Futaba L35-N4581 Radio Control Transmitter User Manual

Futaba Corporation Radio Control Transmitter


user manual I

L35-28199-00Please read this manual before using the product.OPERATION MANUALUnmanned Helicopter for Industrial Applications
ForewordThank you for purchasing the FAZER, an unmanned helicopter for industrial applications.This operation manual describes the proper method for operating the FAZER and precau-tions.Be sure to read this manual and thoroughly understand its contents before operating theFAZER.In this manual, the warning messages that are necessary to ensure the safe and properoperation of the FAZER are classified as shown below. Make sure to observe these instruc-tions because they all contain important information.●After you have read this operation manual, keep it within easy access near the helicopter.●Contact your dealer if you are lending this helicopter or transferring its ownership.●Keep this operation manual together with the helicopter if you are lending this helicopteror transferring its ownership.●If you have lost this operation manual, contact your dealer to request another copy.●Contact your dealer if you have any questions or comments regarding the contents ofthis operation manual.●Due to specification changes, some of the textual or graphical contents of this manualmay differ from the actual helicopter.●For information regarding the sprayer, refer to the operation manual for the sprayer.Improper operation will cause imminent dan-ger, which could lead to serious injury ordeath.Improper operation could lead to injury, seri-ous injury or death.Improper operation could cause propertydamage.Describes the proper handling method orgives the main points for inspection andmaintenance.Indicates a prohibited action.An adjacent illustration describes theprohibited action.DDANGERWWARNINGNNOTICETIP
Table of ContentsSafety Precautions 1Product Specifications 2Part Names and Functions 3Pre-Flight Preparation 4Flying Procedure 5Post-Flight Cleaning and Servicing 6Simple Maintenance 7Proper Management 8Product Management 9Troubleshooting 10Index 11
Safety PrecautionsProduct Safety Label Locations ...................................................  1-1Make Sure to Follow the Instructions...........................................  1-2Basic requirements .................................................................................................. 1-2Operator requirements............................................................................................. 1-3Helicopter requirements........................................................................................... 1-5Flight requirements .................................................................................................. 1-7Chemical requirements .......................................................................................... 1-111
1-1Safety PrecautionsRead and thoroughly understand the product safety labels affixed to the helicopter before operation.Product Safety Label LocationsPlaced on the left and right.
Safety Precautions1-2Basic requirementsMake Sure to Follow the InstructionsTo ensure safe operation, make sure to thor-oughly read the operation manual beforeoperation.WWARNINGThis unmanned helicopter for industrialapplications has been manufactured for thepurpose of the aerial application of agricul-tural chemicals, fertilizers, and seeds. Do notuse it for other applications, which is in viola-tion of laws, and could lead to accidents.WWARNINGDo not modify the helicopter or the auxiliarydevices. Do not use parts other than genuineparts. Any modification of the helicopter oruse of non-genuine parts may cause unex-pected accidents.WWARNING
Safety Precautions1-3Operator requirementsObserve the following clothing requirements:•Wear a helmet.•Wear goggles and a particle mask.•Wear long-sleeved clothing with secure buttonsand fasteners.•Wear slip-proof shoes that are easy to walk with.• Do not wear objects that could obstruct visionwhen there is wind, or adversely affect operation(especially towels and gloves).Flying this helicopter requires a high level ofskill.Therefore, it should be flown only by an oper-ator who holds an operator license forunmanned helicopters, issued by YamahaMotor Co., Ltd.In addition, if the country where theunmanned helicopter will be used requiresan operator license, obtain the license beforeflying the helicopter.WWARNINGLicenseOperator License for Unmanned Helicopters for Industrial ApplicationsName:Make sure to wear a helmet during flight. Toperform an aerial application, make sure towear clothing that is appropriate for the oper-ation. Performing a flight and an aerial appli-cation in clothing that is not appropriate forthe task could cause loss of visibility, maneu-vering error, or cause your foot to slip, result-ing in unexpected accidents. Furthermore, itcould harm your health through exposure toagricultural chemicals.WWARNINGA minimum of three people is required for anaerial application: a signaler who has beenbriefed on the aerial application procedure,an assistant who readies, mixes, and sup-plies agricultural chemicals, and an operator.Beware that an understaffed operation couldlead to an accident.WWARNING
Safety Precautions1-4The operation of an unmanned helicopterinvolves considerable mental fatigue. Theoperator should not fly the helicopter contin-uously for more than one hour, but shouldtake a rest every hour. Prolonged continuousflight operation could cause the operator tolose concentration and could lead to an acci-dent.Do not fly the helicopter after drinking alco-hol or taking a cold medicine, or if you are inpoor physical condition. Flying the helicopterin poor physical condition could cause lossof concentration, and could lead to an acci-dent.WWARNINGWWARNING
Safety Precautions1-5Helicopter requirementsMake sure to perform the following inspections. Havethe 30-hour free inspection and periodic inspectionsperformed at your dealer.• Pre-flight inspection• Post-flight inspection• 30-hour free inspection• Periodic inspectionNever enter (or allow others to enter) the areawithin 20 meters of the helicopter until themain rotor has come to a complete stop andthe engine has stopped. Failure to observethis precaution could cause a serious acci-dent.DDANGER20 m20 m20 m20 mGasoline is a highly volatile substance thatignites easily. Before refueling, be sure tostop the engine, and do not place a source offire or sparks nearby. Failure to observethese precautions can cause the gasoline toignite. WWARNING●Make sure to have the required inspec-tions and maintenance services per-formed. Failure to do so could lead to aserious accident.●To have the helicopter serviced, contactyour dealer or an authorized service facil-ity for Yamaha unmanned helicopters forindustrial applications.WWARNINGOK!OK!
Safety Precautions1-6The muffler reaches a high temperatureimmediately after a flight. To prevent burns,do not touch it. To prevent burns or fire, donot place any flammable objects near themuffler. Also, touching it with oily shop ragsor bare hands can leave their traces aftercombustion.For cleaning, use shop rags that do not con-tain oil or grease.WWARNINGThe gyro sensor (integrated GPS/gyro sen-sor) attached to the top of the tail body is aprecision instrument that senses the Earth’sfeeble magnetic force. Do not place any mag-netized objects near it, which could causethe sensor to malfunction and the controls tofunction improperly.NNOTICE
Safety Precautions1-7Flight requirementsIf the unmanned helicopter goes out of con-trol beyond its flying range, make sure thearea is uninhabited and safe, before perform-ing the operation described below in order todrop the helicopter.1Place the throttle stick to its SLOWESTposition.2Press and hold the engine stop switchdown.DDANGER21Never fly the helicopter in no-fly zones.Flying in a no-fly zone can lead to a seriousaccident or exposure to chemicals.Do not fly in the following areas.●In the vicinity of or above airports, militaryfacilities, heliports for manned helicopters,and gliding fields.The peripheral distances from no-fly zonesvary by facility; contact the relevantauthorities for details.●In the vicinity of or above heavily traffickedroads, expressways, or railroads.WWARNING
Safety Precautions1-8●In the vicinity of or above petroleum, gas,chemical, and explosive complexes, tanks,or storage areas.●In the vicinity of or above high-voltagetransmission lines, power generatingplants, or power substations.●In the vicinity of or above homes adjacentto the aerial spray area, or other hazardousobstacles.●In the vicinity of or above port and harborfacilities including swimming areas, yachtharbors, fishing ports, reservoirs for pota-ble water, or dams.●In the vicinity of or above areas postedwith “no trespassing” or “keep out” signs.●In the vicinity of or above areas whereflight is prohibited by police or fire depart-ments.
Safety Precautions1-9The unmanned helicopter for industrial appli-cations is operated by way of radio signals.To prevent the helicopter from going out ofcontrol due to unexpected radio signal inter-ference, pay careful attention to the radio sig-nals before and during a flight.WWARNINGSelect areas that are appropriate for takeoffsand landings, as described below. Failure toselect an appropriate area could lead to anaccident.●Select flat farm roads or vacant lots withminimal foot or vehicle traffic.●Check that there are no obstacles in thevicinity.●Check that there are no objects that couldfly up with the wind (such as mowedgrass, plastic tape, plastic bags, etc.).WWARNINGCancel a flight or aerial application plan ifpoor weather conditions exist as describedbelow. Failure to do so could pose operationdifficulties, which could lead to an accident,and could adversely affect the application andthe effectiveness of the sprayed chemicals.●Wind velocity in excess of 3 m/s at aheight of 1.5 meters above the ground.●Rain, fog, or lightning in the vicinity.WWARNINGRain, Fog, or LightningKeep the maximum horizontal distancebetween the operator and the helicopterwithin 150 meters. Keep the height of thehelicopter between 3 and 4 meters from theground or the crop. If the distance is anygreater, it will prevent the operator from mon-itoring the posture of the helicopter andadversely affect signal reception.For safety, further shorten the distance ifthere are any obstacles in the area.Failure to fly the helicopter within the maxi-mum distance limit could lead to an accident.WWARNING150 m max3 to 4 m
Safety Precautions1-10Adjust the load to leave some leeway in pay-load. A takeoff with the maximum payloadrequires maximum horsepower and carefulflying technique. An excess payload at thispoint could lead to a serious accident. There-fore, hover the helicopter to check that thereis an ample margin in payload before con-tinuing with the flight.WWARNINGIf, during a flight, the warning lamp indicatesan abnormal condition or the helicopterexhibits an abnormal behavior or symptom(vibration, sound, coolant leakage, foul odor,etc.), immediately land the helicopter in asafe area. Failure to discontinue the flightcan lead to an accident.WWARNINGBring the following items with you to the fly-ing site.Failure to do so could adversely affect theflight and lead to an accident.●Radio signal monitor (sold separately)●Fire extinguisher●First-aid kit●Stopwatch●Tools●Fuel●Helmet (for all personnel)●Spare battery●Transceiver●Flight log●Operation Manual●Proficiency certificate●Particle mask●GogglesWWARNING
Safety Precautions1-11Chemical requirementsTo fly two or more helicopters simulta-neously in the same area,1Do not use the same frequency.2The maximum distance between the oper-ator and the helicopter should be 150meters.3Keep a minimum distance of 200 metersbetween helicopters.Be sure to adhere to the requirements above.NNOTICE200 m minimumDo not use chemicals other than those thathave been registered for use with unmannedhelicopters. Failure to do so could exposeanimals, plants, or people to chemicals forwhich the operator will be required to takesocial responsibility.WWARNINGControl and handle chemicals strictly inaccordance with their manuals. Failure tocontrol or improper handling could lead tochemical pollution or health hazards.WWARNING
Product SpecificationsSpecification Data........................................................................  2-1Data list .................................................................................................................... 2-1Dimensions .............................................................................................................. 2-22
2-1Product SpecificationsData list*1 Transmitter for sprayer is sold separately.Specification DataProduct name FAZERManufacturer model L35Perfor-manceChemical payload 24 kgPractical distance (visual range) 150 mEngineType 4-stroke per cycle, horizontally opposed 2-cylinderCylinder displacement 390 ccMaximum output 19.1 kw (26 ps) minimum/6,000 rpmMaximum torque 32.5 N·m (3.3 kg·m)/4,500 rpmCoolingSystem Water-cooledSpecified coolant Mixture of Yamaha Long-Life Coolant and waterMixing ratio 1 part Yamaha Long-Life Coolant to 1 part waterLubricationSystem Force-feed wet sumpSpecified oil Yamalube Standard Plus: SAE 10W-40Starting system Electric starterFuelType Regular gasolineTank capacity 5.0 litersElectricalControl systemName YACSIIWarning system Warning lamp/self monitorWarnings Low fuel level, excess load, radio signal interference, speed warning, etc.Radio signals for piloting                       72.690 /.710 /.730 /.770 /.790 /.810 /.850 /.890 /.910 /.950 MHzRadio signals for sprayer *1 26.995 /27.045 /27.095 /27.145 /27.195 /27.255 MHzBattery Helicopter VRLA (valve-regulated lead acid) battery YTZ7S(F) 12 V, 6 AhTransmitter Lithium-ion battery 7.4 V, 2,450 mAhIgnition plug NGK CPR7EAHelicopter dimensionsMain rotor diameter 3,115 mmTail rotor diameter 550 mmOverall length/overall length with rotors 2,782 mm/3,665 mmOverall width  770 mmOverall height 1,078 mm
Product Specifications2-2DimensionsUnit: mm7701,0783,6652,7823,115550
Product Specifications2-3
Part Names and FunctionsHelicopter Exterior .......................................................................  3-1Helicopter exterior parts names ............................................................................... 3-1Control panel, warning lamp, and self monitor......................................................... 3-2Helicopter Interior Parts ...............................................................  3-3Flight Transmitter.........................................................................  3-4Basic Transmitter Operation ........................................................  3-5Flight transmitter stick basic operation and helicopter movement ........................... 3-5Flight transmitter trim lever basic operation and helicopter movement.................... 3-6GPS switch .............................................................................................................. 3-7Spray switch............................................................................................................. 3-8Frequency settings and checks ............................................................................... 3-8Transmitter battery monitor lamp ............................................................................. 3-9Various Types of Warning (Warning, Indication) and Actions ...  3-10Self monitor............................................................................................................ 3-10Warning lamp......................................................................................................... 3-11Safe Functions During Failsafe Mode (Radio Signal Interference)........................................................  3-13Safety Functions and Actions in Case GPS Reception Becomes Poor While Flying Under Speed Control....................  3-163
3-1Part Names and FunctionsHelicopter exterior parts namesHelicopter ExteriorNo. Name Function1Main rotor Generates main lift and propelling force.2Stabilizer Stabilizes the helicopter by way of the inertial and aerodynamic forces created by the rotating right and left weights (stabilizer blades).3Fuel tank cap A fuel tank cap with air release function.4Control panel A panel for starting and controlling the engine.5GPS/gyro sensor Receives GPS radio signals. / Detects the Earth’s magnetic field.6Antenna (72 MHz band) Receives radio signals from the transmitter.7Tail rotor Prevents the helicopter from rotating in reaction to the rotation of the main rotor, thus effecting control in the head-ing direction.8Stone guard A handle to be grasped when transporting the helicopter on land. Also, a portion that is held by hand or stepped by foot while attaching a transport wheel onto the runner.9Tail body Connects the helicopter body with the tail rotor, and houses a driveshaft and the like.0Warning lamp Indicates the conditions of the helicopter by way of how the lamp illuminates.ARunner Supports the helicopter.BLeafCMuffler Muffles and minimizes the exhaust sound of the engine.DSide cover Protects the main components, including the engine.ERadiator cover Directs the cooling air to the radiator.234DC7?8956B0EA34521
Part Names and Functions3-2Control panel, warning lamp, and self monitorSTARTEROFFONMain Switch Flight lampWarning lampControl panelSelf monitorControl panelStarter switchIndication examplesExample: flight hours: 52 hours 3 minutesFWD(front)
Part Names and Functions3-3Helicopter Interior Parts219 (interior)B4368AD70E5CNo. Name Function1Engine The motive force that moves the helicopter.2Thermostat A device to automatically regulate the water temperature.3Injector A device to inject fuel into the engine.4Fuel pump A device to pump fuel from the fuel tank.5Control unit Detects the postural changes of the helicopter.6Fuel tank A tank to store fuel.7Slide servo A servo to control the angle of the main rotor.8Throttle servo A servo to control the engine power output.9Rudder servo A servo to control the angle of the tail rotor.0Radiator cap A cap at the inlet for pouring coolant into the radiator.ARadiator A device to dissipate heat from the engine coolant.BAir cleaner A device to remove dust from the air intake of the engine.CTransmission Consisting of speed gears and drive shaft, this is a speed-reduction device that transmits the motive force from the engine to the main rotor shaft and the drive shaft. DTail drive shaft A shaft to transmit the motive force from the transmission to the tail transmission.EFrame A framework that supports the helicopter.
Part Names and Functions3-4Flight TransmitterNo. Name Function1 Power switch This switch is for turning the transmitter power ON and OFF.2 Battery monitor lamp Indicates the state-of-charge of the transmitter battery by its color.3 Output lamp Indicates the output conditions of the radio signals.4 Flight switch A switch to select START and FLIGHT.5 Rotor brake switch A switch to quickly stop the main rotor after the engine has been stopped.6 Engine stop switch A switch to stop the engine.7 Spray volume switch A switch to select the spraying width of the liquid or granular sprayer.8 Spray switch A switch to turn the sprayer ON and OFF.9 Speed-linked spray switch A switch to turn ON/OFF the function to adjust the spray volume that suits the flight speed while receiving GPS signals.10 Liquid volume knob A knob to adjust the speeds of the liquid sprayer pump motor or the granular spinner motor.11 Rotor speed adjustment knob A knob to change the speed of the main rotor.12 GPS switch While receiving 4 or more GPS signals, this switch enables the helicopter to fly at a constant speed.13 Antenna Transmits radio signals.14 Throttle stick A stick to control the ascent and descent of the helicopter.15 Aileron stick A stick to control the right and left tilt of the helicopter.16 Elevator stick A stick to control the front-back tilt of the helicopter.17 Rudder stick A stick to control the horizontal rotation of the helicopter.18 Aileron trim lever A lever that minutely controls the right and left tilt of the helicopter.19 Elevator trim lever A lever that minutely controls the front-back tilt of the helicopter.20 Rudder trim lever A lever that minutely controls the horizontal rotational movement of the helicopter.21 Warning speaker Emits a sound to warn you of the battery state-of-charge or the like.22 Battery It is a lithium-ion battery.23 Serial No. A unique number for the transmitter.24 Function selector switch Not used.25 Setup plug hole Not used.26 Frequency selector switch A switch to change the operating frequency.27 Blind plug for adjusting stick operability Not used.This has been properly adjusted at the factory.It should not be tampered by the user.Failure to heed this precaution can lead to acci-dents.WWARNING14235616,17 14,151819202198710111225272324221326
Part Names and Functions3-6Flight transmitter trim lever basic operation and helicopter movement(a) Aileron trim lever (b) Elevator trim lever(c) Rudder trim leverStops drifting to the left.Stops drifting to the right.Stops drifting forward.Stops drifting backward.Stops the nose from turning to the left.Stops the nose from turning to the right.●The neutral position is the standard position for the aileron, elevator, and rudder trim levers.●Make fine adjustments in accordance with the conditions.TIP
Part Names and Functions3-7GPS switchTurning the GPS switch ON enables helicopterspeed control through the use of the GPS function(to maintain a constant flight speed).The GPS switch can be used while it is turned ONbefore takeoff. The flashing of the yellow warninglamp indicates that the reception of the GPS sig-nals is poor, and the speed control function is unus-able.In the situation indicated below, momentarily turnthe switch OFF; then, turn it back ON. Otherwise,you will not be able to use the speed control flightmode.GPS SwitchSpeed control OFF Speed control ONIndications Indication conditions Indication meanings ActionsYellow lamp Regular flashing Unable to effect speed controlPoor GPS signal receptionAble to fly under postural control●If a failure occurs in postural control, it switches to manual operation and disengages the speedcontrol.●Even if GPS signals are being received, the accuracy of the radio signals from the satellites maybe poor.In that case, the helicopter might move front-back, side-to-side, or up and down. When this hap-pens, quickly turn the GPS switch OFF.To use the speed control again, wait a while before turning the GPS switch ON.NNOTICE
Part Names and Functions3-8Spray switchWhen the flight transmitter is powered ON and thehelicopter main switch is in the ON position, thesprayer can be operated.When the flight transmitter’s spray switch (ON/OFFswitch) is pressed ON, the sprayer operates. Press-ing it again (to release), the sprayer stops.Frequency settings and checksHow to select frequenciesSelect the frequency for the helicopter by turningthe frequency selector switch as shown.Before making a selection, be sure the transmitter’spower switch is OFF.Radio signals are assigned to numbers 0 to 6.Do not turn the switch to number 7 and beyond.Frequency checksUse a radio signal monitor (sold separately) tomake sure there are no radio signals being used inthe vicinity. Then, turn ON the transmitter’s powerswitch.Use a radio signal monitor (sold separately) tocheck that the selected radio signals are being out-put.When you press the spray switch ON, bemindful of the surroundings because thesprayer will spray agricultural chemicals.TIPPush ReleaseSpray SwitchON (to operate) OFF (to stop)0123456789NumberFrequency0  72.69 MHz1  72.71 MHz2  72.73 MHz3  72.77 MHz4  72.79 MHz5  72.81 MHz72.89 MHz72.91 MHz72.95 MHz6  72.85 MHz789Frequency selector switch
Part Names and Functions3-9Transmitter battery monitor lamp1Battery state-of-charge inspectionWith the helicopter’s main switch turned OFF,turn the transmitter’s power ON, and inspect thefollowing items. ●Check that the output lamp and the batterymonitor lamp are illuminated green.●Check the number of times the buzzer soundsto indicate the battery state-of-charge.Check whether the battery monitor lamp is lit.The battery monitor lamp works in unison withthe buzzer sound that indicates the battery state-of-charge. When the battery gets low, the battery monitorlamp will start flashing red. When the batterygets even lower, the lamp will stay lit. At this point, working in unison with the transmit-ter’s monitor lamp, the warning lamp flashes redto warn the operator. When this happens, itmeans that the battery is practically drained.Therefore, replace it with a fully charged battery.* On the FAZER, the red lamp of the helicopter warning lamp flashes to inform the operator that the transmit-ter’s battery state-of-charge is low during flight. (Refer to page 3-12.)Beep beep beep beep (4 times) The battery is fully charged.Beep beep beep (3 times) The battery needs to be charged.Beep beep (2 times) The helicopter can-not be used unless the battery is charged.Output lampBattery monitor lamp
Part Names and Functions3-10This product is equipped with various types ofsafety functions. Before flight, familiarize yourselfthoroughly with these functions, warnings, and indi-cations so that you can take appropriate actions.Self monitor•Normally when the main switch is turned ON, theself monitor displays the total flight time to thepresent time, in the order from   → .• An error number appears if any type of malfunction is discovered in the helicopter when the main switch isturned ON or while the helicopter is in flight.Most of these malfunctions cannot be fixed by the user on the spot. Contact your dealer with the error num-ber that has appeared, and inquire about the actions that should be taken. These indications will appear repeatedly until the main switch is turned OFF.(Indication examples)E116: Helicopter power failureVarious Types of Warning (Warning, Indication)and ActionsFWD(front)
Part Names and Functions3-11Warning lamp«Standing by on ground»Indications Indication conditions Indication meanings ActionsRed lamp Irregular flashingPutt-putt···Putt-putt···A helicopter failure or mal-function.Check the error indicated on the self monitor and request the dealer for a repair.Regular flashing • The remaining fuel is below the specified amount.• Transmitter battery low volt-age warning.• Refuel.• Replace the transmitter battery.Yellow lamp Flashing Unable to effect speed controlPoor GPS signal reception.Able to fly under postural control.Blue lamp Illuminating Engine speed limit tripped.(Transmitter’s flight switch is in START position.)Turning the transmitter’s flight switch to FLIGHT will extinguish the blue lamp and enable the helicopter to fly.Red, yellow, blue lamps All color illumina-tionControl instruments being configured.Check whether the LED lamp has an open circuit.Stand by until the system config-uration is completed.Red and yellow Rapid alternat-ing illuminationThe failsafe function has been tripped due to a failure in receiving operating radio sig-nals.Check the transmitter-receiver.Flight lamp Indication conditions Indication meanings ActionsIrregular flashingPutt-putt···Putt-putt···The helicopter has some type of failure and is unable to fly.Check the error indicated on the self monitor and request your dealer for a repair.Regular flashing • Control instruments being configured.• Pressing the start switch while security is being tripped will cause the lamp to flash.Stand by until the configura-tion is completed.Request the dealer to take action on the security matter.Changes from flash-ing to turning off.Control instruments configu-ration completed.The lamp will change to illumi-nate when the engine stop switch is pressed.Illuminating Engine can be started. Press the starter switch to operate the starter motor.STARTEROFFON
Part Names and Functions3-12«In flight»When the warning lamps are OFF, there are no malfunctions.If a failure occurs during flight, the following indications will appear.Indications Indication conditions Indication meanings ActionsRed lamp Irregular flashingPutt-putt···Putt-putt···A helicopter failure occurred, requiring emergency landing.A helicopter failure occurred, preventing it from continuing a safe flight.Perform an emergency landing, check the error indication on the self monitor, and request the dealer for a repair.Regular flashing • The remaining fuel is below the specified amount.• Transmitter battery low volt-age warning.• Promptly land the helicopter and refuel.• Promptly land the helicopter and replace the transmitter’s battery.Illuminating 1Engine speed is low.2A failure occurred in a system that does not affect postural control. (Example: gyro sensor, GPS, sprayer failure, etc.)3The flight speed exceeds 20 km/h.1Improve flight condition, reduce payload, etc.2Check the error indicated on the self monitor and contact your dealer.3Reduce the speed to below 20 km/h.Yellow lamp Irregular flashingPutt-putt···Putt-putt···Transferring from speed con-trol to postural control.Poor GPS signal reception.Able to fly under postural control.See the page on “Safety Func-tions and Actions in Case GPS Reception Becomes Poor While Flying Under Speed Control”.Regular flashing Unable to effect speed con-trol.Able to fly under postural control.Illuminating Maintaining speed during flight in speed control mode.It maintains speed even if you release your finger from the transmitter’s elevator stick. To cancel, operate the stick to stop. The yellow lamp will turn off, and the helicopter will hover.Red and yellow Rapid alternating illuminationThe failsafe function has been tripped due to a failure in receiving operating radio signals.When the helicopter enters the failsafe mode, it will descend automatically.See the page regarding the fail-safe mode.
Part Names and Functions3-13If the radiowaves for operating the helicopter does not reach the helicopter due to some kind of failure, thehelicopter becomes inoperable, which is very dangerous. When a radiowave interference occurs, the safefunction will cause the red and yellow warning lamps to rapidly illuminate alternately, and automatically effectthe controls (operations) described in the next page and thereafter. Familiarize yourself with this function thor-oughly, and take appropriate actions.Safe Functions During Failsafe Mode (Radio Signal Interference)During radio signal interference, neverapproach the helicopter until the main rotorstops rotating completely, and the enginehas come to a complete stop. If there are anypeople in the area, promptly instruct them togo away.DDANGER●Do not fly at high altitudes higher than 3 to4 meters (above ground or crop). In thefailsafe mode, the engine will stop auto-matically after the allowable time, whichhas been preset for safety, has elapsed.Flying at an altitude that is higher thannecessary will cause the helicopter to dropsuddenly during an automatic descent inthe failsafe mode.●The automatic control in the failsafe modevaries depending on the GPS receptionconditions (see the next page and thereaf-ter).●Be sure to adhere to the indicated“Actions”. Failure to take appropriateactions can cause the helicopter, afterrecovering from a radio signal interfer-ence, to make an unexpected move or sud-den descent, which can lead to accidents.●Verify the cause of the radio signal inter-ference, and never perform subsequentflights until the cause has been eliminated.Failure to observe this precaution cancause the helicopter to become inoperableagain, which can lead to accidents.WWARNING
Part Names and Functions3-14●Automatic control (operation) in the failsafemode when GPS reception is favorable1When a radio signal interference occurs, the redand yellow warning lamps will rapidly illuminatealternately, and automatically effect brake con-trol. The helicopter will hover (for approximately10 seconds), and will automatically start a slowdescent. If the operating radio signals recover during thedescent, the control will switch automatically tooperator operation. Therefore, calmly set thesticks on the transmitter to their neutral (center)position, and wait for the recovery.2If the helicopter makes an emergency landingbecause the radio signals did not recover, theengine will stop approximately 15 seconds later.The helicopter could topple, depending on theterrain on which it has descended, weather con-ditions, or flight conditions. If the helicopter top-ples, never approach it until the engine hascome to a stop.3After the emergency landing, place the throttlestick in its slowest position, and wait for the radiosignals to recover or the engine to stop.4If the radio signals remain unrecovered after thefailsafe mode (radio signal interference) istripped, and the helicopter cannot determinewhether it has landed, the engine will stop auto-matically approximately 60 seconds later. Wait until the main rotor completely stops rotat-ing before approaching the helicopter and turn-ing the main switch OFF.Hover, then descend slowlyBrake controlRadio signal interference!
Part Names and Functions3-15●Automatic control (operation) in the failsafemode when GPS reception is poor1When radio signal interference occurs, the redand yellow warning lamps illuminate alternatelyat a quick pace, and the system forces the heli-copter to descend rapidly. If the operating radio-waves recover during descent, the control willswitch automatically to operator control. There-fore, calmly set all the sticks on the transmitter intheir neutral (center) position and wait for therecovery.2If the helicopter makes an emergency landingbecause the radio signals did not recover, theengine will stop in approximately 10 to 15 sec-onds.The helicopter could topple, depending on theterrain on which it has descended, weather con-ditions, or flight conditions. If the helicopter top-ples, never approach it until the engine hascome to a stop.3After the emergency landing, place the throttlestick in its slowest position, and wait for the radiosignals to recover or the engine to stop.4If the radio signals do not recover after 15 sec-onds have elapsed from the time the failsafemode (radiowave interference) has been tripped,the engine will stop automatically even if the heli-copter does not make an emergency landing.5If the helicopter makes an emergency landing,wait until the main rotor stops rotating beforeapproaching the helicopter and turning the mainswitch OFF.Radio signal interference!Quick descent
Part Names and Functions3-16The GPS-based speed control functions by receiv-ing radio signals from 4 or more satellites. This con-trol might become unusable, depending on thesurrounding environment, terrain, weather condi-tions, time of the day, or other reasons.If GPS reception becomes poor while using theGPS-based speed control flight mode, the safetyfunction will cause the yellow warning lamp to flashirregularly, automatically effecting the control (oper-ation) or switching the flight mode as describedbelow. Thoroughly familiarize yourself with thisfunction, and take appropriate actions.When GPS reception becomes poor, the yellowwarning lamp will flash irregularly at the same time.After the flight mode switches completely to pos-tural control, the yellow lamp will change from irreg-ular flashing to regular flashing. After that, thecontrol will transfer smoothly from speed control topostural control.Safety Functions and Actions in Case GPSReception Becomes Poor While Flying UnderSpeed ControlIf the yellow lamp transfers to regular flash-ing, the flight mode will not revert to speedcontrol even if GPS reception improves. Itwill revert if the GPS switch is turned backON after GPS reception improves.ON → OFF → ONNNOTICEPoor GPS reception!Transferring grad-ually to postural control
Part Names and Functions3-17The reception of GPS radiowaves can become poordue to the conditions described below or other rea-sons.1Presence of obstacles near the location of theflight, such as mountains, trees, or buildings.2There are people around the antenna.3The number of satellites transmitting radio sig-nals diminishes, because of the time of the day.

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