Fomotech ALPHA612SERIES Industrial Remote Control User Manual

Fomotech International Corp. Industrial Remote Control

User manual

  - 1 - TTAABBLLEE  OOFF  CCOONNTTEENNTTSS        Page  1.  SAFETY INSTRUCTION .............................................................................................   2 2. PUSHBUTTON CONFIGURATION  2.1    Alpha 607 & 608 Models .....................................................................................   3 2.2    Alpha 612 Models  ...............................................................................................   4   3. TRANSMITTER OUTLINE 3.1.1  Alpha 607 & 608 Models .....................................................................................  5-6 3.1.2  Alpha 612 Models  .............................................................................................  6-7 3.2    Alpha 607/608/612 Spare Parts ......................................................................  8 4. RECEIVER OUTLINE 4.1  Alpha 607 & 608 Models Internal Assembly .......................................................  8-9 4.2  Alpha 612 Models Internal Assembly  ...................................................................  10-11 5.  OUTPUT CONTACT DIAGRAMS   5.2  Alpha 607 Models  .................................................................................................   12-13 5.3  Alpha 608 Models  .................................................................................................   14 5.4  Alpha 612 Models  .................................................................................................   15-19 6. SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS    6.1  How to Set ID Codes  .............................................................................................  22 6.2  Transmitter RF Channel Setting .............................................................................  23 7. RECEIVER SETTING 7.1  How to Set Receiver ID Codes  ..............................................................................  24 7.2  Receiver RF Channel Setting  ..............................................................................  25   7.3  Receiver Function Setting  ..............................................................................  25 7.4  Frequency (RF) Channels Table ..............................................................................  29 8.  TRANSMITTER OPERATION & STATUS LIGHT 8.1  Transmitter Operating Steps  ..............................................................................  31 8.2  Transmitter Status light  ..............................................................................  32   9. RECEIVER INSTALLATION 9.1  Preparation For Installation  ...................................................................................   33 9.2 Step-By-Step Installation .......................................................................................  33 9.3 System Testing .......................................................................................................  34 9.4  Receiver System Status LED Display.....................................................................  35 10.  TROUBLE SHOOTING.................................................................................................   37 11.  SYSTEM SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................   38 12. PARTS LIST .................................................................................................................   39
 2  1. SSAAFFEETTYY  IINNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN  The Alpha 600 series are relatively simple to use, however, it is very important to observe the proper safety procedures before, during, and after operation.  When used properly, the Alpha 600 series will enhance safety, productivity and efficiency in the workplace.  The following procedures should be strictly followed: 1.  The transmitter is equipped with a specialized battery charger. Only two ”AA” Ni-MH rechargeable batteries are allowed to be used in the transmitter. Please note the polarity of the batteries.    Do not use other types of battery to prevent any accident 2.  Do not change the IDs on transmitter encoder and receiver decoder boards at will. 3.  Check the transmitter casing and pushbuttons daily.  Should any damage that could inhibit the proper operation of the transmitter be found the unit should be immediately removed from service. 4.  The red emergency stop button (EMS) should be checked at the beginning of each shift to ensure it is in proper working order and the “Stop” command is being received by the receiver. 5.  In the event of an emergency press down the EMS button will immediately deactivates the receiver MAIN relay and the transmitter power.    Then turned the power “off ” from the main power source to the crane or equipment.     6.  Do not use the same RF channel and ID code as any other system in use at the same facility or within 300-meter distance. 7.  Ensure the waist belt is worn at all time during operation to avoid accidental damage to the transmitter. 8.  Rotate the power switch to OFF position when the transmitter is not operated temporarily or the operation is finished. 9.  Any repair or adjustment should be proceeding by repair technician for radio remote controls. 10.  The operator should not change any electrical parts at will.  Changes or modifications are not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  This device complies with EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, Low Voltage Directive 76/23/EEC and R&TTE Directive 1995/5/EEC.This product has been approved for upper directives and covers the following countries : Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, UK, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey & Romania.
  - 3 - 2.  PPUUSSHHBBUUTTTTOONN  CCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONN  2.1 Alpha 607 & 608 Models      1. α607A  --  (7) single speed pushbuttons 2.  α607B  --  (6) double speed pushbuttons + (1) single speed pushbuttons 3.  α607AT  --  (6) single speed pushbuttons + (1) SELECT I/II pushbutton 4.  α607BT  --  (6) double speed pushbuttons + (1) SELECT I/II pushbutton     5. α608A  --  (8) single speed pushbuttons 6.  α608B  --  (6) double speed pushbuttons + (2) single speed pushbuttons                  (Alpha 607A)    (Alpha 607B)       (Alpha 607AT)      (Alpha 607BT)                          (Alpha 608A)        (Alpha 608B)
  - 4 -  2.2 Alpha 612 Models  1. Alpha 612A  →  (12) one-speed pushbuttons 2. Alpha 612B  →  (11) one-speed pushbuttons + I/II select pushbutton* 3. Alpha 612C-1  →  (6) two- speed + (6) one-speed pushbuttons 4. Alpha 612C-2  →  (8) two-speed + (4) one-speed pushbuttons 5. Alpha 612D  →  (10) two-speed + (2) one-speed pushbuttons   6. Alpha 612E-1  →  (6) two-speed + (5) one-speed pushbuttons + I/II select pushbutton* 7. Alpha 612E-1  →  (8) two-speed + (3) one-speed pushbuttons + I/II select pushbutton*   * For cranes with auxiliary hoist and trolley (changeover function).   STOPPOWER STOPPOWER STOPPOWER STOPPOWER                 α612C-1α612C-2α612D α612E-1α612E-2α612A  α612B
  - 5 -  33..  TTRRAANNSSMMIITTTTEERR  OOUUTTLLIINNEE  3.1 Transmitter Outline 3.1.1 Alpha 608 SIZE: 189mm X 68mm X 30mm  (Fig.1) Transmitter Outline TX INTERNAL MODULE – encoder board  (Fig.4) Encoder board
  - 6 - TRANSMITTER INTERNAL ASSEMBLY         (1) Internal antenna (2) Status LED display (3) Battery contact (5) Programming port   (6)  ID code dip-switch (7)  JP2 setting pin (8)  JP1 setting pin                                                             (Fig.2) Front View           (Fig.3) Back View   3.1.3 Alpha 612 SIZE: 235mm X 68mm X 30mm  (Fig.1) Transmitter Outline
  - 7 - TX INTERNAL MODULE       Encoder Board TRANSMITTER INTERNAL ASSEMBLY  (1) Internal antenna (2) Status LED display (3) Battery contact (5) Programming port (6)  ID code dip-switch (7)  JP2 setting pin (8)  JP1 setting pin       (Fig.2) Front View       (Fig.3) Back View
  - 8 -  3.2 Alpha 604/607/608/612 Spare Parts                44..  RREECCEEIIVVEERR  OOUUTTLLIINNEE  44..11  AAllpphhaa  660077//660088    44..11..11  EExxtteerrnnaall  AAsssseemmbbllyy SIZE:310mm X 134mm X 72mm ACSQMAWSNEUDACSQMAS/ N:FREQ:MOD:VOLT:CH.ID:FILTERAnti-vibration springmust be groundedPOWERMAIN F65AF1F5 5ALV/AUX1COM417L2(X2)L1(X1)GRN/YELCOM5MAIN22FF121201819AUX1AUX2NCCOM3NCCOM2151614 LVN1S1COM1D1W1E1NCNCU1F4 5AF3 5A131011129835674F2 5A21BRIDGETROLLEYHOIST/AUX2 (Fig.7) Front View       (Fig.8) Back View  (3) Transmitter shock-absorbing rubber (4) Shoulder strap
  - 9 -    44..11..22  AAllpphhaa  660088  IInntteerrnnaall  AAsssseemmbbllyy                                               (Fig. 9) Internal Parts Assembly 1)  Receiving RF module   2) External programming port     3) Secondary power AC fuse (0.50A) 4) Contact output seat (CN8)     5)  Primary power AC fuse (1.0A)   6)  AC power input seat (CN2)     7) Internal Antenna      8)  System Status LED display* 9)  External antenna port     10)  ID code dip-switch       11)  RF channel dip-switch 12)  Contact relay LED display 13)  Pushbutton #1and #2 fuse (5.0A) 14)  Contact output seat (CN3) 15)  MAIN contact fuse (5.0A) 16)  Pushbutton #3 and #4 fuse (5.0A)17)   Pushbutton #5 and #6 fuse (5.0A)18)  Contact output seat (CN4) 19)  LV & AUX fuse (5.0A) 20)  Cable gland & output cable       *    Please refer to page 27 for system status       LED display information.                    FUSEFUSEFUSE1284111012131415171891620FUSEFUSEFUSE356719
  - 10 -  44..22  AAllpphhaa  661122    44..22..11  EExxtteerrnnaall  AAsssseemmbbllyy SIZE:300mm X 230mm X 86mm                       (Fig. 17) External Parts Assembly   1)  Transparent top cover     3)  Mounting bracket with shock absorbers 2)  Light-gray colored base    4)  Cable gland / Cord grip
  - 11 -1720191816145101197861342131512  44..22..22  AAllpphhaa  661122  IInntteerrnnaall  AAsssseemmbbllyy                         (Fig. 18) Internal Parts Assembly  1)  Power LED display*          12)  Pushbutton #1 and #2 relay fuse (5.0A) 2)  SQ LED display**          13)  Receiving RF module   3)  Status LED display****        14)  External antenna port 4)  DC power relay LED display***   15) RF channel dip-switch 5) Programming port     16) ID code dip-switch 6) Jumper settings      17) Secondary power fuse (0.8A) 7)  Function dip-switch            18)  Voltage selector seat     8)  Pushbutton #3 and #4 relay fuse (5.0A)   19)    MAIN relay fuse (5.0A)   9)  Pushbutton #5 and #6 relay fuse (5.0A)   20)  Pushbutton A4 relay fuse (5.0A)    10) Pushbutton A1and A2 relay fuse (5.0A) 21)  Primary power fuse (1.0A)   11) Pushbutton A3 relay fuse (5.0A)      22)  Low-voltage (LV) relay fuse (5.0A)     *   POWER  ~  AC Power Source Indicator "on"    →   AC input power supplied.                            "off"     →   No AC input power. **  SQ  ~  RF Signal Indicator "on"    →   RF signal detected and received.                      "off"   →      No RF signal detected or received.             Blinking at transmitter  power “off”   →   Other radio interference. ***   RELAY_COM    ~    DC Power Source to Relays "on"    →   DC power to relays.                              "off"  →      No DC power to relays.   **** STATUS  ~  Receiver System Status LED Display  →      Please refer to page 32.
  - 12 -  55..  OOUUTTPPUUTT  CCOONNTTAACCTT  DDIIAAGGRRAAMMSS    55..11    AAllpphhaa  660077  MMooddeellss                    ((Alpha 607A)      (Alpha 607B)                                   FILTERAnti-vibration springmust be groundedPOWERMAIN F65AF1F5 5ALV/AUX1COM417L2(X2)L1(X1)GRN/YELCOM5MAIN22FF121201819AUX1NCNCCOM3NCCOM2151614 LVN1S1COM1D1W1E1NCNCU1F4 5AF3 5A131011129835674F2 5A21BRIDGETROLLEYHOISTFILTERAnti-vibration springmust be groundedPOWERMAIN F65AF1F5 5ALV/AUX1BRIDGEF4 5ATROLLEYF3 5ACOM417L2(X2)L1(X1)GRN/YELCOM5MAIN22FF121201819AUX1NCN/S2COM3E/W2COM215161413 LVN1101112 S198COM1D13567W1E14D2HOISTF2 5A 21U2U1
  - 13 -FILTERAnti-vibration springmust be groundedPOWERMAIN F65AF1F5 5ALV/SEL-ICOM417L2(X2)L1(X1)GRN/YELCOM5MAIN22FF121201819SEL-ISEL-IINCCOM3NCCOM2151614 LVN1S1COM1D1W1E1NCNCU1F4 5AF3 5A131011129835674F2 5A21BRIDGETROLLEYHOIST/SEL-II            ((Alpha 607AT)                    (Alpha 607BT)                                       FILTERAnti-vibration springmust be groundedPOWERMAIN F65AF1F5 5ALV/SEL-IBRIDGEF4 5ATROLLEYF3 5ACOM417L2(X2)L1(X1)GRN/YELCOM5MAIN22FF121201819SEL-ISEL-IIN/S2COM3E/W2COM215161413 LVN1101112 S198COM1D13567W1E14D2HOISTF2 5A 21U2U1/SEL-II
  - 14 -  55..22    AAllpphhaa  660088  MMooddeellss                  ((Alpha 608A)                       (Alpha 608B)                                     FILTERAnti-vibration springmust be groundedPOWERMAIN F65AF1F5 5ALV/AUX1COM417L2(X2)L1(X1)GRN/YELCOM5MAIN22FF121201819AUX1AUX2NCCOM3NCCOM2151614 LVN1S1COM1D1W1E1NCNCU1F4 5AF3 5A131011129835674F2 5A21BRIDGETROLLEYHOIST/AUX2FILTERAnti-vibration springmust be groundedPOWERMAIN F65AF1F5 5ALV/AUX1BRIDGEF4 5ATROLLEYF3 5ACOM417L2(X2)L1(X1)GRN/YELCOM5MAIN22FF121201819AUX1AUX2N/S2COM3E/W2COM215161413 LVN1101112 S198COM1D13567W1E14D2HOISTF2 5A 21U2U1/AUX2
  - 15 -  55..33    AAllpphhaa  661122  MMooddeellss                 (Alpha 612A) – same as Alpha 580A+2
  - 16 -               (Alpha 612B) – same as Alpha 580B+2
  - 17 -               (Alpha 612C-1) – same as Alpha 580C-1+2
  - 18 -               (Alpha 612C-2) – same as Alpha 580C-2+2
  - 19 -               (Alpha 612D) – same as Alpha 580D+2
  - 20 -               (Alpha 612E-1) – same as Alpha 580E-1+2
  - 21 -               (Alpha 612E-2) – same as Alpha 580E-2+2
  - 22 -  66..  TTRRAANNSSMMIITTTTEERR  SSEETTTTIINNGGSS  66..11  HHooww  ttoo  SSeett  IIDD  CCooddeess   6.1.1 Set by programming tool 6.1.2 Set by encoder board JP1, 1st / 2nd pin and dip-switch   Setting Steps:    (1)  Rotate the transmitter power to OFF position (2)  Disassemble shock-absorbing rubber (3)  Put the transmitter pushbutton downward and disassemble transmitter bottom casing. (4)  Set ID code with dip-switch and put short boot on 1st / 2nd pin of JP1. (5)  Make sure the batteries are installed properly. (6)  Rotate the transmitter power switch to ON position. (7)  Green status LED ON for 0.1 sec, OFF for 0.1 sec, flash for 1 sec. (5 times) (8)  Green status LED steady ON indicates the setting is completed. If the LED status light is changed to red, the setting is failed.    Please repeat the above setting steps until the setting is successful. (9)  After setting is completed and successful, remove short boot on 1, 2 pin of JP1. (10) Rotate transmitter power switch to OFF position.  編碼板              (Fig. 10) Back view        (Fig. 11) Position of dip-switch & jumpers  Top slot ON Æ “1”; bottom slot Æ “0”.    The setting above is 00000011.
  - 23 -  66..22  TTrraannssmmiitttteerr  CChhaannnneell  SSeettttiinnggss   Transmitter channel setting (select the channel you would like to operate. No exceed to   channel limit)  6.2.1 Set by programming tool 6.2.2 Set by encoder board 2nd & 3rd pin of JP1 and dip-switch  When setting frequency on TX board JP1, put short boot on 2nd & 3rd pin of JP1.    Change the frequency needed by changing the dip-switch setting. Repeat the previous steps to set frequency.           (Note: set the dip-switch from the 4th digit)     Example:Set channel as 03→(00000011)  → Correct setting
  - 24 -  77..  RREECCEEIIVVEERR  SSEETTTTIINNGGSS  77..11  HHooww  ttoo  SSeett  660077//660088//661122  RReecceeiivveerr  IIDD  CCooddeess      77..11..11  HHooww  ttoo  SSeett  660077//660088  RReecceeiivveerr  IIDD  CCooddee   Top slot Æ “1”          Bottom slot Æ “0”   ID DIP-SW  Set the ID codes needed on the decoder board dip-switch. For example: the ID codes set above Æ 10000111.   77..11..22  HHooww  ttoo  sseett  αα661122  RReecceeiivveerr  IIDD  CCooddee   Please refer Fig. 18 receiver internal parts assembly (Page 17) for ID code 8-position dip-switch to set receiver ID code.  Top  slo t Æ“1"; bottom slot Æ“0" Set the ID codes needed on the decoder board dip-switch.   For example: the ID codes  → 10010110 (“1” value adds up must to be “4”)       12345678
  - 25 -FUSEJP1 OPEN→JUMPSHORT→JUMPACDIP-SWUJP3JP2JP4  7.2 Receiver RF Channel Setting  There are 68 sets of user-adjustable receiving RF channels that can be set manually via a 8-position dip-switch located to the right of the receiving RF module.    Change the receiving RF channel simply by resetting these 8-position dip-switch.    For the location of the receiving RF module, please refer to fig. 15, 16, and 18 on page 11, 12, and 14.       Top slot Æ“1"; bottom slot Æ“0" For example:the channel dip-switch set above Æ 00000101, channel 05.           7.3 Receiver Function Setting  7.3.1 607/608 Receiver Function Setting Set by programming tool Adjust Jumper setting function by decoder board  Receiver function setting: A.  Select any pushbutton or ON/OFF power switch to start the system.  The MAIN relay will be activated        when system is started. (After the receiver power is started and emergency stop button is elevated)   B.  The MAIN relay auto shutdown time can be set as 3 minutes or depends on customer’s single request.   (Remark 1) C.  When transmitter voltage is low, relays for the receiver MAIN and LV (Remark 1) will be auto shutdown after one minute.       (Fig. 12) Alpha 607, 608 models  12 436587Channel → Dip-Switch SettingsPart Number:BRXN-433CH.401→ 00000001 CH.424→ 00011000 CH.447→ 00101111CH.402→ 00000010 CH.425→ 00011001 CH.448→ 00110000CH.403→ 00000011 CH.426→ 00011010 CH.449→ 00110001CH.404→ 00000100 CH.427→ 00011011 CH.450→ 00110010CH.405→ 00000101 CH.428→ 00011100 CH.451→ 00110011CH.406→ 00000110 CH.429→ 00011101 CH.452→ 00110100CH.407→ 00000111 CH.430→ 00011110 CH.453→ 00110101CH.408→ 00001000 CH.431→ 00011111 CH.454→ 00110110CH.409→ 00001001 CH.432→ 00100000 CH.455→ 00110111CH.410→ 00001010 CH.433→ 00100001 CH.456→ 00111000CH.411→ 00001011 CH.434→ 00100010 CH.457→ 00111001CH.412→ 00001100 CH.435→ 00100011 CH.458→ 00111010CH.413→ 00001101 CH.436→ 00100100 CH.459→ 00111011CH.414→ 00001110 CH.437→ 00100101 CH.460→ 00111100CH.415→ 00001111 CH.438→ 00100110 CH.461→ 00111101CH.416→ 00010000 CH.439→ 00100111 CH.462→ 00111110CH.417→ 00010001 CH.440→ 00101000 CH.463→ 00111111CH.418→ 00010010 CH.441→ 00101001 CH.464→ 01000000CH.419→ 00010011 CH.442→ 00101010 CH.465→ 01000001CH.420→ 00010100 CH.443→ 00101011 CH.466→ 01000010CH.421→ 00010101 CH.444→ 00101100 CH.467→ 01000011CH.422→ 00010110 CH.445→ 00101101 CH.468→ 01000100CH.423→ 00010111 CH.446→ 00101110
  - 26 -           Jumper Set table:           in-plant setting (default).      JP1  Open Power key to activate relay MAIN relay (After turning “on” the transmitter power and pressing the emergency  Stop button) Open  No auto shutdown time on Main relay JP2  Short  The receiver MAIN will be deactivated after consecutive 5 minutes of standby time. Open  No auto shutdown time on MAIN and LV relays   JP3  Short  After one minute of transmitter LV, the MAIN and LV relays will be deactivated. Open  7th AUX: “Normal” pushbutton setting  JP4  Short 7th AUX: “Toggle” pushbutton setting ※ Open → no Jumper                        Short → put Jumper         Remark 1:The setting of auto shutdown time can be done by manufacturer or distributor. Setting range: 0~30 minutes. (In-plant setting: 5 minutes)         Remark 2:When the transmitter voltage is low, LV relay will be activated and siren or lights will be ON. (one second of interval)   Remark 3:Every time when you change jumper settings you must first turn the receiver power off and then turn it back on so that the new settings can be stored in memory.  7.3.2  α612 Receiver Function Setting Set by programming tool Adjust Jumper setting function by decoder board  RReecceeiivveerr  ffuunnccttiioonn  sseettttiinngg::  Jumper Set table:          In-plant setting (default).        JP1 Open Power key to activate relay MAIN relay (After turning “on” the transmitter power and pressing the emergency stop button) Open  No auto shutdown time on Main relay JP2  Short  The receiver MAIN will be deactivated after consecutive 5 minutes of standby time. Open  No auto shutdown time on MAIN and LV relays   JP3  Short  After one minute of transmitter LV, the MAIN and LV relays will be deactivated.           ※ Open → No jumper                       Short → Put Jumper Remark 1:The setting of auto shutdown time can be done by manufacturer or distributor. Setting range: 0~30 minutes. (In-plant setting: 5 minutes)         Remark 2:When the transmitter voltage is low, LV relay will be activated and siren or lights will be ON. (One second of interval) Remark 3:Every time when you change jumper settings you must first turn the receiver power off and then turn it back on so that the new settings can be stored in memory.
  - 27 -   7.3.3 Alpha 612 Models Dip-Switch Function Table   Model Pushbutton  Dip-Switch Setting  Description → 1  Not Interlocked   1 & 2 3 & 4 5 & 6 DIP 1 → 0  Interlocked   → 1  Not Interlocked   7 & 8  DIP 2 → 0  Interlocked   →  1  Latching/toggle relay contact 7 & 8  DIP 3 →  0  Momentary relay contact DIP2 Set at “1” → 1  Not Interlocked 612A 9 & 10  DIP 4 → 0  Interlocked  →  1  Latching/toggle relay contact 9 DIP 5 →  0  Momentary relay contact DIP4 Set at “1” →  1  Latching/toggle relay contact 612B 10 DIP 6 →  0  Momentary relay contact DIP4 Set at “1” → 1  Not Interlocked 7 & 8  DIP 1 → 0  Interlocked  →  1  Latching/toggle relay contact   7 DIP 2 →  0  Momentary relay contact  DIP4 Set at “1” →  1  Latching/toggle relay contact 8 DIP 3 →  0  Momentary relay contact DIP4 Set at “1” →  1  Latching/toggle relay contact 612B 9 DIP 4 →  0  Momentary relay contact  → 1 Both 1st and 2nd speed contact relay interlocked when pressed to 2nd speed Both 1st and 2nd speed contact relays activated 612C 1 & 2 (2nd speed)  DIP 1 → 0 Both 1st and 2nd speed contact relay activated when pressed to 2nd speed Only 2nd speed contact relay activated
  - 28 -DIP 2,3  →  00 Momentary relay contact DIP 2,3  →  01 Latching/toggle relay contact 9 DIP 2,3  →  10 Activate the 3rd speed  →  1  Latching/toggle relay contact  10 DIP 4 →  0  Momentary relay contact  → 1 Both 1st and 2nd speed contact relay interlocked when pressed to 2nd speed Both 1st and 2nd speed contact relays activated 1 & 2   (2nd speed)  DIP 1 → 0 Both 1st and 2nd speed contact relay activated when pressed to 2nd speed Only 2nd speed contact relay activated 612D --- DIP 2,3,4 →0  Momentary relay contact DIP2&3 Must set to “0” all the time   (In-plant set at “0”) → 1 Both 1st and 2nd speed contact relay interlocked when pressed to 2nd speed Both 1st and 2nd speed contact relays activated 1 & 2 (2nd speed)  DIP 1 → 0 Both 1st and 2nd speed contact relay activated when pressed to 2nd speed Only 2nd speed contact relay activated → 1  Not Interlocked 7 & 8 DIP 2 → 0  Interlocked  →  1  Latching/toggle relay contact 612E 7   DIP 3 →  0  Momentary relay contact DIP2 Set at “1” →  1  Latching/toggle relay contact  11  DIP 7 →  0  Momentary relay contact →  1  Latching/toggle relay contact 612 A/B/C/D/E  12  DIP 8 →  0  Momentary relay contact  ※※  In-plant all set at “0”
  - 29 - 77..44  FFrreeqquueennccyy  ((RRFF))  CChhaannnneellss  TTaabbllee      FREQUENCY   DIP-SWITCH SETTING  CHANNEL 433.075 MHz  00000001  01 433.100 MHz  00000010  02 433.125 MHz  00000011  03 433.150 MHz  00000100  04 433.175 MHz  00000101  05 433.200 MHz  00000110  06 433.225 MHz  00000111  07 433.250 MHz  00001000  08 433.275 MHz  00001001  09 433.300 MHz  00001010  10 433.825 MHz  00001011  11 433.850 MHz  00001100  12 433.875 MHz  00001101  13 433.900 MHz  00001110  14 433.925 MHz  00001111 15 433.950 MHz  00010000  16 433.975 MHz  00010001  17 434.000 MHz  00010010  18 434.025 MHz  00010011  19 434.050 MHz  00010100  20 434.075 MHz  00010101  21 434.100 MHz  00010110  22 434.125 MHz  00010111  23 434.150 MHz  00011000  24 434.175 MHz  00011001  25 434.200 MHz  00011010  26 434.225 MHz  00011011  27 434.250 MHz  00011100  28 434.275 MHz  00011101  29 434.300 MHz  00011110 30 434.325 MHz  00011111 31 434.350 MHz  00100000  32 434.375 MHz  00100001  33
  - 30 -  FREQUENCY   DIP-SWITCH SETTING  CHANNEL 434.400 MHz  00100010  34 434.425 MHz  00100011  35 434.450 MHz  00100100  36 434.475 MHz  00100101  37 434.500 MHz  00100110  38 434.525 MHz  00100111  39 434.550 MHz  00101000  40 434.575 MHz  00101001  41 434.600 MHz  00101010  42 434.625 MHz  00101011  43 434.650 MHz  00101100  44 434.675 MHz  00101101  45 434.700 MHz  00101110  46 434.725 MHz  00101111 47 434.750 MHz  00110000  48 434.775 MHz  00110001  49 433.325 MHz  00110010  50 433.350 MHz  00110011  51 433.375 MHz  00110100  52 433.400 MHz  00110101  53 433.425 MHz  00110110  54 433.450 MHz  00110111  55 433.475 MHz  00111000  56 433.500 MHz  00111001  57 433.525 MHz  00111010  58 433.550 MHz  00111011  59 433.575 MHz  00111100 60 433.600 MHz  00111101 61 433.625 MHz  00111110 62 433.650 MHz  00111111 63 433.675 MHz  01000000  64 433.700 MHz  01000001  65 433.725 MHz  01000010  66 433.750 MHz  01000011  67 433.775 MHz  01000100  68
  - 31 - 88..  TTRRAANNSSMMIITTTTEERR  OOPPEERRAATTIIOONN  &&  SSTTAATTUUSS  LLIIGGHHTT      8.1 Transmitter Operating Steps  1.  Make sure the two “AA” NiMH rechargeable batteries are installed correctly. Please note the polarity of the batteries. 2.  Status lights_To operate the transmitter, please rotate the power key on the top-left corner clockwise to “on” position. The status LED (green and red) will be steady “on” for 2 seconds and then “off”. If the transmitter Status LED displays a red blinking light that is “on” Æ 0.1 second and “off” Æ 1.9 seconds, or no light at all, this indicates the transmitter with batteries needs to be recharged.   3.  When any function pushbutton is depressed, the transmitter Status LED displays a red blinking light that is “on”Æ 0.1 second and “off”Æ 1.9 seconds.   If the voltage is low, the transmitter Status LED will be “on”Æ0.1 second and “off”Æ1.9 seconds, this indicates the transmitter with batteries needs to be recharged. Continuous operation will cause the transmitter battery power exhausting and cannot operate at all. 4.  EMS & Restarting _ In case of an emergency, press down the red emergency stop button (EMS) will immediately deactivates the transmitter and receiver MAIN relay. The transmitter Status LED will be blinking “on”Æ0.5 second and “off”Æ0.5 second for 30 seconds (Mode 0).    Then turn off the transmitter power.  5.  The emergency stop button is a right-rotate momentary spring-return type. To turn on the transmitter and activate the MAIN relay, please elevate the emergency stop button again and rotate the transmitter power key to “ON” position. 6.  Note that the transmitter cannot be hit by outer force, so that malfunction can be prevented. 7.  The operating temperature is -10 ~ +50℃. Avoid operating the transmitter in high temperature workshop. If operating temperature is higher than 50℃,the auto shutdown protection installed inside CPU will shut down the transmitter and deactivate the MAIN relay. 8.  To operation normally, the battery power has to be over 2.2V.   If the voltage is lower than 2.2V, the system cannot be started and low voltage will be showed until the MAIN is completely shutdown.   9.  If the power voltage is lowered than 2.2V when transmitter is operated, the LV code will be “1” and low voltage status light will be shown.    The transmitter will stop sending signals when voltage is lower than 2.0V.
  - 32 -  STOP: press → lock (emergency stop)        STOP: Elevate clockwise → reset (Turn on the transmitter at any time)    8.2 Transmitter Status Light  Type Status  Solution  LED Indication 1  Charging  Place transmitter into charger  Red light ON 2  Power on when voltage is low  BATT<2.2V  Red light flash ON_0.1/OFF_1.9 sec (until power off) 3  Setting failed or invalidedSet data by using JUMPER & dip-switch without following rules Red light ON_0.1/OFF_0.1 sec 4  Setting completed  JP1 or JP2 inserted  Green light ON until power off. 5  EEPROM ID error  EEPROM ID code does not match CPU  Red light ON until power off 6  RF module abnormal  PLL UNLOCK  Red light ON_0.1/OFF_0.1 sec 7  ID even number error  Setting error  Red light ON_1/OFF_1 sec 8  Pushbutton locked    Power  on pushbutton connected Red light ON_1.9/OFF_0.1 sec (until power off) 9  Normal power on BATT>=2.2V and all the pushbuttons are not depressed All the lights ON_2 sec 10  STOP status  STOP button is pressedMODE 0: Red light ON_0.5/ OFF_ 0.5sec, flash 30sec. MODE 1: all the lights OFF 11  Low voltage during operation BATT<2.2V and press pushbutton  Red light flash ON_0.1/OFF_1.9sec 12  Normal operation  Press pushbutton  Green light flash ON_0.1/OFF_1.9 sec    Power status light
  - 33 -  99..  RREECCEEIIVVEERR  IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN   99..11..  PPrreeppaarraattiioonn  ffoorr  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn   1.  Required Tools for Receiver Installation:  (1)  Flat Head Screwdriver (-) (2)  Phillips Head Screwdriver (+) (3) Multi-Meter (4)  14mm Wrench x 2 (5)  Power Drill withφ10.5mm Drill-Bit  2.  Check to ensure that your receiver is not set to the same RF channel and ID code as any other systems in operation at the same facility or within 300-meter distance.   3.  Prior to installation, make sure that the crane or equipment itself is working properly. 4.  Use a multi-meter to check the voltage source available and ensure the receiver voltage setting matches your power source. 5.  Prior to installation, switch off the main power source to the crane or equipment.  99..22  SStteepp  BByy  SStteepp  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn   1.  For better reception, the location selected should have the antenna visible from all areas where the transmitter is to be used. 2.  The location selected should not be exposed to high levels of electrical noise.    Mounting the receiver next to an unshielded variable frequency control (inverter) may cause minor interference.    Always locate the receiver unit as far away from inverter controls as possible. 3.  Ensure the selected location has adequate space to accommodate the receiver enclosure. 4.  Make sure the receiver unit is in upright position (vertical). 5.  The distance between the antenna and the control panel should be as far apart as possible (refer to the fig. on page 22). 6.  If a crane or equipment’s runway is longer than 100 meters, an external antenna should be added.   The Alpha 608 receiver housing has provisions for an external factory installed antenna available as an option, contact your dealer for price and delivery. 7.  Drill a hole on the control panel (10.5mm). 8.  Tightened the bolt nuts provided. 9.  If the control panel has a plastic surface, extended grounding wire should be used. 10.  For system wiring, please refer to the output contact diagrams from page 4. 11.  Ensure all wiring is correct and safely secured and all screws are fastened.
  - 34 -255mm278mm4- O10.5255mm278mm4- O10.5                            (Fig. 21) Alpha 604, 607, 608 Models                (Fig. 22) Alpha 612 Models   99..33  SSyysstteemm  TTeessttiinngg   1.  Connect the power source to the receiver and test the MAIN relay output by pressing the red emergency stop button (EMS) and observe that it properly opens and closes the main line disconnect contactor. 2.  Test the operation of each function to ensure it corresponds to the transmitter direction labels and/or the pendant it is replacing. 3.  Test the limit switches on the hoist and/or crane and verify they are working properly. 4.  If your new remote control is replacing an existing pendant, make sure it is completely disconnected to prevent unwanted control commands, i.e. snick circuits.   5.  If your new remote control is replacing an existing pendant make sure it is stored in a safe location where it will not interfere with remote operation (get torn off).
  - 35 -   9.4 Receiver system Status LED Display FUSE   Receiver system Status LED Display  Type Led Indication Problem and Solution EEPROM error – reprogramming required. 1  Constant red light.  Incorrect receiver ID code setting (see note below). 2  ON  → 1.0 second OFF  → 1.0 second ID code not matched on both the transmitter and   receiver unit, please readjust accordingly. 3  Dim or no light.  Under-voltage, check the main power-supply. 4  ON  → 2.0 seconds OFF  → 0.1 second  MAIN contact relay jammed or defective. 5  ON  → 0.1 second OFF  → 2.0 seconds System normal with transmitter pushbutton either in   neutral or in transmitter power “off” position. 6  ON  → 0.1 second OFF  → 0.1second System normal with transmitter pushbutton in   non-neutral position (pushbutton depressed).  Note:   Please refer to section 7.2 on page 22 for correct ID code setting.   LED status light
  - 36 -  9.4.1 Alpha 612 Receiver System Status LED Display  Led Indication  Reason  Solution ON Normal-voltage   Power LED display OFF Under-voltage   ON  Transmitted signals detected and received   OFF  No transmitting signal detected  1.Transmitter standby  Turn on the transmitter SQ, Status LED display BLINK 2.Interference  Turn off the transmitter   ON Normal operation  Relay LED display   OFF  Receiver defective  Repair decoder board
  - 37 - 1100..    TTRROOUUBBLLEE  SSHHOOOOTTIINNGG   Should the operator find the equipment not operating normally, please check the chart below for simple trouble shooting tips.   Problem Possible Reason  Solution Transmitter does not communicate with the receiver. Transmitter and the receiver are not on the same RF channel   (SQ lamp not lit) or ID code. Ensure the correct transmitter is in use.    The labels on the receiver and the transmitter will identify the RF channel and ID code in use. Transmitter does not communicate with the receiver. Low or no transmitting power   from the transmitter unit. Turn “on” the transmitter with   EMS elevated.    If the status LED shows blinking red light or no   light at all, then turn the power   “off” and replace the two alkaline “AA” batteries. No power to the receiver (AC power indicator on the receiver unit not lit). Blown fuse or no input power connection. Ensure power input to the receiver unit is correct.    If the power indicator (AC) is still not lit, please check the receiver for any open fuse.Outputs do not   operate correctly. Receiver configuration is not set properly or output wiring is incorrect. Please refer to section 6 and 7 to ensure receiver is correctly wired and configured for your application.Transmitter does not communicate with the receiver. Transmitter is turned on with the EMS activated (pressed down). Elevate the EMS first and then   turn the power switch off and   then on again.
  - 38 - 1111..  SSYYSSTTEEMM  SSPPEECCIIFFIICCAATTIIOONN    Transmitter Unit Frequency Range     :  433 MHz   Transmitting Range   :  100 meters   Hamming Distance   :  6 Channel Spacing    :  25KHz Frequency Control    :  Quartz Crystals Frequency Drift        :    < 5ppm @ -25℃ ~ +75℃ Frequency Deviation      :    < 1ppm @ 25℃ Spurious Emission    :  - 50dB Transmitting Power   :  ~1mW Emission     :  F1D Antenna Impedance   :  50 ohms Enclosure Rating    :  IP-66  Source Voltage        :    3.0V (“AA” alkaline batteries x 2) Current Drain        :    10 ~ 18mA   Operating Temperature      :    -25℃ ~ +75℃ Dimension (607~608 Models)   :    172mm x 68mm x 33mm (612 Models)     :          235mm x 68mm x 30mm   Weight      (607~608 Models)   :    300g (include batteries) (612 Models)    :    350g (include batteries)   Receiver Unit   Frequency Range    :  433 MHz Channel Spacing    :  25KHz   Hamming Distance   :  6 Frequency Control    :  Synthesizer (PLL) Frequency Drift        :    < 5ppm @ -25℃ ~ +75℃ Frequency Deviation      :    < 1ppm @ 25℃ Sensitivity     :  -120dBm Antenna Impedance   :  50ohms Data Decoder Reference     :    Quartz Crystals Responding Time    :  40ms (Normal) Enclosure Rating        :    IP-65 (Alpha 500~560 Models)          IP-66 (Alpha 580 Models) Source Voltage        :    AC 220V ~ 230V @ 50/60 Hz. Power Consumption   :  11VA Operating Temperature   :  -25℃ ~ +75℃ Output Contact Rating      :    250V @ 10A Dimension (607~608 Models)   :    310mm x 134mm x 72mm     (612 Models)     :    300mm x 236mm x 80mm Weight       (607~608 Models)   :    2,000g (include output cable) (612 Models)     :    3,400g (include output cable)
  - 39 - 1122..    PPAARRTTSS  LLIISSTT   Transmitter Part No. 1. Encoder board (Alpha 607A)  BEN607A Encoder board (Alpha 607B)  BEN607B Encoder board (Alpha 607AT)  BEN607AT Encoder board (Alpha 607BT)  BEN607BT Encoder board (Alpha 608A)  BEN608A Encoder board (Alpha 608B)  BEN608B 2. Transmitter enclosure (A607 & Alpha 608)  BCT607 3. Battery cover  BC600 4. 2-step pushbutton  B50001 1-step pushbutton  B50002 5. Pushbutton rubber fixing holder  BCH608 6. Pushbutton rubber boot (Alpha 607 & 608)  PRB02 7. Transmitter shock-absorbing rubber (Alpha 607 & 608) SAR02 8. Transmitter vinyl protective cover (Alpha 607 & 608) VPC02 9.EMS pushbutton  B50003 10. EMS red cap (all models)  EMS01 11. A600 waist strap  WS01 12. Rechargeable battery  RCB01 13. A600 pushbutton direction label  DL01   Receiver 1. Decoder board (Alpha 607A)  BDE607A Decoder board (Alpha 607B)  BDE607B Decoder board (Alpha 607AT)  BDE607AT Decoder board (Alpha 607BT)  BDE607BT Decoder board (Alpha 608A)  BDE608A Decoder board (Alpha 608B)  BDE608B 2. 433MHz receiver RF module (All models)  BRX433 3. Receiver enclosure (Alpha 607, 608)  BCR607 4. Receiver mounting spring (Alpha 607, 608)  RMS600 5. Regular Output Contact Relay-blue (All Models)  BDE607BT 6. Safety MAIN Contact Relay-DC12V (All Models)    BDE608A 7. Transformer (12/24VDC – Alpha 600-608)  T24VDC Transformer (24VAC – Alpha 600-608)  T24VAC Transformer (48VAC – Alpha 600-608)  T48VAC Transformer (110/120VAC – Alpha 600-608)  T120VAC Transformer (220/230VAC – Alpha 600-608)  T230VAC Transformer (380VAC – Alpha 600-608)  T380VAC Transformer (220/230VAC – Alpha 600-608)  T230VAC 8. 2-meter Output Cable with 5 Common Circuits Cable (24C*2m V3.5, Alpha 607, 608) OC607 9. Optional External 433 MHz Antenna (All Models)  ANT433

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