Fluke 434 Series Ii Application Note 2412973


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Multi-purpose measurement
tools help utilities increase
service and protect revenue
Application Note
Electric utilities are working harder than
ever to stay competitive, manage capacity,
and protect revenue. To differentiate
themselves from competitors, many utilities are offering power quality and other
efficiency-related services. As a result,
new power quality measurement tools are
reflecting this same multi-purpose field
service ethic.
The three-phase analyzers that technicians already use to measure power
factor and trend power quality now offer
user-settable ratios for displaying readings

as if measuring at the primary side of PTs
and CTs. They also verify revenue meters.
Enough revenue meters are out of tolerance that a 2001 Electric Power Research
Institute study estimated meter-related
losses at $5 million to $20 million per year
for a medium sized U.S. utility.
Using a multi-purpose analyzer such as
the Fluke 430 Series allows utility technicians to offer more customer services in
less time and quickly audit revenue meters
during each site visit.

Power quality, power
factor, and demand
New handheld three-phase power
quality analyzers like the Fluke
430 Series are rated for use at
the service entrance and will
trend data easily, without setup.
To support detailed yet efficient
assessments of substations and
customers’ power, new analyzers:
• Measure voltage, current, frequency, power, power factor,
power consumption (energy),
unbalance and flicker, harmonics and inter-harmonics on all
three phases and neutral
• Log events like dips, swells,
and interruptions
• Trend all measurements onscreen, with automatic scaling
• Check conformity to EN50160
limits or to custom limits
• Capture 40 waveforms showing
detailed dips, swells, interruptions or transients
• Meet 600 V CAT IV, 1000 V
CAT III safety standard required
for measurements at the service
• Transfer stored measurements
to the PC

From the Fluke Digital Library @ www.fluke.com/library

Figure 1. The Monitor function on the Fluke 430 Series allows
technicians to check overall power quality against standards—or verify
custom-set limits—and to show the customer a clear and convincing
go/no-go screen.

Flexible connections for current and
potential transformers


The Fluke 430 Series in particular can be connected directly to low voltage services, including
120 V/240 V, 480 V, and 600 V. It can also connect
in parallels with primary metering using PT or CT
loops and a set of precision 5 A current clamps.
Technicians can set custom scale factors, to display
readings in primary units. The analyzers support all
standard power configurations:
• Single-phase 120/240 V
• Three phase grounded wye
• Three phase delta
• Three phase high leg delta
• Three phase open leg delta
• Single phase and 3 phase IT

Figure 2. Large consumers can install power factor correction or
harmonics mitigation that affects the distribution system. Utilities can
perform before and after readings to help customers evaluate solutions
and to check for impact on distribution. Figure 2A shows current lagging voltage at the service entrance of a commercial building. Figure
2B shows the same service entrance after applying power factor correction. Applying the correction results in a 10 % reduction in current
consumption, but also results in somewhat higher current distortion.


Figure 3. The main setup screen shows probe
connections and scale factors for CTs and PTs.

2 Fluke Corporation Multi-purpose measurement tools help utilities increase service and protect revenue

Revenue meter verification
The meter verification test is
similar to a hand-switch verification and can quickly uncover
tolerance problems. On new
analyzers, technicians use a softkey to conduct the test, with no
configuration or accessories
needed. The verification can be
performed on any electromechanical meter or electronic meter that
has an indicator or rotating disk.

Figure 4 shows the Power and
Energy display on the Fluke 430
Series. Technicians connect the
analyzer and then press the softkey labeled “MANUAL COUNT +1”
to increment the counter each
time the marker passes on the
revenue meter. Figure 4 shows
the results after three revolutions
of a meter (pulses). In this case,
the value observed from the revenue meter was 4.9 % lower
than the 3.148 kWh measurement
on the Fluke 434.

Actual kWh
measured by
Fluke 434

kWh calculated
from counting
revenue meter
Figure 4. The Fluke 434 uses four voltage and four current inputs to
accumulate and display actual kWh, kVAh and kVARh. Actual values
from the Fluke 434 can be easily compared to the revenue meter.

Here’s how the manual measurement works:
1. Set the scale factors
Set CT and PT scale factors on
the analyzer, if necessary.
(See Figure 3.) Under the
FUNCTION PREFerences for the
Power and Energy Function,
set the pulse constant on the
analyzer to match the pulse
constant on the revenue meter
(Kh). Use the down arrow button to see the pulse constant
as shown in Figure 5. Connect
the 430 in parallel with the
revenue meter.
Figure 5. Setting the pulse constant to correspond to the revenue meter.

3 Fluke Corporation Multi-purpose measurement tools help utilities increase service and protect revenue

2. Setup the energy
Select the Power & Energy
mode from the main menu and
press the Hold/Run softkey
twice. Press the TIMED softkey,
then specify the number of
pulses to count before holding
the results on the display. Press
START to return to the Power
and Energy Screen. Press the
ENERGY softkey to open the
Energy display. Make sure
Pulse Counting is turned on.

3. Perform the verification
softkey to reset the energy
counter as the marker passes
on the revenue meter. Press
softkey each time the marker
4. Read the results
After the number of rotations
specified in step 2 above, the
display will hold. Read the
meter error, in percent, from
the lower right part of the
Figure 6. Setting the number of pulses to count.

Some utilities make a practice of auditing
large customer power meters once a month
to safeguard revenue. New, multi-purpose
power quality analyzers make this kind of
personalized field service far more efficient,
and feasible. They also provide more customer-friendly data, offering new ways to
add value to customer service.

Fluke. Keeping your world
up and running.
Fluke Corporation
PO Box 9090, Everett, WA USA 98206
Fluke Europe B.V.
PO Box 1186, 5602 BD
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
For more information call:
In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or Fax (425) 446-5116
In Europe/M-East/Africa (31 40) 2 675 200 or
Fax (31 40) 2 675 222
In Canada (800) 36-FLUKE or Fax (905) 890-6866
From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or
Fax +1 (425) 446-5116
Web access: http://www.fluke.com
©2005 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.
Printed in U.S.A. 5/2005 2464475 A-US-N Rev A

4 Fluke Corporation

Multi-purpose measurement tools help utilities increase service and protect revenue


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