GAPOSA Srl QCTSERIES QCT Series Transmitters User Manual gb

GAPOSA Srl QCT Series Transmitters gb

User Manual

Prog-TxLedProg-FCUPSTOPDOWNProg-TxSELLedProg-FCUPSTOPDOWNInstallation guideQCT3-QCT3S-QCT3SDQCT34-QCT34S(Just for the electronic limit switch motors AXEL-AXELO RI)®TECHNICAL DATA·Dimensions: 70x70x19 mm·Protection rate: IP 30·Radio frequency: 434.15 MHz·Range: 20 mt internal; 300 mt open air·1 button UP·1 button STOP·1 button DOWN·1 Prog-Tx= Instruction button·1 Prog-FC= limit switch setup button (AXEL)·1 LED·2 Litium 3V batteries (CR2025 type)QCT34-QCT34S (additional features)·4 channel selection button·4 LEDsBoth transmitters are compatible with:·QC19·All the RI motorsOPERATION of the 4 channels QCT34SThe 4 channels transmitter has a channelselection button (SEL) with a sequence workingmode: by pressing it repeatly you changechannel.Selecting group of channels:Choose with the SEL button the first channel ofthe group, then push it again and keep it pusheduntil the LED starts blinking. When movingthrough the channels you can confirm the channelto be added by pushing the SEL button until theLED stops blinking. In order to confirm the groupselection push the STOP button. With the UP,STOP, DOWN buttons all the motors belonging tothat group will be activated.To erase a group and going back to the thesequence working mode you have to push,release and then push again the SEL button.BATTERY SUBSTITUTIONS1. Open the cover by levering up the hook on thetransmitter’s bottom2. Lift the transmitter card, then remove the used upbatteries3. Insert the new batteries and check the polarity: -towards the card/+ towards the cover bottomCONFORMITY DECLARATIONGAPOSA srl declares that the QCT Series is in conformitywith the essenatial requirements and with the otherdisposition established by the 1999/5/EC law.These devices complie with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) thisdevice may not cause harmful interference, and, (2) thisdevice must accept any interference received, includinginterference thet may cause undesired operation”.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by theparty responsible for compliance could void the user’sauthority to operate the equipment.OPERATION AND WARNINGSThe QCT Series transmitters enable the user tocontrol one or more motors with receiver, installedon awnings, curtains and screens. It is possible tosetup them with group commands, in order to letmore motors work simultaneously.The radio signal is shown by the transmissionLED. If the LED doesn’t blink after the buttonpressure, then the battery has to be replaced.CAUTION:Please don’t use these transmitters in areas withrisks of radio disturbs over the norm (i.e. airportsor radio repeaters).These transmitters may also be disturbed bytelecommunication plants and trans-ceiver withthe same frequency.PROGRAMMING1. Power up the motor to be programmed2. Hold the Prog-Tx button until the motorstarts moving.3. Check the rotation way of the motor,then release the Prog-Tx button.4. Within 5 seconds press thecorresponding button (i.e. UP if themotor rotates to the top or DOWN ifviceversa).In this way the transmitter has beenprogrammed as MASTER and the rotationdirection of the motor has been syncronized.IMPORTANT: Whilst you keep pressing theProg-Tx button the motor will keep onturning in one direction. By releasing andpressing it again the motor will rotate in theother direction (sequence working).LIMIT SWITCH SETUPUP LIMIT SWITCH1. Push the Prog-Fc button till it makes asmall movement in both direction, thenpress the UP button2. Be ready to press the STOP button whenthe motor reaches the desired limitswitch position or wait till the motor stopsautomatically on the limit positions of thecurtain/awning. In both cases the limitswitch setups the position where themotor stops.3. For an accurate setup press the Prog-Fcbutton while the motor is running. Themotor will move slowly and jerkilytowards the limit switch position.DOWN LIMIT SWITCH4. Push the Down button and beready to stop the motor (bypressing the STOP button) whenthe desired limit switch positionhas been reached.5. For an accurate setup press theProg-Fc button while the motor isrunning. The motor will moveslowly and jerkily towards theDOWN limit switch position.ADDING MORE TRANSMITTERS/CHANNELS1. Keep pushing the MASTER Prog-Tx button tillthe motor starts running2. Check the motor rotation direction, thenrelease the Prog-Tx button.3. Within 5 seconds press the corrispondingbutton (i.e. UP if the motor rotates to the top orDOWN if viceversa) of the new QCT3S orQCT34S you wish to add.In this way a new transmitter has been added tothe motor receiver.TRANSMITTERS ERASE1. Push simultanously the Prog-Tx and STOPbuttons of the MASTER transmitter until themotor makes a small movement in bothdirections.CANCELLING WITHOUT MASTER1. Remove power.2. Push simultaneously the Prog Tx and STOPbuttons of a new QCT3S or QCT34S andthen power up the motor again until it makesa small movement in both directions.INTERMEDIATE POSITION SETUP1. Bring the curtain/awning in the desiredintermediate position, then presssimultaneously the UP and DOWN buttonsuntil the motor makes a small movement inboth directions.The intermediate position has been setup.RECALLING THE INTERMEDIATE POSITIONKeep pushing the STOP button for 3 seconds atleast: the curtain/awning will move till it reaches theintermediate position.ERASING THE INTERMEDIATE POSITION.Push simultaneously the UP and DOWN buttonsuntil the motor makes a small movement in bothdirections.CAUTION: If more motors with receiver have to be installed, then just one motor has to be powered upduring the first programming session, in order to avoid nterferences with the other motors.CAUTION: The first limit switch to setup is always the UP one.

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