GE MDS DS-SERIES6 Digital Radio System Six.4 Series User Manual user guide

GE MDS LLC Digital Radio System Six.4 Series user guide

user manual

Microwave Data Systems
Digital Radio System
MDS FOUR.9 Series
MDS SIX.4 Series
User Reference and Installation Guide
Part No. 05-4561A01, Rev. A
Date: 9 JUNE 2006
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This book and the information contained herein is the proprietary and confidential information of
Microwave Data Systems Inc. that is provided by Microwave Data SystemsTM exclusively for
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The information and specifications provided in this document are subject to change without notice.
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The Warranty(s) that accompany Microwave Data Systems Inc., products are set forth in the sales
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Trademark Information
Software Defined Indoor UnitTM (SDIDUTM) is a product and trademark of CarrierComm Inc.
JavaTM is a trademark of Sun Microsystems Inc.
Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
companies or organizations.
Table of Contents
1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ......................................................................................................................1-1
2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 About This Manual............................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................2-1
2.3 System Features ...............................................................................................................................2-5
2.4 Physical Description ........................................................................................................................2-6
2.4.1 Model Types ................................................................................................................................2-6
2.4.2 Options ........................................................................................................................................2-8
2.4.3 Front Panel Indicators .................................................................................................................2-8
2.4.4 Front Panel Connections .............................................................................................................2-9
2.5 System Description ........................................................................................................................2-13
2.6 Consecutive Point Architecture ....................................................................................................2-16
2.7 2 + 0 (East-West) Configuration ....................................................................................................2-18
2.8 1+1 Protection .................................................................................................................................2-19
2.9 1 + 1 Multi-hop Repeater Configuration .......................................................................................2-20
2.10 Data Interfaces ................................................................................................................................2-22
2.11 Power Management ........................................................................................................................2-22
2.12 MDS Digital Radio Series Software and Network Management.................................................2-23
3 INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Unpacking..........................................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Notices ...............................................................................................................................................3-2
3.3 Required Tools..................................................................................................................................3-2
3.3.1 SDIDUTM Tools ............................................................................................................................3-2
3.3.2 ODU Tools...................................................................................................................................3-2
3.4 PRE-INSTALLATION NOTES ...........................................................................................................3-3
3.5 Overview of Installation and Testing Process ...............................................................................3-3
3.6 Site Evaluation ..................................................................................................................................3-5
3.6.1 Preparing for a Site Evaluation....................................................................................................3-6
3.6.2 Site Evaluation Process...............................................................................................................3-7
3.6.3 Critical System Calculations......................................................................................................3-12
3.6.4 Frequency Plan Determination..................................................................................................3-13
3.6.5 Antenna Planning ......................................................................................................................3-14
3.6.6 ODU Transmit Power Setup ......................................................................................................3-15
3.6.7 Documenting a Site Evaluation .................................................................................................3-17
3.7 Installation of the Digital Radio Series .........................................................................................3-20
3.7.1 Installing the Software Defined IDUTM .......................................................................................3-20
3.7.2 Installing the ODU .....................................................................................................................3-21
3.7.3 Routing the ODU/ SDIDUTM Interconnect Cable .......................................................................3-23
3.8 Quick Start Guide ...........................................................................................................................3-25
3.8.1 Materials Required ....................................................................................................................3-25
3.8.2 Grounding the ODU...................................................................................................................3-25
3.8.3 Grounding the SDIDUTM ............................................................................................................3-27
3.8.4 Connecting the SDIDUTM to the PC and Power Source............................................................3-27
3.8.5 SDIDUTM Configuration..............................................................................................................3-28
3.8.6 ODU Antenna Alignment ...........................................................................................................3-30
3.8.7 Quick Start Settings...................................................................................................................3-31
3.9 Documenting MDS FOUR.9 Series Configuration .......................................................................3-32
4 SUMMARY SPECIFICATIONS..............................................................................................................4-1
5 FRONT PANEL CONNECTORS ...........................................................................................................5-1
5.1 DC Input (Power) Connector............................................................................................................5-1
5.2 Ethernet 100BaseTX Payload Connector 1-2.................................................................................5-1
5.3 SONET Payload Connector..............................................................................................................5-2
5.4 STM-1 Payload Connector ...............................................................................................................5-2
5.5 DS-3/E-3/STS-1 Payload Connector................................................................................................5-2
5.6 NMS 10/100BaseTX Connector 1-2 .................................................................................................5-3
5.7 Alarm/Serial Port Connector............................................................................................................5-3
5.8 ODU Connector.................................................................................................................................5-4
5.9 T1- Channels 1-2 Connector............................................................................................................5-4
5.10 T1- Channels 3-16 Connector..........................................................................................................5-5
5.11 USB ....................................................................................................................................................5-7
5.12 Voice Order Wire...............................................................................................................................5-8
5.13 Data Order Wire ................................................................................................................................5-8
6 APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Alarm Descriptions...........................................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Abbreviations & Acronyms............................................................................................................6-14
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
1 Safety Precautions
RF Energy Health Hazard—FOUR.9 Series
The radio equipment described in this guide employs radio frequency transmitters. Although the
power level is low, the concentrated energy from a directional antenna may pose a health hazard.
Do not allow people to come closer than 119 cm (47.2 inches) to the front of the antenna while
the transmitter is operating. The antenna must be professionally installed on a fixed-mounted
outdoor permanent structure to provide separation from any other antenna and all persons as
detailed in this manual.
RF Energy Health Hazard—SIX.4 Series
The radio equipment described in this guide employs radio frequency transmitters. Although the
power level is low, the concentrated energy from a directional antenna may pose a health hazard.
Do not allow people to come closer than 3.17 meters (124.80 inches) to the front of the antenna
while the transmitter is operating. The antenna must be professionally installed on a fixed-
mounted outdoor permanent structure to provide separation from any other antenna and all
persons as detailed in this manual.
Protection from Lightning
Article 810 of the US National Electric Department of Energy Handbook 1996 specifies that radio
and television lead-in cables must have adequate surge protection at or near the point of entry to
the building. The code specifies that any shielded cable from an external antenna must have the
shield directly connected to a 10 AWG wire that connects to the building ground electrode.
Warning – This is a Class A product
Warning This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio
interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Warning – Turn off all power before servicing
User Reference and Installation Guide 1-2
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Warning – Turn off all power before servicing this equipment.
Safety Requirements
Safety requirements require a switch be employed between the SDIDU™ external power supply
and the SDIDU™ power supplies.
Proper Disposal
The manufacture of the equipment described herein has required the extraction and use of
natural resources. Improper disposal may contaminate the environment and present a health risk
due to the release of hazardous substances contained within. To avoid dissemination of these
substances into our environment, and to lessen the demand on natural resources, we encourage
you to use the appropriate recycling systems for disposal. These systems will reuse or recycle
most of the materials found in this equipment in a sound way. Please contact Microwave Data
Systems or your supplier for more information on the proper disposal of this equipment.
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
2 System Description
2.1 About This Manual
This manual is written for those who are involved in the installation and use of the
MDS FOUR.9 Series or MDS SIX.4 Series Digital Radio System, including installation
technicians, site evaluators, project managers, and network engineers. The transceivers are
comprised of a Software Defined Indoor UnitTM (SDIDUTM) and outdoor unit (ODU). The SDIDUTM
is a product and trademark of CarrierComm.
This manual assumes the reader has a basic understanding of how to install hardware, use
Windows based software, and operate test equipment. For the purposes of this manual, the
radios are referred to as the “Digital Radio Series” except where it is necessary to make a
distinction between the models covered or their operating frequency ranges.
2.2 Introduction
The Microwave Data Systems family of digital radios provides high capacity transmission,
flexibility, features, and convenience for wireless communications networks. These radios
represent a new microwave architecture that is designed to address universal applications for
both PDH and SDH platforms. This advanced technology platform provides the flexibility
customers need for their current and future network requirements.
The radio family is based on a common platform used to support a wide range of network
interfaces and configurations. It supports links for 16 x E1/T1, 100BaseTX Ethernet, and DS-
3/E-3/STS-1 (optional, consult factory for availability). The radio family is spectrum and data rate
scalable, enabling service providers or organizations to trade-off system gain with spectral
efficiency and channel availability for optimal network connectivity. The radio family enables
network operators (mobile and private), government and access service provides to offer a
portfolio of secure, scalable wireless applications for data, video, and Voice over IP (VoIP).
The MDS FOUR.9 Series digital radio family operates in the FCC Public Safety Band of 4.940 to
4.990 GHz, which is generically referred to as the “4.9 GHz band.” It supports three types of user
data payload connectivity as follows:
100Base-TX intelligent bridging between two locations without the delay and expense of
installing cable or traditional microwave.
Scalable Ethernet capability of 25 and 50 Mbps is included. These scalable radios provide
LAN connectivity and offer performance trade-offs between operational bandwidths, data
rates, and distance.
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-2
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
16E1 or T1 for cellular backhaul, enterprise voice applications and voice network redundancy
The MDS SIX.4 Series digital radio family operates in the FCC Fixed Microwave Services band
of 5.925 to 6.425 GHz, which is generically referred to as the “6.4 GHz band.” It supports four
types of user data payload connectivity as follows:
Gigabit Ethernet intelligent bridging between two locations without the delay and expense of
installing cable or traditional microwave.
Scalable Ethernet capability of 16 to 131 Mbps is included. These scalable radios provide
LAN connectivity and offer performance trade-offs between operational bandwidths, data
rates, and distance.
32 T1 for cellular backhaul, enterprise voice applications and voice network redundancy with
85 Mbps of Ethernet
SONET (Synchronous Optical Network)
For customers such as cellular carriers requiring backhaul and backbone extension as well
as service providers requiring network redundancy, new Points of Presence (POPs), and last mile
access, the Digital Radio Series is a cost effective alternative to leased lines with carrier-class
quality of performance. The Digital Series radio is a cost effective solution to meet the growing
demand for enterprise Local Area Network (LAN) connectivity between buildings and campuses
as well as service providers requiring reliable products for infrastructure expansion, extending
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) fiber access, and network redundancy.
The Digital Series includes integrated Network Management functionality and design features that
enable simple commissioning in the field at the customer’s premises. Furthermore, a highlight of
MDS radio products is scalability and the capability to support a ring-type architecture. This ring
or consecutive point radio architecture is “self-healing” in the event of an outage in the link and
automatically re-routes data traffic to ensure that service to the end user is not interrupted.
The Digital Series radio system is composed of a Software Defined Indoor UnitTM (SDIDUTM) and
Outdoor Unit (ODU). It supports 1+0 and 1+1 protection and ring architectures in a single 1 Rack
Unit (1RU) chassis. The modem and power supply functions are supported using easily
replaceable plug-in modules. An additional feature of the SDIDUTM is provision for a second
plug-in modem/IF module to provide repeater or east/west network configurations.
The overall architecture consists of a single 1RU rack mount Software Defined Indoor Unit
(SDIDUTM) with a cable connecting to an Outdoor Unit (ODU) with an external antenna.
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-3
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Core Access
Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit
Indoor Unit
Figure 2-1. MDS Digital Radio Series SDIDUTM and ODU Architecture
Table 2-1 lists key features that Digital Radio Series technology offers to those involved in the
design, deployment and support of broadband fixed wireless networks.
Table 2-1 Key Benefits and Advantages of MDS Digital Radio Series
Benefits Advantages to Providers/Customers Reference
Wireless license-free system (FOUR.9
only): ISM bands do not require expensive
license band fees or incur licensing delays.
Wireless licensed system (SIX.4 only):
No interference from other services as this
band is licensed to the user.
Wireless connectivity supplements existing
cable (Ethernet).
Fast return on investment.
Lower total cost of total ownership.
Media diversity avoids single points of
146H143H2.2 –147H144H2.4
Easy to install units
Straightforward modular system enables
fast deployment and activation.
Carrier-class reliability.
Fast return on investment.
No monthly leased line fees.
Complete support of payload capacity with additional wayside channels
Aggregate capacity beyond basic payload:
FOUR.9 Series—34 Mbps, 50 Mbps or
100 Mbps.
SIX.4 Series—16 to 131 Mbps
Increases available bandwidth of network.
Allows customer full use of revenue-
generating payload channel.
149H146H2.2– 150H147H2.5
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-4
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Benefits Advantages to Providers/Customers Reference
Scalable and spectrally efficient system.
Separate networks for radio
overhead/management and user payload.
Up to 16 (FOUR.9 Series) or 32 (SIX.4
Series) T1/E1 wayside channels support
extension of PBX connectivity between
buildings without additional leased-line
Lowers total cost of ownership.
Ring Architecture
Supports a ring (consecutive point)
configuration, thus creating a self-healing
redundancy that is more reliable than
traditional point-to-point networks.
In the event of an outage, traffic is
automatically rerouted via another part of
the ring without service interruption.
Ring/consecutive point networks can
overcome line-of-sight issues and reach
more buildings than other traditional
wireless networks.
Networks can be expanded by adding
more Digital Radio Series units, or more
rings without interruption of service.
A separate management channel allows
for a dedicated maintenance ring with
connections to each radio on the ring.
Enables network scalability.
Increases deployment scenarios for initial
deployment as well as network expansion
with reduced line-of-sight issues.
Increases network reliability due to self-
healing redundancy of the network.
Minimizes total cost of ownership and
maintenance of the network.
Allows for mass deployment.
Adaptive Power Control
Automatically adjusts transmit power in
discrete increments in response to RF
interference. For EIRP compliance, the
power output is limited to the maximum
established at the time of installation, per
FCC Part 90 (FOUR.9 Series) or 101
(SIX.4 Series) rules.
Enables dense deployment.
Simplifies deployment and network
Comprehensive Link/Network Management Software
A graphical user interface offers security,
configuration, fault, and performance
management via standard craft interfaces.
Suite of SNMP-compatible network
management tools that provide robust
local and remote management capabilities.
Simplifies management of radio network
and minimizes resources as entire network
can be centrally managed from any
Simplifies troubleshooting of single radios,
links, or entire networks.
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-5
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Benefits Advantages to Providers/Customers Reference
Simplifies network upgrades with remote
software upgrades.
Allows for mass deployment.
2.3 System Features
Selectable Rates and Interfaces
o Up to 16 (FOUR.9 Series) or 32 (SIX.4 Series) x E1/T1 (wayside channels)
o 100BaseTX/Ethernet: Scalable 25-50 Mbps (FOUR.9 Series) or 16 to 131Mbps
(SIX.4 Series)
o DS-3/E-3/STS-1 (option; consult factory for availability)
Support for multiple configurations
o 1+0, 1+1 protection/diversity
o Hot Standby
o East/West Repeater (2 + 0)
Selectable Spectral Efficiency of 0.8 to 6.25 bits/Hz (FOUR.9 Series) or 5 to 7 bits/Hz
(SIX.4 Series). These figures include FEC and spectral shaping effects.
16 – 64 QAM Modulation (FOUR.9 Series) or 32 – 64 QAM Modulation (SIX.4 Series)
Powerful Trellis Coded Modulation concatenated with Reed-Solomon Error Correction
Built-in Adaptive Equalizer
Support of Voice Orderwire Channels
Peak output power at antenna port (FOUR.9 Series):
o 24.4 dBm at 4.9 GHz (High Power)
o 17.1 dBm at 4.9 GHz (Low Power)
Peak output power at antenna port (SIX.4 Series):
o 26 dBm at 6.4 GHz (High Power)
o 8 dBm at 6.4 GHz (Low Power)
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-6
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Receive Sensitivity: -84 dBm to -72 dBm (depending on data rate/modulation/FEC/ODU)
Adaptive Power Control—Adjusts power output to account for changing path
conditions. Power is limited to the maximum established at the time of installation, per
FCC Part 90.
Built-in Network Management System (NMS)
Consecutive Point ring architecture
Built-in performance statistics
o Built-in Bit Error Rate (BER) performance monitoring
Data encryption of all payload data and T1/E1 wayside channels for Series-100 radios
and Series-50 Ethernet models (Consult factory for availability)
2.4 Physical Description
The following section details the physical features of the Digital Series digital radios
Model types
Front panel indicators
Front panel connections
2.4.1 Model Types
158H155HTable 2-2 lists the radio series according to model number and associated capabilities of throughput,
data interface, and wayside channel. 159H 156H
Table 2-3 lists the ODU model numbers.
Table 2-2 MDS Digital Radio Series SDIDUTM Model Types
100 Mbps
(50 Mbps full
100 BaseTX Two
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-7
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
SDIDUxxMPVN 100 Mbps
(50 Mbps full
duplex), 1+1
Protection or 2+0
100 BaseTX Two
SDIDUxxMNCN 200 Mbps
(100 Mbps full
100 BaseTX Two
SDIDUxxMPCN 200 Mbps
(100 Mbps full
duplex), 1+1
Protection or 2+0
100 BaseTX Two
SDIDUxxMNTN 68 Mbps Aggregate
(34 Mbps full
duplex) + scalable
1-16xE1/T1 Scalable
Ethernet, 2
SDIDUxxMPTN 72 Mbps Aggregate
(36 Mbps full
duplex), 1+1
Protection or 2+0
Ethernet, 2
* “xx” changes in accordance with the frequency range of radio; 49 for 4.9 GHz, 64 for 6.4 GHz)
Table 2-3 MDS Digital Radio Series ODU Model Types
MDS FOUR.9 - ODU49e ODU4900MEP External antenna required
Transmit: 5929 – 6110 MHz
Receive: 6181 – 6362 MHz
External antenna required
Transmit: 6181 – 6362 MHz
Receive: 5929 – 6110 MHz
External antenna required
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-8
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Transmit: 5988 – 6169 MHz
Receive: 6240 – 6421 MHz
External antenna required
Transmit: 6240 – 6421 MHz
Receive: 5988 – 6169 MHz
External antenna required
* To support the FCC Part 101 6.4 GHz band plan, four separate ODUs are required to cover the
frequencies as listed above.
2.4.2 Options
The following items are also available:
AC/DC power supply
Data Encryption
OC-3/STM-1 Mini-IO Module
Please consult the factory for more information.
2.4.3 Front Panel Indicators
All models of the Digital Radio Series support a variety of front panel configurations that are
dependent on the network interface and capacity configurations.
160H157HFigure 2-2 provides an example of a 1+0 configuration and the associated LEDs displayed on
the SDIDUTM front panel. The controller, standard I/O, and each modem card have a status LED.
Figure 2-2. Front Panel LEDs: SDIDUTM Configuration for 1+0 Configuration
The modem status LED indicates the modem status as described in Table 2-4.
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-9
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Table 2-4. Modem status LED.
Green Active Locked Link
Orange Standby Locked Link (1+1 Non-Diversity Only)
Flashing Green Low SNR
Flashing Orange Unlocked
The controller status LED is the primary front panel indicator of alarms. An alarm is generated
when a specific condition is identified and is cleared when the specified condition is no longer
detected. When an alarm is posted,
1. The controller status LED turns orange for 5 seconds
2. The controller status LED turns off for 5 seconds
3. The controller status LED flashes orange the number of times specified by the first digit of
the alarm code
4. The controller status LED turns off for 3 seconds
5. The controller status LED flashes orange the number of times specified by the second
digit of the alarm code
Steps 2 through 5 are repeated for each alarm posted. The entire process is repeated as long as
the alarms are still posted.
The standard I/O and modem status LEDs are set to red when certain alarms are posted. A
complete list of alarms is provided in Appendix 161H158H6.1.
The alarm description is also displayed in the Graphical User Interface (GUI) as described in the
User Interface Reference Manual.
2.4.4 Front Panel Connections
Please refer to the 162H159HFigure 2-3 for an example of the SDIDUTM front panel followed by a
descriptive text of the connections.
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-10
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Figure 2-3. Front Panel Connections, 1+1 Protection: SDIDUTM
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-11
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Power Supply Input
DC Input
-48 VDC
-48v (Isolated Input); 2-pin captive power connector. The unit
requires an input of -48 volts dc ±10% at the front panel DC
Input connector. The total required power is dependent on
the option cards and protection configuration (1+0, 1+1). The
SDIDUTM front panel power connector pin numbering is 1
through 2, from left to right, when facing the unit front panel.
Pin 1 is the power supply return and is connected to unit
chassis ground internally. Pin 2 should be supplied with a
nominal -
48 V dc, with respect to the unit chassis (ground).
A ground-isolated supply may be used, provided it will
tolerate grounding of its most positive output.
The recommended power input is -44 to -52 V dc at 2 Amps
minimum. It is recommended that any power supply used be
able to supply a minimum of 100 Watts to the SDIDUTM.
A mating power cable connector is supplied with the
SDIDUTM. It is a 2-pin plug, 5 mm pitch, manufactured by
Phoenix Contact, P/N 17 86 83 1 (connector type MSTB
2,5/2-STF). This connector has screw clamp terminals that
accommodate 24 AWG to 12 AWG wire. The power cable
wire should be selected to provide the appropriate current
with minimal voltage drop, based on the power supply
voltage and length of cable required. The recommended
wire size for power cables under 10 feet in length supplying
-48 Vdc is 18 AWG.
The SDIDUTM supplies the ODU with all required power via
the ODU/SDIDUTM Interconnect cable. The SDIDUTM does
not have a power on/off switch. When DC power is
connected to the SDIDUTM, the digital radio powers up and is
operational. There can be up to 204 mW of RF power
present at the antenna port (external antenna version). The
antenna should be directed safely when power is applied.
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-12
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Alarm/Serial Interface
Alarms/Serial DB-15HD female connector for two Form-C relay alarm
outputs (rated load: 1A @ 24 VDC), two TTL alarm outputs,
four TTL alarm inputs, and Serial Console. The two Form-C
relay alarm outputs can be configured to emulate TTL alarm
USB Interface
USB USB connector, optional.
Voice Orderwire Connector
Orderwire Call
Call button to alert operator at link-partner SDIDUTM of
incoming Voice-Orderwire call.
RJ-11 modular port connector for voice orderwire interface.
NMS 10/100 Network Management System Connections
NMS 10/100 1 10/100Base-TX RJ-45 modular local port connector for
access to the Network Management System (SNMP) and
NMS 10/100 2 10/100BaseTX RJ-45 modular remote port connector for
access to the Network Management System (SNMP). This
port to be used for consecutive point networks.
100/Ethernet Models: Ethernet 100BaseT Connections
USER 10/100 1 100Base-TX RJ-45 modular port connector for the local Fast
Ethernet interface.
USER 10/100 1 100Base-TX RJ-45 modular port connector. This port to be
used for consecutive point networks.
T1 Channels
T1 1-2 Two T1/E1 (RJ-48C) interface connections.
T1 3-16 Fourteen T1/E1 high density interface connector
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-13
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
2.5 System Description
The overall digital radio architecture consists of a single 1RU rack mount Software Defined Indoor
UnitTM (SDIDUTM) with a cable connecting to an Outdoor Unit (ODU). The ODU is designed for
use with an external antenna only. This SDIDUTM/ODU architecture is advantageous when
compared to a single IDU with external mount antenna, since supporting a signal from the IDU
rack to the antenna can result in significant signal losses, which would be difficult to avoid without
the use of expensive coaxial cable or a waveguide.
163H160HFigure 2-4 shows the SDIDUTM and interfaces from a functional point of view. The functional
partitions for the I/O, Modem/IF, and power supply modules are shown. The SDIDUTM comes
with the standard I/O capability that can be upgraded. In addition, the Modem/IF function is
modular. This allows the addition of a second Modem to support protection or ring architectures.
The power supply is similarly modular.
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-14
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Switch Duplexer
-48Vdc +10Vdc
& Processor
Signal Level)
64 kbps
16 T1/E1
User 2x
100Base-Tx Switch MODEM/
51.84 Mbps
2x 155.52 Mbps
51.84 Mbps
155.52 Mbps
2x 100 Mbps
16x 1.544/2.048
100Base-Tx Switch
East/Primary Modem
West/Secondary Modem
2x 100 Mbps
Optional I/O Cards
(Small Slot)
Standard I/O Cards
Optional I/O Cards
(Large Slot)
Primary Power
Secondary Power
RCH Serial
Modem Control
Figure 2-4. MDS Digital Radio Series System Block Diagram
The SDIDUTM interfaces with the ODU to receive and provide modulated transmit and receive
waveforms. The SDIDUTM interfaces provide Fast Ethernet 100Base-T connections to the
network. Contact the factory for availability of SONET OC-3 connections. In addition, two E1/T1
channels are provided for PBX extension. SNMP is provided on 10/100BaseT ports.
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-15
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
The ODU RF Up/Down Converter card provides the interface to the antenna. The transmit
section up-converts and amplifies the modulated Intermediate Frequency (IF) of 350 MHz from
the IF Processor and provides additional filtering. The receive section down converts the
received signal, provides additional filtering, and outputs an IF of 140 MHz to the IF Processor.
The 64-QAM Modem performs the modulation and demodulation of the payload and forward error
correction using advanced modulation and coding techniques. Using all-digital processing, the
64-QAM Modem uses robust modulation and forward error correction coding to minimize the
number of bit errors and optimize the radio and network performance. The 64-QAM Modem also
scrambles, descrambles and interleaves/de-interleaves the data stream in accordance with
Intelsat standards to ensure modulation efficiency and resilience to sustained burst errors. The
modulation will vary by application, data rate, and frequency spectrum. The highest order
modulation mode supported is 64 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). 164H161HTable 2-5
summarizes the TCM/convolutional code rates for each modulation type supported by the MDS
Digital Radio Series.
Table 2-5. MDS Digital Radio Series TCM/Convolutional Code Rates
Modulation Type Available Code
16-QAM 3/4, 7/8, 11/12
32-QAM 4/5, 9/10
64-QAM 5/6, 11/12
The major functions of the SDIDUTM can be summarized as follows:
I/O Processing – The SDIDUTM comes with a standard I/O capability that includes support for up to
16xT1/E1 and 2x100Base-TX user payloads, 2x100Base-TX for SNMP, and voice orderwire. In
addition, option cards for DS-3/E3/STS-1, 1-2 x STM-1/OC-3, and 4xDS-3/E3/STS-1 may be
added. The SDIDUTM architecture is flexible and allows for the addition of other I/O types in the
Switch/Framing The SDIDUTM includes an Ethernet Switch and a proprietary Framer that are
designed to support 1+1 protection switching, ring architecture routing, and overall network control
Network Processor – The SDIDUTM includes a Network Processor that performs SNMP and
Network Management functions.
Modem/IF The SDIDUTM Modem performs forward-error-correction (FEC) encoding, PSK/QAM
modulation and demodulation, equalization, and FEC decoding functions. The IF chain provides a
350 MHz carrier, receives a 140 MHz carrier, processes OOK telemetry, and provides –48V
power. Two modems can be used for 1+1 protection or ring architectures.
Power Supply – The SDIDUTM power supply accepts -48 Vdc and supplies the SDIDUTM and ODU
with power. A second redundant power supply may be added as an optional module.
The Modem Processor and its associated RAM, ROM, and peripherals control the digital and analog
Modem operation. It also provides configuration and control for both the IF and I/O cards. The
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-16
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
SDIDUTM interfaces with the ODU to receive and provide modulated transmit and receive
The SDIDUTM also provides the physical interface for the user payload and network management.
In transmit mode, the Framer merges user payload with radio overhead-encapsulated network
management data. This combined data stream is transmitted without any loss of user bandwidth.
In the receive mode, the Framer separates the combined data stream received from the 64-QAM
Modem. The SDIDUTM supports Scalable Ethernet data rates, such as 25 or 50 Mbps via the
100BaseT data interface port. The SDIDUTM provides network management data on 10 Mbps
ports accessible via the 10/100BaseTX port. The Central Processor Unit (CPU) provides the
embedded control and network element functionality of the NMS. The CPU also communicates
with other functions within the SDIDUTM for configuration, control, and status monitoring.
In Ethernet models, the payload of each user Ethernet data packet and all T1 can be encrypted
using an AES encryption algorithm. In addition, the encryption engine is re-seeded with a new,
randomly generated key stream every 10 seconds, in order to provide enhanced security. The
initial key is based off of a pass phrase entered into each Digital Radio Series unit by the network
administrator. Consult factory for the availability of this encryption function.
The power supply converts -48 Vdc to the DC voltage levels required by each component in the
2.6 Consecutive Point Architecture
The consecutive point network architecture of the Digital Radio Series is based upon the proven
SONET/SDH ring. Telecommunications service providers traditionally use the SONET/SDH ring
architecture to implement their access networks. A typical SONET/SDH network consists of the
service provider’s Point of Presence (POP) site and several customer sites with fiber optic cables
connecting these sites in a ring configuration (see 165H162HFigure 2-5). This architecture lets providers
deliver high bandwidth with high availability to their customers.
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-17
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Figure 2-5. Ring Configuration.
SONET/SDH rings are inherently self-healing. Each ring has both an active path and a standby
path. Network traffic normally uses the active path. Should one section of the ring fail, the network
will switch to the standby path. Switchover occurs in seconds. There may be a brief delay in
service, but no loss of payload, thus maintaining high levels of network availability.
The consecutive point architecture implemented in the Digital Radio family is based on a point-to-
point-to-point topology that mimics fiber rings, with broadband wireless links replacing in-ground
fiber cable. A typical consecutive point network consists of a POP and several customer sites
connected using MDS Digital Radio Series units. These units are typically in a building in an
east/west configuration. Using east/west configurations, each unit installed at a customer site is
logically connected to two other units via an over-the-air radio frequency (RF) link to a unit at an
adjacent site.
Each consecutive point network typically starts and ends at a POP. A pattern of wireless links and
in-building connections is repeated at each site until all buildings in the network are connected in
a ring as shown in 166H163HFigure 2-6. . For 2 x 1+0 and 2 x 1+1 nodes payload and NMS connections
need to be jumpered between two SDIDUTMs. For 1 x 2+0 nodes, there is no need for jumpers as
there is a single SDIDUTM. For SDH or SONET payloads, the configuration is similar but an
external add/drop MUX and a second SDH/SONET interface card are required.
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-18
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Figure 2-6. Consecutive Point Network
2.7 2 + 0 (East-West) Configuration
The SDIDUTM supports an east/west, or 2+0, configuration that allows a consecutive point
architecture to be achieved with only a single 1 RU chassis at each location. In this configuration
the SDIDUTM contains two modems supplies and may contain two power supplies. One modem
is referred to as the west modem and the other as the east modem. The SDIDUTM is connected
to two ODUs, one broadcasting/receiving in one direction of the ring architecture and the other
broadcasting/receiving in the other as shown in Figure 2-7.
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-19
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Connected to
east modem
Connected to
west modem
Connected to
east modem
Connected to
west modem
Connected to
west modem
Connected to
east modem
Connected to
west modem
Connected to
east modem
Figure 2-7. 2+0 (East-West) configuration.
2.8 1+1 Protection
The MDS Digital Radio Series supports 1+1 protection as an option for a critical link. In this
configuration, protection is provided in a single 1 RU chassis. The SDIDUTM contains two power
supplies and two modems. The power supply, ODU, IF/telemetry and modem are protected. The
digital framing and LIUs are not. One modem is referred to as the west modem and the other as
the east modem. 1+1 protection can be run in two modes called diversity and non-diversity.
In diversity mode, the link between each pair of modems is the same, as shown in 168H165HFigure 2-8,
providing complete redundancy. This arrangement requires bandwidth for both links and non-
interference between the links, but it provides hitless receive and transmit switching. The
SDIDUTM supports both frequency and spatial diversity. In frequency diversity, two frequencies
are used. In spatial diversity, two non-interfering paths are used. In either case, the proprietary
framer chooses the best, or error-free, data stream and forwards it to the Line Interface Units
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-20
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Connected to
east modem
Connected to
west modem
Connected to
west modem
Connected to
east modem
Figure 2-8. 1+1 protection in diversity mode
169H166HFigure 2-9 shows operation in non-diversity mode. In this mode, one ODU at each location
transmits to both two ODUs at the other location. This mode does not require the extra
bandwidth or interference protection of diversity mode. It provides hitless receive switching and
hot standby. The SDIDUTM automatically switches transmit ODU upon appropriate ODU alarm or
ODU interface error, minimizing transmit outage time.
Connected to
west modem
Connected to
east modem
Connected to
west modem
Connected to
east modem
Figure 2-9. 1+1 protection in non-diversity mode
2.9 1 + 1 Multi-hop Repeater Configuration
The MDS Digital Radio Series supports a 1 + 1 multi-hop repeater configuration with drop/insert
capability as shown in 171H168HFigure 2-10. This configuration provides individual 1 + 1 link protection as
described in section 172H169H2.8, as well as the full-scale protection inherent in the consecutive point
architecture as described in section 173H170H2.6. At each location within the network, data may be
dropped or inserted. Front panel connections for drop/insert capability are shown in 174H171HFigure 2-11.
In this configuration each SDIDUTM contains two power supplies and two modems.
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-21
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05-4561A01, Rev. A
Figure 2-10. 1 + 1 Multi-hop Repeater Configuration
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-22
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05-4561A01, Rev. A
Figure 2-11. Front Panel connections in 1 + 1 multi-hop repeater configuration
2.10 Data Interfaces
The I/O card has 2x100BaseTX interfaces that can be configured as either primary payload, or
secondary wayside channels. The Over-the-air channel has a data-bandwidth capacity that is set
by the frequency-bandwidth, modulation, and coding. The data-bandwidth may be allocated to
various I/O card interfaces, including STM-1, 2 Mbps per E1, up to 50 Mbps Ethernet, and up to 1
Mbps NMS. Only up to 100 Mbps of data-bandwidth may be allocated for Ethernet data, and the
two I/O card 100BaseTX interfaces will share that 100 Mbps data-bandwidth.
There is also an option mini-I/O card, which provides STM-1 Optical/OC-3 or STM-1 Electrical
interfaces. The optical interface is single mode at 1300 nm. Consult factory for availability of
Mini-IO STM-1/OC-3 Module.
2.11 Power Management
RF power management is a radio design feature that controls the power level (typically expressed
in dBm) of the RF signal received from a transmitter by a receiver. The traditional goal of power
management is to ensure that the RF signal at a receiver is strong enough to maintain the radio
link under changing weather and link conditions.
Traditional power management techniques such as Constant Transmit Power Control (CTPC)
and Automatic Transmit Power Control (ATPC) transmit at a high power level to overcome the
effects of fading and interference. However, these techniques continue to operate at a higher
User Reference and Installation Guide 2-23
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS Digital Radio Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
power level than needed to maintain the link in clear weather. Because transmit power remains
high when the weather clears, the level of system interference increases.
Radios operating at high transmit power will interfere with other radios, even if the interfering
source is miles away from the victim. High interference levels can degrade signal quality to the
point that wireless radio links become unreliable and network availability suffers. The traditional
solution to system interference is to increase the distance between radios. However, the resulting
sparse deployment model is inappropriate for metropolitan areas.
In response to the need for a high-density deployment model the MDS Digital Radio Series use a
unique power control technique called AdTPC. AdTPC enables MDS Digital Radio Series units to
transmit at the minimum power level necessary to maintain a link regardless of the prevailing
weather and interference conditions. The MDS Digital Radio Series is designed and
manufactured to not exceed the +23 dBm maximum power allowed. The purpose of power
management is to minimize transmit power level when lower power levels are sufficient. AdTPC
also extends the concept of power management by controlling not only the power (dBm) of the
RF signal, but its quality (signal-to-noise ratio) as well.
In contrast to ATPC, the AdTPC technique dynamically adjusts the output power based on both
the actual strength and quality of the signal. Networked radios constantly monitor receive power
and maintain 10-12 BER performance under varying interference and climate conditions. Each
radio detects when there is a degradation in the received signal level of quality and adjusts the
transmit power level of the far-end unit to correct for it.
AdTPC provides maximum power in periods of heavy interference and fading and minimum power
when conditions are clear. Minimal transmit power reduces potential for co-channel and adjacent
channel interference with other RF devices in the service area, thereby ensuring maximum
frequency re-use. The resulting benefit is that operators are able to deploy more radios in a
smaller area.
2.12 MDS Digital Radio Series Software and
Network Management
All Digital Radio Series parameters are accessible in three ways:
1. Using a standard web-browser via HTTP to access the built in webserver.
2. Via SNMP using the fully featured MIB, allowing for automation of data collection and
network management.
3. Via a command line client accessible from a terminal client connected to the serial port, or
telnet over the NMS Ethernet.
The GUI, SNMP, and CLI control are discussed in the Digital Radio Series User Interface Manual.
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
3 Installation
3.1 Unpacking
The following is a list of possible included items.
Description Quantity
Digital Radio SDIDUTM (1RU chassis) 1
ODU (with hardware) 1
Manual and/or Quick Start Guide 1
Figure 3-1. MDS Digital Radio Series Components
Be sure to retain the original boxes and packing material in case of return shipping. Inspect all
items for damage and/or loose parts. Contact the shipping company immediately if anything
appears damaged. If any of the listed parts are missing, call the distributor or the factory
immediately to resolve the problem.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-2
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
3.2 Notices
3.3 Required Tools
The following tools are needed for installation.
3.3.1 SDIDUTM Tools
1/8” Slotted screwdriver for securing power supply connector
Screwdriver for rack mount assembly. Size and types depends on rack mount screws
(not included).
3.3.2 ODU Tools
13 mm or adjustable wrench for ODU bracket mounting bolts
17 mm or adjustable wrench for U-Bolt
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-3
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
It may be useful to gain familiarity with the MDS Digital Radio Series via back-to-back bench
testing prior to final installation. We highly recommend installation of lightning protectors on the
ODU/SDIDUTM Interconnect Cable to prevent line surges from damaging expensive components.
Back-to-back bench testing prior to final installation is highly recommended in order to gain
familiarity with the product. The following additional equipment is required for back-to-back
Low-loss cables, N-male connectors on ODU interfaces.
Two inline RF attenuators, 30 dB each, rated for ODU frequency.
The SDIDUTM and ODUs must be configured in an operational configuration and set-up as shown
in 175H172HFigure 3-2. When equipment is connected in operational configuration, no errors should be
reported on the front panel.
ODU - 1
Ant. Port
ODU - 2
30 dB 30 dB
Ant. Port
Figure 3-2. MDS Digital Radio Series Back-to-Back Testing Configuration
3.5 Overview of Installation and Testing
The installation and testing process is accomplished by performing a series of separate, yet
interrelated, procedures, each of which is required for the successful implementation of a
production Digital Radio Series network. These procedures are as follows:
Site Evaluation: gathering specific information about potential radio installation sites.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-4
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Cable and Installation: Testing and installing ODU cables and optional interface devices at
installation sites.
ODU Mounting and Alignment: Mounting ODUs to a pole or wall, performing link alignment
and radio frequency (RF) verification.
Radio Configuration: Using MDS Series Link Manager software to install network- and site-
specific parameters in the radios.
Radio Testing: Performing cable continuity checks and RF tests for links, the payload/radio
overhead channel, and the management channel.
The following diagram shows where installation and commissioning resides within the radio
network deployment life cycle, and defines the sequence in which the processes that comprise
installation and commissioning should be performed.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-5
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
RF Planning
& Network
Site Selection
& Acquisition
Installation &
Operation &
Upgrade &
Install Cables
Mount and Align
Perform Site
Configure Digital
Software Defined
Perform Fast
PDH Network Test
SDH Network Test
Type of
Installation &
Network Life Cycle
3.6 Site Evaluation
A site evaluation consists of a series of procedures for gathering specific information about
potential radio locations. This information is critical to the successful design and deployment of a
Site evaluations are required to confirm whether or not a building meets network design
requirements. The main objectives are as follows:
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-6
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Line of sight for each link
ODU mounting locations
Site equipment locations
Cable routes
Any other potential RF sources
Prepare site drawings and record site information
3.6.1 Preparing for a Site Evaluation
The following tools are required to perform a site evaluation:
RF and network design diagrams (as required)
Global positioning system (GPS) or range finder
Measuring tape and/or wheel
Digital camera
Area map
Aerial photograph (if available)
List of potential installation sites (“targeted buildings”)
The following tasks must be completed prior to performing a site evaluation:
Prepare the initial network design by performing the following:
Identify potential buildings by identifying targeted customers (applicable if you’re a service
Identify potential links by selecting buildings based on the high probability of line of sight
Arrange for access with the facility personnel into the buildings, equipment rooms, and
architectural plans to become familiar with the location of all ducts, risers, etc.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-7
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
3.6.2 Site Evaluation Process
The following steps must be completed to perform a successful site evaluation. Each step in the
process is detailed in the following subparagraphs:
Ensure RF Safety compliance: Ensure that appropriate warning signs are properly placed
and posted at the equipment site or access entry. For a complete list of warnings, refer
the Safety Precautions listed at the beginning of this manual.
Ensure Compliance with Laws, Regulations, Codes, and Agreements: Ensure that any
installation performed as a result of the site evaluation is in full compliance with applicable
federal and local laws, regulations, electrical codes, building codes, and fire codes.
Establish Radio Line of Sight between radios: The most critical step in conducting a
site evaluation is confirming a clear visual and radio Line of Sight (LOS) between a
near radio and a far radio. If LOS does not exist, another location must be used.
Radios used in a link must have a clear view of each other, or visual “line of sight”.
Binoculars may be used evaluate the path from the desired location of the near radio to
the desired location of the far unit.
To confirm Line of Sight:
- Ensure that no obstructions are close to the transmitting/receiving path. Take into
consideration trees, bridges, construction of new buildings, unexpected aerial traffic,
window washing units, etc.
- Ensure that each ODU can be mounted in the position required to correctly align it
with its link partner.
The radios must also have a clear radio line of sight. If a hard object, such as a mountain
ridge or building, is too close to the signal path, it can damage the radio signal or reduce
its strength. This happens even though the obstacle does not obscure the direct, visual
line of sight. The Fresnel zone for a radio beam is an elliptical area immediately
surrounding the visual path. It varies in thickness depending on the length of the signal
path and the frequency of the signal. The necessary clearance for the Fresnel zone can
be calculated, and it must be taken into account when designing a wireless links.
As shown in the picture above, when a hard object protrudes into the signal path within
the Fresnel zone, knife-edge diffraction can deflect part of the signal and cause it to reach
the receiving antenna slightly later than the direct signal. Since these deflected signals
are out of phase with the direct signal, they can reduce its power or cancel it out
altogether. If trees or other 'soft' objects protrude into the Fresnel zone, they can
attenuate (reduced the strength of) a passing signal. In short, the fact that you can see a
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-8
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
location does not mean that you can establish a quality radio link to that location.
Microwave Data Systems provides a link planner spreadsheet that calculates the Fresnel
ratio and helps determine link feasibility. Contact your technical support representative
for a copy of the spreadsheet.
Determine ODU Mounting Requirements: ODUs can be mounted on an antenna mast,
brick, masonry or wall. Refer to detailed installation sections.
Determine SDIDUTM Installation Location: SDIDUsTM can be installed tabletop or cabinet,
wall mount, or rack mount. The site must provide DC power or an optional AC/DC
converter may be used. Refer to detailed installation sections.
Document Potential Sources of Co-location Interference: When ODUs are located on a
roof or pole with other transmitters and receivers, an interference analysis may be
required to determine and resolve potential interference issues. The interference analysis
needs to be performed by an RF engineer. The specific information required for each
transmitter and receiver includes the following:
- Transmitting and/or receiving frequency
- Type of antenna
- Distance from ODU (horizontal and vertical)
- Polarity (horizontal or vertical)
- Transmit power level
- Antenna direction
Measure the Link Distance: The two ways to measure link distance are as follows:
- GPS: record the latitude and longitude for the near and far ODU sites and calculate
the link distance. Record the mapping datum used by the GPS unit and ensure the
same mapping datum is used for all site evaluations in a given network.
- Range finder: measure the link distance (imperial or metric units may be used).
Once the link distance has been measured, verify that the link distance meets the
availability requirements of the link. Microwave Data Systems has created a spreadsheet
tool that calculates the link availability based on the details of the link. The Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet is available on Internet, at, and is shown on
the following page. The following parameters should be entered (items in yellow):
Operating Frequency: Enter 4900
Transmit Antenna Gain: Enter the gain of the external antenna.
Transmit Output Power: Selectable between +5 to +23 dBm in 1 dB steps.
Receive Antenna Gain: Enter the gain of the external antenna if used.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-9
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Link Distance: Enter distance in miles or kilometers (must select the correct units: miles or
Fresnel Clearance Ratio: This is a factor indicating the radio line of sight. A clear radio
line of site has a Fresnel clearance ratio of +0.60. As the curvature of the earth or other
obstacles degrade the radio line of sight, the ratio can drop to –1. A separate spreadsheet
is provided to calculate the appropriate ratio. In this spreadsheet the path length, tower
heights and heights of any obstructions or ridges in the path of the link are entered.
Climate Factor: Enter 0.1 for dry, 0.25 for average and 0.5 for humid environments
Terrain Factor: Enter 0.25 for mountainous, 1 for average, and 4 for smooth (water)
Determine the Length of Interconnect Cable from ODU to SDIDUTM: The primary
consideration for the outdoor interconnect cable from the ODU to SDIDUTM is the distance
and route between the ODU and SDIDUTM. Maximum cable lengths are listed in 176H173HTable
Table 3-1. Maximum cable lengths
Loss at (dB/100 m)
Cable Type 140 MHz 350 MHz
LMR-200 12.6 20.1 100 m
LMR-300 7.6 12.1 165 m
LMR-400 4.9 7.8 256 m
RG-214 8 13.1 153 m
Belden 7808 8.6 14 143 m
* Does not account for connector loss.
The link availability, dispersive fade margin and expected signal strength readings are calculated
based on the entered parameters. Maximum link distances based on the antenna and transmitter
power settings are also displayed.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-10
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
MDS FIVE series Link Planner: 5.3GHz Availability
Operating Frequency (MHz)
Transmit Antenna Gain (dBi)
Transmitter Output Power (dBm)
Receive Antenna Gain (dBi)
Link Distance 3.93 miles
Fresnel Clearance Ratio
Climate Factor
Terrain Factor
MDS FIVE series Mode
5.3GHz Band
Modem Data
Rate (Mbps)
Link Fade
Margin (dB)
5.3G-25FE1 31.112E+6 30.0 -83 12 -71 99.9987
5.3G-25FE2 31.112E+6 20.0 -82 11 -71 99.9984
5.3G-25FE3 31.112E+6 13.3 -82 11 -71 99.9984
5.3G-50FE1 56.733E+6 30.0 -80 9 -71 99.9975
5.3G-50FE2 56.733E+6 20.0 -77 6 -71 99.9950
5.3G-50FE3 56.733E+6 13.3 -72 1 -71 99.9845
5.3G-100FE1 107.797E+6 30.0 -73 2 -71 99.9876
5.3G-16E1-2 36.918E+6 20.0 -82 11 -71 99.9984
5.3G-16T1-2 28.655E+6 20.0 -84 13 -71 99.9990
5.3G-16E1-3 36.918E+6 13.3 -82 11 -71 99.9984
5.3G-16T1-3 28.655E+6 13.3 -84 13 -71 99.9990
Note1: FCC's definition; negative clearance indicates no optical LOS; range is [-1,…,0.6]; 0.6 is radio LOS condition.
Note2: Accounting for single knife-edge diffraction loss only.
Note3: BER<<1e-6.
Note4: Listed data rates inlcudes 2 E1 Wayside channels, except for 16E1/T1 modes.
99.9% 99.99% 99.999%
5.3G-25FE1 QPSK 3/4 -83 953
5.3G-25FE2 16QAM 3/4 -82 953
5.3G-25FE3 16QAM 3/4 -82 953
5.3G-50FE1 16QAM 3/4 -80 853
5.3G-50FE2 32QAM 4/5 -77 742
5.3G-50FE3 64QAM 11/12 -72 532
5.3G-100FE1 32QAM 9/10 -73 532
5.3G-16E1-2 16QAM 3/4 -82 953
5.3G-16T1-2 16QAM 3/4 -84 963
5.3G-16E1-3 16QAM 7/8 -82 953
5.3G-16T1-3 16QAM 7/8 -84 963
for Various Availability
Max Distance
MDS FIVE series Mode
and Code
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-11
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Path Length (Km ) 10
TX Tow er Height (m ) 30
RX Tow e r Height (m ) 30
Fre quency (MHz) 5800
Calculated Fresnel Clearance Ratio 0.48
MDS FIVE series Link Planner: Fresnel Zone Clearance
from TX
(Km )
Height (m )
Radius (m )
Fre snel
Height (m )
Radio LOS (60%
Fre snel
Clearance) Zone
Height (m )
(m )
Height (m )
Total Earth
Height (m )
Fr esnel
0.0 30.0 0.0 30.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
0.3 30.0 3.5 26.5 27.9 0.1 0.0 0.1 8.42
0.5 30.0 5.0 25.0 27.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 6.00
0.8 30.0 6.0 24.0 26.4 0.4 0.0 0.4 4.95
1.0 30.0 6.8 23.2 25.9 0.5 0.0 0.5 4.32
1.3 30.0 7.5 22.5 25.5 0.6 0.0 0.6 3.91
1.5 30.0 8.1 21.9 25.1 0.8 0.0 0.8 3.61
1.8 30.0 8.6 21.4 24.8 0.8 20.0 20.8 1.06
2.0 30.0 9.1 20.9 24.5 0.9 10.0 10.9 2.10
2.3 30.0 9.5 20.5 24.3 1.0 10.0 11.0 2.00
2.5 30.0 9.8 20.2 24.1 1.1 23.0 24.1 0.60
2.8 30.0 10.1 19.9 23.9 1.2 24.0 25.2 0.48
3.0 30.0 10.4 19.6 23.8 1.2 0.0 1.2 2.76
3.3 30.0 10.6 19.4 23.6 1.3 0.0 1.3 2.70
3.5 30.0 10.8 19.2 23.5 1.3 0.0 1.3 2.65
3.8 30.0 11.0 19.0 23.4 1.4 0.0 1.4 2.60
4.0 30.0 11.1 18.9 23.3 1.4 10.0 11.4 1.67
4.3 30.0 11.2 18.8 23.3 1.4 0.0 1.4 2.54
4.5 30.0 11.3 18.7 23.2 1.5 0.0 1.5 2.53
4.8 30.0 11.3 18.7 23.2 1.5 0.0 1.5 2.52
5.0 30.0 11.4 18.6 23.2 1.5 0.0 1.5 2.51
5.3 30.0 11.3 18.7 23.2 1.5 0.0 1.5 2.52
5.5 30.0 11.3 18.7 23.2 1.5 0.0 1.5 2.53
5.8 30.0 11.2 18.8 23.3 1.4 0.0 1.4 2.54
6.0 30.0 11.1 18.9 23.3 1.4 0.0 1.4 2.57
6.3 30.0 11.0 19.0 23.4 1.4 0.0 1.4 2.60
6.5 30.0 10.8 19.2 23.5 1.3 18.5 19.8 0.94
6.8 30.0 10.6 19.4 23.6 1.3 0.0 1.3 2.70
7.0 30.0 10.4 19.6 23.8 1.2 0.0 1.2 2.76
7.3 30.0 10.1 19.9 23.9 1.2 0.0 1.2 2.84
7.5 30.0 9.8 20.2 24.1 1.1 0.0 1.1 2.94
7.8 30.0 9.5 20.5 24.3 1.0 0.0 1.0 3.05
8.0 30.0 9.1 20.9 24.5 0.9 0.0 0.9 3.20
8.3 30.0 8.6 21.4 24.8 0.8 0.0 0.8 3.38
8.5 30.0 8.1 21.9 25.1 0.8 0.0 0.8 3.61
8.8 30.0 7.5 22.5 25.5 0.6 0.0 0.6 3.91
9.0 30.0 6.8 23.2 25.9 0.5 0.0 0.5 4.32
9.3 30.0 6.0 24.0 26.4 0.4 0.0 0.4 4.95
9.5 30.0 5.0 25.0 27.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 6.00
9.8 30.0 3.5 26.5 27.9 0.1 0.0 0.1 8.42
10.0 30.0 0.0 30.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
Note1: Earth Curvature is based on a spherical Earth model w ith a nominal radius of 6371Km and a typical K-f actor of 1.33.
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
Di st a nc e ( k m)
Opt ical LOS 1st Fr esnel Radio LOS Ear th Cur vat ure Obstr uctions
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-12
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Select the Grounding Location for both the ODU and SDIDUTM: The units must be properly
grounded in order to protect them and the structure they are installed on from lightning damage.
Final ODU/SDIDUTM installation requires:
Grounding all ODUs as specified by supplier
Grounding all SDIDUsTM to the rack
Confirming the Presence of DC Power for the SDIDUsTM
3.6.3 Critical System Calculations Received Signal Level (RSL) and Link Budget
The received signal level (RSL) can be estimated using the following formula:
RSL (dBm) = PTX + GTX ANT – LPath + GRX ANT
Where: PTX is the transmitter output power (in dBm)
GTX ANT is the gain of the transmit antenna (in dB)
GRX ANT is the gain of the receive antenna (in dB)
LPath is the Path loss, defined by:
LP (dB) = 36.6 + 20log10(F*D)
Where: F is the Frequency in MHz (4900 GHz), D is the Distance of path in miles
This link budget is very important in determining any potential problems during installation. The
expected RSL and measured RSL should be close (+/- 5 to 10 dB) Fade Margin Calculation
The fade margin is the difference between the actual received signal and the MDS FOUR.9
Series Radio’s threshold for the modulation mode selected. The fade margin can be used to
determine availability and should be at least 10 dB. Availability Calculation
Availability of the microwave path is a prediction of the percent of time that the link will operate
without producing an excessive BER due to multipath fading. Availability is affected by the
Path length
Fade margin
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-13
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Terrain (smooth, average, mountainous, valleys)
Climate (dry, temperate, hot, humid)
Depending on the type of traffic carried over the link and the overall network design redundancy,
fade margin should be included to support the desired availability rate. Critical data and voice
may require a very high availability rate (99.999% or 4.9 minutes of predicted outage per year).
To improve availability, the fade margin can be increased by shortening the path length,
transmitting at a higher power level, or by using higher gain antennas.
Availability can be computed using the following formula, which is known as the Vigants Barnett
Availability = 100 × (1 – P)
P = 2.5 × 10-9 × C × F × D3× 10(-FM/10)
Where F is the frequency in MHz (4900 MHz)
D is the distance in miles
FM is the fade margin in dB
C is the climate/terrain factor as defined below:
Humid/Over Water: C = 4 (worst case channel)
Average Conditions: C = 1
Dry/Mountains: C = 0.25 (best case channel)
Example: Assume 21 dB fade margin, over 5 miles with average climate/terrain, at 4.9 GHz. The
availability comes out to be 99.9986. This corresponds to the link being unavailable for 7.6
minutes per year.
3.6.4 Frequency Plan Determination
When configuring Digital Radio Series units in a point-to-point or consecutive point configuration,
careful engineering should be applied in order to minimize potential interference between nearby
radios. Nearby radios should operate on different frequencies, transmitting in the same band
(high side or low side). When designing multi-radio configurations, antenna size, antenna
polarization, and antenna location are critical.
The frequency plan must be selected based on desired data rate and expected link conditions. In
a high interference environment or with lower gain antennas, higher bandwidth, more robust
modulation formats must be employed. The available frequency plans are illustrated in Figure 3-3.
The channel assignments shown in the figures correspond to the channel numbers entered via
the graphical user interface (GUI) or SNMP.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-14
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Figure 3-3. Frequency Plans for 4.9 GHZ and 6.4 GHz Band
(Pubs Note: The lower chart needs to be revised for 6.4 GHz—Greg Mills?)
3.6.5 Antenna Planning
The ODU must be used with an external antenna. The choice of antenna should provide
adequate link performance for most applications.
Larger antennas have the advantage of providing narrower beamwidths and high isotropic gain,
which yields better link performance (higher fade margin, better availability), and improves
immunity to spatial interference (due to the smaller beamwidths). However, larger antennas are
more costly to purchase and install than smaller antennas and in some cases, they require
special equipment for installation due to narrower beamwidths. They are also more easily
affected by wind.
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© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Only directional antennas can be used with the radios. Consult factory for antenna manufacturer
1. Select where the cable will enter the building from the outside.
2. Determine the length of cable required. Allow three extra feet on each end to allow for strain
relief, as well as any bends and turns.
3.6.6 ODU Transmit Power Setup
Setting the ODU transmit power is conditional on the band and application. The installer of
this equipment is responsible for proper selection of allowable power settings. If there are
any questions on power settings refer to your professional installer in order to maintain
the FCC legal ERP limits.
The SDIDUTM employs spectrally efficient shaped Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). This
waveform is not a constant envelope waveform. Therefore, the average power and peak power
are different. The difference in peak and average power depends on the constellation type and
shaping factor, where spectral efficiency such as more constellation points or lower shaping
factor leading to peak powers higher than average powers. The peak power is typically 5-7 dB
greater than the average power in the SDIDUTM, and never exceeds 7 dB. Regulatory
requirements are usually based on peak EIRP which is based on peak power and antenna gain. 4.9 GHz Band
In the 4.9 GHz Public Safety band the peak EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) is limited
to +57.8 dBm at the antenna for bandwidths up to 15 MHz and is reduced for narrower
bandwidths in accordance with FCC Part 90.1215. The ODU must therefore be adjusted so that
the station does not exceed the allowable limit.
The installer is responsible during set up of transmit power to not exceed FCC limits on
transmission power. These maximum power levels are provided in Table 3-2 for various antenna
configurations, along with the operational bandwidths.
Note that though regulatory limits are stated in terms of peak power, the system transmit power
levels are calibrated as averaged power readings. Average power is used for link calculations.
Therefore the levels provided in table 3-2 are average power levels that have been certified to
correspond with the maximum peak EIRP allowed.
EIRP is calculated for link budget with external antennas as,
EIRP(avg) dBm = External Antenna Gain (dBi) + 23 dBm ODU with External Antenna
When using external antennas with gains greater than 23 dBi, the transmit power must be
reduced in dB from that given in Table 3-1 by the antenna gain difference above 23 dBi for the
mode that is being used.
For example, using a 6-foot dish antenna with 37 dBi gain, the output power would be dropped by
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-16
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Antenna Gain (External) – 23 dBi = Antenna Gain Difference
37.6 dBi – 23 dBi = 14.6 dB
For mode 100FE1 (single channel configuration with 30MHz emission bandwidth) the power
would be lowered from
Tx Power – Antenna Gain Difference = Tx Power (External Ant)
+5 dBm – 14.6 dB = -9.6 dBm (-10 dBm).
Table 3-1 also presents transmit power settings for various antenna dish sizes.
For link budget, EIRP (Avg) dBm = 37 dBi + Tx Power Setting (dBm).
Table 3-2. Maximum Power Settings for 4.9GHz Public Safety Band Operation (US).
Gain, dBi*
Maximum Tx
Setting, dBm
8 foot dish 39.5 17 56.5
6 foot dish 36.1 21 57.1
4 foot dish 33.1 23 56.1
3 foot dish 30.5 23 53.5
2 foot dish 27.1 23 50.1
* Note: Many antenna manufacturers rate antenna gain in dBd (dB referred to a dipole antenna)
in their literature. To convert to dBi, add 2.15 dB.
Power settings for other modes of operation can be easily extrapolated from Table 3-2. For link
budget calculations,
EIRP (Avg) dBm= Antenna Gain (dBi) + Tx Power Setting (dBm).
Though transmitter radiated power is limited in the 4.9 GHz band regardless of antenna size, the
receiver benefits from gain of larger antennas. 6.4 GHz Band
In the 6.4 GHz Fixed Microwave Services band the peak EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated
Power) is limited to +55 dBw at the antenna for any bandwidths. The ODU must therefore be
adjusted so that the station does not exceed the allowable limit.
The installer is responsible during set up of transmit power to not exceed FCC limits on
transmission power.
EIRP is calculated for link budget with external antennas as,
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-17
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
EIRP (avg) dBm = External Antenna Gain (dBi) + 23 dBm
For link budget calculations,
EIRP (Avg) dBm= Antenna Gain (dBi) + Tx Power Setting (dBm).
Though transmitter radiated power is limited in the 6.4 GHz band regardless of antenna size, the
receiver benefits from gain of larger antennas.
3.6.7 Documenting a Site Evaluation
Use the site evaluation form provided on the following pages to document the results of your site
evaluation. Optimally, this complete site form would be stored with the SDIDUTM for future
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-18
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Address Site Engineer
Contact Person
Site No Site Agent
Site Type
# Latitude Longitude
Example Information Information Information
ODU# 4
Clear Line of Sight Yes
Mounting Method Wall or Pole
FCC Compliance Yes
ODU Azimuth 60 degrees
GPS Reading 80 21' 48"
Cable Lengths
Interconnect Cable 250 feet
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Sketch 1
Sketch 2
*Photographs **Sketches
Photo 1 - ODU mounting location Sketch 1- Roof and cable route to entry point
Phone 2 - View from the ODU mounting location to the link partner Sketch 2 - Details for grounding and lighting protection
Photo 3 - IDU location Sketch 3 - IDU room and cable routes from entry port
Site Evaluation Form
ODU Roof Location
Mapping Datum (ex. NDA27)
Roof Requirements
Recommendations for Site Photographs and Sketches
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-19
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Site Evaluation
Example Information Information
Tx and/or Rx
2.1 GHz
Distance from ODU 5 feet
Sprint PCS
210 degrees
2 degrees downtilt
Antenna Type
Example Information Information
IDU room Identified Yes
Space for cabinet
Phone line
Need to install
48 VDC available? Yes
Confirm cables
Take Photo 3
Sketch 3
Front View
Top View
Side View
Equipment Cabinet
Equipment Dimensions
Indoor Space
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-20
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
3.7 Installation of the Digital Radio Series
The following sections provide installation guides for:
SDIDUTM Installation
ODU Installation
3.7.1 Installing the Software Defined IDUTM
The SDIDUTM can be installed in the following three options:
1. Table top or cabinet
2. Wall mount
3. Rack mount
The SDIDUTM should be:
Located where you can easily connect to a power supply and any other equipment used in
your network, such as a router or PC.
In a relatively clean, dust-free environment that allows easy access to the rear grounding post
as well as the front panel controls and indicators. Air must be able to pass freely over the
Accessible for service and troubleshooting.
Protected from rain and extremes of temperature (it is designed for indoor use). Installing on a Table Top or Cabinet
The SDIDUTM can be placed on a tabletop or cabinet shelf. In order to prevent possible
disruption, it is recommended to use a strap to secure the SDIDUTM. Installing on a Wall
An installation option for the SDIDUTM is mounting the unit to a wall. If the wall mount option is
being considered, plan to position the SDIDUTM at a height that allows LEDs, the connectors on
the front panel, and the rear grounding post to be visible at all times and easily accessible. Also,
including plastic clamps to support and arrange the ODU/ SDIDUTM Interconnect Cable should
also be considered.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-21
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A Installing in a Rack
To rack-mount the SDIDUTM, use the supplied mounting brackets to secure the chassis to a 19-
inch rack cabinet. As shown in 179H176HFigure 3-5, the brackets can be attached to the front sides of the
enclosure. An optional 21-inch rack mount kit is also available (consult factory for details).
Figure 3-5. SDIDUTM Dimensions
3.7.2 Installing the ODU
The ODU is intended for mounting on either a pole or antenna mast.
Each site must be assessed for the mounting method, location, and height. After defining the
mounting location and height for the ODU, re-confirm the line of sight.
When operating a 1+1 configured SDIDU™, i.e. an SDIDU™ with two power supplies and two
modem modules installed, in 1+0 mode, the ODU must be connected to the modem in the bottom
slot. If the ODU is connected to the modem in the top slot, the SDIDU™ will not communicate
with the ODU, and a link cannot be established. Installing the Mounting Poles
First install the mounting poles, on which you will mount the ODU. It is important to note the
direction in which the ODU will point when installing the mounting pole.
The mounting pole must be mounted in a vertical position. Failure to do so may result in
improper alignment of the ODU. Vertical tilt of the ODU is accomplished from the tilt-mounting
The mounting pole must be grounded.
Now that you have installed the mounting pole, you are ready to install the ODU onto the
mounting poles. Refer to80H177HFigure 3-6 through 181H178HFigure 3-9.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-22
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Figure 3-6. Mounting Parts for the ODU
1. Remove the pole mount portion of the tilt bracket from the ODU by loosening the middle
bolts and removing the top and bottom bolts on each side.
2. Mount the tilt bracket to the mounting pole using the U-Bolts and nuts. Insert the U-bolts
around the pole and through the holes in the tilt bracket. Install a washer and nut to each
side of the threaded U-bolt and hand tighten. Repeat this step for the second U-bolt.
3. Place the ODU on the mating half of the tilt bracket connected by the two center bolts.
4. Add the remaining four bolts to the tilt bracket and tighten securely.
5. Manually point the antenna in the direction of the link partner.
Figure 3-7. ODU Rear View
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-23
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Figure 3-8. Tilt Bracket
Figure 3-9. ODU with Mounted Tilt Bracket
3.7.3 Routing the ODU/ SDIDUTM Interconnect Cable
1. Select where the cable will enter the building from outside.
2. Determine the length of cable required. Allow three extra feet on each end to allow for strain
relief, as well as any bends and turns.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-24
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
3. Route the cable.
The SDIDUTM is equipped with TNC female connector on the front of the chassis. Depending on
the ODU type, it will be equipped with either a N-type or TNC female connector at its
interconnecting port. A length of coaxial cable (such as Times Microwave Systems LMR-400,
LMR-300 or LMR-200) fitted with the appropriate N-type or TNC male connectors is required to
connect the ODU to the SDIDUTM. This cable assembly may be supplied in fixed lengths with the
digital radio. Bulk coaxial cable of equivalent specification may also be used, with terminating
connectors applied during cable installation.
Based on an evaluation of the cable routing path, pull the ODU/SDIDUTM Interconnect cable from
one unit to the other, utilizing cable trays, ducts, or conduit as required. Take care that the ODU/
SDIDUTM Interconnect cable is not kinked or damaged in any way during installation. Be sure to
protect the TNC connectors from stress, damage and contamination during installation (do not
pull the cable by the connectors). If multiple ODU/ SDIDUTM Interconnect cables are to be
installed along the same route, the cables should all be pulled at one time. Be sure the installed
cable does not have any bends that exceed the specified cable bend radius. The ODU/ SDIDUTM
Interconnect cable should be adequately supported on horizontal runs and should be restrained
by hangers or ties on vertical runs to reduce stress on the cable. Outside the building, support
and restrain the cable as required by routing and environmental conditions (wind, ice).
The ODU/SDIDUTM and interconnection must be properly grounded in order to protect it and the
structure it is installed on from lightning damage. This requires that the ODU, any mounting pole
or mast and any exposed interconnect cable be grounded on the outside of the structure. The
SDIDUTM must be grounded to a rack or structure ground that also has direct path to earth
The ODU must be directly connected to a ground rod or equivalent earth ground. The ODU/
SDIDUTM interconnect cable should also be grounded at the ODU, where the cable enters the
structure and at intermediate points if the exposed cable run is long (typically at intervals of 100
ft), with the cable manufacturer’s grounding kits. Lightning protection devices used with the
interconnect cable must be appropriate for the transmission of the interconnect signals (DC to
350 MHz).
Provide a sufficient but not excessive length of cable at each end to allow easy connection to the
ODU and SDIDUTM without stress or tension on the cable. Excessive cable length, especially
outdoors, should be avoided to minimize signal attenuation and provide a more robust and
reliable installation. If installing using bulk coaxial cable, terminate the ODU/ SDIDUTM
Interconnect cable at each end with a TNC male connector on the SDIDUTM side and either a N-
type or TNC male connector on the ODU side that is appropriate for the cable type. Use of
connectors, tools and termination procedures specified by the cable manufacturer is
Once the cable has been installed but before connection has been made to either unit, a simple
DC continuity test should be made to verify the integrity of the installed cable. A DC continuity
tester or digital multimeter may be used to verify a lack of DC continuity between the cable center
conductor and outer conductor, with the opposite end of the cable unconnected. With a
temporary test lead or shorting adapter connected to one end of the cable, DC continuity should
be verified between the center and outer conductors at the opposite end.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-25
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
3.8 Quick Start Guide
3.8.1 Materials Required
1. Power supply (-48 V DC @ 2 Amps) OR optional AC/DC power supply and power cable
(A Phoenix Contact P/N 17 86 83 1 connector is provided
2. Digital voltmeter with test leads and BNC connector (optional, for ODU alignment).
3. SDIDUTM Serial Cable (Optional)
4. Computer with networking capability, consisting of either:
- Laptop computer and Ethernet card with any necessary adapters and a Cat-5 Ethernet
regular or crossover cable or…
- Networked computer and an additional Ethernet cable providing access to the network.
The computer must meet the following system requirements:
Pentium II 400MHz
30MB available hard drive space
Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP
Internet Explorer 5.5 (available at 66H66H and above or Mozilla
Firefox 1.0.6 (available at 67H67H with default settings.
Sun Java JVM 1.5.0 or above (available at 68H68H
Pentium III 500MHz
256 RAM
30MB available hard drive space
Windows 98SE, Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP
Internet Explorer 5.5 (available at 69H69H and above or Mozilla
Firefox 1.0.6 (available at 70H70H with default settings.
Sun Java JVM 1.5.0 or above (available at 71H71H
5. Site engineering folder with site drawings, or equivalent SDIDUTM configuration
6. 1/8” slotted screwdriver
3.8.2 Grounding the ODU
1. Place the grounding rod so as to allow for the shortest possible path from the grounding
cable to the ODU.
2. Drive the grounding rod into the ground at least eight inches from the ground surface.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-26
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
3. Attach a grounding clamp to the grounding rod. You will use this clamp to attach
grounding wires for both the ODU and SDIDUTM, reference 182H179HFigure 3-10.
Figure 3-10 Ground Connections to ODU
4. Connect a ground lug to one end of the grounding wire.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-27
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
5. Remove one of the lower mounting screws of the mounting pole. Insert a screw through
the grounding lug terminal and re-install it to the mounting pole.
6. Attach the grounding wire to the clamp on the grounding rod. If necessary, use wire
staples to secure the grounding wire to the outside wall.
3.8.3 Grounding the SDIDUTM
1. The SDIDU™ should be able to be connected to a system or building electrical ground
point (rack ground or power third-wire ground) with a cable of 36” or less.
2. Connect the grounding wire to either grounding point on the front panel. Use 6-32x5/16
maximum length screws (not provided) to fasten the lug of the grounding cable.
3. Connect the other end of the ground to the local source of ground in an appropriate
3.8.4 Connecting the SDIDUTM to the PC and Power Source
1. Using the supplied power cable connector, pin 2 (labeled -V) should be connected to the
power supply terminal supplying -48 V dc, while pin 1 (labeled RET) should be connected
to the power supply return. Refer to 183H180HFigure 3-11. Use of a power supply with an
inappropriate ground reference may cause damage to the SDIDUTM and/or the supply.
Figure 3-11. SDIDUTM DC Power Cable Connector
2. Connect the SDIDUTM power cable to the -48 V dc power supply, and place the voltmeter
probes on the unconnected SDIDUTM end of the power cable, with the positive voltmeter
probe on pin 2 (-V) of the cable connector and the negative probe on pin 1(RET). The
connector terminal screw heads may be used as convenient monitor points. Refer to
184H181HFigure 3-11.
3. Turn on the –48 V dc supply. Verify that the digital voltmeter reads between -44 V dc and
-52 V dc when monitoring the cable points specified above. Adjust the power supply
output voltage and/or change the connections at the power supply to achieve this reading.
4. Turn the -48 V dc supply off.
5. Plug the SDIDUTM power cable into the SDIDUTM front panel DC Power connector (DC
Input). Place the voltmeter probes on the cable connector terminal screw heads as per
2 1
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-28
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
step 2 above. Refer to 185H182HFigure 3-11. Note that the SDIDUTM does not have a power
on/off switch. When DC power is connected, the digital radio powers up and is
operational. There can be up to 320 mW of RF power present at the antenna port. The
antenna should be directed safely when power is applied.
6. Turn on the -48 V dc power supply, and verify that the reading on the digital voltmeter is
as specified in step 3 above.
7. Connect the SDIDUTM to the laptop computer, using a Cat-5 Ethernet cable or connect
the SDIDUTM to a computer network, using a Cat-5 Ethernet cable. Connect the Ethernet
cable to the NMS 1 or 2 connector on the SDIDUTM front panel. Refer to 186H183HFigure 3-12 for
the SDIDUTM front panel connections.
Figure 3-12. Front Panel Connections, 1+1 Protection: SDIDUTM
3.8.5 SDIDUTM Configuration
Although basic configuration of the SDIDUTM does not require a connection to the ODU, it is
recommended that the ODU and SDIDUTM be connected prior to configuring the SDIDUTM. A
connection to the ODU must be established prior to running the Link Configuration process
(section 5.2) in order to configure ODU related parameters. Setting the IDU IP Address
1. The PC’s network configuration must be set with the parameters provided at the end of
this guide.
2. The IDU should be accessible from your PC at the default IP address provided at the end
of this guide. A network ‘ping’ can be done to verify connectivity to the IDU.
3. Start web browser and use the SDIDUTM default IP address as the URL.
4. Log in at the login prompt. The username and password are provided at the end of this
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-29
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
5. The GUI includes a navigation menu in the left frame. If this navigation menu is not
visible, make sure the Java environment is properly installed and active. In the navigation
menu, select Administration, then Network Configuration, and then General. The IP
address, IP Netmask, and IP Gateway are shown.
6. Enter the new IP address, IP Netmask, and IP Gateway. The gateway must be in the
same subnet as the IP address for proper operation. Click “Update” to change the
7. To verify the new IP address, change the PC's network configuration to be on the same
subnet as the new IP address set in the unit and a network 'ping' may be performed to the
new address.
8. To continue using the GUI, point the web browser to the new IP address. Link Configuration
1. Start the SDIDUTM GUI.
2. Use the frame on the left side of the window to navigate to “Link Configuration”, then
“Radio Link.”
3. Select the subcategory “Link Configuration.”
4. Select the operating mode. If the SDIDUTM has one modem installed and is connected to
one ODU, select standard. If the SDIDUTM has two modems installed and is connected to
two ODUs, select 1+1 diversity or 1+1 non-diversity for a protected link or east-west for a
2+0 ring configuration.
5. Follow the wizard located here to enter the rest of the required settings. Setting SDIDUTM Site Attributes
1. Start the SDIDUTM GUI.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration, then Device Information, and then Device
3. Enter the Owner, Contact, Description, and Location. These values are not required for
operation, but will help keep a system organized. CLI Access via NMS Ethernet
The CLI may be accessed via NMS Ethernet after connecting and configuring the PC as
described in the previous section. Then using a Telnet client, telnet to the SDIDUTM IP address.
You will be prompted for a username and password. Use the username and password supplied
at the end of this guide.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-30
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A CLI Access via Serial Port
The CLI for configuring/monitoring the SDIDUTM may be accessed via the front-panel serial port.
187H184HTable 3-3 shows the pinout for constructing a DB-9 to HD-15 cable.
Table 3-3: Serial Cable Pinout
DB-9 Pin HDB-15 Pin
2 2
3 3
5 5
The serial port parameters are show in 188H185HTable 3-4.
Table 3-4: Serial Port Parameters
Parameter Value
Speed 38400
Bits 8
Stop-Bits 1
Parity None
Flow-Control None
After powering-on the SDIDUTM, the CLI may be accessed by connecting the serial cable
between the PC and the SDIDUTM, launching and configuring a terminal program (e.g.
HyperTerminal) and pressing the enter key. You will be prompted for a username and password,
which are supplied at the end of this guide.
3.8.6 ODU Antenna Alignment
To use the built-in tuning of the ODU antenna, a complete link is required, with both ends of the
link roughly pointed at each other, and transmitting.
Once the links are roughly pointed, connect the voltmeter to the RSSI (Receive Signal Strength
Indication) BNC connector seen on the ODU. This mode outputs 0 to +3 Volts. Adjust the
antenna for maximum voltage. The RSSI voltage is linearly calibrated from 2.5 Volts for maximum
RSL (received signal level) at –20 dBm to 0Volts for minimum RSL at -90 dBm. This mapping
characteristic is plotted below in 189H186HFigure 3-13.
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-31
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
RSSI - Mapped Voltage Output
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0
Received Signal Level (dBm )
RSSI Output (V)
Figure 3-13. ODU RSSI Output vs. Received Signal.
3.8.7 Quick Start Settings
PC Network Configuration
The Web GUI may be accessed via NMS by connecting a CAT5 patch cable between
the SDIDUTM front-panel NMS port and a PC. The PCs network interface must be
configured to an open IP address within the same subnet. For the default SDIDUTM
configuration, the IP address of the PC needs to be 192.168.0.x, where x (between 2
and 253) provides an available IP address. DHCP may also be used to set the PC IP
address if a DHCP server is configured on the same subnet.
SDIDUTM Default IP Address
Parameter Value
IP Address
After configuring the PCs network interface, a web browser may be launched and the
following URL entered to access the Web GUI:
Username and Password
A dialog box will show requesting a username and password:
User: administrator
Pass: d1scovery
User Reference and Installation Guide 3-32
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
3.9 Documenting MDS FOUR.9 Series
Use the configuration form provided at the end of this section, or a similar form, to document the
results of the SDIDUTM configuration procedure. Ideally, this complete site form would be stored
with the SDIDUTM for future reference.
AB-Full Access Digital Radio Configuration Form
Link ID
Radio Type (A/B) A=Low band, Horizontal polarization, odd serial number
B=High band & Vertical polarization, even serial number
Radio ID # Radio S/N
Site Name
Addresses Commissioning:
Near IP: Far IP Rain Model
Routing Frequency TX RX
Net Mask: IP EMS 1 Grade of Service
NTP: IP EMS 2 Rain Region
Gateway: IP EMS 3
IP EMS 4 Link Distance GPS Location
SNMP Community Names Near Latitude deg min sec
Trap: Super User OR Near Longitude deg min sec
Read/Write Read: Far Latitude deg min sec
Far Longitude deg min sec
Radio Type (A/B)
Radio ID# Radio S/N
Site Name
Addresses Commissioning:
Near IP: Far IP Rain Model
Routing Frequency TX RX
Net Mask: IP EMS 1 Grade of Service
NTP: IP EMS 2 Rain Region
Gateway: IP EMS 3
IP EMS 4 Link Distance GPS Location
SNMP Community Names Near Latitude deg min sec
Trap: Super User OR Near Longitude deg min sec
Read/Write Read: Far Latitude deg min sec
Far Longitude deg min sec
Distance (meters)
Network Administration - Radio
Distance (meters)
Link Administration - Radio
Network Administration - IFU
Link Administration - Radio
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
4 Summary Specifications
Parameter Characteristic
Capacity 50 Mbps Ethernet
1-16 T1/E1
Various combinations of above
Frequency Range 4.9475 to 4.9825 GHz
Output Power – Average*
(At antenna port)
+5 to 23 dBm
Output Power – Peak*
(At antenna port)
17.1 dBm (Low Power)
24.4 dBm (High Power)
Input Sensitivity -84 dBm (or higher, based on selected mode)
Maximum Input Power -20 dBm
Modulation Up to 64-QAM
Channelization 12.5, 16.7 MHz
Radio Interfaces
External Antenna N Type Female
Data Interfaces
2 T1/E1
14 T1/E1
100Base-Tx RJ-45
RJ-48C Female (2)
Molex High-Density 60-pin
SNMP 10Base-T/100Base-Tx RJ-45 Female
Network Management SNMP, web/http browser
NMS Connector 10Base-T/100Base-Tx
Voice Orderwire RJ-48C
Auxiliary Data (64 kbps) RJ-48C
User Reference and Installation Guide 4-2
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Encryption Proprietary, AES (optional)
Alarm Port 2 Form C (SPDT), 2 TTL Output, 4 TTL Input, DB-15HD
DC Power -48 Volts +/-10%, <70 W
SDIDUTM Operational
-5 to 55 degrees C
ODU Operational
-30 to 55 degrees C
SDIDUTM Humidity 0 to 95%, non-condensing
ODU Humidity ODU Humidity
Altitude Altitude
Physical Dimensions
17.2 x 1.75 x 14.5 inches
(43.7 x 4.5 x 36.0 cm)
SDIDUTM Weight 7 lbs (3.12 Kg)
EIA Rack Mount 19 inch/48.2 cm, 1 rack unit
ODU Size (W x H x D) 14.6 x 15.4 x 2.6 inches
ODU Weight 15 lbs (6.8 Kgs)
Mounting/Installation Custom Bracket
* For definitions of peak and average power, see Section 3.6.6
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
5 Front Panel Connectors
5.1 DC Input (Power) Connector
1 POWER Power supply return
2 POWER -48 Vdc, nominal
Two-pin male
1 2
5.2 Ethernet 100BaseTX Payload Connector 1-2
4 N/A N/A
5 N/A N/A
RJ-45 Female
12 3 4 5 6 7 8
7 N/A N/A
8 N/A N/A
User Reference and Installation Guide 5-2
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
5.3 SONET Payload Connector
Consult factor for Mini-IO Optical Module for availability.
OUT OUTPUT SONET OC-3 payload output (optical)
IN INPUT SONET OC-3 payload input (optical)
SC Duplex Female Fiber
5.4 STM-1 Payload Connector
Consult factor for Mini-IO Optical Module for availability.
TX OUTPUT SDH STM-1 payload output (electrical)
RX INPUT SDH STM-1 payload input (electrical)
BNC Duplex
5.5 DS-3/E-3/STS-1 Payload Connector
TX OUTPUT DS-3/E-3/STS-1 payload output
RX INPUT DS-3/E-3/STS-1 payload input
BNC Duplex
User Reference and Installation Guide 5-3
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
5.6 NMS 10/100BaseTX Connector 1-2
4 N/A N/A
RJ-45 Female
12 3 4 5 6 7 8
5 N/A N/A
7 N/A N/A
8 N/A N/A
5.7 Alarm/Serial Port Connector
1 OUTPUT TTL Alarm Output 3
RS-232 RX/TX
RS-232 TX/RX
DB-15HD Female
4 OUTPUT TTL Alarm Output 4
2 N/A Alarm 1 Form C Contact Normally Open
72 N/A Alarm 1 Form C Contact Normally Closed
82 N/A Alarm 2 Form C Contact Common
1 Pins 2 and 3 are hardware jumper configurable for DCE or DTE operation.
2 Form C Contacts are hardware jumper configurable to emulate TTL outputs.
User Reference and Installation Guide 5-4
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
9 INPUT TTL Alarm Input 1
10 INPUT TTL Alarm Input 3
112 N/A Alarm 1 Form C Contact Common
122 N/A Alarm 2 Form C Contact Normally Open
132 N/A Alarm 2 Form C Contact Normally Closed
14 INPUT TTL Alarm Input 2
15 Input TTL Alarm Input 4
5.8 ODU Connector
Center I/O 350 MHz TX IF / 140 MHz RX IF / -48 VDC
Shield N/A Shield / Chassis GND
TNC coaxial female
5.9 T1- Channels 1-2 Connector
RJ-45 Female
12 3 4 5 6 7 8
7 N/A N/A
8 N/A N/A
User Reference and Installation Guide 5-5
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
5.10 T1- Channels 3-16 Connector
1 OUTPUT T1 Channel 13 Transmit Tip
2 OUTPUT T1 Channel 14 Transmit Tip
3 OUTPUT T1 Channel 15 Transmit Tip
60-pin Molex
4 OUTPUT T1 Channel 16 Transmit Tip
5 OUTPUT T1 Channel 9 Transmit Tip
6 OUTPUT T1 Channel 10 Transmit Tip
7 OUTPUT T1 Channel 11 Transmit Tip
8 OUTPUT T1 Channel 12 Transmit Tip
9 OUTPUT T1 Channel 5 Transmit Tip
10 OUTPUT T1 Channel 6 Transmit Tip
11 OUTPUT T1 Channel 7 Transmit Tip
12 OUTPUT T1 Channel 8 Transmit Tip
13 OUTPUT T1 Channel 3 Transmit Tip
14 OUTPUT T1 Channel 4 Transmit Tip
15 NC NC
16 NC NC
17 OUTPUT T1 Channel 4 Transmit Ring
18 OUTPUT T1 Channel 3 Transmit Ring
19 OUTPUT T1 Channel 8 Transmit Ring
20 OUTPUT T1 Channel 7 Transmit Ring
21 OUTPUT T1 Channel 6 Transmit Ring
22 OUTPUT T1 Channel 5 Transmit Ring
23 OUTPUT T1 Channel 12 Transmit Ring
User Reference and Installation Guide 5-6
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
24 OUTPUT T1 Channel 11 Transmit Ring
25 OUTPUT T1 Channel 10 Transmit Ring
26 OUTPUT T1 Channel 9 Transmit Ring
27 OUTPUT T1 Channel 16 Transmit Ring
28 OUTPUT T1 Channel 15 Transmit Ring
29 OUTPUT T1 Channel 14 Transmit Ring
30 OUTPUT T1 Channel 13 Transmit Ring
31 INPUT T1 Channel 16 Receive Tip
32 INPUT T1 Channel 15 Receive Tip
33 INPUT T1 Channel 9 Receive Tip
34 INPUT T1 Channel 14 Receive Tip
35 INPUT T1 Channel 10 Receive Tip
36 INPUT T1 Channel 13 Receive Tip
37 INPUT T1 Channel 11 Receive Tip
38 INPUT T1 Channel 4 Receive Tip
39 INPUT T1 Channel 12 Receive Tip
40 INPUT T1 Channel 3 Receive Tip
41 INPUT T1 Channel 5 Receive Tip
42 INPUT T1 Channel 8 Receive Tip
43 INPUT T1 Channel 6 Receive Tip
44 INPUT T1 Channel 7 Receive Tip
45 NC NC
46 NC NC
47 INPUT T1 Channel 7 Receive Ring
48 INPUT T1 Channel 6 Receive Ring
User Reference and Installation Guide 5-7
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
49 INPUT T1 Channel 8 Receive Ring
50 INPUT T1 Channel 5 Receive Ring
51 INPUT T1 Channel 3 Receive Ring
52 INPUT T1 Channel 12 Receive Ring
53 INPUT T1 Channel 4 Receive Ring
54 INPUT T1 Channel 11 Receive Ring
55 INPUT T1 Channel 13 Receive Ring
56 INPUT T1 Channel 10 Receive Ring
57 INPUT T1 Channel 14 Receive Ring
58 INPUT T1 Channel 9 Receive Ring
59 INPUT T1 Channel 15 Receive Ring
60 INPUT T1 Channel 16 Receive Ring
5.11 USB
2 I/O -Data
3 I/O +Data
USB Type A
User Reference and Installation Guide 5-8
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
5.12 Voice Order Wire
1 N/A NC
RJ-48C Female
12 3 4 5 6 7 8
8 N/A NC
5.13 Data Order Wire
1 OUTPUT TX Clock -
2 OUTPUT TX Clock +
3 OUTPUT TX Data -
4 INPUT RX Data -
RJ-48C Female
12 3 4 5 6 7 8
5 INPUT RX Data +
6 OUTPUT TX Data +
7 INPUT RX Clock -
8 INPUT RX Clock +
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
6 Appendix
6.1 Alarm Descriptions
Alarm Affected
Component Description LED to
Code Severity
Modem Fault
Modem The specified Modem card has
indicated a fault. Fault detection
is via reading Modem Hardware
Status from MODEM during
start-up and polling GPIO for
MODEM fault indication. Polling
interval 5 sec.
N/A 11 Critical
Failure Lower
Modem The Controller Card is unable to
communicate with the specified
Modem card.
12 Critical
Modem Card
Modem The specified Modem card has
been removed from the IDU (only
if the specified Modem card has
been enabled for use). Fault
detection via card-detect logic.
N/A 13 Major
Modem Card
Modem The specified Modem card has
been installed into the IDU (only
if the specified Modem card is
not enabled for use). Fault
detection via card-detect logic.
Alarm is cleared after 5 minutes.
14 Info
Unlock Lower
Modem The demodulation functional
components of the modem have
lost lock to the incoming signal.
The data received through the
RF link is not valid. Fault
detection via modem status
polling. Polling interval: 1 sec.
N/A N/A Critical
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-2
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Alarm Affected
Component Description LED to
Code Severity
Modem RSSI is approaching the
minimum operational level of the
link as set during configuration.
Fault detection via modem
status polling, comparing RSSI
value to threshold value in
configuration table. Polling
interval 5 sec.
N/A N/A Major
Unlock Lower
Modem Modem synthesizer has
unlocked. Fault detection via
modem status polling. Polling is
done in conjunction with Modem
Unlock polling.
N/A N/A Critical
Modem The signal-to-noise ratio is
below the minimum operational
level of the link as set during
configuration. Fault detection via
modem status polling,
comparing Eb/N0 value to
threshold value in configuration
table. Polling interval 5 sec.
N/A N/A Major
Modem Fault
Modem The specified Modem card has
indicated a fault. Fault detection
is via reading Modem Hardware
Status from MODEM during
start-up and polling GPIO for
MODEM fault indication. Polling
interval 5 sec.
N/A 16 Critical
Failure Upper
Modem The Controller Card is unable to
communicate with the specified
Modem card.
17 Critical
Modem Card
Modem The specified Modem card has
been removed from the IDU
(only if the specified Modem
card has been enabled for use).
Fault detection via card-detect
N/A 18 Major
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-3
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Alarm Affected
Component Description LED to
Code Severity
Modem Card
Modem The specified Modem card has
been installed into the IDU (only
if the specified Modem card is
not enabled for use). Fault
detection via card-detect logic.
Alarm is cleared after 5 minutes.
19 Info
Unlock Upper
Modem The demodulation functional
components of the modem have
lost lock to the incoming signal.
The data received through the
RF link is not valid. Fault
detection via modem status
polling. Polling interval 1 sec.
N/A N/A Critical
Modem RSSI is approaching the
minimum operational level of the
link as set during configuration.
Fault detection via modem
status polling, comparing RSSI
value to threshold value in
configuration table. Polling
interval 5 sec.
N/A N/A Major
Modem The signal-to-noise ratio is
below the minimum operational
level of the link as set during
configuration. Fault detection via
modem status polling,
comparing Eb/N0 value to
threshold value in configuration
table. Polling interval 5 sec.
N/A N/A Major
Unlock Upper
Modem Modem synthesizer has
unlocked. Fault detection via
modem status polling. Polling is
done in conjunction with Modem
Unlock polling.
N/A N/A Critical
Fan Failure Controller The Fan rotational speed is too
low. (Controller card LED
flashed red rather than orange).
Fault detection via polling fan
controller status. Polling interval
10 sec.
Controller 21 Critical
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-4
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Alarm Affected
Component Description LED to
Code Severity
Card Fault
Controller The CPU has detected a fault in
the controller card. (Controller
card LED flashes red rather than
orange). Fault detection via
Controller 22 Critical
Low Battery
Controller The CPU has detected a low-
battery voltage condition.
(Controller card LED flashes red
rather than orange). Fault
detection via software polling
RTC via controller FPGA.
Controller 23 Info
Power Supply
Fault Lower
The Power Supply card has
indicated a fault. Fault detection
via polling GPIO. Polling interval
5 sec.
N/A 31 Critical
Power Supply
The specified Power Supply
card has been removed from the
IDU. Fault detection via card-
detect logic.
N/A 32 Major
Power Supply
Fault Upper
The Power Supply card has
indicated a fault. Fault detection
via polling GPIO. Polling interval
5 sec.
N/A 36 Critical
Power Supply
The specified Power Supply
card has been removed from the
IDU. Fault detection via card-
detect logic.
N/A 37 Major
Standard I/O
StdIO The Standard I/O card has been
removed from the IDU. Fault
detect via card-detect logic.
N/A 41 Critical
StdIO There is no cable detected at
either Ethernet payload on
Standard I/O card (only if
Ethernet mode enabled). Fault
detection via polling of Ethernet
PHY. Polling interval 5 sec.
42 Critical
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-5
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Alarm Affected
Component Description LED to
Code Severity
StdIO There is an Initialization wait for
Framer to turn ON the Framer
Receiver side after turning ON
the Modem/ODU. Fault
detection via polling. Poll only
after timeout to detect.
43 Critical
Mini I/O Card
MiniIO The Mini I/O card has been
removed from the IDU (only if
Mini I/O card has been enabled
for use). Fault detection via
card-detect logic.
46 Critical
Mini I/O Card
MiniIO The Mini I/O card has been
installed into the IDU (only if
Mini I/O card is noted enabled
for use). Fault detection via
card-detect logic. Alarm is
cleared after 5 minutes.
47 Info
Optional I/O
OptIO The Optional I/O card has been
removed from the IDU (only if
the Optional I/O card has been
enabled for use). Fault detection
via card-detect logic.
N/A 26 Critical
Optional I/O
Card Installed
OptIO The Optional I/O card has been
installed into the IDU (only if the
Optional I/O card is not enabled
for use). Fault detection via
card-detect logic. Alarm is
cleared after 5 minutes.
27 Info
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-6
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Alarm Affected
Component Description LED to
Code Severity
Alarm Ch x
StdIO (1-16)
OptIO (17-
There is either no cable
detected at the specified E1/T1
channel port on Standard I/O
Card or there is an AIS condition
detected (only for active T1/E1
channels). Fault detection via
polling of LIUs on Standard I/O
card and Optional I/O Card
when installed. Polling interval 2
channels per 1 sec. Report of
this alarm in the
GUI/Syslog/Alarm history shall
indicate whether this is a
disconnect or AIS condition.
I/O when
I/O when
Turn LED
than RED
T1/E1 Test
StdIO The user has selected a T1/E1
test mode (loopback or Tx
Data). This alarm shall be set
when the user sets the test
mode for any of the T1/E1
channels, and cleared when all
T1/E1 channels are not in
loopback and Tx Data is normal.
N/A 59 Info
Test Mode
StdIO This alarm shall be set when the
user enables either BERT,
Loopback, or CW mode, and
cleared when all BERT,
Loopback and CW modes are
N/A 69 Info
ODU Fault
ODU The ODU has indicated a fault
condition. Fault detection via
polling of ODU or unsolicited
message, if supported. Polling
interval 5 sec. Polling done via
API functional call. Report of this
alarm in the GUI/Syslog/Alarm
history shall indicate the fault
code from the ODU.
N/A 71 Critical
ODU Comm.
Failure Lower
ODU The IDU is unable to
communicate with the ODU.
This could be a problem with the
ODU or a problem with the cable
connecting the ODU to the IDU.
N/A 72 Critical
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-7
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Alarm Affected
Component Description LED to
Code Severity
ODU Fault
ODU The ODU has indicated a fault
condition or unsolicited
message, if supported. Fault
detection via polling of ODU.
Polling interval 5 sec. Polling
done via API function call.
Report of this alarm in the
GUI/Syslog/Alarm history shall
indicate the fault code from the
N/A 73 Critical
ODU Comm.
Failure Upper
ODU The IDU is unable to
communicate with the ODU.
This could be a problem with the
ODU or a problem with the cable
connecting the ODU to the IDU.
N/A 74 Critical
This alarm shall be set when an
AL1 command is received from
the active MODEM/ODU, and
then cleared when an AL2
command is received from the
standby MODEM/ODU. Report
of this alarm in the
GUI/Syslog/Alarm history shall
indicate the fault code from the
ODU, if received.
N/A 75 Critical
East ATPC Tx
at Max Power
ODU The IDU is unable to increase
the Tx Power as requested by
link partner due to maximum
power being reached. Maximum
power is specified in the
configuration table.
N/A 76 Info
Tx at Max
ODU The IDU is unable to increase
the Tx Power as requested by
link partner due to maximum
power being reached. Maximum
power is specified in the
configuration table.
N/A 78 Info
Link Fault IDU Failed to receive link heartbeat
from link partner via Radio
Overhead (ROH) channel. Fault
detection via timeout counter,
which is reset via reception of
link heartbeat message.
N/A 81 Critical
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-8
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Alarm Affected
Component Description LED to
Code Severity
Remote Fault IDU Link Partner IDU indicating it
has a fault condition. Local IDU
receives Link Partner Fault
detection via Radio Overhead
(ROH) channel message.
N/A 82 Info
IDU Data is not being decrypted
properly due to encryption key
mismatch between link partners.
Fault detection via software
detection of unreadable ROH
messages from link partner.
N/A 83 Critical
One Way
IDU Only one IDU has data
encryption enabled. Fault
detection via software messages
to/from link partner.
N/A 84 Major
Alarm 1
External The external Alarm 1 input has
been activated. Fault detection
via polling GPIO. Polling interval
1 sec.
N/A 91 Info
Alarm 2
External The external Alarm 2 input has
been activated. Fault detection
via polling GPIO. Polling interval
1 sec.
N/A 92 Info
Alarm 3
External The external Alarm 3 input has
been activated. Fault detection
via polling GPIO. Polling interval
1 sec.
N/A 93 Info
Alarm 4
External The external Alarm 4 input has
been activated. Fault detection
via polling GPIO. Polling interval
1 sec.
N/A 94 Info
Remote IDU
Link Partner
The link partner IDU has
indicated an alarm condition via
N/A 95 Major
Remote IDU
Alarm 1
Link Partner
The link partner IDU has
indicated via ROH its external
alarm input 1 has been
N/A 96 Info
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-9
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Alarm Affected
Component Description LED to
Code Severity
Remote IDU
Alarm 2
Link Partner
The link partner IDU has
indicated via ROH its external
alarm input 2 has been
N/A 97 Info
Remote IDU
Alarm 3
Link Partner
The link partner IDU has
indicated via ROH its external
alarm input 3 has been
N/A 98 Info
Remote IDU
Alarm 4
Link Partner
The link partner IDU has
indicated via ROH its external
alarm input 4 has been
N/A 99 Info
STM Loss of
IDU The SDH/SONET clock has lost
lock. Fault detection via polling
of LIU.
N/A Solid Critical
STM RS_LOS IDU The SDH/SONET has a Loss of
Signal Defect. Fault detection
via polling of LIU.
N/A Solid Critical
has a B1 Defect. Fault detection
via polling of RS_B1_T bit in
STM-1 Core. Alternate detection
via Interrupt enabled in STM-1
N/A Solid Major
has a Loss of Frame Defect.
Fault detection via polling of
RS_LOF_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
has an Out of Frame Defect.
Fault detection via polling of
RS_OOF_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-10
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Alarm Affected
Component Description LED to
Code Severity
has a Trace Identifier Mismatch
Defect. Fault detection via
polling of RS_TIM_T bit in STM-
1 Core. Alternate detection via
Interrupt enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Major
has detected an AIS at the
Multiplexer Level. Fault
detection via polling of
MS_AIS_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
has detected a Remote Error at
the Multiplexer Level. Fault
detection via polling of
MS_REI_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Major
has detected a Remote Defect
at the Multiplexer Level. Fault
detection via polling of
MS_RDI_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Major
has a B2 Defect at the Multiplex
level. Fault detection via polling
of MS_B2_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Major
has detected an AIS at the AU
Level. Fault detection via polling
of AU_AIS_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Where ‘x’ is the HP index.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-11
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Alarm Affected
Component Description LED to
Code Severity
has detected a Loss of Pointer
Defect at the AU Level. Fault
detection via polling of
AU_LOP_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Where ‘x’ is the HP index.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
HP number x’ is Unequipped.
Fault detection via polling of
HP_UNEQ_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Where ‘x’ is the HP index.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
HP number x’ has a Trace
Identifier Mismatch. Fault
detection via polling of
HP_TM_TIM_T bit in STM-1
Core. Where ‘x’ is the HP index.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Major
HP number x’ has a Remote
Error Indication. Fault detection
via polling of HP_REI_T bit in
STM-1 Core. Where ‘x’ is the HP
index. Alternate detection via
Interrupt enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
HP number x’ has a Remote
Defect Indication. Fault
detection via polling of
HP_RDI_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Where ‘x’ is the HP index.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-12
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Alarm Affected
Component Description LED to
Code Severity
HP number x’ has a Path
Identifier Mismatch. Fault
detection via polling of
HP_PLM_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Where ‘x’ is the HP index.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
HP number x’ has a CRC Error.
Fault detection via polling of
HP_B3_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Where ‘x’ is the HP index.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Major
TU number x’ has a Loss of
Multiframe. Fault detection via
polling of TU_LOMF_T bit in
STM-1 Core. Where ‘lkm’ is the
TU index as LKM numbering.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
TU number x’ has an AIS. Fault
detection via polling of
TU_AIS_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Where ‘lkm’ is the TU index as
LKM numbering. Alternate
detection via Interrupt enabled in
STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
TU number x’ has a Loss of
Pointer Defect. Fault detection
via polling of TU_LOP_T bit in
STM-1 Core. Where ‘lkm’ is the
TU index as LKM numbering.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-13
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Alarm Affected
Component Description LED to
Code Severity
UNEQ lkm
LP number ‘x’ is Unequipped.
Fault detection via polling of
LP_UNEQ_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Where ‘lkm’ is the LP index as
LKM numbering. Alternate
detection via Interrupt enabled in
STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Info
LP number ‘x’ has a Trace
Identifier Mismatch. Fault
detection via polling of
LP_TM_TIM_T bit in STM-1
Core. Where ‘lkm’ is the LP
index as LKM numbering.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Major
LP number ‘x’ has a Remote
Error Indication. Fault detection
via polling of LP_REI_T bit in
STM-1 Core. Where ‘lkm’ is the
LP index as LKM numbering.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
LP number ‘x’ has a Remote
Defect Indication. Fault
detection via polling of
LP_RDI_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Where ‘lkm’ is the LP index as
LKM numbering. Alternate
detection via Interrupt enabled in
STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
LP number ‘x’ has a Path
Identifier Mismatch. Fault
detection via polling of
LP_PLM_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Where ‘lkm’ is the LP index as
LKM numbering. Alternate
detection via Interrupt enabled in
STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-14
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
Alarm Affected
Component Description LED to
Code Severity
LP number ‘x’ has a Remote
Fault Indication. Fault detection
via polling of LP_RFI_T bit in
STM-1 Core. Where ‘lkm’ is the
LP index as LKM numbering.
Alternate detection via Interrupt
enabled in STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Critical
LP number ‘x’ has a CRC Error.
Fault detection via polling of
LP_BIP2_T bit in STM-1 Core.
Where ‘lkm’ is the LP index as
LKM numbering. Alternate
detection via Interrupt enabled in
STM-1 core.
N/A Solid Major
6.2 Abbreviations & Acronyms
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
BER Bit Error Rate
Codec Coder-Decoder
CPU Central Processing Unit
DB Decibel
DBm Decibel relative to 1 mW
DCE Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FEC Forward Error Correction
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
GPIO General Purpose Input/Output
IF Intermediate frequency
IP Internet Protocol
LED Light-emitting diode
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-15
© 2006 Microwave Data Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDS FOUR.9 Series
05-4561A01, Rev. A
LOS Line of Sight
MIB Management Information Base
Modem Modulator-demodulator
ms Millisecond
NC Normally closed
NMS Network Management System
OAM&P Operations, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning
OC-3 Optical Carrier level 3
ODU Outdoor Unit
PCB Printed circuit board
POP Point of Presence
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
RF Radio Frequency
RSL Received Signal Level (in dBm)
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator/Indication
RX Receiver
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SDIDUTM Software Defined Indoor Unit (CarrierComm trademark)
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
STM-1 Synchronous Transport Module 1
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TTL Transistor-transistor logic
TX Transmitter
MDS products are designed for long life and trouble-free operation. However, this equipment, as
with all electronic equipment, may have an occasional component failure. The following
information will assist you in the event that servicing becomes necessary.
Technical assistance for MDS products is available from our Technical Support Department
during business hours (8:00 A.M.–5:30 P.M. Eastern Time). When calling, please give the
complete model number of the radio, along with a description of the trouble/symptom(s) that you
are experiencing. In many cases, problems can be resolved over the telephone, without the need
for returning the unit to the factory. Please use one of the following means for product assistance:
Phone: 585 241-5510 E-Mail:
FAX: 585 242-8369 Web:
Component level repair of radio equipment is not recommended in the field. Many components
are installed using surface mount technology, which requires specialized training and equipment
for proper servicing. For this reason, the equipment should be returned to the factory for any PC
board repairs. The factory is best equipped to diagnose, repair and align your radio to its proper
operating specifications.
If return of the equipment is necessary, you will be issued a Service Request Order (SRO)
number and return shipping address. The SRO number will help expedite the repair so that the
equipment can be repaired and returned to you as quickly as possible. Please be sure to include
the SRO number on the outside of the shipping box, and on any correspondence relating to the
repair. No equipment will be accepted for repair without an SRO number.
A statement should accompany the radio describing, in detail, the trouble symptom(s), and a
description of any associated equipment normally connected to the radio. It is also important to
include the name and telephone number of a person in your organization who can be contacted if
additional information is required.
The radio must be properly packed for return to the factory. The original shipping container and
packaging materials should be used whenever possible.
When repairs have been completed, the equipment will be returned to you by the same shipping
method used to send it to the factory. Please specify if you wish to make different shipping
arrangements. To inquire about an in-process repair, you may contact our Product Services
Group at 585-241-5540 (FAX: 585-242-8400), or via e-mail at:
User Reference and Installation Guide 6-2

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