- 1. User Manual 1
- 2. User Manual 2
User Manual 1
TM INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1M23N26421 7$%/(2)&217(176 ,1752'8&7,21 ⍠ٴâŹ6XSSRUWDQG6HUYLFH ⍠ٴâŹ$SSOLFDWLRQ([SRUWDQG0RGLrFDWLRQ âŤ' Ů´âŹHrQLWLRQVRI6\PEROV ⍠ٴâŹ6DIHW\3UHFDXWLRQV GRQRWRSHUDWH ZLWKRXWUHDGLQJ ⍠ٴâŹ7HOHPHWU\6\VWHP %$6,&23(5$7,21 ⍠ٴâŹ%DWWHU\&KDUJLQJ ⍠ٴâŹ+RZWRWXUQ212))WKHWUDQVPLWWHU ⍠ٴâŹ5HJLVWUDWLRQRIWKHXVHU VQDPH ⍠ٴâŹ+RPHVFUHHQ %()25(86( âŤ) Ů´âŹHDWXUHVRI0=:& ⍠ٴâŹ+RPHVFUHHQ ⍠ٴâŹ8VHU0HQX âŤ& Ů´âŹRQWHQWVDQG7HFKQLFDO6SHFLrFDWLRQV ⍠ٴâŹ$FFHVVRULHV 02'(/%$6,&6(77,1*352&('85( ⍠ٴâŹ7UDQVPLWWHUFRQWUROV ⍠ٴâŹ$LUSODQHJOLGHUEDVLFVHWWLQJSURFHGXUH &DXWLRQVRQKDQGOLQJDQWHQQD ⍠ٴâŹ+HOLFRSWHUEDVLFVHWWLQJSURFHGXUH /('PRQLWRU ⍠ٴâŹ6HUYRVFRQQHFWLRQE\PRGHOW\SH 6ZLWFKUHDOORFDWLRQ 6$6+ 9ROXPH /'&'5' )81&7,2162)6<67(00(18 6OLGH/HYHU /67/656567 7UDLQHU 'LJLWDOWULP 77 'LVSOD\ 7RXFKSDQHO5RWDU\NH\'LUHFWNH\ 'DWHDQG7LPH 7RXFKSDQHOORFN 8VHU1DPH 6WLFN$GMXVWPHQW 6ZLWFK %DWWHU\H[FKDQJH +:6HWWLQJ %DFNOLG 6RXQG9ROXPH &RQQHFWRU3OXJ 3OD\HU 6'FDUG86%SRUW &DPHUD &DPHUDIXQFWLRQ 6%866HUYR ⍠ٴâŹ5HFHLYHU56%QRPHQFODWXUH ,QIRUPDWLRQ &RQQHFWRU 8QLW6\VWHP /LQN0RGH6ZLWFK 5DQJH&KHFN ([WUD9ROWDJH&RQQHFWRU &RQQHFWLRQRIDUHFHLYHUEDWWHU\ &RQQHFWLRQH[DPSOH )81&7,2162)/,1.$*(0(18 56%&+0RGH 6HUYR0RQLWRU ⍠ٴâŹ6HUYR 2SWLRQ 7RROER[ 0RGHO6HOHFW ⍠ٴâŹ5HFHLYHU V$QWHQQD,QVWDOODWLRQ ⍠ٴâŹ6DIHW\SUHFDXWLRQVZKHQLQVWDOOLQJ UHFHLYHUDQGVHUYRV ⍠ٴâŹ6%86,QVWDOODWLRQ ⍠ٴâŹ6%86:LULQJH[DPSOH 0RGHO7\SH 3LFWXUH 6RXQG 6\VWHP7\SH 6\VWHP7\SHVHOHFWLRQ 5HFHLYHUOLQNLQJ ⍠ٴâŹ6%866\VWHP 'XDOUHFHLYHUIXQFWLRQ ⍠ٴâŹ6%86GHYLFHVHWWLQJ 7HOHPHWU\IXQFWLRQ 2 ďź TABLE OF CONTENTS ďź '/,QWHUYDO $,/WR%UDNH)/3 %DWWHU\IDLOVDIHYROWDJHVHWXS $,/WR58' /LQNLQJPHWKRG 70=:&âŤÜŻâŹ56% $LUEUDNHWR(/( 7KHH[DPSOHIRUFKRRVLQJ6\VWHP7\SH )XQFWLRQ 6XE7ULP 6HUYR5HYHUVH )DLO6DIH (QG3RLQW $79 7KURWWOH&XW $LUSODQHKHOLFRSWHURQO\ ,GOH'RZQ $LUSODQHKHOLFRSWHURQO\ 6ZDVK5LQJ +HOLFRSWHURQO\ 6ZDVK +HOLFRSWHURQO\ 7LPHU 'LDO0RQLWRU )XQFWLRQ1DPH 7HOHPHWU\ $XGLEOHWHOHPHWU\LQIRUPDWLRQ 5HFHLYHU%DWWHU\'LVSOD\ 58'WR$,/ &DPEHU0L[ (/(WR&DPEHU &DPEHU)/3WR(/( %XWWHUs\ 7ULP0L[ $LUEUDNH *\UR $LUSODQH 9WDLO $LOHYDWRU :LQJOHW 0RWRU 58'WR(/( 6QDS5ROO 0XOWL(QJLQH $FFHOHUDWLRQ 7HPSHUDWXUH'LVSOD\ ⍠ٴâŹ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⍠ٴâŹ$LUSODQH*OLGHU)XQFWLRQV $,/'LĂHUHQWLDO )ODS6HWWLQJ $,/WR&DPEHU)/3 83'$7,1* 70=⍠ÚâŹ70=:&02'(/'$7$ &219(56,21 ďź TABLE OF CONTENTS ďź 3 ,1752'8&7,21 Thank you for purchasing a FutabaÂŽ FASSTest-2.4GHz* 18MZ-WC series digital proportional R/C system. This system is extremely versatile and may be used by beginners and pros alike. In order for \RXWRPDNHWKHEHVWXVHRI\RXUV\VWHPDQGWRĂ\VDIHO\SOHDVHUHDGWKLVPDQXDOFDUHIXOO\,I\RX KDYHDQ\GLIÂżFXOWLHVZKLOHXVLQJ\RXUV\VWHPSOHDVHFRQVXOWWKHPDQXDORXURQOLQH)UHTXHQWO\$VNHG 4XHVWLRQV RQWKHZHESDJHVUHIHUHQFHGEHORZ \RXUKREE\GHDOHURUWKH)XWDED6HUYLFH&HQWHU 'XH WR XQIRUHVHHQ FKDQJHV LQ SURGXFWLRQ SURFHGXUHV WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDLQHG LQ WKLV PDQXDO LV VXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH 6XSSRUWDQG6HUYLFH,WLVUHFRPPHQGHGWRKDYH\RXU)XWDEDHTXLSPHQWVHUYLFHGDQQXDOO\GXULQJ\RXU hobbyâs âoff seasonâ to ensure safe operation. ,11257+$0(5,&$ 3OHDVHIHHOIUHHWRFRQWDFWWKH)XWDED6HUYLFH&HQWHUIRUDVVLVWDQFHLQRSHUDWLRQXVHDQGSURJUDPPLQJ 3OHDVHEHVXUHWRUHJXODUO\YLVLWWKH0=:&)UHTXHQWO\$VNHG4XHVWLRQVZHEVLWHDWZZZIXWDED UFFRPIDT 7KLV SDJH LQFOXGHV H[WHQVLYH SURJUDPPLQJ XVH VHW XS DQG VDIHW\ LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ WKH 18MZ-WC radio system and is updated regularly. Any technical updates and US manual corrections ZLOO EH DYDLODEOH RQ WKLV ZHE SDJH ,I \RX GR QRW ÂżQG WKH DQVZHUV WR \RXU TXHVWLRQV WKHUH SOHDVH see the end of our F.A.Q. area for information on contacting us via email for the most rapid and convenient response. 'RQÂśWKDYH,QWHUQHWDFFHVV",QWHUQHWDFFHVVLVDYDLODEOHDWQRFKDUJHDWPRVWSXEOLFOLEUDULHVVFKRROV DQGRWKHUSXEOLFUHVRXUFHV:HÂżQGLQWHUQHWVXSSRUWWREHDIDEXORXVUHIHUHQFHIRUPDQ\PRGHOHUVDV LWHPVFDQEHSULQWHGDQGVDYHGIRUIXWXUHUHIHUHQFHDQGFDQEHDFFHVVHGDWDQ\KRXURIWKHGD\QLJKW ZHHNHQGRUKROLGD\,I\RXGRQRWZLVKWRDFFHVVWKHLQWHUQHWIRULQIRUPDWLRQKRZHYHUGRQÂśWZRUU\ Our support teams are available Monday through Friday 8-5 Central time to assist you. )256(59,&(21/< Futaba Service Center 1$SROOR'ULYH6XLWH &KDPSDLJQ,/ Phone: 217-398-0007 ZZZIXWDEDUFFRPVHUYLFHKWPO Email: )256833257 352*5$00,1*$1'86(5 48(67,216 3OHDVHVWDUWKHUHIRUDQVZHUVWRPRVWTXHVWLRQV ZZZIXWDEDUFFRPIDT Fax: 217-398-7721 Phone: 217-398-8970 option 2 2876,'(1257+$0(5,&$ 3OHDVH FRQWDFW \RXU )XWDED LPSRUWHU LQ \RXU UHJLRQ RI WKH ZRUOG WR DVVLVW \RX ZLWK DQ\ TXHVWLRQV problems or service needs. 3OHDVH UHFRJQL]H WKDW DOO LQIRUPDWLRQ LQ WKLV PDQXDO DQG DOO VXSSRUW DYDLODELOLW\ LV EDVHG XSRQ WKH V\VWHPV VROG LQ 1RUWK$PHULFD RQO\ 3URGXFWV SXUFKDVHG HOVHZKHUH PD\ YDU\$OZD\V FRQWDFW \RXU regionâs support center for assistance. 4 ďź Introduction ďź $SSOLFDWLRQ([SRUWDQG0RGLÂżFDWLRQ 7KLVSURGXFWPD\EHXVHGIRUPRGHODLUSODQHRUVXUIDFH ERDWFDUURERW XVH,WLVQRWLQWHQGHGIRU use in any application other than the control of models for hobby and recreational purposes. The product is subject to regulations of the Ministry of Radio/Telecommunications and is restricted XQGHU-DSDQHVHODZWRVXFKSXUSRVHV 2. Exportation precautions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been met. E 8VH RI WKLV SURGXFW ZLWK RWKHU WKDQ PRGHOV PD\ EH UHVWULFWHG E\ ([SRUW DQG 7UDGH &RQWURO 5HJXODWLRQVDQGDQDSSOLFDWLRQIRUH[SRUWDSSURYDOPXVWEHVXEPLWWHG7KLVHTXLSPHQWPXVWQRW EHXWLOL]HGWRRSHUDWHHTXLSPHQWRWKHUWKDQUDGLRFRQWUROOHGPRGHOV 0RGLILFDWLRQ DGMXVWPHQW DQG UHSODFHPHQW RI SDUWV )XWDED LV QRW UHVSRQVLEOH IRU XQDXWKRUL]HG PRGLÂżFDWLRQDGMXVWPHQWDQGUHSODFHPHQWRISDUWVRQWKLVSURGXFW$Q\VXFKFKDQJHVPD\YRLGWKH ZDUUDQW\ Compliance Information Statement (for U.S.A.) 7KLV GHYLFH WUDGH QDPH )XWDED &RUSRUDWLRQ FRPSOLHV ZLWK SDUW RI WKH )&& 5XOHV 2SHUDWLRQ LV VXEMHFWWRWKHIROORZLQJWKUHHFRQGLWLRQV 7KLVGHYLFHPD\QRWFDXVHKDUPIXOLQWHUIHUHQFHDQG 7KLVGHYLFHPXVWDFFHSWDQ\LQWHUIHUHQFHUHFHLYHGLQFOXGLQJLQWHUIHUHQFHWKDWPD\FDXVHXQGHVLUHG operation. 7KLVPRGXOHPHHWVWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUDPRELOHGHYLFHWKDWPD\EHXVHGDWVHSDUDWLRQGLVWDQFHV of more than 20cm from human body. 7RPHHWWKH5)H[SRVXUHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKH)&&WKLVGHYLFHVKDOOQRWEHFRORFDWHGZLWKDQRWKHU transmitting device. The responsible party of this device compliance is: Futaba Service Center 1$SROOR'ULYH6XLWH&KDPSDLJQ,/86$ 7(/ RU(PDLOVXSSRUW#KREELFRFRP 6XSSRUW 7(/ RU(PDLOIXWDEDVHUYLFH#KREELFRFRP 6HUYLFH 7KH 5%5& 6($/ RQ WKH QLFNHOFDGPLXP EDWWHU\ FRQWDLQHG LQ )XWDED SURGXFWV indicates that Futaba Corporation of America is voluntarily participating in an LQGXVWU\ZLGH SURJUDP WR FROOHFW DQG UHF\FOH WKHVH EDWWHULHV DW WKH HQG RI WKHLU XVHIXO OLYHV ZKHQ WDNHQ RXW RI VHUYLFH ZLWKLQ WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV 7KH 5%5& program provides a convenient alternative to placing used nickel-cadmium EDWWHULHVLQWRWKHWUDVKRUPXQLFLSDOZDVWHV\VWHPZKLFKLVLOOHJDOLQVRPHDUHDV IRU86$$OWLWXGHVHQVRU6%6$@ [RPM sensor PDJQHWW\SH6%650@ [RPM sensor RSWLFDOW\SH6%652@ [RPM sensor EUXVKOHVVPRWRUW\SH6%65%@ >*36VHQVRU6%6*@ >9ROWDJHVHQVRU6%69@ >&XUUHQWVHQVRU6%6&@ >6%86VHUYRVHQVRU6%66@ ďź Before Use ďź 13 7UDQVPLWWHUFRQWUROV âŤŮ´âŹ$QWHQQD âŤŮ´âŹ0RQLWRU/(' âŤ&Ů´âŹDUU\LQJ+DQGOH /'&'5' âŤŮ´âŹ9ROXPH âŤŮ´âŹ6SHDNHU âŤŮ´âŹ0LFURSKRQH âŤŮ´âŹ6ZLWFK%ORFN 6$6%6(6) âŤŮ´âŹ6ZLWFK%ORFN 6&6'6*6+ âŤŮ´âŹ6OLGH /HYHU âŤŮ´âŹ6OLGH/HYHU 56756 /6/67 âŤŮ´âŹ6WLFN - âŤŮ´âŹ6WLFN - - - âŤ'Ů´âŹLJLWDO 7ULP 77 âŤŮ´âŹ3RZHU 6ZLWFK âŤŮ´âŹ+RRN âŤ'Ů´âŹLUHFW.H\ 66 âŤŮ´âŹ5RWDU\.H\ âŤŮ´âŹ/&''LVSOD\ 7RXFK3DQHO Cautions on handling antenna WARNING Do not touch the antenna during operation. *There is the danger of erroneous operation causing a crash. Do not carry the transmitter by the antenna. *There is the danger that the antenna wire will break and operation will become impossible. Do not pull the antenna forcefully. *There is the danger that the antenna wire will break and operation will become impossible. 14 ďź Before Use ďź LED monitor â˘Rotating antenna 7KHDQWHQQDFDQEHURWDWHGGHJUHHVDQGDQJOHG degrees. Forcing the antenna further than this can damage it. The antenna is not removable. 180° The status of the transmitter is displayed by changing the âMONITORâ section LED. (LED Display) â FASSTest mode â Light Blue light â FASST mode â Green light â S-FHSS/T-FHSS mode â yellow-green light â RF-OFF â Violet light â Starting â Red light â Trainer Student â Blue light Switch reallocation You can reallocate the toggle switches on the shoulders of the transmitter, as you like. 90° â˘Angle adjustment of the antenna The antenna rotation and angle can be adjusted. The antenna features weak radio waves in the forward direction and strong radio waves in the sideways directions. Adjust the antenna angle to match your Ă\LQJVW\OH (Default settings) ⢠SA : 3 positions; Alternate; Short lever ⢠SB : 3 positions; Alternate; Long lever ⢠SC : 3 positions; Alternate; Long lever ⢠SD : 3 positions; Alternate; Short lever ⢠SE : 3 positions; Alternate; Short lever ⢠SF : 2 positions; Alternate; Long lever ⢠SG : 2 positions; Alternate; Short lever ⢠SH : 2 positions; Momentary; Long lever *You can choose the Switch and the On/Off position in the Switch Selection menu of your mix. â˘When you change switches: /RZSRZHU +LJKSRZHU +LJKSRZHU To relocate switches; 1. Make sure your transmitter is off, and use the attached 2.5mm hexagonal wrench (included) to turn the screw counter-clockwise on the switch block and detach the block. Remove the screw holding the switch block. Pull up on the switch block to remove it. 2. Disconnect the connectors of switches you want to change. 3. Use the attached jig (inside stylus) to turn the ďź Before Use ďź 15 face nuts counterclockwise, this will detach the switches. 4. To re-attach, use the face nuts to attach switches from other positions or optional switches to the switch block. 5. Connect your connectors. 6. Insert the switch block so reconnect the connectors that it fits correctly into the body of the transmitter (as shown in the picture) and use the hexagonal wrench to tighten the screws. Slide Lever Lever LS back and forth movement linked operation Volume LD RD Pushing down on either the LD or RD volume control will lock it in the down position. Lever LST independent operation LST (Left), RST (Right): Outside levers LS (Left), RS (Right): Pushing the volume control again will release it so that it can adjusted. ,QVLGHOHYHUV(DFKOHYHUKDVWZRHQGVRQHDWWKH front and the other at the back of the transmitter. *It will beep when the lever is set to the center. *You can check the lever position on the dial-monitor screen in the linkage menu. *You can select a slide lever and set the movement direction on the setting screen of mixing functions. Digital trim Volume LD, CD, and RD: If you push the volume button in, it will be locked in place. To release the volume button, push it in lightly once more. This volume is digital type (rotary encoder). CD Rotary "CD" volume works as both a volume and a pushswitch. *T18MZ-WC beeps when the volume knob reaches center. *You can check the volume position on the Dial Monitor screen in the Linkage menu. *You can use each setting screen of the mixing functions to VHOHFWYROXPHVDQGGHÂżQHWKHGLUHFWLRQRILWVPRYHPHQW 16 ďź Before Use ďź This transmitter is equipped with digital trims. Each time you press a trim button, the trim position moves one step. If you continue pressing it, the trim position starts to move faster. In addition, when the trim position returns to the center, the tone will change. You can always monitor trim positions graphics on the screen. To change the trim rate, you must activate this through the function menu, within the linkage menu. Touch the trim button and you will access another screen which enables you to change the trim percentages. Rotary key 7 7 In addition to touch panel, you can select items by rotating the rotary keys to the left or to the right. *There is a function which cannot be accessed by the Rotary Key. Direct key 7 7 7 7 Note: The trim positions you have set will be stored in the non-volatile memory and will remain there. You can directly call your favorite functions or menu screens. (The default setting at the factory) S1: System menu S2: Linkage menu S3: Model menu S4: Return >+RZWRFKDQJHDVVLJQPHQWRIWKHGLUHFWNH\@ Touch Panel/ Rotary Key/ Direct Key 1. Open the screen you want to call. Then push S1 and S4 keys simultaneously. (You will see the direct key setting screen.) 2. Select the direct key. 3. Press the [Enter] key. 4. Press the [Yes] key. Touch Panel (and Rotary Key) lock âŤ'Ů´âŹLUHFW.H\ âŤŮ´âŹ5RWDU\.H\ 66 âŤŮ´âŹ/&''LVSOD\ 7RXFK3DQHO Touch panel, rotary keys and direct keys are used for entering data. Touch Panel Touch the panel with your finger or the attached stylus pen, which is also used as a toolbox, to enter data. CAUTION Please perform a touch-panel lock for safety. Touch VFUHHQLQ>6\VWHP0HQX@ â >'LVSOD\@RWKHUWKDQWKH following has an automatic setup. 6WDUWXSORFN,WEHFRPHVDSDQHOORFNDWWKHWLPHRI the power supply ON. $XWRPDWLF ORFN ,W V\QFKURQL]HV ZLWK %DFNOLJKW decrease time and becomes a panel lock. Ć'LUHFW.H\ (S2-S3) Ć'LUHFW.H\ (S2-S3) 7KHtouch panel lockedE\ S2DQGS3SXVKHG Touch softly the Touch Panel with the stylus pen RU\RXUÂżQJHUWLSV 7KHtouch panel unlockedE\ S2 DQGS3SXVKHGDJDLQ Locking the LCD touch screen. or DANGER 3ODVWLFÂżOPLVDWWDFKHGWRWKHWRXFKSDQHO3OHDVHEHFDUHIXOVR that you don't scratch the touch panel with anything hard such as a metal object. Don't push the touch panel with excessive force or drop anything on the panel. *Although you may find some air bubbles under the plastic panel due to environmental changes such as temperature, it is not a defect and will cause no problems. *Color LED is made from many pixels. Some pixels hold lighting. Moreover, some pixels go out. And a screen may ĂLFNHU6XFKFRQGLWLRQLVWKHFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRIFRORU/(',WLV not failure. The T18MZ-WC's touch screen is very sensitive. To avoid accidentally activating it during a flight, it is suggested that it be locked. Due to the touch screen's sensitivity, allowing it to be WRXFKHGGXULQJĂLJKWE\DQHFNVWUDSKRRNVHUYR extension, or even your hand could be dangerous. Please use the touch panel lock for added safety GXULQJĂLJKW ďź Before Use ďź 17 Stick Adjustment Adjustment of the stick lever angle >+RZWRDGMXVWWKH6WLFNOHQJWK@ +RZWRUHPRYHEDWWHU\/7);+@ 1. Using the tabs at the side of the transmitter, open the side door to the rear as shown in WKHĂJXUH 2. Open the battery cover inside the transmitter E\VOLGLQJLWXSZDUGDVVKRZQLQWKHĂJXUH *In the Mode 1/3, arrangement of a screw is opposite. >$GMXVWPHQWRIWHQVLRQ@ Adjustment of Throttle Stick (Ratchet System) You can choose either airplane ratchet system or helicopter-touch. 1. Open the dust protection cap on the back of the transmitter that is covering the hole for throttle stick adjustment. 2. Use the attached 1.5mm hexagonal wrench (inside stylus) to turn the adjustment screw and set it as you prefer. Turning the screw clockwise increases the tension. For airplanes: Adjust the screw on the left. For helicopters: Adjust the screw on the right. In changing the setting from airplane to helicopter (or heli to airplane); 1. Turn the screw counter-clockwise until the throttle stick moves freely, and turn the screw clockwise to adjust it to the tension you prefer. ďź Before Use ďź 19 3. Pull up on the lip of the black "connector slider" to remove the battery connector. *As for T18MZ-WC, the battery connector is not connected at ÂżUVW 3OHDVHFRQQHFWDEDWWHU\FRQQHFWRUDVVKRZQLQDÂżJXUH >+RZWRLQVWDOOEDWWHU\/7);+@ 1. Insert the battery into the transmitter. &RQQHFWRUVOLGHU %DWWHU\FRQQHFWRU 2. Insert the battery with the battery connector IDFLQJWKHGLUHFWLRQVKRZQLQWKHĂJXUH 3XVK the battery housing, not the battery wiring. ) *Remove the connector by pulling up on the lip of the slider, not the wiring. 4. Pull out the battery. 3. Arrange the battery wiring as shown in the ĂJXUH 20 ďź Before Use ďź Back lid 4. Close the battery cover so that the wiring is not pinched and lock the cover by pushing downward. The charging connector, earphone jack, S.BUS setting connector and charge LED are accessed by opening the transmitter rear cover as shown in the ÂżJXUH >+RZWRRSHQEDFNOLG@ 1. Open the transmitter rear cover as shown in WKHĂJXUH 5. Close the side door. WARNING Be careful to not drop the battery. Never take out the battery from the T18MZ-WC transmitter while the LED monitor is blinking. 2. House the rear cover by pushing it into the transmitter. * Internal settings and memories can be destroyed. * Do not use the transmitter if a âBackup Errorâ warning occurs. Send it to the Futaba Service Center to be checked. Don't pull battery wiring. *When it short-circuits, there is danger of explosion ignition. ďź Before Use ďź 21 &KDUJH/(' 6%86VHWWLQJFRQQHFWRU Connector/Plug 1. The back of transmitter. 7UDLQHU&RQQHFWRU &KDUJHSOXJ $XGLRSOXJ 3+21( 3. When not using the connector, pull out and close the rear cover. 6%86&RQQHFWRU &KDUJH3OXJ $XGLRSOXJ 3+21( 2. Inside of transmitter of side cover 86%&RQQHFWRU 86% PLQL% &RQQHFWRU 8QXVHG 8SGDWH6ZLWFK 22 ďź Before Use ďź 6'&DUG SD Card (sold separately) USB port 7KH6'FDUGFDQVWRUHYDULRXVÂżOHVVXFKDVPRGHO GDWDPXVLFVRXQGÂżOHVDQGSLFWXUHV$Q\6'FDUG on the market can be used with the T18MZ-WC. The card is locked when it is pushed in all the way in. To remove the card, push in on the card again, it will pop up allowing you to remove it. The following functions can be used with USB connector. *Write protection of SD card is turned OFF. In the state of protection, model data cannot be saved on SD card. WARNING Be sure to turn off the power to the transmitter before inserting or removing the SD card. As the SD card is a precision device, do not use excessive force when inserting. If model data generated by a new software version transmitter is copied to an old software version transmitter, the transmitter may operate erroneously. Copy the model data after updating the copy destination transmitter to the new software version. Read data from a PC 6DYLQJPXVLFDQGLPDJHÂżOHVHGLWHGE\D3&LQWRWKH SD card, you can use those files on your T18MZWC transmitter. Equipment for reading and writing SD cards are available at most electronics stores. Stored data The life of the SD card is limited due to the use of flash memory. If you have a problem saving or reading data such as picture data after a long period of use you may need to purchase a new SD card. *We are not responsible for, and cannot compensate for any failure to the data stored in the memory card for any reason. Be sure to keep a backup of your models and data in your SD card. *No need for backup battery; T18MZ-WC transmitters and SD cards are using nonvolatile memory devices so that the data stored in those will not be destroyed even without a backup battery. The clock for the transmitter depends on the Lithium battery. Update Switch When using an SD card to update the T18MZ-WC software, set this switch to the up position. Then input the software to be updated to the SD card from the Futaba importers homepage and update the software in accordance with the updating procedure. ⢠USB Mouse When a mouse is connected, a cursor will appear on the screen and the mouse can be used instead of the touch panel. ⢠USB Keybord When a keyboard is connected, the model name and other data can be input by keyboard. ⢠USB Memory All model data, etc. can be saved to an optional USB Memory stick. Connector for trainer function (TRAINER) When you use trainer function, connect the optional trainer cable between the transmitters for teacher and student. *You can set the trainer function on the Trainer Function screen in the system menu Connector for DSC function (DSC) You can operate the transmitter without transmitting radio waves by connecting the transmitter and the receiver to the DSC cable. *Please refer to the section "Connection between Receiver/ Servo" S.BUS connector (S.I/F) When setting an S.BUS servo and telemetry sensor, connect them both here. (Supply power by 3-way hub or 2-way cord.) Audio plug (PHONE) Connecting a stereo headphone to this plug, you can HQMR\PXVLFÂżOHVVWRUHGLQWKH6'FDUG Connector for battery charger (CHG) You cannot use the charger that was included with the transmitter, without using the AC adapter that comes with this. DANGER Do not connect any other chargers. The charger for the receiver battery cannot be used for the transmitter. USB port (mini-B) *This is for factory use only. ďź Before Use ďź 23 Camera function This transmitter has a digital camera function. A picture of your favorite model and other pictures (0.03M megapixels) can be allocated to transmitter model data. &DPHUD WARNING 'RQRWXVHWKHFDPHUDIXQFWLRQGXULQJĂLJKWDQG when starting the engine. *It is dangerous to look away from or have your model out of \RXUOLQHRIVLJKWZKLOHĂ\LQJ 24 ďź Before Use ďź 5HFHLYHUQRPHQFODWXUH Before using the receiver, be sure to read the precautions listed in the following pages. Receiver R7008SB Channels 1 âź 6 Link/Mode Switch Channel 7 / Battery Channel 8 or S.BUS S.BUS2 : Telemetry sensor or S.BUS2 equipment Connector WKURXJKRXWSXWVIRUWKHFKDQQHOVWKURXJK %RXWSXWVRIFKDQQHOVDQGSRZHU 6%RXWSXWVRIFKDQQHOVRU6%86SRUW [S.BUS Sevo S.BUS Gyro ] 6%86RXWSXWVRI6%86SRUW [Telemetry Sensor ] :KHQXVLQJRUPRUHFKDQQHOVXVHDQ6%XV function or use a second R7008SB and link both to your transmitter. Use the small plastic screw driver that was included with your receiver. The Link/Mode Switch is also used for the CH mode selection. (The button is not used to link the transmitter and receiver together. ) ďź â Extra Voltage Connector Use this connector when using a voltage telemetry device to send the battery voltage (DC0 ~ 70V) from the receiver to the transmitter. Please use an option is External voltage input cable. Wire in an extra connector to you drive batteries that mates with the extra voltage connector. DANGER Connector insertion Firmly insert the connector in the direction shown LQWKHÂżJXUH,QVHUWWKH6%86E\WXUQLQJLW degrees. Don't touch wiring. * There is a danger of receiving an electric shock. Do not short-circuit the battery terminals. * A short circuit across the battery terminals may cause DEQRUPDOKHDWLQJÂżUHDQGEXUQV WARNING S.BUS2 connectors Don't connect an S.BUS servo / gyro to BUS2 connector. LED Monitor This monitor is used to check the CH mode of the receiver. Please double check your polarity ( + and -) when hooking up your connectors. * If + and - of wiring are mistaken, it will damage, ignite and explode. 'RQÂśWFRQQHFWLRQWR([WUD9ROWDJHEHIRUH turning on a receiver power supply. ďź Before Use ďź 25 Connection of a receiver battery WARNING Please make sure that you use a battery that can deliver enough capacity for the number and kind of servos used. Alkaline (Dry) batteries cannot be used. Battery 3.7 âź 7.4V Switch A battery is connectable also with which port. When all ports are used. Servo Y-harness Battery 3.7 âź 7.4V Switch Connection example 6ZLWFK &*<*\UR &+0RGH âŤÚâŹ0RGH% 6ZLWFK WR6%SRUW WR6%SRUW +8% 6%86VHUYRV &KDQQHO 56% 56% &+0RGH âŤÚâŹ0RGH% 3:0 56% 6%86 6ZLWFK &*< *\UR %DWWHU\ 26 ďź Before Use ďź %DWWHU\ &RQYHQWLRQDOVHUYRV &KDQQHO 5XGGHU 3LWFK $LOHURQ 7KURWWOH (OHYDWRU %DWWHU\ DANGER 5HFHLYHU Don't connect neither a switch nor a battery in this way. * It will short-circuit, if it connects in this way. A short circuit across the battery terminals may cause abnormal heating, fire and burns. R7008SB CH Mode >+RZWRFKDQJHWKH56%&KDQQHOPRGH@ The R7008SB receiver is a very versatile unit. It has 8 PWM outputs, S.BUS and S.BUS2 outputs. Additionally the PWM outputs can be changed from FKDQQHOVWRFKDQQHOV,I\RXRQO\GHVLUHWR use it as an 8 channel receiver (without S.BUS), it can be used without any setting changes. 1. Press and hold down the Link/Mode button on the R7008SB receiver. 2. Turn the receiver on while holding down the Link/Mode button. When the LED begins to blink green/red the button may be released. 3. The LED should now be blinking red in one of the patterns described by the chart below. 4. Each press of the Mode/Link button advances the receiver to the next mode. 5. When you reach the mode that you wish to operate in, press and hold the Mode/Link button for more than 2 seconds. 6. Once locked into the correct mode the LED will change to a solid color. 7. Please cycle the receiver(s) power off and back on again after changing the Channel Mode. The T18MZ-WC has the ability to link to two R7008SB receivers - one of them outputting FKDQQHOVDQGWKHRWKHURXWSXWWLQJFKDQQHOV giving you 16 PWM channels. Instructions for this FRQÂżJXUDWLRQDQG6%86RSHUDWLRQIROORZ 56%&+02'(7$%/( Receiver connector Setting channel Mode A 1 âź 8CH Mode B 1 âź 7CH Mode C 9 âź 16CH Mode D 9 âź 15CH 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 7/B 15 15 8/SB S.BUS 16 S.BUS Red LED blink 1 time 2 times 3 times 4 times Default ďź Before Use ďź 27 6HUYR 2SWLRQ ăť7RROER[ Toolbox âŤŮ´âŹ5XEEHU&DS Servo (Option) âŤŮ´âŹ7RROIRUUHPRYLQJ GHFRUDWLRQQXWV Purchase servos appropriate for their intended use. *Analog servos may not be used when operating in the FASSTest 12CH mode. When operating in the FASSTest12CH mode use digital servos, this includes all brushless and S.Bus servos. âŤŮ´âŹ+H[:UHQFK PPDQGPP A special toolbox is included with your T18MZWC. This allows you to make all of the mechanical adjustments that may be needed. Hexagonal wrench (1.5mm and 2.5mm) These wrenches are for adjustment of sticks and replacement of the switches. Tool for removing switch nuts. This is used when changing or replacing switches. Stylus pen A rubber cap is attached to the stylus pen/toolbox. You may use this stylus with rubber cap when operating the touch panel. The stylus allows more precise operation than fingers without fear of damaging the panels surface. âŤ<Ů´âŹRXPD\XVHWKLVWRRO DVDVW\OXVSHQ 28 ďź Before Use ďź 5HFHLYHU V$QWHQQD,QVWDOODWLRQ The R7008SB has two antennas. In order to maximize signal reception and promote safe modeling Futaba KDVDGRSWHGDGLYHUVLW\DQWHQQDV\VWHP7KLVDOORZVWKHUHFHLYHUWRREWDLQ5)VLJQDOVRQERWKDQWHQQDVDQGĂ\ problem-free. 0XVWEHNHSWDVVWUDLJKWDVSRVVLEOH $QWHQQD &RD[LDOFDEOH 56%5HFHLYHU To obtain the best results of the diversity function, SOHDVHUHIHUWRWKHIROORZLQJLQVWUXFWLRQV 1. The two antennas must be kept as straight as possible. Otherwise it will reduce the effective range. 2. The two antennas should be placed at 90 degrees to each other. $QWHQQD This is not a critical figure, but the most important thing is to keep the antennas away from each other as much as possible. Larger models can have large metal objects that can attenuate the RF signal. In this case the antennas should be placed at both sides of the model. Then the best RF signal FRQGLWLRQLVREWDLQHGDWDQ\Ă\LQJDWWLWXGH 3. The antennas must be kept away from conductive materials, such as metal, carbon and fuel tank by at least a half inch. The coaxial part of the antennas does not need to follow these guidelines, but do not bend it in a tight radius. 4. Keep the antennas away from the motor, ESC, and other noise sources as much as possible. $QWHQQD 7KHWZRDQWHQQDVVKRXOGEHSODFHGDWGHJUHHVWRHDFKRWKHU *The Illustration demonstrates how the antenna should be placed. 5HFHLYHU9LEUDWLRQDQG:DWHUSURRÂżQJ7KHUHFHLYHUFRQWDLQVSUHFLVLRQHOHFWURQLFSDUWV%HVXUH to avoid vibration, shock, and temperature extremes. For protection, wrap the receiver in foam rubber or other vibration-absorbing materials. It is also a good idea to waterproof the receiver by placing it in a plastic bag and securing the open end of the bag with a rubber band before wrapping it with foam rubber. If you accidentally get moisture or fuel inside the receiver, you may experience intermittent operation or a crash. If in doubt, return the receiver to our service center for service. ďź Before Use ďź 29 Mounting the Servo Wood screw 2.3-2.6mm nut washer Rubber grommet Brass eyelet Rubber grommet Brass eyelet Servo mount 6DIHW\SUHFDXWLRQVZKHQ \RXLQVWDOOUHFHLYHUDQG VHUYRV WARNING Servo mount 2.3-2.6mm screw (Airplane/Glider) (Helicopter) Servo lead wires To prevent the servo lead cable from being broken by vibration during flight, provide a little slack in the cable and fasten it at suitable points. Periodically check the cable during daily maintenance. Connecting connectors Be sure to insert the connector until it stops at the deepest point. How to protect the receiver from vibration and water Wrap the receiver with something soft such as foam rubber to avoid vibration. If there is a chance of it getting wet, put the receiver in a waterproof bag or balloon to avoid water. Receiver's antenna Never cut the receiver's antenna. Do not bind the receiver's antenna with the cables for servos. Margin in the lead wire. Fasten about 5-10cm from the servo outlet so that the lead wire is neat. Locate the receiver's antenna as far as possible IURPPHWDOVRUFDUERQÂżEHUFRPSRQHQWVVXFKDV frames, cables, etc. *Cutting or binding the receiver's antenna will reduce the radio reception sensitivity and range, and may cause a crash. Mounting the power switch When mounting a power switch to an airframe, make a rectangular hole that is a little larger than the total stroke of the switch so that you can turn the switch ON/OFF without binding. Avoid mounting the switch where it can be covered by engine oil and dust. In general, it is recommended to mount the power switch on the side of the fuselage WKDWLVRSSRVLWHWKHPXIĂHU Servo throw Adjust your system so that pushrods will not bind or sag when operating the servos to the full extent. *If excessive force is continuously applied to a servo, the servo could be damaged due to force on the gear train and/or power consumption causing rapid battery drain. Mounting servos Use a vibration-proof rubber (such as rubber grommet) under a servo when mounting the servo on a servo mount. And be sure that the servo cases do not touch directly to the metal parts such as servo mount. *If the servo case contacts the airframe directly, vibration will travel to and possibly damage the servo. 30 ďź Before Use ďź 6%86,QVWDOODWLRQ 7KLVVHWXVHVWKH6%86V\VWHP7KHZLULQJLVDVVLPSOLÂżHGDQGFOHDQPRXQWLQJDVSRVVLEOHHYHQZLWKPRGHOV that use a large number of servos. In addition, the wings can be quickly installed to the fuselage without any erroneous wiring by the use of only one simple wire, even when there are a large number of servos used. Ć:KHQXVLQJ6%86VSHFLDOVHWWLQJVDQGPL[HVLQ\RXUWUDQVPLWWHUPD\EHXQQHFHVVDU\ Ć7KH6%86VHUYRVDQG6%86J\URVPHPRUL]HWKHQXPEHURIFKDQQHOVWKHPVHOYHV 6HWWDEOHZLWKWKH70= WC) Ć7KH6%86V\VWHPDQGFRQYHQWLRQDOV\VWHP UHFHLYHUFRQYHQWLRQDO&+XVHG FDQEHPL[HG S.BUS Glider usage example Receiver: R7008SB HUB ( Optional ) Servo: S3173SViĂ9(Optional ) i-Connector ( Optional ) Throttle servo: BLS173SV ( Optional ) Battery: FR2F1800 ( Optional ) S.BUS Aerobatic plane usage example Switch: ESW-1J Receiver: R7008SB Aileron servo: BLS174SVĂ2 ( Optional ) HUBĂ3 ( Optional ) Rudder Servo: BLS175SVĂ1 ( Optional ) Elevator servo: BLS173SVĂ2 ( Optional ) ďź Before Use ďź 31 6%86:LULQJH[DPSOH Receiver *When using 8/SB as S.BUS, you have to set CH MODE of the mode B or mode D. âS.BUS Servo %DWWHU\ 6%86 3RUW 6% 6ZLWFK 6%86 ([WHQVLRQ FRUG Since the channel number is memorized by the S.BUS itself, any connector can be used. When the SBD-1/SBD-2 (sold separately) is used, ordinary servos can be used with the S.BUS system. *SBD-1 cannot be used by S.BUS2 port. 7HUPLQDOER[ â7HUPLQDOER[ Four connectors can be inserted +8% +8% +8% WARNING 6%866HUYR Power supply Please make sure that you use a battery that can deliver enough capacity for the number and kind of servos used. Alkaline batteries cannot be used. +8% âŤŮâŹ$QRWKHUSRZHUVXSSO\âŤŮ⏠+8% âWhen separate power supply used +8% %DWWHU\ When a large number of servos are used or when high current servos are used, the servos can be driven by a separate power supply by using a separate Power Supply 3-way Hub. 6%866HUYR Green +8% âŤŮâŹ$QRWKHUSRZHUVXSSO\âŤŮ⏠+8% Orange Three connectors can be inserted. 32 ďź Before Use ďź Used when using a separate power supply battery. 6%866\VWHP When using the S.BUS2 port, an impressive array of telemetry sensors may be utilized. 6%867$%/( Receiver port S.BUS Servo S.BUS Gyro S.BUS2 Servo S.BUS2 Gyro Telemetry sensor S.BUS â â Ă S.BUS2 Ă ďźâťďź â â ďźâťďź'RQ WFRQQHFW6%866HUYR6%86 *\URWR6%86FRQQHFWRU &+0RGHLVVHW WR0RGH%>'@ 6%86 3RUW 6% S.BUS servos and gyros and S.BUS2 servos and gyros must be used in the correct receiver ports. Please refer to the instruction manual to make sure you connect to the correct one. +XE 6%866HUYR 6%86VHUYR &RQQHFWLRQLVSRVVLEOH 6%86J\UR &RQQHFWLRQLVSRVVLEOH 7HOHPHWU\VHQVRU &RQQHFWLRQLVLPSRVVLEOH 6%86 3RUW +XE +XE +XE 6%866HUYR 7HOHPHWU\ 6HQVRU 6%86VHUYR &RQQHFWLRQLVLPSRVVLEOH 6%86 *<52 Ů 5XGGHU6HUYR 6%86GHYLFHVHWWLQJ S.BUS servos or a telemetry sensor can be connected directly to the T18MZ-WC. Channel setting and other data can be entered for the S.BUS servos or sensors. 3-way hub or 2-way 70=:& 6%86GHYLFH 5HFHLYHUV 6%866HUYR %DWWHU\ WHOHPHWU\VHQVRU 1. Connect the S.BUS device and battery you want to set with a 3-way hub or 2-way cord DVVKRZQLQWKHĂJXUH 2. Turn on the transmitter power. 3. Call the setup screen. Servo: System Menu â S.BUS Servo Sensor: Linkage Menu â Sensor 4. Perform setting in accordance with each screen. 5. This sets the channel and other data for each S.BUS servo, or telemetry device to be used with the S.BUS device or receiver. ďź Before Use ďź 33 7HOHPHWU\6\VWHP The R7008SB receiver features bi-directional communication with a FASSTest Futaba transmitter using the S.BUS2 port. Using the S.BUS2 port an impressive array of telemetry sensors may be utilized. It also includes both standard PWM output ports and S.BUS output ports. *Telemetry is available only in the FASSTest 18CH/T-FHSS mode. (FASSTest 12CH mode displays only Receiver battery voltage and Extra battery voltage.) *The telemetry function requires the corresponding receiver. (DFKUHFHLYHUKDVLWRZQXQLTXHJXLG JOREDOO\XQLTXHLGHQWLÂżHU RU,'FRGHIRUWKHWUDQVPLWWHUWRUHPHPEHU and recognize when in use. âTelemetry sensor (sold separately) Your aircraft's data can be checked in the transmitter by connecting various telemetry sensors to the S.BUS2 connector of the receiver. 70=:& Info Signal Power battery voltage is displayed at the transmitter. Info voltage Receiver 6%86 &RQQHFWRU 6ZLWFK Info 7HUPLQDOER[ Battery voltage is displayed at the transmitter. Info +8% 7HPSHUDWXUH 6HQVRU Slot 1 530 6HQVRU Slot 2 $OWLWXGH 6HQVRU Slot 3 âź 5 9ROWDJH 6HQVRU Info *36 6HQVRU Slot 6 âź 7 Slot 8 âź 15 +8% âSlot No. Servos are classified by channel, but sensors are classified by âslotâ. Since the initial slot number of the T18MZ-WC is preset at each sensor, the sensors can be used as is by connecting them. There are 1 31 slots. 34 ďź Before Use ďź 6HQVRU Slot 16 6HQVRU Slot 17 Info +8% Slot 31 %$6,&23(5$7,21 the actual charging time may vary depending on temperature and state of the battery. %DWWHU\&KDUJLQJ Before charging batteries, read the "Cautions for handling battery and battery charger" in the section "For your safety". Charging the transmitter LT2F3500XH lithiumpolymer battery DANGER *If the battery is improperly installed or is faulty, the transmitter monitor will not light and the battery will not charge. How to charge the LiFe battery FR2F1800 (Option) for the receiver Use the battery charger that is included in the set. [Method of charging battery] $& &KDUJHODPS LBC-4E5 3S 2S Red on, green off : Charging Green on, red off : Charging Full Red flash : Output short-circuit or wrong polarity $& MODEL : Always use the included AC adapter to charge the battery. The charging circuit is built into the T18MZ-WC. [Method of charging battery] âŤŮ´âŹ7KHFRQQHFWRURIWKH EDWWHU\LVFRQQHFWHGZLWK 6VLGHRIWKHFKDUJHU Intelligent LiFePO4 for 2S/3S Cells Balance CHARGER The LT2F3500XH lithium-polymer battery is for the T18MZ-WC transmitter only. Do not use it with other devices. âŤŮâŹ6VLGHVâŤŮ⏠&KDUJHU/%&( 1. Connect the power cable of the charger to the wall socket (AC outlet). 2. Connect the connector to the LiFe battery. *Confirm that the red LED charging indicator lights are on. 70= 3. Remove the battery after the LED light turns green. *After completing the charge remove the battery from the charger and remove the charger from the wall outlet. WARNING 1. Turn off the transmitter power. 2. Connect the power plug of the AC adapter to an 110V outlet. The transmitter battery cannot be charged with the receiver charger. Conversely the receiver battery cannot be charged with the transmitter charger. *Don't connect AC plug to the T18MZ-WC without connecting with a 110V outlet. 3. Open the back lid of the transmitter and insert the plug of the AC adapter into the CHG port. 4. The charging monitor of the transmitter lights red. *In the case LCD screen will come on for several seconds and then go off. It may take several seconds for charging to start after the AC adapter is connected. 5. When the battery is fully charged the transmitter monitor will light green. Remove the charge plug and AC adaptor. *After using the AC adapter always disconnect the power cord from the AC outlet. *The time to charge a completely discharged battery pack is approximately 2 hours 30 minutes. However, ďź Basic Operation ďź 35 +RZWRWXUQ212))WKH SRZHURIWKHWUDQVPLWWHU Windows ÂŽ CE is installed as a built-in operating system in the T18MZ-WC transmitter. Compared to the conventional system, the T18MZ-WC takes extra time for internal processing when it is turned on/off. 7KHULJKWVZLWFK LVSXVKHG When turning on the power of the transmitter Âł+RWVWDUW´WDNHVSODFHXVXDOO\DWDVHFRQGĂLJKWRU ODWHUĂLJKWLQWKHGD\ WARNING Once you turn on the power, never shut off the power switch until the power becomes stable (or until the first screen shows up). If you turn off the power switch while the transmitter is going through the initialization process, the data could be damaged. Note: The start-up time may be a little bit slower when the SD card is installed compared to when the card is not. How to stop the transmitter Turn off the power switch of the transmitter. The internal circuit of the transmitter starts the shut down process including saving the set-up data. 1. Place the throttle stick below 1/3 closed. 2. Turn on the power switch. *After initialization of the transmitter is complete, the LED monitor turns Purple. *If your throttle stick is not at 1/3 closed or fully closed, a warning will sound. If you move the throttle to 1/3 closed or fully closed, the warning will stop and will become a "Transmit ?" screen. ,WZLOOWXUQRĂ E\SXVKLQJERWK SLHFHV VLPXOWDQHRXVO\ *If you push the button "NO", then the transmitter will not emit radio waves. *If you push the button "Yes", then the transmitter will emit radio waves. *If a battery is removed and it re-connects, please switch on a power supply, after 3 seconds or more pass. Start-up time; The time required to initialize the internal circuit of the transmitter varies between the previous time you turned the power off and then restarted the transmitter. There are two âstart upâ modes for your transmitter, see below: Cold start; If you turn on the transmitter more than four hours after you last turned it off, the mode is âCold startâ. Âł&ROGVWDUW´LVQRUPDOIRUWKHÂżUVWLQLWLDOSRZHUXSRI the day. It will take about 30 seconds to be ready for use, as it takes time to initialize the internal circuit of the transmitter. Hot start; If you turn on the transmitter less than four hours after you last turned it off, the mode is âHot startâ. Since initialization has been partly completed, the transmitter will be ready to use in several seconds. 36 ďź Basic Operation ďź or ,WZLOOWXUQLWRĂ E\SXVKLQJRQH VLGHIRUDOHQJWK RIWLPH Once you turn off the power, never operate the power switch until the power shutdown process is fully completed. If you turn on the power switch again while the transmitter is still in the process of power shutdown, the data could be damaged. How to reset software If the screen freezes for some reason and you cannot edit, the transmitter power supply is not fully off even if you turn OFF the power switch. You will need to remove the battery and reinsert it again. In this case, the power restarts in âCold modeâ. Even though the screen freezes, all the other functions for radio control operation remain operative. 5HJLVWUDWLRQRIWKHXVHU V QDPH T18MZ-WC transmitter can register user's name. How to register user's name 1. Turn on the power of the transmitter. 2. Push the area of the user's name shown on the home screen or the "user's name" in the system menu. Then the User's Name Set screen will pop up. 3. Push the user's name. Then the keyboard will pop up. You can use up to 32 characters as a user's name. Use the keyboard on the screen to enter user's name. 6SDFHNH\ 4. Push "Return" key to return to the previous screen after entering the user's name. (If you want to protect the user's name) If you don't want anybody else to change your user's name, set your ID in the following way. *Please be aware that you will not able to change user's name if you forget your password. 1. Make sure that the security mode is "User's name", and then push the User ID button. 2. Enter your password, using keyboard on the screen. You will need to enter your password for changing the user's name, the next time you turn on the power. *Even if you enter the same character, your SDVVZRUGZLOOEHLGHQWLĂHGGLIIHUHQWO\GHSHQGLQJRQ whether you are using "Transform" mode or "Direct" mode for inputting. ďź Basic Operation ďź 37 +RPHVFUHHQ 7KLVLVWKH+RPHVFUHHQDQGGHVFULSWLRQVRILW VPHQXV8VH\RXUÂżQJHURULQFOXGHGVW\OXVSHQWR operate the touch screen. â Timer ⊠User's name If one of two timer displays is pushed, you will enter the Timer screen of a Linkage menu. Push this area to enter the User's Name Setting screen. In the button mode of a timer set, it can also be made a start/stop. A push on reset will reset a time. ⪠Condition The condition name that is currently used is displayed here. ⢠Push this area to enter the Condition Select screen. ⥠Menu Button ⢠System menu ⢠Linkage menu ⢠System Selection ⍠Battery Indicator ⢠FASSTest18CH ⢠FASSTest12CH ⢠FASST MULTI ⢠FASST 7CH ⢠S-FHSS ⢠T-FHSS â˘When the remaining battery reaches 30%, the alarm will beep. Land your aircraft immediately. ⣠System timer/Reset ⏠Menu Button ⢠This shows the total accumulated time used for the transmitter. This can be reset. (Hour):(Minute):(Second) Push this area to reset the timer. ⢠Model menu â Model Name ⤠Voltage of Rx/Ext battery The model name that is currently used is displayed here. ⢠Push this area to enter the Model Select screen. Information from the receiver is displayed when using a bidirectional system. FASSTest/T-FHSS Only. ⎠Clock ⼠Direct buttons This shows the today's date and the current time. ⢠Push this area for the Date & Time Setting screen. Select and press one of the direct buttons to enter the menu. ⌠Home2 A timer and Telemetry data change to Home2 screen by which it was indicated by expansion. WARNING ⧠RF Indicator %HVXUHWRFRQÂżUPWKHPRGHOQDPHEHIRUH Ă\LQJ\RXUDLUFUDIW "ON AIR" or "RF OFF" Check the remaining battery as often as possible and try to charge the battery regularly. If the battery alarm sounds and its warning symbol is displayed, land your aircraft immediately. ⨠Digital trim (T1 to T6, CD) Push this area to enter the Dial Monitor screen. ⌠⧠⨠⊠⪠⍠⏠â ⥠â ⢠⎠⣠⤠38 ďź Basic Operation ďź âĽ +RPHVFUHHQ If [Home2] is pushed, it will become the display to which the timer and the Telemetry data were expanded. Ĺ5HWXUQWRKRPHVFUHHQ Timer If one of two timer displays is pushed, you will enter the Timer screen of a Linkage menu. Ĺ7KUHHWHOHPHWU\GDWDVFUHHQVFDQEHGLVSOD\HG If three either is pushed, it will move to a telemetry screen. Three displays can be changed on a telemetry screen. 8VHU0HQX T18MZ-WC has a menu for each of the following: System, Linkage, and Model. Also, you can create a personalized User Menu that can include all of the menus that you use most often. The User menu can be created by pressing the Rotary Key. Ĺ5HWXUQWRKRPHVFUHHQ How to make a User Menu 1. From the home screen, press the Rotary key for 2 seconds. 7RXFKKHUHWRVHOHFW\RXUĂUVWFKRLFH Ĺ5HWXUQWR8VHU0HQX 3. Once pressed, 4 pages of choices will be displayed. Ĺ5HWXUQWRKRPHVFUHHQ 4. Make your selection, press your choice and the first of your "User Menu" will be entered. *Any change made to data entered from the User Menu or from the normal method of use are the same. Changes made in either way are saved into the transmitter memory. Ĺ7RHUDVHDVHOHFWLRQIURP\RXU8VHU0HQXKLJKOLJKWWKHGHVLUHG menu and press Release. This will remove it from your personal User Menu, but not from the basic menu. You can always go back at a later date and re-enter this into your User Menu. ďź Basic Operation ďź 39 02'(/%$6,&6(77,1*352&('85( $LUSODQHJOLGHUEDVLFVHWWLQJSURFHGXUH 1. Model addition and call Initial setting assigns one model to the T18MZWC transmitter. The Model Select function of the Linkage Menu is used to add models and to select models which have already been set. This is convenient when calling a model after its name has been registered. (Data can also be saved to the accessory SD card and USB memory) The currently called model name is displayed at the top of the screen. Before flying and before changing any settings, always confirm the model name. When a new model is added, the model type select screen/system type/receiver link automatically appears. Please be aware that the transmitter will stop transmitting when you change the model. 3. Fuselage linkage Link the ailerons, elevators, throttle, rudder, etc. in accordance with the model's instruction manual. For a description of the connection method, see the receiver and servos connection. Note: The channel assignment of the T18MZ-WC is different from that of our existing systems. Note that even for the same "airplane model", when the wing type and tail type are different, the channel assignment has been optimized and may be different. (The channel assigned to each function can be checked in the Function menu of the Linkage Menu.) Ĺ:KHQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIWKHOLQNDJHLVUHYHUVHG adjust the direction with the Servo Reverse function in the Linkage Menu. 2. Model type selection Select the model type matched to the fuselage with the Model Type select function of the Linkage Menu. For an airplane, select the model type from among the 3 types: airplane, glider, and motor glider. When the wing type select screen is displayed and the wing type is selected when selecting the model type, the tail type select screen is displayed. Select the tail type matched to the fuselage. There are 13 wing types and 3 tail types for airplane, glider, and motor glider. Mod dell Basic Basic i Setting Sett ttiing Procedure Procedure ďź 40 ďź Model Ĺ&RQQHFWWKHWKURWWOHOLQNDJHVRWKHFDUEXUHWRULV open at full trim and full open so that the throttle can be cut. Ĺ $GMXVW WKH QHXWUDO SRVLWLRQ DQG UXGGHU DQJOH with the linkage, and fine tune them with the Sub Trim and End Point functions (rudder angle adjustment). To protect the linkage, a limit position can also be set with the End Point function. The End Point function can adjust the amount of up/down and left/right movement, limit, and servo speed of each channel. 4. Throttle cut setting (In case of engine model) Throttle cut can be performed with one touch by a switch without changing the throttle trim position. Set throttle cut with the Throttle Cut function of the Linkage Menu. After activating the throttle cut function and selecting the switch, adjust the throttle position so that the carburetor becomes full close. For safety, the throttle cut function operates the throttle stick in the slow position. 5. Idle down setting 7KHRIIVHWDPRXQWRIWKHDLOHURQHOHYDWRUDQGĂDS servos can be adjusted as needed. Also the speed of WKHDLOHURQHOHYDWRUDQGĂDSVHUYRVFDQEHDGMXVWHG (IN side/OUT side) A delay can be set for each condition, and a cut switch which will turn OFF the GHOD\FDQEHFKRVHQ7ULPDPRXQWVFDQEHÂżQHWXQHG by setting a VR. You can also set the auto mode, which will link Airbrake to a stick, switch, or dial. A separate stick switch or dial can also be set as the ON/OFF switch. (In case of engine model) The idling speed can be lowered with one touch by a switch without changing the throttle trim position. Perform this setting with the Idle Down function of the Linkage Menu. After activating the Idle Down function and selecting the switch, adjust the idle down speed. For safety, the idle down function acts only when the throttle stick is in the slow position. *While the Throttle Cut function is in operation, the Idle Down function does not work. 6. AFR (D/R) AFR function is used to adjust the throw and operation curve of the stick, lever, and switch IXQFWLRQVIRUHDFKĂLJKWFRQGLWLRQ7KLVLVQRUPDOO\ used after End Point (ATV) has defined the maximum throw directions (End Point acts on ALL flight condition settings). When mixing is applied from one channel to another channel, both channels can be adjusted at the same time by adjusting the operation rate through the AFR function. $GGLWLRQRIĂLJKWFRQGLWLRQV The transmitter can install up to eight flight conditions per model. You can assign all switches including sticks, switches, trim levers and trim VZLWFKHVDVĂLJKWFRQGLWLRQVHOHFWLRQVZLWFKHV 7UDLQHU@EXWWRQLQWKH6\VWHP0HQXWR FDOO WKH VHWXS VFUHHQ 7KH VHWXS VFUHHQ IRU WKH 7HDFKHU6WXGHQWPRGHLVVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX +(/,&237(5 Student mode 6HW7HDFKHU6WXGHQWEXWWRQWR6WXGHQW &KDQJH$&7,1+EXWWRQIURP,1+WR2)) RU21 6HWWKH&+PRGHWR&+&+RU&+VHH WKHDERYHFKDUWIRUWKHWUDLQHUPRGHVHWWLQJV 52 ďź System Menu ďź Note: In "student mode", only the teacher side can turn on and off the power of the student's transmitter. Keep the power switch always at off position. Ĺ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mode (Normal mode); 7KHVWXGHQWZLOOKDYHQRQHRIWKHVHWWLQJVIURP WKH7HDFKHUVUDGLR "MIX" mode; 6WXGHQWKDVIXOODGYDQWDJHRIDOOPL[HVDQGVHWWLQJV LQ7HDFKHUVUDGLR3OXVWKH7HDFKHUKDVWKHDELOLW\WR RYHUULGHWKHVWXGHQWZKLOHWKHVZLWFKLVDFWLYDWHG "FUNC" mode (Function mode); 6WXGHQW KDV FRQWURO RI DOO PL[HV DQG UDWH VHWWLQJVRI7HDFKHUVUDGLR 6HWWKHVZLWFKHVDQGUDWHVRIHDFKFKDQQHO 6ZLWFKWRWKHGHWDLOVVHWXSVFUHHQE\WRXFKLQJ WKH SDJH VZLWFKLQJ EXWWRQ >@ DW WKH WRS ULJKWKDQG FRUQHU RI WKH VFUHHQ 6WXGHQW RSHUDWLRQIRUHDFKFKDQQHOFDQEHVHWKHUH >6ZLWFK@ 7KH VZLWFKHV WKDW FDQ EH RSHUDWHG E\ WKH VWXGHQW FDQ EH VHW 6:$a6:+ 66 DQG66FDQEHVHOHFWHG >5DWH@ 6HUYR WUDYHO YHUVXV VWXGHQW RSHUDWLRQ FDQ EH VHW 7KLV FDQ RQO\ EH XVHG LQ WKH )81&/0,;1250PRGHV Note: In "teacher mode", the trainer function wonât show that is is activated unless the Instructors' transmitter receives signals from the student's transmitter via the trainer cord. Be sure to confirm this after connecting your trainer cable. ďź System Menu ďź 53 */,'(5 Teacher mode +(/,&237(5 Ĺ6WXGHQWUDWH $,53/$1( Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX ([DPSOHRIVWXGHQW&+VHWWLQJ! Trainer student channel setting function 7KHFKDQQHOIXQFWLRQFDQEHVHOHFWHGDQGUHDUUDQJHG for the student transmitter (when using either "FUNC" "MIX" "NORM") in the Trainer function of the transmitter. This makes trainer connection easy even when the instructor and student channel assignment are different. $,53/$1( */,'(5 +(/,&237(5 Student channel setting 2SHQWKH6\VWHP0HQXWUDLQHUVFUHHQ 6HOHFW>7HDFKHU@ :KHQ >)81&@>0,;@>1250@ LV VHOHFWHG DV WKH PRGHRIWKHFKDQQHOWREHVHWWKH>6WXGHQW & + @ V H W W L Q J E X W W R Q L V G L V S O D \ H G : K H Q >2))@>6WXGHQW&+@VHWWLQJLVQRWSHUIRUPHG :KHQWKH>6WXGHQW&+@EXWWRQLVSUHVVHGWKH &KDQQHO6HOHFWVFUHHQLVGLVSOD\HG6HOHFWWKH FKDQQHO &+PRGH&+ &+PRGH&+ &+PRGH&+ 54 ďź System Menu ďź Student side Instructor side Student CH CH1 Aileron Elevator CH2 CH2 Elevator Rudder CH4 CH3 Throttle Throttle CH3 CH4 Rudder Aileron CH1 CH5 Gear Aileron2 -- CH6 Flap Flap CH6 CH7 Aileron2 Gear CH5 CH8 Aux5 Aux5 CH8 CH9 Aux4 Aux4 CH9 CH10 Aux3 Aux3 CH10 CH11 Aux2 Aux2 CH11 CH12 Aux1 Aux1 CH12 'LVSOD\ /&'VFUHHQDGMXVWPHQWDQGDXWRSRZHURIIVHWWLQJ The following LCD screen adjustments and auto power off setting are possible: Ĺ$XWRSRZHURIIWLPHVHWWLQJ Ĺ%DFNOLJKWLQJEULJKWQHVVDGMXVWPHQW Ĺ%DFNJURXQGFRORUFKDQJH Ĺ7RXFKSDQHOVFUHHQFDOLEUDWLRQDQGWRXFKSDQHOORFNFRUUHFWLRQ $,53/$1( Ĺ7RXFKWKH>'LVSOD\@EXWWRQLQWKH6\VWHP0HQXWR FDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ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acklighting brightness adjustment $GMXVWWKHEDFNOLJKWLQJEULJKWQHVVZLWKWKHOHIW DQGULJKWVLGHEXWWRQV :KHQ WKH ULJKW VLGH EXWWRQ LV WRXFKHG WKH EDFNOLJKWLQJ EHFRPHV EULJKWHU :KHQ WKH OHIW VLGHEXWWRQLVWRXFKHGWKHEDFNOLJKWLQJEHFRPHV GDUNHU Backlight decrease brightness adjustment $GMXVWWKHEDFNOLJKWGHFUHDVHEULJKWQHVVZLWK WKHOHIWDQGULJKWVLGHEXWWRQV :KHQ WKH ULJKW VLGH EXWWRQ LV WRXFKHG WKH EDFNOLJKWLQJ EHFRPHV EULJKWHU :KHQ WKH OHIW VLGHEXWWRQLVWRXFKHGWKHEDFNOLJKWLQJEHFRPHV GDUNHU ,W FDQQRW EH PDGH EULJKWHU WKDQ %DFNOLJKWLQJ EULJKWQHVVDGMXVWPHQW Backlight decrease time 'DWH DQG 7LPH@ EXWWRQ LQ WKH 6\VWHP 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX Ĺ,ILWSXVKHVDWLPHUZLOOUHVHW */,'(5 Ĺ7RWDO 5HJDUGOHVV RI D PRGHO DGGLWLRQDO WLPH LQ FDVH D SRZHUVXSSO\21LVGLVSOD\HG 0RGHO7KHDGGLWLRQDOWLPHZKHQWKHSRZHUVXSSO\ZDVVHW WR21LVGLVSOD\HGIRUHYHU\PRGHO Date setting +(/,&237(5 7RXFKWKH @RU>@EXWWRQ 7KH GDWH FDQ DOVR EH VHW E\ SUHVVLQJ WKH GDWH RQ WKHFDOHQGDUVKRZQDWWKHOHIW Time setting 7RXFK WKH +RXU RU 0LQXWH EXWWRQ DQG VHW WKHWLPHE\WRXFKLQJWKH>@RU>@EXWWRQ :KHQ WKH 6HFRQG EXWWRQ LV WRXFKHG WKH WLPHULVVHWWRVHFRQGV Integrating timer reset 7KHLQWHJUDWLQJWLPHUVKRZVWKHWRWDOWLPH WKDWKDVHODSVHGVLQFHWKHODVWUHVHW :KHQ WKH >6\VWHP 7LPHU@ EXWWRQ LV WRXFKHG WKHWLPHULVUHVHW 56 ďź System Menu ďź 8VHU1DPH 8VHUQDPHUHJLVWUDWLRQDQG3,1VHWWLQJ 7KLVIXQFWLRQUHJLVWHUVWKH70=:&XVHUQDPH A PIN can also be set to protect the set data or user name. *Set the PIN carefully. When a system PIN is set, if you forget the PIN, none of the settings can be changed. In this case, the system must be reset by the Futaba Service Center. $,53/$1( Ĺ7RXFKWKH>8VHU1DPH@EXWWRQLQWKH6\VWHP0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ */,'(5 Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX :KHQ WKH 8VHU 1DPH ER[ LV WRXFKHG D NH\ERDUGDSSHDUVRQWKHVFUHHQ (QWHUWKHXVHUQDPHIURPWKLVNH\ERDUG $XVHUQDPHRIXSWRFKDUDFWHUVFDQEH HQWHUHG 7KHVHWXVHUQDPHLVGLVSOD\HGRQWKH+RPHVFUHHQ )RUDGHWDLOHGGHVFULSWLRQRIWKHLQSXWPHWKRGVHH >8VHU1DPH5HJLVWUDWLRQ&KDUDFWHU,QSXW0HWKRG@ LQWKH%DVLF2SHUDWLRQVHFWLRQ User name or set data protection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ďź System Menu ďź 57 +(/,&237(5 User name registration 6ZLWFK 7RJJOHVZLWFKW\SHVHWWLQJ 6HWWLQJZKHQWKHVZLWFKZDVUHSODFHG $,53/$1( If you modify the location of the switches on the right and left (top) of the transmitter, you should be VXUHWRUHDVVLJQIXQFWLRQVWRWKHVZLWFKHVIRUSURSHU operation. A âLockâ is included to prevent settings from being modified by mistake. When you need to change settings, unlock this by pressing âLockâ. It will then read âUnlockâ and you can make changes as required. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6ZLWFK@ EXWWRQLQWKH6\VWHP0HQXWR FDOOXSWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX */,'(5 +(/,&237(5 Switch selection [Alt/Mom] mode selection 6HOHFWWKHVZLWFKW\SHE\WRXFKLQJWKH>7\SH@ EXWWRQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR WKH VZLWFK WR EH UHSODFHG >/HYHU@7RJJOHVZLWFK >%XWWRQ@3XVKEXWWRQ >'LDO@.QRE Ĺ6HWWLQJIRUWRJJOHVZLWFKLVVKRZQDERYH 6HOHFW WKH RSHUDWLRQ PRGH E\ WRXFKLQJ WKH >$OW0RP@EXWWRQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKHVZLWFK >$OW@$OWHUQDWHW\SH >0RP@6HOIUHWXUQW\SH Ĺ6HOHFWLRQRIWKH>0RP@PRGHZLWKDSRVLWLRQ W\SHVZLWFKLVVKRZQDERYH 2/3 position selection 6HOHFW WKH RSHUDWLRQ PRGH E\ WRXFKLQJ WKH 30RPEXWWRQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKHVZLWFK >6LQJOH@2QHVLGHVHOIUHWXUQW\SH >'XDO@%RWKGLUHFWLRQVVHOIUHWXUQW\SH 7RXFKWKH3RVLEXWWRQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKH VZLWFKDQGVHOHFWWKHSRVLWLRQW\SH >3RVL@SRVLWLRQ >3RVL@SRVLWLRQ 58 ďź System Menu ďź "3P Mom" mode selection 6WLFNVZLWFKWULPOHYHUDQGNQRERSHUDWLRQGLUHFWLRQUHYHUVDO +DUGZDUH UHYHUVH 6WLFNUHVSRQVHDQGK\VWHULVLVDGMXVWPHQW 6WLFN6HWWLQJ &DOLEUDWLRQ This function is for adjusting the sticks, switches, and trim characteristics. It is not unless necessary. H/W Reverse This function reverses the operation signal of the sticks, switches, trimmer levers, and knobs. Note: This setting reverses the actual operation signal, but does not change the display of the indicators on the display. Use the Normal mode as long as there is no special reason to use the Reverse mode. Stick Setting This function sets the servo response and hysteresis for stick operation for each condition. The control feeling of the stick can be adjusted to match the aerobatics. Calibration Usually, this calibration is unnecessary. Please perform this calibration, only if a change at the center of a stick should arise after prolonged use. Ĺ 7RXFK WKH >+: 6HWWLQJ@ EXWWRQ DW WKH 6\VWHP 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ $,53/$1( +:6HWWLQJ */,'(5 Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX +(/,&237(5 Ĺ7RXFKWKH>+:5HYHUVH@EXWWRQDWWKH+: 6HWWLQJ0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQ EHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR+:6HWWLQJ0HQX Operation direction reversal method 7RXFKWKHVHWWLQJEXWWRQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKH +: +DUGZDUH \RXZDQWWRUHYHUVH 5HYHUVHWKH+:E\WRXFKLQJ> 1R@ >1RUPDO@1RUPDORSHUDWLRQGLUHFWLRQ >5HYHUVH@5HYHUVHVWKHRSHUDWLRQGLUHFWLRQ ďź System Menu ďź 59 Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6WLFN6HWWLQJ@EXWWRQDWWKH+:6HWWLQJ 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR+:6HWWLQJ0HQX $,53/$1( Ĺ*URXS6LQJOHPRGHVZLWFKLQJ *U6QJO )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQVHHWKHGHVFULSWLRQDWWKHEDFNRIWKLVPDQXDO */,'(5 Response adjustment Hysteresis adjustment 7RXFKWKHVHWWLQJEXWWRQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKH VWLFN ZLWK WKH UHVSRQVH \RX ZDQW WR DGMXVW $GMXVWPHQWEXWWRQVDSSHDURQWKHULJKWKDQG VLGHRIWKHVWLFNVHWXSVFUHHQ 8VH WKH DGMXVWPHQW EXWWRQV WR DGMXVW WKH UHVSRQVH ,QLWLDOYDOXH $GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa :KHQWKHDGMXVWPHQW YDOXHLVODUJHWKHUHVSRQVHEHFRPHVVORZ 7RXFK WKH VHWWLQJ EXWWRQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR WKHVWLFNZKRVHK\VWHUHVLV\RXZDQWWRDGMXVW $GMXVWPHQWEXWWRQVDSSHDURQWKHULJKWKDQG VLGHRIWKHVWLFNVHWXSVFUHHQ 8VH WKH DGMXVWPHQW EXWWRQV WR DGMXVW WKH K\VWHUHVLV ,QLWLDOYDOXH $GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa :KHQWKHDGMXVWPHQW YDOXH LV ODUJH WKH K\VWHUHVLV YDOXH EHFRPHV ODUJH Ĺ7RXFKWKH>&DOLEUDWLRQ@EXWWRQDWWKH+:6HWWLQJ 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR+:6HWWLQJ0HQX +(/,&237(5 How to Calibrate &KRRVHWKHVWLFNWRFDOLEUDWHULJKWDQGOHIW 7KH VWLFN LV VHW DW QHXWUDO DQG WKH >QHXWUDO@ EXWWRQLVSXVKHG 7KH VWLFN LV KHOG DW IXOO ULJKW DQG IXOO ERWWRP GLDJRQDO WKH >5LJKW%RWWRP@ EXWWRQ LV SXVKHG 7KH VWLFN LV KHOG DW IXOO OHIW DQG IXOO WRS GLDJRQDO WKH>/HIW7RS@EXWWRQLVSXVKHG 60 ďź System Menu ďź 3OHDVHGRQRWSUHVVWKHVWLFNWRRĂUPO\LQDQ\ GLUHFWLRQZKHQGRLQJWKHFDOLEUDWLRQ &KHFNDIWHUFDOLEUDWLRQWRPDNHVXUHWKDWQHXWUDO LVDQGERWWRPULJKWVLGHZLOOEHDQGWKH WRSOHIWVLGHLVEHFRPH 6RXQG9ROXPH 6RXQG9ROXPHVHWWLQJ This function can set the volume of "Key Operation", "Error/Warning", "Trim & Center Click" and "Timer Event" respectively. $,53/$1( *If you have set the PIN try not to forget it. When a system PIN is set, if you forget the PIN, none of the settings can be changed or entered. In this case, the system must be reset by the Futaba Service Center. Ĺ 7RXFK WKH >6RXQG 9ROXPH@ EXWWRQ LQ WKH 6\VWHP 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ */,'(5 Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX Sound Volume Setting method +(/,&237(5 :KHQWKH6RXQG9ROXPHER[LVWRXFKHGWKH DERYHVFUHHQZLOODSSHDU 1R@WRHLWKHUFRQĂUPRUGHQ\ WKHFKDQJHV\RXZLVKWRGR 62 ďź System Menu ďź 3OD\EDFNĂOHOLVW To playback Â$OOWKHPXVLFĂOHVVDYHGLQWKH70=:&6' FDUG86%PHPRU\ZLOOEHVKRZQKHUH 3XVK WKH ILOH QDPH WR VHOHFW WKH PXVLF ILOH \RXZDQWWRKHDU 8VHWKHEXWWRQVRQWKHOHIWWRSOD\EDFNRU VWRSWKHPXVLF &DPHUD &DPHUDSKRWRJUDSK\DQGSLFWXUHVWRUDJH Ĺ7RWKHWKXPEQDLOVFUHHQWRYLHZDOOSLFWXUHV Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX Ĺ3LFWXUH GDWD VDYH GHVWLQDWLRQ 70= :&6'FDUG86%PHPRU\ Ĺ6KXWWHUEXWWRQ Ĺ6HOHFWLRQ RI WKH VKXWWHU 6: ,I WKLV LV SXVKHG LW EHFRPHV 6: VHOHFWLRQ VFUHHQ DQG FDQ FKRRVH 6: RIDVKXWWHU21SRVLWLRQRIVHOHFWHG6:LVVHWXS,Q 18//RQO\WKHLFRQRIDFDPHUDVHUYHVDVDVKXWWHU Shooting method Display pictures at the model data 7XUQRQWKHWUDQVPLWWHUDQGVHOHFW>&DPHUD@ IURPWKH6\VWHP0HQX 6HOHFWWKHSLFWXUHVDYHGHVWLQDWLRQ 70= :&6'FDUG86%PHPRU\ 6HOHFW>&DPHUD@IURPWKH6\VWHP0HQX 0DNH WKH VDYH GHVWLQDWLRQ WKH VDPH SODFH DVPRGHOGDWD,IDQ6'FDUGRU86%PHPRU\ LV QRW FRQQHFWHG WKH 70=:& EHFRPHV WKHLQLWLDOVWDWH 7DNHWKHSLFWXUH\RXZDQWWRGLVSOD\ZLWKWKH 70=:& 3RVLWLRQWKHSLFWXUHLQVLGHWKHIUDPH 6HOHFWWKHPRGHOZKRVHSLFWXUH\RXZDQWWR SDVWHEHIRUHKDQG 3UHVV>7KXPEQDLO@DQGWKHQSUHVVWKHSLFWXUH \RXWRRNHDUOLHU 3UHVV>(QWU\@ 7KHPHVVDJH´6XUH"ÂľLVGLVSOD\HG3UHVV> 7KXPEQDLO@EXWWRQ$SLFWXUHFDQEHFRSLHG DQGGHOHWHGE\SUHVVLQJLW Copy / Delete / Rename >7KXPEQDLO@EXWWRQLVSXVKHG 'DWDLVFKRVHQIURP7KXPEQDLO &RS\ 'HOHWH 5HQDPH LV FKRVHQ IURP D ULJKWGLVSOD\ 1H[WLWFKRRVHVLQ> 1R@,Q5HQDPH QDPH LV LQSXWWHG LQWR WKH NH\ERDUG ZKLFK DSSHDUHGDQGĂQDOO\LWSXVKHV(QWHU ďź System Menu ďź 63 */,'(5 Camera +(/,&237(5 Ĺ &DOO WKH IROORZLQJ VHWWLQJ VFUHHQ E\ SUHVVLQJ WKH >&DPHUD@EXWWRQLQWKH6\VWHP0HQX $,53/$1( Pictures can be easily taken with the camera in the 70:&7KHSLFWXUHFDQEHVDYHGWRWKH70= :& 6' FDUG DQG 86% PHPRU\ 6%866HUYR@EXWWRQLQWKH6\VWHP0HQX Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX */,'(5 Procedure for changing S.BUS servo setting +(/,&237(5 6HOHFW>6%866HUYR@RIWKH6\VWHP0HQX :LUHWKHVHUYRDVVKRZQLQWKHĂJXUHDERYH 3UHVV >5HFDOO@ 7KH ,' DQG FXUUHQW VHWWLQJ RI WKDWVHUYRDUHGLVSOD\HG :KHQPXOWLSOHVHUYRVDUHFRQQHFWHGFKDQJH >,1+@DWWKHULJKWVLGHRIWKH,'QXPEHURQWKH VFUHHQWR>$&7@DQGHQWHUWKH,'RIWKHVHUYR \RXZDQWWRVHW 6HWHDFKLWHP 3OHDVHVHHWKHQH[WSDJH 3UHVV>:ULWH@7KHVHWWLQJVDUHFKDQJHG WARNING While S.BUS servo writes, you aren't supposed to remove a connection of a servo and turn off a power supply of a transmitter. *Data of S.BUS servo is damaged and breaks down. 64 ďź System Menu ďź Servo ID input example ,' $&7 Press ,QSXW "42" WRWKHULJKW VFUHHQE\WKHEXWWRQ IURPZKLFKDSSHDUHG )LUVW VLVQ WLQSXW ,' $&7 3UHVV ,QSXW"87"E\WKH,' LQSXWNH\ERDUGZKLFK DSSHDUHG )LUVW VLVQ WLQSXW ,' $&7 S.BUS Servo Description of function of each parameter *There are functions which can be used according to the kind of servo, and an impossible function. ⢠ID Displays the ID of the servo whose parameters are to be read. It cannot be changed. ⢠Channel Channel of the S.BUS system assigned to the servo. Always assign a channel before use. The direction in which the servo rotates can be changed. ⢠Servo type â Normal: Normal operation mode â Retract: Landing gear retract mode. When a load is applied to the servo for 30 seconds without any channel operation performed from the transmitter, the current consumption is suppressed by widening the dead band to 40°. When channel operation is performed from the transmitter, or the servo is moved outside the expanded dead band by an outside force, dead band expansion is reset and returns to the original operation. $,53/$1( ⢠Reverse â O.L.P. : This is the Over Load Protection mode. When a servo horn has been locked for more than 5 seconds by a load, the servo output turns off to protect the servo. * The normal mode and retract mode are applicable only to the S3171SB, S9071SB, S9072SB, S9074SB, and S9075SB ⢠Soft Start Restricts operation in the speciďŹed direction the instant the power is turned on. By using this setting, the ďŹrst initial movement when the power is turned on slowly moves the servo to the speciďŹed position. The state of the servo when the servo input signal is lost can be speciďŹed. The "Hold" mode setting holds the servo in its last commanded position even if using AM or FM system. ⢠Smoother This function changes smoothness of the servo operation relative to stick movement changes. Smooth setting is used for normal ďŹight. Select the "OFF" mode when quick operation is necessary such as 3D. ⢠Neutral Offset */,'(5 ⢠Stop Mode The neutral position can be changed. When the neutral offset is large value, the servo's range of travel is restricted on one side. ⢠Speed Control Speeds can be matched by specifying the operating speed. The speed of multiple servos can be matched without being affected by motor ďŹuctuations. This is effective for load torques below the maximum torque. ⢠Dead band The dead band angle at stopping can be speciďŹed. [Relationship between dead band set value and servo operation] Small Äş Dead band angle is small and the servo is immediately operated by a small signal change. Large Äş Dead band angle is large and the servo does not operate at small signal changes. (Note) If the dead band angle is too small, the servo will operate continuously and the current consumption will increase and the life of the servo will be shortened. ⢠Travel Adjust The left and right travels centered about the neutral position can be set independently. ďź System Menu ďź 65 +(/,&237(5 However, note that the maximum speed will not exceed what the servo is capable of even if the servos operating voltage is increased. ⢠Boost The minimum current applied to the internal motor when starting the servo can be set. Since a small travel does not start the motor, it essentially feels like the dead band was expanded. The motor can be immediately started by adjusting the minimum current which can start the motor. [Relationship between boost set value and servo operation] Small Äş Motor reacts to a minute current and operation becomes smooth. Large Äş Initial response improves and output torque increases. However, if the torque is too large, operation will become rough. $,53/$1( ⢠Boost ON/OFF OFF : It is the boost ON at the time of low-speed operation.(In the case of usual) ON : It is always the boost ON.(When quick operation is hope) ⢠Damper The characteristic when the servo is stopped can be set. When smaller than the standard value, the characteristic becomes an overshoot characteristic. If the value is larger than the standard value, the brake is applied before the stop position. Especially, when a large load is applied, overshoot, etc. are suppressed by inertia and hunting may occur, depending on the conditions. If hunting (phenomena which cause the servo to oscillate) occurs even though the Dead Band, Stretcher, Boost and other parameters are suitable, adjust this parameter to a value larger than the initial value. [Relationship between damper set value and servo operation] Small Äş When you want to overshoot. Set so that hunting does not occur. */,'(5 Large Äş When you want to operate so that braking is not applied. However, it will feel like the servo response has worsened. (Note) If used in the hunting state, not only will the current consumption increase, but the life of the servo will also be shortened. ⢠Stretcher The servo hold characteristic can be set. The torque which attempts to return the servo to the target position when the current servo position has deviated from the target position can be adjusted. This is used when stopping hunting, etc., but the holding characteristic changes as shown below. [Relationship between stretcher and servo operation] Small Äş Servo holding force becomes weaker. Large Äş Servo holding force becomes stronger. (Note) When this parameter is large, the current consumption increases. +(/,&237(5 ⢠Buzzer When the power supply of a servo is previously turned on at the time of a power supply injection without taking transmit of a transmitter, the buzzer sound of about 2.5 Hz continues sounding from a servo. (Even when the transmit of a transmitter is taken out previously, a buzzer sounds until the signal of a servo is outputted normally, but it is not unusual.) The transmitter has been turned OFF ahead of a servo power supply â The buzzer sound of about 1.25 Hz continues sounding as servo power supply end failure alarm. (Do not insert or remove the servo connector while the receiver power is ON. sound by incorrect recognition.) A buzzer may *Buzzer sound is generated by vibrating the motor of a servo. Since current is consumed and a servo generates heat, please do not operate the number more than needed or do not continue sounding a buzzer for a long time. 66 ďź System Menu ďź 7KHSURJUDPYHUVLRQ&)FDUG86%PHPRU\GDWDDQGSURGXFW,'DUH GLVSOD\HG7KHODQJXDJHXVHGE\WKHV\VWHPFDQDOVREHFKDQJHG 7KH ,QIRUPDWLRQ VFUHHQ GLVSOD\V WKH70=:& V\VWHPSURJUDPYHUVLRQLQIRUPDWLRQ70=:& SD card and USB memory (memory size, vacant capacity, number of model data, and number of PXVLFÂżOHV LQIRUPDWLRQDQGSURGXFW,' *When an SD card and USB memory are not inserted, their information is not displayed. $,53/$1( ,QIRUPDWLRQ Ĺ 7RXFK WKH >,QIRUPDWLRQ@ EXWWRQ DW WKH 6\VWHP 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ +(/,&237(5 */,'(5 Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX ďź System Menu ďź 67 8QLW6\VWHP 7KHXQLWRIWKHQXPHULFDOYDOXHGLVSOD\HGE\DWHOHPHWU\FDQEHFKRVHQ DVRQHRIWKHPHWULFV\VWHPDQGWKH\DUGSRXQGV\VWHPV 㣠0HWULF 'LVWDQFH $OWLWXGH $,53/$1( 6SHHG 9DULRPHWHU 7HPSHUDWXUH $WPRVSKHULFSUHVVXUH NPK PV ŮŚ K3D PHWHU PHWHU NLORPHWHUVSHUKRXU PHWHUVSHUVHFRQG GHJUHHV&HOVLXV KHFWRSDVFDO \G IW PSK ISP âľ LQ+J \DUG IRRW PLOHVSHUKRXU IHHWSHUPLQXWH GHJUHHV)DKUHQKHLW LQFKRIPHUFXU\ 㣠8QLW6\VWHP@EXWWRQDWWKH6\VWHP 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX +(/,&237(5 Ĺ7RXFKWKH>0HWULF@EXWWRQ>0HWULF@ â > 6@.H\LVFRQWLQXHGâ 7XUQ21WKHWUDQVPLWWHU VSRZHUVZLWFK â >6@.H\ ZLOOEHUHOHDVHGLIWKHVFUHHQRI7UDQVPLW"FRPHVRXW Ĺ[12@LVSXVKHG */,'(5 Ĺ7RXFKWKH>5DQJH&KHFN@EXWWRQDWWKH6\VWHP 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ[ 6@.H\ LV FRQWLQXHG Ĺ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ĂUVWVZLWFKLQJWKHWUDQVPLWWHU2IIDQGEDFN 2Q7KLVKDVEHHQGHVLJQHGWRSUHYHQWDPRGHOHU IURPLQDGYHUWHQWO\Ă\LQJLQWKH5DQJH&KHFNPRGH :KHQ WKH >([LW@ EXWWRQ LV SUHVVHG WKH 5DQJH &KHFN PRGH LV GLVDEOHG DQG WKH 0=:& ZLOOEHJLQWUDQVPLWWLQJDWIXOOSRZHU $IWHUH[LWLQJWKH5DQJH&KHFNPRGHWKHIXQFWLRQ FDQQRW EH VHOHFWHG DJDLQ 7R VHOHFW WKH 5DQJH &KHFNPRGHDJDLQ\RXPXVWF\FOHWKHWUDQVPLWWHU SRZHUVZLWFK :KHQ WKH >5(67$57@ ERWWRQ LV SUHVVHG WKH UDQJH FKHFNPRGHWLPHULVUHWXUQHGWR ďź System Menu ďź 69 +(/,&237(5 Rotation Range Check method )81&7,2162)/,1.$*(0(18 The Linkage Menu has all of the functions you will need to perform model addition, model type selection, frequency setting, end point setting, and other model basic settings. The functions which can be selected depend on which model type you are using. A typical menu screen is shown below. Ĺ :KHQ \RX WRXFK WKH /LQNDJH 0HQX EXWWRQ RQ WKH KRPH VFUHHQ WKH PHQX VKRZQEHORZLVFDOOHGXS7RXFKWKHEXWWRQRIWKHIXQFWLRQ\RXZDQWWRVHW Ĺ5HWXUQWR+RPHVFUHHQ $,53/$1( Condition Hold function ON/OFF button )RUDGHWDLOHGGHVFULSWLRQVHHS &RQGLWLRQ+ROGIXQFWLRQ */,'(5 /LQNDJH0HQXIXQFWLRQVWDEOH +(/,&237(5 ĆServo Monitor : Displays the servo test and operation position ĆModel Select : Model addition, call, deletion, copy, model name setting ĆModel Type : Model type, wing type, switch type, etc. selection ĆPicture : Picture selection and setting for each model ĆSound : Sound recording and playback ĆSystem Type : System selection, receiver link, telemetry. ĆFunction : Channel assignment of each function can be changed ĆSub-Trim : Adjusts the neutral position of each servo ĆServo Reverse : Servo direction reversal ĆFail Safe : Fail safe function and battery fail safe function setting ĆEnd Point (ATV) : Servo basic rudder adjustment and limit setting ĆThrottle Cut : Stops the engine safely and easily (airplane and helicopter only) ĆIdle Down : Lowers the idle speed of the engine (airplane and helicopter only) ĆSwash Ring : /LPLWVWKHVZDVKWUDYHOZLWKLQDÂż[HGUDQJHWRSUHYHQWOLQNDJHGDPDJH KHOLFRSWHURQO\ ĆSwash : Swash AFR and linkage correction function (helicopter only) ĆTimer : Timer setting and lap time display ĆDial Monitor : Dial, slider, and digital trim position display and setting ĆFunction Name : Function Name can be changed ĆTelemetry : Displays various data sent from the receiver ĆSensor : Various telemetry sensors setting ĆSensor Name : Change of a sensor name ĆTelemetry Setting : Data logging of telemetry ĆWarning : Warning sound and vibration setting ĆData Reset : Model memory data reset (by various item) 70 ďź Linkage Menu ďź 6HUYR7HVW *UDSK'LVSOD\'LVSOD\VVHUYRSRVLWLRQV This is used for testing servo movement. Touch âMoving Testâ (repetition mode) or âNeutral Testâ IL[HG SRVLWLRQ PRGH GHSHQGLQJ RQ ZKLFK RQH shows on the screen. To get from one to the other, VLPSO\WRXFKWKHÂżHOGDJDLQDQG\RXZLOOPRYHIURP Âł0RYLQJ7HVW´WRÂł1HXWUDO7HVW´DXWRPDWLFDOO\1H[W touch the âTestâ on/off button to start testing your servos. The âNeutral testâ is good for finding the neutral position of a servo horn. $,53/$1( 6HUYR0RQLWRU Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6HUYR0RQLWRU@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ */,'(5 Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX &RQWUROQDPH )XQFWLRQQDPH 6HOHFWDWHVWPRGH >0RYLQJ@RU>1HXWUDO@ >5HSHDW@(DFKVHUYRUHSHDWVRSHUDWLRQ >1HXWUDO@(DFKVHUYRLVORFNHGLQWKHQHXWUDOSRVLWLRQ :KHQWKH>7HVW2II@EXWWRQLVWRXFKHGWHVWLQJ EHJLQVLQWKHVHOHFWHGPRGH WARNING Don't set a servo test mode when the drive motor is connected and the engine was started. â Inadvertent rotation of the motor or acceleration of the engine LVH[WUHPHO\GDQJHURXV ďź Linkage Menu ďź 71 +(/,&237(5 Servo test operation 7KH 0RGHO 6HOHFWLRQ IXQFWLRQ SHUIRUPV PRGHO DGGLWLRQ VHOHFWLRQ GHOHWLRQFRS\DQGPRGHOQDPHVHWWLQJ 0RGHO6HOHFW This function is used to load the settings of the desired model into the T18MZ-WCâs memory. The settings may be selected from either the transmitterâs built-in memory or a SD card/USB memory. The name of the model stored in the transmitter and the SD card/USB memory may be changed. This can be very useful to tell different models settings apart. Each model name can be as long as 32 characters, and the model name always $,53/$1( appears in the display screen. The Copy function is used to copy one set of model data into a second memory within the transmitter and the SD card/USB memory. It may be used for getting a head-start on setting up models with almost the VDPHVHWWLQJV RQO\GLIIHUHQFHVQHHGWREHPRGLÂżHG instead of entering the complete model from scratch). Also, this function may be used to make a backup copy of a model setup before any changes are made. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>0RGHO6HOHFW@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ&KHFNPDUN Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Ĺ/RFDWLRQ Ĺ,WFDQVRUWLQ RUGHURIWKH GDWHRUD QDPH */,'(5 0RGHOOLVW 7KHGLVSOD\VFUHHQLVDQH[DPSOH7KHVFUHHQGHSHQGVRQWKHPRGHOW\SH Model call Model name change 7RXFK WKH /RFDWLRQ LFRQ DQG VHOHFW WKH ORFDWLRQ WR ZKLFK WKH GHVLUHG PRGHO LV WR EH VDYHG 6HOHFW WKH PRGHO E\ WRXFKLQJ WKH /RFDWLRQ LFRQRUWKHGHVLUHGPRGHOLQWKHPRGHOOLVW :KHQ >5HQDPH@ LV WRXFKHG D NH\ERDUG DSSHDUVRQWKHVFUHHQ (QWHUWKHPRGHOQDPHIURPWKLVNH\ERDUG 7UDQVPLWWHULFRQ7UDQVPLWWHUPHPRU\ 6'FDUGLFRQ6'FDUG 86%PHPRU\LFRQ86%PHPRU\ 7RXFKWKHGHVLUHGPRGHOLQWKHPRGHOOLVW 7RXFKWKH>6HOHFW@EXWWRQ 7RXFK > 1R@ Model addition +(/,&237(5 7RXFKWKH>1HZ@EXWWRQ 7RXFK > 1R@ :KHQ D QHZ PRGHO LV DGGHG WKH 0RGHO 7\SH VFUHHQ LV DXWRPDWLFDOO\ GLVSOD\HG &KHFN RU FKDQJHWKHPRGHO,IWKHUHDUHQRFKDQJHVWRXFK WKH0RGHO7\SHLFRQV 7KHDGGHGPRGHOLVGLVSOD\HGLQWKHPRGHOOLVW :KHQ 0RGHO DGGLWLRQ D OLQN ZLWK D UHFHLYHU LV UHTXLUHG :KHQ QRW UHOLQNLQJ D QHZ PRGHO FDQ W XVHWHOHPHWU\ Model deletion 7RXFK WKH /RFDWLRQ LFRQ RU WKH PRGHO \RX ZDQW WR GHOHWH LQ WKH PRGHO OLVW 7KH PRGHO FXUUHQWO\VHOHFWHGFDQQRWEHGHOHWHG 7RXFKWKH>'HOHWH@EXWWRQ 7RXFK > 1R@ 72 ďź Linkage Menu ďź 8S WR FKDUDFWHUV FDQ EH LQSXW DW WKH PRGHO QDPH Model copy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Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Model type selection Date changes after a swash type change 6HW WKH 0RGHO W\SH :LQJ W\SH 7DLO W\SH RU 6ZDVKW\SHE\XVLQJWKHDSSURSULDWHEXWWRQ 6HWWKHW\SH\RXFKRRVHE\WRXFKLQJ> 1R@ 'DWDWKDWKDVEHHQVHWPD\FKDQJHLIWKHVZDVK W\SHRI\RXUKHOLFRSWHULVFKDQJHG 5HIHU WR WKH IROORZLQJ WDEOH :KHQ GDWD LV FKDQJHGWKH>VZDVKVHWWLQJ@VFUHHQLVLQLWLDOL]HG ++; After H-1, H-2, HE3, HR3, HN3, H-3 ++; Data taking over OK OK ++; NG H-1, H-2, HE3, HR3, HN3, H-3 NG Ĺ:KHQDGDWDFKDQJHZLOORFFXUWKHFRQĂUPDWLRQ VFUHHQRIGDWDLQLWLDOL]DWLRQPHQXZLOOEHGLVSOD\HG $SXVKRQ>\HV@ZLOOLQLWLDOL]HGDWDDQGDOORZFKDQJHV $SXVKRQ>QR@ZLOOVWRSGDWDFKDQJHV Menu ďź 73 Li k ďź Linkage +(/,&237(5 Before H-1, H-2, HE3, HR3, HN3, H-3 ++; H-1, H-2, HE3, HR3, HN3, H-3 */,'(5 7KHGLVSOD\VFUHHQLVDQH[DPSOH7KHVFUHHQGHSHQGVRQWKHPRGHOW\SH Ĺ0RGHOW\SHVHOHFWLRQ Model type Select the model type from among airplane, helicopter, glider, and motor glider. $,53/$1( (Airplane, glider) (Helicopter) Ĺ:LQJW\SHVHOHFWLRQ Ĺ6ZDVKW\SHVHOHFWLRQ */,'(5 Ĺ:LQJW\SHVHOHFWLRQ Helicopter swash type 6HOHFW IURP DPRQJ + + + +( +5+1+DQG+; Ĺ5XGGHUW\SHVHOHFWLRQ Wing type (1/2) (Normal) +(/,&237(5 Select from among : DLOHURQDLOHURQVDLOHURQVĂDS DLOHURQVĂDSVDLOHURQVĂDSV DLOHURQVĂDSVDLOHURQVĂDSV Wing type (2/2) (Tail-less wing) Ĺ7DLOW\SHVHOHFWLRQ Selection from among: DLOHURQVDLOHURQVĂDS DLOHURQVĂDSVDLOHURQVĂDSV DLOHURQVĂDSVDLOHURQVĂDSV *For Tail-less wing, the rudder type can be selected from normal rudder and winglet. Tail type Select from normal, V tail, and elevator. 74 ďź Linkage Menu ďź $ SLFWXUH RQ WKH KRPH VFUHHQ FDQ EH VHW IRU HDFK PRGHO 6LPSOLILHV LGHQWLĂFDWLRQRIWKHPRGHOGDWDGXULQJVFUHHQRSHUDWLRQ When a picture is pasted, it is displayed as a screen image in the following screens: Ĺ0RGHO6HOHFWVFUHHQ Ĺ+RPHVFUHHQ Ĺ6WDUWXSVFUHHQ 7KHSLFWXUHÂżOHVZKLFKFDQEHGLVSOD\HGRQWKHVFUHHQDUHVL]H [SL[HOVILOHW\SHEPS ELWPDSSLFWXUH DQG-3(* ÂżOHV,IDÂżOHODUJHUWKDQ[LVXVHGWKHSLFWXUHGLVSOD\HG ZLOOEHUHGXFHG$ODUJHUÂżOHWKDQ[SL[HOVFDQQRWEH used. Ĺ7RXFK WKH >3LFWXUH@ EXWWRQ LQ WKH /LQNDJH 0HQX WR FDOO WKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ7KHQDPHRIWKHSDVWHGSLFWXUHLV Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX GLVSOD\HG Pasting a picture 3LFWXUHGDWDLVVHWWRWKHPRGHOPHPRU\FXUUHQWO\LQ XVH 1R@ Copy / Delete / Release / Rename of picture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ďź Linkage Menu ďź 75 6RXQGUHFRUGLQJDQGSOD\EDFN 6RXQG Sounds recorded with the microphone built into the WUDQVPLWWHURUDQ\DXGLRÂżOHV ZDY FDQEHVHWWRWKH power switch or any preset switch that you choose. >6RXQGVWDUWLQJ@ :KHQWUDQVPLWWHUSRZHUVZLWFKWXUQHGRQ :KHQWUDQVPLWWHUSRZHUVZLWFKWXUQHGRII a6ZLWFKFDQEHVHW 2QO\DZDYÂżOHVDYHGLQWKHVDPHVWRUDJHSODFH 70=:& SD card, a USB memory) as the current model can be chosen. 7KH PD[LPXP UHFRUGLQJ WLPH IURP WKH PLFURSKRQH LV VHFRQGV7ZHQW\IRXUDXGLRÂżOHVFDQEHVDYHG $,53/$1( 7KHRQO\DXGLRÂżOHW\SHZKLFKFDQEHUHFRUGHGLVZDY2QO\ the sounds recorded with the built-in microphone or an audio ÂżOHVDYHGIURP\RXU3&WRDQ6'FDUGFDQEHSOD\HGEDFN 6HWXS VFUHHQV QXPEHU WR FDQ EH LQGLYLGXDOO\ assigned to audio file switches, etc. The playback files can be switched each time the same switch is operated. This can be used when playing back the name of maneuvers, etc. [Important] Before reading data from a PC, insert the SD card/USB memory into the transmitter and turn on the power. The following folders are automatically written. When reading a file from WKH3&FRS\LWWRDIROGHUE\ÂżOHW\SH Ĺ%033LFWXUHĂOH Ĺ:0$0XVLFĂOH Ĺ:$9$XGLRĂOH Ĺ02'(/0RGHOGDWD Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6RXQG@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX */,'(5 +(/,&237(5 6DYHGVRXQGÂżOH Voice Recording 7RXFK DQ\ 5(& EXWWRQ WR FDOO XS WKH 6281' 5(&25'(5VFUHHQ 7RXFK WKH 5(& EXWWRQ WR VWDUW UHFRUGLQJ 5HFRUGLQJWLPHVHFRQGV 5HFRUG \RXU YRLFH DV \RX DUH IDFLQJ WKH WUDQVPLWWHU¡VPLFURSKRQH 6SHDNORXGO\DQGFOHDUO\ 7R ILQLVK SUHVV ´&/26(Âľ $OVR VRXQG ILOHV 76 ďź Linkage Menu ďź Ĺ7RXFKWKHĂOHEXWWRQ&RS\'HOHWH (QWU\5HQDPHLVPDGH ,WLVWKHVDPHSURFHGXUHDVWKHSLFWXUH RIWKHSUHFHGLQJFODXVH FUHDWHGE\\RXU3&PD\EHSOD\HGEDFNE\ DVVLJQHGVZLWFKHV )LOHW\SHVZDYĂOHRQO\ $YRLFHĂOHLVVDYHGDXWRPDWLFDOO\WRWKHORFDWLRQ RI WKH PRGHO \RX DUH FXUUHQWO\ XVLQJ :KHWKHU LQ WKH WUDQVPLWWHU 6' FDUG RU 86% PHPRU\ $ ĂOH QDPHLVGLVSOD\HGRQWKHĂOHEXWWRQFRUUHVSRQGLQJ WRDUHFRUGLQJEXWWRQ $VVLJQPHQWRIDXGLRÂżOHVWRVZLWFKHV $XGLRĂOHVFDQEHVDYHGEHIRUHKDQG 7RXFKWKHĂOHEXWWRQRIWKHQXPEHU\RXZDQW WRVHW$OLVWRIWKHĂOHVVWRUHGLVGLVSOD\HG 6HOHFW WKH DXGLR ILOH \RX ZDQW WR SOD\ EDFN IURPWKHOLVWRIDXGLRĂOHV 6HOHFW WKH VZLWFK DQG LWV 21 GLUHFWLRQ DW WKH VZLWFKVHOHFWVFUHHQ )RUDGHWDLOHGGHVFULSWLRQRIWKHVHOHFWLRQPHWKRG VHHVZLWFKVHWWLQJPHWKRGDWWKHEDFNRIWKLV PDQXDO 6LQFH WKH DXGLR ILOHV DUH SOD\HG EDFN ZKHQ WKH DXGLR ILOH QDPHV LQ WKH OLVW DUH WRXFKHG WKH ILOH FRQWHQWVFDQEHFKHFNHGEHIRUHDVVLJQPHQW Mode button 3OD\LQJ EDFN UHJLVWHUHG ILOH RQO\RQFH 3OD\LQJ EDFN UHJLVWHUHG ILOH UHSHDWHGO\ */,'(5 6HTXHQWLDOO\ SOD\LQJ EDFN UHJLVWHUHG ILOH HDFK WLPH RSHUDWHGE\VZLWFK $,53/$1( 7RXFKWKH>)LOH@EXWWRQWRDVVLJQWKHĂOHV 6ZLWFKHVDUHDOVRVHOHFWHGIRUQXPEHUa 7RXFK WKH >18//@ EXWWRQ WR FDOO WKH VZLWFK VHOHFWVFUHHQ 6HTXHQWLDOO\SOD\LQJEDFNUHJLVWHUHGÂżOHHDFK time operated by 1 switch >6HWWLQJPHWKRG@ $IWHU VHOHFWLQJ WKH VZLWFK SUHVV WKH >Ĺ@ EXWWRQ 7KH EXWWRQ GLVSOD\ WKHUHDIWHU LV VZLWFKHGDVVKRZQLQWKHVFUHHQDERYH $VVLJQWKHDXGLRĂOHVLQWKHRUGHULQZKLFK \RXZDQWWRSOD\WKHPEDFN The audio files are played back each time the switch selected by the above setting is turned on. ďź Linkage Menu ďź 77 +(/,&237(5 This is used when calling the order of maneuvers, etc. 6\VWHP7\SH 6\VWHPPRGHVHWWLQJ5HFHLYHUOLQN System Type selection 7KH70=:&LVIRU*+]RQO\7KHV\VWHP can be changed from among 5 choices: FASSTest 18CH, FASSTest 12CH, FASST MULTI, FASST 7CH, S-FHSS, T-FHSS. Select the system matched to the type of receiver you are using.u $,53/$1( *Even if it changes a system type, other model data is not reset.e *If a system type is changed in the case of a helicopter, It can choose out of two channel orders. [Yes] : Selection sets the channel order suitable for system type. (We recommend here.) [No] : The present channel order is maintained. *All control surfaces should be checked for the correct operating directions and operating smoothness before Ă\LQJWKHPRGHO $QDORJVHUYRVFDQQRWEHXVHGZLWKWKH56%LQWKH FASSTest 12CH mode. Receiver linking */,'(5 The receiver will only be controlled (without being affected by other transmitters) by the transmitter it is linked to. When using a receiver other than one purchased as a set, linking is necessary. Moreover, a re-link is required when a new model is added by model selection, and the time of system type change. Dual receiver function (only FASSTest 18CH mode) +(/,&237(5 Dual receivers can be linked with the T18MZ:&7ZRUHFHLYHUVDUHUHFRJQL]HGLQGLYLGXDOO\ E\,'QXPEHUV)RUH[DPSOHLQ56%&+ output setting function is used, by setting the ÂżUVWDVDV&+DQGVHWWLQJWKHVHFRQGDV Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6\VWHP7\SH@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ &+WZRVHWVRIUHFHLYHUVFDQEHXVHGDVDVHW in the model, allowing you 16 channels. If a dual receiver function is used, the following function can set up individually. ăťBattery fail-safe voltage setup A telemetry function cannot be used for the 2nd receiver. 7KHYROWDJHDQG([WYROWDJHRIDQG receiver cannot be known with a transmitter. Telemetry function (only FASSTest mode) To use the telemetry function, set âTelemetryâ to âONâ. D/L Interval (only FASSTest mode) When a telemetry function is enabled, the receiving interval (down-link interval) of sensor data can be changed. If a D/L interval is increased, the response of the sensor data display becomes slower, but stick response will improve. Battery fail-safe voltage setup (FASSTest / T-FHSS mode) The voltage which battery fail-safe activates, can EHVHWZKHQ\RXOLQN 9 7KHUHFHLYHU PHPRUL]HVWKHVHWWLQJDVLWZDVDWOLQN Suggested setting voltages are as follows. ÂFHOOV1L&GRU1L0+ 1RUPDOY Y ÂFHOOV/L)H 1RUPDOY aY ÂFHOOV/L3R 1RUPDOY aY It is a rough reference value. Since it changes with servos carried in the condition and the model of a battery, please set to your own model in a battery consumption current. Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX 78 ďź Linkage Menu ďź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Ĺ 7RXFK WKH >/LQN@ EXWWRQ LQ WKH 6\VWHP 7\SH 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ%DWWHU\IDLOVDIHYROWDJHVHWXS RQO\ )$667HVWPRGH $,53/$1( Linking method (T18MZ-WC â R7008SB) 'R QRW SHUIRUP WKH OLQNLQJ RSHUDWLRQ ZKHQ WKH GULYHPRWRULVFRQQHFWHGRUWKHHQJLQHLVUXQQLQJ :KHQ \RX XVH WZR UHFHLYHUV SOHDVH EH VXUH WR VHWXS D SULPDU\ DQG VHFRQGDU\ LQ WKH GXDO PRGH 6LQFHWZRVHWVRIUHFHLYHUVFDQQRWEHLQGLYLGXDOO\ UHFRJQL]HG ZLWKRXW XVLQJ D SULPDU\ DQG VHFRQGDU\ VHWXS LW LV LPSRVVLEOH WR UHFHLYH WHOHPHWU\GDWDFRUUHFWO\ )XQFWLRQ@ EXWWRQ LQ WKH /LQNDJH 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ */,'(5 Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX $,53/$1( )XQFWLRQ 7KHGLVSOD\VFUHHQLVDQH[DPSOH7KHVFUHHQGHSHQGVRQWKHPRGHOW\SH Function change Operation control change 7RXFKWKHIXQFWLRQEXWWRQRIWKHFKDQQHO\RX ZDQWWRFKDQJHWRFDOOWKHIXQFWLRQOLVW 6HOHFWWKHIXQFWLRQ\RXZDQWWRFKDQJH 7RXFK> 1R@ 7RXFKWKHFRQWUROEXWWRQRIWKHFKDQQHO\RX ZDQWWRFKDQJH$FRQWUROVHOHFWVFUHHQ VWLFN VZLWFKNQREWULPOHYHUHWF LVGLVSOD\HG 6HOHFWWKHFRQWURO\RXZDQWWRRSHUDWH 7RXFK >&ORVH@ 7KH GLVSOD\ UHWXUQV WR WKH SUHFHGLQJVFUHHQ 0XOWLSOHFKDQQHOVFDQEHDVVLJQHGWRIXQFWLRQ 0XOWLSURS LV DQ RSWLRQDO REMHFW IRU 0XOWLSURS GHFRGHUV 7KH VDPH FRQWURO FDQ EH DVVLJQHG WR PXOWLSOH FKDQQHOV &+ZKLFKFDQEH0XOWLSURSVHWXS! )$667HVW&+7)+66&+ )$667HVW&+QRWVHW )$66708/7, &+ )$667&+QRWVHW 6)+66QRWVHW ďź Linkage Menu ďź 81 +(/,&237(5 ĹWR>6:$3@ SWAP If [SWAP] is pushed, it will call up the following screen. You can easily change two separate functions, keeping the data that was set for each channel. 6HOHFWWKH 7ULP EXWWRQIRUWKHWZRIXQFWLRQV \RXVHOHFWHGWR6ZDSWRVHWXSWKHWULPV DSSURSULDWHO\ ,I>2.@LVSXVKHGWZRFKDQQHOVZLOO LQWHUFKDQJH ,WFDQFKRRVHRQO\WRWZR $,53/$1( Trim change */,'(5 7RXFK WKH WULP EXWWRQ WR FDOO WKH WULP VHWXS VFUHHQ 7KH IROORZLQJ LWHPV FDQ EH VHW DW WKH WULP VHWXSVFUHHQ Ĺ +DUGZDUH VHWWLQJ 6HOHFWLRQ RI VZLWFK HWF ZKLFKFRQWUROVWULP 7KHVHOHFWVFUHHQLVFDOOHG E\WRXFKLQJWKH>+:6HOHFW@EXWWRQ Ĺ5DWHVHWWLQJ Ĺ2SHUDWLRQVWHSVHWWLQJ Ĺ7ULPPRGHVHWWLQJ $7/PRGH$7/RSHUDWLRQPRGH :RUNVDWRQO\RQH HQGRIRSHUDWLRQ 5HYHUVHLVDOVRSRVVLEOH &750PRGH0D[LPXPFKDQJHQHDUFHQWHUE\ FHQWHUWULPRSHUDWLRQ 'RHVQRWFKDQJHDWHQGRI WKHVWLFNPRYHPHQW Ĺ 6HSDUDWHFRPELQDWLRQ PRGH 7ULP GDWD FDQ EHVHWWRGLIIHUHQWĂLJKWFRQGLWLRQV 6HSDUDWHPRGH7ULPDGMXVWPHQWIRUHDFKVHSDUDWH ĂLJKWFRQGLWLRQ 1RUPDOPRGH1RUPDOWULP OLQHDU RSHUDWLRQ +(/,&237(5 7KHGLVSOD\VFUHHQLVDQH[DPSOH7KHVFUHHQGHSHQGVRQWKHPRGHOW\SH 82 ďź Linkage Menu ďź 6HWWLQJRIQHXWUDOSRVLWLRQRIHDFKVHUYR 6XE7ULP $,53/$1( The Sub-Trim function is used to set the servo neutral position, and may be used to make fine adjustments to the control surface after linkages and pushrods are hooked up. When you begin to set up a model, be sure that the digital trims are set to their center position. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6XE7ULP@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ */,'(5 Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX 7KHGLVSOD\VFUHHQLVDQH[DPSOH7KHVFUHHQGHSHQGVRQWKHPRGHOW\SH Sub trim adjustment +(/,&237(5 7RXFKWKHWULPGLVSOD\SDUWRIWKHFKDQQHO\RX ZDQWWRDGMXVW $GMXVWPHQW EXWWRQV DSSHDUV RQ WKH 6XE 7ULP PHQXVFUHHQ 8VHWKHDGMXVWPHQWEXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKHVXE WULP Ĺ,QLWLDOYDOXH Ĺ$GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa VWHSV 6HHDERYH 5HSHDWWKLVVWHSIRUHDFKFKDQQHO ďź Linkage Menu ďź 83 6HUYR5HYHUVH 8VHWRUHYHUVHWKHVHUYRWKURZGLUHFWLRQ $,53/$1( Servo Reverse changes the direction of an individual servoâs response to a control stick movement. For CCPM helicopters, be sure to read the section on Swash AFR before reversing any servos. With CCPM helicopters, always complete your servo reversing prior to any other programming. If you XVHSUHEXLOW$LUSODQH*OLGHUIXQFWLRQVWKDWFRQWURO multiple servos, it may be confusing to tell whether the servo needs to be reversed or a setting in the function needs to be reversed. See the instructions IRU HDFK VSHFLDOL]HG IXQFWLRQ IRU IXUWKHU GHWDLOV Always check servo direction prior to every flight DVDQDGGLWLRQDOSUHFDXWLRQWRFRQÂżUPSURSHUPRGHO memory, hook ups, and radio function. WARNING Before a flight, always check that your models servo operation, the direction of control surfaces, and switch setup are correct. Default setting of the motor channel is always reverse. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6HUYR5HYHUVH@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX */,'(5 7KHGLVSOD\VFUHHQLVDQH[DPSOH7KHVFUHHQGHSHQGVRQWKHPRGHOW\SH Servo reversing procedure +(/,&237(5 After setting up a new model, be sure to define all special menus. Be sure that all servos are plugged into the proper receiver channels. Now, determine whether you need to reverse any channels by moving each stick and observing the corresponding movement in the modelâs controls. 7RXFKWKHGHVLUHGFKDQQHO¡VVHWWLQJEXWWRQWR FKRRVHWKHSURSHUGLUHFWLRQIRUWKHVHUYR 7RXFK´ )DLO 6DIH@ EXWWRQ LQ WKH /LQNDJH 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX */,'(5 Ĺ7R6ZLWFK! VFUHHQ Fail safe setting procedure Decide which channels you want to go to preset positions, and which ones you want to maintain their last commanded position. To select the fail safe mode you wish to set, use the F/S button. This button toggles between the two modes. (Hold, F/S) F/S mode setting: 7RXFKWKH)6EXWWRQRIWKHFKDQQHO\RXZDQW WRVHWDQGVHWWKDWFKDQQHOWRWKH>)6@PRGH +ROG WKH FRUUHVSRQGLQJ VWLFN FRQWURO VOLGHU RU RWKHU FRQWURO LQ WKH SRVLWLRQ \RX ZDQW WKH VHUYRWRPRYHWRZKHQWKHIDLOVDIHIXQFWLRQLV DFWLYDWHGDQGWRXFKWKH)6SRVLWLRQEXWWRQ 7KDWSRVLWLRQLVGLVSOD\HGLQSHUFHQWDJH :KHQ\RXZDQWWRUHWXUQWKDWFKDQQHOWRWKH+ROG PRGHWRXFKWKH>)6@EXWWRQDJDLQ Battery fail safe setting procedure To select the B.F/S mode, touch the [B.F/S] button. Each time the button is touched, it toggles between [OFF] and [B.F/S]. B.F/S setting: 7RXFK WKH >%)6@ EXWWRQ RI WKH GHVLUHG FKDQQHOWRVHWLWWRWKH%)6PRGH +ROG WKH FRUUHVSRQGLQJ VWLFN 95 VOLGHU RU RWKHU FRQWURO LQ WKH SRVLWLRQ \RX ZDQW WKH VHUYR WR PRYH WR ZKHQ WKH EDWWHU\ IDLO VDIH IXQFWLRQ LV DFWLYDWHG DQG WRXFK WKH )6 SRVLWLRQ EXWWRQ 7KLV SRVLWLRQ LV GLVSOD\HG LQ SHUFHQWDJH :KHQ \RX ZDQW WR UHWXUQ WKDW FKDQQHO WR 2)) WRXFKWKH>%)6@EXWWRQDJDLQ Battery Fail safe Release Function This function releases the predefined control from it's held position after indicating that your receiver battery is low. (QWHU WKH FRQWURO VHWWLQJ VFUHHQ E\ WRXFKLQJ WKH%DWWHU\)65HOHDVHEXWWRQ1RZ\RXPD\ FKRRVH ZKHWKHU PRYLQJ WKH WKURWWOH UHVHWV WKH FRQGLWLRQ RU VHOHFW D VWLFN RU VZLWFK WR GHDFWLYDWHLW7RVHWDGHVLUHGWKURWWOHUHOHDVH SRVLWLRQPRYHWKHWKURWWOHVWLFNWRWKHSRLQWDW ZKLFK\RXZLVKWKH%)6WREHUHOHDVHG ďź Linkage Menu ďź 85 +(/,&237(5 7KHGLVSOD\VFUHHQLVDQH[DPSOH7KHVFUHHQGHSHQGVRQWKHPRGHOW\SH (QG3RLQW $79 6HWVWKHWUDYHOOLPLWSRLQWDQGVSHHGRIHDFKVHUYR The End Point function adjusts the left and right servo throws, generates differential throws, and will correct improper linkage settings. $,53/$1( The travel rate (normal full stick movement at high UDWHV FDQ EH YDULHG IURP WR LQ HDFK direction on channels 1 to 16. Also, the limit point KRZIDUWKHVHUYRWUDYHOVZKHQDPL[LVLQYROYHG ZKHUHVHUYRWKURZVWRSVPD\EHYDULHGIURPWR Note: The indicators on the screen display actual servo throw of the each channel. The center position of the indicator is based on the Sub-Trim settings. Therefore the Sub-Trim adjustment changes the Limit point display of the indicator. The Servo Speed setting is used to set the servo delay for each channel, from channel l to channel 16. The system uses the programmed speed (delay) to slow down servo position FKDQJHV7KH6HUYR6SHHGVHWWLQJFDQEHYDULHGIURPWR in each channel. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>(QG3RLQW $79 @EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX */,'(5 7KHGLVSOD\VFUHHQLVDQH[DPSOH7KHVFUHHQGHSHQGVRQWKHPRGHOW\SH +(/,&237(5 Servo travel adjustment Limit point adjustment 7RXFK WKH WUDYHO EXWWRQ RI WKH FKDQQHO \RX ZDQW WR VHW $GMXVWPHQW EXWWRQV DSSHDU RQ WKHVFUHHQ 8VHWKHVHEXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKHUDWH Ĺ,QLWLDOYDOXH Ĺ$GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa 5HSHDWWKHSURFHGXUHDERYHIRUHDFKUDWH 7RXFK WKH OLPLW EXWWRQ RI WKH FKDQQHO \RX ZDQWWRVHW 8VHWKHDGMXVWPHQWEXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKHOLPLW SRLQW Ĺ,QLWLDOYDOXH Ĺ$GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa 5HSHDWWKLVSURFHGXUHIRUHDFKOLPLWSRLQW Servo speed setting 30 âź 140% 30 âź 140% 7RXFK WKH 6SHHG EXWWRQ RI WKH FKDQQHO \RX ZDQWWRVHW 8VHWKHDGMXVWPHQWEXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKHVHUYR VSHHG Ĺ,QLWLDOYDOXH Ĺ$GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa VWHSV 5HSHDWWKLVSURFHGXUHIRUHDFKFKDQQHO 7RFORVHWKLVVFUHHQWRXFKWKH>(QG3RLQW $79 @ EXWWRQ 86 ďź Linkage Menu ďź 6WRSVWKHHQJLQHVDIHO\DQGHDVLO\ DLUSODQHDQGKHOLFRSWHURQO\ Throttle cut provides an easy way to stop the engine, by flipping a switch with the throttle stick at idle. The action is not functional at high throttle to avoid accidental dead sticks. The switchâs location and direction must be chosen, as it defaults to NULL. Note: When conditions are set, at Throttle cut setup can be performed for each condition. Throttle cut can only be DFWLYDWHGLQDVSHFLÂżFFRQGLWLRQLI\RXKDYHVHOHFWHGDQGVHW up this function within the condition. When using throttle cut in a specific condition, and ON or active. If you change to another condition, throttle cut is canceled and no longer active LQWKHÂżUVWFRQGLWLRQDVORQJDVWKHVHFRQGFRQGLWLRQGRHVQRW have throttle cut active. Idle Cut Switch $,53/$1( 7KURWWOH&XW Cut Ĺ7RXFKWKH>7KURWWOH&XW@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ */,'(5 Ĺ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Ĺ,QLWLDOYDOXH Ĺ$GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa :LWK WKURWWOH VWLFN DW LGOH DGMXVW WKH UDWH XQWLO WKH HQJLQHFRQVLVWHQWO\VKXWVRIIEXWWKURWWOHOLQNDJHLV QRWELQGLQJ:KHQĂQLVKHGWRXFKWKH 7KURWWOH&XW EXWWRQWRH[LW 7R H[LW WKH VHWWLQJ WRXFK WKH >7KURWWOH &XW@ EXWWRQ ďź Linkage Menu ďź 87 +(/,&237(5 Throttle cut setting procedure ,GOH'RZQ /RZHUVWKHHQJLQHLGOLQJVSHHG DLUSODQHDQGKHOLFRSWHURQO\ The idle down function lowers the engines idle by ĂLSSLQJDVZLWFKZLWKWKHWKURWWOHVWLFNDWLGOH7KH action is not functional at high throttle to avoid accidental dead sticks. The switchâs location and direction must be chosen, as it defaults to NULL. $,53/$1( Ĺ7RXFKWKH>,GOH'RZQ@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX */,'(5 7KHGLVSOD\VFUHHQLVDQH[DPSOH7KHVFUHHQGHSHQGVRQWKHPRGHOW\SH Idle down setting procedure +(/,&237(5 7RXFK WKH ,1+ EXWWRQ WR DFWLYDWH WKH LGOH GRZQIXQFWLRQ ,GOHGRZQIXQFWLRQVZLWFKVHWWLQJ 7RXFK WKH 18// EXWWRQ WR FDOO WKH 6ZLWFK! VFUHHQDQGWKHQVHOHFWWKHVZLWFKDQGLWV21 GLUHFWLRQ )RU D GHWDLOHG GHVFULSWLRQ RI WKH VHOHFWLRQ PHWKRG VHH >6ZLWFK 6HWWLQJ 0HWKRG@ DW WKH EDFNRIWKLVPDQXDO 2IIVHWUDWHVHWWLQJ 7RXFK WKH RIIVHW UDWH EXWWRQ $GMXVWPHQW EXWWRQVDSSHDURQWKHVFUHHQ 8VHWKHVHEXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKHRIIVHWUDWH Ĺ,QLWLDOYDOXH Ĺ$GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa EHFRPHVDQLGOHXS 7R H[LW WKH VHWWLQJ WRXFK WKH >,GOH 'RZQ@ EXWWRQ 88 ďź Linkage Menu ďź 6ZDVK5LQJ /LPLWVWKHVZDVKWUDYHOZLWKLQDĂ[HGUDQJHWRSUHYHQWOLQNDJHGDPDJH +HOLFRSWHURQO\ $,53/$1( This function limits the travel of the swash plate to prevent linkage damage as the aileron and elevator operation is used. It is useful for 3D heli setting. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6ZDVK5LQJ@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ */,'(5 Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX $FWLYDWHEXWWRQ 5DWHEXWWRQ Swash ring setting procedure 3XVK WKH 6ZDVK ULQJ EXWWRQ RQ WKH OLQNDJH PHQX 3XVK$&7,1+EXWWRQWRDFWLYDWH +(/,&237(5 7KH PRYHPHQW DUHD PRQLWRU VKRZV WKH FXUUHQW DLOHURQDQGHOHYDWRUYDOXHVDQGOLPLWUDQJHVE\WKH \HOORZFLUFOH $GMXVW WKH UDWH WR WKH PD[LPXP DPRXQW RI VZDVKSODWHGHFOLQH 7KHVZDVKPRYHPHQWLVOLPLWHGZLWKLQWKHFLUFOH $GMXVWPHQWUDQJH ďź Linkage Menu ďź 89 6ZDVK 6ZDVKRSHUDWLRQOLQNDJHFRUUHFWLRQIXQFWLRQ 7KLVVZDVKVHWXSVFUHHQGRHVQRWDSSHDUIRUVZDVKW\SH+ $,53/$1( Neutral Point Mixing Rate On your linkages, if the servo horn deviates from perpendicular at neutral, the linkage compensation functions may not work effectively. This neutral point setting reads the linkage compensation neutral position. However, this adjustment only changes the reference point of the compensation function on the swash details screen and does not affect the neutral position of other functions. (Normally, the default value is used.) 7KLVPL[LQJUDWHLVXVHGIRUPLQRUFRUUHFWLRQWRWKH swash plate so that it moves in the correct direction for aileron, elevator, and pitch operation. &RPSHQVDWLRQPL[LQJLVVKRZQEHORZ *PIT â AIL/PIT â ELE/AIL â PIT/ELE â AIL/ELE â PIT 8VH WKH FRUUHVSRQGLQJ FRPSHQVDWLRQ PL[LQJ DQG DGMXVW VR that the swash plate moves in the correct direction. *Before using the compensation function, set the neutral point. Linkage Compensation Swash AFR The swash AFR function adjusts (increases/ decreases/reverse) the rate (travel) of the aileron, elevator, and pitch functions. 7KLV FRPSHQVDWLRQ PL[LQJ LV XVHG WR DGMXVW IRU interference when the ailerons or elevators are operated when the throttle stick was in the low or high position. Speed Compensation */,'(5 This speed compensation function make adjustments for interference when the travel of each servo is different due to swash plate operation. For HR-3, it compensates the speed by dropping the operating speed of the aileron and pitch servos during elevator operation. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6ZDVK@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQXWR FDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Ĺ7R6ZDVK 'HWDLOV VFUHHQ +(/,&237(5 Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Ĺ7R6ZDVK $)5 VFUHHQ 90 ďź Linkage Menu ďź +ROG WKH VHUYR KRUQ DW D ULJKW DQJOH WR WKH OLQNDJHURGDQGWKHQWRXFKWKH>(QWHU@EXWWRQ DQGUHDGWKHDFWXDOQHXWUDOSRLQW 7KHQHXWUDOSRLQWLVGLVSOD\HGRQWKHVFUHHQ $IWHU UHDGLQJ WKLV QHXWUDO SRLQW XVH RWKHU FRPSHQVDWLRQ IXQFWLRQV WR PDNH IXUWKHU DGMXVWPHQWV 7RH[LWWKHVHWWLQJWRXFKWKH>6ZDVK@EXWWRQ Swash AFR setting procedure $GMXVWVRWKDWWKHVSHFLĂHGRSHUDWLRQDPRXQW LV REWDLQHG E\ DLOHURQ HOHYDWRU DQG SLWFK RSHUDWLRQ 7RXFK WKH EXWWRQ RI WKH $)5 UDWH WR EH DGMXVWHG $GMXVWPHQW EXWWRQV DSSHDU RQ WKH VFUHHQ 8VHWKHDGMXVWPHQWEXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKH$)5 UDWH ,QLWLDOYDOXH $GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa RUWKHGLUHFWLRQRIRSHUDWLRQFKDQJHV 7RH[LWVHWWLQJWRXFKWKH>6ZDVK@EXWWRQ Mixing rate setting procedure +5 LV GHVFULEHG DV DQ H[DPSOH 7KH PL[LQJ DSSOLHGLQRWKHUVZDVKPRGHVLVGLIIHUHQWEXW WKHVHWWLQJSURFHGXUHLVWKHVDPH 6HW WKH WKURWWOH VWLFN WR WKH VHW QHXWUDO SRLQW $GMXVWWKHOHQJWKRIWKHOLQNDJHURGVRWKDWWKH VZDVKSODWHLVKRUL]RQWDODWWKLVSRVLWLRQ $OLWWOHDGMXVWPHQWXVLQJVXEWULPVKRXOGEH2. $GMXVWVRWKDWSLWFKRSHUDWLRQZKHQWKHSLWFK FXUYHLVVWUDLJKWLVPD[LPXP $GMXVW WKH $,/ â 3,7 DPRXQW VR WKHUH LV QR LQWHUIHUHQFHLQWKHHOHYDWRURUSLWFKGLUHFWLRQ ZKHQWKHDLOHURQVWLFNLVPRYHGWRWKHOHIWDQG ULJKW $GMXVWWKHOHIWDQGULJKWVLGHVVHSDUDWHO\ $GMXVWWKH(/( â $,/DQG(/( â 3,7DPRXQWVVR WKHUHLVQRWLQWHUIHUHQFHLQWKHDLOHURQRUSLWFK GLUHFWLRQZKHQWKHHOHYDWRUVWLFNLVPRYHGXS DQGGRZQ $GMXVWWKHXSDQGGRZQVLGHVVHSDUDWHO\ $GMXVW WKH 3,7 â $,/ DQG 3,7 â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peed compensation setting procedure 6HW WKH WKURWWOH VWLFN WR WKH QHXWUDO SRLQW SRVLWLRQ 0RYH WKH HOHYDWRU VWLFN TXLFNO\ DQG DGMXVW WKH VSHHG FRPSHQVDWLRQ DPRXQW VR WKDW WKH LQWHUIHUHQFH LQ WKH SLWFK GLUHFWLRQ LV PLQLPDO 7R H[LW VHWWLQJ WRXFK WKH >6ZDVK 'HWDLOV@ EXWWRQ Note: ,I WKH OLQNDJH LV WRR ORQJ RU VKRUW FRUUHFW FRPSHQVDWLRQZLOOQRWEHDSSOLHG&RUUHFWWKLV EHIRUH FRQWLQXLQJ 7KH SLWFK DQJOH FKDQJHV DIWHU DQ\ DGMXVWPHQW 5HVHW WKH SLWFK DQJOH ZKHQ DFWXDOO\ IO\LQJ DIWHU FRPSHQVDWLRQ SURFHVVLQJ ďź Linkage Menu ďź 91 $,53/$1( $GMXVWLQJ WKH VHUYR KRUQ VR WKDW WKH QHXWUDO SRLQW SRVLWLRQLVQHDUWKHSRVLWLRQPDNHVWKHPL[LQJ DPRXQWVPDOO Linkage correction setting procedure */,'(5 %HFRPHVWKHFRPSHQVDWLRQUHIHUHQFHSRLQW +(/,&237(5 Neutral point setting procedure 7LPHU 7LPHUVHWWLQJDQGODSWLPHGLVSOD\ $,53/$1( The Timer function may be set for any desired time, LHHQJLQHUXQWLPHVSHFLÂżHGWLPHVIRUFRPSHWLWLRQV etc. Two independent timers are provided for your use. The timers are stored independently with each model, meaning that when you switch between model setups, the timer associated with the new model is brought up automatically. The timers may be set to start and stop from the motion of any switch or stick. You may set the ON and OFF directions freely. Each timer has a capacity RIXSWRPLQXWHVVHFRQGV Each timer may be set for count-down or count up operation with your choice of a target time. Also split time may be set up and counted. If a target time is set and the timer reaches this point, DEX]]HUZLOOVRXQGIRUHDFKFRXQWJHQHUDWHG Countdown timers sound one short beep during the last twenty seconds and two short beeps during the last ten seconds before reaching the target, then a long tone at the target time, and continue counting with displaying a minus (-) sign. Count-up timers also beep the last twenty and ten seconds, beep the target time, and keep counting upwards until shut Ĺ 7RXFKWKH>7LPHU@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQXWR down. FDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Ĺ >Ĺ@$Q DODUP VRXQGV HYHU\ PLQXWH RI WKH HODSVHG WLPH IURPWLPHUVWDUW &RQYHQWLRQDO PRGH >Ĺ @$Q DODUP VRXQGV HYHU\ PLQXWH RI WKH UHPDLQLQJ WLPH XSWRWKHDODUPWLPH */,'(5 Ĺ0HPRU\LVWXUQHG21WKHSRZHU 2))DQGDPRGHOFKDQJHZLOOQRW EHUHVHWWLPHUHLWKHU Ĺ5HWXUQWR7LPHU VFUHHQ +(/,&237(5 Up timer/Down timer/Hour selection Timer operation 7RXFKWKHPRGHEXWWRQDQGVHOHFWWKHW\SHRI WLPHU 7LPHUWLPHVHWWLQJ 7RXFK WKH 0RGH PLQXWHV RU VHFRQGV EXWWRQ $GMXVWPHQWEXWWRQVDSSHDURQWKHVFUHHQ 8VHWKHVHEXWWRQVWRVHWWKHWLPHUWLPH Ĺ 7LPHU DQG 7LPHU DUH VWDUWHG DQG VWRSSHG E\\RXUFKRLFHRIVZLWFK Ĺ 7R FRXQW WKH ODS WLPH VHOHFW WKH ODS WLPH VZLWFK(DFKWLPHWKLVVZLWFKLVRSHUDWHGWKH ODS WLPH LV VWRUHG 7R GLVSOD\ WKH ODS WLPH WRXFKWKHUHVSHFWLYH>/LVW@EXWWRQ Ĺ 7R UHVHW D WLPHU WRXFK WKH UHVSHFWLYH >5HVHW@ EXWWRQ 7R H[LW WKH VHWWLQJ WRXFK WKH >7LPHU@ EXWWRQ Start/SWtop switch setting 7RXFKWKH6WDUW6WRS6:18//EXWWRQWRFDOO WKH 6ZLWFK! VFUHHQ DQG WKHQ VHOHFW WKH VZLWFKDQGLWV21GLUHFWLRQ )RU D GHWDLOHG GHVFULSWLRQ RI WKH VHOHFWLRQ PHWKRG VHH >6ZLWFK 6HWWLQJ 0HWKRG@ DW WKH EDFN RI WKLV PDQXDO 7KH WLPHU VZLWFKHV FDQ EHVHWIRUHDFKFRQGLWLRQ Lap time switch selection 7RXFK WKH /DS 6: 18// EXWWRQ WR FDOO WKH 3URJ 0L[ VFUHHQ DQG WKHQ VHOHFW WKH VZLWFK DQGLWV21GLUHFWLRQ )RU D GHWDLOHG GHVFULSWLRQ RI WKH VZLWFK VHWWLQJ PHWKRG VHH >6ZLWFK 6HWWLQJ 0HWKRG@ DWWKHEDFNRIWKLVPDQXDO7KHWLPHUVZLWFKHV FDQEHVHWIRUHDFKFRQGLWLRQ 92 ďź Linkage Menu ďź Hour mode $Q+285PRGHZKLFKFRXQWVXSWRKRXUV PLQXWHVKDVEHHQDGGHGWRWKHWLPHUPRGHV Ĺ7KLVPRGHLVFRQYHQLHQWZKHQXVHGDWHQJLQH PDLQWHQDQFH SHULRG DQG RWKHU ORQJWHUP PHDVXUHPHQWV Ĺ :KHQ WKH +285 PRGH LV VHW ´[[ KRXU [[ PLQXWH Âľ LV GLVSOD\HG RQ WKH FRXQW WLPH GLVSOD\6HFRQGVDUHQRWGLVSOD\HG Ĺ :KHQ WKH +285 PRGH LV VHW ´¾ EOLQNV HDFK VHFRQGGXULQJWLPHURSHUDWLRQ Ĺ :KHQ WKH +285 PRGH LV VHW WKH DODUP IXQFWLRQODS WLPH PHDVXUHPHQW IXQFWLRQ DUH LQKLELWHG Button Mode If a set period comes, you will be alerted by vibration. A setup of operation when the timer button in a home screen is pushed. >@ LV SXVKHG RQ D WLPHU VFUHHQ DQG VFUHHQLVRSHQHG 9LEUDWLRQ >2))@ LV SXVKHG DQG LW LV PDGH >7\SH@7KHNLQGRIYLEUDWLRQLVFKRVHQIURP 7\SH WR 7\SH 7KH LQWHUYDO RI YLEUDWLRQ FKDQJHV ,W FDQ VHW XS VHSDUDWHO\ E\ WKH 7LPHUDQGWKH7LPHU >@ LV SXVKHG RQ D WLPHU VFUHHQ DQG VFUHHQLVRSHQHG %XWWRQPRGHLVFKRVHQIURPWZR >6HWXS6FUHHQ@ ,IWKHWLPHURIDKRPHLVSXVKHGLWZLOOMXPSWR DWLPHUVHWXSVFUHHQ >6WDUW6WRS@ ,I WKH WLPHU RI D KRPH LV SXVKHG $ WLPHU SHUIRUPV D VWDUW VWRS GLUHFWO\ ZLWK D KRPH VFUHHQ $,53/$1( Vibration Ĺ >2))@ â>7\SH@ ,ILWFDUULHV RXWOLNHWKLVDYLEUDWLRQIXQFWLRQ ZLOOZRUN */,'(5 Ĺ 7RXFK WKH >7LPHU@ EXWWRQ LQ WKH /LQNDJH 0HQX DQG WKH >@ EXWWRQ SXVKHG FDOO WKH VHWXS VFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ >6WDUW6WRS@ ,IWKHWLPHURIDKRPHLVSXVKHG $WLPHUSHUIRUPVDVWDUWVWRS GLUHFWO\ZLWKDKRPHVFUHHQ +(/,&237(5 Ĺ >6HWXS6FUHHQ@ ,IWKHWLPHURIDKRPHLV SXVKHGLWZLOOMXPSWRD WLPHUVHWXSVFUHHQ Ĺ+RPHVFUHHQ Ĺ7LPHU Ĺ7LPHU Ĺ $WLPHLVUHVHW ďź Linkage Menu ďź 93
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : Yes XMP Toolkit : 3.1-702 Modify Date : 2016:01:27 16:12:21+08:00 Create Date : 2016:01:27 16:12:03+08:00 Metadata Date : 2016:01:27 16:12:21+08:00 Format : application/pdf Title : ????1.pdf Creator : Konno Document ID : uuid:10ccaf4f-22ec-47d2-9205-7350a5911ef0 Instance ID : uuid:e67accdc-e5e8-4135-b00a-247d180c76c5 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 7.0.5 (Windows) Page Count : 93 Author : KonnoEXIF Metadata provided by