Global Traffic Technologies OPTICOMGPS2 Opticom Radio Transceiver User Manual RF Module Serial Protocol

Global Traffic Technologies, LLC Opticom Radio Transceiver RF Module Serial Protocol

User Manual

  Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC        79-1000-0772-0  Revision A                   OPTICOMGPS2 Radio Transceiver Module User Manual
 Page 2 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC    Ownership Disclaimer  This document contains confidential information that is the sole property of Global Traffic Technologies (GTT) and is intended for use by their employees and designees. The user shall keep the contents of this document confidential and protect it from disclosure to outside parties. Any copying, distribution, or re-use, either in part or in whole, without the express written consent of Global Traffic Technologies is prohibited.     Trademark Conventions  The following is the list of registered trademarks of Global Traffic Technologies: • Opticom™  All instances of Opticom, Opticom Infrared and Opticom GPS contained within this document are understood to reference these trademarks without repeating the ™ symbol.
 Page 3 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC   Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... 4 2. PROTOCOL SPECIFICATION ...................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Roles ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Error Detection & Recovery................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Flow Control .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5 2.4 Character Format ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.5 Supported Data Types ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.6 Message Format ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6 3. SETUP AND CONFIGURATION MESSAGES .............................................................................. 8 3.1 Set Mode (M) .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 3.2 Set Framing Configuration (F) .............................................................................................................................................. 9 3.3 Hop Table Configuration (H) ............................................................................................................................................... 10 3.4 Hop Table Row Index (I) ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 3.5 Transmit Slot Data (T) ........................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.6 Receive Slot Data (r) .............................................................................................................................................................. 16 3.7 Broken Mode Report (b) ....................................................................................................................................................... 17 3.8 Signal Strength Report (s) ................................................................................................................................................... 17 3.9 Set Serial Number (N) ............................................................................................................................................................ 18 3.10 Set Attenuation Level (G) ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 3.11 Erase Faults (J) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20 4. QUERY MESSAGES ................................................................................................................... 21 4.1 Module Identity Query (D) .................................................................................................................................................... 21 4.2 Mode Query (Q) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 22 4.3 Framing Configuration Query (C) ...................................................................................................................................... 23 4.4 Hop Table Configuration Query (A) ................................................................................................................................... 24 4.5 Broken Mode (B) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25 5. HARDWARE INTERFACE .......................................................................................................... 26 6. AGENCY STATEMENTS ............................................................................................................ 27 7. REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................... 31
 Page 4 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 1. Introduction 1.1 Scope This specification defines and controls the serial communications interface between the Global Traffic Technologies (GTT) Radio Module controller and the RF module controller through which the configuration and control of the RF module is performed. 1.2   Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations This section contains descriptions of terms, acronyms, and abbreviations that are used throughout this document.  3D – Three dimensional RF  – Radio Frequency PPS – Pulse Per Second
 Page 5 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 2.   Protocol Specification The following subsections detail the structure of the protocol.  Individual message types are defined in the next major section. 2.1   Roles This protocol is intended to be used in a point-to-point mode only meaning one GTT controller to one RF module. The devices act as near peers in that the GTT device assumes the role of a master device in order to perform configuration of the RF module. However, once operations have begun, the RF module autonomously reports inbound data as it occurs while the GTT controller  periodically sends content to be transmitted and the time index to be used in frequency hopping.   2.2   Error Detection & Recovery All devices are expected to detect framing, checksum and overflow errors.   If a device detects a communication error such as these, the device will not send a response to the received message.  It is the sender’s responsibility to detect the lack of response from the receiving device and resend the command if it so chooses. During configuration, the GTT controller will perform retries to ensure that the RF module is fully configured prior to enabling over-the-air operation.  If a device receives a message without  error, but the message contains invalid data, or the requested operation cannot be performed due to the current context of the receiving device,  then  the  device is expected to provide information in the response to the sender that it could not carry out the command.    Under operational conditions (i.e. over-the-air), the messages are transfers of data, not diagnostics or configuration. Failure of a transfer (See annotations in the message section) shall not require a retry since loss of a single data is non-critical (i.e. either repeated or new data will be arriving momentarily). 2.3   Flow Control No flow control shall be supported by this protocol.   2.4   Character Format The supported binary character format is the following: Start bits:  1 Data bits:  8 Stop bits:  1 Parity: None
 Page 6 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 2.5   Supported Data Types In order to specify the message formats, the following data type definitions are necessary:  Type Size Range UCHAR 8 bits 0..255 CHAR 8 bits  -128..127 USHORT 16 bits 0..65535 SHORT 16 bits  -32768..32767 ULONG 32 bits 0..4,294,967,295 LONG 32 bits  -2,147,483,648..2,147,483,647  Each byte (where a byte is 8 bits in size) of these data types is serial transmitted least-significant bit first, most-significant bit last.  Multi-byte data types are transmitted least-significant byte first, most  significant byte last.  For example, an unsigned short with value 1234H would be transmitted as a byte with value 34H followed by a byte with value 12H (i.e. little endian).    2.6 Message Format Messages are sent from the host to the radio in multiple of 8 bytes.  For messages that are not even multiples of 8 bytes, the remaining package is padded with trailing zeros (0).  Messages have the following structure:    <Header><Length><Command><Data><Checksum>  with the fields further defined below: <Header> The <Header> shall be a single UCHAR with a value 0x02 representing an STX.    A message receiver begins assembling a new incoming message when it receives a <Header> meeting this specification. <Length>  16 bit value specifying the number of bytes to follow including the checksum.  <Command> The <Command> is composed of a single ASCII CHAR. Commands are defined in section 5. Commands that are initiated by the host are always an uppercase character. Commands that initiated by the RF module or  responses to host commands are always a lowercase character.   <Data>
 Page 7 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC The <Data> field is an optional, variable length field which has a format that is context dependent for each <Message ID>.  The maximum length for this field is not limited by the protocol.  <Checksum>   The <Checksum> field is a single USHORT field which is the 16-bit sum (sum modulo 216) of all the bytes in the message prior to this field.  This sum includes the <Header>,<Length>,<Command>, and <Data> fields.
 Page 8 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 3. Setup and Configuration Messages 3.1 Set Mode (M) Used by the host to change the operational mode of RF module. Offline mode is an idle mode where operational setup occurs. Online mode is an active operations mode where normal transmit and receive functions are performed. Tests modes are receive test mode and transmit test mode. RF Module responds with the new active mode or a Broken Mode status.  Offline Mode is characterized by no RF activity (transmitter off, receiver off) and no frequency hopping. Online Mode is possible when the RF module has been completely configured.   Note: When enabled, programming mode may use a different protocol  Sent by Host: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 4 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘M’ for mode.  Mode UCHAR  1 Values are : 0 – Offline Mode 1 – Online Mode 2 – Transmit Test Mode 3 – Programming  Sent by RF Module: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 5 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘m’ mode acknowledge.  Status UCHAR  1 Values are: 0 – Accepted 1 – Invalid mode 2 – Cannot change mode, insufficient information or setup  Current Mode UCHAR  1 Values are : 0 – Offline Mode 1 – Online Mode 2 – Transmit Test Mode 3 – Programming 4 – Broken Mode
 Page 9 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 3.2  Set Framing Configuration (F) Used by the host to configure the number of slots to occur in each frequency hop, number of data slots, and the individual slot configurations. All slots are assumed to be receive slots until configured otherwise. Note: the first one or more slots of a frame may not be useable if the transmission time is less than 3.167 msec. This time is needed by the radio to tune to the new frequency.  Sent by Host: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Value is 4 + (number of slots * 2). Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘F’ for framing configuration.  Number of slots/hop UCHAR  1 Number of slots to follow. Maximum of 255 slots. Default is 186. For each slot Slot Size USHORT  1 Number of bytes in this slot. Maximum size is dictated by the number of slots. Total number of bytes sent per frame cannot exceed 16,000.  Note: Slot sizes must be even number of bytes.  Sent by RF Module: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 4 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘f’ for framing configuration acknowledge.  Status UCHAR  1 Values are: 0 – Accepted 1 – Invalid number of slots 2 – Invalid size 3 - Exceeds maximum byte total
 Page 10 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 3.3 Hop Table Configuration (H) Used by the host to specify the set of frequencies to be used in the hopping sequence.  Frequencies are specified in rows and columns. Each row is indexed by the seconds since midnight calculated from the UTC time reported by the GPS receiver modulo the number of rows. The host will calculate the seconds since midnight and row index each second.   Sent by Host:  Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Value is 5 + (number of row * number of columns) Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘H’ for hop table configuration.  Number of rows UCHAR  1 Number of seconds before repeating. Maximum of 25 rows. Default is 25.  Number of columns UCHAR  1 Number of frequency changes per second. Maximum of 5 columns. Default is 3.  Note: rows * columns MUST be less than or equal to 75. For each row Channel 1  UCHAR  1 Receive channel for 1st hop in this second. Integer channel value. Valid range is 1 to 81.    Channel 2  UCHAR  1 Receive channel for 2nd hop second.  Channel 3  UCHAR  1 Receive channel for 3rd hop in this second.  Channel n  UCHAR  1 Receive channel for nth hop in this second.   Sent by RF Module:  Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always  4for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘h’ for hop table configuration acknowledge.  Status UCHAR  1 Values are: 0 – Accepted 1 – Invalid channel 2 – Invalid size 3 – Invalid channel sequence   Possible Hop Table Channels and Associated Frequencies:  Channel Receive Frequency
 Page 11 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC Number 1 2401024 2 2402048 3 2403072 4 2403096 5 2494120 6 2495144 7 2407168 8 2408192 9 2409216 10 2410240 11 2411264 12 2412288 13 2413312 14 2414336 15 2415360 16 2416384 17 2417408 18 2418432 19 2419456 20 2420480 21 2421504 22 2422528 23 2423552 24 2424576 25 2425600 26 2426624 27 2427648 28 2428672 29 2429696 30 2430720 31 2431744 32 2432768 33 2433792 34 2434816 35 2435840 36 2436864 37 2437888 38 2438912 39 2439936 40 2440960 41 2441984 42 2443008 43 2444032 44 2445056 45 2446080 46 2447104 47 2448128 48 2449152 49 2450176 50 2451200 51 2452224 52 2453248 53 2454272 54 2455296
 Page 12 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 55 2456320 56 2457344 57 2458368 58 2459392 59 2460824 60 2461848 61 2462872 62 2463896 63 2464920 64 2465536 65 2466560 66 2467584 67 2468608 68 2469632 69 2470656 70 2471680 71 2472704 72 2473728 73 2474752 74 2475776 75 2476800 76 2477824  77 2478848 78 2479872 79 2480896 80 2481920 81 2482944   Default Hop Table Channels:  Row Column Channel Number 1 1 2  2 57  3 54 2 1 4  2 50  3 58 3 1 8  2 52  3 6 4 1 48  2 60  3 10 5 1 46  2 42  3 12 6 1 62  2 44  3 40 7 1 14  2 38  3 64 8 1 18  2 16
 Page 13 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC  3 66 9 1 68  2 32  3 20 10 1 72  2 70  3 30 11 1 34  2 78  3 74 12 1 28  2 76  3 24 13 1 81  2 26  3 3 14 1 55  2 53  3 5 15 1 49  2 59  3 9 16 1 51  2 7  3 47 17 1 61  2 11  3 45 18 1 41  2 13  3 63 19 1 43  2 39  3 15 20 1 37  2 65  3 19 21 1 17  2 67  3 69 22 1 31  2 21  3 73 23 1 71  2 29  3 33 24 1 79  2 75  3 27 25 1 77  2 25  3 23
 Page 14 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 3.4 Hop Table Row Index (I) Defines the transmit and receive frequencies for the next 1 second interval by specifying the row index into the Hop Table.  Sent by Host:  Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 4 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘I’ for hop table row index.  Hop Table Index UCHAR  1 Index into the Hop table configured at startup. Indexed by seconds since midnight modulo number of rows in Hop Table.  Sent by RF Module:  Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 4 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘i’ for hop table row index.  Status UCHAR  1 Values are: 0 – Accepted 4 – Invalid Index
 Page 15 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 3.5 Transmit Slot Data (T) The Transmit Slot Data message is used by the host to instruct the RF module on which slot of the slots defined in the Framing Configuration to broadcast the supplied data. The slot, number of bytes and the data are specified. Data is only broadcast for the next time period as defined by the framing configuration.  Data must be received by the radio no later than 50 msec prior to the 1PPS.  Only 1 TX slot per unit is allowed (i.e. no multiple broadcasts within a single frame).  Sent by Host:  Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum.  Value is 6 + value of Size) Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘T’ for Transmit Slot Data.  Slot UCHAR  1 Must be one of the slots defined in the framing configuration. Range of values is 1 to Number of slots. A value of 0 is not used. Size  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to be broadcast. Length is limited by the size of the slot defined in the framing configuration and the maximum size for a single transmission. The size will be the width of the slot. If the data Data UCHAR[Size]  1 Data to be broadcast. First byte [index 0] is first to be broadcast over the air.   Sent by RF Module:  Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 4 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘t’ for Transmit Slot Data acknowledgement.  Status UCHAR  1 Values are: 0 – Accepted 1 – Invalid slot 2 – Invalid size
 Page 16 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 3.6 Receive Slot Data (r) A Receive Slot Data message is sent at the conclusion of each slot regardless of whether data was received or not.  If no data was received, then the Size field specifies 0, the data field is omitted, the received CRC is 0, the calculated CRC is 0, and the RSSI is the valued that was sampled during the slot.  Sent by RF Module:  Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Value is 12 + value of Size). Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘r’ for Receive Slot Data.  Slot UCHAR  1 Must be one of the slots defined in the framing configuration. Size  USHORT  1 Number of bytes received. Length is limited by the size of the slot defined in the framing configuration. Data UCHAR[Size]  1 Data received. . First byte [index 0] is first to be received over the air. Field is omitted if length is 0. TX CRC USHORT  1 Transmitted CRC. Calculated by transmitter. RX CRC USHORT  1 Calculated CRC on the receive side. RSSI UCHAR  1 Received Signal strength indicator.  SNR UCHAR  1 Approximation of Signal to noise ration 0-255 representing 0-25.5 dB.  At 10 dB, running at .01 BER.  Sent by Host: No acknowledgement. Assumed that new data will with the next frequency hop.
 Page 17 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 3.7 Broken Mode Report (b) A Broken Mode Report message is sent to the GTT controller whenever a failure is detected.    Sent by RF Module: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Value is 4 + number of failures). Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘b’ for Broken Mode Report.  Number of Failures UCHAR  1 Count of failure codes to follow. Failure UCHAR Number of failures Active failure indications. 1 – No 1 PPS detected 2 – VSWR fault    Sent by Host: No acknowledgement.    3.8 Signal Strength Report (s) The Signal Strength Report message is sent to the GTT controller at the end of every frame. There is an RSSI value for each slot in the frame.  The report is sent even if none of the slots had data in them.  Sent by RF Module: Data Element Base Type Instances  Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Value is 3 + number of slots). Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘s’ for Signal Strength Report.  For each slot RSSI UCHAR Number of slots in the frame The RSSI for each slot defined in the framing configuration.  Sent by Host: No acknowledgement.
 Page 18 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 3.9 Set Serial Number (N) Used by the host controller to set the radio module’s serial number.  Sent by Host: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 13 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘N’ for Set Serial Number.  Serial Number UCHAR[10]  1 Format is: RAyywwssss  where  RA denotes RF module with OMAP processor (dual core) yy demotes the last two digits of the year and ww is the week since the beginning of the year and  ssss  is the sequence number as labeled on the radio board.  RByywwssss denotes RF module with TMS processor (single core).The yy, ww and ssss fields are the same.   Sent by RF Module: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 3 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘n’ for Set Serial Number acknowledge.
 Page 19 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 3.10 Set Attenuation Level (G) Used by the host controller to set the radio module’s transmit attenuation level.  Sent by Host: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 4 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘G’ for Set Attenuation Level.  Attenuation Level UCHAR  1 Valid range of values is 0-15.A value of 0 is no attenuation and a value of 15 is maximum attenuation.  Sent by RF Module: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 4 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘g’ for Set Attenuation Level Acknowledge.  Status UCHAR  1 Values are: 0 – Accepted 5 – Invalid attentuation
 Page 20 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC   3.11 Erase Faults (J) Used by the host controller to clear any existing fault indicators.  Sent by Host: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 43for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘J’ for Erase Faults.   Sent by RF Module: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 3 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘j’ for Erase Faults acknowledge.
 Page 21 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 4. Query Messages 4.1 Module Identity Query (D) Used by the host controller to query the make/model and firmware revision of the unit.  Sent by Host: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 3 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘D’ for Query Identity.   Sent by RF Module: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 22 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘d’ for Identity acknowledge.  Serial Number UCHAR[10]  1 Format is: RMssssssss  where  RM denotes RF module and  ssssssss  is the sequence number as labeled on the radio board.   Refer to GTT Serial Number Format specification 79-1000-0205-0   Firmware Revision UCHAR[9]  1 ASCII string representing the revision string.   Format is:  XX.XX .XXX  Leading zeros to be supplied if single digit version number.
 Page 22 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 4.2 Mode Query (Q) Used by the host controller to query the current operating mode of the unit.  Sent by Host: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 3 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘Q’ for query mode.   Sent by RF Module: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 4 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘q’ for Mode Acknowledge  Current Mode UCHAR  1 Values are : 0 – Offline Mode 1 – Online Mode 2 – Transmit Test Mode 3 – Programming 4 – Broken Mode
 Page 23 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 4.3 Framing Configuration Query (C) Used by the host controller to query the current framing configuration of the unit.  Sent by Host: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 3for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘C’ for Query Framing Configuration.   Sent by RF Module: Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Value is 4 + (Number of slots * 2). Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘c’ for Framing Configuration acknowledge.  Number of slots/hop UCHAR  1 Number of slots to follow. Maximum of 255 slots. Default is 186. For each slot Slot Size USHORT  1 Number of bytes in this slot. Maximum size is dictated by the number of slots. Total number of bytes sent per frame cannot exceed 16,000.
 Page 24 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 4.4 Hop Table Configuration Query (A) Used by the host controller to query the Hop Table Configuration of the unit.  Sent by Host:  Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 3 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘A’ for query Hop Table Configuration.   Sent by RF Module:  Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Value is 5 + (number of rows * number of columns) Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘a’ for Hop Table Configuration acknowledge.  Number of rows UCHAR  1 Number of seconds before repeating. Maximum of 25 rows. Default is 25.  Number of columns UCHAR  1 Number of frequency changes per second. Maximum of 5 columns. Default is 3.  Note: rows * columns MUST be less than or equal to 75. For each row Channel 1  UCHAR  1 Receive channel for 1st hop in this second.    Channel 2  UCHAR  1 Receive channel for 2nd hop second.  Channel 3  UCHAR  1 Receive channel for 3rd hop in this second.  Channel n  UCHAR  1 Receive channel for nth hop in this second.
 Page 25 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 4.5 Broken Mode (B) Used by the Host to query the reasons behind a Broken Mode report.   Sent by Host:  Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Always 3 for this message. Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘‘B’ for Query Broken Mode Report.   Sent by RF Module:  Data Element Base Type Instances Description Length  USHORT  1 Number of bytes to follow including checksum. Value is 4 + Number of failures) Command UCHAR  1 Single ASCII character ‘b’ for Broken Mode Report.  Number of Failures UCHAR  1 Count of failure codes to follow. Failure UCHAR Number of failures Active failure indications. 1 – No 1 PPS detected 2 – VSWR fault
 Page 26 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 5. Hardware Interface The following table provides the signal interface to the 20 pin interface connector  Pin Number Signal Name Description 1  GND Signal/Power Ground 2  5V 5VDC Input 3  NC  4  NC  5  RXD UART Receive Data Input 6  TXD UART Transmit Data Output 7  J4.7 General Purpose Input/Output 8  GPIO2 General Purpose Input/Output 2 9  RESET Reset Input – Active High 10 STATUS Status Output 11 BOOT Boot Mode Select – Active High 12 1PPS 1 Pulse Per Second Input 13  GND Signal/Power Ground 14  3.3V 3.3VDC Input 15 NC  16 NC  17 GPIO4 General Purpose Input/Output 4 18 GPIO2 General Purpose Input/Output 2 19 GPIO3 General Purpose Input/Output 3 20 GPIO1 General Purpose Input/Output 1
 Page 27 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 6. Agency Statements FCC Statements  Compliance Statement (Part 15.19) This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  1.   This device may not cause harmful interference, and  2.   This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Warning (Part 15.21) Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  FCC Interference Statement (Part 15.105 (b) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:   - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.   - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that        to which the receiver is connected.   - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  RF Exposure (OET Bulletin 65) To comply with FCC/IC RF exposure requirements for mobile transmitting devices, this transmitter should only be used or installed at locations where there is at least 20cm separation distance between the antenna and all persons.  To comply with FCC/IC RF exposure limits for general population / uncontrolled exposure, the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
 Page 28 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC Industry Canada Statements  Section 7.1.2 of RSS-GEN  Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.  User manuals for transmitters equipped with detachable antennas shall also contain the following notice in a conspicuous location:  This radio transmitter IC7275A-OPTICOM2 has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.  This device has been designed to operate with the antenna(s) listed below, and having a maximum gain of  3.5 dB.  Antennas not included in this list or having a gain greater than 3.5 dB are strictly prohibited for use with this device.  The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.   List of all Antennas Acceptable for use with the Transmitter Laird # MAF94192 HOW TSEN # S-001-1 Mobile Mark # DM2-2400/1575    Section 7.1.3 of RSS-GEN This Device complies with Industry Canada License-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) this device may not cause interference, and 2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.   Industrie Canada déclarations  Section 7.1.2 du RSS-GEN  Aux termes des règlements de l'industrie du Canada, cet émetteur radio peut fonctionner uniquement à l'aide d'une antenne d'un type et un maximum (ou moins) de gain approuvé pour l'émetteur par Industrie Canada. Pour réduire le risque d'interférence aux autres utilisateurs, le type d'antenne et son gain doivent être choisis afin que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (e.i.r.p.) ne dépasse pas ce qui est nécessaire pour une communication réussie.
 Page 29 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC  Les manuels d'utilisation pour des émetteurs équipés des antennes détachables contiendront également la notification suivante dans un endroit remarquable  Cet émetteur radio IC7275A-OPTICOM2 a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonctionner avec les types d'antennes énumérées ci-dessous avec le gain maximal admissible et l'impédance d'antenne requise pour chaque antenne type indiqué. Types d'antenne non inclus dans cette liste, ayant un gain supérieur au maximum gagner indiqué pour ce type, sont strictement interdites pour une utilisation avec cet appareil.   Ce dispositif a été conçu pour fonctionner avec l'antenne (s) ci-dessous, et ayant un gain maximum de 3,5 dB. Antennes pas inclus dans cette liste ou ayant un gain supérieur à 3,5 dB sont strictement interdites pour une utilisation avec cet appareil. L'impédance d'antenne requise est de 50 ohms.   Liste de toutes les antennes acceptables pour une utilisation avec l'émetteur Laird # MAF94192 HOW TSEN # S-001-1 Mobile Mark # DM2-2400/1575   Section 7.1.3 du RSS-GEN  Cet appareil est conforme avec Industrie Canada norme exempte de licence RSS (s). Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes: 1) cette appareil peut ne pas causer l'interférence et 2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y compris les interférences qui peuvent causer un mauvais fonctionnement de l'appareil.   OEM Responsibilities to comply with FCC and Industry Canada Regulations  The  OPTICOMGPS2 Module has been certified for integration into products only by OEM integrators under the following conditions:   1. The antenna(s) must be installed such that a minimum separation distance of 20cm is maintained between the radiator (antenna) and all persons at all times. 2. The transmitter module must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.   As long as the two conditions above are met, further transmitter testing will not be required. However, the OEM integrator is still responsible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirements required with this module installed (for example, digital device emissions, PC peripheral requirements, etc.).  IMPORTANT NOTE: In the event that these conditions cannot be met (for certain configurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the FCC and Industry Canada authorizations are no longer considered valid and the FCC ID and IC Certification Number cannot be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integrator will be
 Page 30 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate FCC and Industry Canada authorization.  End Product Labeling The  OPTICOMGPS2 Module is labeled with its own FCC ID and IC Certification Number. If the FCC ID and IC Certification Number are not visible when the module is installed inside another device, then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module.  In that case, the final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following:   “Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: VJB-OPTICOMGPS2” “Contains Transmitter Module IC: 7275A-OPTICOM2” or  “Contains FCC ID: VJB-OPTICOMGPS2” “Contains IC: 7275A-OPTICOM2”  The OEM of the OPTICOMGPS2 Module must only use the approved antenna(s) listed above, which have been certified with this module.  The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module or change RF related parameters in the user manual of the end product.   To comply with FCC and Industry Canada RF radiation exposure limits for general population, the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed such that a minimum separation distance of 20cm is maintained between the radiator (antenna) and all persons at all times and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
 Page 31 of 31 Copyright © 2000-2012, Global Traffic Technologies, LLC 7. Revision History  Date Revision Status Description of Changes  March 15, 2012  A  Active Initial release

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