Fortinet Fortimail 3 0 Mr4 Users Manual CLI Reference
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Page Count: 368 [warning: Documents this large are best viewed by clicking the View PDF Link!]
- Contents
- Introduction
- What’s new
- Using the CLI
- execute
- get
- alertemail configuration
- alertemail setting
- antivirus
- as
- auth
- av
- config
- console
- fshd status
- ip_policy
- ip_pool
- ip_profile
- ldap_profile
- limits
- log elog
- log logsetting
- log msisdn
- log policy
- log query
- log reportconfig
- log view
- mailserver
- mailserver access
- mailserver archive
- mailserver localdomains
- mailserver smtp
- mailserver systemquarantine
- misc profile
- out_content
- out_policy
- out_profile
- policy
- spam deepheader
- spam heuristic rules
- spam retrieval policy
- system
- user
- userpolicy
- set
- alertemail configuration mailto
- alertemail deferq
- alertemail setting option
- antivirus
- as blacklistaction
- as bounceverify
- as control autorelease
- as control bayesian
- as greylist
- as mms_reputation
- as profile delete
- as profile modify actions
- as profile modify auto-release
- as profile modify bannedword
- as profile modify bannedwordlist
- as profile modify bayesian
- as profile modify deepheader
- as profile modify dictionary
- as profile modify dnsbl
- as profile modify dnsblserver
- as profile modify forgedip
- as profile modify fortishield
- as profile modify greylist
- as profile modify heuristic
- as profile modify imagespam
- as profile modify individualaction scanner
- as profile modify quarantine
- as profile modify rewrite_rcpt
- as profile modify scanoptions
- as profile modify surbl
- as profile modify surblserver
- as profile modify tags
- as profile modify virus
- as profile modify whitelistword
- as profile modify whitelistwordlist
- as spamreport
- as trusted
- auth imap rename-to
- auth imap server
- auth pop3 rename-to
- auth pop3 server
- auth radius rename-to
- auth radius server
- auth smtp rename-to
- auth smtp server
- av delete
- av modify actions
- av modify heuristic
- av modify heuristic heuristic_action
- av modify scanner
- av rename-to
- console
- content delete
- content modify action
- content modify bypass_on_auth
- content modify defersize
- content modify filetype
- content modify monitor
- content modify monitor action
- fshd
- ip_policy
- ip_policy action
- ip_policy as
- ip_policy auth
- ip_policy av
- ip_policy content
- ip_policy delete
- ip_policy exclusive
- ip_policy ip
- ip_policy match (gateway and server modes)
- ip_policy match (transparent mode)
- ip_policy move
- ip_policy smtp
- ip_pool
- ip_pool add_entry
- ip_pool del_entry
- ip_pool delete
- ip_profile check
- ip_profile connection
- ip_profile delete
- ip_profile error
- ip_profile headermanipulation
- ip_profile limit
- ip_profile list
- ip_profile mms_reputation
- ip_profile rename
- ip_profile senderreputation
- ip_profile sendervalidation
- ip_profile_setting rate_control
- ldap_profile profile asav
- ldap_profile clearallcache
- ldap_profile profile auth
- ldap_profile profile clearcache
- ldap_profile profile fallback_server
- ldap_profile profile group
- ldap_profile profile option
- ldap_profile profile pwd
- ldap_profile profile routing
- ldap_profile profile server
- ldap_profile profile user
- limits domain-level
- limits system-level general
- limits system-level groups
- limits system-level mail-users
- limits system-level other-profiles
- limits system-level policies
- log msisdn
- log policy destination event
- log policy destination history
- log policy destination spam
- log policy destination virus
- log reportconfig direction
- log reportconfig domain
- log reportconfig mailto
- log reportconfig period
- log reportconfig qry
- log reportconfig schedule hour
- log setting console
- log setting local
- log setting syslog
- log view fields
- log view loglevel
- mailserver access
- mailserver archive account
- mailserver archive exemptlist
- mailserver archive local quota
- mailserver archive policy
- mailserver archive remote
- mailserver deadmail
- mailserver portnumber
- mailserver proxy smtp interface
- mailserver proxy smtp unknown
- mailserver relayserver
- mailserver smtp deferbigmsg
- mailserver smtp delivery
- mailserver smtp dsn_
- mailserver smtp ldap_domain_check
- mailserver smtp queue
- mailserver smtpauth
- mailserver smtpssl
- mailserver smtp storage
- mailserver smtp storage cquar
- mailserver systemquarantine
- misc profile delete
- misc profile modify quota
- misc profile modify userstatus
- misc profile modify webmailaccess
- misc profile rename-to
- out_content delete
- out_content modify action
- out_content modify bypass_on_auth
- out_content modify filetype
- out_content modify monitor action
- out_content modify monitor
- out_policy profile delete
- out_policy modify
- out_policy move-to
- out_policy rename-to
- out_profile profile delete
- out_profile profile modify actions
- out_profile profile modify bannedword
- out_profile profile modify bannedwordlist
- out_profile profile modify bayesian
- out_profile profile modify deepheader
- out_profile profile modify dictionary
- out_profile profile modify dnsbl
- out_profile profile modify dnsblserver
- out_profile profile modify fortishield
- out_profile profile modify greylist
- out_profile profile modify heuristic
- out_profile profile modify imagespam
- out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
- out_profile profile modify scanoptions
- out_profile profile modify surbl
- out_profile profile modify surblserver
- out_profile profile modify tags
- out_profile profile modify virus
- out_profile profile modify whitelistword
- out_profile profile modify whitelistwordlist
- out_profile profile rename-to
- policy delete
- policy modify add_association
- policy modify bverify_addr
- policy modify fallback
- policy modify ip
- policy modify is_subdomain
- policy modify ldap
- policy modify mxflag
- policy modify tp
- policy modify user
- policy modify verify_addr
- policy modify rename-to
- spam deepheader
- spam retrieval policy
- system admin
- system appearance
- system autoupdate pushaddressoverride
- system autoupdate pushupdate
- system autoupdate schedule
- system autoupdate tunneling
- system ddns
- system disclaimer allowdomain
- system disclaimer incoming
- system disclaimer outgoing
- system dns
- system fortimanager
- system ha config
- system ha {cpeer | interface | peer | secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
- Syntax
- Example: configuring primary heartbeat local and peer IP address for a config only HA group
- Example: configuring primary heartbeat local and peer IP address for an active-passive HA group
- Example: add a secondary heartbeat local and peer IP address for an active-passive HA group
- History
- Related topics
- system ha data
- system ha datadir
- system ha lservice
- system ha mode
- system ha monitor
- system ha on-failure
- system ha passwd
- system ha remote-as-heartbeat
- system ha {restart | restore | resync}
- system ha rservice
- system ha takeover
- system hostname
- system interface config
- system interface mode dhcp
- system interface mode static
- system opmode
- system option
- system route number
- system snmp community
- system snmp {sysinfo | threshold}
- system time manual
- system time ntp
- system usrgrp
- user
- user pki
- userpolicy delete
- userpolicy modify
- userpolicy move-to
- userpolicy rename-to
- unset
- Index