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Energy savings
make the case for
an HVAC upgrade

Application Note


Business needs: An older six-story building requires
cooling even in winter. To condition the air, a 200-ton
refrigeration unit operates year round, consuming major
amounts of energy. The client wants to reduce HVAC
energy usage without increasing the temperature.

Tools: Fluke 1735 Three-Phase
Power Logger and Fluke 975
AirMeter ™ test tool
Profile: Mike Klingler, Service Mgr.,
Farber Corporation

Solution: Service contractor Farber Corp. measures
energy usage and air quality. Tests show that installing
a heat exchanger and shutting down a 200-ton chiller
during winter months will save the building owner $9,954
in annual energy costs.
Tools used: The Fluke 1735 Power Logger measures
energy consumed by the chiller. The Fluke 975 AirMeter
tester measures indoor air quality before and after the
installation to verify system performance.

Measurements: Energy consumption,
air quality

From the Fluke Digital Library @ www.fluke.com/library

Cool it: There must be a
better way
It was a familiar challenge for
Mike Klingler, service manager
for Farber Corporation, an
HVAC/R contractor in Columbus,
Ohio: Prove to a customer that
investment in a major HVAC
system upgrade would pay for
itself in energy savings, without
compromising occupant comfort
or indoor air quality (IAQ).
“I work in all kinds of buildings,” says Klingler, “and I
am often asked to reduce the
energy costs of the HVAC
systems.” The subject this time
was an older six-story building that once housed an insurance company, but now serves
students at a Columbus-area
law school.
Working on a project to
replace two outdoor cooling
towers and install variablefrequency drives in the building’s HVAC system, Klingler
noticed that one of the facility’s
two big 200-ton capacity chillers was kept running to supply
cold water for the system, even
in winter.
“A lot of buildings we can
cool with outside air,” Klingler
says. “When we get down to
50-52 °F and below, we can
just draw that outside air in
and use it for free cooling. But
because of the setup of the law
school building, they had to run
one of the chillers even when it
was 20-25 °F outside. Because
of the duct distribution system
we couldn’t rely on outside air
in certain areas of the building.”
As a result, one chiller kept
running to supply water chilled
to 45 °F to the air handling
units and keep the building’s
occupied spaces comfortable.
The big motors powering the
device were consuming a lot
of energy and money—power
and cost the school could save
if Klingler could find a better
way to cool. Of course the
solution would have to deliver
acceptable indoor air quality.

 Fluke Corporation

Klingler had a plan in mind,
but didn’t want to guess how
much energy the big chiller
was consuming. The return on
investment (ROI) for his system
optimization program would
hinge on energy savings.
The law building uses hot
water heating and chilled
water cooling, with a dual-duct
system for air distribution. Hot
and cold air travel to terminal units (also called mixing
boxes) which mix flows to
the required supply temperature. Water chilled to 45 °F
is pumped to the air handler,
where it cools supply air. In
the process, excess building
heat is transferred to the water,
warming it to about 55 °F. That
warmer water then returns to
the chiller, where it is cooled
back down to 45 °F and
pumped back through the loop.
In the original configuration,
the chiller used the refrigeration cycle to transfer the waste
heat to another water loop on
the condenser side. Condenser
water at about 85 °F was then
pumped through rooftop cooling
towers that rejected the heat
into the outside air.

Taking the guesswork out
“What if I figure another way to
cool the system?” Klingler asked
himself. There was plenty of
cold air available outside during
the Columbus winter, where
temperatures average 33.5 °F in
December, 28.3 °F in January,
32 °F in February and 42 °F in
March. Klingler figured he could
bypass the chiller entirely.
We can use the water from
the cooling towers on the roof,
he reasoned, to cool the chilled
water. Instead of running the
chiller, why not use the cooling
towers to cool the condenser
side water down to 45 °F, and
simply pump it through a plate
and frame heat exchanger to
extract waste heat from the
chilled water loop? Instead of

Energy savings make the case for an HVAC upgrade

the chiller’s powerful compressor motors, the system would
run with just a small pump. The
cost of the upgrade would be
significant, but Klingler felt he
could prove it financially with
accurate data on the potential
energy savings. (see illustration)
Finding the ideal balance
between building energy
consumption and indoor air
quality requires a careful
balance of multiple factors. “One
of the areas we look to are
ventilation rates for the building,” Klingler said. “Decreasing
ventilation rates may reduce
overall energy consumption
and reduce operating costs, but
at the same time we have to
maintain good indoor air quality
standards too. There’s usually a
very tight ventilation standard
that the service provider has
to control in order to reduce
energy costs and maintain
quality indoor air conditions.
Considering the dynamic
changes in a building and a
functioning HVAC system, in
many cases, it’s not real easy.”

Figure 1. Proposed new system with heat exchanger.

Energy savings make the case for an HVAC upgrade

that 15 percent is really outside
air? You have to go back to the
big air handler, take a reading
and say, how’s this air handler
set up right now? What’s the
percentage of outside air we’re
providing to the entire building?
“With the 975 AirMeter, the
service company can go right
into the air handler and take
those readings and it will tell
us, based on temperature or
carbon dioxide. It’s a very quick,
easy, labor-saving tool.”
On the power quality side,
the Power Logger measures
voltage on three phases and
current on three phases and
neutral. It records multiple
parameters that can help determine system load, including
voltage, current, frequency, real
power (kW), apparent power
(kVA), reactive power (kVAR),
power factor, and energy
(kWh). It can also perform
power quality measurements.
And the Fluke 1735 downloads
to a PC and comes with software for creating reports.





payback period for the project
would be just 4.62 years. And
that estimate did not include
possible savings due to reduced
wear and tear on the chiller
While he’s waiting for a
response on his proposal for a
system upgrade, Klingler has
found lots of other uses for the
Fluke 1735 and the 975 AirMeter. Beyond simply measuring
Proving in the payback
power consumption, the Fluke
Klingler’s measurements with
Power Logger collects all kinds
the Fluke 1735 showed that the of power quality information
big chiller averaged 790 kWh
that Klingler figures will help
of power consumption over a
him do his job. And the AirMe12-hour period. He computed a ter makes it a snap to calcutotal power consumption over
late percentage of outside air
the four cold-weather months
required to meet standards.
of 189,600 kWh. At a cost of
Working on a one-floor
six cents per kWh, running that remodel in a ten-story office
chiller was costing the law
building, Klingler had to calcuschool $11,376 every winter.
late the percentage of outside
Klingler figured his alternate
air delivered to a newly laid
approach would cut that bill
out conference room. “We go
by 87.5 percent, for an annual
to ASHRAE 62 and the local
energy saving of $9,954.
building code, and they say 15
He estimated that installing
percent of the air delivered to
the heat exchanger, piping,
the space needs to be outside
valves and controls would
air,” he said. “How do you know
cost $46,000. That meant the
 Fluke Corporation



Heat Exchanger



But Klingler was well
equipped to find the balance
point. He could measure
multiple IAQ factors before the
upgrade, then check afterward
to ensure air quality was not
compromised, using the Fluke
975 AirMeter™ test tool. And he
didn’t have to estimate energy
consumption, or guess. He
logged actual kWh consumption
at the chiller over multiple 12hour cycles, using a beta test
version of the new Fluke 1735
Power Logger.
“I’m saying okay, I have to
run that 100-horsepower motor
in the winter time,” Klingler
said. “What’s the real kWh?
Then I can go back to the
owner and say, here’s how
much is it costing us to run
that chiller. The Fluke 1735
will measure and monitor over
time and tell me the real power
consumption of that equipment.
It takes the guesswork out of
it. Before having the power
analyzer, you would have to
say well, it’s probably consuming about this much power. But
you can set this tool up and
walk away, then come back
and get the information. You
can see what your real power
consumption is for any equipment in your building, and then
equate that to real dollars.”

A more savvy contractor
“The power logger makes it
real easy for the contractor or
engineering group to come in
and measure power consumption on individual components
in a building, a plant or an
industrial facility,” Klingler
said. “When you start to look
at the individual components,
it allows you to think in terms
of control strategies: how can I
control this piece of equipment
to reduce energy consumption?
How much is it costing me and
what can I do for savings?”
Beyond such applications,
Klingler sees the Fluke 1735 as
a tool that can help him move
his business to a higher level.
“For a mechanical contractor
such as myself, you’re adding
service offerings through the
use of this product,” he said. “It
allows you to be a more savvy
contractor. It allows you to be
more advanced and offer the
additional services that I think
we should be providing to our
customers. You can export the
data to spreadsheets, which
you can use for presentations
to the building owners. That’s a
big feature when I sit down at
the table.”

In addition to measuring
power consumption, as Klingler
did at the law school, the Fluke
1735 measures and logs voltage, amps, frequencies, waveforms, harmonics and power
anomalies. “For maintenance
and servicing, it’s a troubleshooting tool,” Klingler said.
“You can see if you’re having a
problem with power, or when
you’re not sure what’s happening and you can’t see it with a
snapshot from your meter. You
can measure it, record it and
view it with this device.
“As a contractor, I would use
it as a diagnostic tool, and it
would be just as valuable to
me in that regard as it is as a
power consumption tool. I can
use it both ways.”

ASHRAE 55 and 61
Guidelines for creating comfortable,
affordable, indoor environments
ASHRAE Standard 55, “Thermal
Environmental Conditions for Human
Occupancy”, explains how to create an
indoor environment that satisfies 80
percent of a building’s occupants. You
do it with a combination six factors: air
temperature, radiant temperature, air
speed, humidity, metabolic rate, and
clothing insulation.
Similarly, ASHRAE Standard 62,
“Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air
Quality”, lists the minimum ventilation
rates and air quality parameters that are
acceptable to occupants. It also explains
how to use ventilation to control air
Combined, the two standards provide
a set of thresholds for you to compare
customer systems against. Optimize
toward ASHRAE and you’ll probably
improve both air comfort and energy

Tips for optimizing your HVAC system
1.	Measure airflow
	 Use duct traverses to measure air pressure,
velocity and flow. If pressure is too high and/
or airflow too low, check dirty coils, fans and
filters that could be blocking the system.

Fluke.	Keeping your world
up and running.®

2.	Check ventilation
	 Many buildings are either under-ventilated
(bad IAQ) or over-ventilated (expensive).
Readjust to ASHRAE standards.

Fluke Corporation
PO Box 9090, Everett, WA USA 98206

3.	Add VFDs
	 Variable air volume systems use variable
frequency drives (VFDs) to more efficiently
regulate motors and pumps. An upfront
installation cost in exchange for long term
energy savings.

For more information call:
In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or
Fax (425) 446-5116
In Europe/M-East/Africa +31 (0) 40 2675 200 or
Fax +31 (0) 40 2675 222
In Canada (800)-36-FLUKE or
Fax (905) 890-6866
From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or
Fax +1 (425) 446-5116
Web access: http://www.fluke.com

Fluke Europe B.V.
PO Box 1186, 5602 BD
Eindhoven, The Netherlands

©2007 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Printed in U.S.A. 5/2007 3034723 A-EN-N Rev A

 Fluke Corporation

Energy savings make the case for an HVAC upgrade


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