GLB Electronics SX150EN11C-G Synthesized Network Radio Data Systems, Model SX15 User Manual SNRDS99C

GLB Electronics Inc Synthesized Network Radio Data Systems, Model SX15 SNRDS99C

Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System Operating Manual

GLB ELECTRONICS, INCSynthesized Netlink Radio Data SystemOperating ManualJanuary 4, 2000151 North America Drive Tel:  716-675-6740Buffalo,  NY  14224 Fax: 716-675-6742NOTE: This product is intended for use in a commercial, industrial or businessenvironment, and not for use by the general public or in the home.The Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System (SNRDS) is a radio system for transferring digital data betweenphysical locations where wire connections are impractical or too expensive. It incorporates an intelligent packetcontroller, a fast, frequency synthesized data radio, and supporting I/O and indicators. One SNRDS unit, a powersource and antenna is required at each location requiring data communication.SNRDS communicates with local equipment (a data terminal, host computer, or a specialized hardware device) viaan RS-232 data port. A second serial port is used for outputting special messages or as an addressable serial bus toadd-on modules. 1200 to 19200 baud is available on the link side (over the air).About This ManualThese instructions are intended to enable the uninitiated to communicate via packet and to describe the SNRDSthoroughly. Most of these instructions concern the software. It’s assumed that a non-intelligent computer terminalor a computer having a simple terminal emulator program is available, allowing the operator to access the SNRDSdirectly. Basic operation is simple, but the myriad of commands and options provided could be initiallyoverwhelming; learn the basic commands now and review the list of commands at leisure to develop anappreciation for the capabilities provided. New commands can be studied in detail as required. Commands arehighlighted in the text (in boldface type) and are often referenced in the discussions. Where a command isreferenced instead of a section number, refer to the command summary in section 7. Commands.Character conventions used are as follows: CR is a line-feed character, usually a RETURN or ENTER key on akeyboard. LF is a line-feed, or ^J. Control characters are indicated in the text by preceding the character with “^”,and are keyed in by holding the control key down while typing the character. All SNRDS commands are inboldface type. The term “connection” appears in two contexts; one refers to physical connections via electricalconductors, and the other to a “virtual” connection, which exists only in software. Confusion can be resolved byassuming that when electrical wiring is the subject, it’s the former context; the latter applies when the only actioninvolved is in typing characters to the keyboard.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, Inc0-2GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00FCC Digital Device or Peripheral - User NoticeNote:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of theFCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation.  This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with this instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications.  However there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular application.  If thisequipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged  to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:• reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver• connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected• consult the dealer or an experienced TV/Radio technician for helpWarningChanges or modifications not expressly approved by Aria/ GLB Wireless Data Inc. could void the users authority tooperate the equipment.
1.  Table of Contents1.  TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................0-31.1.  SNRDS APPLICATIONS................................................................................................................................1-1DESCRIPTION AND FEATURES..............................................................................................................................1-1HARDWARE FEATURES ........................................................................................................................................1-2SOFTWARE ..........................................................................................................................................................1-3PACKET RADIO CHARACTERISTICS.....................................................................................................................1-3Packet Protocols.............................................................................................................................................1-32. INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS....................................................................................................2-12.1. PHYSICAL MOUNTING ...................................................................................................................................2-12.2. PANEL ..........................................................................................................................................................2-12.2.1. Main Connector (P1) ............................................................................................................................2-22.2.3. Power Supply Requirements .................................................................................................................2-22.2.4. Primary Serial Port (COM1).................................................................................................................2-22.2.5. Secondary Serial Port (COM2) .............................................................................................................2-32.2.6. Other Connections ................................................................................................................................2-32.2.7. Antenna Connector (J1)........................................................................................................................2-32.2.8. Fuse (F1)..............................................................................................................................................2-42.3. INITIAL TESTING ..........................................................................................................................................2-42.3.1. Terminal Interface................................................................................................................................2-42.3.2. Setting Radio Frequencies....................................................................................................................2-52.3.3. Multiple channel selection....................................................................................................................2-62.3.4. Initial Link Connection ........................................................................................................................2-62.4. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................2-72.4.1. Controller Section.................................................................................................................................2-72.4.2. HSM MODEM......................................................................................................................................2-72.4.3. Receiver ................................................................................................................................................2-72.4.4. Transmitter ...........................................................................................................................................2-72.4.5. Panel Interconnect Assembly................................................................................................................2-82.5. SPECIFICATIONS ...........................................................................................................................................2-93. OPERATION.................................................................................................................................................3-13.1. SAVING TO THE EEPROM ...........................................................................................................................3-13.2. SYSTEM PLANNING.......................................................................................................................................3-13.3. FORWARD ERROR CORRECTION...................................................................................................................3-23.4. CONTINUOUS ASCII (CA) MODE .................................................................................................................3-24. PACKET OPERATION................................................................................................................................4-14.1. ENTERING ADDRESSES ..................................................................................................................................4-14.1.1. Local station address.............................................................................................................................4-14.1.2. Entering a Destination Address ............................................................................................................4-24.2. STATUS REPORT ...........................................................................................................................................4-24.3. CONNECTED OPERATION ..............................................................................................................................4-34.3.1. Connecting............................................................................................................................................4-34.3.2. Chat mode.............................................................................................................................................4-34.3.3. Chat Mode special characters...............................................................................................................4-44.3.4. Disconnecting .......................................................................................................................................4-54.4. UNCONNECTED OPERATION..........................................................................................................................4-54.4.1. Unconnected Ack mode ........................................................................................................................4-64.4.2. Garbage Mode.......................................................................................................................................4-7
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, Inc0-4GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/004.5. OPERATION WITH DIGIPEATERS....................................................................................................................4-74.5.1. Digipeater Addressing...........................................................................................................................4-74.5.2. Status Update with Digipeaters .............................................................................................................4-84.5.3. Alternate Digipeater Addressing ...........................................................................................................4-84.5.4. Responding to connect requests via digipeaters ....................................................................................4-94.5.5. Path address retention and editing........................................................................................................4-94.6. OUTPUT FORMAT AND DISPLAYS ..................................................................................................................4-94.6.1. Information Fields................................................................................................................................4-94.6.2. Header Fields......................................................................................................................................4-104.6.3. Status Fields........................................................................................................................................4-104.6.4. Display timing.....................................................................................................................................4-104.6.5. Chat mode displays .............................................................................................................................4- Headers in Chat mode.................................................................................................................................. 4- Information .................................................................................................................................................. 4- Chat mode status messages.......................................................................................................................... 4-104.6.6. Transparent mode displays..................................................................................................................4-114.6.7. Command mode displays.....................................................................................................................4- Headers and tags.......................................................................................................................................... 4- Information fields......................................................................................................................................... 4- Status fields.................................................................................................................................................. 4-124.7. IMPORTANT CONSTANTS .............................................................................................................................4-124.7.1. Preamble length..................................................................................................................................4-124.7.2. Number of retries................................................................................................................................4-134.7.3. Retry time............................................................................................................................................4-134.7.4. Back-off timing...................................................................................................................................4-134.8. REMOTE COMMANDS .................................................................................................................................4-134.9. UNATTENDED OPERATION...........................................................................................................................4-144.9.1. Unattended commands........................................................................................................................4-144.9.2. Remote commands, special cases........................................................................................................4-144.10. OTHER BASIC COMMANDS .......................................................................................................................4-154.11. MONITORING THE COMMUNICATIONS CHANNEL.......................................................................................4-154.11.1. Queue mode ......................................................................................................................................4-164.12. BEACON OPERATION AND SPECIAL MESSAGES .........................................................................................4-164.12.1. Special Message Entry ......................................................................................................................4-164.13. BEACON CONTROL ...................................................................................................................................4-174.13.1. Alternate Beacon Message................................................................................................................4-174.14. STATION FILTERING SYSTEM.....................................................................................................................4-174.14.1. Filters and Modes..............................................................................................................................4-174.14.2. The Filterlist Mode Command..........................................................................................................4-184.14.3. Address entries..................................................................................................................................4-184.14.4. Remote control of the filterlist ..........................................................................................................4-204.14.5. Additional Notes on the Filterlist......................................................................................................4-214.15. UNNUMBERED INFORMATION FRAMES .....................................................................................................4-225. LOP PACKET OPERATION.....................................................................................................................5-235.1. ENTERING ADDRESSES IN LOP....................................................................................................................5-235.2. STATUS REPORT IN LOP.............................................................................................................................5-235.3. UNCONNECTED OPERATION .......................................................................................................................5-245.4. DIGIPEATERS IN LOP .................................................................................................................................5-245.5. CHANNEL MONITORING IN LOP.................................................................................................................5-245.6. BEACON MODE IN LOP..............................................................................................................................5-245.7. OUTPUT FORMATTING AND DISPLAYS FOR LOP.........................................................................................5-245.8. UNATTENDED OPERATION IN LOP .............................................................................................................5-24
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 0-501/04/006. HOST COMPUTER SOFTWARE INTERFACING ...................................................................................6-16.1. CONNECTED TRANSPARENT MODE...............................................................................................................6-16.2. BLOCK MODE...............................................................................................................................................6-26.2.1. Block Mode display tags .......................................................................................................................6-36.2.2. Information field output .......................................................................................................................6-36.2.3. Flow Control.........................................................................................................................................6-36.2.4. Sending information .............................................................................................................................6-36.2.5. Example of a Block mode transfer to station........................................................................................6-46.3. NUMERIC RADIX...........................................................................................................................................6-46.4. SPECIAL PACKETS AND PROTOCOLS .............................................................................................................6-56.5. MEMORY ALLOCATION................................................................................................................................6-56.6. POLLING FOR MESSAGES..............................................................................................................................6-56.7. DOWNLOADING CAPABILITY.........................................................................................................................6-57. COMMANDS ................................................................................................................................................7-17.1. COMMANDS WITH NUMERIC ENTRIES...........................................................................................................7-17.2. MODE-SETTING COMMANDS.........................................................................................................................7-17.3. COMMAND SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................7-27.3.1.  Single-Letter Commands .....................................................................................................................7-27.3.2. Commands controlling automatic functions.........................................................................................7-27.3.3. Beacon Commands ...............................................................................................................................7-27.3.4. Miscellaneous Commands ....................................................................................................................7-37.3.5. Diagnostics and Debugging ..................................................................................................................7-37.3.6. Other Special Commands......................................................................................................................7-37.3.7. Manual functions..................................................................................................................................7-37.3.8. Output and Display options...................................................................................................................7-47.3.9. Serial Port Setup, m=port (1 or 2).........................................................................................................7-47.3.10. Frequency control commands.............................................................................................................7-47.3.11. Setup Commands ................................................................................................................................7-57.4.   COMMAND EXPLANATIONS .........................................................................................................................7-58. INDEX ...........................................................................................................................................................8-2
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 1-101/04/00 1.1.  SNRDS ApplicationsThe Synthesized Netlink Data Radio System is ideally suited to the transmission of data for a wide range ofapplications, such as:Differential GPS Vehicle trackingPublic Safety LibrariesBanking Remote TelemetrySecurity systems Environmental monitoringVehicular remote control Military applicationsUtilities Oil & gas drillingMining Construction equipmentSports scoring Computer systemsTelephone systems Railway CommunicationsOceanographySupervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems1.2. Description and FeaturesThe SNRDS easily adapts to a wide range of wireless data transfer applications. In connected mode data is“packetized”, or broken down to a series of transmissions which are acknowledged as they are received. Hence theterm “Packet Radio”. Connected mode handles the entire communications process automatically, but unconnectedmode has advantages in many applications.Continuous Asynchronous mode is available as an option. This is a real-time data transfer mode in which asynchbytes are transmitted immediately as they are supplied. No error checking or protocol is involved, but data is sentwith an absolute minimum of delay. This mode is suited to applications such as remote control of vehicles orapplications in which the protocol is handled entirely by a host computer.Forward Error Correction is also available for connected or unconnected (not Continuous Asynchronous) modes.This option provides a great increase in the reliability of reception in the presence of impulse noise or rapidmultipath fading in a mobile environment.Within a basic communications mode there are several ways in which data is presented to be sent. In Chat modeASCII data is typed in, then sent by using a special control character. Block mode is useful for situations where allbyte values occur within the data and the host software can be customized to control the specific operations of theSNRDS. Transparent mode also allows any byte values but requires no special software in the host.When not connected, SNRDS displays all channel activity by default, but a series of options control the display bytype of field, connection status or addressing. Field types include headers, status messages, normal information andspecial information. If connected-only mode is activated no data is displayed unless a connection is established. Astation-filtering system uses a list of addresses to control the display of received information, based on five differentcriteria, such as station of origin, digpeat path and the COM port to be used. This list can also control whether aconnection is allowed or whether a station is to be digipeated.Messages that are received and acknowledged are queued up in SNRDS if the host isn’t ready to accept them. Thisaction occurs either if the serial port is flow-controlled by the host or by special command. When a series ofcommands are to be given “queue” mode can be invoked, stopping information flow until the user is ready toreceive it. Frames can be displayed one at a time or all at once. SNRDS needs only to be polled periodically to
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual1-2GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00access accumulated information. If memory overflows, new data is not accepted from other stations until enoughinformation has been accepted by the host, releasing sufficient memory space.Any SNRDS station may be used as a relay point, or “digipeater” to forward packets from other stations which maybe too distant for a direct radio link. Up to 8 digipeaters can be included in an address field to relay packetsthrough specified stations to the destination if the destination site can’t be reached directly. Watchdog hardware onSNRDS ensures that the system runs reliably by resetting the CPU automatically in the event that CPU operation isdisrupted. SNRDS also may be remotely controlled via a radio connection.A message can be stored, to be transmitted automatically to another station each time it connects, or it can be madeto transmit periodically to an independently entered address (beacon mode).By providing access to the disk operating system (DOS) in the host software, files can be transferred to and fromdisk and/or to another station’s disks directly. Appropriate host programming would allow such exchanges to takeplace as background tasks, freeing up the host computer to continue other operations transparently to the operator.Information could be directed to devices such as disk files, printers or other I/O ports.Two protocols are supported, called MX.25 and LOP (Low Overhead Protocol). MX.25 has more features, but LOPis simpler and more efficient in many applications. The protocol may be selected by command, but when calledfrom another station the protocol used by the caller is selected automatically.The software provides great flexibility, with commands that can be used by the host computer to implementspecialized protocols. Within the HDLC format, any kind of frame can be generated and sent by the host, and thehost can screen received frames and implement custom responses.1.3. Hardware featuresSNRDS is supplied in an RF-tight aluminum housing measuring 9.775 D by 2.27 H by 4.54 W inches (24.83 x5.77 x 11.53 cm). All interconnects are on the rear panel and all indicator LED’s are on the front panel. Thisarrangement leaves the remaining four surfaces unobstructed.The on-board controller provides commands for setting the operating frequencies of the receiver and transmitter,which have independent frequency synthesizers. There are no crystal ovens, so there is no warm-up delay. TheCPU is supported by 64K of memory, non-volatile memory backup and panel display. In the original RDC, alithium battery retains the contents of memory when power is removed from SNRDS. The RDC2 and up have non-volatile memory for storing critical parameters.There are two hardware “watchdogs” to ensure reliable operation. A CPU watchdog resets the program if thesoftware should become disrupted. In addition, there’s a limit timer in the transmit keying circuit to limit thelength of any single transmission in case of complete controller failure.Primary communications with the terminal or computer are carried out via an RS-232 serial port. A secondaryserial port has limited functions at this time, but in future releases of software this second port will become aseparate, fully addressable port such that two RS-232 devices can be connected to one radio. To keep the panel andinstallations simple, standard SNRDS bring out all connections except the antenna jack and power input via asingle DB-25S connector. A second RF connector is available for transceivers, providing independent antennaconnections to the receiver and transmitter.Antenna switching is accomplished with PIN diodes for fast turnaround operation. In packet applications the pathshould “turn around”, or go from receive to transmit and vice-versa, very frequently. Slow turnaround time reducesthe link data throughput and increases the probability of collisions. SNRDS radios turn around in 10 milliseconds.A half-duplex version is also available, which requires no switching and has two RF panel BNC’s, one for thetransmitter and one for the receiver.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 1-301/04/001.4. SoftwareWritten in assembly language, the control program is an independent and unique GLB development. The roots ofthe program are based on the original GLB PK1 and PK1L controllers, which have a long history of reliableoperation. Customized versions of the software can be supplied. In most applications it is found that the desiredcapabilities already exist, and the application can be developed and tested simply by selecting software options andsetting parameters. Standard software with customized default settings can then be provided for the actualapplication. GLB maintains a bulletin board system from which customized EPROM’s can be created anddownloaded. In the RDC2 there’s an on-board EEPROM which stores the parameter settings, addresses, filterlistentries, modes, etc. In these units the user can customize the software in the field, by making the required settingsby command, then saving the settings in the EEPROM. After that, the system ignores values in EPROM on reset,using the customized values instead. When modifications require custom software modifications a quotation can beprovided on the basis of programming time.Customized versions or updates of the firmware can be provided by supplying a new EPROM, or a program imagecan be sent via floppy disk or directly by MODEM if facilities are available to program EPROM’s.1.5. Packet Radio CharacteristicsMany SNRDS stations may share a single radio channel, each identified by an “address”. Two stations enter“connected” mode, in which they ignore all other channel traffic and communicate only with each other. Data mayalso be transmitted in unconnected mode, where addressing controls the data path. This mode is useful where thesame data is sent or updated periodically, and an occasional missed packet is not of critical importance. It is alsoappropriate where the host computer carries out the task of keeping track of packet re-assembly and error handlingin some other way instead of using the built-in methods.Packet radio is ideally suited to the transmission of data over a wide range of applications. In connected modecommunications takes place between two specific stations via a “virtual connection”. Once “connected”, otherchannel activity is ignored. Data delivery is guaranteed via acknowledgments and a 16-bit error checkingcalculation (CRC) ensures that the data was received correctly. Error recover and loss of packets due to noisebursts, fades, etc. are handled by means of automatic repeats. Packet sequencing guarantees that packetizedsegments of files are correctly reassembled at the receiving end.  For some applications special protocols mayprovide improved performance. For example, in polling applications it might be desirable to eliminate theoverhead of connecting and disconnecting each station to be polled.Unconnected mode is available for applications where connections are either not necessary or there isn’t time tomake and break them. In this mode the 16-bit CRC is still used, so that flawed transmissions are not displayed. Itworks well for applications where information is constantly updated, so that it makes more sense to listen to thenext updated transmission than to repeat a previous one. Addressing can be used to filter which transmissions todisplay, such as the source station address(es) or a digipeat path, and if desired data from a specific address can besent to the secondary serial port.Packet ProtocolsA “protocol” is an agreed-upon method of forming and sending packets, just as formal procedures are usedbetween departments in companies. There can be many protocols, but to communicate all stations must use thesame one.Protocol functions include the digital format of transmissions, methods of synchronization, breaking downtransmitted data into blocks, or “packets”, sending the packets with addressing and control information, packet
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual1-4GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00acknowledgments and reconstruction of the data from the received packets. In addition there must be a way todetermine whether a packet has been correctly received and a mechanism to recover missing packets of data whenone or more of the pieces of a file have been received with errors. Certain situations require time delays; while aprotocol may specify the use of a delay, the actual values used vary with the baud rate, channel traffic density andother factors.Special protocol functions include automatic repeating, or “digipeating” of packets by other packet stations whenthe destination is out of direct range of the source station, sending and interrogation of commands and statusinformation between packet controllers, etc.Packet radio operates by establishing a virtual connection between two stations. A connection is requested byspecifying the destination address and giving a command to connect. Once the connection has been acknowledged(automatically) by the destination station all other channel activity is ignored. Data delivery is guaranteed by achecking method called a cyclic redundancy check (or CRC) on each transmission. If the error check is correct anacknowledgment (“ack”, for short) is sent by the receiving station. If no ack is received within a predeterminedtime the original data transmission is repeated until acked or until a preset number of tries has been exceeded.Packet sequencing guarantees that packetized segments of files are correctly reassembled at the receiving end.The most popular radio protocol, known as “AX.25”, was developed by Amateur Radio operators. Based upon theX.25 protocol used in wired systems, it adds provisions unique to the radio environment, and in particular, itsadaptation to amateur communications. Many commercial systems use AX.25, and SNRDS uses an extendedproprietary version of AX.25, called “MX.25”, which remains compatible with AX.25 as long as the extensionsaren’t used.Because it takes time to send acknowledgments, the system doesn’t spend all of its time sending data. In addition,each packet carries data besides the information to be sent, called overhead. The highest throughput of MX.25 isapproximately 92% of the baud rate, and for LOP it’s about 98%.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 2-101/04/002. Installation and ConnectionsA SNRDS installation varies with the application, but in general it involves physical mounting, providing for anantenna and power supply, and connecting the user’s equipment. For new or experimental systems the next step isto connect a terminal to each station in the system and test the radio path by making connections with the otherunits. Once radio paths are proven software operating parameters can be initialized for permanent operation. Inmany permanent installations customized firmware avoids the need to set up parameters, addresses and modes ofoperation.2.1. Physical mountingSNRDS units may simply be placed on any horizontal surface or fastened with screws. Mounting brackets areavailable from GLB. Placement should include adequate ventilation and air circulation. High humidity(condensing conditions) and temperature extremes are to be avoided, to the extent possible. Consideration shouldbe given to access for testing and maintenance, including a clear view of the panel indicators. In cases where aterminal is normally not connected, access to the serial port is desirable for test purposes. If the mounting positionmakes access to the connectors difficult, extension cables leading out for easy access could be permanentlyattached.2.2. PanelThe panel contains the RF and main connectors and eight indicator lamps. The PR indicator glows continuouslywhen power is on. The TX  LED is off while receiving and on continuously when the transmitter is keyed. An outof lock condition is indicated if the TE LED is lit. The RX  lamp glows continuously in the presence of a RFcarrier signal. The RE LED is lit if the receiver synthesizer is out of lock. The RS LED is lit when a positive
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual2-2GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00RS232 state is present on pin 4.  The CS LED is lit when a positive RS232 state is present on pin 5. The DA LEDis not used at this time.2.2.1. Main Connector (P1)All non-RF connections are made with this connector, simplifying the panel and making the removal andreplacement of the unit easier. A cable is normally made up to separate wires according to the various destinationsof each connection. The table of pin connections is followed by a functional signal description pin description 1. Ground 14. Data to SNRDS (secondary port) 2. Data from DTE to SNRDS (primary port) 15. Transmit Clock  (secondary port) 3. Data to DTE from SNRDS (primary port) 16. Data from SNRDS (secondary port) 4. RTS to SNRDS from DTE  (primary port) 17. Receive Clock (secondary port) 5. CTS from SNRDS to DTE  (primary port) 18. Transmitter Keying (active low) 6. DSR from SNRDS to DTE 19. RTS to SRDS (secondary port) 7. Serial Ground 20. DTR from DTE to SNRDS 8. Data Carrier Detect (DCD) 21. Bit 0 of the BCD switch 9. Bit 1 of the BCD switch 22. RS-232 RI10. /Reset 23. Bit 2 of the BCD switch11 Not used for RS-232 24. Not used for RS-23212. Remote Command Lockout 25. Receiver discriminator test point13. CTS from SNRDS (secondary port)2.2.2. Power Supply RequirementsSNRDS operates on +12.5 volts DC nominal. Voltage variations within specified limits have no effect onperformance except for power output.WARNING: Application of reverse polarity to SNRDS could cause extensive internal damage. Be surepolarity is correct. A safe method of applying power is to connect CHASSIS ground to the power sourcenegative first, then apply positive power to the connector. A wiring mistake during this test would shortthe supply but not put reverse polarity into the SNRDS. If it operates correctly this way connect the leadspermanently.A separate 2 pin connector is used to supply DC power to the SNRDS. The positive pin is on the right whenviewing the power connector with the key on the bottom The power supply is nominally 12-volts DC, negativeground. It should be regulated and have a monotonic turn-off and turn-on characteristic; that is, it should be free of“spikes” or “holes” and should shut down and come up monotonically in order to ensure orderly power-down andpower-up operations. When voltage drops below 7 volts the SNRDS halts and protects the contents of memory.2.2.3. Primary Serial Port (COM1)Pins 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are used for the primary serial port. These should be cabled into the corresponding pins of aDB-25S connector for connection to a terminal or computer to send data and commands and to receive incomingdata. It’s fully RS-232C compatible as a DCE (Data Communications Equipment). The other end of the cableconnects to a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment). Connection of SNRDS to another DCE device may be made byusing a null modem cable.  Pins 2 and 3 carry the actual data; pin 4 is controlled by the host to control the dataflow from the SNRDS. If data comes in faster than the host can process it, setting this signal false causes SNRDS
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 2-301/04/00to stop sending. If the host is fast and/or doesn’t do much processing pin 4 may not be needed. This line must beheld positive for data to flow; if flow control isn’t required, connect pin 4 to pin 5.Pin 5 is controlled by SNRDS to control data flow from the host; the host is expected to stop sending data whilethis signal is false. Except in Transparent mode pin 5 may not be needed, since SNRDS can accept any reasonableinput combination at maximum baud rate without overrunPin 6, the Data Set Ready signal, is looped back from pin 20, and indicates SNRDS is active and on line.Pin 20 is the Data Terminal Ready signal from the host. SNRDS feeds this signal to pin 6.Pin 22 is the RI (Ring Indicator) signal, connected to ground inside SNRDS.For test purposes or ASCII operation X-on/X-off flow control may be used, requiring connections only to pins 1, 2,3 and 7. Not all systems use RS-232 connections in the same manner, so some experimentation may be required.The serial port ground on pin 7 is connected internally to chassis ground.2.2.4. Secondary Serial Port (COM2)This port can be assigned to input or output transmitted/received information. CA mode always uses this port, see3.4. Continuous ASCII (CA) mode. The software also supports data output to this port when a special sourceaddress is entered (see SS).  A third use for COM2 is to assign it as a serial bus, used to access up to 256individually addressable I/O devices. Such devices include parallel input/output ports, D/A and A/D converters,etc. See FP, FR, FW.The signals on pins 13, 14, 16 and 19 are the same as the primary port, and the signals meet the RS-232Dstandards for voltage levels. Pin 17 outputs the serial clock, used for synchronization with serial bus devices.2.2.5. Other ConnectionsPin 12 is the Remote Command Lockout connection (See AQ and DL commands). When this signal is at 0 voltsremote commands are accepted, and when at +5 volts remote commands are rejected. This input allows remotecommand access to be controlled via an external device or condition.Pin 17 is the serial clock for the secondary serial port.Pin 25 is connected to the receiver discriminator output, to be used as a test point to observe received signals. It’sDC coupled and non-filtered.2.2.6. Antenna Connector (J1)The standard RF connector is a female type BNC. Allow enough clearance so the coax cable doesn’t have to makea sharp bend. Right angle adapters may help to avoid undue stresses on the cable and its connector.SNRDS is designed for a nominal antenna impedance of 50 ohms. The selection, mounting and physicalpositioning of the antenna is dependent upon the distance and direction to other stations in the system, and otherfactors such as the noise environment and frequency of operation. Line-of-sight radio paths are desirable forreliability and are necessary to cover long distances. Directional antennas are useful to increase the distance overwhich communications are possible, and can be helpful in rejecting interference or noise.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual2-4GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00Duplex units are available, having two BNC connectors instead of one.2.2.7. Fuse (F1)The fuse is a self resetting type.  It is rated for 3 amps for the 5 watt units.  The fuse can blow due to componentfailure or if reverse polarity is applied to the unit. Although a protective diode forces the fuse to blow in this case,circuit damage could still occur.  25 watt units have a 10 amp AGC fuse.  This is accessible at the fuse holder inthe power amp cover.2.3. Initial TestingThere are three major components to connect; a power supply, a terminal and an antenna. It’s a good idea toconnect the antenna (or a dummy load) first, to avoid transmitter operation without a load. The terminal devicemay be either an ASCII terminal or a computer using a terminal program. Most telephone MODEM programshave a mode allowing terminal operation. When the power supply and terminal are connected to the SNRDS apreliminary test can be made. No warm-up time is required.2.3.1. Terminal InterfaceThe first step is to achieve communications with the SNRDS via the serial port. The terminal (or computer with aMODEM program) should be set to send and receive 8 bits, no parity, and one stop bit (unless another combinationhas been specified in the order). The number of stop bits is important; if mismatched it may work fine for testingby hand typing, but fail when data is transferred at high speed.The standard SNRDS software is Unconnected Transparent mode.  To get the unit into command mode requiresthe typing of a special character sequence.  The default character sequence is three capital letter “U” and only threewithin 1 second.  It is very important that no characters are typed for a ¼ second before and ¼ second after thethree capital letter “U”.  This timing is required so that you can send three capital U in your data stream withoutgoing into command mode.  It is also, very important that the serial parameters of the terminal program are set thesame as the SNRDS.  The serial parameters for the SNRDS can be found on the “Firmware Settings Report” that isshipped with each unit.  A colon prompt (“:”)  should be displayed by the SNRDS meaning that it is in commandmode.  A full sign-on message can be obtained at any time by typing RETURN by itself at the prompt.GLB SNRDS w Vx.xx,A letter will appear at “w” only  if the SNRDS incorporates an installed option; F would signify Forward ErrorCorrection, C would signify a CA Mode unit, etc.  Lack of a letter here indicates the unit is a standard SNRDS. Vstands for Version, x.xx would be replaced by the software version number.If nothing happens or if a garbled character stream appears, repeat the procedure. A garbled sign-on may mean it’ssomehow missing the correct baud rate. SNRDS software is optionally supplied with a fixed baud rate instead ofautobaud, identifiable in that the command prompt “:” occurs without waiting for the RETURN character. If thiscould be the case and the preset baud rate is unknown, try setting the terminal rate to different baud rates until themessage clears up. If the message doesn’t appear review the connections - there’s an incompatibility somewhere.NOTE: If communication can be established with the unit but the display isn’t entirely correct (or if commands arenot accepted correctly), see P commands for setting up the serial ports. Also check ON and OW.When a sign-on comes up, try entering an S followed by RETURN. The terminal should display:
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 2-501/04/001 /ABCDEF 0 /------ 0/ //LDU/XE/RL/0(the customized address replaces the “ABCDEF”)Differences in this status display may be due to customized default settings in the EPROM, or in RDC2’s, theEEPROM.  If a message similar to this is obtained proceed to the next section.  Make certain  the terminal beingused is able to accept characters as fast as the SNRDS sends them. The SNRDS always uses CTS/RTS flow control,so if the terminal respects it overflow won’t occur. Alternatively, if the terminal uses Xon/Xoff flow control, thecommand  OXE will invoke that form of flow control in the SNRDS. Note that Xon/Xoff isn’t suitable fornon-ASCII data transfers.2.3.2. Setting Radio FrequenciesIf the frequency settings in the EPROM supplied with SNRDS have been customized, the transceiver is already setto the default frequency. If not, any frequencies stored in the EEPROM are used. Values in the EEPROM arechecksummed, and if the checksum should be incorrect those values are abandoned in favor of the EPROM. Valuesin the EEPROM can be changed by the user at any time (See DU and DOC commands).Frequency control software is written for flexibility on different RF sections, requiring a few preliminary entries:channel step spacing (RS), intermediate frequency (RI) and synthesizer divide modulus (RM). Since calculationsare performed on each entry to check consistency, a channel spacing value must be present before SNRDS willallow any other entries. Note that these settings are mandated by the particular radio section being used, and valuesare supplied in the EPROM to match the hardware for any particular SNRDS. The following examples are shownfor reference only.All frequencies are entered in kilohertz to the nearest ½ kilohertz and the commands must be terminated with a CR(RD, RM and RN don’t represent frequencies, so they work like other SNRDS commands). Channel selectionmust be consistent with channel spacing; that is, any selected frequency must be a multiple of the referencefrequency selected with RS. It also must be within range limits or the entry is ignored and an error is indicated. Forexample, to set channel step spacing to 10 KHz:rs 0-10As usual, “ 0-“ is sent by the controller to show the previous value. Next, check the receiver synthesizer modulus;this is set to 64 for radios below 250 MHz and 128 at higher frequencies. Set it to 64:rm 128-64<CR>The receiver IF is a signed value, where a negative value indicates that the local oscillator is on the low side of thesignal frequency and a positive value indicates it’s on the high side. Below 160 MHz the IF in SNRDS is +21400KHz:ri 0-21400<CR>          ^This ‘-‘ isn’t a minus sign; it’s the usual prompt for input sent by SNRDS in response to a commandThe remaining commands may be changed by the user. The first two entries set the range limits for enteredfrequencies, RL and RU, for Lower and Upper limit, respectively. These limits offer some measure of protectionagainst accidental operation on unauthorized frequencies. Before any channel frequency command is accepted, therequested frequency is compared to these limits; if out of range an error is indicated and the frequency isn’taccepted. Assuming the allowable limits to be 155 and 157.35 MHz:rl 150000-155000<CR>
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual2-6GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00ru 174000-157350<CR>Next, a receiver channel is entered:rr 150000-155030<CR>And a transmitter channel:rt 150000-155030<CR>There’s one other variable involved if the receiver and transmitter operate on the same frequency: RO, fortransmitter Offset. SNRDS transmitter synthesizers operate continuously, even in receive mode. The presence ofthis on-channel signal at close proximity to the receiver (inside the housing) would cause interference to receivedsignals. To avoid this problem the transmitter is shifted to a nearby frequency just far enough to avoid interference;when the transmitter is keyed it’s simultaneously shifted back to the actual transmitted frequency. The reason forthis strategy is that it takes less time to shift the transmitter a small amount than to lock it from scratch each timeit’s keyed, resulting in faster turnaround time. RO accepts a signed value such as “-30” to shift the transmitter 30KHz lower during receive operation. The best offset to use is normally preset in the EPROM default values, so thiscommand is described mainly for reference purposesro 0--30          ^Here we really do have a minus sign!2.3.3. Multiple channel selectionA software option is available for storing and receiving multiple frequency channels. The RC command is addedfor channel selection, and optionally, a channel switch can be provided that allows panel selection of thesepredetermined frequencies. Frequencies are entered independently by selecting a channel, then entering them withRR or RT, in the normal way.Default frequencies can be supplied with the order, so that a set of initial frequencies is automatically filled in onreset. The number of channels must be specified when ordered. With the switch option the maximum number ofchannels is 8 channels, but there is no (reasonable) limit when selection is done using the RC command.2.3.4. Initial Link ConnectionPick one of the SNRDS’s with its associated terminal as the “local” station and the other as the “remote” station.We’ll assume that the operating frequencies are set and that the software isn’t customized (except for the stationaddress). The default settings of the SNRDS are for Unconnected Transparent mode.  In this mode as soon as a keyis typed at the keyboard it is transmitted by the SNRDS.  The receiving radio should then receive this character anddisplay it on the terminal.  It is very important that the RTS and CTS pins (pins 4 and 5 on the SNRDS) areconnected to the terminal and that hardware flow control is enabled.  The SNRDS requires hardware flow controland will not display any data unless it is used.  If the user equipment does not have hardware flow control then pins4 and 5 on the SNRDS DB25 connector must be jumpered together.When bench testing use shielded loads and place the SNRDS units as far apart as possible to avoid receiveroverdrive. Unless the dummy load or coax is leaky a few feet should be sufficient. If antennas are used for testing,they should be separated as far as possible.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 2-701/04/00Weak signals are caused by poor antenna installations, less than ideal topography between the stations or simplybecause the stations are too far apart. It’s possible, although unlikely, that test signals could be noisy if doubleshielded coax is used and the loads are really RF-tight. P1 pin 25 carries the receiver discriminator output signal.Connect it to an oscilloscope and observe the received signal while sending data from the other unit. Noise will beseen when no signal is being transmitted, but during transmissions a clean data waveform should be visible withlittle or no noise.2.4. Technical DescriptionSNRDS consists of four subassemblies; A Radio Data Controller (RDC), a radio receiver and transmitter, and ainterconnect board.2.4.1. Controller SectionThe RDC consists of a 64180 microprocessor with 32K bytes of EPROM and 32K bytes of CMOS RAM, an GMSKradio MODEM, and a parallel input/output port. The 64180 has two internal asynchronous serial ports. Both theprimary and secondary port outputs through an RS-232 driver chip for bipolar drive levels. The parallel port isused to control the radio and MODEM sections. A lithium battery provides standby memory back-up in olderRDC’s. The RDC II and up have non-volatile storage for operating parameters, and they don’t have the lithiumcell.2.4.2. GMSK MODEMThe purpose of the MODEM is to condition the digital data stream generated by the controller into a form that canbe transmitted via the radio section, as well as to recover the transmitted signal from another station and convert itback to digital data. It modulates the transmitter to generate a frequency shift keyed signal, but conditions the statesequence of the carrier so as to limit the required base bandpass of the radio. A 3-pole low pass filter limits thetransmitted bandwidth by attenuating modulation components above 5 KHz.  No scramblers or de-scramblers arerequired. The GMSK may be operated from 4800 - 19200 baud, with some parts values changes and switchselection.2.4.3. ReceiverThe receiver has its own frequency synthesizer, controlled by a serial data stream from the controller assembly. Itfeatures four helical resonators in the front-end, an RF amplifier, a double balanced mixer, and a 21.4 MHz IFamplifier with a bandpass crystal filter. A second mixer results in an IF of 455 KHz, where a ceramic bandpassfilter supplements the selectivity provided in the first IF. The limiter/discriminator output is filtered in an activelow-pass filter and fed to the MODEM section.2.4.4. TransmitterThe transmitter has its own frequency synthesizer, controlled by a serial data stream from the controller assembly.The synthesizer VCO outputs directly at the operating frequency, which is then amplified to the required systempower output level and low-pass filtered for harmonic rejection. Antenna T/R switching is implemented with PINdiodes. The receiver antenna connection plugs into the transmitter assembly, at the receiver port of the switch.Two-point modulation is used to produce DC  modulation response. The upper modulation frequency limit isconstrained by the modem filter. An interlock prevents transmitter keying if the synthesizer isn’t locked.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual2-8GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/002.4.5. Interconnect AssemblyAll non-RF interconnections are made on this assembly. The panel indicators and their drive circuitry and thepower fuse are also on this board. The system connector is RFI filtered.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 2-901/04/002.5. SpecificationsSince there are many frequency and power levels for SNRDS units the following is shown as typical for the 450-470 MHz, 4-watt unit.  Detailed specifications are available for any particular unit.SystemTemperature range: -30 to +60 degrees C, no warm-up timeHumidity: 0 to 99% RH, non-condensingSize: 7.675W x 2H x 6.3L inches, (cm)Weight: 2.25 lbs. (kilograms)Power requirement: 10-15 volts DC, negative groundCurrent drain: 300 mA receive, 1200 mA transmitController RDC2 or RDC$MODEM built in, optional ratesData rate, link side: MODEM dependent; 1200 to 9600 baudData rate, serial port:300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 baudCPU Watchdog timer: Approximately 1 secondTransmit limit timer: approximately 15 secondsRAM 32K bytesEPROM 32K bytesEEPROM 512 bytesSystem turnaround time 3 ms typical receive-transmit, 5 ms transmit-receiveRadio MIN TYP MAX UNITS, COMMENTSFrequency range available from 130 to 950 MHz. Specifications vary with frequency, shown here for the 450-470 MHz bandRange with retuning 450 --- 470 MHzRange without retuning 5--- --- MHzAntenna impedance ---  50 --- Ohms nominalFrequency stability --- ---  ±2.5 PPM full tempSynthesizer resolution 12.5 kHzChannel spacing 25 kHzOperating temperature -30 --- +60 Degrees CelsiusDuty cycle 100%Current drain, standby --- --- 150 mA max, receiveCurrent drain, transmit --- --- 1AConducted spurious --- --- -57 dBm (regulatory limit)TransmitterOutput power 4 5 --- Watts into 50 ohms @ 13.8 VdcConducted spurious/harmonics  --- --- -53 dBc keyed (regulatory limit)Key-up time to stable data 3 5 msReceiverSensitivity --- -120 -119 dBm 12 dB SINAD non pre-emphasizedSpurious & Image rej 70 --- --- dBAdjacent channel rejection 70 --- --- dB @ ±25 KhzIntermodulation 65 70 --- dB, third order
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual2-10 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00Frequency response DC 5000 Hz
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 3-101/04/003. OperationIn this section, control keys on the terminal are identified as “^J” for Control-J, etc. “CR” refers to a carriagereturn character (marked RETURN or ENTER on most keyboards). Sometimes a required input is shown in <>instead of quotes, where additional quotes could confuse matters. “LF” is short for LINE FEED (^J on keyboardslacking a LF), “Ack” is short for “Acknowledgment”, and “Info” is short for “Information” (The term “data” ismore general and includes data transmitted and used internally between stations to expedite protocol operation).3.1. Saving to the EEPROMIn the course of configuring the system for the application there will be mode and parameter changes, which arestored in tables. For example the station address is usually different for each station in a network. When the systeminitializes, such values are checked at several levels. First, the EEPROM is checked, and if its contents show agood checksum table values are taken from it. If not, the tables in the EPROM itself are used.All table values can be changed by command, and these changes take place in RAM memory. Therefore if thesystem is reset or power goes off they are lost. In order to make changes permanent the tables are stored to theEEPROM. The EEPROM contents are protected in hardware, so in order to save new information it must first beunprotected. Two commands are involved; DU and DOC.The DU command is to Unprotect the EEPROM in preparation for writing, and DOC does the writing.. In order tominimize the chance of writing to the EEPROM accidentally, this command is canceled on any followingcommand. Thus, the DU command must immediately precede the write command. It is very important that a CR isnot type after either of these commands.  Just type the command and do not type anything else until the colonprompt is displayed.  See the command explanations for more detail.3.2. System Planning.Since there are a large number of modes and options, your system objectives provide the best starting point. Lookover the following examples to see what approach might best achieve those objectives.First decide whether you need connected mode. Connected operation is characterized as follows:1. An address must be specified and a connect request commanded before each data transfer.2. Data is transferred point-to-point between two stations only. Other channel activity is  ignored.3. When transfers are complete a disconnect operation must be commanded.4. Data size is unlimited.5. Data transferred in connected mode has guaranteed integrity. Repeats are made as necessary and thedata is packetized and reassembled in the correct order.Examples of use: file transfers, where large amounts of info must be sent from one station to another, or dedicatedpoint-to-point circuits where the stations can remain connected continuously.Unconnected mode may be better where many stations are being polled and data fields are short, because it savesthe time otherwise taken for connecting and disconnecting. It might also be better when the data being sent isvolatile, that is, it’s being updated repeatedly with new values. In this case it might take less time simply to send anupdated version of the data, rather than to persist in repeating the original data until acked. Depending on howoften it is to be updated, there may be time to send each message more than once in unconnected mode, improvingthe chances that each message is received. In unconnected mode:
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual3-2GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/001. No address need be specified, but addresses can be used to limit which stations receive the messagesusing the filterlist (section 4.14.2. The Filterlist Mode Command)2. Connect/disconnect requests aren’t used.3. The maximum length of the data is 256 bytes per frame, but if it’s longer, additional frames areautomatically generated to send the excess, up to 7 frames at a time.4. No acknowledgments are made, so delivery isn’t guaranteed.5. Each message is sent n times, although n is normally set to 1.If multiple frames are needed to send the data, it’s possible for one or more of them to be lost, resulting in anincomplete message.There’s an intermediate system between connected and unconnected mode, called unconnected acknowledgmentmode. In this case the data is sent N times (specified in advance) to a specific station address. When received, thedata is acknowledged and further repeats are halted. This method eliminates the need to connect/disconnect. Ifmore than one frame is sent (because the message exceeds 256 bytes) there is a separate acknowledgment for eachframe. It is up to the user’s software to determine which frames have been acknowledged, since in this mode thecontroller doesn’t number the frames.Applications:    GPS differential correction, SCADA systems.3.3. Forward Error CorrectionThis feature may be ordered as a software option. When FEC is used, extra correction bits are sent with the datathat are used to correct errors which might have occurred during transmission. Although the extra bits incur someoverhead, the probability of receiving any given frame is greatly enhanced, particularly in the presence of impulsenoise or rapid fading, such as in moving vehicles.FEC must be used in all stations of a system, since transmissions are not possible between FEC and non-FECstations. Most modes and commands operate in the same manner with or without FEC, but a few of the commandsdiffer.Applications:   GPS, SCADA, connected mode applications in noisy locations or fading paths.3.4. Continuous ASCII (CA) modeFor real-time applications or in cases where no protocol is required in the SNRDS unit, and all that is required isfor the controller to transfer bytes via radio as received, this mode is available as a software/hardware option. Thismode operates in 2 ways. The first is the transmitter can be keyed by setting the secondary RTS true. While thetransmitter is keyed bytes are sent as they are entered at the secondary serial port. The first bytes of data will bebuffered until the radio has finished sending its’ preamble. They’re displayed at the receiver end as received. Theentire transmission does not have to be received before data starts to be displayed. There is no addressing or errorchecking. The host system must perform those functions as required.The second method of operation of CA mode is the transmitter is keyed automatically on the receipt of the firstbyte of data into the secondary serial port. This makes the SNRDS completely transparent to the user equipmentsince no transmitter keying signal is required. This method is more popular than the former since this methodallows the radios to most closely emulate a wire in both function and timing.CA mode has recently been modified such that garbage characters are suppressed at the beginning and end of thetransmission. This change allows the user to get accurate data the first time.  The user no longer has to sift through
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 3-301/04/00the data to find where the good data starts and ends. This addition does not remove the possibility of erred data, butdramatically reduces the incidences of erred bytes.CA mode uses both serial ports of the radio. Both serial ports are located on the signal DB25 connector. Specialcabling is available from GLB. The Primary serial port is always in command mode. Commands can be changed atany time, but should not be changed while data is being transferred since errors may occur. The Secondary serialport is used only for serial data transmission and reception.Normally, CA mode operation calls for a serial port baud rate that is the same as the link (radio side) baud rate, butthe rules can be bent because of the intelligence in the controller. Although the average baud rate coming into theprimary serial port from the host must not exceed the link baud rate of the radio, the internal buffering allowshigher speed bursts. Thus it is possible to use 19200 baud between the host and controller, even if the controllersends only 9600 baud on the link side. If bytes are sent half of the time on the average, overrun will not occur. Ifoverrun should occur, the controller CTS signal is set false, signaling the host to wait. Similarly, at the receive endif the link rate is 9600 baud and the transfer from the controller is only 4800 baud, receive buffering prevents lossof bytes (although a delay would accumulate on received bytes that go into the queue until they can be displayed).CA mode requires a completely different EPROM firmware and different cabling. It is not compatible with any ofthe packet protocol software and will not communicate with it. Applications:  vehicular control, SDLC-mediated systems, where the host manages the protocol.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 4-101/04/004. Packet OperationThis section describes how to operate using the MX.25 protocol. LOP operation is very similar; the differences arediscussed in section 5. LOP Packet Operation. It’s assumed that the controller is interfaced and functional. Whena CR is typed, a sign-on message appears:“GLB SNRDS-2 V1.99Q”“V1.99Q” is the software version number, which will vary.Whenever a “:” appears, either by itself or at the end of the sign-on message, command mode operation isindicated. It’s displayed after completion of any command, as long as control remains in the command mode. If anerror occurs in any command the “:” is replaced by a “?”, but in either case it’s ready to accept another command.The controller comes up in the “monitor” mode, in which it displays all packet activity on the radio channel, andwith MX.25 protocol selected.4.1. Entering addressesWhen using connected mode or unconnected ack mode it is necessary to assign a unique address to each station inthe network. Addresses are also useful in unconnected mode, since the addresses can be used to control the displayof information. In MX.25 protocol each packet contains the station address and the address of the destinationstation. Both addresses are added automatically to each packet in both unconnected and connected modes, but thatinformation must be initially supplied by the user.An MX.25 address consists of two parts. The first, or base address, consists of 1 to 6 characters, which may beA-Z, 0-9 or “/”. The second part is a numeric value in the range 0-15. This added number, called a “SecondaryStation IDentifier”, or “SSID”, makes it possible to operate more than one station under the same address withoutconfusion. For example, there might be one or more digipeaters plus a primary station using the same base address.These stations may be distinguished by using a different SSID value on each address. It’s customary to use 0 forthe first or primary station, and an SSID of 15 is reserved as “wild” - if the correct SSID isn’t known by anotherstation the operator may use the value 15 to make an initial connection. 4.1.1. Local station addressThe station address identifies the station being accessed. A default address is copied out of the EPROM atinitialization. If it needs to be checked or changed, use the SC (Set Call) command:SC<station address>The existing address is then displayed:Type: “SC” (the controller then displays “ABCDEF-“);If a new address is typed in response it replaces the old entry. Type a space instead, and the old one remainsunchanged. Next the SSID value is displayed:“0-“.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual4-2GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00Type another space to exit the command. Re-enter “SC”, and this time type a new address. Enter a space or a dashafter the last letter. Lower case letters are automatically promoted to upper case.At this point the controller displays “0-“, prompting for the entry of the station SSID, and showing that the valuenow in effect is “0”. If “0” is satisfactory, type a space to retain it. If not, enter another value, followed by a space.Repeat the command with spaces to confirm that the new address is now in place. The station address stays inplace until changed or a bad checksum is found when the controller is reset.4.1.2. Entering a Destination AddressThere are two methods for entering the destination address.Method 1:   The SD command, following the same rules as the SC command as explained in the previous section.Method 2:   The command “C” and the destination/path may be typed in a single line, as in the following example:C REMOTE<CR> calls REMOTE-0C<CR> connects to previously entered pathNote that an SSID of 0 is assumed if none is entered. To enter an SSID it must be prefixed with a hyphen,immediately after the address (no spaces). While typing the command backspace may be used to correct errors, and^R to retype the line. When the <CR> is typed a connect sequence is started.Digipeaters may also be specified with the C command, optionally using the letter “V” followed by the digipeateraddresses after the destination address. See section 4.5., “Operation with digipeaters”. Whenever new addresses aretyped in conjunction with the C and V commands the stored addresses entered with SD and SV, respectively, arechanged.The destination station address and any digipeater address change only when retyped or if a connection is receivedfrom a different station. If a connection is received the destination address and digipeater addresses (called a“path”) are changed to match the new station automatically.4.2. Status ReportThe command S<CR> produces an abbreviated “report” showing the addresses in effect, the current operatingstate, and what modes are currently in effect. Type:S<CR> The response is: “1 /TEST  0 /------ 0 / //LDU/XE/RL/0”The display line is separated into nine “fields”, separated by “/”s. The first field is the link “state”, and the “1”indicates that the station is currently disconnected. The second field is the station address and SSID, the third isthe destination station’s address and SSID (here none is entered), and the remaining fields designate various modesettings. See section 7.5. for a complete description of the “S” command.At this point the only concern is with the addresses and “state”. The state is an internally generated numberrepresenting conditions on the link connection. The most significant thing to know is that a state of 1 meansdisconnected, and anything above 4 indicates a connected state. States 2-4 occur during connect/disconnectprocesses. Other values that occur are used mainly for diagnostic purposes.To obtain a complete listing of mode commands that are enabled, type “S1”.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 4-301/04/004.3. Connected operationConnected operation is always used to obtain the maximum benefits from packet operation. It always involvesexactly two stations. Stations in connected mode ordinarily ignore all other station activity on the radio channel,and won’t respond to a connect request by any others. All information in connected mode has guaranteed delivery.In case of error in transmission packets are not accepted, and the transmission is repeated. Messages are notdisplayed more than once, even if they have been repeated by the sender to obtain an acknowledgment. Packetsbeing sent are not deleted from the sender’s buffer until an ack is received. If a packet is not received after anumber of tries (normally 16) the connection is terminated and the message remains in the transmit buffer. If nopackets have been received for more than 6 minutes (set by SQ command), the station becomes disconnectedwithout making further transmissions.Packet procedure is analogous to ordinary conversation: You say “hello”, talk, then say “good-bye”. In voice radioprocedure you establish contact by exchanging addresses, talk, then sign off. In packet those steps would be calledconnect, exchange info and disconnect.4.3.1. ConnectingThe connect process is similar in all data modes, but there is some variation in how a connection is made. The firstexample shown is Connected Chat mode.Type: “C BASE”<CR>When the other station responds, “Chat” mode is entered, with the display “Connected to BASE” (where the otherstation’s address replaces “BASE”). If any info is present in the transmit buffer at the time a connection is made,it’s displayed at this point and the cursor is set to the end of it, making it possible to leave a message in the bufferto be transferred when another station connects.4.3.2. Chat modeOnce a connection is established, information may be exchanged with the other station. Chat mode is convenientfor ordinary conversation; therefore this mode is entered automatically when a connection is established (Thisprocedure is optional; see commands ML and MX).Chat mode is used only when the transmitted data is plain ASCII text. Anything typed is assumed to beinformation for transmission; thus, the letter commands used in command mode can’t be used. What fewcommands are needed are provided by means of “control” characters. Most keyboards allow control characters tobe entered by holding the “CONTROL” key down and typing a letter. A “control-B” in these instructions is givenin a shorthand form using the up-arrow to designate “control”, i.e., “^B” means the control key is held down whiletyping the letter “B”.On entry to Chat mode a BELL character is sent to the terminal, and any messages received are displayed as theycome in. As soon as a character is typed the display of received packets is disabled temporarily so that the linebeing typed does not become disrupted with incoming info. More than one line may be typed by ending the firstwith a RETURN. The LF character is reserved as a “send” key. When a message to be sent is completed, type LF totransmit the message and to re-enable the display of incoming messages.NOTE: Some keyboards lack a line feed key; a ^J is the same thing. This “send” character may be changed toanother by use of the SY command (see Section 7.5.). If there’s any doubt what ASCII value is generated by anyparticular key, the DK command displays it.Different terminals respond in different ways to the CR and LF characters to end a line and start a new one. Themost straightforward method is for the cursor to move to the left-hand side of the screen when a CR is received and
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual4-4GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00for it to move down a line (scrolling the screen up if necessary) when an LF is received. On some terminals the LFis assumed when a CR is received, thus reducing the number of characters that must be sent. In the latter case ifthe sender uses both CR and LF at the end of the line, lines become double spaced. In Chat mode both CR and LFare echoed to the terminal at the end of each line, even though only CR is transmitted over the radio link. If theterminal shows the message double-spaced, the LF may be suppressed using the MF command (Section 7.5.). Chatmode example: to send “Hi there.”, just type“Hi there.”<CR><LF>4.3.3. Chat Mode special charactersSpecial characters are used to edit the line and as commands. These include BACKSPACE to correct errors, andothers as follows:^B send a connect request^C initiate a disconnect^D enable receive display without transmitting^R display one frame of received data^T retype the contents of the buffer^U delete current line of input^X delete contents of bufferESC exit Chat mode \ Place any next character into the messageSuppose a line has been typed but it isn’t to be sent until the other station sends its next packet (to maintain thecontinuity of the conversation). ^D re-enables the receive display without sending the typed message; when thenext message has been received the typed message is automatically returned.A received message may be displayed during typing by using ^R. After the incoming message has been displayedthe current line may be continued. If no new characters have been typed for about 40 seconds, the controller sendswhatever is in the buffer and the receive display is enabled. This time value may be changed with the OIcommand. Time-out avoids accidentally blocking incoming information forever if LF is not used.]Once typed information has been acked by the other station, it’s automatically deleted from the buffer. Each timethis occurs a BELL character is sent to the terminal (even if more info is being typed) to indicate that the lastmessage was acked.The ESC command may be used to exit from Chat mode to Command mode at any time. Manual re-entry to Chatmode is made by typing the MS command. Normally entry to Chat mode is automatic when a connection isestablished and exit occurs when the connection is terminated (see ML command).Any of the reserved control characters may be sent, such as ESC by preceding them with the ‘\’ character. Thesequence “\”ESC places the ESC into the message instead of exiting Chat mode, as ESC by itself does. It followsthat in order to send an actual ‘\’ character it’s necessary to type “\\”. The first says “place the next character intothe buffer”, and the next character is ‘\’. See OR.If there’s any information in the buffer when Chat mode is entered, it’s displayed as if freshly typed. Whenadditional info is typed it appends to the old info, but the old info may be deleted or edited as desired, using theavailable control character controls.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 4-501/04/004.3.4. DisconnectingA disconnect is initiated from Chat mode with ^C. Command mode is restored automatically when the disconnectis acked (exception; see ML command). If command mode is entered before the disconnect (by typing ESCAPE)then the AD or the D<CR> command may be used to initiate a disconnect.4.4. Unconnected operationThere is no provision in the connected protocols for more than two stations to communicate at a time. However,operation involving more than two stations may be accomplished in unconnected mode.In unconnected mode transmissions are initiated by command, or when combined with transparent mode, whendata is supplied. Packets can be sent once or repeated automatically N times (SN). Since there are no automaticacknowledgments, there is no way of knowing which (if any) of the stations on channel have received the packet.The chances that all stations receive a packet may be increased by sending it more than once. Each time it’sreceived the data is displayed, so if it’s sent more than once it may be displayed more than once.In unconnected mode addresses are entered by command at each end of the path. By activating the OO command,only packets containing our address as a destination are displayed. It’s possible to use different paths forcommunications in opposite directions.In MX.25 if the addresses of a group are listed in the filterlist, to select each address in the monitor mode, otherchannel activity may be suppressed, making more than one “round table” possible on a single channel. For otheroptions see OM and MY commands.Information is transmitted as UI’s (Unnumbered Info) frames, so there’s no automatic sequencing and thereceiving side simply displays what comes through, in the order received. The number of frames that can be sent atone time is limited only by the size of the transmit buffer (SM), as opposed to 7 in connected mode.Even in unconnected mode certain things are done automatically. First, there need be no concern whether thechannel is clear when the command to transmit is given. The channel is always checked automatically for activitybefore transmitting. Error checks are made on all packets, so every displayed packet is guaranteed to be accurate. Itmust be recognized, however, that if an error occurs the packet is not displayed at the destination at all. In a roundtable, it’s possible that some stations may receive a message while others do not.In Unconnected mode connect requests are ignored, since a connection could disrupt normal operationunexpectedly. If the station is to accept and respond to connect requests, Unconnected mode must be disabled(MU-D). This action is also taken automatically after about 6 minutes (default) with no activity, controlled by theSQ command, unless SQ is set to zero. The MO command makes it possible to accept connect requests while inunconnected mode.To operate in unconnected mode set up addresses as needed, then enter MUE to enable unconnected modeoperation. Operation may commence in command, Chat or Transparent modes. Since there’s no connectioninvolved, Chat or Transparent modes must be entered manually. For Transparent mode MX must be enabled first.Typing MS then causes the selected mode (Chat or Transparent) to be entered.In Command or Block mode, unconnected operation involves Inputting the information to be sent, then sending itwith the AI command. It may be sent as many times as necessary, but there are no status displays or acks. The AUcommand may also be used, where each sending causes transmissions to be repeated N times, where N is set withthe SN command. Remember that OD must be enabled at any station receiving UI data or it won’t be displayed.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual4-6GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00Unconnected Chat mode operation differs from connected Chat mode as follows:1. Each time LF is entered the packet is transmitted N times, where N is set with the SN command, asan Unnumbered Information (or UI, see 4.15.) frame. UI frames are limited to 256 characters.2. No acknowledgment is returned.3. Information is not automatically deleted from the transmit buffer. When finished with a message,type “^X” to clear the buffer. If it isn’t purged manually, any new message is appended to the old,and both will be sent next time.Unconnected Transparent mode compares to connected Transparent mode (see 6.1.) as follows:1. Info in the transmit buffer is still sent N times, where N is set with the SN command.3. When the buffer overflows, or if the SK timer expires (because of a pause in the input stream), CTS isset false1 to prevent the acceptance of further info, and the info is transmitted N times.2. After one more delay period CTS is set true, the information in the transmit buffer is automaticallydeleted and more info may be sent.The time between transmissions is set with the ST command, and the number of times each info transmission ismade is set with the SN command. SK controls the amount of delay time between the time data is no longer beingreceived from the serial port and the time radio transmission begins.4.4.1. Unconnected Ack modeThere’s an extension to unconnected operation, controlled with the MW command. In unconnected ack mode if NUI (See 4.15.) frames are sent automatically (AU, N set with SN), remaining transmissions stop when anacknowledgment is received. After count-out or acknowledgment the transmit buffer is cleared for anothermessage, and in Command or Block modes a #4 status message is displayed to indicate an ack. After N repeats, ifan ack has not been received the status message #3 is displayed instead. In Chat mode the message “—ack” isdisplayed. No status indication is shown in transparent mode. When MW is enabled it produces two effects: thegeneration of acks for UI transmissions at the receiving station and the acceptance of acks at the sending station.When an ack is received while in command or block mode a #4 status message is displayed. If no ack is receivedand the specified number of transmissions was completed, #3 is displayed.All info frames are sent as UI’s, limited to 256 bytes in length. If there are more than 256 bytes in the transmitbuffer when transmission is initiated, multiple frames will be generated automatically. The number of frames sentand the number of bytes are under the control of the SH and SL commands, respectively. In transparent mode onlyone ack is sent for each packet (which could consist of multiple frames). If frame sequence is important, the beststrategy is to limit sending to one frame per transmission and wait for each ack (or to use connected mode). Inorder to display UI’s non-info data fields must be enabled (OD-E). Acknowledgments are sent as UA’s(unnumbered acknowledgment).Under Block mode, an ack is sent for each UI frame received. This allows the host system to match the count offrames sent to those received. In block mode, the receiving station (if also in unconnected ack mode) generates anidentical ack for each frame received, so if one is missed the number of acks will be short of the number of framessent. There is no sequence checking between frames, so there isn’t any way to tell which frame was missed.Unconnected ack mode works best when there are only two stations exchanging info, but it’s also useful in a “star”network. In a “star” configuration all communications pass between a master “hub” station and at least two other                         1CTS is not set in hardware until the input queue for the serial port is 75% full, nominally 100characters.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 4-701/04/00“peripheral” stations. In many such applications information flows only from the peripheral stations to the hub.Any peripheral station may originate information at any time, using repeat transmissions until acked. Theadvantage in this situation is that the overhead involved in first connecting to each station is eliminated andunnecessary repeats are eliminated, speeding up the network. The only caution is that it’s possible for duplicateframes to be received if the hub receives and acknowledges, but its ack is lost. If the ack isn’t received the frame issent again until an ack is received, but the hub station won’t “know” it’s a duplicate. In many systems (such asSCADA), duplication is not harmful, since each frame is an information update, but it would be unsuitable for filetransmissions where the information length spans more than one frame unless a higher level can be used to screenany redundant parts.4.4.2. Garbage ModeAlthough the accuracy of displayed packets is guaranteed, if an error occurs, however trivial, the entire message islost. In poor radio conditions, the SG (Set Garbage) command may be enabled in an attempt to salvage whateverdoes come through. In “garbage” mode no address or error checking is done and everything received (includinggarbage!) is displayed. Since receiver noise is always present the CPU must constantly distinguish it from a signal.Thus there are occasional false starts, where random bytes are displayed even when there are no transmissions toreceive.NOTE:  In GARBAGE mode no automatic transmissions are made and connect requestsare ignored, since without error checking transmissions could occur based on erroneousinformation. However, if a connect request is originated with C or AC garbage mode isautomatically canceled and the command is executed.4.5. Operation with digipeaters“Digipeater” is the term for what would be called a “repeater” in voice radio. The analogy fails in that packetsignals aren’t repeated in real time; first they’re received and stored in the digipeater, and if the error check is goodthey are re-transmitted. Digipeating is a simplex operation and duplexers and extra radio channels aren’t needed.MX.25 protocol includes means to designate up to eight digipeaters to relay packets to stations out of direct radiorange. The digipeater can be any MX.25 station, as long as it is active and in radio range. For multiple hops it’snecessary only to have a radio path between successive digipeaters. When digipeaters are used the destinationstation ignores the originally-sent packet, even if received, responding only to the transmission from the lastdigipeater address in the path. The response returns by the same path in reverse. The time delay between repeats isautomatically increased for each digipeater, allowing more time for packets to be acknowledged.The digipeat function may be disabled with the MR command. In command mode a status message “#9” isdisplayed each time a digipeat is sent. When not connected digipeated frames may be observed in Command orBlock modes by enabling the MV command, subject to OH and OO settings. In Chat mode, if the MV commandis enabled a message (see 4.12.1.) accompanies each digipeat occurrence, but the digipeated frame isn’t shown.There are no status displays in Transparent mode. 4.5.1. Digipeater AddressingThere are two methods to enter the digipeater addresses, or “path”.Method 1:
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual4-8GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00As shown in section 3.1, the destination and digipeater addresses may be entered as a single-line command. Thecharacters C and V are used in the command as follows:C REMOTE-1 V SITE-3 SITE-4This command initiates a connect request to REMOTE-1 via the digipeaters SITE-3 and SITE-4. Packets go first toSITE-3, then to SITE-4, finally reaching REMOTE-1.If preferred, “CONNECT” or “CONN” may be used in place of C , or VIA in place of V. The VIA entry isincluded only for commonality with many other packet controllers; whenever more than one address is entered thefirst is assumed to be the destination and the remainder are taken as a digipeater path. Thus V or VIA is optional.Note that using this method, if any address in the path changes the entire line must be re-entered. However,method 2 allows the path to be edited, even if the original path was entered with method 1.Method 2:The SV command (Set Via) operates in the same manner as SC or SD, except that each time an address-SSID isentered another prompt (“------“) is shown, up to 8 times. That’s the prompt to enter the next digipeater in theradio path. Up to 8 addresses may be entered, after which the command terminates automatically. The commandmay be terminated with fewer than 8 addresses by typing a space or CR at the next address prompt instead ofanother address.4.5.2. Status Update with DigipeatersWhen digipeaters are specified the status display shows three addresses instead of two. If more than one digipeaterstation is specified, a “#” appears next to the first digipeater address. The other digipeater addresses may beobserved with the SV command.4.5.3. Alternate Digipeater AddressingThere are situations where the digipeater address must be different from the normal station address. For example,for redundancy it may be desirable to install two digipeaters, capable of digipeating by the same address so thatother system stations don’t have to change their paths to have packets digipeated at the site. Only one of thesestations would have the digipeat function enabled at a time, the other acting as a “hot” standby for it. Since it’sillegal (in the protocol) to have two stations in a network with the same address, the station address must bedifferent than the digipeater address in at least one of them.The DG command allows a special digipeater address to be entered, for use by other stations in the system as adigipeater address. Each station can then keep its own independent address for making connections. A commonproblem in setting up a “hot” standby digipeater is that only the primary or the standby unit can be active at onetime, since the standby unit must have the same digipeater address if it’s to take over in a manner transparent toother stations. This command allows a common digipeat address to be assigned to both stations, yet they can becalled separately by their normal connection addresses. Thus the stations may be commanded independently,activating one or the other to digipeat.When a digipeater address is present, the station digipeats when either address is specified. If digipeating is to beallowed ONLY under the digipeater address, the DH command may be enabled. When a digipeater address ispresent and DH is enabled digipeat requests are ignored under the normal station address.An important feature of using a special digipeater address is that a delay value can be specified. The FG commandcontrols timing in steps of 10 ms (up to 2.55 seconds). The digipeater waits this time value after receiving a packetto digipeat before transmitting. By controlling the delay time, digipeaters can be made to concede channel priorityto other stations.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 4-901/04/004.5.4. Responding to connect requests via digipeatersWhen the station is called via a digipeater path, the path is automatically stored in reverse order as if it had beentyped in manually. This address is then used in all return packets.4.5.5. Path address retention and editingIf, after having communicated via a digipeater path the station is called without digipeaters the previous digipeateraddresses are retained for later use without the need for retyping. They may be reactivated by typing SV andresponding with spaces to each prompt. The digipeater reappears in the status display and digipeater operationcommences with the next connect command. The digipeater addresses change if another station connects using adifferent digipeater path. Entering a long list of addresses can be tedious, hence the command system is designed tominimize typing. For example if a mistake is made on the 3rd of four addresses, the SV command may bere-entered. The first two addresses are skipped using the space bar, the third address may be corrected andadditional spaces used to exit the command.Any address may be deleted by entering a single “-“ at the first character. The remainder of that address isautomatically filled with dashes. If there are 8 addresses in place and, say, the third one is deleted the followingones are deactivated but not deleted. The next time an address is typed into that position the remaining addressesare reactivated. All addresses beyond the first “------“ encountered are ignored. Thus by deleting the first addressno digipeaters are used, but only the first address must be restored in order to recover the entire path.The digipeater addresses may be deactivated without deleting ANY of the addresses, simply by stepping throughthe  SC command with the space bar. They may be reactivated with SV by stepping through the digipeateraddresses with the space bar.4.6. Output Format and DisplaysPlease note the difference between what is referred to as “information” (or “info”) versus “data” in this manual.Information is a subset of data and refers to the intelligence that is sent from one station to the other. The term“data” is more general and includes info and the “overhead” necessary to accomplish the task as hand. All info issent to the serial port. Although information may be accepted by a computer program instead of a terminal and willnot necessarily end up displayed on a screen, the term “display” is used here whenever data is sent to the serialport. 4.6.1. Information FieldsThe basic unit of transmission in packet is the “frame”, each of which contains a “header”, transmitted data and itsown error check. A packet may contain more than one frame, each one of which contains a header. There aredifferent types of frames; some don’t carry data at all, but are used to manage the protocol, such asconnects/disconnects, acknowledgments, etc. Finally, the status of the radio link, such as whether a connectionexists or data has been acknowledged, is of importance to a user or a host control program. Each of these types ofdata are sent to the terminal or host computer, and are referred to as “fields”. In addition, there are two types ofdata that are sent between stations. User information is normally sent in “info” frames, which can handle largefiles by breaking them down into blocks, sending them with sequence numbers so the protocol can keep track ofthem. Other types of frames may also contain data and are lumped into one group, termed “non-info data”. Thelatter are not sequenced, are limited to 256 bytes at a time, and may not require acknowledgment. Some infoframes also carry a “Protocol IDentifier” byte (PID) which may be used in systems to identify a higher level ofprotocol.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual4-10 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00The display of Information fields can’t be turned off, but there are ways to control what sources are to be displayed(see section 4.15.).4.6.2. Header FieldsHeaders consist of two parts; the address field and the control field. The address field contains the addresses of thestations in communication plus the address of any digipeater stations used. The control field tells the station whatto do with the packet. MX.25 uses control fields as defined in X.25, but there are modifications and additions thatoptimize the protocol for radio use.4.6.3. Status FieldsStatus fields are displayed when the link state changes. Only the changed aspect of the state is sent.If different types of fields are to be displayed they must not be allowed to contaminate the info; there must be a wayof identifying each display field so the user can decide what to do with it. For example, a computer program maybe sending info to a disk file, so if a status field is sent to the computer it must be identified in some way so thecomputer doesn’t simply add it to the file.In summary, the types of display fields include headers, info, non-info data, and status. The form of the displaysand how they’re distinguished varies with the mode of operation being used. The following paragraphs describehow each field is handled in Chat, Transparent and Command modes. Block mode is similar to Command modebut modified so as to expedite control by a host computer instead of a human operator. The display output ismodified to reduce the number of characters sent by eliminating screen-formatting characters. Block mode iscovered in greater detail in section 6.2..4.6.4. Display timingWhen the system is driving other equipment that might need to be keyed before the info is sent to it via the serialport and un-keyed afterwards, timing options are available. The OG command is used to set the keying timing andOJ is used to set un-keying timing. See section 7. Commands, commands.4.6.5. Chat mode displaysSince Chat mode is intended for human, not computer use, only information and status messages are displayed. Headers in Chat modeHeaders are not displayed in Chat mode. InformationIn Chat mode information is sent to the terminal for direct viewing. The data may be modified for formatting oflines, adding carriage returns or line feeds as necessary. The viewing of non-info data is optional (OD). Chat mode status messagesStatus messages are displayed in the form of plain language messages with leading hyphens, as follows:“- Connected to ABCDEF” means either that a call has been made from station ABCDEF or a request we made toABCDEF has been acknowledged. Either way the station is in connected mode.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 4-1101/04/00“- Disconnected” means the reverse of the above.“- Ack” means that the contents of the transmit buffer have been sent and acknowledged by the other station. Thetransmit buffer is now empty. This message also contains a ^G, which sends an audible “beep” from thehost terminal or computer to alert the operator that the previous message has been received by the otherstation. Also see “MK”.“-No ack” means there was no acknowledgment after the maximum number of retries.“- Waiting” means the receiving station buffer is full and flow control has been invoked.“- Holding” means that flow control has been invoked by our station to the other station.“- Call from DEFGHI” occurs when in connected mode with a second station, the OC function has been enabled,and a third station sends a packet to our address. “DEFGHI” identifies the third station. If the third stationsends data it is displayed on the line below the “- Call from...” message. See commands OC and OE,section 7.5.“- Digipeating” occurs when MV is enabled and a packet has been digipeated by our station.4.6.6. Transparent mode displaysIn Transparent mode only info from the remote station is displayed. Since one of the primary uses of this mode isto send data into files all other output is suppressed to avoid contamination of the files.4.6.7. Command mode displaysWhen the controller is initialized it’s set to display only status updates and information. The other types of fieldsmay be displayed selectively. Headers and tagsA typical header display:REMOTE 0 MOBILE 0-63A header is tagged by the “.” character. The “-“ within the header tags the control field value. Control fields arealways displayed in hex radix. On information frames “;” is added, followed by a number representing the value ofthe PID field. When the frame contains data an additional tag is output at the end of the header display; ‘(apostrophe character) if it’s info and “/” if it’s non-info data. Some of the non-info data fields (UI’s, see 4.15.)also contain a PID.The first address shown is that of the destination station and the second is that of the source station. Any additionaladdresses are digipeaters, listed in order from the first to digipeat the frame to the last. An asterisk is appended tothe addresses of digipeaters that have handled the frame. The destination station accepts only packets in which alldigipeater addresses have been so tagged. Example:REMOTE 0 BASE 0 SITE 0* DIGI1 0
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual4-12 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00The frame is from BASE-0, to REMOTE-0 and it has been digipeated by SITE-0. DIGI1-0 is to digipeat it next,but it hasn’t done so yet. The display of headers is controlled with the OH command (section 7.5.). Information fieldsIn command mode info fields are identified at the end of a header with the ASCII character “ ‘ “. The end of theinfo itself is not delimited; since command mode isn’t used for computer interpretation the user can normally findthe end by observing the start of other fields. If that proves difficult the other fields may be simply be disabled.Non-info data display is controlled with the OD command. The tag at the end of a header for non-info fields is thecharacter “/”. Status fieldsThese consist of the tag “#” and a number. The number represents the status change that has taken place:#1 Disconnected#2 Connected#3 No acknowledgment received (N transmissions completed)#4 Acknowledgment received#5 Flow control imposed at remote station#6 Flow control imposed by our station#7 A retry transmission has been sent#8 A remote command has been acknowledged#9 Our station has digipeated a packetPlease note that these values are different from the “state” values shown in the status display (see S<CR>command). The latter changes only in connected mode, and indicates an absolute state while these status valuesoccur upon a change in state.4.7. Important constantsCertain values used to operate the protocol are preset, but they may be fine-tuned by command as conditions vary.Among these conditions are the prevailing channel activity level, the number of digipeaters in use, receivingconditions and characteristics of the radios.A few of these are discussed here. Section 7. Commands includes them all.4.7.1. Preamble lengthThe preamble is a string of bytes sent at the beginning of every packet to allow the receiving station to synchronizeto the sending station. In theory a preamble is used in synchronous operation to allow the recovered receiver clockto get into synchronization with the transmitter, an operation which normally takes place within 8 bits. In packetradio operation when a transmission is started in response to one received the transmitter must be keyed and sometime must be allowed for it to reach full operation before data can be sent. At the remote station the transmitter issimultaneously being unkeyed and its carrier must decay while the receiver becomes operational. While one or theother of these delays may dominate, the effect is the same: there’s a certain amount of “turn-around” delay beforedata can flow in the opposite direction. This delay may be provided simply by increasing the preamble length whentransmitting a packet. The preamble consists of a special byte value, called a “flag”, repeated as necessary. Thetiming is done by controlling the number of flags sent, with the SF command.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 4-1301/04/00Most of these flags may be lost while the turnaround is taking place. A few bits are required to synchronize theclock, followed by at least one complete flag before the body of a packet can be received. These conditions arevirtually assured if two complete flags are received. The rest of the flags are set to delay the onset of the packet justenough so that data flow commences when at least two are left. At 9600 baud a flag is about .8 ms long, but at1200 baud it’s about 6.7 ms, so the flag count varies with baud rate as well as the radio hardware.The most practical way to determine the number of flags required is to start with more than enough, then startreducing them at one end of the path until the number of packets missed begins to increase. The other station canthen be set the same way, possibly yielding different values because of individual equipment differences. Alwaysstay on the conservative side, because while a preamble that’s too long wastes time, one that’s too short may makecommunications erratic or impossible.4.7.2. Number of retriesOn power-up the controller sends each packet up to 16 times before giving up. This number may be changed withthe SN command. More tries may be appropriate under poor conditions or on busy channels. If it runs out of tries itautomatically disconnects; hence to maintain connection continuity enough tries are needed to get through everytime. On the other hand, if an equipment failure is the cause all those wasted retries consume channel time. Thevalue may be changed with the SN command.4.7.3. Retry timeThe default time value between retries is about 2 seconds at 1200 baud. Retry time must give the other stationenough time to respond with an ack before the next repeat. If the time is too long, when a repeat is needed the datathroughput is needlessly reduced. Retry time is automatically adjusted for baud rate, so the retry time for the samenumeric setting is about 1/8 as long at 9600 baud as it is for 1200 baud. Retry time is also extended automaticallyin the presence of other channel activity, and it’s automatically adjusted to account for the number of digipeatersused and the packet size. The base value of retry time is set with the ST command. 4.7.4. Back-off timingThe channel is always checked for other activity before any transmissions are made to avoid interference. Ifanother transmission is detected, it enters a “backoff” wait loop. When the other transmission ends a transmissionis made after a random time delay. The reason for the random delay is that there may be other stations waiting, orbacking off, from the existing transmission and if all stations reacted with the same timing to the end of thattransmission they would transmit simultaneously. With random timing this type of collision rarely occurs.The backoff time delay is randomly generated, where the random time can be anything from zero to a specifiedmaximum value. The time limit is controlled with the SO command. Alternatively, a fixed backoff delay may beadded to the SO delay by setting SP. The backoff time is then equal to the SP time + SO time, where the latter israndom. Combinations of these delays can be used to program the order in which each station in a system is to begiven priority.When digipeating there is no backoff delay, since if digipeaters are not given priority the repeats that are createdhave a much greater impact on channel usage than direct transmissions.4.8. Remote CommandsCommands may be sent by remote control, using the AQ command. A prerequisite is that a connection must beestablished to the station to be commanded. In Command or Block modes such commands may be sent at any timewithout disrupting any info transfers in progress or changing the state of the connection. The commands receivedby the other station are displayed as non-info data if OD is enabled. In Command or Block mode these fields aretagged differently, so there is no confusion between them and normal info. See 7.5., DL and AQ.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual4-14 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/004.9. Unattended operationSince any MX.25-based station can be used as a digipeater, a controller may be dedicated to that purpose. Becausea terminal wouldn’t be needed at a remote site used as a digipeater, the primary port serial data input line isavailable for another connection. By holding a positive voltage on this line while resetting the controller or goingthrough a power-down/power-up sequence, “Unattended” mode is entered. In an unattended station this signal maybe tied to +5 volts permanently (If a terminal is connected, unattended mode is entered by holding a breakcondition to the serial port while resetting or doing a power-down/power-up sequence. Although commands can’tbe entered via the terminal, incoming commands may be observed).In unattended mode all connected info received is interpreted as commands. The AQ (section 7.5.) command stillworks, but isn’t required. Commands are sent as though they were typed at a local terminal. Responses normallysent to the terminal are returned via radio to the controlling station instead.NOTE: Remote control is limited to connected operation to prevent the unattended station from interpreting otherchannel activity as commands. In order to connect, the unattended station must have an address (ANY address)preprogrammed into the EPROM, since there’s no terminal from which to enter an address. Once connected, it’spossible to enter a new address via remote command, as will be seen.4.9.1. Unattended commandsIn addition to the normal RDC commands there are four plain English commands:ON activates the digipeat functionOFF deactivates the digipeat functionFLAGS n n is a number; sets the number of preamble charactersSTATUS displays the digipeater address, SSID, number of flags and digipeater on/off state.Every command must be terminated with a CR. After each command a prompt (“:”) or error (“?”) character isreturned, and all input up to the point of the error is echoed. Example: if “QX” were sent the response would be“Q?”. Since no command begins with ‘Q’, ‘Q’ is the character at which the error occurred.Some of the commands are disallowed via remote commands, to avoid fatal errors. As an example, commanding itinto standby mode could be fatal, since it would no longer respond to other stations, including the one that sent thecommand! There is no guarantee that every command is foolproof when given remotely. With good judgmentcommands that make sense will probably work. If in doubt test the command before leaving a remote site!4.9.2. Remote commands, special casesA few remote functions merit additional discussion. Changing the remote station’s address is one. After aconnection is made, the SC command may be sent, carrying the new address. The complication is that theunattended station begins using the new address immediately. The ack it returns carries the changed address in thepacket header. Since the command station is still using the old address, the ack isn’t accepted. This situation maybe corrected by changing the destination address at the control station immediately after sending the command. Ifthe change is made before the connection counts out operation resumes normally. If not, a new connection must bemade. The new address remains in place as long as a reset doesn’t occur.Another desirable function is to change the contents of the beacon or special message at the remote site. In directcontrol the new message is typed into the transmit buffer, and it is stored as a beacon/special message when the BScommand is typed. The problem is that the transmit buffer is in use at the remote site during a connection, so any
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 4-1501/04/00command that also uses the transmit buffer overwrites the response. To overcome this problem, the BS command,when sent remotely, works differently. The command is followed directly by the message:BSThis is a new beacon message.<CR>Similarly, the action of the BR (Beacon Recall) function is modified. By local control BR copies the currentmessage to the transmit buffer. By remote command it sends the message in response to the command as well. Themessage is recalled to the transmit buffer, but in unattended mode it’s deleted afterwards. Since the command isordinarily used remotely only to display the current message contents this change is appropriate.The situation is different in the case of using AQ to send the command; here the transmit buffer isn’t used, sooperation resembles local control more closely.AQ works with the “I” command, but special character entry can be confusing. Every ‘\’ character must bedoubled, because it takes two of them to insert one to the buffer while typing the AQ command line. At the otherend the message becomes input to the “I” command, so a surviving ‘\’ character must be present there for thespecial character. To place an ESC thus requires “\\”ESC instead of “\”ESC, and to place one ‘\’ char in thedestination requires “\\\\” instead of “\\”.4.10. Other Basic CommandsThe commands described so far are sufficient to connect, communicate and disconnect, but at times it’s convenientto operate entirely from command mode. Here are some of the commands most likely to be needed; for moredetails, see Section 7.5.. These commands can’t be used while in Chat or Transparent modes; type “ESC” to returnfrom Chat mode or the sequence of “escape” characters from Transparent mode (See 6.1.).Information may beentered and sent directly when in command mode.“I”inserts information into the transmit buffer, terminated with ESC.“K”clears the transmit buffer.“T”“Types” the contents of the transmit buffer so you can see what you’ve entered or how much ofa message hasn’t yet been sent and acked.“AT”initiates the transmission of info in the command buffer.“AI”transmits info in the command buffer as a UI (see 4.15.).4.11. Monitoring the communications channelIt’s difficult to monitor a particular communication on a busy channel because in monitor mode everything isdisplayed, resulting in a scramble of intermingled messages. A number of software options are offered to controlthe display of incoming packets. “Queue” mode makes it possible to defer all displays, and the commands OO, OCand OE (see section 7.5.) control the display depending upon the connected state of the station. In addition, astation-filtering capability () is included that may be used to display only those packets having certain address orpath characteristics.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual4-16 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/004.11.1. Queue modeControlled by the OQ command, “Queue” mode prevents received data from being displayed. Instead, packets arestored or queued in memory. In this mode it is still possible for other stations to connect, leave messages in thequeue and disconnect. Queued packets may be filtered by using the display controls, just as for the display ofpackets. Whatever remains to be sent to the terminal is stored in memory. If a station connects while in Queuemode the message “-Q-“ (also see 4.12.) is placed into the transmit buffer. It’s returned to a caller in response toany info.When memory is filled no more messages can be saved. A station connecting at that time would receive a “Wait”request and no more messages would be acknowledged until sufficient memory is unloaded. If nothing but “wait”signals are received after connecting to another station, and the “-Q-“ message is returned, a full queue isindicated.Messages are also queued if terminal flow control blocks the display. Thus a host computer program can assertflow control, do other processing, then return at a later time to examine the stored messages. Flow control isestablished via RTS/CTS or Xon/Xoff (see OX command).The distinguishing feature of Queue mode as opposed to normal terminal flow control is that clear access isretained to the command processor. Queue mode may be invoked to halt the flow of received information to theterminal while other commands are given, for example to change an operating parameter, then to resumeafterwards. Packets may be released one frame at a time (OF) or all at once (OQD).4.12. Beacon Operation and Special MessagesA special message, up to 256 bytes in length, may be stored to be used one of three ways:(1) To store a message which may be needed at a later time, avoiding the need to retype it. Typing BR copiesthe contents of the stored message back into the transmit buffer. The stored message is not changed. If thesame message is to be sent to a number of stations it can be recovered repeatedly and sent out asconnections are made.(2) The stored message is sent automatically to any station connecting while in Queue mode. When thecontroller is reset this message is initialized to the string “-Q-“. Other stations connecting receive thismessage in response to any info they send. Thus, it behaves as a renewable message to be sentautomatically to all connecting stations. This message replaces any pre-existing info in the transmitbuffer.(3) In BEACON mode the station sends a packet containing the stored message periodically. The packet isaddressed in the normal fashion, except that instead of using SD and SV commands, the BD and BV(Beacon Destination, Beacon Via) are used to enter the addresses. Beacon packets are sent as non-infodata, which don’t require acknowledgment.4.12.1. Special Message EntryIf the beacon isn’t in use, a message may be stored by typing it into the transmit buffer for sending, then typing BS(Beacon Store). Once stored it remains until replaced with another, deleted (with BK for “Beacon Kill”), or by areset. After the BK command the typed message remains in the transmit buffer, so it must be deleted (K) if it is notto be transmitted with the next information packet. Example (typed input is shown in quotes, the rest is from thecontroller; comments are at the right):“IGone to lunch. I’ll be back around 1 PM<CR><ESC>”
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 4-1701/04/00:“BS”store the message“K”delete it from transmit bufferThe message may be edited by recalling it into the transmit buffer with BR. The contents of the transmit buffermay be edited either with the “I” command or by entering Chat mode temporarily (MS). Either of these commandsis terminated with ESC.4.13. Beacon ControlBeacon mode is activated by setting a time period with the BT command (Beacon Timer), where each countrepresents about 10 seconds. At the maximum value of 255 the repeat time is about 30 minutes, but the time valuesautomatically increase with channel activity; on a busy channel it sends less frequently.Beacon mode is terminated by setting the time value to zero. The beacon stops when connected; it resumes upondisconnect. The beacon time value is also shown on the status display line as the last number.A useful function of the Beacon mode is to identify active digipeaters by having them send a periodic beaconmessage. The message may include the digipeater address. For a digipeater operating in the unattended mode,proceed as follows: connect to the digipeater, then set the destination address fields for the beacon using “BD” forthe destination and “BV” if beacons are to be sent via a digipeater path. Use BS to enter a beacon message (seesection 4.9.2. Remote commands, special cases]. For example to have the beacon addressed to “QST” connect tothe digipeater and send “BDQST 0<CR>”. Then send a timing value “BTn<CR>” (where n is the timing value).The beacon message may be examined by sending “BR<CR>”. If the other station isn’t in unattended mode theabove commands may be sent by preceding them with “AQ” (Section 4.8. Remote Commands).4.13.1. Alternate Beacon MessageFirmware can be supplied with a special message permanently programmed into the EPROM. Beacons are sentwith this message by enabling it with the BA command.4.14. Station filtering systemAn important capability is a powerful multiple-function address filtering system, henceforth referred to as the“filterlist”.Up to 10 addresses are permitted (other numbers available as a software option), each of them assigned to any (orall) of five filters. Each filter can be designated to operate in one of two modes of operation called “REJECT” and“SELECT”. Please be careful to distinguish between “filter” and “mode”. The 5th filter is used to direct the flow ofdata to either serial port.4.14.1. Filters and ModesA FILTER is one of the five processes that can apply to each address. Each filter has two MODES of operation. Inthe commands the five filters are referenced  with characters as follows:CharacterFilter Function of filterMMONITOR filters the display by originating stationVVIA filters the display by digipeaterDDIGIPEAT filters stations to be digipeated
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual4-18 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00CCONNECT filters stations allowed to connectPPORT directs info from packet to either serialportNOTE:   If a station is referred to as being “listed”, it means that its address exists in the filterlist with a particularfilter enabled.MONITOR Filter:REJECT mode: Packets from listed stations will NOT be displayed.SELECT mode: ONLY packets from listed stations will be displayed.VIA Filter:REJECT mode: Packets that specify any of the listed addresses as a digipeater will NOT be displayed.SELECT mode: ONLY packets with a listed addresses specified as a digipeater will be displayed.DIGIPEAT Filter:REJECT mode: Packets originating from listed stations will NOT be digipeated.SELECT mode: ONLY packets originating from stations whose addresses are in the list will bedigipeated.CONNECT Filter:REJECT mode: Packets originating from listed stations WON’T connect.SELECT mode: ONLY listed stations will connect.PORT Filter:REJECT mode: Info originating from UNLISTED stations goes to the secondary serial port.SELECT mode: Info originating ONLY from listed stations goes to the secondary serial port.4.14.2. The Filterlist Mode CommandEach filter is set to SELECT or REJECT with the command OT. When OT is typed after the prompt, a displaylike this appears:MR VR DR CR PR-“MR” indicates that the Monitor filter is in Reject mode, “VR” indicates that the Via filter is in the Reject mode,and so on for the Digipeat, Connect and Port filters. The status of these four filters is shown before any input isaccepted. As usual, the “-“ is an invitation for input from the keyboard. Each time a valid input is typed, theprompt line is re-displayed, showing any changes. A valid input is made when one of the letters M, V, D, C or P,followed by “R” or “S” (for REJECT and SELECT) has been typed. If MS is typed (under the OT command) thedisplay would become:MS VR CR DR PR-The MONITOR filter is now in SELECT mode. Filter modes may be changed as often as required until the displayshows the desired combinations. A CR terminates the command.4.14.3. Address entriesLet’s assume that all filters are set to the REJECT mode and we’re ready to enter addresses. An address is enteredwith the OA command, after which the following display appears:MD VD DD CD PD-
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 4-1901/04/00These indications tell us which of the four filters have been selected for this address. In this case all four filters aredisabled, and although this address has been typed in, no action will be taken on it. If the MONITOR filter hadbeen enabled, “ME” would have appeared in the place of MD for this address. Filters are selected here in the sameway as modes are selected in the OT command. Suppose we do not want this station to be displayed in the monitormode; we can type “ME”, to Enable Monitor mode. If the space bar is pressed the command moves on to the nextaddress, leaving the modes set up as they were last displayed. This menu, with the option to select any filter orcombination of filters, is repeated for each address in the list.In the following examples, lower-case letters indicate keys typed by the operator, and upper-case represents thecontroller’s response. Note that command characters may be typed in either upper or lower case.Example 1::oa ------able 0- MD VD DD CD PD-“oa” was typed and a space entry was shown (“-------“). Then the address “able” was entered, followed by a space.The controller then displayed the default SSID, “0”. A space was typed, retaining that zero value as the SSID.Now the controller responds with “MD VD DD CD PD-“. The settings for “M”, “V”, “D”, “C” or “P” may bealtered as required, or a space may be typed to advance to the next address in the list. If a space is typed at thispoint the address remains in the list, but it isn’t used. If the following is typed:dD-eMD VD DE CD PD-this address becomes assigned to the DIGIPEAT Filter, and packets originating from ABLE will NOT bedigipeated, since the digipeat filter is in the Reject mode. If this entry is not satisfactory, continue with:dE-dMD VD DD CD PD-cD-eMD VD DD CE PD-“dd” disables the erroneous DIGIPEAT function and “ce” enables the CONNECT function. With this setting anyattempt by ABLE to connect to this station is ignored, but ABLE is still displayed and digipeated. The commandcan be terminated by typing a CR, or continued by typing a space, advancing the command to the next address:<space> ------The controller is now waiting for the entry of another address. As in the SV command it continues to requestaddresses until the list is filled. If a space is typed in response to an empty entry the command is terminated. Anaddress is deleted by typing a dash. Any addresses following it are moved in to close gaps between addresses.Example 2:Certain actions are to apply to three addresses. The station MOBILE is not to be displayed while monitoring;digipeat requests by TEST are to be rejected, and LINE1 is not to be either displayed or digipeated. First theMonitor and Digipeat filters are placed in the Reject modes using the OT command::ot MS VR DS CR PR-mS-rMR VR DS CR PR-dS-r
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual4-20 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00MR VR DR CR PR-<CR>The Monitor filter was found in Select mode, but since this station is to be rejected instead, it’s changed to Rejectmode. The Digipeat filter was also found in Select mode, so in the second line it was changed to Reject mode. TheVia, Connect and Port filters won’t matter because we aren’t planning to activate any addresses using them, so thecommand was terminated with a CR. Next, the “OA” command is used to enter addresses::oa------mobile 0- MD VD DD CD PD-mD-eME VD DD CD PD-<space>------test 0- ME VD DD CD PD-mE-dMD VD DD CD PD-dD-eMD VD DD CD PD-<space>------line1 0-MD VD DD CD PD-dD-eMD VD DE CD PD-mD-eME VD DE CD PD-<space>------ 0-<spaces>On the first line “MOBILE” was inserted, with a space at the SSID to accept the default value, 0. “me” was typedin response to the “-“ prompt, enabling the Monitor filter. When the filters were re-displayed in line two, a spaceadvanced the command to the next address entry. In line three TEST-0 was inserted, and “md” removed it from theMonitor filter. In line 4 “de” was typed to activate the Digipeat filter on this address. Since the Digipeat filter is setto Reject, TEST-0 will not be digipeated.On line 6 LINE1 is entered and “de” and “me” were specified. The command was terminated by typing spaces tothe next display of filter status, the next address and SSID. Alternatively, it could have been terminated by typing aCR after “me”.The results of this example are: MOBILE packets won’t be displayed while monitoring the channel, and TESTpackets won’t be digipeated by this station.4.14.4. Remote control of the filterlistOne of the ways to use the filterlist is to prevent unwanted stations from using an unattended digipeater. In order tomake filterlist entries remotely or to edit the list of addresses care must be taken to insert space and CR charactersin the right places. For more than about three entries it might be best to create the command in an editor, edit ituntil satisfied, then save it in a file. The corrected file is then sent to the digipeater.Suppose one address is to be entered and NOT to be digipeated. The following string should be sent afterconnecting to the remote station:aqoaDOZER 0 de<CR>The address follows the “oa” immediately. Note the space after the address preceding the SSID; it’s needed to stepthe command to the SSID entry. One space is always sufficient to terminate the base address, even if it’s shorterthan 5 characters, since the first space causes the correct number of spaces to be filled in automatically. A space isneeded after the SSID to advance the command to the filter enable entry. After the digipeat filter is enabled (“de”)a CR terminates the command. If a space had replaced the CR the command would be ready for another address.To edit the list a space is inserted for each item to be bypassed. For example, the following string would addanother address to the previous entry:aqoa   PUMP1 1 de<CR>    ^^^     ^ ^   (“^” shows the position of space characters)
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 4-2101/04/00Since there already was one entry in the remote station’s filterlist (REMOTE-0) 3 spaces were inserted after aqoa;to step the command past the first address, SSID and filter enable entries. Thus the new address was entered as thesecond address in the list. If this sequence had been typed directly instead of via remote command, it would havelooked like this:aqoaREMOTE<space>-0<space> MD VD DE CD PD-<space>-------pump1<space>0-1<space> MD VD DD CD PD-dD-e<CR>A sure way to figure out what to send, guaranteed to work, is simply to enter the command directly, using theprompts as guides. Mark down each character typed for a successful result, then send that string to the remotestation. To modify an existing list at a remote station it’s easier and surer to create a new character list for theentire entry and re-send it, rather than attempt to edit remotely. Unchanged entries will simply be re-entered, doingno harm. Finally, if more than one filter is to be enabled (such as making a station ineligible to digipeat andconnect) all commands can be typed together:aqoaREMOTE 0 dece<CR>The digipeater echoes its interpretation of a command sequence, acting as a trace. By examining the responsesyntax problems can be diagnosed.4.14.5. Additional Notes on the FilterlistThe filterlist address SSID entries can be made ‘wild’ in two ways: An incoming address with SSID 15 is a wildmatch against any matching base address in the list, and if the SSID in the list is specified as 16, that item becomesa match to any incoming SSID having the matching base address. An SSID of 15 in the list is not wild; instead, itspecifies that the incoming address MUST be 15 for a match to occur.If a transmission is made via multiple digipeaters and the V (via) option is enabled, the only transmissionsdisplayed are the ones from the digipeater address listed. All of the other digipeater transmissions in the path areignored, even if they’re strong enough to be received. This includes the final digipeater in the path, too. Thus, if apacket is transmitted via stations A, B, C and D, and station C is in the VIA list, selected, the only one displayedwould be the transmission from C.A little reflection shows why modes need never be mixed for any of the fivefilters. If SELECT is chosen, and a few stations in the list are to be selected, the REJECT mode becomes irrelevant,since all other stations are rejected anyway. Conversely, if REJECT is chosen all unlisted stations are automaticallyselected. For this reason the entire list is used either as stations to be rejected or stations to be selected.If a long list of addresses has been entered and it is decided to delete, say the second address, instead of typing a “-“to delete it, all four filters under that address could simply be disabled. This tells the controller to take no action onthat address. The address remains available if later it is decided to reactivate it, making it unnecessary to retype it.If that slot is needed later a new address can always be typed in to replace the old one.What should happen if, say, the MONITOR filter in SELECT mode is enabled and no addresses are assigned to it?Logically, this would be tantamount to turning off the monitoring function altogether, since no addresses are thereto be selected. The controller detects this situation, acting as though the MONITOR SELECT filter had not beenactivated. This precaution may avoid accidental apparent loss of operation! The program avoids wasting time onnull entries and such logical discrepancies.The VIA option can add a considerable amount of work for the CPU to the processing of monitored frames, sinceall VIA addresses have to be compared against all addresses in the list (up to 80 addresses to compare for a 10-entry list). The CPU stops the search when it has gone far enough to ensure that there can be no additional “hits”,avoiding unnecessary processing. Thus the added CPU overhead is no more than what is necessary to carry out therequired instructions.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual4-22 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00Except for the PORT filter, the filterlist has no effect while connected, since all other activity is suppressed anyway(unless OE is activated). The suppression of addresses with MONITOR, VIA or DIGIPEAT does not affect theability of stations to connect, and once connected their packets are not suppressed. For additional control, OO orthe filterlist CONNECT filter may be used.4.15. Unnumbered Information FramesUnnumbered frames (UIs) are used in either connected or unconnected mode.  A message that has been typed intothe buffer for transmission may be sent as a UI by typing the AI command. For example, a file transfer could beinterrupted, a UI intended as a comment to the receiving operator could be sent, and the file transfer could becontinued. The program controlling the file transfer at the receiving end can distinguish info data from non-infodata by interpreting the tags sent with each type output field. Such comments could then be displayed on the screenand not interfere with file data.UI’s can be suppressed from display with the OD(D/E) command.UI’s may be sent n times (set with SN) by using the AU command instead of AI.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 5-2301/04/005. LOP Packet OperationOperation in LOP and MX.25 are basically similar, so this section deals mainly in the differences, using similarheadings. Protocol selection is commanded by the SX command. If a connect request is received in either protocolwhile disconnected, the protocol is changed if necessary, and the connection is made in the protocol used in therequest. In monitor mode the controller receives, interprets and displays packets in either protocol correctly withoutchanging modes.The main advantage of LOP over MX.25 is in the reduction of overhead. In systems having a limited number ofstations (called “nodes” in LOP) LOP offers faster responses and improved ability to get through in poor receivingconditions.Headers, which must be sent with each frame, are 15 bytes long in MX.25 and only 2 bytes long in LOP. Thus at1200 baud the minimum transmission time (including opening/closing flags and FCS check) for anacknowledgment is 15.8 ms in MX.25 vs. 3.3 ms in LOP. However, MX.25 can distinguish literally billions ofaddresses, while LOP is limited to 255. In small systems this is not a limitation. However, LOP does retain theability to identify and call stations by an alphanumeric address, up to 6 characters in length. The address is used asan address only on connections and disconnects; during data transfer only a single-byte token, or “node number” isexchanged. Both the node number and addresses are pre-assigned to each station in the network, and each must bedifferent. There is no SSID in LOP.5.1. Entering addresses in LOPBase addresses entered under MX.25 (3.1) also apply to LOP, so once an address is entered under either protocolthere’s no need to re-enter it in the other. Under LOP the address entry is the same, but since there’s no SSID inLOP there’s no prompt for one after the base address is typed. However, each station must have a node numberassigned.The use of a node number instead of a address is analogous to that of a nickname in casual conversation; after theformal introduction conversation is facilitated by using a short mutually-understood substitute for a full name. Insubsequent exchanges only the node number of the sending station is sent in the packet headers.If the LOP node is pre-programmed into the EPROM it becomes active automatically when LOP protocol isselected. To check, enter or change the node number, use the “SA” command. Node number 255 is reserved as a“wild” number, analogous to SSID 15 in MX.25. If 255 is in place it is equivalent to no node number; connectrequests are not executed and LOP connect requests are ignored. For MX.25 protocol there’s an associated SSIDstorage location, which is undisturbed when entering an address in LOP. Be sure to check it when switching backto MX.25 protocol.5.2. Status Report in LOPAfter initialization and with LOP protocol selected (with the SX command), the status report looks like this:“33 /TEST  /------ $/ //LDU/E/RL/0”Compare this display with the corresponding MX.25 display in Section 4.2. Status Report.The first field is the assigned node number (as opposed to the “state” in MX.25) and the “$” in the 3rd fieldindicates that the station is not connected. In the 7th field the “X” is missing, which otherwise would indicate the
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual5-24 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00selection of MX.25 protocol. When a connection is established the “$” is replaced by the node number of thatstation.5.3. Unconnected OperationSince there’s no “UI” defined in LOP, unconnected operation uses numbered (always #0) information frames. Thefilterlist is not consulted in LOP, since full addressing is not present on every frame. The alternative is to use theOA command to enter up to two acceptable node numbers, and to have all stations in the round table use one ofthese node numbers for the duration of the communication. See also 5.4..5.4. Digipeaters in LOPThere is no provision for digipeater operation in LOP analogous to the one in MX.25 at the present state ofdevelopment. An error (“?”) is returned if the SV command is given. Even in LOP mode, MX.25 digipeat requestsare serviced, unless a connection is established in LOP. Once disconnected, normal digipeater operation is restoredfor MX.25.5.5. Channel Monitoring in LOPIn monitor mode under LOP, the output of duplicate packets is suppressed to reduce storage space in memory andto reduce screen clutter on repeated packets.Since there’s limited addressing information in LOP the filterlist function is not applicable. Instead, the OAfunction for selective monitoring works for one or two stations in LOP. Instead of reading addresses, node numbersare accepted. Note that to delete an address in LOP the value is changed to 255, not zero. A second address numberis requested if the first one is entered. Node numbers entered are treated exactly as the address for this function inMX.25. Node numbers entered under LOP operate independently of the addresses in the MX.25 filterlist. Inmonitor mode up to two stations may be selected to monitor in LOP and up to ten in MX.25, independently. 5.6. Beacon Mode in LOPBeacon mode packets are sent as numbered information frames with the station node number and no address. If thebeacon is to carry station identification it must be included in the beacon message.5.7. Output Formatting and Displays for LOPIn connect and disconnect sequences the addresses of the stations involved are sent as information fields inconnect/disconnect packets, rather than including them in the headers. These address fields are treated as“non-info data”, since they’re not information to be transmitted from user to user but only information used toestablish communication. Thus these fields are displayed with the same “tag” (“/”) as unnumbered info in MX.25,and their display can be enabled or disabled with the same command, OD. A typical LOP header display is:“.77-17”The “.” indicates that a header follows; “77” is the node number of the originator, in the selected radix (SR). The“-“ indicates the control field follows, and here the control field is a “17. The control field is always in hex radix.There is no PID field in LOP.5.8. Unattended Operation in LOPUnattended mode may be accessed in either protocol.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 6-101/04/006. Host Computer Software InterfacingAlthough software can handle operator-to-operator communication with a simple terminal program in the hostcomputer, computer-to-computer communication and file transfers are best handled with custom software in thehost computer.Of the four basic communication modes, Transparent and Block modes are best suited for operation in conjunctionwith a computer host. Transparent mode is the simplest to use, but Block mode is far more robust. Connectedoperation is best in applications requiring guaranteed data delivery, but in other cases unconnected mode is a betterchoice. For example, if short data transmissions are sent periodically as updates to some real-time value change, amissed packet is not disastrous, since the next update will soon follow. In polled systems use of unconnected modereduces the overhead of connecting and disconnecting. Which stations are to receive data is controlled by changingthe destination address, and all stations can be programmed to accept only data addressed to them.If connected mode is to be used a destination address must be supplied, and a connect request command mustprecede any communication. At the end of data transfer a disconnect request must be sent before communication toanother station is possible. These requirements are particularly awkward in transparent mode without operatorintervention or special programming. However, if all communications are between two specific stations theaddresses can be entered before activating the system, and a permanent connection can be specified (AP).It’s also possible to use different modes at different stations in the system.For example a central polling point could use block mode to establish connections with remote stations intransparent mode, sparing the remotes the problem of giving commands.Differences between connected and unconnected modes are discussed in section Connected Transparent ModeBefore any data transfer can take place a destination address must be specified by the user, followed by a connectrequest. In transparent mode the easiest way to do this is to make the host operate as a simple terminal until aconnect request has been issued with the C command. Alternatively, the host software could provide a “shell” thatcommunicates with the operator in its own syntax, and generates the C command as required. The danger in usingtransparent mode in this manner is that there is no way for the host to find out what the connected (or evencommand) status is. For example, should a connect request be initiated, how long does the host wait before sendingfile info? The time to connect could vary from milliseconds to many seconds, depending upon channel activity andbaud rate. There’s also the possibility that the address given is incorrect or that station isn’t on the air, in whichcase no connected condition is possible, and there’s no way to be sure whether a connection has been made.Similarly the transparent mode exit sequence requires a delay, the sending of three “exit” characters (defaulted to^C), and a second delay. These operations cause delays in program operation. Because of these difficultiestransparent mode is used to greatest advantage when a simple terminal program is to be used, operated manually.The main advantage is that a simple terminal program with file transfer capability is sufficient. Almost anytelephone MODEM communications package may be used, skipping any auto-dialing feature.Since only one mode of operation is possible at a time, the commands MS and ML are shared between Chat andTransparent modes. MS is the command to enter Chat mode directly and ML, when enabled, causes an automaticentry into Chat mode whenever a connection is made, and conversely to exit Chat automatically upon disconnect.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual6-2GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00When MX is enabled MS and ML apply to Transparent mode instead of Chat mode. MS commands it directly tothe transparent mode. If ML is enabled transparent mode is entered automatically upon connection, and commandmode is entered upon disconnect.During Connected Transparent mode operation:1. There’s no console echo.2. All bytes from the terminal are transmitted.3. Commands are not accepted.4. Only received info is sent to the host system (no headers, etc.).5. Transfer occurs only when connected while in connected mode. In unconnected mode transfer occurs at anytime info is provided.Data is transmitted as sent. Any continuous stream of bytes is loaded into the transmit buffer until there’s a1-second pause (See SK). Then the CTS line is set false and the contents of the buffer are transmitted. If the hostsends more info than the controller buffer can accommodate, the CTS line is set false and the info is transmittedwithout delay. When the info is acked the buffer is cleared and the CTS line is set true, allowing the host to resumesending info.To exit transparent mode, wait until the buffer is empty (transmission stops and CTS becomes true) plus at leastone more second, and type three ^C’s. In about one second (with no additional input) Command mode is entered,accompanied by a prompt “:”. If ML is enabled transparent mode is exited automatically upon disconnect.Although there’s no way to command a disconnect while in transparent mode, it may originate from the otherstation, it may occur due to “count-out” (exceeding the allotted number of retries without ack) or it could occurwhen the connection timer expires.The transparent mode exit character (^C) may be changed by using the ME command. The one-second timeinterval may be changed with the SK command, where each count is approximately 10 milliseconds.NOTE: Transparent mode requires the host computer to observe the CTS line. When the controller sets CTS falsethe host should stop sending. If it doesn’t, following info could be lost, or parts of one message might be foundattached to subsequent messages. For ASCII data Xon-Xoff protocol is supported; see OX.6.2. Block Mode“Block” mode provides a simple protocol for interchanges with the host. In this mode info is completely“data-transparent”; that is, all bytes are sent as-is. Byte counts are used to delimit data fields. To facilitate hostprogram interpretation, all data fields are tagged. Block mode is initiated with the OB command.In Block mode info transfers between the controller and the host computer are made by means of byte counts. Sincethe info fields are delimited by a countdown, this mode is also transparent to byte values in the info. Special hostsoftware is required to take full advantage of this mode, but operation can be made fully automatic and robust,without expert human operators.Block mode is similar to command mode in that there is continuous access to the command processor. Charactersneeded in command mode to format controller responses on the terminal screen, such as CR, LF and most spacecharacters, are suppressed in Block mode to speed the interface interaction. The other major difference betweenBlock and command modes is in the handling of the “I” command and the outputting of information fields. It’shelpful to disable the terminal echo (SE-D), to reduce the number of unnecessary characters sent to the host. Statusupdates (OU) are usually enabled in block mode.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 6-301/04/006.2.1. Block Mode display tagsEach data field sent to the host is preceded by a unique token (or “tag”) character for identification. For example,to poll for info fields the RS-232 output needs only to be tested for an apostrophe character. In Block mode the bytefollowing is a binary count of the number of bytes of data. Used as a counter by the host, this number isdecremented with each byte taken. When it’s zero the input operation is terminated. Note that field tags aredisplayed whether or not headers are enabled (OH), whereas in Command mode tags are only sent if headerdisplay is on. Table I shows a summary of tags.Table I. Tag characters and corresponding data fields.:prompt The controller is receptive to a command.?error prompt same as above but previous command returned an error;address address field follows, up to the next token (“-“).‘info received a 1-byte count (n) is followed by n bytes of data./non-info data a 1-byte count (n) is followed by n bytes of data#Status value a numeric value 1-9 indicating a link event.These tags appear within headers:;PID follows a control field for MX.25 info frames only.control byte After address field; a hex numeric valueA program written for the host may use these tags to interpret each type of field. The tokens make it possible tointerpret and direct or act on each field as appropriate.6.2.2. Information field outputInformation is tagged with “’” character, followed by a 1-byte binary count. After a “’” tag is detected, the nextbyte is taken as a counter, and as each information byte is taken the count is decremented. When the count becomeszero the host resumes testing controller output for other tokens. A single byte count is sufficient because noinformation field length is permitted to exceed 256 bytes in any given frame, and only one frame is output at atime. A 0 count is interpreted as 256.Non-info data is treated in the same manner, except the host may direct it to a different destination within thecomputer. An example of how this could be used is that a comment sent by the sending operator via a UI may besent to the terminal screen, even though the program is in the middle of a file transfer, without disrupting the fileinfo flow.6.2.3. Flow ControlIf the host becomes busy RTS may be set false to control data flow. Alternatively, the OQ command causes entry toQueue mode, which has the same effect, except resumption of data flow requires an explicit command “OQD”instead of a hardware level change. If in Queue mode and any received frames are present in the queue thecommand prompt characters (: or ?) are sent with bit 7 set. This bit is 0 when the queue is empty. It’s theprogrammer’s responsibility to off-load accumulated data before memory is filled. If memory capacity is exceededadditional packets from other stations will be refused with “wait” acknowledgments.6.2.4. Sending informationThe I command is used to send info from the host for transmission, and is followed by a 2-byte binary count, leastsignificant first, which is followed by the info. If the count is greater than the number of bytes assigned to the
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual6-4GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00buffer “?” is returned immediately after the count is read, and info isn’t accepted. If more characters are sent thanthe given count, the extra bytes would be interpreted as commands.6.2.5. Example of a Block mode transfer to station1. Host: “C ABCD 0<CR>”call station ABCD2. controller: “#02”(a return of #01 would have indicatederror - failed connection)connect was acked3. Host: “I<n><m><mn bytes of info>”send mn bytes of data4. Host: “AT”initiate sending of packet5. controller: “#04” (loop to step 3 until all info is sent) ack received6. Host: “AD” (or “D<CR>”) disconnect7. controller: “#01”disconnect ackedConsecutive commands may be concatenated. For example, steps 3 and 4 could be combined into a continuouscommand stream. There’s a delay between the sending of a command and the return of a status indicator. Since itmay take several timed retries, the host should be prepared to wait for many seconds before abandoning theoperation. If a “count-out” occurs (the number of times specified has been exceed without a response) two statusmessages are generated; #03 to indicate count-out, and #01 to indicate disconnected status. If #01 shows up aloneeither a disconnect has been sent from the other station or link time-out has occurred due to lack of activity.In step 5 there may be other indications besides #01, #03 or #04. #05 would indicate that the other station is“busy”; normally meaning that memory is full. This condition could be temporary or a long-standing one. If thequeue is backed up and it isn’t being unloaded, the condition could be permanent, and the connection must beended. If the other station is in Queue mode, when the first info is sent it responds with the message “-Q-“ as aninformation frame. The host can receive this and note that the other station isn’t off-loading data, then actaccordingly when #5 is received. If “-Q-“ isn’t received the busy condition is likely to clear and data transfer canresume. When the other station is ready for more info, #04 appears.If a connection is lost due to count-out in the middle of a transfer all is not necessarily lost. Information not sent isretained in the transmit buffer, allowing a resumed connection to continue where the transfer left off. However,there is a chance that some info could be received twice, depending upon the conditions leading to the loss ofconnection. For this reason, it’s a good idea for both hosts to keep track of byte counts and perhaps even checksumson the transferred data, then compare results at the end of the transfer. Alternatively, re-send entire files if theyhave been interrupted by a disconnect.Step 7 may appear trivial, but if the other station fails to receive the disconnect it may be left with a “hanging”connection. In this condition it wouldn’t be able to accept connections from other stations until its connection timerruns out (about 6 minutes). An error response (#3) at step 7 indicates the disconnect wasn’t acked, and it should atleast generate a system error for handling at higher levels of protocol (such as notifying the operator).6.3. Numeric RadixWith the exception of the Block mode byte counts and certain special commands such as time/date entry, allnumeric values reflect the radix and leading zero settings, giving the programmer a choice. It may be easier to
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 6-501/04/00parse the numeric fields with leading zeros enabled, because it makes all numbers the same length; one digit inbinary, two in hex, and three in decimal or octal. The Block mode byte-count values are ALWAYS in binary. Notethat binary radix doesn’t use a string of ASCII 1’s and 0’s; numbers are sent as binary byte values.6.4. Special Packets and ProtocolsThe “M” commands may be used to generate packets having any desired address, control field and data. Thepurpose of these “Manual” commands is to allow the host computer to generate individual transmissions, and totake over the link level protocol. Entering unconnected operation with the MU command enabled suppressesautomatic link protocol operation. Addresses (call signs or LOP node number) are set up in the usual manner, butthe control field is set up directly (using the “MC” command). Data is optionally placed into the transmit buffer.The command MT causes a packet to be sent, using these parameters.If the control field is of the “info” type (bit 0=0) multiple frames are created automatically, consistent with datalength and the limits given with the SL and SH commands. When using the “M” commands it’s important to keepinfo length smaller than or equal to the number of bytes that can be sent in one packet or it won’t all be sent. If thedata length is greater than the length value (SL), the first frame is sent having length (SL). If (SH) is greater than1, additional frames of maximum (SL) length are sent, up to (SH) frames. Any additional data remaining at thispoint is ignored. The maximum number of frames permitted is 7 (maximum data count, 1792), and the sequencenumber in the control field is incremented with each frame, starting with the specified control field value. Withother frame types the maximum data length is 256, and multiple frames are not generated.Whereas connected mode automatically clears info from the transmit buffer as it is acked, in unconnected mode(since there are no acks) old info must be deleted from the buffer (K command) before new info is sent. If this stepis neglected the new info becomes appended to the old and the next transmission restarts again with the old info.6.5. Memory AllocationAbout 2K bytes of RAM are used above the program itself for storage and stacks. 1792 bytes are reserved oninitialization for the transmit buffer. The rest of contiguous memory is available for receive buffering, data queuingand the formatting of packets for transmission. The SM command may be used to re-allocate the division ofmemory between the transmit buffer and receive space. Note: Use this command only if the receive queue is emptyand no important data is being received. The MM command returns the number of 256-byte blocks of free memoryavailable for receiving and storage. Space for about 512 bytes are reserved at the end of the receive buffer forreceiving new packets and formatting responses so that protocol can still operate despite a full queue.6.6. Polling for MessagesOften the host computer is being used for other purposes when a packet call is received. Since, in Queue mode, bit7 of the prompt character indicates the presence of data, the controller may be polled by sending LF and testing theprompt without actually downloading the data. An alternative action could be programmed into the host, such assending a BELL character to the console.6.7. Downloading Capability
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual6-6GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00The firmware includes the capability for downloading new programs. Special software, written in assembly codefor the 64180 processor may be loaded into the upper part of the available RAM and the memory map switchedaround to execute that program at address 0. The remaining RAM (it may vary with the software version) isavailable to the new program. The program is loaded with the command F#L followed by a 2-byte length,least-significant byte first. The program having that exact length is then sent from the terminal, followed by a2-byte checksum. The checksum consists of the twos complement of the sum of all bytes following the byte countmost-significant byte. Thus the sum of all the bytes plus the checksum value should be zero. If the checksum isgood the program is automatically re-mapped to logical address 0000H and started. If not, the errant checksumvalue is displayed (in hex) and the program is not executed.A downloaded program is re-entered even after power-down or reset operations. Unless the downloaded programincludes a way to return to the EPROM code, the only way to restart the EPROM program is to violate thechecksum of the download code. If the downloaded program malfunctions without changing part of itself, or if itcontains no command to return to EEPROM or method of voiding the checksum, the only exit means available isto remove battery backup power from the RAM long enough for the contents of memory to change, voiding thechecksum of the downloaded program.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 7-101/04/007. CommandsCommands are needed to transmit packets, set operating modes, control the display format and to change operatingparameters. This section explains how to enter commands. Section 7.4. is a quick-reference summary of thecommands and detailed explanations for the commands, listed in alphabetical order, are in section 7.5..Character conventions used in this section are as follows: CR is a carriage-return character, usually a RETURN orENTER key. LF is a line- feed, or ^J. Control characters are indicated by preceding the character with “^”, enteredby holding the control key down while typing the character.Most commands begin with two letters; the first implies a category and the next defines the command within thatcategory. A few exceptions use one letter because of frequent usage. Most command letters were chosen for easymemorization by picking letters as abbreviations to words describing the command. For example “T” means“Type”, “AC” means “Automatic Connect”, etc. Since there are so many commands, some can’t conform to thispractice.The controller indicates readiness for a command with a prompt “:”. Each completed command results in anotherprompt. The prompt character is replaced by a “?” if the preceding command encountered an error. To reducewaiting time on slow terminals only the prompt is displayed after the original sign-on. If only a CR is typed thesign-on is repeated, and if only a LF is typed the prompt is re-displayed. Most commands fall into one of threecategories; direct, numeric and mode-setting.7.1. Direct CommandsDirect commands require no additional information. Example: “AT” means “Automatic Transmit” (causesthe current info to be transmitted until acknowledged).7.2. Commands with Numeric entriesThese can be used to either examine or enter a new numeric value. For example, the command for entering thestation address is SAn, meaning “Set Address to the number ‘n’. The small ‘n’ is where the desired number istyped. If multiple arguments are required, separate them with spaces.After the command is typed the previous value is displayed, followed by “-”. A new number may then be typed in.Example:“SA” is typed; the response is “255-” (the existing value);- to leave it as is, type just “CR”.- to change it, type a new number, then “CR”All numeric values are handled similarly unless otherwise noted.7.3. Mode-setting CommandsCommands that set or reset operating modes are completed with either a “D” or an “E” (Disable or Enable),indicated by “(D/E)” after the command. Example:
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual7-2GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00The OH command controls the display of headers, listed as “OH(D/E)”. Type OH; the display continues with“D-“ indicating that the function is currently disabled.- to leave the function disabled, type just “CR” or space.- to enable the function, type “E”.Address entry is covered in Section 4.1.Commands not requiring a “CR” may be concatenated (run together).7.4. Command SummaryThis section is a command quick-reference. Commands are listed roughly in categories, and alpha-numericallywithin each category.7.4.1.  Single-Letter Commands C[ONNECT]... Connect request (combined SD, [SV] and AC). D<CR> Disconnect (same as AD). I(ab)(data) Input (ab) bytes of data to send (Block mode). I(data)ESC Input all bytes up to ESC (Command mode). K“Kill” contents of transmit buffer. T“Type” transmitter buffer contents. V[IA]... used with “C” to enter digipeater addresses.7.4.2. Commands controlling automatic functions AA send info Acknowledgment (after an “AW”). AC initiate a Connect request to another station. AD send a Disconnect request. AH stop repeating an unacknowledged packet (Halt). AI send unnumbered Info packet AL(D/E) Suppress duplicate frames in LOP. AP(D/E) makes a connection to Permanent. AQ Used to send a remote command to another station. AR Resume sending (after a Halt). AS(D/E) Standby mode (no receive or transmit). AT Transmit current packet until acknowledged. AU Send Unnumbered info packet N times. AW send a “Wait” acknowledge (RNR) to control data flow. AX abort current transmission.7.4.3. Beacon Commands BA Alternate beacon message BC put beacon addresses into destination fields. BD(address) enter a beacon Destination address. BK “Kill” beacon message. BR Recall a beacon message. BS Store a beacon message. BT set Time value for automatic beacon. BV(addresses) enter beacon digipeater addresses (Via).
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 7-301/04/007.4.4. Miscellaneous CommandsDE(n) enter scramble keyDG(address) enter special digipeater addressDKcdisplay ASCII value of Keyboard character cDL(D/E) disable remote command lockoutDN(m) display/modify Number of retries accumulatedDOCsave parameters and settings to EEPROM.DU Unprotect EEPROM for writing or erasing.DZ(n) set closing flag count7.4.5. Diagnostics and Debugging DC key transmitter, send test signals continuously. DD(n),(m) dump memory contents in hex from address n to m. DF(n),(m),(x) fill memory with byte x from address n to m. DH(D/E) InHibit digipeat by our calling address. DI fills transmit buffer with test data for sending. DQ input/output to a port DS[n]... memory byte substitution mode, address n. DT(n),(m) Type memory contents in ASCII from address n to m.7.4.6. Other Special Commands F* Download a program. F#cRestart program in EPROM (c=’R’) or download (c=CR) F@(D/E) Enable serial bus operation for COM2. FA(D/E) Set Automatic Transparent mode entry on power-up. FD(YY/MM/DD/WW) set Date F^(D/E) Enable automatic remote error reporting. FG(n) Set digipeater delay value. FI re-Initialize all fields to default values FL(n) Display local error byte FP(n) Set serial bus device address FR Read and display serial bus device data FQ(D/E) Enable carrier sense backoff FT(HH:MM:SS) set Time FU(D/E) Enable unattended mode entry FX(D/E) filter control and non-ASCII characters from display. FW(n) output data to serial bus device FY(D/E) bit monitor mode FE(n) Display remote error byte GB(255) Embedded commands control character GK(0) Set Unconnected Transparent mode time value7.4.7. Manual functions MA(n) set Address field to value “n”.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual7-4GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00 MC(n) set Control field to value “n”. MD unilateral Disconnect. ME(n) set Transparent mode Exit character. MF(D/E) send LF after CR to information sent in Chat mode. MK(D/E) enable “- Ack” message in Chat mode. ML(D/E) enable automatic entry into Chat or Transparent modes. MM display number of 256-byte Memory blocks available. MO(D/E) controls the ability to connect while in unconnected mode. MR(D/E) enable MX.25 digipeater (Repeat) operation. MS enter Chat or Transparent mode. MT Transmit packet as specified (or last packet sent). MU(D/E) set Unconnected mode. MV(D/E) enable display of digipeated packets (eaVesdrop). MW(D/E) unconnected ack mode MX(D/E) enable Transparent mode.7.4.8. Output and Display options OA(n) receive packets only having address “n” in LOP OA(addresses) receive packets only from station(s) in MX.25 OB(D/E) enable Block mode. OC(D/E) display calls from other stations while connected. OD(D/E) enable non-info Data display. OE(D/E) display other channel activity while in connected mode. OF output one Frame from the queue. OH(D/E) enable Header display. OI(n) set value of Chat mode timer. OK “Kill” the contents of the receive queue. OL(D/E) enable auto LF after a CR to host. OM(D/E) display only completed paths ON(n) insert “n” nulls after a CR. OO(D/E) enable connect-Only mode. OP(n) set PID value to “n”. OQ(D/E) enable Queue mode. OR(D/E) enable Chat status messages. OT MR DR VR CR PR-  set filterlist categories. OU(D/E) enable status Updates (“#” numbers). OW(n) limit display Width to “n” columns. OX(D/E) Xon/Xoff flow control.7.4.9. Serial Port Setup, m=port (1 or 2) P(m)B(n) set baud rate P(m)N(n) set number of bits P(m)P(n) set parity P(m)S(n) set number of stop bits7.4.10. Frequency control commands RC(n) set receiver/transmitter to channel n RI(KHz) set receiver IF frequency. RL(KHz) set Lower frequency limit.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 7-501/04/00 RM(n) set receiver prescaler Modulus (32, 64 or 128) RN(n) set transmitter prescaler modulus (32, 64 or 128) RO(KHz) set transmitter Offset. RR(KHz) set Receiver frequency. RS(KHz) set channel Spacing. RT(KHz) set Transmitter frequency. RU(KHz) set Upper frequency limit. RX(KHz) set Receiver and transmitter frequency.7.4.11. Setup Commands S(CR) display system status. S1 display active modes. SA(n) set LOP Address to “n”. SB(D/E) set Backoff to utilize squelch input. SC(address) set our address. SD(address) set Destination address. SE(D/E) disable/Enable Console Echo. SF(n) set length of preamble to “n” bytes. SG(D/E) disable/Enable “garbage” mode. SH(n) set Highest number of frames per packet to “n”. SI re-Initialize default modes and parameters. SK(n) set Transparent mode time value SL(n) set maximum packet Length to “n” characters SM(n) allocate “n” Memory blocks to transmit buffer SN(n) set Number of tries to “n”. SO(n) set random backoff time base to 10n milliseconds SP(n) set fixed backoff delay to 2n milliseconds SQ(n) set value for T2 (connection timer) SR(B,D,H or O) set numerical Radix to Binary, Decimal, Hex or Octal SS(address) enter Special address ST(n) set retry delay Time to “n” tenths of seconds SU(D/E) convert output to Upper case characters SV(address) enter digipeater (Via) address SX(D/E) disable/Enable MX.25 protocol SY(abcdefghikl) set control characters for Chat and I command SZ(D/E) enable/Disable leading Zeros S#(n) set the value of the preamble character7.5.   Command ExplanationsAA  Send an acknowledgment of previous information packet. This command is normally done automatically, butfor test purposes an acknowledgment can be repeated (see AW). In MX.25 this function also requests the flowstatus of the other station, causing it to return either a normal ack or a “wait” request.AC  Automatic connect. Initiates a call for connection to another station, using the addresses already specified.The call is repeated up to 16 times or until the other station responds. When a response is detected the returnpacket is displayed with a #2 status message (or “Connected to....” in Chat mode), indicating connectedmode. If no response is detected a #3 message is displayed (no ack), normally accompanied by #1, meaningdisconnected. If an address has not been entered for the station (or LOP node number), an error (“?”) isreturned. See C<CR> command.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual7-6GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00AD  Automatic disconnect. A disconnect request is sent and repeated up to 16 times or until an ack is received.Upon receipt of the ack a #1 message indicates the disconnected state. A #3 status indicates no response wasreceived. See D command.AH  Halt. Used to prevent further repeats of a packet under automatic control. In the halted condition the statusdisplay includes an “H”. It resumes sending with the AR command.AI  Send an unnumbered information packet (MX.25) or a normal information packet (LOP), numbered zero. Infois typed in the normal way, using the I command or in Chat mode. The display of UI’s at the receiving end isoptional, controlled by the commands OC, OD and OE.AL(D/e)  This function affects only the display of LOP packets. While unconnected, if enabled, duplicate framedisplay is suppressed. For example, if a message is repeated n times by the sender, only the first one receivedis displayed, and the repeats are ignored.AP(D/e)  Make connection Permanent. Prevents a disconnect from taking place. If disconnect is attempted, eitherautomatically, by operator command or from the other station, an immediate connect request is sent tomaintain the connection. Note that time-out can be avoided by setting the connection timer value (SQ) tozero. The connection remains as long as the other station continues to respond. This mode is needed tomaintain a permanent connection with some systems that send a disconnect request when they time out. If theother station fails to respond at some point and count-out occurs, the command is disabled to avoid callingforever. To keep it trying forever, the try counter (SN) may be set to 0, but it’ll eventually stop when theconnection timer expires. To keep it going forever set SQ to zero, too.AQ(command) Sends a command to a remote station. A connection with the target station must be established orthe command returns an error “?”. (command) is almost any command as described in this manual. Somemode changes are not accepted by remote command, nor is it allowed to send a remote control AQ command.The response sent by the destination station shows the interpretation of the command as though it had beentyped locally. This response is sent as non-info data, hence to see it the OD command must be enabled. If adisallowed mode command is sent the response may show the command accepted without error, but the modeis restored after the command.Neither the command nor its response packet has any effect on info being sent or received in the normalmanner. This capability is useful for adjusting parameters at the sending end of a data dump from thereceiving end as receiving conditions change. For example, the command: AQSF25<CR> causes the otherstation to set its flag count to 25. When a command is sent, a special acknowledgment is returned, displayedas the status message #8. Caution must be exercised when sending commands, since some are inappropriatefor remote use. For example, if the command is to change the remote station’s address, responses won’t bereceived again unless the destination address of the local station is similarly changed [4.9.2.] This, of course,applies even to the acknowledgment of the command itself! Other commands may make the remote stationinoperable. It’s a good idea to check out the effect of any doubtful commands before sending them to aremotely sited unattended station. See sections 4.8., 4.9.2..When the command being sent includes an ASCII string, control characters may be entered to the stringwithout terminating the command by preceding each control character with ‘\’. For example, to place aspecial beacon message into the remotely controlled station, ending with two CR characters, type:
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 7-701/04/00AQBSThis is a special beacon message\CR\CRCR“CR” is actually typed using the corresponding key on the keyboard. Since the AQ command terminates whenCR is typed it’s otherwise impossible to embed CR into a message. In the example each \CR embeds CR intothe message, and the final CR terminates the command. To actually place the ‘\’ character into the string,type “\\”.AR  Resume sending. See AH.AS(D/e)  Standby mode. Stops both receive and transmit activity.AT  Automatic Transmit. An information packet is sent, containing data from the transmit buffer. The packet isrepeated N (16 by default) times or until acknowledged. If acked, further repeats are canceled, and a #4 isdisplayed If it counts out without being acked, #3 is shown. Ack failure also causes an automatic disconnect,indicated by #1. Data in the buffer is deleted as it’s acked, hence remains in the buffer until then. On longmessages the data may be broken into more than one packet, so it’s possible for part of the data to be deletedwhile the rest is being sent. Packets are formed and sent continuously as long as data remains, unless themaximum number of tries is exceeded. With each ack N more tries become available for the next packet. TheSN command is used to change the number of tries from 16 to anything between 1 and 256.AU  Send an Unnumbered info frame N times, where N is controlled by the SN command. UI’s don’t requireacknowledgment.AW  Send a “Wait acknowledge” packet. A wait request is sent to the other station, requesting him to stop sendinginfo temporarily. The other station enters a polling mode, checking flow status periodically until a normal ackis sent (AA). This procedure avoids unnecessary repeats. If the local station has been asked to wait by theother station, the status report includes the letter “X” (eXternal wait) in field 5. This “hold” condition existsuntil the other station sends a normal acknowledgment packet or a disconnect. A wait ack is sentautomatically when memory space becomes too small.  A request for more data is sent when memory againbecome available. If the request is sent manually it doesn’t clear automatically.  It clears only on disconnector a manual ack (AA).AX  Stops further re-transmission of the current packet. This command should be used only when necessary to stopneedless transmissions. In normal operation allow the retry counter to expire if the other station doesn’trespond.BA(E/e) Enable alternate beacon message. A customized message can be supplied in the EPROM, enabled withthis command. When beaconing, this message is sent instead of any message entered with BS.BC  Copy addresses entered under BD and BV into locations normally entered with SD and SV. This commandallows a destination address (plus path) to be stored as a convenience, if beacon mode isn’t in use at the time.For example, after entering a destination address path with BD/BV, to call that station at any later time“BCC<CR>” may be typed. This is a combination of the BC command to reset the destination path andC<CR> to call that path.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual7-8GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00BD(address)  Used exactly as SD except that the address entered is the destination of beacon messages, or for laterretrieval via the BC command.BK  Delete the stored beacon message. Note that this command doesn’t stop the sending of beacon packets (seeBT).BR  Copies the current beacon message into the transmit buffer, where it can be transmitted as a normal packet orexamined. Any previous contents of the transmit buffer are deleted.BS  Store the contents of the transmit buffer as a new beacon message. Any previous beacon message is replaced.BT(0)  (Set the time interval for automatic beacon transmissions containing the beacon message. Each countrepresents approximately 10 seconds, but the time is automatically lengthened with increased channelactivity. A value of 0 terminates the function, but the beacon message remains in memory. Each message issent as an “Unnumbered Information” (UI) frame with address fields specified by the SC,  SD and SVcommands. If the station becomes connected the beacon mode operation is suspended, to resume when theconnection is terminated.BV(addresses)  Used exactly as SV except that the addresses entered are used in the destination fields for beaconmessages or for later retrieval via the BC command.C <address> [V] <path>  Single-line connect request. “<address>” is the destination station address, “V” indicatesthat additional addresses are to follow, and “<path>” is a digipeater address or a series of up to 8 digipeateraddresses, separated by blanks. Be sure to include a blank between the “C” and the first address. When theline is completed, a CR originates a connect request to the specified station via the specified digipeater path.All addresses are assumed to have an SSID of 0 unless another SSID is designated by appending “-<SSID>”to it. For example, TEST has an SSID of 0, while TEST-5 has an SSID of 5.The command letter “C” is anabbreviation for “CONNECT”; and actually any word beginning with “C” is interpreted as the connectcommand. “V” is an abbreviation of “VIA”, and its inclusion is optional unless the first digipeater addressbegins with “V”.If “V” and the subsequent <path> addresses are left off, the connect request is sent directly to <address>. Ifthe C command is typed by itself, the connect request is sent to the <address> and <path> that was previouslyentered (the same as AC).NOTE: Some of the following ‘D’ commands are marked with ‘*’. These are intended for use as diagnostic,debugging or servicing aids. Descriptions are included here for the convenience of some users. They can bedangerous in terms of program function, potential data loss or protocol malfunction. They are offered with noguarantees.D  Disconnect request, same as AD (In Chat mode use ^C).
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 7-901/04/00DC * Keys the transmitter for MODEM Calibration, with a tone. Once started with this command, tones can bealternated by typing the space bar, and typing “D” causes a square-wave to be sent, alternating between thetwo tones at the current baud rate. If a hex value is typed during this square-wave test the byte valuerepresented is sent repeatedly instead of a square wave. Typing “Q” unkeys the transmitter, turns off the tonesand returns control to Command mode. When using this command note that the transmitter unkeys afterabout 15 seconds. This occurs because the transmit limit timer in hardware prevents continuous transmissionsfrom occurring. To reset the timer quit the command and type it again.DD(m),(n)  *Dumps memory contents, starting at memory address m and ending at address n. Each line of thedisplay shows the starting address of that line followed by 16 hex values.DE(0)  Data to be transmitted may be “scramblEd”, by entering a value with this command at both the sending andreceiving stations. Each byte of the information sent over the air is exclusive-OR’ed with the value given toproduce an unreadable display, and it’s recovered at the receive end by the same process. The security of thissystem is minimal, intended only to avoid displaying sensitive information to casual observers at otherlocations.DF(m),(n),(k)  *Fills memory starting at address m and ending at n with the byte value of k. This function is adiagnostic having potentially disastrous consequences.DG<address>  Enter a DiGipeater address for this station. Often it is desirable to use different addresses forconnecting to a station and for digipeating through it. By entering an address here other stations may digipeatvia this station by either address. See DH.DH(D/e)  inHibit digipeating via the normal station address. When an alternate digipeater address has beenentered via the DG command other stations may specify either that address or the normal station address as adigipeater. When this function is enabled, packets specifying the normal station address are not digipeated,but they are digipeated via the address entered under DG. If no entry is present under DG this function hasno effect.DI  *This diagnostic command fills the transmit buffer with information, consisting of the sequence of printableASCII characters, repeating until the end of the buffer is reached. When sent, (using MT and a control fieldof 0) the result is a packet of longest possible length for test purposes.DK(key) Displays the next Key typed and its numeric value.DL(E/d) Enable remote control lockout. The remote command lockout input is used to prevent unauthorized use ofthe remote command capability (see section 4.8. Remote Commands. An external device can be used to feedthis input (+5=disable) to enable or disable the remote command capability.DN[n]  Display or modify Number of retries. n is displayed as a 16-bit hex value, followed by a hyphen. If a newhex value is typed the value of n is replaced accordingly, but if a CR is typed by itself the value of n remainsunchanged. n is initialized to zero on power-up, and it’s incremented every time a retry is sent (original
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual7-10 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00transmissions are not counted). This function provides information helpful in choosing parameter settingssuch as frame size, etc., for optimum throughput.DOC  This commands is used to store the current settings in the EEPROM. Note that the EEPROM is protectedagainst accidental writing under normal conditions. For writing it must first be unprotected with the DUcommand. The DOC command must follow DU immediately, because the EEPROM is re-protected after allother commands.  DOC causes the Current settings in RAM to be saved.DQ(m),(n) (RDC2 or RDC4) *Read or write input port. m specifies a 16-bit port number. If n is included, n iswritten to the port. If not, the contents of the port are displayed.DS(n)  *Display/Substitute memory bytes. n is the address to display, after which the memory byte at that addressis displayed in hex, followed by a hyphen. Typing CR exits the command at any point. Memory contents atthat address can be changed by typing a new hex value. If the new value is followed by a space the commandproceeds to the next memory location. Pressing the space bar without typing a new value advances to the nextlocation without changing the contents at the current one. Every 8 bytes a new line is started and the currentaddress is displayed with its memory contents. Typing “,” decrements the address and starts a new lineshowing the new address and memory contents.DT(m),(n)  *Type the contents of memory, in ASCII, starting at address m and ending at n. The display beginswith the address, followed by up to 56 characters for each line. Dots replace non-printable characters and bit7 is stripped from values exceeding 127 (7F hex) to make them printable.DU  (RDC2 only) Unprotects the EEPROM for writing. It remains unprotected only until the next command isgiven; thus the DO or D% commands must follow to write to the EEPROM.DZ(1)  Sets the number of closing flags at the end of a packet. Normally this is set to 1, since extra closing flagsserve only to waste channel time. With some hardware there may be a transmitter data delay such that whenthe keying line is dropped, the data has not yet propagated out. With such a delay the end of the packet couldbe lost, since the transmitter is unkeyed before all has been sent. If this problem should occur, increasing thenumber of closing flags could be the cure, since it has the effect of delaying the keying line dropout. Thedelay time for each added flag corresponds to the length of a byte at the current baud rate (6.67 ms at 1200baud or 833 us at 9600 baud). The acceptable range for this value is 1 to 254.F@(D/e) Enable serial bus operation on COM2;  when enabled, the FP, FR and FW commands apply. Whendisabled COM2 is used as a second serial port (see SS).F#L<n><file><checksum>  Used to download a program to the controller. n is a 16-bit binary numberrepresenting the number of bytes in the file (excluding n and the checksum), sent with the least significantbyte first. <file> is the program to be downloaded, as a binary image of a 64180 program, n bytes long. Thechecksum is a 16-bit value, generated by summing all n bytes of the program modulo 16 and taking the two’scomplement. The sum of all file bytes plus the checksum (stored with the least significant byte first) must bezero. If the checksum is correct the program is loaded and executed. If not the value of the errant checksum isdisplayed and the command is abandoned. See section 6.7.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 7-1101/04/00F#©  This command has been replaced by F#P.F#P  Restarts a downloaded program. If the checksum is bad the errant value is displayed and the command isabandoned. See section 6.7. F#R  Restarts the EEPROM program. See section 6.7.F*<n><file><checksum>  This command has been replaced by F#L.F^(D/e) Enable automatic remote error reporting. When enabled, whenever a connection is made any errors aresent to the other station automatically, updating its remote error byte. See FE and FL.FA(D/e) Set auto Transparent on power-up mode. With this command enabled when the controller is shut off andrestarted it enters Transparent mode directly, skipping sign-on and Command mode. The automatic entry isaborted if a checksum error occurs in a critical part of memory during initialization.FD(date) Displays/sets the internal calendar. Once set, the date is maintained as long as power is on. When FD istyped the date is displayed in the form: “1991/6/3/0”. 1991 is the year, 6 is the month (June), 2 is the day and0 is the day of the week (Sunday). The time may be reset by typing a new value: “91 7 5 3<CR>”, setting thenew date to Wednesday, July 5, 1991. The current date may be requested without changing it, using the samecommand without the argument: “FD<CR>”.FE(0) Displays/modifies the remote Error byte. If certain error conditions are detected, bits indicating the nature ofthe problem are stored in the local error byte (see FL). However, when a connection exists to another stationand F^ is enabled the error byte of either station is sent to the other, where it’s stored as the “remote” errorvalue. This command displays the value, and allows it to be modified (or reset to zero). The remote Error byteis also set to zero when a connection is made (to avoid ascribing old errors to the new connection). Errorconditions are set as follows:bit 0: parity error on primary serial port.bit 1: framing error on primary serial port.bit 2: overrun error on primary serial port.bit 3: parity error on secondary serial portbit 4: framing error on secondary serial portbit 5: overrun error on secondary serial portbit 6: unusedbit 7: memory error.These bits are cleared only by typing the command and entering a value of 0. If bit 7 is set the location of theerror is not vital to the running of the program, but errors might occur during operation. If the errant bit isvital there is no sign-on. The CPU halts, and the watchdog circuit soon creates another reset, the cyclecontinuing as long as the memory problem persists. See F^, FL.FG(0) Set digipeat delay value to N*10 milliseconds. When a digipeat is specified by the DG address, a delayvalue can be introduced by setting N between 1 and 250 (up to 2.5 seconds). By setting different delays on
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual7-12 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00more than one digipeater to different values and using identical digipeater addresses, the same message canbe made to be digipeated successively by each station without colliding.FI  Initialize all values stored in EPROM to EPROM settings, including modes, parameter values, all addresses,filterlist and (if applicable) radio frequency settings. See SI.FL(0)  Displays/modifies the local Error byte. If certain error conditions are detected, bits indicating the nature ofthe problem are stored in the local error byte. The value may be modified by entering a new one (or 0 to resetit). The bits are set in the same way as the remote error byte (see FE).FP(n)  This command applies when COM2 is used with data I/O devices (F@). Up to 256 devices can be daisy-chained to COM2 in a serial bus configuration. Each device has its own unique address, 0-255. Once thiscommand is used to set the address of the device to be accessed, the FR or FW commands may be used toread or write data. When an address has been set by this command, data may be written and read to/from thedevice any number of times. The address needs to be changed only to access a different device.FQ(d\E) This command enables the SNRDS to backoff when the channel is busy.  If the receive LED is on and amessage is waiting to be transmitted by the unit, it will wait until the channel is clear before transmitting.When disabled the unit will transmit regardless if the channel is busy or not.  Care must be taken when usingthis command as setting it to disabled can be in violation of the FCC.  This is especially true for the surveycustomers.FR  Read data from the COM2 data device. The device is selected by first using the FP command. After thecommand is typed the value is displayed as a 16-bit unsigned decimal value. See also F@, FW.FT(time)  Displays/sets the internal clock. Once set, the time is maintained as long as power is on. When FT istyped the time is displayed. It may be reset by typing a new value: “09:30:00<CR>”. setting the time to09:30:00, where 09 is the hour (in 2400-hour format), 30 is the minute and 00 is the second. The current timemay be requested without changing it, using the same command without the argument: “FT<CR>”.FU Set Unattended mode operation. Normally unattended mode is entered by holding the primary port data inputhigh and restarting. This command may be used to enter it via software. When enabled, unattended mode isentered upon the next power-down/power-up sequence.FW(n) Write data n to the COM2 data device. The device must be previously selected via the FP command, and nis a 16-bit unsigned decimal value to be written. See F@, FR.FX(D/e)  Control Character Filter. Its purpose, during monitor mode, is to avoid disrupting the display screen withspurious screen-clear, cursor-set, etc. sequences that are part of non-ASCII data files in packets beingmonitored. All graphic characters with bit 7 set, form-feeds, and all control characters with the exception ofCR, LF and TAB are deleted. The filter has no effect on connected operation. Bell characters are also deleted,so the terminal won’t be beeping on every message that passes on the channel. The filter doesn’t apply whenyou’re connected, so beeps intended for you still come through.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 7-1301/04/00FY(D/e)  Bit monitor mode. In this mode the four auxiliary input lines on the system connector are monitoredcontinuously for their logic states. In connected mode, if any of the bits changes state (and a connection is notalready in progress), a connect request is made to the current destination station/path. When the ack isreceived, the current bit status is sent to the other station. When the information is acked, a disconnect ismade automatically. In unconnected mode the information is sent without making a connection. The dataformat is as follows:0101 00020The first four digits indicate the states of the four input lines in the order 4-3-2-1. A ‘1’ indicates a 5-voltinput level and a ‘0’ indicates a zero level. The next 5 digits represent the time (in seconds) input 2 has beenin its previous state. If input 2 wasn’t the input that triggered the transmission it would be the time input 2has been in the current state.GB(255) Embedded command character.  This command sets the character for using embedded commands.This is for Transparent mode only. This gives the user the ability to send single commands to theradio, while in Transparent mode by preceding the command with the GB set character. The value 255disables the embedded commands. The valid values are from 0 to 254. To send the character that isused for the embedded commands over the air requires that 2 bytes of that character be sent into theserial port to transmit 1 character over the air. By sending 2 of the embedded command charactercauses no embedded command to take place. If 2 continuous bytes of the embedded commandcharacter wish to be sent over the air, then 4 characters must be put into the serial port of the radioand so on.GK(0) This command is identical to SK except that it is used for Unconnected mode, while SK is used forConnected mode. If the value of GK is set to zero (default) then the SK value is used for bothConnected and Unconnected modes.I(data) Insert data for transmission. In normal operation all characters following the “I” are inserted to thetransmit buffer, where they’re stored for transmission. If not connected, any previous contents are deleted. Ifconnected, existing contents are first displayed, and additional characters may be appended. During Insert,the backspace key may be used to correct errors. One character is deleted for each occurrence (thebackspace/delete character is not entered into the buffer). “^T” can be used to retype the entire buffercontents, “^U” to delete the current line and “^X” to delete the entire message. Once part of the contents ofthe buffer have been transmitted but as yet un-acked, it’s no longer possible to backspace into it or to delete itwith “^U” or “^X”.If too many characters are typed the last character in the buffer is overwritten with each additional charactertyped. For each overflow character a backspace is sent to the terminal. To end the insert mode, type ESC.Special control characters may be inserted into the message by preceding them with ‘\’. This character means“embed the next character, whatever it is, into the string”. For example, inserting an ESC character isnormally impossible since ESC terminates the command. Typing “\”<ESC> embeds the ESC into the stringwithout terminating the command. To actually place the ‘\’ character into the string, type “\\”.I(ab)(data) This is the form of the “I” command in Block mode. The “I” must be followed by two binary bytes (aand b) representing the count of the characters to be sent. The first is the least significant and second is themost significant 8 bits of the count. If the number is too large, an error (“?”) is returned. The command isterminated when the specified number of bytes has been sent. Old data is not deleted with new entries; the
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual7-14 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00new data is appended. In connected mode (or unconnected ack mode) data is deleted automatically as itbecomes acked. There are no reserved control characters, such as backspace, etc. All byte values are placedinto the buffer for transmission.K  Delete (Kill) the contents of the transmit buffer.MA(255)  Set LOP node number for sending packets manually, range 0-254. 255 is a null value.MC(0)  Set Control field for the next manual transmission. In connected mode this value may change at any time.MD  Manual Disconnect. If a disconnect can’t be completed because the other station fails to acknowledge, usethis command to restore disconnected mode. This command should be viewed as an emergency measure andnot to replace an automatic disconnect operation, since it could leave the remote station with a “hanging”connection.ME(3)  Set the exit character for Transparent mode (see MX). The argument is the numeric ASCII value for thedesired character, for example 3 is a ^C. Hint: the ASCII value for any particular key can be found using theDK command.MF(D/e)  In Chat mode a new line is generated at the receiving station when just a CR character is sent, since LFis used as the send key. If the receiving station requires both CR and LF for a new line, activating thisfunction causes CR LF to be transmitted when the CR is typed by itself.MG(D/e) Transparent mode is special in two ways: 1) The method of transferring info to be transmitted into theRDC and initiating its transmission, and 2) Display and other modes are automatically set up for operationappropriate to transparent mode. An example of the latter is that header and status displays are disabled (evenif commanded “enabled”) automatically so that only pure info is displayed. It’s set up this way to maketransmissions automatic and transparent and to make it simple to use. Thus the user has no way to activatethe display of any data other than received info or to alter other settings.This command changes the nature of Transparent mode such that only special condition 1) is imposed. Thatis, transmission of info is transparent-like, but all display and most other options must be specified bycommand, and they remain in effect during Transparent mode operation. It’s important to remember that alloptions must be correct in order to get the desired result.In normal Transparent mode operation the following commands are automatically disabled:standby (AS)display calls, connected (OC)status messages [OU)debug (DE)display all, connected (OE)Chat messages (OR)display transmitted frames (DV)Unattended mode terminal echo (SE)garbage filter (FX)header display (OH)garbage (SG)digipeater display (MV)auto line feed (OL)uppercase (SU)block mode (OB)queue (OQ)
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 7-1501/04/00This command has a similar effect on Chat mode. Commands normally canceled upon entry to Chat modeare:standby (AS)Unattended Transparent (MX)queue (OQ)debug (DB)non-info data (OD)garbage (SG)transmissions (DV)Block (OB)SCADA (?)When MG is enabled it’s the user’s responsibility to set and/or disable the proper functions before enteringChat or Transparent mode.MN(N) Sets the count for the Number of transmissions to make in unconnected mode each time new info is placedinto the transmit buffer. This parameter is analogous to the SN value for connected mode, but forunconnected operation. The SN value establishes the number of times a frame is repeated while waiting for anacknowledgment. In older software SN was used for both connected and unconnected modes; in unconnectedmode it established the number of times each info packet was repeated. Current software is compatible simplyby setting MN to 0, which defaults the MN count to the SN value. Setting separate repeat counts forconnected and unconnected mode makes it practical to communicate in both modes without changingsettings. For example, if MN =0 and SN=1,  for both modes each transmission would be made once. Howeverit would be virtually impossible to connect to the station because when the count expires any connection islost. With only one transmission allowed a connection couldn’t be maintained. By setting MN to 1 and SN to,say, 16, both the unconnected and connected modes would work.MO(D/e) When disabled, if the station is placed into unconnected mode (MU-E), connect requests received areignored. When enabled, connect requests are honored while in unconnected mode. During a connection theMU command is automatically disabled, but it’s restored to its original state when disconnect occurs.MY(d/E)  With this mode enabled only frames addressed to our station are displayed, even when unconnected. SeeOO, which performs a similar function in connected mode.MK(d/E)  Disabled, the “—Ack” message is suppressed in Chat mode.ML(d/E)  Enabled, causes automatic entry to Chat or Transparent mode on connect, and automatic return toCommand mode upon disconnecting.MM  Displays the number of 256-byte blocks of memory in the receive queue.MR(d/E)  Controls the MX.25 digipeat function. If disabled the station does not repeat other packets.MS  A direct entry to Chat or Transparent mode, depending on which is currently enabled (see MX).MT  Manual Transmit. A custom-made packet can be transmitted by means of this command. In LOP the addressis set with the MA command, and the control field with the MC command. In MX.25 a header is formed
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual7-16 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00with the prevailing address entries and a control field entered via MC. If any information is in the transmitbuffer it is sent in the “info” field of the packet regardless of the control field value. If the control field is aneven number (i.e., designating an “info” packet) buffer data is broken into frames if needed and the sequencenumber is incremented with each frame. MT then causes a packet with these fields to be transmitted once. Itcan be repeated as often as desired by repeating the command. Be aware that any automatic transmissionsmade by the protocol modify the MA and MC values.MU(D/e)  Unconnected mode. Normally connect requests are recognized and acted upon. Unless this mode isenabled, if another station should connect communications would be disrupted, since when you becomeconnected packets are no longer displayed from the unconnected station. When enabled, this mode locks outautomatic connections.MV(D/e)  Enabled, packets digipeated by your station are displayed.MW(D/e)  This function applies only when unconnected mode (MU) is enabled. When enabled, any UI received(with our station address) causes an unnumbered acknowledgment (UA) to be returned. The acknowledgmentis sent automatically to the path/station that sent the UI. If this command is enabled at the station sendingmultiple UI’s (AU in command mode), further repeats of the transmission are canceled when an UA isreceived. The UA is acked only if the packet is addressed to it. In Chat mode, this function causes multipleUI’s to be sent instead of info frames, after which “—Ack” is displayed when a UI is received or after Ntransmissions. The contents of the transmit buffer are cleared automatically. There are no ack indications intransparent mode. This mode isn’t recommended where info is being sent to more than one station at a time,since the first ack received cancels further transmissions. Thus the first station receiving the frame mayprevent others, which might not have received the first transmission, from receiving it on a repeat. It findsgood application in a “star” station configuration where the only information passed is from the satellitestations to the hub, since unnecessary repeats are prevented and the need for making connections iseliminated (see 4.4.). UI’s are limited to one frame, not to exceed 256 bytes, and are considered non-infoframes requiring ODE for display.MX(D/e)  When enabled, Transparent mode is substituted for Chat mode for the MS and ML commands. Thismode is used for automatic transfer of non-ASCII as well as ASCII data. See section 6.1..OA(addresses)  In MX.25, enter addresses to the filterlist and select filter modes to be used (section 4.14. Stationfiltering system).OA(n n)  In LOP this command allows up to two node numbers to be entered, which then become the only LOPstations that are displayed in monitor mode.OB(D/e)  Block mode is used for communication with a computer program. Unnecessary Spaces, CR’s, etc. aresuppressed to keep the communications overhead to a minimum. Each frame sent to the host computer beginswith an apostrophe character and a 1-byte binary number equal to the number of bytes of data to follow.Operation of the “Input” mode is also modified (see I command). Also see Section 6.2..OC(D/e) When enabled, this command allows connection requests from other stations to be displayed, even whilein the connected mode. The address of the originating station may be seen by enabling headers (OH), and inChat mode, connect requests show up as a message:
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 7-1701/04/00“- Call from <address>”If any info was included with the packet, it’s displayed on the next line. A caller can thus send a message tobe displayed by sending it as a UI (see AI). With this function enabled, non-info data from the connectedstation is also displayed. This function has no effect in Transparent mode. In Command mode informationfrom an outside call is displayed as non-info data (even if it were sent as an info frame), and headers aredisplayed if enabled.OD(d/E)  Control the display of non-info data. Unnumbered information data and the information fields of LOPconnect/disconnect packets are considered “non-info” data. By disabling non-info data the only data seen isdata in sequenced info frames.OE(D/e)  When enabled, causes ALL received packets to be displayed, even if already connected to another station.Information frames, other than those from the connected station, are converted to unnumbered informationframes (UI). Such packets are not acknowledged, and the connected state is unaffected. A connect request inChat mode displays:“- Call from <address>”A “/” token is issued on UI’s instead of the normal info (“’”) tag, so that the host computer can direct them tothe display (or other) and not into disk files during file transfers.OF  If many messages are allowed to accumulate in the Queue mode, then Queue mode is disabled, all of themessages stream out at once. Each time this command is given one frame is displayed instead.The following two commands are useful only on stand-alone RDCs because the required output line isn’tavailable at the radio connector on SNRDS:OGn  Used to control external equipment connected to the serial port. Each time info is available for display theaux. output bit 1 is set high. This line can be used to activate the external equipment, for example it could becross-wired to the RTS output to control the host device. After the line goes true there’s a time delay beforethe info is sent for display. This command sets a delay value (n) of about 1 ms per count. When set to zero theoutput bit activation is canceled. See OJ for timing at the end of info display.OJ(n)  Sets the amount of time (n, in milliseconds) that elapses after received info has been sent to the serial portand before the aux output bit 1 line is set low again. If n is set to zero there’s no delay. This delay doesn’toccur if the OG value is set to 0. See OG.OH(d/E)  Disable/Enable the display of frame headers. Headers consist of address and control field outputs thatcome with each frame. The control field is shown in hex radix. If headers, non-info data and status outputsare all disabled only “pure” data is displayed. Thus sentences that break into more than one packet arereconstructed as though they all came in the same packet. This command has no effect on Chat orTransparent modes. See also 4.6.2..OI(8)  Set Chat mode Input timer. Each count represents approximately 5 seconds.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual7-18 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00OK  Deletes the contents of the receive queue. If messages have accumulated during Queue mode operation andthey are of no interest this command is used to purge them.OL(D/e) Automatic line feeds to the display. Enabled on power-up, this function causes line feeds in receivedmessages to be ignored, and inserts line feeds after every carriage return. If disabled, characters are sent to theterminal as received.OM(d/E) When enabled and not connected, only frames that have traversed a complete path are displayed.Normally, all frames are displayed when there is no connection. If a frame is digipeated, it appears on the aironce in the original packet and again each time it passes through a digipeater. A receiving station may be in aposition to receive more than one of these transmissions, thus showing the same info more than once. Someapplications don’t work right when info is received in duplicate, so this command is provided to filter outevery occurrence of a digipeated transmission (including the original) until it has passed through the finaldigipeater specified. The path has been completed at that point. Thus, each transmission is only receivedonce, even when it is digipeated. Non-digipeated frames are not affected, since the original transmission isalso the completed path, since there are no digipeaters specified.ON(0) Output Null characters after every carriage return. Use this with slow terminals to allow time for motion tostop before characters are printed on the next line. The value range is 0 to 255.OO(D/e) Connected-Only mode. When this mode is enabled no data is displayed unless the other station connectsor Unconnected mode is on and the packet is addressed to us. Thus, extraneous channel activity doesn’tclutter the screen or queue up in memory.OP(240) Set the value of the Protocol IDentifier byte (PID) to be sent with information frames (MX.25 only).OQ(D/e) In Queue mode messages aren’t displayed until requested. All eligible messages are stored in memoryinstead. If memory is full and queue mode is again disabled, they’re displayed immediately. See OF.OR(d/E)  Controls the display of Chat mode system messages. Although Chat mode isn’t intended for filetransfers, suppression of the internally generated messages makes it possible to use it for ASCII files. WhenEnabled, messages (such as “- Connected to... or “- Waiting”, etc) are displayed; when Disabled the messagesare suppressed, and the ‘\’ characters are accepted at face value instead of having special significance (see4.3.3.).OT(MR VR DR CR PR-)  Controls the “Filterlist” modes. Allows each list to be set for Select (passinginformation) or Reject (not passing information) from stations designated in the “OA” command. See Section4.14.2. The Filterlist Mode Command for further details.OU( d/E) Controls the output of status (#) Updates. When disabled, “#” messages are not displayed. Applies onlyto Command and Block modes.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 7-1901/04/00OW(0) Set terminal width. Inserts an automatic CR-LF as required to limit the line length on the display. Thevalue range is 0 to 255, and when 0 the function is disabled.OX(d/E) X-on/X-off flow control on the primary serial port. When enabled, RS232 data to the host is controlled by^Q and ^S characters; if data is sent too fast by the host, ^S is sent. When there’s room for more a ^Q is sentto the host. Similarly, if these control characters are sent by the host, the controller stops on ^S and restarts on^Q. Note that RTS flow control is always observed, even if this function is enabled. With RTS/CTS flowcontrol the controller stops sending data when the primary serial port RTS line goes false and it sets the CTSline false when it is being overrun. Please note that Xon/Xoff is not suitable for non-ASCII data, since thebyte values corresponding to ^S and ^Q are not sent as data.  P1X(d/E) is equivalent; see P command series.NOTE:   The following commands apply to either serial port, designated by typing 1 or 2 for the (m) argument.For m=1 the command applies to the primary serial port, while m=2 applies the command to the secondary serialport. No actual change occurs after typing these commands until the PG command is given, or a power-down/power-up (not reset) sequence occurs. The original default values are replaced upon reset. The SE and OXcommands, which control COM1 echo and Xon/Xoff operation, are duplicated with the general commandsPmE(d/e) and PmX(d/e), respectively. SE and OX are retained for compatibility, but affect only COM1.P(m)B(n)  Set serial port baud rate. The baud rate, n, must be 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200.P(m)N(8)  Set number of bits (n=7 or 8). Observe that 8 bits is required for non-ASCII data.P(m)P(n)  Set parity. Parity off, n=0; odd parity, n=1; even parity, n=2.P(m)S(n)  Set number of stop bits (n=1 or 2).P(m)X(n) Controls Xon/Xoff flow control on either port. RTS/CTS remains active.PG Port Go command; causes the above commands to take effect immediately.NOTE:  The following commands are used in conjunction with GLB Synthesized Data Link radios for settingfrequencies. Frequency entries are in kilohertz to the nearest ½ kilohertz. Channel selection must be consistentwith channel spacing and range limits or the entry is ignored and an error is indicated. Channel spacing must beset to a non-zero value before any other frequency entries are accepted. Example, to set reference frequency to 12.5KHz:rs 0-12.5As usual, “ 0-“ is sent by the controller to show the previous value.RC<1> When multiple channels are specified as a software option, this command is used to select which of themis to control the radio at any given time. The number of available channels is specified when ordering. Apanel switch option is also available.RI(-21400)  Set receiver IF frequency, a signed value. The IF must be an even multiple of the channel spacing.Low-side injection is indicated by preceding the IF frequency with a minus sign.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual7-20 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00RL(450000)   Set Lower frequency limit. In order to prevent accidental entry of illegal frequencies or out-of-rangefrequencies lower and upper limits are entered before actual operating frequencies. Subsequent frequencyentries are checked against these limits and an error is generated if the new entry is not within them.RM<32, 64 or 128> Set up the prescaler modulus for the associated synthesized receiver. The modulus valuevaries with the frequency band.RN<32, 64 or 128> Set up the prescaler modulus for the associated synthesized transmitter. The modulus valuevaries with the frequency band.RO(0)   Set transmitter Offset. The transmitter synthesizer is left in the locked condition while receiving to reduceturnaround time. For simplex operation during receive periods the transmitter is offset from the receiverchannel to prevent interference. This command sets the offset value, in kilohertz. If set to -25, for example, inthe receive mode the transmitter frequency is set 25 KHz below the receive frequency to prevent interferenceto the receiver from the transmitter synthesizer. Each time the transmitter is keyed a serial stream is sent tothe transmitter to move it to the correct transmit channel, and when it’s unkeyed another serial stream is sentto offset it again. Observe that where the transmitter and receiver operate on different channels offsetting isn’tnecessary, hence RO is set to zero. When this value is set to zero no commands are sent to the radio whenkeying and un-keying; thus when using the output lines controlled by DW, set RO=0.RR(450000)   Set Receiver frequency.RS(0)   Set channel Spacing. This value is determined by the particular receiver or transmitter in use. Note: Thisvalue should be set to zero if the controller is not to be used with a synthesized GLB radio to avoid sendingfrequency commands to the auxiliary output lines.RT(450000)   Set Transmitter frequency.RU(470000)   Set Upper frequency limit. See “RL”, above.RX(470000)  Same as RR, but the transmitter is set to the same frequency. If the receiver is set to frequency A andthe transmitter is set to frequency B, typing RX and not entering a new frequency will set transmitter to thesame frequency as the receiver. If a new value is typed both the receiver and transmitter are set to it.S(CR) A request for a status report. There are eight fields, separated by “/”, to be described from left to right.(1) Link state (MX.25) or the station node number (LOP). Not to be confused with status updates, displayedwith the “#” tag.(2) The station address, (and SSID in MX.25).(3) The destination address (and SSID in MX.25. In LOP a “$” follows if unconnected, otherwise the nodenumber of the other station.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 7-2101/04/00(4) MX.25 - digipeater address and SSID (empty in LOP). An “@” indicates that monitor mode receive islimited by “OA”.(5) A series of letters indicating the state of data flow, as follows:Bour end Busy (memory filled)Wour end busy via manual (AW).Xwaiting for the other station, who has sent a “busy” flow status.Hwaiting due to manual command (AH)Sour end is in Standby - neither receiving or transmitting.(6) A series of letters indicating output formatting modes (the presence of a letter indicates the enabled state):BBlock mode is enabled (OB)Lautomatic Line-feed mode is enabled (OL).Oconnected-Only mode is enabled (OO).RChat message suppression is enabled (OR).HHeader display is enabled (OH)Dnon-info Data display is enabled (OD)Ustatus Update mode is enabled (OU).(7) A series of letters indicating the following modes:UUpper case mode. SUGGarbage mode is enabled. SGXMX.25 protocol enabled. SXQQueue mode enabled. OQEterminal Echo enabled. SE(8) A series of letters indicating the following modes:UUnconnected mode is enabled. MUVdigipeater eaVesdropping mode is enabled. MVRdigipeater active. MRLautomatic Chat/Transparent mode entry enabled. MLFauto LF in Chat mode is enabled. MFXTransparent mode is enabled. MX!Unattended mode is enabled (seen only via remote control).“data is present in the transmit buffer.(9) A number indicating the value of the beacon timer (0 if the beacon is turned off).S1  Mode status display. Displays a list of enabled mode commands.SA(255)  Set LOP node number, 0-254. 255 is a null value.SB(d/E) set squelch Backoff. Backoff occurs a when a packet is ready to be sent but the channel is busy. When thecommunications channel is shared with voice users there’s a potential conflict with data stations. SNRDSunits check for a busy channel by observing whether a data signal is present, but they normally ignore voicesignals. Thus, packets could be transmitted during other voice transmissions, causing interference to the
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual7-22 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00latter. When the audio option assembly is included with SNRDS, the squelch circuit can be used for detectingvoice transmissions. Squelch backoff is then enabled with this command, causing SNRDS to back off wheneither a MODEM signal is present OR when the squelch is open. Also see SO and SP.SC(address)  Set address. Type the station address after the “scABCDEF-“ (Any previous address is displayedinstead of “ABCDEF”). Terminate the body of the address with a space or dash. If the address is less than 6characters long the remaining characters are filled with spaces. A second prompt is sent in MX.25 mode, forthe numerical value of the station SSID. Example (user input is shown in boldface; the remaining charactersare responses):“SCABCDEF-TEST2 0-2<CR>”In this example there was no previous address entry, a new address TEST2 was typed, the old value of SSIDwas zero, and a value of 2 was typed. A CR or SPACE response to either prompt would have left the old valuein place. There is no second prompt for SSIDs in LOP mode. An address may be removed by typing a dash atthe “-“ prompt.SD(address)  Set Destination address, using the same procedure as in the SC command, except “------“ appearsinstead of “ABCDEF”. Also see C.SE(d/E)  Control terminal Echo. When enabled, characters typed are “echoed” back to the terminal - that is,they’re sent back to be printed on the screen so what’s typed can be seen on the terminal. Some terminalsecho typed characters internally, resulting in a double character echo. In such cases disable this function.Note that P1E(d/E) does the same thing, see P commands.SF(32)  Set number of bytes in preamble. The “preamble” is a string of bytes sent at the beginning of every packet,needed at the receive end for receive synchronization. It also allows time for the transmitter to come on andfor the receiver to recover data. More length is needed for slow receivers and fewer for fast ones, between 1and 256 bytes. It’s safe to start with a larger number and to reduce it until the number needed is found. Sinceunnecessarily long preambles waste time, the fewer the better for the system.SG(D/e)  Disable/Enable “garbage” mode. Disables error checking to allow all data through for channelmonitoring or in disconnected mode. Useful in such cases because data integrity is not critical in casualconversation and fragments of bad packets may contain some readable text, which may be better than none.NOTE: In this mode connect requests are ignored, since erroneous transmissions could occur as a result ofreceiving inaccurate data. If a connect request is commanded, however, this mode is cleared and the connectrequest is made in the normal manner. There may be occasional real garbage displayed while connected to areceiver, due to noise.SH(7)  Set the maximum (Highest) number of frames per packet (1 to 7). As much of the data in the transmitbuffer is sent as possible in a single packet (up to 7 frames of 256 characters each). This command allows thenumber of frames sent in one packet to be reduced.SI  Initialize modes, parameter values and serial port settings to the default values in the EPROM. See FI.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 7-2301/04/00SK(16)  Set Transparent mode time delay. Each count is approximately 10 milliseconds. This time value is used asa delay interval under each of four circumstances in Transparent mode:1. The delay between the last-sent byte from the terminal and the start of transmission.2. The delay required after a transmission before typing exit characters.3. The time allowed between exit characters.4. The time after the last exit character and the return to Command mode. See Transparent mode explanationin section 6.1..SL(0)  Set maximum frame length in bytes. The range is 1 to 256, where 256 is displayed as 0. Informationpackets can contain up to 7 “frames” of data. Each frame carries its header and error check value (FCS).When a multi-frame packet is sent, only those received correctly are acked, and all frames following the firstbad one are re-transmitted instead of the entire packet. Shorter frames are more likely to get through, butunder good radio conditions long frames are more efficient. If the data sent to the transmit buffer exceeds themaximum frame length the data is automatically broken into multiple frames for transmission, up to 7 at atime (see SH).SM(7)  Set transmit storage space in blocks of 256 bytes. Available memory is divided between the receive andtransmit buffers, and this command sets the transmit buffer space, initially 1752 bytes. What’s left is assignedto the receive queue. If too much is allocated the error signal (“?”) is returned and the maximum amountavailable is used. See MM, SL and SH.SN(16)  Set Number of retries. Any given packet is sent up to 16 times while waiting for an ack. Range: 1 to 255.A value of 0 causes it to re-send forever.SO(25)  Set backoff delay time base. When a packet is ready for transmission, but the channel is busy, a backoffprocedure is entered. When the channel becomes clear a random wait time is invoked before transmission.This action prevents, for the most part, collisions with other stations that might also have been waiting, sincethe odds are that the two won’t have the same delay value at the same time. The maximum value of therandom time delay is set with this command in steps of 10 ms, making the default value about ¼ second. SeeSB, SP.SP(0) Set fixed backoff delay, a delay that is added to the delay controlled by the SO command. Random backoffdelay is used in networks where no control is available on other channel users or there are too many to makefixed values of delay feasible. Where full configuration control is available on all stations fixed delays may beassigned to establish a priority hierarchy for channel usage. Timing is about 2 ms per count. Since theargument may be set as high as 255, maximum delay is 510 milliseconds. In order to ensure a fixed delay, SOmust be set to zero. A random delay range is also possible, using this command to set the minimum time andSO to set a random time. Backoff timing then varies randomly from (SP) to (SP)+(SO). See also SB.SQ(50)  Set value of the connection timer. Steps are about 6 seconds each, so a count of 10 corresponds to about 1minute. Setting the value to zero is equivalent to an infinite time value. When this timer expires the controlleris disconnected, so that an inactive connection doesn’t tie it up forever. Unconnected mode is also canceled by
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual7-24 GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/00this time-out. Each time a transmission is received from the other station the counter is reset to the full timeperiod. See also AP.SR(b,D,h or o)  Set Radix (number system) to Binary, Decimal, Hex or Octal. If numeric values are preferred inanother radix, this command may be used to change it. The binary radix does not display or accept thecharacters “1” and “0” as it might appear; a true binary value is used for easier computer interpretation. Thiscommand doesn’t affect functions using 16-bit values.SS<address> This command allows a special address to be entered. Data from any frames received from the stationhaving this address is displayed on the secondary serial port (and not on the primary serial port). Noconnection is required, and only data fields are displayed. If the SSID entered with this command is set to 15,any station having the specified base address is accepted, regardless of SSID. The filterlist monitor mode mayalso be used in conjunction with this function to restrict the display of stations with specific SSIDs. Forexample, if SENDER-15 is entered, any SENDER station is displayed, but the filterlist could further specifythat only SENDER-8 and SENDER-10 are to be displayed.ST(10)  Set reTry time in tenths of seconds. The initial retry time is 1 second, but it can be set to values rangingfrom 0 to 25.5 seconds, corresponding to values between 0 and 255. The timing value is based upon a 1200baud link rate, but actual timing is automatically scaled to the baud rates; at 9600 baud the retry time is 1/8 ofwhat the same value produces at 1200 baud.SU(D/e)  Enabled, characters sent to the host are converted to upper case.SV(------)  Enter digipeater address(s) (Set Via). Used in the same manner as SC for the station address. For moredetail see 4.5.1.; also C command.SX(d/E)  Set MX.25 mode. Any packets received switch the protocol to the appropriate mode automatically. Thiscommand is needed only to originate a connection.SY(11 values)  Examine/modify control characters used in Chat and Input modes. When accessed, 11 charactervalues are shown, one at a time. Each can be changed by typing a new value or skipped by a space. The orderof characters is:character default value functionESC (27) Exit Chat and insert modesCR (13) Carriage return (produces automatic LF in Chat)LF (10) Line feed is used to command a transmission.BS ( 8) Backspace character.^T (20) Retype buffer contents.^X (24) Clear buffer contents.^U (21) Delete current line.^C ( 3) Disconnect.^B ( 2) Connect.
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 7-2501/04/00^R (18) Display one frame received.^D ( 4) Revert to display mode without transmitting.Take care that none of these characters are used twice. Action taken as a result of typing one of them is based uponthe order of occurrence. Thus, if ESC were entered for both Exit Chat and Disconnect positions the ESC keywould always exit Chat and never apply to Disconnect.SZ(D/e)  Disable/Enable leading Zeros. Without Leading zeros a “1” would be displayed as “1” in any radix exceptbinary. With leading zeros, would be seen “001” in decimal or octal and “01” in hex. This method may beselected merely by preference, but its intended function is to make it easier for a host computer to interpretnumbers. Initially leading zeros are not displayed. Not applicable to binary radix.T  Display (“Type”) whatever data is in the transmit buffer. Buffer contents are not affected.V  Used to enter digipeater addresses, see C.
GLB Electronics, Inc. SNRDS  Manual8-2GLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System01/04/008. IndexAAddressable I/O devices.......................................................................................................................................2-3Addressable I/O devicesÁ_Alternate beacon message ...............................................................................................................................4-18BBase address........................................................................................................................................4-1, 4-21, 5-1Beacon control .................................................................................................................................................4-17Beacon mode............................................................................................................... 1-2, 4-17, 4-18, 5-2, 7-7, 7-8Block mode ................................................................................................. 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 7-2, 7-13, 7-16, 7-20Ccalendar.............................................................................................................................................................7-11Channel spacing................................................................................................................................................7-19chat mode1-1, 2-7, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6, 4-7, 4-10, 4-16, 4-17, 6-1, 6-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6, 7-8, 7-14, 7-15, 7-16, 7-17, 7-18, 7-21clock................................................................................................................................... 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 4-12, 7-12Constants..........................................................................................................................................................4-12Continuous ASCII (CA) mode...........................................................................................................................3-2CPU ................................................................................................................................... 1-2, 2-9, 4-7, 4-22, 7-12DData fields...........................................................................................................................................................6-3digipeaters............................................................................ 1-2, 4-1, 4-2, 4-7, 4-8, 4-9, 4-11, 4-12, 4-13, 4-18, 5-2displays .....................1-1, 4-1, 4-2, 4-5, 4-7, 4-9, 4-10, 4-11, 4-14, 4-16, 5-1, 5-2, 7-9, 7-11, 7-12, 7-15, 7-17, 7-21downloading........................................................................................................................................................6-5Fflow control...................................................................................... 2-3, 2-5, 4-11, 4-12, 4-16, 4-17, 6-3, 7-4, 7-18Forward Error Correction................................................................................................................................3-2frames ..................1-1, 1-2, 3-2, 4-6, 4-7, 4-9, 4-11, 4-22, 5-2, 6-3, 6-5, 7-2, 7-5, 7-15, 7-16, 7-17, 7-18, 7-22, 7-23Ggarbage............................................................................................................................... 3-2, 4-7, 7-5, 7-21, 7-22Garbage Mode...................................................................................................................................................4-7Hhardware ................................................................................................0-1, 1-2, 2-5, 3-2, 3-3, 4-12, 6-3, 7-9, 7-10Header..................................................................................... 4-9, 4-11, 4-12, 4-14, 5-2, 6-3, 7-4, 7-15, 7-21, 7-22IInformation ........................................................................................................................ 3-1, 4-9, 4-11, 4-16, 5-2LLOP protocol.......................................................................................................................................................5-1Mmemory allocation .............................................................................................................................................6-5mode-setting........................................................................................................................................................7-1
SNRDS  Manual GLB Electronics, IncGLB Synthesized Netlink Radio Data System 8-301/04/00monitoring ...............................................................................................................1-1, 4-16, 4-20, 4-22, 5-2, 7-22MX.25 protocol.................................................................................................................... 4-1, 4-7, 5-1, 7-5, 7-21Nnode number ...................................................................................................... 5-1, 5-2, 6-5, 7-5, 7-13, 7-20, 7-21Ppacket procedure .................................................................................................................................................4-3packet radio..................................................................................................................................1-1, 1-3, 1-4, 4-12paths ...................................................................................................................................... 2-1, 2-4, 3-2, 4-5, 4-8polling........................................................................................................................................... 1-3, 6-1, 6-5, 7-7power supply .......................................................................................................................... 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5preamble length...............................................................................................................................................4-12Primary Serial Port...........................................................................................................................................2-3prompt .....................................................2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 4-8, 4-9, 4-14, 4-19, 4-20, 5-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-5, 7-1, 7-21protocols........................................................................................................................................ 1-2, 1-3, 4-5, 6-5QQueue............................................................... 1-1, 3-3, 4-16, 4-17, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 7-4, 7-15, 7-17, 7-18, 7-21, 7-23RRemote command........................................................................................ 2-2, 2-4, 4-12, 4-14, 4-21, 7-2, 7-6, 7-9Remote Command Lockout .................................................................................................................................2-4Retries........................................................................................................................4-11, 4-13, 6-2, 6-4, 7-9, 7-23retry time................................................................................................................................................4-13, 7-24RF connector.......................................................................................................................................................2-4RS-232..................................................................................................................... 0-1, 1-2, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-8, 6-3Ssecondary station identifier..................................................................................................................................4-1sending info ........................................................................................................................................4-10, 6-2, 7-7serial port...............0-1, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-3, 2-4, 2-9, 3-2, 3-3, 4-9, 4-14, 7-4, 7-10, 7-11, 7-18, 7-19, 7-22, 7-23Setting frequencies ............................................................................................................................................7-19sign-on........................................................................................................................ 2-4, 2-5, 4-1, 7-1, 7-11, 7-12special commands ........................................................................................................................................6-4, 7-3Special message................................................................................................................................................4-17Special packets ..................................................................................................................................................6-5specifications.......................................................................................................................................................2-9TTag characters.....................................................................................................................................................6-3transparent mode.........1-1, 2-3, 4-5, 4-6, 4-7, 4-11, 4-16, 6-1, 6-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 7-11, 7-14, 7-15, 7-16, 7-21, 7-22Uunattended mode .............................................................................................4-14, 4-15, 4-18, 5-2, 7-3, 7-12, 7-21Unconnected ......................................................................................................................................................4-5Unconnected Ack...............................................................................................................................................4-6Unnumbered info.............................................................................................................................................4-22

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