Fibar Group FGWPB121 Fibaro Wall Plug User Manual FGWPB 111 S v1 1

Fibar Group S.A. Fibaro Wall Plug FGWPB 111 S v1 1


User manual

ENBasic activation of the deviceFIBARO WALL PLUGFGWPB-111SpecificationsPower supply:Rated load(continuous load):To be used with B type sockets:Operating temperature:Dimensions (Width x Height x Depth):120V AC, 50/60Hz15A - resistive loads8A - incandescent loads15A - inductive general purpose(cosφ = 0.75-0.8)360VA - inductive (Pilot Duty)(cosφ < 0.35)373W - motor3A - electronic ballastsNEMA 5-15 - max load 15A32-104°F2.32” x 2.32” x 2.01”For full instruction manual and technical specification please visit our website: the manual before attempting to install the device!1) Plug the device into a socket nearby the main Z-Wave controller.2) Set the main Z-Wave controller in add mode.3) Quickly, triple click the button located on the casing.4) Wait for the device to be added to the system.5) Successful adding will be confirmed by the controller.6) Plug a device you want to control into the Wall Plug.7) Test the device by turning it on and off using the button.FIBARO Wall Plug is a remotely controlled plug-in switch with the ability to measure power and energy consumption.It uses a LED frame to visualize the current load and operating mode with color changing illumination. Our smart plug makes it possible to control electrical devices in a convenient and maintenance-free way. 105449010101ButtonThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC RulesOperation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference2.  This  device  must  accept  any  interference  received,  including interference  that  may  cause  undesired  operation.  This  equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference  to  radio  communications.  However,  there  is  no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes and modifications not expressly approved by the manufac-turer  or  registrant  of  this  equipment  can  void  your  authority  to operate  this  equipment  under  Federal  Communications  Commis-sion’s rules.Industry Canada (IC) Compliance NoticeThis  device complies  with Industry  Canada license-exempt  RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Legal NoticesAll information, including, but not limited to, information regarding the features, functionality, and/or other product specification are subject to  change  without  notice.  Fibaro  reserves  all  rights  to  revise  or update its products, software, or documentation without any obligation to notify any individual or entity.Fibaro and Fibar Group logo are trademarks of Fibar Group S.A. All other brands and product names referred to herein are trademarks of their respective holders.DisclaimerThe information contained herein is provided in connection with Fibaro  products.  No  license,  expressed  or  implied  by estoppel  or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this documents.This documentation may contain references to third-party sources of information, hardware or software, products or services (“collectively the “Third-Party Products or Services”).  Fibaro does not control the Third-Party Products or Services and is not responsible for any Third-Party Products or Services.Except as provided above or except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, Fibaro shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential  damages  caused  by  the  breach  of  any  express  or implied warranty.  Fibaro assumes no liability whatsoever, and Fibaro disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to the sale and/or use of the Fibaro products, including, but to limited to, liabilities and/or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, and/or infringement of any patent, copyright and/or other intellectual property right. Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, Fibaro’s liability shall not exceed the price paid for the Fibaro products from direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from the sue of the products, its accompanying software, or product specifications, manuals, installation guides and/or any other documentation. Some states, provinces or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or other limitations on warranties, so the above limitations or exclusion may not apply to you. You may also have other rights that vary from state to state or province to province.This product is not a toy. Keep away from children and animals!Do not expose this product to moisture, water or other liquids. This product is designed for indoor use only. Do not use outside!FR FIBARO WALL PLUGFGWPB-111Pour le manuel et les spécifications techniques,  s'il  vous  plait,  visiter  notre site Web: le manuel avant de tenterd'installer l'appareil!FIBARO Wall Plug est une prise interrupteur contrôlable à distance avec la capacité de mesurer la consommation d'énergie et de puissance.Elle utilise un cadre LED pour visualiser la charge et le mode de fonctionnement actuel avec un éclairage changeant de couleur.Notre prise intelligente permet de contrôler les appareils électriques de manière pratique et sans entretien.Installation du dispositif1) Mettez le capteur à proximité du contrôleur principal Z-Wave.2) Mettez le contrôleur de Z-Wave en mode inclusion.3) Cliquez rapidement 3 fois sur le bouton situé sur le boitier.4) Attendez que le dispositif soit ajouté dans le système.5) L’ajout correct sera confirmé par le contrôleur.6) Branchez l’appareil que vous voulez contrôler sur le Wall Plug.7) Testez le dispositif en commutant en marche et arrêt en utilisant le bouton.BoutonSpécificationsAlimentation:Charge nominale(charge continue):Peut être utilisé avec des type B:Température de fonctionnement:Dimensions (Largeur x Hauteur x Profondeur):120V AC, 50/60Hz15A - charges résistives8A - charges incandescentes15A - usage général inductif(cosφ = 0.75-0.8)360VA - inductif (Pilot Duty)(cosφ < 0.35)373W - moteur3A - ballasts électroniquesNEMA 5-15 - charge maximale 15A0-40°C (32-104°F)59 x 59 x 51 mmL’article n’est pas un jouet. Tenez les enfants et les animaux éloignés! Ne pas exposer ce produit à l'humidité, à l'eau ou à d'autres liquides.Ce produit est conçu pour une utilisation à l'intérieur seulement. Ne pas l’utiliser à l'extérieur!Avis de conformité aux normes d’Industrie Canada (IC)Cet appareil est conforme aux normes d’exemption de licence RSS d’Industry  Canada.  Son  fonctionnement  est  soumis  aux  deux conditions suivantes: (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer d’interfé-rence et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, notamment les interférences qui peuvent affecter son fonctionnement.ES FIBARO WALL PLUGFGWPB-111Para obtener el manual completo de instrucciones y especificaciones técnicas, por favor visite nuestra web:¡Lea el manual antes de intentarinstalar el dispositivo!FIBARO Wall Plug es un interruptor de pared remotamente controlado con la capacidad de medir el poder y el consumo de energía.Usa un marco LED para visualizar la carga corriente y el modo de operaciones con el color que cambia la iluminación.Nuestro Smart Plug hace posible controlar dispositivos eléctricos de un modo conveniente y sin necesidad de mantenimiento.Activación básica del dispositivo1) Enchufe el dispositivo en un enchufe cercano al controlador Z-Wave principal.2) Active el controlador Z-Wave en modo de inclusión.3) Rápidamente, pulse tres veces el botón ubicado sobre la carcasa.4) Espere a que el dispositivo sea añadido al sistema.5) Una inclusión satisfactoria será confirmada por el controlador.6) Enchufe un aparato que desee controlar en el Wall Plug.7) Compruebe el dispositivo, encendiendo y apagándolo mediante el botón.BotónEspecificacionesAlimentación:Carga nominal(carga continua):Para usar con sockets tipo B:Temperatura de trabajo:Dimensiones (Ancho x Alto x Profundidad):120V AC, 50/60Hz15A - carga resistente8A - cargas incandescentes15A - objetivo inductivo general(cosφ = 0.75-0.8)360VA - inductivo (Pilot Duty)(cosφ < 0.35)373W - motor3A - balastros electrónicosNEMA 5-15 - carga máxima 15A0-40°C (32-104°F)59 x 59 x 51 mmEste producto no es un juguete. Manténgalo lejos del alcance de los niños y animales!No exponga este producto a humedad, agua u otros líquidos.Este producto está diseñado para uso en interiores solamente. ¡No lo utilice en exteriores!PT FIBARO WALL PLUGFGWPB-111Para descarregar o manual de utilizador complete e especificações por favor visite a nossa página: o manual antes de tentarinstalar o dispositivo!FIBARO Wall Plug é uma tomada comandada capaz de medir o consumo e potência dos equipamentos ligado a ele.O Wall Plug possui LED indicador de potência, as cores mudam de acordo com o consumo dos equipamentos que estão ligados.Nossa tomada inteligente permite controlar seus dispositivos sem a necessidade de nenhuma adaptação ou manutenção.Ativação básica do dispositivo1) Ligue o módulo numa tomada nas proximidades do controlador Z-Wave.2) Coloque o controlador Z-Wave em modo de inclusão.3) Clique rapidamente 3 vezes o botão, localizado no dispositivo.4) Aguarde que o módulo seja adicionado ao sistema.5) Uma adição com sucesso é confirmada pelo controlador.6) Ligue o dispositivo que pretende controlar ao módulo de tomada.7) Teste o dispositivo ligando-o e desligando-o utilizando o botão.BotãoEspecificaçõesAlimentação:Carga nominal(carga contínua):Para usar com soquete tipo B:Temperatura de utilização:Dimensões (Largura x Altura x Profundidade):120V AC, 50/60Hz15A - para cargas resistivas8A - para carga incandescente15A - para carga indutiva em geral(cosφ = 0.75-0.8)360VA - carga indutiva (Pilot Duty)(cosφ < 0.35)373W - motor3A - balastros eletrônicosNEMA 5-15 - corrente máxima de 15A0-40°C (32-104°F)59 x 59 x 51 mmEste produto não é um brinquedo. Mantenha longe de crianças e animais!Não exponha este produto a humidade, água ou outros líquidos.Este produto foi projetado apenas para uso interno. Não use no exterior!
Limited warranty - United StatesThis  limited  warranty  is provided  by  Fibar  USA, LLC  (the  “Company”), 1040  E. Lake Ave., Glenview, Illinois 60025, as the sole and exclusive remedy offered to a purchaser (the “Customer”) of the products (the “Products”) for any alleged defects in any of the Products. The warranty is subject to all terms sets forth below. 1. LIMITED WARRANTY:Subject to the limitations of section 2, the company warrants that the products sold by the company to the customer will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and regular service and maintenance for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase of the products. The one-year period may be referred to as the “limited warranty period”.This is the sole and exclusive warranty given by the company with respect to the products and is in lieu of and excludes all other warranties, express or implied, arising by operation of law or otherwise, including without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement and the implied condition of satisfactory quality.The product is not, is not intended to function or be used as, should not be used as, and shall  not be deemed to  be, an alarm system  or home security system. The product’s intended use shall not include use as an alarm system or home security system. This limited warranty does not extend to any losses or damages due in whole or in part to misuse, accident, abuse, neglect, normal wear and tear, negligence (other than the Company’s), unauthorized modification or alteration, use beyond rated capacity, unsuitable power sources or environmental conditions, improper installation, repair, handling, maintenance or application, third party actions or omissions (whether as an agent or apparent agent of the Company), criminal acts, or any other cause not the direct fault of the Company.2. LIMITATION OF REMEDY:If within the limited warranty period, the Customer discovers any covered warranty defects and notifies the Company  within thirty (30) days of such discovery, pursuant to the Claims Procedure in Section 4 below, the Company shall, at its option and as the Customer’s exclusive remedy, repair or replace F.O.B. point of manufacture.The  remedies  set  forth  in  this  limited  warranty  are  exclusive.  The  sole  and exclusive remedy for breach of any warranty hereunder shall be limited to repair or replacement of the products.  In the event that the product cannot be repaired or replaced, the company reserves the right to substitute a product of similar technical parameters.The company will not refund the purchase price of the original product. Failure by the Customer to give such written notice within the thirty (30) day time period shall be deemed an absolute and unconditional waiver of the Customer’s claim  for  such  covered  defects.    All  costs  and  expenses  of  dismantling, reinstallation and freight, including the time of the Company’s personnel and representatives for site travel and diagnosis under this limited warranty, shall be borne  by  the  Customer  unless  accepted in  writing by  the Company.   Products repaired or replaced during the limited warranty period shall be covered by the foregoing limited warranty for the remainder of the limited warranty period. The Customer assumes all other responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury to persons or property arising out of, connected with, or resulting from the use of Products, either alone or in combination with other products/components.3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY:In no event, regardless of the form of the claim or cause of action (whether based in contract, infringement, negligence, strict liability, other tort or otherwise), shall the company’s liability to the customer or any third party exceed the price paid by the customer for the specific products giving rise to the claim or cause of action. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the company shall not be liable to the customer or any third party for any general, direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, including, but not limited to, loss of profits or anticipated profits, business interruption, loss of use, revenue, reputation and data, costs incurred, loss or damage to property or equipment, bodily injury, or death, arising from any claim or cause of action relating to the product, whether such is based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability.These limitations shall apply notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any  remedy.  Some  states  and/or  jurisdictions  do  not  allow  the  exclusion  or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above exclusions may not apply to certain customers.      The Customer assumes all other responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury to persons or property arising out of, connected with, or resulting from the use of Products, either alone or in combination with other products/components.4. CLAIMS PROCEDURE: The Customer shall make a claim by written notice to the Company through the contact information listed on its website at or by contacting the Company  through  the  telephone  number  listed  on  the  website.  Any  telephone conversations  will  be  recorded.  The  Company  will  issue  a  designated  claim number for each claim made. The Customer may be contacted by an authorized warranty service representative to arrange a date for an inspection of the Product. This inspection shall be in the presence of the Customer. The Product that is the subject of the claim shall be made available by the Customer together with complete  standard  equipment  and  the  documents  confirming  the  Product’s purchase.  Covered  defects  (as  determined  by  the  Company  or  its  authorized service representative) found during the limited warranty period shall be remedied within thirty (30) days from the date of inspection or the date the Product is delivered to the Company or its authorized service representative, whichever is later. The limited warranty period shall be extended by the time that the Product is in the possession of the authorized service representative or the Company.Remember: before you submit a warranty claim, contact our technical support using  telephone  or  e-mail.  More  than  50%  of  operational  problems  is  resolved remotely, saving time and money spent to initiating claim procedure.5. GOVERNING LAW AND BINDING ARBITRATION: Please  read  this  section  carefully.  It  affects  customers’  rights  and  will  have  a substantial impact on how claims the company and the customer have against each  other  are  resolved.  This  limited  warranty  contains  a  binding  arbitration provision which may be enforced by the parties.The Company and the Customer agree that any claim or dispute at law or equity that has arisen or may arise between them relating in any way to or arising out of this limited warranty or the Products will be resolved in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Section.A.  Applicable Law.  The Customer and the Company agree that, except to the extent inconsistent with or preempted by federal law, the laws of the State of Illinois, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern the limited warranty and Products and any claim or dispute that has arisen or may arise between the Company and the Customer, except as otherwise stated herein. The Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this Section 5. The U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods shall not apply.B.  Agreement to Arbitrate.  The Company and the Customer each agree that any and all disputes or claims that have arisen or may arise between them relating to or arising out of this limited warranty or the Products shall be resolved exclusively through final and binding arbitration, rather than in a court proceeding. Alternatively, the Customer may assert his/her claims in small claims court, if the claims qualify and so long as the matter remains in such court and advances only on an individual (non-class, non-representative) basis. The Company and the Customer agree that each of them may bring claims against the other only on an individual basis and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative action or proceeding. Unless both the Company and the Customer agree, the arbitration may not consolidate or join more than one person’s claims and many not otherwise preside over any form of a consolidated, representative, or class proceeding.C.  Opt-Out.  The Customer may opt-out of this agreement to arbitrate by sending the Company a written opt-out notice, via certified mail and postmarked no later than 30 days after the date of purchase of the Product. The opt-out notice must include the Customer’s name and address, the serial number of the Product purchased, and the date and location of the purchase. All other parts of this limited warranty will still apply. D.  Procedures.  The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS pursuant to its Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures or pursuant to JAMS’ Streamlined Arbitration  Rules  and Procedures,  whichever as  applicable.  JAMS’ rules are  available at The use  of the word “arbitrator”  in this provision shall not be construed to prohibit more than one arbitrator from presiding over the arbitration; rather, the JAMS’ rules will govern the number of arbitrators that  may  preside  over  an  arbitration.  The  Customer  will  have  a  reasonable opportunity to participate in the selection of the arbitrator.   A Customer who intends to seek arbitration must first make a written claim against the Company pursuant to Section 4. If the Customer and the Company are unable to resolve the claim within thirty (30) days from the date of the notice, the Company or the Customer may initiate arbitration proceedings. A form for initiating arbitration proceedings  is  available  on  JAMS’  website.  In  addition  to  filing  the  form  with JAMS, the party initiating the arbitration must mail a copy of the completed form to the other party. In the event the Company initiates arbitration against a Customer, it will send a copy of the completed form to the physical address the Company has on file for the Customer. The arbitration hearing shall be held in the county in which the Customer resides or at another mutually agreed location.  Arbitration uses a  neutral  arbitrator  instead of  a  judge or  jury. Discovery  or  the exchange of non-privileged information will be allowed pursuant to JAMS’ rules. The arbitrator will decide the substance of all claims in accordance with applicable law, including recognized principles of equity, and will honor all claims of privilege recognized by law.  An arbitrator can award the same damages and relief on an individual basis that a court can award to an individual.  The arbitrator’s award shall be final and binding and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. An award will consist of a written statement stating the disposition of each claim, and will include a concise written statement of the essential findings and conclusions on which the award is based.  Payment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees is governed by JAMS; provided, however, that when a Customer initiates arbitration against the Company, the fee required to be paid by the Customer is that amount designated by JAMS for consumer arbitrations. All other costs will be paid by the Company. If an arbitrator or court decides that any part of this limited warranty is invalid or unenforceable, the other parts of the limited warranty shall still apply to the extent applicable. In the event that this agreement to arbitrate is wholly inapplicable, the Customers agree that any claim or dispute that has arisen or may arise between the Customer and the Company must be resolved exclusively by a state or federal court  located  in  Cook  County,  Illinois.  The  Customer  agrees  to  submit  to  the personal jurisdiction of the courts located within Cook County, Illinois, for the purpose of litigating all such claims or disputes.THE  MANUFACTURER  IS  NOT  RESPONSIBLE  FOR  ANY  RADIO  OR  TV INTERFERENCE  CAUSED  BY  UNAUTHORIZED  MODIFICATIONS  TO  THIS EQUIPMENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER’S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.US Garantia - Ámérica do Sul1. FIBAR GROUP S.A. (“Fabricante”) com sede social na ul. Lotnicza 1, 60-421 Poznań, inscrita no Registo Judicial Nacional da República de Polónia gerado por Tribunal  Distrital  em  Poznań  Nowe  Miasto  e  Wilda,  XIII  Divisão  Comercial  do Registo  Judicial  Nacional  sob  número  553265,  NIF  7811858097,  REGON 301595664, capital social de 1 182 100 PLN pagado na sua totalidade, outros dados  de  contato  disponível  sob:  garante  o Aparelho  vendido („Aparelho”) está livre dos defeitos de material ou de produção).2.  O  funcionamento  defeituoso  do  Aparelho  que  não  conformará  com  a informação comunicada por Fabricante que seja resultado dos defeitos físicos do Aparelho será considerado a responsabilidade de Fabricante no período de:- 24 meses da data de compra pelo consumidor,- 12 meses da data de compra pelo comerciante (consumidor e comerciante serão em adelante junto denominados como „Cliente”.3. Após  deste  período  de  garantia,  Fabricante  deve  remover  gratuitamente os defeitos por meios de reparar ou substituir (após avaliação feita por Fabricante) todas  as  peças  defeituosas  do  Aparelho  com  peças  novas  ou  revitalizadas. Fabricante reserva o direito a substituir o Aparelho inteiro com um Aparelho novo ou revitalizado. Fabricante não reembolsará o Cliente. 4. Nos  casos  particulares Fabricante  pode substituir o Aparelho  com  um quais parámetros técnicos serão semelhantes. 5. Apenas o proprietário do documento da garantia válido pode apresentar reclamações.6. Antes de apresentar uma reclamação, Fabricante recomenda contatar o Auxilio ao Cliente, via telefono ou e-mail na página Web: Para apresentar uma reclamação Cliente deve contatar o Fabricante por e-mail no endereço  mencionado na página Web: Caso a reclamação será admitida, Cliente receberá o contacto para seu Centro de  Serviço Autorizado  (CSA).  Cliente  deverá  contactar o  CSA  e entrega-lhe  o Aparelho. Após receber o Aparelho o Fabricante enviará ao Cliente o número da sua reclamação (RMA).9. Os defeitos serão removidos dentro um prazo de 30 dias, contando da data de entrega do Aparelho a CSA. O período da garantia será estendido por tempo no qual o Aparelho se encontrará na disposição de CSA. 10. Cliente deverá entregar o Aparelho reclamado junto com todos os acessórios estandartes e documentos comprovantes da sua compra.11.  Custes  de  transporte  do  produto  reclamado  no  territorio  da  Polónia  serão cobrados  pelo  Fabricante.  Caso  o  Aparelho  será  transportdo  no  estrangeiro, custes de transporte do produto reclamado serão cobrados pelo Cliente. Caso a reclamação seja injustificada, CSA tem direito a condenar o Cliente nas despesas relacionadas com a resolução do pedido.12. CSA recusará uma reclamação no caso de:-  uma utilização abusiva do Aparelho e contra as recomendações do manual,- a entrega do Aparelho  incompleto,  sem  acessórios,  sem  placa  sinalética  pelo Cliente,- a causa da falha do Aparelho seja não por defeito material ou da produção deste Aparelho,- o documento da garantia seja inválido e falta dos documentos da compra.13.  Fabricante  não  será  responsável  por  nenhumas  falhas  ao  património causadas  por  Aparelho  defeituoso.  Fabricante  não  será  responsável  por nenhumas  perdas  indiretas,  particulares,  consequentes  ou  morais,  nem  por nenhumas perdas dos lucros, poupanças, dados, bens, reclamações das pessoas terceiras.Garantia de qualidade não se aplica a:-  danos  estéticos  (riscos,  quebras,  cortes,  esfregos,  deformações  físicas  que sejam resultados de impacto, queda ou lançamento dum outro objeto em cima do Aparelho ou sua utilização abusiva, não indicada no manual);- danos que sejam resultado dum fator externo, p.ex.: inundacação, tempestade, incêndio,  raios, terremotos,  guerras,  conflitos  sociais,  força  maior, occorências imprevisíveis,  roubo,  inundação  com  um líquido,  efusão  de  bateria,  condições meteorológicas;  raios  de  sol,  areia,  humidade,  baixa  ou  elevada  temperatura, polução do ar;-  danos  que  sejam  resultado  do  funcionamento  incorreto  do  software,  um ciberataque  dum  vírus,  ou  inconformidade  com  as  atualizações  do  software segundo as recomendações do fabricante;- danos  que  sejam resultado das  sobretensões  nas redes energéticas  e/ou  de telecomunicação, ou no caso da ligação incorreta do Aparelho à rede inconforme com o manual, ou da ligação dos outros produtos que não são recomendados por Fabricante;- danos que sejam resultado do funcionamento do Aparelho ou seu armazém nas condições drasticamente desfavoráveis, entendidos como: humidade considerável,  polinização,  as  temperaturas  demasiado  baixas  (frio)  ou  altas. Condições particulares do uso do Aparelho se encontram descritos no manual;-  danos  que  sejam  resultado  do  uso  dos  acessórios  não  recomendados  pelo Fabricante;- danos que sejam resultado das faltas na instalação elétrica do usuário, inclusive fusíveis inadequados;- danos que sejam resultado da falta de observação da correta conservação e uso do Aparelho pelo Cliente, descritos no manual;- danos que sejam resultado do uso das peças dos fabricantes terceiros, peças ou acessórios  impróprios  para  dado  modelo,  reparações  ou  alterações  condutas pelas pessoas não autorizadas;-  danos  que  sejam  resultado  do  uso  continuo  do  Aparelho  ou  acessórios ineficazes.  14. Garantia não se aplica também às peças consumíveis do Aparelho ou outras partes mencionadas no manual ou na documentação técnica que funcionam por um prazo definido.15. A  presente  garantia  não  anula,  limita  nem  suspende  nenhuns  poderes  de Cliente que resultam do chamamento de garantia.  16.  Fabricante  não  será  responsável  por  nenhumas  falhas  ao  património causadas  por  Aparelho  defeituoso.  Fabricante  não  será  responsável  por nenhumas  perdas  indiretas,  particulares,  consequentes  ou  morais,  nem  por nenhumas perdas dos lucros, poupanças, dados, bens, reclamações das pessoas terceiras  ou  outras  perdas  que  serão  o  resultado  ou  serão  ligados  com  o funcionamento do Aparelho.Garantía - América del Sur & Mexico1. FIBAR GROUP SA con domicilio social en la calle Lotnicza 1, 60-421 Poznan, inscrita en el Nacional Registro Judicial  por el Juzgado de Distrito de Poznań-Nowe  Miasto  y Wilda,  Sala 8a  de  lo Económico  del  Nacional Registro Judicial bajo el número: 553 265, CIF 7811858097, REGON [Número Estadístico]: 301595664, con el capital social de 1.182.100 PLN, totalmente desembolsado, los demás datos de contacto están disponibles en la página web: (en adelante "Fabricante")  otorga la garantía para el dispositivo vendido ("Dispositi-vo") y declara que está libre de defectos en material y mano de obra.2. El Fabricante es responsable del funcionamiento defectuoso del Dispositivo debido  a  los  defectos  físicos  inherentes  al  Dispositivo  que  causen  su funcionamiento no conforme con las especificaciones del Fabricante en el periodo de:- 24 meses desde la fecha de compra por parte del consumidor,- 12 meses desde la fecha de compra por parte del Cliente empresarial (consumidor y Cliente empresarial en lo sucesivo se denominan conjuntamente el "Cliente").3.  El Fabricante se compromete a eliminar sin cargo adicional, los defectos revelados durante la  garantía  mediante  la  reparación o  el  reemplazo  (según  el Fabricante lo considera oportuno) de los componentes defectuosos del Dispositivo por las piezas nuevas o reacondicionadas. El Fabricante se reserva el derecho  de  sustituir  todo  el  Dispositivo  por  uno  nuevo  o  reacondicionado.  El Fabricante no reembolsa el dinero por el Dispositivo comprado.4. En situaciones especiales, el Fabricante podrá sustituir el Dispositivo por otro con los parámetros técnicos lo más similares posibles.5.  Sólo  el  titular  de  una  garantía  válida  puede  presentar  una  reclamación  de Garantía.6. Antes de presentar la reclamación, el Fabricante recomienda contactarse con la asistencia técnica por teléfono o por Internet cuyos datos están disponibles en la página Con el fin de presentar la reclamación, el Cliente debe ponerse en contacto con el  Fabricante  a  la  dirección  de  correo  electrónico  indicada  en  la  página  Después  de  haber  presentado  adecuadamente  la  reclamación,  el  Cliente recibirá los datos de contacto al Centro autorizado de servicio de garantía ("ASG"). El Cliente debe contactarse y entregar el Dispositivo a la ASG. Tras la recepción del Dispositivo, el Fabricante informará al Cliente sobre el número de la notificación (RMA).9. Los defectos serán eliminados dentro de los 30 días, a contar desde la fecha de entrega del Dispositivo al ASG. El periodo de garantía se extiende por el tiempo en el que el Dispositivo esté a disposición del ASG.10. El Dispositivo, objeto de la reclamación, debe estar puesto a disposición por el Cliente con el equipamiento completo estándar y los documentos que confirman su compra.11.  Los  gastos  de  transporte  del  Dispositivo,  objeto  de  la  reclamación,  en  el territorio de la República de Polonia serán cubiertos por el Fabricante. En el caso de transporte de otros países, los gastos de transporte serán a cargo del Cliente. En el  caso de una reclamación  injustificada, ASG tiene  el derecho de cobrar al Cliente los gastos asociados con la aclaración del caso.12. ASG se niega a aceptar la reclamación en el caso:- del uso del Dispositivo no conforme a su destino y al manual de uso,- facilitar el Cliente, el Dispositivos incompleto, sin accesorios, sin placa de identificación,- determinar la causa del defecto que no sea defecto de material o de fabricación inherente al Dispositivo,- del documento de garantía inválido o falta de justificante de compra.13. La Garantía de calidad no cubre:- los daños mecánicos (grietas, fracturas, cortes, abrasiones, deformación física debido a un golpe, caída o dejar caer otro objeto sobre el Dispositivo sobre el uso no conforme a su destino determinado en el manual de uso);-  los  daños  ocasionados  por  causas  externas,  tales  como:  inundaciones, tormentas, incendios, rayos, desastres naturales, terremotos, guerras, disturbios civiles, fuerza mayor, accidentes imprevistos, robos, daños por líquidos, fugas de la batería, condiciones climáticas; acción de rayos soles, arena, humedad, alta o baja temperatura, contaminación atmosférica;-  el daño  ocasionado por  el  software  que  funcione  incorrectamente,  debido al ataque del  virus  informático,  o  no utilizar  la  actualización de  software  según lo recomendado por el Fabricante;- los daños ocasionados por: sobrecargas en la red eléctrica y/o de telecomunica-ciones o conectarse a la red de una manera no conforme a las instrucciones de uso o debido a la conexión de otros productos cuya conexión no  está recomenda-da por el Fabricante;-  los daño  ocasionados por  el  trabajo  o  el  almacenamiento  del Dispositivo  en condiciones extremadamente adversas, es decir, alta humedad, polvo, temperatu-ra  baja  (helada)  o  temperatura  ambiente  demasiado  alta.  Las  condiciones específicas en las que es admisible utilizar el Dispositivo están determinas en el manual de uso;-  los  daños  causados  por  el  uso  de  accesorios  no  recomendados  por  el Fabricante;-  los  daños  causados  por  la  instalación  eléctrica  defectuosa  del  usuario, incluyendo el uso de fusibles incorrectos;-  los  daños  resultantes de  ignorar el  Cliente las  acciones de  mantenimiento y servicio previstos en el manual de uso;- los daños resultantes del uso de las piezas de repuesto y accesorios no-origina-les, inadecuados para el modelo, la realización de reparaciones y modificaciones por personas no autorizadas;- los defectos causados por continuar el uso del Dispositivo o accesorios defectuosos.14. La garantía no cubre el desgaste normal de las piezas del Dispositivo y otras piezas  mencionadas en  el manual  de  uso  y  la  documentación  técnica con  un tiempo de uso determinado.15. La garantía del Dispositivo no excluye, no limita y no suspende los derechos del Cliente resultantes de la garantía.16.  El  Fabricante  no  se  hace  responsable  de  los  daños  ocasionados  por  el Dispositivo  defectuoso.  El  Fabricante  no  se  hace  responsable  de  los  daños indirectos,  incidentales,  especiales,  consecuenciales  o  punitivos,  o  daños, incluyendo entre otros el lucro cesante, ahorros, datos, pérdida de beneficios, reclamaciones de terceros u otros daños derivados de o relacionados con el uso de Dispositivo.PROCEDIMIENTO PARA RECLAMO DE GARANTIA El  cliente  deberá hacer  una reclamación  mediante  notificación  por  escrito a  la compañía a  través  de la  información de  contacto que  aparece en  su sitio  web o poniéndose en contacto con la Compañía a través del número de teléfono que aparece en la página web. Las conversaciones telefónicas podrán ser grabadas. La Compañía  emitirá un número de reclamo designado por cada reclamación  hecha.  El  cliente  puede  ser  contactado  por  un  representante  de servicio de garantía autorizado para concertar una fecha para una inspección del producto.  Esta  inspección  deberá  estar  en  presencia  del  cliente.  El  producto objeto de la reclamación se pondrá a disposición por conducto del cliente,  junto con el equipamiento correspondiente y los documentos que confirman la compra del producto. Los defectos cubiertos (según lo determinado por la compañía o de su representante autorizado) encontrados durante el periodo de garantía limitada serán resueltas dentro de los treinta (30) días desde la fecha de la inspección, o de la fecha en que el producto se entrega a la compañía o de su representante de servicio  autorizado,  el  que  sea  más  tarde.  El  período  de  garantía  limitada  se prolongará  por  el  tiempo  que  el  producto está  en  poder  del  representante  de servicio autorizado o la Compañía.Warranty terms - Canada1. FIBAR GROUP S.A. with its registered office in Poznan, ul. Lotnicza 1, 60-421 Poznań, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register maintained by the District Court  for Poznań-Nowe Miasto  and Wilda in Poznań, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register (KRS) under number: 553265, NIP 7811858097, REGON: 301595664, share capital PLN 1,182,100 paid in full, other contact information is available at: (hereinafter "the Manufacturer") guarantees that the device sold (hereinafter: "the Device" is free from material and manufacturing defects.2. The Manufacturer shall be responsible for malfunctioning of the Device resulting from physical defects inherent in the Device that cause its operation to be incompatible with the specifications within the period of:- 24 months from the date of purchase by the consumer, - 12 months from the date of purchase by a business customer (the consumer and business customer are further collectively referred to as "Customer").3. The Manufacturer shall remove any defects revealed during the guarantee period, free of charge, by repairing or replacing (at the sole discretion of the Manufacturer) the defective components of the Device with new or regenerated components. The manufacturer reserves the right to replace the entire Device with a new or regenerated device. The Manufacturer shall not refund money paid for the device.4. Under special circumstances, the Manufacturer may replace the Device with a different device most similar in technical characteristics. 5. Only the holder of a valid guaranty document shall be entitled to make claims under guarantee. 6. Before making a complaint, the Manufacturer recommends using the telephone or online support available at In order to make a complaint, the Customer should contact the Manufacturer via the email address given at 8. After the complaint has been properly filed, the Customer will receive contact details  for  the  Authorized  Guarantee  Service  ("AGS").  The  customer  should contact and deliver the Device to AGS. Upon receipt of the Device, the manufactu-rer shall inform the Customer of the return merchandise authorization number (RMA).9. Defects shall be removed within 30 days from the date of delivering the Device to AGS. The guarantee period shall be extended by the time in which the Device was kept by AGS.10. The faulty device shall be provided by the Customer with complete standard equipment and documents proving its purchase.11. The cost of transporting the Device in the territory of the Republic of Poland shall be covered by the Manufacturer. The costs of the Device transport from other countries shall be covered by the Customer. For unjustified complaints, AGS may CAES PTConditions de la garantie - Canada1. FIBAR GROUP S.A. ayant son siège à Poznań ul. Lotnicza 1; 60-421 Poznań, immatriculée au Registre des entrepreneurs du Registre Judiciaire National tenu par Sąd Rejonowy [Tribunal de district] Poznań-Nowe Miasto i Wilda à Poznań, VIII  Département  Économique  au  numéro  :  553265,  No  TVA  7811858097, REGON [SIRET] : 301595664, capital social de 1 182 100 PLN entièrement libéré, d’autres  coordonnées  sont  disponibles  au  site  (ci-après  le  « Fabricant ») garantit que l'appareil vendu (l’« Appareil ») est exempt de tout défaut de matériaux et de fabrication.2.  Le  fabricant est  responsable  du fonctionnement  défectueux  de l'Appareil  en raison  de  vices  physiques  de  l’Appareil  provoquant  son  fonctionnement  non conforme à la spécification du Fabricant pendant la période de :- 24 mois à compter de la date d'achat par le consommateur, - 12 mois à compter de la date d'achat par l’entreprise, (le consommateur et l’entreprise sont ci-après dénommés collectivement le « Client »).3. Le Fabricant s’engage à remédier gratuitement à tout défaut identifié au cours de la période de garantie par la réparation ou le remplacement (à la discrétion du Fabricant) des composants de l’Appareil défectueux par des pièces neuves ou remises à neuf. Le Fabricant se réserve le droit de remplacer tout l'Appareil par un autre,  neuf ou  remis  à  neuf.  Fabricant  ne  rembourse pas  le  prix  de  l’Appareil acheté.4. Dans des situations particulières, le Fabricant peut remplacer l'Appareil par un autre avec les paramètres techniques les plus similaires. 5. Seul le titulaire d'une garantie valide peut présenter des demandes de garantie. 6. Avant  de  faire  une  demande  de  garantie,  le  Fabricant vous recommande  de profiter de l’assistance technique par téléphone ou en ligne, accessible sur le site 7. Pour présenter la demande d'activation de garantie, le Client doit s’adresser au Fabricant par le courriel indiqué sur le site Après la présentation de la demande d'activation de garantie valide, le Client recevra des informations de contact pour le Service de garantie autorisé («SGA»). Le  client  doit  s’adresser  au  SGA  et  y  fournir  l’Appareil.  Après  avoir  obtenu l’Appareil, le  Fabricant  communiquera  au  Client le  numéro  d'application unique (RMA).9. Les vices seront éliminés dans un délai de 30 jours à compter de la date de livraison de l’Appareil au SGA.  La  période  de  garantie  est  prolongée du  temps pendant lequel le dispositif restait à la disposition du SGA.10.  L’appareil  étant  l’objet  d’une  réclamation doit  être  mis  à  disposition  par  le Client  avec  l’équipement  standard  complet  et  les  documents  confirmant  son achat.11. Les frais de transport de l’Appareil étant l’objet d’une réclamation sur le territoire  polonais  seront  couverts  par  le  Fabricant.  Dans  le  cas  du  transport d'autres pays, les frais de transport seront à la charge du Client. Dans le cas d'une notification de la demande de réclamation injustifiée, le SGA a le droit de charger le Client des frais concernant l'explication de la question.12. SGA refuse d'accepter une réclamation en cas de : - constatation de l’utilisation abusive et non conforme au mode d’emploi de l’Appareil,-  mettre  à  disposition  l’Appareil  incomplet,  sans  accessoires,  sans  plaque signalétique de la part du Client, - déterminer la cause du défaut autre que le vice de matériau ou de production de l’Appareil, - du document de garantie non valable et l'absence de preuve d'achat.13. La garantie de qualité ne couvre pas :-  des  dommages  mécaniques  (fissures,  fractures,  coupures,  écorchures, déformation physique due à l'impact, la chute ou causée en laissant tomber sur l'Appareil un autre objet ou par l’utilisation abusive  de  l’Appareil  par  rapport  de celle prévue dans le mode d’emploi);- des dommages causés par des causes externes telles que: inondation, tempête, feu, foudre, catastrophes naturelles, tremblements de terre, guerre, troubles civils, cas de force majeure, accidents imprévus, vol, versement de liquide, fuite de la batterie,  conditions  météorologiques;  lumière  du  soleil,  sable,  humidité, température élevée ou faible, pollution de l'air;- des dommages causés par un  logiciel  défectueux  en  raison  d'une  attaque  de virus ou de ne pas mettre à jour du logiciel,  l’opération recommandée par le fabricant;-  des  dommages résultant  de :  surtensions  dans le  réseau  électrique et/ou  de télécommunication  ou  de  se  connecter  au  réseau  énergétique  d'une  manière incompatible avec les instructions ou à cause de la connexion d'autres produits dont la connexion n’est pas recommandée par le fabricant;- des dommages causés par le fonctionnement ou le stockage dans des conditions  extrêmement  défavorables,  soit  humidité  élevée,  poussière, température ambiante  trop  basse (gel)  ou trop  haute.  Les conditions  détaillées dans lesquelles il est possible d'utiliser l'appareil détermine le mode d’emploi ;- les dommages causés par l'utilisation d'accessoires non recommandés  par  le Fabricant;-  des  dommages  causés  par  réseau  électrique  défectueux  de  l’utilisateur,  y compris l'utilisation de fusibles incorrects ;-  des  dommages causés  par négligence  de  maintenance et  d'entretien prévus dans le mode d’emploi de la part du Client ;-  des  dommages  résultant  de  l'utilisation  des  pièces  de  rechange  et  des accessoires non originaux, incorrects pour le présent modèle, d’effectuer des réparations et des modifications par des personnes non autorisées ;- les défauts causés par la poursuite des travaux avec un Appareil ou un équipement défectueux.14. La  garantie ne couvre pas l'usure normale des  composants de l’Appareil et d'autres dispositifs  mentionnés  dans le manuel d'utilisateur et  la  documentation technique avec un temps spécifique de fonctionnement.15. La garantie de l’Appareil n'exclut pas, ne limite ni suspend les droits du Client découlant de la garantie légale.16. Le Fabricant décline toute responsabilité en cas de dommages matériels causés  par  un  Appareil  défectueux.  Le  Fabricant  n'est  pas  responsable  des dommages indirects, accessoires, spéciaux, consécutifs ou le préjudice moral ni des dommages, y compris mais sans s'y limiter les pertes de profits, d’économies, de données, la perte des prestations, des sinistres par des tiers et d’autres dommages découlant de ou liés à l'utilisation de l’Appareil.17. Cette garantie peut-être transféré à un autre propriétaire.18. La présente garantie est régie et doit être interprétée conformément aux lois de la province de Québec et aux lois fédérales du Canada qui s'y appliquent.FRcharge the Customer with costs related to the case.12. AGS shall not accept a complaint claim when: - the Device was misused or the manual was not observed,- the Device was provided by the Customer incomplete, without accessories or nameplate, - it was determined that the fault was caused by other reasons than a material or manufacturing defect of the Device - the guarantee document is not valid or there is no proof of purchase,13. The guarantee shall not cover:- mechanical damages (cracks, fractures, cuts, abrasions, physical deformations caused by impact, falling or dropping the device or other object, improper use or not observing the operating manual);- damages resulting from external causes, e.g.: flood, storm, fire, lightning, natural disasters,  earthquakes,  war,  civil  disturbance,  force  majeure,  unforeseen accidents, theft, water damage, liquid leakage, battery spill, weather conditions, sunlight, sand, moisture, high or low temperature, air pollution;- damages caused by malfunctioning software, attack of a computer virus, or by failure to update the software as recommended by the Manufacturer;- damages resulting from: surges in the power and/or telecommunication network, improper connection to the grid in a manner inconsistent with the operating manual, or from connecting other devices not recommended by the Manufacturer.S-v1.1FCC ID: 2AA9MFGWPB121IC number: 20430-FGWPB121

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