Instruction Manual
SKYSPIIIIT- Iii INSTRUCTION MANUAL 060506 FOREWORD — Thank you for set ' the Futaba SKYSPORT-g. The SKYSPORT- s an eesy-to-use digital proportional Ric set tor all classes of RIC aircraft hobbyists, from beginners to advanced pilots. It has an outstanding array of functions needed by all classes of pilots. To enjoy its functions to the fullest and to ensure safe flying. please read this manual carefully before using your set. After reading this manual. store it in a sale place. If you encoun~ ter any difficulties while using your set, please refer to the ap- propriate sections in this manual. In addition to this manual, please read all of the manuals in- cluded with your airplane, engine and other flight related equip ment you may use. To help ensure sate use, pay particular attention to the precau- tions printed throughout this manual and indicated by an excia mation mark L'. ATTENTION .1' Application of Product This product is not intended for use in any application other than for the control of models for hobby and recreational pur- poses. This product is subject to regulations of the Ministry of Radio/Telecommunications and is restricted under Japanese law to such purposes. The laws of other countries may simi< Iarly restrict the use of this product. Futaba is not responsible for any use that is not in compliance with applicable law. 2. Exponation of Product If the product is exported from Japan. the prior approval of the Ministry of Radio-Telecommunications is required regard- ing the country of destination. If this product is reexported from other countries, it may be subject to restrictions on such reexport and prior approval of government authorities may be required. 3. Modification. Adjustment & Replacement of Parts Futaba is not responsible for any use of this product that is . not in compliance with applicable law and disclaims all re- sponsibility tor any modification or alteration of the productincluding the inoorporation of the product into other products by third panies, that is not in compliance with appli- cable law. ATTENTION: The product that you have purchased contains a rechargeable battery. The battery is recyclable. At the end of it's useful life, under various state and local laws. it may be illegal to dispose of this battery into the municipal waste stream. Check with your local solid waste officials for details in your area for recycling options or proper disposal. THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT APPLIES TO THE Racer-r; : THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 or THE rcc RULES. OPERit- OPERATION. Futaba DIGITAL PROPORTIONAL RADIO CONTROL 4.3L FP- SVA’ FM 6 CHANNEL AIRPLANE Rr'C SET TIGN S SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING T‘iVO CONDITIONS. ill THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL lNTEFiFEFiENCE, AND 1 I2}- THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE HECEI‘M’ED lNCLUDlNG INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIFIED IFor us. A.) 1 . No ponofth‘s manual may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission. 2. The contents or this manual are subject to change Without prior notice. 3. The manual has been carefully written, but please leel free to write to Futaba if you find that any corrections or clarifications that should be made. 4. Futaba is not resporsible for the results of the use of this product by the customer. 5. Futaba and SKYSPORT are a registered trademark PRECAUTIONS To use your FtrC set safely, please observe the following pre- cautions: Operatrng precautions) When powering up the system first turn on the transmitter power. then turn on receiver power When powering down the system first turn off the receiver power, then turn off the transmitter power, if the power is turned on or oil in the re- verse order the control servos may move erratically causing engines or electric motors to race unexpectedly and possibly resulting in serious injury to the user or bystanders. Before turning on the power. set the throttle stick to the maximum slow position. I—! Extend the transmitter antenna to its full length. It the antenna is not extended fully, the transmitter output will drop and the range of receivable transmission will be shortened. I! Never fly two or more models on the same frequency at the same time. Before flight. use a frequency monitor or other device to check that the frequency is not in use. Simulta- neous flight on the same band is extremely dangerous be, cause it will cause interference and loss of control, Differ- ences in modulation method or signal format (AM, FM, PCM. etc.) does not mean that flights can be made on the same band. J Do not forget to recharge the Niod battery before each flight. Needless to say. a dead battery will cause loss of control and a crash. Always check the discharge time on the ground and provide a margin of safety when determining the remaining flight time. When recharging the Nicd battery. observe the charginl current and charging time specified on the battery. Charging the battery at a current and lime exceeding the specified values will not only damage the battery by over- charging. but will also cause overheating and other (human ous conditions. E Do not fly on rainy days Even in a drizzJe. water can enter the transmitter through the antenna and stlcks and cause taulty operation. The resulting loss of control may cause a crash or the engine to race and is very dangerous. L! When placing the transmitter on the ground during tlight preparations, make certain that the transmitter cannot be easily toppled by the wind or other means. It it tips over while the engine is running and the throttle stick is inadvertently moved to the high position as result. serious injury to the op- erator or others could result. U Always test your digital proportional RIC set before tllght. As a simple test method betore starting the engine, retract the transmitter antenna tully and operate each servo from a dis- tance of about 5m and check it the servos follow the move- ment of their control sticks. ll a servo does not follow the movement of its control stick, extend the transmitter antenna to its full length. increase the distance on the ground, and repeat the test. It the receiving range is still short. disoontin ue [light and check the set. (Flying field) j In general. when a model is tlown at high speed and / or the flying range is large. even more caution is necessary. A sate method is to fly at an exclusive llying tield belonging to a club, etc However. the presence ol spectators. wind direction. etc. must be constantly monitored. In areas near high tension lines. high buildings. and communication facilities, consider- ation must be given not only to normal flight dangers. but also to possible loss of control caused by radio wave interference. Because Ric radio waves have a tairly long range, a location at least 3 km / 2 miles from other RIC flying fields and PVC control circuits is necessary. SET CONTENTS Transmitter Receiver Servos zattery (Transmitter) .FP-R116FB FP- 9138011. or FP- R127DF lFP- $30de or FP- S148x4 (Receiver) . Battery charger Others Receiver switch. Extension cord. ‘Servo horns. Flat screwdriver RATINGS —_6_071— Transmitter FP—TBV'A’ Operating system: Two- stick Gchanrtels. wiairplaneluncticn Transmitting Irequency: 29. 35. 36. 40 41 50. 60 0172Mllz bend Modulation: FM (Frequent: Modulation Power requirement 9.6V iodbatteryt T~alBt Current drain: taOmA Receiver FP~R116FB Receiving frequency: Intermediate treque Power requirement: 4 SV or BV Nicd battery (shared with servos) Current drain: 22mA Size: 33.4X50.4X205mm Weight: 3051/1060: Receiver FP-R1380F Receiving lreguertcy: 35MH1 band Intermediate trequency: 15: IF 10. 7MHz. 2nd IF 455kHz Power requirement: 4. 8V or W Niod battery (shared with servos) Current drain: 12rr|A Size: 65X36X21.5mm Weight: 3539/1380: Receiver FP- R127DF Receiving irequency: 50 or 72MHz band Intermediatetrequency:1st IF 10. 7MHz. 2nd IF ASSkHz Power requirement: 4 8V or GV Nicd battery (shared with servos) Current drain: lUmA Size: 64. 3X35. 8X21 0mm Weight: 40.59.414302 30 05 Servo FP- S—39_91'-/FP -S148 Control system: Pulse width control Operating alrrzgle One side 45 de ree min. (includrieng Power requirement: 4. 8V or GV iod battery (she Current drain: Brnlt (at idle] Outputtorque: -cm I Azoz-in 0 rating speed: 22 sectso degree S 29: 40.4x19.8x36mm Weight: 45.19; 1.5902tS3001).44.Ag I 157026148) Nicd battery NT-8iB _ Voltage: 9.6V Capacity: 500mm Nicd batteq Nthg _ ., Voltage: 4.8)! Capacit : 500mm Dimensons: slxsaxtsmm Weight: 959133502 trim) with receiver) Mode I) to. filo 9. amour-0th mixing MM 15 Truman) I.) 13 Lari-amour 12 Elevator DH- is Lcuclmmr t7. Hop (Mode l) 431m?” wad-in“ 9" (Mode II mar-mt. 9. -- rmdng um? ZQEK \L H NIwortDl'l it w ante—mu 4 is. Cormrg L'ur lmrtnOOE I) 5 filhlolt um (awl! zr Pfiflrgi1 |acti Nbd armory (N'FdiBl ' Alcmn ts. Pcwcr swam 2. man-tunes It) 3. WWW I) This section describes how to operate the transmitter. The numbers in the text oor- respond to the numbers in FIGJ. For a delinltion of special terms, see GLOSSARY OF TERMS" on page 8. fight g§ ng rajicn 1. {fileron 2. levato 3.lhrottt§ Eudder FIG.1 hummus! metal ‘ Tmmlet panel The throttle trim affects the throttle only J’ when the throttle stick is in the low range (engine is at low speed). Linkage adjustment for the high range throttle (engine is at high speed) is simpllfied since the throttle trim only attects the tow ran e 01 the throttle movement. 8. Eudderrtfin’m lever] |flfl£fl€l 20. Battery cmfimrtnl met Trainer 1m Switches and knobs 9. Elevator -> no mixln switc (ELV -> FLP) When this switch it pulled forward, the mixing function is turned on and the flaps are linked with elevator operation. However, this switch is effective only when elevator -> flap mixin isactive (ACT). 10. Elvin? (FLAP) Noni-rally. this knob IS used as CHE. When tlaperon mixing is active (ACT) this knob acts as the flap trimmer tt. Aiteron dual rate switcfl (AILERON mm This switch toggles the aileron servo travel (HATEt RATE2 RATE1:u er sition RATEa; down position 12. Elevator dual rate switcfi(ELEVATOH DJH) This switch toggles the elevator servo travel (HATEt. RATEZ. RATE1,u or position RATE2; down position 13. Ending gear switclfl (GEAR) This switch activates the landing gear channel. (Cl-15 switch) 14. Power switch The transmitter is turned on when this switch is set to the u mosltton. 15. V,ra4|t't___er SM (TRAINER) This switch IS turned on when set to the pulled fonvard posi- tion (spring- l-oaded typo) Others .15. evel mete 1} This meter indicates the transmitter power supply voltage. When the needle deflects to the boundary between the silver and red ranges, recharge the Nicd battery. 17. @ Hook for neck strap. 18 B When using the transmitter extend the antenna to its full ten th. 19. Qa fling bar Use thisharldle to carry the transmitter. 20. Battery coven Open this cover when adjusting the trimmers on the trimmer panel and when changing the Nicd battery. . Igharging ‘acE This is the transmitter Nicd battery charging jack. I(iCharging the Nicd battery) _ Never try to charge a dry cell battery. It will cause the battery to overheat or explode and is very dangerous. [1 Always charge the Nlod battery before using your Ric set. Connect the chargers transmit- ter and receiver connectors to the transmitter charging jack and receiver servo Nicd battery as shown in the figure(F|G.2). The charging LEDs light to show that the battery is being charged. “The normal charging time is ton-rm» about 15 hours. When you have not used your Fl/C set for some time, repeatedly charge and dis- 1 charge the batteries two or three 4— times before use. * The transmitter and receiver Nicd batteries can be charged simultaneously or Independently. Fie.2' (Non-slip adjustable lever head) The length of the lever head of the sticks can be adjusted as desired. Adjust the stick length to fit your hand. (EIGB) t)Unlock lever heads A and B by turning them in the direc- tions shown by the arrows. unfit-goo! wayside FIGB l _ 2)Adjust the stick to the most comfortable length and lock it by turning head B in the directions opposite that shown by the arrow. (Stick lever spring tensmn adjustment) The slick lever spring tension can be adjusted by removing the trans» milter back cover and , turning the screw for v' each stick as shown in the figure (FlG.4). Adjust the spring tension for the ‘ best stick feet. When ad- i_ iusting the stick spring. set the throttle stick to the center. amt.- Flurrllztr woos I} (Trimmer panel) l—figéohmmg buorleshitcres FIG.5 i Mluhos ._ chlormttmlmlc 8.9warordustme e r g n i trimmer: trimme a. Servo reversing switch] (SERVO REVERSEH) The servo reversing switches reverse the direction of travel of the servos. The lower position is the normal position. (Channels l to 6) (DIP switch Nos. 1 to 8) b- M 1, Elevator -> flap mixing ACT/INH switch To activate the mixing function. set this switch to the ACT (upper) position. To deactivate the mixing function. set this switch to the INH (lower) position. (DIP switch No. 7) 2. Flapefltm‘ ing ACTFINH switch To activate the mixing function, set this switch to the ACT (upper) position. To deactivate the mixing function, set this switch to the INH (lower) position. (DIP switch No. 8) 3. RudderASTJunclionAc [NH switch To activate the rudder and throttle AST functions. set this switch to the ACT (upper) position. The throttle ATV func~ tion can be activated by setting this switch to the INH lower position. Select the desired function. Ieron dual rate trimmej (AIL DIR) cThis trimmer sets the rate corresponding to both directions of the aileron dual rate switch. (HATEI, HATEZ) When it rs turned clockwise. the servo travel Increases. d Elevator dual rate trimme? [ELV DIR) This trimmer sets the rate corresponding to both directions of the elevator dual rate switch. (RATE 1, RATEZ) When it rs turned clockwise. the servo travel increases. 9. lhrottle AST trimmer (TH. AST) or throttle ATV trimmer] (TH ATV) H side This trimmer adjusts the servo travel of the selected function. When itis_turn_eg_clpckwise, the servo travel increases. udder AST trimme (HUDAST) or throttle ATV trimrngfl (THATV) L side This trimmer adjusts the servo travel of the selected function. When it is turned clockwise. the servo travel Increases. g. éileron differentiattrfimme, (DIFF.RATE) This trimmer adjusts the aileron differential amount when the flgperon mixing function is active. h Elevator Zjap mixing lrimmed(ELV->FLP) This trimmer adjusts the mixing operation direction and amount. ., r flap trimming function trimmefl (FLP.TRIM) This trimmer adjusts the flap trimming operation direction and variation width when the ileperon mixing function Is active. f. CONNECTION OF RECEIVER SERVOS ETC. Racer-er snitch FIG.6 (Armor 2 ' 1. on. ’ (curt ‘ 11ch . 10“) . Thmlllt (W3) WRitch. " Ffl-fi127DF. or mRtNDF Elle-labor x—j Arturo" r liliB‘Ofl 11' J——-‘* (00411 ' When uflrtg 1m "EDEN marina. conned mo micron mums to the mmrwlpus. _ .,~ .' . ' unmitlcmy .' , l "tummy-(“mu 1 “mm-mania.- similar (ore- pmm rcuzr mm» rcrr 4) (with flap surfaces) 1 (without flap sunabe) (Installation precautions) When Installing the receiver, serves. and other pans to the tu- set - e. observe the following precautions: s ervo trave Operate each servo horn over its full travel and checkthat the pushrod does not bind and or is not too loose. Unreasonable force applied to the servo hom will adversely affect the servo and drain the battery pack very quickly. Make sure that the tree travel range of each control surface or mechanism somewhat larger than the lull control travel (including trim) of the servo horn. Adjust the servo horns so that they move smoothly even when the trim lever and stick are operated si- multaneously in the same direction. Servo installatiod Install the servos with the rubber grommets and eyelets supplied with the set. (FIG.8) Do not tighten the screws too tight. It the servo case di~ reotly contacts the fuselage, the rub— ber bushing will not serve its pur- ose. 7 eceiverpower switch installatiofl When installing the switch harness to the fuselage. cut a root» angular hole slightly larger than the lull travel of the switch in the fuselage and install the switch so that it moves smoothly from ON to OFF. Also install the switch where it will not be exposed to engine oil or dust and dirt. Generally, install the receiver switch on the opposite side of the muffler exhaust. Eeoeiver antenng _ Although the receiver '.l:ittt::rm.ttrart'zt._, F'G-g antenna may appear to be too long, do not cut it or told it back. Chang- - of- ing the length of the re— - ' ' ‘U we bu ' “M“ ”19003 W'" M’lxol‘tenwmtfifilnltitilfii lower the receivlng sen- enmefiihmogh the user-gum: elm sitivity and shorten the imnIrlirrsidall-cInsoleaesotmtrlw tlighl range. Generally, the antenna can be strung out towards and attached to the vertical stabilizer. (FIGS) Receiver vibration and water proofing The receiver contains precision electronic parts. Besides be- ing susceptible to vibration and shock, the entry of water will also cause erroneous and dangerous results and has been associated with crashes and other accidents. Wrap the re oeiver in foam rubber or take other vibration countermea- sures. Also waterproof the receiver by placing it in a plastic rrotcmruwl bag and securing the open end of the bag with a rubber band. Do the same with the receiver and servo battery. Servo horns Spare horns are supplied. Use them as needed. Extension (Lora Use the servo extension cord if needed for your paniwlar tuselage. planar Promnronar Frequent; 5 For U.S.A. . The frequency of Futabe digital proportional sets can be changed within their own band. There are 2 different bands for you to choose from {27 MHz and 72-75 MHz). Please see chart listed below for specific frequency and its intended use. Please note there are specific Irequencies allocated tor air- craft only and surface only use. a The frequency can be changed within the same BAND. How- ever. Futaba recommends that you return your system to our factory service department for frequency changing, as tuning may be necessary for proper operation. Changing frequency from one band to another is NOT pmsihle. Always change frequency flag when frequency is changed. The frequency flag is to be attached to the top of antenna and the channel designation to the base. (See Drawing) 0 It is illegal to change crystals on 72-75 MHz bands in the U.S.A. unless performed by a licensed technician. Antenna Freguency Flag The tiny can beamed“ ifid Miran. the mulls wrllr Wham. Alum Ill. frequent no the lb hnmrsthownin ”an. a Fromm. Channel No. EE Color For USA 26-27. Mflzflfcmm .t.Sh:1lhecirarmlNo. ”our 011th mare. 2th the flag board he on mm a: an.“ in llre Color 26.995 Brown 27.045 Red 27.055 Orange 27.145 Yellow 27.1 95 Green 27.255 Blue 50r‘53 MHz-A'anthcarthmt-Fg; Amgmre Licence required (2 and 3 channels not mgducedpntheseltflufifldfifi]. Channel No. Color 50.800 RCOO 53.100 Black-Brown 50.820 HCOl 53.200 Black-Flee 50.840 R002 53.300 Black-Orange 50.860 9003 53.400 Black-Yellow 50.800 RC04 53.500 Black-Green 50.900 FIOOS 53.800 Black-Blue 50920 11006 53.700 Black-Violet 50.940 R007 53.800 Black-Gray 50.960 R008 50.980 R009 MHz-Aircralt Qty 72.010 11 72.210 21 72.410 31 72.610 41 72.810 51 72.030 12 72.230 22 72.430 32 72.630 42 72.830 52 72.050 13 72.250 23 72.450 33 72.650 43 72.850 53 72.070 14 72.270 24 72.470 34 72.670 44 72.370 54 72.090 15 72.290 25 72.490 35 72.690 45 72.890 55 72.110 16 72.310 28 72.510 36 72.710 46 72.910 56 72.130 17 72.330 27 72.530 37 72.730 47 72.930 57 72.150 18 72.350 28 72.550 38 72.750 48 72.950 58 72.170 10 72.370 29 72.570 39 72.770 49 72.970 59 72.190 20 72.390 30 72.590 40 72.790 50 72.990 50 IMO—"l! 75.410 61 75.610 71 75.810 81 75.430 62 75.0 72 75.830 82 75.450 63 75.650 73 75.850 83 75.470 64 75.670 74 75.870 84 75.490 65 75.690 75 75.890 85 75.510 66 75.710 76 75.910 86 75.530 67 75.730 77 75.930 87 75.550 60 75.750 78 75.950 88 75.570 69 75.770 79 75.970 89 75.590 70 75.790 80 75.990 90 ADJUSTMENTS 1. General fuselage adjustments Make the basic fuselage linkage connections and adjust- ments specified In the fuselage manufacturer‘s assembly manual. in particular, check that the center of gravity is within ttte specified range. Also make the receiver. servo. and battery connections In ac- cordance with “CONNECTION OF RECEIVER, SERVOS. F ETC.” tnsfnictions on page 4. (5 Be sure to read and follow all of the "(Installation promu- licns)‘. Before staning adjustment. carefully read the “Transmitter Operation and Control Surtace Movement" sedan below. (Transmitter Operation and Control Surface Movement) Ur: woos ll) 3. Throttle . mil mews-ma". vLow T'h- mgr-i- emit- lover m (MODE II) mbmkfilwm 4. Rudder any. . ,, The following descrimlons assume that the transmitter is held in the hands in the normal position. a)When the aileron stidi is moved to the right. the right wing aileron is raised. the left wing aileron is lowered. and the plane will bank to the right. When the stick is moved to the left. the reverse maneuvers are performed. b)When the elevator stick is pulled back, the elevator is raised and the airplane climbs (Up operation). When the elevator stick is pushed forward. the elevator is lowered and the airplane dives (Down operation). c) When the throttle stiotr is pulled back, the engine throttle lever arm moves to the slow (low speed) side. When the throttle stick is pushed forward. the engine throttle lever arm moves to the high (high speed) side. d)When the rudder stick is pushed to the right, the rudder is deflected to the right and the nose of the airplane turns to the right. When the mdder stick is pushed to the left. the rudder Is deflected to the left and the nose oi the airplane turns to the left. (Adjustment procedure) 1) Initial trimmer and swrtch setting Beforemalrhganyad’rustrnentsmpenthebalterymveratthe bazkoffheh'ansmlttarandseffhetrirmersanlePswiuieson flievitnrnerpansltothei-tiialstateslmnbelow. ‘ Turn all nine trimmers fully clockwise (to the number 10) with the miniature screwdriver supplied. ' Set all the switches (DIP switch No. I to 9) to the lower position. (Turn on the transmitter and receiver power switches and make the adjustments described below.) 2)Make the basic adjustments (doiledion angle) specified in the airplane design drawings or instruction manual. 3)Check the direction of operation of each servo. ii a servo moves in the wrong direction, switch its reversing switch. (In this way the direction of operation can be changed without changing the linkage.) (1 Be especially careful at the direction of operation of the al- Ieron servos. Servo reversing switch (Selim) The servo reversing switches (SERVO REVERSER) (DIP switch Nos. 1 to 6) on the trimmer panel can be set for each channel. FIG.13 Servo reversing switches fiflflflflfiflflflj SERVO HEVEHSER The lower (NOR) position is the normal position and the upper (FIEV) position is the reverse position. 4)Check the neutral adjustment and left and right (in and down) travel of each servo. if the neutral position has changed. or the travel is intact» rect. readjust it by changing the servo horn position on the splinedshaftorbychanglnqtheholeposltionontheservo horn. (Adjust the neutral position by servo horn position when the transmitter trimmer is at the center.) 5)Cl‘teck the engine throttle linkage. The throttle Is opened fully when the throttle stick is set to the high position (pushed forward) and is closed fully when the throttle stick is set to the maximum slow position (pulled back). 6)The throttle or rudder servo travel can be trimmed with the following throttle ATV or throttle AST/rudder AST function. Select the function you want to use. hrottle ATV functiofl (Function) The high and low throttle servo travel can be adjusted independently. Use this function to compensate for throttle linkage variations. The travel rate can be ad iusted from 3036 to 10096 of the total servo travel (each side) as shown in the figure. 1 INNrjbnrr a “person-int 3 Lumen-rat [cu-Mm minty-wit numb—1 (Setting) To activate the throttle ATV function, set the rudder AST (HUDAST) ACTilNH switch (DIP switch No. 9) on the trimmer panel to the INH (lower) position. (Be aware that the rudder AST function and throttle ATV function cannot be used simultaneously.) ' High side travel adjustment: Adjust the high side travel with the high side trimmer (H) of the TH.ATV trimmers on the trimmer panel. Adjust the high side travel to between high side trimmer positions 0 (3096) and 10 (10096). ' Low side travel adjustment: Adjust the low side travel with the low side trimmer (L) of the TH.ATV trimmers on the trimmer panel. Adjust the low side travel between low side trimmer positions 0 (3096) and 10 (tom). Erotfle AST functiofl (Function) This function sets the throttle servo travel. In this case. the high side and low side can be adjusted simulta- neously. Use this function to compensate for throttle linkage variation. The travel rate can be adjusted from 80% to 100% of the total servo travel as shown in the figure. at tnmmur warm 0 r wartime—twitch 2.11va Maw-m (Adjustment) To activate the throttle AST function. set the rudder AST (RUDAST) ACT/INH switch (DIP switch No. 9) on the trimmer panel to the ACT (upper) position. (The rudder AST function can be used simultaneously, but the throttle ATV function cannot be used simultaneously.) ' Travel adjustment: Adjust the servo travel with the THAST trimmer on the trimmer panel. Adjust the travel rate between throttle AST trimmer positions 0 (30%) and 10 (10045). Eudder AST function (Function) This function adjusts the rudder servo travel. In this case, the left and right travels can be adjusted simultaneously. Use this function in rudder linkage correction. The travel rate can be adjusted from 30% to 100% of the total servo deflection angle as shown in the figure. l, Ac! (upper) mutt 2. Trend dime-ml (Adjustment) To activate the rudder AST function. set the rudder AST (RUD.AST) ACT/INH switch on the trimmer panel to the ACT position. The throttle AST function can be used sl- multaneously. but the throttle ATV function cannot be used simultaneously.) ‘ Travel adjustment: Adjust the servo travel with the FtUD.AST trimmer on the trimmer panel. Adjust the travel to between rudder AST trimmer positions 0 (3096) and 10 (10036). t hrotlle trim lever with ATL function (Function) As shown in the figure, when the throttle stick is set to the maximum slow side. the throttle trim influence is also at its maximum. When the throttle stick is in the high side the throttle trim has no influence. This greatly simplifies throttle linkage adjustment. (The high side linkage should be set first.) "item: wri’ imminent range 7)After connecting the linkages and checking the operating directions and amounts. start the engine and adjust the engine needle, then fly the airplane and trim the servos. 2. Aileron/elevator dual rate (DIR) function (Function) The maximum travel of the aileron and elevator servos can be altered by operating their respective dual rate switch. For instance. when the switch is in the down (HATEz) posi- tion, the deflection angle is the normal deflection angle. When the switch is set to the upper (HATE!) position. spins. snap rolls. and other aerobatics that require a maximum de- flection angle can be performed by adjusting the deflection angle to an angle greater than the normal deflection angle, Since the respective rates can be adjusted by setting the switch to the upper and down positions. the direction of the switch can be set as desired. At Ieronflualmfr; (Switch operation) The aileron dual rate switch (AILEFlON D/Ft) is at the front top right side of the transmitter. The upper position is RATEt and the down position is RATE2. The elevator dual rate switch (ELEVATOR DIR) is at the front top left side of the transmitter. The upper position is RATEt and the down position is HATEQ. (Rate adjustment) Each rate can be adiisted with the RATEt and RATEZ trimmers on the trimmer panel behind the battery cover at the back or the transmitter. The rate can be adjusted from 30% (position 0) to 10096 (position 10) ofthe maximum deflection angle. (Setting procedure) t)Tum on the transmitter and receiver power. 2JSr/itoh the dual rate switch of the channel you want to the posi— liontorlhe ralefhatyouwanttoset. 3)Set the stick to the maximum travel in eitherrirection. 4) Using the trimmer. adjust the servo horn tothe desired angle, (Adjust each rate by repeating steps 1 through a.) ‘ When not using the dual rate function, set the HATEl and RATEQ trimmers to 100% (fully clockwise). 3. Flaperon mixing (with aileron differential function) (Function) This lunction lets you mix the flap and aileron functions by using the same control surfaces (ailerons) and servos for both controls. Two aileron servos are mounted In the wing. Aileron operation is accomplished normally, to. left and right ailerons moved up and down in opposite directions. Flap op- eration is accomplished by moving the left and right ailerons in the same direction. (Flap operation can be performed with- out the need for separate flap surfaces.) ' With this function the left and right ailerons can be operated differentially. (Aileron differential function). Roll axis can be compensated in this way. With aileron differential the aileron down deflection angle is typically smaller that the up angle. ' The flap control knob rate can be adjusted. (Adjustment) Connect the aileron servos to receiver output channels 1 and 6. Adjustment when CHi is connected to the right wing and CH6 is connected to the left wing E described below, (The trimmer adjustment direction may be reversed. depending on the servo mounting direction and linkage method.) 1)Activate mixing: To activate flaperon mixing. set the tlaperon ACTJINH switch (DIP switch No. 8) on the trimmer panel behind the battery cover at the back of the transmitter to the ACT (up- per) position To deactivate tlaperon mixing. set the switch to the INH (lower) position. ZJAiIeron differential adjustment: Adjust the aileron differential with the DIFFRATE trimmer on the trimmer panel. First set the DIFF.RATE trimmer tuIIy clockwise (to number to) so that differential is not applied. When the roll axis must be compensated after test flying. make the adjust- ments described below. However, the trimmer adjustment position depends on the direction in Which the deflection angle decreases. 1. Activate mixing F|G.19 . . i—WN m (“noon 90mm 2. Alleron differential adjustment lawn: m iww side of the were") anrtrn-r position ...._' Tnmrnur matron ll) ' Applying differential by reducing the low side of the aileron: Adjust between DIFFRATE trimmer positions 0 and to (right half of trimmer). At position to, differential is not ap- plied. At position 0 (trimmer center). the reducing amount is maximum. ‘ Applying different'al by reducing the high side of the aileron: Adjust to between DIFFHATE trimmer positions 0 to 40 (left half of trimmer). At position -10. differential is not ap~ plied. At position 0 (trimmer center). the reducing amount is maximum. 3) Flap control knob rate adjustment Adjust the flap control knob rate with the FLP.TRIM trimmer on the trimmer panel. The flap control knob operating direc- tion can be set at the same time. , ‘ Lowering the flaps bytuming the flap knob clockwise (CW): Adjust the flap control knob to between FLP.THIM posi~ tions 0 and 10 (right half of trimmer). ~ Lowering the flaps by mm the flap knob oounterdodtwise (COW): Adjust to between FLP.TRIM trimmer positions 0 and -10 3. Flap control knob rate adjustment F|G.20 (me m 139. Bf turning "N "w hm Cubist) LMri‘t. ll .nnn "11mm“: © “arm‘s Flnp m [Lm me laps in- tuning the ispxnoo mimmiocliweo) Ulltlr‘l" motion nrtltlc “potting I mom, """"."" Ihr: It»; © I!!! use ”5mm E71 "° Flepm 0 (left halt of trimmer). In both cases the deflection angle decreases as the knob is turned toward position 0 (trimmer center). 4. Elevator -> ila mlxm (Function) This function is used when the aircraft has flaps or is using the tieperon mixing lunction. This can be used, for example. to deploy flaps when pulling up elevator. Cleaner loops and other aerobatic maneuvers can be performed using this func- tion. Adjust the mixing amount to the optimal positions for your model. 1. Activate mixing ACT tinsel mm A 1 5 ow _— "is! ON-D r mum 2. Mixing amount adjustment (menu, it» Imps when lmi Alum!!! a raised) Inrnnmr tom-j; non lion amount to "wit-turn O D trimmer nwenn (Operation) The elevator -> flap mixing ONi‘OFF switch is at the right side of the transmitter. It is turned on when pulled forward. (Adjustment) ”Activate the mixing function: To activate the elevator -> flap mixing function, set the al- evalor -> flap mixing ACTrtNH switch (DIP switch No. 7) on the trimmer panel to the ACT (upper) position. To deacti- vate the mixing function. set the ACT/lNH switch to the INH position. 2)Mixing amount adjustment: Adjust the mixing amount with the ELV.->FLP trimmer on the trimmer panel. The adjustment range is 400 to +100% (positions-10 to +10). The mixing direction can be adjusted at the same time. ' Applying mixing which lowers the flaps when the elevator is raised: Adjust between ELV->FLF trimmer positions 0 and to (right half of trimmer). At position it), the mixing amount is maximum and at position 0, the mixing amount becomes 0. Adjust the mixing amount to the optimal position for your aircraft. ’ Applying mixing which raises the flaps when the elevator is lowered: Adjust between ELV->FLF‘ trimmer position 0 and -10 (left half of trimmer). At position -10, the mixing amount is maxi— mum and at position 0, the mixing amount becomes 0. Set the mixing amount to the optimal position for your aircraft. 5. Usin the trainer function You can practice flying with the aid of another piloéaaoéételp another pilot fly by oonnectirtfigiZeE’EKYSPORT-fifl' mil- fer to another SKYSPOFlT- , M1024Z. 7UA, or SUA Series with a special trainer cable (sold separately). Trainer cable (sold separately) [Use] The model is controlled by the instructortransmitter when the trainer switch is OFF and is controlled by the student trans- mitter when trainer switch to ON. (Usage precautions) ' Never turn on the student transmitter power switch. ‘ Make the student transmitter and instructor transmitter set- rings the same. ' Make sure the modulation method of the other transmitter is FM (PPM). L0“ SKYSFOflT-SK TBZt 17Ll. or TSU Scrip: GLOSSARY OF TERMS The abbreviations used with the SKYSPORT- below in alphabetical order. are defined 5ng [agivatel Ilrigai'ls that a function is turned on. Its opposite is INH (in- I II , To activate a function, its ACTfINH switch is set to the ACT position, if the switch Is not in the ACT position, the function is not activated. AILERON I AIL. An auxiliary airfoil at the left and right wings of an airplane to control its rolling. AST (Adjustable.$ This feature allows adjustment of the travel of the servo of a certain channel. It is used when setting up the linkages. AIL (Adjustable Throttlelimit) This feature allows movement of the throttle trim lever that operates only when the throttle stick is in the SLOW position. It is convenient because it does not affect the HIGH side of the throttle. ATV [M‘gstaole Travel Volume) This feature allows independent adjustment of the servo travel in each direction. It is convenient when setting up the linkages. D/Ft D I Fl t This function allows switching to one of two deflection angles while flying. The deflection angle best for the aircraft can be set for one switch position and spins. snap rolls, and other aerobatics that require a maximum deflection angle can be performed easily by setting up maximum deflection for the other switch position. DIFF. aileron differential This feature allows application of a differential to the right wing aileron and left wing aileron when the wing has two aile- ron servos. It is used to correct undesirable tendencies and to compensate the roll axis. ELV.-£13. (elevatorzzllapfimixlng) This feature applies mixing from the elevators to the flaps when the fuselage has flaps. When mixing is applied so that the flaps are lowered when the elevators are raised. loops and other aerobatics can be performed cleanly. The mixing amount should be adjusted optimally for individual aircraft. ELEVATQR I ELV. A horizontal airfoil for making an airplane go up or down. FLAPERON This is a mixing function that gives the ailerons a flap func- tion. It is a convenient method of mixing aileron operation and flap operation usin only two aileron servos at the wings. (Flap operation can performed without the need for separate flap surfaces.) FLEctElep) ‘ , A movable auxiliary airfoil attached to the center of a Wing to increase the lift at slow speed when taking off and landing. With models it can also be mixed with the elevator and used in circular aerobatics. FLP.THlM (Flag trim This feature switches the flap servo deflection angle between normal operating angle and trim angle, it is convenient when mixing the flaps with other channels. GEAR (Landing gear) This is for airplane landing gear, Since the landing gear is normally extended or retracted. this channel can only be turned fully on or off. It cannot be stopphedmidway. Means that the function is turned off (stopped). It is the oxgo- site of ACT (activate). When a function is not used. its Tl INH switch ls always set to the INH position. NOR (Normal) Used to re resent the default or normal state of a function. For examp e. the servo reversing function has a normal side and a reverse side. RATE In the dual rate function for example, this Is the rate of servo travel in percentage relative to the normal servo travel. The rate is adjusted with a trimmer for each function. EVJBfle-Lsei Represents the servo reversing function that lets you reverse the normal direction of servo movement. or the setting i- tion of a switch (reverse position). It is used when the irec- tion of the transmitter stick and the direction of servo move- ment are do osite of the desired movement after the servos are mounte in the fuselage and each airfoil and servo are connected by pushrods. etc. The direction of movement can be corrected without changing the linkage. RUD (Rudder A hinged directional surface attached to the vertical trailing edge of the tail of an aircraft. TH (Throttlel Used to controls the fuel at the intake of an engine. When it is opened, a large amount of fuel is drawn into the engine and the engine speed increases. When it is closed, the engine speed slows. TFIIM A fine adjustment device that sets the deflection angle of each airfoil for stable flight. [QIHEBSi Me A function that allows two or more different channels to be 0 erated together in a linked or dependent manner. or example, when mixing is applied from elevators to flaps, the elevator servo and flap servo can be operated simulta- neously by operation of the elevator stick. REPAIR SERVICE Before requesting repair, please refer to this instruction manual again and verify your settings. If you are still experiencing trouble. please request service as follows: Your nearest Fufaba dealer. ' e- air informatio Describe the trouble in as much detail as possible. 1)Symptom: Including the state of the set when the trouble occurred. 2)Digital proportional set used: Transmitter. receiver. and serve model numbers. 3)Fuselage: Fuselage name and mounting conditions. 4)Your name. address. and telephone number. Warranfi content§ Read the warranty card supplied with your set. ' The warranty contents differ with geographic locations, FUTABA CORPORATION non-run rte-uninh- title. this t.= Nun-c. “tut-untrue mint. ‘lllll I'ftnrr. «in. 290 ill? qumk: MUL’MSIN FUTABA CORPORATION OF AMERICA ‘SMMflertKNtlrlrt-as'fiflts I'hn- ill-Mivw Tmr zirrmm k: 7 tusutm’r
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