Fortinet Fortimail 3 0 Mr4 Users Manual CLI Reference

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FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform
Version 3.0 MR4
Note: The History sections in the command entries are intended to record
changes in FortiMail 3.0 CLI commands with each release of the product.
Although these sections show all commands as new for version 3.0, many of
the commands existed in previous versions of FortiMail firmware.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform CLI Reference
Version 3.0 MR4
14 August 2008
© Copyright 2008 Fortinet, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this
publication including text, examples, diagrams or illustrations may be
reproduced, transmitted, or translated in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, manual, optical or otherwise, for any purpose,
without prior written permission of Fortinet, Inc.
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actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks
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Introduction .......................................................................................15
About the FortiMail Secure Messaging Platform........................................... 15
About this document........................................................................................ 15
Document conventions................................................................................. 16
FortiMail documentation.................................................................................. 17
Fortinet Tools and Documentation CD......................................................... 17
Fortinet Knowledge Center ......................................................................... 17
Comments on Fortinet technical documentation ......................................... 18
Customer service and technical support ....................................................... 18
What’s new ........................................................................................19
Using the CLI.....................................................................................21
CLI command syntax........................................................................................ 21
Connecting to the CLI ...................................................................................... 22
Connecting to the FortiMail unit console...................................................... 22
Setting administrative access for SSH or Telnet.......................................... 23
Connecting to the FortiMail CLI using SSH.................................................. 23
Connecting to the FortiMail CLI using Telnet ............................................... 24
CLI command branches................................................................................... 24
backup config ................................................................................................... 26
checklogdisk..................................................................................................... 27
checkmaildisk ................................................................................................... 28
clearqueue......................................................................................................... 29
factoryreset ....................................................................................................... 30
formatlogdisk.................................................................................................... 31
formatmaildisk .................................................................................................. 32
formatmaildisk_backup.................................................................................... 33
maintain............................................................................................................. 34
nslookup............................................................................................................ 35
partitionlogdisk................................................................................................. 36
ping .................................................................................................................... 37
ping-option........................................................................................................ 38
reboot................................................................................................................. 39
reload................................................................................................................. 40
restore................................................................................................................ 41
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
shutdown........................................................................................................... 42
smtptest............................................................................................................. 43
telnettest............................................................................................................ 44
traceroute.......................................................................................................... 45
update config.................................................................................................... 46
updatecenter updatenow................................................................................. 47
get....................................................................................................... 49
alertemail configuration................................................................................... 50
alertemail setting.............................................................................................. 51
antivirus............................................................................................................. 52
as........................................................................................................................ 53
auth.................................................................................................................... 56
av........................................................................................................................ 57
config................................................................................................................. 58
console.............................................................................................................. 59
fshd status ........................................................................................................ 60
ip_policy............................................................................................................ 61
ip_pool............................................................................................................... 62
ip_profile ........................................................................................................... 63
ldap_profile ....................................................................................................... 65
limits .................................................................................................................. 66
log elog.............................................................................................................. 67
log logsetting.................................................................................................... 68
log msisdn......................................................................................................... 69
log policy........................................................................................................... 70
log query ........................................................................................................... 71
log reportconfig................................................................................................ 72
log view ............................................................................................................. 73
mailserver.......................................................................................................... 74
mailserver access............................................................................................. 75
mailserver archive............................................................................................ 76
mailserver localdomains.................................................................................. 77
mailserver smtp................................................................................................ 78
mailserver systemquarantine.......................................................................... 79
misc profile ....................................................................................................... 80
out_content....................................................................................................... 81
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out_profile ......................................................................................................... 83
policy ................................................................................................................. 84
spam deepheader .............................................................................................85
spam heuristic rules......................................................................................... 86
spam retrieval policy........................................................................................ 87
system ............................................................................................................... 88
user .................................................................................................................... 90
alertemail configuration mailto ....................................................................... 94
alertemail deferq............................................................................................... 95
alertemail setting option .................................................................................. 96
antivirus............................................................................................................. 97
as blacklistaction.............................................................................................. 98
as bounceverify ................................................................................................ 99
as control autorelease.................................................................................... 100
as control bayesian ........................................................................................ 101
as greylist........................................................................................................ 103
as mms_reputation......................................................................................... 105
as profile delete .............................................................................................. 106
as profile modify actions ............................................................................... 107
as profile modify auto-release....................................................................... 108
as profile modify bannedword....................................................................... 109
as profile modify bannedwordlist ................................................................. 110
as profile modify bayesian............................................................................. 111
as profile modify deepheader........................................................................ 112
as profile modify dictionary........................................................................... 113
as profile modify dnsbl .................................................................................. 114
as profile modify dnsblserver........................................................................ 115
as profile modify forgedip.............................................................................. 116
as profile modify fortishield........................................................................... 117
as profile modify greylist ............................................................................... 118
as profile modify heuristic ............................................................................. 119
as profile modify imagespam ........................................................................ 120
as profile modify individualaction scanner.................................................. 121
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
as profile modify quarantine ......................................................................... 122
as profile modify rewrite_rcpt ....................................................................... 123
as profile modify scanoptions....................................................................... 124
as profile modify surbl................................................................................... 125
as profile modify surblserver ........................................................................ 126
as profile modify tags .................................................................................... 127
as profile modify virus ................................................................................... 128
as profile modify whitelistword..................................................................... 129
as profile modify whitelistwordlist................................................................ 130
as spamreport................................................................................................. 131
as trusted ........................................................................................................ 132
auth imap rename-to ...................................................................................... 133
auth imap server............................................................................................. 134
auth pop3 rename-to...................................................................................... 135
auth pop3 server............................................................................................. 136
auth radius rename-to.................................................................................... 137
auth radius server .......................................................................................... 138
auth smtp rename-to...................................................................................... 139
auth smtp server............................................................................................. 140
av delete .......................................................................................................... 141
av modify actions ........................................................................................... 142
av modify heuristic......................................................................................... 143
av modify heuristic heuristic_action ............................................................ 144
av modify scanner.......................................................................................... 145
av rename-to ................................................................................................... 146
console............................................................................................................ 147
content delete ................................................................................................. 148
content modify action .................................................................................... 149
content modify bypass_on_auth .................................................................. 150
content modify defersize ............................................................................... 151
content modify filetype .................................................................................. 152
content modify monitor ................................................................................. 153
content modify monitor action...................................................................... 154
fshd.................................................................................................................. 156
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ip_policy .......................................................................................................... 157
Syntax ........................................................................................................ 157
History ........................................................................................................ 157
Related topics ............................................................................................ 157
ip_policy action............................................................................................... 158
Syntax ........................................................................................................ 158
History ........................................................................................................ 158
Related topics ............................................................................................ 158
ip_policy as ..................................................................................................... 159
Syntax ........................................................................................................ 159
History ........................................................................................................ 159
Related topics ............................................................................................ 159
ip_policy auth.................................................................................................. 160
Syntax ........................................................................................................ 160
History ........................................................................................................ 160
Related topics ............................................................................................ 160
ip_policy av ..................................................................................................... 161
Syntax ........................................................................................................ 161
History ........................................................................................................ 161
Related topics ............................................................................................ 161
ip_policy content ............................................................................................ 162
Syntax ........................................................................................................ 162
History ........................................................................................................ 162
Related topics ............................................................................................ 162
ip_policy delete............................................................................................... 163
Syntax ........................................................................................................ 163
History ........................................................................................................ 163
Related topics ............................................................................................ 163
ip_policy exclusive......................................................................................... 164
Syntax ........................................................................................................ 164
History ........................................................................................................ 164
Related topics ............................................................................................ 164
ip_policy ip...................................................................................................... 165
Syntax ........................................................................................................ 165
History ........................................................................................................ 165
Related topics ............................................................................................ 165
ip_policy match (gateway and server modes) ............................................. 166
Syntax ........................................................................................................ 166
History ........................................................................................................ 166
Related topics ............................................................................................ 166
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
ip_policy match (transparent mode)............................................................. 167
Syntax ........................................................................................................ 167
History........................................................................................................ 167
Related topics ............................................................................................ 167
ip_policy move................................................................................................ 168
Syntax ........................................................................................................ 168
History........................................................................................................ 168
Related topics ............................................................................................ 168
ip_policy smtp ................................................................................................ 169
Syntax ........................................................................................................ 169
History........................................................................................................ 169
Related topics ............................................................................................ 169
ip_pool............................................................................................................. 170
ip_pool add_entry........................................................................................... 171
ip_pool del_entry............................................................................................ 172
ip_pool delete ................................................................................................. 173
.......................................................................................................................... 174
ip_profile check .............................................................................................. 175
ip_profile connection ..................................................................................... 177
ip_profile delete.............................................................................................. 178
ip_profile error................................................................................................ 179
ip_profile headermanipulation ...................................................................... 180
ip_profile limit................................................................................................. 181
ip_profile list ................................................................................................... 182
ip_profile mms_reputation ............................................................................ 183
ip_profile rename............................................................................................ 184
ip_profile senderreputation........................................................................... 185
ip_profile sendervalidation............................................................................ 186
ip_profile_setting rate_control...................................................................... 188
ldap_profile profile asav ................................................................................ 189
ldap_profile clearallcache.............................................................................. 190
ldap_profile profile auth................................................................................. 191
ldap_profile profile clearcache...................................................................... 192
ldap_profile profile fallback_server.............................................................. 193
ldap_profile profile group.............................................................................. 194
ldap_profile profile option ............................................................................. 195
ldap_profile profile pwd................................................................................. 196
ldap_profile profile routing............................................................................ 197
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ldap_profile profile server.............................................................................. 198
ldap_profile profile user................................................................................. 199
limits domain-level ......................................................................................... 201
limits system-level general............................................................................ 202
limits system-level groups............................................................................. 203
limits system-level mail-users....................................................................... 204
limits system-level other-profiles.................................................................. 205
limits system-level policies ........................................................................... 206
.......................................................................................................................... 207
log msisdn....................................................................................................... 208
log policy destination event .......................................................................... 209
log policy destination history........................................................................ 210
log policy destination spam .......................................................................... 211
log policy destination virus ........................................................................... 212
log reportconfig direction.............................................................................. 213
log reportconfig domain ................................................................................ 214
log reportconfig mailto................................................................................... 215
log reportconfig period .................................................................................. 216
log reportconfig qry........................................................................................ 217
log reportconfig schedule hour..................................................................... 218
log setting console......................................................................................... 219
log setting local .............................................................................................. 220
log setting syslog ........................................................................................... 221
log view fields ................................................................................................. 223
log view loglevel ............................................................................................. 224
mailserver access...........................................................................................225
mailserver archive account ........................................................................... 227
mailserver archive exemptlist ....................................................................... 228
mailserver archive local quota ...................................................................... 229
mailserver archive policy............................................................................... 230
mailserver archive remote ............................................................................. 231
mailserver deadmail ....................................................................................... 232
mailserver portnumber................................................................................... 233
mailserver proxy smtp interface ................................................................... 234
mailserver proxy smtp unknown................................................................... 235
mailserver relayserver.................................................................................... 236
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mailserver smtp deferbigmsg ....................................................................... 237
mailserver smtp delivery ............................................................................... 238
mailserver smtp dsn_..................................................................................... 239
mailserver smtp ldap_domain_check........................................................... 240
mailserver smtp queue .................................................................................. 241
mailserver smtpauth ...................................................................................... 242
mailserver smtpssl......................................................................................... 243
mailserver smtp storage................................................................................ 244
mailserver smtp storage cquar ..................................................................... 245
mailserver systemquarantine........................................................................ 247
misc profile delete.......................................................................................... 248
misc profile modify quota.............................................................................. 249
misc profile modify userstatus ..................................................................... 250
misc profile modify webmailaccess ............................................................. 251
misc profile rename-to................................................................................... 252
out_content delete.......................................................................................... 253
out_content modify action............................................................................. 254
out_content modify bypass_on_auth........................................................... 255
out_content modify filetype........................................................................... 256
out_content modify monitor action .............................................................. 257
out_content modify monitor.......................................................................... 258
out_policy profile delete ................................................................................ 260
out_policy modify........................................................................................... 261
out_policy move-to......................................................................................... 262
out_policy rename-to ..................................................................................... 263
out_profile profile delete................................................................................ 264
out_profile profile modify actions................................................................. 265
out_profile profile modify bannedword........................................................ 266
out_profile profile modify bannedwordlist................................................... 267
out_profile profile modify bayesian.............................................................. 268
out_profile profile modify deepheader......................................................... 269
out_profile profile modify dictionary............................................................ 270
out_profile profile modify dnsbl.................................................................... 271
out_profile profile modify dnsblserver......................................................... 272
out_profile profile modify fortishield............................................................ 273
out_profile profile modify greylist ................................................................ 274
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out_profile profile modify heuristic ..............................................................275
out_profile profile modify imagespam.......................................................... 276
out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner ................................... 277
out_profile profile modify scanoptions ........................................................ 278
out_profile profile modify surbl..................................................................... 279
out_profile profile modify surblserver.......................................................... 280
out_profile profile modify tags...................................................................... 281
out_profile profile modify virus..................................................................... 282
out_profile profile modify whitelistword ...................................................... 283
out_profile profile modify whitelistwordlist ................................................. 284
out_profile profile rename-to......................................................................... 285
policy delete.................................................................................................... 287
policy modify add_association ..................................................................... 288
policy modify bverify_addr............................................................................ 289
policy modify fallback .................................................................................... 290
policy modify ip .............................................................................................. 291
policy modify is_subdomain ......................................................................... 292
policy modify ldap ..........................................................................................293
policy modify mxflag...................................................................................... 294
policy modify tp .............................................................................................. 295
policy modify user.......................................................................................... 296
policy modify verify_addr .............................................................................. 297
policy modify rename-to ................................................................................ 298
spam deepheader ........................................................................................... 299
spam retrieval policy...................................................................................... 300
system admin.................................................................................................. 301
system appearance ........................................................................................ 302
system autoupdate pushaddressoverride ................................................... 303
system autoupdate pushupdate.................................................................... 304
system autoupdate schedule ........................................................................ 305
system autoupdate tunneling........................................................................ 306
system ddns.................................................................................................... 307
system disclaimer allowdomain.................................................................... 308
system disclaimer incoming.......................................................................... 309
system disclaimer outgoing ..........................................................................310
system dns...................................................................................................... 311
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system fortimanager ...................................................................................... 312
system ha config ............................................................................................ 313
system ha {cpeer | interface | peer | secondary-interface | secondary-peer}.
system ha data................................................................................................ 318
system ha datadir........................................................................................... 319
system ha lservice.......................................................................................... 320
system ha mode ............................................................................................. 321
system ha monitor.......................................................................................... 322
system ha on-failure....................................................................................... 324
system ha passwd.......................................................................................... 325
system ha remote-as-heartbeat .................................................................... 326
system ha {restart | restore | resync} ........................................................... 327
system ha rservice ......................................................................................... 328
system ha takeover ........................................................................................ 330
system hostname ........................................................................................... 333
system interface config ................................................................................. 334
system interface mode dhcp......................................................................... 335
system interface mode static ........................................................................ 336
system opmode .............................................................................................. 337
system option ................................................................................................. 338
system route number..................................................................................... 339
system snmp community .............................................................................. 340
system snmp {sysinfo | threshold}............................................................... 342
system time manual ....................................................................................... 343
system time ntp .............................................................................................. 344
system usrgrp................................................................................................. 345
user.................................................................................................................. 346
user pki............................................................................................................ 347
userpolicy delete ............................................................................................ 348
userpolicy modify........................................................................................... 349
userpolicy move-to......................................................................................... 350
userpolicy rename-to ..................................................................................... 351
unset ................................................................................................ 353
alertemail configuration................................................................................. 354
ldap_profile ..................................................................................................... 355
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log reportconfig .............................................................................................. 356
mailserver........................................................................................................ 357
system ............................................................................................................. 358
user (transparent and gateway) .................................................................... 359
user (server).................................................................................................... 360
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Introduction About the FortiMail Secure Messaging Platform
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This chapter introduces you to the FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform and
the following topics:
About the FortiMail Secure Messaging Platform
About this document
FortiMail documentation
Customer service and technical support
About the FortiMail Secure Messaging Platform
Each FortiMail unit is an integrated hardware and software solution that provides
powerful and flexible logging and reporting, antispam, antivirus, and email
archiving capabilities to incoming and outgoing email traffic. The FortiMail unit has
reliable and high performance features for detecting and blocking spam
messages and malicious attachments. Built on Fortinet’s FortiOS™, the FortiMail
antivirus technology extends full content inspection capabilities to detect the most
advanced email threats.
About this document
This document describes how to use the Fortinet Command Line Interface (CLI).
The following chapters appear in this document:
Using the CLI describes how to connect to and use the Fortinet command-line
interface (CLI).
execute is an alphabetically-ordered reference to the execute commands.
These commands perform immediate actions on the FortiMail unit, such as
configuration backup or unit reset.
get is an alphabetically-ordered reference to the get commands. These
commands display information about FortiMail unit configuration and status.
set is an alphabetically-ordered reference to the set commands. These
commands configure all aspects of FortiMail unit operation.
unset is an alphabetically-ordered reference to the unset commands. These
commands remove configurations such as alert email settings, LDAP profiles,
logging and email server settings.
Note: Diagnose commands are also available from the FortiMail CLI. These commands are
used to display system information and for debugging. Diagnose commands are intended
for advanced users only, and they are not covered in this document. Contact Fortinet
technical support before using these commands.
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About this document Introduction
Document conventions
The following document conventions are used in this guide:
In the examples, private IP addresses are used for both private and public IP
Notes and Cautions are used to provide important information:
Typographic conventions
Fortinet documentation uses the following typographical conventions:
Note: Highlights useful additional information.
!Caution: Warns you about commands or procedures that could have unexpected or
undesirable results including loss of data or damage to equipment.
Convention Example
Keyboard input In the Gateway Name field, type a name for the remote VPN
peer or client (for example, Central_Office_1).
CLI command syntax execute restore config <filename_str>
Document names FortiMail Administration Guide
File content <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Firewall
<BODY><H4>You must authenticate to use this
Menu commands Go to Anti-Spam > Greylist > Exempt and select Create
Program output Welcome!
Variables <xxx_str> indicates an ASCII string variable keyword.
<xxx_integer> indicates an integer variable
<xxx_ipv4> indicates an IP address variable keyword.
vertical bar and braces {|} separate mutually exclusive
required keywords
For example:
set system opmode {gateway | transparent
| server}
This example indicates you can enter set system
opmode gateway or set system opmode
transparent or set system opmode server
Introduction FortiMail documentation
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FortiMail documentation
Information about the FortiMail unit is available from the following guides:
FortiMail QuickStart Guides
Provides basic information about connecting and installing a FortiMail unit. A
separate guide is available for each FortiMail model.
FortiMail Administration Guide
Introduces the product and describes how to configure and manage a FortiMail
unit, including how to create profiles and policies, configure antispam and
antivirus filters, create user accounts, configure email archiving, and set up
logging and reporting.
FortiMail CLI Reference
Describes how to use the FortiMail CLI and contains a reference of all
FortiMail CLI commands.
FortiMail Log Message Reference
Available exclusively from the Fortinet Knowledge Center, the FortiMail Log
Message Reference describes the structure of FortiMail log messages and
provides information about the log messages that are generated by FortiMail
FortiMail Installation Guide
Describes how to set up the FortiMail unit in transparent, gateway, or server
FortiMail online help
Provides a searchable version of the Administration Guide in HTML format.
You can access online help from the web-based manager as you work.
FortiMail Webmail online help
Describes how to use the FortiMail web-based email client, including how to
send and receive email, how to add, import, and export addresses, how to
configure message display preferences, and how to manage quarantined
FortiMail User Guides
Provides information that the FortiMail end users need to know in order to take
advantage of the services provided by the FortiMail unit. These guides are
included as chapters in the FortiMail Administration Guide, allowing the
administrator to provide information on only the enabled features.
Fortinet Tools and Documentation CD
All Fortinet documentation is available on the Fortinet Tools and Documentation
CD shipped with your Fortinet product. The documents on this CD are current at
shipping time. For up-to-date versions of Fortinet documentation visit the Fortinet
Technical Documentation web site at
Fortinet Knowledge Center
Additional Fortinet technical documentation is available from the Fortinet
Knowledge Center. The knowledge center contains troubleshooting and how-to
articles, FAQs, technical notes, a glossary, and more. Visit the Fortinet Knowledge
Center at
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Customer service and technical support Introduction
Comments on Fortinet technical documentation
Please send information about any errors or omissions in this document, or any
Fortinet technical documentation, to
Customer service and technical support
Fortinet Technical Support provides services designed to make sure that your
Fortinet systems install quickly, configure easily, and operate reliably in your
Please visit the Fortinet Technical Support web site at
to learn about the technical support services that Fortinet provides.
What’s new
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What’s new
The table below lists commands which have changed since the previous release, 3.0 MR3.
Command Change
execute partitionlogdisk New command. Sets the size of the hard disk
partition to use as the log disk. Remaining hard
disk space is used as the mail disk.
set as bounceverify New command. Configures verification of
delivery status notification (DSN) email.
set as mms_reputation New command. Sets the window of time during
which detection of multimedia message service
(MMS) spam will affect the sender reputation of
the end user ID (MSISDN).
set as profile modify rewrite_rcpt New command. Configure rewriting of the
recipient email address located in the envelope
if the email message is detected as spam.
set ip_profile headermanipulation New command. Removes specified message
set ip_profile mms_reputation New command. Enables or disables detection
of spam based upon the sender reputation of
the end user ID (MSISDN) for multimedia
message service (MMS) email messages, and
configures its detection threshold and duration.
set ip_profile sendervalidation
New keyword. Enables or disables bypass of
verification of delivery status notification (DSN)
set ip_profile_setting rate_control New command. Selects whether to rate control
email messages by either the number of email
messages or the number of SMTP connections.
set mailserver access ... authenticated New keyword. Selects whether to apply the
access control rule to only authenticated SMTP
sessions, or regardless of authentication
set mailserver access ... tlsprofile New keyword. Selects the name of a transport
layer security (TLS) profile to apply to SMTP
sessions governed by this access control rule.
set mailserver smtp ldap_domain_check New command. Enables or disables use of an
LDAP query to verify the existence of a domain
and to automatically associate it with a
protected domain.
set mailserver smtpauth smtp New keyword. Enables or disables SMTP
set mailserver smtpauth smtpovertls New keyword. Enables or disables transport
layer security (TLS) authentication for SMTP.
set mailserver smtpauth smtps New keyword. Enables or disables SMTPS
set policy modify add_association New command. Configures domain
associations, which associate a domain name
with the settings for an existing protected
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What’s new
set system fortimanager New command. Configures remote
administration by and automatic configuration
backups to a FortiManager system.
set user pki New command. Configures public key
infrastructure (PKI) authentication for email
users and FortiMail administrators.
Command Change
Using the CLI CLI command syntax
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Using the CLI
This section describes how to connect to and use the FortiMail command line
interface (CLI). You can use CLI commands to view all FortiMail system
information and to change all system configuration settings.
This section contains the following topics:
CLI command syntax
Connecting to the CLI
CLI command branches
CLI command syntax
This guide uses the following conventions to describe command syntax.
Angle brackets < > to indicate variables.
For example:
set console page <length_int>
You enter:
set console page 40
The various types of variables include:
<xxx_str> indicates an ASCII string.
<xxx_int> indicates an integer string that is a decimal number.
<xxx_ipv4> indicates a dotted decimal IPv4 address.
<xxx_v4mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv4 netmask.
<xxx_ipv4mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv4 address followed by a
dotted decimal IPv4 netmask (e.g.
<xxx_ipv4/mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv4 address followed by a
CIDR notation IPv4 netmask (e.g.
<xxx_ipv6> indicates an IPv6 address.
<xxx_v6mask> indicates an IPv6 netmask.
<xxx_ipv6mask> indicates an IPv6 address followed by an IPv6 netmask.
Vertical bar and braces {|} separate alternative, mutually exclusive required
For example:
set system opmode {gateway | server | transparent}
You can enter set system opmode gateway or set system opmode
server or set system opmode transparent.
Square brackets [ ] to indicate that a keyword or variable is optional.
For example:
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Connecting to the CLI Using the CLI
set policy <fqdn> modify fallbackhost <host_ipv4>
[fallbackport <port>]
The fallback host address is required, and a fallback port is optional
A space to separate options that can be entered in any combination and must
be separated by spaces.
For example:
set allowaccess {ping https ssh snmp http telnet}
You can enter any of the following:
set allowaccess ping
set allowaccess ping https ssh
set allowaccess https ping ssh
set allowaccess snmp
In most cases to make changes to lists that contain options separated by
spaces, you need to retype the whole list including all the options you want to
apply and excluding all the options you want to remove.
Connecting to the CLI
You can use a direct console connection, SSH, or Telnet to connect to the
FortiMail unit CLI.
Connecting to the FortiMail unit console
To connect to the FortiMail console, you require:
A computer with an available com port.
A null modem cable to connect the FortiMail console port.
Terminal emulation software such as HyperTerminal for Windows.
To connect to the FortiMail unit console
1Connect the FortiMail console port to the available communications port on your
2Make sure the FortiMail unit is powered on.
3Start HyperTerminal, enter a name for the connection, and select OK.
4Configure HyperTerminal to connect directly to the communications port on the
computer to which you have connected the FortiMail console port.
5Select OK.
6Select the following port settings and select OK.
Note: The following procedure describes how to connect to the FortiMail CLI using
Windows HyperTerminal software. You can use any terminal emulation program.
Bits per second 9600
Data bits 8
Parity None
Using the CLI Connecting to the CLI
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7Press Enter to connect to the FortiMail CLI.
8A prompt appears:
FortiMail-400 login:
9Type a valid administrator name and press Enter.
10 Type the password for this administrator and press Enter.
The following prompt appears:
You have connected to the FortiLog CLI, and you can enter CLI commands.
Setting administrative access for SSH or Telnet
To configure the FortiMail unit to accept SSH or Telnet connections, you must set
administrative access to SSH or Telnet for the FortiMail interface to which your
management computer connects. To use the web-based manager to configure
FortiMail interfaces for SSH or Telnet access, see “Interface settings” in the
“Configuring FortiMail system settings” chapter of the FortiMail Administration
To use the CLI to configure SSH or Telnet access
1Connect and log into the CLI using the FortiMail console port and your terminal
emulation software.
2Use the following command to configure an interface to accept SSH connections:
set system interface <interface_name> config allowaccess ssh
3Use the following command to configure an interface to accept Telnet
set system interface <interface_name> config allowaccess
4To confirm that you have configured SSH or Telnet access correctly, enter the
following command to view the access settings for the interface:
get system interface
The CLI displays the settings, including the management access settings, for the
configured interfaces.
Connecting to the FortiMail CLI using SSH
Secure Shell (SSH) provides strong secure authentication and secure
communications to the FortiMail CLI from your internal network or the internet.
Once the FortiMail unit is configured to accept SSH connections, you can run an
SSH client on your management computer and use this client to connect to the
FortiMail CLI.
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
Note: The FortiMail unit supports the following encryption algorithms for SSH access:
3DES and Blowfish.
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CLI command branches Using the CLI
To connect to the CLI using SSH
1Install and start an SSH client.
2Connect to the FortiMail interface that is configured for SSH connections.
3Type a valid administrator name and press Enter.
4Type the password for this administrator and press Enter.
The FortiMail model name followed by a # is Displayed.
You have connected to the FortiMail CLI, and you can enter CLI commands.
Connecting to the FortiMail CLI using Telnet
You can use Telnet to connect to the FortiMail CLI from your internal network or
the Internet. Once the FortiMail unit is configured to accept Telnet connections,
you can run a Telnet client on your management computer and use this client to
connect to the FortiLog CLI.
To connect to the CLI using Telnet
1Install and start a Telnet client.
2Connect to the FortiMail interface that is configured for Telnet connections.
3Type a valid administrator name and press Enter.
4Type the password for this administrator and press Enter.
You have connected to the FortiMail CLI, and you can enter CLI commands.
CLI command branches
The FortiGate command-line interface consists of four command branches:
Use execute to run static commands on the FortiMail unit. Examples include
resetting the device, formatting the hard drive, and pinging other devices from
the FortiMail unit’s network interfaces.
For a complete execute command list, see “execute” on page 25.
•Use get to display system status information. The get command can be
used to display the current value of items configured with the set command.
For a complete get command list, see “get” on page 49.
Use set to configure the FortiMail unit. All of the configuration allowed in the
GUI can also be accomplished using the set command. Some extra options
not available in the GUI are also available with the set command.
For a complete set command list, see “set” on page 93.
Use unset to return settings to their default values.
For a complete unset command list, see “unset” on page 353.
!Caution: Telnet is not a secure access method. SSH should be used to access the FortiLog
CLI from the internet or any other unprotected network.
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Use execute commands to perform maintenance operations on your FortiMail unit or to perform
network test operations such as ping or traceroute.
This chapter describes the following execute commands:
backup config
update config
updatecenter updatenow
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26 06-30004-0420-20080814
backup config execute
backup config
Use this command to back up system settings to a TFTP server.
execute backup config <name_str> <server_ipv4>
<name_str> is the filename for the backup on the TFTP server
<server_ipv4> is the IP address of the TFTP server
Related topics
execute restore
FortiMail v3.0 New.
execute checklogdisk
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06-30004-0420-20080814 27
When recommended by Customer Support, use this command to find and correct errors on the log
disk. Logging is suspended while this command is running.
execute checklogdisk
Related topics
execute checkmaildisk
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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28 06-30004-0420-20080814
checkmaildisk execute
When recommended by Customer Support, use this command to find and correct errors on the mail
disk. Actions are reported at the command prompt. If the check can’t fix something automatically, it
presents a list of options for the admin to select from.
Mail functions are suspended while this command is running.
execute checkmaildisk
Related topics
execute checklogdisk
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 Renamed from checkspooldisk.
execute clearqueue
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Select to remove all messages from the deferred queue.
execute clearqueue
Related topics
execute checklogdisk
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
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30 06-30004-0420-20080814
factoryreset execute
Use this command to restore the factory default settings.
This will delete your configuration.
execute factoryreset
FortiMail v3.0 New.
execute formatlogdisk
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06-30004-0420-20080814 31
Use this command to reformat the local log hard disk to enhance performance.
This will delete the logs on the log disk.
execute formatlogdisk
Related topics
execute formatmaildisk
execute formatmaildisk_backup
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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32 06-30004-0420-20080814
formatmaildisk execute
Use this command to reformat the local email disk to enhance performance after you have backed up
the mail database to the log disk with execute formatmaildisk_backup.
This will delete your mail database.
execute formatmaildisk
Related topics
execute formatmaildisk_backup
FortiMail v3.0 New.
execute formatmaildisk_backup
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06-30004-0420-20080814 33
Use this command to back up the mail database to the log disk, and then format the local mail disk.
This will enhance performance on the mail disk.
execute formatmaildisk_backup
Related topics
execute formatmaildisk
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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34 06-30004-0420-20080814
maintain execute
Use this command to perform maintenance on mail queues by deleting out-of-date messages.
execute maintain mailqueue clear age <age>[<unit>]
<age> messages this age or older will be cleared, and can be from 1 hour to 10 years.
<unit> can be one of h, d, m, or y for hours, days, months, or years respectively.
The default is 24h.
This example will clear messages that are 23 days old and older.
execute maintain mailqueue clear age 23d
Related topics
execute clearqueue
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
execute nslookup
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Use this command to perform a name server lookup on the specified host or MX record.
execute nslookup {host | mx} <name_server>
<name_server> can be an IP address or a fully qualified domain name.
Related topics
execute ping
execute traceroute
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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36 06-30004-0420-20080814
partitionlogdisk execute
Use this command to adjust the ratio of disk space allocated to the logs and mail. By default, 75% of
the disk space is allocated to mail and 25% to logs.
execute partitionlogdisk <log_int>
<log_int> is the percentage of the total disk space allocated to log files. Specify any value between
10 and 90. The remainder is allocated to mail.
Related topics
execute formatlogdisk
execute formatmaildisk
execute formatmaildisk_backup
!Caution: Executing this command formats the FortiMail disks. This operation deletes all mail and log
FortiMail v3.0 MR4 New.
execute ping
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Use this command to ping the specified host name or host IP address.
execute ping {<host_name> | <host_ipv4>}
Related topics
execute ping-option
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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38 06-30004-0420-20080814
ping-option execute
Use this command to configure the ping function behavior settings.
execute ping-option <option>
Related topics
execute ping
Option Description Default
data-size <bytes> Enter datagram size in bytes. 56
df-bit {yes | no} Enter yes to set the DF bit in the IP header to prevent the ICMP
packet from being fragmented. Setting df-bit to no allows the
ICMP packet to be fragmented.
pattern <hex_pattern> Enter a pattern to fill the optional data buffer at the end of the
ICMP packet, for example 00ffaabb. The size of the buffer is
specified using the data_size parameter. This allows you to
send out packets of different sizes for testing the effect of
packet size on the connection.
repeat-count <integer> Enter the number of times to repeat the ping. The value must be
greater than 0. 5
source {auto | <ipv4>} Select the interface from which the ping is sent. Enter either
auto or the interface IP address. auto
timeout <seconds> Enter the ping response timeout in seconds. 2
tos <tos_value> Enter the IP type-of-service option value, one of:
default 0
lowcost minimize cost
lowdelay minimize delay
reliability maximize reliability
throughput maximize throughput
ttl <TTL_integer> Enter the time-to-live (TTL) value. 64
validate-reply {yes | no} Enter yes to validate ping replies. no
view-settings View the current ping option settings. N/A
FortiMail v3.0 New.
execute reboot
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Use this command to restart the FortiMail unit.
execute reboot
Related topics
execute reload
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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40 06-30004-0420-20080814
reload execute
If you set your console to batch mode, use this command to flush the current configuration from
system memory and reload the configuration from a saved configuration file.
execute reload
Related topics
execute reboot
FortiMail v3.0 New.
execute restore
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06-30004-0420-20080814 41
Use this command to restore system configuration or firmware from a TFTP server.
execute restore {config | image} <name_str> <server_ipv4>
Enter config to restore system settings or image to restore system firmware image.
<name_str> is the name of the configuration file on the TFTP server.
<server_ipv4> is the IP address of the TFTP server.
Related topics
execute backup config
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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42 06-30004-0420-20080814
shutdown execute
Use this command to prepare the FortiMail unit to be powered down. This command clears all buffers
and writes all cached data to disk. Power off the FortiMail unit only after issuing this command to
prevent possible data loss.
execute shutdown
Related topics
execute reboot
FortiMail v3.0 New.
execute smtptest
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06-30004-0420-20080814 43
Use this command to test connectivity to an SMTP server.
execute smtptest <ipv4_addr[:port]> domain <domain_str>
<ipv4_addr> is the IP address of the SMTP server
[:port] is the optional port number to connect to the SMTP server.
<domain_str> is the name of the domain on the SMTP server to connect to.
This example tests the connection to an SMTP server at on port 25 to the
execute smtptest domain
Related topics
execute reboot
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
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44 06-30004-0420-20080814
telnettest execute
Use this command to attempt a telnet connection to the specified host IP address.
execute telnettest <host_ipv4[:port]>
If you do not specify a port number, port 23 is used.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
execute traceroute
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Use this command to trace the route to the specified host IP address.
execute traceroute <host_ipv4>
Related topics
execute maintain
execute ping
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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46 06-30004-0420-20080814
update config execute
update config
Use this command to request a configuration update from the FortiManager server.
execute update config
FortiMail v3.0 New.
execute updatecenter updatenow
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updatecenter updatenow
Use this command to manually initiate a virus definition update.
execute updatecenter updatenow
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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48 06-30004-0420-20080814
updatecenter updatenow execute
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alertemail configuration
alertemail setting
fshd status
log elog
log logsetting
log msisdn
log policy
log query
log reportconfig
log view
mailserver access
mailserver archive
mailserver localdomains
mailserver smtp
mailserver systemquarantine
misc profile
spam deepheader
spam heuristic rules
spam retrieval policy
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
50 06-30004-0420-20080814
alertemail configuration get
alertemail configuration
Use this command to view the alert email recipients. The command displays the SMTP server address,
SMTP user name, SMTP authentication status, encrypted SMTP password, and the email addresses
used to send the alert.
get alertemail configuration
Related topics
get alertemail setting
FortiMail v3.0 New.
get alertemail setting
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06-30004-0420-20080814 51
alertemail setting
Use this command to view the alert email configuration. This command displays what is enabled or
disabled for:
virus incidents
critical events
disk full
archiving failure
HA events
dictionary corruption
system quarantine quota full
get alertemail configuration
FortiMail-400 # get alertemail setting
Alert email setting:
alert email for antivirus: disabled
alert email for critical events: disabled
alert email for disk full: enabled
alert email for archiving failure: enabled
alert email for HA events: disabled
alert email for Dictionary corruption: disabled
alert email for system quarantine quota is full: disabled
alert email for Defer queue: enabled
Related topics
get alertemail configuration
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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52 06-30004-0420-20080814
antivirus get
Use this command to display whether antivirus scanning is enabled. This is available only in server
get antivirus
FEServer # get antivirus
global antivirus scanning is enabled
FortiMail v3.0 New.
get as
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Use this command to display information about your antispam configuration.
get as <option>
FortiMail-400 # get as blacklistaction
blacklist action: reject
FortiMail-400 # get as control autorelease
autorelease account is release-ctrl
autodelete account is delete
FortiMail-400 # get as control bayesian
"is spam" account is is-spam
"is not spam" account is is-not-spam
"learn is spam" account is learn-is-spam
"learn is not spam" account is learn-is-not-spam
"training group" account is default-grp
FortiMail-400 # get as greylist
TTL: 10 (day)
Greylist period: 20 (minute)
Initial expiry period: 4 (hour)
Capacity: 40000
Greylist exempt:
FortiMail-400 # get as profile profile2
Antispam profiles
id=3, name=profile2
Heuristic filtering: enabled
action: default
lower level: -15.000000
upper level: 5.000000
Bayesian filtering: enabled
Option Description
blacklistaction Display the action set for blacklisted items.
control autorelease Display the spam auto release and auto delete account names.
control bayesian Display the Bayesian training account names.
greylist Display the greylist settings, including the TTL, greylist period, initial expiry
period, capacity, and exempt address list.
profile <profile_name> Display the settings of an antispam profile.
spamreport Display the quarantine spam report settings.
trusted antispam-mta Display the IP addresses on the antispam-MTA list.
trusted mta Display the IP addresses on the MTA list.
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54 06-30004-0420-20080814
as get
action: default
use personal database: disabled
Accept training from users: disabled
Use other techniques for auto training: disabled
Deepheader filtering: disabled
action: default
check black ip: enabled
headers analysis: enabled
Dictionary filtering: disabled
action: default
dictionary profile: unknown(-1)
FortiGuard-Antispam filtering: disabled
action: default
FortiGuard-Antispam checkip: disabled
Dnsbl server lookup: disabled
action: default
Surbl server lookup: disabled
action: default
Banned word scanning: disabled
action: default
Whitelist word scanning: disabled
Greylist message senders: disabled
Treat message with virus as spam: disabled
action: default
Check forged IP in incoming emails: disabled
action: default
Check image spam in incoming emails: disabled
action: default
Check image spam aggressively: disabled
Scan conditions:
maxsize: 0
bypass_on_auth: disabled
attachment types:
pdf: disabled
discard reject
subject tagging: disabled, tag=""
header tagging: disabled, tag=""
quarantine is: enabled
auto delete: enabled, number of days=7
auto release of quarantined emails by email: disabled
auto release of quarantined emails by web: disabled
add the sender of a released message to personal white list:
allow users to automatically update personal White list from sent
emails: disabled
FortiMail-400 # get as spamreport
time of day: 00:00
interval: these hours:
Web Release Hostname is empty
Web Release through HTTPS is enabled
get as
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06-30004-0420-20080814 55
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 Added trusted antispam-mta and trusted mta commands.
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56 06-30004-0420-20080814
auth get
Use this command to display authentication settings by protocol: IMAP, POP3, RADIUS, SMTP. This is
available in transparent and gateway modes only.
get auth {imap | pop3 | radius | smtp}
FortiMail v3.0 New.
get av
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Use this command to display the settings of an antivirus profile.
get av <profile_name>
FortiMail-400 # get av avprofile1
Antivirus profiles
id=2, name=avprofile1
AV Scanner: enabled
AV actions:
Heuristic scanning: disabled
Heuristic actions:
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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58 06-30004-0420-20080814
config get
Use this command to display the current FortiMail unit configuration.
get config [<search_string>]
<search_string> is an optional search string. If the string contains spaces, enclose it in single
quotation marks (' ').
If you specify a search string, the command displays only the lines in the configuration file that contain
that string. Otherwise, the command lists the entire configuration.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
get console
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Use this command to display console settings: the number of lines per page, the mode of operation,
and the baud rate of the command line console.
get console
FortiMail-400 # get console
Page number: 24
Console mode: Line
Console baudrate: default
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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60 06-30004-0420-20080814
fshd status get
fshd status
Use this command to display the FortiGuard settings on the FortiMail unit.
get fshd status
FortiMail-400 # get fshd status
Fortishield service status: enabled
Fortishield service cache status: enabled
Fortishield service cache ttl: 600
Fortishield service hostname
FortiMail v3.0 New.
get ip_policy
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06-30004-0420-20080814 61
Use this command to list information about IP policies.
get ip_policy [<policy_number>]
If you do not specify a policy number, the command provides a list of the IP policies, by name and
number. If you specify a policy number, the command lists detailed information about that policy.
FortiMail-400 # get ip_policy 0
smtpin configuration 0
matches: from, to
action: SCAN
ip profile: 'session_strict'
exclusive: this profile can be overriden by a recipient profile
SMTP: is disabled, and difference are NOT allowed
Related topics
get ip_profile
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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62 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_pool get
Use this command to list information about IP pool policies.
get ip_pool {<name_str>}
If you do not specify a policy name, the command returns a list of the IP pool policies, by name and ID
number. If you specify a policy name, the command lists the IP ranges defined in the policy.
Related topics
get ip_profile
set ip_pool
set ip_pool add_entry
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
get ip_profile
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06-30004-0420-20080814 63
Use this command to list information about IP profiles.
get ip_profile [<profile_name>]
If you do not specify a profile name, the command provides a list of the IP profiles.
If you specify a profile name, the command lists detailed information about that IP profile.
FortiMail-400 # get ip_profile session_loose
smtpin configuration for "session_loose"
connection: rate limiting per IP is disabled
this box will NOT be hidden from the server
connection limiting per IP is disabled
total connection limiting is disabled
preventing connections to blacklisted SMTP is disabled
idle timeout is disabled
session: checking HELO/EHLO chars is disabled
HELO/EHLO rewrite is disabled
disallowing encrypted links is disabled
allow pipelining NO
strict synax checking is disabled
splice is disabled
ACK EOM before anti-spam is disabled
Send DSN to sender when spam detected is disabled
(for unauthorised links)
checking sender domain is disabled
checking recipient domain is disabled
reject empty domains is disabled
open relay checking is disabled
RCPT/HELO/MAIL domain check is disabled
limits: max number of recipients per email is 500
no helo/ehlo per session
no email per session
max supported message size is 10485760
max supported header size is 32768
no NOOP restrictions
no RSET restrictions
errors: no "free" errors
there is no initial error delay
subsequent errors use the initial delay
the link will not disconnect because of errors
lists: sender white list checking is disabled
sender black list checking is disabled
recipient white list checking is disabled
recipient black list checking is disabled
sender reputation: sender reputation list checking is disabled
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64 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_profile get
Related topics
get ip_policy
FortiMail v3.0 New.
get ldap_profile
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06-30004-0420-20080814 65
Use this command to display all the settings of the specified LDAP profile.
get ldap_profile profile <name_str>
<name_str> is the LDAP profile name.
To see a list of LDAP profiles, enter get ldap_profile profile ?.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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66 06-30004-0420-20080814
limits get
Use this command to display all the settings of the limits command.
get limits
<name_str> is the LDAP profile name.
To see a list of LDAP profiles, enter get ldap_profile profile ?.
If you enter the gets limits command on a FortiMail-400 unit, the output will be similar to this:
FortiMail-400 # get limits
domain level limits
domains with 2 tier admin 25 (25 ) [500]
admins per domain 5 (5 ) [5]
policies per domain 40 (40 ) [40]
profiles per domain 5 (5 ) [5]
system level limits
admin count 20 (20 ) [20]
total domains 500 (500 ) [500]
total user groups 100 (100 ) [100]
members per user group 50 (50 ) [50]
profile count 50 (50 ) [50]
ip policy count 40 (40 ) [40]
outgoing policy count 500 (500 ) [500]
as profile count *175 (*175 ) [175]
av profile count *175 (*175 ) [175]
content profile count *175 (*175 ) [175]
ip profile count *175 (*175 ) [175]
all shared memory size 13954552 (13954552) [268435456] bytes
dynamic shared memory size 10273300 (10273300) [268435456] bytes
(numbers in brackets indicates value to use on next reboot)
[numbers in square brackets indicates maximum allowable values]
(numbers preceeded by * are automatically calculated)
Related topics
set limits domain-level
set limits system-level general
set limits system-level groups
set limits system-level mail-users
set limits system-level other-profiles
set limits system-level policies
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
get log elog
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06-30004-0420-20080814 67
log elog
Use this command to display the event log messages that have been saved to local hard disk or
remote syslog server.
get log elog
Related topics
set log policy destination event
set log setting local
set log setting syslog
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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68 06-30004-0420-20080814
log logsetting get
log logsetting
Use this command to display:
the log to locations and whether logging to that location is turned on or off.
the log severity level for each log location
log file size
log time
log option setting when disk is full
get log logsetting
FortiMail-400 # get log logsetting
Log to remote syslog server 1: OFF :514 level: emergency facility: kern
Log to remote syslog server 2: OFF :514 level: emergency facility: kern
Log to Console: OFF level: emergency
Log to Local Host: ON level: information
Log file size: 10 Megabytes
Log time: 10 days
When reaching log file size or log time: Overwrite
Related topics
set log setting local
set log setting syslog
FortiMail v3.0 New.
get log msisdn
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06-30004-0420-20080814 69
log msisdn
Use this command to find out if the MSISDN column is enabled.
Use the set log msisdn command to enable the MSISDN column to display in Log & Report >
get log msisdn
Related topics
set log msisdn
set log view fields
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
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70 06-30004-0420-20080814
log policy get
log policy
Use this command to display information about log policies by destination and log type.
To view which types of logging are enabled for each destination:
get log policy
To view detailed information about which types of logging are enabled for a destination:
get log policy [destination {syslog [number
<integer>] | local | console}]
To view detailed information about a particular type of logging enabled for a destination:
get log policy [destination {syslog number <integer> | local | console}
{event | history | spam | virus}]
FortiMail-400 # get log policy destination syslog number 1 event
syslog 1 event:
status: enable
configuration: ON
ha: OFF
login: ON
pop3: ON
smtp: ON
system: ON
updatefailed: ON
updatesucceeded: OFF
webmail: ON
Related topics
set log policy destination event
set log policy destination spam
set log policy destination virus
set log setting local
set log setting syslog
FortiMail v3.0 New.
get log query
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06-30004-0420-20080814 71
log query
Use this command to display all available log query reports, for example,
Top_Remote_Virus_Domain_by_Hour_of_Day. The total number of query reports displays at the
bottom of the list.
get log query
Related topics
set log reportconfig qry
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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72 06-30004-0420-20080814
log reportconfig get
log reportconfig
Use this command to display the settings in a saved log report configuration. The two default reports
that become available after setting up your FortiGate unit with the quick start wizard, are also available
for this command.
get log reportconfig <config_name_str> <predefined_report_yesterday>
<predefined report_last_week>
<config_name_str> is the log report configuration name. For a list of all saved log report
configurations, enter “?” as the name.
Related topics
set log reportconfig direction
set log reportconfig domain
set log reportconfig mailto
set log reportconfig period
set log reportconfig qry
set log reportconfig schedule hour
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 The keywords, predefined_report_yesterday and
predefined_report_last_week were added.
get log view
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06-30004-0420-20080814 73
log view
Use this command to display what columns display in Log & Report > Logging for event, history,
spam, and virus logs.
Use the set log view command to set the fields to display and the log severity level.
get log view {event | history | spam | virus}
Related topics
set log view fields
set log view loglevel
set log policy destination event
set log policy destination spam
set log policy destination virus
set log policy destination history
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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74 06-30004-0420-20080814
mailserver get
Use this command to display the FortiMail email system settings.
get mailserver
FortiMail-400 # get mailserver
dead mail kept: 1 days
mail storage: local disk
Centralized Quarantine: Disabled
maximum message size: 10 MB
POP3 server port: 110
SMTP authentication: enabled
SMTP over SSL: disabled
SMTP server port: 25
SMTPS server port: 465
Relay server disabled
Related topics
get mailserver access
get mailserver archive
get mailserver localdomains
get mailserver smtp
get mailserver systemquarantine
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 Updated output.
get mailserver access
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06-30004-0420-20080814 75
mailserver access
Use this command to display the permissions for sending and receiving email for each domain.
get mailserver access
Related topics
get mailserver
get mailserver archive
get mailserver localdomains
get mailserver smtp
get mailserver systemquarantine
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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76 06-30004-0420-20080814
mailserver archive get
mailserver archive
Use this command to display information about email archiving.
To view email archiving account settings:
get mailserver archive
For other information:
get mailserver archive {exemptlist | local | policy | remote}
This example shows the output without options.
FortiMail-400 # get mailserver archive
email archiving destination: local
email archiving account: archive
email archiving forward:
email archiving status: disabled
Mailbox rotate size: 100 Megabytes
Mailbox rotate time: 7 Days
When reaching disk quota: Overwrite
Related topics
get mailserver
get mailserver access
get mailserver localdomains
get mailserver smtp
get mailserver systemquarantine
Option Description
exemptlist Display the archiving policy exceptions that exempt certain email from being archived.
local Display the disk quota for archiving to the local hard disk.
policy Display the email archiving policies.
remote Display the settings for remote archiving via FTP or SFTP.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
get mailserver localdomains
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06-30004-0420-20080814 77
mailserver localdomains
Use this command to display information about the domains added to the FortiMail unit. This is
available in server mode only.
get mailserver localdomain
Related topics
get mailserver
get mailserver access
get mailserver archive
get mailserver smtp
get mailserver systemquarantine
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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78 06-30004-0420-20080814
mailserver smtp get
mailserver smtp
Use this command to display settings for SMTP email.
get mailserver smtp <setting>
Related topics
get mailserver
get mailserver access
get mailserver archive
get mailserver localdomains
get mailserver systemquarantine
Variables Description
<setting> Enter the setting, one of:
deferbigmsg Display the times to start and stop delivering messages
deferred because of their size.
dsn_displayname Display the sender name used in DSN messages.
dsn_sender Display the sender address used in DSN messages.
queue Display the parameter settings for time outs and retries for
undelivered mail in queues.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR2 Added queue keyword.
get mailserver systemquarantine
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06-30004-0420-20080814 79
mailserver systemquarantine
Use this command to display the system quarantine settings. The system quarantine is used for mail
matching content profiles.
get mailserver systemquarantine
FortiMail-400 # get mailserver systemquarantine
system(content) quarantine account: systemquarantine
system(content) quarantine forward:
system(content) quarantine disk quota: 1 GB
system(content) quarantine rotate size: 100 Megabytes
system(content) quarantine rotate time: 7 Days
When reaching disk quota: Overwrite
Related topics
get mailserver
get mailserver access
get mailserver archive
get mailserver localdomains
get mailserver smtp
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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80 06-30004-0420-20080814
misc profile get
misc profile
Use this command to display the misc profile settings. Available in server mode only.
get misc [<profile_name>]
If you do not specify a profile name, the command displays information for all misc profiles.
FEServer # get misc profile misc_def
Misc profiles
id=0, name=misc_def
User Account Status: enabled
Webmail Access: enabled
disk quota: 100
FortiMail v3.0 New.
get out_content
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06-30004-0420-20080814 81
Use this command to display outgoing content profile settings.
get out_content [<name_str>]
<name_str> is the name of an outgoing content profile.
If you do not specify a profile, the command shows the settings of all outgoing content profiles.
Related topics
get out_policy
get out_profile
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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82 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_policy get
Use this command to display outgoing recipient-based policy settings.
get out_policy [<name_str>]
<name_str> is the name of an outgoing policy.
If you do not specify a policy, the command shows the settings of all outgoing policies.
Related topics
get out_content
get out_profile
FortiMail v3.0 New.
get out_profile
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06-30004-0420-20080814 83
Use this command to display outgoing antispam profile settings.
get out_profile [<name_str>]
<name_str> is the name of an outgoing antispam profile.
If you do not specify a profile, the command shows the settings of all outgoing profiles.
Related topics
get out_content
get out_policy
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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84 06-30004-0420-20080814
policy get
Use this command to display incoming recipient-based policies for domains. This is available only in
transparent and gateway modes.
get policy [<fqdn>]
<fqdn> is the domain’s fully-qualified domain name.
If you do not specify a domain, the command shows the policies of all domains.
Related topics
get out_policy
FortiMail v3.0 New.
get spam deepheader
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06-30004-0420-20080814 85
spam deepheader
Use this command to display the deep header scan settings.
get spam deepheader
FortiMail-400 # get spam deepheader
Deep header scanner setting:
Confidence degree : 95.000000
IP list of trusted server:
Trusted IP list :
Related topics
set as profile modify deepheader
set out_profile profile modify deepheader
FortiMail v3.0 MR1 New.
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86 06-30004-0420-20080814
spam heuristic rules get
spam heuristic rules
Use this command to display the total number of heuristic antispam rules. The number of rules can
change as the FortiGuard service updates the heuristic rule set.
get spam heuristic rules
FortiMail-400 # get spam heuristic rules
The total amount of rules is: 88
Related topics
set as profile modify heuristic
set out_profile profile modify heuristic
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR1 Removed keywords desc, disabled, index, modified, name, status,
because the heuristic rules are now maintained by the FortiGuard service.
get spam retrieval policy
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06-30004-0420-20080814 87
spam retrieval policy
Use this command to display spam retrieval policy information for a domain. This is available in
transparent and gateway modes only.
get spam retrieval policy <fqdn_str>
<fqdn_str> is the fully qualified domain name.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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88 06-30004-0420-20080814
system get
Use this command to display system information.
get system <item>
<item> Description
admin Display the current list of FortiMail administrator accounts including the
user name, the IP address and netmask from which this account can
manage the FortiMail unit, and the account read and write permissions.
appearance Display the product name and bottom logo URL for the system logon
autoupdate Display the antivirus engine version, antivirus definition version, update
configuration, and update status.
ddns Display the dynamic DNS information.
disclaimer Display settings for header and body disclaimers for both incoming and
outgoing email.
dns Display the IP addresses of the primary and secondary DNS servers that
the FortiMail unit uses for DNS lookups.
ha Display HA status and configuration information for a FortiMail unit
operating in active-passive or config only HA mode. If the FortiMail unit is
operating in active-passive HA mode, the command displays the HA
original and effective mode (also known as the HA configured and
effective operating modes respectively), HA main and daemon
configuration settings, and also lists peers in the HA group. If the FortiMail
unit is operating in config only HA mode this command displays the HA
mode (cmaster or cslave) and HA main and daemon configuration
settings. If the FortiMail unit is operating in config only HA mode this
command also displays the master configuration.
hwraid Display the RAID settings.
interface Display the configuration and status of all FortiMail unit network
kernel Display the kernel parameter configuration.
localdomainname Display the name of the local domain.
monitor Display the network interface monitoring configuration and status.
objver Display the antivirus engine and virus definition versions, contract expiry
date, and last update attempt result information.
option Display system options, including system idle timeout, authentication
timeout, and language for the web-based manager.
performance Display the FortiMail unit system performance, including CPU usage,
memory usage, and uptime.
route table Display the FortiMail unit static routing table. For each route in the routing
table, the command displays the route number, the destination IP address
and netmask, and the gateways and interface for each static route.
serialno Display the FortiMail unit serial number.
snmp community Display the configuration and status of each defined SNMP community
including community name, status, hosts, queries, traps, and events
snmp sysinfo Display the SNMP system information including the location, description
and contact information for this FortiMail unit. This information is
associated with the FortiMail unit’s SNMP information when it is being
get system
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06-30004-0420-20080814 89
snmp threshold Displays the SNMP threshold settings for available traps such as CPU
usage, and memory usage.
status Display system status information.
time ntp Display the NTP configuration, including whether NTP is enabled, the
NTP server IP address, and the NTP synchronization interval.
time time Display the system date, time, time zone, and whether daylight saving
time is enabled.
usrgrp domain Display a list of the configured domain names.
usrgrp domain [<name_str>] Display the user groups, including members of each user group, for the
specified domain.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 Added ddns, and localdomainname keywords.
<item> Description
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90 06-30004-0420-20080814
user get
Use this command to display information about users.
get user <item>
Related topics
get userpolicy
<item> Description
alias Display each user alias name and the included members.
group Display each user group name and the included members.
This is available only in server mode.
ldap map This is available only in server mode.
mail Display email accounts information, including user names and display
names. This is available in server mode only.
map Display a list of user mappings.
This is available only in gateway and transparent modes.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
get userpolicy
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06-30004-0420-20080814 91
Use this command to display the policy for a specified user. This is available in server mode only.
get userpolicy <name_str>
<name_str> is the user name.
Related topics
get user
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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92 06-30004-0420-20080814
userpolicy get
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This chapter describes the following commands:
alertemail configuration mailto
alertemail deferq
alertemail setting option
as blacklistaction
as control autorelease, as control bayesian
as greylist
as profile delete
as profile modify ...
as spamreport
as trusted
auth imap rename-to, auth imap server
auth pop3 rename-to, auth pop3 server
auth radius rename-to, auth radius server
auth smtp rename-to, auth smtp server
av delete
av modify ...
av rename-to
content delete, content modify ...
ip_policy ...
ip_pool ...
ip_profile ...
ldap_profile ...
limits ...
log msisdn
log policy destination ...
log reportconfig ...
log setting ...
log view fields, log view loglevel
mailserver access
mailserver archive ...
mailserver deadmail
mailserver portnumber
mailserver proxy smtp interface
mailserver proxy smtp unknown
mailserver relayserver
mailserver smtp ...
mailserver systemquarantine
misc profile delete
misc profile modify ...
misc profile rename-to
out_content delete
out_content modify ...
out_policy profile delete
out_policy modify
out_policy move-to, out_policy rename-to
out_profile profile delete
out_profile profile modify ...
out_profile profile rename-to
policy delete
policy modify ...
spam deepheader
spam retrieval policy
system ...
userpolicy delete
userpolicy modify
userpolicy move-to
userpolicy rename-to
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
94 06-30004-0420-20080814
alertemail configuration mailto set
alertemail configuration mailto
Use this command to set the email addresses of up to three alert email recipients.
To set email recipients:
set alertemail configuration mailto <recipient1> [<recipient2>]
To remove all email recipients:
set alertemail configuration mailto none
Related topics
set alertemail deferq
set alertemail setting option
Variables Description Default
Enter an email address in the form, name@emaildomain. You can add
only three email addresses. No default.
FortiMail v2.8 New.
set alertemail deferq
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06-30004-0420-20080814 95
alertemail deferq
Use this command to configure the deferred email queue alert email conditions. You can set the
number of deferred messages that trigger an alert email message, and how frequently the size of the
deferred queue is monitored. This is effective only if alertemail setting option deferq is set.
set alertemail deferq trigger <trigger_value> interval <interval_minutes>
Related topics
set alertemail configuration mailto
set alertemail setting option
Variables Description Default
<trigger_value> Set the size that the deferred email queue must reach to cause an alert
email to be sent. The range is 1 to 99999. 10 000
<interval_minutes> Set the interval in minutes between checks of deferred queue size. This
can be any number greater than zero. 30
FortiMail v2.8 New.
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96 06-30004-0420-20080814
alertemail setting option set
alertemail setting option
Use this command to set which alert email events are enabled. To disable all alert email events, use
the none option.
set alertemail setting option {<option_list> | none}
To enable alert email for full hard disk and account quota reached
set alertemail setting option diskfull quotafull
Related topics
set alertemail configuration mailto
set alertemail deferq
Variables Description Default
<option_list> A space-delimited list of events that trigger alert email.
Valid options are: No default.
virusincidents Viruses detected.
critical FortiMail unit detects a system error.
diskfull The FortiMail unit hard disk is full.
archivefailure Archiving to the remote host has failed.
ha There is High Availability (HA) activity on the
FortiMail unit.
quotafull An account reached its disk quota.
dictionary A dictionary is corrupt.
systemquarantine System quarantine reached its quota.
deferq The deferred mail queue exceeds the
number of messages specified in set
alertemail deferq trigger.
none No events.
FortiMail v2.8 New.
set antivirus
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06-30004-0420-20080814 97
Use this command to enable or disable antivirus scanning. This command is available in server mode
set antivirus {enable | disable}
Related topics
set ip_policy as
set policy modify user
set out_policy modify
set userpolicy modify
get antivirus
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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98 06-30004-0420-20080814
as blacklistaction set
as blacklistaction
Use these commands to set the action to take when an email message arrives from a blacklisted email
address, domain, or IP address. This setting affects mail matching all three levels of black lists:
system, session, and user.
set as blacklistaction {reject | discard | profile}
Related topics
set as profile modify whitelistword
Keywords and Variables Description Default
reject Reject the message and return an error to the computer attempting to
deliver it. reject
discard Accept the message but discard it without notifying the sending system.
profile Use the setting in the anti-spam profile active for the blacklisted message.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set as bounceverify
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06-30004-0420-20080814 99
as bounceverify
Use these commands to configure the bounce verification feature.
Spammers sometimes use the email addresses of others as the from address in their spam email
messages. When the spam cannot be delivered, a delivery status notification message, or a bounce
message, is returned to the sender, which in this case isn’t the real sender. Because the invalid
bounce message is from a valid mail server, it can be very difficult to detect as invalid.
You can combat this problem with bounce verification.
set as bounceverify action {discard | reject | profile}
set as bounceverify autodeletepolicy {0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4}
set as bounceverify keys {activate | add | delete}
set as bounceverify status {enable | disable}
set as bounceverify tagexpiry <expiry_int>
Related topics
set ip_profile sendervalidation
Keywords and Variables Description Default
action {discard |
reject | profile}
If a bounce message is invalid, this setting determines what the FortiMail
unit will do with it.
discard will have the FortiMail unit accept the message and silently
delete it. Neither the sender nor the recipient will be informed.
reject will have FortiMail unit reject the message. The system attempting
delivery will receive an error.
profile will have the FortiMail unit use the action set in the applicable
antispam profile.
{0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4}
Inactive keys will be removed after being unused for the selected time
0. Never automatically delete an unused key.
1. Delete a key when it hasn’t been used for 1 month.
2. Delete a key when it hasn’t been used for 3 months.
3. Delete a key when it hasn’t been used for 6 months.
4. Delete a key when it hasn’t been used for 12 months.
The active key will not be automatically removed.
keys {activate |
add | delete}
Bounce verification keys can be activated, added, and deleted.
activate allows you to specify which key will be used to generate email
message tags. Only one key can be active.
add allows you to create a new key by entering the key string.
delete allows you to delete an existing key by entering the key string.
status {enable |
Enable or disable bounce verification. Tag checking can be bypassed in
each ip profile.
Enter the number of days an email tag is valid. When this time elapses, the
FortiMail unit will treated the tag as invalid.
FortiMail v3.0 MR4 New.
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100 06-30004-0420-20080814
as control autorelease set
as control autorelease
Use these commands to set the control account names used to delete or release email messages from
set as control autorelease {delete | release} <control_account>
The autorelease address IDs do not include a domain. The sender must use the domain appearing in
their email address. This allows the autorelease address IDs to be valid for any domain configured on
the FortiMail unit.
To make the addresses more descriptive by setting the delete account ID to quarantine_delete
and the release account to quarantine_release, enter these two commands:
set as control autorelease delete quarantine_delete
set as control autorelease release quarantine_release
A user with the email address would delete message from their quarantine by
sending deletion requests to Similarly, this user would release
quarantined email by sending release request messages to
Related topics
set spam retrieval policy
set as spamreport
set as profile modify quarantine
Keywords and Variables Description Default
delete This keyword sets the email address ID used to delete quarantined
messages. delete-ctrl
release This keyword sets the email address ID used to release
quarantined messages. release-ctrl
<control_account> This is an email address ID. It is not a full email address, but only
the portion before the @ symbol.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set as control bayesian
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06-30004-0420-20080814 101
as control bayesian
Use these commands to set the names for Bayesian control accounts.
set as control bayesian is-spam <name_str>
set as control bayesian is-not-spam <name_str>
set as control bayesian learn-is-spam <name_str>
set as control bayesian learn-is-not-spam <name_str>
set as control bayesian training-group <sender_str>
An administrator wants to change two of the Bayesian control account names. He knows his users will
be better able to remember the addresses user to train the database with new messages if they
include the word ‘train’:
The learn-is-spam command becomes train-is-spam and the learn-is-not-spam command becomes
train-is-not-spam. To make these changes, enter these commands:
set as control bayesian learn-is-spam train-is-spam
set as control bayesian learn-is-not-spam train-is-not-spam
Keywords and Variables Description Default
is-spam FortiMail end users can send spam messages that were
incorrectly treated as non-spam to this account to inform
the Bayesian antispam check of its mistake.
is-not-spam FortiMail end users can send non-spam messages that
were incorrectly treated as spam to this account to inform
the Bayesian antispam check of its mistake.
learn-is-spam End users send known spam to this account to train the
FortiMail unit.
Based on the sender’s email address, the FortiMail unit
uses the information received to train the sender’s
Bayesian database.
learn-is-not-spam End users send existing non-spam email to this account to
train the FortiMail unit.
Based on the sender’s email address, the FortiMail unit
uses the information received to train the sender’s
Bayesian database.
training-group This account contains a system-wide spam database set up
by the administrator.
Using this account name as the “from” address, the
administrator sends confirmed spam to the “learn-is-spam”
user account and good email to the “learn-is -not -spam”
user account to do group Bayesian training.
If an individual user’s Bayesian database does not contain
sufficient information for spam scanning, it will use the data
received from the training group user account to scan
<name_str> This is the name for this account. Users send messages to the email address
composed of this name, followed by “@”, followed by the email domain.
<sender_str> This is the ‘from’ name used when sending mail to one of the other four accounts.
Mail can be sent to correct incorrectly categorized mail, or to train the Bayesian
database with new mail. Administrators send messages from the email address
composed of this name, followed by “@”, followed by the email domain.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
102 06-30004-0420-20080814
as control bayesian set
A user with the email address who received a spam message not marked as
spam would send it to to inform the Bayesian database of its error. Similarly, a
good message incorrectly marked as spam would be forwarded to These
two control address IDs are the defaults, and the domain is taken from the user’s email address
The two control address IDs the administrator modified are for training the Bayesian database with
messages that have not been examined by the Bayesian filter. The user with the email address would submit spam messages to and good
messages to
To perform group training of the group database or the global database (which ever is
enabled) without similarly training his own user database, the administrator would send spam
messages to and good messages to,
from instead of his own email address.
Similarly, incorrectly classified messages can be submitted to the group/global database by the
administrator using the training-group@example ‘from’ address to prevent these corrections from
affecting his personal Bayesian database.
Related topics
set as profile modify bayesian
set as profile modify actions
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set as greylist
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06-30004-0420-20080814 103
as greylist
Use these command to configure the greylist settings.
set as greylist capacity <cap_int>
set as greylist exempt {add | delete} <address>
set as greylist greylistperiod <period_int>
set as greylist initial_expiry_period <exp_int>
set as greylist ttl <ttl_int>
Keywords and Variables Description Default
capacity <cap_int> Use this command to set the maximum number of greylist items
stored in the greylist database. New items causing the greylist
database to grow larger than the set capacity will overwrite the oldest
<cap_int> is the maximum number of items in the greylist
The default value and acceptable range varies by FortiMail model. To
display the currently set capacity, use the get as greylist
To determine the available capacity range for your FortiMail model,
enter a question mark for the capacity value and execute the
exempt {add | delete}
Use this command to add or delete addresses from the greylist
exemption list.
<address> can be an email address, IP address, a subnet, or a
Use this command to set the length of time the FortiMail unit will
continue to reject messages with an unknown to/from/IP. After this
time expires, any resend attempts will have the to/from/IP data added
to the greylist and subsequent messages will be delivered
<period_int> is the greylisting period in minutes. Acceptable
values range from 1 to 120 minutes.
Use this command to set the length of time after the initial message
that the FortiMail unit will keep record of a message with an unknown
to/from/IP. If the mail server resends a message before the initial
expiry period expires, it will be accepted. If the message is received
after the initial expiry period, the FortiMail treats the delivery as new
and rejects the message with a temporary fail.
Note that both the greylist period and the initial expiry period are
calculated from the time the first message is received and a
temporary fail is returned. Consequently, a 20 minute greylist period
and a 4 hour initial expiry period will result on a 3 hours and 40
minutes window for delivery of the message to fulfill the greylist
requirements and be accepted.
<exp_int> is the initial expiry period in hours. Acceptable values
range from 4 to 24 hours.
ttl <ttl_int> Use this command to set the greylist time-to-live (TTL) value. TTL
determines how long the to/from/IP data will be retained in the
FortiMail unit’s greylist. When the entry expires, it is removed and
new messages are again rejected until the sending server attempts
to deliver the message again.
<ttl_int> is the time to live in days. Acceptable values range
from 1 to 60 days.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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104 06-30004-0420-20080814
as greylist set
Related topics
set as profile modify greylist
set as mms_reputation
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06-30004-0420-20080814 105
as mms_reputation
The MMS Reputation menu enables you to configure MSISDN blacklisting and whitelisting.
When used on a mobile phone network, the FortiMail unit can examine text messages for spam. If a
user sends multiple spam messages, all messages from the user will be blocked for a time. The
number of spam messages and the length of time further messages will be blocked are configurable.
MSISDN reputation is enabled in the session profile. The auto blacklist score trigger, and the auto
blacklist duration are configured in the session profile.
set as mms_reputation settings autoblacklist window <minutes_int>
Related topics
set ip_profile mms_reputation
Keywords and Variables Description Default
MSISDN reputation functions by detecting whether a sender is responsible
for more than a certain number of spam messages within the auto blacklist
window duration. This duration is set by specifying the Auto blacklist
Window Size in minutes.
FortiMail v3.0 MR4 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
106 06-30004-0420-20080814
as profile delete set
as profile delete
Use this command to delete an antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> delete
<name_str> is the name of the profile.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set as profile modify actions
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 107
as profile modify actions
Use these commands to modify the actions of an antispam profile.
Reject, discard, and forward are mutually exclusive. No more than one can be enabled at any time. If
the specified profile does not exist, it is created.
set as profile <name_str> modify actions discard {enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify actions emailaddr <address_str>
set as profile <name_str> modify actions forward {enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify actions reject {enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify actions summary {enable | disable}
Related topics
set as profile modify quarantine
set as profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the antispam profile.
discard {enable | disable} Enable or disable discarding spam without sending reject
responses to the senders. disable
emailaddr <address_str> Enter the email address to which messages are forwarded
when forwarding is enabled. No default
forward {enable | disable} Enable or disable forwarding of spam messages. disable
reject {enable | disable} Enable or disable the FortiMail unit to reject spam and send
reject responses to the sending system. disable
summary {enable | disable} Enable or disable the generation of a report for users who have
quarantined spam. enable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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108 06-30004-0420-20080814
as profile modify auto-release set
as profile modify auto-release
Use these commands to configure the auto-release settings for an antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify auto-release {enable | disable}
[webrelease {enable | disable} [autowhitelist {enable | disable}]]
Related topics
set as control autorelease
set as profile modify quarantine
set as profile modify whitelistword
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
{enable | disable}
Auto-release enables the user to release or delete quarantined spam
via email. enable
{enable | disable}
Webrelease enables the user to release or delete quarantined spam via
HTTP, with a click from the spam report. disable
{enable | disable}
Autowhitelist examines messages the user sends and automatically
adds the destination email addresses to their personal white list. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set as profile modify bannedword
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06-30004-0420-20080814 109
as profile modify bannedword
Use this command to enable or disable banned word filtering for the specified profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify bannedword {enable | disable}
<name_str> is the name of the profile. By default, banned word scanning is disabled.
Related topics
set as profile modify bannedwordlist
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
110 06-30004-0420-20080814
as profile modify bannedwordlist set
as profile modify bannedwordlist
Use these commands to modify the banned word list for an antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify bannedwordlist <word_str> add
set as profile <name_str> modify bannedwordlist <word_str> delete
set as profile <name_str> modify bannedwordlist <word_str> move-to
set as profile <name_str> modify bannedwordlist <word_str> rename-to
Related topics
set as profile modify bannedword
Keywords and variables Description
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
<word_str> The word entry you want to modify in the profile’s banned word list.
add Add the new banned word.
delete Delete the banned word.
Change the position of the word in the banned word list. Each word is numbered, the
first is 1, the second 2, and so on.
<position_int> is the word’s new position.
rename-to <new_str> Change the word entry.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set as profile modify bayesian
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 111
as profile modify bayesian
Use these commands to configure Bayesian spam filtering for an antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify bayesian autotrain {enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify bayesian scanner {enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify bayesian userdb {enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify bayesian usertrain {enable | disable}
Related topics
set as control bayesian
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the use of FortiGuard-Antispam and SURBL filtering
results to train a user Bayesian database that does not have 200 non-
spam email entries and 100 spam entries and is therefore not ready to
classify email.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable Bayesian filtering for the specified profile. disable
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the use of user Bayesian databases. disable
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the acceptance of training messages from users. enable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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112 06-30004-0420-20080814
as profile modify deepheader set
as profile modify deepheader
Use this command to enable or disable deep header scanning or for the specified profile. The two
separate checks that make up the deep header scan can also be individually enabled or disabled.
set as profile <name_str> modify deepheader scanner {enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify deepheader checkip {enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify deepheader headeranalysis
{enable | disable}
Related topics
set as profile modify actions
set as profile modify deepheader
set as profile modify individualaction scanner
set out_profile profile modify deepheader
get spam deepheader
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the deep header scan for the specified profile. disable
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the black IP portion of the deep header scan for the
specified profile. disable
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the headers analysis portion of the deep header scan
for the specified profile. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR1 checkip and headeranalysis added.
set as profile modify dictionary
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 113
as profile modify dictionary
Use these commands to configure dictionary scans for an antivirus profile. If the any of the words
appearing in the specified dictionary are detected in an email message, the message is treated as
set as profile <name_str> modify dictionary dict_profile <dict_int>
set as profile <name_str> modify dictionary scanner {enable | disable}
Related topics
set as profile modify actions
set as profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
Select the dictionary profile to be used for dictionary scans.
<dict_int> is the dictionary profile number. No default
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable dictionary scanning for the specified profile. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
114 06-30004-0420-20080814
as profile modify dnsbl set
as profile modify dnsbl
Use this command to enable or disable communication with the DNSBL servers to scan email for the
specified profile. IP addresses defined as private network addresses by RFC 1918 are not checked.
set as profile <name_str> modify dnsbl {enable | disable}
<name_str> is the name of the profile. By default, the DNSBL lookup is disabled.
Related topics
set as profile modify dnsblserver
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set as profile modify dnsblserver
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06-30004-0420-20080814 115
as profile modify dnsblserver
Use these commands to modify the DNSBL server list for an antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify dnsblserver <host_str> add
set as profile <name_str> modify dnsblserver <host_str> delete
set as profile <name_str> modify dnsblserver <host_str> move-to <new_int>
set as profile <name_str> modify dnsblserver <host_str> rename-to
Related topics
set as profile modify dnsbl
Keywords and variables Description
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
<host_str> The DNSBL server entry you want to modify in the profile.
add Add the new DNSBL server.
delete Delete the DNSBL server.
move-to <new_int> Change the position of the DNSBL server in the server list. Each entry is numbered,
the first is 1, the second 2, and so on.
<new_int> is the entry’s new position.
rename-to <new_str> Change the DNSBL server hostname.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
116 06-30004-0420-20080814
as profile modify forgedip set
as profile modify forgedip
Use this command to enable or disable forged IP checking for an antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify forgedip {enable | disable}
<name_str> is the name of the profile. By default, forged IP checking is disabled.
Related topics
set as profile modify actions
set as profile modify individualaction scanner
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set as profile modify fortishield
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06-30004-0420-20080814 117
as profile modify fortishield
Use these commands to configure FortiGuard Antispam functions for an antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify fortishield checkip {enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify fortishield scanner {enable | disable}
Related topics
set fshd
set as profile modify actions
set as profile modify individualaction scanner
set fshd
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable FortiGuard-Antispam IP address checking for the
specified profile. IP addresses defined as private network addresses by
RFC 1918 are not checked.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable FortiGuard-Antispam scanning for the specified profile. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
118 06-30004-0420-20080814
as profile modify greylist set
as profile modify greylist
Use this command to enable or disable greylisting for an antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify greylist {enable | disable}
<name_str> is the name of the profile. By default, greylisting is disabled.
Related topics
set as greylist
set as profile modify actions
set as profile modify individualaction scanner
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set as profile modify heuristic
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06-30004-0420-20080814 119
as profile modify heuristic
Use these commands to configure heuristic scanning for an antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify heuristic lower-level <lower_int>
set as profile <name_str> modify heuristic scanner {enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify heuristic upper-level <upper_int>
Related topics
set as profile modify actions
set as profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
<lower_int> Enter the lower level threshold for heuristic scanning for the specified
profile. -20.000000
{enable | disable} Enable or disable heuristic scanning for the specified profile. disable
rules-percentage Specify the percentage of the total number of heuristic rules that will
be used to examine the message. A larger percentage requires more
system resources.
<upper_int> Enter the upper level threshold for heuristic scanning for the specified
profile. 10.000000
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR1 Added rules-percentage keyword.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
120 06-30004-0420-20080814
as profile modify imagespam set
as profile modify imagespam
Use these commands to configure an antispam profile to identify spam messages in which the text is
stored as an embedded graphics file.
set set as profile <name_str> modify imagespam aggressive
{enable | disable}
set set as profile <name_str> modify imagespam scanner {enable | disable}
Related topics
set as profile modify actions
set as profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable more intensive examination of email messages
containing images.
This option will also force the examination of image file attachments in
addition to embedded images. The additional scanning workload could
affect performance with traffic containing image files.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable scanning of email for image-based spam messages. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set as profile modify individualaction scanner
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06-30004-0420-20080814 121
as profile modify individualaction scanner
Use these commands to set the action each spam detection method takes for messages detected as
set as profile <name_str> modify individualaction
[scanner {bannedword | bayesian | deepheader | dictionary | forgedip |
fortishield | heuristic | imagespam | dnsbl | surbl | virus}]
[action {default | subject | reject | discard | forward | quarantine}]
Related topics
set as profile modify actions
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
scanner {bannedword |
bayesian | deepheader
| dictionary |
forgedip | fortishield
| heuristic |
imagespam | dnsbl |
surbl | virus}
Select the spam detection method. No default
action {default |
subject | reject |
discard | forward |
Select the action to take when spam is detected.
•Set default to use the default action set with theset as
profile modify actions command.
•Set subject to tag the message subject.
•Set reject to reject the message and return an error to the
sending system.
•Set discard to accept the message and delete it without informing
the sending system.
•Set forward to have messages forwarded to the email address
set with the emailaddr keyword of the set as profile
modify actions command.
•Set quarantine to divert spam to the user’s spam quarantine.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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122 06-30004-0420-20080814
as profile modify quarantine set
as profile modify quarantine
Use these commands to configure quarantine settings for an antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify quarantine days <days_int>
set as profile <name_str> modify quarantine queue {enable | disable}
Related topics
set as control autorelease
set as spamreport
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
days <days_int> Enter the number of days to keep the quarantined email for the specified
profile. Enter 0 to disable. 0
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the storage of spam in the quarantine for the specified
profile. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set as profile modify rewrite_rcpt
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 123
as profile modify rewrite_rcpt
The rewrite recipient email address feature allows the FortiMail unit to change the recipient email
address if the message is detected as spam. Use these commands to configure the recipient email
address rewrite feature.
set as profile <name_str> modify rewrite_rcpt {enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify rewrite_rcpt set_part {local | domain}
{none | prefix | replace | suffix} value <rewrite_str>
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
{enable | disable}
Enable to allow the FortiMail unit to replace the recipient email address if
the message is detected as spam. disable
set_part {local |
Select the portion of the email address to configure. The changes to the
local part (before the ‘@’) and the domain part (after the ‘@’) are
configured separately.
Note that both parts can be configured separately if changes to both parts
are required.
{none | prefix |
replace | suffix}
For each part, select:
None: The FortiMail unit will not change the specified part of the email
Prefix: The text you specify with the value keyword will be added to
the beginning of the specified part of the email message.
Suffix: The text you specify with the value keyword will be added to
the end of the specified part of the email message.
Replace: The text you specify with the value keyword will replace the
specified part of the email message.
value <rewrite_str> Enter the text string to be added or used to replace the specified part of
the email address. If no message replacement is specified, the value
keyword is not necessary.
FortiMail v3.0 MR4 New.
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124 06-30004-0420-20080814
as profile modify scanoptions set
as profile modify scanoptions
Use these commands to configure the antispam scanning options.
set as profile <name_str> modify scanoptions attachment_type pdf {enable
| disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify scanoptions bypass_on_auth {enable |
set as profile <name_str> modify scanoptions maxsize <size_int>
Related topics
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
attachment_type pdf
{enable | disable}
Enable to allow the FortiMail unit scan the first page of PDF attachments.
The PDF option allows the heuristic, banned word, and image spam
scanning techniques to examine the contents of PDF files.
If none of these three scanners are enabled, the PDF option will have no
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the bypassing of spam scanning when an SMTP
sender is authenticated. disable
maxsize <size_int> Enter the maximum message size, in bytes, that the FortiMail unit will
scan for spam. Messages with sizes exceeding the set limit will not be
scanned for spam.
Enter 0 to scan all messages regardless of size.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR1 attachment_type pdf added.
set as profile modify surbl
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 125
as profile modify surbl
Use this command to enable or disable the checking of mail against defined SURBL servers for an
antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify surbl {enable | disable}
<name_str> is the name of the profile. By default, SURBL scanning is disabled.
Related topics
set as profile modify surblserver
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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126 06-30004-0420-20080814
as profile modify surblserver set
as profile modify surblserver
Use these commands to configure the SURBL server list of an antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify surblserver <host_str> add
set as profile <name_str> modify surblserver <host_str> delete
set as profile <name_str> modify surblserver <host_str> move-to <new_int>
set as profile <name_str> modify surblserver <host_str> rename-to
Related topics
set as profile modify surbl
Keywords and variables Description
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
<host_str> The SURBL server entry you want to modify in the profile.
add Add the new SURBL server.
delete Delete the SURBL server.
move-to <new_int> Change the position of the SURBL server in the server list. Each entry is numbered,
the first is 1, the second 2, and so on. <new_int> is the entry’s new position.
rename-to <new_str> Change the SURBL server hostname.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set as profile modify tags
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 127
as profile modify tags
Use these commands to configure header and subject tagging for an antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify tags htag <tag_str>
set as profile <name_str> modify tags header {enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify tags stag <tag_str>
set as profile <name_str> modify tags subject {enable | disable}
Related topics
set as profile modify actions
set as profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
htag <tag_str> Enter the text added to the email header. No default
{enable | disable} Enable or disable header tagging for the specified profile. A header tag
must be set before header tagging can be enabled. disable
stag <tag_str> Enter the text added to the email subject. No default
{enable | disable} Enable or disable subject tagging for the specified profile. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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128 06-30004-0420-20080814
as profile modify virus set
as profile modify virus
Use this command to enable or disable treating messages with a virus as spam.
set as profile <name_str> modify virus {enable | disable}
By default, this setting is disabled.
Related topics
set as profile modify actions
set as profile modify individualaction scanner
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set as profile modify whitelistword
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 129
as profile modify whitelistword
Use this command to enable or disable white list word checking in the specified incoming antispam
set as profile <name_str> modify whitelistword {enable | disable}
By default, this setting is disabled.
Related topics
set as profile modify whitelistwordlist
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
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130 06-30004-0420-20080814
as profile modify whitelistwordlist set
as profile modify whitelistwordlist
Use this command to add, delete, or modify white list words for the specified antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify whitelistwordlist <word_str> add subject
{enable | disable} body {enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify whitelistwordlist <word_str> change body
{enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify whitelistwordlist <word_str> change
subject {enable | disable}
set as profile <name_str> modify whitelistwordlist <word_str> change word
set as profile <name_str> modify whitelistwordlist <word_str> delete
set as profile <name_str> modify whitelistwordlist <word_str> move-to
Related topics
set as profile modify whitelistword
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
<word_str> Enter the whitelist word.
add subject
{enable |
disable} body
{enable |
Add the specified word as a whitelist word. Enable or disable checking of
the message subject and body for the whitelist word.
change body {enable
| disable} Select whether the email body text is examined for whitelist words. disable
change subject
{enable | disable} Select whether the email subject text is examined for whitelist words. disable
change word
<new_str> Change the specified white list word. The <name_str> variable specifies
the existing word and <new_str> is the new word.
delete Delete the specified whitelist word
<dest_int> Move the specified word to the position in the white list word list specified
by the <dest_int> variable.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
set as spamreport
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 131
as spamreport
Use these commands to configure spam reports.
set as spamreport hostname <host_str>
set as spamreport https {enable | disable}
set as spamreport interval <option>
set as spamreport timeofday <time_str>
set as spamreport webaccess_expiry_period <hours_int>
Related topics
set as control autorelease
set as profile modify quarantine
Keywords and variables Description Default
hostname <host_str> Enter an alternate resolvable host name to use if the local domain
name is not resolvable from everywhere users will receive their mail.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable encrypted communication between the user and the
FortiMail unit when the user selects a release or delete link in an
HTML formatted spam quarantine report.
interval {thesedays
<day_int> |
Specify how often spam reports will be generated and sent to users.
The two options work together and both need to be set.
{thesedays} allows you to specify on which days spam reports
will be generated. The <day_int> variable specifies the days,
separated by commas. Sunday through Saturday are represented
by the digits 0 through 6. For example, Sunday is 0, Tuesday is 2,
Friday is 5. To specify reports generated Monday through Friday,
the command line would be: set as spamreport interval
thesedays 1,2,3,4,5
{thesehours} will specify what times of the day spam reports will
be generated. The <hours_int> variable specifies the hours,
separated by commas. For example, to define the hourly
generation of spam reports during business hours, the command
line would be: set as spamreport interval thesehours
The two example command lines given direct the FortiMail unit to
generate a spam report every hour from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M., Monday to
riod <hours_int> Specify the number of hours a user will be able to use the link in the
spam report to access his spam quarantine without providing a
username and password.
If the link is used after the configured number of hours, the users will
be informed that the link has expired and redirected to the quarantine
login page.
Enter 0 to always require the user enter a username and password.
Valid values are 0 to 720.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 Added webaccess_expiry_period. Removed timeofday. Removed
daily and weekly options, and added thesedays option to interval
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
132 06-30004-0420-20080814
as trusted set
as trusted
Use these commands to configure trusted MTA addresses. If there are any servers within your network
that mail travels through before reaching the FortiMail unit, the addresses of these servers would be
checked as part of the antispam scans. If spam mail cannot be introduced by these servers, you can
exclude them from the antispam checks.
Antispam scanning methods that observe these trusted addresses include FortiGuard Antispam,
Private network addresses are never checked and do not need to be excluded using this command.
set as trusted antispam-mta add <ipv4_mask>
set as trusted antispam-mta delete <ipv4_mask>
set as trusted mta add <ipv4_mask>
set as trusted mta delete <ipv4_mask>
Related topics
set as profile modify fortishield
set as profile modify dnsbl
set ip_profile sendervalidation
Keywords and variables Description Default
antispam-mta add
<ipv4_mask> Enter an IP address/mask to add to the FortiMail unit’s antispam-MTA
list. Addresses on this list are the points past which no addresses will
be scanned for spam. For example, if a server is at the very edge of
your network and no servers inside your network will generate spam,
use the antispam-mta add command to specify the server at the
edge of the network. Once done, the IP address of the specified
server, and all servers between it and the FortiMail unit will be ignored
for antispam scans.
antispam-mta delete
<ipv4_mask> Enter an IP address/mask to delete from the antispam MTA list.
mta add <ipv4_mask> Enter an IP address/mask to add to the FortiMail unit’s MTA list.
Addresses on this list will be ignored by certain FortiMail antispam
mta delete
<ipv4_mask> Enter an IP address/mask to delete from the MTA list.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
set auth imap rename-to
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 133
auth imap rename-to
Use this command to rename an IMAP authentication profile.
set auth imap <name_str> rename-to <new_str>
Related topics
set auth imap server
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the IMAP authentication profile.
<new_str> Enter the new name of the IMAP authentication profile.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
134 06-30004-0420-20080814
auth imap server set
auth imap server
Use this command to create or modify the server properties of an IMAP authentication profile.
set auth imap <name_str> server {<host_str> | <server_ipv4>} port
<port_int> [option {ssl secure tls domain}]
Related topics
set auth imap rename-to
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the IMAP authentication profile.
{<host_str> |
Enter either the IMAP server host name or IP address.
port <port_int> Enter the IMAP server port number. 389 for non-
636 for secure
[option {ssl secure
tls domain}]
These optional settings further define the connection to the IMAP
{ssl} enables Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on the IMAP
server to secure message transmission.
{secure} enables Secure Authentication on the IMAP server
to secure email users passwords.
{tls} enables Transport Layer Security (TLS) on the IMAP
server to ensure privacy between communicating applications
and their users on the Internet.
{domain} select if the IMAP server requires the domain for
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set auth pop3 rename-to
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 135
auth pop3 rename-to
Use this command to rename a POP3 authentication profile.
set auth pop3 <name_str> rename-to <new_str>
Related topics
set auth pop3 server
Keywords and Variables Description
<name_str> This is the name of the POP3 authentication profile.
<new_str> Enter the new name of the POP3 authentication profile.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
136 06-30004-0420-20080814
auth pop3 server set
auth pop3 server
Use this command to create or modify the server properties of an POP3 authentication profile
set auth pop3 <name_str> server {<host_str> | <server_ipv4>} port
<port_int> [option {ssl secure tls domain}]
Related topics
set auth pop3 rename-to
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the POP3 authentication profile.
{<host_str> |
Enter either the POP3 server host name or IP address.
port <port_int> Enter the POP3 server port number. 110
[option {ssl secure
tls domain}]
These optional settings further define the connection to the POP3 server.
{ssl} enables Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on the POP3 server to
secure message transmission.
{secure} enables Secure Authentication on the POP3 server to
secure email users passwords.
{tls} enables Transport Layer Security (TLS) on the POP3 server to
ensure privacy between communicating applications and their users on
the Internet.
{domain} select if the POP3 server requires the domain for
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set auth radius rename-to
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 137
auth radius rename-to
Use this command to rename a Radius authentication profile.
set auth radius <name_str> rename-to <new_str>
Related topics
set auth radius server
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the Radius authentication profile. No default
<new_str> Enter the new name of the Radius authentication profile. No default
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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138 06-30004-0420-20080814
auth radius server set
auth radius server
Use this command to create or modify the server properties of a Radius authentication profile.
set auth radius <name_str> server {<host_str> | <server_ipv4>} secret
<password_str> domain {enable | disable}
Related topics
set auth radius rename-to
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the Radius authentication profile.
{<host_str> |
Enter either the Radius server host name or IP address.
Enter the password required to access the Radius server.
{enable | disable}
Select enable if the server requires the domain name in addition to the
user ID.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set auth smtp rename-to
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 139
auth smtp rename-to
Use this command to rename an SMTP authentication profile.
set auth smtp <name_str> rename-to <new_str>
Related topics
set auth smtp server
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the SMTP authentication profile.
<new_str> Enter the new name of the SMTP authentication profile.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
140 06-30004-0420-20080814
auth smtp server set
auth smtp server
Use this command to create or modify the server properties of an SMTP authentication profile.
set auth smtp <name_str> server {<host_str> | <server_ipv4>} port
<port_number> [option {ssl secure tls domain}]
Related topics
set auth smtp rename-to
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the SMTP authentication profile.
{<host_str> |
Enter either the SMTP server host name or IP address.
port <port_int> Enter the SMTP server port number. 25
[option {ssl secure
tls domain}]
These optional settings further define the connection to the SMTP
{ssl} enables Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on the SMTP
server to secure message transmission.
{secure} enables Secure Authentication on the SMTP server
to secure email users passwords.
{tls} enables Transport Layer Security (TLS) on the SMTP
server to ensure privacy between communicating applications
and their users on the Internet.
{domain} select if the SMTP server requires the domain for
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set av delete
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 141
av delete
Use this command to delete antivirus profiles.
set av <av_prof_name> delete
where <av_prof_name> is the name of an antivirus profile.
Related topics
set alertemail deferq
set av modify heuristic
set av modify heuristic heuristic_action
set av rename-to
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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142 06-30004-0420-20080814
av modify actions set
av modify actions
Use this command to select, for a specified antivirus profile, the action taken when the FortiMail unit
detects an infected email message. Specify reject to reject the email message and return an error.
Specify discard to simply discard the message after receipt.
set av <av_prof_name> modify actions {discard | reject}
<av_prof_name> is the name of the antivirus profile you are configuring. If this is not the name of an
existing profile, a new profile is created.
Related topics
set alertemail configuration mailto
set av modify heuristic
set av modify heuristic heuristic_action
set alertemail setting option
set av rename-to
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set av modify heuristic
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06-30004-0420-20080814 143
av modify heuristic
Use this command to enable or disable heuristic scanning for the specified antivirus profile.
set av <av_prof_name> modify heuristic {enable | disable}
<av_prof_name> is the name of the antivirus profile you are configuring. If this is not the name of an
existing profile, a new profile is created.
Related topics
set alertemail configuration mailto
set alertemail deferq
set av modify heuristic heuristic_action
set alertemail setting option
set av rename-to
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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144 06-30004-0420-20080814
av modify heuristic heuristic_action set
av modify heuristic heuristic_action
Use this command to specify how this antivirus profile handles email messages that contain an
infected attachment, as detected through heuristics. The options are:
Disable both discard and reject. FortiMail replaces the infected attachment.
Enable discard. FortiMail discards the message after receipt.
Enable reject. FortiMail rejects the email message and returns an error to the sending server.
You cannot enable both discard and reject. Enabling one disables the other.
To disable both discard and reject:
set av <av_prof_name> modify heuristic heuristic_action discard disable
set av <av_prof_name> modify heuristic heuristic_action reject disable
To enable discard:
set av <av_prof_name> modify heuristic heuristic_action discard enable
To enable reject:
set av <av_prof_name> modify heuristic heuristic_action reject enable
<av_prof_name> is the name of the antivirus profile you are configuring. If this is not the name of an
existing profile, a new profile is created.
Related topics
set alertemail configuration mailto
set alertemail deferq
set av modify heuristic
set alertemail setting option
set av rename-to
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set av modify scanner
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06-30004-0420-20080814 145
av modify scanner
Use this command to enable or disable antivirus scanning for the specified profile.
set av <av_prof_name> modify scanner {enable | disable}
<av_prof_name> is the name of the antivirus profile you are configuring. If this is not the name of an
existing profile, a new profile is created.
Related topics
set alertemail configuration mailto
set alertemail deferq
set av modify heuristic
set av modify heuristic heuristic_action
set av rename-to
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
146 06-30004-0420-20080814
av rename-to set
av rename-to
Use this command to enable or disable antivirus scanning for the specified profile.
set av <av_prof_name> rename-to <newname_str>
<av_prof_name> is the name of the antivirus profile to rename. <newname_str> is the new name.
Related topics
set alertemail configuration mailto
set alertemail deferq
set av modify heuristic heuristic_action
set alertemail setting option
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set console
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06-30004-0420-20080814 147
Use set console to configure console settings.
set console baudrate {9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600 | 115200}
mode {batch | line} page <line_int>
Related topics
set system appearance
set system option
Commands Description
baudrate {9600 | 19200 |
38400 | 57600 | 115200}
Sets the console baudrate.
mode {batch | line} Sets the console mode to batch or line. The default setting is line.
page <line_int> Sets the number of lines that appear on each page of command line
console output. The default setting is 25. You can set this value to 0 to
allow output to flow without paging.
<line_int> is the number of lines that appear on each page of
command line console output.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
148 06-30004-0420-20080814
content delete set
content delete
Use this command to delete a content profile.
set content <name_str> delete
<name_str> is the name of the content profile.
Related topics
set content modify filetype
set content modify monitor
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set content modify action
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06-30004-0420-20080814 149
content modify action
Use this command to select the action to be taken on messages matching the specified content profile.
set content <name_str> modify action {treat_as_spam | reject| discard |
replace | quarantine | forward} [forwardaddr <addr_str>]
Related topics
set content modify filetype
set content modify monitor
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the content profile.
action {discard |
forward |
quarantine | reject
| replace |
Select the action to be taken on messages matching the active
content profile.
{discard} deletes the message.
{forward} sends the message to the specified email address
instead of the recipient
{quarantine} stores the infected message in the FortiMail
unit’s system quarantine. This option is available for incoming
email only.
{reject} causes the FortiMail unit to not accept delivery of
the infected message. An error is returned to the system
attempting delivery.
{replace} strips the infected attachment and replaces it with
the a custom message.
{treat_as_spam} handles the infected message according
to the action set in the applicable antispam profile.
Enter the email address to be used if the selected action is forward.
When forward is selected as the action, matching messages will be
forwarded to the specified email address.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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150 06-30004-0420-20080814
content modify bypass_on_auth set
content modify bypass_on_auth
Use this command to allow messages to bypass the content filters if SMTP authorization is enabled
and the delivering system successfully authenticates.
set content <name_str> modify bypass_on_auth {enable | disable}
<name_str> is the name of the content profile.
Related topics
set content modify action
set content modify filetype
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set content modify defersize
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 151
content modify defersize
Use this command to set the minimum size of files that will be held for later content scanning.
set content <name_str> modify defersize <size_int>
Related topics
set content modify bypass_on_auth
set content modify filetype
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the content profile.
<size_int> Enter the size limit (in KB). Files larger than the set limit will be deferred. A
value of 0 means no mail will be deferred. 0
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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152 06-30004-0420-20080814
content modify filetype set
content modify filetype
Use this command to block email attachments that match the specified file type.
set content <name_str> modify filetype <filetype_str> {blocked |
Related topics
set content modify action
set content modify monitor
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the content profile.
<filetype_str> Select the file type. Valid types are
application/other This option includes all file types not
specified by the other listed types.
{blocked |
Select blocked to trigger the content action against messages
containing the specified type of file attachment.
Select not-blocked to allow the specified type of file attachment.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set content modify monitor
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06-30004-0420-20080814 153
content modify monitor
Use this command to configure content monitor profiles.
set content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> delete
set content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> dict_profile
set content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> {enable | disable}
set content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> moveto <new_int>
set content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> tags header {enable |
set content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> tags htag <tag_str>
set content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> tags stag <tag_str>
Related topics
set content modify monitor action
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the content profile.
<profile_int> Enter the content monitor profile number.
<dict_int> Enter the dictionary profile ID number to use for the specified
content monitor profile.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the specified content monitor profile. enable
moveto <new_int> Moves the specified content monitor profile to a new position in
the list.
<new_int> is the destination content profile number.
tags header
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable the labeling of matching messages by adding a
tag to the header. disable
tags htag <tag_str> Enter the text to be used as the tag when header tagging is
tags subject
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable the labeling of matching messages by adding a
tag to the subject. disable
tags stag <tag_str> Enter the text to be used as the tag when subject tagging is
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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154 06-30004-0420-20080814
content modify monitor action set
content modify monitor action
Use this command to select the action to be taken with messages matching the specified content
monitor profile.
set content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> action {none |
discard | forward | quarantine | reject | replace | review |
Related topics
set content modify monitor
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the content profile.
<profile_int> Enter the content monitor profile number.
action {none |
discard | forward |
quarantine | reject
| replace | review
| treat_as_spam}
Select the action to be taken with messages matching the specified
content monitor profile.
{none} no action is taken, though subject and/or header tagging
will still occur if enabled.
{discard} deletes the message.
{forward} sends the message to the specified email address
instead of the recipient.
{quarantine} stores the infected message in the FortiMail unit
spam quarantine.
{reject} causes the FortiMail unit to not accept delivery of the
infected message. An error is returned to the system attempting
{replace} strips the infected attachment and replaces it with the
a custom message.
{review} stops messages matching the monitor profile and
places them into the system quarantine. These messages are not
included in the spam report sent to users. Rather, an administrator
must release or delete these messages after reviewing them.
{treat_as_spam} handles the infected message according to
the action set in the applicable antispam profile.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set content modify monitor action
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06-30004-0420-20080814 155
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
156 06-30004-0420-20080814
fshd set
Use set fshd to configure FortiGuard service on the FortiMail unit.
set fshd cache status {enabled | disabled}
set fshd cache ttl <ttl_int>
set fshd hostname <hostname_str>
set fshd status {enabled | disabled}
Commands Description Default
cache status
{enabled | disabled}
Enables or disables the FortiGuard cache. enabled
cache ttl <ttl_int> Sets a TTL (time to live) for the cache.
<ttl_int> is the number of seconds blocked IP
addresses are stored in the FortiMail unit’s cache before
contacting the FortiGuard server again.
Sets the FortiGuard server host name.
{enabled | disabled}
Enables or disables FortiGuard service. enabled
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set ip_policy
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 157
Use this command to create a new IP policy.
Policies are referenced by number, indicating their position in the policy list. Numbering starts with 0
for the first policy. New policies must be created at the end of the current list (the next number in
set ip_policy <policy_int>
<policy_int> is the IP policy number.
Related topics
set ip_policy delete
set ip_policy move
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
158 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_policy action set
ip_policy action
Use this command to set the default action to be applied to a connection matching the specified IP
set ip_policy <policy_int> action {scan | reject | tempfail}
Related topics
set ip_policy as
set ip_policy auth
set ip_policy av
set ip_policy content
set ip_policy ip
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<policy_int> This is IP policy number.
scan Select scan to allow the connection and apply the antispam, antivirus, auth,
content, and session (IP) profiles associated with the IP policy. scan
reject Select reject to have the FortiMail unit reject connection attempts matching
this policy.
tempfail Select tempfail to have the FortiMail unit reject connection attempts and
report a temporary failure.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set ip_policy as
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 159
ip_policy as
Use this command to set the antispam profile to be applied to traffic controlled by the specified IP
set ip_policy <policy_int> as <name_str>
Related topics
set ip_policy auth
set ip_policy av
set ip_policy content
set ip_policy ip
Keywords and Variables Description
<policy_int> Enter the IP policy number.
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
160 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_policy auth set
ip_policy auth
Use this command to set the authentication type and profile to be applied to the specified IP policy.
set ip_policy <policy_int> auth imap <name_str>
set ip_policy <policy_int> auth pop3 <name_str>
set ip_policy <policy_int> auth radius <name_str>
set ip_policy <policy_int> auth smtp <name_str>
Related topics
set ip_policy as
set ip_policy av
set ip_policy content
set ip_policy ip
Keywords and Variables Description
<policy_int> Enter the IP policy number.
<name_str> Enter the name of the authentication profile.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set ip_policy av
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 161
ip_policy av
Use this command to set the antivirus profile to be applied to traffic controlled by the specified IP
set ip_policy <policy_int> av <name_str>
Related topics
set ip_policy as
set ip_policy auth
set ip_policy content
set ip_policy ip
Keywords and Variables Description
<policy_int> Enter the IP policy number.
<name_str> Enter the name of the antivirus profile.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
162 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_policy content set
ip_policy content
Use this command to set the antivirus profile to be applied to traffic controlled by the specified IP
set ip_policy <policy_int> content <name_str>
Related topics
set ip_policy as
set ip_policy auth
set ip_policy av
set ip_policy ip
Keywords and Variables Description
<policy_int> Enter the IP policy number.
<name_str> Enter the name of the content profile.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set ip_policy delete
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 163
ip_policy delete
Use this command to delete an IP policy.
Policies are referenced by number, indicating their position in the policy list. Numbering starts with 0
for the first policy.
set ip_policy <policy_int> delete
<policy_int> is the IP policy number.
Related topics
set ip_policy
set ip_policy move
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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164 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_policy exclusive set
ip_policy exclusive
Use this command to disable any checks for recipient-based policy matches while this IP-based policy
is in effect. The IP-based profile will be applied and matching recipient-based profiles ignored.
set ip_policy <policy_int> exclusive {enable | disable}
<policy_int> is the IP policy number.
Related topics
set ip_policy match (gateway and server modes)
set ip_policy match (transparent mode)
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set ip_policy ip
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06-30004-0420-20080814 165
ip_policy ip
Use this command to set the session profile to be applied to the specified IP policy.
set ip_policy <policy_int> ip <name_str>
Related topics
set ip_policy as
set ip_policy auth
set ip_policy av
set ip_policy content
Keywords and variables Description Default
<policy_int> Enter the IP policy number.
<name_str> Enter the name of the session profile. session_strict
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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166 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_policy match (gateway and server modes) set
ip_policy match (gateway and server modes)
Use this command to set the client IP address. The IP policy applies to traffic exchanged when this
client establishes a connection.
set ip_policy <policy_int> match <client_ipv4/mask>
Related topics
set ip_policy match (transparent mode)
Keywords and variables Description Default
<policy_int> Enter the IP policy number.
<client_ipv4/mask> Enter the IP address and CIDR subnet of the client. The address will include all addresses.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set ip_policy match (transparent mode)
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 167
ip_policy match (transparent mode)
Use this command to set the client and server IP addresses. The IP policy applies to traffic exchanged
when the client connected to the server.
In the context of this command, the client is the system initiating the connection and the server is the
system receiving the connection attempt.
set ip_policy <policy_integer> match <client_ipv4/mask>
Related topics
set ip_policy match (gateway and server modes)
Keywords and variables Description Default
<policy_int> Enter the IP policy number.
<client_ipv4/mask> Enter the IP address and CIDR subnet of the client. The address will include all addresses.
<server_ipv4/mask> Enter the IP address and CIDR subnet of the server. The address will include all addresses.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
168 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_policy move set
ip_policy move
Use this command to move an IP-based policy from one position in the list to another.
set ip_policy <policy_int> move <new_int>
Related topics
set ip_policy
set ip_policy delete
Keywords and variables Description Default
<policy_int> Enter the IP policy number.
<new_int> Enter the IP policy’s new number. The new policy number is the
position to where you want to move the IP policy.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set ip_policy smtp
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 169
ip_policy smtp
Use this command to configure the use of other authentication types for SMTP.
set ip_policy <policy_integer> smtp {enable | disable}
set ip_policy <policy_integer> smtp enable [{enable | disable}]
Related topics
set ip_policy auth
Keywords and variables Description
<policy_int> Enter the IP policy number.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the use of the authentication type defined in the authentication
profile for SMTP authentication.
[{enable | disable}] If authentication is enabled, choose to enable or disable the sender being allowed to
have a different name than their SMTP sender identity.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
170 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_pool set
Use this command to add create a new IP pool profile.
set ip_pool <name_str>
Related topics
set ip_pool add_entry
set ip_pool del_entry
set ip_pool delete
get ip_pool
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the IP pool profile to create.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
set ip_pool add_entry
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 171
ip_pool add_entry
Use this command to add a range of IP addresses to an IP pool profile.
set ip_pool <name_str> add_entry <ipv4> <size_int>
Related topics
set ip_pool
set ip_pool del_entry
set ip_pool delete
get ip_pool
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the IP pool profile.
<ipv4> Enter the Start IP address for the range of IP addresses in this
IP pool.
<size_int> Enter the Range Size. This is the number of available IP
addresses starting with the Start IP address.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
172 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_pool del_entry set
ip_pool del_entry
Use this command to delete an IP address range from an IP pool profile.
set ip_pool <name_str> del_entry <rangeID_int>
Related topics
set ip_pool
set ip_pool add_entry
set ip_pool delete
get ip_pool
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the IP pool profile.
<rangeID_int> Enter the ID number of the IP range to be deleted. Use the
get ip_pool command to list the defined ranges with their
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
set ip_pool delete
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 173
ip_pool delete
Use this command to delete an IP pool profile.
set ip_pool <name_str> delete
Related topics
set ip_pool
set ip_pool add_entry
set ip_pool del_entry
get ip_pool
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the IP pool profile.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
174 06-30004-0420-20080814
set ip_profile check
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 175
ip_profile check
Use these commands to configure various session checks.
set ip_profile <name_str> check 3_way {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> check allow_pipelining {no | loose | strict}
set ip_profile <name_str> check domain {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> check eom_ack {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> check helo {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> check open_relay {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> check recipient {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> check rewrite_helo {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> check rewrite_helo_custom {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> check send_dsn {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> check sender {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> check splice {enable | disable} <integer>
{seconds | kilobytes}
set ip_profile <name_str> check stop_empty_domains {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> check stop_encrypted {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> check syntax {enable | disable}
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the session profile.
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable message rejection if recipient and HELO domain match
but sender domain is different.
This check only affects unauthenticated sessions.
{no | loose |
Disable, enable, or enable strict command pipelining.
{no} The FortiMail unit accepts only a single command at a time during
an SMTP session.
{loose} Some SMTP command sequences are accepted and
processed as a group, increasing performance over high-latency
{strict} Pipelining is enabled, but limited to strict compliance with
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable rejection of EHLO/HELO commands with invalid
characters in the domain. disable
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable immediately acknowledging end of message (EOM)
signal. If disabled, the antispam check is run on the message before
acknowledgement is sent. The sending server could time-out while
waiting for EOM acknowledgement.
helo {enable |
Enable to disable checking of the existence of the domain reported in the
client’s HELO command by looking up both the MX record and A record. disable
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable open relay check. This check only affects
unauthenticated sessions. disable
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable checking the recipient address for a valid domain. disable
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable rewriting the EHLO/HELO domain to the IP string of the
client address. The rewritten EHLO/HELO will be in the format x.x.x.x disable
{enable | disable}
Select to rewrite the HELO domain to the specified value for any session
this profile applies to. disable
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
176 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_profile check set
Related topics
set ip_profile connection
set ip_profile error
set ip_profile limit
set ip_profile list
set ip_profile senderreputation
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable the sending of a delivery status notification (DSN)
message to the sender when spam is detected disable
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable checking of the recipient for an invalid domain. This
check only affects unauthenticated sessions. disable
{enable | disable}
<integer> {seconds
| kilobytes}
Enable or disable the switching to splice mode after a specified amount of
data is transmitted or time has passed.
<integer> is the number of kilobytes or seconds.
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable rejection of empty domains. This check only affects
unauthenticated sessions. disable
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable preventing encrypted communication sessions.
Encrypted email cannot be scanned for spam or viruses. disable
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable the enforcement of strict syntax checking. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
Keywords and Variables Description Default
set ip_profile connection
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 177
ip_profile connection
Use these commands to configure various session connection attributes.
set ip_profile <name_str> connection concurrent <con_int>
set ip_profile <name_str> connection hide {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> connection idle_timeout <int>
set ip_profile <name_str> connection rate <con_int> <time_int>
set ip_profile <name_str> connection stop_blacklisted {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> connection total <con_int>
Related topics
set ip_profile check
set ip_profile error
set ip_profile limit
set ip_profile list
set ip_profile senderreputation
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the session profile.
concurrent <con_int> Enter the maximum allowed number of concurrent connections to
each client. Additional connections are rejected.
<con_int> is the maximum number of concurrent connections
allowed to each client.
Enter 0 to disable limiting.
hide {enable | disable} When enabled, no information will be added to email message
headers to indicate the FortiMail unit has intercepted, examined, and
perhaps processed the message.
This option appears only in transparent mode.
idle_timeout <int> Enter the number of seconds after which an inactive connection will
be dropped.
<int> is the timeout in seconds.
Enter 0 to disable timeout.
rate <con_int>
Enter the number of connection allowed per client during a
user-defined time frame.
<con_int> is the number of connections.
<time_int> is the time in minutes.
Enter 0 connections and 0 minutes to disable limiting.
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable the relaying of email to blacklisted servers. The
active antispam detection methods determine blacklisting which
addresses are blacklisted.
total <con_int> Enter the maximum number of concurrent connections.
Enter 0 to disable limiting. 0
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
178 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_profile delete set
ip_profile delete
Use this command to delete a session profile.
set ip_profile <name_str> delete
<name_str> is the name of the profile.
Related topics
set ip_profile rename
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set ip_profile error
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 179
ip_profile error
Use these commands to set the parameters related to session communication error penalties.
set ip_profile <name_str> error free <int>
set ip_profile <name_str> error initial_delay <int>
set ip_profile <name_str> error increment <int>
set ip_profile <name_str> error total <int>
Related topics
set ip_profile check
set ip_profile connection
set ip_profile limit
set ip_profile list
set ip_profile senderreputation
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the session profile.
free <int> Enter the number of ‘free’ errors allowed in a communication session. The
FortiMail unit will begin to penalize the client when the number of errors
exceed this free threshold.
initial_delay <int> Enter the number of seconds the communication session is delayed when
the first ‘non-free’ error occurs. 4
increment <int> Enter the number of seconds added to the delay for each additional
‘non-free’ error. 4
total <int> Enter the total number of errors (both free and non-free) allowed before the
session is terminated. 5
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
180 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_profile headermanipulation set
ip_profile headermanipulation
Use these commands to have the FortiMail unit remove headers you specify from email messages.
set ip_profile <name_str> headermanipulation remove_received {enable |
set ip_profile <name_str> headermanipulation remove_header {enable |
set ip_profile <name_str> headermanipulation headerlist add <key_str>
set ip_profile <name_str> headermanipulation headerlist delete <key_str>
Related topics
set ip_profile check
set ip_profile connection
set ip_profile error
set ip_profile list
set ip_profile senderreputation
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the session profile.
{enable |
Enable to remove the received headers from email messages. If the
messages move through any email servers after the FortiMail unit, these
mail servers will add their own received headers.
{enable |
Enter to remove from email messages any headers defined with the
headerlist add command. disable
headerlist add
Enter a header key (the portion of the header before the colon) to have
the FortiMail unit remove the header when remove_header is enabled.
headerlist delete
Enter a header key to remove it from the header list. Once removed, the
remove header command will not affect the header you remove.
FortiMail v3.0 MR4 New.
set ip_profile limit
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 181
ip_profile limit
Use these commands to set the parameters related to session communication limits.
set ip_profile <name_str> limit noop <int>
set ip_profile <name_str> limit rset <int>
set ip_profile <name_str> limit emails <int>
set ip_profile <name_str> limit header_size <int>
set ip_profile <name_str> limit helo <int>
set ip_profile <name_str> limit message_size <int>
set ip_profile <name_str> limit recipients <int>
Related topics
set ip_profile check
set ip_profile connection
set ip_profile error
set ip_profile list
set ip_profile senderreputation
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the session profile.
noop <int> Enter the maximum number of SMTP NOOPs allowed before the
connection is dropped. 10
rset <int> Enter the maximum number of SMTP resets allowed before the
connection is dropped. 20
emails <int> Enter the maximum number of email messages exchanged during the
communication session. 10
header_size <int> Enter the maximum permitted email message header size, in bytes. If
larger, the header will be truncated. 32768
helo <int> Enter the maximum number of EHLO/HELOs permitted per session. 3
message_size <int> Enter the maximum permitted email message size, in bytes. If larger,
the message will be truncated. 10485760
recipients <int> Enter the maximum number of recipients permitted per email message. 500
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
182 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_profile list set
ip_profile list
Use these commands to enable or disable the session white and black lists.
set ip_profile <name_str> list black {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> list to_black {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> list to_white {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> list white {enable | disable}
Related topics
set ip_profile check
set ip_profile connection
set ip_profile error
set ip_profile limit
set ip_profile senderreputation
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the session profile.
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable sender black list checking for the specified session
profile. disabled
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable recipient black list checking for the specified session
profile. disabled
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable recipient white list checking for the specified session
profile. disabled
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable sender white list checking for the specified session
profile. disabled
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set ip_profile mms_reputation
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 183
ip_profile mms_reputation
The MMS Reputation menu enables you to configure MSISDN blacklisting and whitelisting.
When used on a mobile phone network, the FortiMail unit can examine text messages for spam. If a
user sends multiple spam messages, all messages from the user will be blocked for a time. The
number of spam messages and the length of time further messages will be blocked are configurable.
MSISDN reputation Auto blacklist Window Size is enabled in the antispam settings
set ip_profile test mms_reputation {enable | disable}
set ip_profile test mms_reputation autoblacklist duration {0 | 15 | 30 |
60 | 120 | 240 | 480 | 1440}
set ip_profile test mms_reputation autoblacklist trigger <trigger_int>
Related topics
set as mms_reputation
Keywords and Variables Description Default
{enable | disable}
Enable MSISDN reputation checking for traffic examined by the session profile. disable
duration {0 | 15 |
30 | 60 | 120 |
240 | 480 | 1440}
When blacklisted, messages from a sender will be blocked for the configured
number of minutes. 0
Automatically add the sender to the auto blacklist when the configured number
of messages are detected as spam within the auto blacklist window time
FortiMail v3.0 MR4 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
184 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_profile rename set
ip_profile rename
Use this command to rename an existing session profile.
set ip_profile <name_str> rename <new_str>
Related topics
set ip_profile delete
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the session profile.
rename <new_str> Enter the new name of the specified session profile.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set ip_profile senderreputation
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 185
ip_profile senderreputation
Use these commands to configure the sender reputation feature.
set ip_profile <name_str> senderreputation reject <int>
set ip_profile <name_str> senderreputation status {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> senderreputation tempfail <int>
set ip_profile <name_str> senderreputation throttle <int>
set ip_profile <name_str> senderreputation throttle_number <int>
set ip_profile <name_str> senderreputation throttle_percent <int>
Related topics
set ip_profile check
set ip_profile connection
set ip_profile error
set ip_profile limit
set ip_profile list
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the session profile.
reject <int> Enter the sender reputation reject threshold. If a system’s sender
reputation score exceeds this value, connection attempts by the
system will be refused with a reject error.
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable sender reputation score calculation and actions for
the specified session profile. disable
tempfail <int> Enter the sender reputation tempfail threshold. If a system’s sender
reputation score exceeds this value, connection attempts by the
system will be refused with a tempfail error.
throttle <int> Enter the sender reputation throttle threshold. If a system’s sender
reputation score exceeds this value, the number of messages the
FortiMail unit will accept from the sender is limited to the number
permitted by the throttle_number or throttle_percent,
whichever is larger.
throttle_number <int> Enter the number of messages per hour accepted from a throttled
sender. 1
throttle_percent <int> Sets the number of messages per hour accepted from a throttled
sender, expressed as a percentage of the number of messages from
the same sender in the previous hour.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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186 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_profile sendervalidation set
ip_profile sendervalidation
The sender validation options allow confirmation of sender and message validity.
set ip_profile <name_str> sendervalidation authenticated {enable |
set ip_profile <name_str> sendervalidation bypassbounceverify {enable |
set ip_profile <name_str> sendervalidation dkim {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> sendervalidation domainkey {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> sendervalidation signing {enable | disable}
set ip_profile <name_str> sendervalidation spf {enable | disable}
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the session profile.
authenticated {enable
| disable}
Only available when DKIM signing is enabled, this setting will limit
DKIM message signing to senders who authenticate with the FortiMail
{enable | disable}
If bounce verification is enabled, select bypass bounce verification for
connections matching this policy. This bypass does not prevent the
tagging of outgoing messages. For information on enabling
verification of delivery status notification (DSN) email, see “as
bounceverify” on page 99.
dkim {enable |
Check the validity of DKIM signatures, if present. An invalid signature
will increase the client sender reputation score and affect the deep
header scan. A valid signature decreases the client sender reputation
If the sender domain DNS record does not include DKIM information
or the message is not signed, the validation is skipped.
domainkey {enable |
If the sender domain DNS record lists DomainKeys authorized IP
addresses, the DomainKeys check will compare the client IP address
to the authorized senders.
A DomainKeys failure increases the client sender reputation score. A
DomainKeys validation decreases the client sender reputation score.
If the sender domain DNS record does not publish DomainKeys
information, the check is skipped.
signing {enable |
Sign outgoing messages with DKIM signatures. Signed messages
can be validated at their destination. Signing requires that a domain
key selector be generated by the FortiMail unit and added to the DNS
zone file.
The domain key selector can be generated in the domain
configuration. Go to Mail Settings > Domains > Domains.
spf {enable | disable} If the sender domain DNS record lists SPF authorized IP addresses,
the SPF check will compare the client IP address to the authorized
An SPF failure increases the client sender reputation score. An SPF
validation decreases the client sender reputation score.
If the sender domain DNS record does not publish SPF information,
the check is skipped.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR4 Added keyword bypassbounceverify.
set ip_profile sendervalidation
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06-30004-0420-20080814 187
Related topics
set ip_profile check
set ip_profile connection
set ip_profile error
set ip_profile limit
set ip_profile list
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
188 06-30004-0420-20080814
ip_profile_setting rate_control set
ip_profile_setting rate_control
The rate control option enables you to control the rate at which email messages can be sent, either by
the number of SMTP connections or the number of email messages.
set ip_profile_setting rate_control {connection | message}
Keywords and Variables Description Default
{connection | message}
The Fortimail unit can control email traffic by either the number
of connections or by the number of email messages.
connection allows you to specify the maximum number of
connections from each IP address within a specified number
of minutes.
message allows you to specify the maximum number of email
messages accepted from each IP address within a specified
number of minutes.
FortiMail v3.0 MR4 New.
set ldap_profile profile asav
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 189
ldap_profile profile asav
Use these commands to enable the FortiMail unit to query an LDAP server for user antivirus and
antispam parameters.
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> asav antispam <as_str>
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> asav antivirus <av_str>
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> asav asavstate {enable | disable}
Related topics
set as profile modify actions
set av modify actions
unset ldap_profile
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the LDAP profile.
antispam <as_str> Set the LDAP antispam on/off attribute. no default
antivirus <av_str> Set the LDAP antivirus on/off attribute no default
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable the LDAP antispam/antivirus attribute configuration. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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190 06-30004-0420-20080814
ldap_profile clearallcache set
ldap_profile clearallcache
Use this command to clear all LDAP profile caches.
set ldap_profile clearallcache
Related topics
set ldap_profile profile clearcache
set ldap_profile profile option
unset ldap_profile
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
set ldap_profile profile auth
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 191
ldap_profile profile auth
Use these commands to configure the way the way users are authenticated.
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> auth authstate {enable | disable}
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> auth cnidname <cnid_str>
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> auth cnidstatus {enable | disable}
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> auth searchstatus {enable | disable}
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> auth upnstatus {enable | disable}
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> auth upnsuffix <upns_str>
Related topics
set ldap_profile profile group
set ldap_profile profile option
set ldap_profile profile pwd
set ldap_profile profile routing
set ldap_profile profile server
set ldap_profile profile user
unset ldap_profile
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the LDAP profile.
authstate {enable | disable} Enable or disable the user authentication options. disable
cnidname <cnid_str> Set the common name identifier. uid
cnidstatus {enable | disable} Enable or disable the common name identifier. enable
searchstatus {enable | disable} Enable or disable the search. disable
upnstatus {enable | disable} Enable or disable the UPN. disable
upnsuffix <upns_str> Set an alternate UPN suffix. no default
FortiMail v3.0 New.
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192 06-30004-0420-20080814
ldap_profile profile clearcache set
ldap_profile profile clearcache
Use this command to clear the cache of the specified LDAP profile.
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> clearcache
Related topics
set ldap_profile clearallcache
set ldap_profile profile auth
set ldap_profile profile group
set ldap_profile profile option
set ldap_profile profile pwd
set ldap_profile profile routing
set ldap_profile profile server
set ldap_profile profile user
unset ldap_profile
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
set ldap_profile profile fallback_server
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 193
ldap_profile profile fallback_server
Use this command to configure an LDAP fallback server. If the server defined in the Server Name/IP
field is unreachable and a fallback server is defined, the FortiMail unit will connect to the fallback
server to submit its query. To clear the fallback server, issue the command with an empty server name
as shown in the syntax examples.
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> fallback_server {<host_str> |
<server_ipv4>} port <port_int>
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> fallback_server ''
Related topics
set ldap_profile clearallcache
set ldap_profile profile auth
set ldap_profile profile clearcache
set ldap_profile profile pwd
set ldap_profile profile routing
set ldap_profile profile server
set ldap_profile profile user
unset ldap_profile
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the LDAP profile.
fallback_server {<host_str> |
Set fallback LDAP server address by specifying a hostname
or IP address. No
port <port_int> Enter the port used to communicate with the fallback LDAP
server. 389
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
194 06-30004-0420-20080814
ldap_profile profile group set
ldap_profile profile group
Use these commands to configure an LDAP group query.
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> group groupstate {enable | disable}
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> group groupstate {enable | disable}
virtual {enable | disable} memberofattribute <attr_str> relativename
{enable | disable} basedn <basedn_str> groupnameattribute <grp_str>
Related topics
set ldap_profile clearallcache
set ldap_profile profile auth
set ldap_profile profile clearcache
set ldap_profile profile pwd
set ldap_profile profile routing
set ldap_profile profile server
set ldap_profile profile user
unset ldap_profile
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the LDAP profile.
groupstate {enable | disable} Enable or disable group LDAP queries. disable
virtual {enable | disable} Enable this option to specify any LDAP tree node. Any node
that falls under the specified tree node will be considered a
member of the group. Since the specified node isn’t defined
as a group in the LDAP database, the FortiMail unit sees it
as a sort of ‘virtual group.’
Enter the user attribute that defines the groups the user
belongs to. For example, this attribute is memberOf for
Active Directory servers.
relativename {enable |
With the appropriate information entered, the admin need
only enter the LDAP group name when creating a recipient-
based policy, for example. If this option is disabled, the
group name attribute, group name, and group base DN must
be specified in the policy.
basedn <basedn_str> Enter the group base DN if relativename is enabled.
groupnameattribute <grp_str> Enter the group name attribute if relativename is
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
set ldap_profile profile option
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 195
ldap_profile profile option
Use these commands to configure the advanced LDAP profile options.
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> option cachestate {enable | disable}
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> option cachettl <ttl_int>
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> option timelimit <timeout_int>
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> option unauthbind {enable | disable}
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> option version {ver2 | ver3}
Related topics
set ldap_profile clearallcache
set ldap_profile profile auth
set ldap_profile profile clearcache
set ldap_profile profile fallback_server
set ldap_profile profile group
set ldap_profile profile pwd
set ldap_profile profile routing
set ldap_profile profile server
set ldap_profile profile user
unset ldap_profile
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the LDAP profile.
cachestate {enable | disable} Enable or disable the LDAP cache. The FortiMail unit will
cache LDAP queries to reduce the amount of network traffic
by eliminating redundant queries. Select Clear Cache to
clear the LDAP queries the FortiMail unit has saved.
cachettl <ttl_int> Enter the amount of time, in minutes, the FortiMail unit will
cache LDAP queries. When the configured time elapses
after the query is submitted, the saved query is cleared from
the cache.
timelimit <timeout_int> Set the length of time, in seconds, the FortiMail unit will wait
for a submitted search to return a result. 10
unauthbind {enable | disable} Enable or disable unauthenticated LDAP binds. disable
version {ver2 | ver3} Set the version of the protocol used to communicate with the
LDAP server. ver3
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 Added cachestate and cachettl.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
196 06-30004-0420-20080814
ldap_profile profile pwd set
ldap_profile profile pwd
Use these commands to configure webmail password options.
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> pwd webmailschema {openldap |
activedirectory | <schema_str>}
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> pwd webmailstatus {enable | disable}
Related topics
set ldap_profile profile auth
set ldap_profile profile group
set ldap_profile profile option
set ldap_profile profile routing
set ldap_profile profile server
set ldap_profile profile user
unset ldap_profile
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the LDAP profile.
{openldap |
activedirectory |
Set the webmail password change schema.
{openldap} is the openldap schema.
{activedirectory} is the Active Directory schema.
<schema_str> allows you to enter a custom schema of your choice.
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable the webmail password change. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set ldap_profile profile routing
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 197
ldap_profile profile routing
Use these commands to configure mail routing options if each user’s LDAP profile contains mail
routing information.
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> routing addr <route_str>
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> routing host <host_str>
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> routing routingstate {enable |
Related topics
set ldap_profile profile auth
set ldap_profile profile fallback_server
set ldap_profile profile group
set ldap_profile profile option
set ldap_profile profile pwd
set ldap_profile profile server
set ldap_profile profile user
unset ldap_profile
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the LDAP profile.
addr <route_str> Set the LDAP routing mailrouting address attribute. mailRoutingAddress
host <host_str> Set the LDAP routing mailrouting host attribute. mailHost
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable the LDAP routing configuration. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
198 06-30004-0420-20080814
ldap_profile profile server set
ldap_profile profile server
Use these commands to configure information about the LDAP server.
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> server {<host_str> | <server_ipv4>}
[port <port_int> [secure {none | ssl}]]
Related topics
set ldap_profile profile auth
set ldap_profile profile fallback_server
set ldap_profile profile group
set ldap_profile profile option
set ldap_profile profile pwd
set ldap_profile profile routing
set ldap_profile profile user
unset ldap_profile
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the LDAP profile.
server {<host_str>
| <server_ipv4>}
Set LDAP server address by specifying a hostname or IP address. No default.
port <port_int> Enter the port used to communicate with the LDAP server. 389
secure {none | ssl} Select whether to use a secure (SSL) or non-secure connection to the
LDAP server. none
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set ldap_profile profile user
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 199
ldap_profile profile user
Use these commands to configure user query options for the FortiMail unit to query the LDAP server.
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> user basedn <basedn_str>
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> user binddn <binddn_str>
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> user bindpw <bindpw_str>
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> user query <query_str>
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> user schema {activedirectory |
dominoperson | inetlocalmailrcpt | inetorgperson | userdefined}
set ldap_profile profile <name_str> user scope {one | sub}
Related topics
set ldap_profile profile auth
set ldap_profile profile group
set ldap_profile profile option
set ldap_profile profile pwd
set ldap_profile profile routing
set ldap_profile profile server
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the LDAP profile.
basedn <basedn_str> Enter the distinguished name (DN) that will be the
default point from which LDAP directory lookups will
no default
binddn <binddn_str> Enter the bind DN of an account with the rights to
complete the required LDAP queries. no default
bindpw <bindpw_str> Enter the bind password. no default
deref {never | always
| search | find}
Specify how alias dereferencing is done. The values
are Never, Always, Search, or Find to specify that
aliases are never dereferenced, always dereferenced,
dereferenced when searching, or dereferenced only
when finding the base object for the search.
query <query_str> Set the query to be used for finding a user in the LDAP
directory. (& (objectClass
{activedirectory |
dominoperson |
inetlocalmailrcpt |
inetorgperson |
Set the predefined directory schema depending on
your LDAP server type.
{userdefined} uses the schema set with the user
query command.
scope {one | sub} Set the search scope. This setting determines the
depth of search.
{one} is a single level.
{sub} is the subtree.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
200 06-30004-0420-20080814
ldap_profile profile user set
unset ldap_profile
set limits domain-level
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 201
limits domain-level
Use this command to fine tune the domain-related maximum values on your FortiMail unit.
The syntax requires that the four values be entered every time the command is executed. Even if you
only want to change one value, all four must be entered. Entering 0 for any value resets it to the
The new values will take effect when the FortiMail unit is restarted.
set limits domain-level <admin_int> <admin_per_dom_int> <policy_int>
Related topics
set limits system-level general
set limits system-level groups
set limits system-level mail-users
set limits system-level other-profiles
set limits system-level policies
get limits
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<admin_int> Enter the maximum number of domains that can have domain-level
administrators. More domains can be created, but only the number entered
here can have domain-level administrators.
<admin_per_dom_int> Enter the maximum number of domain-level administrators allowed in each
<policy_int> Enter the maximum number of domain-specific policies that can be created
for each domain.
<profile_int> Enter the maximum number of domain specific profiles that can be created
for each domain. This number is the maximum for each type, not all types
together. For example, if the value is set to 10, there can be 10 antispam
profiles, 10 session profiles, 10 LDAP profiles, and so on.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
202 06-30004-0420-20080814
limits system-level general set
limits system-level general
Use this command to fine tune the general system maximum values on your FortiMail unit.
The syntax requires the three values be entered every time the command is executed. Even if you only
want to change one value, all three must be entered. Entering 0 for any value resets it to the default.
The new values will take effect when the FortiMail unit is restarted.
set limits system-level general <admin_int> <domain_int> <profiles_int>
Related topics
set limits domain-level
set limits system-level groups
set limits system-level mail-users
set limits system-level other-profiles
set limits system-level policies
get limits
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<admin_int> Enter the maximum number of system-level admin users that can be
<domain_int> Enter the maximum number of domains that can be created.
<profiles_int> Enter the maximum number of profiles that can be created.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
set limits system-level groups
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 203
limits system-level groups
Use this command to fine tune the group-related maximum values on your FortiMail unit.
The syntax requires the two values be entered every time the command is executed. Even if you only
want to change one value, both must be entered. Entering 0 for any value resets it to the default.
The new values will take effect when the FortiMail unit is restarted.
set limits system-level groups <groups_int> <members_int>
Related topics
set limits domain-level
set limits system-level general
set limits system-level mail-users
set limits system-level other-profiles
set limits system-level policies
get limits
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<groups_int> Enter the maximum number of groups that can be created.
<members_int> Enter the maximum number of members that can be added to each
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
204 06-30004-0420-20080814
limits system-level mail-users set
limits system-level mail-users
Use this command to adjust the maximum number of mail users that can be created on your FortiMail
The new value will take effect when the FortiMail unit is restarted.
set limits system-level mail-users <users_int>
Related topics
set limits domain-level
set limits system-level general
set limits system-level groups
set limits system-level other-profiles
set limits system-level policies
get limits
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<users_int> Enter the maximum number of mail users that can be created.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
set limits system-level other-profiles
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 205
limits system-level other-profiles
Use this command to fine tune some of the profile-related maximum values on your FortiMail unit.
The syntax requires that the five values be entered every time the command is executed. Even if you
only want to change one value, all five must be entered. Entering 0 for any value resets it to the
The new values will take effect when the FortiMail unit is restarted.
set limits system-level other-profiles <as_int> <av_int> <misc_int>
<content_int> <session_int>
Related topics
set limits domain-level
set limits system-level general
set limits system-level groups
set limits system-level mail-users
set limits system-level policies
get limits
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<as_int> Enter the maximum number of antispam profiles that can be created.
<av_int> Enter the maximum number of antivirus profiles that can be created.
<misc_int> Enter the maximum number of misc profiles that can be created.
<content_int> Enter the maximum number of content profiles that can be created.
<session_int> Enter the maximum number of session profiles that can be created.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
206 06-30004-0420-20080814
limits system-level policies set
limits system-level policies
Use this command to fine tune the policy-related maximum values on your FortiMail unit.
The syntax requires the two values be entered every time the command is executed. Even if you only
want to change one value, both must be entered. Entering 0 for any value resets it to the default.
The new values will take effect when the FortiMail unit is restarted.
set limits system-level policies <ip_int> <outgoing_int>
Related topics
set limits domain-level
set limits system-level general
set limits system-level groups
set limits system-level mail-users
set limits system-level other-profiles
get limits
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<ip_int> Enter the maximum number of IP-based policies that can be created.
<outgoing_int> Enter the maximum number of outgoing recipient-based policies that can
be created.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 207
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
208 06-30004-0420-20080814
log msisdn set
log msisdn
Use this command to display the MSISDN column in Log & Report > Logging, in the web-based
manager. The MSISDN column displays only when this command is enabled.
To enable the MSISDN column to display in Log & Report > Logging
set log msisdn {enable | disable}
Related topics
set log view fields
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
set log policy destination event
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 209
log policy destination event
Use this command to enable and log events to a device. You need to enable event logging before
selecting what events to log to a device.
To enable and configure events for a device
set log policy destination {console | local | syslog} event status enable
set log policy destination {console | local | syslog} event category
[configuration ha imap login pop3 smtp system updatefailed
updatesucceeded webmail none]
Related topics
Keywords/Variables Description Default
status {enable | disable} Enable or disable event log output to a device. disable
category [configuration
login system updatefailed
updatesucceeded smtp ha
webmail pop3 imap none]
Event logging must be enabled for this settings to be
[configuration] log all management events,
such as configuration changes.
[ha] log all HA events.
[imap] log all IMAP events. This selection is only
available in server mode.
[login] log all administrative events, such as user
logins, resets, and configuration updates.
[pop3] log all POP3 events. This selection is only
available in server mode.
[smtp] log all SMTP server events.
[system] log all system-related events, such as
system restarts.
[updatefailed] log all failed update events.
[updatesucceeded] log all successful update
[webmail] log all webmail events.
[none] to clear all event categories, specify none
without any other event categories.
FortiMail v2.8 New.
set log setting local set log policy destination history
set log setting syslog set log view fields
set log policy destination spam set log view loglevel
set log policy destination virus
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
210 06-30004-0420-20080814
log policy destination history set
log policy destination history
Use this command to enable history logs to a device.
To enable history logs
set log policy destination {console | local | syslog} history status
Related topics
set log setting localset
set log setting syslog
set log policy destination event
set log policy destination spam
set log policy destination virus
set log view fields
set log view loglevel
Keywords/Variables Description Default
status {enable | disable} Enable or disable history log output to a device. disable
FortiMail v2.8 New.
set log policy destination spam
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 211
log policy destination spam
Use this command to enable and log spam events for a device. You need to enable spam logging
before selecting spam events.
To enable logging of spam events for a device
set log policy destination {console | local | syslog} spam status enable
set log policy destination {console | local | syslog} spam category
Related topics
set log setting localset
set log setting syslog
set log policy destination event
set log policy destination virus
set log policy destination history
set log view fields
set log view loglevel
Keywords/Variables Description Default
{enable | disable} Enable or disable spam detection log output to a device. disable
{detected | none} Spam logging must be enabled to be applicable.
{detected} log all instances of detected spam
{none} to clear all event categories, specify none
without any other event categories.
FortiMail v2.8 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
212 06-30004-0420-20080814
log policy destination virus set
log policy destination virus
Use this command to enable and log virus events for a device. You need to enable virus logging before
selecting virus events.
To enable logging of virus events for a device
set log policy destination {console | local | syslog} virus status enable
set log policy destination {console | local | syslog} virus category
Related topics
set log setting localset
set log setting syslog
set log policy destination event
set log policy destination spam
set log policy destination history
set log view fields
set log view loglevel
Keywords/Variables Description Default
{enable | disable} Enable or disable virus log output to a device. disable
{infected | none} Virus logging must be enabled for these settings to be
{infected} log all instances of virus-infected
{none} to clear all event categories, specify none
without any other event categories.
FortiMail v2.8 New.
set log reportconfig direction
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 213
log reportconfig direction
Use this command to configure what types of emails the report will contain.
To configure the report direction
set log reportconfig <reportconfigname> direction {both | incoming |
Related topics
set log setting localset
set log setting syslog
set log reportconfig domain
set log reportconfig mailto
set log reportconfig period
set log reportconfig qry
set log reportconfig schedule hour
Keywords/Variables Description Default
{both | incoming |
Select if the information includes incoming email,
outgoing email, or both. both
FortiMail v2.8 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
214 06-30004-0420-20080814
log reportconfig domain set
log reportconfig domain
Use this command to configure what domain or domains the report will contain.
To configure the report domain
set log reportconfig <reportconfigname> domain <ALL>
set log reportconfig <reportconfigname> domain <domain_name1>
[<domain_name2>, <domain_name3>,...]
Related topics
set log setting localset
set log setting syslog
set log reportconfig direction
set log reportconfig mailto
set log reportconfig period
set log reportconfig qry
set log reportconfig schedule hour
Keywords/Variables Description Default
<ALL> Select if you want all domains present in the report. ALL
<domain_name3>, ....]
Select if you want a certain domain or certain domains in
the report. No default
FortiMail v2.8 New.
set log reportconfig mailto
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 215
log reportconfig mailto
Use this command to configure the email addresses you want to send the generated report to.
To configure the email addresses to send the generated report to
set log reportconfig <reportconfigname> mailto <email_addr1>
[<email_addr2>, <email_addr3> ...] format {html | pdf}
Related topics
set log setting localset
set log setting syslog
set log reportconfig direction
set log reportconfig domain
set log reportconfig period
set log reportconfig qry
set log reportconfig schedule hour
Keywords/Variables Description Default
<email_addr3>, ....]
Selects the email addresses of recipients who you want
the report sent to and the output format of the report. No default
format {html | pdf} Selects the format the report will be in when sent to the
email address. pdf
FortiMail v2.8 New.
FortiMail 3.0MR1 Added format {html | pdf} keyword.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
216 06-30004-0420-20080814
log reportconfig period set
log reportconfig period
Use this command to configure the time frame of logs you want included in the report.
To configure the period of time for the report
set log reportconfig <reportconfigname> period from <YYYY-MM-DD-HH> to
set log reportconfig <reportconfigname> period {quarter | month | week |
<integer> hours | <integer> days | <integer> weeks}
set log reportconfig <reportconfigname> period {year | quarter | month |
set log reportconfig <reportconfigname> period {today | yesterday}
Related topics
set log setting localset
set log setting syslog
set log reportconfig direction
set log reportconfig domain
set log reportconfig mailto
set log reportconfig qry
set log reportconfig schedule hour
Keywords/Variables Description Default
from <YYYY-MM-DD-HH> to
Selects the log period of the report by specifying a start
and end date and time. The time can only be specified to
the nearest hours.
No default
period {quarter | month
| week | <integer>
hours | <integer> days
| <integer> weeks}
Selects the log period of the report by specifying a
number of hours, days, or weeks leading up to the
current time, or the last week, month, or quarter.
No default
period {year | quarter
| month | week}
Selects the log period of the report by specifying the
current year, quarter, month or week. No default
period {today |
Selects the log period of the report by specifying the
current or previous day. No default
FortiMail v2.8 New.
set log reportconfig qry
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 217
log reportconfig qry
Use this command to enable the type of query you want included in the report, such as email statistic
messages by day.
To enable queries for the report
set log reportconfig <reportconfigname> <qry> [<query_str1>,
<query_str2>, <query_str3>, ....] {enable | disable}
Related topics
set log setting localset
set log setting syslog
set log reportconfig direction
set log reportconfig domain
set log reportconfig mailto
set log reportconfig period
set log reportconfig schedule hour
Keywords/Variables Description Default
<qry> [<query_str1>,
<query_str2>, <query_str3>,
....] {enable | disable}
Enable to include the specified query type in the report.
Enter ? at the end of the command syntax to list all the
query types, the sets they belong to, and the current
status of each.
FortiMail v2.8 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
218 06-30004-0420-20080814
log reportconfig schedule hour set
log reportconfig schedule hour
Use this command to schedule when the report is automatically generated.
To configure the schedule
set log reportconfig <reportconfigname> schedule hour {daily | days
<days_str> | dates <dates_integer>}
set log reportconfig <reportconfigname> schedule off
Related topics
set log setting localset
set log setting syslog
set log reportconfig direction
set log reportconfig domain
set log reportconfig mailto
set log reportconfig period
set log reportconfig qry
Keywords/Variables Description Default
schedule hour {daily |
days <days_str> | dates
Configures when scheduled reports are automatically
generated. Reports can be scheduled daily, for certain
days of the week, for certain dates of each month, or
disabled entirely.
<hour_integer> is the hour of the day the schedule
report is generated. The hour can be 0 to 23, where 0
is midnight at the start of the day.
<days_str> is the day or days of the week when the
report is automatically generated. Specify days using
their first three letters. Any number of days may be
entered, separated by commas with no spaces.
<dates_int> is the date or dates of the month when
the report is automatically generated. Any number of
dates may be entered, separated by commas with no
No default
off Disables scheduling entirely if only on-demand reports
are necessary. off
FortiMail v2.8 New.
set log setting console
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 219
log setting console
Use this command to configure logging to the console.
To configure logging to the console
set log setting console status {enable | disable}
set log setting console loglevel <severity_integer>
Related topics
set log setting local
set log setting syslog
set log policy destination event
set log policy destination spam
set log policy destination virus
set log policy destination history
Keywords/Variables Description Default
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable logging to the console. disable
Sets the log severity level for the logging device. Use the
? to list the following log levels:
Logs will include items of the level you set and higher.
Set level to 6 if you want to include all log severity levels.
FortiMail v2.8 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
220 06-30004-0420-20080814
log setting local set
log setting local
Use this command to configure logging to the local FortiMail hard disk.
To configure logging to the local hard disk
set log setting local status {enable | disable}
set log setting local diskfull {overwrite | nolog}
set log setting local filesz <file-sz_integer>
set log setting local logtime <days_integer>
Related topics
set log setting syslog
set log policy destination event
set log policy destination spam
set log policy destination virus
set log policy destination history
Keywords/Variables Description Default
status {enable | disable} Enable or disable logging to a destination. disable
Sets the destination log severity level. Use the ? to list
the following log levels:
Logs include items of the level you set and higher. Set
level to 6 if you want to include all log severity levels.
{overwrite | nolog}
Sets the action to take with additional logs when the
FortiMail hard disk runs out of space:
overwrite deletes the oldest log file when the hard
disk is full
nolog stops logging messages when the hard disk
is full.
Sets a maximum log file size in Mbytes.
When the log file reaches the size, the current log file
is closed and saved. A new active log file is then
started. The default log file is 10 MB and the maximum
allowed size is 1000 MB
logtime <days_integer> Sets a log time interval in days.
At the specified interval, the current log file is closed
and saved, and a new one started. The default log
time interval is 10 days.
FortiMail v2.8 New.
set log setting syslog
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 221
log setting syslog
Use this command to configure logging to the Syslog server.
To configure logging to the Syslog server
set log setting syslog status {enable | disable}
set log setting syslog server <server_ip4>
set log setting syslog port <port_integer>
set log setting syslog number <number_integer>
set log setting syslog csv {enable | disable}
set log setting syslog loglevel <severity_integer>
set log setting syslog facility {alert | audit | auth | authpriv | clock
| cron | daemon | ftp | kern | lpr | mail | news | netp | local10 |
local 1 | local2 | local3| local4 | local5 | local6 | local7}
Keywords/Variables Description Default
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable logging to the remote syslog server. disable
server <server_ip4> Sets the remote host, syslog server, IP address. No default
port <port_integer> Sets the port number for logging to the Syslog server. 514
number <number_integer> Sets what syslog server receives logs sent from the
FortiMail unit. When you use number, you need to
include the server IP address when entering a number.
For example, set log setting syslog number 2
No default
csv {enable | disable} Enable or disable formatting for CSV format. disable
Sets the log severity level for the logging device. Use the
? to list the following log levels:
Logs will include items of the level you set and higher.
Set level to 6 if you want to include all log severity levels.
facility {alert | audit
| auth | authpriv |
clock | cron | daemon |
ftp | kern | lpr | mail |
news } netp | local10 |
local 1 | local2 |
local3| local4 | local5
| local6 | local7}
Sets the facility identifier used for all log entries sent to
the syslog server by the FortiMail unit. Facility can help
identify the source of log entries on the syslog server.
FortiMail v2.8 New.
FortiMail 3.0MR1 Added number keyword.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
222 06-30004-0420-20080814
log setting syslog set
Related topics
set log setting localset
set log policy destination event
set log policy destination spam
set log policy destination virus
set log policy destination history
set log view fields
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 223
log view fields
Use this command to configure what columns will appear when viewing a log type in the web-based
To set the columns to display for a log type
set log view {event | history | spam | virus} fields {date time others
action from log_id module msg pri reason status src_ip submodule
subtype to type ui user classifier client_name disposition
message_length resolved session_id subject virus mailer MSISDN}
Related topics
set log msisdn
set log setting local
set log setting syslog
set log policy destination event
set log policy destination spam
set log policy destination virus
set log policy destination history
Keywords/Variables Description Default
view {event | history |
spam | virus}
Sets the log type that you want to view in the web-based
manager. No default
fields {date time others
action from log_id
module msg pri reason
status src_ip submodule
subtype to type ui user
classifier client_name
message_length resolved
session_id subject virus
mailer | MSISDN}
Sets what columns will appear when the selected log
type is viewed in the web-based manager.
The keyword, MSISDN, is available only when the
command set log msisdn is enabled.
No default
FortiMail v2.8 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 Added MSISDN keyword.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
224 06-30004-0420-20080814
log view loglevel set
log view loglevel
Use this command to configure the log severity level of what displays when viewing log messages in
the web-based manager.
To set the log severity level that will display in the web-based manager
set log view loglevel {event | history | spam | virus} loglevel
Related topics
set log setting localset
set log setting syslog
set log policy destination event
set log policy destination spam
set log policy destination virus
set log policy destination history
Keywords/Variables Description Default
loglevel {event |
history | spam | virus}
Sets the log type No default
Sets the destination log severity level. Use the ? to list
the following log levels:
Logs will include items of the level you set and higher.
Set level to 6 if you want to include all log severity levels.
No default
FortiMail v2.8 New.
set mailserver access
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 225
mailserver access
Use this command to configure, delete, and reorder mailserver access rules.
Access rules are processed in numerical order. Use the ‘move’ keyword to change the order of rules to
achieve your desired processing order. If there are two rules that apply, the rule with the lowest
number will be processed first.
set mailserver access rule <number> set sender_pattern <pattern_str>
{yes | no} recipient_pattern <pattern_str> {yes | no} ip_mask
<ipv4_addr>/<netmask> reverse_dns_pattern <pattern_str> {yes | no}
authenticated {yes | no} tlsprofile <profile_str> action
{relay | bypass | reject | discard}
set mailserver access rule <number> move <to>
set mailserver access rule <number> delete
Keywords and Variables Description Default
rule <number> Enter the number for this rule.
Numbers are used for processing order of the rules, lowest numbers
{set | move |
Select one of set, move, or delete to change mailserver access.
set - Select to configure an access rule.
move - Select to change when this rule is processed.
delete - Select to remove a rule from the list
A complete or partial sender address to match for this rule.
{yes | no} Select yes to use regular expression syntax as part of the pattern.
A complete or partial sender address to match for this rule.
Enter the IP address and netmask of the sender.
A complete or partial DNS entry match for this rule.
{yes | no}
Enter yet to have the rule match only authenticated sessions. Enter yes
to have the rule apply to both authenticated and unauthenticated
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
226 06-30004-0420-20080814
mailserver access set
To enforce TLS connection attributes, select a TLD profile.
permission {ok |
relay | reject |
Select the level of permission for this domain:
relay - the FortiMail unit allows matching messages after normal
bypass - the FortiMail unit allows matching messages after all
normal processing except antispam scans. The antispam scans are
not performed.
reject - the FortiMail unit rejects email matching this rule.
discard - the FortiMail unit discards email matching this rule.
The response that the FortiMail unit sends differs for reject and
discard. For reject, a reject response is sent to the server or client
attempting to send the email message. For discard, the FortiMail unit
does not send a response to the server or client attempting to send the
email message.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 Major change to command. Added set, move, delete, rule,
sender_pattern, recipient_pattern, reverse_dns_pattern,
and ip_mask keywords.
FortiMail v3.0 MR4 Added authenticated and tlsprofile.
Keywords and Variables Description Default
set mailserver archive account
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 227
mailserver archive account
Use this command to configure the archive account settings.
set mailserver archive account <account_str>
set mailserver archive account <account_str> forward <email_str>
set mailserver archive account <account_str> password <pwd_str>
set mailserver archive account <account_str> quotafull {overwrite |
set mailserver archive account <account_str> rotatesize <size_int>
set mailserver archive account <account_str> rotatetime <time_int>
set mailserver archive account <account_str> status {enable | disable}
Related topics
set mailserver archive exemptlist
set mailserver archive local quota
set mailserver archive policy
set mailserver archive remote
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<account_str> Enter the email archiving account name. archive
forward <email_str> Enter the email address to which all archived messages will also be
forwarded. If no address is entered, forwarding will not occur.
If an email address is entered to enable forwarding, previously
archived mail will not be forwarded.
No default.
password <pwd_str> Enter the email archiving account password. No default.
{overwrite |
Select the action taken with new log entries when the disk space quota
is reached.
{overwrite} to overwrite the oldest mailbox when the quota is
{noarchive} to stop archiving when the quota is reached.
Enter the size, in megabytes, at which the email archiving mailbox will
be rotated.
<size_int> is the email archiving mailbox rotation size in
megabytes. The allowed range is from 10 to 200.
Enter the email archiving mailbox rotation time, in days.
<size_int> is the increment after which the archive mailbox is
rotated. The allowed range is from 1 to 365 days.
status {enable |
Enable or disable email archiving. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
228 06-30004-0420-20080814
mailserver archive exemptlist set
mailserver archive exemptlist
Use this command to configure the exemptlist and exemptlist entries.
set mailserver archive exemptlist exemptid <id_int> content <content_str>
set mailserver archive exemptlist exemptid <exemptid_str> status {enable
| disable}
set mailserver archive exemptlist exemptid <exemptid_str> type {sender |
recipient | spam}
set mailserver archive exemptlist move <position_int> to <new_int>
To view the existing entries in the archive exempt list, enter this command:
set mailserver archive exemptlist exemptid ?
Related topics
set mailserver archive account
set mailserver archive local quota
set mailserver archive policy
set mailserver archive remote
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<id_int> Enter the ID number of the exemption item.
<content_str> Enter the text to be searched for.
Wildcards are acceptable. If the policy type is "Spam", <content_str>
is ignored.
status {enable |
Enable or disable the specified exemptlist entry. disable
type {sender |
recipient | spam}
Enter the exemptlist entry type.
{sender} The sender field of each email message will be searched for
the text specified with the content command.
{recipient} The recipient field of each email message will be
searched for the text specified with the content command.
{spam} Messages detected as spam by the FortiMail unit will match
this entry type. Any text specified with the content command is
move <position_int>
to <new_int>
Changes the position of an exempt item in the list.
<position_int> is the current list position of the exempt list policy to
be moved.
<new_int> is the destination list position number.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set mailserver archive local quota
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 229
mailserver archive local quota
Use this command to specify the archive quota if the archive is stored on the FortiMail unit.
set mailserver archive local quota <quota_int>
Related topics
set mailserver archive account
set mailserver archive exemptlist
set mailserver archive policy
set mailserver archive remote
Keywords and Variables Description Default
quota <quota_int> Enter the local disk quota for archived email. The quota is specified in
gigabytes. The acceptable range of values depends on the amount of free
disk space.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
230 06-30004-0420-20080814
mailserver archive policy set
mailserver archive policy
Use this command to configure archive policies.
set mailserver archive policy move <position_int> to <new_int>
set mailserver archive policy policyid <policyid_int> content
set mailserver archive policy policyid <policyid_int> status {enable |
set mailserver archive policy policyid <policyid_int> type {sender |
recipient | subject | body | attachment-name}
To view the existing entries in the archive policy list, enter this command:
set mailserver archive policy policyid ?
Related topics
set mailserver archive account
set mailserver archive exemptlist
set mailserver archive local quota
set mailserver archive remote
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<id_int> Enter the ID number of the archive policy.
move <position_int>
to <new_int>
Changes the position of an archive policy in the list.
<position_int> is the current list position of the archive policy to be
<new_int> is the destination list position number.
<content_str> Enter the text to be searched for. Wildcards are acceptable if the type is
Sender, Recipient, or Attachment-name.
status {enable |
Enable or disable the specified archive policy. enable
type {sender |
recipient | subject
| body |
Enter the archive policy type.
{sender} The sender field of each email message will be searched for
the text specified with the content command.
{recipient} The recipient field of each email message will be
searched for the text specified with the content command.
{subject} Messages detected as spam by the FortiMail unit will match
this entry type. Any text specified with the content command is ignored.
{body} The body of each email message will be searched for the text
specified with the content command.
{attachment-name} The name of any attached files are examined for
the text specified with the content command.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set mailserver archive remote
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 231
mailserver archive remote
Use this command to specify the settings used when the FortiMail unit will store its email archive on a
remote host.
set mailserver archive remote directory <directory_str> ip <host_ipv4>
localquota <quota_int> password <pwd_str> protocol {FTP | SFTP}
remotequota <quota_int> username <usr_str>
Related topics
set mailserver archive account
set mailserver archive exemptlist
set mailserver archive local quota
set mailserver archive policy
Keywords and Variables Description Default
directory <dir_str> Enter the directory on the remote host to be used for archiving email.
ip <host_ipv4> Enter the IP of the remote host to be used for archiving email.
localquota <quota_int> Enter the FortiMail unit cache quota. Email archived on a remote host
is also cached by the FortiMail unit. The local quota amount is
specified in gigabytes. The available range depends on the amount of
free disk space.
password <pwd_str> Enter the password for logging in to the remote host.
protocol {FTP | SFTP} Choose the communication protocol the FortiMail unit will use when
sending data to the remote host. SFTP
remotequota <quota_int> Enter the disk quota for the remote host to archive email. The remote
quota amount is specified in gigabytes. Enter 0 to specify no limit. 0
username <usr_str> Enter the user name for logging in to the remote host.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 Capitalized variables for protocol keyword.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
232 06-30004-0420-20080814
mailserver deadmail set
mailserver deadmail
Use this command to enter the number of days to keep email with incorrect recipient and sender
set mailserver deadmail <value>
<value> is the time in days - from 1 to 365.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set mailserver portnumber
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 233
mailserver portnumber
Use this command to enter email port numbers for the FortiMail unit.
set mailserver portnumber pop3 <port_number> (server mode)
set mailserver portnumber smtp <port_number>
set mailserver portnumber smtps <port_number>
Keywords and Variables Description Default
pop3 <port_number> Enter the POP3 server port number for the FortiMail unit.
This command is only available in server mode. 110
smtp <port_number> Enter the SMTP server port number for the FortiMail unit. 25
smtps <port_number> Enter the SMTPS server port number for the FortiMail unit. 465
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
234 06-30004-0420-20080814
mailserver proxy smtp interface set
mailserver proxy smtp interface
Use this command to configure SMTP proxy behavior on an interface. The unknown keyword is for
handling unknown servers.
set mailserver proxy smtp interface <port> imode {pass-through | drop |
proxy} omode {pass-through | drop | proxy} local {enable | disable}
Related topics
set mailserver proxy smtp unknown
Keywords and Variables Description Default
interface <port> Enter the interface where the proxy behavior is being configured. No default.
imode {pass-through |
drop | proxy}
Select one of the following behaviors for incoming traffic:
pass-through - bridge the traffic
drop - drop the traffic
proxy - proxy the traffic.
omode {pass-through |
drop | proxy}
Select one of the following behaviors for outgoing traffic:
pass-through - bridge the traffic
drop - drop the traffic
proxy - proxy the traffic
{enable | disable}
Select enable to allow access to the local SMTP server on this
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set mailserver proxy smtp unknown
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06-30004-0420-20080814 235
mailserver proxy smtp unknown
Use this command to configure SMTP proxy behavior for unknown servers.
To change general unknown server settings:
set mailserver proxy smtp unknown <hide> <original>
The proxy SMTP unknown options are also available on a per domain basis under “policy modify tp”
on page 295.
Related topics
set mailserver proxy smtp interface
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<hide> Select “yes” to hide the transparent unit or “no” for it to be visible.
This option determines if the header is forwarded untouched by the
FortiMail unit (yes) or if the FortiMail unit visibly processes the mail
headers (no).
No default.
<original> Select “yes” to use the default domain mail server or “no” to relay
the mail through the FortiMail unit by default.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 Removed mx, server, client, and tp keywords.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
236 06-30004-0420-20080814
mailserver relayserver set
mailserver relayserver
Use this command to configure the relay server settings including name, port, and authentication.
set mailserver relayserver <name_str> port <port_number>
authentication {enable | disable} username <name_str>
password <pwd_str> type <auth_type>
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the FQDN name of the relay server. No default.
port <port_number> Enter the port number to use when communicating with this relay
{enable | disable}
Select enable to turn on authentication for the relay server.
username <name_str> Enter the username for the account on the relay server to be used
for authentication purposes.
password <pwd_str> Enter the password for the account on the relay server to be used
for authentication purposes.
type <auth_type> Select one of the types of authentication for the relay server:
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set mailserver smtp deferbigmsg
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 237
mailserver smtp deferbigmsg
Use this command to configure the period when deferred oversized emails will start and stop being
processed. Deferring oversized emails can offload processing to a time of day when email traffic is not
as busy.
set mailserver smtp deferbigmsg starttime <hh:mm>
set mailserver smtp deferbigmsg stoptime <hh:mm>
Keywords and Variables Description Default
starttime <hh:mm> Enter the time that oversized email will start being processed.
Time is in 24 hour format. No default.
stoptime <hh:mm> Enter the time that oversized email will stop being processed.
Time is in 24 hour format. No default.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
238 06-30004-0420-20080814
mailserver smtp delivery set
mailserver smtp delivery
Selecting ‘yes’ for this command will turn off ESMTP delivery.
set mailserver smtp delivery noesmtp {yes | no}
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
set mailserver smtp dsn_
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 239
mailserver smtp dsn_
Use this command to configure the delivery status notification (DSN) messages sender information.
set mailserver smtp dsn_displayname <name_str>
set mailserver smtp dsn_sender <email_str>
<name_str> is the sender’s name the notification is from. An example would be postmaster.
<email_str> is the sender’s email address the notification is sent from. An example for the domain would be
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
240 06-30004-0420-20080814
mailserver smtp ldap_domain_check set
mailserver smtp ldap_domain_check
Use this command to check the validity of domains not configured on the FortiMail unit with LDAP
verification. Email messages to domains passing this check can be routed to internal mail servers
using LDAP routing.
set mailserver smtp ldap_domain_check <enable | disable> ldap_profile
<profile_str> auto_associate <enable|disable> internal_domain
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<enable | disable>
When enabled, the FortiMail unit will use LDAP verification to
check the validity of domains not configured on the FortiMail unit.
Email messages to domains passing this check can be routed to
internal mail servers using LDAP routing.
Enter the LDAP profile to use for domain verification.
When enabled, domains passing LDAP verification will be
automatically created as domain associations. disable
Enter the domain the automatically created domain associations
will be a part of.
FortiMail v3.0 MR4 New.
set mailserver smtp queue
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 241
mailserver smtp queue
Use this command to configure the time outs and retries for undelivered mail in queues.
set mailserver smtp queue dsn_timeout <dsn_timeout> retry <retry
interval> timeout <timeout> warning <warning time>
Note: The units of time are not the same for all keywords in this command.
Keywords and Variables Description Default
Select the maximum number of days a delivery status notification
(DSN) message can remain in the mail queues. The valid range is
from zero to ten days.
After the maximum time has been reached, the DSN email will be
returned as undeliverable.
If the maximum time is set to zero days, delivery will be attempted
one time and then the DSN email will be returned as
5 days
retry <retry
Select the number of minutes between delivery retries for queues.
The valid range is from 10 to 120 minutes.
Adjusting this value lower will help deliver messages faster.
27 minutes
timeout <timeout> Select the maximum number of days an email can remain in a
mail queue. The valid range is from one to ten days.
After the maximum time has been reached, the email will be
returned as undeliverable.
5 days
warning <warning
Select the number of hours before a warning is sent to the sender
notifying them the message has been deferred. The valid range is
from 1 to 24 hours.
4 hours
FortiMail v3.0 MR2 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
242 06-30004-0420-20080814
mailserver smtpauth set
mailserver smtpauth
Use this command to enable or disable authentication using SMTP, SMTP over TLS, or SMTPS.
If authentication is not configured, clients can still attempt to authenticate, though they will always fail.
Using this command to disable the client’s ability to authenticate will prevent this situation from
set mailserver smtpauth smtp {enabled | disabled}
set mailserver smtpauth smtpovertls {enabled | disabled}
set mailserver smtpauth smtps {enabled | disabled}
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR4 Added the smtp, smtpovertld, and smtps options.
set mailserver smtpssl
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 243
mailserver smtpssl
Use this command for SMTP over secure socket layer (SSL).
set mailserver smtpssl {enabled | disabled}
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
244 06-30004-0420-20080814
mailserver smtp storage set
mailserver smtp storage
Use this command to configure local or network file storage (NFS) options.
set mailserver smtp storage local
set mailserver smtp storage nfs dir <nfs_server_dir>
set mailserver smtp storage nfs ip <ipv4_addr>
Keywords and Variables Description Default
local | nfs Select the type of storage for the FortiMail unit.
local - use local storage
nfs - use NFS
type {disable |
client | <type>}
Select the type of storage to be used in a central quarantine
disable -
client - This unit connects as a client to a central quarantine
server - This unit is a central quarantine server. Option available
only for high-end model FortiMail units
dir Select the directory to use on the NFS storage.
ip Select the IP address of the NFS storage.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
set mailserver smtp storage cquar
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 245
mailserver smtp storage cquar
Use this command to configure central quarantine mail storage options.
Central quarantine stores quarantined email on a separate high-end model FortiMail unit. This reduces
the resources required on the local unit.
The allowance keyword is only available when the FortiMail unit is a central quarantine server.
The remoteserver keyword is only available for FortiMail client units.
set mailserver smtp storage cquar type {disable | client | server}
set mailserver smtp storage cquar allowance add name <name_str> ip
set mailserver smtp storage cquar allowance change name <name_str> ip
set mailserver smtp storage cquar allowance remove name <name_str>
set mailserver smtp storage cquar remoteserver name <name_str> host
This example will configure a FortiMail unit as a server, and will add “FortiMailClient1” and
FortiMailClient2” as quarantine clients that will connect to this server.
set mailserver smtp storage cquar type server
set mailserver smtp storage cquar allowance add name FortiMailClient1 ip
set mailserver smtp storage cquar allowance add name FortiMailClient2 ip
This example will configure a FortiMail unit as a client with the name “FortiMailClient1” that will
connect to a central quarantine server at IP address After being configured as a client,
the FortiMail unit will not store any quarantined messages locally.
set mailserver smtp storage cquar type client
Keywords and Variables Description Default
type {disable |
client | server}
Select the type of storage to be used in a central quarantine
configuration as one of:
disable - central quarantine is not used on this unit.
client - This unit connects as a client to a central quarantine
server - This unit is a central quarantine server. Option available
only for high-end model FortiMail units
add | change | remove Select the action to perform
name <name_str> Enter the name of the FortiMail client unit.
ip <ipv4_addr> Enter the IP address of the FortiMail client unit.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
246 06-30004-0420-20080814
mailserver smtp storage cquar set
set mailserver smtp storage cquar remoteserver name “FortiMailClient1”
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
set mailserver systemquarantine
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 247
mailserver systemquarantine
Use this command to configure the system quarantine settings.
set mailserver systemquarantine account <name_str> password <pwd_str>
set mailserver systemquarantine forward <address_str>
set mailserver systemquarantine quota <quota_int>
set mailserver systemquarantine quotafull {overwrite | noquarantine}
set mailserver systemquarantine rotatesize <size_int> rotatetime
Related topics
set content modify action
set content modify monitor action
Keywords and Variables Description Default
account <name_str>
password <pwd_str>
Enter the user ID and password for the system
quarantine admin account. User ID:
forward <address_str> Enter an email address to which all messages diverted
to the system quarantine will be copied.
quota <quota_int> Enter the amount of disk space, in gigabytes, the system
quarantine may use. The maximum permitted disk quota
depends on available disk capacity.
quotafull {overwrite |
Enter the action the FortiMail unit should take when the
system quarantine reaches its quota size.
overwrite - will have a new message replace the
oldest in the system quarantine.
noquarantine - will prevent any new messages
from being quarantined. Note however that
noquarantine will still prevent messages from
being delivered. Since they’re not quarantined,
they’re simply deleted.
rotatesize <size_int>
rotatetime <time_int>
Configures the size and time thresholds which trigger
system quarantine rotation. When the mailbox reaches
the rotation size or time threshold, whichever occurs
first, the mailbox (mbox file) will be renamed and backed
up. A new mailbox file will be generated, into which the
new email is saved.
<size_int> is the rotation size, from 10 to 200
<time_int> is the rotation time, from 1 to 365 days.
rotation size: 100
rotation time: 7
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
248 06-30004-0420-20080814
misc profile delete set
misc profile delete
Use this command to delete a misc profile. This command is available in server mode only.
set misc profile <name_str> delete
<name_str> is the name of the misc profile.
Related topics
set misc profile rename-to
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set misc profile modify quota
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 249
misc profile modify quota
Use this command to change the disk space quota in megabytes for the mail user account, or
accounts, for the specified profile. This command is available in server mode only.
set misc profile <name_str> modify quota <quota_int>
Related topics
set misc profile modify userstatus
set misc profile modify webmailaccess
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the misc profile.
<quota_int> Enter the per-user disk space quota in megabytes. The acceptable range is
from 0 to 4000, where 0 is unlimited. 0
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
250 06-30004-0420-20080814
misc profile modify userstatus set
misc profile modify userstatus
Use this command to enable or disable the user account, or accounts, for the specified profile. This
command is available in server mode only.
set misc profile <name_str> modify userstatus {enable | disable}
Related topics
set misc profile modify quota
set misc profile modify webmailaccess
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the misc profile.
{enable | disable}
Enables or disable the user account, or accounts, for the specified profile.
When disabled, the user will not be able to log in to the webmail interface
or send mail with a mail client. Any mail sent to the user will be rejected
with a “user unknown” message.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set misc profile modify webmailaccess
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 251
misc profile modify webmailaccess
Enables or disables Webmail access for the specified profile. This command is available in server
mode only.
set misc profile <name_str> modify webmailaccess {enable | disable}
Related topics
set misc profile modify quota
set misc profile modify userstatus
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the misc profile.
{enable | disable}
Enables or disable the ability of the user to log in to the webmail interface.
When disabled, the user will be able to enter their email address and
password, but a ‘Login Incorrect!’ error will be displayed.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
252 06-30004-0420-20080814
misc profile rename-to set
misc profile rename-to
Use this command to rename a misc profile. This command is available in server mode only.
set misc profile <name_str> rename-to <new_str>
Related topics
set misc profile delete
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the misc profile.
<new_str> Enter the new name of the misc profile.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_content delete
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 253
out_content delete
Use this command to delete a outgoing content profile.
set out_content <name_str> delete
<name_str> is the name of the outgoing content profile.
Related topics
set out_content modify filetype
set out_content modify monitor
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
254 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_content modify action set
out_content modify action
Use this command to select the action to be taken with messages matching the specified outgoing
content profile.
set out_content <name_str> modify action {treat_as_spam | reject| discard
| replace | quarantine | forward} [forwardaddr <addr_str>]
Related topics
set out_content modify action
set out_content modify monitor
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the outgoing content profile.
action {discard |
forward | reject |
replace |
Select the action to be taken on messages matching the active
outgoing content profile.
{discard} deletes the message.
{forward} sends the message to the specified email address
instead of the recipient.
{reject} causes the FortiMail unit to not accept delivery of
the infected message. An error is returned to the system
attempting delivery.
{replace} strips the infected attachment and replaces it with
a custom message.
{treat_as_spam} handles the infected message according
to the action set in the applicable antispam profile.
Enter the email address to be used if the selected action is forward.
When forward is selected as the action, matching messages are
forwarded to the specified email address.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_content modify bypass_on_auth
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 255
out_content modify bypass_on_auth
Use this command to allow messages to bypass the outgoing content filters if SMTP authorization is
enabled and the delivering system successfully authenticates.
set out_content <name_str> modify bypass_on_auth {enable | disable}
<name_str> is the name of the outgoing content profile.
Related topics
set out_content modify action
set out_content modify filetype
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
256 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_content modify filetype set
out_content modify filetype
Use this command to block email attachments that match the specified file type.
set out_content <name_str> modify filetype <filetype_str> {blocked |
Related topics
set out_content modify action
set out_content modify monitor
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the outgoing content profile.
<filetype_str> Select the file type. Valid types are
application/other This option includes all file types not
specified by the other listed types.
{blocked |
Select blocked to trigger the content action against messages
containing the specified type of file attachment.
Select not-blocked to allow the specified type of file attachment.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_content modify monitor action
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 257
out_content modify monitor action
Use this command to select the action to be taken with messages matching the specified outgoing
content monitor profile.
set out_content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> action {none |
discard | forward | quarantine | reject | replace | review |
Related topics
set out_content modify monitor
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the outgoing content profile.
<profile_int> Enter the outgoing content monitor profile number.
action {none |
discard | forward |
reject | replace |
review |
Select the action to be taken with messages matching the specified
outgoing content monitor profile.
{none} no action is taken, though subject and/or header tagging
occurs if enabled.
{discard} deletes the message.
{forward} sends the message to the specified email address
instead of the recipient.
{reject} causes the FortiMail unit to not accept delivery of the
infected message. An error is returned to the system attempting
{replace} strips the infected attachment and replaces it with a
custom message.
{review} stops messages matching the monitor profile and
places them into the system quarantine. These messages are
not included in the spam report sent to users. Rather, an
administrator must release or delete these messages after
reviewing them.
{treat_as_spam} handles the infected message according to
the action set in the applicable antispam profile.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
258 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_content modify monitor set
out_content modify monitor
Use this command to configure outgoing content monitor profiles.
set out_content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> delete
set out_content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> dict_profile
set out_content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> {enable |
set out_content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> moveto <new_int>
set out_content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> tags header
{enable | disable}
set out_content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> tags htag
set out_content <name_str> modify monitor <profile_int> tags stag
Related topics
set out_content modify monitor action
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the outgoing content profile.
<profile_int> Enter the outgoing content monitor profile number.
<dict_int> Enter the dictionary profile ID number to use for the specified
outgoing content monitor profile.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the specified outgoing content monitor profile. enable
moveto <new_int> Moves the specified outgoing content monitor profile to a new
position in the list.
<new_int> is the destination content profile number.
tags header {enable
| disable}
Enable or disable the labeling of matching messages by adding a
tag to the header. disable
tags htag <tag_str> Enter the text to be used as the tag when header tagging is enabled.
tags subject
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable the labeling of matching messages by adding a
tag to the subject. disable
tags stag <tag_str> Enter the text to be used as the tag when subject tagging is enabled.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_content modify monitor
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06-30004-0420-20080814 259
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
260 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_policy profile delete set
out_policy profile delete
Use this command to delete an outgoing recipient-based policy. This command applies to gateway and
transparent modes only.
set out_policy <user_str> delete
<user_str> is the user the policy applies to.
Related topics
set out_policy move-to
set out_policy rename-to
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_policy modify
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 261
out_policy modify
Use these commands to configure outgoing recipient-based policies. This command applies to
gateway and transparent modes only.
set out_policy <user_str> modify as <name_str>
set out_policy <user_str> modify av <name_str>
set out_policy <user_str> modify content <name_str>
Related topics
set out_policy profile delete
set out_policy move-to
set out_policy rename-to
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<user_str> Enter the outgoing recipient-based policy user ID.
modify as <name_str> Select the antispam profile to apply to the selected
recipient-based policy. antispam_out_def
modify av <name_str> Select the antivirus profile to apply to the selected
recipient-based policy. antivirus_def
modify content <name_str> Select the content profile to apply to the selected
recipient-based policy. content_out_def
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
262 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_policy move-to set
out_policy move-to
Use this command to move an outgoing recipient-based policy to a new position in the policy list. This
command applies to gateway and transparent modes only.
set out_policy <user_str> move-to <new_int>
Related topics
set out_policy profile delete
set out_policy rename-to
Keywords and variables Description Default
<user_str> Enter the outgoing recipient-based policy user ID.
move-to <new_int> Enter the new position the policy will occupy.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_policy rename-to
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 263
out_policy rename-to
Use this command to rename an outgoing recipient-based policy. This command applies to gateway
and transparent modes only.
set out_policy <user_str> rename-to <new_str>
Related topics
set out_policy profile delete
set out_policy move-to
Keywords and variables Description Default
<user_str> Enter the outgoing recipient-based policy user ID.
rename-to <new_str> Enter the new user ID.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
264 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_profile profile delete set
out_profile profile delete
Use this command to delete an outgoing antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> delete
<name_str> is the name of the outgoing antispam profile.
Related topics
set out_profile profile rename-to
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_profile profile modify actions
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 265
out_profile profile modify actions
Use these command to modify the actions of an outgoing antispam profile.
Reject, discard, and forward are mutually exclusive. No more than one can be enabled at any time. If
the specified profile does not exist, it is created.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify actions discard {enable |
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify actions emailaddr <address_str>
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify actions forward {enable |
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify actions reject {enable |
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify actions review {enable |
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
set out_profile profile modify scanoptions
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the outgoing antispam profile.
discard {enable | disable} Enable or disable discarding spam without sending reject
responses to the senders. disable
emailaddr <address_str> Enter the email address to which messages are forwarded
when forwarding is enabled. No default
forward {enable | disable} Enable or disable forwarding of spam messages. disable
reject {enable | disable} Enable or disable the FortiMail unit to reject spam and send
reject responses to the sending system. disable
review {enable | disable} Enable or disable the redirection of outbound spam to the
system quarantine. If enabled, the messages detected as spam
must be released or deleted by an administrator. These
messages will not appear on the spam summary.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR1 Keyword summary removed.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
266 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_profile profile modify bannedword set
out_profile profile modify bannedword
Use this command to enable or disable outgoing banned word filtering for the specified profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify bannedword {enable | disable}
<name_str> is the name of the profile. By default, banned word scanning is disabled.
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify bannedwordlist
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_profile profile modify bannedwordlist
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 267
out_profile profile modify bannedwordlist
Use these command to modify the banned word list for an outgoing antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify bannedwordlist <word_str> add
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify bannedwordlist <word_str>
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify bannedwordlist <word_str>
move-to <position_int>
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify bannedwordlist <word_str>
rename-to <new_str>
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify bannedword
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and variables Description
<name_str> Enter the name of the outgoing antispam profile to modify.
<word_str> The word entry you want to modify in the profile’s banned word list.
add Add the new banned word.
delete Delete the banned word.
Change the position of the word in the banned word list. Each word is numbered, the
first is 1, the second 2, and so on.
<position_int> is the word’s new position.
rename-to <new_str> Change the word entry.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
268 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_profile profile modify bayesian set
out_profile profile modify bayesian
Use this command to enable or disable Bayesian spam filtering for the specified antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify bayesian {enable | disable}
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable Bayesian filtering for the specified outgoing antispam
profile. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_profile profile modify deepheader
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 269
out_profile profile modify deepheader
Use this command to enable or disable deep header scanning or for the specified profile. The two
separate checks that make up the deep header scan can also be individually enabled or disabled.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify deepheader scanner
{enable | disable}
set out_profile as profile <name_str> modify deepheader checkip
{enable | disable}
set out_profile as profile <name_str> modify deepheader headeranalysis
{enable | disable}
Related topics
set as profile modify actions
set as profile modify deepheader
set as profile modify individualaction scanner
set out_profile profile modify deepheader
get spam deepheader
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the deep header scan for the specified profile. disable
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the black IP portion of the deep header scan for the
specified profile. disable
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the headers analysis portion of the deep header scan
for the specified profile. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR1 checkip and headeranalysis added.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
270 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_profile profile modify dictionary set
out_profile profile modify dictionary
Use these commands to configure dictionary scans for the specified outgoing antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify dictionary dict_profile
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify dictionary scanner {enable |
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
Select the dictionary profile to be used for dictionary scans.
<dict_int> is the dictionary profile number.
{enable | disable}
Enable or disable dictionary scanning for the specified profile. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_profile profile modify dnsbl
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 271
out_profile profile modify dnsbl
Use this command to enable or disable communication with the DNSBL servers to scan email for the
specified outgoing antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify dnsbl {enable | disable}
<name_str> is the name of the profile. By default, the DNSBL lookup is disabled.
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify dnsblserver
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
272 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_profile profile modify dnsblserver set
out_profile profile modify dnsblserver
Use these commands to modify the DNSBL server list for an outgoing antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify dnsblserver <host_str> add
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify dnsblserver <host_str> delete
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify dnsblserver <host_str> move-to
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify dnsblserver <host_str>
rename-to <new_str>
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify dnsbl
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and variables Description
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
<host_str> The DNSBL server entry you want to modify in the profile.
add Add the new DNSBL server.
delete Delete the DNSBL server.
move-to <new_int> Change the position of the DNSBL server in the server list. Each entry is numbered,
the first is 1, the second 2, and so on.
<new_int> is the entry’s new position.
rename-to <new_str> Change the DNSBL server hostname.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_profile profile modify fortishield
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 273
out_profile profile modify fortishield
Use these commands to configure FortiGuard-Antispam functions for an outgoing antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify fortishield checkip {enable |
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify fortishield scanner {enable |
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable FortiGuard-Antispam IP address checking for the
specified profile. disable
{enable | disable} Enable or disable FortiGuard-Antispam scanning for the specified profile. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
274 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_profile profile modify greylist set
out_profile profile modify greylist
Use this command to enable or disable greylisting for an outgoing antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify greylist {enable | disable}
<name_str> is the name of the profile. By default, greylisting is disabled.
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_profile profile modify heuristic
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 275
out_profile profile modify heuristic
Use these commands to configure heuristic scanning for an outgoing antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify heuristic lower-level
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify heuristic scanner {enable |
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify heuristic upper-level
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
<lower_int> Enter the lower level threshold for heuristic scanning for the specified
profile. -20.000000
{enable | disable} Enable or disable heuristic scanning for the specified profile. disable
<upper_int> Enter the upper level threshold for heuristic scanning for the specified
profile. 10.000000
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
276 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_profile profile modify imagespam set
out_profile profile modify imagespam
Use these commands to configure an outgoing antispam profile to identify spam messages in which
the text is stored as an embedded graphics file.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify imagespam aggressive {enable |
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify imagespam scanner {enable |
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable more intensive examination of email messages
containing images.
This option will also force the examination of image file attachments in
addition to embedded images. The additional scanning workload could
affect performance with traffic containing image files.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable scanning of email for image-based spam messages. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 277
out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
Use these commands to set the action each spam detection method takes for messages detected as
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify individualaction scanner
{bannedword | bayesian | deepheader | dictionary | dnsbl | fortishield
| heuristic | imagespam | surbl | virus} action {default | discard |
forward | reject | review | subject}
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify actions
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
scanner Select the spam detection method. no default
action Select the action to take.
•Set default to use the default action.
•Set discard to accept the message and delete it without informing the
sending system.
•Set forward to have messages forwarded to the email address set
with the emailaddr keyword of theset out_profile profile
modify actions command.
•Set reject to reject the message and return an error to the sending
•Set review to divert spam to the system quarantine.
•Set subject to tag the message subject.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
278 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_profile profile modify scanoptions set
out_profile profile modify scanoptions
Use these commands to configure scanning options for an outgoing antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify scanoptions attachment_type pdf
{enable | disable}
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify scanoptions bypass_on_auth
{enable | disable}
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify scanoptions maxsize <size_int>
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
attachment_type pdf
{enable | disable}
Enable to allow the FortiMail unit scan the first page of PDF attachments.
The PDF option allows the heuristic, banned word, and image spam
scanning techniques to examine the contents of PDF files.
If none of these three scanners are enabled, the PDF option will have no
{enable | disable} Enable or disable the bypassing of spam scanning when an SMTP
sender is authenticated. disable
maxsize <size_int> Enter the maximum message size, in bytes, that the FortiMail unit will
scan for spam. Messages with sizes exceeding the set limit will not be
scanned for spam.
Enter 0 to scan all messages regardless of size.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR1 attachment_type pdf added.
set out_profile profile modify surbl
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 279
out_profile profile modify surbl
Use this command to enable or disable the checking of mail against defined SURBL servers for an
outgoing antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify surbl {enable | disable}
<name_str> is the name of the profile. By default, SURBL scanning is disabled.
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify surblserver
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
280 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_profile profile modify surblserver set
out_profile profile modify surblserver
Use these commands to configure the SURBL server list for an outgoing antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify surblserver <host_str> add
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify surblserver <host_str> delete
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify surblserver <host_str> move-to
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify surblserver <host_str>
rename-to <new_str>
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify surbl
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and variables Description
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
<host_str> Enter the host name SURBL server entry you want to modify.
add Add the new SURBL server.
delete Delete the SURBL server.
move-to <new_int> Change the position of the SURBL server in the server list. Each entry is numbered,
the first is 1, the second 2, and so on. <new_int> is the entry’s new position.
rename-to <new_str> Change the SURBL server host name.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_profile profile modify tags
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 281
out_profile profile modify tags
Use these commands to configure header and subject tagging for an outgoing antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify tags header {enable | disable}
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify tags htag <tag_str>
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify tags stag <tag_str>
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify tags subject {enable | disable}
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
{enable | disable} Enable or disable header tagging for the specified profile. A header tag
must be set before header tagging can be enabled. disable
htag <tag_str> Enter the text added to the email header. no default
stag <tag_str> Enter the text added to the email subject. no default
{enable | disable} Enable or disable subject tagging for the specified profile. disable
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
282 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_profile profile modify virus set
out_profile profile modify virus
Use this command to enable or disable treating messages with a virus as spam.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify virus {enable | disable}
<name_str> is the name of the profile. By default, this setting is disabled.
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify actions
set out_profile profile modify individualaction scanner
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set out_profile profile modify whitelistword
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 283
out_profile profile modify whitelistword
Use this command to enable or disable whitelist word checking in the specified outgoing antispam
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify whitelistword
{enable | disable}
By default, this setting is disabled.
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify whitelistwordlist
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
284 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_profile profile modify whitelistwordlist set
out_profile profile modify whitelistwordlist
Use this command to add, delete, or modify whitelist words for the specified antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify whitelistwordlist <word_str>
add subject {enable | disable} body {enable | disable}
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify whitelistwordlist <word_str>
change body {enable | disable}
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify whitelistwordlist <word_str>
change subject {enable | disable}
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify whitelistwordlist <word_str>
change word <new_str>
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify whitelistwordlist <word_str>
set out_profile profile <name_str> modify whitelistwordlist <word_str>
move-to <dest_int>
Related topics
set out_profile profile modify whitelistword
Keywords and variables Description Default
<name_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify.
<word_str> Enter the whitelist word.
add subject
{enable |
disable} body
{enable |
Add the specified word as a whitelist word. Enable or disable checking of
the message subject and body for the whitelist word.
change body {enable
| disable} Select whether the email body text is examined for whitelist words. disable
change subject
{enable | disable} Select whether the email subject text is examined for whitelist words. disable
change word
<new_str> Change the specified whitelist word. The <name_str> variable specifies
the existing word and <new_str> is the new word.
delete Delete the specified whitelist word
<dest_int> Move the specified word to the position in the whitelist word list specified
by the <dest_int> variable.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
set out_profile profile rename-to
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 285
out_profile profile rename-to
Use this command to rename an outgoing antispam profile.
set out_profile profile <name_str> rename-to <new_str>
<name_str> is the name of the outgoing antispam profile.
Related topics
set out_profile profile delete
Keywords and variables Description
<name_str> Enter the name of the outgoing antispam profile to rename.
rename-to <new_str> Enter the new name of the outgoing antispam profile.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
286 06-30004-0420-20080814
out_profile profile rename-to set
set policy delete
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 287
policy delete
Use this command to remove the specified policy. This command is available in gateway and
transparent modes only.
set policy <fqdn_str> delete
Related topics
set policy modify rename-to
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
288 06-30004-0420-20080814
policy modify add_association set
policy modify add_association
Use this command to configure domain associations.A domain association is a domain name that uses
all the settings configured for the domain it is associated with. Domain associations are defined within
domains or subdomains you have created.
Domain associations are only supported in gateway and transparent modes.
For example, if you have a mail server handling the email for three domains, one way to configure the
FortiMail unit would be to create three separate domains and configure them all with the same settings.
Another way is to configure one domain and add the other two to the first as domain associations.
Subsequent configuration changes need to be made only once to apply to the domain and all domain
set policy <fqdn_str> modify add_association <fqdn>[, <fqdn>, <fqdn>,
<fqdn>, ...]
Keywords and Variables Description
policy <fqdn_str> Enter the domain to which the associations will be added.
add_association <fqdn> Enter the domain association. Enter multiple domains
separated by commas.
FortiMail v3.0 MR4 New.
set policy modify bverify_addr
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 289
policy modify bverify_addr
Use this command to enable or disable background address verification for the specified domain. This
command is available in gateway and transparent modes only.
set policy <fqdn_str> modify bverify_addr <disable | ldap | smtp>
<disable | ldap | smtp> - choose LDAP or SMTP to enable background address verification
using that method, or disable to deactivate this feature.
Related topics
set policy modify verify_addr
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
290 06-30004-0420-20080814
policy modify fallback set
policy modify fallback
Use this command to set the fallback host for the specified domain. An optional fallback host port
number may be specified. This command is available in gateway and transparent modes only.
set policy <fqdn_str> modify fallbackhost <host_ipv4>
[fallbackport <port_int>]
Keywords and Variables Description
fallbackhost <host_ipv4> Enter the IP address of the fallback host for this domain.
fallbackport <port_int> Optionally, enter the fallback host port number.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set policy modify ip
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 291
policy modify ip
Use this command to set the SMTP server IP of the email server for the specified domain. This
command is available in gateway and transparent modes only.
set policy <fqdn_str> modify ip <server_ipv4>
<server_ipv4> - the IP address of the email server for this domain.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
292 06-30004-0420-20080814
policy modify is_subdomain set
policy modify is_subdomain
Use this command to set whether the specified domain is a subdomain. This command is available in
gateway and transparent modes only.
Enable is_subdomain to declare this domain a subdomain.
set policy <fqdn_str> modify is_subdomain {enable | disable}
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set policy modify ldap
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 293
policy modify ldap
Use this command to set up LDAP based authentication for:
antispam and antivirus configuration checking for the specified domain
checking of routing configuration for the specified domain
This command is available in gateway and transparent modes only.
To set the LDAP profile to use for LDAP antispam and antivirus queries:
set policy <fqdn_str> modify ldapasav profile <profile_str>
To enable or disable LDAP antispam and antivirus configuration checking:
set policy <fqdn_str> modify ldapasav state {enable | disable}
To set the LDAP profile to use for LDAP routing configuration:
set policy <fqdn_str> modify ldaprouting profile <profile_str>
To enable or disable LDAP routing configuration:
set policy <fqdn_str> modify ldaprouting state {enable | disable}
Keywords and Variables Description
<fqdn_str> Enter the fully qualified domain name.
<profile_str> Enter the profile name.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
294 06-30004-0420-20080814
policy modify mxflag set
policy modify mxflag
Use this command to enable or disable the use of MX record for this domain. This command is
available in gateway and transparent modes only.
set policy <fqdn_str> modify mxflag {0 | 1}
Setting mxflag to 0 enables the MX record for this domain.
<fqdn_str> is the fully qualified domain name.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set policy modify tp
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 295
policy modify tp
Use this command to configure transparent mode settings including transparent mode masquerading
setting. This command is available only in transparent mode.
set policy <fqdn_str> modify tp <zone_intr> {yes | no} {yes | no}
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<fqdn_str> Enter the fully qualified domain name. No default.
<zone_intr> Specify which zone this domain is in with <zone_intr>. This
determines the interface used to send and receive mail to this
{yes | no} Specify “yes” to hide this FortiMail unit or “no” to not hide it. This
is the Transparent mode masquerading setting. no
{yes | no} Specify “yes” to use the SMTP server for the this domain, or “no”
to relay the mail for this domain. The default is “no’. no
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
296 06-30004-0420-20080814
policy modify user set
policy modify user
Use this command to configure recipient-based policies. This command is available in gateway and
transparent modes only.
set policy <fqdn_str> modify user <user_str> delete
set policy <fqdn_str> modify user <user_str> modify as <name_str>
set policy <fqdn_str> modify user <user_str> modify av <name_str>
set policy <fqdn_str> modify user <user_str> modify content <name_str>
set policy <fqdn_str> modify user <user_str> rename-to <newuser_str>
Related topics
set policy delete
set policy modify rename-to
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<fqdn_str> Enter the fully qualified domain name.
<user_str> Enter the recipient-based policy user ID.
delete Deletes the specified recipient-based policy.
modify as
Select the antispam profile to apply to the selected recipient-
based policy. antispam_def
modify av
Select the antivirus profile to apply to the selected
recipient-based policy. antivirus_def
modify content
Select the content profile to apply to the selected recipient-based
policy. content_def
Rename a recipient-based policy user ID.
<newuser_str> is the new user ID.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set policy modify verify_addr
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 297
policy modify verify_addr
Use this command to enable or disable recipient address verification. This command is available in
gateway and transparent modes only.
set policy <fqdn_str> modify verify_addr {ldap | smtp | disable} profile
Related topics
set policy modify bverify_addr
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<fqdn_str> Enter the fully qualified domain name. No default.
verify_addr {ldap |
smtp | disable}
Choose LDAP or SMTP to enable background address
verification using that method, or disable to deactivate this
profile <name_str> Enter the name of the profile to use for this feature. No default.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
298 06-30004-0420-20080814
policy modify rename-to set
policy modify rename-to
Use this command to rename the specified domain to the new domain name. This command is
available in gateway and transparent modes only.
set policy <fqdn_str> rename-to <newfqdn_str>
Related topics
set policy delete
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set spam deepheader
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 299
spam deepheader
Use this command to configure the header analysis settings of the deep header scan feature.
set spam deepheader confidence <confidence_int>
Related topics
set as profile modify deepheader
set out_profile profile modify deepheader
get spam deepheader
Keywords and Variables Description Default
Enter the confidence value above which a message will be considered
spam. The header analysis scan will examine each message and
calculate a confidence value based on the results of the decision-tree
analysis. The higher the calculated confidence value, the more likely the
message is really spam.
The header analysis adds an X-FEAS-DEEPHEADER line to the message
header that includes the message’s calculated confidence value.
FortiMail v3.0 MR1 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 Removed iptrusted and servertrusted keywords.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
300 06-30004-0420-20080814
spam retrieval policy set
spam retrieval policy
Use this command to enable or disable authentication for a user on the specified domain to retrieve
spam from the FortiMail unit using POP3 or HTTP.
set spam retrieval policy <fqdn_str> user <user_str>
auth {imap | ldap | pop3 | radius | smtp} <profile_str>
senddomain {enable | disable} [allowaccess {pop3 http smtpauth
Related topics
set as control autorelease
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<fqdn_str> Enter the user’s domain.
<user_str> Enter the user’s ID with the domain, e.g. Entering
the user ID without the domain will result in the command returning an
auth {imap | ldap |
pop3 | radius |
Select the type of server used for authentication.
<profile_str> Enter the authentication profile name.
senddomain {enable
| disable}
Enable to send the domain name with the user’s ID to the authentication
server. disable
[allowaccess {pop3
http smtpauth
Select the type of access allowed.
{pop3} allows POP3 retrieval of spam messages.
{http} allows webmail viewing and retrieval of spam messages.
{smtpauth} enables SMTP authentication.
{diffident} allows different sender identity.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system admin
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 301
system admin
Use this command to create or edit a system admin on your FortiGate system. Using this command
you can set:
the administrator’s password
the administrator’s permission level
the administrator’s trusted hosts which determine which network addresses the administrator can
use to access the FortiMail unit
set system admin username <name_str> domain <domain_str>
password <password_str> permission {readonly | readwrite}
sshkey {<key_str> | ‘remove’} trusthost <trusthost_ipmask>
webmode {basic | advanced}
Related topics
set system option
set user
Keywords and Variables Description
username <name_str> Enter the name of the administrator account being created or edited.
domain <domain_str> Enter the domain the administrator belongs to.
password <password_str> Enter the password for the administrator account.
{readonly | readwrite}
Select administrator permission. readonly allows the administrator to
only inspect settings, while readwrite also allows changing settings.
(<key_str> | ‘remove’)
Enter the SSH key string for the admin user.
Enter ‘remove’ to remove the current SSH key.
trusthost <trust_ipmask> Enter the host address and netmask from which the administrator can log
in to the web-based manager. If you want the administrator to be able to
access the FortiMail unit from any address, set <trust_ipmask> to
webmode (basic | advanced) Select either basic or advanced interface mode as the default webmode
interface when logging in to this admin account.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 Added sshkey and webmode keywords.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
302 06-30004-0420-20080814
system appearance set
system appearance
Use this command to customize the appearance of your FortiMail unit. Using this command you can
the look of the bottom logo on the GUI
the product name on main login screen
the language of the webmail interface
the title of the login for webmail
the text of the prompt to enter your email address for webmail
set system appearance [bottom-logo-url <bottom-logo-url>]
[product <product_name_str>] [webmail_lang <language>]
[webmail_login <webmail_str>] [webmail_login help <hint_str>]
Related topics
set console
Keywords and Variables Description
bottom-logo-url <image-url> Enter the URL of the image to be displayed at the bottom left of
the FortiMail GUI status bar.
product <product_name_str> Enter the name that will precede ‘Administrator Login’ on the
FortiMail login page.
webmail_lang <language> Select the language to use for the Webmail interface displayed to
the user. Select the language from the list provided:
Chinese Simplified
Chinese Traditional
• Korean
• Japanese
• German
• Hebrew
• Polish
• Portuguese
• Turkish
webmail_login <webmail_str> Enter the name or phrase that will precede the ‘Username
prompt when logging in to webmail.
webmail_login_hint <hint_str> Enter the text used to prompt the user to input their email
address. By default the prompt is “Input your email address”.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 Added webmail_lang and webmail_login_hint keywords.
set system autoupdate pushaddressoverride
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 303
system autoupdate pushaddressoverride
Use this command to change the IP address and port the FDN server sends updates on. This IP
address will be different from the management IP address, the default address FDN connects to.
If the FDN can connect to the FortiMail unit only through a NAT device, you must configure port
forwarding on the NAT device and add the port forwarding information to the push update
configuration. Using port forwarding, the FDN connects to the FortiMail unit using either port 9443 or
an override push port that you specify.
Push updates are provided to the FortiMail unit from the FDN using HTTPS on UDP port 9443. To
receive push updates, the FDN must be able to route packets to the FortiMail unit using UDP port
9443. Any incoming traffic will arrive at the NAT device on <port_int> but must be resent to the
FortiMail unit on port 9443.
To change the FDN push update address and port
set system autoupdate pushaddressoverride enable <addr_ip4> <port_int>
To disable override of default FDN address
set system autoupdate pushaddressoverride disable
<addr_ip4> is the IP address of the NAT device in front of the FortiMail unit.
<port_int> is the port on the NAT device that will receive updates.
Related topics
set system autoupdate pushupdate
set system autoupdate schedule
set system autoupdate tunneling
Note: You cannot receive push updates through a NAT device if the external IP address of the NAT
device is dynamic (for example, set using DHCP).
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
304 06-30004-0420-20080814
system autoupdate pushupdate set
system autoupdate pushupdate
Use this command to enable or disable push updates from the Fortinet Distribution Network (FDN).
set system autoupdate pushupdate {enable | disable}
Related topics
set system autoupdate pushaddressoverride
set system autoupdate schedule
set system autoupdate tunneling
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system autoupdate schedule
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 305
system autoupdate schedule
Use this command to schedule updates.
To schedule updates every set amount of hours and minutes,
set system autoupdate schedule {enable | disable} every <hh:mm>
To schedule updates daily,
set system autoupdate schedule {enable | disable} daily <hh:mm>
To schedule updates weekly,
set system autoupdate schedule {enable | disable} weekly <day_int>
For an interval of ‘every’, ‘<hh:mm>’ is the period between updates. For example if <hh:mm> was 3:45,
every 3 hours and 45 minutes the FortiMail unit would check for updates.
For an interval of ‘daily’, ‘<hh:mm>’ is the time of day to get updates. For example if <hh:mm> was
3:45, every day at 3:45am the FortiMail unit would check for updates. 15:45 would be 3:34pm.
For an interval of ‘weekly’, the seven days of the week is indicated by <day_int>, with 0 being Sunday,
and 6 being Saturday. ‘<hh:mm>’ has the same meaning as for the daily interval. For example ‘ weekly
2 15:45’ would indicate to get updates once per week on Tuesdays at 15:45pm.
Related topics
set system autoupdate pushaddressoverride
set system autoupdate pushupdate
set system autoupdate tunneling
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
306 06-30004-0420-20080814
system autoupdate tunneling set
system autoupdate tunneling
Use this command to configure web proxy tunneling.
set system autoupdate tunneling {enable | disable} address <addr_ip4>
port <port_num> username <username_str> password <pwd_str>
Related topics
set system autoupdate pushaddressoverride
set system autoupdate pushupdate
set system autoupdate schedule
Keywords and Variables Description
address <addr_ip4> Enter the proxy IP address.
port <port_num> Enter proxy port to use.
username <username_str> Enter the web proxy user name.
password <pwd_str> Enter the web proxy password.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system ddns
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 307
system ddns
Use this command to configure Dynamic DNS for this interface. Set the domain and username using
separate commands.
set system ddns server <server_name> domain <domain_str> ipmode {auto |
bind interface <intf_str> | static ip <ipv4_int>} status {enable |
set system ddns server <server_name> username <username_str> password
<pwd_str> timeout <hours_int>
Related topics
set system interface mode dhcp
set system interface mode static
Keywords and Variables Description
server <server_name> Select the DDNS server from the list provided:
domain <domain_str> Enter the domain name that is tied to this username and server.
ipmode {auto | bind | static} Select the method of determining the IP address:
auto - auto detect the external IP address
bind - bind the IP address with a specific interface
static - a specific static IP address
interface <intf_str> Enter the interface to bind the IP address to.
Command only available when ipmode bind is selected.
ip <ipv4_str> Enter the IP address to be the static address.
Command only available when ipmode static is selected.
status {enable | disable} Activate or disactivate this DDNS server.
username <username_str> Enter the username to access this DDNS server.
password <pwd_str> Enter the password to access this DDNS server.
timeout <hours_int> Enter the interval in hours after which your FortiMail unit will contact
the DDNS server to reaffirm your IP address.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
308 06-30004-0420-20080814
system disclaimer allowdomain set
system disclaimer allowdomain
Use this command to enable per-domain disclaimer settings.
set system disclaimer allowdomain {enable | disable}
Related topics
set system disclaimer incoming
set system disclaimer outgoing
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system disclaimer incoming
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 309
system disclaimer incoming
Use this command to configure incoming disclaimer messages. Disclaimer messages can be applied
to either the body or header of an email.
Each can be enabled or disabled and has a content string.
set system disclaimer incoming body status {enable | disable} content
set system disclaimer incoming header status {enable | disable} content
Related topics
set system disclaimer allowdomain
set system disclaimer outgoing
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
310 06-30004-0420-20080814
system disclaimer outgoing set
system disclaimer outgoing
Use this command to configure outgoing disclaimer messages. Disclaimer messages can be applied to
either the body or header of an email.
Each can be enabled or disabled and has a content string.
set system disclaimer outgoing body status {enable | disable} content
set system disclaimer outgoing header status {enable | disable} content
Related topics
set system disclaimer allowdomain
set system disclaimer incoming
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system dns
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 311
system dns
Use this command to the DNS addresses and behavior.
set system dns cache {enable | disable} primary {<addr_ip4> | none}
private_ip_query {enable | disable} secondary {<addr_ip4> | none}
Related topics
set system interface config
set system interface mode dhcp
set system route number
Keywords and Variables Description
cache {enable | disable} Enable DNS caching to speed up resolving domain names. Disable
the DNS cache to free memory if you are low on memory.
primary { <addr_ip4> | none} Enter the IP address of the primary DNS server.
Enter ‘none’ to delete the primary DNS server entry.
{enable | disable}
Enable private IP queries to perform a reverse DNS lookup on private
IP addresses such as This is the default
Disable private IP queries if reverse DNS lookups take too long to
return ‘host not found’ for private IP addresses with no PTR record on
the DNS server.
secondary { <addr_ip4> | none} Enter the IP address of the secondary DNS server.
Enter ‘none’ to delete the secondary DNS server entry.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 Added cache and private_ip_query keywords.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
312 06-30004-0420-20080814
system fortimanager set
system fortimanager
Use this command to configure FortiManager support.
set system fortimanager autobackup {enable | disable}
set system fortimanager central-management {enable | disable}
set system fortimanager initiate {enable | disable}
set system fortimanager ip <ipv4>
Related topics
set system interface config
set system interface mode dhcp
set system route number
Keywords and Variables Description
autobackup {enable | disable} When enabled, the FortiMail unit will send a configuration backup to
the FortiManager unit every time an administrator logs out of the
FortiMail web-based manager. The FortiManager units saves these
configuration backup files.
{enable | disable}
Enable to allow a FortiManager unit to manage your FortiMail unit.
initiate {enable | disable} When enabled, the FortiMail unit accepts configuration updates from
the FortiManager unit.
ip <ipv4> Enter the IP address of the FortiManager unit.
FortiMail v3.0 MR4 New.
set system ha config
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 313
system ha config
Use this command to change the TCP port and time interval for synchronizing the FortiMail
In most cases you do not have to change the default settings. However if you are making a lot of
configuration changes, you may want to reduce the time between synchronizations so that changes
are not lost if a failover occurs. The default <timeout_integer> is 60 minutes. During normal
operation, synchronizing the configuration once every 60 minutes is usually sufficient.
You can also synchronize the configuration manually. See “set system ha {restart | restore | resync}”
on page 327.
For more information about how FortiMail HA synchronizes the configuration and about what is
synchronized and what is not synchronized, see the FortiMail Administration Guide.
set system ha config <port_integer> <timeout_integer>
Enter the following command to set the FortiMail configuration synchronization time interval to 30
minutes. The command maintains the default value of the synchronization port as 20001.
set system ha config 20001 30
Related topics
Note: Use the set system ha config command to configure HA daemon settings. Other HA daemon
configuration commands include “set system ha data” on page 318, “set system ha datadir” on page 319, “set
system ha monitor” on page 322, and “set ” on page 324.
Keywords/Variables Description Default
<port_integer> The TCP port used for synchronizing the configuration of the primary unit to
the backup unit. 20001
<timeout_integer> How often HA synchronizes the configuration. The minimum
<timeout_integer> is every 15 minutes. The maximum configuration
synchronization time is 999 minutes. If <timeout_integer> is set to 0
the configuration is not synchronized.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system ha {cpeer | interface | peer |
secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
set system ha data
set system ha datadir
set system ha lservice
set system ha mode
set system ha monitor
set system ha on-failure
set system ha passwd
set system ha remote-as-heartbeat
set system ha {restart | restore | resync}
set system ha rservice
set system ha takeover
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
314 06-30004-0420-20080814
system ha {cpeer | interface | peer | secondary-interface | secondary-peer} set
system ha {cpeer | interface | peer | secondary-interface |
Use these commands to configure primary heartbeat interface settings for FortiMail active-passive and
config only HA groups. You can also use these commands to optionally configure the secondary
heartbeat interface settings for FortiMail active-passive HA.
For an active-passive or a config only HA group, use the set system ha interface command to
select the network interface to be used for the primary heartbeat and to configure the primary
heartbeat local IP address and netmask.
For a config only HA group use the set system ha cpeer command to add the IP address of a
backup unit (also called a peer) to the known peers list or to change the IP address of a backup unit
already added to the known peers list. The primary unit requires these IP addresses to be able to
communicate with the backup units.
For an active-passive HA group use the set system ha peer command to configure the primary
heartbeat peer IP address.
For an active-passive HA group use the set system ha secondary-interface command to
configure the network interface to be used for the secondary heartbeat and to configure the secondary
heartbeat local IP address and netmask. You can specify an interface name, disable the secondary
heartbeat, or set the secondary heartbeat to any if you don’t want to use a specific interface as the
backup heartbeat interface. any means that any interface with its HA interface configuration set to
ignore this interface using the set system ha takeover <interface_str> ignore command
can be used as the secondary heartbeat interface.
For an active-passive HA group use the set system ha secondary peer command to configure
the secondary heartbeat peer IP address.
set system ha cpeer <cpeer_integer> <cpeer_ipv4>
set system ha interface <primary-interface_str> <primary-local_ipv4>
set system ha peer <primary-peer_ipv4>
set system ha secondary-interface {<secondary-interface_str> | any |
disabled} <secondary-local_ipv4> <netmask_ipv4>
set system ha secondary-peer <secondary-peer_ipv4>
Keywords/Variables Description Default
any Set the secondary heartbeat interface to use any
interface that has been set to ignore using the set
system ha takeover command.
disabled Disable the secondary heartbeat interface.
<cpeer_integer> The number of the backup unit in the known peers list.
You can add up to 24 backup units or peers.
<cpeer_ipv4> The IP address of the config only peer unit. In a config
only HA group you would normally set as the
peer IP address for the first backup unit, as
the peer IP address for the second backup unit, as the peer IP address for the third backup
unit, and so on.
set system ha {cpeer | interface | peer | secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 315
The primary heartbeat local IP address and netmask for
this FortiMail unit. When the FortiMail unit is operating in
HA mode, you can enter get system interface
<interface_str> to display this IP address and
netmask, where <interface_str> is the name of the
primary heartbeat interface.
primary-local_ipv4 of the primary unit must match
primary-peer_ipv4 of the backup unit. Normally you
would set primary-local_ipv4 on the primary unit to
In an active-passive HA group primary-local_ipv4
of the backup unit must match primary-peer_ipv4 of
the primary unit. Normally you would set primary-
local_ipv4 on the backup unit to
In a config only HA group you would normally set
primary-local_ipv4 on the first backup unit to, primary-local_ipv4 on the second
backup unit to, primary-local_ipv4 on
the third backup unit to, and so on.
<primary-interface_str> The name of the network interface to be used for the
primary heartbeat. The default primary heartbeat
interface is the network interface with the highest
number. In most cases you would not have to select a
different network interface.
<primary-peer_ipv4> The primary heartbeat IP address for the other FortiMail
unit in the HA group. This is the IP address that the
FortiMail unit primary heartbeat expects to be able to
connect to find the other FortiMail unit in the HA group.
primary-peer_ipv4 of the primary unit must match
the primary-local_ipv4 of the backup unit. Normally
you would set primary-peer_ipv4 on the primary unit
primary-peer_ipv4 of the backup unit must match
the primary-local_ipv4 of the primary unit. For an
active-passive or a config only HA group you would set
primary-peer_ipv4 of the backup unit or units to
In an active-passive HA group, the secondary heartbeat
local IP address and netmask for this FortiMail unit.
When the FortiMail unit is operating in HA mode, you can
enter get system interface <interface_str> to
display this IP address and netmask, where
<interface_str> is the name of the secondary
heartbeat interface.
secondary-local_ipv4 of the primary unit must
match secondary-peer_ipv4 of the backup unit. You
could set secondary-local_ipv4 on the primary unit
secondary-local_ipv4 of the backup unit must
match secondary-peer_ipv4 of the primary unit. You
could set primary-local_ipv4 on the backup unit to
Keywords/Variables Description Default
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
316 06-30004-0420-20080814
system ha {cpeer | interface | peer | secondary-interface | secondary-peer} set
Example: configuring primary heartbeat local and peer IP address for a config
only HA group
This example describes how to configure primary local and peer IP addresses for a config only HA
group consisting of one primary unit and three backup units.
Enter the following commands from a config only HA primary unit to set port5 as the primary
heartbeat interface, set the primary local HA heartbeat IP address and netmask to, and add three backup units to the peer list. The primary heartbeat local addresses
of the backup units to be added to the peer list are,, and
set system ha interface port5
set system ha cpeer 1
set system ha cpeer 2
set system ha cpeer 3
Enter the following command from the first config only HA backup unit to set port5 as the primary
heartbeat interface and set the primary heartbeat local IP address and netmask to
set system ha interface port5
Enter the following command from the second config only HA backup unit to set port5 as the
primary heartbeat interface and set the primary heartbeat local IP address and netmask to
set system ha interface port5
Enter the following command from the third config only HA backup unit to set port5 as the primary
heartbeat interface and set the primary heartbeat local IP address and netmask to
set system ha interface port5
Example: configuring primary heartbeat local and peer IP address for an
active-passive HA group
This example describes how to configure primary heartbeat local and peer IP addresses for an
active-passive HA group consisting of one primary unit and one backup unit.
Enter the following commands from an active-passive HA primary unit to set port5 as the primary
heartbeat interface, set the primary heartbeat local IP address and netmask to,
and set the primary heartbeat peer IP address to
set system ha interface port5
set system ha peer
<secondary-interface_str> The name of the network interface to be used for the
secondary heartbeat.
<secondary-peer_ipv4> The secondary heartbeat IP address for the other
FortiMail unit in the HA group. This is the IP address that
the FortiMail unit secondary heartbeat expects to be able
to connect to find the other FortiMail unit in the HA group.
secondary-peer_ipv4 of the primary unit must match
the secondary-local_ipv4 of the backup unit. You
could set the secondary-peer_ipv4 on the primary
unit to
secondary-peer_ipv4 of the backup unit must match
the secondary-local_ipv4 of the primary unit. You
could set the secondary-peer_ipv4 of backup unit to
Keywords/Variables Description Default
set system ha {cpeer | interface | peer | secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 317
Enter the following commands from an active-passive HA backup unit to set port5 as the primary
heartbeat interface, set the primary heartbeat local heartbeat interface IP address and netmask to, and set the primary heartbeat peer IP address to
set system ha interface port5
set system ha peer
Example: add a secondary heartbeat local and peer IP address for an
active-passive HA group
This example adds a secondary heartbeat local and peer IP addresses to the FortiMail units in the
previous example.
Enter the following commands from an active-passive HA primary unit to set port4 as the secondary
heartbeat interface, set the secondary heartbeat local IP address and netmask to, and set the secondary heartbeat peer IP address to
set system ha secondary-interface port4
set system ha secondary-peer
Enter the following commands from an active-passive HA backup unit to set port4 as the secondary
heartbeat interface, set the secondary heartbeat local heartbeat interface IP address and netmask to, and set the secondary heartbeat peer IP address to
set system ha secondary-interface port4
set system ha secondary-peer
Related topics
set system ha config
set system ha data
set system ha datadir
set system ha lservice
set system ha mode
set system ha monitor
set system ha on-failure
set system ha passwd
set system ha remote-as-heartbeat
set system ha {restart | restore | resync}
set system ha rservice
set system ha takeover
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 MR2 Added secondary-interface and secondary-peer keywords that you
use for configuring secondary heartbeat settings. In previous versions of
FortiMail you used the interface and peer keywords for configuring HA
heartbeat settings. In FortiMail v3.0 MR2 you use the interface and peer
keywords for configuring primary heartbeat settings.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
318 06-30004-0420-20080814
system ha data set
system ha data
Use this command to set the TCP port and time interval for synchronizing FortiMail data.
In most cases you do not have to change the default settings. You might want to reduce the
synchronization time if you find you are losing mail data during a failover. Also, synchronizing large
amounts of mail data may cause processing delays. Reducing how often mail data is synchronized
may alleviate this problem. The default <timeout_integer> is 30 minutes. During normal operation,
synchronizing data once every 30 minutes is usually sufficient.
You can also synchronize the configuration manually. See “set system ha {restart | restore | resync}”
on page 327.
You should disable mail data synchronization if the HA group stores mail data on a remote NAS
server. See see the FortiMail Administration Guide for more information about HA and storing mail
data on a remote NAS server.
set system ha data <data_port_integer> <timeout_integer>
Enter the following command to set the FortiMail data synchronization time interval to 100 minutes.
The command maintains the default value of the synchronization port as 20002.
set system ha config 20002 100
Related topics
Note: Use the set system ha config command to configure HA daemon settings. Other HA
daemon configuration commands include “set system ha config” on page 313, “set system ha datadir” on
page 319, “set system ha monitor” on page 322, and “set ” on page 324.
Keywords/Variables Description Default
<data_port_integer> The TCP port used for synchronizing FortiMail data. 20002
<timeout_integer> How often data synchronization occurs. The minimum
<timeout_integer> 15 minutes. The maximum data synchronization
time is 999 minutes. If <timeout_integer> is set to 0 data is not
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system ha config
set system ha {cpeer | interface | peer |
secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
set system ha datadir
set system ha lservice
set system ha mode
set system ha monitor
set system ha on-failure
set system ha passwd
set system ha remote-as-heartbeat
set system ha {restart | restore | resync}
set system ha rservice
set system ha takeover
set system ha datadir
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 319
system ha datadir
Use this command to enable or disable synchronizing FortiMail mail data including the system mail
directory, user home directories, and the MTA spool directories (FortiMail queues). Each time you
enter this command you must enable or disable synchronizing all three types of mail data. Because the
command does not include keywords, using the command involves entering the correct enable or
disable sequence in the correct order as follows:
First: enable or disable synchronizing the system mail directory.
Second: enable or disable synchronizing the user home directories.
Third: enable or disable synchronizing the MTA spool directories (FortiMail queues).
Synchronization of all three types of mail data is disabled by default.
set system ha datadir {enable | disable} {enable | disable} {enable |
Enter the following command to:
Enable synchronizing the system mail directory.
Disable synchronizing the user home directories.
Disable synchronizing the MTA spool directories (FortiMail queues).
set system ha datadir enable disable disable
Related topics
Note: Use the set system ha config command to configure HA daemon settings. Other HA
daemon configuration commands include “set system ha config” on page 313, “set system ha data” on
page 318, “set system ha monitor” on page 322, and “set ” on page 324.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system ha config
set system ha {cpeer | interface | peer |
secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
set system ha data
set system ha lservice
set system ha mode
set system ha monitor
set system ha on-failure
set system ha passwd
set system ha remote-as-heartbeat
set system ha {restart | restore | resync}
set system ha rservice
set system ha takeover
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
320 06-30004-0420-20080814
system ha lservice set
system ha lservice
Use this command to configure HA primary unit local services monitoring. Configure local service
monitoring so that an active-passive HA primary unit monitors its own network interfaces and hard
drives. You must configure how long in seconds to wait between checks of the interfaces or hard
drives and how many times the check fails before a failover occurs.
Network interface monitoring monitors all active network interfaces. Network interfaces with their HA
interface configuration set to ignore this interface are not monitored. For information about HA
interface configuration, see “set system ha takeover” on page 330.
If the primary unit detects an interface failure (for example, if the network cable is disconnected from a
monitored interface) or if the primary unit detects a hard drive failure, the primary unit HA effective
operating mode changes to off.
If the primary unit effective operating mode changes to off, the primary unit no longer responds to HA
heartbeat packets sent by the backup unit. The backup unit assumes that the primary unit has failed
and becomes the new primary unit.
set system ha lservice {ports | hd} <check_time_integer>
Enter the following command to set primary unit interface monitoring to check the interfaces every 30
seconds and to change the primary unit effective operating mode to off if interface monitoring fails 10
consecutive checks.
set system ha lservice pprts 30 10
Related topics
Keywords/Variables Description Default
{ports | hd} Enter ports to configure primary unit network interface monitoring.
Enter hd to configure primary unit hard drive monitoring.
<check_time_integer> The check time interval in seconds to wait between checks of the
interfaces or the hard drives.
The check time interval range is 1 to 60 seconds. Set the check time
interval to 0 to disable interface or hard drive monitoring.
<retries_integer> The number of consecutive times interface monitoring or hard drive
monitoring detects a failure before the primary unit changes its effective
operating mode to off.
The number of times the check fails range is 1 to a very high number.
Set the number of times the check fails to 0 to disable interface
monitoring or hard drive monitoring.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system ha config
set system ha {cpeer | interface | peer |
secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
set system ha data
set system ha datadir
set system ha mode
set system ha monitor
set system ha on-failure
set system ha remote-as-heartbeat
set system ha {restart | restore | resync}
set system ha rservice
set system ha takeover
set system ha mode
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 321
system ha mode
Use this command to set the HA configured operating mode of the FortiMail unit. The FortiMail unit
switches to operating in the HA configured operating mode immediately after you enter this command.
set system ha mode <mode>
Enter the following command to set the HA configured operating mode of a FortiMail unit to cmaster.
set system ha mode cmaster
Related topics
Keywords/Variables Description Default
mode <mode> Set the HA configured operating mode of the FortiMail unit. The
configured operating mode can be:
off if the FortiMail unit is not operating in HA mode.
master if the FortiMail unit is the primary unit in an
active-passive HA group.
slave if the FortiMail unit is the backup unit in an
active-passive HA group.
cmaster if the FortiMail unit is the primary unit in a config
only HA group.
cslave if the FortiMail unit is the backup unit in a config
only HA group.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system ha config
set system ha {cpeer | interface | peer |
secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
set system ha data
set system ha datadir
set system ha lservice
set system ha monitor
set system ha on-failure
set system ha passwd
set system ha remote-as-heartbeat
set system ha {restart | restore | resync}
set system ha rservice
set system ha takeover
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
322 06-30004-0420-20080814
system ha monitor set
system ha monitor
Use this command to configure how the FortiMail HA daemon sends HA heartbeat packets to detect if
the primary unit has failed. If the backup unit detects that the primary unit has failed, the backup unit
effective operating mode changes to master and the backup unit becomes the primary unit.
In most cases you do not have to change heartbeat settings. The default settings mean that if the
primary unit fails, the backup unit switches to being the primary unit after 3 x 5 or about 15 seconds;
resulting in a failure detection time of 15 seconds.
If the failure detection time is too long the primary unit could fail and a delay in detecting the failure
could mean that email is delayed or lost. Decrease the failure detection time if email is delayed or lost
because of an HA failover.
If the failure detection time is too short the backup unit may detect a failure when none has occurred.
For example, if the primary unit is very busy processing email it may not respond to HA heartbeat
packets in time. In this situation, the backup unit may assume that the primary unit has failed when the
primary unit is actually just busy. Increase the failure detection time to prevent the backup unit from
detecting a failure when none has occurred.
set system ha monitor <heartbeat_port_integer> <heartbeat_time_integer>
Enter the following command to change the HA heartbeat configuration so that each FortiMail unit in
the HA group send heartbeat packets every 20 seconds and the FortiMail units in the HA group detect
a failure if the HA heartbeat check fails 5 times. This command keeps the HA heartbeat TCP port set to
set system ha monitor port 20000 20 5
Note: Use the set system ha config command to configure HA daemon settings. Other HA
daemon configuration commands include “set system ha config” on page 313, “set system ha data” on
page 318, “set system ha datadir” on page 319, and “set ” on page 324.
Keywords/Variables Description Default
<heartbeat_port_integer> The TCP port used for HA heartbeat communications. 20000
<heartbeat_time_integer> The time between which the FortiMail units in the HA group
send HA heartbeat packets. The default test interval between
HA heartbeat packets is 5 seconds. The test interval range is 2
to 60 seconds. Heartbeat packets are sent at regular intervals
so that each FortiMail unit in an active-passive HA group can
confirm that the other unit n the group is functioning. If the
primary unit detects that the backup unit has failed the primary
unit continues to operate normally. If the backup unit detects
that the primary unit has failed, the HA effective operating mode
of the backup unit changes to master and the back up unit
becomes the primary unit.
<retries_integer> The number of consecutive times the HA heartbeat detects a
failure before the backup unit decides that the primary unit has
The number of times the check fails range is 1 to a very high
number. Set the number of times the check fails to 0 to disable
interface monitoring or hard drive monitoring.
set system ha monitor
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 323
Related topics
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system ha config
set system ha {cpeer | interface | peer |
secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
set system ha data
set system ha datadir
set system ha lservice
set system ha mode
set system ha on-failure
set system ha passwd
set system ha remote-as-heartbeat
set system ha {restart | restore | resync}
set system ha rservice
set system ha takeover
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
324 06-30004-0420-20080814
system ha on-failure set
system ha on-failure
Use this command to control the behavior of a FortiMail unit in an active-passive HA group when
remote service monitoring detects a failure. In most cases you should set On Failure to wait for
recovery and then assume slave role. In this mode when service monitoring detects a failure the
FortiMail unit effective operating mode changes to FAILED. In FAILED mode the FortiMail unit and can
automatically recover, switch to the SLAVE effective operating mode and synchronize MTA spool
directories with the other FortiMail unit which should be operating in the MASTER effective operating
set system ha on-failure {off | restore | slave}
Enter the following command to configure a FortiMail unit to switch to FAILED effective operating
mode and when restored, to change the effective operating mode to SLAVE.
set system ha on-failure slave
Related topics
Keywords/Variables Description Default
off After a failure the FortiMail unit effective operating mode changes to
OFF. The FortiMail unit will not process mail or join the HA group until
you manually change the FortiMail unit effective operating mode to
MASTER (primary) or SLAVE (backup).
restore Similar to slave the FortiMail unit effective operating mode changes to
FAILED when remote service monitoring detects a failure. However, in
this case on recovery the failed FortiMail unit effective operating mode
switches back to its configured operating mode. This behavior may be
useful in some scenarios but may cause problems in others.
slave The FortiMail unit effective operating mode changes to FAILED when
remote service or local network interface service monitoring detects a
failure. In FAILED mode the FortiMail unit uses remote service
monitoring to attempt to connect to the other FortiMail unit in the HA
group (which should be operating as the primary unit with effective
operating mode of MASTER). If you fix the problem that caused the
failure the failed FortiMail unit recovers by changing its effective
operating mode to SLAVE. The failed FortiMail unit then synchronizes
the content of its MTA spool directories to the FortiMail unit operating as
the primary unit. The primary unit can then deliver this email.
FortiMail v3.0 MR2 New.
set system ha config
set system ha {cpeer | interface | peer |
secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
set system ha data
set system ha datadir
set system ha lservice
set system ha mode
set system ha monitor
set system ha passwd
set system ha remote-as-heartbeat
set system ha {restart | restore | resync}
set system ha rservice
set system ha takeover
set system ha passwd
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 325
system ha passwd
Use this command to Change HA group shared password.
In most cases you do not have to change any of the HA daemon settings. However you should change
the shared password. The shared password is not synchronized and must be set separately on the
primary and backup units.
set system ha passwd <passwd_str>
Enter the following command to set the shared password to PassW4D.
set system ha passwd Passw4D
Related topics
Note: Use the set system ha config command to configure HA daemon settings. Other HA
daemon configuration commands include “set system ha config” on page 313, “set system ha data” on
page 318, “set system ha datadir” on page 319, and “set system ha monitor” on page 322.
Keywords/Variables Description Default
<passwd_str> Enter a password for the HA group. The password must be the same on
the primary and backup FortiMail units. The password must be a least 1
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system ha config
set system ha {cpeer | interface | peer |
secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
set system ha data
set system ha datadir
set system ha lservice
set system ha mode
set system ha monitor
set system ha on-failure
set system ha remote-as-heartbeat
set system ha {restart | restore | resync}
set system ha rservice
set system ha takeover
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
326 06-30004-0420-20080814
system ha remote-as-heartbeat set
system ha remote-as-heartbeat
Use this command to enable or disable using remote monitoring as an HA heartbeat. Enable using
remote monitoring as an HA heartbeat so that if both the primary and secondary heartbeat links fail,
remote service monitoring takes over the role of the HA heartbeat. This means that if remote service
monitoring is enabled and both heartbeat links fail or become disconnected, the FortiMail HA group
can continue to operate.
Using remote services as heartbeat provides HA heartbeat only. HA synchronization is only supported
using the primary or secondary heartbeat. To avoid synchronization problems, you should not use
remote service monitoring as a heartbeat for extended periods. This feature is intended only as a
temporary heartbeat solution that operates until you reestablish a normal primary or secondary
heartbeat link.
set system ha remote-as-heartbeat {enable | disable}
Enter the following command to enable using remote monitoring as an HA heartbeat::
set system ha remote-as-heartbeat enable
Related topics
FortiMail v3.0 MR2 New.
set system ha config
set system ha {cpeer | interface | peer |
secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
set system ha data
set system ha datadir
set system ha lservice
set system ha mode
set system ha monitor
set system ha on-failure
set system ha passwd
set system ha {restart | restore | resync}
set system ha rservice
set system ha takeover
set system ha {restart | restore | resync}
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 327
system ha {restart | restore | resync}
Use these commands to execute commands on a FortiMail unit that control how the HA system
operates. Using these commands you can:
Restart the HA processes on the FortiMail unit.
Restore the HA group to operate in the HA configured operating mode.
Force the HA group to resynchronize configuration and mail data.
set system ha {restart | restore | resync}
Enter the following command to force the primary unit to resynchronize configuration changes to the
backup unit or units.
set system ha resync
Related topics
Keywords/Variables Description Default
restart Restart all HA processes on the FortiMail unit from which you enter the
You may need to restart the HA processes on a primary unit if HA local
services monitoring or remote services monitoring has shut down the HA
processes on the primary unit. Before restarting the HA processes you
should find and correct the problem that caused the primary unit to be
restore If the HA configured operation mode and HA effective operating mode of a
FortiMail unit in a HA group do not match, you can use this command to reset
both units in the HA group to their HA configured operating modes. You can
enter this command from the primary unit or the backup unit.
Entering the command is only necessary if the normal operation of the HA
group has been effected by a failure of some kind and you want to restore the
HA group or one of the units in the HA group to normal operation. Before
completing this procedure you should resolve any problems that could have
caused a failure.
resync Use this command to force the primary unit to synchronize configuration
changes and mail data to the backup unit or units. You can enter this
command from the primary unit. This command can be used with an active-
passive and a config only HA group.
This command can be useful if you have made a number of configuration
changes and you want to synchronize these configuration changes
immediately instead of waiting for the configuration synchronization time
interval to end.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system ha config
set system ha {cpeer | interface | peer |
secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
set system ha data
set system ha datadir
set system ha lservice
set system ha mode
set system ha monitor
set system ha on-failure
set system ha remote-as-heartbeat
set system ha rservice
set system ha takeover
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
328 06-30004-0420-20080814
system ha rservice set
system ha rservice
Use this command to configure HA backup unit remote services monitoring so that an active-passive
HA backup unit monitors the primary unit to verify that the primary unit can accept SMTP service, POP
service (POP3), and Web service (HTTP) connections.
For each protocol you must specify the check time interval in minutes to wait between checks and the
response time to wait for a response. You must also specify how many times the check fails before the
backup unit decides that the primary unit has failed and a failover occurs.
If the backup unit detects a remote services failure, the backup unit HA effective operating mode
changes to master and the primary unit effective operating mode changes to off. The backup unit
becomes the new primary unit.
set system ha rservice {smtp | pop | imap | http} <interface_ipv4>
<service_port_integer> <check_time_integer> <response_time_integer>
Keywords/Variables Description Default
{smtp | pop | imap |
The service to configure remove service monitoring for.
smtp to configure SMTP remote service monitoring.
pop to configure POP3 remote service monitoring.
imap to configure IMAP remote service monitoring.
http to configure HTTP remote service monitoring.
<interface_ipv4> The IP address to connect to for testing each remote service.
You can enter the same IP address or different IP addresses for
each service. Normally you would enter the IP address of the
FortiMail interface that processes email. If you add the IP
address of the HA interface of the primary unit, checking takes
place over the HA heartbeat link.
<service_port_integer> The TCP port used for the service. In most cases
<service_port_integer> would the standard TCP port for
the service.
<check_time_integer> The check time interval in seconds to wait between remote
service checks.
The check time interval range is 1 to 60 minutes. Set the check
time interval to 0 to disable remote service monitoring.
<response_time_integer> The response wait time in seconds to wait for a response to a
remote service check.
The response wait time range is 1 to a very high number of
seconds. Set the response wait time to 0 to disable remote
service monitoring.
<retries_integer> The number of consecutive times remote service monitoring
detects a failure before the backup unit changes its effective
operating mode to master.
The number of times the check fails range is 1 to a very high
number. Set the number of times the check fails to 0 to disable
remote service monitoring.
set system ha rservice
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 329
Enter the following command on an active-passive HA backup unit to configure remote services
monitoring to monitor the POP3 service on a primary unit interface with IP address using
TCP port 110. The command also configures remote service monitoring to check the POP3 service
every 30 minutes, wait up to 20 seconds for a response and to change the backup effective operating
mode to master if POP3 remote interface monitor fails after 10 consecutive checks.
set system ha rservice pop 25 30 20 10
Related topics
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system ha config
set system ha {cpeer | interface | peer |
secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
set system ha data
set system ha datadir
set system ha lservice
set system ha mode
set system ha monitor
set system ha on-failure
set system ha passwd
set system ha remote-as-heartbeat
set system ha {restart | restore | resync}
set system ha takeover
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
330 06-30004-0420-20080814
system ha takeover set
system ha takeover
Use this command to configure HA network interface in master mode configuration options for an
active-passive HA group to control how network interface IP addressing and status is changed by HA.
Depending on your requirements you can configure HA network configuration options for all FortiMail
network interfaces; including the mgmt interface for a FortiMail unit operating in transparent mode.
For FortiMail units operating in gateway and server modes, for each interface you can ignore the
interface, set a new IP address and netmask for the interface, or add a virtual IP and netmask.
For FortiMail units operating in transparent mode you can also configure how the FortiMail
management interface (mgmt) configuration is changed by HA. Also in transparent mode you can add
individual network interfaces to the FortiMail transparent mode bridge.
set system ha takeover <interface_str> {add | bridge | ignore | set}
<takeover_ipv4> <netmask_ipv4>
Note: Using the add option to add a virtual IP address to a FortiMail interface gives the interface two IP
addresses: the virtual IP address and the actual IP address. The interface can receive traffic sent to both of these
IP addresses. Normally you would configure your network (MX records, firewall policies, routing and so on) so that
clients and mail services use the virtual IP address. All replies to sessions with the virtual IP address include the
virtual IP address as the source address. All replies to sessions with the actual IP address include the actual IP
address as the source address. All outgoing sessions that originate from this interface also use the virtual IP
address of the interface and not the actual IP address. This means that all outbound mail or relayed mail packets
sent from a FortiMail primary unit interface, configured with a virtual IP address, will have the virtual IP address of
the primary unit interface as the source IP address. If you are using this interface to send outgoing email, you
should configure your network devices (such as NAT firewalls) to process traffic from the virtual primary unit
interface IP address.
set system ha takeover
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 331
Enter the following command to set the port5 interface with a virtual IP address of and a
netmask of when the FortiMail unit operates in HA mode.
set system ha takeover port5 add
Keywords/Variables Description Default
<interface_str> The name of the network interface to configure. For example port1, port2,
port3, mgmt, and so on depending on your FortiMail unit.
{add | bridge |
ignore | set}
Control how the status of the interface is changed by active-passive HA.
Enter add to assign a virtual IP address to a network interface. add
corresponds to the web-based manager add virtual IP/netmask option. When
operating in HA mode, this option adds the specified IP address to the
selected interface of the primary unit. Email processing, FortiMail users, and
FortiMail administrators can all connect to this virtual IP address to connect to
the primary unit. If a failover occurs, the virtual IP address is transferred to the
new primary unit. Email processing, FortiMail users, and FortiMail
administrators can now connect to the same IP address to connect to the new
primary unit. In most cases you would select add virtual IP/netmask for all
FortiMail network interfaces that will be processing email when the FortiMail
cluster is operating in gateway or server mode.
Enter bridge, for a FortiMail HA group operating in transparent mode, for all
network interfaces to be added to the FortiMail transparent mode bridge.
bridge corresponds to the web-based manager add to bridge option. For the
primary unit, bridge has the same affect as ignore. In both cases the
interface is added to the bridge. For the backup unit, bridge means that the
interface is disconnected and cannot process traffic when the effective
operating mode of the unit is SLAVE. The interface is disconnected to prevent
layer 2 loops. If the effective operating mode of the unit changes to MASTER
the interface becomes connected again and as part of the bridge can process
traffic. For this reason, bridge is the recommended configuration.
Enter ignore if you do not want to apply special functionality to a network
interface when operating in HA mode. ignore corresponds to the web-based
manager do nothing option. Usually you would leave all FortiMail unit network
interfaces that are not connected to your network set to ignore. Primary and
secondary heartbeat interfaces are automatically set to ignore and you
should not change this setting.
Enter set and add an IP address and netmask to change the IP address of
the selected network interface of the primary unit to the specified IP address.
set corresponds to the web-based manager set interface IP/netmask option.
When a failover occurs this IP address is assigned to the corresponding
network interface of the new primary unit. Changing the IP address of an HA
group interface using set interface IP/netmask replaces the actual IP address
of the interface with the set IP address. The interface has only one IP address.
(This is different from the virtual IP address configuration, which results in the
interface having two IP addresses.)
Add an IP address and netmask as required depending on the takeover option
that you select. You always have to add an IP address and netmask even if
the takeover option does not require one.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
332 06-30004-0420-20080814
system ha takeover set
Related topics
set system ha config
set system ha {cpeer | interface | peer |
secondary-interface | secondary-peer}
set system ha data
set system ha datadir
set system ha lservice
set system ha mode
set system ha monitor
set system ha on-failure
set system ha passwd
set system ha remote-as-heartbeat
set system ha {restart | restore | resync}
set system ha rservice
set system hostname
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 333
system hostname
Use this command to configure the FortiMail unit hostname.
set system hostname <hostname_str>
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
334 06-30004-0420-20080814
system interface config set
system interface config
Use this command to configure FortiMail interface access and settings including:
allowed and denied protocols
maximum transportation unit (MTU) size
setting the interface either up or down
set system interface <intf_str> config allowaccess {ping http https snmp
ssh telnet} denyaccess {ping http https snmp ssh telnet} mtu <mtu_int>
speed {auto/10full/10half/100full/100half/1000full} status {down | up}
Related topics
set system interface mode dhcp
set system interface mode dhcp
set system interface mode static
Keywords and Variables Description
interface <intf_str> Enter the name of the interface or vlan to be configured.
allowaccess {ping
http https snmp ssh
Enter the types of management access permitted on this interface or secondary IP
address. All types not entered are denied. Enter all required types and separate
each type with a space.
Items can be removed by re-entering the command with only the required types.
denyaccess {ping
http https snmp ssh
Enter the types of management access to be denied on this interface or secondary
IP address. The deny access command is the equivalent of executing the
allowaccess command with only the required management access types.
mtu <mtu_int> Enter the maximum transportation unit (MTU) for the specified interface.
<mtu_int> is the maximum packet size sent from this interface.
Sets the speed of the network interface. The default is auto.
Note that some interfaces may not support all speeds.
status {down | up} Sets the specified interface down or up.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system interface mode dhcp
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06-30004-0420-20080814 335
system interface mode dhcp
Use this command to enable or configure DHCP for this interface.
If only the dhcp keyword is used, both connection and default gateway are enabled by default.
To enable DHCP on this interface:
set system interface <intf_str> mode dhcp
To enable and/or configure DHCP on the interface:
set system interface <intf_str> mode dhcp connection {enable | disable}
defaultgw {enable | disable}
Related topics
set system interface config
set system interface mode static
Keywords and Variables Description
interface <intf_str> Enter the name of the interface, port1, for example.
{enable | disable}
Enables or disables connecting to a DHCP server to configure the external
{enable | disable}
Enables or disables the specified interface to be the default gateway interface.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
336 06-30004-0420-20080814
system interface mode static set
system interface mode static
Use this command to enable or configure a static IP for this interface.
When setting an interface to static IP mode, an IP address and netmask must be included.
set system interface <intf_str> mode static ip <addr_ip4> <mask_ip4>
Related topics
set system interface config
set system interface mode dhcp
set system route number
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system opmode
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 337
system opmode
Use this command to change the operation mode (opmode) of the FortiMail unit.
Only the default FortiMail system administrator account can change the opmode of the FortiMail unit.
You will need to login again after changing the opmode.
Changing the opmode between gateway and server modes will result in all settings being changed to
factory defaults except the configuration for the port1 interface
Changing the opmode to or from transparent mode will result in all settings being changed back to
factory defaults.
set system opmode {gateway | server | transparent}
Note: It is recommended that you back up the FortiMail configuration before changing the opmode.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
338 06-30004-0420-20080814
system option set
system option
Use these commands to configure FortiMail administration including:
timeout on the admin account
when to start the backend user verification
web-based manager language
PIN for the LCD panel
the refresh interval for the GUI interface
set system option [ option1 <value1> .. ]
The options and their values are as follows:
Related topics
set system admin
set system appearance
Use this command to set the idle time-out for system administration. Idle Timeout
controls the amount of inactive time that the web-based manager waits before
requiring the administrator to log in again.
<timeout_int> is the idle timeout number in minutes. The default idle time out is 5
minutes. The maximum idle time out is 480 minutes (8 hours).
To improve security, keep the idle timeout at the default value of 5 minutes.
Use this command to set the start time of the backend user verification program.
The time is specified in hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss). It is in 24 hour
Use this command to set the language for the web-based manager to use.
<language_str> can be one of english, simplifiedchinese, japanese, korean, or
lcdpin <pin_int> Use this command to set the 6 digit personal identification number (PIN) on the
FortiMail LCD panel. Once set, the PIN must be entered to make any changes from
the front panel.
The PIN is only used when lcdprotection is enabled.
{enable | disable}
Use this command to turn on the FortiMail front panel LCD password protection. To
set the PIN, use the lcdpin keyword.
{interval | none}
User this command to set or disable the GUI interface refresh interval.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system route number
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06-30004-0420-20080814 339
system route number
Use this command to set and configure system routing.
set system route number <route_int> dev1 {auto | port1} dst <route_ip4>
<mask_ip4> gw1 <gway_ip4>
Related topics
set system interface config
set system interface mode static
Keywords and Variables Description
number <route_int> Enter the number of the route in the routing table. The default route is 0.
dev1 {auto | port1} Sets the FortiMail traffic-routing interface to auto or port1.
In auto, the FortiMail unit routes traffic to the interface that is on the same subnet
as gw1.
dst <route_ip4>
Sets the FortiMail unit route destination IP address and IP address mask.
<route_ip4> is the destination IP address. <mask_ip4> is the IP address mask.
gw1 <gway_ip4> Sets the FortiMail unit route primary gateway IP address.
<gateway_ipv4> is the primary gateway IP address.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
340 06-30004-0420-20080814
system snmp community set
system snmp community
Use this command to set and configure the system simple network management protocol (SNMP) settings.
set system snmp community number <community_int> config {name <name_str>
| queryportv1 <port_int> | queryportv2c <port_int> | queryv1_status
{enable | disable} | queryv2c_status {enable | disable} | status
{enable | disable} | trapevent {cpu | mem | logdisk | maildisk | deferq
| virus | spam | system | raid |ha |archive | ipchg | psu} |
trapportv1_local <port_int>| trapportv1_remote <port_int>|
trapportv2c_local <port_int>| trapportv2c_remote <port_int>|
trapv1_status {enable | disable} | trapv2c_status {enable | disable} }
Keywords and Variables Description
number <community_int> Enter the number of this SNMP community.
name <name_str> Enter the name of this SNMP community
{queryportv1 |
queryportv2c} <port_int>
Select the port to listen on for SNMP traffic. The defaults are port 161 for v1
and port 162 for v2c.
{queryv1_status |
{enable | disable}
Activate or deactivate SNMP v1 and v2c traffic.
{enable | disable}
Activate or deactivate this SNMP community.
trapevent {cpu | mem |
logdisk | maildisk |
deferq | virus | spam |
system | raid | ha |
archive | ipchg | psu}
Select one or more events that will generate a trap when the event occurs or
when the threshold is passed. The events are:
cpu - CPU usage threshold
mem - Memory low threshold
logdisk - Logdisk space low threshold
maildisk - Maildisk space low threshold
deferq - Deferred queue threshold
virus - Virus threshold
spam - Spam threshold
system - System component event
raid - RAID system event
ha - HA system event
archive - Remote archive server event
ipchg - Interface IP address changed
psu - Power supply unit (PSU) event
System events typically involve a change in state of hardware.
To set SNMP trap thresholds, see “set system snmp {sysinfo | threshold}” on
page 342.
{trapportv1_local |
trapportv1_remote |
trapportv2c_local |
trapportv2c_remote }
Select the ports SNMP v1 and v2c use to send traps to SNMP monitors.
{trapv1_status |
trapv2c_status} {enable
| disable}
Activate or deactivate SNMP v1 and v2c traps
set system snmp community
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06-30004-0420-20080814 341
Related topics
set system snmp {sysinfo | threshold}
Note: The Power Supply Monitored (psu) option for trap event is visible for all FortiMail models. Not all
FortiMail models have monitored power supplies.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail v3.0 Added psu to trapevent keyword.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
342 06-30004-0420-20080814
system snmp {sysinfo | threshold} set
system snmp {sysinfo | threshold}
Use this command to set and configure SNMP monitoring of the FortiMail unit and thresholds for
SNMP traps.
set system snmp sysinfo status {disable | enable} value <desc_str>
<loc_dtr> <contact_str>
set system snmp threshold {cpu | deferq | logdisk | maildisk | mem | spam
|virus } <trigger_int>
Related topics
set system snmp community
Keywords and Variables Description
status {disable |
Activate or deactivate SNMP monitoring of the FortiGate unit.
value <desc_str>
Set the description and contact information associated with this FortiMail unit.
When an SNMP manager receives information from this FortiMail unit, this
description will help determine which unit is which. If the string includes spaces,
enclose the string in quotes.
<desc_str> is the unique description of this unit.
<loc_str> is the location of this unit.
<contact_str> is the contact information for the administrator for this unit
threshold {cpu |
deferq | logdisk |
maildisk | mem |
spam |virus }
Set the threshold for one of the SNMP traps. Trigger sets a threshold value
between 1 and 99 that will trigger that trap. The thresholds are for the following
SNMP traps:
cpu - CPU usage - Percentage of CPU used (default is 80%)
deferq - High deferred mail queue - Disk space used for deferred queue (default
is 1000)
logdisk - Log disk usage - Log disk percentage full (default is 90%)
maildisk - Mail Disk usage - Mail disk percentage full (default is 90%)
mem - Memory low - Percentage of memory in use (default is 80%)
spam - Detected spam - Number of spam detections (default is 1)
virus - Detected viruses - Number of virus detections (default is 1)
For example if maildisk has a trigger of 75, when the hard disk is 75% filled up it will
trigger the maildisk SNMP trap.
Another example is if virus has a trigger of 4, when 4 viruses are detected it will
trigger the virus SNMP trap.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system time manual
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 343
system time manual
Use this command to set and configure system time settings manually.
set system time manual clock <hh:mm:ss> date <mm/dd/yyyy> dst {disable |
enable} zone <zone_num>
Related topics
set system time ntp
Keywords and Variables Description
clock <hh:mm:ss> Enter the system time by hour, minute, and second.
date <mm/dd/yyyy> Enter the system time by month, day, and year.
{disable | enable}
Enable or disable daylight saving time (DST).
zone <zone_num> Enter the time zone, by number, the FortiMail unit is . Use ‘?’ to see a list of zone
names and their numbers.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
344 06-30004-0420-20080814
system time ntp set
system time ntp
Use this command to set and configure system time settings using network time protocol (NTP).
set system time ntp dst {disable | enable} ntpserver <ipv4 | hostname>
ntpsync {disable | enable} syncinterval <sync_interval> zone <zone_num>
Related topics
set system time manual
Keywords and Variables Description
dst {disable | enable} Enable or disable daylight saving time (DST).
ntpserver <ipv4 | hostname> Enters NTP server IP or hostname.
<ipv4> is the NTP server IP address.
<hostname> is the NTP server hostname
ntpsync {disable | enable} Enable to synchronize the FortiMail unit with the NTP server.
syncinterval <sync_interval> Enter the system synchronization time interval from one to 1440
zone <zone_num> Enter the required time zone by number. Use ‘?’ to see a list of zone
names and their numbers.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set system usrgrp
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 345
system usrgrp
Use this command to add a user group and its members to the specified domain.
set system usrgrp domain <domain> name <'usrgrp_name_str'> member
<'usrgrp_name_str' .. >
For the domain, the users called user1, and user3 will be added to a group called test.
This domain and these users must exist before entering this command.
set system usrgrp domain name ‘test’ member ‘user1’ ‘user3’
Related topics
set system admin
set user
Keywords and Variables Description
domain <domain> Enter the domain where you are adding a usergroup.
name <'usrgrp_name_str'> Enter the name of the new usergroup. Enclose it in quotes
<'usrgrp_name_str' .. >
Enter the name or names of the members of this new usergroup. One or more
names are required.
Multiple users are added after the member keyword, with each user in single
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
346 06-30004-0420-20080814
user set
Use this command to configure email users, user groups, and user aliases in server mode.
Arguments must be in valid email format.
To set up the alias:
set user alias name <name_str> member '<addr> [<addr>...]'
To add new members to the alias
set user alias name <name_str> add_member '<addr> [<addr>...]'
To map a user to another email address:
set user map internal_name <int_str> external_name <ext_str>
To map LDAP aliased users to a domain:
set user ldap map domain <domain_name> profile <ldapprofile_name>
Commands Description Default
alias name <name_str> <name_str> is the email alias address.
add_member '<addr>
Add new members to the specified alias.
<addr> are the email addresses of member to be added to the
member '<addr>
Enter the user alias name and members for this alias. Any
previously existing members in the list not specified in this
command are deleted from the list.
<addr> is the email address of a member.
map internal_name
<int_str> external_name
Enter a user map for an email address.
<int_str> is the user’s actual email address.
<ext_str> is the address that will be remapped to the
user’s actual email address.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set user pki
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06-30004-0420-20080814 347
user pki
Use this command to configure PKI authentication for users.
set user pki name <name_str> ca <cert_str>
set user pki name <name_str> domain <domain_str>
set user pki name <name_str> ldapfield {subject alternative | cn}
set user pki name <name_str> ldapprofile <profile_str>
set user pki name <name_str> ldapquery {enable | disable}
set user pki name <name_str> ocspaction {revoke | ignore}
set user pki name <name_str> ocspca <url>
set user pki name <name_str> ocspverify {enable | disable}
set user pki name <name_str> subject <subject_str>
Commands Description Default
<name_str> <name_str> is the PKI user name.
ca <cert_str> Enter the name of the CA certificate used when validating the
CA’s signature of the client certificate.
domain <domain_str> Enter the protected domain to which the PKI user is assigned. If
Domain is System, the PKI user belongs to all domains
configured on the FortiMail unit.
{subject alternative |
Enter the name of the field in the client certificate (either CN or
Subject Alternative) which contains the email address of the
PKI user.
Enter the LDAP profile to use when querying the LDAP server.
ldapquery {enable |
Enable to query an LDAP directory, such as Microsoft
ActiveDirectory, to determine the existence of the PKI user who
is attempting to authenticate, then also configure LDAP Profile
and Query Field.
ocspaction {revoke |
Enter the action to take if the OCSP server is unavailable. If set
to ignore, the FortiMail unit allows the user to authenticate. If
set to revoke, the Fortimail unit behaves as if the certificate is
currently revoked, and authentication fails.
ocspca <url> The URL of the OCSP server.
ocspverify {enable |
Enable to use an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
server to query whether the client certificate has been revoked.
subject <subject_str> Enter the value which must match the “subject” field of the
client certificate. If empty, matching values are not considered
when validating the client certificate presented by the PKI
user’s web browser.
FortiMail v3.0 MR4 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
348 06-30004-0420-20080814
userpolicy delete set
userpolicy delete
Use this command to delete the specified user policy. This command applies to server mode only.
set userpolicy <name_str> delete
<name_str> is the name of the policy, expressed with the domain. For example, and * are both valid policy names.
Related topics
set userpolicy move-to
set userpolicy rename-to
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set userpolicy modify
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06-30004-0420-20080814 349
userpolicy modify
Use this command to define the profiles used with the specified policy. This command applies to
server mode only.
set userpolicy <name_str> modify as <as_str> av <av_str> misc <misc_str>
content <content_str>
Related topics
set userpolicy delete
set userpolicy move-to
set userpolicy rename-to
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the policy, expressed with the domain.
<as_str> Enter the name of the antispam profile to use with this policy. antispam_def
<av_str> Enter the name of the antivirus profile to use with this policy. antivirus_def
<misc_str> Enter the name of the misc profile to use with this policy. misc_def
<content_str> Enter the name of the content profile to use with this policy. content_def
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
350 06-30004-0420-20080814
userpolicy move-to set
userpolicy move-to
Use this command to move the specified policy to a new position in the policy list. This command
applies to server mode only.
set userpolicy <name_str> move-to <new_int>
Related topics
set userpolicy delete
set userpolicy rename-to
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the policy, expressed with the domain.
<new_int> Enter the number value of the new position in the list.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
set userpolicy rename-to
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 351
userpolicy rename-to
Use this command to rename an existing user policy. This command applies to server mode only.
set userpolicy <name_str> rename-to <new_str>
Related topics
set userpolicy delete
set userpolicy move-to
Keywords and Variables Description Default
<name_str> This is the name of the policy, expressed with the domain.
<new_str> Enter the new name of the specified policy.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
352 06-30004-0420-20080814
userpolicy rename-to set
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06-30004-0420-20080814 353
This chapter describes the following commands:
alertemail configuration
log reportconfig
user (transparent and gateway)
user (server)
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
354 06-30004-0420-20080814
alertemail configuration unset
alertemail configuration
Use this command to remove the alertemail configuration.
unset alertemail configuration
FortiMail v3.0 New.
unset ldap_profile
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
06-30004-0420-20080814 355
Use this command to delete an LDAP profile.
unset ldap_profile profile <name_str>
<name_str> is the name of the LDAP profile to delete.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
356 06-30004-0420-20080814
log reportconfig unset
log reportconfig
Use this command to delete a log configuration.
unset log reportconfig <name_str>
<name_str> is the name of the log configuration.
FortiMail v3.0 New.
unset mailserver
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06-30004-0420-20080814 357
Use this command to remove parts of the email server configuration.
unset mailserver <configuration>
<configuration> Description
access domain <domain_str> Remove the email server access permissions to and from the specified
archiveexempt id <id_value> Remove an archiving exempt policy based on the policy ID entered.
archivepolicy id <id_value> Remove an archiving policy based on the policy ID entered.
localdomain <string> Remove the specified local domain. (Server mode only).
smtp clientconn exempt
Enter the IP address that you wish to exclude from connection number
smtp clientrate exempt
Enter the IP address that you wish to exclude from connection rate
FortiMail v3.0 New.
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
358 06-30004-0420-20080814
system unset
Use this command to remove parts of the system configuration.
unset system <configuration>
<configuration> Description
admin username <account_str> Delete the configured administrator account.
<account_str> - the name of the administrator account
ddns server <server_str>
domain <domain_str>
Reset the dynamic domain name service (DDNS) server settings to
factory default.
<server_str> - the name of the DDNS service
<domain_str> - the name of the DDNS hosted domain
hostname Set the FortiMail unit’s name to ““ (blank).
localdomainname Set the local domain name to ““ (blank).
route number <route_int> Clear the route entry.
<route_int> - entry in the routing table
snmp comm_host number
<community_int> <host_int>
Clear the SNMP community host.
<community_int> - the index of the configured community
<host_int> - the index of the configured host
snmp community number
Reset the SNMP community.
<community_int> - the index of the configured community
usrgrp domain <domain_int>
name ‘usrgrp_name’
Reset specified user group for the specified domain to blank.
<domain_int> is the number of the configured domain.
‘usrgrp_name’ is the name of the user group.
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
unset user (transparent and gateway)
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06-30004-0420-20080814 359
user (transparent and gateway)
Use this command to remove parts of the user configuration.
unset user <configuration>
Related topics
<configuration> Description
alias name <alias_str> Delete this user alias.
<alias_str> - the name of the alias
map name <map_str> Delete this user map.
<map_str> - the name of the user map
FortiMail v3.0 MR3 New.
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user (server) unset
user (server)
Use this command to remove parts of the user configuration.
unset user <configuration>
<configuration> Description
alias name <alias_str> Delete this user alias.
<alias_str> - the name of the user alias
group name <group_str> Delete this group.
<group_str> - the name of the user group
ldap map domain <domain_int> Delete the mapping between the domain and the profile.
<domain_int> - the name of the domain associated with the LDAP
map name <map_str> Delete this user map.
<map_str> - the name of the user map
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add to bridge
HA interface option 331
add virtual IP/netmask
HA interface option 331
setting timeout 338
configuring 301
configuring recipient email addresses 94
deferq, deferred email queue 95
bounce verification 99
configuring greylist settings 103
MSISDN reputation 105
selecting action for blacklisted sender 98
setting control accounts for Bayesian training 101
setting quarantine control account names 100
trusted MTA 132
antispam profile
configuring auto-release settings 108
configuring Bayesian filtering 111
configuring dictionary scanning 113
configuring email tagging 127
configuring FortiGuard Antispam functions 117
configuring heuristic scanning 119
configuring image spam detection 120
configuring quarantine settings 122
configuring scanning options 124
configuring spam reports 131
deleting 106
enabling banned word filtering 109
enabling checking with SURBL servers 125
enabling deep header scan 112
enabling DNSBL lookup 114
enabling forged IP checking 116
enabling greylisting 118
enabling treating virus as spam 128
modifying banned word list 110
modifying DNSBL server list 115
modifying SURBL server list 126
Rewrite recipient email address 123
selecting actions 107
setting actions per detection method 121
whitelist word 129, 283
whitelist word list 130, 284
antivirus profile
deleting 141
enabling heuristic scanning 143
enabling scanning 145
renaming 146
selecting action for heuristic detection 144
selecting actions 142
antivirus scanning
enabling 97
authentication profile, IMAP
renaming 133
setting server properties 134
authentication profile, POP3
renaming 135
setting server properties 136
authentication profile, RADIUS
renaming 137
setting server properties 138
authentication profile, SMTP
renaming 139
setting server properties 140
banned word list
modifying 110
Bayesian filtering
configuring for antispam profile 111
selecting action 98
bounce verification 99
add to bridge HA interface option 331
central management 312
CLIconnecting to the 22
comments, documentation 18
config router 19
connecting to the FortiMail CLI using SSH 23
connecting to the FortiMail CLI using Telnet 24
connecting to the FortiMail console 22
configuring 147
content profile
blocking specific file types 152
bypassing 150
configuring monitor profiles 153
deleting 148
selecting action 149
selecting content monitor action 154
setting file size to defer 151
control accounts
for antispam quarantine 100
for Bayesian training 101
customer service 18
daylight saving time
enabling 344
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setting retain time 232
deep header scan
enabling in antispam profile 112
delivery status notification (DSN) 239
bypassing verification of 19
configuring verification of 19
enabling 335
diagnose commands 15
dictionary scanning
configuring for antispam profile 113
enabling per-domain 308
for incoming messages 309
for outgoing messages 310
DKIM 186
configuring 311
enabling lookup for antispam profile 114
modifying server list for antispam profile 115
commenting on 18
DomainKeys 186
dynamic DNS
configuring 307
enabling push update 304
overriding update IP address 303
forged IP checking
enabling for antispam profile 116
FortiGuard Antispam
configuring for antispam profile 117
FortiMail documentation
commenting on 18
configuring 312
Fortinet customer service 18
Fortinet Knowledge Center 17
gateway mode
setting 337
configuring settings 103
enabling for antispam profile 118
HA 320
backup unit monitors remote services 328
config only peers list 314
configuration synchronization 313
display HA status and configuration 88
failure mode 324
forcing configuration synchronization 327
forcing data synchronization 327
hard disk monitoring 320
heartbeat 322
heartbeat mail data TCP port 318
heartbeat synchronization TCP port 313
heartbeat synchronization timer 313
heartbeat TCP port 322
local service monitoring 320
mail data synchronization 318
mode of operation 321
network interface options 330
on failure 324
primary heartbeat interface 314
remote as heartbeat 326
resetting the configured HA operating mode 327
restarting HA processes on a stopped primary unit
secondary heartbeat interface 314
shared password 324
synchronizing MAT spool directories 319
synchronizing the system mail directory 319
synchronizing user home directories 319
HA heartbeat
configuration 313
configuration options 322
configuration synchronization options 313
mail data 318
mail data synchronization options 318
mail data TCP port 318
synchronization TCP port 313
synchronization timer 313
TCP port 322
HA interface
add to bridge 331
add virtual IP/netmask 331
ignore this interface 331
mgmt 330
set interface IP/netmask 331
HA 322
heuristic scanning
configuring for antispam profile 119
enabling for antivirus profile 143
selecting action on detection 144
home directories
user 319
setting 333
ignore this interface
HA interface option 331
image-based spam
enabling detection for antispam profile 120
primary heartbeat 314
secondary heartbeat 314
setting admin access 334
setting MTU 334
setting static IP address 336
interface IP/netmask
HA interface option 331
interface monitoring 320
IP policy
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creating 157
deleting 163
disabling recipient-based policy checking 164
enabling SMTP authentication 169
moving in policy list 168
selecting antispam profile 159
selecting antivirus profile 161, 162
selecting authentication profile 160
selecting default action 158
selecting session profile 165
setting authentication type 160
setting client IP address 166, 167
setting server IP address 167
using IP-based policy only 164
setting 338
LCD panel
setting PIN 338
LDAP profile
clear all LDAP caches 190
clear LDAP cache 192
configuring mail routing options 197
configuring server settings 198
configuring user authentication 191
enabling LDAP cache 195
enabling LDAP for user parameters 189
enabling LDAP group queries 194
enabling unauthenticated binds 195
enabling webmail password change 196
fallback LDAP server 193
selecting password change schema 196
setting cache TTL 195
setting LDAP version 195
setting query timeout 195
setting user query options 199
virtual LDAP groups 194
domain-level 201
general system-level 202
groups, system level 203
groups, system-level 203
mail-users, system-level 204
other profiles, system-level 205
other-profiles, system-level 205
policies, system-level 206
log configuring email types to include in report 213
configuring logging to console 218
configuring logging to local disk 220
configuring logging to syslog 221
configuring report email recipients 215
customizing column displays 223
customizing display of severity level 224
displaying msisdn column 208
displaying report configuration settings 72
elog, displays event log messages 67
enabling history logs to a device 210
enabling logging of spam events 211
enabling logging of virus events 212
logging events to a device 209
logsetting, display log device settings 68
policy, display log policy information 70
query, display available reports 71
scheduling when report generates 218
setting domains to include in report 214
setting query types to include in report 217
setting report time period 216
view, viewing log types 73
logo, web-based manager
changing 302
mail directory
system 319
access settings 225
archive account settings 227
configuring archive policy 230
configuring exemptlist 228
configuring relay server 236
configuring SMTP proxy 234, 235
deferring oversize messages 237
delivery status notification (DSN) 238, 239, 241
enabling SMTP authorization 242
enabling SMTP over SSL 244, 245
LDAP domain check 240
quarantine settings 247
remote archive settings 231
setting archive quota 229
setting deadmail time 232
setting email port numbers 233
maximum transportation unit (MTU) 334
HA interface option 330
misc profile
deleting 248
enabling user accounts 250
enabling webmail access 251
renaming 252
setting disk space quota 249
mode of operation
HA 321
MSISDN reputation 105
session profile 183
MTA addresses, trusted 132
MTA spool directories
synchronizing 319
MTU, setting 334
multimedia message service (MMS)
configuring the detection window 19
configuring the duration 19
configuring the threshold 19
enabling or disabling 19
network file storage (NFS) 244
network time protocol (NTP) 344
on failure
HA 324
operation mode
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HA 327
setting 337
outgoing antispam profile
configure tagging 281
configuring dictionary scans 270
configuring FortiGuard-Antispam functions 273
configuring SURBL server list 280
deleting 264
enabling banned word filtering 266
enabling Bayesian filtering 268
enabling checking with SURBL servers 279
enabling deepheader scanning 269
enabling DNSBL lookup 271
enabling greylisting 274
enabling heuristic scanning 275
enabling image spam detection 276
enabling treating viruses as spam 282
modifying banned word list 267
modifying DNSBL server list 272
renaming 285
selecting action 265
selecting actions per detection method 277
setting scanning options 278
outgoing content monitor profile
configuring 258
selecting action 257
outgoing content profile
blocking specific file types 256
deleting 253
enabling bypass with authentication 255
selecting action 254
outgoing recipient-based policy
configuring 261
deleting 260
moving in policy list 262
renaming 263
oversize messages, deferring 237
shared HA password 324
PKI user 347
configuring LDAP authentication 293
configuring recipient-based policies 296
deleting 287
domain associations 288
enabling background address verification 289
enabling MX record 294
enabling recipient address verification 297
renaming 298
setting domain as subdomain 292
setting domain fallback host 290
setting SMTP server IP address 291
transparent mode masquerading 295
Power Supply Monitored (psu) 341
primary heartbeat interface
HA 314
product name, web-based manager
changing 302
PTR record 311
public key infrastructure (PKI)
configuring 20
push update
enabling 304
setting IP address 303
configuring auto-release 108
configuring for antispam profile 122
mailserver settings 247
recipient-based policy
configuring 296
regular expression (regex) 225
relay server
configuring 236
remote administration
by a FortiManager system 20
remote as heartbeat
HA 326
remote services
monitored by the HA backup unit 328
primary unit 327
Rewrite recipient email address 123
configuring 339
secondary heartbeat interface
HA 314
secure socket layer (SSL) 243
server mode
setting 337
monitored by the HA backup unit 328
session profile
configuring header manipulation 180
configuring sender reputation feature 185
configuring sender validation features 186
deleting 178
enabling black/white lists 182
enabling session checks 175
MSISDN repuration 183
rate control 188
renaming 184
setting communication limits 181
setting error penalties 179
setting session connection attributes 177
setting administrative access for SSH or Telnet 23
shared password
HA 324
simple network management protocol (SNMP) 340
enabling SSL 244, 245
mailserver authorization 242
configuring SNMP community 340
setting thresholds 342
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sysinfo 342
spam reports
configuring 131
spam retrieval
enabling authentication 300
SPF 186
enabling checking for antispam profile 125
modifying server list for antispam profile 126
system mail directory
synchronizing 319
configuring for antispam profile 127
technical support 18
setting by NTP 344
setting manually 343
transparent mode
setting 337
trusted MTA addresses 132
configuring proxy tunneling 306
enabling push update 304
setting schedule 305
adding a user group 345
mapping to another email address 346
PKI 347
user alias
configuring 346
user group
adding 345
user home directories
synchronizing 319
user policy
deleting 348
moving in policy list 350
renaming 351
selecting profiles 349
using the CLI 21
web-based manager
changing appearance 302
refresh interval 338
whitelist word
antispam profile, incoming 129
antispam profile, outgoing 283
whitelist word list
antispam profile, incoming 130, 284
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