Garnet Systems Co GTM-56KM6 56Kbps Modem Board User Manual

Garnet Systems Co Ltd 56Kbps Modem Board

user manual

User’s GuideFor GTM-56KM6 FaxmodemNOTICEInformation furnished by Garnet Systems Coporation is believed tobe accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed byGarnet Systems Corporation for its use, nor any infringement ofpatents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patentrights of Garnet Systems Corporation other than for circuitryembodied in Garnet Systems products. Garnet Systems reservesthe right to change circuitry at any time without notice. Thisdocument is subject to change without notice.MNP is a resistered trademark of Microcom Inc.Windows is a resistered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.K56flex is a trademark of Rockwell International and LucentTechnologies.Garnet Systems Co.,Ltd.
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide                                            INTRODUCTION      Garnet systemsFCC Compliance StatementThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.   Operationis subject to the following two conditions:  (1) This device maynot cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must acceptany interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.Note: This equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.   These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation.   This equipmentgenerates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energyand, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications.   However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation.   Ifthis equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turningthe equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide                                            INTRODUCTION      Garnet systems- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician forhelp.Warning: You are cautioned that any change ormodifications to the equipment not expressly approved bythe party responsible for compliance could void yourauthority to operate such equipment.NOTE: This unit was tested with shielded cables on theperipheral devices.   Shielded cables must be used with theunit to insure compliance.
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide                                            INTRODUCTION      Garnet systemsTable of Contents1. INTRODUCTION. ……………………………..………………………32. INSTALLATION………………………………………………….…….52.1 INSTALLINGT THE MODEM…………………………………52.2 PLUG AND PLAY FUNCTION……………………………….72.3 DRIVER INSTALLATION IN WINDOWS 95/98/98SE……..72.4 HOW TO VERIFY MODEM INSTALLATION………………102.5 REMOVAL OF THE MODEM DRIVER……………………..123. MODEM COMMAND AND S-RESISTER…………………………..133.1 AT COMMAND…………………………………………………133.2 S-REGISTER………………..……………………………….…15
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide                                            INTRODUCTION      Garnet systems31. INTRODUCTIONThe Garnet Systems GTM-56KM6 Host Software ProcessedV.90/K56flex Modem Device Family supports high speed analog data,high speed fax operation over the PSTN world-wide and is offered inseveral device models.Modem data pump and controller functions, traditionally enabled usingdedicated hardware, are processed in a Pentium MMX-compatibleCPU using host-signal processing modem software which is included inthe SoftK56 modem. Refer to the Product Release Notice for the featureset available.In ITU-T V.90/K56flex data mode, the modem can receive data at speedsup to 56 kbps from a digitally connected V.90 orK56flex-compatible central site modem. A V.90/K56flex modem takesadvantage of the PSTN which is primarily digital exceptfor the client modem to central office local loop and are ideal forapplications such as remote access to an Internet ServiceProvider (ISP), on-line service, or corporate site. In this mode, themodem can transmit data at speeds up to V.34 rates.In V.34 data mode, the modem operates at line speeds up to 33.6 kbps.When applicable, error correction (V.42/MNP 2-4)and data compression (V.42 bis/MNP 5) maximize data transfer integrityand boost average data throughput. Non-error-correcting mode is alsosupported.Fax Group 3 send and receive rates are supported up to 14.4 kbps, withT.30 protocol.
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide                                                    FEATURES       Garnet systems4FEATURES•Data modem- ITU-T V.90, K56flex, V.34 (33.6 kbps), V.32 bis, V.32, V.22 bis, V.22,V.23, and V.21; Bell 212A and 103- V.42 LAPM and MNP 2-4 error correction- V.42 bis and MNP 5 data compression- V.25 ter (Annex A) and EIA/TIA 602 command set•Fax modem- V.17, V.29, V.27 ter, and V.21 ch 2- EIA/TIA 578 Class 1 and T.31 Class 1.0 commands•System compatibilities- Windows 95, Windows 95 OSR2, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0,Windows 2000 operating systems- Microsoft's PC 98 Design Initiative compliant- Unimodem/V compliant•32-bit PCI Local Bus interface- Conforms to the PCI Local Bus Specification, Production Version,Revision 2.1- PCI Bus Mastering interface to the LVC- 33 MHz PCI clock support•Supports PCI Bus Power Management- ACPI Power Management Registers- PME# and APM support
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide                             INSTALLING THEMODEM       Garnet systems52. INSTALLATION2.1 Installing the ModemPlease follow instructions as follows in order to install modem.- Turn off your computer and all attached peripheral   devices (printer,monitor, etc.) and unplug them from the electrical outlet.CAUTION: To avoid risk of electric shock, make sure your computer andall peripheral devices are turned off and unplugged.- Remove the cover of your computer. For specific instructions on thisprocedure, consult your system's user's guide.- Select one of the PCI expansion bus slots. Remove and save the screwon the slot cover. You will  need it  to secure the modem in place.- Hold the modem upright by the metal edge, and carefully slide it into theexpansion slot. Gently apply pressure to the upper metal edge only,making sure it snaps into place.- When the modem is firmly in an expansion slot, fasten the modem intoplace with the screw that fits into the top notch of the metal bracket.- Carefully replace the computer cover in accordance with theinstructions in your system's user's guide.- There are two modular telephone jacks on the panel of themodem which connect the modem to a telephone line andto a telephone handset.  Because of possible safetyhazards due to the ring voltage from the telephone jack,make the cable  connections between the modem and thetelephone line in the following order.a. Plug one end of your modular telephone cord into themodem’s jack marked .b. The cord will snap into place when the connection is made.c. After the cord has been connected to the modem, plug theother end of the cord into the wall jack.
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide                             INSTALLING THEMODEM       Garnet systems6d. If you want to use a telephone on the same line, plug the cordfrom the telephone into the modem's jack, marked as  .- Plug in the power cables for the computer and all peripherals.- Turn ON your computer and verify everything has been reconnectedproperly.- Install modem driver provided and test your modem according to thefollowing section.WARNINGTHIS CARD MUST BE USED WITH THE PC SCREW DOWN LID.TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK VOLTAGES EXIST INSIDE THEPC AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINE CONNECTION SHALL BEREMOVED BEFORE OPENING THE PC.UNIT SHALL BE CONNECTED TO TELECOMMUNICATIONNETWORK THROUGH A LINE CORD APPROVED BY THENECESSARY AUTHORITIES FOR THE COUNTRY.
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide                    DRIVER INSTALLATION WIN9X       Garnet systems72.2 Plug and Play Function PnP(Plug and Play) Function is designed to easily install modem by a usernot to pay any additional care about difficult network compositions such asjumper setting. The PC and installed cards automatically co-work its way toprovide and allocate necessary resources for appropriate networking oncethe card is plugged into the main board of the computer and the power ison.2.3 Driver Installation in Windows 95/98/98se•••• Perform the following to install the GTM-56KM6 Modem card inyour IBM PC or compatible computer.1. Turn on y our computer after putting the c ard int o t he PCI s lot.2. The following picture comes out, put the CD-ROM provided on the CD-ROMDrive and click <Next> in the following picture.
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide                    DRIVER INSTALLATION WIN9X       Garnet systems83. Select <Search for the – > and click <Next> in the following picture. 4. Select <Specify a location>, direct the path of the CD-ROM inserted and click<Next>  in the following picture.
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide                    DRIVER INSTALLATION WIN9X       Garnet systems9
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide                    DRIVER INSTALLATION WIN9X       Garnet systems105. Click <Next> in the following picture.6. Click <Finish> to finish the driver installation.
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide                            HOW TO VERIFY MODEM-       Garnet systems112.4 How to verify the modem is successfully installed1. You will see the following picture at  the last step by clicking thebuttons- <My computer><Control panel><Modem><Diagnosis>.At this picture, select the COM Port to which Garnet GTM-56KM6 is setand click <More information> button.
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide                            HOW TO VERIFY MODEM-       Garnet systems122. The following picture showing the appropriate response to each ATIcommand verifies that the modem is successfully installed  and innormal operating condition. Click <OK> to finish.
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide            REMOVAL OF THE MODEMDRIVER       Garnet systems132.5 Removal of the Modem driver1. Click the buttons in sequence - <My computer><Controlpanel><Add/Remove><Install/Uninstall>.
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide               AT COMMAND  AND S-REGISTER       Garnet systems142. Select  <Garnet GTM-56KM6 Modem> and click <Add/Remove>button in the following picture to remove the modem driver.3. MODEM COMMAND AND S-REGISTER***  indicates the factory default setting.3.1 AT CommandA/ Repeat the execution of the previous commandlineA Answer promptly*** B0 Operate in ITU-T V.21, V.22 StandardDn Dial “n" ( n = Calling phone no.)*** T Select Tone Dialing
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide               AT COMMAND  AND S-REGISTER       Garnet systems15P Select Pulse DialingSn Dial automatically stored phone no.W Waiting for the tone,Delay in callingL Re-call last phone no.E0 Do not echo previous command line*** E1 Echo previous command lineH0 On-HookH1 Off-HookL0 Lower-level Speaker soundL1 Low-level Speaker sound*** L2 Mid-level Speaker soundL3 High-level Speaker soundM0 Stop speaker operation*** M1 Operate speaker until carrier is detected afterdialing during connectionM2 Operate speaker always onM3 Operate speaker after dialing last digitO0 Changed to on-line statusO1 Changed to on-line status through retrainSr=n Select register value (r=Register No., n=valueto be stored)*** &K1 Automatically enable or disable datacompression*** &N0 Select transmission speed by remote modem
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide               AT COMMAND  AND S-REGISTER       Garnet systems16&Zn=S Save phone no. in the location n ofNVRAM(n=0 - 3)&Zn? Display phone no. in the location n&ZL? Display the last executed phone no.3.2 S-RegisterThe modem is structured to control and manage its operations employing S-register. Followings are frequently-used functions.S-Resister Range Unit ContentsS0 0 - 255 Rings Number of Rings to AutomaticAnswerS1 0 - 255 Rings Ring CounterS2 0 -255 ASCII Escape CharacterS3 0 -127 ASCII Line Termination CharacterS4 0 - 127 ASCII Command Line EditingCharacterS5 0 -255 ASCII Command Line EditingCharacterS6 2 -255 S Wait Time for Dial ToneS7 1 -255 S Wait Time for CarrierS8 0 -255 S Pause Time for Dial Delay Modifier
GTM-56KM6 User's Guide               AT COMMAND  AND S-REGISTER       Garnet systems17S10 1 -255 0.1S Carrier Loss Disconnect TimeS11 50 -255 0.001S DTMF Tone Duration

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