Furuno USA 9ZW7112 User Manual 8

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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted1999-12-22 00:00:00
Date Available2005-05-25 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-07 13:32:12
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Document Title8

mama's MANUAL
Do not open the equipment.
Improper handling can result in electrical
shock. Only qualified personnel shold
work inside the equipment.
Stay away from transmitting
The radar antenna emits mi-
crowave radiation which can
be harmful to the human body.
particularly the eyes. Never
look directiy into the antenna
radiator from a distance of
less than 1 m when the radar
is in operation.
Do not disassemble or modify the
Fire electrical shock or serious injury can
Turn off the power immediately It water
leaks into the equipment or the equip-
ment Is emitting smoke or fire.
Continued use of the equipment can
cause fire or electrical shock.
Do not place liquid-tilled containers on
the top of the equipment.
Fire or electrical shock can result if a liquid
spills into the equipment.
Do not place liquid-tilled containers on
the top of the equipment.
Fire or electrical shock can result if a liquid
spills into the equipment.
Do not operate the equipment with wet
Electrical shock can result.
Keep heater away from equipment.
Heat can alter equipment shape and melt
the power cord, which can cause fire or
electrical shock.
Do not use the equipment for other than
Its Intended purpose.
Use of the equipment as a stepping stool,
for example, can result in personal injury
or equipment damage.
A wamlng label is attached to the an-
tenna unit. Do not remove the label.
It the label is peeling off or is Illeglble,
contact a FURUNO agent or dealer.
No one navigation device should ever be
solely replied upon for the navigation of
a vessel.
Always confirm position against all available
aids to navigation, for safety of vessel and
Use the proper fuse.
Fuse rating is shown on page 5-1.
Use of a wrong fuse can result in
equipment damage.
Radio Frequency Radiation Hazard
The radar antenna emits electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) energy which can be
harmful. particularly to your eyes. Never look directly into the antenna aperture from a
close distance while the radar is in operation or expose yourself to the transmitting
antenna at a close distance.
Distances at which HF radiation levels of 100 and 10 Wlm’ exist are given in the table
Note: It the antenna unit is installed at a close distance in iront of the wheel house,
your administration may require halt of transmission within a certain sector oi antenna
revolution. This is possible—Ask your FURUNO representative or dealer to provide
this ieature.
2 .
um Mn." W Dimm;::n:00 w1m Dani-excl? Wim2
Worst case 2.5 m
(X-bnd, 8 kW)
(X-bnd. 10 kW)
XN12A (4') Mi
XN13A (6') Worst case 2.3 m
XN12A (4‘) Worst case 0.5 m Worst case 7.5 m
XN13A (6') Worst case 0.3 m Worst case 7.0 m
FR7252 XN12A (4') Worst case 0.8 m Worst case 9.5 m
(X-bnd, 25 kW)
XN13A (6') Worst case 0.7 m Worst case 9.0 m
General remarks on receiving SART
Radar range scale
When looking for a SAFiT it is preferable to use either the 6 or 12 nautical mile range scale.
This is because the total displayed length of the SAFiT response of 12 (or 24) dots may
extend approximately 9.5 nautical miles beyond the position of the SART and it is neces-
sary to see a number ol response dots to distinguish the SART from other responses.
SART range errors
When responses from only the 12 low frequency sweeps are visible (when the SAFlT is at
a range greaterthan about 1 n.mile), the position at which the lirst dot is displayed may be
as mush as 0.64 nmile beyond the true position of the SART. When the range closes so
that the fast sweep responses are seen also, the first of these will be no more than 150
meters beyond the true position.
SART (Search and Rescue Transponder)
A Search and Rescue Transponder (SART) may be triggered by any X-Band (3 cm) radar
within a range of approximately 8 n.miles. Each radar pulse received causes it to transmit
a response which is swept repetitively across the complete radar frequency band. When
interrogated, it first sweeps rapidly (0.4 psec) through the band before beginning a rela-
tively slow sweep (75 psec) through the band back to the starting frequency. This process
is repeated for a total of twelve complete cycles. At some point in each sweep, the SAFtT
frequency will match that of the interrogating radar and be within the pass band of the
radar receiver. It the SART is within range, the frequency match during each of the 12 slow
sweeps will produce a response on the radar display, thus a line of 12 dots equally spaced
by about 0.64 nautical miles will be shown.
When the radar to the SART is reduced to about 1 n.miles, the radar display may show
also the 12 respopnses generated during the fast sweeps. These additional dot responses,
which also are equaly spaced by 0.64 nautical miles, will be interspersed with the original
line at 12 dots. They will appear slightly weaker and smaler than the original dots.
screen A: when SART screen B: When SART
Is dlltant ls close
Radar antenna
Position cl
Radar veoelver
9500 MHz _
9200 MHz
Showing SART marks on the radar display
To show the SART marks only on the radar display, detune the radar receiver by turning
the TUNE control out of best tuning condition This erases or weakens all normal radar
echoes, but, the SART marks are not erased because the SART response signal scans
over all frequencies in the 9 GHz band. When the radar approaches the SART in opera-
tion, the SART marks will enlarge to large arcs, blurring a large pan of the screen. Reduce
the sensitivity and adjust the sea clutter control of the radar.
Summary to detect SART response
1. Use range scale of 6 or 12 nm as the spacing between the SART responses is about
0.6 nm (1125 m) to distinguish the SAFlT.
2. Turn off the automatic clutter suppression.
3. Turn off the Interference Flejector.
4. Turn off the Echo Average.
FOREWORD ....... ............... v
MENU TREE ........... ............ vii
1.1 What is Radar?,................. ..1»1
1.2 How Ships Determined Pos ion
Before Radar .......... .1-I
1.3 How Radar Determines Range
1.4 How Radar Determines Bearing ...... 1-1
1.5 Radar Wave Speed and Antenna
Rotation Speed
1.6The Radar Display
2.1 Control Description
2.2 Display Indications and Markers
2.3 Turning the Radar OnJOff.
2.4 Transmitting.
2.5 Stand-by
2.6 Selecting the Range
2.7 Adjusting Picture Brilliance .
2.8 Adyusting Receiver Sensitivity ........ 2-4
2.9 Adjusting the A/C SEA Control
(reducing sea clutter)
2.10 Adjusting the AIC RAIN Control
(reducing rain clutter)
2.11 Selecting the Presentation Mode ....2-6
2.12 Erasing the Heading Marker,
Nonh Marker" .. ... ......2-6
2 I3 Magnifying Long Range Echoes
(echo stretch) ............
2.14 Measuring the Range .
2.15 Measuring the Bearing...
2.16 Using the Offset EBL
2.17 Shifting (off centering) the Picture 2-9
3.1 Basic Menu Operation 3-1
3.2 Index Lines ,.
3.3 Suppressing Radar Interference
3.4 Selecting Pulsewidth ..
3.5 Displaying Navigation Data
3.6 Echo Trail .....
3.7 Guard Alarm
3.8 Watchman .........................
3.9 OTHER MENU Description .
3.10 Function Keys ................................ 3-8
3.11 Adjusting Brilliance of Markers
3.12 Suppressing Second-Trace Echoes 3-8
3.13 Suppressing Noise .........
3.14 Outputting Target Position .
3.15 Tuning the Receiver
4.1 Multiple Echoes
4.2 Side-lobe Echoes ..
4.3 Indirect Echoes .....
4.4 Blind and Shadow Seclo
5.1 Preventative Maintenance ................ 5-1
5.2 Replacing the Fuse
5.3 Troubleshooting
5.4 Self Test ..................................
5.5 Life Expectancy of Magnetron
s. ARP-10 (OPTION)
6.1 General. .
6. 2 Keys Used "for Auto Plotter.
6.3 Activating the Auto Plotter .
6.4 Manual Acquisition ..
6.5 Automatic Acquisition .
6.6 Terminating Tracking of Targets
6.7 Displaying Target Data .............
6.8 Mode and Length of Vectors ............ 6»6
INDEX ........ IN-1
Congratulations on your choice of the
FURUNO FR-7062f7 11717252 Marine Radar.
We are confident you will see why the
FURUNO name has become synonymous with
quality and reliability.
For over 40 years FURUNO Electric Company
has enjoyed an enviable reputation for innova-
tive and dependable marine electronics equip—
ment. This dedication to excellence is furthered
by our extensive global network of agents and
Your radar is designed and constructed to meet
the rigorous demands of the marine environ»
ment. However. no machine can perform its
intended function unless properly operated and
maintained Please carefully read and follow
the recormnended procedures for operation and
We would appreciate hearing from you, the end-
user, about whether we are achieving our pur—
Thank you for considering and purchasing
FURUNO equipment.
Your radar has a large variety of functions, all
contained in a remarkably small cabinet.
The main features of the model FR-7062 are
G Traditional FURUNO reliability and qual-
ity in a compact, lightweight and low—cost
0 Durable brushless antenna motor.
0 On—screen alphanumeric readout of all op—
erational information.
0 Standard features include EBL (Electronic
Bearing Line), VRM (Variable Range
Marker), Guard Alarm, Display Off Center,
and Echo Trail.
0 Watchman feature periodically transmits the
radar to check for radar targets which may
have entered the alarm zone.
0 Ship’s position in latitude and longitude and
Loran C TDs. range and hearing to a
waypoint, speed, heading, and course can be
shown in the bottom text area. (Requires a
navigation aid which can output such data
in [EC 1162 format.)
0 Zoom feature provided.
0 Auto Plotter ARP- [0 (option) acquires and
tracks up to 10 targets, and is installed in the
display unit.
0 Cursor position data (TLL) can be output to
a plotter (option).
Antenna Unit
l misuse-moan
I mlnflsmn-usn
FH-‘n 11
Display Unit H
Fifi-706211112: EDP-122 ]
PEI-7252: RDP-123 ‘-
: Remote Dlsplay
——~Z FMD—B11I1800/
Navigation IEC 1162' (In/Out)
device ‘w'
Radar Plotter
RP-1 10
Video Sounder LE? “52 (In/Out)
ngpaf' Auto Planer g
g ARP-10 E ——--—z Enemal Alarm
5 E : Buner OP03-21 :
—-: nu-uzs,
‘Equivalenlto NMEA 0153 , wanes-2T .
, ,,,,,,,, r ______ _
------------ Option i
tPR-174GB-2 is available for FFi-7252
using XN12A (45 rpm) and XN13A. 12/24/32 VDC 115/230 VAC
12, 50/60 Hz
RINGS (on, 1,21 max)
DISP DATA (NAV, Auto planar. NAV and mm plotter)
1. Display
2. All Cancel
3. Vector Rel
1. Panel Dimmer (I, 2. 3. n 4. Vector Length
2. Mark Brill (1. 2, 3. n 5. History
3. HD Mark (1, 2. It.) 6. CPA SET
4. Characters (1, 2. 3!) 7. TCF'A SET
5. Trail Tone m, Mull!) 8. AUTO A00
6. Pulselsngm (Short. m) (with ARP-lO only.)
7. Noise Reject M. On)
B. Trail Time
(n 308,1M,8M.6M.15M.30M, Com)
91 Tune (H. Minus!)
101 WPT Mark (I. On)
11. EBL Ref (H, fins)
12. VRM Uni! u. km, sm)
13.Wamhmen (a 5M, IOM. ZOM)
14. srsv Disp (m Econn, Nev)
15. Guard Mode (fl. Out)
16. Own Position (In TD)
17. Cursor P085 (a. LIL)
13. Arm Sense LV m Mid, High)
19. Dead Seder (an. On)
20. Range
1“, mum. 1. 35. 2.1 4.‘ B. I rs]. “fl,fi. fi’l'
21. 2nd Re] a, Orr)
22. Sen Tesl
23. Installulion Selup
m = Delauh surfing
'Maximum range
FFl-7062: 64
FH-Tl 12: 72
FR~7252: 95
Heading marker
Flange and bearing
at a target. relative
to own ship, are
readable on the PPL
Own ship Own ship
(radar) in center
(A) Bird's eye view 01 situalion (B) Radar plenum of (A)
Figure 1-1 How radar workx
1.1 What is Radar?
The term “RADAR" is an acronym meaning
RAdio Detection And Ranging. Although the
basic principles of radar were developed dur—
ing World War I], echoes as an aid to naviga-
tion is not a new development.
1.2 How Ships Determined
Position Before Radar
Before the invention of radar, when running in
fog near a nigged shoreline, ships would sound
a short blast on their whistles, fire a shot, or
strike a bell. The time between the origination
of the sound and the returning of the echo indi-
cated how far the ship was from the cliffs or the
shore. The direction from which the echo was
heard indicated the relative bearing of the shore.
1.3 How Radar Determines Range
Radar determines the distance to the target by
calculating the time difference between the
transmission of a radar signal and the reception
of the reflected echo, It is a known fact that ra-
dar waves travel at a nearly constant smd of
162,000 nautical miles per second. Therefore
the time required for a transmitted signal to
travel to the target and return as an echo to the
source is a measure of the distance to the tar-
get. Note that the echo makes a complete round
trip, but only half the time of travel is needed to
determine the one-way distance to the target.
This radar automatically takes this into account
in making the range calculations
1.4 How Radar Determines
The hearing to a target found by the radar is
deten'nined by the direction in which the radar
scanner antenna is pointing when it emits an
electronic pulse and then receives a returning
echo. Each time the scanner rotates pulses are
transmitted in the full 360 degree circle, each
pulse at a slightly different bearing from the
previous one. Therefore, if one knows the di-
rection in which the signal is sent out, one knows
the direction from which the echo must return.
1.5 Radar Wave Speed and
Antenna Rotation Speed
Note that the speed of the radar waves out to
the target and back again as echoes is extremely
fast compared to the speed of rotation of the
antenna. By the time radar echoes have returned
to the scanner, the amount of scanner rotation
after initial transmission of the radar pulse is
extremely small.
1.6 The Radar Display
The range and bearing of a target are displayed
on what is called a Plan Position Indicator (PPI).
This display is essentially a polar diagram, with
the transmitting ship’s position at the center.
Images of target echoes are received and dis-
played at their relative bearings, and at their
distance from the PPI center.
With a continuous display of the images of tar—
gets, the motion ot the transmitting ship is also
2.2 Display Indication and Markers
Tuning slams (F.3-8)
Tuning bu (RS-G)
Echo Irall lime (m4)
Guard Zone (P‘s-4)
Zoom (P.2—5) or
Oil oenler (Pia-9)
Echo lmil elapsed time (RH)
Heading (requires heading data)
Heading marker (F.2-e) —|
Range (F.2—4)
Range ring interval (Re-4)
Pulselength (PE-4)
Display mode (P.2-6)
and-trace echo
suppressor (RS-8)
Echo Slreich (P.2-6)
EBLZ (P.2-7)
Guard zone are! (RS—4)
EBL1 (Pia-7)
Range ring (P.2-7)
vnm (F.2-7)
VRM2 (P257)
Index lines (P.3—1)
Cursor (P.2-7)
Norm marker (RE-6)
N ' ' ,
NC AUTO (F.2-5) also remain (P 3-8)
EBL1 bearing (P243)
EBLZ bearing (RE-G)
Interference injector (P.3-:
VRMI range (Fez-7)
Cursor bearing (P.2~B)
VRM2 range (R247)
Cursor range (P.2-7)
Figure 2-2 Display indications
2.1 Control Description
Tums power 011.
Press together with [STEVITX] key
to turn power oil.
Alternates between standby and
”M"- 44: fl
NAV data and ARPA dala can be em
displayed individually or together.’ F |
Suppresses electrical noise.‘
Selects radar range.
Adjusts display brilliance.
(Long press) Doubles size of area
between your vessel and location
selected by cursor.
(Shon press) Shifts your vessel's
position to cursor location.
Displays target movement in
Tums corresponding EBL onlolf.
(Long press) Terrninales plotting of ——
the target selected with cursovf 19g..—
(Short press) Displays the data of
target selected with the cursor.1’
(1 ) Acquires the target selected with
the cursort
(2) Registers selection on menus.
' Delault switch lunction.
1' Requires ARP—lO (option).
(Control) Adjusts sensitin of radar
w receiver.
@ ©7— (Switch) Temporarily erases heading
marker (and north marker it displayed).
@_ (Control) Reduces sea clutter.
u... (Switch) Automatically reduces sea
C and rain clutters.
.-_ (Control) Reduces rain clutters.
(Switch) Emerges echoes.
Selects presentation mode among
-J7_ HU, CU. NU. and TM.
Sets/cancels guard alarm; silences
audible alarm.
— Measures range and bearing
between two targets: predicts
oollision course.
Turns corresponding VFlM on/oll.
(Long press) Outputs target date position
data to plotter.
@- (Short press) Altemately displays cursor
position display in lat/long or bearing/range.
-'~|—(Funotuion is available when nav data
is not displayed.)
Opens/closes menus.
(1) Shifts cursor, EBL and WM.
(2) Sets guard zone
(3) Selects items and options on
(4) Shifts origin of EBL and VRM.
F igunz 2-1 Control panel
Not'e 1:Avai|abi|ity of a particular display item
depends on incoming data.
Note 2:When Range to Waypoint reaches 0.1
nm, the WPT mark jumps to dead
ahead even though a difference may
exist between heading and BHG to
Note 3:When cross track error exceeds 1 nm
on either side, the XTE mark starts
2.6 Selecting the Range
The range selected automatically determines the
range ring interval, the number of range rings.
pulselength and pulse repetition rate, for opti-
mal detection capability in short to long ranges.
You can select which ranges and pulselength
(for 1.5 and 3 mile ranges) to use through the
menu. The range. range ring interval and
puiselength appear at the top left-hand comer
of the display.
Selecting the range
Press the [A RANGE +] key. The range and range
ring interval appear at the top left comer on the
Tips for selecting the range
0 When navigating in or around crowded har-
bors. select a short range to Watch for pos-
sible collision situations.
D If you select a lower range while on open
water, increase the range occasionally to
watch for vessels that may be heading your
2.7 Adjusting Picture Brilliance
The [BRILL] key adjusts the brilliance of the
radar picture in sixteen levels.
Press the [BREL] key to set the brilliance level.
The current level momentarily appears on the
2.8 Adjusting Receiver Sensitivity
The [GAm] control adjusts the sensitivity of
the receiver. It works in precisely the same
manner as the volume control of a broadcast
receiver. amplifying the signals received.
The proper setting is such that the background
noise is just visible on the screen. If you set up
for too little sensitivity, weak echoes may be
missed. On the other hand excessive sensitivity
yields too much background noise; strong tar-
gets may be missed because of the poor con»
trast between desired echoes and the
background noise on the display.
To adjust receiver sensitivity, transmit on long
range, and adjust the [GAIN] control so back-
ground noise is just visible on the screen.
2.9 Adjusting the Alt: SEA
Control (reducing sea clutter)
Echoes from waves can be troublesome, cover-
ing the central pan of the display with random
signals known as “sea clutter“. The higher the
waves, and the higher the antenna above the wa-
ter, the further the clutter will extend. Sea clut-
ter appears on the display as many small echoes
which might affect radar performance. (See the
left-hand figure in Figure 244.) When sea clut»
ter masks the picture. adjust the A/C SEA con—
trol to reduce the clutter.
How the NC SEA control works
The [NC SEA] control reduces the amplifica-
tion of echoes at shon ranges (where clutter is
the greatest) and progressively increases am-
plification as the range increases, so amplifica-
tion will be normal at those ranges where there
is no sea clutter.
2.3 Turning the Radar Onlofl
Press the {POWER} key to turn the radar on.
To turn the radar off, press the [POWER] key
together with the [STBY/TX] key.
When the radar is turned on. the control panel
lights and a timer displays the time remaining
for warm up of the magnetron (the device which
produces radar pulses). counting down from
1:30 to 0:01 (2:00 to 0:01 for FR-7252).
2.4 Transmitting
After the power is turned on and the magnetron
has warmed up, STBY (Stand-By) appears at
the screen center. This means the radar is now
fully operational,
Press the [STBY TX] key to transmit.
When transmitting. any echoes from targets
appear on the display. This radar displays ech~
oes in eight tones of green according to echo
5998“ ’_" 10.5 kt
berm 125 m
Depth ’—>
TO Waypoint bearing
2.5 Stand-by
When you won’t be using the radar for an ex-
tended penod. but you want to keep it in a state
of readiness, place it in stand-by by pressing
the [STBYITX] key. The display shows
“STBY,” (default setting) navigation data. or
goes into the economy mode. (You can select
stand-by condition on the menu. More on menu
operation later.)
Economy mode
The CRT can be set to automatically turn itself
off when in stand-by. to reduce power consump-
tion. This feature is called the “economy mode”.
When the economy mode is on, the
“ECONOMY" indication under the [STBY/T X]
key lights.
Navigatlon data display during
If a navigation aid inputs navigation data to this
radar, navigation data can be displayed during
stand-by. You can turn the navigation data dis—
play onloff through the menu. Figure 2-3 shows
a typical navigation data display during stand‘
<7 Time—to—go to Stand-by
<7Trip distance since power on
+173 °c 4—- Temperature
Time-lo-go to PT 115 mm
7° WW“ TE],
RNG 12.0NM
Bearing to TO M S
WEYPO'M . i 5,1, gag Ship‘s position in
Range to T0 Waypomt “’ N.) latitude and longitude
1 .0 0.5
and Loran TDs
Cross Track Error
“. ‘ shows direction
x15 R and amount of error.
0.5 1.0
Figure 2-3 Typical navigation data display
during standby
2.11 Selecting the Presentation
This radar provides four presentation modes:
head-up, course-up, north-up and true motion.
Press the [MODE] key.
With heading sensor connection, the display and
the display mode indication at the top left-hand
comer of the display change in the sequence of
HU (Head-up), CU (Course-up), NU (North-
up) and TM (True Motion) when the [MODE]
key is pressed. If there is no heading sensor con—
nection, the display mode is always HU.
Note: The radar begins operation with last
selected display mode (except Course-
up) whenever the unit is turned on.
Note however that Head-up is selected
when Course-up was the last-used
The picture is oriented so the heading marker
is at the top of the display. This mode is useful
for navigation in congested waters.
The Course—up mode shows ship's heading by
the heading marker, at the top of the display. To
get heading desired, steer vessel in direction de-
sired. and then show “CU” at the top left‘hand
comer of the display.
North is at the top of the display and the head
ing marker moves with ship’s heading. This
mode is useful for determining ship’s position
and as a navigation monitor on a nautical chart.
The picture is stabilized against yaw of vessel,
thereby reducing smear of target echoes. Bear—
ing signal is required from a heading sensor.
True motion
True motion displays own ship and moving
objects in their true motion. Bearing signal and
speed signal are required from heading sensor
and speed sensor.
2.12 Erasing the Heading Marker,
North Marker
The heading marker or north marker (available
with gyrocompass connection) may occasion—
ally mask a target. To view the target, you can
temporarily erase the heading marker and north
marker by pressing and holding down the
[GAIN (HM OFF)] control. Release the con-
trol to re-display the markers.
Norm marker
Figure 2-6 Heading marker and north marker
2.13 Magnifying Long Range
Echoes (echo stretch)
Normally, the reflected echoes from long range
targets appear on the display as weaker and
smaller blips even though they are compensated
by the radar‘s internal circuitry. The echo stretch
function magnifies these small blips in all
ranges. Two types of echo stretch are available:
ES] which stretches echoes in bearing direc-
tion and E82 which stretches them in both range
and bearing directions.
To turn the echo stretch on or off, press the
[A/C RAIN (ES)] control. Each press changes
the echo stretch function in the sequence of
E51. E32 and OF. 1381 or ES2 appears at
the top right-hand comer of display when
echo stretch is on.
Ewe amen! Echo ctr-ten:
Figure 2-7 Echo stretch
Notet :This function magnifies not only targets
but also see clutter and radar
interference. For this reason he sure the
controls lor adiustment of sea clutter
and radar interference are properly
adjusted before activating the echo
Note 2: E82 is not available on short ranges.
Adjusting the NC SEA control
The proper setting of the A/C SEA should be
such that the clutter is broken up into small dots,
and small targets become distinguishable.
If the control is set too low, targets will be hid-
den in the clutter, while if it is set too high. both
sea clutter and targets will disappear from the
display. In most cases adjust the control until
clutter has disappeared to leeward, but a little
is still visible windward.
1. Confirm that the sensitivity is properly ad-
justed, and then transmit on short range.
2. Adjust the [AIC SEA] control so small tar-
gets are distinguishable but some clutter re-
mains on the display.
AIC SEA control adjusted:
sea clutter suppressed,
Sea clutter at
display center
Figure 2-4 How to adjust the A/C SEA control
Tip for adjusting the A10 SEA
A common mistake is to over-adjust the circuit
so all the clutter is removed. As an example set
up for maximum A/C SEA. You will see how
the center of the display becomes dark. This
dark zone can be dangerous (targets may be
missed), especially ifthe sensitivity is not prop-
erly adjustedi Always leave a little clutter vis-
ible on the display to be sure weak echoes will
not be suppressed. If there is no clutter visible
on the display, turn off the circuit.
2.10 Adjusting the NC RAIN
(reducing rain clutter)
The vertical beamwidth of the antenna is de»
signed to see surface targets even when the ship
is rolling. However, by this design the unit will
also detect rain clutter (rain, snow. hail, etc.) in
the same manner as normal targets. Figure 2-5
shows the appearance of rain clutter on the dis-
Adjusting A/C RAIN
When rain clutter masks echoes, adjust the [A/
C RAIN] control. This control splits up these
unwanted echoes into a speckled pattern, mak-
ing recognition of solid targets easier.
Alt: RAIN control adjusted:
rain clutter suppressed,
Figure 2-5 Effect ofA/C RAIN
Appearance oi
rain clutter
Note: In addition to reducing clutter, the [NC
FIAIN] control can be used in fine
weather to clarify the picture when nevi
gating in confined waters. However,
with the circuit activated the receiver is
less sensitive. Therefore, turn off the
circuit when its function is not required,
Automatic adjustments of A10 SEA
Push the [AIC SEA (A/C AUTO)] control. “Al
C AUTO" appears at the bottom left-hand cor-
ner of the display when the AIC AUTO circuit
is on. You can fine tune by adjusting the [A/C
SEA]. [AIC RAIN] and [GAlN] controls.
. EBL Bearlng
EBLt bearing _. m. a
EBLi bearing _.135_0= a mom 4.0 NM
Figure 2-10 How to measure bearing by EBL
and cursor
Note: The bearing readout for the EBL and
the cursor can be displayed in relative
or true bearing (true bearing requires
heading sensor input). For North-up
and Course-up display modes the
bearing reference is always true.
Tips for measuring bearing
0 Bearing measurements of smaller targets are
more accurate; the center of larger target pips
is not as easily identified.
0 Bearings of stationary or slower moving tar-
gets are more accurate than bearings of faster
moving targets.
0 To minimize bearing errors keep echoes in
the outer half of the picture by changing the
range scale; angular difference becomes dif-
ficult to resolve as a target approaches the
center of the display.
2.16 Using the Offset EBL
The offset EBL provides two functions: predict
collision course of radar target and measure the
range and the bearing between two targets.
Predicting collision course
1. Operate the trackball to place the cursor on
the center of the target.
2. Press the [EBL 1] key to tum on EBL].
3. Press the [EBL OFFSET] key. EBLl's ori»
gin shifts to cursor location.
4. After waiting several minutes, press the
[EBL 1] key again.
5. Operate the trackball to pass EBL] through
the center of the target.
If the target tracks along the EBL towards the
center of the display (your vessel’s position),
the target may be on a collision course.
To cancel the offset EBL, press the [EBL OFF—
SET] key.
5.0 NM
eau origin
tinltlal position
of target)
Target unwed
here. Oflset EBL
sen -—» 70.0' m vam
bearing range
Figure 2-1] Predicting collision course by
using the aflret EBL
Measuring range and bearing between
two targets
The procedure which follows shows how to
measure the range and bearing between target
“A” and target “B" in Figure 2-12.
1. Operate the trackball to place the cursor on
the center of target “".A
2. Press the [EBL 1] key to turn on EBL].
3. Press the [EBL OFFSET] key. EBLl’s ori-
gin shifts to cursor location.
4. Press the [EBL 1] key,
5. Operate the trackball to bisect target “B“ with
EBLl. Check the EBLI readout to find the
bearing between target “A" and target “"B.
6. Press the [VRM 1] key to turn on VRMl.
Operate the trackball to place the outside
edge of VRM] on the inside edge of target
“B". Check the VRM readout to find the
range between target “A" and target “B”.
2.14 Measuring the Range
You can measure the range to a target three
ways: by the range rings, by the cursor, and by
the VRM (Variable Range Marker .
Measuring range by range rings
Count the number of rings between the center
of the display and the target. Check the range
ring interval and judge the distance of the echo
from the inner edge of the nearest ring.
To turn the rings on or off, see the menu opera~
tion later(Chapter 3).
Measuring range by cursor
Operate the trackball to place the cursor inter-
section on the inside edge of the target echo.
The range to the target, as well as the bearing,
appears at the bottom of the display.
Measuring by WW
1. Press either [VRM l] or [VRM 2] key. The
readout of the active marker is circum—
F igure 2-8 Display bottom, showing location
ufEBL and VRM readouts
edge of the VRM on the inside edge of the
target. The trackball must be operated within
five seconds after pressing a [VRM] key, oth~
erwise the corresponding VRM cannot be
operated. Press the [VRM] key again to ad-
just the VRM.
Check the VRM readout at the bottom right-
hand comer of the display to find the range
to the target.
To anchor the VRM. press the [VRM] key
erase the VRM, press and hold down the
responding [VRM] key about two seconds.
”a?” \ so NM
“3093 my —' 2.0
Target VFth
n /rangs
Cursor range ‘» 4.0 NM 3.0 NM‘— VRMZ
Figure 2-9 Measuring range by the cursor
and VRM
Note: You can display the range readout of
the VFIM and cursor in nautical miles,
statute miles or kilometers. For details
see the next chapter.
2.15 Measuring the Bearing
There are two ways to measure the bearing to a
target: by the cursor, and by the EBL (Electronic
Bearing Line).
Measuring bearing by cursor
Operate the trackball to bisect the target with
the cursor intersection. The bearing to the tar-
get appears at the bottom of the display.
Measuring by EBL
l. Press the [EBL l] or [EBL 2] key.
2. Operate the trackball to bisect the target with
the EBL.
The trackball must be operated within five
seconds after pressing an [EBL] key, other-
wise the corresponding EBL cannot be oper-
ated. Press the [EBL] key again to adjust the
3. Check the EBL readout at the bottom lett-
hand comer of the display to find the bear-
ing to the target.
4. To anchor the EBL, press the corresponding
[EBL] key again.
To erase the EBL and its readout. press and hold
down the corresponding [EBL] key about two
To cancel, press the [EBL OFFSET] key.
EBL1 —— 7§§° n
Figure 2-12 Measuring the range and bearing
between two targets by using the ojfset EBL
2.17 Shifting (off centering) the
Your vessel’s position can be shifted up to 75%
of the range in use to view the situation around
your vessel without changing the range or size
of targets.
1. Operate the trackball to set cursor where de-
2. Press the [SHIFT/ZOOM] key.
OFFCENTER appears at the top right cor-
ner of the display when the picture is shiftedi
6) Piece cursor
where desired
(9 Press SHIFI' ZOOM
Figure 243 Shifting the picture
Cancelllng shifted picture
Press the [SHIFT/ZOOM] key again.
key to 0" center display.
2.18 Zoom
The zoom feature allows you to double the size
of the area between your vessel and any loca—
tion within the current range to take a closer
look at an area of interest.
1. Select location with the cursor.
2. Press and hold down the [SHIFT/ZOOM]
key about two seconds. ZOOM appears at
the top right comer when the zoom function
is on.
G) Place cursor (2) Press [F1] to zoom.
where desired.
Figure 2—14 Zoom function
Note: Zoom is cancelled when range or
presentation mode is changed.
Canoelling zoom
Press the [SHIFT/ZOOM] key again.
3.3 Suppressing Radar
Radar interference may occur when near another
shipbome radar operating in the same frequency
band as your radar. lts on-screen appearance is
many bright dots either scattered at random or
in the form of dotted lines extending from the
center to the edge of the display. Figure 3-4 il-
lustrates interference in the from of curved
spokes. Interference effects are distinguishable
form normal echoes because they do not ap-
pear in the same place on successive rotations
of the antenna.
Figure 3-4 Radar interference
Four levels of interference are available, includ-
ing off: lRl, lR2. lR3 and OFF. 1R3 provides
the highest level of rejection
1. Press the [MENU] key.
2. Select “lNT REJECT" and press the [ACQ/
ENTER] key.
3. Select level destred by pressing the [ACQ/
ENTER] key.
4. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
IR and level selected appears at the bottom right
comer on the display when the interference re-
jection circuit is turned on.
3.4 Selecting Pulsewidth
Pulsewidth is the transmission time of a single
radar pulse. The longer the pulsewidth the
greater the direction range capability, however
range accuracy and range resolution are re-
Pulsewidth can be selected to short or long on
the 1.5 and 3 nautical mile ranges.
1. Press the [MENU] key.
2. Select “OTHER MENU” and press the
Setoct tlem by T-ball
and press ENTER key,
.. Panel Dtmmer t 2 3 I
2. Mark Brill 1 2 3 l
3 . HD Mum I 2 3 I
4.Chalal;18rs t 2 a I
5.1ratITone m- Multl
s .Putmn91h Short m
7 . Noise Rejed I! On
a . Trail Time n 303 1M
3M 6M 15M (WM Com
9 Tune Manual
10. wpr Mark On
11. EBL Rel True
12. VRM Untt Km sm
ta, Watchman 5M tOM 20m
14. STBV Dtsp Econo Natl
11mm Made Out
16 Own Posllton TD
17 case: Past LIL
is Alm Sense LV Med Htg
19 Dead Sector On
20 Range H | H
8 l 16 E H H
21 2nd He] On
22. Sell Test
23. Installation Setup
~Mat rangers
Flt-7”: 7:
”(WISE “(1
Figure 3-5 OTHER MENU
3. Select “6. Pulselength" by operating the
4. Select Short or Long by operating the
5. Press the [ACQIENTER] key.
6. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
3.1 Basic Menu Operation
The menu mostly contains less-ofien used func—
tions which once preset do not require regular
adjustment. To open or close the menu, press
the [MENU] key. You can select items on the
menu with the trackball. The complete menu
appears at begining of this manual.
1. Press the [MENU] key to display the main
OSeI byT-bal ! pres: ENT.‘
Figure 3-1 Main menu
(118099 bflll
170m 3 to max.
2. Operate the trackball to select the item. For
example, select RINGS. A message appears
at the bottom of the menu window.
3. Press the [ACQIENTER] key to select set-
ting. Each time this key is pressed.
the message changes. For the RINGS menu,
the message sequence is as shown below.
Change brill 1mm Off to 1.
Change brill from 1 to 2.
Change brlll lrorn 2 to 3.
Change brill from 3 to max.
Change brill tron-l max to Olf.
Figure 3-2 Messages for RINGS menu
4. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
3.2 Index Lines
The index lines are useful for maintaining a
constant distance between own ship and a coast-
line or partner ship. They are linked with EBL2
and VRMZ.
Figure 3-3 Index lines
Turnlng the lndex lines onlolf
1. Press the [MENU] key.
2. Select “INDEX LINE” by the trackball.
3. Select “Index Line on” by pressing the
4. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key to confirm.
5. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
To turn the index lines off, select “Index Line
off" and press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.
Rotatlng the index lines
1. Press the [EBL 2] key to activate EBLZ.
2. Operate the trackball.
Adjusting the index Ilnes interval
1. Press the [VRM 2] key to activate VRM2.
2. Operate the trackball.
3.6 Echo Trail
You can Show the movement of all radar tar-
gets relative to your vessel in afterglow. This
function is useful for alerting you to possible
collision situations.
Starting echo trail
Press the [ECHO TRAIL] key.
TRAIL, the echo trail time selected (on
"OTHER MENU") and elapsed time appear at
the top right—hand corner of the display. Then,
afterglow starts extending from all targets.
Figure 3-7 How the echo trail feature works
Note: Trails are restarted when range or
mode is changed or zoom or shift is
turned on.
Fixed time trail
1. When the elapsed time clock counts up to
the trail time selected. the elapsed time dis-
play freezes.
2. The oldest portions of trails are erased so
only the latest trail, equal in length to the
trail time selected, is shown.
3. Trail continues.
For example, the one minute trail time is se-
lected. When the elapsed time clock counts up
to 60 seconds, the elapsed time display freezes
at “60," but the latest one minute of trail is
erased and then trail continues.
Continuous trail
The maximum continuous trail time is 99 min-
utes and 59 seconds. When the elapsed time
clock counts up to that time the elapsed time
display is reset to zero and trail begins again.
Cancelling echo trail
Press the [ECHO TRAIL] key again.
Changing trail attrlbutes
Trail gradation and trail time can be selected
on the OTHER MENU.
TabIe 3-1 Trailing attributes
Trails can be shown in
single or multiple
gradations. Multiple paints
trails getting thinner with
time just like the afterglow
on an analog PPI radar.
Trail Tone
Single Multiple
Trails can be set for 15
see, 305ec., lmint, 3min.,
6min., 15min. 30min. or
Trail Time
3.7 Guard Alarm
The guard alarm allows the operator to set the
desired range and hearing for a guard zone.
When ships, islands, landmasses, etc. violate the
guard zone an audible alarm sounds and the
offending target blinks to call the operator‘s at-
Selection of guard zone type
The guard alarm can be set to sound when a
target enters or exits the guard zone. You can
select which type of guard alarm you want
through the menu.
In alarm
The alarm sounds on targets entering the guard
zone. “G (IN)" appears at the top right—hand
comer when the In alarm is selected.
Out alarm
The alarm sounds on targets exiting the guard
zone. “G (OUT)" appears at the top right-hand
corner when the Gut alarm is selected.
3.5 Displaying Navigation Data
Navigation data can be displayed at the screen
bottom if this radar receives navigation input
in IEC 1162 format. Navigation data include;
0 Position in latitude and longitude or Loran-
C time difference
0 Range, bearing and time—to—go to both
waypoint selected on the navigator and the
0 Speed,
(If the navigation input includes destination
data, waypoint position is denoted on the radar
display by a dashed ring)
34° 56. MW
l35" 344 SEE
SPD 85.0KT
To turn navigation data on or off
Press the [F1] key if its function is set for DISP
DATA (default setting)‘ or select DATA DISP
on the menu.
] Navigation
Figure 3-6 Typical navigation data display
Notes on the guard alarm
0 The alarm is a useful antiecollision aid,_but
does not relieve the operator of the respon-
sibility to also keep a visual lookout for pos»
sible collision situations.
0 When the radar range is less than one half of
the guard zone range, the guard zone disap-
pears and “G (ENY' or “G (OUT)“ appears
in inverse video. If this happens, raise range
to re-display the guard zone.
0 A target echo does not always mean a land-
mass, reef. ships or surface objects but can
imply returns from sea surface or precipita—
tioni As the level of these returns varies with
environment, the operator should properly
adjust the A/C SEA, A/C RAIN and GAIN
to be sure the alarm system does not over»
look target echoes.
3.8 Watchman
The watchman function periodically transmits
the radar for one minute to check for targets in
a guard zone. lfit finds change in the zone from
the prevtous transmission the audible alarm
sounds and the radar transmits continuously.
This feature is useful when you do not need the
radar's function continuously but want to be
alerted to radar targets in a specific area,
1m” 5.100r tmtn 5.100r
20 min 20 min
Figure 3-10 How watchman work:
How watchman works
When the time selected for the watchman rest
period has elapsed. the radar automatically
transmits for one minute to check the condition
inside the guard zone. If there is nochange, the
radar goes into stand-by (“WATCHMAN” ap-
pears during stand-by.) If there is change. the
radar sounds the audible alarm. cancels the
watchman function and transmits continuously.
Turning on watchman
1. Create a guard zone (usually 360 degrees)
with the guard alarm function.
Press the [MENU] key,
Select “OTHER MENU".
Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.
Select “13. Watchman'fl
Operate the trackball to select watchman rest
period; 5 minutes, 10 minutes or 20 minutes
7. Press the [AGO/ENTER] key.
8. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
“WATCHMAN” appears at the top of the
screen. the radar transmits for one minute to
check for targets inside the guard zone, and then
the CRT shuts off and the radar goes into stand-
Cancelling watchman
Go into the “OTHER MENU” , and set “l3t
Watchman" for off.
Note 1:Watchman can be used without a guard
Note 2:The alarm soundsjust before the radar
starts and stops transmitting
Dashed line:
no alarm
‘ "'—"’\ Guard /
Figure 3—8 In and Out alarm
Setting a guard zone
Press the [MENU] key, and then select
“OTHER MENU," and press the [ACQ/EN»
TER] key.
Select “15, Guard Mode" and “In" (alarm
on target entering zone) or "Out" (alarm on
target exiting zone) by operating the
Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.
Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
To set a guard zone
Mentally create the guard zone you want to
set. For example, the guard zone shown in
Figure 3-9 (1).
Operate the trackball to set the cursor on
point A or B. Press the [GUARD ALARM]
key. “*G (IN)" or ““G (0UT)", with aster-
isk blinking. appears at the top right-hand
comer of the display. See Figule 3-9 (2). (The
asterisk indicates the guard zone is partially
. Operate the trackball to set the cursor on
point C or D. See Figure 3-9 (3).
Press the [GUARD ALARM] key. The as-
terisk disappears. See Figure 3—9 (4).
“hr-k mm \
rd -
as. m . «mm
(1) Mentally create (2) Drag eumono
memento-tomcat. topmwmard
zone and press
e um ' a (in)
a... Q
Dm cumr
(4) Guam m (3) Draw cursor to
mplflod. bottom right comer
cl zone and press
F igure 3-9 How to set the guard zone
Silencing the audible alarm
Any radar targets violating the guard zone will
trigger the audible alarm. You can silence the
audible alarm by pressing the [GUARD
ALARM] key. When this is done, “G(ACKN)"
replaces “G([N)." This means the alarm is ac-
knowledged. Press the key again to reactivate
the alarm.
Cancelling the guard zone and alarm
Press and hold down the [GUARD ALARM]
key until the guard zone disappears.
3.10 Function Keys
The function keys (Fl and F2) work like the
auto-dialing feature of a telephone, automati-
cally executing the function assigned to them.
The assigned function can be turned on/off by
pressing appropriate function key again.
Default settings
F1: Display NAV/ARPA data
F2: Noise rejector
How to program function keys
1. Press the [MENU] key.
2. Press [F1] or [F2] to open the function menu.
(ssrrmo son F1 mos]
0591 by T-bnll a press ENT.’
Press MENU key to escape.
Figure 3-10 Function menu
3. Select function desired.
4. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.
5. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
3.11 Adiusting Brilliance of
“2. Mark Brill" on the OTHER MENU adjusts
the brilliance of markers such as the cursor.
3.12 Suppressing Second-Trace
In certain situations, echoes from very distant
targets may appear as false echoes (second-trace
echoes) on the screen. This occurs when the re-
turn echo is received one transmission cycle
later, namely, after a next radar pulse has been
transmitted. To suppress them, select “2nd Rej
On" on the OTHER MENU.
3.13 Suppressing Nolse
Electrical noise can be suppressed by tuming
on “7. NOISE RE!” on the OTHER MENU.
This function is available by pressing the [F2]
key (default setting).
3.14 Outputting Target Position
Target position data can be output to a plotter
in [EC 1162 format. Press and hold down the
[TLL] key to output the data. This function re-
quires position data and heading signal.
3.15 Tuning the Receiver
The radar receiver can be tuned automatically
or manually, and the default tuning method is
automatic. In automatic tuning, the radar is au—
tomatically tuned everytime the radar is
switched to “Tx” and the indication “TUNING"
appears during tuning.
The tuning bar at the top right-hand comer of
the display shows tuning condition. Generally,
the longer the tuning bar the better the tuning
condition, however the length of the barchanges
with number of radar echoes, range and other
factors. Current tuning method is shown above
the tuning bar as either “AUTO” or
For how to tune the receiver manually, see "9.
Tune" on page 3-7.
Note: Automatic tuning may not work
property it own ship’s radar receives the
radar wave 01 another ship’s radar.
If this is the case, the radar will be out
at tune. Press the [STBYITX] key twice
to retune.
3.9 OTHER MENU Description
The table below summarizes the OTHER MENU.
1. Panel Dimmer
Table 3-2 OTHER MENU Descrietion
Selects level of panel backlight.
. Mark Brill
. Characters
. Trail Tone
. Pulselength
. Noise Reject
. Trail Time
Selects brilliance of VRM, EBL, cursor, guard zone and WP
Selects brilliance of heading marker.
Selects brilliance of characters.
Selects gradations of echo trails,
Selects pulselength for 1.5 and 3 mile ranges.
Select “On" to reject noise.
Selects the trail time,
. Tune
Selects automatic or manual tuning.
To tune manually;
1. Select “Manual” by the trackball,
2. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key to enable manual tuning.
3, While pressing and holding down the [GAIN] control, operate
the trackball. (adjustment range;
FR7062:1.0—11.9V, FR7112/7252:l.0—32 V)
4. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
“MANUAL" a pears at the top right-hand comer when manual
tuning IS in ef ect.
Selects “On" to display the waypoint mark.
. Watchman
Selects EBL reference for relative or true.
Selects distance unit of VRM and cursor for nm. km or sm.
Turns watchman on (set rest period) or off
.STBY Disp
. Guard Mode
Selects the condition at standby; display “STBY” or navigation
data, or go into the economy mode.
Selects condition which triggers guard alarm; in or out,
. Own Position
. Cursor Posi
. Alm Sense LV
Dis la s the own shi 's sition in lat/Ion or Loran C TDs.
(Regufies NAV data? W g
Displays the cursor position in range/bearing or lat/long.
Selects minimum echo strength which triggers guard alarm.
19. Dead Sector
20. Range
Select “On" to display the dead sector, which shows the area
where the radar [5 not transmitted.
Selects ranges to use.
21. 2nd Rej
22. Self Test
23.1nstallati0n Setup
Select “On" to suppress second-trace echoes.
Tests keys. ROM and RAM, checks antenna rotation speed, and
displays program no.
For technicians.
4.3 Indirect Echoes
Indirect echoes may be returned from either a
passing ship or returned from a reflecting sur
face on your own ship, for example, a stack In
both cases. the echo will return from a leg' '
mate contact to the antenna by the same indi-
reel path. The echo will appear on the same
bearing ofthe reflected surface. but at the same
range as the direct echo. Figure 4-3 illustrates
the effect of an indirect echo. Indirect echoes
may be recognized as follows:
- they usually occur in a shadow sector
- they appear on the bearing of the obstruc-
tion but at the range of the legitimate con»
- when plottedr their movements are usually
abnormal. and
' their shapes may indicate they are not direct
om Head-ng
pat \ Target
‘\ Indirect
Antenna (mast. tunnel
etc 1
Indirect echo
. Indtvect
Indirect echo
Figure 4-3 Indirecl edmes
4.4 Blind and Shadow Sectors
Funnels. stacks, masts, or derricks in the path
of antenna may reduce the intensity of the ra—
dar beam. If the angle subtended at the antenna
is more than a few degrees a blind sector may
be produced. Within the blind sector small ta:—
gets at close range may not be detected While
larger targets at much greater ranges may be
detected See Figure 4-4.
Vessel taller
than when
Mast, etc. In
path OI radar
Bltnd sector
(no echo)
Size ol bltnd sector
depends on target
Size and range.
Figure 4-4 Blind and that/mt" wrlnm
Occasionally false echoes appear on the screen
at positions where there is no target. In some
cases the effects can be reduced or eliminated.
The operator should familiarize himself or her-
self with the appearance and effects of these
false echoest so as not to confuse them with
echoes from legitimate contactsi
4.1 Multiple Echoes
Multiple echoes occur when a short range.
strong echo is received from a ship, bridge, or
breakwater A second, a third or more echoes
may be observed on the display at double, triple
or other multiples of the actual range of the tar-
get as shown in Figure 4-1. Multiple reflection
echoes can be reduced and ofien removed by
decreasing the sensitivity or properly adjusting
the A/C SEA.
Own Ship Multiple
Figure 4-1 Multiple echoes
4.2 Side-lobe Echoes
Every time the antenna rotates, some radiation
escapes on each side of the beam—called
“side—lobes.“ If a target exists where it can be
detected by the side—lobes as well as the
main-lobe, the side-lobe echoes may be repre-
sented on both sides of the true echo at the same
range, as shown in Figure 4-2. Side-lobes show
usually only at short ranges and from strong tar—
gets. They can be reduced through careful re-
duction of the sensitivity or proper adjustment
of the A/C SEAA
Mainv|obe we 9°“
/ Side~lobe
Figure 4-2 Side-lobe echoes
5.3 Troubleshooting
Table 5-2 contains simple troubleshooting pro—
cedures which you can follow to try to restore
normal operation. If you cannot restore normal
operation, do not attempt to check inside any
unit of the radar system. Any repair work is best
left to a qualified technician.
Table 5-2 Troubleshooting table
you pressed the
[POWER] key to
turn on the radar
- try adjusting the control panel
backlighting on the OTHERS MENU.
~ battery may have discharged.
- check power fuse at rear of display
the control panel
does not light
nothing appears on - try adjusting the brilliance.
the display or display
contrast is poor
characters are - request service.
the antenna does not - the problem may be in antenna unit.
rotate Request service.
characters and - have a qualified technician check the
indications are set.
you have adjusted neither noise nor ~ check signal cable for damage
the gain with AIC targets appear
RAIN and NC (indications and
SEA off markers do)
the radar has
warmed up and you
pressed the [STBY/
TX] key to transmit
neither i tions - check the signal cable for damage.
nor markers appear
(noise and targets do)
the sweep (radial line ' the problem may be in the antenna
sweeping around the unit. Request service.
display) is not
synchronized with
antenna rotation
there is no change in - request service.
nothing happens 0 key may be faulty. Request service.
a key is pressed
This chapter tells you how to keep your radar
in good working order. Before reviewing this
chapter please read the safety information which
Do not open the equipment.
lrroroper handling can result In electrical shock.
Only qualified personnel should work inside the
The radar antenna omits nigh iroqumcy
radio radiation which can be harmful,
particularly to your eyes.
Never look directly into the antenna lrom a distance 0!
less than two lost when the radar is in operation as
you could Injure me comes 0! your eyes, Always
make sure the radar is set to standby or is turned oft
before starting work on the antenna unit
5.1 Preventive Maintenance
Regular maintenance is important for good per-
formance. Always keep the equipment as free
as possible from dirt, dust. and water splashes.
Make sure all screws securing the components
are properly tightened.
A maintenance program should be established
and should at least include the items listed in
Table 5— 1 .
5.2 Replacing the Fuse
The fuse in the fuse holder at the back of the
display unit protects the equipment against re-
verse polarity of ship's mains, overcurrent, and
equipment fault. If the fuse blows, find the cause
before replacing it. Never use an incorrect fuse
- serious damage to the equipment may result
and void the warranty.
FR-7062/7112 is shipped with at 15A fuse for
12V ship's mains. If the ship's mains is 24/32V,
change the fuse to [GA (supplied).
FR-7252 is supplied with 3 10A fuse for 24/32
V ship's mains.
Uee the proper tun.
Fuse reiting is shown on page 54.
Use of a wrong luse can result in
eqidpmenl damage.
Table 5-1 Recommended maintenance program
and bolts on
antenna unit
be wiped
then call for repair.
Check point
Check for corroded or loosened
nuts and bolts. If necessary, clean
and repaint them thickly. Replace
them if heavily corroded.
Check for dirt and cracks on
radiator surface. Thick din should
off with soft cloth
dampened with fresh water. If a
crack is found, apply a slight
amount of sealing compound or
adhesive as a temporary remedy,
6 months to Display unit Check for tight connection and
1 year connectors corrosion.
Sealing compound may be used
instead of paint. Apply a small
amount of grease between nuts and
bolts for easy removal in future.
Do not use plastic solvent
(acetone) for cleaning. If you need
to remove ice from antenna unit,
use a wooden hammer or plastic
head hammer. Crack on the unit
may cause water ingress, causing
serious damages to internal circuits.
If corroded, contact your dealer for
5.4 Self Test
The self test facility checks the keyboard, ROM
and RAM for proper operation.
1. Press the [MENU] key.
2. Select “OTHER MENU”.
3. Select “22. Self Test” and press the [ACQ/
ENTER] key. The following display appears.
Kay lest: Press each and
check ran-screen indickfin
RAM :' 0K
VIM“ lm‘JN
(Pm MENU lorOYHERs m s
Figure 5-1 Szlftesl screen
4. The ROM and RAM are automatically
checked. If NG (No Good) appears to the
right of ROM or RAM indication, contact
your dealer for advice. ARP‘IO TEST results
appear only when optional ARP- 10 board is
5. To check the keyboard. press any key ex-
cept [ACQI'ENTER] and [POWER] keys.
The pressed key's on-screen location lights
in black while the key is pressed. if the key
is operating properly.
6. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key to check the
display circuit. The following pattern should
Figure 5-2 Test pattern
7. Press the [MENU] key to back to the Self
Test menu.
8. To escape from the test, press the [MENU]
5.5 Llfe Expectancy of Magnetron
The following table shows the life expectancy
of the magnetruns.
Table 5-3 Life expectancy of magnetrom
.000 - 3.000 hours
rich-ding stand-by)
6.1 General
The Auto Plotter ARP-lO is an optional circuit
board which is accommodated in the display
unit of the FR—7062 radar.
The Auto Plotter permits manual or automatic
acquisition and automatic tracking of up to 10
radar targets. An internal microprocessor cal-
culate target data such as speed and course and
displays the results in alphanumeric and by vec—
tors. To ensure the reliability of the displayed
target data, the radar must be properly adjusted
for minimum sea returns and noise.
Principal specifications
Acquisition and tracking
- Acquisition of up to 10 targets between 0.2
and 16 nm.
- Automatic tracking of up to 10 acquired tar-
gets between 0.1 and 16 run.
Vector length: 30 s, 1, 3, 6, 15, 30 min.
Orientation: True velocity or relative velocity
Past positions
5 past positions at intervals of 15. 30 s, l, 2, 3,
6 min.
Visual and audible alarms against targets vio-
lating CPA/T CPA limits; visual alarm against
lost targets.
Target discrimination
A target measuring about 800 m or more in the
radial or circumferential direction is regarded
as a landmass and not acquired or tracked. Ech-
oes smaller than about 800 m are regarded as
true targets.
6.2 Keys Used for Auto Plotter
The Auto plotter utilizes the following touchpad
keys. Given below is a brief description of these
Displays/Erases the main menu.
(Long press) Terminates plotting of the target
selected with the cursor.
(Short press) Displays the data of target selected
with the cursor.
Acquires the target selected with the cursor.
ARP-10 MENU operation
The ARP-IO MENU includes the followings:
Turns on/off the plot symbols‘ past positions
and target data
All Cancel:
Cancels the tracking of all targets.
Vector Ref:
Selects relative vector or true vectors.
Vector Length:
Selects vector time.
Selects past position plot interval.
CPA Set:
Selects CPA alarm limit. When a target is pre-
dicted to come within this limit, an aural alarm
sounds and at the same time the corresponding
target symbol changes to a blinking triangle.
Note: if the preset CPA limit is set at OFF, 3
target which is on collision course will not pro-
duce an alarm.
Selects TCPA alarm limit.
Auto ACQ:
Tums onloff Auto Acquisition Area.
6. ARP-10 (OPTION)
No one navigational aid should be relied
upon for the safety of vessel and crew.
The navigator has the responsibility to
check all aids available to confirm
positio". Electronic aids are not
a substitute lor basic navigational
principles and common sense.
. This auto plotter automatically tracks an
automatically or manually acquired radar
target and calculates its course and
speed, indicating them by a vector. Since
the data generated by the auto plotter
are based on what radar targets are
selected, the radar must always be
optimally tuned for use with the auto
plotter, to ensure required targets will not
be lost or unwanted targets such as sea
returns and noise will not be acquired
and tracked.
. A target does not always mean a land-
mass, reel, ships or other surface vessels
but can imply returns irom sea surface
and clutter. As the level of clutter changes
with environment, the operator should
properly adjust the A/C SEA, A/C FlAIN
and GAIN controls to be sure target
echoes are not eliminated from the
radar screen.
The plotting accuracy and response of
this auto plotter meets IMO standards.
Tracking accuracy is affected by the
. Tracking accuracy is affected by course
change. One to two minutes is required to
restore vectors to full accuracy after an
abrupt course change (The actual
amount depends on gyrocompass
- The amount of tracking delay is inversely
proportional to the relative speed of the
target Delay is on the order of 15—30
seconds for high relative speed; 30-60
seconds for low relative speed.
Display accuracy is affected by the
- Echo intensity
- Radar transmission pulsewidth
- Ftadar bearing error
- Gyrocompass error
0 Course change (own ship or target)
De'activatlng the auto plotter
1. Press the [MENU] key.
2. Open the “ARP-IO MENU".
3. Operate the trackball to select the “1. Dis-
4. Operate the trackball to select “Off’.
5. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.
6, Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
6.4 Manual Acquisition
Follow the steps below to manually acquire a
target. Up to 10 targets can be manually ac—
l, Place the cursor (+) on a target of interest by
operating the trackball.
2. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.
The plot symbol changes its shape according to
the status as below. A vector appears in about
one minute after acquisition indicating the
target's motion trend. Ifthe target is conststently
detected for three minutes. the plot symbol
changes to a solid mark. lfacquisition fails. the
target symbol blinks and disappears shortly,
‘ : SQUARE (dotted)
Immediately after acquisition - Plot symbol
shown in broken lines.
' VISQUARE (dotted with a vector)
One minute after acquisition - Vector still unre-
O/ CIRCLE (Solid with a vector)
3 minutes after acquisition - Plot symbol
changes to a solid circle indicating the stable
tracking condition.
The plot symbol of a target being tracked be-
comes twice as large as the normal symbol when
the target is selected for data reading.
Note 1: The target to be acquired should be
within 0.2 to 16 nm from own ship and not ob-
scured by sea or rain clutter.
Note 2: When you want to acquire 11th target.
cancel tracking one ol less important targets.
Note 3: When auto acquisition mode (Auto
ACQ) is on, up to live targets can be acquired.
For details, see 6.5 Automatic Acquision.
When a tracked target nears another
tracked target, the targets may be
Iswapped." When two targets come close
to each other, one of the two can become
a "lost target." Should this happen,
reacquisition of the ‘Iost target' is required
after the two targets have separated
6.5 Automatic Acquisition
The ARP—IO can acquire up to five targets au-
tomatically by setting the Auto Acquisition area
predefined in the system. If Auto ACQ is se-
lected after more than five targets have been
manually acquired. only the remaining capac-
ity of targets can be automatically are acquired.
For example; when seven targets acquired
manually. then the Auto ACQ is swuched on.
only three targets can be acquire automatically.
When five targets have been automatically ac»
quired. “AUTO TARGET FULL" message ap—
pears at top left comer seven on the display
Setting auto acquisition area
Auto acquisttion area is predefined between 2.0
and 2.5 nm in range and 45“ on either side of
the heading maker in hearing. Ila target comes
into this area. it is acquired automatically.
Figure 64 Auto acquisition urea
Follow the steps below to activate the auto ac-
quisition area.
1. Open the “ARPalO MENU".
2. Select “8. Auto ACQ" by operating the
3. Operate the trackball to select “On".
4. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.
5, Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
_ _ Selectnem byT—hell
6.3 Actlvatlng the Auto Plotter animus swag»
To activate the ARP- 10, follow the steps shown - -
below. j 305 1M
1. Adjust the GAIN, A/C SEA and AIC RAIN , _§;fls 53: T
controls for proper radar picture. ' 2M 3M 5M
2. Press the [MENU] key to open the main lg: 23“ 352: 2”
menu. .TcPA Set - 1M 2M 3M
3. Operate the trackball to select “ARP-IO ”4 5“ W W
MENU". ammo I. On
4. Press the [AGO/ENTER] key. The menu Figure 6-1 ARP menu
shown in Figure 6-1 appears.
5. Operate the trackball to select the menu item
“ 1. Display".
6. Operate the trackball to select "On".
7. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.
8. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
Target is being tracked but is not selected
for date readout
Target Full 7
Mark Target selected
for date reedlng
(large circle)
Lost Target
mm mam-“fer... “mama
a" am m" 12” AFIPADaIaAI'Ba
Figure 6-2 ARP display
6.8 Mode and Length of Vectors
True or relative vector
Target vectors are displayed in relative or true
mode. Own ship does not have a vector in rela-
tive mode.
Vector length
From the ARP-lO MENU, Vector Length can
be set to 30 seconds, 1. 3, 6, 15 or 30 minutes
and the selected vector time is indicated on the
The vector tip shows an estimated position of
the target after the selected vector time elapses.
It can be valuable to extend the vector length to
evaluate the risk of collision with any target.
Past position display
The ARP~10 displays equally time-spaced dots
(maximum 5 dots) marking the past positions
of any targets being tracked.
If a target changes its speed, the spacing will be
uneven. If it changes course. its plotted course
will not be a straight line in TM mode.
Operational warnings
There are two main situations which cause the
ARP-iO to trigger visual and audible alarms:
- CPA/T CPA alarm
- Lost target alarm
CPA/f CPA alarm
Visual and audible alarms are generated when
the predicted CPA and TCPA of any target he-
come less than their preset limits. The audible
alarm continues for 10 seconds.
The ARP~10 continuously monitors the pre—
dicted range at the Closest Point of Approach
(CPA) and predicted time to CPA (T CPA) of
each tracked target to own ship.
When the predicted CPA of any target becomes
smaller than a preset CPA alann range and its
predicted TCPA less than a preset TCPA alarm
limit. the ARP-lO releases an audible alarm. In
addition, the target plot symbol changes to a
triangle and flashes together with its vector.
Provided that this feature is used correctly, it
will help prevent the risk of collision by alert-
ing you to threatening targets. It is important
that GAIN, A/C SEA, A/C RAIN and other ra-
dar controls are properly adjusted and the ARP—
10 is set up so that it can track targets effectively.
CPA/T CPA alarm ranges must be set up prop-
erly taking into consideration the size, tonnage.
speed, turning performance and other charac-
teristics of own ship.
The CPA/T CPA alarm feature should
never be relied upon as a sole means for
detecting the risk of collision.
The navigator is not relieved of the
responsibility to keep visual lookout for
avoiding collisions, whether or not the
radar or other plotting aid is in use.
Follow the steps shown below to set the CPA!
TCPA alarm ranges:
1. Open the “ARP-IO MENU".
2. On the “CPA Set" line, select a CPA limit
desired. (Off, 0.5, 1, 2, 3. 5. 6 nm)
3. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.
4. On the “TCPA Set" line, select a TCPA limit
desired. (305, 1, 2, 3. 4, 5. 6, 12M)
5. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.
6. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
The flashing of the triangle plot symbol and
vector remains on the screen until the danger-
ous situation is no longer present or you inten-
tionally terminate tracking of the target by using
the [SELECT/CANCEL] key.
Lost target alarm
When the system detects a loss of a tracked tar-
get, the target symbol becomes a flashing dia—
6.6 Terminating Tracking of
When the ARP-lO has acquired 10 targets, no
more acquisition occurs unless targets are lost.
Should this happen, cancel tracking of indi-
vidual targets or all targets by the procedure
described below.
Individual targets
Place the cursor (+) on the target which you do
not want to be tracked any longer by operating
the trackball and press and hold down the [SE-
All targets
Tracking of all targets can be canceled from the
1. Open the “ARP-lO MENU”.
2. Select “2. All Cancel".
3. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.
6.7 Displaying Target Data
The ARP-IO calculates motion uends (range,
bearing, course, speed, CPA and TCPA) of all
targets being tracked at the ARPA Data area.
To turn ARPA data on;
1. Press the [MENU] key.
2. Select the “DISP DATA“.
3. Press the [ACQ/EN'I'ER] key to select the
message for “ARP” or “NAV and ARP".
4. Press the [ACQIENTER] key to set.
5. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
At the speed under 5 kts the target data Is
displayed with a delay because of
Place the cursor on a wanted target and press
the [SELECT/CANCEL] key. Data on the se-
lected target is displayed at the bottom of the
screen. The symbol of the selected target gets
twice as large as the normal circle. The data in-
cludes the following;
RNGIBRG (Range/Bearing): Range and bear-
ing from own ship to the last—plotted or selected
target position with suffix ”1" (True) or “M"
(Magnetic). For true bearings suffix “T” is used
in case of gyrocompass input and suffix “M” is
used in case of magnetic compass input.
COURSE/SPEED (Course/Speed): Course
and speed are displayed for the last—plotted or
selected target with suffix “T“ (True) or “M”
(Magnetic). For true bearings suffix “T“ is used
in case ofgyrocompass input and suffix “M” is
used in case of magnetic compass input.
CPA (Closest Point of Approach): The clos-
est range a target will approach to own ship.
Do not confuse it with the operator preset CPA
alarm limit.
TCPA: The time to CPA measured with present
speeds of own ship and the targets. Both CPA
and TCPA are automatically calculated. When
a target ship has passed clear of own ship, the
CPA is displayed and the TCPA appears as
“**."”. TCPA is counted up to 99.9 min. and
beyond this it is indicated as TCPA>99.9 min.
R N FR-7062
(6) Tuning Automatic or manual
(for manual, select manual tuning m menu and tune by trackball)
(7) Receiver Front End MIC (Microwave 1C)
(8) Bandwidth Tx pulselength 0.08 pa and 0.3 us: 25 MHz
Tx pulselmgth 0.8 us: 3 MHz
(9) Duplexer Circulator with diode lil'niter
(1) Indication System PPI Daylight display, raster scan, 8 colors
(2) Picture Tube 12 inch rectangular (184 mm x 245 mm) monochrome CRT
effective display area more than 180 m
-e Interval, Number ofRin_s
(4) Markers Heading Line, Bearing Scale, Range Rings,
Variable Range Marker (VRMl, VRMZ),
Electronic Bearing Line (EBLl, EBLZ),
Tuning Bar, Cursor, Parallel Cursor,
Alarm Zone, Waypoint Mark (navigation input required),
North Mark (beading sensor input required)
(5) Alphanumeric Indications Range, Range Ring Interval, Pulselength(SP, MP, LP),
Display Mode(HU,CU,NU,TM), Interference Rejection(lRl,IR2,IR3),
Variable Range MarkerWRMl, VRMZ),
Electronic Bearing Line (EBLl, EBLZ),
Automatic A/C SEA (A/C AUTO), Stand-by (ST-BY),
Radar Alarm (0010, G(0UTL G(ACKN)),
Echo Stretch (E51, E52), Cursor Range, Bearing or L/L Position,
Echo Tailing (TRAIL), Trailing Time, Trailing Elapsed Time,
Navigation Data(navigatiau input required),
Handing (HDC, heading sensor input required)
(6) Input Data NMEAOISS (Vet. 1.5/2.0), current loop
Own ship’s position: GGA>RMC>RMA>GLL (GLL is available Ver.l.5 only)
Heading (True): l-lD'l>HDG">HDM">VHW>VHW"
Heading (Magnetic): rmM>rmG">l-[DT“>VHW>VHW"
Course (True): RMC>RMA>VTG
Course (Magnetic): VTG>RM(>RMA
FUR -7
(1) Indication System PPI Daylight display, raster mu, 8 tons in monochrome
(2) . . . .
‘550 Hz on 48 nm range or more
Range Resolution Benet than 20 m
Bearing Discriminanon WIZA: within 19°, XN13A: within 12°
Minimum Range 25 m (0.25 NM range)
Bearing Accuracy Within 1"
RangeRingAccuracy 0.9%0franseor8m,whichcverisdregmnter
Radiator Slmd waveguide may
Polarimion Horizontal
Antenna Rotation Speed 24 rpm nominal: XNIZA (100 In max), XN13A (100 kt max)
48 rpm nominal: XNIZA (70 kt max.)
Radiator Length XN12A1120anXNISA: 180 cm
Horiwntal Beamwidth XNIZA: less than 1.9", XN13A: loss than 1.2”
Vertical Beamwidth 22°
Sidelobe Attenuation
XNIZA: Within £20“ ufmain-lobe: Ins dun -24 dB
Outside flo‘ of main~lobe: less than -30 dB
XNI3A: Within til)“ ofmain-lobe: loss dran -24 (18
Outside iIO" of main-lobe: less than -30 dB
Frequency 9410 MHz fl-SOMI-Iz (X band)
Modulation PON
Peak Output Power 6 kW
Modqu FET Switching Method
Intermediate Frequency 60 wk
Display Unit Standard: 1.1 m Steering: 0.8 m
Scanner Unit Standard: 140 m Steering: 0.8 m
( l)
Acquisition Range 0.2 to 16 NM
Tracking Range 0.1 to 16 NM
Maximum Number of Target 10
Acquisition Time Within 5 sec (scanner rotation: 24 rpm)
Alarm Timing Lost urge: (blink mark, collision alert)
Vector Length 30 sec; 1, 3, 6 or 15 min (selected anmeuu)
Plotting Interval 30 sec; 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 min (selected on menu)
Numeric Data Indication Distance, Bearing, Course, Spad, CPA, TCPA
Acquisition Available Speed 100 kt relative
WaypoinKRange, Baring):
Damn time djfl'emnee:
Water depth:
Water temperature:
(7) Output Data
‘I: calculate by magnetic drifi.
NMEA0133(Ver.1.sr2.0), 115-422
"111, (target data) and RSD
(I) Ambient Tempemnue
(2) Relative Humidity
(3) erproofing
Simmer Unit
Display Unit
Scanner Unit: -25°C to +70°C
Display Unit: 45°C to +55°C
95 % or 15s at +40°C
Chassis: not specified
Panel: IPX4
(1) Power Supply
(2) Voltage and Current
(3) Power Consumption
(1) Display Unit
(2) Scannef Unix
12/24/32 WC (1003 m 41.6 VDC)
mummy“): 12 VDC/7.5A, 24VDC/3.8A, 32VDC/248A
XN12A(48rpm): 12 VDC/818A, 24VDC/4.4A, 32VDC/3.3A
XN13A(24rpm): 12VDC/10A, 24VDC/5A, 32VDC/3.8A
XN12A(24rpm): 70 w m 90 w<100 h)
XNlZA(481pm): as w to 105 W(70 kt)
XNl3A(24rpm): 80 w to 120 W(100 1a)
See the Outline Drawings
Panel: N3!)
Chassis: 25GY5/l .5
FR- 7062
F U FR—711
(6) Tuning Automatic or manual
(for manual, select manual tuning on menu and tune by trackball)
(7) Receiver Front End MIC (Microwave 1C)
(8) Bandwidth Tx pulselength 0.08 us and 033 psi 25 MHz
Tx puiselengrh 0.8 us: 3 Mia
(9) Duplexer Circulator with diode limiter
(1) Indication Systmr PP] Daylight display, miter scan, 8 colors
(2) Picture Tube 12 inch rectangular (184 mm x 245 mm) monochrome CRT
efi‘ective display area more than 180 mm
‘ -n-e,Ran“ Interval Numberuf" u:
' ' Emu-“EBB MI
. “Mun-II! 12 IBM
Numbmfm Illlllllllllllllflflll
(4) Markers Heading Line, Bearing Scale, Range Rings,
Variable Range Marker (VRMl, VRMZ),
Electronic Bearing Line (EBLl, EBL2),
Tuning Bar, Cursor, Parallel Cursor,
Alarm Zone, Waypoint Mark (navigation input required),
North Mark (heading sensor inmit required)
(5) Alphanumeric Indications Range, Range Ring Interval, Pulselength(SP, MP, LP),
Display Modefl‘IU, CU, NU, TM), Interference RejectionflRl, IRZ, 1R3),
Variable Range Marker(VRM1, VRMZ),
Electronic Baring Line (EBLl, EBLZ),
Automatic A/C SEA (A/C AUTO), Stand-by (ST-BY),
Radar Alarm (CHIN), G(0UT), G(ACKN)),
Echo Stretch (1581, E52), Cursor Range, Bearing or UL Position,
Echo Tailing (TRAIL), Trailing Time, Trailing Elapsed Time,
Navigation Dm(navigation input required),
Heading (HDC, heading sensor input required)
(6) Input Data NMEA0183 (Ver. 1.5/2.0), currmt loop
Own ship's position: GGA>RMC>RMA>GLL (GLL is available Ver.1.5 only)
Heading (True): HDT>HDG'1>HDM">VHW>VHW"
Heading (Magnetic): l-mM>HDG">r-mT">VHw>VHw"
Course (True): RMDRMA>VTG
Course (Magten'c): VTG>RMC>RMA
Indication System
e, Pulselen_
PL) & Pulse ' -->
PPI Daylight display, raster scan, 8 tones in monochrome
tion Rate (PRR)
‘550 Hz on 48 nm range or more
Better than 20 m
X'NlZAzwithin l.9°,XN13A:withi.n 1.2“
25 m (0.25 NM range)
Within 1“
0,9 % of range or 8 m, whichever is the greater
Range Resolution
Bearing Discrimination
Minimum Range
Bearing Accuracy
Range Ring Accuracy
Antenna Rotation Speed
Radiator Length
Honzontal Beamwidth
Vertical Beamwidth
Sidelobe Attenuation
Peak Output Power
Intermediate Frequency
Slotted waveguide amiy
24 rpm nominal: XNIZA (100 kt max), X'NISA (100 kt max.)
48 rpm nominal: X'NIZA (70 kt max.)
XNIZAJZO cm, XN13A: 180 cm
XNI2A: less than l.9°,XN13A:lessthan12°
Within £20“ ofmain-lobe: less than -24 dB
Outside 120° of main-lobe: less than -30 dB
Within 110° ofmain—lobe: less than -24 dB
Outside £10“ of main-lobe: less than -30 dB
9410 MHz tBOM'Hz (X band)
10 kW
FET Switching Method
60 MHz
(1) Display Unit Standard: 1.1 m Steering: 0.8111
(2) Scanner Unit Standard: 1.0 m Steering: 0.8 m
(1) AcqflsifionRange 0.2w16NM
(2) TrackingRange 0.Ito16NM
(3) Maximum Number of Target 10
(4) Acquisition Time Within 5 sec (scanner rotation: 24 rpm)
(5) Alann Timing Lam target (blink mark, collision alert)
(6) Vemor Length 30 sec; 1, 3, 6 or 15 min (selected on menu)
(7) Planing Interval 30 sec; 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 min (selected on menu)
(8) Numeric Dara Indication Distance, Bearing, Course, Spud, CPA, TCPA
(9) Acquisition Available Speed 100 kt relafive
Waypointflbmge, Mug):
Loran time difference:
Water depth:
Water temperature:
(7) Output Data
'I: calculate by magmic drifi.
NMEA0183(Ver.1.5/2.0), RS-422
TLL (target data) and RSD
(1) Ambient Temperature
(2) Relative Humidity
(3) Waterproofing
Scanner Unit
Display Unit
(1) Power Supply
(2) Voltage and Current
(3) Power Consumption
(1) Display Unit
(2) Scanner Unit
Scanner Unit: -25°C to +70°C
Display Unit: -15°c w +ss°c
95 % or lws at +40°C
Chassis: not specified
Panel: IPX4
12/24/32 VDC (10.8 to 41.6 VDC)
XN12A(24rpm): 12 VDC/8.3A, 24VDC/4.2A, 32VDC/3.1A
10112M48rpm): 12 VDC/10A, 24VDC/5A, 32V'DC/3.8A
XN13A(24rpm): 12 VDC/NBA, 24VDC/5,4A, 32VDC/4.1A
XN12A(24rpm): 85 w to 100 wuoo kt)
XN12A(48rpm): 95 w to 120 woo m)
XN13A(24rpm): 90 w to 130 wuoo kt.)
See the Outline Drawings
Panel: N31)
Chassis: 2.SGY5/1.5
R N FR-7 52
(6) Timing Automatic or manual
(for manual, select manual inning on main and tune by trackball)
(7) Receiver Front End MIC (Microwave 1C)
(8) Bandwidth Tx pulselengfll 0.03 us and 0.3 us: 25 MHz
Tx pulselenglh 0.8 us: 3 MHz
(9) Duplexer Circulmor with diode limiter
(l) Indication System PP] Daylight display, raster scan, 8 colors
(2) Picture Tube 12 inch rectangular (184 mm x 245 mm) monochrome CRT
effective display area more than 180 mm
(3) RanfleRan1'1nterval,Nmnberof"-r
(4) Markers Heading Line, Bearing Scale, Range Rings,
Variable Range Marker (VRMl, VRMZ),
Electronic Bearing Line (EBLl, EBLZ),
Tuning Bar, Cursor, Parallel Cursor,
Alann Zone, Waypoirrt Mark (navigation input required),
North Mark (heading sensor input required)
(5) Alphanumeric Indications Range, Range Ring Interval, Pulselength(SP, MP, LP),
Display Mode(HU, CU, NU, TM), Interference Rejection(IRl, lRl, lR3),
Variable Range Marker(VRMl, VRMZ),
Electronic Baring Line (EBLl, EBLZ),
Automatic A/C SEA (A/C AUTO), Stand-by (ST-BY),
Radar Ala-rm (GflN), G(0UT). G(ACKN)),
Echo Snatch (551, E82), Cursor Range, Bearing or LIL Position,
Echo Tailing (TRAIL), Trailing Time, Trailing Elapsed Time,
Navigation Data(navigation input required),
Heading (EEC, heading sensor input required)
(6) Input Dara NMEAOIBS (Ver.l.5/2.0), cur-rem loop
Own ship's position: GGA>RMC>RMA>GLL (GLL is available Ver.l.5 only)
Heading (True): HD1>HDG">l-DM">VHW>VHW"
Heading (Magnetic): l~lDM>rmG“>rn)1“>vrrw>vr-lw“
Course (True): RMC>RMA>VTG
Cnurse (Magnetic): VTG>RMC>RMA
l= IJ R2 N 2 FR—7252
(I) Indication System
(2) Range, Pulselength (PL) & Pulse Repetition Rate (PRR)
' 1 - nautical miles
PP] Daylight display, raster scan, 8 tones in monochrome
‘550 Hz on 48 nm to 72 ml! range, or 500 Hz an 96 nm range
(3) Range Resolution
(4) Bearing Discrimination
(5) Minimum Range
(6) Bearing Accuracy
(7) Range Ring Accuracy
(1) Radiator
(2) Polarization
(3) Antenna Rotation Speed
(4) Radiator Length
(5) Horizontal Beamwidth
(6) Vertical Beamwiddl
(7) Sidelobe Attenuation
XN 1 2A:
(1) Frequency
(2) Modulation
(3) PeakOutput Power
(4) Modulator
(5) IntermediateFi-equency
BetterthanZO m
XN12A: within 1.9“, XNl3A: within 1.2“
25 m (025 NM range)
Within I“
Slotted waveguide my
24 rpm nominal: XNIZA (100 kt max), XNlSA (100 kt max.)
48 rpm nominal: XN12A(70ktmax.)
XNIZA: loss than 1.9“, XNISA: less 11131112"
Within flo‘ of main-lobe: less than -24 dB
Outside i20° of main-lobe: less than -30 dB
Within 110“ ofmain-lobe: Ins than -24 dB
Outside i10° ofmainBWC>BWR
‘I: calculate by magnetic dnfi
NMEAO l 83(Vcrr 1 5/10), RS-422
TLL (target data) and RSD
(1) Ambient Temperature
(2) Relative Humidity
(3) Waterproofing
Scanner Unit
Display Unit
Sumner Unit: -25°C to +70°C
Display Unit: -15"C to +55°C
95 % or lass at +40°C
Chassis: not specified
Panel: IPX4
(1) Power Supply
(2) Voltage and Current
(3) Power Consumption
(1) Display Unit
(2) Scanner Unit
24/32 vnc (21.6 to 41.6 VDC)
XNlZA(24rpm): 24VDC/5.2A, 32VDC/3.9A
)CN12A(48rpm): 24VDC1518A, 32VDC/4AA
XN13A(24rpm): 24VDC/6.3A, 32VDCI4.7A
XNlZAerpm): 105 Wto 125 wuoo n)
XN12A(48rpm): 120 w m 140 wao kt)
XN13A(24rpm): 115 w w 150 wuoo kt)
See the Outline Drawings
Panel: N3.0
Chassis: 2.SGY5/l.5
A/C RAIN 2—5 . .
A/C SE A 24 navngatton data 3—3
. . . nonh marker 2-6
acquisition area 6—2
alarm 34 north-up 2-6
auto plotter 6—2 0
B off center 2—9
bearing 2-7 P
blind sector 4-2 pulselength 3-2
course-up 2-6 range 24
cursor 2-7 radarinterference 3—2
CPA 6-2 5 ‘
E SART iii
EBL 2—7 second-trace echoes 3—8
EBL offset 2—8 self test 5-3
echo trail 3-4 sensitivity 2-4
echo stretch 2-6 shadow sectors 4-2
echonomy mode 23 side-lobe echoes 4-1
F stand-by 2-3
function keys 3—8 T
fuse 5-1 target data 6—5
G target position 3—8
guard alarm 3-4 TCPA _6f5
transmitting 2-3
guard zone 3-5 ,
troubleshooting 5—2
H true motion 2—6
head-up 2—6 V
head'n marker 2—6
I l g vector 66
index lines 3-1 hm 3
indirect echoes 4-2 Wm an ‘6
M zoom 3-6
magnetron 5-3
multiple echoes 4-1

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:05:07 13:32:12
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Modify Date                     : 2001:05:07 13:32:13-04:00
Page Count                      : 55
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