GE GXWH40L User Manual WATER SYSTEMS Manuals And Guides L08A6041
GE Water filter Manual L08A6041 GE Water filter Owner's Manual, GE Water filter installation guides
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INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Heavy Duty Water Filtration Unit--GXWH40L S_TY PRECAUTIONS • Check with your stale and local public works (leparunent for l_lumbing and sanitation codes. You must fbllow these guidelines as vou install th( I Iem 3 Do1)Water Filtration tIousing. [ 7sing a qualified installer is recommende(I. A Dlilllilf% • IAIA ,,..m,.,,.u.Do.o, • It is highly recommended that a wamr shut-oft directly upstream of }our household filte_; with the Installation • I)o not install on HOTWATER.The lt'ml)er_mne of lhe water supply 1o the tlem T Du b Water Fihration IIousing nmsl be bepween lhe minimuna ot 40°IL and lhe maximum of 100°E See tile PerformanceData section. • Check with your Iocalpublic works department for plumbing codes. Youmust follow their guides as you install the Heavy Duty Water Filtration Housing. • Usethe HeavyDutyWater FiltrationHousingona potable,safe-todrink,homeCOLDwater supplyonly.Thefilter cartridgewill not purifywater or makeunsafewatersafe todrink.DONOTuse on HOTwater (IO0°Fmax). • DOnot install the Hea D"Du W _vVat(r Fihration Itousing using copper solder fittings. The heat from the soldering proc_ ss will damage th{ trait. • Protect the Heavy Duty Water Filtration Housing and piping from freezing. Water freezing in the housing will damage it. WARNING:Dis, .ll.,,,,sed ,-d packaging lnamrial at{er installation. Small parts remaining afler installation could be a choke hazard. • YourHeavy Duty Water Filtration Housing will withstand up to 100 psi water pressure. H your house water supply pressure is higher than 100psi during the day (it may reach higher levels at night), install a pressure reducing valve before the housing is installed. • • • • • _dve be placed INST_ON This Heavy Duty Water Filtration Housing must be properly instafled and located in accordance Instructions before it is used, REQUIRED TOOLS FOR INSTALLATION ,,*e,t.* mi(robiologi_ ally unsafi." or of unknown quality without aduqmrtc disinfi'ction betiwe or aft(r tile housing. • Be sure tile water supply confbrms with the Performance Data. 1t tile _ltel- supply conditions are unknown, ( onmct your municipal water compan> PROPER (filters not included) • Do notinstall fiher in an outside location or an,_5vherc it will be _xpos_ d to sunlight. Optional accessories areavailable(Visa,MasterCard orDiscovercards accepted) byvisitingoar Websiteatgacomor fromPartsandAccessories, call8006282002(US) or80_8628060(Canada AND ACCESSORIES 2 At!jllstable wrenches Pipe cutter Ruler or tape measure Cordless drill File CONTENTS INCLUDED wrrH PRODUCT •Fiher housing and head • Pr_uluct literature • Canister wrt rich • Eme W paper • Scrcwd river • Timer and batteries • Additional installation parts ma} be required: • 2 fittings to connect household phlmbing to 1" fbmale NlrFF thlvads on fiher housing. Installation Kit available to conn(ct to 3/4" copper plumbing: -- GE Part/Retail Pros (IiDKIT) (Not pertinmance tested or certified by NSE) • [ 7L Ai)l_roxed grounding clamps and (_4mlge copper grounding wire_hlsmllation Kit awlilabk : -- GE Part/Retail Pint (IIDKIT) (Not perlbrmance tested or certified by NSE) • "I_flon Tape 184D1061P003 • Mounting bF,,cket • 4 tlex-head scl>ws and 4 It_x washelqmad screws -J_'\ r 16XWH4OL is Tested and Certified by NSF International I against NSF/ANSI Standard 42 with cartridge [for the reduction of Chlorine, Taste and Odor. (0t-08JR) 49-50220-1 (;ENHUkI. ELI'X TI{I(: COMPANY, Applian( c Park, Louisxillc, K_"40225 1 FXHTC CARTRIDGE Performance Data SPECIFICATIONS FXHTCCartridge This housing has been tested according to NSF/ANSI fk)r the reduction ot the substances listed below. The concentration of the indicated substanc_ s in water entering th( housing was reduced to a concentration less than or (qual to the ix rmissibl_ limit for water leaving the housing, as si)ecifi_ d in NSF/ANSI 42. 42 Substance Influent Challenge Concentration Reduction Requirements Average Reduction 2.0mg/L± 10% >_50% 93.1% Standard42 Chlorine TestConditions OperatinqRequirements Flow Rate:3 gpm(11.4 [pro} pH:7.5_+1 Inlet Pressure:60 PSi(4.1 bar) Temperature:68°F_+5°F{19.R°C_+2 5'_C} Ressure: 30-100 PSI(2.1-6.9 bar} Turbidity:5 NTUMax Tempaature:40°F-IOO°F(4.4°C-37.7°C) Capacity:5tO00gallons (18r927L}or 3 months Testingwasportormedunder standardlaboratoryconditions,actual performancemay var_ Filter CartridgeReplacement You should (hange your lilter when 111(water l]ow is noti( eablv redu(ed or al h'asl o,'(ry 3 nlonlhs. [_ Turn offwat_ r to fiher. Rotat{ 1he control handle to th{ BYP'¥";S, , or OFF l)°siti°n (s(_ ValveOperationsS((liOll). [_ Slowly rotal( th{ control handl( [_ ] PFeSS [he [_ 1_ llSCl-eW Fed lh( l)I-eqS/lFe t]her Fel(ase canister btll[Oll alld to discard l-el('as( tlsed 01" hot lhe Fed pFess/ll-e rel(ase bllltOll to Felllove lrapl)ed all: pFeSSHI'(. flllel: [_ Af'ter installation, open any downstr(am f)tucet and tlush the cartridge fi:)r10 minutes, wait one hour, then fhlsh again tot 10 minutes befi:)re using the water. Remotetimer Wash the filt(r canist(r with mild soap and waten 0o not use balM1 cl(_allel-S |:'ress to lh( FI[[FER position. "_31_'12 [_ Insl)(ct the fiher (anister ()-ring. Make sure it is lighlly lubri(ated xdth (lean fbod grade sill(on( greas_ (silk one grease is a_dlabl( through GE Parts and SexMce: 1.81)0.626.2002, part numl)er WS6OXI(_)05). Be sure the oqqng is sealed in the groove, h is recomnlended that you replace th( O_ring iI it is damaged. [_ Pla(e a new fiher cartridg( ('elll( led _111(I ('Oml)lel( inlo the Iy seated OIX canisl(l, ll"le making sure it is [)ollo111 S( _11. @ Reinslall the filter canister to lhe unil. Use the canisl(r wr(nch 1o lighI( n lh{ canisten I)O NOT OVERTIG1 ITEN. canister ControlHandle @ @ FiLTER OFF • ShlllsofJx_/l_l: BYPASS • Fol flit(led wake: I)ilc(Is water flow through tilk i_ • P(mfits flo_ of_ atel to th( hous_ _dlhoul flowing thlough (sl Ibis position till filt_ r (hangls STEP-BY-STEP INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Hex nut Installation Overview NOTE:Be sure to allow a minimum space of 1½"2" under the filter for removing the sump to change the cartridge. Mounting ket Fitting Ferrule Hexnut shut-off valve Typical instaflation Recommended shut-0ffvalve 2 j lh( lilt_l_ el i[ fihcled x_aiel is not desircd. STEP-BY-STEP Select Sde(t • INSTALL4,TION Location a lo(aticm pl'olecl(d fbr the filt(r fl'Ol/I that is: INSTRUCTIONS (cont.) • not expos_ d [() dil((I sunlighl. It is recommended that a shut-off valve be placed on both sides of the fitte_ It is recommended that a mounting bracket be used. ]]'e(zing. Cut Water Line A IA/A DAII Itl I__. -- ,,..,.,..,.,.,. A.+pe,., p,p* m+ • Select a secm'e bc used to ground electrical omlcts in the home. F;Jih_re to m_dntaln this gi()und path m m result in an clcctfic sho(k hazard, l_ thc _oM _mic_ pipe is us(d to gronnd electrical (toilets, please Ground Wire secllon belorc culling the pipe. [_] "l'urn oIl th( wa[el snppl}' wal(r Otl t Of pipes. and open ] Uf?gattp( tl I /s ]{ ) r, St ( Ih( "D" on the _pe. [_] [hncet to drain Mounting tions are for installing Bracket ('l'St/_/(( 'l)" cul pipe. lhat al/(] Ihey ale fittings, [or tilt* IIDRH" as a mmplate ITloHntlng NOTE: I tax_e or similar tittings [_] lype R>I compmmd (tile) cut ends of pipe to assure a I)/l(ket al/d towel ax,_lilable to (olkt(I ex(ess _atel_ Assemble fitting to the inlet and outkt of the h(ad. Start¸ each fitting by hand to make sure they d at( _xs th old. Use an a({justable wrench 1o tighten tittings. 00 NOT OVERTIOttTEN. Ab(mt I-2 thread (s) shouM i(mdn visibk. tot marking IJS(f f(Itll hex 1Is( prop( the "_vashelqmad r anchors sclews to l//I)/ll/l on wall. Anchors _5_,_n bl',lckel Io the are NOrinchxkd. x_a/I Ill+l/Ill. SC] elaN. Head ]Apply 4 or 5 _raps to the pipe thr(ads Sand Sl//O()lh. ;rod ] tile s(]/lale and Fittings File bm_kv t can be nsed of 7_. "Using a pipe crater; Allac]l hea_ T dull' mourning bracket 1o h(ad ;ewembly with tLur hex-head sclx ws as sho'_ n in illustration. 10(;ltitll/ D is about /sshowr. onlo copper pluml)ing. I_ the unh is to be installed on any other of tubing (plastic, PVC, galsmaized), consuh a qualified plumber additional hardx_a* e. [_ bmck(t. D • Instmt to install fiher and mounting Ih_ • NOTE: h is r{ commt nded that tlle shut,ell-valv( lx placed betbre ariel II/( [liter us shox_n in the Installation Overview ilhlslralion. Install sm'time rcic_ to the Installing the a nearby /]( location The k)catkm should align the filter housing wifll inlet and outlet pipe and should not (:ause the _pes to bend or dam_e. Mark the distance otTTeflon tape, in a clockwis( dir(ction, ot each Jilting. 00 NOTus%joint on any pints connecting to fiher housing. cov(r ix revet.'sibk [_ for vafiotls inslallatkms. Inslall Ihe h(ad covel. [_ Inslall Handle......._ Ihe handle. Attach Fittings to Water Line ] Slip ] Ntxl, it (oml)l'{Xsiol/ l/tit elite b=sst_:I sl'pth (a(h l:_ pip{. at)ead/pip(. HexNut Brassferrule Brassferrule HexNut Installing the Unit ] Mign fihet ax,,( ml)ly with pipe ends making Cellaill that Ill( iecomieg _att i s ppl) s g _ /g at _ I1 _ filt(_ oIx a /g I a kcd IN. h 1 _ ix /e( [_ ss_y )spr(_( _{plx{r(s p 1to _sa a{{justabl( wrenches, heM incoming lining s(cnlely one wrench aJ/d tighten nut wkh second x_r( rich. R(peat this for outgoing mounting bracket is not used, suppolt side of the tihel ¸ unil+ [] Inslall a fiher l+eplace]_/el_t tile water pipe on either f t( &'_{ /b}. Using two procedure _lf xGth and tighten canister Io seal (see tlher (:arlfidge section). fitting. Installing the 6round Wire NOTE:If your honse plumbing is pla_ti_, il wonM not b( nscd asa g]ounding patti, and this st(p shouM 1)_ skipped. [_ Cl(an copper pipe and (rids of _Gr( with em(ry papm: BHr{ wiT( is recomnl( nd(d. I1 "nst laled v'_ "s t s( (1, "1sh )t Id I)¢ st'p x d 3//4 at each end befilre el( aning IMPORTANT: A COl)per ot g'dlvanized honse toM s_ate* pipe is often nsed to ground electrical outlet.s in the home. 6goutldiogpreteets t"oll lreta electricalshock. The water fill_I housing may have broken this ground [] Attad/b+onze path. [_ Attach ]If I(aking fi-om fitlings, titlings. If l(aking from [_ Afi(l inslallalion, th(n flnsh again To restore conne( lion, install an 18" long, (i-gmN( across the filmt, lightly damped g_{_unding damps at both ends using [L a._shown. copper xGre to clamps papm: Io pip<. Tight< n screws. as shown. Tighten sz:rew_. approved 1/_:-I" bronze Zinc clamps shouM not be used on copp( r phlmbing. Wi_c and damps may be pro< based tl*)m _>ur local h tl(l'_tl(' stole, or are ,_ailable 1)? visiting separately ot/l Website at or ti-om Pmt_, and Accessories, call 81Xl.626.2(X12 (I .S.) 800.663.6060 ((]anada)--_nd( r pro1 number t IDKH2 Rnal wi_c damps will/em(ty or Check [] IHslall fill( _; if Hot already _ cti(;n). [] SIo_I) [_ (',h(ck elltir( tum done on _ _t(I snppl}. s)stem fi)r leaks. (ste Filter Cartridge Replacement shnl eli water pr¢ ssm_ and lighten o_ i_s_al the canist(r, tight(n (anister _Gth a x_r(nch. flush lh( cartridge tor I0 mim_tes, wail one houl; t})_ 10 mil/Hles b(ti)re nsing th( wat(m Timer Installation and Reset Instructions Blue reset button Installationof timer Timer battery installation and change II]st_rt y,_,---_ Tim0r cap (()ix] or s(Ye_(lliver it] (ap and base. Gcnd? the slot b{_tweei] pr) lhcm op(n til]]t't und sCpurdtC time base fi'om cap. Install el change 2 new ;_kA 1.5 _olt batteries. Aticr haxing lhe batlefies in place, line up _;Z_ _ Timerbase the base and cap and snap "72 11is recommended them to change back together: tb_ batlcries at least ever} 2 filmr cllanges. Do not alkaline, (ni..,.,..,, avec de l'em] mic_obJo]ogkluement pollud_ ou de qualitd Jncomm{ avoir insta]16 un disp(Mtl! de ddsin{i'ction appropri(" a_mt (m ap_"s qu'un sans ]e logement. • On _econlmande Caract&istiques cemplOtes. i_e sol/I non DE SECURITE k set'dee locu] des tmmmx publics ml sqjet des codes de et de rac(ordement mix dgoutx L'Jnsta]lution du lost'merit d'eau pour sel_'ice IlgoUte_lX (_011 _)tFt' i?ort_otme _t/ix prescriptkms du code de lalomllefie k_:al, On recommand{ instMlatcm quMifi6 soit chang6 de l'ilaslallafion. (filtres directement (:(_t/t_t(_F h_rtemenl en amom I'insmllatJon d'un tobinet d'art{'_ du s?_l{'me de filnafion. d'em_. INSTRUCTIONS D'INSTAIJ TION Avant toute utilisation, on doit instafler le logement de filtration d'eau (peer service rigoureux) _ un emplacement ad#quat conform#merit aux instructions d'instaflation. • Consulterle service localdes travauxpublicsau sujet descodesde plombede.L'instellatiendu Iogementdefiltrationd'eaupourservice rigeureuxdolt#tre cenfonne auxprescriptionsdu codedeplomberielocal • Ne p;zs insmlk-r dmi_e lots de I'opdralion de soudage tcra st_bir des dommages m_ sys16me. AVERTISSEMENT: [ limin tens, cm-itd k's pefiles pemcnt • LeIogementde filtrationd'eaupourservice riltoureuxpout resistera une pressienmaximalede 100Ib/po2.Si la pressionde distributionlocale est superieurea 100Ib/pWdurantla journee(elle peut atteindreunniveauplus eleve la nuit),installerun robioetdereductionde pressienenamontdu Iogementde filtrationd'eau. pi{'ces qtfi peuvcnl susciter • Nepas instalk res[_ r inutJlisdes un dangel d'dtouffemenl _ le filt_e _1I'ex[dtkur apr{-s l'insm/latJon; pore les jeunes ot/ fi un endioit elk's enfmal_. eN)<_st _au I'd}_)l/nel//erl [ solaJre. Lesaccessoiresen option sontdisponibles(cartesVisa,Mastercardou Discover acceptees)on visitant notresite Web0,go.cornou on vousadressant_,notre servicedesPibceset Accessoiresau 800626.2002(U.S.)ou 800.361.3869(Canada). REQUIS • 2 CI& _ molettc ( OUl)e-tu}m/ M,_tl* mbm/ou rnat/c r{-gle Pete(rise sans fil l.ime ARTICLES • • • • • • • Papie* I{meri • T_umwxJs • I] pmlt £'tre ndce,-sairc d'axoit des a(cessoil(N compl&n( ntaires : • 2 v4ccords pore relier le lu}au de l'habimtkm ml filel_ge du NlqY _kmelle de [ po sur le logement du fillre. Trouxse d'inslallation disponible pour le raccol*lemen{ au ltlya/] el/ CtliVI*_de 3/4 po : --PiEces GE/Ensemble db,ponible (tt[)_T) (l.a perR>rmance de I'apparcil n'a pas dtd testde et celui-ci n'a pas _¢tdhomok*gud par NSE) • Attaches de raise fi la rn_kssehomologudes t Let fil de raise fi la ma'_se en cuiwe de (_dibrc g_-tlx:ulsse d'inslallalion disponible : --Pi{x:es (;E/Ensemble disponibk (HI)KIT)(La [;,erfk}m/ance de I'appalcil n'a pas dtd 1es1(%et celui-(-i n'a pas did homologud par NSE) • Rtlban erl "I'dflon 184D1061P003 GENEI_£I. D'EAU CHAUDE. • I.oI> dc l'Jnslu]l_lt[on dr1 logt'menl {It" [lltl'4tion d'cau potlr set\ice ]'igout eux, eepas ntiliser des rac_ ords de cuMc a soude*: La chalem- • Pmt_r, ler le Iogementdefiltrationd'eaupourservice rigoureuxet la tuyauteriecentrele gel. Lacongelation d'eaudansle Iogementlui fera subirdes dommaltes. • • • • sur une canalisalion Caract#,ristiques compl#,tes. • Utiliserle Iogementde filtrationd'eaupourservice rigourauxuniquement sur line canalisatien d'eaupotableFROIDE.Les carteoches de filtration nepurifientpus I'eau et nepeuventrendrepotableuneeau qui ne lest pas.NE PASutiliser ce produltsur unecanalisation d'eauCHAUDE (lO0°Fmaximum). OUTILLAGE ET ACCESSOIRES POUR L'INSTALLATION le logement [.a [cmpdvatmc dc l'cau fi t]ltrct pour service rigomcux doit _t/c sim_c cxmc 40°F (minimum) ct 10(Y'F (maxinmm). Voir les ELECTRI( AVEC LE PRODUIT Co_s de filtrc el 1die de filtre Brochures des*Mpdves CId pour absorbenr I,a mimlterie el Its piles Suppotl de montage 4 vis fi t_-m hexagonal( et 4 xdsavcc t£'m fi ixmdelle hexagonale QNS-F_ ._.. (01-08JR) go.corn ( OMPAN_ Appliance 5 FOURNIS I NSF Internationalselon la norme NSF/ANSI42avec une Le syst_me GXWH40La 6t6 test_ et homologuOpar cartouche FXHTCen matiOrede rOductionde chlore, du I goat et de i,odeur. 49-50220-1 Park, Louisville, KY 40225 SPI_CIFICATIONS DE CARTOUCHE Cartouche FXHTC Caract_ristiques completes Ce Iogement (/(s substances a dl_"_testd solon NSF/ANSI 42 pout la rdducfion rdpertorides ci-dessous. La concentration des substances indiqu& s darts Idduite fi tree concentlalion Substance 1' _Hivde d'eau du log_ m_ nt a dtd inl-drim_re ou dgale fi la limile admissible pour I'eau sortant spdcifid pal- NSFiANSI 42. de I'dquip(ment. Concentration d'agents polluants dans rarrivee d'eau Specifications de reduction Reduction moyenne 2,0 rag/l+_10% >-50% 93,1% N0rme42 comme CNore Conditionsde test Sp6cificationsde fonctionnement D_bit : 11,4 I/rain{3 gal/min} pH : 7,5±1 Pressiondrentr_e: 60 psi (4,1 bar) Temperature: 19,8± 2,5 °C (68± 5 °F) Pression: 30 a 100 psi (2,1a 6,9 bar} Turbidit6 : 5 NTUmax Temp6rature: 4,4 _ 37,7 °C {40 _ 100°F) Capacite: 18.927115000gal) ou 3 7mis Los tos&ssent eflectuOsdatesdes condtions standardde/aboratoiro,/a portermancorfiolle de I_qulpomontpout vario_ Remplacement de la cartouche de filtration end [_ "t ha/gt F(rmet l_(ml)/(ht dt Flt at" _l s(/< It {itb'td _/ dimilmcsensiblemcnL(taumoinsfiint_lxlllesdcmilsmois. l'arrivde d' ReNnetd'arr_t recommand6 6 / I_TAPES DE L'INSTALLATION • pas d'exposhiol) atl/a}onncl]/( ill solail( dile(L Onreeommande d'installer un robinet d'arr#t de chaque cdt# du filtre. Emplacement d'installation ( Iioisir I'_ mplac_ m_ nl appxopfi_ conm/¢ sui[ : • pasd'¢xl:*osifion tU II est reeommand#,,d'utiliser un support de fixation. gd. Sectionnement de la canalisation d'eau • Choisissez tree sur_i*cesoil& pore inslalk r le filuc el le suppoll de monlag_, L'emplacemenl doff aussi ,2"11-(: choisi de litton fialigner le fihre sur les canalisations d'_ ntr_e et de soriie et _tne pas plk_ ou endommager (:dles<'i. Marquer la dislance ,,D,, Sill7la m}autefie. D est aux enxirons de 7}'*po. A AVERTISSEMENT .n.l, ,tion en (tli_r_ ou _rl a(ier gal_anis_ _ pont _'t_ ufilis_c pour la nlis_ z'_la terrc dos prises d'alimenlalion <:leclrique darts la maison. Le d_:lilut de maintenir ce trajet de raise l_ la lerre peul entlail_er tm risque d'cleclrocution. Si la canalisation d'eau fioide est utilisde pour la raise fi la leHe des prises d'alimentation _:lectrique, x_ uillez consulter la se€lioll Installation du tilde fllise _ la terre avant dt €otlper la canalisation. _ [_'\ Fcl'l/l(I I'al Fb_( d'( ILl; otl_lir I'aid( d'tlll itlban-I//("ll( snr I'illustralion. till (Ill Iobin([ potll I{'gl(, (Func ptlrg( I I'(all I//(Stll'Cl (l(s la dislal)C{ _ _3,eC III/ (Otll)e-ltl}all, cotlper pot1]7 (_]i]_/i]ler ]es ba_lFes. • _OTE_ _ des raccords du tlDKl17 (m mccords similaires sur la lu}mltefie en ctlbTe. Si I'tlrlil (" doll {'lie installde sur l(ytlt atlhc I}pe de tu'¢atl (plasfique, PVC, gal£misd), consuhez un plombiel qualifi(" pour de la quincaJllerie suppldmenlaire. pollF [_ i//arqller I_ stlppol! I'{ i/iplac( (1¢ n/Ollla_( i_lel/I d(s "_s de CO1//1//( [_ ]', gaballt ]_/()nL_lge. des raccords ])l_p ¢NIl'('l//il( _ tr(z iin s(a[i el Jill( S( iwi¢ tl¢ ]N)llr i-(_coltel - I'eau qlli CI}III(. Instalk _ tm mcl:o_d sur la t{'t{ du fihr¢, fi I' b/s k mlmdro H[)_Z ///a/(I zl, N{ttoyez k fil (n cuixre _t s(s ( xlrdmitds a*,(c du papkl l_m{ ft. 11esl Ie(olnl]]al/d_ d( dthmder k ill. Si le t]1 esl isol_, il ffun le d_nuder sin un< o, 4 po a chaqtle de [_ Placez les allaches [_ Fix¢ z 1€ fil sur ks aoach_s comm¢ indiqud. S¢llez ks xfis. el/bl'ol Iz( CXll'el)llle Sllr It: ill. a_,_tl/[ de lOllS'ill/11 S¢ ITeZ Its passer all I )2/pl(I l_l)lel). ]es xis. la terre Conducteurde liaison final Installez k tillr<, si _olls ne I'a_( z pas la clans un emplacement ,i'loign,i" oi_ _)tls pore-fez h life fimik ment. s@ar¢ z la Ilasc dc la naimltcric de son capuchon. Installcz otl remplacez 1,.s deux piles _:k_ ] ,5 w)h. Apr_'s a,,oir mis les piles en place, alignez la base el le capuchon el fi×ez-les ensen/ble. 2 pilesAAA _Base cnh-(' DES PIECES N ° de 002 _09 rep6rage Pi6ce 001 I ]I)_T Brides et conducleur a_la lerre I]I)_T R_lccords de % po Minulerie 002 003 n° Description WtlTIMER HDCOVER-PlX 999 005 006 007 008 - ttI)HANDI,E HI)RING ItDWRNCH FXHTC 009 999 de myml de raise -- de cuiwe -1 G Couvetvle de plotection mec lampon de convercle Poignde de ddri_dion Joint mrique Cld pour absorbem l_ldment de filtre : an charbon FXHSC l_ldment HDBRKT-2 49-50220-I Brides de montag< Instructions d'installation de filtre 1 1 1 1 -- - plaid6 -1 1 Pour obtenirdespi#ces de rechange,composezsansfrais le 800£28.2002 (':ctats-UnM, le 800.663.8080 (Canada,langueanglaise),le 800.361.3869 (Canada,languefrangaise). 007 'q'--008 GARANTIE LIMITEE • t_*_e ((my,, lagYm¢_/,.? --Ibm d(laul de m ll_tiel on dl main d'oeuvw du pi*_duil [i](, illSl2l]]d_iOIl, I t'llliSt' O11 t'II[I tqiUll il]l Oil t'Clt' -- Une panne du pwdui_ laus& par un alms d'udlisatkm, role mauvdse udlistdon. IO1HU III1 lllodi[il alioR, Iloll t)I_:_,IL blH uxploi_l[ioll ( ol]lll]ui ( idl(' ou IIIK" 1H i]JsA[iol i dll pl oduil dalls -- [ filisalion de ce p=_duil Io=sque ]'eau esl micI*)biologiquenlenl inlplm' ou de qu,ditd i[l(OI)llll/" 1(" CilZIli_ d[lS I.#!S qll'llllt' d0SJIlJt'CliOll tdt'qlldW 8_ $l('ll]('S hOI]lOl()gll_ ]K)IIf II'dil 111](' _(all( tql lil'll d/dill [iOI I (Its l'('l]lfOf II]iC_Y)J)#!g t'[ SoIti_ ])('IIV('lll AN EXCLUSIONDE GARANTIESIMPLICITES_Votro seul et unique recoureest I_ohange du prnduitselon les dispositionsde cette GarantielimiMe, Touteslee garantieeimplicites, ineluantles garanties de eommereialiteet d'adequationa tin usage speeifique, sontlimiMes a oneannee ou a la periode la plus eourte antoriseepar la legislation. -- La / ulouche de film' el les piles apI+s tlcnle jokers5 pardi de la da_e d' IchaL -- l_'_ d@lacenlents it volre domi/ile poul/ous i nseigner _)nlnlun_ ulilise_ le ploduit. -- D'UN dalls 011(' uliliscs Iplbs ddsint_c6on de I'_all pouvanl conlenir des mic=obes tiluables --Ibm donmlage (ansi=au p_od@ par accklenh incendil, inondafion ou a(le de Illeu -- Tout dommage furttfit ou indil*ct caus_ par des d6fams &,entalels de cet appareiL son installation ou los r6paration,s effectu_es. • Q_(,lle_,stla (lur&(h,b_grmmfi,,(qm's/'(M,(a? -- [n all (:eRe garantie couwe l'acheteur original et tout propfibtaire subsequent des produits achet_s a des fins r_sidentielles ou de bureau _tl'interieur des Etats-Unis. En Alaska_ cette garantie exclut le c_t d'exp_difion ou les appets de service a _tre nmison ou bureau. Cel_ai_s l_tats ne pennettent tins rexdusion ou la restriction des dommages accessoit,es _1 cor_olti_. Cette _t_antie votesdonne des droits _lfidi_les par ticulie_, reals vous pouvez _galement avoir d'aut_s droi_ qul varient d'Etat h Eat. Pour colmaltrevos droi_ jttridiques, consttltez le bureau de protection} du col_sommateur de votre localitY,de votre Etat ou le procureur gt}n_ral de votre Etat. Contactez nous sttr, _u appelez le num_ro salasfrais 800.952.5039 aux Etats-Ums, All Catlada_ €ontat'tez frais 866.777.7627. -- RanlelleZ ]("pi o(hli_ all illa_'asil] o1"1rOllS l'a_ ('z achele a'_cc lille e';eIIlplail_: (le la "Pl_uve d'achaC Une uni_: neme ou remise fi neuf sela lburnie Cetle _tmnfie ex_llll Its (o_Is d 'exp&lition on les d@lacemen_ de service fi u)_l_ (l_)_lli(i]c nolls SOF ,_',el_clrOlllellager sge, c_t _ Oll appelez le rtlllll_lo sai_ INSTRUCCIONES Unidad de filtracion DE INSTA/ CION de agua extrafuerte--GXWH40L PRECAUCIONES • ( OnStl]lc con MJ dcpallam( nlo de obr_ts p6blicas local y eslalal de_'onock/as, pare • , ADVERTENCIA: bactcriol6gicamcntc insegm'd o de calidad desconocida dcsillfl'_cidn adccuada mtcs o despt_& dcl _h)iamkmlo. de agua cumple con Ins Darns dcl afla._tcl imkmto de agua son pdnR'dse en conta 50% 93,1% 2,0 rag/L_+10% Condicionesde grueba Requisitosde operaciOn £itmo de flujo: 3 gpm(11,4 Lpm} pH:7,5_+1 Presi6nde entlada: 60 PSi{4.1 bar) Temperatura:68°F_+5°F{1&8°C _+2,5°C) Presi0n:30-100 PSi(2,1-6,9 bar) Turbidez:5 NTUMax. Tempemtura:40°F-100°F(4,4°C-37,7°C) Capacidad:5000galones(18927L)o 3 meses LapruebarueIlevadaa caboba]ocondlcionesde labomtoriaost_ndams,y el desarrdb foal padffavariar Reemplazo del cartucho del filtro "( SI((| d(bel"[U (A_ml)lar el [i111o (tl_/(Io _] p_st') del ag'tl_ disl/"lil/tlyC notal_l( W_ 1H(" o pof 1o ITI(I_OS (.ada l]'(s 1Y_(s(s. % Empujc _ atlapado. [_Cie_v< (I p_tso d(l i*g-ua al fihro. Gix'e In man!ia (11"(onhol at la posk:iTn BY'P,_k";S(dc_i_aci6n) o a la posk:i(_n OFF (apagado) (consuhe h secci6n Operaci6n dela v_Jtvula. [_ [_ Empt_i( {I bot6n Iqjo pare r_ducir la prcsi(m pare bqiar rqio pare _(du LISTA No. de ref. 001 Descripcidn Alambre Uniones Wl [TIMER Sincl(mizado_ %_pa protector 006 HDCOVER-PLU(; ItDItANDI,E HDRING 008 I-_'XHTC 004 003 005 _0 No. t IDKIT HD_T 002 9 Parte 009 I!DBRKT-2 999 49-50220-1 y abrazaderas de fierra de cafier/as de col)re de :/(' 1 (on tapdn 1 de lapa 1 1 Man!ja de deri acidrl Anillo [lave de testa Elememo del filtro: Filtro de carb6n F.w-,tISC 999 DE PARTES 1 Elememo del filtro - Plegado Abrazadeta de montaje Inslrucciol/es de ]nstala(:i6n i 1 1 Para obtener partes de repuesto, flame sin costo al 800.626.2002(E£ UK), 800.663.6060(Canad4-ingl# s), 800.361.3869(Canad4-fra nc#s). ,l_.-.O08 GARANTIA LIMITADA • i@u; of of Pu_vh_e"(prueba de compra). _ le proportional5 tma tl/li(l_d ntl('_t o rea(:on(]]_Joliad_t. Esta _a/al/t/a e×¢]ll_ ]()s costos de envio o Ilamadas de sel_ido a domicilio. i lSar (_] prodll(IO, inapi*)piada, o nlanleninlienlo impropio si hay al)llSO, UN .&NO O;mo ha:o b tedamaddn i -- (_ll_Mio del fihro y las I_terfas (leslm& (le tl_inl_ (l_s a i_l til¸de la l_:_ha(le la -- POR COlll ('llel ¸ (]lliSl('_ (ill(! se I)ll('(lall a a(( i(]ellleS, illC('lldio, illlllldacioIleS J]llraB o aclos Esta garantia se extiende al comprador original y cualquier comprador posterior de productos comprados l)a_z ik_o resldencial o on la oficina dentro de Estados U_fidos. En Alaska, la g-arantla exdwe el casto de envioo las visits de servicio a su casa u oficina. nalll£a]el.L -- Dafios secundarios o _c_rconsecuencia calsados per posibles defedos en el producm, su instalaci6n o reparaci6n. _Mgunos ostados no permitoi la exclusi6n o las limitadones de danes inddentales o consecuenciales. Fsm garmeia da derechos leg'ales especificos, y usted podria tener oa'os deredios que v_ialga_ de esi_to a estaxlo. Para saber cuides son sus derechos locales, constd/e a la oficina de asuntos del constmfidor local o la ofidma del _tior n_, Ge_eral en su localidad. -- Un aflo P6ngase en rwlmcto con nosotros 866.777.7627 en Canada+ 12 en gex'om, o llame sin cargo al 800.952.5039, o Printedin China Imprim_ en Chine Impreso en China
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