Fibar Group FGWPB121 Fibaro Wall Plug User Manual

Fibar Group S.A. Fibaro Wall Plug


User Manual

CONTENTS#1: Description and features  3#2: Basic activation  4#3: Adding the device  5#4: Removing the device  6#5: Operating the device  7#6: Power and energy consumption  9#7: Association  10#8: Z-Wave range test  11#9: Advanced parameters  12#10: Specications  18#11: Regulations  19FIBARO WALL PLUGFGWPB-121OPERATINGMANUAL ENv1.0
2 Important safety informationRead this manual before attempting to install the device! Failure to observe recommendations included in this manual may be dangerous or cause a violation of the law. The manufacturer, Fibar Group S.A. will not be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from not following the instructions of operating manual.!General information about  the FIBARO SystemFIBARO is a wireless smart home automation system, based on the Z-Wave protocol. All of available devices can be controlled through a computer (PC or Mac), smartphone or tablet. Z-Wave devices are not only receivers, but can also repeat the signal, increasing the Z-Wave network’s range. It gives advantage over traditional wireless systems that require direct link between transmitter and receiver, as a result the construction of the building could aect network’s range negatively.Every Z-Wave network has its unique identication number (home ID). Multiple independent networks can exist in the building without interfering. Transmission security of FIBARO System is comparable to wired systems.Z-Wave technology is the leading solution in smart home automation. There is a wide range of Z-Wave devices that are mutually compatible, independently of manufacturer. It gives the system the ability to evolve and expand over time. For more information visit:  www. product is intended for indoor use only in dry locations.Do not use in damp or wet locations, near a bathtub, sink, shower, swimming pool, or anywhere else where water or moisture are present.!Caution!To avoid risk of electrical shock,  do not operate the device with wet or moist hands.!This product is not a toy. Keep away from children and animals!
3DESCRIPTION AND FEATURESMain features of FIBARO Wall Plug:•  Compatible with any Z-Wave or Z-Wave+ Controller.•  Supports Z-Wave network Security Modes: S0 with AES-128 encryption and S2 with PRNG-based encryption.•  Extremely easy installation - simply plug the device into the mains socket.•  Equipped with USB charging port.•  Works as a Z-Wave signal repeater.•  Active power and energy consumption metering for plugged device and the USB port.•  Current value of the load and operating mode are indicated by the multi-color LED frame. FIBARO Wall Plug is a remotely controlled plug-in switch with the ability to measure power and energy consumption. It uses a LED frame to visualize the current load and operating mode with color changing illumination. Our smart plug makes it possible to control electrical devices in a convenient and maintenance-free way. It is also equipped with a USB charging port with power metering.#1: Description and featuresFIBARO Wall Plug is a fully compatible Z-Wave PLUS device.NOTEThis device may be used with all devices certied with Z-Wave Plus certicate and should be compatible with such devices pro-duced by other manu-facturers.iNOTEZ-Wave Controller must support Z-WaveSecurity Mode in or-der to fully utilize the product.i
4BASIC ACTIVATION#2: Basic activation1.  Plug the device into a socket nearby the main Z-Wave controller.2.  Set the main controller in (Security/non-Security Mode) add mode (see the controller’s manual).3.  Quickly, triple click the button located on the casing.4.  Wait for the device to be added to the system.5.  Successful adding will be conrmed by the controller.6.  Plug a device you want to control into the Wall Plug.7.  Test the device by turning it on and o using the button.NOTEWhen powered, the device will indicate Z-Wave status with color of LED frame:• Green - the device is already added to the Z-Wave network.• Red - the device is not added to any Z-Wave network.iButton
5ADDING THE DEVICE#3: Adding the deviceAdding (Inclusion) - Z-Wave device learning mode, allowing to add the device to existing Z-Wave network.To add the device to the Z-Wave network:1.  Plug the device into a socket nearby the main Z-Wave controller.2.  The LED frame will glow red signaling not being added (reset or remove the device otherwise).3.  Set the main controller in (Security/non-Security Mode) add mode (see the controller’s manual).4.  Quickly, triple click the button located on the casing.5.  If you are adding in S2 authenticated mode, type in the device pin  code (underlined part of the public key available on the device or in the manual).6.  Wait for the adding process to end.7.  Successful adding will be conrmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message.NOTEIn case of problems with adding the de-vice, please reset the device and repeat the adding procedure.iButton
6REMOVING THE DEVICERemoving (Exclusion) - Z-Wave device learning mode, allowing to remove the device from existing Z-Wave network.To remove the device from the Z-Wave network:1.  Plug the device into a socket nearby the main Z-Wave controller.2.  The LED frame will glow green signaling being added (removing is not necessary otherwise).3.  Set the main controller into remove mode (see the controller’s manual).4.  Quickly, triple click the button located on the casing.5.  Wait for the removing process to end.6.  Successful removing will be conrmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message.NOTERemoving the Wall Plug from the Z-Wave net-work restores all the default parameters of the device.i#4: Removing the deviceButton
7OPERATING THE DEVICE#5: Operating the deviceControlling the Wall Plug using the button: Wall Plug is equipped with a button, which allows to use the menu and additionally perform the following actions:1x click: turn controlled device ON/OFF, conrm selected menu op-tion (if menu is active)3x click: add/remove the device to/from a Z-Wave networkHold: enter/navigate through the menuVisual indications:The Wall Plug is equipped with a LED frame, signaling sensor’s oper-ating modes and current active power consumption. In addition the visual indicator may inform of the Z-Wave network range.Visual indicator frame signaling modes:Active power consumption – by default, when the device is turned ON, the color will vary depending on the current power.Z-Wave network inclusion status – once plugged into a mains sock-et the device signals it with blink (green - added, red - not added).Range of the Z-Wave network – signaled with color depending on type of communication or the lack of it (only in range tester mode)Menu position – signaled with color assigned to position.Ongoing software update – signaled with cyan blinking.Hardware fault state – error in communication with radio chip, device secured, plug the device out and back into the socket.Menu allows to perform Z-Wave network actions. In order to use the menu:1.  Press and hold the button.2.  Wait for the device to indicate desired position with a color:•  GREEN - erase energy consumption memory•  VIOLET - Z-Wave network’s range test•  YELLOW - device reset3.  Release the button.4.  Click the button to conrm selection.NOTEMenu is preceded by two white ashes of the LED frame  6 seconds after the button is pressed.iCAUTIONTo avoid risk of electri-cal shock,  do not ope-rate the device with wet or moist hands.!
8OPERATING THE DEVICEResetting the device to factory defaults:  Reset procedure allows to restore the device back to its factory set-tings, which means all information about the Z-Wave controller and user conguration will be deleted.1.  Make sure the device is powered.2.  Press and hold the button.3.  Wait for the LED frame to glow yellow (3rd menu position).4.  Release the button.5.  Click the button once to conrm selection.6.  After few seconds the device will restart with factory settings, which is signaled with the red frame color.NOTEResetting the device is not the recommend-ed way of removing the device from the Z-Wave network. Use reset procedure only if the primary con-troller is missing or inoperable. Certain device removal can be achieved by the procedure of remov-ing described in “Add-ing the device” on  page 5.iControlling the Wall Plug with FIBARO Home Center controller: The Wall Plug after successful adding is represented in the Home Center interface with two icons. Device allows to turn on and o the device and displays current active power and cumulative en-ergy consumption. USB port icon displays current active power and cumulative energy consumptionDisabling visual indicator:Visual indication frame may be turned o for status signaling (turned ON/OFF, power consumption). That means each status change will be signaled by a short white blink of the frame. Disabling it will not change operation of the device. To disable the LED frame:1.  Insert the Wall Plug in a socket.2.  Press and hold the button for about 3 seconds.3.  Release the button after LED frame starts pulsing white.To restore visual indications perform above procedure again.NOTEDisabling the LED frame indications will also aect alarm sig-nalization.i
9POWER AND ENERGY CONSUMPTION#6: Power and energy consumptionThe Wall Plug allows to monitor the active power and energy con-sumption. Data is sent to the main Z-Wave controller, e.g. Home Cen-ter. Measuring is carried out by the most advanced micro-controller tech-nology, assuring maximum accuracy and precision (+/- 1% for loads greater than 5W).Power and energy are reported according to parameters 11-15. For loads under 5W power is reported for every 0.2W change. For USB port power is not reported for loads under 0.4W.Electric active power - power that energy receiver is changing into a work or a heat. The unit of active power is Watt [W].Electric energy - energy consumed by a device through a time period. Consumers of electricity in households are billed by sup-pliers on the basis of active power used in given unit of time. Most commonly measured in kilowatt-hour [kWh]. One kilowatt-hour is equal to one kilowatt of power consumed over period of one hour,  1kWh = 1000Wh.Resetting consumption memory:Wall Plug allows to erase stored consumption data (turning it o/on or removing it from the socket will not erase consumption):1.  Make sure the device is powered.2.  Press and hold the button.3.  Release the button when the LED frame glows green (1st menu position).4.  Press the button briey.
10ASSOCIATION#7: AssociationThe Wall Plug provides the association of three groups:1st Association Group – “Lifeline” reports the device status and al-lows for assigning single device only (main controller by default).2nd Association Group –  “On/O (Button)” devices in this group will be switched on or o when relay status is changed using the but-ton (uses Basic command class).3rd Association Group – “On/O (Plug power)” devices in this group will be switched on or o depending on the current load of plugged device (uses Basic command class).NOTEAssociation ensures direct transfer of control commands between devices, is performed without participation of the main controller.iThe Wall Plug in 2nd and 3rd group allows to control  up to 5 regular or multichannel devices per an association group.  “LifeLine” group is reserved solely for the controller and hence only 1 node can  be assigned.Association (linking devices) - direct control of other devices within the Z-Wave system network e.g. Dimmer, Relay Switch, Roller Shutter or scene (may be controlled only through a Z-Wave controller).NOTE2nd association group  commands are sent only in case of manual operation through the button.3rd association group commands are sent automatically, de-pending on parame-ters 21 to 27.iTo add an association (using the Home Center controller):1.  Go to the device options by clicking the icon: 2.  Select the „Advanced” tab.3.  Click the “Setting Association” button.4.  Specify to which group and what devices are to be associated.5.  Save the changes.6.  Wait for the conguration process to end.
11ZWAVE RANGE TEST#8: Z-Wave range testThe Wall Plug has a built in Z-Wave network main controller’s range tester.Follow the below instructions to test the main controller’s range: 1.  Press and hold the button.2.  Wait for the LED frame to glow violet (2nd menu position).3.  Release the button.4.  Click the button once to conrm selection.5.  Visual indicator will indicate the Z-Wave network’s range (range signaling modes described below).6.  To exit Z-Wave range test, press the button briey.Z-Wave range tester signaling modes:Visual indicator pulsing green - the Wall Plug attempts to establish a direct communication with the main controller. If a direct commu-nication attempt fails, the device will try to establish a routed com-munication, through other modules, which will be signaled by visual indicator pulsing yellow. Visual indicator glowing green - the Wall Plug communicates with the main controller directly. Visual indicator pulsing yellow - the Wall Plug tries to establish a routed communication with the main controller through other mod-ules (repeaters). Visual indicator glowing yellow - the Wall Plug communicates with the main controller through the other modules. After 2 seconds the device will retry to establish a direct communication with the main controller, which will be signaled with visual indicator pulsing green. Visual indicator pulsing violet - the Wall Plug does communicate at the maximum distance of the Z-Wave network. If connection proves successful it will be conrmed with a yellow glow. It’s not recom-mended to use the device at the range limit.  Visual indicator glowing red - the Wall Plug is not able to connect to the main controller directly or through another Z-Wave network device (repeater).CAUTIONTo make Z-Wave range test possible, the de-vice must be added to the Z-Wave control-ler. Testing may stress the network, so it is recommended to per-form the test only in special cases.!NOTECommunication mode of the Wall Plug may switch between direct and one using rout-ing, especially if the device is on the limit of the direct range.i
12ZWAVE SPECIFICATIONCommand Class Version SecureZWAVEPLUS_INFO [0x5E] V2SWITCH_BINARY [0x25] V1 YESASSOCIATION [0x85] V2 YESMULTI_CHANNEL_ASSOCIATION [0x8E]  V3 YESASSOCIATION_GRP_INFO [0x59] V2 YESTRANSPORT_SERVICE [0x55] V2VERSION [0x86] V2 YESMANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC [0x72] V2 YESDEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY [0x5A] V1 YESPOWERLEVEL [0x73] V1 YESSECURITY [0x98] V1SECURITY_2 [0x9F]  V1SUPERVISION [0x6C] V1 YESMETER [0x32] V3 YESAPPLICATION_STATUS [0x22] V1CONFIGURATION [0x70] V1 YESCRC_16_ENCAP [0x56]  V1NOTIFICATION [0x71] V8 YESPROTECTION [0x75] V1 YESFIRMWARE_UPDATE_MD [0x7A] V4MULTI_CHANNEL [0x60] V4 YESBASIC [0x20] V1 YES#9: Z-Wave specicationEndpoint 1:Generic Device Class: GENERIC_TYPE_SWITCH_BINARYSpecic Device Class: SPECIFIC_TYPE_POWER_SWITCH_BINARYDescription: represents the main B type socket, allows to  turn on/o connected device and measure its active power and en-ergy consumption.Endpoint 2:Generic Device Class: GENERIC_TYPE_METER Specic Device Class: SPECIFIC_TYPE_SIMPLE_METERDescription: represents the USB port, allows to measure its active power and energy consumption.Supported Command Classes:
13ZWAVE SPECIFICATIONNotication Command Class: The device uses Notication Command Class to report dierent events to the controller (“Lifeline” group).Notication Type Event Event ParametersPower  Management  [0x08]Over-load detected [0x08]Over-current detected [0x06]System [0x09]System Hardware Failure [0x03] Device overheat [0x01]Command Class Version SecureEndpoint 1ZWAVEPLUS_INFO [0x5E] V2SECURITY [0x98] V1SECURITY_2 [0x9F]  V1ASSOCIATION [0x85] V2 YESMULTI_CHANNEL_ASSOCIATION [0x8E]  V3 YESASSOCIATION_GRP_INFO [0x59] V2 YESSUPERVISION [0x6C] V1 YESSWITCH_BINARY [0x25] V1 YESMETER [0x32] V3 YESNOTIFICATION [0x71] V8 YESPROTECTION [0x75] V1 YESEndpoint 2ZWAVEPLUS_INFO [0x5E] V2SECURITY [0x98] V1SECURITY_2 [0x9F]  V1ASSOCIATION [0x85] V2 YESMULTI_CHANNEL_ASSOCIATION [0x8E]  V3 YESASSOCIATION_GRP_INFO [0x59] V2 YESSUPERVISION [0x6C] V1 YESMETER [0x32] V3 YESMultichannel Command Class:
14ADVANCED PARAMETERS#10: Advanced parametersThe Wall Plug allows to customize its operation to user’s needs. The settings are available in the FIBARO interface as simple options that may be chosen by selecting the appropriate box.In order to congure the Wall Plug (using the FIBARO Home Center controller):1.  Go to the device options by clicking the icon:   2.  Select the „Advanced” tab.3.  Modify values of chosen parameters.4.  Save the changes.GENERAL SETTINGS2. Remember device status before the power failureThis parameter determines how the Wall Plug will react in the event of power supply failure (e.g. power outage or taking out from the electrical outlet). After the power supply is back on, the Wall Plug can be restored to previous state or remain switched o. Available settings: 0 - device remains switched o1 - device restores the state from before the power failureDefault setting:  1Parameter size: 1 [byte]3. Overload safety switchThis function allows to turn o the controlled device in case of ex-ceeding the dened power. Controlled device can be turned back on via button or sending a con-trol frame. By default this function is inactive. Available settings: 0 - function inactive10-18000 (1.0-1800.0W, step 0.1W) - power  thresholdDefault setting:  0Parameter size: 2 [bytes]POWER AND ENERGY MEASUREMENTThe default values of the parameters suit most types of devices. They were selected to show in real time the instantaneous power values, while not overloading the Z-Wave network in the process. In specic cases it may be necessary to modify default settings in order to op-timize Z-Wave network’s use. In extreme cases it is recommended to turn o reporting completely and congure power polling or period-NOTEEntering invalid value of parameter will re-sult in not setting the value and response with Application Re-jected or Supervision CC frame and (de-pending on the con-troller). i
15ADVANCED PARAMETERSic reports in the Z-Wave controller. The Wall Plug reports the power load with specied frequency. Below conguration parameters allow to specify how frequently power load will be reported.11. Power reportingThis parameter determines the minimum percentage change in active power consumption (in relation to the previously reported) that will result in sending new power report. Available settings: 0 - power reports inactive1-100 - power change in percentDefault setting:  15 (15%) Parameter size: 1 [byte]12. Energy reporting thresholdThis parameter determines the minimum change in energy consump-tion (in relation to the previously reported) that will result in sending a new report.Available settings: 0 - energy reports inactive1-500 (0.01-5kWh, step 0.01kWh) - thresholdDefault setting: 10 (0.1kWh)Parameter size: 2 [bytes]13. Periodic power reportingThis parameter denes time period between independent reports sent when changes in power load have not been recorded or if chang-es are insignicant. By default reports are sent every hour.Available settings: 0 - periodic reports inactive5-32400 (in seconds)Default setting:  3600 (1h) Parameter size: 2 [bytes]14. Periodic energy reportingThis parameter denes time period between independent reports sent when changes in power load have not been recorded or if chang-es are insignicant. By default reports are sent every hour.Available settings: 0 - periodic reports inactive5-32400 (in seconds)Default setting:  3600 (1h) Parameter size: 2 [bytes]15. Measuring energy consumed by the Wall Plug itselfThis parameter determines whether power metering should include the amount of power consumed by the Wall Plug itself. Results are being added to the value of power consumed by controlled device.Available settings: 0 - function inactive1 - function activeDefault setting:  0Parameter size: 1 [byte]NOTEIn extreme cases, re-ports may be sent every second if rapid and signicant load power changes oc-cur. Frequent report-ing may overload the Z-Wave network so these parameter’s set-tings should reect signicant changes in power load only.iNOTEParameter 11 is not relevant for loads un-der 5W.i
16ADVANCED PARAMETERS„ON/OFF” ASSOCIATION GROUPS21. UP value - „On/O (Power)” association group (3) Upper power threshold, used in parameter 23. UP value cannot be lower than a value specied in parameter 22.Available settings: 100-18000 (10.0-1800.0W, step 0.1W)Default setting:  500 (50W) Parameter size: 2 [bytes]22. DOWN value - „On/O (Power)” association group (3)Lower power threshold, used in parameter 23. DOWN value cannot be higher than a value specied in  parameter 21.Available settings: 0-17900 (0.0-1790.0W, step 0.1W)Default setting:  300 (30W) Parameter size: 2 [bytes]23. Controlling „On/O (Power)” association group (3) This parameter denes the way that 3rd association group devices are controlled. Depends on the actual measured power (according to parameters 21 and 22 settings).Available settings:1 - send frame (with value set in parameter 26)only if power exceeded value of parameter 212 - send frame (with value set in parameter 27) only if power dropped below value of parame-ter 223 - send frame in both casesDefault setting:  3Parameter size: 1 [byte]24. SWITCH ON  value - „On/O (Button)” association group (2)The value of BASIC SET command frame sent to the devices associat-ed in 2nd group „On/O (Button)” when turning the device ON using the button.Available settings: 0-99 or 255Default setting:  255 Parameter size: 2 [bytes]25. SWITCH OFF  value - „On/O (Button)” association group (2)The value of BASIC SET command frame sent to the devices associat-ed in 2nd group „On/O (Button)” when turning the device OFF using the button.Available settings: 0-99 or 255Default setting:  0Parameter size: 2 [bytes]NOTESetting parameters 24, 25, 26, 27 to appro-priate value will result in:0  - turning o associ-ated devices1-99 - forcing level of associated devices255 - setting associat-ed devices to the last remembered state or turning them oni
17ADVANCED PARAMETERS26. THRESHOLD UP value - „On/O (Power)” association group (3) The value of BASIC SET command frame sent to the devices associat-ed in 3rd group „On/O (Power)”  if power exceeded value of param-eter 21.Available settings: 0-99 or 255Default setting:  255 Parameter size: 2 [bytes]27. THRESHOLD DOWN value - „On/O (Power)” association group (3) The value of BASIC SET command frame sent to the devices associ-ated in 3rd group „On/O (Power)” if power dropped below value of parameter 22.Available settings: 0-99 or 255Default setting:  0Parameter size: 2 [bytes]ALARMS30. Active alarmsDene Z-Wave network alarms to which the Wall Plug will respond.Available settings: 1 - general alarm2 - smoke alarm4 - CO alarm8 - CO2 alarm16 - high temperature alarm32 - ood alarmDefault setting:  63 (all) Parameter size: 1 [byte]31. Response to alarm framesThis parameter denes how the Wall Plug will respond to alarms (de-vice’s status change). In case of values 1 or 2 the Wall Plug is operating normally and LED frame signals an alarm through time dened in parameter 32 or until the alarm is canceled.In case of values 5 to 50 the Wall Plug does not report status change, power changes, ignores BASIC SET command frames. After time de-ned in parameter 32 or after the alarm cancellation, connected de-vice is set to the previous state.Available settings: 0 - no reaction,1 - turn connected device on2 - turn connected device o5-50 (0.5-5.0s, step 0.1s) - cyclically change de-vice state with set periodDefault setting:  0Parameter size: 1 [byte]
18ADVANCED PARAMETERS32. Alarm state durationThis parameter species the duration of alarm state. If a device send-ing an alarm frame through the Z-Wave network sets alarm duration as well, this settings are ignored.Available settings: 1-32400 (in seconds)Default setting:  600 (10min) Parameter size: 2 [bytes]COLOR SETTINGS40. Power load for violet colorThis parameter determines maximum active power value, which when exceeded, causes the LED frame to ash violet.  Function is active only when parameter 41 is set to 1 or 2.Available settings: 1000-18000 (100.0-1800.0W, step 0.1W)Default setting: 18000 (1800W)Parameter size: 2 [bytes]41. LED frame color when controlled device is onWhen set to 1 or 2, LED frame color will change depending on active power and parameter 40. Other colors are set permanently and do not depend on power consumption.Available settings: 0 - illumination turned o completely1 - color changes smoothly depending on ac-tive power2 - color changes in steps depending on active power3 - white, 4 - red, 5 - green, 6 - blue, 7 - yellow8 - cyan, 9 - magentaDefault setting:  1Parameter size: 1 [byte]42. LED frame color when controlled device is oThis parameter denes the illumination color after turning o.Available settings: 0 - illumination turned o completely1 - LED frame is illuminated with a color corre-sponding to the last measured power, before the controlled device was turned o3 - white, 4 - red, 5 - green, 6 - blue, 7 - yellow8 - cyan, 9 - magentaDefault setting:  0Parameter size: 1 [byte]NOTEThe alarm may be can-celed by pressing and holding the button.i
19ADVANCED PARAMETERS43. LED frame color at the Z-Wave network alarm detectionThis parameter denes the illumination color in case of Z-Wave alarm.Available settings: 0 - illumination turned o completely1 - no change in color. LED frame color is deter-mined by settings  of parameters 41 or 422 - LED frame ashes red/blue/white3 - white, 4 - red, 5 - green, 6 - blue, 7 - yellow8 - cyan, 9 - magentaDefault setting:  2Parameter size: 1 [byte]
20SPECIFICATIONSPower supply:  Rated load  (continuous load):       Rated impulse voltage:  Maximum inrush current:  To be used with B type sockets:  ICE Protection Class:  Active element:  USB output voltage:  USB output current:  Pollution Degree:  Radio protocol:  Radio frequency:  Range:     Operating temperature:  Dimensions (Height x Width x Depth):120V AC, 50/60 Hz  Resistive loads: 15AIncandescent loads: 8AInductive general purpose  (cosφ = 0.75-0.8): 15APilot duty (cosφ < 0.35): 360VAMotor: 373WElectronic ballasts: 2.5A  1.5kV  80A (20ms)  - NEMA 5-15 - max load 15A   Class I  Micro-gap relay switch   5V  1A  2 (home and oce use, indoor only)  Z-Wave (500 series chip)  908.4, 908.42 or 916.0 MHz  up to 50m outdoors up to 40m indoors  (depending on terrain and building structure)  32–104°F  59 x 59 x 51 mm#11: SpecicationsNOTERadio frequency of individual device must be same as your Z-Wave controller. Check information on the box or consult your dealer if you are not sure.i
21REGULATIONS#12: RegulationsThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference2. This device must accept any interference received, including interfe-rence that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to pro-vide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residen-tial installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a par-ticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from that to which the receiver is connected.•  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Changes and modications not expressly approved by the manufactu-rer or registrant of this equipment can void your authority to operate this equipment under Federal Communications Commission’s rules.Industry Canada (IC) Compliance NoticeThis device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSSs. Ope-ration is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferen-ce, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Cet appareil est conforme aux normes d’exemption de licence RSS d’In-dustry Canada. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer d’interférence et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, notamment les interférences qui peuvent aecter son fonctionnement.Legal NoticesAll information, including, but not limited to, information regarding the features, functionality, and/or other product specication are subject to change without notice. Fibaro reserves all rights to revise or upda-te its products, software, or documentation without any obligation to notify any individual or entity.FIBARO and Fibar Group logo are trademarks of Fibar Group S.A. All other brands and product names referred to herein are trademarks of their respective holders.
22REGULATIONSDGT Warning StatementArticle 12 Without permission, any company, rm or user shall not alter the frequ-ency,  increase the power, or change the characteristics and functions of the original design of the certied lower power frequency electric machinery. Article 14 The application of low power frequency electric machineries shall not aect the navigation safety nor interfere a legal communication, if an interference is found, the service will be suspended until improvement is made and the interference no longer exists. 第十二條經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。 第十四條低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。 前項合法通信,指依電信法規定作業之無線電通信。低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信或工業、科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾。Safety classication rating: home and oce use onlyType 1 action according to features of automatic action as per clause 6.4.1 of EN 60730-1:2012 standard.Software class A device, according to EN 60730-1:2012 standard.

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