General Dynamics Broand P1DKF2 Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual P1D

General Dynamics Broadband, Inc. Wireless Broadband Modem P1D


User Manual

 Copyright IP Wireless 2003 – October 2003 – Version 0.1     PP11DD  WWiirreelleessss  BBrrooaaddbbaanndd  MMooddeemm    UUSSEERR  MMAANNUUAALL
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 2 of 46 - NOTICE Information  in  this  document  and  the  products  described  are  subject  to change  without  notice.    IP  Wireless  offers  this  manual  with  no  warranty, either explicit or implied.  Reproduction, alteration, or distribution in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of IPWireless Inc., is strictly forbidden.  Trademarks  used  in  this  text:  the  IPWireless  logo,  icon,  and  Wireless Broadband Modem are trademarks of IPWireless, Inc.; Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.  Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to  either  the  entities  claiming  the  marks  and  names  or  their  products. IPWireless, Inc., disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 3 of 46 -  CONTENTS  SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION  5 Safety Guidelines for Power Connection  5 Safety Guidelines for the P1D Wireless Broadband Modem  5 Exposure to Radio Frequency Signals  6 Care and Cleaning Guidelines  6 Pack Contents  7 SECTION 2 – GETTING STARTED  8 Key Areas on Your Wireless Broadband Modem  8 Required Equipment  10 SECTION 3 – INSTALLATION AND REGISTRATION 11 Prepare the P1D Modem for use  11 Find the best radio signal  12 Install the software on your computer  13 Connect the interface cable to your computer  14  USB Cable Connection 14  Ethernet LAN Cable Connection 14 Perform Registration  14 Microsoft Windows Operating System Patches  16 Windows Internet Configuration Setting  16 SECTION 4 – CONNECT TO THE INTERNET 17 APPENDIX A – TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS 21 Troubleshooting Tips  21 APPENDIX B – BATTERY INFORMATION 26 Internal Battery  26 Battery Safety Guidelines  26 APPENDIX C – FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 27 Q. WHERE CAN I FIND A COVERAGE MAP? 27 Q. HOW DO I CHANGE MY SERVICE LEVEL? 27
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 5 of 46 -  Section 1 – Introduction Before using your Wireless Broadband Modem  for the first time, please  read and  follow  all warnings, safety, care, cleaning and operating instructions on the Wireless Broadband Modem label and in this guide.  These guidelines will help protect your Wireless Broadband Modem from potential damage and ensure your personal safety. Safety Guidelines for Power Connection Danger - Do not place or use the P1D Wireless Broadband Modem near any body of water. Accidental immersion can result in electric shock. Danger -  Never alter the  AC  adapter  or plug. If the plug will  not fit into the electrical outlet without force, contact a qualified electrician to install a proper outlet. Connect the AC adapter to 120V or 230V electrical outlets only. To disconnect the unit from mains power, remove the AC adapter from the wall socket. To reduce the risk of damage, always remove each end of the power cable by pulling the plug rather than the cable. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cable. Do not position the power cable in any area where people will step on it. Do not use the P1D Modem if the power cable becomes frayed or damaged in any way.  Do not overload the power outlet. Power overloads are often caused by too many electrical devices connected by extension cords and can result in electric shock or fire. See Appendix B for important safety information about the internal battery. Safety Guidelines for the P1D Wireless Broadband Modem  Do not attempt to disassemble the Wireless Broadband Modem; doing so may expose you to unsafe conditions. The Wireless Broadband Modem does not contain consumer serviceable components.  Service  should  be  performed  by  the  Service  Provider  Service  Center  only. Contact Service Provider Customer Service to find the nearest Service Centre. Position the Wireless Broadband Modem so that it is protected from falling objects. Do not allow liquids to spill on or into the Wireless Broadband Modem. Do not expose the Wireless Broadband Modem to extreme heat (over 131° F/+55°C) or cold (under 14° F/-10°C) temperatures. Do not leave the Wireless Broadband Modem in a motor vehicle parked in direct sunlight for more than fifteen minutes.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 6 of 46 - Do not expose the P1D Modem to open flames. Switch  your  P1D  Modem  off  when  near  medical  equipment,  fuel,  chemicals,  a  potentially explosive atmosphere such as a gasoline station, or when in an area in which blasting is in progress.  Also, switch it off before boarding an aircraft.  Follow any other rules, regulations, or posted notices that apply to the use of electronic or radio equipment. Before using the P1D Modem near a pacemaker or similar device, consult a physician or the device manufacturer for more information.  In any event, do not use the P1D Modem within 8" (20 cm) of a pacemaker or similar device.  Do not use the P1D Modem when you need to pay attention to other activities.  For example, never use it while driving or while supervising or operating machinery.  The  P1D  Modem,  like  any  other  wireless  communications  device,  cannot  guarantee  a connection in all circumstances.  Do not rely on it for matters where a connection is essential. Exposure to Radio Frequency Signals The  following  information  includes  important  safety  guidelines  regarding  exposure  to  radio frequency  (RF)  signals  and  the  use  of  electronic  devices  as  determined  by  the  Federal Communications Commission (FCC).  Your P1D modem is a low power radio transmitter and receiver. When it is ON, it receives and also sends out RF signals. The FCC has adopted RF exposure guidelines with safety levels for wireless  cellular  devices.  The  FCC  guidelines  are  consistent  with  the  safety  standards previously set by the U.S.  and international standards bodies: American National Standards Institute  -  ANSI  C95.1  (1992);  National  Council  on  Radiation  and  Measurements  -  NCRP Report 86 (1986);  International  Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation  Protection  -  ICNIRP (1996).  If you use the modem in accordance with these guidelines, the level of RF exposure will fall within the FCC guidelines and the standards previously identified. To comply with the FCC RF exposure rules, the P1D modem has been evaluated against the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits defined in Section 1.1310 of the FCC rules for the uncontrolled environment. During normal operation, the modem should be kept a minimum distance of 20cm (8 inches) away from the user and other persons to ensure compliance with the MPE limits. Care and Cleaning Guidelines Use a clean soft cloth, slightly moistened with water, and wipe the outside surface of the Modem only. Do not use aerosol sprays, solvents, or abrasives when cleaning your P1D Modem. These items may scratch the surface or damage the interior components of the Modem. To avoid the risk of damage, always switch off  P1D Modem and unplug the AC power adapter from the  wall power socket before cleaning them.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 7 of 46 -  Avoid dropping, shaking or striking the P1D Modem.  This may damage its components. Never remove the battery or the SIM/USIM card (if fitted) whilst the P1D Wireless Broadband Modem is powered on, this may cause misoperation of the unit and damage to the SIM/USIM card Pack Contents The following items are included in the Wireless Broadband Modem package: Quick Start Guide A printed Quick-start guide to the P1D Wireless Broadband Modem, for those with experience of similar products. Computer Interface Cable A computer interface cable is included with P1D Modem.  The type of computer interface cable will either be USB or Ethernet. Use  the  computer  interface  cable  to  connect  the  Modem  to  your  computer.  If needed, refer to your computer manual for the location of a USB or Ethernet port.  AC Power Adapter The AC power adapter provides power to the P1D Modem. The power adapter plugs into a 120V or 230V AC power outlet. The pin end of the power cable plugs into the power jack located on the side of the Modem. Do not use any power adapter other than the one provided with your P1D Modem.  Installation CD The installation CD includes all the necessary software needed to operate the P1D Modem.  This  includes operating system patches, TCP configuration files and  this User Manual. External Stand The  external  stand  is  provided  for  desktop  or  wall-mount  installation  of  the  P1D Modem.   Other Informational Material Your  P1D  Modem  packaging  may  contain  additional  informational  material pertaining for instance  to  the  use  of  the  Modem  within  your  service area.  Please review all such information carefully before using the P1D Modem.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 8 of 46 - Section 2 – Getting Started Key Areas on Your Wireless Broadband Modem  Figure 1 below identifies key areas on the P1D Modem. Please review this information before you begin the installation.  Figure 1 - Key areas on your P1D Wireless Broadband Modem    Figure 2 – Top panel on your P1D Wireless Broadband Modem  Power On/Off Press the power button for one second to turn the modem on. The indicator is lit when the unit is on and the self-test completed successfully.  If the indicator is flashing it means that the battery is less than 50% charged, this will revert a steady indication once the battery is charged to greater than 50%.  Connection Status Indicator The single green LED shows the connection status. The green LED will be illuminated when you are connected to the data network.  When you on present on the network but not connected, the indicator will flash.  Power Button  Transmit & Receive Indicator  (2 Amber LEDs)  Connection Status Indicator  (1 Green LED)   Power On/Off  (1 RED LED) Power socket PC interface cable socket On/Off switch Connection and activity indicators Rear access panel to removable battery and SIM or USIM (option) Rear connector for external patch antenna (option) (See inset below)  Transmit & Receive Indicator   Connection Status Indicator  (1 Green LED)   Power On/Off  (1 RED LED) On/Off switch with indicator Connection status Signal strength indicators Traffic activity
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 9 of 46 -     Signal strength indicators  These two green indicators show signal level.  They are off when there is no signal present.  They will flash together when a signal is detected from the network during the connection stage of accessing the network. Once connected they will be steady.  Activity This amber indicator is off when there is no traffic and flashing when there is data traffic passing through.  Power socket The pin end of the power cable plugs into the DC power socket located on the side of the P1D Modem.  PC interface cable socket The 20-pin connector on the USB or Ethernet cable plugs into the PC interface connector on the side of the P1D modem.   The other end plugs into a USB or Ethernet connection as appropriate on your PC.  Rear access panel to battery and SIM/USIM The panel at the rear may be removed to access the battery and the SIM/USIM soc ket.  Before doing anything else, fit the SIM or USIM card if one was provided.  Note that the gold  contacts  go  face  down.    Then  fit  the  battery  ensuring  that  the  battery  contacts engage with the contacts on the P1D Modem.  Refit the cover. Stand/Mounting bracket (not shown) The plastic stand/mounting bracket is supplied.  This may act as a stand by placing it on a flat surface and slotting P1D Modem into it. Alternatively it may be used as a wall bracket, to use fix the bracket securely to the wall and slide the P1D modem into it from about half –way down its length.  Antenna socket If it found that signal is poor and intermittent then you may benefit from the use of the optional external patch antenna.  This antenna is purchased separately from your supplier and the cable provided with the antenna plugs into the socket on the rear of the P1D modem provided for this purpose.  The P1D modem will automatically switch to using the new antenna.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 10 of 46 - Required Equipment To  install  and  use  your Wireless  Broadband  Modem,  you  will  need  the  following  computer configuration:   Computer:  Desktop or laptop PC  Pentium-class  II  processor  or  greater  (300  MHz  or  higher recommended), or equivalents.   Operating Systems Supported   Microsoft Windows 98 (SE),   Microsoft Windows ME,   Microsoft Windows 2000 (Administrative privileges required)   Microsoft Windows XP Home (Administrative privileges required)   Microsoft  Windows  XP  Professional  (Administrative  privileges required)    Memory  Minimum 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM (128 MB recommended)    Connector  USB port, or  Ethernet port (LAN application only)   Display:  VGA  or  Super  VGA  (recommended)  monitor  with  the  following settings:   Screen resolution set to at least 800 x 600    Free disk space required:   20 megabytes (MB) free in the target directory (minimum)  40 megabytes (MB) for future software upgrades   Internet Browsers:  Internet Explorer v5.0 or later  Netscape Communicator v4.73
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 11 of 46 -  Section 3 – Installation and Registration This chapter explains how to install the hardware, software, register your user information, and operate your P1D Wireless Broadband Modem.  The instructions are split into the following sub-sections:   Prepare the P1D Modem for use   Find the Best Radio Signal   Install the Computer Software    Connect the Cable between the Modem and the Computer   Perform On-line Registration Prepare the P1D Modem for use Unpack the unit and ensure all the parts are there (see section 2). Remove the rear cover on the P1D modem and fit the small SIM/USIM card (if provided).  First carefully  break  out  the  small  section  from  the  main  credit-card  sized  body.  The  break-out section is known as a “small SIM card”, the type used by most mobile phones and by the P1D modem.  Note, not all service providers will supply a SIM or USIM card.  If one is not provided then it is likely that one is not needed in the particular network setup for your service provider.  Do not fit any other SIM card if one is not provided as this will prevent the P1D Modem from working.   Fit the battery and replace the rear cover.  Insert the P1D Modem in the stand in the stand provided, if used.  Plug in the PC interface cable into the side of the P1D modem, do not plug the other end into your PC at this stage.  Plug in power supply connector into the side of the Modem and then fit the power pack unit into an appropriate wall socket.  SIM/USIM card as supplied Break out section
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 12 of 46 - Note:  Before connecting your P1D Modem to a power source, you may want to consider using a power surge protector. A surge protector is designed to protect electronic devices from electrical surges and lightning strikes that may damage your computer or modem. If you do not have a surge protector and would like to use one, contact your local computer or electronics retailer for further details.  Switch on the P1D Modem by pressing the On/Off switch on the top panel of the P1D for approximately 1 second.  The On indicator will illuminate after the self test (see below).  If the light is blinking this indicates your battery is charged to 50% or less of its capacity and is being charged.  The indicator will stop change to a steady state when the charge level reached greater than 50%.  Even when this happen the battery will continue to be charged to full capacity for as long as the power unit is plugged and switched. Note that the P1D will operate from the battery alone for a period of time (see the specifications section later in this manual), but it is recommended that the Modem is powered from the supplied power unit whenever possible. Find the best radio signal 1.  When first powered one, your Wireless Broadband Modem will perform a short self-test  that  will  last  for  approximately  four  seconds.  The  P1D  Modem  will automatically  search  for  the  best  radio  signal  available.  An  adequate  signal strength  is  shown  by  the  indicators  glowing  constantly,  if  there  is  no  signal then the indicators will be off.  If there is a strong signal the indicators may be fully  on.  The  integrated  antenna  is  directional  so  in  order  to  obtain  a sufficiently strong  signal  it may  be  necessary  to  rotate  the  modem  slowly  in the  horizontal  plane  in  order  to  get  sufficient  signal  to  cause  the  signal strengthindicators to go fro flashing to steady state.  (Placing the Modem next to a window can often result in an increased signal level).  The stronger the signal the higher the maximum achievable data transfer rate.  (If you cannot obtain a useable signal, refer to the troubleshooting section in Appendix A.)  Rotate the Modem until the strongest available signal is received, as shown by the top panel indicators.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 13 of 46 -  2. The  Modem  will  „search‟  for  a  base  station,  in  a  manner  similar  to  a  cellular phone. Whilst the modem is searching, the Connect indicator on the top panel will flash.  When the Modem is connected the indicator will become steady. You  are  now  ready  to  install  the  Connection  Software.  Note:  Install  the Connection Software before connecting the Computer Interface Cable.  Install the software on your computer The  Connection  Software  uses  an  online  wizard that  will guide you through  the  installation process. You will be asked to make selections on some of the installation screens.  Please  be sure that your  computer meets the minimum  requirements  before  you begin the installation.  1.  Close all programs that may be running on your PC and then insert the CD into the CD-ROM  drive  on  your  computer.  The  Windows  operating  system  should  detect the CD and start the installation program. If the installation program does not start automatically, open Windows Explorer or My Computer and select your CD drive to view  the  contents  of  the  CD.  Double-click  the  „Setup.exe‟ program  to  begin  the installation.  The  wizard  will  now  guide  you  through  the  installation  screens described  on  the following  pages.  Follow the  on-screen  prompts  to  complete  the installation.  2. License  Agreement  Screen  -  The  use  of  the  Wireless  Broadband  Modem  is subject  to  acceptance  of  the  License  Agreement.  Scroll  through  the  display window to read the entire agreement. The installation of the  Connection Software will  proceed  only  if  you  accept  the  License  Agreement.  If  you  want  a  printed version  of  the  License Agreement, use the  Print  function  on your  browser  before you click the „Accept‟ button. Click „Accept‟ to continue. 3. Copying  Files  Screen  -  All  installation  options  have  now  been  made  and  the InstallShield Wizard will copy the necessary files to your computer. 4. Installing the Modem Driver Files. The installation will  now  copy the necessary modem  driver  files  to  your  computer,  so  that  the  PC  will  detect  the  Wireless Broadband Modem when you connect  the  computer interface cable. A  number  of information/warning boxes will be displayed, indicating the progress of the modem driver  installation.  The  final  information  box  will  prompt  you  to  connect  the computer interface cable to the Wireless Broadband Modem and your computer. Note:  The Wireless Broadband Modem is supplied with third party software which is installed during the installation, see Appendix I for details. Removal of these products will stop Wireless Broadband Modem from working.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 14 of 46 - Connect the interface cable to your computer There  are  two  possible  cable  connections  supported  by  the  Wireless  Broadband Modem, USB or Ethernet LAN.  USB Cable Connection When prompted to by the installation software, connect the supplied PC interface cable  between  the  P1D  Modem  interface  socket  and  a  USB  socket  on  your  PC (refer to your computer manual to identify a suitable USB socket). When  the  USB  cable  is  connected  at  both  ends  and  the  P1D  Modem  has  been powered as described in previous sections, then your computer operating system should  detect  that  new  hardware  has  been  added  and  automatically  load  the appropriate driver software through the Microsoft Windows Plug and Play function. The plug and play function adds the Wireless Broadband Modem to your PC and may  take  approximately  1  minute  to  complete.    During  this  time,  a  number  of messages will display confirming that new hardware has been found and that the software for the Wireless Broadband Modem is being detected.  Ethernet LAN Cable Connection When prompted to by the installation software, connect the supplied PC interface cable between the P1D Modem interface socket and a network interface socket on your  PC  (refer  to  your  computer  manual  to  identify  a  suitable  network  interface socket). Unlike USB, your computer operating system will not detect that new hardware has been added.  If  the  computer  and  the  Modem  experience  problems  communicating  please ensure that the computer has configured the Ethernet Port into which the Modem is  connected  to  be  10  Mbps  Half  Duplex.  Refer  to  your  computer  manual  or computer supplier on how to do this. Perform Registration You  are  now  ready  to  register  your user information.   Please note:  You  can  complete the registration process at a later time; however User Registration is not optional.  You must  register in  order to create  a  username  and  password,  register  your  account  and payment information, and receive software and modem upgrades.   (Note  if  a  SIM  or  USIM  card  has  been  fitted  then  a  username  and  password  will  not  be required and the process will be slightly different.  This manual assumes that no SIM/USIM card is fitted.) The registration process takes  place on-line using an internet browser that must already be installed  on  your  computer.    Typically,  the  browser  might  be  Microsoft  Internet  Explorer  or Netscape Navigator.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 15 of 46 -  The only requirements are that you have a default browser installation, and that your browser is  capable  of  accepting  „cookies‟.    If  you  have  disabled  cookies,  you  need  to  enable  them before  registration.  If  you  wish,  you  may  disable  receipt  of  cookies  after  registration.  See Frequently  Asked  Questions  (FAQs)  in  Appendix  C  for  instructions  on  how  to  set  cookie preferences on your browser. 1. To  Continue  with  Registration  Now  -  Make  sure  that  there  is  a  checkbox  is selected to the left of Connect To The Internet and then click „Next >‟.  2.  The  Wireless  Broadband  Modem  Dialler  application  will  then  automatically  start.  The application will communicate with the Wireless Broadband Modem and after a short  delay  (23-30  seconds)  it  will  attempt  to  establish  a  wireless  internet connection.    The  default  Internet  browser  will  be  automatically  launched  and  will automatically display your Service Providers Customer Registration web page. Note: If a connection cannot  be made, the Connection Software will  timeout and display a  message  indicating  that the connection failed.  If this happens, see the Troubleshooting Tips in Appendix A.  3.  To create a new account via your Service Providers Customer Registration web page follow the on-screen instructions.  4.  When  you  have  created  a  new  account,  close  the  Internet  Browser  session (Click the  Windows  close  icon (x)  in  the  upper  right corner  of  the screen to close the browser software). 5.  Upon  closing  the  Internet  Browser  session,  the Wireless  Broadband  Modem Dialler  application  will  then  automatically  disconnect  the  wireless  internet connection.    The  Wireless  Broadband  Modem  Dialler  application  will  then attempt  to  read the  cookies  returned from  the Service  Providers  registration server to the PC.  There will be a short delay of about10 seconds, after which the  Wireless  Broadband  Modem  Dialler  application  will  indicate  if  the registration has been successful before the application automatically closes. 6.  Click Finish to exit the installation program. 7.  You are now ready to connect to the Internet. Once the registration  has completed the Installation Wizard  will finish. The software should now  be  installed  with  your  computer  having  the  following  entries  listed  from  the  Start->Programs menu bar.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 16 of 46 - Microsoft Windows Operating System Patches IP Wireless Broadband Modems can work at high data speeds, to achieve these rates may require  a  Windows  Operating  System  patch  to  be  applied.    The  installation  software  will determine if any operating system patch is needed and it is recommended that the Windows operating system patch is applied if required. At the end of the Windows Operating System  patch installation, a window will be displayed stating that the computer needs to be rebooted for the patch to take effect, select “No”.  You will reboot the PC at then end of the installation process.  Windows Internet Configuration Setting Again, due to the high data speeds that the P1D Wireless Broadband Modem can work at, in order to achieve these rates will require that some TCP/IP settings are modified to take full advantage of this high rate. These  settings  will  only  be  used  by  the  operating  system  the  next  time  the  computer  is rebooted. At  the  very  end  of  the  Connection  Software  installation  it  is  advised  that  you  reboot  the computer so that the changes applied to the computer during the installation can take effect.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 17 of 46 -  Section 4 – Connect to the Internet The Connection Software is used in conjunction with your P1D Wireless Broadband Modem to connect to the Internet.  This section describes how the Connection Software is used to initiate the connection, and also how it may be used to download software upgrades for your Modem and Connection Software from the Service Providers web site. To start the Connection  Software,  go to your  desktop  and double click on  the icon labeled „Wireless Broadband Modem Dialler‟, as shown below, Fig 8.  Figure 8 – Wireless Broadband Modem Dialler Application The main screen has four tabs that display associated screens when you click on them.  These tabs  are  described  in more  detail below.    A  single  button is  used to  initiate  (Connect) and terminate (Disconnect) the connection to the Internet.  This button also indicates the state of the  connection  since  if, for example,  the  connection is currently inactive,  the  button  will be greyed out and  the  button  text  will  indicate  “Connect”.   The  button is  available regardless of which tab is currently visible.  The other main feature of the main screen is the status bar, located below the modem picture.  The status bar provides useful information concerning the status of  the Internet connection, and other error or warning messages. Network Tab - The Network tab shown in Figure 8 displays three main groups;
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 18 of 46 - Access Network Parameters - The Connection Software only supports your service provider as  the  network  operator.    This  is  shown  in  the  drop  down  list.   The  other  two  parameters shown  are  the  user  access  name  and  access  password.    These  parameters  are  set automatically during the registration procedure, and the user should have no need to modify them manually.  Signal Strength - shows the level of the radio signal strength currently achieved by the P1D Modem. Unable to transmit or receive due to lack of signal.  Minimum  signal  strength  required  to transmit and receive data.  Increasing  signal  strength,  allowing higher  data  transmit  and  receive  data rates.  Maximum  signal  strength.  Data  will  be transferred  at  the  maximum  rate  of  the P1D Modem.  Unable to obtain signal from the Modem.    Battery Charge - The P1D Modem comes with an internal battery.  No charge. Wireless Broadband Modem will  only  work  when  powered  by  the external  AC  supply,  which  will  also charge the battery.  Battery level is very low, and will  soon require  the  use  of  the  external  AC power supply to continue operating.  Increasing  levels  of  battery  charge, which allow the P1D Modem to operate for  increasing  lengths  of  time,  when battery operated.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 19 of 46 -  Fully  charged.  The  P1D  Modem  will operate  the  maximum  possible  time available from the battery.  Unable to obtain the  charge level  from the Modem.   Battery Status – the following icons are used as follows:-   mains powered and charging internal battery    modem currently powered by internal battery   ISP Tab  – This  tab  shows  the  username  and  password  information  that  is  sent  to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) during the connection procedure.   These  details  are  established  during  the  registration  procedure,  and  the  user should  have  no  need  to  modify  them  manually.      Note  that  this  information  is actually  maintained by  the Windows phonebook, and is extracted  automatically by the Connection Software.  Devices Tab – This tab shows information for the currently connected Wireless modem.   This includes the physical communication port to which the modem is bound, the modem IMEI (international mobile equipment identity) number, the modem version string, and the modem initialization and reset strings. Tools Tab  - Upgrade may periodically  provide upgrades for both the  PC  Software and  the Wireless Broadband Modem software.   These  upgrades will  usually  be  a  combination of  bug fixes and additional  features.    Whilst connected, click on the “Download and Install Upgrade” button in order to download over the air the latest software upgrade.  The download takes place by way of a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) link to the Service Providers web site.  Once complete, the new image is then available on the PC hard disk, and may be transferred to the Wireless Broadband Modem by clicking on the  “Upgrade  UE”  button  (remember  to  Disconnect  from  the  Internet  before  attempting  the upgrade).
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 20 of 46 - Establishing the Connection to the Internet You should establish an Internet connection using the Connection Software before launching your browser (or any other Internet associated software such as FTP, telnet, etc). Start the Connection Software and wait until the signal strength indicator on the Network tab indicates that  there is sufficient signal strength for the connection.   At this point, the button should be highlighted and have the text “Connect” displayed on button which may be clicked.  The user is automatically taken to the ISP tab so that the progress of the connection to the Internet may be observed.   When the connection to the ISP has been established, the status bar should indicate that the session is  active and the button is now highlighted but  the text changes  from  “Connect”  to  “Disconnect”.    For  convenience,  the  Connection  Software  is automatically minimized once the connection is established, but can be restored by clicking on the Wireless Broadband Modem icon on the tooltray. Go to your desktop and double-click on your Internet browser icon to connect to the Internet. You can configure your browser to set any web page as your home page. To set your browser home page, see the FAQs in Appendix C.  You may terminate the internet connection in many ways; Right click the Wireless Broadband Modem icon on the tooltray, and select disconnect from the menu Click the Wireless Broadband Modem icon on  the tooltray  to restore the main  screen, then click the button when labeled “Disconnect”. Close  the  Wireless  Broadband  Modem  application  by  clicking  the  X  button  in  the  top  right corner of the window
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 21 of 46 -  Appendix A – Troubleshooting Tips Troubleshooting Tips Please review these troubleshooting tips  if you experience trouble with software installation, user registration, finding a radio signal, or connecting to the Internet. You may achieve a faster resolution  to  your trouble if  you first  consult  and follow  the  tips  before  calling  your  Service Provider for Technical Support.  Warning: Do not attempt any repair to the P1D Modem yourself. Any resulting damage to the Modem may create an unsafe condition.  If your trouble is not listed in this section, call your Service Provider for Technical Support. The technical support representative will ask for your name, your location, your phone number, the serial number located on the back of the P1D Modem underneath the battery cover, and any error  messages  that  may  have  displayed.  You  may  need  to  provide  your  username  and password if the problem is related to your service or your account rather than the Modem and its associated software.  Remember, your PC operating system must be compatible with the supported operating  systems:  Windows  98  (Second  Edition),  Windows  ME,  Windows 2000 and Windows XP. 1.  The Connection Software No longer Operates Correctly Check  that  the  third  party  software,  listed  in  Appendix  I,  is  installed  and  if  not  then  install. Contact your Service Provider for Technical Support as needed. 2.  The power indicator is on but the display does not illuminate a)  If you are connected with the AC Adapter, check to see if you are using a switched wall socket. You may need to  simply flip the switch. (If you are using the modem away from an AC power source, you could have a discharged battery.) b)  Plug the Wireless Broadband Modem into another wall socket to check the power. c)  Check for loose ends on the power cable. If the display still does not illuminate, your P1D Modem may have been damaged. Contact your Service Provider for Technical Support for assistance.  3.  No signal indicators are illuminated on the Modem top panel a)  Following power up, allow about thirty seconds for the Wireless Broadband Modem to  communicate  with  a  local  base  station,  at  which  point  there  should  be  some indication of signal strength.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 22 of 46 - b)  If  this is the first  time you have  tried to  use  the  Modem and you  do not see  any signal strength  LEDs illuminated, try repositioning  the  modem  to see if the signal strength  indicator  illuminates.    If  you  still  cannot  obtain  a  signal,  try  moving  the modem near to a window.  The  Modem is  receiving an adequate signal when the signal strength indicators are illuminated.  If all the above fails, you may not be within the coverage area of  the  service network.   Call your  Service Providers Customer Service for more information about the coverage area. c)  If you have used the Modem successfully at least once, and you have changed your location, you may not be within the coverage area of the service network. Call your Service Provider for Technical Support to determine the coverage area. 4. The signal strength indicators are flashing slowly a)  Although you have sufficient signal strength to connect to the Internet, your modem may not be optimally positioned to receive the best signal strength and achieve the best  data  transfer  rates.  Try  moving  the  position  of  the  modem  to  maximize  the number of illuminated LEDs.  b)  You may also achieve a stronger signal if you place the modem near a window, but avoid direct sunlight. 5.  The Modem indicators on the top panel are not showing the expected display information The indicators can signal a number of error or warning conditions if the modem experiences a hardware fault, software upgrade or dialer attachment is required. Please refer to Appendix D for a detailed list of all possible display warning combinations. 6.  The Modem disconnects unexpectedly Check  for  loose  connections  on  both  ends  of  the  computer  interface  cable  and  the  power cable. If all connections are secure, you may have had a bad connection. Try connecting to the Internet  again.  If  your  subsequent  connection  attempts  fail,  call  your  Service  Provider  for Technical Support. 7.  The Modem speed is not fast enough There are several conditions that can result in slower access speed that are not related to your P1D Modem‟s performance: The access speed is related to the radio signal strength.   Ensure that you are receiving the best possible signal by moving the Modem and if possible locating it next to a window.  The faster the signal quality indicators flash the better the signal. When they are lit continuously then you are receiving a strong signal that should enable maximum possible data speed. You may have subscribed to a Service Level that limits the data rate. You can increase your Service Level on the registration web page or call your Service Providers Customer Service.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 23 of 46 -  You may be accessing a slow web site. A web site can cause a traffic jam on the Internet's backbone because many people converge on it at once or that site's server does not have the capacity to handle its traffic. In these cases, it does not matter what speed your modem can achieve.  Tip:  Surf  these  sites  when  Internet  traffic  is  low.  Heaviest  traffic  is  usually  on weekends  and evenings.  You can  also configure your  browser so  it  won't display graphics, animations, sound, video or other multimedia content.  If you do not think that any of the above conditions are causing the problem, call your Service Provider for Technical Support. 8.  Connected Modem before installing the Connection Software  If you connect your P1D Wireless Broadband modem to your PC via USB before installing the USB  driver software contained  on the PC  Software installation CD your modem drivers  are likely to be missing preventing you from making a connect via your 3G modem.  To correct this it is necessary for the modem to be uninstalled from the system and the proper documented procedure be followed carefully to insure your 3G modem is correctly re-installed.  The  Wireless  Broadband  Modem  MUST  remain  connected  to  you  PC  during  the  following removal process.    Open “Device Manager” by clicking the right mouse button (left button if configured for a left handed user) on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties”.   Windows 98/ME users should select the “Device Manger” Tab located at the top of the “System Properties” Dialog window.    Windows 2000/XP  users  should select  the “Hardware”  Tab  and  select  the “Device Manager”.     Locate the Wireless  Broadband Modem  on  the list and  “Uninstall/Remove”  the  device.  Ensure the Wireless Broadband Modem has been removed from Device Manager.    Unplug the PC to Modem interface cable from your PC the Wireless Broadband Modem from your PC.    Under  “Control  Panel”  open  “Modem  Options”  if  the  Wireless  Broadband  Modem  is shown as installed remove/uninstall all references to your Wireless Broadband Modem.   Removal is now complete and you MUST restart your computer before attempting to re-install the P1D Modem.  9. Driver Installation fails due to “digital signature not found”  Windows 2000 and Windows XP may be configured to  “Block” or “Warn” you when an attempt is made to install a device driver that does not contain a valid digital signature.  If configured to “Block”  the  installation  operation  will  fail,  if  set  to  “Warn”  you  will  be  given  the  option  to continue the installation by selecting “Yes” on the warning dialog window.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 24 of 46 - To  avoid  problems during the installation  it  is  advisable  to  configure your  system  to  ignore Digital Signatures during the installation of Wireless Broadband Modem software and device drivers.  You can revert to your original configuration once the drivers are installed.  To change your  systems  Digital  Signature  configurations  follow  these  simple  steps.    Right  click  “My Computer”  and  select  “Properties”,  under  the  “Hardware”  tab  within  the  “Device  Manager” section select “Driver Signing”.  Within the “File Signature Verification” section you will notice the  options  “Ignore/Warn/Block”  select  “Ignore”  and  “Apply”  change.    Repeat the  installation procedure as before. 10.  Registration fails because the PC does not accept “Cookies”  When  you  register  with  the  ISP,  you  provide  a  username  and  password  that  the  wireless network uses to identify you when you connect.  For your convenience, these attributes are stored within the PC so that you do not need to enter them manually.  The registration server sends  a  small  file,  called  a  cookie,  to  your  PC.  The  cookie  contains  the  username  and password information.  In order for the registration process to complete successfully, you must configure your browser application to accept cookies.  Once registration has completed, you may disable receipt of cookies, if desired, however you should not delete them. See the FAQs in Appendix C for instructions on how to set cookie preferences on your browser. 11.  The Browser did not go directly to the registration screen  Manually type the registration web page URL (check the Modem packaging or contact your Service Provider for this information) in the browser address window and then press enter on your keyboard. If you get an error message similar to the “page cannot be displayed”, there might  be  maintenance  occurring  on  the  web  site.  Call  your  Service  Provider  for  Technical Support or try again later. 12.  The Connect / Disconnect button is not highlighted on the Status Monitor screen but a radio signal is present On rare occasions, the “Wireless Broadband Modem Status Monitor” will lose contact with the Modem.  The “Wireless Broadband Modem Status Monitor” should be shut down and restarted to  clear  the  problem.    If  the  problem  persists  the  computer  COM  port  that  the  Connection Software and the Wireless Broadband Modem are using may have  become  “locked up” and cannot be freed until the computer is shutdown (powered off) and restarted. If there is still a problem after shutting down and restarting you computer, call your Service Provider for Technical Support. 13. Error Message “Invalid Password” a)  This  error message means  that the network no longer  recognizes your username and/or password.  b)  Check that your username and password were entered correctly.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 25 of 46 -  c) The  ISP‟s  server  does  not  allow  more  than  one  simultaneous  connection  to  the network with the same username and password. Do not share your username and password with other Wireless Broadband Modem users. d)  If you cannot correct the problem, call your Service Provider for Technical Support. 14. Error Message “No Answer” On rare occasions, the server will not receive the message advising it that the previous session has ended. There is a timeout of a few minutes before the server will accept a subsequent  connection.    If  you  recently  had  a  successful  connection,  wait  a  few minutes before trying again. 15. Wireless Broadband Modem Not Responding a)  Check  that  the  computer  interface  cable  is  securely  connected  to  the  PC  and modem. b)  Check that the modem power button is on. c)  If  the  Modem  still  does  not  respond,  try  restarting  the  PC  and  then  restart  the Connection  Software  application.    Occasionally,  the  PC  COM  port  that  the Connection Software and the Modem are using can become “locked up” and cannot be freed until the PC is restarted. d) If the status bar still reports “Wireless Broadband Modem not Responding”, contact your Service Provider for Technical Support for assistance.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 26 of 46 - Appendix B – Battery Information Battery Your  Wireless  Broadband  Modem  has  a  removable  lithium  ion  battery  that  charges automatically from the USB connection or the AC Adapter. The green LED incorporated into the On/Off switch on the Modem top panel indicates the charge level; it will flash if the level is below 50% and be steady when the level is 50% or more. The internal battery will allow you to operate the Wireless Broadband Modem with your laptop without  connection  to  an  AC  power  source  or  USB  power  source.  The  internal  battery  life depends  upon  your  usage  of  the  Wireless  Broadband  Modem.    For  example,  video conferencing will consume battery life faster than web browsing.  Typically the battery will be useable for about 2 years or around 1000 charge/discharge cycles.  It is advised that you obtain a replacement battery when your battery does not seem to hold its charge for more 50% of the time at new. When the internal  battery no  longer  holds  adequate charge, a  replacement  battery may be obtained via your Service Provider. Tip: To conserve internal battery life, remember the following: When you are mobile and not using the modem, turn it off. Avoid exposing the modem to extreme hot or cold temperatures such as leaving it in a hot car for more than fifteen minutes. Battery Safety Guidelines Only  use  batteries  approved  by  IPWireless.  Use  the  battery  only  for  its  intended  purpose. Never dispose of  batteries in a fire  or  incinerator, or in  municipal  waste. Batteries must be disposed of or recycled properly. Never use a battery that is damaged or worn out.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 27 of 46 -  Appendix C – Frequently Asked Questions  Q. WHERE CAN I FIND A COVERAGE MAP? A. Contact your Service Provider.  Q. HOW DO I CHANGE MY SERVICE LEVEL? A. Contact your Service Provider.  Q. HOW DO I REBOOT THE WIRELESS BROADBAND MODEM (WHEN THE POWER BUTTON DOES NOT RESPOND)? A. Press the button on the top of the modem for 2 seconds.  Q. HOW DO I SET COOKIE PREFERENCES ON MY BROWSER? A. Using Netscape Navigator: Go  the  browser  drop-down  Edit  menu  and  select  Preferences.  Click  on  the  Advanced heading. Go to the Cookies box and click on Accept all cookies. After successful registration, you may return to Edit>Preferences>Advanced and click on Disable cookies. A. Using Microsoft Internet Explorer: Go to the browser drop-down Tools menu and select Internet Options. Click on the Security tab. Click on the Custom Level button. Scroll down to the Cookies heading. Click on Enable to accept all cookies. After successful registration, you may return to Tools>Security>Custom Level and click on Disable.  Q. HOW DO I SET MY HOME PAGE? A. Using Microsoft Internet Explorer: Go to the browser drop-down Tools menu and select Internet Options. Select the General tab. Click Use Current in the Home Page area if you are currently viewing the Web page you want as your home page. If you are not viewing the web page you want to use, type in the URL (Universal Resource Locator  -- the web  address) of the web page you want to  use  as your home page. Click OK.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 28 of 46 -  A. Using Netscape Navigator: Click on the Options menu and select General Preferences. Select the Appearance tab. In the Startup box, type in the address of the web page you want to use as your home page. Click OK.  Q. HOW WILL I KNOW WHEN TO UPGRADE MY PC SOFTWARE? A. Your  Service  Provider  can  provide  details  about  the  web  site  to  access.    Information regarding PC Software upgrade alerts will be provided at that time.  Q. HOW DO I PERFORM A WIRELESS BROADBAND MODEM PC SOFTWARE UPGRADE? A. Using the Wireless Broadband Modem Dialler, establish a connection to the internet.  On the Wireless Broadband Modem Dialler change to the Tools tab, and press the button labeled “Download  and  Install  Upgrade”.    This  will  automatically  check  to  see  if  there  is  a  newer version of software, and if one is available it will be automatically downloaded to the computer with the progress of the download being displayed using the sliding bar.  Q. HOW WILL I KNOW WHEN TO UPGRADE MY WIRELESS BROADBAND MODEM? A. Using the Wireless Broadband Modem Dialler, establish a connection to the internet.  On  the  Wireless  Broadband  Modem  Dialler  change  to  the  Tools  tab,  and  press  the button  labeled  “Download  and Install Upgrade”.  This will  automatically check to  see if there  is  a  newer  version  of  software  and  if  one  is  available,  it  will  be  automatically downloaded to the computer.  Q. HOW DO I PERFORM A WIRELESS BROADBAND MODEM UPGRADE? A. Having  used  the  Wireless  Broadband  Modem  Dialler  to  obtain  any  new  software available  for  the  upgrade  of  the  Modem,  disconnect  the  current  internet  connection.  The  button  “Upgrade  Modem”  should  now  be  highlighted.    Pressing  this  Upgrade Modem button will start the download of the new software to Modem and the progress of  the  download  will  be  displayed  on  the  progress  bar.    This  may  take  a  number  of minutes to complete.  Q. ARE ANY MODEM ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE? A. Access the IPWireless web site at to view available accessories.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 29 of 46 -  Q. HOW DO I INSTALL MY MODEM ON A DIFFERENT COMPUTER? A. If you have already installed your modem on ONE PC and wish to use it on a SECOND PC or laptop, insert the Installation CD into the second PC and run the installation software. You will automatically connect to the registration web pages.  Select  „Support Services‟. You may modify  your  settings here,  if  needed.  If  you leave  all  fields  unchanged  and  click  „Apply‟,  the username/password  cookie  will  access  your  second  PC  and  the  dialer  will  automatically configure the modem.  Q. WHEN SHOULD I DE-INSTALL THE MODEM AND/OR PC SOFTWARE? A. You  should  de-install  the  Modem  and  PC  software  only  when  you  wish  to  discontinue service.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 30 of 46 - Appendix D – Modem Display Warnings  The Wireless Broadband Modem top panel contains 5 individual LEDs, as shown in Figure 9, used to indicate various activities on the modem, such as ON/OFF, current signal quality, data traffic activity and network connection status. However if the modem experiences certain error conditions the display will be used to signal the condition back to the user.    Figure 9 Figure 9 shows indicators location and function. The indicators can signal warning or error scenarios as well as their normal functions and this section will aid the user in interpreting such a display combinations. Power-On Self Test Failure At power-on the Modem will carry out a number of tests to confirm the operational integrity of various onboard components.   If the Traffic activity and right-hand (nearest to On/Off switch) signal quality indicator are lit together, this indicates a self-test failure. In  this  event  it  is  recommended  that  you  switch  off  the  modem  and  contact  your  Service Provider for Technical Support. Software Upgrade Warning If all the Modem indicators, in normal operation, flash on and off together then the network is informing the user that a Modem software upgrade is required. Please refer to Appendix C for details on performing software upgrades.  On/Off switch with indicator Connection status Signal quality indicators Traffic activity
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 31 of 46 -  Appendix E – [Technical Specifications]  Physical Height ................................................................................................. 120mm Width .................................................................................................. 84 mm  Depth.................................................................................................. 30 mm Weight ........................................................................................... 250 grams Indicators Signal (2 green LEDs) ....................................................................................  Power (1 green LED)......................................................................................  Online (1 green LED) .....................................................................................  Transmit/Receive (1 amber LED) ....................................................................  Power AC Power Adapter: Current ......................................................................................... 1.0A AC input voltage .................................................................. 100V-240V DC output voltage .......................................................................... 5.0V Cable ...................................................................... 2m length (6.56 ft.) Environmental Temperature: Normal .................................................... +15C to +35C (59F to 95F) Extreme (short periods) ...........................-10C to +55C (14F to 131F) Storage .................................................. -20C to +65C (-4F to 149F) Relative humidity: Operating ........................................................................... 25% to 75% Extreme ............................................................................. 25% to 75% Maximum vibration: Operating ................................... 5 Hz to 20Hz: 0.96 m2/s3 at 5 to 20 Hz Extreme ...................................... 20 Hz to 500 Hz: 0.96 m2/s3 at 20 Hz,   ........................................................................ thereafter –3dB/Octave Integral Antenna
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 32 of 46 - Frequency of operation ........................................ 1.9 to 2.69 GHz in 4 versions Impedance: .......................................................................... 50 ohms nominal Omni-directional gain: ........................................................................... 2.5dBi Polarization: ........................................................................................ vertical Input return loss: ................................................... -10dB nominal across band Maximum power: .................................................................................. 22dBm VSWR: ...................................................................................................... 1.7
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 33 of 46 -  Appendix F – [PPPoE Routers Tested] The Wireless  Broadband Modem  has been tested on  and  found  to be compatible with  the following PPPoE hardware routers. Supplier Model Linksys BEFW11S4, BEFSR41, BEN2PS4 Netgear RT311, RT314 Sonicwall SOHO2 Cisco 800 series Cisco 2621 SMC 7004ABR Asante FR3004
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 34 of 46 - Appendix G – [PPPoE Clients Tested] The Wireless  Broadband Modem  has been tested on  and  found  to be compatible with  the following PPPoE software clients. Operating System Product Name Type Windows 98 EnterNet PPPoE Windows 2000 EnterNet PPPoE Windows 2000 EnterNet RASPPPoE Windows XP Internal Windows XP PPPoE Mac Internal Mac PPPoE Windows 98, ME, 2000 & XP RASPPPoE RASPPPoE
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 35 of 46 -  Appendix H – Error Messages  The Connection Software displays error messages when a problem occurs.  There are two main categories of error messages that can be displayed by the  Connection Software   Microsoft Remote Access Service (RAS) Errors, and  Wireless Broadband Modem Extended Errors.  For both categories, the error message is  always  displayed within the  Connection progress region on the ISP tab.  To differentiate between the two error categories, RAS errors are terminated with a “Reason: Normal  disconnect”  whilst  the  Wireless  Broadband  Modem  Extended  Error  text  is  always displayed  as  “Reason:  extended  error  text”  where  the  extended  error  text is  NOT  “Normal disconnect”.  The following figure shows an example of the RAS error “Access denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain”.     The following figure shows an example of the extended error “Modem cable disconnected”.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 36 of 46 -    The following pages document these errors and where possible suggests what actions to take to correct the problem.  If you see an error message displayed that is not listed on the following section, please call your Service Provider for Technical Support
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 37 of 46 -  Microsoft Remote Access Service (RAS) Error Codes   The following is a list of known RAS Error Codes and associated error message.  The RAS error text will be displayed if a RAS error occurs whilst attempting to either connect to the internet, whilst connected to the internet or when disconnecting from the internet.     Error   Messages    600     An operation is pending.    601     The port handle is invalid.    602     The port is already open.    603     Caller's buffer is too small.    604     Wrong information specified.    605     Cannot set port information.    606     The port is not connected.    607     The event is invalid.    608     The device does not exist.    609     The device type does not exist.    610     The buffer is invalid.    611     The route is not available.    612     The route is not allocated.    613     Invalid compression specified.    614     Out of buffers.    615     The port was not found.    616     An asynchronous request is pending.    617     The port or device is already disconnecting.    618     The port is not open.    619     The port is disconnected.    620     There are no endpoints.    621     Cannot open the phone book file.    622     Cannot load the phone book file.    623     Cannot find the phone book entry.    624     Cannot write the phone book file.    625     Invalid information found in the phone book.    626     Cannot load a string.    627     Cannot find key.    628     The port was disconnected.    629     The port was disconnected by the remote machine.    630     The port was disconnected due to hardware failure.    631     The port was disconnected by the user.    632     The structure size is incorrect.    633     The port is already in use or is not configured for Remote Access dialout.    634     Cannot register your computer on the remote network.    635     Unknown error.    636     The wrong device is attached to the port.    637     The string could not be converted.    638     The request has timed out.    639     No asynchronous net available.    640     A NetBIOS error has occurred.    641     The server cannot allocate NetBIOS resources needed to support the client.    642     One of your NetBIOS names is already registered on the remote network.    643     A network adapter at the server failed.    644     You will not receive network message popups.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 38 of 46 -    645     Internal authentication error.    646     The account is not permitted to log on at this time of day.    647     The account is disabled.    648     The password has expired.    649     The account does not have Remote Access permission.    650     The Remote Access server is not responding.    651     Your modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error.    652     Unrecognized response from the device.    653     A macro required by the device was not found in the device .INF file section.    654     A command or response in the device .INF file section refers to an undefined macro    655     The <message> macro was not found in the device .INF file section.    656     The <defaultoff> macro in the device .INF file section contains an undefined macro    657     The device .INF file could not be opened.    658     The device name in the device .INF or media .INI file is too long.    659     The media .INI file refers to an unknown device name.    660     The device .INF file contains no responses for the command.    661     The device .INF file is missing a command.    662     Attempted to set a macro not listed in device .INF file section.    663     The media .INI file refers to an unknown device type.    664     Cannot allocate memory.    665     The port is not configured for Remote Access.    666     Your modem (or other connecting device) is not functioning.    667     Cannot read the media .INI file.    668     The connection dropped.    669     The usage parameter in the media .INI file is invalid.    670     Cannot read the section name from the media .INI file.    671     Cannot read the device type from the media .INI file.    672     Cannot read the device name from the media .INI file.    673     Cannot read the usage from the media .INI file.    674     Cannot read the maximum connection BPS rate from the media .INI file.    675     Cannot read the maximum carrier BPS rate from the media .INI file.    676     The line is busy.    677     A person answered instead of a modem.    678     There is no answer.    679     Cannot detect carrier.    680     There is no dial tone.    681     General error reported by device.    682     ERROR WRITING SECTIONNAME    683     ERROR WRITING DEVICETYPE    684     ERROR WRITING DEVICENAME    685     ERROR WRITING MAXCONNECTBPS    686     ERROR WRITING MAXCARRIERBPS    687     ERROR WRITING USAGE    688     ERROR WRITING DEFAULTOFF    689     ERROR READING DEFAULTOFF    690     ERROR EMPTY INI FILE    691     Access denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain.    692     Hardware failure in port or attached device.    693     ERROR NOT BINARY MACRO    694     ERROR DCB NOT FOUND    695     ERROR STATE MACHINES NOT STARTED    696     ERROR STATE MACHINES ALREADY STARTED    697     ERROR PARTIAL RESPONSE LOOPING    698     A response keyname in the device .INF file is not in the expected format.    699     The device response caused buffer overflow.    700     The expanded command in the device .INF file is too long.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 39 of 46 -     701     The device moved to a BPS rate not supported by the COM driver.    702     Device response received when none expected.    703     ERROR INTERACTIVE MODE    704     ERROR BAD CALLBACK NUMBER    705     ERROR INVALID AUTH STATE    706     ERROR WRITING INITBPS    707     X.25 diagnostic indication.    708     The account has expired.    709     Error changing password on domain.    710     Serial overrun errors were detected while communicating with your modem.    711     RasMan initialization failure. Check the event log.    712     Biplex port is initializing. Wait a few seconds and redial.    713     No active ISDN lines are available.    714     Not enough ISDN channels are available to make the call.    715     Too many errors occurred because of poor phone line quality.    716     The Remote Access IP configuration is unusable.    717     No IP addresses are available in the static pool of Remote Access IP addresses.    718     PPP timeout.    719     PPP terminated by remote machine.    720     No PPP control protocols configured.    721     Remote PPP peer is not responding.    722     The PPP packet is invalid.    723     The phone number, including prefix and suffix, is too long.    724     The IPX protocol cannot dial-out on the port because the computer is an IPX router.    725     The IPX protocol cannot dial-in on the port because the IPX router is not installed..    726     The IPX protocol cannot be used for dial-out on more than one port at a time.    727     Cannot access TCPCFG.DLL.    728     Cannot find an IP adapter bound to Remote Access.    729     SLIP cannot be used unless the IP protocol is installed.    730     Computer registration is not complete.    731     The protocol is not configured.    732     The PPP negotiation is not converging.    733     The PPP control protocol for this network protocol is not available on the server.    734     The PPP link control protocol terminated..    735     The requested address was rejected by the server..    736     The remote computer terminated the control protocol.    737     Loopback detected..    738     The server did not assign an address.    739     The remote server cannot use the Windows NT encrypted password.    740     The TAPI devices configured for Remote Access failed to initialize or were not installed correctly.    741     The local computer does not support encryption.    742     The remote server does not support encryption.    743     The remote server requires encryption.    744     Cannot use the IPX net number assigned by the remote server. Check the event log.    752     A syntax error was encountered while processing a script
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 40 of 46 - Wireless Broadband Modem Extended Errors   Error Message Cause Recovery Action Normal disconnect None. This is normal and does not indicate any error.  Network busy – please try again later The network is temporarily busy. Session establishment should be attempted at a later time. Network not available – please try again later There is a temporary problem with the wireless network that is affecting all users. You will not be able to connect to the Internet until your service provider has repaired the system. Session establishment should be attempted at a later time. User rejected by the network The network is not able to verify who you are.  This could be due to different problems based upon whether or not you have a SIM present: 1) Without SIM present 2) With SIM present The recovery actions for the specific causes are as follows: 1) The network does not recognize the access identifiers that you gave yourself when you registered.   Contact your service provider‟s technical support for assistance. 2) Contact your service provider‟s technical support for assistance. Service provider not supported This is normally seen when attempting to establish an internet session and gain access to your ISP with an invalid ISP phone number. The ISP parameters are held in a phonebook.  To verify that these values are correct, start up your internet browser (for Internet Explorer) and click on “Tools/Internet Options/Connections”.  You should see an entry called “ipwireless”. To view the phonebook entry highlight the „ipwireless‟ entry. Then click on the Settings button to view the ISP username and password. Also click on the “Properties” button and examine the phone number.  This must be set to *99#.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 41 of 46 -  Error Message Cause Recovery Action Service provider not available – please try again later This indicates a temporary problem accessing your ISP Session establishment should be attempted at a later time Disconnected by network operator The network operator has disconnected your internet session.   Session establishment should be re-attempted. User not known to network This only affects modems that have a SIM card present. It indicates one of the following problems: 1) The wrong SIM card is being used 2) The SIM card is faulty Check that the SIM card being used is the one provided by your service provider. If it is the correct SIM card contact your service provider‟s technical support for assistance. Modem barred from network The modem has been barred from the network. Contact your service provider‟s technical support for assistance. Network not allowed This indicates that the modem has tried to connect to a forbidden network. Contact your service provider‟s technical support for assistance. Network details rejected There is a problem with the network. Session establishment should be re-attempted. If the problem persists contact your service provider‟s technical support for assistance.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 42 of 46 - Error Message Cause Recovery Action Disconnected by service provider This can occur for two reasons: 1) This is normally seen when attempting to establish an internet session and gain access to your ISP with an invalid ID. 2) If this occurs after successfully establishing an internet session, then there is a temporary network problem. The recovery actions for the specific causes are as follows 1) The ISP parameters are held in a phonebook on the computer.  To verify that these phonebook values are correct, start up your internet browser (for Internet Explorer) and click on “Tools/Internet Options/Connections”.  You should see an entry called “ipwireless”.  To view the phonebook entry highlight the „ipwireless‟ entry and then click on the Settings button to view the ISP username and password and modify if necessary. Also click on the “Properties” button and examine the phone number.  This must be set to *99# 2) Session establishment should be attempted at a later time.  If the problem persists contact your service provider‟s technical support for assistance. Disconnected by modem The modem has detected a problem with the wireless connection to the network and released the connection. Wherever possible try to improve the modem‟s signal strength using the measures described earlier in the user guide. If the problem persists contact your service provider‟s technical support for assistance. Disconnected by network The network has detected a problem with the wireless connection to the modem and released the connection. Wherever possible try to improve the modem‟s signal strength using the measures described earlier in the user guide. If the problem persists contact your service provider‟s technical support for assistance.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 43 of 46 -  Error Message Cause Recovery Action Loss of coverage – please improve modem signal The modem can no longer communicate with the wireless network. This may be caused by one of the following: 1) The modem has moved out of range of the wireless network 2) The wireless network may have developed a fault or may have been switched off The modem will automatically try and regain radio coverage/synchronization with the wireless network. If the modem has moved out of the wireless network range it must be brought back into range. Once radio coverage/synchronization has been re-gained session establishment can be attempted. SIM failure – please contact service provider This only affects modems that have a SIM card present.  The modem is having problems accessing the SIM card. Perform the following steps: a) Carefully remove the SIM card from the modem b) Clean the SIM card‟s gold contacts with a soft cloth c) Re-insert the SIM card into the modem ensuring that the SIM card holder is securely fastened d) Power cycle the modem using the front panel button e) Establish a session in the normal manner If the problem persists contact your service provider‟s technical support for assistance. Battery level too low There is insufficient charge left in the internal battery. Connect the DC power jack, wait a few seconds and then establish a session in the normal manner. Modem cable disconnected There is a problem with the connection between the PC and the modem. Check the cable and connectors between the PC and the modem. Establish a session in the normal manner
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual  - Page 44 of 46 - Appendix I – Third Party Software  During installation of the Wireless Broadband Modem the connection type between the computer and the Wireless Broadband Modem is chosen.  For the connection type chosen, the following drivers are installed and used. USB connection driver: MCCI – Ethernet connection drivers: WinPCAP –   RASPPPoE –  Note: If  one  of  the  drivers  used  by  the  Wireless  Broadband  Modem  is  removed,  then  the  Wireless Broadband Modem will not operate correctly.
P1D Wireless Broadband Modem User Manual   Regulatory Information North America and Canada Your Wireless Broadband Modem may cause TV or radio interference (e.g., when  using  the  modem  in  close  proximity  to  a  TV  or  radio  receiver).  The FCC/Industry  Canada  can  require  you  to  stop  using  the  modem  if  such interference cannot be eliminated.  If the modem does cause interference with other radio communications services, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, you are encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reposition the modem‟s receiving antenna. - Reposition the TV or radio‟s receiving antenna. - Relocate  the  modem  with  respect  to  the  TV  or  radio receiver. - Move the modem away from the TV or radio receiver. - Plug  the  modem  into  a  different  outlet  so  that  the  modem and  the  TV  or  radio  receiver  are  on  different  branch circuits. If necessary, consult an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. You may also find the FCC Interference Handbook, 1986, to be helpful.  It is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, Stock No. 004-000-00450-7, or on the World Wide Web at http:// This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the  following  two  conditions:  (1)  this  device  may  not  cause  harmful interference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  any  interference  received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Caution:  Changes  or  modifications  not  covered  in  this  manual  must  be approved  in  writing  by  the  Manufacturer.  Changes  or  modifications  made without  written  approval  may  void  the  user‟s  authority  to  operate  this equipment.  To comply with the FCC RF exposure rules, the UE P1D wireless broadband modem  has  been  evaluated  against  the  Maximum  Permissible  Exposure (MPE) limits defined in Section 1.1310 of the FCC rules for the uncontrolled environment. During normal operation, all persons should maintain a distance of at least 3.3cm from the antenna to ensure compliance with the MPE limits.
P1D User Manual Page 46 of 46 Europe Statements of Conformity English Hereby, IPWireless Inc, declares that this Wireless Broadband Modem    Model:  XX  is  in  compliance  with  the  essential requirements  and  other  relevant  provisions  of  Directive 1999/5/EC.  Deutsch Hiermit  erklärt  IPWireless  Inc,  dass  sich  dieses  Wireless Broadband Modem    Model:  XX  in  Übereinstimmung mit  den grundlegenden  Anforderungen  und  den  anderen  relevanten Vorschriften der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet".   The  Wireless  Broadband  Modem  will  not  transmit  without  suitable  network coverage.  Caution:  Only  use  IPWireless  approved  accessories  with  your  Wireless Broadband Modem.

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