FreeWave Technologies AMI0032AT GXM-T14, GXM-T24 User Manual My

FreeWave Technologies Inc. GXM-T14, GXM-T24 My


Installation guide

Part Number: LIG0002ACRevision: GLast Updated: 12/06/20132.4 GHz Wireless Data TransceiversInstallation Guide
Safety InformationWarning! Do not remove or insert diagnostics cable while circuit is live.WarrantyFreeWave Technologies, Inc. warrants your FreeWave® Wireless Data Transceiver against defects in materials andmanufacturing for a period of two or three years, depending on model from the date of shipment, depending onmodel number. In the event of a Product failure due to materials or workmanship, FreeWave will, at its discretion,repair or replace the Product. For evaluation of Warranty coverage, return the Product to FreeWave upon receivinga Return Material Authorization(RMA).In no event will FreeWave Technologies, Inc., its suppliers, or its licensors be liable for any damages arising fromthe use of or inability to use this Product. This includes business interruption, loss of business information, or otherloss which may arise from the use of this Product. OEM customer’s warranty periods can vary.Warranty Policy will not apply in the following circumstances:1. If Product repair, adjustments, or parts replacements are required due to accident, neglect, or unduephysical, electrical, or electromagnetic stress.2. If Product is used outside of FreeWave specifications as stated in the Product's data sheet.3. If Product has been modified, repaired, or altered by Customer unless FreeWave specifically authorizedsuch alterations in each instance in writing. This includes the addition of conformal coating.Special Rate Replacement OptionA special rate replacement option is offered to non-warranty returns or upgrades. The option to purchase thereplacement unit at this special rate is only valid for that RMA. The special replacement rate option expires if notexercised within 30 days of final disposition of RMA.Restricted RightsAny product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respectivecompanies and are hereby acknowledged.This manual is for use by purchasers and other authorized users of FreeWave products.No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, orfor any purpose without the express written permission of FreeWave Technologies, Inc. FreeWave reserves theright to make changes to this manual without notice. FreeWave assumes no responsibility or liability for the use ofthis manual or the infringement of any copyright or other proprietary right.FreeWave products are designed and manufactured in the United States of America.FreeWave Technologies, Inc.Boulder, CO303.381.9200Toll Free: 1.866.923.6168Printed in the United States of America. Fax: 303.786.9948Copyright © 2013 by FreeWave Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. www.FreeWave.comLIG0002AC Rev G ii
FreeWave Technologies, Inc. products may be subject to control by the Export Administration Regulations(EAR) and/or the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). Export, re-export, or transfer of theseproducts without required authorization from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry andSecurity, or the U.S. Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, as applicable, is prohibited.Any party exporting, re-exporting, or transferring FreeWave products is responsible for obtaining allnecessary U.S. government authorizations required to ensure compliance with these and other applicableU.S. laws. Consult with your legal counsel for further guidance.UL NotificationsModels GX-C, GX-CE, and GX-T are suitable for use in Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D or non-hazardouslocations only. Do not connect or disconnect any connectors while the circuit is live.Warning! EXPLOSION HAZARD - SUBSTITUTION OF COMPONENTS MAY IMPAIRSUITABILITY FOR CLASS 1, DIVISION 2.Warning! DO NOT REMOVE OR INSERT THE DIAGNOSTICS CABLE WHILE THECIRCUIT IS LIVE.Input voltage for the models listed above is +6.0 to +30.0 VDC.Important: Input power shall be derived from a single Class 2 power source.FCC NotificationsThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) Thisdevice may not cause harmful interference and 2) this device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.The content of this guide covers FreeWave Technologies, Inc. models sold under FCC ID: KNY-1521131FFF (I2series) and KNYAMI0032AT (GX family).All models sold under the FCC ID(s) listed above must be installed professionally and are only approved for usewhen installed in devices produced by FreeWave Technologies or third party OEMs with the express writtenapproval of FreeWave Technologies, Inc. Changes or modifications should not be made to the device.Warning! The I2 series and GX family transceivers have a maximum transmitted outputpower of 500 mW. It is recommended that the transmit antenna be kept at least 20 cm awayfrom nearby persons to satisfy FCC exposure requirements.The models described in this guide must be installed in a NEMA enclosure. When any FreeWave Technologies,Inc. module is placed inside an enclosure, a label must be placed on the outside of the enclosure. The label mustinclude the text "Contains Transmiiter Module with FCC ID: KNY-1521131FFF (I2 series) and KNYAMI0032AT (GXfamily)."LIG0002AC Rev G iii
Table Of ContentsAbout This InstallationGuide 1Assumptions 1Notational Conventions 1Contacting FreeWave Technical Support 2Documentation Feedback 2Equipment and Tools Required for Installation 2Transceiver Installation Overview 4Choosing a Location for the Transceiver 4Installing the NEMA Enclosure 4Mounting the Transceiver in the NEMA Enclosure 4Ruggedized Gannet Enclosure Din Rail Mounting Instructions(MBRK-DIN-N) 5Ruggedized Gannet Enclosure Mounting Shoe Instructions (MHS-WMS) 5Board-Level and Ruggedized Enclosure Din Rail Mounting Instructions (MBRK-DIN-K) 6Protective Mounting Bracket Kit Instructions (PMB-ENCL) 8Powering the Transceiver 9Configuring the Transceiver 10Approved Antennas 11Installing the Antenna 11Cable Loss and Transmit Power Settings 13Waterproofing External Connections 15Board-Level and DB9 Pinouts 16RF Board Level Pinout 16RS232 Pin Assignments (DB-9) 17RS422 and RS485 Full Duplex Pinouts 17RS485 Half Duplex Pin-Outs 18LIG0002AC Rev G iv
2.4 GHz Wireless Data TransceiversLIG0002AC Rev GAbout This InstallationGuideThis guide provides basic installation information for FreeWave 2.4 GHz transceivers in a non-OEMenvironment including the following:lThe equipment and tools required for installation.lBest practices for choosing a location for the transceivers in the network.lTransceiver mounting instructions.lApproved antennas and general antenna installation information.lPower considerations.lRequired parameter settings for quick setup.lWaterproofing instructions.The contents of this guide describes how to install the transceiver into the NEMA 4 enclosure, connect it to anantenna, power considerations, configuration settings for quick setup, and how to waterproof externalconnections.This guide does not include instructions for installing ground rods or surge suppressors, or any item thatFreeWave does not supply. Each of these components can be essential for the continued operation andprotection of your system. For information about installing these components at your site, see the componentmanufacturer's installation documentation.This guide covers only information required for installation. Information about how to access the transceiver'sconfiguration menus and descriptions of each configuration setting are provided in the User Manual andReference Guide for the product you are installing. FreeWave documentation is available on the User Manualand System Tools CD and at The GX family consists of the following modules: GXM-T14, GXM-T24, GX-C, GX-CE, GXCP, GX-T, GX-MR-R, GX-MR-T, GX-PE.AssumptionsThe content of this guide assumes that you have knowledge of electronics, electricity, and safety whendealing with electrical components. This guide also assumes that you have knowledge of FreeWavetransceivers and how to program the configuration parameters.Notational ConventionsThis document uses the following notational conventions:lBold - Indicates items that you select, parameter settings, and parameter names.lWarning! - Indicates a situation that may cause damage to the transceiver, data, or network.l- Provides time saving or informative suggestions about using the product.1
Equipment and Tools Required for InstallationLIG0002AC Rev GContacting FreeWave Technical SupportFor up-to-date troubleshooting information, check the Support page at provides technical support Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM Mountain Time (GMT -7).Call toll-free at 1.866.923.6168, within Colorado call 303.381.9200, or contact us through email FeedbackSend comments or questions about this document's content to Include the title ofthe document or the document's part number and revision letter (found in the footer) in youremail.Equipment and Tools Required for InstallationThe following equipment and tools are required for installation:lPermits required for the installation site.lFreeWave transceiver and its mounting bracket.lGround rod, wire, and clamp (available at electronic supply stores).lNational Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 4 industrial enclosure.lThe proper antenna for your installation. For information about approved antennas for use withFreeWave transceivers, see "Approved Antennas" на стр.11.lOutdoor coaxial cable for antenna installation.lInterior cables for data and power, available for purchase from FreeWave.lCable ties.lCoaxial surge suppressor.lWaterproofing coax-sealant, foam, or mastic tape.lElectrical tape.lElectrical coating (if using foam or mastic tape for waterproofing).lLaptop with Tool Suite or a terminal emulator installed to program the transceiver. The latestversion of Tool Suite is available on cable or serial-to-USB converter cable.lDiagnostics cable.lSpare wire for loop back tests.lScrewdriver.lPliers.lThis installation guide.2
2.4 GHz Wireless Data TransceiversLIG0002AC Rev GlThe user manual associated with the transceiver model you are installing. FreeWavedocumentation is available on the User Manual and System Tools CD and
Transceiver Installation OverviewLIG0002AC Rev GTransceiver Installation OverviewTo successfully install a transceiver, follow the basic steps listed below.1. Determine the best location for the transceiver.2. Install the ground rod.3. Install the NEMA 4 enclosure4. Mount the transceiver and power supply into the enclosure.5. Route data cables to the end device.6. Connect power and configure the transceiver.7. Install the antenna.8. Connect a surge suppressor between the external antenna cable and interior cable connected tothe transceiver's RF connector..9. Waterproof all external connections.Choosing a Location for the TransceiverPlacement of the FreeWave transceiver is likely to have a significant impact on its performance. The key tothe overall robustness of the RF link is the height of the antenna. When using an external antenna, placementof that antenna is critical to a solid data link. Other antennas in close proximity are a potential source ofinterference; use the Radio Statistics to help identify potential problems. In general, FreeWave units with ahigher antenna placement will have a better communications link. In practice, the transceiver should beplaced away from computers, telephones, answering machines, and other similar devices. FreeWaveTechnologies, Inc. offers directional and Omni directional antennas with cable lengths ranging from 3 to200feet.The Show Radio Statistics page is found in option 4 in the main terminal menu or in the Diagnostic informationin Tool Suite. An adjustment as little as 2 feet in antenna placement may resolve some noise issues.Installing the NEMA EnclosureThe NEMA enclosure selected for the installation site should be a NEMA-4 rated enclosure. NEMA 4enclosures are gasketed and the door is clamped for maximum sealing. NEMA 4 enclosures are available insizes from small wall mounts to two-door floor mount models. The selection depends on the requirements ofthe particular installation and the amount of equipment to be placed inside.Follow the installation instructions provided with the NEMA enclosure, ensuring that no holes are drilled on thetop of the enclosure. Holes on the top of the enclosure can allow moisture and other elements into theenclosure. Ensure holes on the sides and bottom are waterproofed.Mounting the Transceiver in the NEMA EnclosureFreeWave transceivers have several mounting options including metal plates, din rail clips, and brackets.When mounting any transceiver, ensure that it is mounted to a flat, stable surface using the mounting bracketor the mounting holes in the corners of board-level transceivers.4
2.4 GHz Wireless Data TransceiversLIG0002AC Rev GWarning! Do not use Velcro to mount the transceiver. Attaching and detaching Velcropieces creates an electro-static discharge that may damage the transceiver's circuitry,or other electronic devices nearby. Mounting a transceiver to a metal surface mayresult in an electrical short across the transceiver. Removing Velcro also createsstress points on board-level transceivers with a great potential to damage the solderpoints.Ruggedized Gannet Enclosure Din Rail Mounting Instructions(MBRK-DIN-N)The FreeWave MBRK-DIN-N Din Rail Mounting Bracket Kit is available to mount transceivers in the darkgray ruggedized Gannet enclosure. The mounting kit ships with the following hardware:l1 - Din rail mountl2 - 6-32 x 1/4 inch truss head screwsDepending on the din rail setup, it may be helpful to note the transceiver's serial number and any otherinformation needed from the transceiver's label. The transceiver snaps out of the mount if you require accessto the label information at a later time.1. Slide the din rail mount over the rear of theenclosure, ensuring the din rail mount is correctlyoriented so the cut outs for the feet match up withthe feet on the transceiver.2. Align the holes on the din rail mount with those onthe transceiver. Secure the transceiver to the dinrail mount using the truss head screws provided.3. Attach the transceiver in its din rail mount to the dinrail.The din rail mount is designed to allow thetransceiver to be fitted with the LEDs facing to theleft or the right. The only difference is the location ofthe release catch either at the top or at the bottom.To remove the assembly from the din rail mount, insert a small screwdriver into the leverage point on the endof the release catch and push down lightly approximately 0.25 inches (12.70 mm). The clamp releases and theassembly can be lifted off.Ruggedized Gannet Enclosure Mounting Shoe Instructions (MHS-WMS)The FreeWave MHS-WMS Gannet Enclosure Mounting Shoe is available to mount transceivers in the darkgray ruggedized Gannet enclosure. The mounting kit ships with the following hardware:5
Mounting the Transceiver in the NEMA EnclosureLIG0002AC Rev Gl1 - Mounting shoel4 - #8 x 3/4 inch self tapping screwsDepending on your setup, it may be helpful to note the transceiver's serial number and any other informationneeded from the transceiver's label. The transceiver snaps out of the mounting shoe if you need to access thelabel information at a later time.The mounting shoe is designed to securely grip the transceiver, allowing it to be mounted either horizontally orvertically.1. Secure the mounting shoe to the desired surface following the hole patterns and using the four self-tapping screws provided.Ensure the mounting shoe is oriented with the cut-away so that the front of the transceiver isfacing the required direction.2. Snap the transceiver feet into place in the shoe, ensuring the front of the transceiver aligns with thecut-away.To remove the transceiver from the mounting shoe, push one of the locating ears outward and remove thetransceiver from the shoe.Board-Level and Ruggedized Enclosure Din Rail Mounting Instructions(MBRK-DIN-K)The FreeWave MBRK-DIN-K Din Rail Mounting Bracket Kit is available to mount a board-level transceiver ora transceiver in the light gray ruggedized or waterproof enclosure. The mounting kit ships with the followinghardware:lRail guidel8 - 4 lock washers6
2.4 GHz Wireless Data TransceiversLIG0002AC Rev Gl8 - 4-40 x 1/4 inch screwsl4 - standoffsImportant: Prior to mounting the bracket to an enclosed transceiver, note thetransceiver's serial number and any other information you might need from thetransceiver's label. After the bracket is attached to the transceiver, the label is nolonger accessible without unscrewing the bracket in its entirety.After installation, you can retrieve the serial number from the transceiver by reading thedevice within ToolSuite or accessing the transceiver's setup menu using a terminalemulator.1. Mount with the rail guide slots facing out and the spring loaded guide, into which the rail is inserted,facing down:2. For board-level transceivers, place lock washers on all eight of the screws. Attach four of thestandoffs to the flat side of the transceiver with four screws. Align standoffs with the panel holesand secure with the other four screws.For enclosed transceivers, place lock washers on four of the screws. Align the bottom enclosureholes with the panel holes and secure with screws.7
Mounting the Transceiver in the NEMA EnclosureLIG0002AC Rev G3. With the spring guide facing down and with the transceiver's RF connector facing up, attach thetransceiver to the rail by pressing the spring loaded guide onto the rail edge. Push the fixed guideonto the other side of the rail.The guides on the contact foot allow the transceiver to be installed vertically or horizontally on thedin rail mount.Protective Mounting Bracket Kit Instructions (PMB-ENCL)The FreeWave PMB-ENCL Protective Mounting Bracket Kit is available to mount a board-level transceiverother than in a din rail system.The mounting kit ships with the following hardware:8
2.4 GHz Wireless Data TransceiversLIG0002AC Rev Gl8 - lock washersl8 - 4-40 x 1/4 inch screwsl4 - standoffsDepending on the setup, it may be helpful to note the transceiver's serial number and any other informationneeded from the transceiver's label.1. Place lock washers on all eight of the screws.2. Attach the standoffs to the front side (non-flat side) of the transceiver with four screws.3. Align standoffs with the bracket holes and secure with the other four screws.Powering the TransceiverTo provide power to the transceiver, connect it to a power supply that meets the specifications outlined in theproduct's data sheet and the product's user manual.For any application where the transceiver is used in a UL-controlled environment, the power supply must be aClass 2 power source. Use a dedicated power supply line.Important: GX-C, GX-CE, and GX-T transceivers are UL approved for use between+6.0 to +30.0 VDC. However, for guaranteed performance, FreeWave recommendsusing between +7.5 to +30.0 VDC to power the transceiver.If the power supply line runs outside the enclosure, use electrostatic discharge (ESD) protectors to protect thetransceiver from electric shock, and transient voltage suppressors (TVS) to protect from an over-voltage9
Configuring the TransceiverLIG0002AC Rev Gsituation. Using both helps enhances reliable operation and can be purchased at most electronic supplystores.Warning! If the power supply is above +18.0 VDC, use a 1ohm resistor inline withpower input to the transceiver. For more information, see application note #5467:Power Wiring Precaution for FGR-Series at High Supply. The cautions outlined in theapplication note also apply to the GX family transceivers.Configuring the TransceiverA standard network requires that the following parameters are set the same on all transceivers in the network:lFrequency KeylHop Table VersionlHop Frequency OffsetlMin Packet SizelMax Packet SizelNetwork IDlRF Data RateTransceivers that contain the same settings in all the parameters above can communicate with each other. Ifyou choose to use the Call Book instead of the Network ID, or the network is a Point-to-Point network, theCall Book must include the appropriate serial numbers for each transceiver. If the network contains parallelRepeaters, the Frequency Key setting may differ.In addition, set the Transmit Power parameter to the appropriate setting based on the cable loss in yourinstallation. For more information, see "Cable Loss and Transmit Power Settings" на стр.13.Use a terminal emulator of your choice to access the Setup menu. For any terminal emulator application, plugthe serial cable into a COM port on the transceiver, open a session, and ensure that the port settings are set tothe following for a proper connection to the transceiver:Port Setting SelectBits per second 19200Data Bits 8Parity NoneStopBits 1Flow Control NoneThe following instructions describe how to access the transceiver's Setup menu using the Setup Terminalapplication within Tool Suite. Setup Terminal contains the port settings above, by default. For moreinformation about using Tool Suite, see the Tool Suite User Manual available on the User Manual and SystemTools CD or by selecting File > Help in the Tool Suite software.10
2.4 GHz Wireless Data TransceiversLIG0002AC Rev G1. Plug a serial cable into the COM 1 port on the transceiver, connect the cable to a COM port on thecomputer running Tool Suite, and connect the transceiver to a power source.2. OpenToolSuite and select Setup Terminal in the Applications pane.3. From the drop-down list at the top left of the window, select the COM port on the computer towhich the transceiver is connected.4. Click Connect.For information about the settings available, see the User Manual and Reference Guide for the transceiver youare programming.Approved AntennasFreeWave offers omni-directional (Omni) antennas with both bracket and magnetic mounts. Any antennaused with FreeWave transceivers must have the following characteristics to remain in compliance with FCCrequirements and regulations.lAntenna gain does not exceed 4 dBI Yagi and 5 dBi OmnilOverall system Effective IsotropicallyRadiated Power (EIRP) does not exceed 36dBm.The complete list of antennas available fromFreeWave including antenna gains is shown below:2.4 GHz Omni-Directional AntennasGain dBi ManufacturerFreeWave Part Numberfor OrderingManufacturerModel Number5.0 dBi Maxrad EAN2405WC MAXC245052.4 GHz Whip Stub Omni AntennasGain dBi ManufacturerFreeWave Part Numberfor OrderingManufacturerModel Number1.0 dBi Larsen EAN2400SR SPDA24RP2400Installing the AntennaAntennas must be professionally installed on a fixed, mounted, and permanent outdoor structure to satisfy RFexposure requirements.11
Installing the AntennaLIG0002AC Rev GWarning! Any antenna placed outdoors must be properly grounded. Use extremecaution when installing antennas and follow all instructions included with the antenna.Per FCC regulations, any antenna used with FreeWave transceivers must be an approved antenna that hascomparable performance parameters. For more information about approved antennas, see "ApprovedAntennas" на стр.11.When installing an antenna on a pole or tower, ensure the installation complies with the followingrequirements:lIf there are multiple antennas installed on the same pole or tower, ensure there is at least 10 feet(3.048 meters) vertical separation between antennas on the structure. Installing antennas tooclose to one another, even if they are of different frequencies, maycause the energy from one tointerfere with the other.lIf the antenna is mounted parallel to the pole or tower, ensure there is at least 18 inches (46 cm)standoff between the structure and the antenna itself. Installing the antenna too close to thestructure to which it is mounted may cause the energy being transmitted from the antenna tointerfere with the antenna itself.lIf you are installing a directional antenna, set the antenna's direction appropriately. If the antennahas a moisture weep hole, ensure the antenna is mounted so the weep hole faces down to drainwater.lRun extra cable at the top of the installation for stress relief (see the illustration below).lInclude a drip loop of cable at the bottom of the installation that is lower than the NEMA enclosure(see the illustration below). This loop allows moisture to run off the cable to the ground.In addition, ensure your installation has the following components and that they are installed according to themanufacturer's installation instructions:l8 foot ground rod.lBulkhead mount surge suppressor.12
2.4 GHz Wireless Data TransceiversLIG0002AC Rev GCable Loss and Transmit Power SettingsThe Transmit Power parameter is the output power of the transceiver. The transceiver output power levelmust be set to satisfy maximum Effective IsotropicallyRadiated Power (EIRP) requirements in the country inwhich the installation exists.13
Cable Loss and Transmit Power SettingsLIG0002AC Rev GWhen setting up the network, consider the power gain that an antenna may add, and the power loss throughcabling. Adjust the Transmit Power on the transceiver to ensure that you do not exceed the maximum EIRPfor the regulating body where the installation exists. Use the tables below to determine the correct TransmitPower parameter setting for each transceiver in the network.Important: The information in this section discusses FCC and ETSI maximum EIRPregulations. Ensure your installation meets the maximum EIRP requirements for thecountry in which you are installing transceivers. It remains the installer's responsibilityto ensure that an installation is within EIRP emission limits.The FCC permits 27 dBm (0.5 Watt) output power at the transceiver and 36 dBm (4 Watts) at the antenna.ETSI permits a total of 20 dBm (100 mW) total, which includes the output power at the transceiver and theantenna gain.When calculating the power gain, use the following equation to determine the total output powerat the antenna.Loss calculations should include cable, connectors, surge protectors, and so on.Transceiver Output – Losses + Antenna Gain = Output Antenna PowerFor example, 30 dBm – 2 dB + 6 dB = 34 dBm (or 2.5 Watts). 34 dBm is within the FCC limits. However,30dBm – 2dB + 10dB = 38 dBm (or 6.3 Watts) exceeds the FCC limits. Neither is permitted under ETSIregulations.The following table shows the RF loss at various cable lengths:Cable TypeLength in Feet LMR240 LMR40010 1.3 dB 0.7 dB20 2.6 dB 1.4 dB25 3.2 dB 1.7 dB30 3.9 dB 2.1 dB50 6.5 dB 3.4 dB100 12.9 dB 6.8 dBIn GX family transceivers, the Transmit Power parameter settings range from 0 dBm to 27 dBM (1 mW to500 mW). The maximum transmit power is capped at 20 dBm at the factory to comply with ETSI regulationsfor countries that require it, or capped at other values to comply with country-specific requirements.The output power can vary slightly between transceivers; however, the output power never exceeds 27dBm(500 mW).The following table provides the maximum Transmit Power parameter setting for FreeWave transceivers at agiven antenna gain and cable loss combination. 5 dBi antennas are used in this example.Cable LossAntenna Gain 1 dB 2 dB 3 dB 4 dB5 dBi Point-to-Point 27 27 27 275 dBi Point-to-MultiPoint 27 27 27 2714
2.4 GHz Wireless Data TransceiversLIG0002AC Rev GThe following table demonstrates how the Transmit Power parameter setting on the transceiver correspondsto the EIRP indBm with the transceiver-cable-antenna combination for a 4 dBi Yagi antenna at different cablelosses in a Point-to-MultiPoint or Point-to-Point network.Note: ETSI regulations allow only 20 dBm.Networks with 4.0 dbi Yagi AntennaCable LossTransmit Power 1 dB 2 dB 3 dB 4 dB27 30 29 28 2726 29 28 27 2625 28 27 26 2524 27 26 25 2423 26 25 24 2322 25 24 23 2221 24 23 22 2120 23 22 21 20Note: Networks using 2.4 GHz transceivers exclusively for fixed, Point-to-Pointoperation may employ transmitting antennas with directional gain greater than6dBi, provided the maximum peak output power of the intentional radiator isreduced by 1 dB for every 2 dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds6dBi.This excludes the use of a Point-to-MultiPoint system, omni-directionalapplications, or multiple co-located intentional radiators transmitting the sameinformation.Waterproofing External ConnectionsAfter you have installed all the components at the site, waterproof all exterior connections with a moldableplastic coax sealant or using mastic tape and an electrical coating. Ensure that each connection in theinstallations is thoroughly sealed.Moldable coax sealant and other electronic waterproofing supplies are available at most electronic supplystores. Follow the installation instructions provided with the product to ensure a proper waterproofed seal.15
Board-Level and DB9 PinoutsLIG0002AC Rev GBoard-Level and DB9 PinoutsThe information in the following sections provides the pinout connection information for the connectors on thetransceivers.RF Board Level PinoutThe board-level transceivers are available in both TTL and RS232 versions. The TTL version uses reversepolarity from standard RS232 at 0 to 5 Volt levels. All pin descriptions and pin numbering are the same as theRS232 version. The RS232 version uses standard RS232 polarity and voltage levels for all of the RS232signal lines (DTR, Transmit Data, Receive Data, Carrier Detect, RTS, and Clear to Send) and TTL standardpolarity and voltage level for the Interrupt pin.Pin 1: B+ Power input.Pin 2: Interrupt (INT) – Input – A 0 Volt level on this pin switches the transceiver into Setup mode.Pin 1 on the board-level transceiver is the pin farthest from the three LEDs and pin 10 is closest to the LEDs.Pin Assignment Signal Color on ACS3610xx cable1 B+ input Power Red2 Interrupt (temporarily ground to invoke menu) Input Brown3 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Input Orange4 Ground Black5 Transmit Data (TXD) Output Yellow6 Ground Black7 Receive Data (RXD) Input Green8 Carrier Detect (DCD) Output Blue9 Request to Send (RTS) Input Violet (purple)10 Clear to Send (CTS) Output Gray16
2.4 GHz Wireless Data TransceiversLIG0002AC Rev GRS232 Pin Assignments (DB-9)Pin Assignment Signal Definition1 CD CarrierDetectOutput Used to show an RF connection between transceivers.2 TX TransmitDataOutput Used to transmit data bits serially from the transceivers to thesystem device.3 RX ReceiveDataInput Used to receive data bits serially from the system deviceconnected to the transceivers.4 DTR DataTerminalReadyInput Used only in transceivers in Point-to-Point Slave/Masterswitchable mode or for DTR Connect.5 GND Ground Signal return for all signal lines shared with Pin 9.6 DSR Data SetReadyOutput Always high when the transceiver is powered from the 2.5 mmpower connector. Indicates power is on to the transceiver. Also,this pin can be used for +12.0 Volts when powering thetransceivers directly through the RS232 port.Note: This is not used on the OEM module.7 RTS Request toSendInput The transceiver does not recognize RTS for flow control. RTS isused as a control line in RTS/CTS mode.8 CTS Clear toSendOutput This signal is used to tell the system device connected to thetransceiver that the transceiver is ready to receive data. Whenasserted, the transceiver accepts data, when de-asserted thetransceiver does not accept data. This should always be used fordata rates above 38.4KB or a risk of lost data may occur if an RFlink is not very robust.9 GND Ground Signal return for all signal lines shared with Pin 5.RS422 and RS485 Full Duplex PinoutsFunction Bare Board Pin Number DB-9 Pin NumberRX+ 7 3RX- 9 7TX+ 5 2TX- 10 8Signal Ground 4 or 6 517
Board-Level and DB9 PinoutsLIG0002AC Rev GRS485 Half Duplex Pin-OutsFunction Bare Board Pin Number DB-9 Pin NumberWire to both pins for Bus + Short 5 and 7 Short 2 and 3Wire to both pins for Bus - Short 9 and 10 Short 7 and 8Signal Ground 4 or 6 518

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