GVC DF1156IVR3 User Manual 11604

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Document ID11604
Application IDJrpHKspjjpBsGm1uYV6qjQ==
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize28.55kB (356818 bits)
Date Submitted1998-11-04 00:00:00
Date Available1998-12-24 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-07-12 06:52:06
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-07-12 06:52:08
Document Title11604.pdf
Document Author: jsoscia

EUT:Voice/FAX/Modem Card
Section One - Introduction
fins 55 Kbps' Prug and Pay FAX/VowcelData
Speakerphone Mcdem cannects your computer to all
popularhrghspeedmpdemsavallabletoday Themodem
incorporates “K55PIU5"(56Kbps) technerogy tn provlde
rncreaseu download speeds usmg regurar telephone
Thws manual desenbes [he hardware mslailatlun
proceduresfuryournewmmdem.Addmcnal rnrormaupn
an AT Commands and S-regmers is prowded so that
yeursystem canbecustcmtzedfora pamcularoperaung
‘Ncls: KEEP/us is capable of downloading a 56Kbps.
However, current FCC regular/ans rm rts speeds to
Section Two ~ Installation
The section win prawns.- step by step instructions
on haw to install your new 56 Kbps FAXNnicyData
modems Instauetion arthus modem product 15 a lhree~
step process conslsts cf1)actual hardware mstauatmn,
2) plug and may configuration and 3) communicatron
software metauatmn and canfigurahon
2.1 Unpacking Your Modem
Be cenarn that you have all the items fished helcw
The package contains
~ A madam -Ate\ephunecable
- Usefsmanual ~Softwaremrthe modern
- Software user‘s manual
2.2 What You Need
You wm need
1 A phrihps-head screwdriver
2 A) A Plug and Play enabled Operetmg System
(9 g , Wmdcws 95).
B) A Plug and Piay Revnsvoni 0a cumpliam PC.
4. Carefully slide the internal modem into the sictyou
have chosen, appiylng even pressure until (he ma<
dem I5 compieiely sealed in the stat
5 Fasten the reialm'ng bracketwrlh the screw From (he
siot cover. Make sure me modem is properiy aiigned
Siore the sin! cover iuriuiure use
5. Repiaceme cumpuiercoverand piug in yourcorn-
7. Connect (he teiephane cable from the modem's
LINE connector to the (Eiephone waiiiack.
a Opuonaily,ccnnectycurteiephoneiothemodem‘s
9_ Turn your computer on Your modem is now m-
2.4 Hardware Configuration (Plug and Play)
Yourmodem rs configured usingihe Piug and Play
(Pm?) czaabiiiiles ctyourcamputer Mg and Play is a
Set oispecrficanuns that define the ability furihe com-
puterhardware and operating system in automaticaliy
CC'T‘gurS ailcompixantdevxcesthatareinsialied‘ rsilEv-
ing the user cf the need to determine which addresses
andintermptstouseioreachdevice CansuliyourPC‘s
cwnefs manual to deiermlne liit is Fri? Revisicn 1.02
ucmpiiant You mnstiikaiy have a Piug and Play Revvsiun
1 0a compiiant system iiit was purchased aflerJurie
1994 or ilthe BIOS is dated after June 1994.
Proceed to oneoithe ioilowingsecfiluns‘ depending
on yoursystem's configuration:
- Section 2.4.1 ii you are running Windows
95 (with or without 2 Plug and Play PC)
- Seclinn 244.2 ii you are running Windows
3.1x Dr 008 on a PnP-compiiant PC.
- Section 2.4.3 if you are running DOS or
Windows 3.1x on a nen-PnP PG
14.1 Configuring in Vinndows ss
which Sei oi diaiog boxes is presented tn you when
Windows will now find a second dEVlCE on the
modem Makesurelhallhedriverdiskisslillinlnedisk
drive and cllck “Next." Windows wlll find the SECOfld
dnver Clrck"Flnrsh'lo cumplelelhemslallallon
When all necessary files are copied, themodem IS
configured windows 95 erI assign the madem a COM
port and IRQ line Proceed to Section 2.5
2.4.2 Configuring ina Plugznd Play System without
Windows 95
When this modem is lnslalled ln 3 Plug and Play
system without Windows 95, the computers Bios wiii
assign a COM pan and IRQ line (a the modem,
Proceedlc Section 2 5, Software lflslallalIDn/Ccn—
2.4,3 Conliguri g in a Non-Plug and Play System
Computers wllhoul native Plug and Play cepauiii-
ties require lhe use ofthe included modem driver "you
have not already installed this driver, refer to the file
README lSTOn [he Windcws 95 driver d|sk Var lnslal~
latlcn and configuration instructions Once the driveris
installed the modem is enabled and configured during
system boot-up, The com pan and IRQ settings thateie
essignedtu the modemwill bedisplayed on the screenas
the driverisloaded
ii the PC ls running Windows 31x configure
andcws (0 properly reoognizetnese medem settings by
PANEL, Click on PORTS and follow VWndows 31x
users manual instructions on configuring the installed
modern COM port,
Proceedtu Section 2 5‘ Soflwarelnslallalicn/Can-
2.5 Software Installation and Configuration
You are now ready to lnslall and configure the
communication software Referto yaursofiware manual
farinstallalron procedures.
We suggesllne lcllawmg cummunlcatlnn param-
eters when you first use yuurdeta communication soft-
248 Using Your Modern
The cummumcalmn Schware included WIKh your
modem product provmes a user frrendly mleriace (a
access the fax, yarns and datafunchcnsoiyourmudem
This software should be sufficient for all of your
communication needs There may be umes when you
need us access (he modem manually wa modem com~
mands Read Seclmn 3 (are summary descrlptron cHhe
modem command set before manually accessmg the
modem Youmaywznttoreadmescfiwaremanualfirst.
huwever, as me soflware may arready provlda a user
rnenury memou uracaessmg me runcnonayou need (Le,
drahng oranswermg cafls).
2,5 Where To Go From Here
YOU Should iammarize ynurselfwrm the functions
avarabiefrom themdudedscflwars by readmg ms manual.
You wrll be accessing most if hat a“, cf the modem's
(unmrmns (rem (hrs software. Youmay alsouse anyorher
commercrally available communicafionsumarswrthlhe
modem, Read Sectiun 3 only 51 you are interested m
accessmg me modem manuauy, and nonnrougn me
mduded sofl'ware Sectrun 4 and 5 contam relcrence
maternal. and can be skipped If you have difficulties
gemng yourmodem (a work. read Section 5 -Trouble-
shooting (a find answers to commonly asked queshuns
and problems
Section Three -AT Command Set
3.1 Executing Commands
Commands are accepted by me modemwmle nis
rn Command Made Your modem is automatrcally m
Command Made unlrlycu dvala numberand asxabnsn a
cannecucn Commands may be sent in your modem
froma PC running ccmmumcauon software arany other
Your modem rs capabre ofdata communication at
rates of 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 5500, 144110, 19200,
28800, 35400. 57500, and 115200 bps Make sure your
com pen baud rate settings in your communications
software rs Sena one chhe abuve speeds
- AudioSpan [simultaneous audio/voice and data)‘
— lTU-T v.61 modulation (48 kbps data plus audio)
7 Handset, headset, or hall-duplex speakerphone
- lTU-T v70 st0 (option)
7ITU-T G 729 Annex A With interoperable (3.729 Annex B
7SIG (special interest group) DigiTalk DSVD
—Voice/silence detection and handset echo cancellation
—Handset, headset. or hall»duplex speakerphone
- Full-duplex speakerphone (FDSF’) mode
— Over PSTN or ISDN E channel (option)
7 SWitching to/lrom data. lax, DSVD and Voiceview
7 Microphone gain and muting
—Speaker volume control and muting
—Adap|ive line and acoustic echo cancellation
7 Loop gain control, transmit and receive path AGC
—Acoustic echo cancellation concurrent with DSVD
— Noise suppreSSion
7 Room monitor _.
- v.50 and Rockwell Video Ready synchronous access modes suppon host-controlled communication protocols
7 H.324 interface suppon
- V.8N.8bis and supporting AT commands (v.25 ter with Annex A)
- Data/Fax/VoiceviewNoice call discnminatlon
- Voice, telephony, audio, Volcevlew
~VOice (a-bit u-Law compresslon/decompression)
7TlA-695 command set
7Voiceview alternating voice and data (option)
7 B-bit linear and Srbit urLaw record/playback
78.0 kHz, 11 025 kHz, 22,050 kHz and 44.1 kHz (down sampled to 11.025)
— Handset, acoustic, line echo cancellation
7 Music on hold from host or analog hardware input
7TAM support With concurrent DTMF detect. ring detect and caller ID
- World—class operation (option)
—Call progress, blacklisting, multiple country support
- integrated internal hybrid
- Caller lD and distinctive ring detect
- Modern and audio paths concurrent across PCI bus
' Single protile stored in nest
- System compatibilities
7 Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems
— Microsoifs PC 97 Design initiative compliant
7 Unirnodem/V compliant
- 32-bit PCI Local Bus interface
7Contorms to the PG Local Bus Specification, Production Version, Revision 2.1
— PCI Bus Mastering interface to the MDP
7 CatdBus support with 512-byte HAM tor Dis
—33 MHZ PCl clock support
- Device packages
7 Bus lntenace in 176-pln TQFP
— MDP in 14147le TOFP
- +3 EV operation
”177 f
2 Make sure Ihe correct lermma‘ emulalion made 5 bemg
used (See Communicamn software manual)
High pitch tone is heard whenever you
answer the phnne.
I Make sure Auto-Answer I5 turned off Yourmodem rs
raczcry ccnfiguredm NOTauto-answer rssue Ammo
Modern experiences errors while
communicating with a remote modem.
1 Make sure (he DTE speed s the same as the modern
cannemionspeedwhemn DweclMode
2 Makesuretheremotesystemandyourmudsmuseme
sameccmmumcallcn parameters1speed,pantyercb
3. Make sure RTS/CTS hardware flow canlro‘ rs enab‘ed
andXON/XOFFSDfiware Howccnlrolisdisabledinlhe
A Make sure the dam speed vs not faster than your
computer‘s capammy Mos! IBM ccmpanbles are ca-
pab‘e «3119100 bps under DOS and Windows 3 X
Operanng almgherspeedsunderwindcwsrequlresa
485 c! 'as\erCPU OerdOws 954
Modern experiences bursts of ermrs or
suddenly disconnects while cammunicah’ng
with a remote modern.
L Make sure CaHWamng is \urned on.
2 Make sure thephanefine aces nclexh
(excess noise
Modern exhibiLs poor veiee record or
r Make sure me cerrect mudem type rs selected in me
Section Seven » Support and Service
Inthe unllkely eventyouexperiencedrfficunyrntne
use 0! ms producL we sugge5t yuu (1) consult the
yourdealer TaomamserviceforlhisproducUcllowthe
Return Merchandise Authorrzation Procedure as nun
lmed m (he \Narramy card
tntne eventtnattnts equipmentsnontu rail in aperate pruperiy,
ntscnnnecttneenutpment1mm mephuneIinelodelemnnelht
is mustng the ambient tune prcblem Is wilh me equipment
discunltnueuse and contact yourneaternrvendnr.
The FCC atsa requtres thetransmtiteroiz FAX transmission he
prunerty identified (peiFCCRutes FansB.Sec.68.JE1(c)tfi)),
DOC Compliance Information
NOTlCE: TheCanaflian Departmenl alCcmmuntcaxtcns (abet
identities oemfied equinmefllv This certification meanstnat the
equipment meets certain tetecammuntcattnns network protec-
[IV/E, operallunal and safely requirements. The Department
does not guarantee the equipment wtil operate tn the user‘s
Eefnretnstalltng Ihls equipmenkusem ensure thatit is permisr
stble to be cunnected in (he realities Mmelocat [elecnmmum-
cations campany.Tneequtpmentmustalsoneinstatled using
an acceptable meihod alcnnnemton, The customershuuld be
aware that mmptiance with the zbuve conditions may not
preventdegrfldauun olservtceinsame situations.
I 1 553 BE.
«it v -
The information contained in thls manual has been
vaiida|ed at the time oi this manual‘s produclion.
The manufacturer reserves the right to make any
changes and improvements in the product de-
scribed in this manual al any time and without
notlce Consequently the manufacturer assumes
no liability ior damages incurred directiy or indi»
rectiy from errors, dmlssmns or dlscrepancies be
tween the product and the manuai.
All reglstered trademarks are the property oHnelr
respective owners.
Copyrighl©1997Ali nghtsreserved. No reproduction
ofthisdocument in anyiorm is permitted without prior
written authorizatmnfmmthe Manulamurer.
@ _ SPORTON LAB.‘ ‘Cenificate No:
Authorjzed under Declaration of Conformity
according to
47 CFR,Part 2 and Part 15 of the FCC Rules
Equipment Under Test: PERSONAL COMPUTER
Model No. : P2L97
SF, Formosa Plastics Rear Building 201,
e % tut—j
TuugHwaN RdI Taipei Taiwan, R.O.C.
. 5433;
w‘w7/ OCTO'fl/ijfl,
W.LHuang , WWW .., ,E_<_,,__ ~,_~.,_~;‘_-.,,,_A_I .,_:'.‘
0'5 “OMS/113170 1101115315123
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‘xe‘ peed; q53q‘51ep 5019119 psads q5wu suoddns Auwej aamaa wepow DSHOJIUOQ-lSOH \Qd>jQH9§/\OH ”BMXDDH aqi
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m1 9 uorxcas anew ‘pannbam ‘pauzxsug Madmd uaaq
aAeu memos sq) pus mapom aux zem ugeuaa aq pue
g z-z z sungwes MQIABH ’paJnE|Jua:a Auadmd uaaq mu
seq aJEMuosauuDApadon paumsul usaquEqmu flew
mapom auuauua ‘zou seep)!" u m yo us ”I‘M puDdSEJ
pmuus mapoLu aq) ‘asea Au» m ‘uamos am no Eusuwu
JO‘LLVV; Av, aasAem noA ‘uglng SSEJU pue ussms
|Euguual moA no “1 an“ sJemyos an) uazem mapow
auuo sfiumas om PUB ”Cd woo am aeux ems anew
_'apcu;euguua;, cwuaxuapue memos uonemunwwcs
moi an xss puE P201 mamas uouealunwnuomnaA mm
mums; sq pmous noK mapow moi |sa1ouapzou|
nopeuzasm Jauv wapow mok Gugsal [z
mwmdaamm mama
pue EuypmoeJ un enemas auoudjaxzadg/aom/vad
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‘suouonusug sq; un ssuepJoooe u| pssn pue psnewu; mu “ ‘pue ASJsus Kausnbsj;
ongJ psmgpeJ ueo pue sssn ‘sszerusB guswdgnbs sgql “uouoslon sjqeuosesj spmmd
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9 $520 9 10; 51ng qu, un A|dLuoo 01 puho; pue p91391 ussq seq luswdgnbs sgql
“uouelsdo szgsspun ssneo
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GLII 01 IDGICIHS 8! uouerdo "ssmg 00:1 914140 9L UEd HUM ssudwos GOMGP Ell-Ii
[I L181 HX’El

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