Gatekeeper Systems W9400 Purchek Wheel User Manual
Gatekeeper Systems, Inc. Purchek Wheel Users Manual
Users Manual
urchek’“ QUICKSTART GUIDE WHAT IS PURCHEK? pushout prevention system Purthek is an electronic system designed 1.3 pnevent shop tr “5 lrom exriing the Sin’e with carts full of mermandise. HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS Purchek utilizes a series of radio signals to transmit various digital codes on: selI~Iocking wheel installed on your shopping carts. In order for a shopping cart to exit the store without the wheel locking. that art must first pass through an attended checkstand. Once the cart has passed through. the customer has 30 minutes to exit the store. If for some reason. the customer remains in the store for more than 30 minutes,their cart will lock upon exiu‘ng the store. If someone attempts to exit the store with a cart that has not passed through an active checkstandJJ-e cart will lock Usually, the perpetrator will abandon the cart at the door and leave the store. TIPS FOR OPTIMUM SYSTEM PERFORMANCE following these procedure will '('t'l|l:‘L' (hr nun t-v of {vise lD:.LuDS and ensure that the system: ticcsn‘; osru. yflu' mm: ":>{"1.'Illlg tnuten’tves TlP: When removing abandoned carts from inside the store. make sure to either pass through an activated checksxand or have a CartKey with you in order to unlock carts locking at the door.To activate a checkstand. simply park your cait(s) in the checksmnd Ianc: enter the checkstand and stand at the register for a Iew seconds; then return to your cart(s) and proceed to push them outside. TIP: Sometimes. customers decline to exit the store with the cart they brought into the store. In this case a cart is often moved out the way to be used later Ior another customer, or the cart is removed from the store. Make sure when you pull the cart over to the checkstznd to use for another customer. that you bring me cart as close as possible to the checkstand in order for the wheel to relieve the exit permission signal. If unused carts are not put back into service and are mstead taken outside. make sure to first pass through an activated checkstand or bring along a CartKey. TIP: it is always a good idea to periodically check the exits to see ifany carts have locked at the door. It is also a good idea to either have the cart/bag personnel carry CartKeys with them,or make certain that all appropriate personnel has easy access to CartKeys in the event of a lockup. TIP: In order to properly monitor system performance. it is essential to log all locking events. Use the supplied Purchek Event Log sheets to track all lockup occurrences. It is helpful to designate a log owner for each shift who will be responsible for taking event reports from cart/bag personnel and noting mom on the supplied log sheets TIP: Unlocking Cans Locked cam can be quickly and easily unlocked using a CartKey.thn you find a cart locked at the store exit. make sure to move the special lockmg wheel a few feet away from where you find it. Next. hold the Hold the CartKey lB-inches to Winches away from the special wheel and depress the unlock button. if the wheel does not unlock using the above procedure, try resetting the wheel by depressing the Lock button,waiting several seconds, and pressing the Unlock button again. TIP: II you require assistance in better understanding the Purchek system or would like to report a problem with the system, please do not hesitate to contact our team of proIessionaI Customer Service personnel at the following toll-free. 24~hour Customer Service Hotline: 388.803.9433 INST RUCTIONS TO THE user. 7 CCUC’VZH l been u-«ul me it pl: r mtl ml ~ illillrr ll’ii’ t‘Cc u . «tsunami an In! t a, n - ms ro manfsx. car anuipman' Mm, r I In ( Yer l" that xiv,- r film-s LLL me Mr ; ta (one: r. lu-Jmm, l: ooerete inn! 9 mm PURCHEKTROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE sis SYSTEM COMPONENT: Presence Sensor LOCATION: Mounted on each checkstand & connected via cable to PurchaseManager SYSTEM COMPONENT: E Manager LOCATION: Located in Ceiling Above Each Entrance/Exit Door STATUS: Red Alarm Indiatw o IiLA arm is sounding and emitting a (onunuous (one lor one-Minute lolioworl by nlnc mlnuws olsilcncc.and then a one~|ninute continuous tone,and m on until pownr is restored o.’ battery backup is deplored. POSSIBLE CAUSE- Power Fai om. Power supply oistonncclcd WHATTO WATCH FOR: Check to see il power cord has been disconnected from outlet srArus: Red Alarm Indica: - is Irt. Alarm is sounding and gaining a series 0! hoops Possmts CAUSE.- One oi the we antennas attached to me ExiiMamgei' is damaged ”in“ RES“ — ‘ WHATTO WATCH FOR: Look lor damage In the lollowlng amas: l) flour surlaci: in tho vlzlniry oi the entrance/axial) the wall dlmctly below the Ekitl‘lanagon 3) (he ExitMnnzger ltxell. lncludxng drum-mica wrrvt. damage to die enclosilr=,et=. RESETTING THE ALARM: To reset the alarm and mp the alarm from sounding. pres: mo black Alarm Rom button located on the front panel ofthc ExitMt-mager. SYSTEM COMPONENT: PurchaseManager LOCATION: Located inside each checkstand Alarm Indicator Power ~ Indicator h Q Low Battery Indicator Button ‘ (usually in the compartment closest to the rear of the checkscand) STATUS: Red Alarm Indicator is IiLAIarm is sounding and emitung a continuous tone lor one-minute lollowed by nine minutes of silence. and then a one-Minute continuous toneand so on until power is restored or battery backup is depleted. POSSIBLE CAUSE Power Failure. Power supply disconnected. WHATTO WATCH FOR: Check to see if power cord has been disconnected from outlet. RESETTING THE ALARM: To reset the alarm and nop the alarm from sounding, use a pen to press the recessed black Alarm Reset button located on the side oanel a! the PurchaseMunager. - - Power Indicator - ' Alarm Indicator - - Low Battery Indlcator - - Alarm Reset Button (usually on one of the inner shelf compartments in checker area) STATUS: I! a specific checkstand is producing numerous lalsc Iockups (paying customers locking at the exit alter passing through an attended checkstand). it is possible that the checkstzlnd Presence Sensor has mailunnioned. POSSIBLE CAUSE- Scnsor ls blocked by an object. Sensor has been damaged or dislodged. Sensor cable has been cut or disconnected. Reflective tape located dlagonally across the checkstand bay has been torn oil or otherwise damaged. WHAT TO WATCH FOR: Check for damage to the sensor. Check to see if cable has been disconnected from either the Presence Sensor or the PurchaseMnnnger. Check Ior the presence and condition of roliocuve tape. £4 ‘ \., FOR 24-HOURTOLL-FREE TECHNICAL SUPPORT. PLEASE CALL 888.808.9433 ATEKEEPER ~.' 5 llc
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