Fine Offset Electronics WH53 Temperature sensor User Manual WH0280

Fine Offset Electronics Co., Ltd. Temperature sensor WH0280

User Manual

InstructionManual1 User Manual   Contents 1. Introduction...............................................................................................22. Get Started................................................................................................22.1 Parts List........................................................................................22.2 Recommend Tools.........................................................................32.3 Thermometer Sensor Set Up.......................................................32.4 Display Console Set Up................................................................32.4.1 Display Console Layout.............................................................52.4.2 Sensor Operation Verification...................................................53. Wireless Sensor Installation...................................................................53.1 Mounting with Zip Tie....................................................................63.2 Mounting with Nail or Screw........................................................64. Console Operation...................................................................................74.1 Setting for 12/24hr Switch, Time and °C/°F Switch..................74.2 Setting for Alarm Clock.................................................................74.3 Setting for Min/Max Record..........................................................74.4 Setting for RF Channels...............................................................85.Sensor Resynchronization.......................................................................86.Best Practices for Wireless Communication.........................................97.Specifications............................................................................................97.1 Wireless Specifications.................................................................97.2 Measurement Specifications........................................................97.3 Power Consumption......................................................................98. FCC Statement.......................................................................................109. Warranty Information.............................................................................12
InstructionManual2 1. Introduction Thanks for your purch asing of the WH028 0 Wirel ess Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer with Indoor Humidity . T o ensure the best  product performance, please read this ma nual and r etain it for future  reference.  2. Get Started Note:Power up sequence must be performed in the order shown in this section (insert batteries in the Re mote Sensor first, Display Console second).  Attention:   Do not mix old and new batteries   Do not mix Alkaline, Standard, Lithium or Rechargeable batteries   Ensure batteries are installed correctly with regard to polarity +/- 2.1 Parts List One Display Console (Receiver) One remote sensor (Transmitter) One User Manual
InstructionManual32.2 Recommend Tools Hammer for hanging remote thermometer transmitter. 2.3 Thermometer Sensor Set Up 1.  Remove the battery door on the ba ck of the sensor by sliding t he compartment door down, as shown in Figure 1. 2.  Set RF sensor channel.  Figure 1 1  Wireless transmitter LED 2  1, 2, 3 RF Channels 3 AA  Battery 4  Battery Compartment Cover  3.  Insert one AA battery. 4.  After inserting the battery, the remote sensor LED indicator will light for 4 seconds, and then flash once per 60 seconds thereafter. Each time it flashes, the sensor is transmitting data. 5.  Close the battery door. 2.4 Display Console Set Up 1.  Move the  remote thermo meter(s) abo ut 2 to 3m awa y from the  display console (if the  sensor is too close,  it may not be receive d
2Ase3Iffoby the di. RemoveFigure 2in the baAll of  the LCegments are. Replacethe consThe conThe remminutes.While in f the remoteor support. isplay consoe the battery2. Insert oneack of the dis1. segmente operating  the  batterysole in the upsole will instmote temper.  the search e does not u4ole). y door on thee AA (alkalinsplay consoFig Integrated  Stand Mou CH/+ Butto Mode Butto Battery Com Battery Comts will light uproperly. y do or, and fpright positiotantly displarature will  upmode, the rupdate, pleae back of the, lithium orole. gure 2 Hang Hole Hnt on on mpartmentmpartment Cup for a fewfold out the on.  ay indoor tempdate o n theception sease contact Instructhe display, ar rechargeab Hang HoleCover w seconds tdesk standmperature ane displa y warch icon our CustomtionManualas shown in ble) battery to verify  all d and place nd humidity.within a fe w  flash. mer Service
InstructionManual52.4.1 Display Console Layout Figure 31. Alarm Clock Icon 2. Current Indoor Temperature 3. RF Channels 4. Time 5. Current Indoor Humidity 6. Outdoor Reception Icon 7. Current Outdoor Temperature 2.4.2 Sensor Operation Verification Verify the in door a nd o utdoor temp erature mat ch closely  with the console and sensor arra y in the sa me location (about 2 to 3m  apart). The sensors should be within 2°F (the accuracy is ± 1°F). Allow about 30 minutes for both sensors to stabilize.  3. Wireless Sensor Installation It is recommende d yo u mount the r emote sensor in a sha ded ar ea. Direct sunlight and radi ant heat s ources will result in inaccurate  temperature readings. Although the sensor is water resistant, it is best to mount in a well-protected area, such as under an eve.
3Mmw3Toe.1 MountingMounting themounting outwill store and.2 MountingTo mount thequal to 5.0 mg with Zip Te sensor withtside, since d radiate heag with Nail e sensor withmm in diame6Tie h a zip tie wit is not toucat (or cold). Figuror Screwh a nail or sceter. Figurill result in bching anothe re 4 crew, the care 5 Instructbetter accuraer object. Otap must be le tionManualacy when ther objects ess than or
InstructionManual74. Console Operation Note: The console has two buttons for easy operation:【CH/+】 button (on the left), and【MODE】button (on the right). If no operation for 30s, display will return back to normal mode. 4.1 Setting for 12/24hr Switch, Time and °C/°F Switch  Long press【MODE】button 2s, step into setting mode. a. Short press【CH/+】  switch 24/12hr display b. Short press【MODE】,step into Hour setting, Short press【CH/+】to adjust the number from 1-12 or 0-23. c. Short press【MODE】,step into Minute setting, Short press【CH/+】to adjust the number from 0-59. d. Short press【MODE】, step into temperature unit setting, short press 【CH/+】to select°C/°F display. e. Short press【MODE】, to complete setting mode and back to normal mode. 4.2 Setting for Alarm Clock  Short press【MODE】button, step into alarm clock display setting mode, short press  【CH/+】to enable ( spe aker icon is  lit) or disable alar m function. a. Long press【MODE】button 3s, step into alarm Hour setting, Short press【CH/+】to adjust the number from 1-12 or 0-23. b. Short press【MODE】, step into alarm Minute  setting, Short press【CH/+】to adjust the number from 0-59.  Note: When the alarm clock is ringing, you can stop it by pressing any button. 4.3 Setting for Min/Max Record
3abvacteR 3ambM“-LacteR4 DdC5wpfiW.1 Min value. Short pres. Short presalue (if no e. Long preemperature/RF channel. .2 Max valu. Short presmode. . Short presMax valu e(if--.-“ instead)ong press nd the curre. Long preemperature/RF channel. .4 Setting fDuring normaisplay in theCH1 – CH2 –5.Sensor Rwhen the remress both thve secondsWhile in the se mode ss【MODE】ss【CH/+】extra outdooess 【CH/+humidity ane mode ss【MODE】s【CH/+】tof no extra  ). 【CH/+】 foent  ess 【CH/+humidity anfor RF Chanal display me following s– CH3 – Resynchromote sensore 【CH/+】s. search mode8for twice, sto select  otr sensor ava+】2s ,rnd the curre】for three t select otheoutdoor sr 2s,reset th+】2s ,red the currennnels ode, press equence:  onizationr lost receptand 【MODe, the recepstep into Minther availabailable, it wilreset the  Mnt displayedtimes step ir available osensor avae Max valueeset the Mnt displayed【CH/+】totion or extraDE】 buttonption search Instructn value displle outdoo r sl display “--.Min value d Min value nto Max vaoutdoor sensailable, it we of indoor teMax value d Max value o select outda sensors tons at the samicon   ftionManualay mode. sensor Min  -“ instead). of indoor  of outdoor lue display sor channel will display emperature of indoor of outdoor door sensor  be added, me time for flash.
InstructionManual96.Best Practices for Wireless Communication Note: To insure proper communication, mount the remote sensor on a vertical surface, such as a wall. Do not lay the sensor flat.    Keep the console several feet away from computer monitors and TVs.  7.Specifications 7.1 Wireless Specifications  Line of sight wirele ss transmission (in  open air ): 300feet(100meters)   Frequency: 433.92 MHz   Update Rate: 60 seconds 7.2 Measurement Specifications The followi ng table p rovides spec ifications for  the me asured parameters.   Measurement Range  Accuracy  Resolution Indoor temperature 14 to 140 °F  ± 1 °F  0.1 °F Outdoor Temperature -40 to 140 °F  ± 1 °F  0.1 °F Indoor Humidity  1 to 99 %  ± 3% (20% to 90%)  1  % 7.3 Power Consumption   Base station  (display co nsole) : 1 x AA   Alkaline or Lithiu m batteries (not included)   Remote sensor : 1 x AA  1.5V  Alkaline or Lithium batteries  (not included)
InstructionManual108. FCC Statement Statement according to FCC part 15.19:   This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two   conditions:  1. This device may not cause harmful interference.   2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause   undesired operation.    Statement according to FCC part 15.21:   Any changes or Modifications not expressly approved by this company could void the user's authority to   operate the equipment.    Statement according to FCC part 15.105:   NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital   device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable   protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and   can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,   may cause harmful interference to radio communications.   However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this   equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined   by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
InstructionManual11more of the following measures:   •  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   •  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.   •  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.     • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.    This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and   it also complies with Part 15 of the FCC RF Rules. This equipment must be installed and operated in   accordance with provided instructions and the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to   provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in   conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users and installers must be provided with antenna   installation instructions and consider removing the no-collocation statement.
InstructionManual129. Warranty Information We disclaim any responsibility for any technical error or printing error, or their consequences. All trademarks and patents are recognized. We provide a 1-year limited warranty on this product against manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship.    This limited warranty begins on the original date of purchase, is valid only on products purchased and only to the original purchaser of this product. To receive warranty service, the purchaser must contact us for problem determination and service procedures.    This warranty covers only actual defects within the product itself, and does not cover the cost of installation or removal from a fixed installation, normal set-up or adjustments, claims based on misrepresentation by the seller or performance variations resulting from installation-related circumstances.

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