Flir BelgiumBA S100 S100 Controller - radio interface User Manual 81242 1

Raymarine UK Ltd. S100 Controller - radio interface 81242 1

Operation Manual

RaymarineS100 ControllerUser Guide             Welcome to the S100 AutopilotHandbooks can be such daunting things, can’t they? Please don’t worry, we have made this guide as simple as possible.Your guide contains an explanation on how to use your S100, so finding your way around will become second nature.If all you want to do is power up and get going, that’s fine. But if you want to know more about what your S100 will do for you, you’ll find it here.Document Number: 81242-1Date: January  Page 1  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
2Raymarine S100 Controller            ContentsS100  Page 2  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 31 - Getting StartedChanging the Controller batteries  ........................................ 5The S100 Autopilot Controller  .............................................. 6How do I power the system on? ............................................ 72 - Using your S100How do I use the autopilot?..................................................  9How do I automatically steer straight?  ............................... 10How do I follow a route from my GPS?  ............................... 11How do I follow a circle pattern?  ........................................ 12How do I follow a zig-zag pattern? ..................................... 13How do I follow a cloverleaf pattern?  ................................. 14How do I steer to a fixed wind angle?  ................................. 15How do I tack using the autopilot?  ..................................... 16How do I dodge an obstacle? .............................................. 173 - Setting up your S100How do I change the pattern direction? .............................. 19How do I change my boat type? .......................................... 204 - Alarms and TroubleshootingS100 Alarm messages ........................................................  23Fault finding  ....................................................................... 25General maintenance  ......................................................... 26Dealer Maintenance Procedures ......................................... 26Product support .................................................................. 295 - Important InformationSafety Notices ..................................................................... 31Intended Use  ...................................................................... 33Declaration of Conformity  .................................................. 33EMC Guidelines ..................................................................  Page 3  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
4Raymarine S100 Controller            Getting    started . .  Page 4  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 5Changing the Controller batteriesThe S100 Controller is powered by 2 AAA batteries which are located in the back of the unit. Ensure that only good quality alkaline batteries are used. Do not use rechargeable batteries.A small cross-head screwdriver will be required to undo the battery cover screws.Remove the batteries from the unit if you do not intend using it for more than a month.Follow the battery manufacturers’s instructions for proper care and disposal of used  Page 5  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
6Raymarine S100 ControllerThe S100 Autopilot ControllerPILOT  Use to activate the autopilot.NAVIGATE STARBOARDUse in PILOT mode to power steer your boat. Press and hold for Smart SteerSTANDBY (POWER ON)  When off, press to power on the S100 Use to return to manual control of your boat when in PILOT mode.Press and hold to access Pilot SetupMODE Press to select required pilot mode.NAVIGATE PORT  Use in PILOT mode to power steer your boat. Press and hold for Smart  Page 6  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 7How do I power the system on?POWER ONEnsure that you autopilot and basestation is powered on at the ships breaker. On the controller, press and hold the STANDBY button. The handset will beep, the display will read STANDBY and you’re ready to go.Power Saving ModeIf you are in STANDBY mode (autopilot off), the handset will automatically turn off if no button has been pressed for 5 minutes. This will help to extend the battery life. Wireless signal strengthWireless signal strength (5 levels) is shown on the right hand side of the display.KeylockWhen using your S100, you can temporarily lock the autopilot keys to ensure that it is not accidentally operated.How do I activate the keylock?Press and hold the mode button until you see the key symbol and “LOCK” message.Note:  You cannot activate keylock when the autopilot is in control of your boat.How do I turn off the keylock?Press mode followed by the PILOT button. A “KEYLOCK OFF” message will be  Page 7  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
8Raymarine S100 Controller            Using your    S100  Page 8  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 9How do I use the autopilot?You can change your boat type in the autopilotsetup pagesQuick TipYour autopilot can steer your boat according to one of its preset modes. The modes that are available are dependant on your boat and autopilot type. Each of these are explained on the following pages.Available modesPOWER FISHING SAILAUTOAUTOAUTOZIGZAG*CIRCLE*CLOVER*TRACKTRACKTRACKWINDTACK*S1000 autopilots  Page 9  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
10 Raymarine S100 ControllerHow do I automatically steer straight?312Quick TipFrom any screen:1.  Steer your boat onto the desired heading.2.  Check that there are no obstructions. 3. Press the PILOT key to activate the autopilot.PILOTActivates autopilot inAUTO modeSTANDBYReturns the boat tomanual steeringTo continue on your current heading under autopilot control, use the AUTO mode. This will steer you in a straight line ahead until commanded otherwise. AUTO mode can be used in conjunction with SMARTSTEER to give you remote, power-steering control of your boat.AUTO mode is also available for selection viathe MODE  Page 10  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 11How do I follow a route from my GPS?TRACKactivates autopilotin TRACK modepress repeatedly untilyou reach TRACK312Press when asked toaccept new heading.MODEPILOTPILOTPress when asked toaccept new heading.On arrival at each waypointYour autopilot can follow a route that you have previously set on your GPS or Chartplotter. Ensure that your GPS/Chartplotter is sending valid SeaTalk or NMEA 0183 data.From any screen:1. Press MODE repeatedly until TRACK is displayed.2. Press PILOT to activate TRACK mode.3.  If a valid route is received, the SmartController will tell you the direction in which it will turn the boat and the new heading it will steer to. Press PILOT to accept.Note:  At each waypoint, confirmation of turn will be required. Press PILOT to  Page 11  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
12 Raymarine S100 ControllerHow do I follow a circle pattern?312Quick TipCIRCLEWhen you select CIRCLE mode, your current position is marked as the center of the circle pattern. Your autopilot will now gently steer your boat into the circle of the selected size.From any screen:1. Press MODE repeatedly until CIRCLE is displayed.2. Use the PORT and STARBOARD keys to change the size (S, M or L) if required3. Press the PILOT key to activate the autopilotchange pattern size(Sml, Med or Large)press repeatedly untilyou reach CIRCLEactivates autopilotin CIRCLE modeMODEPILOTIf your circles are gradually becoming larger, increasethe response setting and restart the circle  Page 12  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 13How do I follow a zig-zag pattern?312Quick TipZIGZAGFrom any screen:1. Press MODE repeatedly until ZIGZAG is displayed.2. Use the PORT and STARBOARD keys to change the size (S, M or L) if required3. Press the PILOT key to activate the autopilotchange pattern size(Sml, Med or Large)press repeatedly untilyou reach ZIGZAGactivates autopilotin ZIG ZAG modeMODEPILOTWhen you enter ZIGZAG mode, the autopilot will use your current position and heading as the center line of the zig-zag. The autopilot will now gently steer your boat into the pattern starting with a turn to starboard.Fishing patterns are designed to work at speeds up to 15kts. Check your speed before  Page 13  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
14 Raymarine S100 ControllerHow do I follow a cloverleaf pattern?Quick TipWhen you enter CLOVERLEAF mode, the autopilot will use your current position as the center point. The autopilot will then steer your boat through a series of starboard turns, repeatedly intersecting the start point.CLOVERLEAFchange pattern size(Sml, Med or Large)press repeatedly untilyou reach CLOVERLEAF312activates autopilotin CLOVERLEAF modeMODEPILOTFrom any screen:1. Press MODE repeatedly until CLOVERLEAF is displayed.2. Use the PORT and STARBOARD keys to change the size (S, M or L) if required3. Press the PILOT key to activate the autopilotYou can change the pattern direction in PILOT SETUP (See section 3)  Page 14  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 15How do I steer to a fixed wind angle?312WINDMODEPILOTpress repeatedly untilyou reach WINDactivates autopilot inWIND mode and showscurrent wind angle.adjusts the desiredwind angleIf your boat is equipped with a wind transducer, you can set the autopilot to steer at a fixed angle to the wind, WIND mode. You can adjust this angle to suit your needs.WINDFrom any screen:1. Press MODE repeatedly until WIND is displayed.2. Press PILOT to activate WIND mode.3.  The current wind angle will be displayed. Use the PORT and STARBOARD keys to change the angle as required.Quick Tip For best results when heading upwind, sail slightlyfreer of the wind than if you were hand  Page 15  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
16 Raymarine S100 ControllerHow do I tack using the autopilot?When in WIND mode you can use the autopilot to execute a tack maneuver. The degree of turn is set by the autopilot (Refer to the handbook supplied with the autopilot for details on changing the tack angle)TACK312MODEPILOTWINDFrom any screen:1. Press MODE repeatedly until TACK is displayed.2. Use the PORT and STARBOARD keys to select the TACK direction.3. Press PILOT to repeatedly untilyou reach TACKpress to start theTACK maneuverselect the desiredtack  Page 16  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 17How do I dodge an obstacle?312Quick Tip When used with SMARTSTEER enabled autopilots, thepress-and-hold command will activate SMARTSTEEREven when the autopilot is activated, you are are still able to override it. If, for example, you encounter an obstacle, or you just wish to change direction by a few degrees. This allows you to effectively power-steer your boat.With the autopilot activated:1.  A brief press of the PORT or STARBOARD key will make a 1º course change in that direction. Use this method for course changes up to 20º2.  A press and hold of the PORT or STARBOARD key will execute a 10º turn in that direction.3.  The autopilot will resume on the new heading.1ºDodgeWith the autopilot activated:1º course change10º course changepresspress and holdreturns the boatto manual steeringororSTANDBYD7625-110º  Page 17  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
18 Raymarine S100 Controller            Setting up    your  Page 18  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 19How do I change the pattern direction?312Quick TipYou can change the default autopilot pattern direction.1.  Press and hold STANDBY for 2 seconds to enter PILOT SETUP mode.2. Press mode until the display reads PATTERN DIRECTION3. Press the PORT or STARBOARD key to toggle between CLOCKWISE and ANTICLOCK4. Press STANDBY to leave Pilot setup and return to normal and holdThe default direction is CLOCKWISE. The firstturn in any pattern will always be to starboardPilot SetupPATTERN DIRECTIONCLOCKWISE orANTICLOCKNormal modeMODESTANDBYSTANDBYD7649-1orPATTERN DIREC.+ >< -  Page 19  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
20 Raymarine S100 ControllerHow do I change my boat type? 312Quick Tippress and holdPilot SetupBOAT TYPENormal modeMODESTANDBYSTANDBYYour system can be set to suit the type of vessel to which it is fitted. This ensures that the user interface will offer you the most relevant features. 1.  Press and hold STANDBY for  2 seconds to enter PILOT SETUP mode.2. Press mode until the display reads BOAT TYPE3. Press the PORT or STARBOARD key to toggle between POWER, SAIL and FISHING4. Press STANDBY to leave Pilot setup and return to normal mode.S1000 Fishing patterns are only available inFISHING modePOWERSAILor FISHINGD7650-1orBOAT TYPE+ >< -  Page 20  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide  Page 21  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
22 Raymarine S100 Controller            Alarms and  Page 22  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 23S100 Alarm messagesWhen the S100 detects a fault or failure on the system, it will activate one of the alarm messages listed in the following table. Unless otherwise stated, you should respond to the alarm by pressing standby to clear the alarm and return to manual control, before you attempt to resolve the problem. In some situations, the S100 will raise more than one alarm. When you have dealt with the first alarm, it will display the next alarm.            ALARM MESSAGE POSSIBLE CAUSE and SOLUTIONCURRENT LIMIT Serious drive failure – the drive is taking too much current due to short-circuit or jamming. Check the drive unit and wiring.DRIVE STOPPED The autopilot is unable to turn the rudder (this occurs if the weather load on helm is too high.Check drive.INITIALISING This alarm occurs if you try to activate the pilot before it is ready. Your boat must be run at more than 3 knots for longer than 30 seconds before acti-vating the pilot.LARGE XTE This alarm will sound when you are more than 0.3nm from your planned track. The alarm will also state if you are to PORT or STARBOARD of the track,LRN FAIL 1, 2 or 4 AutoLearn not completed successfully. Failure codes:1 = AutoLearn has not been carried out2 = AutoLearn failed, usually due to manual inter-ruption 4 = AutoLearn failed, possibly due to drive failureRepeat the AutoLearn procedure. MOT POW SWAPPED Motor cables are connected to power terminals (and power cables are connected to motor termi-nals) at course computer. Turn off power and swap over  Page 23  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
24 Raymarine S100 ControllerNO DATA The autopilot is in Track mode and:• the autopilot is not receiving SeaTalk navigation data, or • your GPS is receiving a low strength signal, this will clear when the signal improvesNote: The autopilot stops adjusting the heading as soon as it loses data.NO GPS COG The S1000 autopilot is not receiving valid COG data from your GPS system. Check the connections and that your GPS unit is powered on and setup to transmit COG data.NO GPS FIX Your GPS is receiving a low strength signal, this will clear when the signal improvesNO PILOT The controller is not receiving data from the autopi-lot. Check connections and that the autopilot.OFFCOURSE This alarm sounds if you have been off course from the locked heading for more than 20 seconds. It also states if you are to the PORT or STARBOARD of the intended heading.REGISTRATION INCOMPLETE The registration of your new handset cannot be completed as the system has detected other hand-sets. in the vicinity.1. Switch off all other remote handheld units. and repeat the registration process.2. If this error  persists, take your boat to open water (with no other vessel within 100 ft) and repeat the registration process. ROUTE COMPLETE This sounds on the completion of a track. Press PILOT to continue on the same heading or STANDBY for manual control. SHIPS BATTERY The ships battery voltage has dropped below acceptable limits, check the charge state of the bat-tery.TOO SLOW Your speed has fallen below 3 knots. You must be travelling faster for the pilot to operateALARM MESSAGE POSSIBLE CAUSE and  Page 24  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 25Fault findingAll Raymarine products are designed to provide many years of trouble-free operation. We also put them through comprehensive testing and quality assurance procedures before shipping.If a fault occurs with your S100, use the fault finding tables in this section to help identify the problem and provide a solution. If you cannot resolve the problem yourself, refer to the product support information.             TOO FAST TO FISH Fishing patterns will only operate at speeds below 15kts. Check your speed.WAYPOINT ADVANCE You have arrived at a waypoint on your route. The autopilot is now requesting permission to turn onto the next leg, press PILOT to accept.SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE and SOLUTIONDisplay is blank No power – press standby to power up the S100 or change the batteries.Autopilot not responding. Drive the boat for 30 seconds at above 2.5kts and retry.Check autopilot connections.Check GPS is switched on and connected.Boat turns slowly and takes a long time to come onto courseRudder gain too low. Complete AutoLearn or increase gain setting.Boat overshoots when turning onto a new courseRudder gain too high. Complete AutoLearn or decrease gain setting.Position information not receivedNavigator not transmitting the correct position data.The pilot will not auto advance to the next waypoint.No bearing to waypoint information received from the navigator.Instruments powered from SeaTalk will not power upCheck connectionsCheck fusesALARM MESSAGE POSSIBLE CAUSE and  Page 25  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
26 Raymarine S100 ControllerGeneral maintenanceRoutine checksThe S100 controller does NOT contain user-serviceable parts. If you remove the main cover you will invalidate the warranty. It should be serviced only by authorized Raymarine service technician. As a result, user maintenance is limited to the following checks• make sure all cable connectors are firmly attached and free of corrosion• examine for signs of wear or damage – replace any damaged cables• replace batteries when necessaryCleaning the S100Take care when cleaning the display. Avoid wiping the display screen with a dry cloth as this could scratch the screen coating. If necessary, only use a mild detergent.Never use chemical or abrasive materials to clean the computer or controller. If it is dirty, wipe it with a clean, damp cloth.Dealer Maintenance ProceduresThis section includes procedures that have a significant impact on autopilot operation and can affect your boat’s safety. You will not need to follow these procedures in normal operation. We therefore recommend that these are only performed by authorized service personnel.Accessing the dealer calibration area.From STANDBY mode, press and hold STANDBY for 10 seconds to enter the dealer calibration area.Press mode to cycle through the various calibration  Page 26  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 27Hardware and Software version numbersUse this option to display the current hardware revision and the software version numbers for the S1000 and S100. At VERSIONS, press the > key to display more information.ContrastUse the < and > keys to adjust the contrast to a satisfactory level.Self testPress > to start the unit test sequence and then follow the on-screen instructions. This will test the display, buzzer and button functions.DiagnosticsThis screen displays the status of the wireless link, press the > key to display more information.Handset RegistrationRaymarine wireless systems demand that each wireless controller is “registered” to a basestation. This registration process is to prevent unauthorized control of your boat by another user nearby. Your S100 system is supplied with the handset pre-registered to the basestation.There may be instances where you want to move your controller to another boat and use it with another system. In this case, you will need to de-register from the current system and register with the new system. You can do this using the REGISTRATION  Page 27  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
28 Raymarine S100 ControllerTo Register a handsetIn the DEALER menu, at REGISTRATION, press PILOT. If the S100 is not registered, the display will read NOT REGISTERED. Press > to start the registration process, you can press < at any time to stop the search. When the basestation is found by the SmartController and registration is complete, the display will read REGISTEREDFor successful registration, ensure that all other handheld units on your boat are turned off. If you try to register a new handset with others active, you will see a REGISTRATION INCOMPLETE message.To de-register a handset.In the DEALER menu, at REGISTRATION, press PILOTIf the S100 is already registered, then the display will read REGISTERED. Press > to continue, or STANDBY to cancel the operation.The S100 will attempt to communicate with the basesation and de-register. When complete, the display will read NOT REGISTERED.If the S100 cannot communicate with the basestation, a BASE NOT FOUND message will be displayed. It is still possible to de-register the S100 at this point by pressing >. To leave without de-registering, press STANDBY.Factory ResetThis option will clear all settings from the S100. Press and hold the PILOT key for 2 seconds to activate the reset.Note:  A reset does not alter the registration status of the S100REGISTERSTART >NOT REGISTEREDREG >SEARCHINGD7657-1< CANCELREGISTEREDDE-REG >  Page 28  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 29Product supportRaymarine products are supported by a worldwide network of distributors and Authorized Service Representatives. If you encounter any difficulties with this product, please contact either your national distributor, service representative, or the Raymarine Technical Services Call Center. Refer to the back cover or for contact details. Before you consider returning the autopilot, make sure that the power supply cable is sound and that all connections are tight and free from corrosion. If the connections are secure, refer to the Fault Finding section in this chapter.If you cannot trace or rectify the fault, contact your nearest Raymarine dealer or Service Center, specifying:The S100 controller serial number:• the controller serial number is printed on its rear cover• the controller software version  Page 29  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
30 Raymarine S100 Controller            Important Safety  Page 30  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 31Safety NoticesProduct installationThis equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with the instructions contained in this handbook. Failure to do so could result in poor product performance, personal injury and/or damage to your boat. As correct performance of the boat’s steering is critical for safety, we STRONGLY RECOMMEND that an Authorized Raymarine Service Representative fits this product. WARNING:  Electrical SafetyMake sure the power supply is switched off before you make any electrical connections. WARNING:  Navigation aidAlthough we have designed this product to be accurate and reliable, many factors can affect its performance. As a result, it should only be used as an aid to navigation and should never replace common sense and navigational judgement. Always maintain a permanent watch so you can respond to situations as they develop. WARNING:  Autopilot controllerIf the wireless controller is your only method of operating the autopilot, ensure that an in-line power switch is fitted to the autopilot power supply as detailed in the S1000 autopilot installation guide.Your S100 will add a new dimension to your boating enjoyment. However, it is the skipper’s responsibility to ensure the safety of the boat at all times by following these basic rules:• Ensure that someone is present at the helm AT ALL TIMES, to take manual control in an  Page 31  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
32 Raymarine S100 Controller• Make sure that all members of crew know how to disengage the autopilot.• Regularly check for other boats and any obstacles to navigation – no matter how clear the sea may appear, a dangerous situation can develop rapidly.• Maintain an accurate record of the boat’s position by using either a navigation aid or visual bearings.• Maintain a continuous plot of your boat’s position on a current chart. Ensure that the locked autopilot heading will steer the boat clear of all obstacles. Make proper allowance for tidal set – the autopilot cannot.• Even when your autopilot is locked onto the desired track using a navigation aid, always maintain a log and make regular positional plots. Navigation signals can produce significant errors under some circumstances and the autopilot will not be able to detect these errors.General Care and SafetyDo not leave the controller in places where the temperature could exceed 60ºC (140ºF).Do not attempt to dismantle the S100 or any of its accessories.Switch off your S100 system at a refuelling point, even if you are not refuelling your own vessel.The operation of some medical electronic devices such as hearing aids and pacemakers, may be affected if a controller is used next to them. Observe the manufacturers recommendations for such devices.Radio frequency energyYour S100 and basestation are  low- power radio transmitters and receivers. When it is turned on, they intermittently receive and transmit radio frequency (RF) energy (radio waves).  Page 32  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
User Guide 33Exposure to radio frequency energyThe  S100 and basestation are designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to RF energy set by national authorities and international health agencies These limits establish permitted levels of radio wave exposure for the general population. An example of a radio frequency exposure guideline and standard that these are designed to conform to is:BS EN 50371:2002 - Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of low-power electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields.FCC InformationThese devices comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) these devices may not cause harmful interference and (2) these devices must accept interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved in writing by Raymarine could violate compliance with FCC rules and void the user's authority to operate the equipment.DisposalDisposal of this product, at the end of its useful life, should be in accordance with local regulations.Intended UseThe S100 controller and basestation are intended for use on leisure vessels and small work boatsDeclaration of ConformityHereby Raymarine UK Ltd., declare that the  S100 and basestation are in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the Directive 1999/5/  Page 33  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM
34 Raymarine S100 ControllerThe original Declaration of Conformity certificate may be viewed on the relevant product page at www.raymarine.comEMC GuidelinesAll Raymarine equipment and accessories are designed to the best industry standards for use in the recreational marine environment. Their design and manufacture conforms to the appropriate Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards, but correct installation is required to ensure that performance is not compromised. Connections to other equipmentIf your Raymarine equipment is to be connected to other equipment using a cable not supplied by Raymarine, a suppression ferrite MUST always be attached to the cable near to the Raymarine unit.Handbook InformationTo the best of our knowledge, the information in this handbook was correct when it went to press. However, Raymarine cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies or omissions it may contain. In addition, our policy of continuous product improvement may change specifications without notice. As a result, Raymarine cannot accept liability for any differences between the product and the handbook. SeaTalk® is a Registered Trademark of RaymarineAll other trademarks used in this document are acknowledged.© Copyright Raymarine UK Limited  Page 34  Monday, January 10, 2005  4:01 PM

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