Global Sun Technology GL2554MP-0A 5.0/2.4GHz Wireless Network Mini-PCI Card User Manual Revised Manual

Global Sun Technology Inc 5.0/2.4GHz Wireless Network Mini-PCI Card Revised Manual

Revised Manual

Dual-Band (draft)Wireless Network AdapterUser ManualModel:  GL2554MP-0Aversion 1.0
Manufacturer's Disclaimer StatementThe information in this document is subject to change without notice and does notrepresent a commitment on the part of the vendor.  No warranty or representation,either expressed or implied, is made with respect to the quality, accuracy or fitness forany particular purpose of this document.  The manufacturer reserves the right tomake changes to the content of this document and/or the products associated with it atany time without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes.  Inno event will the manufacturer be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental orconsequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this product ordocumentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.  This documentcontains materials protected by copyright.  All rights are reserved.  No part of thismanual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means or for anypurpose without expressed written consent of its authors.  Product names appearingin this document are mentioned for identification purchases only.  All trademarks,product names or brand names appearing in this document are registered property oftheir respective owners.FCC STATEMENTThis product has been tested and complies with the specifications for a Class B digital device, pursuantto Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses, and can radiateradio frequency energy and, if not installed and used according to the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occurin a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which is found by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one or more of the following measures:l Reorient or relocate the receiving antennal Increase the separation between the equipment or devicesl Connect the equipment to an outlet other than the receiver’sl Consult a dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for assistanceFCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This device is intended only for OEM integrators under the following conditions:The antenna must be installed such that 20 cm is maintained between the antenna and users, and2) The antenna should be integral if the end device is intended to be operated in 5.15 ~ 5.25GHzfrequency range.As long as 2 conditions above are met, further transmitter test will not be required. However, the OEMintegrator is still responsible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirementsrequired with this module installed (for example, digital device emissions, PC peripheral requirements,etc.).IMPORTANT NOTE: In the event that these conditions can not be met (for example certain laptopconfigurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the FCC authorization is no longerconsidered valid and the FCC ID can not be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEMintegrator will be responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) andobtaining a separate FCC authorization.End Product LabelingThis transmitter module is authorized only for use in device where the antenna may be installed suchthat 20 cm may be maintained between the antenna and users (for example: Wireless Access Point andWireless Router). The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following: “ContainsTX FCC ID: O7J-GL2554MP-0A”.Manual Information That Must be IncludedThe OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to installor remove this RF module in the users manual of the end product which integrate this module.The users manual for OEM integrators end users must include the following information in a prominentlocation “ IMPORTANT NOTE: To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, theantenna used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cmfrom all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna ortransmitter”.If the end product integrating this module is going to be operated in 5.15 ~ 5.25GHz frequency range,the warning statement in the user manual of the end product should include the restriction of operatingthis device in indoor could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Driver InstallationStep 1: Insert the Dual-band Wireless Network Adapter into your computer.Windows Found New Hardware Wizard will come up.Select the second option and click “Next” to continue.
Step 2: Select the driver to install.Click “Browse” to select the folder where you store the driver files.Click “OK” to continue.Click “Next” to continue.
Step 4: Driver FoundClick “Continue Anyway” to continue
Step 3: Driver InstallationDriver files are being saved to your Windows system.
Step 4: Driver Installation CompleteClick “Finish” to complete the driver setup.The following message will appear as soon as you successfully installed the driver foryour Dual-band wireless network adapter.
Utility ConfigurationCurrent StatusDisplay the current settings such as Profile Name, Network Type, Wireless Mode,Current Channel, Link Status and Encryption type.Click on the “Advanced” button to change display details.
Profile ManagementCreate profile for the common wireless networks that you get connected to.  Youmay create new profile by clicking on the “New” button, and modify the existingprofile settings by clicking on the “Modify” button.Click on “Scan Available Network” to scan for the nearby wireless network.Select the wireless network that you wish to get connected to and click “OK” tocontinue.
In “General” Tab, Enter “Profile Name”, and enter SSID for this profile.In “Security” Tab, select the security mode, and enter the WEP key if you enable thePre-Shared Keys option.  Click “OK” for the changes to be effective.
In the “Advanced” Tab, select the Power Save mode, Network Type and otheradvanced options.  Click “OK” for the changes to be effective.
DiagnosticsDisplaycurrentstatisticssuch asTransmitting andReceivingpackets.Click on“AdvancedStatistics”to display more detail informationClick “Driver Information” to display driver version and other detail information.
Click on “Action” on the menu selection to access functions such as “Disable Radio”,
“Country Select…” and “Disable Tray Icon”Click “Options” to display current settings. Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement

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