GVC SF1156HVR21 User Manual 42679

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Application IDgbUY49/eWqxsZQ98R3e4Nw==
Document Description8
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize38.12kB (476438 bits)
Date Submitted1999-06-16 00:00:00
Date Available1998-08-03 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-20 16:02:55
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-06-20 16:03:08
Document Title42679.pdf
Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

SectionThree—AT CommandSet...,.....4., ..
Section Six—Troubleshooting“,........,‘..........A
Section Seven — Support and Service...
AppendixA—Specifications..,,,..........,.A .
Section One - immducfion
ans 55 Kbps' Prug and Play FAX/Volce/Dala Speak-
erphone Modem cannecis your computerloall popuiar
mgnspeedmodemsavaxlametoday Tnemooemmooroo-
raxes "v QO/KSEF/ex” (55mm) technolugy to provroe
rnoreesed downroao speeds using regular rerepnone
imes Themodemmcorporales Plug and Preyforeese or
mstallaucn. It ieatures speakerphone CapaDlMIES for
cedurssloryournewmadem Addmunaflnlomatiunon
AT commands and S-regzskers 15 orowaeo so mat your
sysaem can ee cuswmwzed lur a panlcmar operetmg
‘Note "v 90/K55F/sx" ls capable of downloadrng 51
56Kbps. However, current FCC legu/alrons nmrr us
speeds Io 53Kbps
Section Two — Installation
Thls seouon Wm provide slep by step instructmns un
hcwto mstallycumewéfi Kbps FAX/Volce/Dma modem.
lnslaflakionofihls modern produntlsamree-stepprccess
consists of 1) aeluer hardware mstaflalmn. 2) plug and
prey canflgurauon am 3) commumcancn software me
s:aHahon anc configuratron.
2.1 Unpacking Your Modem
BE cenaxnmazyuu have a“ (he Items listedbelow This
- Amunem - Ateleohone cable
- USE smanuz! - Schwarefméhemodem
~ 50m. re user‘smanual
21 Whafi You Need
You wm need
1 A omnrosmeao screw orrver
z, A; Aprug and Play enamedOperatmg
System [s g .\Mnduws 95). ,
1 ug and PIayRewsmm Us campilantF’C.
Prcceed to Section 2.3 now i! you have every—
thlng required,
”you have neither 2A or 25 above. you have two
options luprcnnde Plug and Playlunctlonaluy {a yourPC
1 InslaHWmdowS 95
2 H runnmg DOS or Wmdows 3 x. Configure the
modem using themduded modem dnver Instruchcns far
|ns|al|mg (hrs driver are Included m the text file called
README.1 ST on me WIndOWS 95 drvverdisk.
TheREADME 1STfilecanbeviewedbyioadwngmnlo
any wordprotessoror anyrexi edflor (1 a DOS EDVT‘
NOTEPAD) umayalsoneviewedbyusmgmeDOSTYPf-z
command RefertcyourwardprocessormanumorDOS/
2.3 Hardware Installation
Inslahahon 0“th modem requires openvng and ma—
rflpu‘atmg yuur PC, Exermse cauflon at all (vmes when
working with AC powered and staticrsensmve equip»
ment Turn on and unpwug yuur PC before msranauon.
Dlschargs any siauc aremncny from ynur may by touch-
mg anybare metalsurface Dune PC syslam, such aslts
power supply cover
1 Turn err and unplug yuur computer mm the AC
2. Remove your computer‘s cover (refer (0 your
computer's owner's manual)
3 Se‘ectany evanab‘e harhcard slot. and (hen remove
the slot cover (refer Io figure 21],
Figure 271 Expansion SIOLS
J 1
4 Carelullyslldeihe inlernalmudemmtolhe slutycu
have chosen. a‘ppiying evenpressure until the mo-
dam is complelelysealed in me slot
5. Fasten lhe releining brackeiwnh the screw (ram the
slot saver Make sure the modem is properly aligned
Store {he slol cover for future use
6 Renlace the computer coverand plug in yourccm—
7 Cannecllhetelephonecablefrom[hemodem‘sLlNE
conneclnrlo me ieiepnone walliack
a Optionally.conneciycurlelephonelathemodem's
PHONE connector,
9 Optionally,conneciyuurmicrophonetomemudern‘s
1D Opliorially.cunneciyourspeakersintolhemodem‘s
11 Turn your cumouier on Your modem is now In-
24 Hardware Configuration
Your modern IS configured using ihe Plug and Play
(PnF)capabilitiesnycurccmpuler,Plugand Piayisasei
ulspecii’icalicns lhatdefineihe abilily lorlhE Compuler
ure allcomplianideviceslhalare inelalled, reliewng me
user 01 the need to determine which addresses and
interrupts to use ror each device Cansult your PC's
owners manual lo delermme ”it is PnP Revision 1 De
compliant Youmosl likely have 5 Plug and Play Rev15ion
1 0a complianl syslem yin was purchased afler June
1994 or illhe 8105 is daled after June 1994.
Proceed lD one or me roiiowmg seclions, depending on
~ Section 2.4.1 if you are running Windows
95 (wilh or Wilhcul 3 Plug and Play PC)
- Section 2.4.2 if you are running Windows
31x or 005 on a PnP-cumplianl PC
~ Section 2.4 3 if you are running DOS or
Windows 31x on a noanriP PC.
2.4.1 Configuring In Windows 35
TheverslonolWindows 95 you have will delermirie
J i
5 |
which sei of dieiqg boxes IS presented in you when
installing(hemodeminvwndows 95 Proceed [cone uflhs
lollcwlng seciicns. depending on your windows 95‘s
diaglog box.
- Section Wlndcws 95 scans for me
first hme aner card inslallatian. ii detects the
modem anuiidispiaysihe NewHardwareFDund
diaiog box
- Section 2 .2 when Windows 95 starts «wins
first iime after card insiaiiauen. ii deiects me
modem and iiaispiaysme Update Device Driver
24.1.1 Wlndows 95 Release 4.00.950
When Windes 85 starts iorthe first time after card
insiaiianon. it detects the modem and dispiays lhe New
Hardware Found diaiog box
Under New Hardware Found. when asked (0 "SEIECI
which driver you wam in inslafl for your new hardware."
Cllck on"Drlverlrcm diskprovided by hardwaremanmao
(urEr."C|Ick ”OK.“
The Install From Diskdialog box now instructs you
(o"lnseflthe manufadurefsinsisllauondiskmlnlhednve
ssiecied, and (hen chm 0K"lnser1the modem‘s driver
diskelleinlmhedisk drive and typeA:\(orB:\ifinssned
in drive 5) In the “ Copy manufaciurefs files lrom “box
Chck "OK "
Wlndows 95 may requesi iisown msialiaiiondisks or
CD-ROM iorsome files lnsen meWinans 95 disks or
CDVROM as required. When all necessary flies are
copied. the modem isconhgured VWndows 95 will assign
We modem 3 COM pcrtand IRQ hne Proceed to Sectiun
2.4 2 Windows 95 Release 4.00 950 B
When Windows 95 s|ans for ihe first iime aner card
inslaflabon, imeiecismemodem and displayslhe Upda‘e
Device Driver Wizard
insert the driver disk mm the disk drive and click
“Next " Windows wiH find me dnver’on ihe dnver dlsk
7 i
ck "mes .W|ndows 95 may request Its own “1515!—
Ialion dwsks Or CD for some files. lnsen Me Windows 95
disks QI'CD as required.
Wmdows WM now find a second dsvvce an the
modern Make sure that me drwer disk rs SUN m (he dwsk
drwe and suck "Next". Wlnduws Wi“ find me Second
drlver Click "Finish" 10 completememslallallon.
When all necessary files are coped. the modem xs
configured. Windows 95 wm assign the modem 5 COM
pen and IRQ ime Proceed to Semion 2.5
2.4.2 Configuring in a Plug and Play System
without Windows 95
Whemmsmodemlsmsbailedma Plug and Pwaysystem
wuhouthcows 95. the computer's onsml asstgn a
COM portend IROnne tome modem
Prmceed to Section 2.5, Software Insraflauon/Con-
2.4.3 Configuring in a Non-Plug and Play
Computerswnnouxnauve Plug and P‘aycapabmfles
requvre (he use ofthe included modemdrxver "you have
not a‘ready mstaued lhis driver, refer to the file
README. 1 ST an [heWinduws 95 drwerdwsk for mstafla-
hon and cunflguraliun mstrucuons Once the dnver rs
ms(a¥|ed the modem is enabwed and configured dunng
system boot-up The COM port and IRQsemngs (ha! are
assigned m the modem will bedispeyed an mescreen as
me ngEHS loaded,
If the PC 15 runmng Wmdows 3 1x. configure Wms
dows to properly recognae these modem semngs by
PANEL, dick on PORTSand (allowWindowsl 1 x users
manual mstrucuons on canngunngme instafled mudem
COM pen
Proceed In Sectvon 2 5. Software InslaHanon/Conn
J |
2.5 Software Installation and Canfiguration
2.5.1 Cum Perl and Interrupt Settings
Wyourcumpuler ws equipped wim one ormcre seriaw
pon‘ YOU WVH need to change the COM Purl semngon "12
mlemal modem “0 EwlherCOM 30h”, urdlsameme PC's
bum-mCOM port Mcsl IBM compahble PCscomam Iwo
builtrm ports for serial asynchronous commumcatron‘
known as COM 1 and COM 2 M05! computers a‘so
support COM 3 and COM 4 COM Ports 3 & 4 are used
whenevermherdewces are usmg com Ports 1 a. 2 An
IRQ (interrum request) s a swgnal generated by an no
devwcethalnuh’fies(hecomputerohnaommg dam Your
Computerhasmany diflerem \RQ nnes,eacn assigneda
number Your memal modem IS capame Dlaocessing
IRQS “5,7 and 9a) no devices in your computer
cannot Share an IRQ wwlh inmher device at the
4 puns are
SmceIROscan notbeshared allhesamehme, ms
recommendedm mnfigureCOMSlouselRQE arCOM
4 to use IRQ 2(9) This avowds sharmg of ‘RQSWIlh COM
13nd com 2 Ta change the delaull com Pan or me
Jumper on your mlemalmodem (Figure 2.4) Relerto
Figure2.5mconnguremeJumpermomoma COM Pom
and IRQ combinallon neededforyourapphcaklon
Figure‘ 24 Jumper Location
Figure 2-5 Jumper Selling (npfiona‘ly)
JP1, ComponSsmng
m lROSemng
JF4 Pv‘P
JP5. nonPnP
(. PnP (default)
”hwumi 7 s ”in;
2. Nan PnP Camt VRO4
3 Non PnP Cam2, wROS
4. Non PnP ‘ Com} IRO5
5 Non PnP ‘ Cami IRDQ(2)
E7 M EL]
Note: Any time me COM or me sening [or me
modem is changed, the seflings in the software
must be changed lo match.
2.5.2 Snftware Insiallalim‘ and Conliguralinn
You are now ready m install and configure the
commumcalmn software Relertoyoursunwaremanum
when you first use yourdata cummunlcatmn snnware
Consult the software manual for mlnrmanon on Using
lhese andotharparamelerslveatures
115,100 bps: a data bits; no pa 'ty‘ 1 slop bit;
RTS/CTS llow cantrol selto "on nilialization
string: ATaF
We suggestthata"GenericClass1"mndem|ype
should be selectedinycurfax saflware‘ and a”Generic
Now manna COM port semng in your cnmmu-
nicauon software must be the COM port that
connects lhe modem to (he Computer.
28 Using the Fax, Voice, and Speakerphone
Capabilities o' the Modern
Yuurmadem hasbullt-madvanc‘ed FAX‘ Vome, and
FuH Dupwex Speakerphone lunchuns. Pleaseconsultyour
j i
7 I
FAXNDIce/Speakerphone suhwere manualaboutpru-
cedures on using these leamres
Vetce functtcns mclude vecordmg and ptayback at
voiceprompts (files) You may record or playback voice
wtth yourmodern by attachthgatetephchetothe RJ-1 1
tackmarkea"PHONE"ornyattachtnge mrerophenetu the
M1C|ad block
192—charac1el maximum MNP black size
255~Chaladermaxlmum MNP black slze
Send a 1/10 second line break to (he
modem where n = 1 to 9. A! normal
connecl‘ the default is 3
Set break ccnllol, where n= 0 la 2 The
elfscl allnls cummand depends on me
mouem operanng candltlon Default is
Normal dam-link only
Dlrscl dalaAllnk only
V 42 m MNF data link only
v 42/MNP/Normal data link
v 42 data llnk only
MNP data link only
3.5 Fax Class 1 Commands
Data/Fax Aulu Answer
Seerce Class
Recewe data with HDLC (vamlng
Recelve data
Receive srlence
Transmll dale wum HDLC lramlng
Transmll Gala
‘l |
smp lransmlsslon and wait
3,7 Fax Class 2 Commands
Services class
Adaptive answer,
Fax Errnr value
Phase C data bit order.
Bufler srzeueade cnly)
Indlcale confirmation lo recewe
Serviee plass
Facsimile connectmn response,
Set {ha polled station identificancn.
Repon the pulled slallun ldentificallon
Capabllny lo receive
Capabimy to recerve.
Report the Called station ID
DCE capabllifles parameters.
Repuri current sessrcm.
Current sessmn results
Repun female capebilrues
Current sessions parameters
Eegm orconlmue phase 6 renews dare
Data lransrnissron.
Report the pulled statrun capabumes
Post page message response
Transmll page punmuallun
Call lerminallon with slams.
Session (erminallon
Local lD slrmg
Documenl rm polling
loemify model.
Idenllfy manufacturer
Phase C lime out
Indlcales pollmg requesr.
Page lranslevjlatus.
Page transfer seams,
ldeniify rewsron
Enable pollmg.
Report [he Uansmil slallon D
3.8 Voice Commands
Select Baud Rate
Enable CallerID delechon and repelling
lormal '
Selec' Data, Fax or Voice/Audio
7 I
“MDL’I ‘denhfy Muriel
”MFR7 ‘dénufy Manufacturer
flREV’I menmy Revismn Level
fiTL Audm Dulpul transmit IEVEI
wee? Query Bufler Size
was Errs persemple (ADPCM ur POM)
WET Beep Tune Trmer
we]? Idenufy Compressron Memoa
WLS Vm'ce hne se‘ecl
NRA ngback goes away firmer
flVRN ngback never came hmEr
WRx Vorce Reserve Mode
wsos snence Helena" tuner
wsx Buffer skre semng
xvsp suence delechon period
xvsa Samplmg rate serecuen
ravss Silence eeweuon (uner
fiVTD DTMF lune {Epcmng CapabrMy
ww Enabre ummg mark placemem
”VTS Generate tone slgnals
anx varce transmit mode
Section Four - S Registers
Yourmodem nasM regwstelsfiesignated so thruugh
595 Table4»1shows[heregislers‘1he|rfuncnunsrand
thexrdelaullvalues Someregrsrerseanhavemerrvalues
changed hycommands Ifyou use a command lochange
aregrstervarue (hecommandremainsmeflectunhlynu
lumoflorresslyourmodem Yourmodemthenrevefls
to me cperaling characteristics specified in rts nun-
vcialwfememory RefenoSecnonStorinformaticnonhaw
to use me ATcommands I0 mampumelhes regwsiers,
Tame 44 S - Registers
Register Function Range/units Default
so Auto—answer qu 0-255 rungs a
51 ang ceumer uvzss mngs a
5: Escape me nharaclzl 0.255 use” 43
s: Carnage rerurn (hammer 0427 IASCH 13
54 bus Vezd charmer 0427 mscu m
55 Backspace charmer 0-255 «Assn 5
36 D43‘ mus wan "me 1255 /secends 2
57 Remote earner warn ume 17255 /secam15 50
sa Comma pause Ume 0-255 mounds 2
ss Cameraeweq response mm 17255101 menu 5
SW tamer mss {mm 1.255 m 1 second u
sn Touch ene drahng speed
512 Escape Charade! guard me
513 Reserved
514 Echo respdnse, drarmg,
515 Reserved
5|5 Modem lesrs
517 Reserved
513 Length er medem resrs
519—10 Reserved
521 CTS DTR. DCD, 05R and
long space drsconnecl
szz Speakel and response
52: Remare drgrral mapneek
requesr dara rare paniy
524 Sleep mode umer
575 Dara lemma! ready dewav
szs R75 lo 075 deray rmervar
$27 Asynchronous/BeIIICClTT
szu Pulse mm, make/break raue
529 Flash me
$30 Drsconrreer rrmer
531 Auloscan 5c resun nude
532 XON chavicler
5:3 XOFF charmer
534sz Reserved
515 LAF’M rarmre Dplvons
5:7 Reserved
535 Hang-up dewav
535 How Conlml DDHOHS
540 MM? oplmns. break typzs
Mock modes
541 cdmpressren, rerram
54145 Reserved
545 Dara mmwessmn normal
547 Reserved
545 v 42 negohalmn opllans
549731 Reserved
53: Bleak Dplmns
saws Reserved
535 oennecrrdn «arrure code
557590 Reserved
sw Transmr: allenuahan
592 Fax auenuaudn
sss Exlendefl resrm cede
5 255 lmrvlrseconds
07255 10 02 semnd
Emmappefl regxsler
[ZN-mapped regrsrer
0.255 /seconds
Bil—mapped regrsxer
Bvl-maDDed Yeg‘sQev
Ext—mapped regrsler
0-255 seconds
0-25510 01 second
0-255 /0 m second
art-mapped regsster
Bil-mapped regrster
045510 msecdrrd
0725; MD seconds
Elbmapped regrsrer
0255 mscu
13—255 [ASCII
Ell—mapped regrsrer
0-255 rseconds
Erbmapped regrsrer
tau—mapped regrsrer
Briamapped veglsw
ms er was
0. 7 er 125
a, 7‘ or us
0 15/dBm
Ell—mapped regrswer
Section Five - Result Codes
OK 0 cowwséT
mm; 2 NO CARRrER
r r:
CONNECT 2100 10 CONNECT 0000 11
CONNECT 5500 12 CONNECT7200 13
CONNECT 12000 (4 CONNECT 14400 15
CONNECT 24000 52 CONNECT 25400 63
CONNECT 20500 54 CONNECT19200 1s
CONNECT 112000 155 CONNECT 34000 150
CONNECT 35000 157 CONNECT 30000 100
_ CONNECT 30400 17 CONNECT 40000 159
CONNECT 42000 170 CONNECT 04000 171
CONNECT 50000 174 CONNECT 52000 175
CONNECT 54000 175 CONNECT55000 177
CONNECT 57500 15 CONNECT01200 01
CONNECT 33500 04 CONNECTI15200 I0
FAX 3: DATA 35
CARRIER 300 40 CARRIER 1200/75 44
CARRIER 75I1200 45 CARRIER 1200 45
CARRIER 2400 47 CARRIER 4500 40
CARRIER 7200 49 CARRIER 0500 50
CARRIER 12000 51 CARRIER 14400 52
CARRIER 15000 53 CARRIER 19200 54
CARRIER 21500 55 CARRIER 24000 55
(MRRIER 25400 57 CARRIER 20500 50
CARRIER 32000 150 CARRIER 30000 151
CARRIER 35000 In CARRIER 30000 153
CARRIER 40000 15A CARRIER 420110 155
CARRIER 04000 155 CARRIER 45000 157
CARRIER 40000 155 CARRIER 50000 150
CARRIER 52000 150 CARRIER 54000 151
CARRIER 55000 152 CARRIER 31200 75
Secticn Six - Troubleshooting
This seCIIOrI descfibes someofihe OOmmOrI problems
yau may sncounterthle usmg yOurmodRm. Iryou Can
noI rssuIve yuur d1rfiCuIIy aher Teadmg IhIs chapten
cunIacI your dealer crvendcr 1m asslsIanCe
Modem does not respond to commands.
1 Make sure Ihe COmmunlCalIOn software is configured
[0 Elk (u the madam on the correct COM pen and
3 I
IRQ semng (same COM pan and IRQ semng as the
modem) Your ‘eommumeahnn software must know
whreh address your modem is usrng m the system in
ardenopassdaxaloir Slmnarly,lRQseHlngsmuslbe
Se! carrchy to recewe data from me modem
2 Make sure rhal your modem rs rnmalrzed correctly.
Yourmodem may have been mihahzed re not erspray
respenses You may racmry-reser xhe modem by
rssurng AT&F and press ENTER The factory delaull
annws the meaem m dreptay responses aller a
command has been executed.
Modem does not dial,
1 Make sure (he modern rs Cannected m a workrng
phone line Replace Ihe modem wuh awmklng phone
KO ensure [hm the phone Ime is workmg
2 Make sure (he phone lrne is connecled m the jack
marked [NE Inmrrec! connection prevents the
modem lrom operating propeny Refer to Sedmn 2 3
for modem connection lnstruchons
Modem drals bu| does not connect.
1. Make sure {he IRQ setlmg ls idenllcal on [mm the
modem and the suffware Modern and seflware must
be configured rdenncany,
2. Makesuremephonelrnersworkrngpruperry Replace
the modern with a regular phone and dralthe numher
|r Ine hne sounds nursy, you may have difficuhy
conneehng re the rel-note devlce
Modern makes a connection but no data
appears on your screen.
1 Make sure the correct data rorrnaudata bus 51ch this.
and panry bus) and flow conhol (RTS/CTS) are being
zv Make sure the correct \ermmal emurahon mode rs
Dexng usee [see eemmumcarien soflware manuar].
High plfich tone rs heard whenever you answer
1 Make sure Auto-Answer rs turned on Your modem
is ramory configured to NOT aulo~answer lssue
ATE-F Io laciory reser yeur modem
Modern experiences errors while
communicating with a remote modem,
‘1 i
7 i
1 Make sure (he DTE speed is me same as Ihe modem
conneciiun speed when in Direct Mode
2 Make sure me remote syslemand yourmcdem useme
same cummumcaiion parameiers(Speed,pariiy.e|c)
3. Make sure RTS/CTS hardware flow control is enabled
and XON/XOFF software flaw comrci IS disabied in
me cammunicaiion sohware
A. Make sure ine aaia speed is nol iasier man your
campuler‘s capability Must iBM compaiibies are nae
pable oi 19,200 bps under DOS and Windows 1x
Operating ai higher speeds underWindcws requlres
a ABS or 13519! CPU 01 Vifindows 95
Modern experiences bursts of errors ur
suddenly discunnecLs while communicating
with a remote modem.
| Make sure can Walling is (urned eff
1 Make sure the phone line does nol exhibil excess
Modem exhibits poorvoice record or
1 Make sure {he correcr modem \ype is seiecled in me
Voice/FAX software. Use " Generic Rockwell m
Section Seven - Support and Service
use of (his product, we suggest you‘ (i) consult the
yuuvaealer Tecbiainserviceiormisproduci,ioilcwihe
Return MerchandiseAuihonzaiion Procedure as omiined
in (he Warranly card
Appendix A - Specifications
CommunicationSld Vv90/K56Fiex (56Kbps), V 34,
v 32:35, v 32, v 29, v 27ler‘
v.22ms‘ vza, v22, v,2|‘ v_i7i
Dale Compress-an. v 42bis/MNP5
Error Correction VAZ/MNPZ-A
Host Interface, 16 Di! PC bus
com pans“ 1,2,3‘4 ,
iRQIines: 145190; in, 1L 12‘ is
FAX Gmu . Group lll Send/Race e Slandard
FAX Command set:, EWTIA-578 Service Class ii
Class 2
Transmit level. 41 am +l- 1 dB
Receiver Sensil iiy 739 dBm (VIM); 43 oBm (all other
UART' 16550 campattble
Dole iorrnat 300-1 tszoo ops
Power 0.75 w
Temperature 0 to 55 degrees 0 (Operating)
CallarlD Yes
PnP Revision 1 0a
Speakelphone Futiouplex with DSP echo
Appendix B - Notices
FCC Compliance
This equipment complies with Part 55 oithe FCC Rules On
this equipment is a laoel that contains. among other
intuit-nation. the FCC registration number and Ringer
Equivalence Number tRENt lot this equipment. You must.
upon request pmvidE this lnlormallon to your telephone
It your telephone equipment causes harm to the telephone
network, the Telephone Company may oispontinoe your
service temporarily. If possible. they will notify in auvonce
Buti ll aovance notice is not practical, you Will be nulmea
as soon as possible, You will he informed olyour right to file
a complaint With the FCC.
Your telephone compmy may make changes in its laorli-
tiesi equipment. operations, or procedures that who atiect
proper operation ol your equipment it they do you writ oe
notified in advance iu give you an opportunity to maintain
uninterrupled telephone servroe.
The FCC prohiorts this equipment to tie oonnecteo to party
lines or wlnrtelephone service
in the event that this equipment should tail to operate
properly oisconnect the equipment lrmn his phone line to
oetermine it it is caustng the prooiem it the problem is With
the equipment oiseontinue use and contact your dealer or
The FCC aiso requires me Iransmlitel Ola FAX [transmission
be properly identifiers (per FCC Rules Ran 55, Sec so 351
10) (3B
FCC Class 5 Statement
Thrs Equlpmem has‘aeen reeled and round to camply wrlh
llhE limrrs r'er a Class E drgrlar devlce, pursuant In Pan 15
a! the FCC Rules. These lrmrls are desrgned ro proulde
reasanaale prolecllun agarnsl narmlul rnlenerence m a
resrdehual installallun. Thls equlpmenl generales. uses
and can radlale reard lrequency enerqyl and l! mu rnslallec
and used ln accordance wrlh me lnslrucllons may cause
harmlul Inleflerence la fadro commumcanuns Huwever‘
lhere rs no guarantee ‘hal snlerr'erence wrll nel accur In a
pamcular rnslellelrun tr lnls equrpmenl dues cause hermrul
rnrerr‘erence \0 mile or (elevlsmn receplvanl whlch can be
delerminefl by :urnrng lhe equipmenl on and on me user
ls encouraged lo try lu correcl rne rnrederence by cne or
mere a! lne falluwlng measures:
-Rednenl w relocate me recervrng anlenna
‘lncmase the separarrun aerween me equrpmenr and he
-:ahnecr the equipmenl rhlo an curler on a Clrcult
amerenl from mar 30 wnlch lhe recewer ls cdnnecled
chnsull ¢he dealer or an exneflenced radio r TV lecnni-
nan mr help
Any change or
mudmcarian hm expressly approved by the Granree 01 he
equlcment aulnanzauen could ‘folfl me user aulhenly lo
aoerale me ecurpmenl,
DOC Compliance lnformatlcn
NOTICE: The Canadlan Depanmenl or Cummumcauens
label ldemlfies cerufiec equrpmenr Thls sernficanan
means [hell (he aeulnmenl meets unam leleccmmumca-
trons network prolecuver anerannnal and salary redurre-
ments The :epanmehr dues nur guarames rne Equlnmenl
le Dperale la the USE! sallsfacnun
Ee/ore msralxrng : 's equvpmenl. users ensure ‘hat ll ls
permrsslule la be sunneczed lo rhe laClIllles cl rhe locar
telecommunrcandns ccmpany The equlomenl musl also
be lnstalled using an accaplable rnelnud ur cunnecuon
The euslomer should be aware that complrance wlm lne
above condmons may nol crevenr degradarian a! service
m some Siluzllafls.
Recalrs I0 cemned Equipmenl shnuld ue made uy an
aulhcrlzed Canadian marnrehance racrllry aesrgnared by
me supplier Any reperrs or alrerauons made by me user to
rhrs edurpmenr, er equipmenl malluncfions may give me
lerecommumcanons company cause m request me user In
drswnnecr me equwment
Users shou'd ensure for their own prolechen that [he
erecmear grow-m cannecuons nf me power uhmy, tele-
phone hnes and mlemal melalhc waler prpe syslem w
presenl‘ are connected lugelher This precauhan may be
pznxcu\arly rmpcnam m rural areas.
Caution: users sneurd no! artempr to make such normec~
hons themselves but should Contact me appropnme eree
me mspeenen aulhcnly. or erecmcran, as appropnale
"once. The Lead Number (LNJ essrgnea to each termmm
dewce denales me percentage a! me (oral mad In be
unnecxea m a xerepnone reap which .5 used by (he device,
«a prevenl avernuaemg The lelminehon an a loop may
censrsr cl any cambmahon or aevrces suerecr only (a (he
requuemem mar me sum a me Load Numbers 0! a” me
dewces dues not exceed 1170
UL Notice
Caunon: Thrs rmernar madam adapler s m be mstaued m
UL Lrstefl cumpulers only Nways msconnect me modem
eaaprer (mm me kelephnne system dulmg mstaflauon or
men me caver rs remover! from me computer

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Create Date                     : 2001:06:20 16:02:55
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Title                           : 42679.pdf
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Page Count                      : 26
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