Furuno USA 9ZWFR1760DS User Manual 29459
Furuno USA Inc 29459
& DANGER Before turning on the radar, make sure that there is no one near the antenna. Serious injury or even death may result it a relating antenna strikes someone standing nearby. & WARNING Radio Frequency Radiation Hazard The radar scanner emits electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) energy which ll" be harmful, particularly to your eyes. Never look directly into the scanner aperture from a close distance while the radar is in oper- afion or expose yourself to the transmitting scanner at a close distance. Distances at which RF radiation levels of 100 and 10 W/mz exist are given in the table below. Note: If the scanner unit is installed at a close dish-mos in front of the wheelhouse, your administration may require halt of transmission within a certain sector of scanner revolution. This is possible Ask your FUFiUNO representative or dealer to provide this feature. type point polm FR-17BODS "— m—— FR- 1710 --— -_— 25-__ 25-—— m SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS & WARNING Do not place liquid-tilled containers on the top at the equipment. Fire or electrical shock can result if a liquid spills into the equipment. Do not operate the equipment with wet hands. Electrical shock can result. Keep heater away from equipment. Heat can alter equipment shape and melt the power card, which can cause fire or electrical shock. & WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Do not open the equipment. Unit Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment ment. Turn off the radar power A WARNING A switch before servicing the mxflW-‘fmmw W scanner unit. Post a wern- ' A Ing sign near the switch “when. v-Ex-wtammunrt—tnw ttt‘ETel-h nicuilt‘ilml B6< i'l t fi—é 36 Ell??- indicating it should not be turned on while the scanner unit is being serviced. . , Name . Warning Label Type : sews-1011 Prevent the potential risk ct Co d e N o. : 100436230 being struck by the rotating scanner and exposure to . . . r DANGER RF radiation hazard. E ‘ summits-mud!- Wear a safety belt and hard hat when working on the scanner unit. Name : Danger Label Type ‘. 14055-4202 Code No. 2 100-245-220 Serious iniury or death can result it someone falls from the radar scanner mast. Do not disassemble or modify the n DANGER m... ”we ‘ . Fire, electrical shock or serious injury can i- _‘m,, 4—eufia'le. iVll result. we Lfl‘e u. Turn eti the power immediately It water leaks into the equipment or the equip- ment is emitting smoke or fire. Name '. Danger Label Type : 66022-2012 Code No. '. 100-237-730 Continued use of the equipment can cause fire or electrical shock. A DANGER Use the proper fuse. Fuse rating is shown on the equipment. Use of a wrong fuse can result in equipment damage. Name ‘. Danger Label Type : 14055-4201 Code N0. '. 100-243-450 Keep heater away from equipment. Heat can alter equipment shape and melt the power cord. which can cause fire or electrical shock. Danger/Warning Labels in Display This radar system contains the danger/ warning labels shown below. Do not remove the labels. if a label is peeling off or is illeg- ible, contact a FURUNO agent for replace— FCC/fi'iiaaz. TABifilé tile" CONTENTS INTRODUCTlON ............... .. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .. .. ' MENU TREE ......................................... .vii 0PERAT|ONAL 0VERV|EW 1.1 Turning on the Power 1-1 1 .2 Transmitter ON ..... 1-1 1.3 Control Description 1-2 1.4 CRT Brilliance ...... 1-3 1.5 Control Panel Backlighting. 1-3 1.6 Tuning the Receiver 1-3 1.7 Degausslng the Screen 1-4 1.8 Initializing the Compass Readout . 1-4 1.9 On—screen Legends and Markers . 1-5 1.10 Presentation Modes ......... 1-6 1.11 Selecting the Range Scale 1-8 1.12 Entering Own Ship’s Speed 1-9 1.13 Pulselength, Echo Stretch 1-9 1.14 Adiusting the Sensitivity 1-11 1.15 Suppressing Sea Clutter. 1-11 1.16 Suppressing Precipitation Clutte 1-12 1.17 Interference Reiectcr 1-12 1.18 Measuring the Range 1-12 1.19 Measuring Bearing 1-13 1.20 Collision Assessment y e Offset E51... 1-14 1.21 Measunng Range and Bearng Between Two Targets 1-14 1.22 Setting a Target Alarm Zone 1-15 1.23 Off-centering (shift) . 1-16 1.24 Echo Averaging 1-17 1.25 Electronic Plotting Aid (EPA) . 1-13 1.26 Target Trails (Echo Trails) .. 1-21 1.27 Parallel index Lines. 1-23 1.28 Origin Mark 1-24 1.29 Zoom ..... 1-24 1.30 Markers 1-25 1.31 User Keys (F1, F2. F3) .. 1-25 1.32 Function Keys ........ 1-26 1.33 Suppressing Second-trace oes. 1-27 1.34 Adjusting Brilliance oi Screen Data. 1-28 1.35 Noise Rejector. 1-28 1.36 Time Alarm ...... 1-28 1.37 Enhanced Video. 1-29 1.38 Degaussing lnterv 1-29 1.39 Navigation Data. 1-30 1.40 Video Contrast 1-30 1 ClutlerSweep............ 1.4 1.42 Outpuning Target Position 1-31 143 Background Color ........ 1-31 1.44 Selecting Range Scales 1-31 1.45 Selecting Bearing Scale Format . 1-32 1.46 Alarms ..................................... RADAR OBSERVATION 2.1 General ......... 2.2 False Echoes 2.3 SART (Search and Rescue Transponder) .. 2.4 RACON (Radar Beacon) MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING 3.1 Periodic Maimenance Schedule 3.2 Life Expectancy of Major Pans . 3.3 Fuse Replacement ............. 3.4 Replacement of Batteries 3.5 Simple Troubleshooting ..... 3-2 3—2 3-3 3—3 3.6 Advanced-level Troubleshooting 3—4 3.7 Diagnostic Test .......................... 3-7 PARTS LOCATION .................................................................................................. 4-1 SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................. SP-1 INDEX INTRODUCTION A Word to the Owner of This FURUNO Radar Thank you for purchasing this FURUNO radar. We are confident you will discover why FURUNO has become synonymous with quality and reliability. Dedicated in the design and manufacture of marine electronics equipment for half a century, FURUNO Electric Company has gained an unrivaled reputation as a wortd leader in the in- dustry. This is the result of our technical excellence as well as our worldwide distribution and service network. Please carefully read and follow the satety information set forth in this manual before attempt- ing to operate the equipment and conduct any maintenance. Your radar set will perform to the utmost at its ability only if it is operated and maintained in accordance with the correct proce- dures. Features I FR-t 76003 is GOKW, S-band radar, FR—1710is 10kW, X-band radar and FIR-1725 ls 25kW, X-band radar. I Daylight-bright rasterscan 17-inch multi-color, high-resolution display I New microprocessing technology with high-speed high—density gate array and software expertise I Easy operation by combination of discrete keys, rotary controls, and menu operation, all logically arranged and configured I Electronic Plotting Aid (EPA) fitted standard, Automatic Tracking Aid (ATA) option I Reliable CPA and TCPA warning in any plotting mode, accurate target data I The Clutter Sweep feature suppresses sea and rain clutters within an operator-selected area, ' I A Video Plotter (Chan Plotter) and Performance Monitor are also optionally available. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION EB-17§QDS ANTENNA UNIT SMA-RSB-OO51-N SMA-HSB-0051-i SNSA-RSB-0051-N SNSA-RSB—OOST -| 110/115! 220 VAC, w, 50/60 Hz 100 VAC, _____ 1¢,50/so Hz. """"""" 10011101 115 VAc, w, 50/50 Hz SUPPLY UNIT PSU-002 220 VAC, 10. 50/50 Hz. 440 VAC. 0», 50/60 Hz. GPs, etc.< ---------------- DISPLAY UNIT RDP-120 Speed Log F‘TE‘EEJE‘EQS Water temperature, water depth Gyrocornpassun Video Planer RP—1 7 Board Ship’s Mains 100/110/115/220/230 VAC, 24/32 VDC 10, 50/50 Hz FFI-1 710” 725 FR-171O ANTENNA UNIT xmzAF-nssomwez (24 rpm) XNzOAF-RSBuou-OSZ 124 rpm) XN12AF-RSBOO75-062 (42 rpm) xmomnssowsaaez (42 rpm) FR-1725 XNzuAF-RSBOO74—063 (24 rpm) XN24AFHSBOO74—063 (24 rpm) XN20AFo.550NM Range to Range to No. 1 VRM No. 2 VRM Active marker is circumscribed. Figure 1-15 How to measure range by VFfM 1.19 Measuring Bearing Use the Electronic Bearing Lines (EBLs) to find bearing of a target. There are two EBLs, No.1 and No.2, which are toggled by suc- cessive presses of the [EBL ON] key. Each EBL is a straight dashed line extending out from the own ship position up to the circum- ference of the radar picture. The fine dashed line is the No.1 EBL and the coarse dashed one Is the No.2 EBL. 1. Press the [EBL ON] key to display either at the EBLs. Sumessive presses of the [EBL ON] key toggle the active EBL be- tween No.1, No.2 and index lines (it dis- played) and the currently active EBL readout is circumscribed. 2. Rotate the EBL rotary control clockwise or counterclockwise until the active EBL bisects the target of interest, and read its beefing at the lower-left corner of the screen. 3. Press the [EBL OFF] key to erase each EBL. The EBL readout is affixed by ‘R" (relative) if it is relative to own ship’s heading, or "i" (tme) if it is referenced to the North, as determined by the item EBL/VRM on the OTHER menu. Range and bearing to cursor 055 NM 15.0‘H ] + No. 2 EBL (dashed) EBL Bearing to 1333] N0. 1 EBL Farm-R N0. 1 EBL Bearing w (dotted) No. 2 EBL Figure 1- 16 How to measure bearing by EBL Presentation mode, representative display Description True Motion Mode Own ship and other moving objects move in accord— ance with their true courses and speeds. In ground stabllzed TM, all fixed targets, such as landmasses, appear as stationary echoes. in the sea stablized TM without set and drift input, the Iandmass can move on the screen. When own ship reaches a point corresponding to 75% of the radius of the display, the own ship is automatimlly reset to a point of 75% radius opposite to the extension of the heading line passing through the display center. Resetting can be made at any moment before the ship reaches the limit by pressing the [SHIFT] key. Automatic resetting is preceded by a beep sound. no in .- I" m Jim“ it the compass fails, the presentation mode is changed to the head-up mode and the north marker disappears. The HDG readout at the top of the screen shows xxx.x°. ;. ., + . -=. as . e. if f." A 55, “312-9154 ‘ (a) True motion (It) Own ship has reached a (ct Own ship is automatically is selected point 75% or display radue rmel to 7536 of radius Automatic resetting of own ship position in true motion mode Press the [RANGE] key to select a range 1.11 Selecting the Range Scale The range selected automatically determines the range ring intenlal, the number of range rings and pulse repetition rate. for optimal detection capability in short to long ranges. You can select pulselength with the ECHO control. For details, see paragraph 1.13. scale. The range, range ring interval and pulselength appear at the top left comer ot the display. You can repeat the same procedure on third and fourth targets (targets 3 and 4) by using the No.2 EBL and No.2 VRM. Bearing is shown relative to own ship with suffix “R" or as a true bearing with suffix “1" depending on EBL relative/true settings on the OTHER menu. No. i ear. NeJVRM EBL VHM E—m -—_| Bearing from target A Henge between to target B target A and target B Figure 1~ 18 Measuring range and bearing between two targets 1.22 Setting a Target Alarm Zone The target alarm feature should never be relied upon as the sole means for detecting the risk of potential collision. The operator of a ship is not relieved of the responsibility to keep lookout for avoiding collisions, whether or not the radar is in use. The target alarm serves to alert the naviga- tor to targets (ships. Iandmasses, etc.) en- tering a certain area, with visual and audible alarms. The zone has a fixed width of 0.5 nm in the radial direction (depth) and is adjustable only within 3.0 to 6.0 nm from own ship. The outer and inner boundaries can be set at any dis- tance. The sector of the zone can be set any- where between 0 and 360 degrees in any direction. To set target alarm zones: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the £3] key twice to show the TGT ALARM menu. TGT ALARM 1. AREA N01 N02 2. MODE1 IN OUT 3. MODE2 IN OUT Figure 1-19 TGTALARM menu 2. Press the [1] key to select target alarm zone to use; N01 or N02. 3. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 4. Press the [MENU] key. 5. Place the cursor (+) at point “A" (see fig- ure below) using the trackball. Press the [62 ALARM] key. GZ1 (or 622) SET ap- pears. When both alarms are prepared _ the active alarm is circumscribed. 6. Move the cursor (+) to point “B” and press the [GZALAHM] key again. Then, an echo watch zone as illustrated is created and the label IN (or OUT) replaces SET at the lower-right comer of the screen. Target alarm ' zone fifi Figure 1-20 Target alarm Note: It you wish to create a target alarm zone having a 360-degree coverage around own ship, set point ‘B” in almost the same direction (approx. fit") as point "A” and press the [GZ ALARM] key, Two alarm zones can be set as described above. To change the active alarm zone, do steps 1 thru 4 in the above procedure. (When both alarms are prepared the active alarm Is circumscribed.) inherent property 01 the radiation pattern of the antenna. To enhance target video, use the echo stretch function. There are two types: echo stretch 1 (E81 ) to enlarge in bear- ing direction for long range detection, and echo stretch 2 (E82) to enlarge in range di- rection. Enlarged in bearing (circumferential) “Hermon with 551 [1 a distant target is hard to see, use ES 1. Note: The echo stretch magnifies not only small target pips but also returns (clutter) from sea surface, rain and radar Interference. For this reason make sure these types of inter- ference have been sufficiently suppressed before activating this functlon. Enlarged with E82 ll a unset lime: similar as it mm; mm ship, use 21 Figure 1-10 Echo stretch Table 1-1 ECHO control setting, pulse/ength and echo stretch ECHO Control Posltlon ~__,—-———— .——...— Range —3 -2 -1 o 1 2 0.125 S1P S1P S1P S1P S1 P, E31 S1P. ES1 S1 P, ES1 ._L— SlF' 51 P, ES1 S1P, ES1 S1P, E81 M1 P, E51 S1P, E51 M1P M1P, E51 S1P, E81 M1P M1 P, E51 S1 F', E51 S1P, ES1 S1P, E81 S1 P. ES1 1.5 S1P S1P 2 S1P S1P S1 P, E51 M1P M1P, E81 M1 P. E82 M1P, ESz S1F' S1P S1P, E51 M1P M1P, E51 M1 P. 582 M1 P, E82 4 M1P M1P M1 P, E51 M2P M2P, E52 M2P, E52 M2P, E52 M1P, E51 M2P M2P, E32 M2P, E52 M2P, ES2 M1 P, E81 M2P M2P, E524 LP LP, ESZ M1P, E51 M2P M2P, E52 LP LP, E32 cum .. ‘u 1: M2P, 531—1 LP LP, 531 LP. 532 M2P, 551 E 32 LP LP LP LP LP, 531 LP, E52 LP, sea 48 LP LP LP LP LP, 551 LP, E52 LP, 552 64 LP LP LP LP LP, 551 LP, 582 LP, 552 72 LP LP LP LP LP. E31.I LP, 532 LP. E32 as LP LP LP LP LP, 551 LP, 552 LP, Esz 120 LP LP LP LP LP, 551 LP, ESZ LP, 532 1.24 Echo Averaging The echo average feature effectively sup- presses sea clutter. Echoes received from stable targets such as ships appear on the screen at almost the same position every ro- tation of the scanner. On the other hand, un- stable echoes such as sea clutter appear at random positions. To distinguish real target echoes from sea clutter, echo average performs scan-tc-scan correlation. Correlation Is made by storing and averaging echo signals over successive picture frames. if an echo is solid and stable, it is presented in its normal intensity. Sea clut- ter is averaged over euwessive scans result- ing in the reduced brilliance, making it easier to discriminate reel targets from sea clutter. To properly use the echo average function, it is recommended to first suppress sea clutter with the A/C SEA control and then do the fol- lowing: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [5] key twice to select the ECHO SIG menu. ECHO ele TGT coma E ECHO AVG g INT FlEJ OFF N as) OFF» ENHANCE OFF 2ND ECHO OFF VlD CCNTFf 1 2 a can SWEEP FF 0N(LJNK) 0mm SWEEP LVL I] 2 a Figure 1-23 ECHO SIG menu 3. Press the [2] key to select echo averag- ing level (OFF, 0.51, 2, 3) from the ECHO AVG field. OFF: No averaging effect 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 0.5: Distinguishes small targets from sea clutter. 1: Distinguishes targets from sea clutter and suppresses brilliance of unstable echoes. 2: Disfingulshes small stationary targets such as navigation buoys. 3: Stebly displays distant targets. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to con- clude your selection followed by the [MENU] key to close the menu. (b) Ed'io average ON (a) Echo average OFF Figure 1-24 Echo averaging Echo averaging uses scan-to-scan signal cor- relatlon technique based on the true motion over the ground of each target. Thus, small stationery targets such as buoys will be shown while suppressing random echoes such as sea clutter. True echo average ls not however effective for picking up small targets mnning at high speeds over the ground. Echo average requires log and compass sig- nals. If you wish to use this feature without a compass signal, consult a FURUNO repre- sentative. Manual speed entry is done at the menu item MAN SPD on the OTHER menu, which is ac- cessed by pressing the [MENU] and [0] (twice) keys. 1.16 Suppressing Precipitation Clutter The vertical beamwidth cf the scanner is de- signed to see surface targets even when the ship is rolling. However, by this design the unit will also detect rain clutter (rain, snow, or hail) in the same manner as normal tar- gets. Figure 1-12 shows the appearance of rain clutter on the display. The NC RAIN control adjusts the receiver sensitivity as the NC SEA control does but rather in a longer time period (longer range). Clockwise rotation of this control increases the anti-clutter efiect. NC RAIN control OFF adjusted Figure 1-12 Effect of A/C RAIN control A/C RAIN control 1.17 Interference Rejector Mutual radar interference may occur in the vicinity of another shipbome radar operating in the same frequency band (9 GHz). It is seen on the screen as a number of bright spikes either In irregular pattems or in the form of usually curved spoke-like dotted lines extending from the center to the edge of the picture. This type of interference can be re- duced by activating the interlerence rejector circuit. The interference rejector is a kind of signal correlation circuit. It compares the received signals over successive transmissions and suppresses randomly occurring signals. There are three levels of interference rejec- tion depending on the number of transmis- sions that are correlated. These are indicated bythe legends IR1, lR2 and IRS at the iower~ left position of the screen. Figure 1-13 Interference To activate the Interference rejector; 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [5] key twice to select ECHO SlG. ECHO sue TGTCOLOR YEL GRN COLOR OFF ECHO AVG INT REJ OFF 1 NREJ fl ON ENHANCE OFF ON 2ND ECHO o'F-"F ON VID coma film? a omumo omruo j 2 a CLTR SWEEP SWEEP LVL Figure 1-14 ECHO SIG menu 3. Press the [3] key to select interference rejection level (OFF, 1, 2, or 3) from the INT REJ field. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 5. Press the [MENU] key. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. 7. B. 9. 1.18 Measuring the Range Measuring range by the fixed range rings Use the fixed range rings to obtain a rough estimate of the range to a target They are concentric solid circles about own ship, or the sweep origin. The number of rings is auto- matically determined by the selected range scale and their interval is displayed at the upper-left position of the screen. The fixed range rings may be turned on/off and their brilliance adjusted with the [RINGS] key. True or relative vector, vector time Vectors can be displayed relative to own ship‘s heading (Relative) or with reference to the North (True). This feature is available in all presentation modes (compass must be working correctly). The current vector mode is indicated at the upper-right corner of the screen. Vectortime (or the length of vectors) can be set to 30 seconds, 1, 3, 6, 15 or 30 minutes and the selected vector time is indicated at the upper-right corner of the screen. 1. Press the [MENU] key followed by the [7] key twice to select PLOT. PLOT MENU1 1. MARK DISP E 2. ERASE 3. VECT REF REL 4. VECTT'IME ' ' (min) 5. CPA ssr 0.5NM 1NM 1.5NM SNM 4NM 5. TCPA SEI' (mm) 7. TFlACK . INTVAL“ (win) . TARGET BASED SPEED' . l ' Requires Auto Tracking Aid ARP-10 or ARP-I 7. Figure 1-26 PLOT menu 2. Press the [3] key to select REL or TRUE from the VECT REF field as appropriate, and then press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 3. Press the [4] to select appropriate vector time from the VEC TIME field, and then press the {ENTER/SELECT] key. 4. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu. The vector tip shows an estimated position of the target after the selected vector time elapses. It can be valuable to extend the vec- tor length to evaluate the risk of collision with any target. Target data The radar calculates motion trends (range, bearing, course, speed, CPA and TCPA) of all plotted targets. In the head-up and head-up true bearing modes, target bearing, course and speed shown in the upper-right target data field be- come true (T) relative to north. The target date field always displays true bearing. true course and speed over the ground. Reading the target date Place the cursoron a plotted target and press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. Then, the follow- ing target data ls displayed at the right side of the CRT. RNGIBRG (Range/Bearing): Range and hearing from own ship to last-plotted target with suffix “T' (True). CBS/SPD (Course/Speed): Course and speed are displayed for the last-plotted tar- get with suffix "T' (True). CPA/TCPA: CPA (Closest Poim of App reach) is the closest range the target will approach to own ship. TCPA is the time to CPA Both CPA and TCPA are automatically calculated. TCPA is counted up to 99.59 min and be- yond that it is indicated as TCPA > '99.59 MIN. Terminating target planing Vlfith the EPA you can plot up to 1D targets. You may wish to terminate planing of less important targets to newly plot other threat- ening targets. With Trackball: Place the cursor (+) on a target which you do not want to be tracked any longer by operating the trackball and press the [CANCEL/CLEAR] key. All Targets: To terminate plotting of all tar- gets at once: 1. Press the [MENU] key followed by the [7] key twice. 1.20 Collision Assessment by the Offset EBL The origin of the EBL can be placed any- where with the trackball to enable measure- ment of range and bearing between any targets. This function is also useful for as- sessment of the potential risk of collision. To assess possibility of collision: 1. Press the [EBL ON] key to display or ac- tivate EBL No.1 Place the cursor (+) on a target of inter~ est (A in the illustrated example) by oper- ating the trackball. Press the [EBL OFFSET] key, and the origin of the active EBL shifts to the cur- sor position. Press the [EBL OFFSET] key again to anchor the EBL origin. After waiting for a few minutes (at least 3 minutes), operate the EBL rotary control until the EBL bisects the target at the new position (A'). The EBL readout shows the target ship’s course, which may be true or relative depending on the settings on the OTHER menu. if relative motion is selected. it is also possible to read CPA (Closest Point of Approach) by using a VFlM as shown below (Figure (a)). If the EBL passes through the sweep origin (own ship) as illustrated (Figure (b)), the target ship is on a collision course. To return the EBL origin to the own ship position, press the [EBL OFFSET] key again. Cursor No.1 EBL we (3) Evaluating target ship’s course and CPA in relative motion mode Cursor No.1 EBL vm ma Ml (b) Target ship on collision course Figure 1-17 How to assess risk of collision 1.21 Measuring Range and Bearing Between Two Targets _. . Press the [EBL ON] key to activate the No. 1 EBL. Press the [EBL OFFSET] key, and place the origin of the No.1 EBL on a target of interest (target 1 in the illustrated example) by operating the trackball. 2. Turn the EBL rotary control until the EBL passes through another target of interest (target 2). 3. Turn the VFW rotary control until the range marker on the No. 1 EBL aligns with target 2. The active VFiM readout at the lower-right comer otthe screen indicates the distance between the two targets. 4. To retum the EBL origin to the own ship position, press the [EBL OFFSET] key again. PLOT MENUt . MARKDISP E on . ERASE . vscr FIEF REL mus . VECTTIME g 1 a a (min) 15 ac .CPA ser E 0.5NM tNM 1.5NM 2NM BNM mm 5NM . TCPA SET 3-91— 1 z a (min) 4 5 s 12 1s , TRACK E on . INTVAL' ans 1 2 3 a (min) . TARGET BASED SPEED" . i Requires Auto Tracking Aid AHP-1o or ARP-17. Figure 1-28 PLOT menu 3. Press the [7] key to select OFF or ON from the TRACK lleld as appropriate. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELEC'H key to reg- ister your selection followed by the [MENU] key to close the menu. 1.26 Target Trails (Echo Trails) It is possible to display the trails of the radar echoes of targets in the form of synthetic af- terglow. Target trails are selected either rela- tive or true and may be sea or ground stabilized. The simulated afterglow can be se- lected in a single tone or gradual shading de- pending on a setting on the TGTTFtAIL menu. True or relative trails You may display target trails relative to north or own ship heading in Relative Motion. True motion trails require a compass signal and own ship speed input to cancel out own ship’s movement and present true target move- ments in accordance with their over-the- ground speeds and courses. a) True target trails-no smearing of stationary targets b) Relative target trails-all targets moving relative to own ship Figure 1-29 Target trails Note: When relative trail on the TM mode, the legend REL TRAIL appears in red. To select true or relative target trail presen- tation: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [2] key twice to show the TGT TRAIL menu. TGTTRAIL Ems 1M 3M 6M 15M somcorrr 2. MODE nan. TRUE MON MULTI L“ 1. TIME 3. SHADE 4. LEVEL 5. TFIAIL COPY OFF ON G. THIN TRAIL OFF ON Figure 1-30 TGT TRAIL menu 3. Press the [2] key several times to select REL or TRUE from the MODE field as appropriate. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to con- firm your selection, then the [MENU] key to close the menu. Acknowledging alarm A target entering the target alarm zone pro- duces both visual (flashing) and audible (beeping) alarms. To silence the audible alarm. press the [AUDIO OFF] key shortly. ACK replaces IN (or OUT). This will deactivate the audible alarm but will not stop the flashing of the target in the guard alarm zone. To reactivate the audible alarm, press the [GZ ALARM] key again. To silence the audible alarm, you may press the [AUDIO OFF] key. However, in this case, the label ACK does not appear. Deactivatlng target alarm zone Hold the [62 ALARM] key depressed for at least 5 seconds. Note: The target alarm is given to targets having a certain level of echo strength. This level does not always imply a landmass, reef, ships or other surface objects but can mean returns from the sea surface or precipitation. Property adjust the GAIN, A/C SEA, and NC RAIN controls to reduce noise to avoid gen- eration of the guard alarm against false tar- gets. Inward and outward alarms The inward target alarm generates visual and audible warnings when a target enters the target alarm zone from any direction. The outward target alarm is produced when a tar- get leaves the target alarm zone. (This is not a target alarm by definition but some users find this feature valuable.) Dashed line: No alarm. \ Alarm sounds when target ,‘ ,' \\ violates alarm selflng. ' ~ zone INWARD ALARM Figure 1-21 Inward and outward alarms OUTWARD ALARM 1.23 Off-centering (shift) Own ship position, or sweep origin, can be displaced to expand the view field without switching to a larger range scale. The sweep origin can be off-centered to a point speci- fied by the cursor, up to 75% of ranges other than 72, 96 and 120 nm. This feature is not available on the longest range scale or in the true motion mode. The number of range rings Increases keeping the original range intervals unchanged. To off center the radar picture: 1. Place the cursor at a position where you wish to move the sweep origin by operat- ing the trackball. 2. Press the [SHIFT] key. Then, the sweep origin is off-centered to the cursor posi- tion. However, the heading line is left In the same position. 3. To cancel oft-centering, press the [SHIFT] key again. (o) Press SHIFT key to offcenter. (a) Select location with cursor. Figure 1 -22 Off-centered display Note: The display is automatically shifted by 75% of the range in use whenever the cur- sor is placed at an edge of the effective dis- play area. Resetting target trails To reset (or clear) the target trail memory, hold the [TGT TRAIL] key depressed for about 3 seconds. Target trails are cleared and the trailing process restarts from time count zero at current target trail plot interval. Note that target trails are also restarted when the shift feature ls turned on or the range is changed. Trail brilliance The brilliance of target trails can be adjusted on the BRILL menu as follows: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [9] key twice to display the BRILL menu. BRILL TGT TRAIL CHARACTER HDG LINE EBL/V RM CURSOR MAFIK PLOT 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ' Requires RP-17 Board. Figure 1-35 BRILL menu 3. Press the [1] key twice to select TGT TRAIL. 4. Operate the VRM rotary control to adjust brilliance. Current brilliance is shown by the BRILL bar graph at the top right-hand comer of the screen. 5. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to con- clude your selection followed by the [MENU] key to close the menu. Thin trails Target trails may be painted with thinner lines if desired. 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [2] key twice to select TGT TRAIL. 3. Press the [6] key to select ON or OFF from the THIN TRAILfield as appropriate. 4, Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key and [MENU] key in order. Trail afterglow The strength of the synthetic afterglow to re- main on the display may be selected as fol- lows: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [2] key twice to select TGT TRAIL. 3. Press the [4] key to select desired level from the LEVEL field; '8" displays only the highest level of afterglow. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key and [MENU] key In order. 1.27 Parallel Index Lines Parallel index lines are useful for keeping a constant distance between own ship and a coastline or a partner ship when navigating. The orientation of the index lines is controlled with the EBL rotary control and the Intervals between the lines adjusted with the VRM ro- tary control (provided that No.2 VRM is ac- tive). Figure 1-36 Index lines Displaying/erasing the Index Ilnes Press the [INDEX LINE] key to display/erase the index lines. Each press of the key turns the parallel Index lines on (enabling adjust- ment by VRM, EBL), lixes them on the dis- play or tums them off. 1.25 Electronic Plotting Aid (EPA) to operator-selected targets can be plotted electronically to assess their motion trend. Five past positions can be displayed for each of the plotted targets. If you enter a 6th plot on a certain target, the oldest plot (past posi- tion) will be erased. A vector appears when you enter a second plot forthe target and is updated each time a new plot is entered. The vector shows the target motion trend based on its latest two plots. Target data is shown in the data display area which shows range, bearing. course, speed, CPA and TCPA of the last-plotted or selected target. Plotting time or mus vacron NS 3L ENG 0.1mm ERG 125.5'7 CSE InJ'T 12W CPA 5pm TPCA 15:20 .- t. w! “- EPA symbols 0: Target plotted D : Target plotted and data Indlcated. A: Target on a collision course Note: Target 2 is on a collision course as the extension of its vector goes through the own ship position. Placing the oflset EBL will help for assessment. TCPA is counted up to 99.59 min and beyond that it is indicated as TCPA > 99.59 MIN. Figure 1-25 EPA display Target data Note: The EPA requires speed input (auto- matic or manual) and a compass signal. The vector and data are updated on real time be- tween plot entries, but do not neglect to plot a new position over a long period of time. Otherwise, the accuracy will be reduced. Note that the plots will be lost when the compass fails; start the plotting exercise again. Planing a target 1. Place the cursor on a target of interest by operating the trackball. 2. Press the [A00] key. A plot symbol (circle) plus target number (0-9) appear on the target. 3. Watching the EPA time shown atthe right side of the screen, wait for at least 30 seconds. Place the cursor (+) on the plot symbol with number and then press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. The symbol shape changes from circle to square and the target number in the data display flashes. 4. While the target number is flashing, place the cursor on the target and press the [A00] key. The plot symbol moves to the new target position and the previous po- sition is marked by a small dot. 5. To acquire other targets, repeat the above steps selecting different plot symbols. Note: If a target once plotted is not plotted again within 12 minutes, the wamlng “UP- DATE PLOT' will appear on the upper right margin of the screen and the plot symbol of the target flashes. Plotting of a target will be ceased if the time between consecutive plots exceeds 12 minutes. If you want to continue plotting this target, reacquire it within one minute. Othenflise, the target will be regarded as a “lost target" and its plot symbol and tar- get data will be erased. The larger the plot- ting interval, the less accurate the plotted target data. Plotting oi each target should nor- mally be made every 3 or 6 minutes as tar as possible. You can use a Time Alarm to warn yourself every 3 or 6 minutes. Within 30 seconds, you can cancel a last plot by the [CANCEL/CLEAR] key and make a re-entry at a different position. After 30 sec- onds, the last entry is processed to produce a vector. 1.30 Markers Heading line and heading marker The heading line indicate the ship's heading in all presentation modes. The heading line Is a line from the own ship position to the outer edge of the radar display area and ap- pears at zero degrees on the bearing scale in heed-up mode, it changes the orientation depending on the ship orientation in the nonh- up and true motion modes. The heading marker appears as a small circle on the bear- ing scale to indicate the heading when the display is shifted or is in the north~up orTM mode. Temporarily erasing heading line To temporarily extinguish the heading line to look at targets existing dead ahead of own ship. press the GAIN control (HM OFF con- trol). The heading line reappears when the control is released. North marker The north marker appears as a short dashed line. In the head-up mode, the north marker moves around the bearing scale in accor- dance with the compass signal. Stern marker The stem marker (a dot-and-dash line) ap- pears opposite to the heading line. It can be displayed/erased on the item MARK/LINE in the OTHER menu. Own ship symbol The own ship symbol appears at own ship position. It can be displayed/erased on the item MARK/LINE in the OTHER menu. The symbol is scaled to indicate length and been of the vessel. It the largest dimension of the symbol gets smaller than 6 nm, the symbol will disappear and own ship will be repre- sented by a small dot or circle. The size of the symbol is set at installation. 1.31 User Keys (F1, F2, F3) The user keys [F1], [F2] and [F3] may be pro- grammed by the operator to display a desired menu. For example, you can program the [F2] key to select target trail time whenever the key is pressed. The default settings are [F1], echo averag- ing; [F2], echo stretch and [F3], clutter sweep. Presetting the user keys 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [6] key twice to display the FUNC menu. Figure 1—39 FUNC menu 3. Press [3], [4], or [5] key twice depending on which user key you want to set. For example, press the [4] key to program the [F2] key. [F-2 MENU] 1. TRArL TiME 2s HUTB MODE z TRAIL MODE 27. TUNE AM a TRAIL sum as. B(T Win a. TRAIL LEVEL as. as POSN s ALARM AREA an. CURs ERG eALARM MODE 31. EU T/R 7. PANE. DIMMER 32. EeLz TIH a TM eaten as. CUES Rm; 9. EOHO Ave 34. vnm HNG 10. INT HEJ ' as. VRm RM; 11. ECHO STRETCH as CLTR SWEEP rz. NOSE RE.) 13. ECHO ENHANCE 14. mo ECHO is VIDEO con 1.1 PLOT MENU r7. MARK McDE 1a ERrLL MENU 1s DRrr-‘r MENU M. NAV DATA 21. DISPLAY 22 WT a. TIMEFI ALM MENU 24. STERN MK 25. 05 MARK sum by VRM we and hit ENTER hey. Figure 1-40 Function menu 4. Select desired function with the VFW ro- tary control. 2. Press the [2] key twice to select OFF from the ERASE field. 3. Press the [ENTER/SELEC'H key followed by the [MENU] key. Setting CPA/T CPA alarm ranges When the predicted GPA of any target be- comes smaller than a preset CPA alarm range and its predicted TCPA less than a preset TCPA alarm limit, the EPA releases an au- dible alarm and displays the warning label COLLlSION appears on the screen. in addi- tion, the EPA symbol changes to a triangle and flashes together with its vector. Provided that this feature is used correctly, it will help prevent the risk of collision by alert- ing you to threatening targets. It is important that GAlN, A/C SEA, NC RAIN and other radar controls are properly adiusted. CPA/TCPA alarm ranges must be set up prop- erty taking into consideration the size, ton- nage, speed, turning performance and other characteristics of own ship. CPA/TCPA Alarm The CPA/TCPA alarm feature should never be relied upon as the sole means for detect- ing the risk of collision. The navigator is not relieved of the respon- sibillity to keep visual lookout for avoiding collisions, whether or not the radar or other plotting aid is in use. To set the CPA/TCPA alarm ranges: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [7] key twice to display the PLOT menu. PLOT MENU 1 1. MARK DISP OFF ON a. emse a. vecr nee REL mue 4, vecr ‘I1ME @ 1 a 6 (min) 15 so 5. cm ser E 0.5NM 1NM 1.5NM ZNM SNM ANM .TCPASET cos 1 z 3 (mln) 4 5 612 15 7. TFlACK gei on s. INTVAL' 30s 1 2 a a ("ti") 9. TARGET BASED SPEED' O. l ‘ Requires Auto Tracking Aid AHP-t 0 or ARP<17. Figure 1 -27 PLOT menu 3. Press the [5] key for CPA SET or [6] key for TCPA set. 4. Press the [5] key or [6] key again to se- lect CPA or TCPA range desired. 5. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to reg- lster your selection. 6. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu. Silencing CPA/TCPA audible alarm Press the [AUDIO OFF] key to acknowledge and silence the CPA/TCPA aural alarm. The flashing of the triangle plot symbol and vector remain on the screen until the den- gerous situation is gone or you intentionally terminate tracking of the target by using the trackball. Past plot points Past plot points may be marked on the dis— play with as many as nine dots. You can turn this display cnloif as follows: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the m key twice to select PLOT. Press the [2] key twice to select function desired. Change otherfuncfions (echo avg, int rej, etc.) if necessary. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to reg- ister your selection followed by the [MENU] key to close the menu. 1.33 Suppressing Second-trace Echoes In certain situations, echoes from very dis- tant targets may appear as false echoes (sec- ond-trace echoes) on the screen. This occurs when the return echo is received one trans- mission cycle later, that is, after a next radar pulse has been transmitted. To activate or deactivate the second-trace echo rejector. 1. Press the [MENU] key followed bythe [5] key twice to display the ECHO SIG menu. ECHO SlG 1. TGT COLOR TEE" GHN COLOR 2. ECHO AVG 5? 0.5 1 2 a 3. INT HEJ OFF 1 z a 4. NFIEJ OFF ON 5. ENHANCE OFF ON 6. 2ND ECHO W on 7. VID CONTR % e a. cure SWEEP ONlLINK) 0mm) 9. SWEEPLVL l] 2 3 Figure 1-43 ECHO SIG menu Press the [6] key to select OFF or ON from the 2ND ECHO field as appropriate. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to con- clude your selection followed by the [MENU] key to close the menu. Table 1-3 Default function key settings 4. INT 5. STRETCH Detautl Function Key Setting: —_nfi-n m-—Fn WW-- CONT NUTO _““° rm Trail gradation Target trails may be shown in monotone or multitone. Gradual shading paints the trails getting thinner with time just like the after- glow on an analog PPi radar. _mu: Monotone Gradual shading (Single) (Mum) Figure 1-31 Monotone and multitone target trails 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [2] key twice to select TGT TRAIL TGTTRAIL (guns 1M 3M 6M 15M 30M com TRUE mm MULTI n 2 3 ON on Figure 1-32 TGT TRAIL menu a. Press the [3] key to select MONO or MULTI from the SHADE field as appro- priate. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key and the [MENU] key in order. 1. TIME . MODE . SHADE . TRAIL COPY 4. LEVEL 6. THIN TRAIL Displaying, erasing target trails Press the [TGT TRAIL] key to activate or de- activate the target trails feature. The current target trail setting is displayed at the upper right-and comer of the screen. To remove trails from the screen, press the [TGT TRAIL] with a hit-and-release action. (Trailing continues off screen with target trail timer counting). Press the key again to redisplay the trails. Selecting trail time 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [2] key twice to select TGT TRAIL TGTTRAIL 1. TIME Ems 1M 3M EM 15m soM com 2. MODE REL TRUE 3. SHADE MON MULTI 4. LEVEL 1 2 3 5. TRAILCOPY OFF on e. THIN TRAIL OFF ON Figure 1-33 TGT TRAIL menu 3. Press the [1] key to select time desired from the TIME field. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key and the [MENU] key In order. Restoring trails Trails are cancelled and restarted whenever the range is changed. However, you can con- tinue trails on the same range, without re- starting, when the range is changed to a next larger or smaller range scale. Note however that when the range is changed, only those target trails within the previous range are continued; no trails are generated iortargets outside of the previous range. No trail generated for target not within previous range a) Previous range Figure 1-34 How trail copy works 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [2] key twice to select TGT TRAIL. 3. Press the [5] key to select ON or OFF from the TRAIL COPY field as appropriate. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key and [MENU] key in order. 2. Press the [2] key to select desired inter- val (3, 6, 12, 15, 20 min) from the ALM INTVL field. 3. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to con- clude your selection followed by the [MENU] key to close the menu. 1.37 Enhanced Video On long ranges target echoes tend to shrink in the bearing direction, making them diffi- cult to see. On short and medium ranges such as 1.5, 3 and 6 nm scales, the same size targets get smaller on screen as they approach the own ship. These are due to the inherent property of the radiation pattern of the antenna. To enhance target video, use the enhanced video function. it enlarges tar- get echoes in bearing and range direction on 1.5—6 nm scales. 1. Press the [MENU] key followed by the [5] key twice to show the ECHO SIG menu. ECHO sre TGT COLOR YEL EcHo AVG OFF lNT REJ OFF N REJ OFF ENHANCE OFF 2ND ECHO OFF VlD con-m 1 2 s CLTR SWEEP -0N(L|NK) omnxt SWEEP LVL ] 2 3 figure 1-47 ECHO SIG menu 2. Press the [5] key to select OFF or ON from the ENHANCE field. 3. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key, and then press the [MENU] key. 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. G. 7. 8. 9. Echo enlarged in bearing and range directions Figure 1-48 How the enhance function works Note: Enhanced video can also be selected with a user key. 1.38 Degaussing Interval The screen is degaussed automatically at certain time intervals, as well as each time the radar is turned on, to demagnetize the CRT screen to eliminate color contamination caused by earth’s magnetism or magnetized ship stmcture. You can select the degauss- ing interval and the degaussing degree as follows: 1. Press the [MENU] key followed by the [0] key twice to select OTHER. 2. Press the [0] key twice to select the OTHER menu. . T . TEST . DEGAUSS . TIME ALARM . RANGE . iNSTALL Figure 7-49 OTHER menu 3. Press the [3] key twice to display the DE- GAUSS menu. DEGAUSS 1. T 2. DEGSINTV 3. DEGS DEG OFF 305 1M 2M fie Figure 1 -50 DEGAUSS menu 90“ 135” Selecting number of index lines to display Maximum number of the index lines can be set for 2 or 6 on the MARK/LINE in the OTHER menu. 1.28 Origin Mark You can mark any reference points, promi- nent target or a point of particular interest us- ing the origin mark feature. This mark is geographically fixed, namely, ground stabi- lized. Twenty such origin marks can be en- tered. This function is not available when the RP-17 board is Installed. To use the origin mark: 1 . Place the cursor (+) at a point where you want to place a reference mark by oper- ating the trackball. 2. Press the [MARK] key. The origin mark appears at the cursor position, of which range and bearing are indicated at the upper-right section of the screen. Orlgln mark reference The origin mark can be set relative to own ship (relative), or referenced to land (sea or ground stabilized). 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [8] key twice to select MARK. MARK 1. ERASE TRUE Figure 1-37 MARK menu 3. Press the [2] to select the REL or TRUE from the MODE field as appropriate. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 5. Press the [MENU] key. Erasing orlgln marks Erasing individual origin marks Select the origin mark with the cursor and then press the [CANCEUCLEAH] key. Erasing all origin marks 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [8] key twice to select MARK. 3. Press the [1] key to select the ON option from the ERASE field. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key followed by the [MENU] key. 1.29 Zoom The zoom function is useful for enlarging an area of interest as large as twice the normal viewing. This performs the range scale re- duction to a half and the offset at the same time. Zoom can be used on ranges otherthan 0.125, 72, 96, 120 nm. 1. Place the cursor (+) close to the point of interest by operating the trackball. 2. Press the [ZOOM] key. The area around the cursor and own ship is enlarged twice as large as the original size. ' 3. To cancel zoom, press and hold down the [ZOOM] key about two seconds. Note: The zoom feature is inoperative when the display is off centered. Cursor (b) Press zoom (a) Cursor placed at key to zoom in. point of interest Figure 1 -38 Zoom ON(LlNK): Sweep ares moves with trackball operation. Sweep cursor shown by dashed lines. Sweep area is fixed on the screen. Sweep cursor shown by solid lines. 4. Press the [9] key (SWEEP LVL) several times to select level of suppression to use; “3” provides the highest level of noise sup- pression. 5. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to reg- ister your selection and the [MENU] key to finish. ON(FlX): 8. Operate the trackball to select area to pro— cess. Select area to process with square cursor. Figure 1-52 Selection of area to process with clutter sweep The clutter sweep feature may also be acti- vated by a user key. 1.42 Outputting Target Position Target position can be output (in IEC 61162— 1 format) to a video plotter and marked on its screen with a symbol. Select target with the trackball and push the NC RAIN control. (TLL) This function requires position data and compass signal. 1.43 Background Color The secondary function of the BRILL control (BKGND COLOR) is to select the color of the background, characters, menu, markers and indications, from the five color combinations shown in the table below. Each press of the control selects one of the five color combina- tlons. Table 1—4 Available color combinations Item 1.44 Selecting Range Scales Range scales to use may be selected as fol- lows: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [0] key fourtlmes to display the OTHER sub menu. 1. T 2. TEST 3. DEGAUSS 4. TIME ALARM 5. RANGE 6. INSTALL Figure 1-53 OTHER sub menu 5. Press the [ENTER/SELEC'H key to reg- ister your selection, and then press the [MENU] key to finish. Activating a user-defined key Press a user key. Press the key again to se- lect option desired. 1.32 Function Keys The function keys work similar to the auto- matic dialing feature on a telephone, playing back control settings just as they were regis- tered. Instead of manually adjusting convols to set up for a particular condition, for ex- ample, navigation in a harbor, you can have a function key do it for you. Each function key can be assigned a combi- nation of particular radar settings that will be most suited to a specific navigation purpose, and an adhesive-backed label (such as OCEAN, COAST) is usually attached to the keytop for easy Identification of the assigned purpose. Presetting the function keys The radar’s internal computer offers several navigation setups es cuttined In the table on the next page. For Instance, you might want to select RAIN as the objective of a function key. Then, when you press that function key the radar will be instantly set up to operate under heavy rain conditions. Each setup option defines a'combination of several radar settings tor achieving optimum setup for a particular navigating situation. Those involved are interference reiector, echo stretch, echo average, automatic anti-clutter, noise rejector, video contrast, and enhanced video. Adjusting these features on a function key menu changes the original function key set— tings. To restore the original settings for a particular function key, it is necessary to dis- play the relevant function key menu and se- lect appropriate menu options. Table 1-2 FUNC key objectives Label COAST Description Optimum setting for short range detection using a range scale between 1.5 and 6 nm on calm seas. Optimum setting for long range detection using a range scale between 6 and 24 nm. Optimum setting for heavy seas usng a range scale between 3 and 12 nm. Optimum setting tor heavy rain conditions using a range scale between E and 24 nm. Optimum setting ior detecting birds using a range scale between 3 and 3 nm. Optimum setting tor detecting birds using a range scale between 15 and 24 nm. OCEAN Fi-SEA FiAIN 1 . Press the [MENU] key followed by the [6] key twice to display the FUNC menu. Figure 1-41 FUNC menu 2. Press [1] or [2] key twice to select func- , tion to program. For example, press the [1] key to program FUNCt . The following menu appears. FUNC 1 MENU COAST R-SEA RAIN BiRD-N BIRD-F OFF 05 I2 3 OFthla giz . T . FUNC SEL . ECHO AVG . INT REJ . STRETCH . N REJ OFF . ENHANCE . VIDEO CONTFl . NC AUTO OFF Figure 1-42 FUNC1 menu 1.46 Alarms The table below shows the alarm indications which appear on the display screen. Table 1 -5 Alarms Fault Audlble alarm Vlsual alarm To quit alarm statue Heading lailure beeps Heading label reads Match the on-screen Heading "mx’ ' and the message readout with the actual ‘GYRO SIGNAL MISSING" compass reading, if necessary. appears in red. To stop audible alarm press Display is automatically the [AUDlO OFH key. switched to Head-up mode within 1 min. Target alarm Beeps Target flashes. Press [T GT ALARM] key. (Section 1.22). Watch alarm " Beeps WATCH 0:00 Press the [AUDIO OFF] key. (Label 'WATCH TIM” turns fl'ie label WATCH turns to red and time count freezes at 'o:oo.-). normal video and the timer is reset (Section 1.36). l__ _l_ Own ship lat/Ion None 'xxx.x“ in own ship position Make sure that own ship Cursor lat/Ion field position data is fed from ‘xxx.x' in cursor positlon external radionav equipment. field System failure None Message "AZIMUTH SIGNAL MISSING" appears. No radar echoes. _J lncon'ect Double beep tone None Correct keystmlm is responded keystroke by a single beep provided that KEY BEEP ON is selected at J installation. Log failure 2 beeps LOG I‘xx.x' and "LOG It the log has failed, use the SIGNAL MISSING" appear, Manual Speed mode, or other it no log signal is input for appropriate sensor. 30 sec. EPA plotting [None UPDATE PLOT informs that Plot target again. a target which was once plotted Is not planed within 10 minutes. Target on collision Beeps course collision course. COLLISION appears when Take evasive action or EPA—tracked target is on terminate tracking of target. 1.34 Adjusting Brilliance of Screen Data You can adjust relative brilliance levels of various marks and alphanumeric readouts displayed on the screen as follows: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [9] key twice to show the BRILL menu. BRILL TGT TRAIL CHARACTER HDG LINE EBLNRM CURSOR MARK PLOT OS SYMB it ' Requires RP-17 Board. Figure 1-44 BRILL menu 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3. Press appropriate numeric key twice to select item to adjust. For example, press the [1] key if you want to change the bril- liance of target trails. 4. Operate the VRM rotary control to adjust brilliance. Current brilliance level is dis- played on the selected item’s bar graph. The adiustment range Is as follows; 1. ECHO TRAIL: 10%-50% 2. CHARACTER, 3. HDG LINE: 50%- 100% 4. EBL/VRM, 5. CURSOR, 6. MARK, 7. PLOT. 8. OS SYMB: O%-100% 5. Press the [ENTER [SELECT] key to con- clude your selection followed by the [MENU] key to close the menu. 1.35 Noise Rejector The noise rejector suppresses white noise, which appears on the screen as many dots scattered randomly over the display. To suppress white noise: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [5] key twice to show the ECHO SIG menu. ECHO are 1. TGTCOLOR E GRN coma z. ECHO AVG W 0.5 1 2 3 a. rm REJ o 1 2 3 4. NREJ ON 5. ENHANCE on: on s. 2ND ECHO on: on 7. we come 1 z 3 e. CLTR SWEEP FF oummo omnx) 9. SWEEP LVL 1 z 3 Figure 1-45 ECHO SIG menu 3. Press the [4] to select OFF or ON from the N HEJ field as appropriate. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to con- clude your selection followed by the [MENU] key to close the menu. 1.36 Time Alarm The time alarm gives an aural at a predeter- mined interval. To silence the alarm, press the [AUDIO OFF] key. The label T-ALM turns to normal color and the timer is reset to initial value and starts the count-down sequence again. To activate the time alarm: 1. Press [MENU], [0] twice and [4] twice to display the TIME ALARM. TIME ALARM 1. T 2. ALARM INTV 3M 6M 12M 15M 20M Figure 1-46 TIME ALARM menu RADAR OBSERVATION “ 2.1 General Minimum and maximum ranges Minimum range The minimum range is defined by the short- est distance at which, using a scale of 1.5 or 0.75 nm, a target having an echoing area of 10 m2 is still shown separate from the point representing the scanner position. it is mainly dependent on the pulselength, scanner height, and signal processing such as main bang suppression and digital quan- tization. It is a good practice to use a shorter range scale as far as it gives favorable defi- nition or clarity of picture. The IMO Resolu- tion A. 477 (XII) and lEC 936 require the minimum range to be less than 50 m. All FURUNO radars satisfy this requirement. Maximum range The maximum detecting range of the radar, Rmax, varies considerably depending on sev- eral factors such as the height of the scan- ner above the waterline, the height of the target above the sea, the size, shape and material of the target, and the atmospheric conditions. Under normal atmospheric conditions, the maximum range is equal to the radar hori- zon or a little shorter. The radar horizon is longer than the optical one by about 6% be- cause of the diffraction property of the radar signal. The Hmax is given in the following equation. Rmax=22X (WM/E) where Rmax: radar horizon (nautical miles) ht: scanner height (m) h2: target height (m) Radar horizon Optical horizon Figure 2-1 Radar horizon For example, if the height of the scanner above the watertine is 9 meters and the height of the target Is 16 meters, the maximum ra- dar range is; Hmw2.2xd§+m)=2.2x(3+4)=15.4nm It should be noted that the detection range is reduced by precipitation (which absorbs the radar signal). X-band and S-band ln fair weather, the above equation does not give a significant difference between X- and S—band radars. However, in heavy precipita- tion condition. an S-band radar would have better detection than an X-band radar. Radar resolution There are two important factors in radar resolution (discrimination): bearing resolution and range resolution. Bearing resolution Bearing resolution is the ability of the radar to display as separate pips the echoes re- ceived from two targets which are at the same range and close together. It is proportional to the scanner length and reciprocally pro- portional to the wavelength. The length of the scanner radiator should be chosen for a bear- ing resolution better than 25° (lMO Resolu- tion). This condition is normain satisfied with a radiator of 1.2 m (4 ft) or longer in the X- band. The S-band radar requires a radiator of about 12 feet (3.6 m) or longer. 4. Press the [2] key to select desired de- gaussing interval (OFF, 1,5, 10 min) from the DEGS INTV field, and then press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 5. Press the [3] key to select desired de- gaussing degree (45°, 90°, 135°) from the DEGS DEG field. For example, selecting 45° will automatically degauss the screen when the ship makes a turn which is be- tween 45° and 89°. 6. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key followed by the [MENU] key. 1.39 Navigation Data Various navigation data can be displayed (and their format selected) with connection of appropriate external sensors. You can se- lect which navigation data to display as fol~ lows: 1. Press the [MENU] key, and then the [0] key twice show the OTHER menu. 2. Press the [8] key twice to select display the NAV DATA menu. 3. Press appropriate numeric key to turn data on/off, select format, etc. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key after setting each option. Note: OFF in the OS POSN field simply erases own ship position data; it does not stop input of nav data from a navigation device. 4. Press the [MENU] key. All navigation data may be tumed on/off by the keying sequence of [MENU], [0] (twice) and [5]. 1,0fl 1.40 Video Contrast The video contrast is adjustable in three lev- els according to the radar video sampling level. Select the level so that the video con- trast feature changes the dynamic range of the video signal to improve picture contrast. Picture shows up most clearly from the back- ground. 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [5] key twice to display the ECHO SIG menu. ECHO SIG 1. TGTCOLOR YEL GRN COLOR 2. ECHO AVG [SE 0.5 1 2 a 3. NT REJ E 1 2 a 4. NFlEJ OFF ON 5. ENHANCE El ON 6. 2ND ECHO OFF ON 7. VID CONTR 1 2 a a. can SWEEP 0N(UNK) 0N(FlX) 9. SWEEP LVL j 2 a Figure 1-51 ECHO SIG menu 3. Press the [7] key to select desired con- trast level from the VID CONTFl field. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELEC‘H key to reg- ister you selection and the [MENU] key to finish. 1.41 Clutter Sweep The clutter sweep feature suppresses see and rain clutters wIthin'the trackball-selected area, to discriminate specific targets from noise. The user may select the area to pro- cess and the level of suppression to apply as follows: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [5] key twice to select the ECHO SIG menu. 3. Press the [8] key to turn on/off the clutter sweep function, and then press the [EN- TER/SELECT] key. OFF: Turns off clutter sweep feature. Figure 2-3 Side/obs echoes Virtual image A relatively large target close to your ship may be represented at two positions on the screen. One of them Is the true echo directly reflected by the target and the other is a false echo which is caused by the mirror effect of a large object on or close to your ship as shown in the figure below. If your ship comes close to a large metal bridge, for example, such a false echo may temporarily be seen on the screen. Target ship Own ship ’ Tme echo Ill ' f —1 (r ,' Mirror Image False - ‘ of target ship echo Figure 2-4 Virtual image Shadow sectors Funnels, stacks, masts, or derricks in the path of the scanner block the radar beam. it the angle subtended at the scanner is more than a few degrees, a non-detecting sector may be produced. Within this sector targets can not be detected. Radar antenna mast Show sector Figure 2-5 Shadow sectors 2.3 SART (Search and Rescue Transponder) A Search and Rescue Transponder (SART) may be triggered by any X-Band (3 cm) ra- dar within a range of approximately 8 nm. Each radar pulse received causes It to trans- mit a response which is swept repetitively across the complete radar frequency band. When interrogated, it first sweeps rapidly (0.4 us) through the band before beginning a rela- tively slow sweep (7.5 us) through the band back to the starting frequency. This process is repeated tor a total of twelve complete cycles. At some point In each sweep, the SART frequency will match that of the inter- rogating radar and be within the pass band of the radar receiver. if the SART is within range, the frequency match during each of the 12 slow sweeps will produce a response on the radar display, thus a line of 12 dots equally spaced by about 0.64 nautical miles will be shown. 3. Press the [5] key twice to select FlANG E. Figure 1-54 RANGE menu Press the [2] key to place the undenine under the range scale to select/deselect and then press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. Active ranges are highlighted. Repeat to select/deselect other ranges. Press the [MENU] key. 1.45 Selecting Bearing Scale Format The bearing scale may be displayed in de- grees or compass points or degrees as fol- lows: 1. 2. Press the [MENU] key. Press the [0] key twice to display the OTHER menu. Press the [6] key twice to display the MARKILlNE menu. 2. |NDEX LINES 3. STERN MAFlK 4. SHIP‘S MARK 5. BEARINGSCALE 360 COMPASS Figure 1-55 MARK/LINE menu Press the [5] key to select 36 (degrees) or COMPASS. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to reg- ister your selection and the [MENU] key to close the menu. Radar side lobee As the SART is approached, side lobes from the radar scanner may show the SART re- sponses as a series of arcs or concentric rings. These can be removed by the use of the anti—clutter see control although it may be operationally useful to observe the side lobes as they may be easier to detect in clut- ter conditions and also they will confirm that the SART is near to the ship. Gain For maximum range SART detection the nor- mal gain setting for long range detection should be used, that is, with background noise speckle visible. Alc SEA control For optimum range SART detection, this con- trol should be set to the minimum. Care should be exercised as wanted target in sea clutter may be obscured. Note also that in clutter conditions the first few dots of the SART response may not be detectable, Irre- spective of the setting of the anti-clutter sea control. In this case, the position of the SART may be estimated by measuring 9.5 nm miles from the furthest dot back towards own ship‘ Some sets have automatic/manual anti-clut- ter sea control facilities in which case the op- erator should switch to manual. AIC RAIN control This should be used normally (to break up areas of rain) when trying to detect a SART response which, being a series of dots, is not affected by the action of the anti-clutter rain circuitry. Note that Racon responses, which are often in the form of a long flash, will be affected by the use of this control. Some sets have automatic/manual anti-clut- ter rain control facilities in which case the op- erator should switch to manual. Note: This SART information is excerpted from No SN/Circ 197 Operation of Marine Radar for SART Detection. 2.4 RACON (Radar Beacon) A racon is a radar transponder which emits a characteristic signal when triggered by a ship’s radar (usually only the 3 centlmeter band). The signal may be emitted on the same frequency as that of the triggering ra- dar, in which case it is superimposed on the ship's radar display automatically. The racon signal appears on the PP! as a radial line originating at a point just beyond the position of the radar beacon or as a Morse code signal (figure below) displayed radially from just beyond the beacon. Racort Figure 2-9 Appearance of BACON signal on the radar display MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTIN & WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Do not open the equipment. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment Turn oft the radar power switch before servicing the i? scanner unit. Poet a warn- ing sign near the switch Indicating It should not be turned on while the scanner unit Is belng serviced. Prevent the potential risk of being struck by the rotating scanner and exposure to RF radiation hazard. Wear a safety belt and hard hat when working on the scanner unit. Serious injury or death can result if someone falls from the radar scanner mast. 3.1 Periodic Maintenance Schedule Periodic checks and maintenance are important for proper operation of any electronic sys- tems. This chapter contains maintenance instructions to be followed to obtain optimum per- formanoe and the longest possible lite of the equipment. Table 3-1 Maintenance schedule Periodically clean the exten'or ot display unit with a dry soft cloth. Use of commercially available CRT cleaner (spray) having antistatic eflect is recommended. Check point Display unit A CRT screen produces static charge which attracts dust. DO NOT use strong solvents like palm thinner or abrasive cleaners for cleaning. Dust and dirt on CRT creates symptoms similar to poor sensitivity. (Continued on next page) Range resolution Range resolution Is the ability to display as separate pips the echoes received from two targets which are on the same bearing and close to each other. This is determined by pulselength only. Practically, a 0.08 microsec- ond pulse offers the discrimination better than 35 m as do so with all FUFIUNO radars. Test targets for determining the range and bearing resolution are radar reflectors hav— ing an echoing area of 10 m2. Bearing accuracy One of the most important ieatures of the ra- dar is how accurately the bearing of a target can be measured. The accuracy of bearing measurement basically depends on the nar- rowness of the radar beam. However, the bearing is usually taken relative to the ship’s heading, and thus, proper adjustment of the heading line at installation is an important fac- tor in ensuring bearing accuracy To minimize error when measuring the bearing of a tar- get, put the target echo at the extreme posi- tion on the screen by selecting a suitable range. Range measurement Measurement of the range to a target is also a very important function of the radar. Gen- erally, there are two means of measuring range: the fixed range rings and the variable range marker (VRM). The fixed range rings appear on the screen with a predetermined interval and provide a rough estimate of the range to a target. The variable range marker’s diameter is increased or decreased so that the marker touches the inner edge of the tar- get, allowing the operator to obtain more ac- curate range measurements. 2.2 False Echoes Occasionally echo signals appear on the screen at positions where there is no target or disappear even if there are targets. They are, however, recognized if you understand the reason why they are displayed. Typical false echoes are shown below. Multiple echoes Multiple echoes occur when a transmitted pulse retums from a solid object like a large ship, bridge, or breakwater. A second, a third or more echoes may be observed on the dis- play at double, triple or other multiples of the actual range of the target as shown below. Multiple reflection echoes can be reduced and often removed by decreasing the gain (sensitivity) or properly adjusting the A/C SEA control. True echo Multiple echo a e E Figure 2-2 Multiple echoes Target Sidelobe echoes Every time the radar pulse is transmitted, some radiation escapes on each side of the beam, called "sideiobes.' It a target exists where it can be detected by the side lobes as well as the main lobe, the side echoes may be represented on both sides of the true echo at the same range. Side lobes show usually only on short ranges and from strong targets. They can be reduced through care- ful reduction of the gain or proper adjustment of the A/C SEA control. 3.3 Fuse Replacement 3.5 Simple Troubleshooting Various fuses are used to protect the equip- This paragraph describes how to cure opera- mentfrom overvoltage (ovemunent) orequip- tionai problems, which can be made by ob- ment fault. If the fuse blows find the cause SéernQ the radar picture and using operator before replacing. If the fuse blows again after controls and “Y? without opening the display replacement, request service. unit, antenna unit or other equipment units. The table below shows user-level troubleshooting procedures. Table 3—5 Easy troubleshooting Use the proper fuse. Use of a wrong fuse can cause fire or equipment damage. Problem No own ship marker Remedy Check that SHIP‘S MARK ON is selected at the MARK/LINE menu (keying sequence: [MENU], [0], [0] [6], [6D. Also, own ship Infomtafion (length. width, etc.) should have been entered in initial settings. Consult a FURUNO representative or dealer for details. Turn the BRILL control clockwise. Push the ESL rotary control to degauss the screen. Tum on navigation device. Table 3-3 Fuses —e_ Power Supply Unit Display uni 20A DC unit 1 0A 100VAC 5A 220VAC 3.4 Replacement of Batteries FR-1 76008 FR-171 0 FR-1725 No picture The GYFlO CONVERTER Board (option) has a battery. The battery for the HP Board pre- serves data when the power is turned off, and its life is about five years. When the battery voltage is low, NG (No Good) appears at the diagnostic test for the RP board. When this happens, contact your dealer to request re- placement of the battery. Table 3—4 Battery replacement infom'lation Board Battery Code Name Type Number “m on 1/2 B.L 000-103-769 When the range to the SART is reduced to about 1 nm, the radar display may show also the 12 responses generated during the fast sweeps. These additional dot responses, which also are equally spaced by 0.64 nm, will be interspersed with the original line of 12 dots. They will appear slightly weaker and smaller than the original dots. Screen A: when SART Solo-n B: When SART la dist-m is clo- Redar antenna beamwidflt Radar receiver DIM Figure 2-6 Appearance of SART signal on the radar display Showing SART marks on the radar display A range scale between 6 and 12 nm with nor- mal radar settings should display SART sig- nals. However, this radar has a special feature which enhances the SART signals. 1. Detune the radar. Press the [MENU] key followed by the [0] key twice to display the OTHER menu. OTHER . HDG SET . SPD MODE . MAN SPD . DFilFT SET . DISPLAY LOG NAV . MARK/LINE . TUNE . NAV DATA . EBLNRM . L Figure 2-7 OTHER menu 2. Press the [0] key twice. 3. Press the [5] key twice select DISPLAY. DISPLAY 1. T 2. NAV DATA ON 3. DISPLAY mm sue 4. SART on Figure 2-8 DISPLAY menu 4. Press the [4] key several times to select OFF or ON from the SART field as ap- propriate. 5. Press the [ENTEWSEIECT] key followed by the [MENU] key. When the SART function is turned on the range is set to ‘12 nm, the noise reiector, echo averaging, AUTO A/C and interference rejec- tor are turned oil, and SART is displayed at the upper left-hand corner of the screen. General remarks on receiving SART SART range errors When responses from only the 12 low fre- quency sweeps are visible (when the SART is at a range greater than about 1 nm), the position at which the first dot is displayed may be as much as 0.64 nm beyond the We po- sition of the SART. When the range closes so that the fast sweep responses are seen also, the first of these will be no more than 150 meters beyond the true position. Radar bandwidth This is normally matched to the radar puiselength and is usually switched with the range scale and the associated pulselength. Narrow bandwidths of 35 MHz are used with long pulses on long range and wide band— widths of 10-25 MHz with short pulses on short ranges. Any radar bandwidth of less than 5 MHz will attenuate the SART signal slightly, so it is preferable to use a medium bandwidth to ensure optimum detection of the SART. Problem but no noise of echo. Marks. legends and noise appear but no echo. (Transmission leak. representing own ship position, is absent.) Picture not updated Incorrect orientation of picture Tuning manually adlusted but poor sensitivity Flange changed but radar picture does not change Adjust GAIN control with A/C SEA control set at minimum. Marks and legends appear Table 3-6 Advanced-level troubleshooting Check point and probable cause 1. IF amplifier 2. Signal cable between antenna and display 3. Video Amplifier Board 1. Magnetron 2. Modulator Board 3. SPU Board 1. Bearing Signal Generator Board (scanner unit) 2. SPU Board 3. Video lockup 1. SPU Board 2. Gyro Interface 1. Deteriorated magnetron 2. Downed MIC 3. Din on radiator face 4. Second trace rejection is ON. 1. Defective RANGE key 2. SPU Board 3. Mother Board 4. wdeo lockup 1. Replace IF amplifier. Remedy 2. Check continuity and isolation of coaxial cable. (Note: Disconnect the plug and lugs at both ends of coaxial cable before checking it by ohmmeter.) 3. Check video coax llne for secure connection. If connection is good, replace SPU Board. 1. Check magnetron current. 2. Replace Modulator Board. 3. Replace SPU Board. 1. Check the connection at signal cable. 2. Replace SPU Board. 3. Turn oil and on radar. 1. The message 'HD SIG MISSING“ appears when the heading pulse is not received during stand—by. 2 Replace gyro interface. 1. With radartransmitting on 48 nm range. check magnetron current. If current is below normal value, magnetron may be defective. Replace magnetron. 2. Check MIC detecting current. If it is below normal value, MIC may have become detuned. MIC must be tuned. 3. Clean radiator surface. 4. Disable the second-trace reiector referring to paragraph 1.33. 1. Try to hit [+1 and H RANGE keys several times. If unsuccess- ful, replacement of keypad may be required. 2. Replace SPU Board. 3. Replace Mother Board. 4. Turn off and on radar. 3.7 Diagnostic Test A diagnostic test program is provided to en- able testing of major circuit boards in the ra~ dar display unit. Note that the normal radar picture is lost during this test. Proceed as follows to execute the diagnostic test: 1. Press the MENU key to shown the main menu. 2. Press the [0] key four times to select the OTHER sub menu. 3. Press the [2] key to select TEST. Program numbers appear. The diagnos- tic test is executed and the screen shows test results as shown on the next page. OKs appearfor normal operation. ARP re- sults appear only when optional AFtP Board is mounted. lf NG (No Good) ap- pears. conesponding components may be defective. Consult your dealer. 5. Small squares and circles displayed on the test results screen are for testing the keys and controls. As you operate the keys, corresponding squares are highlighted, in- dicating that your controVkey operations are properly recognized. 6. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to check the display circuit. See page 3-9. 7. To terminate the diagnostic test, press the [MENU] key. [MENU] key MENU 1. VIDEO PLOT 2. TGT TRAIL 3. TGT ALARM 4. PANEL DIM 5. ECHO SIG S. FUNC 7. PLOT 8. MARK 9. BRILL 0. OTHER [0] key TWICE OTHER 1. HDG SET 2 SP0 MODE MAN NAV Loe (S-ET) LOG (S-WT) 3. MAN sec 4. DFlIFI‘ SET 5. DISPLAY s. MARK/UNE 7. TUNE a. NAV DATA 9. eeuvnm o. l [0] key TWICE OTHER 1. T 2. TEST 3. DEGAUSS 4. TIME ALARM 5. RANGE 6. INSTALL [2] key TWICE to start test Figure 3-1 Sequence for diagnost/c test Table 3-1 Maintenance schedule (con ’t) Remarks Interval 3 to 6 Exposed nuts Check for corroded or loosened Sealing compound may be used months and bolts on nuts and bolts. If necessary. clean Instead of paint. Apply a small (for quall- scanner unit and repaint them thickly. Replace amount at grease between nuts and lied tech- them if heavily corroded. bolts for easy removal in future. nrcrans Scanner Check for dirt and cracks on Do not use plastic solvent (acetone) only) radiator radiator surface. Thick dirt should lor cleaning. If you need to remove be wiped off with soft cloth ice from scanner unit, use a wooden dampened with fresh water. if a hammer or plastic head hammer. crack is found. apply a slight Crack on the unit may cause water amount of sealing compound or ingress, causing serious damages to adhesive as a temporary remedy, intemel circuits. then call for repair. Terminal Open scanner cover to check When closing scanner covers In strips and terminal strip and plug position, be careful not to catch loose plugs in connections inside. Also check wires between covers and unit. scanner unit the rubber gasket of antenna covers for deterioration. 6 months CRT and High voltage at CRT and if CRT anode rubber cap or wire to one sunoundlng surrounding components attract sheath is cracked, replace it. year components dust in environment which will For service technlelan: Wait at (lor quali- «use poor Insulation. Ask a least 3 minutes until high voltage lied hech- FUFIUNO representative or dealer components (CRT and HV niciens to clean internal high-voltage capacitors) discharge their residual only) components. charges before accessing them. Terminal Check for loose connections. strips, Check contacts and plugs for sockets, earth proper seating, etc. terminal 3.2 Life Expectancy of Major Parts Table 3-2 Life expectancy of major parts | ule expectancy Magnetron MGS240F (60 kW) 000-100-240 3,000 hours FR-17GODS _m 000—100-036 3,000 hours FR-i 710 Seiect item with numeric keys and en adjust by VRM control. 3. H POSITION 4. V SIZE 5. V POSITION 6. PIN CUSHION 7. BRIGHT NESS Figure 3-3 Display circuif test 3.6 Advanced-level Troubleshooting This paragraph describes how to cure hardware and software troubles which should be car- ried out by qualified service personnel. Note: This radar equipment contains complex modules in which fault diagnosis and repair down to component level are not practicable by users. Serviceman qualification All adjustments of radio transmitter during or coinciding with the installation, servicing, or maintenance which may affect the proper operation must be performed by or under the imme- diate supervision and responsibility of a person holding an operator certificate containing a ship radar endorsement. This is what the U.S. Codes of Federal Regulations part 80.169 implies (not exact extract). As such, every administration sets forth its own rule; service personnel must be aware of this kind of competency requirements. Service call When making a service call to your service agent, check SIN and symptom beforehand. PARTS LOCATION Cooling Fan 061 5-24M ATA Board ARP~17 (option) 18P9004A Figure 4-1 Display unit, right side view Coollng Fan MMS—OSCZ4DS-RO1 HP Board RP-17 (option) 03F9259A D mam Eat-AM n—u. mama-mn- mun—mm. FIR-1710: HV Board 03P9017A FFl-1725: HV Board 03P9017B FR<1760DS:DC 600 0.6 LP 600' 1.2 ‘: 450 Hz an 120 nm range (7) Duplexer Ferrite circulator with diode Limiter (8) Noise figure FR-1710/1725: 6 dB, FR—1760DS: MB 31 RADAR DISPLAY (1) Picture tube 17" color CRT, Effective display diameter: 225 mm Yellow or green echoes in 16 levels (2) Scanning Raster scan at scanning frequency 483 kHz horimntal, 60 Hz vertical. Number ofscanning lines 768, non-interlaced. Maximum Range: FR—1710: 72 mn, FR-1725: 96 mn, FR-1760DS: 120 nm (4) Range discrimination 34 m on 1.5 nm range (5) Bearing discrimination XN 12AF : 2.03°, XNZOAF: 1.46°, 201241511" : 1.18" SN4A: 233°, SNSA: 2153" (6) Minimum range 28 m Performance Monitor. T0 be installed in an exposed area 7. COATING COLOR Display Unit Panel: N10, Chassis: 245GY5/1.5 (1) (2) Antenna Unit N9.5 8. COMPASS SAFE DISTANCE (1) (2) ' (3) Display unit Standard: 1.15 m Antenna unit 171141710: Standard: 1.65 m FR-1725: Standard: 2.15 m FR-1760DS: Standard: 4.40 m Anhenna power supply unit Standard: 1.20 m Steering: 0.90 111 Steering: 1,25 m Steering: 1.60 m Steering: 3.30 m Steering: 0.90 m
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