Ge Appliances Jbp45Gr Users Manual 1.0
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........................................huem~ HA02 ~3@~ ............................uo~yimcqle!.ia~pue p3popy z ..................................uo!le.iyqfk~ awe!ldd~ z SW3~AcM3$JMNMFMSU4C$0 Ss””””””””””””””””””” .......................................................... 6uy3Aa7 Ls a6ue~ aq~Japun tiu!.IooH 0s “..”.”-””-.s”””””CO”””””” ..................................aopa~ d!~-!puv I.S ‘6Z % .................................. kmg~e~ue~st!!g 1.S-6Z .............................wwY3n@v Jelsoumql W ..................................... ~aMe4~f3f5e403~ m ‘Lz ...................................................... wa~ uaAO 9Z ............................................... leAoLua~Joocj 9Z .......................................................... doqooa !lZ ............................................. ap!ng fh~ueal~ Elz 82-s2..’....””.”’”””””.”. pm am?~ 92‘olJ......................................W@~Tamq.m~ ................................... .- sd~l a.ieAAyoo~ cl ‘Zi ....................................ap!ng fhpjoo~ S1 ‘Zt ........................................sf3u!~a~IOWOO Oi. ................................... f3u!qoo~aaej.m~ SI.-Q1 17Z-zz---.-s suo~ymilsu~!hqueala-+[as fhJpseoH‘fh!lseo~ 61-’81 ‘.....--....o-.”ap~n~ ............................................. fiu~leaqa~d L1.‘9 qln~ :w@!T Lz %1.‘m.s-...o-....i-.luawaoelda~ ......................................sfki!uas 10J~UO~ 6‘8 ................................................ Iaued jOJ~UO~ 8 apyg &l!~~OJ~‘6U~l!OJ~ !.2’02..”.””...””..”.-””’” . ..””. ..ap!ng ~u!ye~ ‘f?iu!qe~ L1-sl .............”” ............................................... uaAc) bi%-ti~ ‘6‘8 L ‘9!~ fhJp’@@JaI,i~ 9 .............................................. Jat.u!Jpue qaol~ 6 ................................................. sd!~ f%l!UUE?~ 11 .......................................... l!o~!u,yyv — — (z ‘b SMhJ c. If ‘you. lreceived It is intendedto helpyou operateand maintainyour new rangeproperly. Keep it handyfor answersto yourQuestions. Myou’don’tunderstandsomething or need morehelp,write (include yourphonenumber): ConsumerAffairs GE Appliances AppliancePark Louisville,KY40225 d -. range... a Immediatelycontactthe dealer (or builder)that sold you the range. You’llfind themon a label behindthe rangedooror behind the storagedrawer. Thesenumbersare also on the ConsumerProductOwnership RegistrationCard thatcamewith yourrange.Beforesendingin this card, pleasewritethese numbershere: save time Before you. Serticee@ . e .- Checkthe ProblemSolverin the back of this book.It lists causesof minoroperatingproblemsthat you can correctyourself. Model Number Serial Number Use thesenumbersin any correspondenceor servicecalls concerningyourrange. m To obtainservice,see the ConsumerServicespage in the back of this book. We’reproudof our serviceand want you to be pleased.If for some reason you are not happywith the serviceyou receive,here are three stepsto fol~owfor furtherhelp. FDLW.JX,if your problemis still not resolved,write: , MajorAppliande~onsumer ActionPanel 20 North WackerDrive Chicago,IL 60606 FIRST’,contactthe peoplewho servicedyour appliance.Explain why you are not pleased.In most cases,this will sohe the problem. NEXT,if you are stillnot pleased, write all the details-including yourphonenumber—to: Manager,ConsumerRelations GE Appliances AppliancePark Louisville,KY 40225 ,, ., . ,7 ,. meCdh’1’ia safe Wahix and‘m& Act requires theGovernord’ Californiato a M ofsubstmces knownto the Natetocause birthdefects or ckbfx ham, am!requires 13t3shNxu3eS 1%Warn d Tk fibeigkiss insulationinsdf-ckxm Ovens gi’w% , Offa very filial]amount d? the deahg cycle.13xposwecanibe by “ venting ‘withml qxm window or wing a fan or I’KixL pmmtid exposureto W3d’1. Iq f ‘,,.=-.-/ ,..—. ”.m — .—. a.m. —. .—.——. +.+ J.e*: xBit +&..& @ When using ekxtrical appliances, basic safety precautions shotdd lx followed, including the following: e US~ this d-g for 1$s thismanual. @~~ $u~ your useas is ~~~ bya qualifiedtechnicianin accordance withtheprovidedinstallationinstructions. ~ ~$j~9~ torepairor replaceany part Qf yourI-’mge l.mks$it is in this book,AHotherservicingshouldbe refereed to a qualifiedtechnician. ~ my service, THE RANGE AT I’m PANELBY ItEmv’mvmG THEFUSECR !WWTCHING OFF THECIRCUITBREAKER. ranges can tip im~ injurymumr’esdt. To — — — -. L prevent d’ the. nmge9 attach it to the wall and floor by installing the Anti-Tip device supplied. (See InstallationInstructions.)To check if the device is installed and engaged properly, carefu}lytip the range forward until it engages the device. If youpulltherangeoutfromthe wallfor any ~eason,makesurethedeviceengagestherange whenyoupushtherangeback. s ~~ ~~~ ]gi~~~ ~~~~~—chi~dren s~~~~d notbe leftaloneor unattendedin an areawherean appliaxti is in use.Theyshouklneverbe allowed to sit or standon anypart of the appliance. “(yilfyrlolw: rrEMs (II? NOT”BE KzmABmlGON TEIERANGETo TO IN ~ ~@$@r Whf%?j?j’ or whik usingthe Fkimable material couldbe ignitedif broughtin contactwithhot heatingelementsandmaycausesevereburns. eU$eOniydry pot hokkm++noistor damppot holdersonhot surfacesmayresultinburnsfrom steam.Donotletpotholderstouchhotheating elements.Donotusea towelor otherbulkycloth. @lj’oryour !%&@nt?veruse ym.w’ f~~ or the Iroom. ~DO ~~T fj~ ~~~ OR Am m ~m m ORANY oKeep and grease dean to mtirmin goodventingandto avoidgreasefires. $~~ not let cookinggreaseor other in.or !m%31r the rangoe ~~~ ~Q~tisewater on’gK%MM? filx?se I!WWIW pickup a pan. Smother flamingpaq on surfa;e@ by covering pancompletelywith“well-fitting ~id,amkie sheetor flattray,or if available,usedrychemicalor foam typeextinguisher.Flaminggreaseoutsidea pancan beputoutby coveringwithbakingsodaor,if available,a multi-purposedrychemicalor foam-typefireextinguisher. @!~~~~~~@~& or surfaceof’oven.Thesesurfacesmaybe hotenough tobumeventhoughthey aredarkin color.During andafteruse,do nottouch,or let clothingor other flammablematerialscontactsurfaceunits,areas nearbysurfaceunitsor anyinterkkareaof the oven;allowsuf!licienttimefor cooling,first. Potentiallyhot surfabesincludethecooktop,areas fadingthe cooktop,ovenventopening,surfaces nearthe opening,crevicesk-omittheovendoor andmetaltrimpa~~sabovethedoor.Remember: Theinsidesurfaceof the ovenmaybe hotwhentk dooris opemxl. ~ p0Fk9followthedirectionsexactly (andalwayscookthemeatto ani~temaltemperature ofat lsast I’70W’. Thisassuresthat,intheremote possibilitythattrichinamaybepresentin themeat,it willbe killedandthemeatwillbe safeto eat. (continuedmzttpage) 6 ——..,..”——..— ——....—-———— 3 . units Owm ~Use properpan@zx+This applianceis equippedwithdifferent % ~ sizesurfaceunits.Selectcookware havingflatbottomslargeenoughtocoverthe surfaceunitheatingelement.Theuseof undersized cobkwarewillexposea portionoftheheating elementto directcontactandmayresultin ignition of’clothing.Properrelationshipof cookwareto burnerwillalsoimproveefficiency. ~piJeveF kMVesurfaceunits at heat settings.Boilovercausessmokingandgreasy spilloversthatmaycatchon fire. * Besuredrip pansand ventawenotCrowedand are damagerangepartsandwiring. 8D0~9tU,KW M to linedrip pans or anywherein theovenexceptas describedin this book.Misusecouldresultin a shock,firehazardor ciwiiageto theIange. ~only e(i!rtain types of gkMxJ9 < @p~~~gyOyem in whileoven iscookIf shelves mustbe handledwhenhot,do not M potholdercontactheatingunitsin theoven. ew-henW&Rg tlr bagsh Knwmy followthemanufacturer’sdirections. ~ Do nott,lsg?youroventodry If overheated,theycancatchfire. a DOIIOf USeWVWWB fbr a storage ma Itemsstored in an ovencanignite. earthenware door gasket. ThedooIgasket is essentialfora goodseal.Careshouldbe takennot to rub,damageor movethe gasket. ~ ~Q q~~~~e gj~~~~~~e No co~~erci~~ oven cleaneror ovenlinerprotectivecoatingof anykind shouldbeusedin or aroundanypartof theoven. 5 C.Mw’i! only part$ Med in this use and cm%!Book glared are service; othersmaybreak becauseof the suddenchangein ter.perature.See sectionon SurfaceCookingforsuggestions. ~T’ominidze the of bum+ ignitionof flammablematerials,andspillage,thehandleof a containershouklbe turnedtowardthecenterof the rangewithoutextendingovernearbysurfaceunits. ~A&ays Ihll=n sUdkX!I.M%it tOOl?l?b&3N ~ ‘Donotdean ,..—....---------- mother for dxddq txmkwam ~ Keep an eye on foods being fried at HI or heat settings. UITo avoid the of a bum or electric shodi9 be certain that the for all surface units mat OFIY and M coils awecod before to W or the e~~~9t ~~s~~~ ~~~a~~ mm%putthemin a Donot the armsin w? own, @ foodsareI.mderthehowi~turn thefan(g. me flu%, if may thefhmee Qf(J(j&for lb as dryas Froston frozenfoodsor moistureon freshfoods caflcausehotfat to bubbleup andoversides of pan. ———— —,— .—— (Corltinwd) frying. Fillingthe pan too Ml of fat cancause spikwerswhenfoodis added. @~$e deep fat ~~ preventoverheatingfat beyondthesmokingpoint. in stirtogetherbeforeheating,or as fats meltslowly. mG oven cooking surface ~Preheatoven only when necessary.Most foodswill cook satisfactorilywithoutpreheating.If you find preheatingis necessary,watchthe oven display,and put food in ovenpromptlyafter the selected temperatureis displayedandthe ovensignals. ~Alwaysturn oven off beforeremovingfood. ~Duringbaking,avoidfrequentdoor openings.Keep door openas short a time as possibleif it is opened. ~Cookcompleteoven mealsinsteadof just one food item.Potatoes,other vegetables,and somedesserts will cook togetherwith a main-dishcasserole,meat loaf.. chickenor roast. Choosefoodsthat cook at the sametemperatureand in approximatelythe same amountof time. @Use residualheat in the oven wheneverpossibleto finish cookingcasseroles,oven meals,etc. Also add roHsor precookeddessertsto a warm oven,using residualheat to warm them. ~Use cookwareof medium-weightaluminum?with tight-fittingcovers,and flat bottomswhichcompletely coverthe heatedportionof the surfaceunit. ~Cookfresh vegetableswith a minimumamountof water in a coveredpan. ~Watchfoodswhenbringingthemquicklyto cooking temperaturesat highheat. Whenfood reachescooking temperature,reduceheat immediatelyto lowestsetting that will keep it cooking. ~Use residualheatwith surfacecookingwhenever possible.For example,when cookingeggsin their shells,bring waterand eggs to a boil,thenturn to OFFpositi~nand coverc~okwarewithlid to complete the cooking. 5 ,. B W g r (NOTE; Not all doors have windows portRock Some modelshave lift--up cooktopsfol-easier cleaning. Explained on page Feature Index (Notall modelshave all features.) 1 StorageDrawer(on somemodels) 27,28 3,29,31 2 Anti-TipDevice(See InstallationInstructions.) 28 22,23 3 BroilUnit 4 Door Latch(Use for Self-Cleanonly.) 5 SurfaceLight(on somemodels) 10,26 10 6 SurfaceUnitControls 7 SurfaceLightSwitch(on somemodels) 8,9 8 Oven Control,Clockand Timer 9 SurfaceUnit “ON”IndicatorLight 10 BroilerPan andRack (on somemodels) (Do not cleanin Self-Cleanoven.) 11 OvenVent(Locatedunderright rear surfaceunit.) 18–21,28 26 25,28 12 Ca.lrod@ SurfaceUnits,Drip Pans (on somemodels) 13 Lift-UpCooktop(on somemodels) 14 Modeland SerialNumberLocation (behindthe rangedoor or behindthe storagedrawer) 15 OvenInteriorLight (on somemodels) (Comeson automaticallywhendoor is opened.) 16 Oven Shelf Supports (Forroasting,bakingand broilingpositionsof shelves,see suggestionsin cookingguides.) 17 Oven Shelf (numbermay vary) 18 BakeUnit (Maybe lifted gentlyfor wipingovenfloor.) 19 Oven Light Switch(for modelswith oven window) , 25 I 2 14,27 !7s 14 14,28 28 20 Anti-TipLabel ‘7 cklek The clock must be set for the automaticoven timingfunctionsto work properly.The time of day cannotbe changed.duringa TIME BAISEor CLEANcycle. the!clock To set Step 1: Press the CLOCKpad. CLOCK ~~ Step 2: Press INCREASEor DECREASEpad to set the time of day. Step 3: Pressthe CLOCK’pad to start. mmer The timer is an alarmor minute timer only.The timerdoesnot controloven operations.The maximumsettingon the timeris 9 hours and 55 minutes. To set ‘me Timer Step 1: Press the TIMEROIWOFF pad. oN/oFF Step 2: Press INCREASEor DECREASEpad to set the arrount of time on timer. Thetimer will start automatically withina few secondsof releasing the pad. The timer,as you are settingit, will displaysecondsuntil60 secondsis reached. Thenit willdisplayminutes and secondsuntil60 minutes is reached. After 60 minutes,it will display hours(“I-R”now appearsin display)and minutesuntilthe maximumtime of 9 hoursand 55 minutesis reached. ‘lb ResetTimer ml cancel ‘b-w Power outage? Press TIMERONVOFFpad and then press INCREASEor DECREASEpad untilthe time you want showson the display. Press TIMER01’+VOFF pad until the word “TIMER”quitsflashing on the display(about4,seconds). After a poweroutage,whenpower is restored,the displaywill flash and time shownwill no longerbe correct-for example,after a 5-minutepowerinterruptionthe clock will be 5 minutesslow. The displayflashesuntilthe clock is reset. All otherfunctionsthat were in operationwhen the power went out will haveto be programmedagain. Timer Tones The timer tone is a steadysignalthatrepeatsevery 6 secondsuntil you press any operation.If you would like to changethe tone to a set of 3 short beeps,press and hold CLEAR/OFFfor 10seconds. Toreturn the timer tone to a steadyrepeatingsignal, press aridhold CLEAR/OFFfor 10 seconds. — — If “door” appears on the dk@ay9the door latch handleis not movedall the way to the right. Movethe latchhandleand cleaningwill start.If “LOCK” appearson the display,the oven dooris in the locked position.BAKE,BROILand COOKTIIVIEcannotbe set if the door is in the lockedposition. 9 see surfacecookingGuide. At both OFF and HI the control“clicks”intoposition,Youmayhear slight “clicking”soundsduringcooking,indicatingthe controlis keepingthe unit at the heat level or powerlevel you set. How toset the controls Push the knob in and turn in either directionto the heat settingyou want. Be sure you turn controlto OFF whenyou finish cooking.The surfaceunit indicatorlightwillglow whenANYheat on any surfaceunitis on. — Heat (hide ED-Used to begin cookingor to bring water to a boil. Reduceheat settingafter water boils. MIHXUNIHBGH-(Setting halfwaybetweenHI and MED)Maintainsa fast boil on largeamountsof food. IWID-+aute and brown;keepsfood at a medium boil or simmer. LOVV-(Setting halfwaybetweenMID and LO) Cook after startingat HI; cookswith little water in coveredpan. LO—Used for long slowcooking(simmering)to tenderizeand developflavors.Use this settingto melt butterand chocolateor to keep foodswarm. NOTE: SurfaceIndicatorLightmay glowbetween LO and OFF,but thereis no powerto the surfaceunits. !: OFF UNV Push and hold switchuntillight comeson. NOTE: Light will not comeon as long as switchis held. Switchmustbe pushed,held for severalseconds,and releasedfor light to comeon. HIGH MED wok Werecommendthat youuse only a flat-bottomed wok.They are availableat your localretail store. Do not use woksthat have supportrings.Use of these typesof woks,with or withoutthe ring in place,can be dangerous.Placingthe ring overthe surfaceunit will causea build-upof heat that willdamagethe porcelaincooktop.Do not try to use such woks withoutthe ring. Youcouldbe seriouslyburnedif the wok tippedover. Gumirlg should h? done on smface Rmit$only, Pots that extendbeyondoneinch of surfaceunit’s drip pan are not recommendedfor most surface cooking.However,whencanningwith water-bathor pressurecanner,larger-diameterpots may be used. This is becauseboilingwatertemperatures(even underpressure)are not harmfulto cookto~surfaces . surroufidingthe surfaceunit. observe h! DoI’wYrUSELARGEIxANwrm HowmR, cmRs OROTHERLARGEDI.AMEmR POTSFOR.FRYINGORBOILINGFoom OTHER THANWATER.Most syrupor saucemixtures— and all typesof frying-cook at temperaturesmuch higherthan boilingwater.Suchtemperaturescould eventuallyharmcooktopsurfacessurrounding surfaceunits. Points in canning L Be sure the cannerfits overthe centerof the surfaceunit. If’your rangeor its locationdoes not allowthe cannerto be centeredon the surfaceunit, use smaller-diameterpots for good canningresults. 2. For best results,use cannerswith flat bottoms. Cannerswith flangedor rippledbottoms(often found in enamelware)don’tmakegood contactwith the surfaceunit and take a longtime to boil water. Flat-bottom cannersaremxmmended. 3. When canning,use recipesand proceduresfrom reputablesources.Reliablerecipesandproceduresare availablefrom the manufacturerof yourcanner; manufacturersof glassjars for canning,such as Ball and Kerr;and the United StatesDepartmentof AgricultureExtensionService. 4. Rememberthat canningis a processthat generates largeamountsof steam.To avoidburnsfrom steamor heat, be carefulwhen canning. NOTE: If your househas low voltage,canningmay take longerthan expected,even thoughdirections have been carefiily followed.The processtime will be shortenedby: . (1) using a pressurecanner,and (2) startingwith HOT tap waterfor fastestheatingof largequantitiesof water. Tips 1. Use medium-or heavy-weightcookware. Aluminumcookwareconductsheat faster than other metals.Cast-ironand coatedcast-ironcookwareare slowto absorbheat, but generallycook evenlyat low to mediumheat settings.Steelpansmay cook unevenlyif notcombinedwithothermetals. Food Cereal Cookware Directionsand Settings to start cooking Directionsand Settings to CompleteCooking HI. In coveredpan bring waterto boil beforeadding cereal. HI. Stir togetherwateror milk andcocoaingredients. ~~ng just to a boil. MEDIUMLOWor LO,then addcereal.Finishtiming accordingtopackagedirections. MED,to cook 1 or 2 minutes to completelyblend ingredients. LO to maintaingentle but steadyperk. Cornmeal,grits, oatmeal Covered Saucepan Cocoa Uncovered Saucepan Coffee Percolator HI.At ftist perk, switch heat to LO. Cookedin shell Covered Saucepan Friedsunny-side-up Covered Skillet HI.Covereggs withcool water.Coverpan, cook until steaming. MEDIUMHIGH.Mekbutte~ add eggsand coverskillet. Friedovereasy Uncovered Skillet HI. Melt butter. Poached Covered Saucepan HI. In coveredpan bring waterto a boil. Eggs Scrambledor omelets Uncovered Skillet HI. Heatbutteruntillight goldenin color. Fruits HI, In coveredpan bring fruit and waterto boil. Covered Saucepan mats 2. Toconservethe most cookingenergy,pans shouldbe flat on the bottom,have straightsidesand tight-fittinglids.Matchthe sizeof the saucepanto the size of the surfaceunit. LO. Cookonly3 to4 minutesfor soft cooked; 15minutesfor hardcooked. Continuecookingat MEDIUM HIGHuntilwhitesarejust set, about3 to 5 moreminutes. LO, thenaddeggs.When bottomsof eggshavejust set, carefullyturnoverto cookotherside. LO.Carefullyadd eggs. Cookuncoveredabout5 minutesat MEDKJMHIGH. MED.Addeggmixture. Cook,stirringto desired doneness. LO. Stiroccasionallyand checkfor sticking. Braised:Pot roastsof Covered beef,lambor veal; Skillet porkchopsandsteaks HI. Melt fat, then add meat, MEDIUMLOW.Simmeruntil Switchto MEDIUMHIGH forktender. to brownmeat.Add wateror otherliquid. Pan-fried:Tender chops;thin steaksup to 3/4 inch; minute steaks;hamburgers; franksand sausage; thinfish fillets HI. Preheatskillet,then greaselightly. 12 Uncovered Skillet MEDIUMHIGHor MED. Brownandcookto desired doneness,turningover as needed. Comments Cerealsbubbleandexpand as theycook;use largeenough saucepanto preventboilover. Milkboilsoverrapidly.Watchas boilingpointapproaches. Percolate8 to 10minutesfor 8 CUPS,less forfewerCUPS. If youdo not coverskillet,baste eggswithfat to cooktopsevenly. RemovecookedeggswithW%ted spoonor pancaketurner. Eggscontinueto set slightlyafter cooking.For omeletdo not stir last few minutes.Whenset, fold in half, Freshfruit:Use 1/4to 1/2cup waterper poundof fruit. Driedfruit:Use wateras package directs.Timedependson whether fruithasbeen presoaked.If not, allowmorecookingtime. Meat canbe seasonedand floured beforeit is browned,if desired. Liquidvariationsfor flavorcould be wine,fruit or tomatojuice or meatbroth. Timing:Steaks 1to 2 inches: 1 to 2 hours.Beef Stew:2 to 3 hours. Pot Roast:2Xto 4 hours. Pan fryingis bestfor thin steaks and chops.If rare is desired, preheatskilletbeforeaddingmeat. Bight 3. Deep Fat Frying.Do not overtll cookwarewithfat that may spillover whenaddingfood.Frostyfoods bubblevigorously.Watchfoodsfryingat high temperatures.Keeprangeand hoodcleanfrom accumulatedgrease. OVER1“ NOTOVER1’ Directions andSWiqgsto Directionsand Settings mod Mews FriedChicken cookware tostart cooking Covered Skillet HI. Meltfat. Switchto MEDiUMHIGHto brownchicken. Pan-tied bacon Uncovered Skillet Sauteed:Lesstender thin steaks(chuck, round,etc.);liver; thickor wholefish. Simmeredor stewed meat;chicken; cornedbeef;smoked pork;stewingbeef; tongue;etc. Covered Skillet HI.In coldskillet,arrange baconslices.Cookjust until startingto sizzle. HI. Meltfat. Switchto NIED to brownslowly. Covered DutchOve~ Kettleor Large Saucepan Small Uncovered Saucepan. Skilletor Griddle MeltingchocoMe9 marshmaliows9 butter Pancakesor ‘Frenchtoast Pasta HI. In coveredkettle,bring saltedwaterto a boil,uncover andaddpastaslowlyso boiling doesnot stop. PressureCooking Pressure Cookeror Canner Uncovered Saucepan HI. Heatuntilfirstjiggle is heard. Fresh Covered Saucepan Frozen Covered Saucepan HI.Measure1/2to 1 inch waterin saucepan.Addsalt andpreparedvegetable. In coveredsaucepanbring to boil. HI.Measurewaterandsalt as above.Addfrozenblock of v~getable.In covered saucepanbringto boil. ‘HI,In skillet,meltfat. Sauces, C&dies,Frostings LO.Coverandcookuntil tender. Meatmaybe breadedor marinatedin saucebefore frying. LO.Cookuntilforktender. (Watershouldboil slowly.)For vtxy!L”geamounts,medium heatmaybe needed. Addsalt or otherseasoning beforecookingif meathas notbeensmokedor otherwisecured. MEDIUMLOW.Allow 10to 15 Use smallsurfaceunit. minutesto meltthrough.Stirto smooth. MEDIUMHIGH.Heatskillet8 Cook2 to 3 minutesper side. to 10minutes.Greaselightly, Large Covered Kettleor P{ comments LO.Coverskilletandcookuntil Forcrisp,drychicken,cover tender.Uncoverlast few minutes. onlyafterswitchingto LO for 10minutes.Uncoverand cook,turningoccasionally for 10to 20 minutes. MEDIUMHIGH.Cook,turning A moreattention-freemethod overas needed. is to startandcookat MED. HI. Covermeatwithwater andcoverpan or kettle. Cookuntilsteaming. Noodlesor spaghetti Puddhgs, CompleteCooking HI.Bringjust to boil. Whenmeltingmarshmallows, addmilkor water. ‘~ick battezhikesslightly longertime.Turnover pancakeswhenbubbles rise to surface. MEDIUMHIGH.Cookuncovered untiltender.For largeamounts, HI maybe neededto keepwater at rollingboilthroughoutentire cockingtime. MEDIUMHIGHfor foods cooking10minutesor less. MEDfor foodsover 10minutes. LO.”TO finishcooking. Uselargeenoughkettle to preventboilover.Pasta doublesin sizewhencooked. MED.Cook 1pound10to 30 or more minutes,depending on tendernessof vegetable. Uncoveredpanrequiresmore waterandlongertime. LO.Cookaccordingto timeon package. Breakup or stir as needed whilecooking. MED.Addvegetable. Cookuntildesired tendernessis reached. MEDIUMLOW.Coverand cookaccordingto time. Ttimoveror stirvegetableas necessaryfor evenbrowning. Cookershouldjiggle 2 to 3 timesper minute. Stirfrequentlyto prevent sticking. Vegetables Uncovered Sauteed:Onions; Skillet greenpeppers; mushrooms; celery;etc., Eweam?(kits i Covered Saucepan 1 HI.Bringsaltedwaterto a boil. I Riceandgritstriplein volume aftercooking.Timeat MEDIUMLOW.R.iCR1 CUD riceand2 cupswaterfor25r minutes,Grits:1cupgritsand 4 cupswaterfor40 minutes. 1.3 . ..- Da RI(M lock the ovendoor with the door Mel-lexceptwhen SeIf-cleaning. Your oven 1. Lookat the controls.Be sure you understandhow to set themproperly.Readover the directionsfor the Oven Controlsso you understandhow to use them. 2. Checkoveninterior.Look at the shelves.Takea practicerun at removingand replacingthemproperly, to give sure,sturdysupport. 3. Readover informationand tips thatfollow. 4. Keepthis bookhandyso you can refer to it, especiallyduringthe first weeksof usingyour new range. “ oven The shelvesare designedwith stop-locksso that whenplaced correctly on the shelf supports, they will stop beforecomingout completelyfrom the oven,and till not tiIt when removingfood from or placingfood on them. I TO REPLACE, placeshelfon shelfsupportwith stop-locks (curvedextensionundershelf) facingup towardtherear of the oven.Tiltup frontand pushthe shelftowardthebackof the oven untilit goespast“stop”on the oven wall.Then lowerthe frontof the shelfand push it all the way back. n II ml REMOWETHE smLvEs from the oven,pulltowardyou,tilt frontendupwardandpullthern out. v’ ‘ — oven Light 1 ‘h ) II The lightcomeson automatically when the ovendoor is opened. .. The ovenhas four shelf supports– A (bottom),B, C and D (top). Shelfpositionsfor cookingfood are suggestedon Baking,Roasting and Broilingpages. Use the switchon frontof door to turn the lighton and off when the door is closed. — M SeeBakingGuide. Youroven temperatureis controlledvery accuratelyusingan ovencontrol system.Werecommendthatyou operatethe rangefor a numberof weeks using the time givenon recipesas a guideto becomefamiliarwithyournew oven’sperformance.If you thinkan adjustmentis necessary,seeAdjusting Oven Temperaturesection. How toset ‘YimrRangefor Step 1: Positionthe shelfor shelvesin the oven.If cookingon two shelvesat the sametime, place shelveson alternate.shelfsupportsand staggerfood on them. $tep 2: Closethe oven door. Step 3: PressBAKEpad. Step 5: Press INCREASEor DECREASEpad until desiredtemperatureis displayed.” The word “ON”and the changingtemperaturewillbe displayedas the oven heatsup. When the oven reachesthe set temperatureatone will sound. TochangeoventemperatureduringBAKEcycle, pressBAKEpad and then INCREASEor DECREASEpad to get new temperature. Step 6: Press CLEAR.KN?F when bakingis finishedand thenremove food from oven. 1 CLEAR Step 4: PressINCREASEpad. The last oven set temperatureappearsin \ the display. How toset start and The oventurns on right away,cooksfor preset lengthof time, and turns off automaticallyat the preset Stop Time. S%q 1: Positionthe shelf or shelvesin the oven.If cookingon two shelvesat the sametime,place shelveson alternateshelf supportsand staggerfood on.them. Step 2: Close the oven door. Step 3: Press ICOOKTI.MEpad. Step 4: PressINCREASEpad until desiredlengthof bakingtime appears in the display. OFF stop Step5: PressBAKE pad.Attention tone will occurif step 5 is not done. BAKE Step 6: PressINCREASEor DECREASEpad until desiredtemperatureis displayed. The word “ON” and the rising oven temperaturewill be displayedas the oven heatsup. When the oven reachesthe set temperaturea tone will sound.The ovenwill continueto cook for the programmed amountof time, then shutoff automatically. Step 7: Removefood from the oven.Remember,even thoughoven shutsoff automatically,foodscontinue cookingafter controlsare off. 15 G (continued) How toTim! The ovencontrolallowsyou to turn the oven on or off automaticallyat specifictimes that you set. the OVelil C~Of2k NOTE: l!h%ill%? be@lning make SWi%? shows the correct time of day. How toset Delay To set the clock,fiist pressthe CLOCKpad. “TIME”will flash in the display.PressINCREASEor DECREASEpad untilcorrecttimeof day is displayed. start and stop I Quick Reminder: L PressCOOKTINIEpad. 2. PressINCREASWDECREASEpad to set cookingtime. 3. Press STOPTIME pad. 4. PressNXEASE/ DECREASEpad until desiredStopTime appearsin display. 5. PressBAKEpad. 6. PressINCREASE/DECREASEpad to select oven temperature. Delay Martand Stop is settingthe oven timerto turn the ovenon and off automaticallyat a later time than the presenttimeof day. For example:Let’ssay it’s 2:00 and dinnertime is shortlyaf& 7:00.Th~recipe suggests3 hoursbaking time at 325”F.Here’show: $tep 1: Positionthe shelfor shelvesin the oven. If cookingon two shelvesat the same time, staggerthe pans foi bestheat circulation. Step 2: Closethe oven door. Step 3: Press COOKTIME pad. ICOOK TIME Step 4: For 3 hours of cookingtime, press INCREASEpad until “3:00” appearsin the display. STOP 16 Step 5: Press STOFTIME pad. A. - “5:00”appearson the displayand controlautomaticallysets StopTimeby addingthe CookTimeto the time of day.In this example,the time of day is 2:00 and the CookTimeis 3 hours. Adding3 hoursto the timeof day equals5:00. Step 6: ChangeStopTimefrom 5:00to 7:00by pressingINCREASEpad until “7:00”appearsin the display. Step 7: Press BAKEpad. u BAKE $tm 8: Press INCREASEpad. The last oven set temperatureappearsin the~isplay.Press INCREASE or DECREASEpad until “325°”is displayed. At4:O0,the oven will turn on automatically.The . word “CN’ and the changingoventemperaturewill be displayedas the oven heatsup. The oven will continueto cook for the programmed3 hours and shut off automaticallyat 7:00. Step 9: Removefood from the oven.Remember,even thoughoven shutsoff automaticaHy,foodscontinue cookingafter controlsare off. NOTE: The low temperaturezoneof this range (between150”F.and 200°F.)is availableto keep hot cookedfoods wm. Foodkept in the ovenlonger thantwo hours at these low temperaturesmay spoil. When settingyour oven for a delay start,never let foodssuch as dairy products,fish, meat, poultry,etc. sit for more than 2 hoursbeforeactualcooking begins.Room temperaturepromotesthe growthof harmfulbacteria.Be sure the oven lightis off because heat from the bulb will speedbacteriagrowth. G L Aluminumpansconductheat quickly.For mostconventional baking,light,shinyfinishesgive best resultsbecausetheyhelp preventoverbrowning.For best results,we recommenddull bottomsurfacesfor cakepans and pie plates. 3. Preheatingthe oven is not alwaysnecessary,especial~yfor foodswhichcooklongerthan 30 to 40 minutes.For foodswith short cookingtimes,preheatinggives best appearanceand crispness. — 4. C)penthe ovendoor to check foocfaslittleas possibleto prevent unevenheatingandto saveenergy. 2. Dark or non-shinyfinishesand glass cookwaregenerallyabsorb heat, whichmay resultin dry,crisp musts.Reduceovenheat 250??.if lightercrustsare desired.Rapid browningof somefoodscan be achieved-bypreheatingcast-iron cookware. Container Shelf Position Bred Time, (hen Temperature Minutes Cmnmerlts Biscuits(1/2-in.thick) ShinyCookieSheet 400°-4750 15-20 Coffeecake 350°-4000 20-30 400°-4500 350° 20-40 45-55- Preheatcast-ironpan for crispcrust. Muffins ShinyMetalPan with satin-finishbottom Cast-Ironor GlassPan ShinyMetalPan with satin-finishbottom ShinyMetalMuffk Pan 400°-4250 20-30 Popovers Quickloafbread Yeastbread(2 Ioaves) DeepGlassor CastIronCups Metalor GlassLoafPans Metalor GlassLoafPans 375° 350°-3750 375°-4250 45-60 45-60 45-60 Decreaseabout5 minutesfor mufiln mix,or bakeat 450”F.for 25 minutes, then at 350°F.for 10to 15minutes. Plainrolls Sweetrolls ShinyOblongor MufllnPan ShinyOblongor Muffh Pan 375°-4250 350°-3750 10-25 20-30 AluminumTubePan MetalJellyRoll Pan Metalor CeramicPan 325°-3750 375°-4000 325°-3500 30-55 10-15 45-60 A!B 325°-3500 350°-3750 275°-3000 45-65 20-25 2-4k. B 350°-3750 20-35 B 350°-3750 25-30 B 350° 40-60 Cornbreador mufilns Gingerbread Canned,refrigeratedbiscuitstake2 to 4 minuteslesstime. Darkmetalor glassgive deepest browning. For thinrolls,ShelfB maybe used. cakes (withoutshortening) Angelfood Jellyroll Sponge Cakes Bundtcakes Cupcakes Fruitcakes Metalor CeramicPan ShinyMetalMuffMPan Metalor GlassLoafor TubePan Layer ShinyMetalPan with satin-finishbottom ShinyMetalPan with satin-finishbottom Metalor G1assLoafPan Layer,chocolate Loaf Cookies A, B Brownies Drop Metalor GlassPan CookieSheet ;:: 32.5”-350° 350°-4000 25-35 Refrigerator Rolledor sliced CookieSheet CookieSheet B, C B, C! 400°-4250 375°-4000 6-12 7-12 A, B, C Glassor MetalPan B GlassCustardCupsor Casserole (setin pan of hot watef) B GlassCustardCupsor Casserole 350°-4000 300°-3500 30-60 325° 50-90 Frozen Meringue FoilPan on CookieSheet Spreadto crustedges 400°-4250 325°-3500 45-70 15-25 Onecrust TWOcrust i%l.$my shell Glassor Satin-finishMetal Pan Glassor Satin-finishMetal Pan Glassor Satin-finishMetalPan 400°-4250 400°-4250 450° 40-60 40-60 12-15 325°-4000 325°-3750 300°-3500 60-90 30-60 30-75 Fruits,other Desserts Bakedapples Custard Puddings,rice andcustard Pies Miscellaneous Bakedpotatoes Scaliopcddishes Souffles Seton OvenShelf 2ilassor MetalPan GlassPan A, B, C A, B, C B 10-20 30-60 We-piece pan is convenient. Linepan withwaxpaper. Paperlinersproducemoistercrusts. Use 300”F.andShelfB for smallor individualcakes. Bar cookiesfrommix use sametime. Use ShelfC andincreasetemp.25”F. to 50°F.for morebrowning. 300°F.for large custard. Cookbreador rice puddingwith custardbase 80 to 90 minutes. Largepies use 400°F.and moretime. Toquicklybrownmeringue,use400”F. for 8 to 10minutes. Custardfillingsrequirelower temperature,longertime. Increasetime for largeramountor size. 1’7 Roastingis cookingby dry heat.Tendermeator poultrycan be roasteduncoveredin your oven. Roastingtemperatures,whichshouldbe low and steady,keep spatteringto a minimum.Whenroasting, it is not necessaryto sear,baste,coveror add water to yourmeat. Roastingis really a bakingprocedureused for meats. Therefore,ovencontrolsare set for BAKEor TIME BAKE.(Youmay hear a slightclickingsound, indicatingthe ovenis workingproperly.)Roastingis easy;just followthese steps: Step 1: Checkweightof meat, and place,fat sideup, on roastingrack in a shallowpan. (Broilerpan with rack is a goodpan for this.)Linebroilerpan with aluminumfoil whenusingpan for marinating, cookingwith fruits,cookingheavilycuredmeats,or bastingfood duringcooking,Avoidspillingthese materialson oven lineror door. Step 2: Placein ovenon shelfin A or B position. No preheatingis necessary. Step 5: Press INCREASEor DECREASEpad until desiredtemperatureis displayed. The word“ON”and the changingoventemperature will be displayedas the ovenheatsup. Whenthe oven reachesthe set temperatureatone will sound. TochangeoventemperatureduringBAKEcycle, pressBAKEpad and then INCREASEor DECREASEpad to get new temperature. Step6:Press the CLEAR/OFFpad whenbakingis finishedand then CLEAR removefood from oven. Step 3: Press BAKEpad. Step 4: Press INCREASEpad. The oven set temperatureappearsin the display. For’FrozenRoa$ts ~Frozenroasts of beef, pork, lamb,etc., canbe.started withoutthawing,but allow 10to 25 minutesper poundadditionaltime (10 minutesper poundfor roastsunder 5 pounds,moretimefor largerroasts). ~Thawmost frozen poultrybeforeroastingto ensure even doneness.Somecommercialfrozenpoultrycan be cookedsuccessfullywithoutthawing.Follow directionsgiven on packagelabel. U!il Step 7: Mostmeatscontinueto cook slightlywhile standing,after beingremovedfrom the oven. Standingtime recommendedfor roasts is 10to 20 minutes.This allowsroasts to firm up and makes themeasierto carve. Internaltemperaturewill rise about5° to 10°F.;to compensatefor temperature increase,if desired,removethe roast from oven sooner(at 5° to 10°F.less than temperaturein the RoastingGuide). NOTE: Youmay wish to TIME BAKE,as described in the Bakingsectionof this book,to turn oven on and off automatically. Rememberthat food will continueto cookin the hot oven and thereforeshouldbe removedwhen the desiredinternaltemperaturehas been reached. Q.Is it necessary to cheek doneness with a meat for A. Checkingthe finishedinternal temperatureat the completionof cookingtime is recommended. Temperaturesare shownin the RoastingGuide.For roastsover 8 lbs.,cookedat 300°F.withreduced time,checkwith thermometerat half-hourintervalsafterhalf the cookingtimehas passed. Q. Why is my roast crumbling vvhmI try to carveit? A. Roastsare easierto sliceif allowedto cool 10to 20 minutes afterremovingfrom oven.Be sure to cut acrossthe grainof the meat. Q. Do I need to preheat my own each time I cooka mast or poultry? A. It is rarelynecessaryto preheat your oven.Preheatonlyfor very smallroasts,whcihcooka short lengthof time. L Positionoven shelf at B for small-sizeroasts (3 to 7 lbs.) and at A for largerroasts. 2. Hace meatfat-side-up,or poultrybreast-side-up, on broilerpan or other shallowpan with trivet.Do not cover.Do not stuffpouhryuntiljust beforeroasting. Use meat thermometerfor more accuratedoneness. (I3onot placethermometerin stuffing.) 3. Removefat and drippingsas necessary.Baste as desired. oven Temperature Doneness Meat Tendercuts;rib, high qualitysirlointip, rumpor topround* 325° Lambleg or bone-inshoulder* 325° Vealshoulder,legor loin* Porklin, rib or shoulder* Ham,precooked 325° 325° 325° Rare: Medium: WellDone: Rare: Medium: WellDone: WellDone: WellDone: Towarm: Ham,raw *Forbonelessrolledroastsover6 inchesthick,add 5 to 10minutesper ~oundto timesgivenabove. 325° WellDone: Chickenor Duck Chickenpieces 325° 350° WellDone: WellDone: Turkey 325° WellDone: PouM’y Q. When hying a roast,me thereany specialtips that would help me cookit moreevenly? A. Yes.Buy a roastas even in thicknessas possible,or buy rolled roasts. Q. Can I seal the sides ofrny foil “tent”Whenroastinga turkey? A. Sealingthe foil will steamthe meat.Leavingit unsealedallows the air to circulateand brown the meat. 4. Standingtimerecommendedfor roastsis 10to 20 minutes.This allowsroaststo firm up and makethem easierto carve.Internaltemperaturewillrise about5° to 10°F.; to compensatefor temperatureincrease,if desired,removethe roast from oven soor!er(at 5° to IO”F.less than temperaturein this guide). 5. Frozenroasts can be conventionallyroastedby adding10 to 25 minutesper poundmoretime than givenin guidefor refrigeratedroasts.(10 minutesper poundfo~roastsunder~ pounds.)Defrostpouhry” beforeroasting. ApproximateWastingTime in Minutesper Pmmd 3 to5 lbs. 6 to 8 NM. 24-30 18-22 30-35 22-25 35-45 28-33 21–25 20-23 25–30 24-28 30-35 28-33 35-45 30-40 3545 30-40 10 minutesperpound(anyweight) under 10U-M. 10to 15lbs. 20-..3o 17-20 3 to 5 lbs. 35-40 35-40 10 to M NM. 20-25 Over 5 NM. 30-35 CWer15NM 15-20 Internal Temperature‘F. 130°- 40° 150°- 60° 170°- 85° 130°- 40° 150°- 60° 170°- 85° 170°- 80° 170°- 80° 125°- 30° 170° 185°–1900 185”–190° In thigh: 185°-1900 Broilingis cookingfoodby intenseradiantheatfrom the upperunit in the oven.Mostfish and tendercuts of meatcan be broiled.Followthese stepsto keep spatteringand smokingto a minimum. Step 1: If meat has fat or gristlenear edge,cut verticalslashesthroughboth about2 inchesapart. if desired,fat maybe trimmed,leavinglayerabout 1/8inch thick Step2: Placemeat on broilerrack in broilerpan. Alwaysuse rack so fat drips into broilerpan; otherwisejuices may becomehot enoughto catchfire. Step 3: Positionshelf on recommendedshelfposition as suggestedin BroilingGuide.Mostbroilingis done on C position,but if your rangeis connectedto 208 Volts,you may wish to use a higherposition. Step 4: Leavedoor ajar a few inches.The door stays openby itself,yet propertemperatureis maintainedin the oven. Step 5: Press 13R01Lpad. Step 6: SelectLO Broil(450”F.)by tapping INCREASEpad once.SelectHI Broil(550°F.)by tappingINCREASEpad twice. To changefromHI Broilto LO Broil,pressthe ‘ BROILpad then tap DECREASEpad once. Step7: Turnfood only h=.~q .,. 11(= onceduringcooking. Timefoodsfor first side ll$X\>> ... per BroilingGuide. it K /“” Turnfood,then use timesgivenfor secondsideas a guideto preferreddoneness.(Wheretwo thicknesses and timesare giventogether,use fwsttimesgivenfor thinnestfood.) Step 8: WhenBroilingis completedpress CL13AR/OFF. Servefood immediately,and leavepan outsideovento coolduringmealfor easiestcleaning. Foil use /1 Youcan use ah.u-ninum foil to lineyour broilerpan and broilerrack. However, you mustmold the foil tightlyto the rack and cut slits in it just like the rack. Withoutthe slits, the foil will preventfat and meatjuices fromdrainingto the broilerpan. Thejuices couldbecomehot enoughto catch on fire. If you do not cut the slits, you are frying,not broiling. i% Am$wers isit Q. Whim broiling, necessary to always use a rack in the pan? A. Yes.Usingthe rack suspends the meat over the pan. As the meat cooks,thejuices fall into the pan, thus keepingmeat drier.Juices are protectedby the rack and stay cooler,thuspreventingexcessive spatterand smoking. Q. Should 1 salt the meat before broiling? A..No. Saltdraws out thejuices and allowsthem to evaporate. Always salt after cooking.Turn meat with tongs;piercingmeat with a fork also allowsjuices to escape.When broilingpoultryor fish, brush each side often with butter. P“ 20 2MX3my meatsnot turningout as browmas they should? A. In someareas, thepower (voltage)to the rangemaybe low. In thesecases,preheatthe broil unit for 10 minutesbeforeplacing broilerpan with food in oven. Checkto see if you are using the recommendedshelfposition.Broil for longestperiodof time indicated in the BroilingGuide.Turn food only once duringbroiling. (). Do I need togrease my broiler rack to preventmeatfrom sticking’? A. No. The broilerrack is designed to reflectbroilerheat, thuskeeping the surfacecoolenoughto prevent meat from stickingto the surface. However,sprayingthe broilerrack lightlywith a vegetablecooking spraybeforecookingwill make cleanupeasier. - —— .—.—---- 5. When arrangingfood on pan, do not let fatty edges hangoversides,whichcouldsoilovenwithfat dripping. 6. Broilerdoesnot needto be preheated.However, for very thin foods,or to increasebrowning,preheat if desired. 7. Frozen steakscan be conventionallybroiledby positioningthe oven shelfat next lowestshelf positionandincreasingcookingtimegivenin this guide IX timesper side. 8. If yourrangeis connectedto 208volts,rare steaks may be broiledby preheatingbroil heaterand positioningthe — oven shelfonepositionhigher. L Alwaysuse broilerpan and rack that comeswith youroven.It is designedto minimizesmokingand spatteringby trappingjuices in the shieldedlowerpart of the pan. 2. Oven door shouldbe opento the broil stop position for all foods. 3. For steaksand chops,slashfat evenlyaround outsideedgesof meat.TOslash,cut crosswisethrough outerfat surfacejust to the edge of the meat. Use tongsto turn meat over to preventpiercingmeat and losingjuices. 4. If desired,marinatemeatsor chickenbefore broiling,or brush with barbecuesaucelast 5 to 10 minutesonly. mod Bacon QWmtit.yandk Thickness shelf I Position ! 1lb. (4 patties) 1/2to 3/4 in.thick I Rare i inchthick (1 to 1!4lbs.) BakeryPro&Ms Bread(Toast)or ToasterPastries EnglishMuff5ns Lobster Tails Comments Arrangeinsinglelayer, HI thinslices) GroundBeef WellDone Beefsteaks Medium WellDone Rare Medium WellDone Chicken m or LOBroil lfi in. thick (2 to 2X lbs.) 1 whole (2 to 2!AIbs.), splitlengthwise 2 to4 slices 1pkg.(2) 2 (split) 2-4 (6 to 8 oz.each) D Hr 8-9 D D D D D D B HI 9 12-13 13 D I 6-7 Steaksless than 1inchthickcook throughbeforebrowning.Panfrying is recommended. Slashfat. LO 15 25 28-30 7 6-7 8-9 6-7 9-12 16-18 18-,20 HI 2-3 1/2-1 c HI 3-4 13-16 Spaceevenly.PlaceEnglishmuftlns cut-side-upandbrushwithbutter, if desired. Cutthroughbackof shell,Spreadopen. Brushwithmeltedbutterbeforeand afterhalf of broilingtime. Handleandturnverycarefully.Bmsh withlemonbutterbeforeandduring cookingif desired.Preheatbroilerto increasebrowning. Increasetime 5 to 10minutesper side for 1Xinchthickor homecuredham. Slashfat. 10 D I Donot Fish l-lb. fillets 1/4to 1/2in. thick D HI * ram Wices 1 in, thick c LO -41-+-I (precooked) Pork(h~S WellDone Limb Chops Medium WellDone Medium WellDone Wienersand similar precookedsausages, bratwurst HI 12-13 2(1 inch) about 10to 12oz. 2(1 !4inch) about1lb. l-lb. pkg.(10) I I I Spaceevenly. Up to 8 pattiestake aboutsametime. D D D c D HI m 8 10 10 17 6 Reducetime about5 to 10minutesper sidefor cut-upchicken.Brusheachside withmeltedbutter.Broilskin-side-dovm first, 8-9 I 4-7 Slashfat. 10 4-6 12-14 1-2 If desired,splitsausagesin half lengthwise;cut into5-to 6-inchpieces. G NormalCleaningTime:3 hours a) clean Cyck? Quick Remimk?r: 1. Prepareoven for cleaning. 2. Closeoven door. 3. Press CLEANpad, 4. Press INCREASEor DECREASEpad to set clean time. The rangemust be completelycoolin orderto set the self-cleancycle. Step 1: Removethe broilerpan, broilerrack, all cookwareand any ahnninu~ foil from the oven—they cannotwithstandthe highcleaningtemperatures. @ven shelvesmaybe left in oven.NOTE: Shelves willdiscolorafter the self-cleancycle.) Step 2: Wipeup heavysoil on the oven bottom. A. ovenFront Frame ‘B.Oven Door Gasket c. oven Light Step 3: Cleanspattersor spillson ovenfrontframe(A) and ovendooroutsidegasket(B) witha dampened cloth.Polishwith a dry cloth.Donotcleangasket(B). Neveruse a commercialoven cleanerin or around self-cleaningoven. Step 4: Closethedoor and makesure the ovenlight (C) is off. Oven shelvesmay be cleanedin the self-cleaning oven. However,they will darken,lose their lusterand becomehard to slide.Wipethe shelf supportswith cookingoil after self-cleaningto make shelvesslide more easily. Caution: Chromedrip pans shouldneverbe cleaned in the self-cleaningoven. Do not use commercial oven cleaners or oven protectors in or near the self-cleaning oven. A combinationof any of these productsplus the high clean cycle temperaturesmay damagethe porcelain finish of the oven. Important me oven door must be closed and latched~d dl controlsmust be set correctlyfor the clean cycleto work properly. — How toset oven for ckming Step 1: Follow steps aboveto preparethe oven for cleaning. Step 2: Closethe oven $&n;:;::;;;:sfx as it will go. Step 3: Press CLEANpad. Step 4: Press INCREASEor DECREASEpad until desiredCleanTime is displayed. Clean Timeis normally3 hours. Youcan changethe Clean Timeto anywherebetween2 and 4 hours, dependingon how dirty the oven is. 22 The self-cleancycle will automaticallybeginwithina few secondsand the word “ON”will appearon the display.When the oven locks the word “LOCKy’will be displayedand, a short time later,the door latch handlewill be lockedin position,It will not be possibleto open the oven door untilthe temperature drops belowthe lock temperature. Step 5: Whenthe LOCKlightis off, slidelatchhandle to the left as far as it will go and openthe door. thelatchhandle.Wait.until theword Never force “LOCK” goes outinthe display.Forcing the kwd-1 handle may dfunagethe doorlock. After a cleancycle,you may noticesomewhiteash in the oven.Just wipeit up with a dampcloth. If whitespotsremain,removethemwitha soap-filled steelwoolpad.Be sureto rinsethoroughlywitha vinegarand watermixture,Thesedepositsare usuallya saltresiduethatcannotbe removedby thecleancycle. If the ovenis not cleanafter one cleancycle,thecycle may be i.epeated. . After cycle al Whenthecleancycleis finished,theword“CLEAN”willgo outin thedisplay andthe.ovenwillbeginto cool.Whentheoventemperaturehas fallenbelow the lockingtemperature(about20-30minutesafierthe word “CLEAN” goesout at the end of the cleancycle),the word “LOCK”goesout and the doorcan be opened. start of How to DelayStart is settingthe oventimerto startthe clean cycleautomaticallyat a latertime than the present timeof day.I?WHZ:Beforebeginning,make sure the ovenclock showsthe correcttime of day. ‘@lickReminder-Delaystartfor’SW-ckfm: 1. Prepareoven for cleaning. 2. Slidethe latchhandleto the right as far as it will go. 3. Press CLEANpad. 4. Press INCREASEpad. 5. Press STOPTIMEpad. Timethat appearsis 3 hourslaterthan the time of day.Press INCREASEpad untilthe StopTimeyou desireappearsin the display.The self-cleancycle will automaticallybegin 3 hoursbeforethe Stop Timeyou select. 1 For example:Let’s.say it’s 7:00 and you want the ovento begin self-cleaningat 9:00 after you’re finishedin the kitchen.The ovenis just sailed a riorrnalamountso the normalCleanTimeof 3 hours is preferred. Step 1: Preparethe oven for cleaning. Step 2: Closethe ovendoor and slidelatchhandleto the rightas far as it will go. Step 3: PressCLEANpad. ‘&l # Step 4: Press INCREASEpad. -w- Step 5: CleanTimefor heavy soil can be set for 4 hours.If a longeror shorterCleanTimeis desired, pressINCREASEor DECREASEpad untildesired CleanTimeis displayed. Step 6: Press STOPTIMEpad. “1000” appearson display’md STOP “STOPTIME”flashes.The control automaticallysets StopTimeby TIME addingthe CleanTimeto the time of day.In this example,the time of day is 7:00 and the CleanTimeis 3 hours. Adding3 hoursto the time of day equals 10:00. Step 7: ChangeStop Timefrom 10:00to 12:00by pressingINCREASEpad until “12:00”appearsin the display.The words “DELAYCLEAN”will also appearin the display. The self-cleancyclewill automaticallybegin at 9:00 and finish at 12:00.The word “ON” will appearon the displayat 9:00. Whenthe oven locks,the word “IXICK”will be displayedand, a shorttime later,the doorlatchhandle willbe lockedin position.It will not be possibleto open the oven door untilthe temperaturedropsbelow the lock temperature. Whenthe cleancycleis finished,the word“CLEAN” will go out in the displayand the ovenwill beginto cool.When the oven temperaturehas fallenbelow the lockingtemperature(about20-30minutesafter the word “CLEAN”goes out at the end of the clean cycle),the word “H3CK” goes out and the door can be opened. Step 8: Whenthe LOCK lightis off, slidelatch handleto the left as far m it }$ will g. and openthe door. u Neverforce the latch handle.Wait unti~the word ‘%OCK” goes out in the display. Forcing the latch handle may damage the door lock. (continuednextpage) 23 (continued) and Answers Q. mny oven dock is met VwrkirlgUxm 1Stiuself-dam ‘my oven? ii. E the clockis not workingthen the entirecontrolis not working.If the clockis not set to the correct time of day you will notbe able to set a delayclean to end at a specifictime. Q. canI use mnmercid oven dams on my part of my seMck%ningown-l? A. No cleanersor coatingsshould be used aroundany part of this oven.If youdo use themanddo not thoroughlyrinse tk ovenwith water,wipingit absolutelyclean afterwards,the residuecan scar the ovensurfaceand damagemetal parts the nexttime the ovenis automaticallycleaned. Q. Can I dean the Woven Gasketaroluldthe ovendoor? A. No, thisgasketis essentialfor a goodoven seal, and care must be takennot to rub, darnageor move this gasket. Q. What should I do if excessive smoking occurs during cleaning? A. This is causedby excessivesoil. Press the CLEARKEFpad. Open windowsto rid roomof smoke. Waituntilthe ovenhas cooled (about20-30minutes)andthe word “LOCK”is off in thedisplay.Wipe up the excesssoiland resetthe cleancycle. Q. 1sthe %radding”soundI hearduringcleating no~al? A. Yes.Thisis thesoundofthemetal heatingand coolingduringboth the cookingand cleaningfunctions. Q. $houki there be any’odor duringthe cleaning? A. Yes,theremaybe a slightodor duringthe first few cleanings. Failureto wipeout excessivesoil mightalso causea strongodor whencleaning. Q. mat lines on the enanxkd surfaceof my oven? A. This is a normalcondition, resultingfrom heatingand cooling duringcleaning.Theselinesdo not affecthow your ovenperforms. I@Why do I haveash M in my ovenafter cleaning? A. Sometypesof soilwill leave a depositwhichis ash. It can be removedwith a damp sponge or cloth. Q. My oven shelvesdo not slide easily.Whatis the ~at.ter? A. After manycleanings,oven shel,vesmay becomeso clean they do not slideeasily.Tomakeshelves slidemore easily,after each selfcleaningfunctiondarnpenfingers with a smallamountof cookingoil andrub lightlyover sidesof shelf wherethey contactshelf supports. Q.My oven shelveshavebecome grayafter the sdfmcieancycle.Is this normal? A. Yes.After the self-cleancycle, the shelvesmay lose someluster and changeto a deep gray color. Q. The word “door”appeared on the disp~aywhen I sekted the CleanCycle.What’swrong? A. Thedoor latchhandlemust be movedall the way to the right. Movethe latchhandleand cleaning will start. oven When cookingfood for the first time in your new oven,use time given on recipesas a guide.Oven thermostats,over a periodof years, may “drift”from the factorysettingand the differencesin timing betweenan old and a new oven of 5 to 10 minutesare not unusual.Youroven has been set correctlyat the factoryand is more likelyto be accuratethan the oven whichit replaced. If you thinkthe oven shouldbe hotteror cooler,you can adjustit yourself.Todecidehow much to change the temperature,set the oven temperature25°F.higher or lowerthan the temperaturein your recipe,then bake.The resultsof this “test”shouldgive you an idea of how much the temperatureshouldbe changed. ToAdjustTemperature: 1. Press BAKEpad. 20Selectan oventemperaturebetween500°F. and 550°F. 3. Immediately,beforeBAKEindicatorstops flashing,press and hold the BAKEpad for about4 seconds.The red displaywill changeto the oven adjustmentdisp~ay. 4. The oven temperaturecan be adjustedup to (+) 35°F.hotteror (-) 35°F.cooler.Use the INCREASEor DECREASEpads to selectthe desired changein the red display. 5. When you have madethe adjustment,press the CLEAR/OFFpad to go back to the time of day display.Use your oven as you would normally. NOTE:This adjustnunt will not affectBd or CBm It will lbe power k BX%I’NWML 24 w~em Am seeCkming Chide. Propercare and cleaningare importantso yourrangewill giveyou efficient and satisfactoryservice.Followthesedirectionscarefullyin caringfor your range to assuresafe and propermaintenance. Theporcelainenamelcooktopis sturdybut breakable if misused.Thisfinishis acid-resistant.However,any food spillswith a high acid content(suchas hit juices, tomatoor vinegar)shouldnotbe permittedto remainon the finish. (onsomemodels) Somemodelshavea cooktopthatcanbe Iiiledup for easiercleaning.TOmakecleaningeasier,the entire cooktopmaybe lifted up and supportedin the up position. Be sameail surfaceunitsare turnedoff before raisingthe cooktop.Thereare two side supportsthat lockinto positionwhen the cooktopis liftedup. The Calrod@ unitsdo notneedto be removedbeforelifiing. After cleaningunderthe cooktopwith hot, mild soapy water and a cleancloth,lowerthe cooktop.Be careful not to pinchyour fingers. Tolower the cooktop,push the rods back and gently lowerthe cooktopuntilit rests in place. f!!?mrfkeunits am Drip Pans To clean the surfaceunits,turn the controlto the highestsettingfor a minute.The coilswillburn off any soil. CAUTION ~Do notimmersethesurfaceunitsin liquidsof anykind. eDo not cleanthe surfaceunitsin a dishwasher. *Do not bend the surfaceunitplug terminals. *Do not attemptto clean,adjustor in any way repair the plug-inreceptacle. Toremovethe drip pans for cleaning,the surfaceunits must be removedfirst. Surface Unit Fk3ceptacl DripPail Do not Hftthe surke unitmore than 1 inch. If you do,it may not.k? M on the drip pan when you plug it back in. Repeated Ming d’ the surface unitmore than 1 inch above the drip pan cm permanently dwnagethe rfeceptack. Toreplacea surfaceunit: ~Replacethe drip pan into tie recessin the cooktop. Make sure openingin the pan lines up with the receptacle. @Insert the terminalsof the surfaceunitthrough the openingin.the drip pan and into thereceptacle. ~Guidethe surfaceunit into place so it rests evenly. Q. Can I coverthe drip pans with foil? A. No, becauseusingfoil so closeto the receptacle couldcause shock,fire or damageto the range. See tiieCleaningGuidefor cleaningsuggestions. (continuednextpage) — -.“ Lift the surfaceunit about 1inch abovethe drip pan --- ad. pull it out. 25 (continued) ownvent The ovenis ventedthroughan openingunderthe right rear surfaceunit.Nevercoverthe openingwith aluminumfoil or any othermaterial.This would preventthe oven ventfrom workingproperly. SWf%’MX! I&Illp (onsomemodels) WhmII changinga cooktopk_uq9do not touch the IX&3]at the endsof the lanq3. The cooktoplightis easilyreplacedwitha fluorescent tubeof the samewattage.Beforechangingthe lamp, puHthe plugto the rangeor disconnectthe powerat the mainfhseor circuitbreakerpanel. Toremove: ~Lift the lampcover by pullingthe bottomedge towardyou and thenup. ~Placefingerson top neareach end of the lamp. ~Rollthe top of the lampgentlytowardthe frontof therangeand gentlypullthe lampfromthe socket, makingsureit does not hit the hunpcover. Toreplace: * place fingers on the top neareachend of the lamP. ~Pressthe lampinto the slotsuntilit smipsintoplace. eMovelampcoverdownand snapintoplace. Contrd Paneland Knobs Cleanup any spillsor spatterswith a damp cloth. Removeheaviersoil with warm, soapywater. Cleancontrolpanelwith mild liquiddish detergent and a soft cloth.Rub controlpanel lightly. CAUTION:Do not use abrasivesof any kind on the controlpanel.The letteringon modelswithtouchpads is sensitiveto abrasivesandpressure. The controlknobsmay be removedfor easier cleaning.Toremoveknob,pull it straightoff the stern. Washknobsin soap and water but do not soak. oven Door To REMOVEdoor,open to BROILposition,or where you feel the hingecatch. Hold the door sides, lift it up and away from the hinges. ToREPLACE,lineup the door with the hingesand push the door firmly into place. 26 ~F@~ ~tllll~ (onsomemodels) CAUTION:13f2forereplacing ym.w ovenkunphdb, disconnectthe electricpowerfor yourrangeat the mainfuse or circuitbreakerpanelor puii the plug. Be sureto let the lamp coverand bulb cool completelybeforeremovingor replacingthem.When in use, lightbulbscan becomewarm enoughto break if touchedwith a moistclothor towel.Whencleaning, avoidtouchingwarm lampswith cleaningclothsif the lampcoveris removed. Theovenlamp (bulb)is coveredwitha glass removablecoverwhichis heldin placewitha wire. Removethe ovendoor,if desired,to reachthe covereasily. Toremove: *Holdyourhandunderthe coverso it doesn’tfall whenreleased.Withfingersof the samehand,fiiy pushbackthe wireuntilit clearsthe cover.Lift off thecover. Do NOT REMOVE ANY SCxEwse oReplacebulb with40-watthomeappliancebulb. TOreplacecover: aPlaceit into the grooveof thelampreceptacle.Pull thewireforwardto the centerof coveruntilit snapsin place.Whenin place,the wireholdsthecoverfirmly. Be certainthe wireis in the depressioni:~thecenterdf the cover. IIIConnectelectricpowerto therange. Ekn’vtoRemovethe StorageDrawer or Kick Palld tomm under the Range \\ /\ The area under the range can be reachedeasily for cleaningby removingthe bottomdrawer(on some models).To remove,pull the drawerout all the way, tilt up the front and removeit. To replace,insertglides at the back of the drawerbeyondthe stop on range glides.Lift the drawerif necessaryto inserteasily.Let the front of the drawerdown,then push in to close. TOcleanunder modelswith a front kick panel, removethe panel by pullingit straightout at the bottom.To replacethe panel,first hook the top tabs on and then the bottomtabs. 2’7’ IR4Jin’ MATERIALSTO USE GENERALDIREC-TIONS Bakewit id Broil unit Do not cleanthe bakeunitor broilunit.Anysoilwill burnoff whenthe unitis heated, I?KNE:Thebakeunitis hingedandcanbe liftedgentlyto cleanthe ovenfloor.If spiilover,residue,or ash accumulatesaroundthebakeunit,gentlywipearoundthe unit withwarmwater. e Soapand Water Broiler Pan Drain fat, coolpan andrack slightly.(Donotlet soiledpan andrack standinovento ~Soap-FilledScouringPad cool.)Sprinkleon detergent.Fillthepanwithwarmwaterandspreaddampclothor paper andRack eDishwasher toweloverthe rack.Let pan andrack standfora few minutes.Wash;scourif necessary. Rinseand dry.CWTION:The broilerpanandrackmay alsobe cleanedin a dishwasher. DONOTCLEANIN SELF-CLEANING OVEN. Spattersandspillsburnawaywhenthe coilsareheated. ~~ ~()~ USECiiShW$’iSher Gird” Swfa!e to dean thesurfaceunitcoils. Atthe endof a meal,removeail pansfromthe Cairod@ wit coils unitandheatthe soiledunitsat HI.Let the soilbum off DO NOThandlethe unit beforecompletelycoded. abouta minuteandswitchthe unitsto OFF.Avoidgetting cleaningmaterialson the coils.Wipeoff anycleaning DO NOTimmerseplug-in materialswitha damppapertowelbefore heatingthe unitsin anykindOfliquid.. Cairod@ unit. Coa’ltrdKnobs: @MildSoapandWater Pull off knobs.Washgentlybut do not soak.Dryandreturncontrolsto range,making suretomatchflatareaontheknobandshaft. RangeTopandOven DO NIT USEsteelWOOi, To safelycleansurfaces:wash,rinse,andthenpolish Me@ ~SoapandWater ChromeSideTrims andTrim abrasiv%ammoni~acids witha drycloth. Orcommercial Ovencieaners. (MsideandInside @SoapandWater ofOvenDoor* DO NOT IJSBoven (MsideGiassFinish @SoapandWater OvenGasket* INSIDEOF DOOR:CleanONLYthe doorlineroutside the gasket.The dooris automaticallycleanedif the ovenis in the self-cleaningcycle.DO,NOTrub or damagegasket. Avoidgettingsoapandwateron thegasketor in the openingson thedoor.Rinsewell. IN(ITE:Soapleft on linercausesadditionalstainswhenovenis reheated. OUTSIDEOFDOOR:Use soapandwaterto thoroughly cleanthe top,sidesandfrontof theovendoor. Washallglasswithclothdampenedin soapywater.Rinseandpolishwitha drycloth.Ifknobs areremoved,do not allowwaterto rundowninsidethe surfaceof glasswhilec!eaning. AvoidgettingANYcleaningmaterialson the gasket. Coolbeforecleaning.‘Frequentwipingwithmildsoapand waterwill prolongthe time”— toavoiddditiod stahbg. betweenmajorcleanings.Be sure torinsethoroughly For heavysoiling,use yourself-cleaningcycleoften. If acidsshouldspillon the rangewhileit is hot, use a dry Ml NM’ USEoven papertowelor clothto wipeupright away.Whenthe cieaners,cieamdng surfacehas cooled,washandrinse.Forotherspills,such powdersOrharsh as fat smatterings,etc., washwithsoapand waterwhen abrasives.Thesemight scratchthe surface. cooledandthenrinse.Polishwitha dm cloth. cleaners9cleansing powdersor hwh abrasives. I OvenLiner ~Soapand Water PoreeiainEnamel andPainted Surfaces* 0PaperTowel Drycloth DSoapandWater I%rceiainEmunei DripPans DAmmonia Porcelaindrip panscanbe cleanedin dishwasheror by hand.Placethemin a covered ~Soap-FilledScouringPad container(orplasticbag) with 1/4cup ammoniato loosensoil.Thenscrubwithscouring pad if necessaxy. $~~]y’~ oSoapandWater ~Self-CleanCycle For heavysoil,the shelvescanbe cleanedduringthe self-cleancycle.They willchange to a deep graycolorand will not slideas easilyas beforeself-cleaning.Tomakethem slidemoreeasily,use yourfingersto applya littlebit of cookingoil to the sidesof the shelfwherethey contactthe shelfsupports. @Soapand Water For cleaning,removedrawerby pullingit all the wayopen,tilt up the frontand lift out. “ Wipewithdampclothor spongeandreplace.Neveruse harshabrasivesor scouringpads. (SeeSelf-Cleaning OvenDirections) Mm-ageDrawer ● *Spillageof marinades,fruitjuices,tomatosaucesandbastingmaterialscontainingacidsmaycausediscoloration.Spiiioversshouldbe wipedup immediatdv. theoven.Whenthe surfaceis cool.cleanand rinse. .—— , —.,, withcarebeingtakennotto touchanyhotwxtionof . . Read these imtmctims Compk?tely ad Carddy. save these instrwtions for the local ekctrid inspector%mm (MEmwE ALL 1?4”spacing is recommended fromthe rangeto adjacentverticalwallsabovecooktopsurface. Allow30”minimum clearance between wu-face units and bottom of unprotected wood or metal top cabinet, and 15”minimum between countertop and adjacent cabinet bottom. To eliminate the risk of burns or fire by reaching over heated surface units, cabinet storage space above the surface units should be avoided. If cabinet storage is to be provided, the risk can be reduced by installing a range hood that projects horizontally a min. of 5“ beyond the bottom of the cabinets. mm m Nm m mm-R: L@mi? these in-dons witht-heapphw!e!dk?r instition isfcompktede ~m m iifk~pti~ u~~ f3d care Guide and Installation h3tlTlctions for future use. NOTLESSTHAN WIDTHOF RANGE I I 1, 1< Channellockpliersor smallratchetwrench with 7/32” socket (for leveling range) clwrxm, FOR $MJ?EFY: Do Nor Wm AN 13XTENSION CORDm THIS13LPPmcE. IFUSE OROPEN I?EMKER Im?cMtEBEGImING mmmmoNe This appliancemustbe suppliedwiththe proper voltage andfkquency,andcomectedtoan individual, properlygroundedbranchcircuit protectedbya circuitbreakerortimedelayfuse,as mted ontheratingplate. Wiringmustconformto NationalElectricCodes. Iftie electricserviceprovideddoesnotmeetthe abovespecifications, itisrecomend~d thata 1 I / Y’ MIN. I I INSTALL OUTLETBOX W~LL ONEITHER . SIDEOF Q u L -9+,,,. II 4 (h ~1=RANf2F :-’ “’’”-- I BOX--J licensedelectricianinstallan approvedoutiet Becauserangeterminalsarenotaccessibleallw rangeisinposition,flexibleserviceconduitorcord mustbe used. Anti-TipBracket ~w (installin eitherrearcorner) (cmthwed next@ge) 29 — mSTmLAnON,mSTRUCTEONS ‘. ~,.,,, ,- ! !:.,. ‘ ‘.(tiqntinued) .,~ . ,>. , . ,’ Fkmil’lgIJmk?rthe Range Your range, like many other household items, isheavy and can settle into soft floor c0vf3@&3such as cushioned vinyl or carpdin~e When movingthe range on this type of flooring, use care, and followthese simple and inexpensive instructions. The range should be installed on a 1/4 inch thick sheet of ply-wood(or similar material) as follows: when the floor coveting ends at the j’lwnto~tlw range, the area that the rangewillrest on should be builtup withplywoodto the samelevelor higherthan the floorcovering.Thiswillallow the rangeto be movedforcleaningor servicing. ~ I J Power Cord Im&dMiom4nsert screws throughpowercordterminalsso that the screws passthroughconnectorblockterminalsand engagenuts.Tightenscrewssecurely. SCREW+ POWERCORD RINGTERMINAL 9 &/ + >? + & CONNECTOR BLOCK TERMINAL ~ m&R ~~~ABLE I Cable Direct I@a.Mien-Ckunp bare wires betweenthe connectorblockterminalsand movablenutswithscrewstightenedsecurely 1. copper wiring .. Use on~ya 3-conductor,or if required a 4 conductor range cord set as noted below.These cord sets are provided with ring type terminals. The electrical rating of the cord must be 125/250 volts minimum, 40 amperes. NOTE: Only a 4-conductor cord is to be used when the appliance is installed in a mobile home or where local codes do not permit grounding through the neutral. 3 1. Locate connector Mock at the bottom rear of range and ‘Eemoverear wiring cover. 2. Directly below the connector block is a hole with a knockout ring for accommodating conduit fittings. Brackets provided are used to support the flexible cord strain relief, which must be securely attached to the cord set. b ~ ;~;: + $? i ~ MOVABLE NUT~ SCREW -CONNECTOR BLOCK TERMINAL s \ & 1 FLEXIBLE CABLE Connect the neutral or grounded wire of the supply circuit to the neutral terminal of the connector block, located in the center. The power leads must be connected to the outside (brass colored) terminals. TOR STRAIN RELIEF ‘PFIOVIDECIWIT iET. NOT PART coNNEmR 13UXK 1s im%KwED Fat ‘COPPER VVn?E ONLY’. )2. AkmBinUmr!i A Connectlengthofcopperbuildingwireto rangeterminalblock. B. Splicecopperwiresto ahminum wiringusing specialconnectorsdesignedand U.L.approved forjoiningcopperto aluminum,andfollowthe connectormanufacturer’srecommended procedureclosely NOTE:Wireused,locationand enclosureof splices,etc.,must conformto goodwiring practiceandlocalcodes. 1. Rangemustbe securedbyANTI-TIPbracket supplied. 2. Seeinstructionsto install(suppliedwith bracket). 3. Unlessproperlyinstalled,rangecouldbe tippedby steppingor sittingon door.Injury mightresultffornspilledhot liquidsor from rangeitself. Typicalinstallatim ofAnti-Tipbracket Attachmentto Wall Bracket !5 Frame groundedto neutralofappliance through a link.Ifused in a MOBILEHOMEor ifLOCALCODESdo notpermitgrounding throughthe neutral: 1) disconnectthe l.inkfromneutral, 2) use groundingterminalor leadto ground 1unitin accordancewith~oc~codes,~d 3) connectneutralterminalor leadto branch circuitin usualmanner. (Ifthe applianceis to be connectedby means ofa cord set, use 4-conductorcord ScrewMust Enter W?/mdoriWeta/ \ 1 WVaflFYate 7 The rangemustbe leveLLevelingfeetare located at eachcorner ofthe base ofthe range.Remove the storagedraweror kickpanei (dependingon yourmodel)andusingchannellocks,rotatethe levelimfeetin and out as reauiredto levelthe range.-(or instructionsonhhwto removeand replacethe storagedraweror the kickpanel,see the CleaningUnderthe Rangesectionin Care andCleaning.)On somemodels,there are plastic coverswhichmaybe removedforeasy adjustment(justsqueezeandpull). Oneofthe rear levelingfeetwillengagethe .. ANTI-TIPbracket (allowfor somesideto side adjustment).Allow=a minimumclearanceof I/$tf betweenthe range andthe levelingfootthat is to be instded intothe ANTI-TIPbracket. Checkthe rangeforproperinstdation intothe ANTI-TIPbracket (afterthe ramzehas been properlyinstalled)by grasping&e edges ofthe REARburner holesand carefullyattemptingto tiltthe rangeforward. I I 6 ANANTI-TIPbracketis supp&xlwithinstructions forinstallationin a varietyoflocations.The instructionsincludea template,a parts listanda listoftoolsnecessaryto completethe installation. Readthe HVHWRTANT SAFHYDHHU.J(310NS andthe.instructionsthat fityoursituationbefore beginninginstdkitkm. 8 Be sure allswitchesare in the “off”position beforeleavingthe range. CWENWILL Ncm WORK OVENLIGHT DOES LK.WT (cmn’dekso >. ‘ ‘ ~ ~‘“: ~ - equipgieq) ‘ .=, -, ~ L@t bulb isloose or defective.Tightenor repla=. *$.wit@operatingoven lightis broken.Callf& service. ~uores~ent lap is loose or defective.Adjustor replace. ~~r~ssswitchfor 2“sec~ndsc If lampdoes.not come Oi2, repeat. ~ ~ SwitchoperatingIigbtis broken.Callfor service: —- . ~ *A~n&n~mfoil.beingused improperlyin oven. ~Ovenventblocked6ntopofrange., *~~ge Or oven ~~elfpotleveL @Ip$otiectc@&re-being used.Ch&k-BakingGuidefbrcookware ,. tips. ,~Clock set incorrectly.. ‘. ‘COOkiIIg Secti&n. . ~Con~o]s& inc<~fie~tly+ Revieweach .. ,. . QJShelf p@tion is -~ficorrect.Check Bt@g9 Wasting and.Broiling G~ides, NOT Imm.4 ‘ :‘ ..., .- @(XM@I$M1’knob not set at ~~o~~. ~ ‘“ - . * (X7EN ~MP l&ob not set at H?CNL. - , ‘ ~~ool. not left ajaras retiorn~enckxi.. ‘ -, ,, ~ Impropershelfpositionbeingused. CheckBroilingGuide. NOT ROASTOR BAKE “ ~Food &beingcookedon hot pan. .. *Cookwareis not suitedfor broiling.’ ~Aluminumfoil used on the broil‘panrack has not betmfittedpro~erly !. ahd slit as recommended. ,$ ,. ., e OVEN SET kIIOb notset atBAKE. ~.~~~N ~Mp knobnotsetcorrectly. , ~Shelfpositionis iiitiorrect.ChedkRoastingor BakingGuide. ,. *Oven shelfnot level. @Incorrectcookwareor cookwareof impropersizeis beingused. @A foil tent was not usedwhen neededto slow downbrowningduringroasting. CWEN T’Cx3H(IT cmTOO COLD. ~Clventhermostatneeds adjustment,See ThermostatAdjustmentsection. CAUSE CLOCK A-ND TIIMERDo NOT’WORK * hf~e SUre the ekixtricalplugis pluggedintoalive, prOperly~~unded poweroutlet. *Checkfor power outage. *Review C3mtrd, Clock and Timer section of this book. OVEN V?mL Nor SHJw’mMN OVEN mm VvILL Nor -U’!NLOCK OWN Nor CLEAN CYCLE Z4.FTER CUL4N “door” APPEARS ON DEWLAY isremindingyou to enter a bake temp&@lUd..< “ ., . ... - . . .’. ~. ,. , ‘ , . , !-. .“~,?. . ‘,1 . .! -,,,‘ ,,~ comfx 13mx AFrm ImmRD?w OVEN ‘1’mf.E OR STOPTIME * This ‘T-” AND A mwm ~If the time displayflashes“F-” and a number,y“buhavefunctionerror codia ~ Press CLEARKX?F.Allowovento coolfor one homlIf the failurecoderepeats,, di~~~~ect~1 powerto the range.Call for servide. ‘ ~,, - , FLASH ONDISPLAY If you needmom! Jheqhedl,M GE Answer Cmk?l-” cww.mer , -, 2- ., ,’ .,‘.. . ~ free: service 33 your question about any GE major appliance, GE Answer &nte@ information service is available to help. Your call-and your question— will be answered promptly and courteously And you can call ally time. GE Answer Gente@ service is open 24 hours a da% days a week. Whatever AGE Gonstmer Service professiord will provide expert repair service, schedt.ded at a time that’s cormmient for you. Many GE Consumer Service company-operated locations offer you service today or tomorrow, or at your corwenience (’?:00am. to %00 p.m. weekda~ 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturdays). Our factory-trained technicians know your appliance inside and outso most repairs can be handled in just one visit. Youcan have the securefeelingthat GE Consumer %-vice will still be there after your warranty ex@-es. Pt.n-chse a GE contract while your wa= rarity is still in effect and you’ll receive a substantial discount. TVitb.a rnuitipleyear contract, you’re assured of fiture service at today’s prices. 7rT7° 4“ TelecommunicationDevicefor the Deaf Idividu.ds qudifkd to servicetheir owma@itmces can have needed parts or accessories sent directly to their home. The GE parts system provides access to over 4’7,000parts.. and all IGEGenuine Renewal Parts are fi..dlywarranted. VISA, MasterCard and ~iscovercardsare accepted. Usermaintemmcekstietions containedin thisbookletcoverproce= dumshtended to be peribmedby any tniwr. Other shouldbe E%&?md to”” vicepersomei. CkN.RtioMR mustbe since impmp?r servicing qxmtim. RKmisd, may came ImL!id’e Upon reques~ GE will provide Braille controls for a variety of GE appliances, and a brochure to phrming a barrier--free kitchen for persons with limited mobility TOobtain these items, free of charge, call 800.626.2?000,. Consumers with impaired hearing or speech who have access to a TD.D or a corwentioml t.elet~evn-iter may Cd 800-TDD-G.EFK (860-833-4322) to request imfix-matior]or service. . .. ..—.——— . ——.—”. GE WARRANTY Skiveproofof originalpurchasedate such as yoursalesslip or cancelledcheckto establishwarrantyperiod. F For oneyearfrom dateof original purchase,we wili provide,free of charge,park andservicelabor in your hometo repairor replace any part d the range that fails becauseof a manufacturing defect. This warrantyis extendedto the originalpurchaserandany succeedingmvner for prcducts purchased for ordinaryhomeuse in the 48 rnainkmdstates,Hawaii and Washington,DC. InAlaskathe warrantyis the sameexceptthat it is !JMITHI becauseyou mustpay to shipthe productto the service shopor for the servicetechnician’s travelcoststo your home. AMwarrantyservicewiil be providedby our FactoryService Centersor by our authorized CustomerCare@ servicersduring normalworki’nghours. Lookin the Whiteor MMowPages of your telephonedirectoryfor GENERALE3S2TFW COMPANY, ELECTRICFIVXXN’ GENERAL SERVICE,GHflWWLELECTRICHOTPOINTFACTORYSERVKX or GENEFL4LELECTRIC WSKNVER cAFE@sERvlcE. oServicetripsto your hometo teachyou howto usethe product. Readyour Useand Care If you then haveany questions aboutoperatingthe productplease contactyourdealeror our ConsumerAffairsofficeat the addressbelow,or call,toll free: GE AnswerCenteP 800.626.2000 consumerinformationsewice @Improperinstallation. Hyou havean installationproblem, contactyourdealeror installer. Youare responsiblefor providing adequateelectrical,gas,exhausting and otherconnectingfacilitiesas describedin the installation Instructionsprovidedwiththe product. @Replacementcdhousefusesor resettingof circuitbreakers. ~Failureof the productif it is used for otherthan its intendedpurpose or usedcommercially. , * Damageto productcaused by accident,fire, floodsor acts of (3M. VVARRANTC)R H NOT f?lX31XXVslBLEFC)FI CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES Somestates do not aliowthe exclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages,so the abovelimitationor exclusion maynotapplyto you.Thiswarrantygivesyouspecificlegalrights,andyou mayalsohaveotherrightswhichva~ fromstateto state. Toknowwhatyour!egalrightsare in yourstate,consultyourlocalor stateconsumeraffairsofficeor yourstate’sAttorneyGeneral. Ek?ctrlc M fWWUevhelp !!s this AHW”S, GE WB4te: KY .
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : Yes Creator : Acrobat Capture 1.0 Create Date : 1995:09:22 06:25:12 Producer : Acrobat PDFWriter 2.01 for Windows Title : 1.0 Author : Glenn Gernert Subject : Modify Date : 1998:12:22 08:28:36 Page Count : 34 Page Mode : UseOutlinesEXIF Metadata provided by