GIGA TMS SF650 SmaFinger,Fingerprint Reader with Ethernet Interface User Manual SmaFinger

GIGA-TMS INC. SmaFinger,Fingerprint Reader with Ethernet Interface SmaFinger


SmaFinger.NET® Quick Start September6,2010
1 TM951256AQuick Start to connect the SF650 on the EthernetQuick Start to connect the SF650 on the EthernetStep 1 Connect SF650 to Ethernet HUB with (WAS-T0413) cable.  Note: You can also connect SF650 to your PC or Laptop directly with same cable. Step 2 Connect Power DC12V with (WAS-T0132) Cable    Remark: The WAS-T0132 can be used for Power. Or, you can connect the power to the PIN VCC and GND (blue connector of SF650). Step 3 Use “SmaFinger.NET Discoverer” utility to search all SmaFinger.NET device(s) on the network.  (The utility can be found in the CD disk5406). ORDC12V ‐++DC12V  ‐To Hub SmaFinger.NetQuickStart
2 TM951256AQuick Start to connect the SF650 on the EthernetStep 4. Click “Refresh” to refresh the SmaFinger.NET list. Step 5. Click “IP Settings” to change the new device name.  Step 6. Edit the SF650 device name for easy recognition.  Click "Save" to change the settings.    NOTICE: If you need use manual IP, you can click "Manual" and setup the correct IP you used. SmaFinger.NetQuickStart
3 TM951256AControl Device with Internet Browser Control Device with Internet Browser Step 1 Use “SmaFinger.NET Discoverer” utility to search all available SmaFinger.NET device(s) on the network. Click “Web Admin” to go to the Web Administrator Utility. Step 2 On Login page, to login to the SF650 device. Step 3 Login on the SF650  Default username & password: username: admin password: admin    SmaFinger.NetQuickStart
4 TM951256AAdd a new user and fingerprints with Internet Add a new user and fingerprints with Internet Browser Step 1 Login Web Admin Page.  Refer to " Control Device with Internet Browser" Step 2 Click “Enroll A User” on the "Tools" menu of SF650 Administrator utility page.  Step 3 Click the “Start Enroll” to start the enroll process. Please put the fingerprint on reader twice and the "Status" will show how many fingerprints enroll success.   Type in the new user's name and click the "Save" to finish a new user adding.  Note: If you want to cancel the process, please click "Stop Enroll" or click "Reset" to cancel all fingerprints enroll with this user.  SmaFinger.NetQuickStart
5 TM951256ASetup time zone with Internet Browser Setup time zone with Internet Browser Step 1 Login Web Admin Page.  Refer to " Control Device with Internet Browser" Step 2 Click “Time Zone” on the "Settings" menu of SF650 Administrator utility page.  Step 3 Choose the time zone for local. Click "Save" to setup the current time zone SmaFinger.NetQuickStart
6 TM951256ARemote Control the door lock with Internet Remote Control the door lock with Internet Browser Step 1 Login Web Admin Page.  Refer to " Control Device with Internet Browser" Step 2 Click “Remote Control” on the "Tools" menu of SF650 Administrator utility page.  Step 3 Click the “Toggle” to toggle the relay of SF650.  Note: The SF650 supports the AJAX technology which displays the relay status automatically.  SmaFinger.NetQuickStart
7 TM951256AConfigure the SF650 reader functions Configure the SF650 reader functions Step 1 Use “SmaFinger.NET Discoverer” utility to search all available SmaFinger.NET device(s) on the network. Then select the device you want to configure the reader functions and   click the “Reader Utility” Step 2 The discoverer utility will execute the “Mifare/DESfire Reader Utility” and display the selected SF650 device.  SmaFinger.NetQuickStart
8 TM951256ATrouble Shooting How to change PC/Laptop network setting to support the Auto IP mode Step 1 Most of the PC/Laptop network default setting is “Obtain an IP address automatically” (auto IP mode). If not, you can follow the steps to change the network setting to auto IP mode.  Go to: Control Panel > Network and Internet Connections > Local Area Connection Properties  Step 2 General select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.  Step 3 Select    the “Obtain an IP address automatically.   then click “OK”.   SmaFinger.NetQuickStart
9 TM951256ATrouble Shooting Step 4 Connect the SF650 to PC/Laptop via Ethernet cable then Power On the SF650.   To LaptopHow to go back to default settings  When password is lost, forgotten or need to reset the device to the auto IP mode.  You can press the Reset-Key for 5 seconds, the SF650 will reset automatically and go back to default setting. The password is “admin” and IP mode will set to auto IP mode.  Some settings will remain the same when reset to default: 1. Device name 2. MAC address 3. Reader functions 4. Fingerprint Template database 5. User Data Reset Key SmaFinger.NetQuickStart
10 TM951256AInstallation Manual screw cover plateAfter fixing SmaFinger with attached screws (using the L-shape spanner),apply screw cover plate for completionAttach the bottom plate label on the target position.Drill the holes to match the bottom plate then fix SmaFinger reader.2.L-shapeLSHAPE SIX ANGLE SPANNER WALLWALLBOTTOM PLATEBOTTOM PLATE LABELBuzzer Hole Plate PLASTIC PLUG FOR WALLRequired ItemsSCREW BAGM3*6L 2PCSM4*15L 3PCSSecure Mounting Installation 1.SmaFinger.NetQuickStart

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