Fluke 434 Series Ii Application Note 2403043


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lighting loads
Application Note

Lighting is a major load for many large facilities.
Evaluating these circuits is important for both
energy conservation and power quality. Keep in
mind that commercial lighting loads are wired single
phase, with the loads connected from phase to
neutral. Typically, the phase-to-phase voltage is
480 V, with the phase-to-neutral voltage at 277 V.
Measurements must be taken at the lighting panel,
on all phases, since power consumption and Power
Factor could vary on each phase.

1. Power consumption

2. Power Factor

3. Total Harmonic Distortion

Excessive phase unbalance can
cause voltage unbalance, which
in turn can affect three-phase
motor loads. For example, in this
three-phase reading, phase A is
considerably higher than B and
C, when all three phases should
be equal.

Ballast with low PF might have
lower cost-of-purchase but
higher cost-of-operation. This
phasor diagram illustrates the
unbalance along with the power

Current THD should be considered when selecting ballast,
especially if there is a possibility
of transformer overloading. The
bar graph pinpoints the 5th and
7th harmonics as the larger

Measurements on commercial lighting loads

Look for

1. Power consumption (kW)

Balance among three phases.

2. Power Factor (DPF and PF)

Magnetic ballast will have low DPF. Electronic ballast may have low total PF, although new
generations of ballast often have harmonic mitigation built-in.

3. Total Harmonic Distortion (%THD)

Current %THD <20 % is desirable.

4. Voltage Stability

Unstable voltage can cause lights to flicker.

From the Fluke Digital Library @ www.fluke.com/library


480 V Phase-to-Phase


277 V Phase-to-Neutral




The Fluke 43B Power Quality Analyzer trends
voltage (top) and current (bottom) simultaneously. Current swells/ inrush caused voltage
sags, indicating that a load downstream from
the measurement point is the cause of the

Lighting Panel

Single phase analyzers measure each ballast separately, requiring manual calculations.
Three phase analyzers measure all three phases simultaneously and perform the calculations automatically.

4. Voltage stability
The sags and swells mode of
power quality analyzers is
especially useful for recording
repetitive voltage sags which can
show up as flickering lights. Both
current and voltage are monitored simultaneously. This helps
us tell if sags are downstream of
the measuring point (loadrelated) or upstream (sourcerelated). For example, if voltage
sags while current swells, a

downstream current inrush likely
caused the sag. If both voltage
and current sag, some event
upstream caused the sags.
It could be an upstream load
like a motor on a parallel branch
circuit which drew down the
feeder voltage. Or it could be
source voltage-related, for
example, a lightning strike or
breaker trip/reclosure on the
utility distribution system.

The Fluke 430 Series Power Quality Analyzers
trend all three phases and compares interaction between the loads.

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©2004 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.
Printed in U.S.A. 10/2004 2403043 A-US-N Rev A

2 Fluke Corporation

Troubleshooting commercial lighting loads


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