already, ensure that the batterypack's capacity indicator has gone outso that you can connect it (in certaincases this can take a few seconds).Press the connection button on the mo-bile dust extractor  or on the remotecontrol  once. <PosNumber/>The LED on the retrofit receivermodule slowly flashes blue and themobile dust extractor is ready forconnection for 60 seconds.Switch on the cordless power tool.The mobile dust extractor starts upand the battery pack is connecteduntil the mobile dust extractor ismanually switched off.If a second battery pack is connectedto the mobile dust extractor, the con-nection to the first battery pack islost.Switching the mobile dust extractor onand offOnce you have connected the battery packwith the mobile dust extractor, the mobiledust extractor will start up automaticallywhen the cordless power tool is in use.After the mobile dust extractor hasbeen switched off via the batterypack, it will continue to run for up tofifteen seconds.Press the on/off switch of the cordlesspower tool to switch on the mobile dustextractor.
GB       Instructions for Li-ion battery packs32Release the on/off switch of the cord-less power tool to turn off the mobiledust extractor.Disconnecting the battery pack from themobile dust extractorTo disconnect the battery pack from themobile dust extractor, take one of the fol-lowing steps:– Disconnect the mobile dust extractor– Put the battery pack on the charger– Connect another battery pack to themobile dust extractorConnecting a mobile terminalThe battery pack can be used in connec-tion with a mobile terminal (e.g. for a soft-ware update with the Festool app).Press the capacity indicator button [1-1]until the Bluetooth indicator [1-3]flashes blue.The battery pack is ready for con-nection for 60 seconds.Follow the instructions provided in theFestool app.7 Service and maintenanceKeep the connecting contacts on thebattery pack clean.Do not cover the vents [1-4] on the bat-tery pack as this could impair its func-tion.If the battery pack stops working, con-sult an authorised Festool customerservice agent. (www.festool.com/service)
33Instructions for Li-ion battery packs      GB8TransportThe Li-ion battery packs included are sub-ject to the requirements of the legislationon the transport of hazardous goods. TheFestool Li-ion battery packs satisfy the re-quirements specified in the UN manualST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5 Part III, sub-sec-tion 38.3. The user can transport Festoolbattery packs by road to the equipmentoperating site without any additional re-quirements, provided they are protectedagainst short-circuiting and slipping. Forshipping by third parties (e.g. air transportor freight forwarding company) special re-quirements with regard to packaging andlabelling must be observed. When prepar-ing the item to be sent, you must consultan expert in hazardous goods regulations.Please observe any further national regu-lations.Only return the battery pack if the housingis undamaged. Tape over the exposedcontacts and wrap the battery pack so thatit cannot move inside the packaging.9 EnvironmentUsed or defective battery packs may onlybe returned to collection points if dis-charged and secured against short-circu-iting (e.g. by insulating the terminals withadhesive tape). The applicable regulationsmust be observed.Battery packs will then be recycled. EU only: In accordance with the EuropeanDirective on batteries and implementationin national law, defective or used batterypacks/batteries must be collected sepa-
GB       Instructions for Li-ion battery packs34rately and handed in for environmentallyfriendly recycling.Information on REACh: www.festool.com/reach"The Bluetooth®" word mark and logosare registered trademarks owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of suchmarks by Festool GmbH is under license.Information on data protectionThe power tool contains a chip which au-tomatically stores machine and operating data. The data saved cannot be traced back directly to an individual. The data can be read using special (con-tactless) devices and shall only be used by Festool for fault diagnosis, repair and warranty processing and for qualityimprovement or enhancement of the power tool. The data shall not be used in any other way without the express consent of the customer.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

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