Futaba FMT01-24G Radio Control User Manual 2

Futaba Corporation Radio Control 2


User Manual 2

Download: Futaba FMT01-24G Radio Control User Manual 2
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Futaba FMT01-24G Radio Control User Manual 2
Document ID2555989
Application ID9HKT/i094oJO4JSBWYXzCQ==
Document DescriptionUser Manual 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize477.68kB (5971046 bits)
Date Submitted2015-03-16 00:00:00
Date Available2015-03-16 00:00:00
Creation Date2015-03-10 14:17:27
Producing SoftwareAdobe PSL 1.2e for Canon
Document Lastmod2015-03-10 14:17:32
Document TitleUser Manual 2
Document CreatorCanon iR-ADV C5235 PDF

I UNCTION NAM Function name can be changed
The name of the spare functions
(AUXILIARY ] -8) can be changed for the full
name (10 characters) or for the abbreviated name (4
0 Select [FUNCTION NAME] at the linkage menu and
call the setup screen shown below by touching
the RTN button.

2mx1LmRY2 nuxz “UXILIARW
snuerinnva nuxa Faun
4AUXlLlnRY4 nux4 AUXILlfiRYi
«Select the tunctioh home - Moving cursor
and return to the Linkage
menu by touching the
RTN button or pushing the
Home/Exit button.
- To next page
Function name change method
1, Select [FUNCTION NAME] of the Linkage
Menu and touch the RTN button. . RENQME RUXILlaRVl
2. The FUNCTION NAME setup screen IS WW”—
displayed. nuermva
3. When the function whose name is be
change is selected and the RTN button is
touched, a modification screen is displayed 6‘ The function name may be displayed in '0
characters or 4 characters, depending on
4. Select the function To be renamed and the setup screen. For 4 characters, display,
select [RENAME] and touch the RTN button input the function name as required.
A character input screen is displayed. Input
the function name. xpulelmt _.mmr,rERs—
W 2H1XILI‘RV2 auxz ”4X1
m1: “XII-"WI «mleIr-Izvtt aux-t
RESET auermm
o n DELETE ouurstuuwx
a: !"I$Z&’
5. When [RESET] is selected and the RTN button
is held down, the function name is set to the
initial state function name.
ELE |~ RY Displaying data from the receiver
This screen displays your choice of data from the "II cannot be used in FASST mode and S-FHSS mode-
receiver. *Only receiver voltage and EXT voltage can be used in
FASSTestlZCH mode.
Also warnings can be activated regarding
other data from your aircraft. For example, if the
receiver voltage drops, the user can be warned by
an alarm (and vibration).
*The FASSTesIlSCH mode can use all the telemetry functions.
0 Receiver a Transmitter. The
reception strength is shown.
0 Select [TELEMETRY] in the Linkage menu and
access the setup screen shown below by touching
the RTN button.
. Select the iuncltorr name ERRTURE REUULUTI N 0 Moving cursor
and return to the Linkage _________ ________ rnm
menu by loucning the EXT BRTT.
RTN button or pushing the —-———————
Home/Exit button.
0 Push 81 button to advance to next page,
m T (mp3
How to see telemetry date A WARNING
LTelemelry screen can be called select —. .
[TELEMETRY] in the Linkage menu and access 8D." not watch the transmitter screen during
the setup screen by touching the RTN button. flight
2. If each item is chosen and the RTN button is ‘Yaumay loose sight om“ mm“ duh-lg flightand this
pushed, an alarm setup can be performed isextremely dangerous. Haveanassistant on handto
With the ‘mlnll‘flUl‘fl/mOleum after 0 checkthescreenforyou. ApilotshouldNEVERiake
transmitter Is turned on. his eyes oirhis aircmfi.
*Receiver voltage can be checked immediately. An optional
sensor will need to be attached to SBUSZ of a receiver if
you would like to see other information.
*No special setup is necessary if each sensor displayed
is left as in the default setup. Separate sensor 10
is also unnecessary. However, if two or more of
one kind of sensor is used, setup is required in the
"SENSOR" menu.
In this screen, the battery voltage of a receiver is
If it becomes higher or lower than the setting an
alarm and/or vibration will alert you,
c Receiver battery voltage
a Select [Rx-BATH in the TELEMETRY screen
and access the setup screen shown
below by touching the RTN button.
55a; UER
0 Select the function name
and return to the Linkage l
menu by touching the : 5.3V/ 5.3V
RTN button or pushing the warm.
Home/mien. . 0, 0v
0 lThe “down" arrow 0.0V/ 0.11"!
will indicate that '
an alarm will sound '
when the voltage I
drops to below the
o ALARM is chosen
fro m B U Z Z E R ,
O The ON/OFF switch of SPEECH is
Alarm set
I. Move the cursor to the lALARM item, and
it chooses from BUZZER, VOICE, INHIBIT, and
pushes RTN,
2. When not operating vibrator, it is "VIBRATOR"
to INHIBIT. TYPEI-B will be chosen it it is made
to operate,
3. Move the cursor to the LIMIT [4.0V] item and
touch the RTN button to switch to the data
input model
4. Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor.
Initial value: 4,0V
Adjustment range: 0,0V~I 00.0V
*When the RTN butlon is touched for one second. the rate is
reset is the initial values
5. Touch the RTN button. (To terminate the input
and return to the original state touch the
Home/Exit buttons)
D‘ playing data from the
receiver battery voltage
*1: cannot be used in FASST mode and S-FHSS mode,
*Only receiver voltage and EXT voltage can be used in
*The FASSTestlSCH mode can use all the telemetry functions.
I The maximum and the minimum
when powering ON are shown,
It will be preset, it or cursor is
moved to this place and the
RTN button is pushed for I
. Moving cursor
. 0 Select [BATTERY] in the RECEIVER screen
. and access the setup screen shown
' below by touching the RTN button,
4.0V 0A setup of the voltage on
which the alarm operates.
If the tollowlng types are selected, the transmitter
wlll vlhrate durlng the wamlng.
TYPE' 3&5
mm iifiii —» —>
mes gfig—p —» —> —>
The EXT-VOLT screen will display the data
from the EXT-battery output from the FMR-OI
receiver. In order to use this function, it is necessary
to connect external voltage connector of the FMR-
OI receiver to a CA-RVIN-700 (FUTMSSSI) or
SBS»OIV to the battery you desire to measure the
voltage of the EXT-battery,
o EXT battery voltage
0 Select [Rx-BATT.] in the TELEMETRY screen
and access the setup screen shown
below by touching the RTN button,
oSeIect the Iunction name
and return to the Linkage
menu by touching the
RTN button or pushing the
Home/Exit button.
§ER BnT‘I”
o IThe "down" arrow
will indicate that an
alarm will sound when
the voltage drops to V
below the setting. RECE 1 “ER
o ALARM is chosen
fr 0 m B U Z Z E R ,
- The ON/OFF switch of SPEECH is
Alarm set
1. Move the cursor to the IALARM item, and
it chooses from BUZZER, VOICE, and INHIBIT,
and pushes RTN‘
2. When not operating vibrator, it i 'VIBRATOR"
to INHIBIT. TVPEI-G will be chosen it it is made
to operate
3, Move the cursor to the LIMIT [40V] item and
touch the RTN button to switch to the data
input mode,
4. Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensors
Initial value: 40V
Adjustment range: OrOV~I 00,0V
’When the Km button is touched for one second, the rate is
reset to the initial values
5 Touch the RTN button, (To terminate the input
and return to the original state, touch the
Home/Exit buttons)
5.3V/ 5.3V
. 0.
' 0.0V/ 0.0V
Displaying data from the EXT
battery voltage port
*CA»RVIN-700 must be installed in the aircraft.
You will be alerted by an alarm or vibration if
the voltage set by you is exceeded
‘ll cannot be used in FASST mode and S-FHSS mode.
‘Only receiver voltage and EXT voltage will be received in
the FASSTestIZCH mode.
‘The FASSTestI 8CH mode will display all telemetry data.
0 The maximum and the minimum
when powering ON are shown, It
will be preset, if a cursor is moved
to this place and the RTN button is
pushed for I second,

- Moving cursor
0 Select [EXT BATH in the RECEIVER screen
and access the setup screen shown
below by touching the RTN buttons
4.0V 0A setup of the voltage on
which the alarm operates,
If the followlng types are selected, the transmltter
will vibrate during the wamlng.
"PEI gm}
TVPEZ gfig —> —>
wm tag» -> —» —»
l TELEMETRY ! TE PERATURE Displaying data trom the temperature
*A temperature sensor must be installed in the aircraft.
Temperature is a screen which displays/sets
up the temperature information from an optional
temperature sensor.
The temperature of the model (engine, motor,
battery, etc.) which is flying can be displayed.
lfit becomes higher or lower than the setting an
alarm and/or vibration will alel1 you.
touching the RTN button.
- Select the tunction name
and return to lhe Linkage
menu by touching the
RTN button or pushing the
Home/Exit button.
0 I Art upward arrow will '
show that an alarm
will sound when the
temperature rises above
the set value.
o I A downward arrow
will show that an alarm
will sound when the
temperature drops
below the set value.
0 Temperature
0 Select [TEMPERATURE] in the TELEMETRY screen
and access the setup screen shown below by
*It cannot be used in FASST mode and S—FHSS mode.
*Only receiver voltage and EXT voltage can be used in
FASSTestlZCH mode.
*The FASSTestIXCH mode can use all the telemetry functions.
0 The maximum and the minimum
when powering ON are shown.
It will be preset, if a cursor is
moved to this place and the
RTN button is pushed for I

- Moving cursor
oSelect [TEMPERATURE](smGII font
display) in the TEMPERATURE
screen and access the setup
screen shown below by
touching the RTN button.
0A setup of the temperature
on which the alarm
u m. Inlnwlng type: In named, the tnnnnflw
will mm my memmlnu.
m“ ilfiii
""1 itaii—> —>
rm; gait» —> —> —>
0 The ON/OFF switch of SPEECH is
Alert set : Hot warning
1. Move the cursor to the 1ALARM item, and
it chooses from BUZZER, VOICE, INHIBIT, and
pushes RTN.
2. When not operating vibrator, it is "VIBRATOR“
to INHIBIT. TVPEl-3 will be chosen it it is made
to operate.
3. Move the cursor to the LIMIT [ °C ] item and
touch the RTN button to switch to the data
input mode.
4. Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor.
Initial value: IOO°C
Adjustment range: 0°C ~200°C
‘When the RTN button is touched for one second. the rate is
reset to the initial value.
5. Touch the RTN button. [To terminate the input
and return to the original state, touch the
Home/Exit button.)
Alert set : Low-temperature warning
I. Move the cursor to the IALARM item, and
it chooses from BUZZER, VOICE, INHIBIT, and
pushes RTN.
2. When not operating vibrator, it is "VIBRATOR"
to INHIBIT. TYPEl-3 will be chosen it it is made
to operate.
3. Move the cursor to the LIMIT [ “C ] item and
touch the RTN button to switch to the data
input mode.
4. Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor.
Initial value: 0°C
Adjustment range: 0°C ~200°C
"When the RTN button is touched for one second. the rate is
reset to the initial value.
5. Touch the RTN button. (To terminate the input
and return to the original state, touch the
Home/Exit button.)
RPM sensor is a screen which displays / sets tip
the rotation information from an optional RPM
The rotation of the model (engine, motor, etc.)
which is flying can be shown,
If it becomes higher or lower than the setting an
0 Select [RPM sensor] in the TELEMETRY
screen and access the setup screen
shown below by touching the RTN button.
0 Select the tunction name
and return to the Linkage
menu by touching the
RTN button or pushing the
Home/Exit button.
0 Mn upward arrow
indicates that the
alarm will sound
when the RPM rises
above the set value.
0 1A downward arrow
indicates that the
alarm will sound
when the RPM falls
below the set value.
0 The ON/OFF switch
ofSPEECH is chosen.
Alarm set : Over rotations
Ii Move the cursor to the TALARM item, and
it chooses from BUZZER, VOICE, INHIBIT, and
pushes RTN.
2. When not operating vibrator, it is "VIBRATOR"
to INHIBIT. TYPEi-3 will be chosen if it is made
to operate.
3. Move the cursor to the LIMIT [2,000rpm] item
and touch the RTN button to switch to the
data input mode.
4, Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor.
Initial value: 2,000rpm
Adjustment range: Orpm~150,000rpm
*When the RTN button is touched for one second, the rate is
Iesel to the initial value.
5, Touch the RTN button, (To terminate the input
and return to the original state, touch the
Home/Exit button.)
n"MAGNET" or "OPTICS" is
set according to the
sensor you use.
Displ 9 data from the RPM
*A RPM sensor must be installed in the aircraft.
alartn and/or vibration will alert you.
*II cannot be used in FASST mode and S-FHSS mode
*Only receiver voltage and EXT voltage can be used in
FASSTestIZCH mode.
*The FASSTestIBCH mode can use all the telemetry functions.
o The maximum and the minimum
when powering ON are shown. It will
be preset, if a cursor is moved to this
place and the RTN button is pushed
for I second.
i: <$ensorTouch
o Moving cursor
oSeIect {ROTATIONHsmaII font
display) in the RPM sensor
screen and access the setup
screen shown below by
touching the RTN button.
-A setup of the revolution on
which the alarm operates
"Vlalmon" type
mm tntlowhiv Wm we sdemd, the mmmtlur
wilt/Inn Mnetmwamllll.
"PEI [Egg
mu {{9}} —> —>
WPES §§§+ —-> —> —>
- In "MAGNET“, the gear ratio of
your engine (motor) you are
using is entered.
o In "OPTICS", the number of
blades of the propeller [ r o t
o r I your model is entered.
Alarm set : Under rotations
I, Move the cursor to the IALARM item, and
it chooses from BUZZER, VOICE, INHIBIT, and
pushes RTN.
2. When not operating vibrator, it is "VIBRATOR"
to INHIBIT, TYPEI-3 will be chosen it it is made
to operate.
3 Move the cursor to the LIMIT [Orpm] item and
touch the RTN button to switch to the data
input mode.
4. Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensorl
Initial value: Orpm
Adjustment range: 0rpm~l 50,000rpm
*When the RTN button is touched for one second. the rate is
reset to the initial value.
5. Touch the RTN button. (To terminate the input
and return to the original state, touch the
Home/Exit button.)
xAn altitude sensor
ALTITUDE is a screen which displays / sets up the
altitude information from an optional altitude sensor or GPS
sensor. The altitude of the model which is flying can be
known. If it becomes higher (low) than preset altitude, you
can be told by alarm. To show warning by vibration can also
be chosen. Data when a power supply is turned on shall be
0 m. and it displays the altitude which changed from there.
Even if the altitude of an airfield is high, that shall be 0 m
and the altitude difference from an airfield is displayed.
0 Select [ALTITUDE] in the TELEMETRY screen
and access the setup screen shown
below by touching the RTN button.
o Altitude
vSelect the function name
and return to the Linkage
menu by touching the
RTN button or pushing the
Home/Exit button.
c T An upward arrow
indicates the alarm . access the setu
will sound when the '
altitude reaches
above your set vctlue.m_1.TmTUDE
o 1 A downward arrow ‘
indicates the alarm .
will sound when the
altitude reaches
below your set value.
oThe ON/OFF switch of
SPEECH is chosen.
First. the set of a reference is required.
I. The model and transmitter to which the
altitude sensor was connected are turned on.
2. Move the cursor to the [PRESET] of
3. Touch the RTN button is pushed for 1 second.
[To terminate the input and return to the original
state, touch the Home/ Exit button.)
*Atmnspheric pressure is changed according to the weather also
at the same airfield. You should preset before a flight.
Alarm set : 'gh side
I. Move the cursor to the TALARM item. and
it chooses from BUZZER. VOICE. INHIBIT. and
pushes RTN.
. When not operating vibrator, it is "VIBRATOR"
to INHIBIT. TYPEl-3 will be chosen if it is made
to operate.
.Move the cursor to the LIMIT [m] item and
touch the RTN button to switch to the data
input mode.
, Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor.
Initial value: 200m
Adjustment range-500m~+3,000m
ttthr ; ILIMIT)
oSelect [ALTITUDE](smalI font display]
in the TEMPERATURE screen and
below by touching the RTN button.
Displaying data from the attitude
or GPS sensor must be Installed in the aircraft.
This sensor calculates the altitude from atmospheric
pressure. Atmospheric pressure will get lower as you go up
in altitude. using this the sensor will estimate the altitude.
Please understand that an exact advanced display cannot
be performed if atmospheric pressure changes in a weather
‘ll cannot be used in FASSTtttode and S-FHSS tuode
rottty receiver voltage and EXT voltage can be used in FASSTestIlCH mode
”The FASSTesIISCH mode crtn use all Ihe telemetry functions
a The maximum and the minimum when powering ON
are shown. It will be preset, it a cursor is moved to this
place and the RTN button is pushed for I second.
0 Moving cursor
m/ 1m
it the Following types at. tut-«ed. the
transmitter wllvbnte amt-gt»: warning.
""1 itfiii
mu §§fi§—> —>
p screen shown
rm TYPES gag» —> —> —>
-50n i...
tELoov olf this is set to MODEl-A,
INHIBIT rise and dive are told by a
different melody.
MODEI: Little rise/dive —> Melody changes {sensitively}
MODE4: Big rise/dive —> Melody changes [insensible
*When the RTN button is touched for one second. the rate is
reset to the initial value.
5. Touch the RTN button, (To terminate the input
and return to the original state. touch the
Home/Exit button.)
Alarm set 2 Low side
I. Move the cursor to the IALARM item, and
it chooses from BUZZER, VOlCE. INHIBIT, and
pushes RTN.
. When not operating vibrator, it is "VIBRATOR"
to INHIBIT. TYPEl-3 will be chosen it it is made
to operate.
,Move the cursor to the LIMIT [m] item and
touch the RTN button to switch to the data
input mode.
.Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor.
Initial value: -50m
Adjustment range-500m~+3,000m
"Whelt the RTN button is touched for one second. the rate is
reset to the initial value.
5. Touch the RTN button, ITo terminate the input
and return to the original state, touch the
Home/Exit button.)
Displaying data from the
*An altitude sensor or GPS sensor must be installed in the aircraft.
VARIO is a screen which displays / sets up the
variometer information from an optional altitude
sensor or GPS sensor,
The variometer of the model which is flying can
be known.
If it becomes higher or lower titan the setting an
alarm and/or vibration will alert you.
To ensure that the pilot is aware as to the model's
status, tlle FMT—OI incorporates a different melody
a Select [ALTITUDE] in the TELEMETRY screen
and access the setup screen shown below
by touching the RTN button,
-select the Iunction name fl-TITUDE
and return to the Linkage
menu by touching the
RTN button or pushing the
Home/Exit button.
the setup screen
9 1 An upward arrow
indicates the alarm
will sound when the
variometer reaches
above your set value.
a I A downward arrow
indicates the alarm
will sound when the
variomete reaches
below your set value
oThe ON/OFF switch of
SPEECH is chosen.
Alert set : Rise side
I. Move the cursor to the TALARM item, and
it chooses from BUZZER, VOICE, INHIBIT, and
pushes RTN.
2‘ When not operating vibrator, it is "VIBRATOR"
to INHIBIT. TYPEI-3 will be chosen it it is made
to operate.
3. Move the cursor to the LIMIT [m/s] item and
touch the RTN button to switch to the data
input mode.
4. Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor.
Initial value: H m
Adjustment ronge-SOm/s~+50m/s
*when the RTN button is touched for one second. the rate is
reset to the initial value.
5. Touch the RTN button. [To terminate the input
and return to the original state, touch the
Home/Exit button.)
in the TEMPERATURE screen and access
touching the RTN button
for ascent and descent. Additionally, depending
upon the rate ofclilnb or descent, the tones vary to
indicate whether or not the airplane is climbing or
descending at a rapid rate
‘It cannot be used in FASST mode and S-FHSS mode,
"Only receiver voltage and EXT voltage can be used in
FASSTestIZCH mode.
"The FASSTestISCH mode can use all the telemetry functions,
0 Variometer
o The maximum and the minimum when
powering ON are shown. It will be preset, if
a cursor is moved to this place and the RTN
button is pushed tor I second.
. Moving cursor
it tit. lollowlng mm m “limit. ttt.
tnnsmtlterwtlvlhnu during the wanting
TV?“ itfitl
TVPEZ gait—p —>
TYPE3 gait» —> —> —>
shown below by
on this is set to Moo‘El-4, a
rise and dive are told by a
different melody.
MODE]: Little rise/dive —> Melody changes (sensitively) :
MOISEA: Big rise/dive —r Melody changes [insensiblet
Alert set : Dive side
I. Move the cursor to the IALARM item, and
it chooses from BUZZER, VOICE, INHIBIT] and
pushes RTN.
2. When not operating vibrator, it is "VIBRATOR"
to INHIBIT, TVPEI-3 will be chosen it it is made
to operate.
3. Move the cursor to the LIMIT [m/s] item and
touch the RTN button to switch to the data
input mode.
4. Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor.
Initial value: -I m
Adjustment range-50m/5~+50m/s
*When the RTN button is touched for one second. the rate is
reset to the initial value.
5, Touch the RTN button. {To terminate the input
and return to the original state, touch the
Home/Exit button)
0 I
In this screen, the battery voltage is displayed.
In order to use this function, it is necessary to
connect External voltage connector of FMR-OI (I)
SBS—OIV C> Battery
SBS-OIV measures two batteries. The power
battery connected to two lines is displayed on EXT»
VOLT. The battery for receivers connected to 3P
lines is displayed here.
oSelect [VOLTAGE] in the TELEMETRY screen and
access the setup screen shown below by touching
the RIM button. m
0 Select the function name
and return to the Linkage
menu bv touching the 5. 2/ 5. 2V
RTN button or pushing the RTT.
Home/Exit button. 0 . 0v
oiThe "down" arrow will
indicate that an alarm will
sound when the voltage
drops to below the setting.
Select [BATTERY]
touching the RIM
90 EEV
oALARM is chosen from
oThe ON/OFF switch of SPE
0.0/ 0.0V
access the setup screen shown below by
Displaying data from the battery
TERYI voltage
*SBS-OIV must be installed in the aircraft.
"It cannot be used in FASST mode and S-FHSS mode.
*Oltly receiver voltage and EXT voltsge can be used in
FASSTestIZCH mode,
‘The FASSTest | SCH mode can use all the telemetry functions.
.The maximum and the minimum when
powering ON are shown. It will be
preset, it a cursor is moved to this place
and the RTN button is pushed for I
. Moving cursor
in the VOLTAGE screen and 0A setup of the voltage
on which the alarm
it the lullaurtrrg typu m stitrtttt, the
transmitter wtllvthnu ltln'lllg ttrr warning.
m5: ggg —> —>
Two examples of wiring are shown >
Alarm set
I, Move the cursor to the lALARM
item, and it chooses from BUZZER, ““9““ I
VOICE, INHIBIT, and pushes RTNt W m m 53””,
2, When not operating vibrator, it is
be chosen if it is made to operate.
Move the cursor to the LIMIT [4.0V]
item and touch the RTN button to
switch to the data input mode,
Power battery l
Receiver battery
Two power batteries are measured (SBS-OTV uset
EXTrVOl Cable
receiver battery
oaattery voltage measurement lor lecelvels lFMR-OI use]
.Eallely voltage measurement lor rezetvels [SBSrOl v use]
.The power battery I is measured ln arr EXT port [FMIHII use]
one power batltryt ls measured ln all EXT line ISBWIV use]
, Ajust the rate by scrolling the
touch sensor.
Initial value: 4.0V
Adjustment range: 0.0V~ I 00.0V
*When the RTN button is touched for one second
the mic is reset to the initial value.
5.Touch the RTN button, (To
terminate the input and return
to the original state, touch the
Home/Exit button.)
Two power batteries and power supplies for servos are measured (58501 V use)
power battery t
Power battery 2
(EXT Bane
Power supplies
tor servos
Ms (W mumlrx let Mme Out-mummdt In M. vnluan, nun.“ . wwm balmy,
mam In: ArmingItnIlmmdluteallaltmumrltlMlhzbdllrlytul rttetmsul-
momma lrrarmrrw rtr hilt~y lar Wm
to seusz
Nrrlrmlt N: M
Batt )
supply Huh
Receiver battery
.Baltery voltage meaxurtmarrt rat retelvtrx irMMl use]
orht powevbattuy l l: measuled In an EXT port [FMMI use]
onto power battery 2 ls measured in an Ext line 53le use]
onto voltage tor servos IS measured In a power supply line lsBs-ul v use]
‘Refer to the manual of SBS-OI V for the details ofwlring
battery voltage port
I TELE ETRY : VOLT GE [EX 0LT] Displaying data from the EXT
*SBS—OIV must be installed in the aircraft.
‘1“ this screen) the EXT bauery V0118“ is *II cannolbeused in FASST mode and S-FHSS mode.
d‘SPlayed‘ 1" order to use ”“3 f”"°“°“~ " '5 ‘Only receiver voltage and EXT voltage will be received in
necessary to connect External voltage connector of lhe FAssTeslIZCH mode.
FM R-Ol c) SBS—OI V 4:) Battery ’The FASSTesIISCH mode will display all telemetry claw.
SBS-OIV measures two batteries. The power
battery connected to two lines is displayed on EXT-
VOLT' o The maximum and the minimum
0 EXT battery voltage when powering ON are shown
. Select [VOLTAGE] in the TELEMETRY mtgfiopifigeggc‘; 313%:
screen and access the setup screen
. RTN button is pushed for 1
shown below by touching the RTN second.
VULTfiGE , Qensorlouchwb S r Il'n
oSeIeci the function name ENTER" 5 2 .Cwiolvirgg cursor
and return to the Linkage 0
menu by touching the 5.2/ 5.2V
RTNb it h’ lh — l .
,Ex e s j l' 0. 0
o lThef‘down" arrow I 0.0/ 0 0V
ggg'lgfigcgifsggfig :. Select [EXT BATH in the RECEIVER screen
when the voltage : and access the setup screen shown
drops '0 below the ' below by touching the RTN buttonl
selling. UDLTRGE -1/1
an BFlT'T.
9|.an UlBanR Lmn
. ALARM is chosen which the alarm operates
o The ON/OFF switch of SPEECH is "VIBRATOR"type
chosen If the lollowlng types are saluted, the
Alarm set wwnlflevwlllvlhmdnrlngltlewarnhgs
—— TYPE!
to Move the cursor to the IALARM item, and fig};
it chooses from BUZZER, VOICE, and INHIBIT] "PEI li§31—> —>
and pushes RTNI MB tfig _, _, _, _,
2‘ When not operating vibrator, it is “VIBRATOR”
to INHIBIT, TYPEl-3 will be chosen it it is made
to operate,
3‘ Move the cursor to the LIMIT [4.0V] item and
touch the RTN button to switch to the data
input mode.
4. Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor,
Initial value: AIOV
Adjustment range: 0.0V~100,0V
”When the RTN button is touched for one second. the rate is
reset to the initial value.
5. Touch the RTN button. (To terminate the input
and return to the original state, touch the
Home/Exit buttons)
I TELE ETRY 2 GPS [DI NCE] Displaying data from the Distance Screen
*A GPS sensor must be installed in the aircraft.
The Distance screen displays and sets altitude
data front an SBS-OiG GPS Sensor (sold
separately), and allows the distance to the airborne
aircraft to be read by the transmitter. When the
aircraft flies inside or outside the set distance an
alarm and vibration alerts the pilot.
0 Select [GPS] in the TELEMETRV screen
and access the setup screen shown
below by touching the RTN button.
.Select the function name
and return to the Linkage
menu by touching the
RTN button or pushing the
Home/Exit button. .
display) in the TEMPERATURE screen
and access the setup screen
shown below by touching the RTN
o T An upward arrow
indicates the alarm
will sound when the
distance reaches
above your set value.
i button.
n t A downward arrow
indicates the alarm '
will sound when the
distance reaches
below your set value.
oThe ON/OFF switch of
SPEECH is chosen.
*Positioning time of GPS
When powered up, the 888-010 begins to
acquire GPS satellite data. This process can
take several minutes. Please do not move the
model during this process. During acquisition,
the LED on the SBS—OIG will blink green;
after the satellites signals have been acquired,
the LED will become solid green, and the GPS
signal strength display on the transmitter will
Show three bars,
Moving the model before the satellites are fully
acquired will cause a delay in acquiring the
satellite signal.
0 Distance
Okm/h/ Okm/h
EOSeIect [DISTANCEHsmalI font
Distance MODE
‘The GPS sensor is necessary, and is sold separately, Mount
and connect the sensor in accordance with the sensor
instruction manual.
‘[i cannot be used in FASST mode and S-FHSS mode.
*Only receiver voltage and EXT voltage can be used in
FASSTestlZCH mode.
*The FASSTestlSCH mode can use all the telemetry functions.
oThis indicates the receiving accuracy
from a GPS Satellite. When three bars
are displayed, the GPS is ready for use.
a The maximum and the minimum when
powering ON (re shown. It will be preset,
if a cursor is moved to this place and the
RTN button is pushed for 1 second.
0 Moving cursor
"wanton" type
"the tollnvtlng types m “land, the
Innsmtttu will vlhrm dullngttte illmllg.
TY?“ iifiii
TVPEZ 11m —> —>
1000'" TVPEB gfig» —> —> —->
oMove the cursor to the [PRESET]
of “REFERENCE" item. Touch
the RTN button is pushed for I
second. Sets the current aircraft
position as the starting point.
oAItitude calculated as either straight line
distance (slant) or surface distance on a
map can also be selected. g
i Altitude
oSelect   to "DISTANCE
MODE", scroll either to the desired method
and touch the RTN button.
First, the set on reference is required.
Line model and transmitter to which the GPS
sensor was connected are tumed on.
2‘ Move the cursor to the [PRESET] of
3‘ Touch the RTN button is pushed for I second,
[To terminate the input and retum to the original
state, touch the Home] Exit button)
‘Now, the position of the present model was set to O m.
Setting a "too far" alarm distance
L Move the cursor to the TALARM item, and
it chooses from BUZZER, VOICE, INHIBIT, and
pushes Rm.
2. When not operating vibrator, it is "VIBRATOR"
to INHIBITr TYPEI-S will be chosen it it is made
to operate
3‘ Move the cursor to the LIMIT [m] item and
touch the RTN button to switch to the data
input mode.
4, Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor,
Initial value: 1,000m
Adjustment range 0m~3,000m
*When the RTN button is touched for one second, the rate is
reset to the initial value.
5‘ Touch the RTN button (To terminate the input
and return to the original state, touch the
Home/Exit button.)
Setting a "too close" alarm distance
1. Move the cursor to the IALARM item, and
it chooses from BUZZER, VOICE, INHIBIT, and
pushes RTN.
2‘ When not operating vibrator, it is “VIBRATOR”
to INHIBITr TYPEl-3 will be chosen it it is made
to operate,
3. Move the cursor to the LIMIT [m] item and
touch the RTN button to switch to the data
input mode.
4‘ Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor.
Initial value: Om
Adjustment range 0m~3,000m
‘When the RTN button is touched for one second, the rate is
reset to the initial value.
5, Touch the RTN button (To terminate the input
and return to the original state, touch the
Home/Exit button.)
The speed screen displays and sets the speed data from an
SBS—OIG (GPS sensor) sold separately.
The speed of the aircrafl during flight can be displayed.
After flight, the maximum speed during flight can be
viewed. Because this speed is based on position data from
a GPS satellite. the ground speed is displayed instead of
air speed, Consequently. with a head wind, the displayed
speed decreases and with a tail wind‘ the displayed speed
0 Select [GPS] in the TELEMETRY screen and
access the setup screen shown below by oSpeed
touching the RTN button.
oSelect the tunclion name “579'“
and return to the Linkage
menu by touching the
RTN button or pushing the
Home/Exit button.
o t An Upward arrow
indicates the alarm will
sound when the speed
reaches above your set
O kn/h/ O kin/I1
Displaying data from the speed
A GPS sensor must be installed in the aircraft.
”The GPS sensor I3 necessary, and ts sold separately Mount and
connect the sensor in accordance With the sensor instruction manual
"lt cannot be used tn FASST mode and S-FHSS mode
*Only receiver voiiage and EXT voltage can be used ttt
FASSTesI |2CH mode
"The FASSTestI SCI-I mode can use all the telemetry rttttottons.
o The maximum and the minimum when powering ON
are shown. It will be preset, if a cursor is moved to this
place and the RTN button is pushed for I second.
oThis indicates the receiving accuracy
from a GPS Satellite. When three bars
are displayed, the GPS is ready for use.
°.|| mtg 1/3 
. Moving cursor
oSeIect [SPEEDJIsmaII iont displayt in
the TEMPERATURE screen and access
the setup screen shown below by
touching the RTN button.
It the rotlnwtng types are selected, the
transmitter Mllvihnte dtlrlngth: wzmlng.
"PE' iifiii
rvpsz ifi; —> —>
WPES §§E§ —> —> —> —>
o 1 A downward arrow
indicates the alarm will
sound when the speed
reaches below your set
nThe ON/OFF switch of
SPEECH is chosen.
Alarm setting when speed increases
I. Move the cursor to the tALARM item, and it
chooses from BUZZER, VOICE, INHIBIT, and pushes
2. When not operating vibrator, it is VIBRATOR"
to INHIBIT. TYPEI—3 will be chosen it it is made to
1 Move the cursor to the LIMIT [km/h] item and touch
the RTN button to switch to the data input mode.
4. Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor.
Initial value: 200km/h
Adjustment range 0km/h~500km/h
’When the RTN button is touched for one second, the rate is
reset to the initial value.
5. Touch the RTN button. (To terminate the input and
return to the original state. touch the Home/Exit
Alarm setting when speed decreases
I, Move the cursor to the TALARM item, and it
chooses from BUZZER, VOICE, INHIBIT, and pushes
2. When not operating vibrator, it is "VIBRATOR"
Io INHIBIT. TYPEI»3 will be chosen it it is made to
SLt-tNT olt links with the "DISTACE"
oPushing [PRESET] sets the current aircraft
position as the starting point.
34 Move the cursor to the LIMIT [km/h] item and touch
the RTN button to switch to the data input mode.
4. Ajust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor.
Initial value: 0km/h
Adjustment range 0km/h~500km/h
"When the RTN button is touched for one second, the rate is
reset to the initial value.
5. Touch the RTN button (To terminate the input and
return to the original state, touch the Home/Exit
*Speed alarm precaution
Since the ops speed sensor displays the ground speed. it
cannot be tlsed as a stall alarm For example, an aircrafl that
stalls at 50km/h will stall ifthe tailwind is Skin/It or greater
even through 55km/h is displayed by ground speed. in
addition, with an aircraft that will disintegrate in rnidtiight at
400km/h at an over-speed alarm, when the headwind reaches
30km/h the airplane will disintegrate in midair due to Over
speeding even at a ground speed orsrokrn/h.
*A GPS sensor must be installed in the aircraft.
The altitude, variolneter, position screen displays
and sets the data from an SBS-OIG (GPS sensor)
sold separately.
‘The GPS sensor is necessary. and is sold separately. Mount
and connect the sensor In accordance wllh the sensor
instruction manual.
*1! cannot be used in FASST mode and S-FHSS mode.
"Only receiver voltage and EXT voltage can be used in
*The FASSTesIISCH mode can use all the telemetry functions.
oThis indicates the receiving accuracy
from a GPS Satellite. When three bars
are displayed, the GPS is ready for use.
0 Select [GPS] in the TELEMETRY screen and
access the setup screen shown below by
touching the RTN button.
[BF Tat °.|l vs
. Select the function name W 1
and return to the Linkage m
menu by touching the /
RlN button or pushing the SPEED Om 1m
Home/Exit button, 0 km / h
Okm/h/ DkIn/h
. To next page
o Push Si button to advance to next page.
[BF m °.II -2/:
as. u E
0 Refer to the former
page for a setup 0,"
Om/s/ Din/s

. Moving cursor
0 Push SI button to advance to next page.
N 35 °24. 7285
E140 °19. 5831
o The position of the present model is displayed,
This screen registers the telemetry sensors used
with the transmitter. When only one of a certain
type of sensor is used, this setting is unnecessary
and the sensor can be used by simply connecting it
to the S.BUSZ port of the transmitter
When using 2 or more of the same kind of
sensor, they must be registered here.
a Select [SENSOR] in the Linkage menu and
access the setup screen shown below by
touching the RTN button.
I Select the functlon name
and return to the Linkage
Various telemetry sensors setting
[What 5
Servos are classified by CH, but sensors are
classified in units called “slot’i There are slots
from No. l to No. 31.
Altitude sensors, GPS sensors and other data
sensor units may use multiple slots.
Using a sensor which uses two or more slots,
the required number of slots is automatically
assigned by setting up a start slot,
When 2 or more of the same kind of sensor are
used, the sensors themselves must allocate unused
slots and memorize that slott

0 Moving cursor
menu by touching the LTITUDE gaps
SL'L:3¥§§?&%”§.””QW “nLTlTUDE ”BPS
SALTITUDE “BPS to next a e
I‘VDLTABE xchs ' p g
*3 slots of altitude sensor are used.
*8 Slots ofGPS sensor are used.
o Push 51 button to advance to next page.
0 Push 81 button to advance to next page.
W m
c As shown in the table below, on altimeter requires 3 contiguous slots and a GPS sensor
requires 8 contiguous slots. In addition, since the GPS [SBS~OIG) start slots are 8, 16, and 24.
‘ "Altimeter, GPS. and other sensors that display a large amount of data require multiple slots.
< Assgnable “OT > *Depending on the type ufsensor, the slot numbers that can be allocated maybe limited.
The required .
Voltage iSBs-ot V)
Altitude [SBS-Dl A)
RPM (sasotnmsasmnoi
GFS SBS-DIG 3.1524
VARIO—FIS72 ZSIOts 52627282930
GPS-F1675 lems Bits,24
) This page is set when using multiple talemetrysensors oithe sametype.
When using tnultiple sensors of the same type
the sensors must be registered in the transmitter,
Connect all the sensors to be used to the FMT—Ol as
shown in the figure at the right and register them by
the following procedure. The ID of each sensor is
registered in the transmitter.
0 Call page 3/3 by touching the SI button 2 times
from the [SENSOR] menu,
SENSOR m 3/3
oSelecl the function name EINHIBIT IINHIBIT
0nd retum to the tinkage INHIBIT RELURD All the sensors to be used are connected
s:u.rs‘:w;trre‘rz .iflflifiii REGISTER n. to
Home/EXiibUiionv INHIBIT CHANGE SLUT multiple connection of the
INHIBIT battery like aTl8MZ/TMSG.
(It will damage. if it connects.)
Reading all the sensors to be used
ls Connect oil the sensors to be used to the
FMHN through a hub as shown in the figure
2. Move the cursor to "RELORD" on page 3/3 of
the [SENSOR] screens
3. Touch ihe RTN buttons
All the sensors are registered and can be
NSOR : RE(;I_ [ER Thispageissetwhen usingmultipletelemetrysensorsofthesametype.
This function registers an additional sensor,
Connect the sensor as shown in the figure at the
right and register it by the following procedure
The sensor ID is registered in the transmitten
0 Call page 3/3 by touching the 51 button 2 times
from the [SENSOR] menut
*ll is not necessary to carry out
multiple connection of the
battery like aTIXMZ/THSG.
(II will damage, ifit connects.)
oSelect lhe lunclion name
and return lo the Linkage
menu by touching the
RIN bullon or pushing the
Home/Exit button.
Additional sensor registration
L Connect the sensor to be used to the FMT-Ol *When the number of slots needed in registration is
. insufficient, an error is displayed and registration cannot be
tgfirgh ‘3 mm as Show“ 'n the figure Cl lhe performed, Disable unused slots or perform the following
2. Move the cursor to "REGISTER" on page 3/3
of the  screens
3. Touch the RTN button,
The sensor is regislered and can be used.
This page is set when using multiple telemetry sensors
LOT utthesame type.
This procedure changes the slot No. of one
registered sensor
0 Call page 3/3 by touching the Si button 2 times
from the [SENSOR] menu, FMT-Ol
amt-nan RELDAD
'1: is not. necessary to carry out
multiple connection of the
battery likcaT18MZfl'l4SG,
(It. will damage, iril connects.)
oSelecl the function name
and return to the Linkage
menu by touching lhe
RTN button or pushing the
Home/Exit bUltOni
0 Select [CHANGE SLOT] in the SENSOR
screen and access the setup screen
shown below by touching the RTN button.
Sensor slot change
1, Connect the sensor to be changed to the
FMT-Ol through a hub as shown in the figure
2. Move the cursor to "CHANGE SLOT" on page
3/3 of the  screen.
3. Touch the RTN button. A sensor details screen
4, Move the cursor to "READ" and touch the
RTN button.
5. The current start slot is displayed. Move the
cursor to the number of the start slot and
change it to the desired value, (Cannot be
set to a slot that cannot be allocated like the
table of all pages.)
6. Move the cursor to ”WRITE" and touch the
RTN button.
l TELE. SETTI Speech interval set.dota logging of telemetryi
The set of the speech interval of telemetry data,
and a switch setup for carrying out logging of the
terelnetry data to SD card and a setup of a logging
interval are carried out.
teremetry data can be checked with PC after a
*The software which displays the logging data ofSD card on
PC has not been put on the market yet.
The set of the speech interval of teretnetry data,
and a switch setup for carrying out logging of the
teremetry data to SD card and a setup ofa logging
interval are carried out.
terelnetry data can be checked with PC after a
‘The soflwnrc which displays the logging data of SD card on
PC has not been put on the market yet.
a Select [TELE. SETTING] at the linkage menu and call
the setup screen shown below by touching the
RTN button,
I Select the iUnClion name
and return to the Linkage
menu by touching the
RTN button or pushing the
Home/Exit button.
Speech interval setting
I. Select the Linkage Menu [TELE. SETTING] and
touch the RTN button.
2. The TELE. SETTING setup screen is displayed
3‘ Select numerical value beside[SPEECH
INTERVAL] and touch the RTN button.
4‘ Ajust the time by scrolling the touch sensor.
Initial value: 0
Adjustment range 0~30
5. Touch the RTN button.
Logging switch setting
1. Select the Linkage Menu [TELE. SETTING] and
touch the RTN button,
2. The TELE. SETTING setup screen is displayed.
3. Select [OFF] besidelLOGGlNG SWITCH] and
touch the RTN button.
4, Move the cursor to the [SWITCH] item and
call the switch setup screen by touching the
RTN button and select the switch and ON
(For a detailed description of the setting method, see [Switch
Setting Method] at the end oflhis manual.)

. Moving cursor
- Selecting mode
. Adjusting value
Logging interval setting
I. Select the Linkage Menu [TELE. SETTING] and
touch the RTN button,
2. The TELE. SETTING setup screen is displayed.
3. Select numerical value beside[LOGGING
INTERVAL] and touch the RTN button.
4. Ajust the time by scrolling the touch sensor,
Initial value: 0
Adjustment range 0~I 00
5. Touch the RTN button.
(Fllllvl’iulfl ul' Linkage Vlcnn> 105
I WARN Mixmg warning normal reset
The warning display at power ON can be turned
ON/OFF for each function. Use by setting functions
which may be dangerous if operated at power ON
to ON, Initial setting is all ON,
0 Select [WARNING] at the linkage menu and call
the setup screen shown below by touch the RTN

detect the tunction name Scrolling
and return to the Linkage cmomou EIN METER UN Iye‘i’éé'tfiémée
menu by tOUching the THROTTLE cur IJN RIRBRRKE 0N
RTN button or pushing the
Home/EX“ button. IDLE noun UN sun? ROLL DN
Warning ON/OFF setting
it The settings can be changed individually.
When set to [OFF], a warning is not displayed
at power ON

TR] FMT-Ol trainer systetn makes it possible for the instructor to chose which channels and operation modes that can be used in the students transmitter. The function and rate of each channel can be set, the training method can also be matched to the student's skill level Two transmitters must be connected by an optional Trainer Cord, and tlte lnstructors’ transmitter should be programmed for trainer operation, as described below, When the Instructor activates the trainer switch, the student has control of the aircraft (if MlX/ FUNC/NORM mode is turned on, the instructor can make corrections while the student has control). When the switch is released the Instructor regains control This is very useful ifthe student gets the aircraft into an undesirable situation. 0 Setting data are stored to model data 0 Student rate can be adjusted at MIX/FUNC/ NORM mode 0 Activated student channels can be selected by switches. Trainer system starting and setting NOTE: This trainer system can be used in the following manner; it With the FMT-Ol transmitter and a conventional transmitter, it the channel order is different. it is necessary to match the channel order before using this function You can select the channel of input data from student's transmitter in the ”FUNC" or "MIX" model . When the FMT-Ol is used as the instructor's transmitter, set the modulation mode of the student's transmitter to PPM, It being used as the student, FMT-Oi can be connected to the instructor's transmitter which the PPM mode as the student's modulation mode is required, FMT-Ol always sends PPM mode signal from the trainer jack, [tn the case of student’s transmitters other than 24 GHz] . Be sure that all channels work correctly in both transmitters before flying Corresponding types oftrnnsmitters and trainer mode settings: Instructor‘s trmxmlttersetthas system Vype trainer setllng Mod, made CH mode Arbitrary | 601 types or trartxnnttlers student FMr-o i ,anz Tl 4S0} l 8M1 irrrtrucror FMr—oi ,FX—32 Ti 4561 l SMZ Student's tmmmllter satlhgx miem type Tralner satllhg Mod. mode CH mode Mod. mode 16CH rrutrrer Cords Arbitrary ii 4M1, FX-Ao, TIZZ. TI2FG, FX-SO FM‘lrUl Arbitrary IZCH ti ZFG [FUTMMDSt and 9c tFurMMtsi trainer Cords PCM-G3 2‘46 Izcit lZCH FMT~OI iaFG, Fxrzo Arbitrary FASST-MLTZ FASS‘HthL‘l ii DC, We r7c,r.sEX, MEX FMi—oi Arbitrary PPM rt ZFG trutMAwsi FMi—oi Tl DC G,T7C Arbitrary Arbitrary Tl ZFG (FUTMMOSI FMr—oi iBJJéJ Arbitrary Arbitrary ri 4M1, FX-40r TI 21, TI ZFG, FX»30 FMT—Ol Arbitrary “Wm Tl ZFG [FUTMMUSt TBFG, FX—ZO FMT—Ol ArblttafY and 9C [FUTMMI 5] Arbitrary trainer Cords Tl 0C, Tl DCG, WC, WC, r7c,raJ FMl‘Ol Arbitrary Arbitrary (Film-lions til‘ Linliagc Murtu> 107 I Select [TRAINER] at the system menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. T g l NER <$ensorTouchW> _ 0 Select the iunciion name “CT/IN“ INH E‘itrltoofliir? cursor and retgrn .lo the _Linkcge TERCHER/STUDENT STUD o Seieeliztg mode men” Y °“°h‘"9 "“9 CHRNNEL not): BCH RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button. When using at the student side 1. Select the mode. *Whetl changing the mode. use the touch sensor to move to the item you want to change and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode and change the mode by turning the touch sensor to the left or right. The display blinks. Touch the RTN button to change the mode. "TEACHER/STUDENT": Select [STUD] [studentlr “ACT/INH": Enable operation by changing to [ON]. “16/12/8 CH": When the student uses the FMT- Ol,TIASG, TiBMZ, select [lécH]. When the student uses the TIAMZ, T122, TI2FG or FX-40, select [lQCH]. Otherwise select [SCH] REY/1W EJII rmeR/srwzur STLD cmmzt NUDE 160“ Note: In "student mode", only the teacher side can turn on and off the power to the student's transmitter. Keep the power switch always at off position. 108 When using at the teache 'de 1. Select the mode *When changing the mode. use the touch sensor to move to the item you want to change and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode and change the mode by turning the touch sensor [0 the left or right. The display blinks. Touch the RTN button to change the mode. "TEACHER/STUDENT": Select [TEACH]. “ACT/INH“: Enable operation by changing to [OFF] or [ON] “lé/l2/8 CHANNEL": When the student uses the FMT-Ol [including the TIBMZ, TlASelselect [I6CH]. Otherwise select [1 2CH]or[8CH]. REY/INN an: TEWPER/SYUDENY TEACH eHmtEL Mm: tact-t suntan SH 2. Select the trainer switchr *When setting or changing the switch, use the touch sensor to move to the "SWITCH" item. call the switch setup screen by touching the RTN button and set the desired switch and ON/OFF direction. [See "Switch selection method" at the end of this manual for selection method details.) "The switch mode can also be selected when setting the ON position on the switch setup screen. When [NORM] is selected. normal ONIOFF operation is performed. When [ALTERNATE] is selected. the trainer function is alternately turned on and off each time the switch is operated. This allows alternate ON/Ol-‘F switching even when a momentary switch (SH) is used. Note: The trainer function won't be turned on Unless the Instructor's transmitter receives signals from the student's transmitter, Be sure to confirm this after connecting your trainer cable. 3, Select the operating mode for each channel. FLNC‘HDN NUDE su RME SYUJEN RILERDN FUND +100 CH1 ELEunmR DFF lmollLE DFF RUBBER DFF bun-ex |_____ "Usc the touch sensor scrolling to move the cursor to the "MODE" item ofthe channel you want to change and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode and change the mode by turning the touch sensor to the left or right. The display blinks. Touch the R'I'N button to change the mode. "NORM": The model is controlled by signals from the student transmittert "MIX" mode: The model is controlled by signals from the teacher and student transmitters, [Reset the student's model data to the default condition.) "FUNC" mode (function model: The model is controlled by signals from the student transmitter with the teacher AFR setting. (Reset the student's model data to the default conditions) "OFF': Only the teacher side operates. "The setting above allows setting ofthe servo throw relative to the amount of student side operation when [MlX] or [FUNC] was selected. When changing the rate, use the touch sensor scrolling to move the cursor to the [RATE] item of the channel you want to change and use the touch sensor to adjust the rate. Setting range: 71004100 Initial value: +100 Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursor move mode ‘When the RTN button is touched for 1 second. the rate is reset to the initial value, 3, Set the switch of each channel. ‘When setting the switch at each channels use the touch sensor to move to the "SW" itetll of the channel you want to change, call the switch setup screen by touching the RTN button, and select the switch. Always ON. “SA“~“SH": The switch which enables student side operation can be selected. [See "Switch selection method" at the end of this manual for selection method details) trunnion Moo: su RRTE stu.c>t t RILERDN FIM — *100 2 ELEWYCR CFF — 3 TNRD‘ITLE CFF — t RUBBER EFF -- Trainer student channel setting function Which channel of the signal from the student's transmitter can be fetched as the instructor functions input signal when "FUNC" or "MIX" was set as the trainer function instructor's transmitter mode setting can be set This makes trainer connection easy even when the instructor side and student side channel assignment is different. *When the instructor's transmitter mode is set to "NORM". the signal of the same channel ofthe student‘s transmitter is output as is.(The saute as before) 109 l RE T Model memory setting doto reset. (by item) This function is designed to allow you to reset selected portions or all ofthe settings saved in the active model memory. You may individually choose to reset the following sets of data; Tl~T62 Reset the digital trim setting. *All the conditions. or the condition currently being displayed (the entire group for gmup setting). can be selected. *The trim step amount and trim rate are not reset. Model menu setting: Resets all the functions in the Model menu except condition select. All model setting: Resets all Linkage and Model menu functions except for frequency, model select, and model type. Function Name: A function name is reset. Telemetry: Reset the telemetry setting. 0 Select [DATA RESET] of the linkage menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. DQTR RESET 49nsortouch‘“> Scrolling I Select the function name _ . and return to the Linkage T1 (“LL ' MOV'ng Cursor menu by touching the T 'T5 C +GRU . RTN button or pushing the NH 5 TI E Home/ Exit button. ‘ll-XEI' SETTI E DnTR RESET IiIJILBIIIEIIITLVI— Hi!.=i![=fl_ Data resetting method 1. Move the cursor to the item you wont to reset ond touch the RTN button, *A confirmation message appears. 2. Execute reset by touching the RTN button again. [Operate touch sensor or 81 button to stop resetting.) [Tl-T6 (ALL CONDITIONt]: Resets only the Tl-T6 [all conditions) [Tl-T6tCURRNT+GROUP COND.)]: Resets only the data of Tl-T6 (condition in use and all the conditions set to group mode] [MODEL MENU SETTING]: Resets all the functions in the model menu. except the condition selection functions. 110 (Functions of Linkage .Vlt‘nu> [ALL MODEL SETTING]: Resets oil the functions in the linkage menu and model menu except the frequency, model select. and model type functions. [FUNCTION NAME]: Resets only the function name functions. [TELEMETRY]: Resets only the teremetry functions. (,0 HOLD This function may be used to fix the maximum speed of the engine so that you may adjust flight conditions when the engine is running An alarm indicates that tlte function is operating. It will prevent tlte engine from racing dangerously when adjusting the idle-up settings. While this function is active, the throttle servo position is fixed at the point where you operate when the function is activated. You must deactivate this function when you are through making adjustments. The system will not allow you to activate/ deactivate this function in either of the following states: - When any of the flight condition switches are on. - When the throttle stick is higher than the l/3 point. Condition hold function To activate/deactivate condition hold: (Home screen) 1. Move the cursor to [CND HOLD]. 2‘ Set the throttle stick lower than the US point. Silouch the RTN button to activate the condition hold function "When this function is active, "is ON" appears at the right of the [CND HOLD] display at the left bottom ofthe screen. (LINKAGE menu/MODEL menu) ll Move the cursor to [CONDl HOLDL 2‘ Set the throttle stick lower than the U3 point. 34Touch the RTN button to activate the condition hold function, *Operation is displayed at the bottom ofthe menu. Function 0N: "CND HOLD IS ON" is displayed. Function OFF: "CND HOLD IS OFF" is displayed. scrolling . Moving cursor and return to the home screen by touching the 09m . SELECT AIL Dfi—F . l RTN button or pushing the w FERP SETTINE Home/Exit button. amm- ML-fi MB. * P . To next page CDNDIT1 mm Wes L ELBQEMEELl nIL-ORUD CAME. FLP-‘ELE l-tEIDEL l-tENU CDNDITI {VT—SW34 8mg BULL _lMuJ§R_ a [RBRAKE a I RBBRKE-bELE EQ-m 1 L GYRO CQMBER M I X RUD‘ELE J In I LEVATDR Model Menu functions (Common) list OSERVO MONITOR Servo test and servo position display (For a description of its functions, see the Linkage Menu section) aCOND.SELECT Flight conditions addition, deletion, copy, condition renaming, and condition delay can be set 0 AFR Sets the angle and curve of all the operation functions. 112 <\t0del Vienu (Common Functiunsl> ODUAL RATE A D/R curve which can be switched with a switch, etc. can also be added. oPROG. MIX Program mixing which can be freely customized. Up to 10 mixes can be used for each condition The functions in the Model Menu can be used by switching the settings of up to 8 flight conditions by using the Condition Select function to add flight conditions, Add conditions, as required. When you do not want to use the Condition Select function, this setting is unnecessary. In this case, use the flight conditions assigned at initial setting. 0 Since switching by stick and lever position, in addition to ordinary toggle switch, is possible as the flight condition selector switch, this function can be linked with other operations. 9 A Condition Delay function can be set. Unnecessary fuselage motion generated a Select [CONDIL SELECT] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching CEIND. SELECT CDNDITI. (E the RTN button. nSelect the lunction name and return to the preceding screen by touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button. cunt). NRME 1 CDND I T 1 SN 1 TCH (Conditions List) ‘Pert’orm the settings below after using the touch sensor to move the cursor to the item you want to set. Condition addition 1. Use the touch sensor to move the cursor to any condition in the conditions list and touch the RTN button, Move the cursor to the condition you want to add. 2, Move the cursor to [ADD] and touch the RTN button. *Oltly the No. of the conditions which cart be added is displayed. CCNJITZ OMITS OWNS OMIT'I OMIT‘I OMITB OWNS 3. Add the condition by touching the RTN button again. Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode. 4, Move the cursor to [SWITCH] item, call the switch setup screen by touching the RTN button, and select the switch and ON direction to be used in condition switching. ton’s addition, deletion, copy, condition renaming, n delay can be set. [All model types] when there are sudden changes in the servo positions and when there are variations in the operating time between channels during condition switching can be suppressed, The delay can be set for each channel. When setting the delay function at the switching destination condition, the related function changes after a delay corresponding to the set amount. a When multiple conditions were set, their operation priority can be freely changed. 0 The condition name can be changed. The selected condition name is displayed on the screen. When a condition has been added, give it a name which can be easily confirmed. (Currently selected condition name) Scrolling a Moving cursor nwE SINGLE suircn (For a detailed description ofthe setting method, see [Switch Setting Method] at the back ot‘this manual.) 'The data (except the condition name) otthe condition currently being used is copied to the added condition. Condition deletion 1. Use the touch sensor to move the cursor to the condition you want to delete in the conditions list and touch the RTN button, "The number before the condition name become reverse- video to Show that it is to be deleted, 2. Move the cursor to [REMOVE] and touch the RTN button. *A continuation message is displayed. *Note that it‘ initially operated up and down. the objective condition changes. 3. When the RTN button is touched again, the condition is deleted. [Operate the touch sensor or St button to stop deletion.) Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode. Condition name change 1. Use the touch sensor to move the cursor to the condition you want to change in the 113 |—____ conditions list. *The number before the condition name become reverse- video to show that it is to be deleted. 2. Move the cursor to [RENAME] and touch the RTN button. *Thc condition nalne setup screen appears. c'otont CONDIT 1 ChNCEL IITER s- -v DELETE 3. Change the condition name as described below: [Moving cursor in input box] Select [‘7] or [—4, and touch the RTN button. [Deleting a character] When [DELETE] is selected and the RTN button is touched, the character immediately after the cursor is deleted, [Adding a character] When a candidate character is selected from the character list and the RTN button is touched, that character is added at the position immediately after the cursor. *A name of up to 3 characters long can he entered as the condition name, (A space is also counted as I character.) 5. At the end of input, select [ENTER] and touch the RTN button. (To terminate input and return to the original state, select [CANCEL] and touch the RTN button.) Condition copy I, Use the touch sensor to move the cursor to any condition in the conditions list and touch the RTN button. 2, Use the touch sensor to move to [COPY]. 3, Touch the RTN button. *Tlte copy screen appears. DEsrm. cmo. cONDth. 4, Use the touch sensor to move the cursor to the "SOURCE COND," [copy source) item and touch the RTN button. *The models already saved are displayed at the right side of the screen. 5. After using the touch sensor to move the cursor to the copy source condition, touch the RTN button, *The copy source condition is displayed at the "SOURCE COND." position. 114 6. Use the touch sensor to move the cursor to "DESTIN.CND." [copy destination] and touch the RTN button. *The models already saved are displayed at the right side of the screen. 7. After using the touch sensor to move the cursor to the copy destination condition, touch the RTN button, *The copy destination conditions are displayed at the "DESTINCOND." position. 8. Use the touch sensor to move the cursor to [COPY] and touch the RTN button. 9. When the RTN button is touched again, copy is executed.(0perate touch sensor or 81 button to stop copying.) Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode. Priority change 1. Use the touch sensor to move the cursor to the condition whose priority you want to change in the condition list. 2. Move the cursor to [UP] or [DOWN] of [PRIORITY] and touch the RTN button, (The last condition becomes the highest priority.) 'The initial setting condition cannot be shifted. The priority is the lowest, Condition delay setting I, Use the touch sensor to move the cursor to the condition you want to change in the condition list and touch the RTN button, 2. Move the cursor to [DELAY] and touch the RTN button. *The condition delay setup screen appears. FUNCTTIIN DEJW ERDLP ctil 151mm: 0 GRDLIP cttz RuDDER o ERDLIP cw: THROTTLE D BRDLIP cm attend» a GROUP 3, Use the touch sensor to move the cursor to the "DELAY" item of the channel you want to set and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Adjust the delay amount with the touch sensor. Initial value: 0 Adjustment range: 0~27 (maximum delay) Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode. 0 The setting mode (group [GROUP]/single [SINGLE] mode) can be switched. (For more infonnation. see the description at the back of this manual.) I AFR The angle and cuwe of each opera on tune on can be set. [All model types] AFR function is used to adjust the throw and operati n curve of the stick, lever, and switch functions for each flight condition. This is normally used after End Point has defined the maximum throw. When mixing is applied from one channel to another channel, both channels can be adjusted at the same time by adjusting the operation rate through the AFR function. 0 Select [AFR] at the model menu and call the set screen shown below by touching the RTN button. (Currently selected condition name) CD MODE EXP 1 RRTE n oSetect the lunclion name and return to the preceding screen by touching the RTN button +100. or pushing the Home/Exit ExP n button. +0. P05 +8.5 RRTE +9.9 0 Operation curve adjustment: Three types of curves (EXPl, EXP2, and POINT) can be selected. A maximum l7 points cuwe can be used for the point curve type. (Initial selling: 9 points) The number of points can also be increased and decreased and curves from complex curves to simple curves can be used, 0 Operation speed adjustment: The operation speed of each function when the function is operated (including at flight condition switching) can be adjusted. The function operates smoothly at a constant speed corresponding to the set speed. UP [AFRlD/R ~ isplays the currently u ecled rate(AFR/D/ ND I T1 mt orrssr an? Scrolling +0 . o - Movln_g cursor RnTE B 0 Selecting mode 0 +100. 0 - Adtusttng Vatue EXP B 0 +0 . o c To next page oOperation curve setting (For a description of the setting method. see the description at the back ntthis manual.) CD Func. SPEED GROUP EDT I W D/R ND . (Number of D/R curves set at the currently selected condition) Function selection method 1. Use the touch sensor to move NDIT1 (E RFR ELE oFunction selection IN MODE DUT ‘ 0 LIN. D OSewo speed setting GROUP (For a description of the setting method. see the description at the back ottltis manual.) OGroup/singte mode switch (GROUP/SINGLE” (For more information, see the description at the back omits manual.) the cursor to [FUNC] and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. 2. Select the desired function by scrolling the touch sensor to the left or right, touch the RTN button. "The setting mode (group [GROUP]/single [SNGLE] mode) can be switched (For more information, see the description at the back of this manual.) 115 DU R E [All model types] D/R curves which can be switched by switch, etc. can be added. The curve can be adjusted by the AFR function. 0 Up to 6 rates can be added for each condition. 0 D/R is set for each condition and is not reflected at other conditions, 0 D/R at the top of the D/R list has priority. 0 Select [DUAL RATE] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. Scrolling . Moving cursor DUAL RATE E:I:|NDIT1.1/2 D/R NflME srn'rus FUNCTION SUITBH 1 M? 1 INH A I LERIJN '- 2 DIR 2 INH A I LERDN - 3 WP 3 I NH A I LERDN —— 4 M? 4 INH A I LERDN '— oSelect the function name and return to the preceding screen by touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button. - Selecting mode . Adjusting value a To next page Dual rate adding 1. Move the cursor to the [INH] display of an unused DIR and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn it off by scrolling the touch sensor to the left and activate the D/R function by touching the RTN button. 2. Move the cursor to the "FUNCTION“ item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode, Select the function by scrolling the touch sensor and touch the RTN button, 3. Move the cursor to the [SWITCH] item and call the switch setup screen by touching the RTN button and select the switch and ON direction, Alternate mode can be assigned to dual role switch. (For a detailed description of the setting method, see [Switch Setting Method] at the end ofthis manual.) 116 Program m PROG ’lIXE Programmable mixing may be used to correct undesired tendencies ofthe aircrafl, and it may also be used for unusual control configurations. Mixing means that the motion ofa command channel, called the "master," is added to the motion of the mixed channel, called "slavet" You may choose to have the Master's trim added to the Slave channel response ("Trim" setting). The mixing curve can be changed so that the undesired tendencies can be corrected effectively by setting the EXPl/EXPZ/POINT modes, The Delay function can be programmed for each rate. The Delay is used to change the rate smoothly when switching mixes. You may define Mixing ON/OFF switch, control or you may choose to have mixing remaining on all the time. Mixing ON/OFF delay rigs can be used for eclch con g wh h can be freely custom e Up to ID All model types] time can be adjusted. The Programmable mixing includes a powerful link function, which allows Programmable mixing to be linked with the special mixing functions, or with other programmable mixing functions. The link function can be set up for Master and Slave channel individually The slave channel AFR lnodc (STK-STK mode) may be selected, where the slave channel AFR and D/R settings are observed when Link function is set. The knob for fine tuning can be set up for every mixing circuit. (Fine tune function) The programmable mixing (in mixing mode) STK to STK mixing function can be used even when the Master is a stick or other hardware, 0 Select [FROG MIXES] ot the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. PREIE. MIXES CDNDlTl (Ell/3 <59"5°'T°U°hm>s H. oSelect the function tttxme MODE aRouP swirls name and return to the t INHIBIT Mime ERDUP zyeiev'cnti’tgfié’ée preceding screen by 2 INHIBIT MIXING fiRIJUP oAdjusting value touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit 3 INHIBI T "mm GROUP button. 4 INHIBIT MIXING GROUP Mix setup screen call 0 Move the cursor to the mix No. whose function you wont to activate and call the setup screen by touching the RTN button. *When the function is activated, the master and slave channel name or is displayed. oCurrenl mix No. PDS +0.8 RFlTE +6.0 oTo next page OGroup/single mode switching (GROU P/SINGLE) (For more information. see the description at the back of this manual.) {— (Currently selected condition name) CDNDlTi (El/3 , . . +1 a nun: OFFSET INH oMix operating display “99 EXP 1 +0.0 ’53 km: l: RRTE B —5o +0.0 +0.0 499 EXP n exp B -lsa +0.0 +0.0 oOperation curve setting (For a description of the setting method. see the description at the back oflhis manual.) <.Vlutlt‘| Vlenn (Commlm Functions)> 117 l ink setting PRIJE. MIX 1 CDMJITi 2/3 FUNCTION . qu "ESTER n I LERDN SLRUE oMOSter CH cSloye CH DTRL FINE TUNING ‘— oFine tuning trim setting at the back of this manual.) F‘RlJG. MIX 1 status INH sutrcn -- oON/OFF SPEED oSwitch selection [For a description of the setting method. see the description CDNDlTi my: IN MUDE our 0 LIN. 0 master? SLAVE STRRT STOP 02an 0.05 0.05 LINK MUDE cTrim mode setting oSIove CH AFR mode Rant'x.) +0 ( on) oServo speed setting (For a description of the setting method, see the description at the back otthis manual.) OMix ON/OFF delay (For a description of the switch setting method. see the description at the back ofthis manual.) "Pcrfonn the settings below after using the touch sensor to move the cursor to the item you want to set. oGronp/singlc mode selection l. When you wont to activate functions for only selected conditions, move the cursor to the [GROUP] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the delta input mode, 2. Turn the touch sensor to the left until [SINGLE] starts to blink and then touch the RTN button, *The made changes to the single mode [SINGLE]. *When using common settings at each conditions. remain in the [GROUP] mode. oActivate the function. 1. Move the cursor to [INH] and touch the RTN button to switch to the deter input mode. 2. Turn the touch sensor to the left until [ACT] starts to blink and then touch the RTN button. *The function is activated, (ON or OFF display) *ON/OFF switch and mix rate are not set even through the function is activated. oON/OFF switch setting Move the cursor to the [SWITCH] item, call the switch setup screen by touching the RTN button, and select the switch and ON direction, (For a description of the setting method, see [Switch Setting Method] at the hack of this manual) ‘Always on when [--], oMaster channel setting 113 3. After adjustment, switch to the cursor move mode by touching the RTN button. *At adjustment, the delay time can be reset to the initial value by touching the RTN button for 1 second. ODEL. ElVU (AIRPL The dedicated mixes, etc. usable when airplane or glider model type is selected are displayed in this Model Menu functions section, First use the Model Type function of the Linkage Menu to preset the model type, wing type, and tail type matched to the fuselage used. Other settings reset the data used in mixing function, etc. These dedicated mixes can be set for each flight condition, as required. When you want to use the system by switching the settings for each condition by switch or stick position, use the 0 Select the [MODEL at the home screen and call the model menu shown below by touching the RTN but on. 0 Use the touch sensor to select the function you wont to set and call the setup screen by touching the RTN button. [DER FUNCTIONS) Condition Select function to add flight conditions (Up to 8 conditions can be used) Note: The FMT—Ol is designed so that the airplane and glider model types can handle aircraft of the some wing type. The functions common to airplanes and gliders. except some dedicated functions, are summarized without regard to the model type, The setting items are different, depending on the number of servos. etc. according to the wing type used. The setup screens in the instruction manual are typical examples. (Model Menu screen example) *The Model Menu screen depends on the model type. This screen is for model type 4AlL+4FLP. 0 Select the [MODEL MENU] and return to the home screen by touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button. MODEL MENU 5 I E-OBRAEEFLP t-tDDEL MENU CDNDlTi -v= FREE—mm Scrctling . Moving cursor BOND. SELECT IL DIFF- RFR LAP SETTING mam: CDND IT1 @213 ELE-OCAt-BER mm BEE CQMBER M I X RUD-OELE Model Menu functions list AIL DIFFERENTIAL This function adjusts the left and right ailerons, Roll axis correction and fine tuning with a VR are also possible, This is convenient when making settings during flight. [Airplane/glider, 2 ailerons or more] FLAP SETTING The flaps can be adjusted independently, For a 4 flaps model, the camber flaps can be mixed with the brake flaps. [Airplane/glider, 2 flaps or more] AIL to CAMBERFLP This mix operates the camber flaps in the aileron mode. It improves the operation characteristic of the roll axis, [Airplane/glider, 2 ailerons + 2 flaps or more] AIL to BRAKEFLP This mix operates the brake flaps in the aileron mode. It improves the operation characteristic of the roll axis. [Airplane/glider, 4 flaps or more] AIL to RUD This mix is used when you want to operate the rudder at aileron operation, Banking at a shallow bank angle is possible, [Airplane/glider, general] AIRBRAKE to ELE This mix is used to correct operation of the airbrakes (spoilers) when landing, [Airplane/ glider, general] < Model Menu (Airplane/Glider Functions) > 121 [_______ RUD to AIL This mix is used to correct roll maneuvers, knife edge, etc, of stunt planes, [Airplane/glider, general] CAMBER Mix This mix adjusts the camber and corrects the elevators. [Airplane/glider, 2 ailerons or more] ELE to CAMBER This mix is used when you want to the mix camber flaps with elevator operation. Lifting force can be increased at elevators up, [Airplane/glider, 2 ailerons or more] CAMBERFLP to ELE This mix is used to correct for attitude changes when the camber flaps are being used, [Airplane/ glider, 2 ailerons + 1 flap or more] BUTTERFLY (Crow) This function is used when powerful brake operation is necessary. [Glider, 2 ailerons or more] TRIM MIX [/2 The ailerons, elevators, and flaps trim offset rate can be called by switch or condition selection. [Glider, 2 ailerons or more] AIRBRAKE This function is used when airbrakes are necessary when landing or when diving, etc. during flight. (Airplane, general) GYRO This is a dedicated mix when a GYA Series gyro is used. [Airplane/glider, general] V-TAIL This function adjusts the elevators and rudder of V—tail models. [Airplane/glider, V—tail specifications] AILEVATOR This function adjusts the elevators and ailerons of models with elevator specifications. [Airplane/ glider, elevator specifications] WINGLET This function adjusts the lefi and right rudders of winglet models. [Airplane/glider, winglet specifications] MOTOR The operation speed when the motor of FSB and other EP gliders is started by switch can be set. [EP glider, general] RUD to ELE This function is used to correct roll maneuvers, knife edge, etc. of stunt planes. [Airplane, general] SNAP ROLL This function selects the snap roll switch and adjusts the steering angle of each rudder. Servo speed can also be adjusted. [Airplane general] AIR BRAKE /7/ RUDDER I AILI HP 3 Winglet (Main Aileron) intake Flap) (at Flying wing) AIL 3 m l (cnip Aileron) [Camber Flap) ELEVATOR (RUBBER 2) NUDDER iEtEvAToR 2) “P 4 MLZ RUDDERI 1mm Flap) {Main Allemn) Winglet (at Flying wing) HP 2 All 4 (Cambuflapl (Chip Ailemn) AILvAwR ELEvAroR (AILERON s) ELEVATOR 2 (AILERON 6) 122 < Model Menu (Airplane/Glider Functions) L» I A1 L Di [Airplane/glider, 2 ailerons or more] The left and right aileron differential can be adjusted independently. The differential rate can also be adjusted according to the flying state by setting a fine tuning VRt A". (Math Aim-ll [Chllflnémnl ‘AIL‘ [Mam Al eron) AIL3 (Chip Aileron) C II | Id (11' . Select [AIL DIFFt] at the model menu ( ""e" We” w" WWW) and call the setup screen shown oGroup/single mode switching below by touching the RTN button. (For more information. refer to the description at the back ofthis manual.) RIL DIFF. CDNDITi -Vl <35”5°'T°U°l"m> . Scrolling .5elecl the functlon LEFT RIGHT ‘ name and return to the QILEREIN 1009; 1009; GROUP GROUP -Movm9 cursor . oSeleclin mode precedlng screen DY nILERDNZ 100% 10096 FINE — 9 . Adjusting value EUSUTRfig'lfiiifirfizl'al mm 100% 100% TUN‘NGCURVE button. RILEROM 100% 100% filL—nFR - Aileronlell/rightadjustment 0 Calls the AFR screen directly ‘ ‘ ‘ when adjusting aileron o Flne tunlng VR settlng operation AFR‘ *Tl'le graph is operated by setting a VR, elcv . Overall adjustment by CONDIT1 (VT—Enlt/ Rate A and Rate B. moo: OFFSET EXP 1 RRTE R ' ' +100.0 +100.0 EXP in exp B +0.0 +0.0 -180 P05 #6.6 RQTE #6.G "The display screen is an example The actual screen depends On the model type Scrolling o Moving cursor - Selecting mode ' o Adjusting value . to next page - Group/single mode switching (For more information. refer to the description at the back of this manual) GRDUF 0 when using broke FLP to comber FLP mixing, move the cursor to the [ACT/INH] item and turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN buttons [ON is displayed) When setting 0 switch, move the cursor to the H item of the switch and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen, and then select the switch and set its ON direction. (Always ON Ct "--" setting) (For 0 description of the switch selection method, see the description at the back of this manual) 124 < Model Menu (Airplane/(Hider Functions) > AIL t0 glider. 2 ailerons + This mix operates the camber flaps (FLPl/Z) in the aileron mode. When the aileron stick is manipulated, the ailerons and camber flaps perform aileron operation simultaneously and the operation characteristic oftlte roll axis is improved. 0 The aileron left/right mixing rate at each flap sen/o can be tine-tuned. o A mixing curve can be set. o An ON/OFF switch can be set. n Linking is possible: Link this mix to other mixes. a Select [AIL to CAMB,FLP] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. 'VIB FLP [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/ 2 flaps or more FL? 1 fl? 2 (Camber Flapl (Camber Flapi AlLt AIL 2 (Main Allemn) (Main Aileron) AIL 3 AlL 4 (Chip Ailemn) (Chip Alleron) *The display screen is an example. The actual screen depends on the model type. (Currently selected condition name) ‘7. 5V . Scrolling ISelecl the function EIFFSET mu . name and return to the EXP 1 +0. 0 :glleoglériacumrsgée Preceding screen by RRTE F‘ “TE 3 ‘i oAdjuslingvatue touching the RTN button +100. 0 +100. 0 - . B or pushing the HOME/Exit EXP Ft button. P05 +0.8 RRTE +9.6 0 Group/single mode switching (For more information. refer to the description at the back ofthis manual.) ‘For a description at the c Ft 1 L*CRl-lB . FLP CD nor/mu [NH FLRP GROUP GROUP FLP2 sutrcn -- LINK [NH Setting method 0 Move the cursor to the ACT/INH item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. (ON is displayed.) 0 When setting a switch, move the cursor to the H item of the switch and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen, and then select the switch and set its ON direction. (Always ON at "--" setting) (For a description of the switch selection method. see the description at the back of this manual.) 0 Move the cursor to the left or right item of each flap sen/o and touch the RTN button to o Mixing curve setting \ urve setting method. see the description at the back ofthis manual. . To next page o Left/right overall adjustment at Rate A and Rate B ND 1 T1 -2/2 LEFT RIGHT +02 +056 +09: +09; - Adjustment of each flap sen/o switch to the data input mode. Adjust the mixing rate with the touch sensor. Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode. *When the mixing direction is reversed by the linkage. adjustments can be made by changing the mixing rate polarity (+ or -). o A mixing cuwe can be set. (For a description of the mixing cuwe setting method. see the description at the back of this manual.) o To set linking, move the cursor to the [LINK] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Set it to ON and touch the RTN button. < Model Menu (Airplane/Glider Functions) > 125 [Correspon AIL t0 BR KEFLP This mix operates the brake flaps (FLP3/4) in the aileron mode. When the aileron stick is manipulated, the aileron and brake flaps perform the aileron operation simultaneously and the operation characteristic of the roll axis is improved. 0 The aileron left and right mixing rates can be adjusted for each flap servo. o A mixing Curve can be set. 0 Mixing during flight can be turned ON/OFF by setting a switch. [Always ON at H settingl o Linking can be set: Link this mix to other mixes. . Select [AIL to BRAKEFLP] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button, glider, 4 flops or more 9 model type]: Airplane/ FLP 4 (Brake Flap) (Brgiiz Fiap) AIL 2 (Main Alletonl AIL 4 (Chip Alleronl AIL! (Main Alleron) All. 3 (Chip Aileran) trite display screen is an example. The actual screen depends on the model type. 1— (Currently selected condition name) - Scrolling oSelect the tunction "ODE DFFSET INH _ name and return to the EXP 1 +0. 0 - Movmg cursor RnTE n Rn‘tE B 0 Selecting mode preceding screen by touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button. EXP Fl -150 P05 +0.9 RENE +0.0 . Group/single mode 0 Mlxtng curve setting switching (For more information‘ refer to the description at the back otthis manual.) OSetting method 0 Move the cursor to the ACT/INH item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode, Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. [ON is displayed) 0 When setting a switch, move the cursor to the H item of the switch and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen, and then select the switch and set its ON direction. [Always ON at "——" settingl [For a description of the switch selection method, see the description at the back of this manual.) 0 Move the cursor to the left or light button of each flap sen/o and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. +100.0 +100.0 *For a description of the curve setting method,\ description at the back ofttlis manual. A I L->BRHKEFLF' l3l3NDlT1-2/2 LEFT RIGHT RCT/INH [NH FLP: +05; +05; GROUP GROUP FLP4 +05: +05; surrcu -- LINK INH - Adjusting value 0 To next page a Left/right overall adjustment at Rate A and Rate B o Adjustment of eachflapservo Adjust the mixing rate with the touch sensor. Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode *When the mixing direction is reversed by the linkage. adjustments can be made by reversing the mixing rate polarity r+ or-). I A mixing cun/e can be set. [For a description of the curve setting method, see the description at the back of this manual.) 0 To set linking, move the cursor to the Link item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Set it to ON and touch the RTN button. 125 < Modal Vlnnu (Airplane/Glider Functions) > AIL to RUD Use this mix when you want to mix the rudders with aileron operation. a A mixing curve can be set. 0 Mixing during flight can be turned ON/OFF by setting a switch. [Always ON at [--1 setting) 0 The mixing rate can be tine-tuned by setting a VR. 0 Select [AIL to RUD] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, general (Currently selected condition name) All] All. 2.9 (Main Alleron) (Mam AI Ion) lchiflil’ewn) (chili'AlFemnl XUDDERI RUDDER z Wlng In Win gm at. Frying wing) (.I Flying wing) V ”IL RUDDERZ ; I nuonzn RUDDER CUND [T1 (:7, 5|) CFFSET [NH Scrolling oSelect the function "W5 name and return to the preceding screen by R975 9 touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit EXP a button. P05 +0.0 RRTE +0.0 ‘For a description ofthe curve selling lllelhod, s\ o MIXlng curve settlng o Group/single mode switching (For more information. refer to the description at the back orInis manual.) HUT/[NH INH GROUP GROUP "Thc display screen is SMITCH —— an example. The actual screen depends on the model Iype. Setting method a Move the cursor to the ACT/INH item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. (ON is displayed) c When setting a switch, move the cursor to the H item of the switch and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen, and then select the switch and set its ON direction. (Always ON at ” " setting) (For a description of the switch selection method, see the description at the back of this manual. 0 When setting a VR, move the cursor to the Fine Tuning "--" item and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen, and then select the VR. The adjustment rate can be set. The VR operation mode can also be selected. EXP 1 +100. 0 +100. 0 description at the back oflhis manual. nlLtRUD CDNDlTi @ FINE TUNING CONTROL — RQTE . Moving cursor . Selecting mode 0 Adjusting value +0. 0 RRTE B . To next page 0 Left/right overall adjustment at Rate A and Rate B . Fine tuning VR setting 0 Operation mode +056 0 Adjustment rate ( +07.) o A mixing curve can be set. (Fora description of the curve setting method, see the description at the back of this manual.) [Flne tuning VR operation mode] [LIN.] Mixing rate 0% at center of VR. When the VR is turned clockwise and counterclockwise, the mixing rate increases and decreases, respectively. [ATL+]Mixing rate 0% at left end of VR. When the VR is turned, the mixing rate increases. [ATL—] Mixing rate 0% at right end of VR. When the VR is turned, the mixing rate increases. [SYM] When the VR is turned to the left or right of the neutral position) the mixing rate increases. < Nlollcl Mum (Airplane/Glider Functions) i" 127 AIRBRAK t0 ELE [Correspon ng model type] “”me Irplone/g Ider, general This mix is used when you want to mix the elevators with airbrake (spoiler) operation, It raises the elevators to correct for dropping of the nose during airbrake operation. AILVATOR *This funclion does not operate when airbrakc is not assigned V‘TA'L al lhe Funclion menu in the Linkage Menu. 0 The Rate l side/Rate 2 side mixing rate with the elevator servos can be adjusted. urvnon . A mixing curve can be set. ELEVATOR z ELEV‘W‘ EL‘V‘W‘Z o Mixing during flight can be turned ON/OFF by setting a switch. [Always ON at [—1 setting] _ . o The mixing rate can be fine»tuned by setting a VR. “The d'SP'ay Screen |S 5|" Exampler The MUS] screen depends on Ihe model type. a Seleci [AIRBRAKE to ELE] oi the model M menu and call the setup screen shown (C‘Jmn‘ly ”lam“ °°"d"‘°" "m“ below by touching the RTN button, Scrolling . Moving cursor . Selecting mode 0 Adjusting value NUDE OFFSET EXP 1 +0.0 RQTE 9 Ram B +100.0 +100.D EXP n oselecl the luncllon lNH name and relum it) the preceding screen by touching Ihe RTN bUHOn or pushing the Home/Exit button. '156 Pns . lo nexl page . Mixing cuwe seiting \ ‘ , . , i o Group/Single mode For a description of the curve setting method, see the . t description! at Ihe back oilhis manual. swttchlng (For more information. refer lo the description at the back oflhis manual.) mm Rats +a.a . Overall odjuslment by Rate A and Rate Bi RIRBRRKE‘ELE CDNDITI -2’5 HM: TUNXNE CONTROL -- 0 Fine tuning VR setting RCT/XNH INH GROUP GROUP suncn -- o Operation mode Rm: +056 ( +97.) 0 Adjustment rote nIRBRnKE-OELE CDNDlTi (E IN“ RnTEi RRTEZ ELE +096 +056 ( #97.) < #87.) ELE2 +09; +05; ( #57.) ( +97.) - Adjustment of each elevalor servo 128 «1 Mode] Menu iAirplaneJGlidcr Functions] > Selling method 0 Move the cursor to the ACT/INH item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button, (ON is displayed] 0 When setting a switch, move the cursor to the H item of the switch and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen, and then select the switch and set its ON direction, (Always ON at “--" setting) (For a description of the switch selection method, see the description at the back of this manual, 0 When setting a VR, move the cursor to the Fine tuning “--" item and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen, and then select the VR, The adjustment rate can be set.The VR operation mode can also be set, [For a description of the fine tuning VR setting method, see the description at the back of this manuals) o A mixing curve can be set, [For a description of the curve setting method, see the description at the back of this manual.) [Fine tuning VR operation mode] [LIN,] Mixing rate 0% at center of VR, When the VR is turned clockwise and counterclockwise, the mixing rate increases and decreases, respectively. [ATL+]Mixing rate 0% at left end of VR. When the VR is turned, the mixing rate increases [AIL-1 Mixing rate 0% at right end of VR When the VR is turned, the mixing rate increases [SYMJWhen the VR is turned to the left or right of the neutral position, the mixing rate increases, < Model Menu (Airplane/Glider i' uuctirms) \> 129 RUD t0 This function is used when you want to mix the ailerons with rudder operation. It is used when rudder is applied during roll maneuvers, knife edge, etc. of stunt planes. [t can be used to bank scale models, large models, etc. like a full size plane. a A mixing curve can be set. 0 Mixing during flight can be turned ON/OFF by setting a switch. (Always ON at [—1 setting) c Linking can be set: Link this mix to other mixes. a The mixing rate can be fine-tune by setting a VR 0 Select [RUD to AIL] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. detect the function NOOE name and return to the EXP 1 preceding screen by RB‘TE a touching the RTN button or pushing the Horne/Exit button. EXP n PBS +8.0 RRTE +9.9 o Group/single mode switching (For more information. refer to the description at the back oflhis manual.) 0 Mixing curve setting RCT/INH INH GROUP GRDLP Su 1 TCH —- LINK INH Setting method 0 Move the cursor to the ACT/INH item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. [ON is displayed.) 0 When setting a switch, move the cursor to the [—1 item of the switch and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen, and then select the switch and set its ON direction. [Always ON at "--" setting) [For a description of the switch selection method, see the description at the back of this manual. 0 When setting a VR. move the cursor to the Fine tuning "--" item and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen and then select the VR. The adjustment rate can be set,. The VR operation mode can also be set, (For a description of the fine tuning VR setting method, see the description at the back of this manual) IL [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider] general CDNDITi {ml/2 +0.0 ‘ _ +0.0 ‘ *For a description of the curve setting method, see the description at the back otthis manual. RUB-tall. CDNDITl. mm FINE TUNING CONTROL -- RRTE AILt All 2 (Main Aileron) (Main Allele") AtLla AIL 3 [Chip Al eron) (Chip Micron) RUDDERI RUDDER 2 Winglet ( W|nglet ) (at Flying wing atFIying wing V-TAIL RUN RUDDER RUDDER (Currently selected condition name) Scrolling 0 Moving cursor 0 Selecting mode 0 Adjusting value OFFSET INH +0 . 0 km: a . To next page 0 Left/right overall adjustment at Rate A and Rate B 0 Fine tuning VR setting 0 Operation mode 0 Adjustment rate ‘The display screen is an example. The actual screen depends on the model type, a A mixing curve can be set. [For a description of the curve setting method, see the description at the back of this manual.) 0 when linking: move the cursor to the [LINK] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. {ON is displayed.) [Fine tuning VR operation mode] [L|N.] Mixing rate 0% at center of VR. When he VR is turned clockwise and counterclockwise, the mixing‘rate increases and decreases. respectively. [ATL+] Mixing rate 0% at left end of VR. when the VR is turned, the mixing rate increases, [ATL—] Mixing rate 0% at right end of VR. When the VR is turned, the mixing rate increases, [SYM,]When the VR is turned to the left or right of the neutral position, the mixing rate increases. 130 < Muriel Menu (Airplane/Glitter Functions) > CAMBER X This function adjusts the AFR (D/R) rate of camber operation which operates the wing camber (ailerons, camber flaps, brake flaps) in the negative and positive directions The aileron, flap, and elevator rates can also be adjusted independently by curve, and attitude changes caused by camber operation can be corrected. ‘lnilial setting assigns camber operation to side lever LS. o The up/down side rates of the aileron, flap, and elevator servos can be adjusted by curve. When the mixing direction is reversed by the linkage, adjustments can be made by changing the mixing rate polarity (+ or -t. a Select [CAMBER MIX] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. [Correspond 9 model type] rplane/gl er,2 erons ormore o Mixing during flight can be turned ON/OFF by setting a witch. (Always ON at [-»l setting) 0 A delay can be set for each condition. A cut switch which can turn OFF the delay function can be set, 0 The speed of the aileron, flap. and elevator servos can be set, “N side/OUT side) cum 1 T1 m 1/2 OFFSET an: +0. 0 RRTE B +100.0 EXP a +0.0 MODE EXP 1 Rm: 9 +100.0 EXP n —l5e +0. 0 Posnoam antenna o Camber AFR (D/R) setup screen call (For a description of the setting method, refer to the AFR function.) (Currently selected condition name) CDNDIT1azmm CAMBER AFR cuRuE RND RRTE A I LERDN FLAP ELEVRTEIR oSeleCl the function name and return to the preceding screen by touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button. PCT/I NH GREIUP 1 NH GROUP SUITCH -- COND.DELRV 0 CUT-Su -- .Condilion delay setting oCondition delay cut switch CF‘ EBEEIL) +1 = 7 MODE EXP 1 RRTE Q +100.0 EXP“ -150 P05+105.fl RRTEHBB.B c Mixing curve setting (Curve/rate setting screen) +0.0 Scrolling 0 Moving cursor o Selecting mode 0 Adjusting value . To next page .Overall adjustment by Rate A and Rate B *For a description ofthe curve setting method, see the description at the hack of this manual. Cmt-tBERmIL) CENDITi mp2 RRTEI an +05€ FIILZ +05; 91L: +05; an4 +09; RRTEZ oAileron rate adjustment +056 +05; +05: +096 SPEED IN OUT 0 0 o Sen/o speed setting (Fora description oflhe setting method. see the description at the back of this manual.) ‘The display screen is an example. The actual screen depends on the model type. < Model Menu (Airplane/Glider Functions) > 131 '_______ Setting method 0 Move the cursor to the ACT/INH item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode, Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. [ON is displayed.) a when setting a switch, move the cursor to the [—1 item of the switch and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen, and then select the switch and set its ON direction. (Always ON at "—“ setting) (For a description of the switch selection method, see the description at the back of this manual.) 0 When setting a condition delay, move the cursor to the [CONDDELAY] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode, Set the delay with the touch sensor. Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode. When setting a cut switch, move the cursor to [CUT-SW] item and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen. and then select FLP 1 NH (Maln Alleron) AIL 3 (Chlp Alleron) V-TAIL ELEVATOR ELEVATOR 2 (Camber Flap) the switch and set its ON direction. (Always ON at H setting) [For a description of the condition delay function, see the description at the back of this manual) 0 Camber AFRtD/R) screen call Move the cursor to the Camber AFR item and touch the RTN button to call the setup screen, (For a description of the setup method, see the description at the back of this manual.) (Curve/rate setup screen) 0 The curve and rate are adjusted by calling the aileron, flap, and elevator curve/rate screens. The rate and cun/e of each sen/o can be set by calling each screen. (For a description of the curve setting method, see the description at the back of this manual.) The servo speed can also be adjusted. FLP 2 (Camber Flap) AIL 2 (Main Alleron) AIL 4 (Chip Aileron) AILVATOR ELEVATOR ELEVATOR 2 132 \: Vluilel Menu (Airplane/Glider functions) > I ELE t0 CAMBER [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider. 2 ailerons or more This function is used when you want to mix the camber flaps with elevator operation. When used, the flaps are lowered by up elevator, and lifl can be increased. 0 Select [ELE to CAMBER] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. Note: Tailless wing elevator can be operated when this mix is activated. 0 A mixing curve can be set. 0 Mixing during flight can be turned ON/OFF by setting a switch. [Always ON at H setting) 0 The mixing rate can be fine-tuned by setting a VR. (Currently selected condition name) ELE-vgni-tBER CDND1T1 m 1/4 s m oSelect the function ‘1 ‘ MODE OFFSET INH cw [I9 name and return to the +199 EXP 1 +0. 0 °Movmg cursor preceding screen by ‘53 Rare a Rare B detecting mode touching the RTN button fig +100. 0 +100. 0 Mdtuslmgvclue or pushing the Home/Exit flan Exp 9 button. -159 +0. 0 PDS +9.9 RRTE +9.9 'Tonextpage o Mixing curve setting ‘For a description ot‘tlte curve setting method. see the description at the back oflhis manual. INH ML} RIL RRTEI +02 +096 ( +97.) ( +92) ( “3752 +096 +076 ( +07.) ( +62) ( o Group/single mode switching (For more information. refer to the description at the back ofthis manual.) FICT/INH [NH GROUP GROUP SlJ ITL‘H —- RRTE Setting method 9 Move the cursor to the ACT/INH item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. (ON is displayed.) 0 when setting a switch, move the cursor to the {—1 item of the switch and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen, and then select the switch and set its ON direction. (Always ON a -- setting) (For a description of the switch selection method, see the description at the back of this manual.) 5: VltIIlel V1811“ (Airplane/(Glitter Functions) ?\ E-LE~CRHBER CDNDIT1 i: RILZ ELE-'CFtt-IEIER CDNDlTi (E FINE TUNING CONTROL -- 0 Overall adjustment by Rate A and Rate B. 2/4 RIL4 +055 +056 0 Ailerons and flaps rate +97.) ( +92) adjustment +096 +056 l.Se|ect the rate box and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. +07.) ( +02) 2.Adjust the rates by ELE-OCRMBER CUNDITl -5/4 scrolling thetouch sensor. FLPS FLW FLP2 FLP4 3.Touch the RTN button RRTEI +056 +02 +056 +056 - < +92) < +97.) ( +9z> t +97.) igttjiiCt‘ocifiJerdmgmngcg RnTEZ +096 +13% +056 +096 mode) ( +97.) ( +97.) c s97.) < «92) *Tlte display screen is an example. The actual screen depends on the model type. 0 Fine tuning VR setting o Operation mode +096 0 Adjustment rate +07.) 0 When setting or VR, move the cursor to the Fine tuning— "— " item and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen, and then select the VR. The adjustment rate can be set. The VR operation mode can also be selected. 0 A mixing curve can also be set. (For a description of the curve setting method, see the description at the back of this manual.) 133 AM LP to This mixing is used to correct changes (elevator direction) generated when the camber flaps (speed flaps) are used. a The elevator servos up side/down side rate can be adjusted. When the mixing direction is reversed by the linkage, adjustments can be made by changing the mixing rate polarity |+ or-). o A mixing curve can be set. - Mixing during tiight can be turned ON/OFF by setting a switch. (Always ON at [—1 setting) 0 The mixing rate can be fine-tuned by setting a VR. 0 Select [CAMB.FLP to ELE] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. [Corresponding model type Airplane/ glider, 2 ailerons + l flap or more m z (Camber Flap) FLP T (Camber Flap) V-TAIL AILVATOR ElEVATOR Emma“ airman ELEVATOR! r (Cuneiitly selected condition name) {7.4U Scrolling . Moving cursor 0 Selecting mode . Adjusting value ""7 nova OFFSET INH EXP 1 +0. 0 RRTE Fl RRTE B +100. 0 +1030. 0 -168 EXP R ' +0. 0 ~ oSeIect the tunction name and return to the preceding screen by touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button. . To next page -150 PDSOIM.B RflTE¢lw. fl o Group/single mode 0 Mixing curve setting switching (For more information, refer to the description at the back oithis manual. ) act/mi INH GROUP ERDLP SUITCH -— oEIevator rate adjustment INH RRTEI RRTEZ ELE +05% +02 < +67.) < +07.) ELE2 +056 +02 t +87.) < +97.) Setting method - Move the cursor to the ACT/INH item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button, (ON is displayed) 0 When setting a switch, move the cursor to the [—1 item of the switch and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen, and then select the switch and set its ON direction. (Always ON at "--" setting) (For a description of the switch selection method, see the description at the back of this manual. 0 Move the cursor to the elevator servos left and right item and touch the RTN button to ‘For a description ot‘the curve setting method. see the description at the back ofihis manual. CRi-tB.FLF‘-OELE CDNDIT1 mm - Overall adjustment by Rate A and Rate B. 0 Fine tuning VR setting 0 Operation mode - Adjustment rate *The display screen is an example. The actual screen depends on the model type. switch to the data input mode. Adjust the mixing rate with the touch sensor. Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode, ’When the mixing direction is reversed by the linkage, adjustments can be made by changing the mixing rate polarity (+ or 7). When setting a VR, move the cursor to the Fine tuning "--" item and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen) and then select the VR. The VR operation mode can be selected. a A mixing curve can be set. [For a description of the curve setting method, see the description at the back of this manual) 134 <_ Mt)ch Menu (Airplane/Glider Functions) > BUTTERFLY This function allows powerful brake operation by simultaneously raising the left and right ailerons and lowering the flaps (camber flap, brake flap). This setting will allow the ailerons to be raised while the flaps are simultaneously lowered. Butterfly (crow) produces an extremely efficient landing configuration by accomplishing the following: 1. Slow the aircraft's velocity. 2. Provide washout at the wing lips to reduce the tendency to tip stall. 3. Create more lift toward the center of the wing allowing it to fly at a slower speed a Select [BUTTERFLY] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button, oSelect the runclion W“ name and return to the RIL RILZ preceding screen by +056 +056 +056 touching the RTN button FLP3 FLRP FLP2 or pushing the Horne/Exit +09% +096 +09é button. a Select the Mixing Rate AIL and FLP box and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Adjust the mixing rates. Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode, a When using this function, move the cursor to the [ACT/INH] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. (ON is displayed.) a Group/single mode switching (For more information, see the description at the back of this manual.) 0 When setting a switch, select the SWITCH [—-] box and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode, Press the EDIT button to call the selection screen, and then select the switch and set its ON direction. INH DIFFERENTIRL mar: RRTE +09; 0 Differential rate adjustment [Corresponding model typ CDNDITi m BUTTERFLY AFR ELE SETTING CDNDITi (ES/3 CONDIT I UN DELFWI DELRV llder, 2 ailerons or more o Mixing during flight can be turned ON/OFF by setting a switch. (Always ON at 1—] setting) . The butterfly operation reference point can be offset. When the RTN button is touched with the offset item selected when operated to the position to be changed, the reference point is offset. If the reference point is offset too much, unexpected operation may be performed. 0 The ailerons and flaps operation speed can be adjusted. [IN side/OUT side) 0 A delay can be set for each condition. A cut switch which can turn OFF the delay function can also be set. 0 The differential rate can be adjusted. ”when servo binding occurs when setting the ailerons and flaps in butterfly mixing, use the AFR function to adjust the rudder angle. *Tlte display screen is an example. The actual screen depends on the model type. ‘— (Cnnrently selected condition name) 6ensoriouchm> Scrolling a Moving cursor - Adjusting value RIL4 +056 FLP4 +096 . To next page 0 To elevator correction setup screen 0 Calls the Butterfly AFR [D/R) setup screen (For a description of the setting method, see the description at the back otthis manual.) BUTTERFLY CUNDlTi -2/3 act/INN INH SPEED IN uu‘r GROUP [3pr an O 0 Sn 1 TCH —— FLnP O O OFFSET 1 5% o Aileron and flap servos speed setting (For a description ofthe selling method. see the description at the back of this manual.) 0 When offsetting the butterfly operation reference point, operate to the point you want to change and then press the EDIT button for I second, “INITIALIZE ELEVATOR CURVET‘ is displayed. Please choose whether to initialize by YES, or not to initialize by NO. 0 Condition delay setting and cut switch setting (For a description otthe setting method, see the description at the back ofthis manual.) < )Iotlcl Menu (Airplane/Glider Functions) :» 135 | Overall adjuslmenl by [Elevolor correction rule selup screen) Rate A and R019 B 7 MODE EXP 1 RRTE 9 1400.0 +100. EXP n +0.0 EXFB +0.0 .159 : PBS-100. 0 RRTE-IBB- B a Mixing curve selling *For a descriplion oflhe curve setting method. see the description at the back oflhis manual. BUTTERFLY CDNDIT1-2/2 INH RRTEi Rmaz m uu‘r ‘ o Elevglor role ELE +05; +03; SPEED 0 0 o Servo speed selllng odjuslmenl ELE2 +05: +05; [For a description oflhe setting melhod. see lhe descriplion at the back oflhis manual.) FLP 1 FLP 2 (Chip Aileron) V»TA| L ELEVATOR ELEVATOR 2 (Camber Flap) (Camber Flap) AIL'I AIL 2 (Main Ailerun) (Main Aileron) AIL 3 AIL 4 (Chip Aileron) AILVATOR C; ELEVATOR ELEVATOR 2 136 < Vlndel Mum (Airplane/Glider Functions) > TRIM lX 1/2 These functions call the ailerons, elevators, and flaps (camber flaps, brake flaps) trim offset rates preset according to the flight state. The amount of ailerons, elevator, and flaps (camber flap, brake flap) trim offset can be set to a switch. As an example Trim Mix 1 can be set up for launching, with speed flaps and ailerons dropped, and a slight amount of up elevator. Trim mix 2 can be used for high speed flying, with both ailerons and speed flaps reflexed slightly, and a bit of down elevator. The trim functions can be activated during flight by setting a switch. To prevent sudden trim changes when switching flight conditions, a delay can be set to provide a smooth transition between the two. Trim Mix 2 will have priority over Trim Mix |. 0 Select [TRIM MIX] or 2] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. oSeIect the function 1"” nth mt. name and return to the . OFFSET +056 +096 preceding screen by TUNTNB +056 +095 touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button. ( +07.) ( +07.) [NH FLP3 FLRP OFFSET +096 +056 TUNING +096 +02 ( +02) < #07.) [NH ELE OFFSET +02 TUNI NG +056 < my.) TRIt-l MIX 1 CDNDIT1 -l/5 [Corresponding model type]: Glider, 2 ailerons or more Example 1. Move to the ACT/INH item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Set the trim mix function to [ON]. *Whett separating Ihe settings for each condition. move it the [GROUP] item and set ii to [Single]. 2. Select the ON/OFF switch. 3. Select the [Manual] or [Auto] mode. In the [Auto] mode, also select an auto SW. This switch can be linked to a stick, etc. lnzll1e operation speed at switch ON can be set. Out: The return speed at switch OFF can be set. When flight conditions are set, the operation speed can be set for each condition. Condition delay operation can be interrupted and each rudder quickly returned to its original position by selecting a cut switch. *The display screen is an example. The actual screen depends on the model type. (Currently selected condition name) <§ensorTouchYM> Scrolllng RILZ RIL4 - Moving cursor +056 +076 - Adjusting value +096 +056 TRIM MIX 1 CDNDIT1 mp5 +02) ( 9W4) . To next page FLP2 FLP4 +056 +0 . The ailerons, flaps, and +02 +096 elevators offset rate can TRll-l MIX 1 CDNDITI {ES/5 +97.) ( +07.) be adjusted. Move the cursor to the corresponding setting item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Adjust the rate with the touch “-5in sensor. +096 Touch the RTN button to and adjustment and return to the cursol move mode. +07.) 0 When a ttne tuning VR is set on the next page. the ailerons flaps and elevators trim rates can be adjusted. Move the cursor to the corresponding setting item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. adjust the rate with the touch sensor. Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the outset move mode. < Model Menu (Airplane/Glider Funclions) > 1 37 0 When using this function, move the cursor to the [ACT/INH] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN buttont (ON is displayed.) 0 Group/single mode switching (For more information, see the description at the back of this manual) TRIl-t MIX 1 CDNDITi (EH/5 RCT/INH INH SPEED IN DUT GROUP GROUP ML 0 0 summit -- FLRP O O MUD: MANUAL ELE 0 0 o Ailerons, flops, an elevators sen/o speed setting (For a description ofthe setting method. see the description at the back ofthis manual.) oManual/Auto mode selection Manual: Switches the function ON/OFF by switch Auto: Trim mix function call can be linked to a stick, etc A stick switch, etc. separate from the function ON/OFF switch is set, TRIM MIX 1 CDNDIT1-5/5 INN FINE TUNING CONDITION 0:an CONTROL -- 05an O cur—su -- c When using a fine tuning VR, move the cursor to this item and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen Select the VR and touch the RTN button 0 Condition delay setting (for a description of the setting method, see the description at the back of this manual) and cut switch setting. FLP ? FLP 4 (Brake F ap) (Brake Flap) FLP 1 FLP 2 (Camber Flap) (Camber Flap) A|L1 AIL 2 (Main Aileron) (Main Aileron) AIL 3 AIL 4 (Chip Aileron) (Chip Aileron) V-TAIL AILVATOR ELEVATOR ELEVATOR ELEVATOR 2 ELEVATOR 2 138 ( .VIndel Vlenn (Airplane/Glider Functions) > l AIRBR KE [Corresponding model type Airplane, general This function is used when an air brake is necessary when landing or diving, etc. The preset elevators and flaps (camber flap, brake flap) offset amount can be activated by a switch. The offset amount of the aileron, elevator, and flap servos can be adjusted as needed. Also the speed of the aileron, elevator, and flap servos can be adjusted. (1N side/OUT side) A delay can be set for each condition, and a Cut switch which will turn OFF the delay can be chosen. Trim amounts can be fine-tuned by setting a VR You can also set the Auto Mode, which will link Airbrake to a stick, switch, or dial. A separate stick switch or dial can also be set as the ON/OFF switch. Setting example [or FM and other ttapcron specifications (When 2 ailerons model type selected) Offset rate: AlL: [eff-45%], AlL2: [-35~-45%], ELE: [+5-7%] Note: The input numerics are examples. Adjust the travel to match the aircrafl. Mode setting: ACT: [ON] Group: [Single] Switch: [SW—C] Mode: [Manual] *The display screen is an example. The actual sclcen depends on the model type. 0 Select [AIRBRAKE] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RIM button. i— (Cllrrently selected condition name) A l RBRAKE CDNDITi -1/5 S ”_ ' cro lrlg oSelect the tunctlon “'4 “L3 ML nn.2 mL4 .Mowngcmor name and return to the preceding screen by touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button. RNHRERRKE CDNDITi rm FLP2 FLP4 FLPS FLRP OFFSET +055 +056 mums +05; +05; ( #57.) ( +97.) FINHRERRKE CDNDlTi (E ELE OFFSET +05: run I NB +056 < +92; uFFsET +055 +056 TUNING +056 +056 t +97.) < +97.) < +05; +0 +056 +05; +87.) ( #951) . Adjusting value . To next page +056 +0 +05: +05; #57.) ( +87.) 0 The ailerons, flaps, and elevators offset rate can be adjusted. Move the cursor to the corresponding setting item and touch the RIN button to switch to the data input mode. Adjust the rate with the touch ELE2 sensor. :3: Touch the RTN button m2) to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode. a when a fine tuning VR is set on the next page, the ailerons', flaps', and elevators‘ trim rates can be adjusted. Move the cursor to the corresponding setting item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Adjust the rate with the touch sensor. Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode. < Model Menu (Airplane/Glider Functions) 3‘» 139 l o When using this function. move the cursor RIRBRQKE CDNDITl (EMS to the [ACT/INH] item and turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. (ON is displayed.) 2:22;" EDUP 23;.) 3 3 o Group/single mode switching MODE MNUAL ELE 0 0 (For more information, see the description at the back tit‘ this manual.) oMonuaI/Auto mode selection Manual: Switches the function ON/OFF by switch Auto: Trim mix tunction call can be linked to a stick, etc. A stick switch, etc. separate trom ON/OFF switch is set. 0 When using a fine tuning VR, move the cursor to this setting item and press the EDIT button to call the selection screen. Select the VR and touch the RTN button. FLP 1 (Camber Flap) AIL1 (Main Aileron) AIL 3 (Chip Aileron) V-TAIL ELEVATOR ELEVATOR 2 140 < V‘indcl )lcnu (Airplane/Glider Funcli nut/[NH INH SPEED IN DUT o Ailerons, flops, an elevators servo speed setting (For a description ofthe selling method. see ”‘9 ”mm” the description at. the back ot‘this manual.) R i RBRRKE CDNDlTl (E INH CUND l T! ON DELR‘V’ DELFlV 0 cur—su —— F I NE TUN I NG CONTROL 0 Condition delay setting [for a description of the setting method, see the description at the back of this manual) and cut switch setting, FLP 2 (Camber Flap) AIL 2 (Main Aileron) AIL 4 (Chip Aileron) AI LVATOR ELEVATOR ELEVATOR 2 nm) .> GYRO [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, general This function is used when a GYA Series gyro "lnilial Setting does not assign a Sensitivity channel. Use the is used to Stabilize the aircraft's attitude, The Function menu oflhe Linkage Menu to assign the sensitivity sensitivi and o eration mode (Normal mode/CY channel (Gym/GymZ/Gym” used ‘0 a vacant Channel d ) ty in Ft h d , h 't l beforehand, me e can eswrc e Wit aswrctr , . . Three rates [Rate l/Rate 2/Rate 3’ can be Sci. [Control] and [Trim] other than Function to [--]. switched o Up to 3 axes (Gyro/Gyro Z/Gyro 3] can be simultaneously controlled. 0 Select [GYRO] at the model menu and I . . call the setup screen shown below by (Currently se ected Condition name) touching the RTN buttonr GVRU Rn‘rElz: CDNDITi 74 Scrolling 0 Moving cursor _ 0 Selecting mode ~ - Adjusting value oSelecl the luncllon name and return to the HOT/INN [NH Map: Rpm; preceding screen by Tvp: EV GVRO HUGS O56 touching the RTN button __ or pushing the Home/Exit SUITE“ GVROZ RVCS 0% button. ERDUP GRP avnos nucs 0% c To next page o Group/single mode switching (For more information see the description at the back oi‘lhis manual.) 0 The operation mode (AVCS/NOR) and sensitivity of the 3 axes Gyro/GyroZ/GyroS can be set, 0 Three rates (Rate l/Rote 2/Rate 3) can be used, Move the cursor to the [RATE] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode, Adjust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor, 0 When using this function, move the cursor to the [ACT] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode, Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. 0 When a Futaba GYA gyro is used, when [GY] type is selected, the sensitivity set value is directly read in both the AVCS and NORM modes. 0 When setting a switch, move the cursor to the SWITCH item and press the EDIT button to call the selection screen, and then select the switch and set its ON direction (For a description of the switch selection method, see the description at the end of this manual,) < \‘imlel Menu (Airplmu‘/Glider functions) > 141 (Example) Setting three axis using a GYA430 and GYA431 (2) a wlngiype:Ai1eron 2 servos mounted iuyelage selecied o 560 SCH -' GVRO (GYAASIAIL), 7C" -' GYROZ [GVA431ELEL SCH -' GVR03 [GYAMORUD]. (onlrol and Tlim » NULL : oi ihe Funciion menu 0! he Linkage menu. 0 GYRO Setting of me Model menu, Rate ACT | Type 1 OFF/ONI GV Switch | GYRO GYROZ GYR03 | SE IAVCS:60% AVCS:60% AVCS:60%I ‘Sel so that Rale l is |un|ed Dll nl Ihe back position of swucli E mid Rm: 3 is turned ON al die from pusiiiun, Since swuch E IS mmea on: al me ccmei, Kale 2 remains [INH], When AVCS is used we recommend that ihe sensitivity CH be set to the arposition, FMR-fl‘l ssusz poii W Rudder servo 142 < Mudcl Menu (Airplane/Glider i’unclions) > V " [Correspon ng model type Airplane/glider,V all This function let’s you adjust for left and right rudder angle changes at elevator and rudder operation of a V-tail airplane, V-tail is when 2 servos are used together to . . ELEVATOR control rudder movement as elevators. In addition (RUDDER 2) RUDDER to each rudder side moving up and down together, (ELEVATOR 2) each side moves in opposite directions when moving as elevators. On a V-tail, this is also known as a ruddervatar, as they can serve the same purpose 0 Group/single mode switching (For more illtbnnation, see the description at the back ofthis manual.) 1— tCuirently selected condition name) {7.40111 Scrolling . Moving cursor ‘ 0 Selecting mode . o Adjusting value 0 Select [V-TAIL] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button, \J-TR I L ennup GROUP FUNCT l EN ELEURTDR RUDDER DDIJN UP LEFT RIGHT EL: (Rum +507. +507. +507. +502 RLID (ELEZ) +502 +507. +507. +50y oSelect the function name and return to the preceding screen by touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button. [Elevator function) (Rudder function) Up and down travel adjustment at Left and right travel CH1 and CH2 elevator operation adjustment at CHI and CH2 rudder operation 0 Travel adjustment Move the cursor to the item you want to adjust and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Adjust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor, Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the curse! move mode. *If the mixing direction is reversed by the linkage, adjustments can be made by changing the mixing rate polarity (+ or -). *tf a large value of travel is specified. when the sticks are moved at the same time, the controls may bind or run out oftravel. Decrease the travel until no binding occurs. < Model Vlcnu (Airplane/(Hider Functions) 7> 143 AILEVATOR [Correspon gmodel type lrplane/glider,V all (Ettec tve only when 2 servos used at the elevators) This function ilnproves the operating performance of the roll axis by operating the elevators as ailerons. Ailevator is where each elevator in a standard (conventional) or v-tail moves independently, like ailerons on a wing. In addition to each elevator side moving up and down together, each side moves in opposite directions when moving as an ailevator. ELEVATOR On a V-tail, this is also known as a ruddervator, (A||_ERON 5) ELEVATORZ as they can serve the same purpose. Typically, (AILERON 6) both ailevator and ailerons are coupled together to maximize roll performance, especially on larger wingspan planes, Note: Select ailevator as the Model type at the Model type screen, This changes the output channel. Check the Function menu. . Group/single mode switching (For more information. see the description at the back of this manual.) l—- (Currently selected condition name) (7:. at; 1/1 0 Select [AILEVATOR] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button A I LE‘JQTDR Scrolling oSelect tape ’tunptifi‘n 15pr GROUP oMoving cursor name an re urn o e . . FUNCTION ELEVATOR RILERON o Selecting mode preceding screen by - .Duching me RTN bum" DEIIJN up LEFT RIGHT uAdjustlng value or pushing the Home/Exit button. [Elevator function) (Aileron function) 0 The up and down rate of the left I When the elevators are used and right elevators when the as ailerons, aileron travel of elevator stick is manipulated can the left and right elevators be individually adjusted. can be adjusted. 0 Travel adjustment Move the cursor to the item you want to adjust and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Adjust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor, Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode, *If the mixing direction is reversed by the linkage, adjustments can be made by changing the mixing rate polarity (+ or -). *If a large Value of travel is specified, when the sticks are moved at the same time. the controls may bind or run out of travel. Decrease the travel until no binding occurs. 144 ‘Q Mtltlt‘l Menu (Airplane/Glider Functions) > [Correspon ng model type This function adjusts the left attd right rudder angles ofairplanes with wingletst Winglets are used to improve tlte efficiency of aircraft lowering the lifi-induced drag caused by wingtip vortices. The winglet is a venical or angled mum. extension at the tips of each wing. (3, “33'3ng Winglets work by increasing the effective aspect nunnm ratio wing without adding greatly to the structural .trllllg‘ting) stress and hence necessary weight of its structure - an extension of wing span would also permit lowering of induced drag, though it would cause parasitic drag and would require boosting the strength of the wing and hence its weight - there would come a point at which no overall useful saving would be made. A winglet helps to solve this by effectively increasing the aspect ratio without adding to the span ofthe wing I Group/single mode switching (For more information see the description at the back ofthis manual) £— (Currently selected condition name) CDNDIT1 £7.4U 1/1 Scrolling 0 Moving cursor . Selecting mode - Adjusting value o Select [WINGLET] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. H I NGLET GROUP GROUP FUNCTION oSelecl the function name and return to the preceding screen by touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button, LEFT RIGHT +100 7. +100 7. +100 7. +100 7 RUDDER RUDDERZ [Rudder 1/2) - The travel at rudder stick left and right operation can be individually setr o Travel adjustment Move the cursor to the item you wont to adjust and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode, Adjust the role by scrolling the touch sensort Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move model "lt' the mixing direction is reversed by the linkage, adjustments can be made by changing the mixing rate polarity (+ or -). \' Vlurtcl Menu (Airplane/Glider Functions) > 145 M0 CR This function lets you set the operation speed when the motor ofa FSB or other EP glider is started by switch. The operation speed can be set in 2 ranges of slow speed flight and high speed flight (Speed l/Speed 2). This function can also be operated as a safety function by setting 2 switches. o The in side and out side operating speeds can be adjusted independently in 2 ranges [Speed 1/ Speed 2). o The boundary between the 2 ranges can be set. lFrom speed i to speed 2) o The set operation speed operation can be activated at initial operation only, i 1 time operation) However, operation can be repeated 0 Select [MOTOR] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. oSelect the tunction [Corresponding model type] CONDIT1-i/2 P glider, general by setting the switch to OFF before operation is finished. When you want to reset 1 time operation, set the ACT/[NH item to [INH] and then reset it to [ON]. a The motor (CH3) is controlled by SW-G. (Initial setting) When changing the switch or stick which controls the motor, tirst change Function of the Linkage Menu. Note: when using this function, always check initial operation with the propeller removed. L—(Cun’enlly selected condition name) Scrolling - Moving cursor name and return to the nor/INH [NH . _ oseiectin mode Prectd'w W95” DY GROUP GROUP SPEED 1|] . uAdjustlng value touching the RTN button 5 __ SPEED 2. or pushing the Home/Exit “"5“ button. MOTOR UFF +0 OFF 0 when using this function] move the cursor to the [ACT/INH] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button, 0 Group/single mode switching (For more information, see the description at the back of this manual,) 0 Switch A switch that turns the function itself ON/OFF can be selected. 0 Motor off position Press the EDIT button for 1 second when [SW-G] is in the motor OFF position you want to set. The direction of the motor switch is memorized. The screen graph display OFF direction also changes. Notes - First decide the motor OFF direction, and then set the speed. When you want to reset the motor OFF direction, also reset the speed, 0 We recommend that motor OFF be set in combination with HS. 0 Set the basic operation direction with the reverse function to match the ESC used. 0 Always set the motor OFF position. - To next page 0 Move the cursor by set switch or VR. t-IDTDR CDNDITi (rum/2 SPEED nix INH ncT/INH [NH in our or: TIPE [NH SPEED 1|] 0 O } smear->2 +0 SPEED 2| 0 D 0 When using this function, move the cursor to the [ACT/INH] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode, Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button, 0 When you want to set the "One time mode“, move the cursor to the [ONE TIME] item and turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. 0 Speed I to 2 The speed i and speed 2 region boundary can be changed, o Operation speed adjustment The speed when speed i and speed 2 are ON (in) and OFF (Out) can be adjusted. 146 < Model \1cnu (Airplane/Glider Functions) 13 IACCELERATION [Correspondingmodeltype]: Glider,genera| Acceleration setting can be performed at elevator, ELE to Camber and AIL to RUD.(G|ider and EP glider only) o This setting is divided into elevator setting and camber settings The setting method is the same. - Camber setting sets the acceleration function for ELE to camber mixing. Setting is not periormed when ELE to camber mixing is INH. 0 The acceleration function can be set for both the r up side and down sides 0 Select [ACCELERATION] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. .selecl the Iunction ELEVATOR name and return to the preceding screen by “CT/1N” 1"” “TE touching the RTN button GROUP SNGL DUMPING or pushing the Home/Exit RCT P05 button. 0 I13 Elevator setting ELE‘CAMBER nor/Inn INH 51an GROUP SNEL ounpme ncr PDS 0 2/3 Elevator ~> Camber setting H [L -> RUD nor/mil INH RRTE GROUP SNGL DUMPINE sun-CH — nor P05 0 3/3 Aileran v> Rudder setting Setting method - Acceleration rate setting (Rate) 0 The return time after operation (Dumping) can beset. o The operation point at acceleration and deceleration can be set. When an operation point is exceeded, acceleration is performed. QCCELERRT 1 ON CONDITl FICCELERRT I [IN CONDITl 0 Function ON/OFF switch setting is performed for AIL to RUD setting only. 0 AIL to RUD setting is acceleration function setting for AIL to RUD mixing. It is not performed when AIL to RUD mixing is INH. scrolling UP Dorm ' l . Moving cursor 096 0% . Selecting mode 0% v i o Adjusting value - 50 94 + 50% J -lBfl‘/. .To next page 609; +5056 J wax 16 . LFT RIEHT 0% -50% +5096 -1 037. 0 Act position .Current position Note: When using the acceleration funtion, since the servo stroke is large, make your settings so there is no binding of your linkage. “i Model Vlenu (Airplane/(Hitler Functions) :‘ 147 I RUD t0 ELE [Corresponding model type Airplane, general 0 Link can be set: Links this mixing to other mixings. o The mixing rate can be tine»tuned by setting a VR. [Fine tuning) This function is used when you want to mix elevator operation with rudder operation [I is used to correct undesirable tendencies when rudder is applied in roll maneuvers, knife edge, etc. of stunt planes 0 A mixing curve can be set. a Mixing during flight can be turned ON/OFF by setting a switch. (Always ON at [—1 setting) 0 Select [RUD to ELE] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. (Currently selected condition name) CDNDIT1 (E . +15 MODE OFFSET [NH ““3”“! cSelect the tunctlon +138 EXP 1 +0 0 oMovingcursor name and return to the #5B ' .Selecting mode preceding screen by a “7:0“ 0 R”: B oAdjusting value touching the RTN button _5fl . or pushing the Home/Exit _laa EXP 9 button. +0. 0 459 P05 ole RRTE +9.9 0 Mixing curve setting *For a description of the curve setting method see the description at the back otthis manual. o Group/single mode switching (For more information. refer to the description at the back oithis manual) RCT/INH INH W0”? GROUP ‘The display screen is an S‘JITEH — example. The actual screen LINK INH depends on the model type. Setting method a Move the cursor to the ACT/INH item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. (ON is displayed.) . when setting a switch, move. the cursor to the H item of the switch and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen, and then select the switch and set its ON directiont (Always ON at "~" setting) (For a description of the switch selection method, see the description at the back of this manual.) 0 When setting a VR, move the cursor to the Fine Tuning "--" item and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen, and then select the VR, The fine tuning rate can be set, The VR operation mode can also be set, RUD-‘ELE CUNDlTi -2/2 FINE TUNING CONTROL —- RQTE - To next page 0 Left/right overall adjustment at rate A andrateB 0 Fine tuning VR setting 0 Operation mode 0 Adjustment rate (For a description of the fine tuning VR setting method, see the description at the back of this manual.) I When setting Link, move the cursor to the Link item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Set it to ON. [Fine tuning VR operation mode] [LIN,] Mixing rate 0% at center of VR. When the VR is turned clockwise and counterclockwise, the mixing rate increases and decreases, respectively, [ATL+]Mixing rate 0% at left end of VR. When the VR is turned, the mixing rate increases. [ATL-] Mixing rate 0% at right end of VR. when the VR is turned, the mixing rate increases. [SYM.]When the VR is turned to the left or right of the neutral position, the mixing rate increases, 148 <’_ \iutlel \iettu (Airplane/Glider Functions) T» Irplane, general (Example) Sett ng example for F3A This function selects the switch and rate 0 Mode: [Master] adjustment of each rudder, (ailerons, elevators, or 0 Safety SW: [SW-G] [Safety measure) AP ROLL [Corresponding model typ fiaPS) when a snap roll is performed 0 Master sw: [$W»H] (Main switch for a Four snap roll directions can be set, [Right/up, executing snap roll) right/down, left/up, left/downi . Direction switches: ° Opewm" m°dei Whe" [Mos'erl "We is 56'9”de ‘The snap roll up side lett and right and down side Iefl and right the Snap Roll function is turned ON/OFF by master dim‘ion whom; are selected hem switch in the state in which the direction switch Right/Up: on: [SW-D] was switched to the direction in which you want 5' DEDowaé [(5)55 Ell/VD] to snap roll, When [Single] mode is selected, snap e P: . ‘ roll in each direction can be executed by means Left/Down, 9H: [SW—A] of independent switches. ‘ SPGEd adjustment 0 A safety switch can be set. As a safety measure, The operatlon speed Of each control the switch can be set so that snap roll is not surface when the snap SWHCh '5 ON can be changed and snap roll executed b stick while there is switch operation can be performed executed when, for instance, the landing gear is lowered, even if the switch is turned on accidentally. The snap roll switch is activated only when the safety switch is ON. 0 The operation speed of the aileron, elevator, and flap servos can be adjusted tor each snap roll direction. [In side/out side) 0 Select [SNAP ROLL] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. SNRF’ ROLL CONDITl @1/4 “TE niL ELE RUI) RIGHT/UP +1005; +1002 +1005: RIGHT/DOW +1.00% -100% -100% LEFT/UP -100% +1.00% “10096 LEFT/own -100% -100% +1009: Scrotllng . Moving cursor . selecting mode . Adjusting value ISelect the tunction name and return to the preceding screen by touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button, . To next page 0 Rate adjustment 1. Move the cursor to the item you want to SNRF' RDLL CEINDIT1 (E45 not): MQSTER adjust and touch the RTN button to switch merR—su —- to the data input mode. snrz'rv—su —— 2. Adjust rate by scrolling the touch sensor. 3. Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode. 0 Group/single mode switching (For more information. see the description at the back of WOUP GROUP SNRF' RDLL CDNDIT1-3/4 ncr surrcu this manual.) RIGHT/UP OFF -— RIGHT/DOW OFF 4 , . LEFT/UP OFF Direction swrtches LEFT/DDUN OFF SNRF‘ RULL CDNDlT1-4/4 SPEED [@le W fih‘ our “sz —Iw1 o Adjustment of the servo speed of each RIGHT/UP O rudder RIGHT/90““ O (For a description of the setting method see the LEFT/UP 0 description at the back ofthis manual.) LEFT/DDUN O < Model Mt‘nu (Airplane/Glider Functions) 1‘ 149 I) E L This section contains information on the commands that apply to helicopters only. For instructions on airplanes and sailplanes, refer to the sections pertaining to those aircraft. Use the Model Type function in the Linkage Menu to select the swash type matched to the fuselage beforehand, Also, add flight conditions at the Condition Select screen if necessary before setting the model 0 Select the [MODEL] ot the home screen and call the model menu shown below by touching the RTN button. 0 Use the touch sensor to select the function you wont to set and call the setup screen by touching the RTN button. l-IEIDEL l-IENU NDRMHL 1/2 (HELICOPTER) data at each function. (Up to 8 conditions can be used) The AFR function, dual rate function and other functions common to all model types, are described in a separate section oSelect the tunction name and return lo the preceding screenby touching the RTN DUllOn [mmlfilli'] WW Elm: Em Scrolling . Moving cursor or pushing the Horne/Exit URL RATE MEL—SW button. com). HDLD IS EFF IDLEUPEI -2/2 —E1T-EUE _:VRD um G com). HOLD 15 OFF ‘Condition hold operation is displayed. . To next page To activate/deactivate Condition Hold: LMove the cursor to [COND, HOLD], 2.8et the throttle stick lower than the HS point and touch the RTN button to activate/deactivate the condition hold function. ‘Rcfer to for condition hold function details: Model Menu functions (helicopter) list PIT CURVE: Adjusts response in different flight conditions THR CURVE: Throttle curve and hovering trim adjustment ACCELERATION: Allows a brief “overload" in response to sudden throttle and pitch commands THR HOLD: Moves the throttle to idle during autorotation SWASH MIX: Compensates for each control response THROTTLE MIX: Compensates for power loss when cyclic applied PIT to NEEDLE: Adjusts response curve in different flight conditions PIT to RUD: Handles torque changes from pitch angle inputs GYRO: Used to switch gyro sensitivity GOVERNOR: Used to switch RPM ofthe helicopter’s head 150 t I unttiom ol \Iollcl Menu (IIclicttpttr I‘unclions) / lPlT( RV IT RI PIT Curve This function adjusts the pitch operation curve for each flight condition for the optimal flight state relative to movement ofthe throt1le stick. ‘Up to l7 points can be set for the point curve types. However, when using the 3 points or 5 points specified to create a curve, a simple curve can be created by reducing a Select [PIT CURVE] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. NORMAL 1/4 PD INT POINT oSelect the function name and return to the preceding screenby touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button. a PBS-189.9 RRTE-IGB.B a Mixing cuwe setting the number of input points to 3 or 5. and then entering the specified value at the corresponding points that you created a CUI'VC. 0 Point curve type is 9 points (initial), but for simple use, 4~5 points are sufficient. rtcun‘ellliy selected condition name} OFFSET RFR +0 . O RRTE +0.0 Scrolling 0 Moving cursor o selecting mode . Adjusting value - To next page *For a description of the curve setting method. see the description at the back ofthis manual. 0 Pitch trim copy NDRMHL mm PIT copv “FR 4‘P ivT, VCURUE fl FUNE . o Pitch trim operating position (dotted line) Normal curve adjustment o For normal curve, usually use [POINT] type and create a basic pitch cuwe centered about hovering, Use this function together with the THR curve (normal) function and adjust the curve so that Up/down control is best at a constant engine speed. Idle up curve adjustment For the high side pitch curve, set the maximum pitch which does overload the engine. For the low side pitch curve, create curves matched to loop, rotl, 3D, and other purposes and use the idle up cun/es according to the performance Throttle hold curve adjustment The throttle hold curve is used when executing auto rotation dives. SPEED GROUP 3] NGLE derive an? Nu. —tBB.B RnTE—ta .a o Pitch servo speed setting (For a description of the setting method. see the description at the back ofthis manual.) IN MODE OUT 0 LIN. O o Group/single mode switching (For more information, refer to the description at the back of this manual.) Operation precautions AWARNING OWhen actually starting the engine and fly g, always set the idle up condition switch to OFF and start the engine in the idling state. x Functions of Motlcl ,‘lt'ntt (Ilt‘licnpter Functions) 72 151 Setting method o Group/Single item: When you also want to input the some setting contents at other conditions, perform setting in the group mode. In this case, the some contents are input to the other conditions set in the group mode. When you want to set each condition independently] select the single mode (initial setting). Other conditions can be set independently. Curve setting examples 0 Fit trim copy (Hover/high/Iow) The pitch trim operating position can be copied to the pitch curve, Move the cursor to the [COPY] item and touch the RTN button. After copying, return the pitch trim to the center to call the lost operating position. The screens shown below are curves created by entering the pitch rate at low, center, and high side (3 points or 5 points) at each condition. When actually creating a curve, input the rate specified at the fuselage (or the reference value). oPitch Curve (Example) Normal curve Idle-up 1 Curve Idle-up 2 Curve ‘For a descriplion of the curve setting methods see the description at the back ofthis manual. Hold Curve fiEfiEflEfl Pitch Trim (Hovering pitch, high pitch, low pitch) The hovering pitch, low pitch, and high pitch trim setup screen can be called from the FIT curve setup screen, 0 Hovering pitch trim setting HDVER EfiDUP S I NELE comm. |_[) Run: +305; (-39%) . Low/high pitch ' IT CURVE NDRMfiL (E trim setting LDN PITCH HIGH PITCH HOT/[NH [NH flcT/IM INH GROUP SINGLE amUP SINGLE comm. -- comm. —- 152 <\ Functions ofMorlul \lenu (Helicopter Functions) i> act/mu ON mum: RRNGE 10055 RRTE +305“ my.) RRTE ' IT CURVE MJRMAL -2/4 CTRM '3056 ( my.) (Continued on next page) |—_— Hovering pitch trim The Hovering Pitch trim function trims the pitch near the hovering pointi Normally, it is used with the hovering condition. The hovering pitch can be fine tuned for changes in rotor speed accompanying changes in temperature, humidity, and other flight conditions, Adjust the hovering pitch so that rotor speed is constant. This function can be used together with the hovering Throttle Trim function for more delicate operation Setting method a When using only the hovering (normal) condition, switch the group mode to the single mode (initial setting) before setting 0 Set the function to ACT [ONT 0 Select the adjustment knob. Selection example: LD 0 The trim operation mode (Mode: CTRM/ NORM) can be selected. CTRM mode: Maximum amount of change near center by center trim operation (recommended) NORM mode: Normal trim (parallel movement trim) operation, The advantage of using this mode is that the hovering pitch can be adjusted without changing the curve. 0 Trim adjustment range (Range) setting When this value is made small, trim can only be used near the center. 0 The trim rate can be adjusted and the operation direction can be changed High Pitch/Low Pitch Trim High Pitch/Low Pitch Trim is the pitch servo high side and low side trim functions Setting method 0 When setting the adjustment knobs common to all the conditions, set them in the group mode. 0 Set the function to ACT (ON). 0 Select the adjustment knobsi Selection example: LS (high side), RS (low side) 0 The trim rate can be adjusted and the operation direction can be changed, 0 Trim acts as high side or low side trim with the center as the standard, Functions ul'lt’lnrlcl Vlcnu (Helicopter Functions) 2' 153 THRC JR\ THROTTL THR Curve This function adjusts the throttle operation curve for each condition for optimum engine speed to throttle stick movements Up to 17 curve points can be set for the point curve type, however, when the 5 points and other 0 Select [THR CURVE] at he model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button, uSelect the tunction "ODE name and return to the preceding screenby touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button. POINT -25 PBS-198.9 ENE-108.8 o Mixing curve setting ”For a description otthe curve setting method. see the description at the back otthis manual. Normal curve adjustment - Normal curve creates a basic curve centered around hovering Use it along with the normal pitch curve and adjust so that up/down control at a constant engine speed is easiest. Idle up curve adjustment 0 Set a idle up curve that maintains a constant speed at all times, even during operation which reduces the pitch performed in flight Create a curve matched to loop, roll, 3D, or other purposes and the idle up curve according to the performance Setting method NORMAL 1/3 PD I NT point data is used, a simple curve can be easily created by reducing the number of input points of the curve to 5 and entering the specified value at the corresponding points. L—(Currently selected condition name) OFFSET RFR Scrolling +0 . D - Movtng cursor RRTE - Selecting mode 0 Adjusting value do next page 0 Throttle hover trim copy THR cutnv‘qFR TN MODE OUT 0 LIN. 0 SINGLE FUNC . SPEED GROUP ”NS. 3.9 ‘t-TE 48:0 0 Throttle hover trim operating position (dotted line) Operation precautions AWARNING “When actually starting the engine and flying, always set the idle up condition switch to OFF and start the engine in the idling mode, o Group/single item: When you want to simultaneously enter the some settings to other functions, make the settings in the group mode In this case, the some setting contents are entered to the all conditions. When you want to set each condition independently, make the settings after selecting the single mode [Initial settingi - Throttle hover trim copy The throttle hover trim operating position can be copied to the throttle curves Move the cursor to the [COPY] item and touch the RTN button. After copying, return the pitch trim to the center to call the last operating position, 154 Q Functions tthImlt‘l Menu (llclit‘opter Functions) :3 Curve setting examples The curves shown below are created by using the point curve type and inputting the data of the 5 points 0% (low side), 25%, 50% (center), 75%, 100% (high) side at each condition. They are created by reducing the number points of the line oThrottle Curve (Example) Nomlal Curve Idle-up 1 Curve to 5. When actually creating a curve, enter the data specified per the aircrafl (or the reference value), ‘For a description of the curve creation method, see the description at the back of this manual. Idle-up 2 curve Eflflfl Throttle Hover trim The Throttle Hover trim setup screen can be called from the THR Curve setup screen, NDRMnL -2»= HDUER act/mu 0N nooE EROUP SINGLE Rana: caNrmL RD RRTE +3075 (—392) CTRM 100% oSets the dial used. The Throttle Hover function trims the throttle near the hovering point. Normally, use it with hovering conditions. Changes in rotor speed accompanying changes in the temperature, humidity, and other flight conditions can be trimmed. Adjust the throttle so that rotor rotation is most stable. More delicate trimming is also possible by using this function along with the Hover Pitch function. Setting method 0 when using the hovering (normal) condition only, switch the group mode to the single mode (initial setting) and make the settings. o Set the function to ACT [[ON]), a select the adjustment knob. Selection example: RD 0 The trim operation mode (Mode: CTRM/ NORM) can be selected. CTRM mode: Maximum rate of change near center by center trim operation (recommended) NORM mode: Normal trim (horizontal movement trim) operation. 0 Trim adjustment range (Range) setting When the value is made small, trim acts only near the center, The trim rate can be adjusted and the operation direction can be set. Functions ometel Menu (Helicopter Functions) ;» 155 l_———_ Throttle Limiter This function limits throttle operation to within a certain range. Control which adjusts the operating range during flight can be set, (Effective only when the model type is helicopter.) 0 Open the THR CURVE setup screen, Push 51 button to ACT/INH advance to next page and *When the limiter operation range adjustment control is NULL. the throttle limiter function is not activated. 0 Throttle limiterfunction . Condition group/single . Mixing ON/OFF switch display page4. THR CURVE NORMAL m4“ +125 one Q Throttle limiter Hoe “CT/m” GROUP SUITE“ activation position ' UN SINGLE 53 *2: HIGH Lou CENTER CONTROL .25 70 z 20 'r. 282 R5 0 Limiter activation position Pus 065.5 RRTE +933 RE TXRDT. adjustment control C High side operation range THR CURVE +125 +183 +75 +59 The high side ofa throttle can restrict to this range by CONTROL, Setting method - Activate the function l. Select "ACT/INH“ and touch the RTN button. 2. Scrolling the touch sensor and switch the display to [INH] or [ACT]. 3. Touch the RTN button. a Group/single mode selection, 1. Select "GROUP” and touch the RTN button. 2. Scrolling the touch sensor and switch the display to [GROUP] or [SINGLE]. 3. Touch the RTN button. 0 ON/OFF switch setting 1. Select "SWITCH" and touch the RTN button. 2, A hardware selection screen is displayed, Select the hardware and touch the RTN button. 0 Hight side operation range setting 1. Select "HIGH" and touch the RTN button, 2, Scrolling the touch sensor and adjust the high 0 Low side operation range O The limit value at the operation hardware neutral position can be adjusted using the throttle limiter, The neutral position of CONTROL The neutral position of CONTROL THR CURVE THR CURVE o1zs +125 nan ' +130 +75 ws *— +50 ‘1-“ +sa ‘ t +25 +25 _____ a a .— —25 -25 C When CENTER is INH. The motion with the equal upper and lower sides is carried out. . When CENTER is 28%. The amount of operations above CONTROL increases. side operation range, 3. Touch the RTN button. a Low side operation range setting I, Select “LOW" and touch the RTN button. 2, Scrolling the touch sensor and adjust the low side operation range. 3, Touch the RTN button, 0 The neutral position of "CONTROL" setting 1. Select "CENTER" and touch the RTN button. 2, Scrolling the touch sensor and adjust the neutral position. 3. Touch the RTN button. 0 Limiter activation position adjustment control setting I. Select "CONTROL" and touch the RTN button. 2. A hardware selection screen is displayed, Select the hardware and touch the RTN button. 156 < Functions of Model Menu (Helicopter Functions) i> LER IO This function is used to adjust the pitch and the throttle rise characteristic at acceleration/ deceleration operation. An acceleration function which temporarily increases the pitch and throttle operations at throttle slick acceleration/deceleration operation can be seti o Select [ACCELERATION] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN buttons ACCELERFIT I UN NDRMRL -1/2 nSelecl the tuncliorl name and return to the preceding screenby touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit bullon. o Pitch setting / o Throttle setting PITCH nor/mu [NH RATE GROUP SNEL DUMPIM RCT ms THROTTLE REIT/[Ml INH RRTE ERDUP SNGL DUMPINE not PDS Setting method 0 Acceleration can be set at both setting at acceleration (high) and setting at deceleration (low). [The operation point is displayed on a graph.) 0 Acceleration rate setting (Rate) 0 The return time after operation (Dumping) can be set. 0 The operation point at acceleration and deceleration can be set. When an operation point is exceeded, acceleration is performed Note: When using the acceleration tuntion, since the pitch stroke is large, make your settings so there is no binding of your linkage. HCCELERRT I EIN NERMAL Example of acceleration function use owhen used at pitch, the acceleration function is effective when you want to quicken the response of the fuselage at BB flight flip, etc. when used, high pitch temporarily exceeds maximum pitch, but immediately returns to maximum pitch. l—(Cunently selected condition name) Scrolling 0 Moving cursor . selecting mode 0 Adjusting value 1w. HIGH / 'l 0% 0% H 0% ' l 25% 759: j 67. LOU o‘io next page 1884 CLOSE OPEN 096 0% 0 Act position oCUrrent position < Functions omelel \lcnn (Ilclicrlplvr Functions) 3» 157 l THR HOLD Example ofuse This function sets the throttle cut position for auto rotation The throttle position can also he set to an idling position. Setting of these 2 positions can be selected by switch. This allows use for switching during training. a Select [THR HOLD] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button, oSelect the lunctiort CUT MODE name and return to the "ODE preceding screenby act/nth IJN touching the RTN button or pushing the Horne/Exit button. SUITCH _" oSet to the engine stop position. THR HEILD HEILD IDLE MUDE REY/INH INH GROUP SINELE SUITCH -- MODE IDLE OFFS +0 SPEED O oSet to the idling position. Setting method 9 Operation mode selection Manual mode[MANUAL): The throttle hold function is operated by switch operation only, Auto mode(AUTO): The throttle hold function operation is linked to the throttle stick position, Auto position setting: When the auto mode is selected, the throttle position (auto position) can be selected, Move the throttle stick to the position you want to set and touch the RTN button. (Auto position is displayed.) a Hold position adjustment Throttle Hold (Cut) sets the throttle cut position. Adjust it so that the carburetor is full close. Throttle Hold (Idle): Make this adjustment to maintain idling for training. Adjustments can be made based on the throttle curve idle position. THR HEILD HOLD GROUP SINGLE HDLD P05. SPEED (E MANURL 0 Since throttle hold has 2 modes (Cut) and (Idle), using it in the Idling mode during training and in the Cut mode when stopping the engine at meets, etc. is convenient. Note: When throttle hold is set to ON in the normal condition, throttle hold acts and the throttle sen/o is deactivated. Always set throttle hold to ON in the hold condition. : (Currently selected condition name) -1/2 iaaz MANUAL Scrolling 0 Moving cursor . Selecting mode 0 Adiusling value 17% o To next page oHoId position oCurrent position o The throttle servo operating speed can be adjusted. (Speed) - Throttle cut or training function can be switched by hold function selector switch. Operation precautions AWARNING OWhen starting the engine, confirm that the idle up condition and throttle hold condition are OFF. 158 «:: Funt‘liittts ul'Murlt-l \lcntt (llelicrtntcr Functions) I SWASH MIX The swash mix function is used to correct the swash plate in the aileron (roll) direction and elevator (cyclic pitch) corresponding to each operation ofeach condition, Adjustment by independent curve for aileron, elevator, and pitch operations is possible. The operation can be smoothly adjusted by calling up the “Curve setup” screen by touching the EDIT button with moving the cursor to the mixing item that corresponds to the mixing and direction which needs correction. 0 Select [SWASH MIX] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button, nixma ROY AIL-'ELE INH '- ELEI'AIL INH '- PIT-VAIL INH '- PIT-‘ELE INH '- oSelect the tunction name and return to the preceding screenbv touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button. NORMAL MODE EXP 1 RRTE n +0.0 EXP n +0.0 -150 P05 *0.0 RRTE +0.0 NJRMnL -m SUITE" TRIM Example of use o As an example, use swash mixing to correct undesirable tendencies in the roll direction 0 For a condition which uses AIL to ELE, set this function to ON. When raising the nose at a right roll, when the Rate B side is input and the right aileron is operated, the elevator moves to the down side. Tune by adjusting the Rate. For right roll, adjust to the rate A side. {— (Currently selected condition name) GROUP Scrolling 3:: 3mg: Zéli’evéii‘néflie S I NELE S I NELE - To next page 0 Group/single mode switching (For more information referto the description at the back ofthis manual.) 1/ 1 OFFSET INH +0. 0 Rm: 3 +0.0 EXPB +0.0 0 Mixing curve setting *For a description of the curve setting method see the description at the back of this manual, the cursor to the [~] item and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen and set the switch and its ON position. Setting method a When using this function, move the cursor to the [ACT] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input model Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. (ON is displayed) I When you want to set the same contents at other conditions, select the group mode When you want to set the selected condition only, select the single mode (initial setting). 0 The correction rate can be set by cun/e, o A switch can be set. When [ H] is set, the swash mixing function is operated by merely selecting the condition, When setting an [ON]/[OFF] switch, move «1 I'iinctinns ot'MorIcl Menu (Helicopter Functions) > 159 THROTTLE MIX This function corrects slowing of engine speed caused by swash plate operation during aileron or elevator operation. The method of applying clockwise or counterclockwise torque when pirouetting can also be conectedt An acceleration function which temporarily increases the throttle side correction rate relative to rapid stick operation can also be set, 0 Select [THROTTLE MIX] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. move the c g item corresponding to the mixtng that needs correction and touch the RTN button to call the curve setup screen, and then correct the slowing. Setting example 0 AIL to THR applies a load to the engine and corrects slowing of the engine speed when the aileron stick was operated Engine racing can be adjusted independently at the right aileron and left aileron by Rates A and B. ‘— (Currently selected condition name) THROTTLE t-iIX NDRMRL -t/t <$ensorTouchVM> Sciatiing 0 Moving cursor 0 Selecting mode MIXING tact SUITCH MODE GROUP fiIL-‘THR INH —- CTRM SINGLE ELE'tTHR INH —- CTRM SINGLE RUD‘THR INH -- CTRM SINGLE oSelect the function name and return to the preceding screenby touching the RTN button or pushing the Horne/Exit button. 0 Mixing Gun/e setting ‘For a description of the MODE curve setting method. see the description at the back ofthis manual. EXP a -150 P05 +8.0 RRTE +0.0 R I L‘THR INH RRTE 05; QCT P05 Setting method a When using this function, move the cursor to the [ACT] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. (ON is displayed) 0 When you want to set the same contents at other conditions, select the group mode, When you want to set the selected condition only, select the single mode [initial setting). 0 The correction rate can be set by curve. a A switch can be set, When [ H] is set, the swash mixing function is operated by merely selecting the condition When setting an [OM/[OFF] switch, move the cursor to the [-»] item and touch the RTN button to call the selection screen and set the switch and its ON position. NGRMAL -1/2 EXP 1 RQTE Ft +0.0 +0.0 NGRMRL LEFT RIGHT 0% DUMPINE 0% -5056 +5056 0 To next page 0 Group/single mode switching (For more information. refer to the description at the back of this manual.) OFFSET INH +0.0 RITIE B +0.0 EXPE +0.0 -2/2 oAcceleration settings o Acceleration can be set for both settings (Left) and (Right) 0 Acceleration rate setting (Rate) o The return time (Dumping) after operation can be set. 0 The operation point when the correction rate is increased and decreased can be set independently. When an operation point is exceeded, acceleration operation is performed. 160 < Functions of Model Vlcnu (Helicopter Functions) > I PIT to NE [)1 mixing This mixi g is used when the engine is equipped with needle control or other fuel-air mixture adjustment. A needle curve can be set, An acceleration function which temporarily increases needle operation at throttle stick 0 Select [PIT to NEEDLE] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. osetect the tunction "095 NORM acceleratiou/deceleration operation can be set. The rise characteristic of the needle servo at acceleration and deceleration operation can be adjusted. 0 Normally, use [POINT] type. 1/2 I FFSET INH SCVOIIing name and return to the EXP 1 +0- 0 'MC’V'"? CW” preceding screenby RRTE t1 RME B :iiiifilizgiiaif: touching the RTN button +0.0 +0.0 ‘ 9 or pushing the Home/Exit dag EXP 9 EXP B button. +0 . 0 +0 , O -158 P05 '9.5 RFITE +5.8 o Mixing curve setting *For a description otthe curve setting method, see the description at the back ofthis manual. 0 Group/single mode switching (For more information. refer to the description at the back otthis manual.) Setting method c When using this function. move the cursor to the [ACT] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. (ON is displayed.) 9 when you want to set the some contents at other conditions. select the group mode. When you want to set the selected condition only, select the single mode (initial setting). 0 A needle curve can be set. 0 A switch can be set. When [ [--]] is set, the mixing function is operated by merely selecting the condition. When setting on [OM/[OFF] switch, move the cursor to the H item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Touch the RTN button to call the selection screen and set the switch and its ON position. F‘lT‘NEEDLE NORMAL REIT/[NH [N-l Rm: 0% 0% ERUJP SNGL ouwrue O96 sur'rcu -- . To next page (Currently selected condition name) Lou HIGH 25% 75% “CT PDS oAccelercttion settings < Acceleration function setting> oAccelerotion can be set at both setting at acceleration (high) and setting at deceleration (low). OThe acceleration rate (rate) and the return time after operation (dumping) can be set. oAn operation point (act pos) at acceleration and deceleration can be set. When on operation point was exceeded. acceleration operation is performed. < I‘unt'tions (if lVIUthl Menu (Helicopter Functions) ’Z‘) 161 PIT to R Use this mix when you want to suppress the reaction torque generated by main rotor pitch and speed changes during pitch operation. Adjust so that the nose does not move in the rudder direction. An acceleration function which temporarily increases the correction rate at throttle stick acceleration/deceleration operation can be set. The mixing rate at accetendon/deceleration can be set. 0 Select [PIT to RUD] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. oSelect the function "”5 name and return to the EXP 1 preceding screenby “RTF- 9 touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit EXP R button. El -B.5 RRTE +8. 8 Setting method I when using this function, move the cursor to the [ACT] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. (ON is displayed.) a When you want to set the same contents at other conditions, select the group mode. When you want to set the selected condition only, select the single mode (initial setting), 0 A mixing curve is set. The mixing curve rate starts from a small value. For a rotor with a clockwise operation direction (polarity), when pitch was operated at the plus side, set so that mixing is in the clockwise direction. First, trim at hovering and then adjust the neutral position. I. Adjustment between slow and hovering Repeatedly hover from take off and land from hovering at a constant rate matched to your own rhythm, and adjust the pitch so the nose does not deflect when the throttle is raised and lowered. 2. Throttle high side (climbing and diving from hovering) Repeat climbing and diving from hovering at a constant rate matched to your own rhythm and adjust the pitch so that the nose does not deflect when the throttle is raised and lowered. +0.0 +0.0 11g (Revolution mixing) However, when a CV Series or other heading hold gyro is used. since correction is performed by the gyro, this mix is not used. If this {unction is used when the gyro operation mode is the AVCS mode, the neutral position will change. 0 Normally, use [POINT] type, 1/2 IFFSET TNH Scrolling +0. 0 I Moving cursor Rm: B 0 Selecting mode +0 . 0 0 Adjusting Value EXP 3 +0 . 0 . To next page (Currently selected condition name) P l T-vRUD NORMAL @2/2 Lou HIGH RBT/INH [M4 RRTE 0% 0% SNGL DUMPINE 095 an P05 25% 75% GROUP oAcceleration settings Set the mixing rate so that the rudder direction at high-speed flight is straight ahead. Adjust tor each condition used. o Acceleration operation can be performed for both setting at acceleration (high) and setting at deceleration (low). 0 Acceleration rate setting (rate) 0 The return time after operation (dumping) can be set. 0 An operation point (act post at acceleration and deceleration can be set independently. When an operation point was exceeded, acceleration operation is performed. 162 < Functions ofModel \lonu (Helicopter Functions) > I GYRO mixing This function used to adjust gyro sensitivity, Note:_When using the [Gyro21/[Gyr031functiom The sensitivity and operation mode (Normal mode/ 055‘9'1 [GyroZI/[Gyros] to any channel on AVCS mode) can be set for each condition. the function screen. _ , . . . , Always set to H both (control) and (trim) for The gyro sensutivny can be swttched With each the [Gyro] function at the Function menu in condition or the switch. (5 sensitivities) the Linkage menu. *Compatible with 3 axis gyro(CGY750). 0 Select [GYRO] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. GYRD NDRMflL 1/ 1 <$ensorTouchTM> . avau (RUD) avRoztnIL) WED: (ELE) Scrolling oSelect the iunclion 1 AVCS B07. AVCS 507. AVCS 507. -M°Vln_9 cursor 233§e%'igée?§?e'§n'23 DN ( +932) 0N ( +597.) 0N ( +537.) asiec'ling mode touching the RYN button 2 AVCS B07 AVCS 507. AVCS 507. 'A IUS '”9 V0 ”9 mm +337) um +597.) mm +597.) or pushing the Home/Exit button. 3 AVCS 502 INH ( +387.) AVCS 507. HUGS 507. mm +597.) mm +507.) '70 "e“ 9°99 0 when the GYRO function button is selected, each GYRO detailed setting screen appears. (RateNo.display)—; l F(Currenltyselectedconditionname) RnTEiz: NDRMRL RRTE 1 IS 0N MODE Rm: noT/xNH ON 1va surreH -- 'GYTO iYPe selection: oFine tuning VR settings [GY]/ {NORM} oMode selection' .6er sensitivity adjustment [AVCS]/[NORM] Setting method 0 When using this function, move the cursor to the [ACT] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode, Turn the touch sensor to the left and touch the RTN button. (ON is displayed.) 0 When you wont to set the same contents at other conditions, select the group mode, When you wont to set the selected condition only, select the single mode [initial setting). 0 Three rates can be switched for each condition. (Rate l/Rote 2/Rate 3) o A fine tuning VR can be set. ‘5 Functions ut'Mmtcl Menu (Hriicuptcr Functions) 2‘ 163 I OVEI OR mlxtlr When using a Futaba governor, this function is used to switch the RPM of the helicopters head. Up to 3 rates can be set for each condition. *The governor is used by connecting the governor speed setting channel to CH7 (initial setting). *When using an independent governor [om/[OFF] switch. connect the AUX([ON]/[0FF]) connector of the govemor to CH8 (initial setting) and set the switch to CH8 (GovernorZ) at the Function lnenu ot‘the Linkage Menu. 0 Select [GOVERNOR] at the model menu and call the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button, RRTE 1 IS on RCT/INH UN UNIT 9; sutrcn -— GROUP SNG oSelect the tunction name and return to the preceding screenby touching the RTN button or pushing the Home/Exit button. oUnit display selection: [731/ [rpm] Setting method oActivate the mixing When using this function, move the cursor to the [INH] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Select the ACT mode by scrolling the touch sensor. ‘The display blinks Touch the RTN button to activate the mixing and return to the cursor mode. (ON is displayed.) When the Governor is changed from the default inhibited (INH) state to the active (ACT) state, the endpoint menu will be displayed and it is possible to utilize the endpoints for this given condition. ‘thn the function is set ONIOFF at the governor setup screen, the governor rpm setting channel end point servo travel and limit point are now initialized. ‘thn changed from INH to ACT (ON), the servo travel is initialized to lot! and the lilnit point is initialized to [55. *When operation is changed to lNH at all conditions. the servo travel is initialized to 100 and the limit point is initialized to I35. GDUERNDRRRTEizs NORMAL -1/3 RRTE 50.02 t *When using the Fuel Mixture function. the mixture servo is controlled from the governor, When transmitting the mixture curve data from the transmitter to the governor. the governor AUX tm,trm) connector must be connected to CH8 (initial setting) and governor side setting performed. See the governor instruction manual. Note: Always set [Control] and [Trim] to 1—] for [Governor] and [Governor 2] of the Function menu of the Linkage menu. rtCurrently selected condition name) <$ensoriouchTM> Scrolling - Moving cursor 0 Selecting mode . Adjusting value SEW/J 0 To next page OFine tuning VR settings .RPM adjustment ORPM adjustment Move the cursor to the rate item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Adjust the rpm by scrolling the touch sensor, initial value: 50% llSOOrpm) Adjustment range: OFF, 0~i l0‘7o (OFF, 700~3500rpm) "When the RTN button is touched for one second. the sensitivity is reset to the initial value.) Touch the RTN button to return to the cursor mode, oUnit diplay selection Move the cursor to the UNIT item and touch the RIM button to switch to the data input mode. Select the unit by scrolling the touch sensor. Touch the RTN button to change the operation mode and return to the cursor mode. 164 (1 Functions of Model Men-l (Helicopter Functions) i> [—______ oDiplay mode selection *When [rpm] mode is selected above setting. the display mode can be selected. 'Tltere is no change in the transminer output even when the "MODE” is changed. Calibration should be performed via the governor. ‘itt order to use the Governor function of the FMT-OI. it is necessary to change the settings on the governor for the low side 700 rpm mode. when the MODE of the Governor screen’s model menu is changed, the change is also indicated on-screen. GOVERNOR RFITE 1 23 'ngfiyl'flh RQTE 1 IS_U_N-uw 70°" nmntn'uN RRTE {SDI} : UNIT rpm FINE TUNING r SUITCH -- BTR : GROUP RRTE +Om=nx +arm> The chart below indicates the mode percentage and the corresponding RPM‘ main rotor R.P.M. E. 0% 50% : neutral 100% 110% main rotor R.P.M. setting channel travel oFitte tuning VR settings Move the cursor to the [--] item and touch the RTN button to access the selection screen Select the control. *For a description of the switch selection method, see the description at the back of this manual, Move the cursor to the rate item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode, Adjust the trim rate by scrolling the touch sensor. Initiol value: 0% (Orpm) Adjustment range: -20~+20% (-800~+800rpm) ‘When the RTN button is touched for one second, the sensitivity is reset to the initial value) Touch the RTN button to return to the cursor mode. "1 Functions ot'\1otlel Menu (Helicopter Functions) is 165 l_________ Common operations used in function setup screen This section describes the functions often used at the function setup screen, Refer to it when setting each function Operations related to flight conditions Group/single mode switching (GROUP/SINGLE) When setting multiple flight conditions, linking the setting contents with all conditions (group mode) or setting independently (single mode) can be selected. The mode can be changed at the [GROUP] item on each setup screen. [Group/single mode switching] GROUP GROUP GROUP <—' S I NGLE I. Use the touch sensor to move the cursor [reverse-video) to the [GROUP] item on the setup screen and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. 2. Turn the touch sensor to the left until switch [SINGLE] starts to blink. *At this point. tlte mode has still not been changed. *When changing from [SINGLE] to [GROUP]. mm the touch sensor to the right. 3. Change the mode by touching the RTN button. eGroup mode (GROUP) The some setting contents are set to all the flight conditions. oSingle mode (SINGLE) Set this mode when the setting contents are not linked with other conditions. 166 Condition delay setting Unnecessary fuselage motion generated when there are sudden changes in the servo position and variations in the operating time between channels can be suppressed by using the condition delay function of tlte condition select function [COND. SELECT]. When the delay function is set at the switching destination condition, a delay corresponding to that amount is applied and the related functions change smoothly [Setting method] DELRV "At the condition delay setup screen [CONDDELAY], move the cursor to the [DELAY] item of the channel you want to set and perform the following settings: I. Switch to the condition you want to set and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode, 2. Set the delay by turning the touch sensor. Initial value: 0 Adjustment range: O~27 [maximum delay) (When the RTN button is touched for I second. the delay is reset to the initial value.) 3. Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode. |________ Operations related to fine tuning VR oVR selection CTRL moo: FINE TUNING RS SYN. oOperdtion mode selection ‘The operation modes which can be selected depend on the function. [Setting method] . Control selection Use the touch sensor to move the cursor (reverse-video) to the [CTRL] item and touch the RTN button to coll the selection screen Move to the control you wont to set by turning the touch sensor to the left or right and touch the RTN buttoni . Mode selection Use the touch sensor to move the cursor to the [MODE] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the dota input modes Turn the touch sensor to the left or right and switch to the operation mode ([LINi], [ATL+], [ATL-], or [SYM.]] corresponding to the set control and touch the RTN button. , Rate adjustment Move the cursor to the [RATE] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input modes Turn the touch sensor to the left or right and set the rate. Initiol volue: 0% Adjustment range: 7100%~+100% [When the RTN bulton is touched for 1 second: the rate is reset to Ihe initial value.) Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move mode. {—nRate adjustment RRTEC/J +0 < +6) 4— (Fine tuning VR operation position) [fine tuning VR operation mode] [LINi] Mixing rate 0% at center of VRi When the VR is turned clockwise and counterclockwise, the mixing rate increases and decreases, respectively. [ATL+]Mixing rate 0% at left end of VR, When the VR is turned, the mixing rate increases, [ATL-] Mixing rate 0% at right end of VR. When the VR is turned, the mixing rote increases. [SYM,]When the VR is turned to the left or right of the neutrol position, the mixing rate increases 187 r________ Operations related to servo speed Servo speed setting The servo speed at each function operation (including flight condition switching) can be adjusted, The servos operate smoothly at a fixed speed corresponding to the set speed, The operating speed (IN side) and return speed (OUT side) can be set individuallyi Switch the operation mode according to the set function. “SYMJ‘ mode: Used with ailerons and other self neutral functions, “LIN.“ mode: Used with functions which hold the operation position of the throttle and switch channel, etc. [Setting method] IN MODE OUT SPEED Ii LIN. 0 I. Use the touch sensor to move the cursor [reverse-video) to the [MODE] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. turn the touch sensor to the left or right and switch to the operation mode (“SYMJ' or "LIN,") corresponding to the set function and touch the RTN button 2. Move the cursor to the direction ([IN] or [OUT]] item you want to set and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Turn the touch sensor to the left or right and set the speed. Initial value: 0 Adjustment range: 0~27 (maximum delay) (When the RTN button is touched for I second the servo speed is reset to the initial value.) Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the edit mode, 168 |____________ Curve setting operation This section describes the setting procedure of curves mixing function. Curve type selection which are used with the AFR function and each Three types of curves (EXPI, EXP2 and POINT) can be selected, CDNDlTl -l/2 MODE OFFSET QFR EXP 1 Rare n Ran: B 4400.0 +100.0 EXP n E> 168 Point curve (POINT) adjustment (Point) use "no: we POINT OFFSET +0 . 0 ‘53 POINT RATE -59 5 -190 '159 P05 00.9 RRYE 018.6 440.0 Up to II or 17 points curve can be used. (differs with functuion) Initial point number: 9 points (17 points curve), It points [It points curve] ‘The set points can be freely increased, decreased. and othet. [Rate adjustment of each point] I, Use the touch sensor to move the cursor (reverseedisplay) to the [POINT] or [RATE] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the curve setting mode. "lt is changed from the reverse-display to the square box display. *In this mode touch the RTN button It) switch the [POINT] item and [RATE] item alternately. 2.Move the cursor (squore box) to the [POINT] item by touching the RTN button. 3. Turn the touch sensor to the left or right and select the point whose rate you want to set. *The mark I on the curve shows the currently selected poinl. The mark [I on the curve shows the currently deleted point. . Move the cursor (square box) to the [RATE] item by touching the RTN button and set the rate by turning the touch sensor to the left or right Repeat steps 2 through 5 and adjust the curve. Push the SI button to end adjustment and return to the cursor move mode. [Point addition] I. In the curve setting mode, touch the RTN button to move the cursor to the [POINT] item and turn the touch sensor to the left or right and move the cursor on the curve to the position [mark Ell you want to add 2. When the RTN button is touched for I second, the point is added. [Point deletion] I. In the cuwe setting mode, touch the RTN 170 button to move the cursor to the [POINT] item and turn the touch sensor to the left or right and move the cursor on the curve to the position [mark I) you wont to delete. 2. When the RTN button is touched for I second, the point is deleted. [offsetting the curve horizontally in the vertical direction] I. Use the touch sensor to move the cursor (reverse-video) to the [OFFSET] item. 2. Move the curve in the vertical direction by turning the touch sensor to the left or right. Initial value: +00% (When the RTN button is touched for 1 second. the curve is reset to the initial value.) Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursol move modet r___________ Switch selection method The various functions used in the FMT—OI can be selected by switch. The switch (including when stick, trim lever, or VR are used as a switch) setting method is common to all functions. Switch selection When a switch is selected at a mixing function, etc,, the selection screen shown below is called. (va‘tch selection screen example) HRRDURRE LIST Switch selection 1. Use the touch sensor to move the cursor (highlights) to the switch you want to select and touch the RTN button. *The switch blinks. 2. To return to the preceeding screen, move the cursor to the [HARDWARE SEL] at the top of the screen and touch the RTN button. Or, move the cursor to the [ON/OFF] and call the ON/OFF position setting screen by touching the RTN button. When switch was selected When switch was selected, ON/OFF position setting is also performed, OF IN nLTERNan NORM. *Tlle ON/OFF selling stale ofeach position is displayed, 1. When you wont to change the ON/OFF setting, use the touch sensor to move the cursor and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Switch the ON/ Off display by turning the touch sensor to the left or right. 'ON/OFF display blinks. 3. When the EDIT button is pressed, the ON/ OFF setting is changed. [Operate the touch sensor or 51 button to stop the change.) 4. To return to the preceeding screen, move the cursor to the [ON/OFF] at the top of the screen and touch the RTN button. HRRDl-lnRE SEL. CDNDIT1 mm J1 SASELDTiTS JZSBSFRDTZTE J35055LST3= J4SDSHRST4 When stick, trim lever, or knob selected When a stick, trim lever, or knob is used as a switch, four operation modes can be selected by the following mode and type combination: PDSIYIDN SET oil/0W NDRt/flL "no: thEAR . anzmmzmaL ll when you want to change the mode, move the cursor to [MODE] and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Switch the display to the mode you want to change by turning the touch sensor to the left or right and then make the change by touching the RTN button. oMode: [LINEAR1/[SYMMETRY] *Set the ONlOtl point by the method described on the next page. Alternate mode setting cMode: [NORMAN/[ALTERNATE] l.Move the cursor to the [ALTERNATE] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. 2, Change to the mode you want to set by turning the touch sensor to the left or right. ’The mode display blinks. 3. Touch the RTN button. (Operate the touch sensor or St button to stop the change.) 4. To return to the preceeding screen, move the cursor to the [ON/OFF] at the top of the screen and touch the RTN buttonl 171 Operation modes The operation modes when stick, trim lever, or knob was selected are described below, Linear mode - 7. 11 130 I OFF D 97. El ON 4499“ This mode sets ON/OFF at the left or right (up or down) with the set point as the reference. Symmetrical mode J1 -lBB'/. l OFF > oz :1 on new. Left and right (up and down) operations are symmetrical about the neutral position. For instance, when you want to switch DR] with the aileron stick, when the stick is moved to the lefl or right, DRI can be turned on at the same left and right position. 172 Shining the ON/Oft‘ point The ON/OFF point can be shifledt ON/OFF at a free position can be changed mum ., mm NDRHfiL m: LINERR . nLrERNnvENDRNRL oBlack range: OFF range oWhite range: ON range [Setting method] 1. First, use the touch sensor to move the cursor to the [POSITION] item 2, Move the stick, trim lever, or knob to the point you wont to change and touch the RTN button. The point is shifted 3‘ To return to the preceeding screen, move the cursor to the [ON/OFF] at the top of the screen and touch the RTN button. l__________ Logic switch (Condition Select function only) The logic switch function lets you turn operation on and off by combining two switches, For instance, the condition is activated when 2 switches are turned on, Logic mode AND: When both switches are ON, the condition is ON, OR: When either switche is ON, the condition is ON EOR: When the two switches are in different states, the condition is ON, "no: 3 lNBLE SUIYCN Switch mode selection 1. Move the cursor to the [MODE] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input model 2. Turn the touch sensor to the left and select the [LOGIC]. ‘[LOGlC] display blinks. 3. Touch the RTN button to change to the logic switch model [Logic switch setting screen) mo: LDEI C sunm a Last: sumu s -- RND __ Swich selection l.$elect the switch A and Br [Refer to the description at the previous page] Logic mode selection to Move the cursor to the [LOGIC] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. 2‘ Turn the touch sensor to the left or right and select the logic model ‘The mode display blinks, 3‘ Touch the RTN button to change to the logic mode. 4, To return to the preceeding screen, move the cursor to the [SWITCH] ot the top of the screen and touch the RTN button. 173 UPDATIN Your Futaba FMT—Ol transmitter programming can be updated easily online. When functions are added or improved, the update file can be downloaded from our website Copy the update files to the SD card and then use the following procedure to update the program, Check our web site for the FAQ regarding updating for more information. Updating procedure Note: It the battery tully discharges during program updating, Updating will fail, When the remaining battery capacity is 50% or less, always recharge the battery before updating. Note: The model data in the transmitter can be used unchanged after Updating, but to be safe, back up the model data before Updating, lr Copy update files to a SD card. Typical structure of folders of the card for Update are following. « mm . my: . m2 . ecu: ”UH/fligi lvdhl" msk if}, ‘ A: mm (”ll lnG , Mumt runm “912mm >sz 2. Attach the SD card into the SD slot of the FMT-OL 5v, ,\ 5 at Luvzl it new: © ’lt 3. Press the Home/Exit switch and turn on the power switch, and FMT»Ol should begin to Update, 174 4‘ When updating is complete, the screen shown below appears, UPDATMS MAIN PREISRAM... -: UPMTNG RESCIJRCE DATA. . . -: UPDATNG SLB PRMRAM. . . COMPLETED 5. Turn off the power switch. After the monitor LED goes off, switch the update switch in the down directions After the Updating above has been completed, turn on the power and then check the system program version at the system menu information screen. 6. If writing goes wrong, the following error message will come out. "LOW BATTERY" "UPDATE FILE NOT FOUND" “BROKEN FILE" ”WRITE ERROR“ FX-30/T12FG —>F T-Ol MODEL DATA CONVER O The model data (only latest version) of FX-SO/TIZFG can be copied to FMT—Oli " The card reader of a personal computer. SD card. and CF card is required. " The model dam of FMT-OI cannot be copied to FX»30/T12FG. [Model data conversion method] 1. Attach a SD card that contains model data of TlZFG or FX-3O to the SD slot of a FMT-Ol. 2. Turn on the power switch, and the Data Converter should run. DQTR CONVERTER MODEL 1 3. The converter shows a list of model data in the card. Select a model data that you want to convert and push "RTN" key, and the converter should begin converting data. 4. If the convert succeeds, the converter will show the following message. The converted data are copied to the internal memory of the FMT-Ol. Hence, it the FMT-Ol does not have free spaces of its internal memory. converts must fail. DRTR CONVERTER MODEL 1 5.The converter can accept model data made by T12FG or FX—30 with the latest software (Ver.3.0] only. If you try to convert model data made by old version software, the converter must tail to convert and Show the following error message. If this message is shown, do the following procedure to update the model data in order to avoid this limitation. (a) First. update a TIZFG or FX-30 to the latest sofiwate (Ver. 3.0). (b) Load the model data failed to convert into the TI ZFG or FX-SO with the latest software, and Ihe model data should be updated to the latest fonnat, (c) Save the updated model data to an SD card. (d) Retry Io oonven the updated model data on a FMT-Ol. DHTR CONVERTER 1/1 MODEL 1 OBSOLETE FORMHT PLERSE UPDQTE THIS DRTQ TO THE LRTEST FORMRT RND REED THE MRNUFL. * when SD card cannot be recognized, it may be able to be used if it reformat: by so formatter offered twm so Association. so fon'nalter is downloadable from SD Association (httpsfl www.5dcatd.org/). (As of January. 20l3) A CAUTION OAfier the completion ofa data copy should fully perform a check of operation on the model to be used. Check well all the directions of operation and all the operation switches Compulsive reset of data *Usually, it is not used. Operation will become unusual if imperfect model data should be read. In that case, the forcible reset of the model data can be carried out by the following method. [Model data compulsive reset method] l. First, "HOME/Exit" and "U.menu/Mon" are pushed. The power supply of FMT-Ol is then turned on. INITIALIZE DATH CRUTIONE! THE CURRENT MODEL DRTR WILL BE INITIRLIZED. SURE? OK 2 PUSH THE [RTNJ KEV. CRNCEL: TURN OFF THE PWER SUITEH- 2. A "lNIllALlZE DATE" screen comes out. "RTN" will be pushed it lorcible reset is carried out. In a stop. a power supply is turned off FUTABA CORPORATION Phone: +8] 475 32 6932. Facsimile: +81 475 32 6983 1080 Yabulsukzn Chosei-mura. Chosei-gun, Chiba-ken, 299-4395‘ Japan ©FUTABA CORPORATION 2015.3 (I) 175

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