Greenheck Fan Ax Users Manual
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Greenheck High Performance ProductAxial Category Fans ModelsAX Model Descriptor or Supplement Performance Bullets July Month 2004 YEAR High Axial Fans PagePerformance Header Performance information is for the model AX standard configuration. Optional configurations include; upblast design with butterfly dampers and curb cap, detachable air straightening vane section, and shortened case. These options can effect performance. For estimated pressure drops on these accessories, consult your local Greenheck representative. AX Upblast AX Vane Section Greenheck certifies that the Model AX fan shown herein are licensed to bear the AMCA seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA publication 211 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. AX Short Casing Hubs and Blades The AX blade shape and hub are designed to move high volumes of air with less power to save on long-term energy costs. The choice of five different hub diameters, along with variations in blade quantities, ensures that the most economical air performance can be achieved. In addition, during the design process, close attention was paid to the “hub to tip” ratios. This is a comparison of the hub diameter to the “tip to tip” dimension of the blades. Different choices of hub to tip ratios further optimize fan performance and provide a cost effective solution by not over sizing a hub to produce required volumes and pressures. The hubs are constructed from cast aluminum and use a taper lock bushing to secure the hub to the motor shaft. Available Hub Sizes (mm) / Number of Blades Size 160 190 275 400 533 (4 or 6 ) (4 or 6) (6 or 9) (6 or 9) (8 or 12) 31 X 36 X 41 X X 47 X X 54 X X X 63 X X X 72 X X 80 X X X 90 X X 103 X X 113 X X X 123 X X 140 X X 160 X X Performance Page Header Manual Guide How to use this performance manual The performance pages contains information in metric and english units. These are color coded with motor power frequency and motor speed for easy and quick reference in finding air performance, power requirements, and sound information. See back cover for selection example. 1 Model size and hub diameter AX 31-160 4 Blades 2 Total Pressure Axis 1 in Pascals (Pa) and Inches Water Gauge (in. wg) 3 2 Static Pressure - Lines of constant static pressure 11 Impeller Diameter = 12.25 inches (311 mm) ft/min = cfm / 0.82 m/s = m³/s / 0.08 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure 7 65 m/s = rpm X 0.98 3 67 68 4 Color coded power ft/min = rpm X 3.20 Tip Speed 8 frequency and motor speed (rpm)/poles 67 66 5 Volume - Axis 68 displays two different units of measure for each power frequency and motor speed. 68 67 6 69 6 Blade pitch - Shown in 5 degree increments, integral pitches are available between the displayed limits. 7 Sound power (LwA) - Color coded sound power level levels are displayed as a percentage of peak power; 100%, 50% and 0%. Use corrections in the sound power table to find corresponding LwA and dBA levels for a specific power frequency and motor speed. 5 4 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Volume 10 9 Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 0.19/0.14 0.30/0.22 0.43/0.32 0.56/0.42 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.03/0.02 0.04/0.03 0.06/0.04 0.07/0.05 2900 (kW) 0.08 0.13 0.18 0.24 1450 (kW) 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] 25 0.71/0.53 0.09/0.07 0.30 0.04 30 0.88/0.66 0.11/0.09 0.37 0.05 35 1.07/0.80 0.14/0.10 0.45 0.06 rpm 3500 1770 2900 1450 Inlet Sound LwA +20 +13 -5 dBA +8.5 -11.5 +1.5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 8 Total Efficiency curves - Curves show total efficiency levels at different performance points. Those curves do not reflect static efficiency levels. 9 Peak Absorbed Power table - Table displays the maximum power required by pitch angle and motor rpm. Values provided are in brake horse power and kilowatts. 10 Sound Power and Sound Pressure table - Table displays the corrections required by motor rpm. 11 Outlet Velocity and Tip Speed formulas - For deriving outlet velocity, use either cfm or m³/s in the appropriate Outlet Velocity equation. Tip speed equation is only dependent on motor rpm. AX 31-160 4 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 12.25 inches (311 mm) ft/min = cfm / 0.82 m/s = m³/s / 0.08 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 3.20 Tip Speed 65 m/s = rpm X 0.98 67 68 67 66 68 68 67 69 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 0.19/0.14 0.30/0.22 0.43/0.32 0.56/0.42 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.03/0.02 0.04/0.03 0.06/0.04 0.07/0.05 2900 (kW) 0.08 0.13 0.18 0.24 1450 (kW) 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 Volume Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] 25 0.71/0.53 0.09/0.07 0.30 0.04 30 0.88/0.66 0.11/0.09 0.37 0.05 35 1.07/0.80 0.14/0.10 0.45 0.06 rpm 3500 1770 2900 1450 Inlet Sound LwA +20 +13 -5 dBA +8.5 -11.5 +1.5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. AX 31-160 6 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 12.25 inches (311 mm) ft/min = cfm / 0.82 m/s = m³/s / 0.08 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 3.20 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 0.98 68 66 69 68 67 70 70 69 71 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 0.38/0.28 0.43/0.32 0.56/0.42 0.73/0.54 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.05/0.04 0.06/0.04 0.07/0.05 0.09/0.07 2900 (kW) 0.16 0.18 0.24 0.31 1450 (kW) 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 Volume 25 0.93/0.69 0.12/0.09 0.39 0.05 30 1.16/0.87 0.15/0.11 0.49 0.06 35 1.41/1.06 0.18/0.11 0.60 0.08 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 3500 +20 +8.5 1770 -11.5 2900 +14 +2.5 1450 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. AX 36-160 4 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 14.25 inches (362 mm) ft/min = cfm / 1.11 m/s = m³/s / 0.10 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 3.73 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.14 71 69 73 72 70 73 73 71 73 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 0.42/0.31 0.61/0.46 0.87/0.65 1.18/0.88 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.05/0.04 0.08/0.06 0.11/0.08 0.15/0.11 2900 (kW) 0.18 0.26 0.37 0.50 1450 (kW) 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 Volume 25 1.52/1.13 0.20/0.15 0.64 0.08 30 1.89/1.41 0.24/0.18 0.80 0.10 35 2.31/1.72 0.30/0.22 0.98 0.12 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 3500 +19 +7.5 1770 -11.5 2900 +13 +1.5 1450 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. AX 41-160 6 Blades Page Header AX 36-160 6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 14.25 inches (362 mm) ft/min = cfm / 1.11 m/s = m³/s / 0.10 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 3.73 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.14 72 70 73 73 71 74 74 73 75 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 0.72/0.54 0.94/0.70 1.25/0.93 1.64/1.22 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.09/0.07 0.12/0.09 0.16/0.12 0.21/0.16 2900 (kW) 0.31 0.40 0.53 0.70 1450 (kW) 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.09 Volume 25 2.07/1.55 0.27/0.20 0.88 0.11 30 2.54/1.89 0.33/0.24 1.08 0.13 35 3.00/2.24 0.39/0.29 1.27 0.16 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 3500 +19 +7.5 1770 -11.5 2900 +13 +1.5 1450 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. AX 41-160 4 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 16.25 inches (413 mm) ft/min = cfm / 1.44 m/s = m³/s / 0.13 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 4.25 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.30 72 75 76 77 74 77 76 75 76 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 0.78/0.58 1.21/0.90 1.76/1.31 2.36/1.76 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.10/0.08 0.16/0.12 0.23/0.17 0.31/0.23 2900 (kW) 0.33 0.51 0.74 1.00 1450 (kW) 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.13 Volume 25 3.02/2.25 0.39/0.29 1.28 0.16 30 3.73/2.78 0.48/0.36 1.58 0.20 35 4.52/3.37 0.58/0.44 1.92 0.24 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 3500 +18 +6.5 1770 -11.5 2900 +12 +0.5 1450 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. AX 41-160 6 Blades Page Header AX 41-160 6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 16.25 inches (413 mm) ft/min = cfm / 1.44 m/s = m³/s / 0.13 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 4.25 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.30 76 73 77 77 75 78 77 77 78 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 1.11/0.82 1.76/1.32 2.44/1.82 3.15/2.35 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.14/0.11 0.23/0.17 0.32/0.24 0.41/0.30 2900 (kW) 0.47 0.75 1.04 1.34 1450 (kW) 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.17 Volume 25 3.90/2.91 0.51/0.38 1.66 0.21 30 4.76/3.55 0.62/0.46 2.02 0.25 35 5.76/4.30 0.75/0.56 2.44 0.31 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 3500 +16 +4.5 1770 -11.5 2900 +12 +0.5 1450 -7 -18.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. AX 41-190 4 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 16.25 inches (413 mm) ft/min = cfm / 1.44 m/s = m³/s / 0.13 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 4.25 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.30 76 73 77 77 74 78 77 75 78 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 0.80/0.60 1.24/0.92 1.79/1.34 2.43/1.81 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.10/0.08 0.16/0.12 0.23/0.17 0.31/0.23 2900 (kW) 0.34 0.52 0.76 1.03 1450 (kW) 0.04 0.07 0.10 0.13 Volume 25 3.11/2.32 0.40/0.30 1.32 0.16 30 3.81/2.84 0.49/0.37 1.62 0.20 35 4.55/3.40 0.59/0.44 1.93 0.24 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 3500 +19 +7.5 1770 -11.5 2900 +13 +1.5 1450 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 10 AX 41-190 6 Blades Page Header AX 41-190 6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 16.25 inches (413 mm) ft/min = cfm / 1.44 m/s = m³/s / 0.13 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 4.25 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.30 76 72 74 78 74 79 76 76 78 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 1.09/0.81 1.59/1.18 2.23/1.67 3.00/2.24 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.14/0.11 0.21/0.15 0.29/0.22 0.39/0.29 2900 (kW) 0.46 0.67 0.95 1.27 1450 (kW) 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.16 Volume 25 3.84/2.87 0.50/0.37 1.63 0.20 30 4.71/3.51 0.61/0.45 2.00 0.25 35 5.58/4.16 0.72/0.54 2.37 0.30 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 3500 +18 +6.5 1770 -11.5 2900 +13 +1.5 1450 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 11 AX 47-160 4 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 18.38 inches (467 mm) ft/min = cfm / 1.84 m/s = m³/s / 0.17 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 4.81 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.47 69 65 69 70 71 66 69 68 69 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.17/0.12 0.26/0.20 0.37/0.28 0.49/0.36 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.05/0.04 0.08/0.06 0.11/0.08 0.14/0.11 1450 (kW) 0.07 0.11 0.15 0.20 950 (kW) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 Volume 25 0.62/0.47 0.18/0.13 0.26 0.07 30 0.79/0.59 0.23/0.17 0.33 0.09 35 1.01/0.75 0.29/0.22 0.41 0.12 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +11 -0.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +6 -5.5 950 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 12 AX 47-160 6 Blades Page Header AX 47-160 6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 18.38 inches (467 mm) ft/min = cfm / 1.84 m/s = m³/s / 0.17 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 4.81 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.47 70 66 71 70 72 68 70 70 71 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.21/0.16 0.37/0.27 0.51/0.38 0.65/0.49 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.06/0.05 0.11/0.08 0.15/0.11 0.19/0.14 1450 (kW) 0.09 0.15 0.21 0.27 950 (kW) 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Volume 25 0.82/0.61 0.24/0.18 0.34 0.09 30 1.03/0.77 0.30/0.22 0.42 0.12 35 1.31/0.98 0.38/0.28 0.54 0.15 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +9 -2.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +5 -6.5 950 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 13 AX 47-190 4 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 18.38 inches (467 mm) ft/min = cfm / 1.84 m/s = m³/s / 0.17 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 4.81 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.47 80 76 81 80 77 82 80 79 81 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 1.57/1.17 2.32/1.73 3.26/2.43 4.36/3.25 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.20/0.15 0.30/0.22 0.42/0.31 0.56/0.42 2900 (kW) 0.67 0.98 1.38 1.85 1450 (kW) 0.08 0.12 0.17 0.23 Volume 25 5.61/4.19 0.73/0.54 2.38 0.30 30 7.01/5.23 0.91/0.68 2.97 0.37 35 8.54/6.37 1.10/0.82 3.62 0.45 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 3500 +19 +7.5 1770 -11.5 2900 +13 +1.5 1450 -7 -18.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 14 AX 47-190 6 Blades Page Header AX 47-190 6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 18.38 inches (467 mm) ft/min = cfm / 1.84 m/s = m³/s / 0.17 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 4.81 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.47 80 75 81 77 77 83 79 80 82 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 2.04/1.52 2.94/2.19 4.11/3.06 5.48/4.09 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.26/0.20 0.38/0.28 0.53/0.40 0.71/0.53 2900 (kW) 0.87 1.25 1.74 2.33 1450 (kW) 0.11 0.16 0.22 0.29 Volume 25 7.04/5.25 0.91/0.68 2.99 0.37 30 8.71/6.49 1.13/0.84 369 0.46 35 10.4/7.78 1.35/1.01 4.43 0.55 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 3500 +19 +7.5 1770 -11.5 2900 +13 +1.5 1450 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 15 AX 54-160 4 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 21.38 inches (543 mm) ft/min = cfm / 2.49 m/s = m³/s / 0.23 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 5.60 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.71 74 69 74 75 70 76 72 74 73 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.29/0.22 0.48/0.36 0.69/0.52 0.93/0.69 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.08/0.06 0.14/0.10 0.20/0.15 0.27/0.20 1450 (kW) 0.12 0.20 0.28 0.38 950 (kW) 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.11 Volume 25 1.20/0.90 0.35/0.26 0.49 0.14 30 1.52/1.13 0.44/0.33 0.62 0.18 35 1.92/1.43 0.55/0.41 0.79 0.22 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +12 +0.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +6 -5.5 950 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 16 AX 54-160 6 Blades Page Header AX 54-160 6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 21.38 inches (543 mm) ft/min = cfm / 2.49 m/s = m³/s / 0.23 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 5.60 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.71 75 70 75 76 77 72 75 74 76 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 0.40/0.30 0.64/0.48 0.93/0.69 1.25/0.94 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.11/0.09 0.19/0.14 0.27/0.20 0.36/0.27 2900 (kW) 0.16 0.26 0.38 0.51 1450 (kW) 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.14 Volume 25 1.62/1.21 0.47/0.35 0.67 0.19 30 2.04/1.52 0.59/0.44 0.84 0.24 35 2.52/1.88 0.73/0.54 1.03 0.29 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 3500 +12 +0.5 1770 -11.5 2900 +7 -4.5 1450 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 17 AX 54-190 4 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 21.38 inches (543 mm) ft/min = cfm / 2.49 m/s = m³/s / 0.23 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 5.60 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.71 85 80 86 85 82 87 84 83 84 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 2.57/1.91 4.08/3.05 6.01/4.48 8.23/6.14 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.33/0.25 0.53/0.39 0.78/0.58 1.06/0.79 2900 (kW) 1.09 1.73 2.55 3.49 1450 (kW) 0.14 0.22 0.32 0.44 Volume 25 10.7/7.99 1.39/1.03 4.55 0.57 30 13.5/10.1 1.74/1.30 5.72 0.72 35 16.5/12.3 2.14/1.59 7.01 0.88 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 3500 +18 +6.5 1770 -11.5 2900 +13 +1.5 1450 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 18 AX 54-190 6 Blades Page Header AX 54-190 6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 21.38 inches (543 mm) ft/min = cfm / 2.49 m/s = m³/s / 0.23 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 5.60 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.71 85 80 86 82 82 88 84 84 86 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 3.38/2.52 5.66/4.22 8.03/5.99 10.6/7.93 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.44/0.33 0.73/0.55 1.04/0.78 1.37/1.03 2900 (kW) 1.43 2.40 3.41 4.51 1450 (kW) 0.18 0.30 0.43 0.56 Volume 25 13.6/10.1 1.75/1.31 5.75 0.72 30 17.0/12.7 2.20/1.64 7.20 0.90 35 21.1/15.7 2.73/2.03 8.94 1.12 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 3500 +18 +6.5 1770 -11.5 2900 +13 +1.5 1450 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 19 AX 54-275 6 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 21.38 inches (543 mm) ft/min = cfm / 2.49 m/s = m³/s / 0.23 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 5.60 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.71 85 81 88 86 82 88 88 85 88 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 3.02/2.26 5.30/3.96 7.73/5.77 10.4/7.75 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.39/0.29 0.69/0.51 1.00/0.75 1.34/1.00 2900 (kW) 1.28 2.25 3.28 4.41 1450 (kW) 0.16 0.28 0.41 0.55 Volume 25 13.4/10.0 1.74/1.29 5.69 0.71 30 16.9/12.6 2.19/1.63 7.18 0.90 35 21.0/15.7 2.72/2.03 8.92 1.12 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 3500 +18 +6.5 1770 -11.5 2900 +13 +1.5 1450 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 20 AX 54-275 9 Blades Page Header AX 54-275 9 Blades Impeller Diameter = 21.38 inches (543 mm) ft/min = cfm / 2.49 m/s = m³/s / 0.23 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 5.60 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.71 87 85 88 86 85 89 87 86 88 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 4.41/3.29 6.82/5.09 9.78/7.30 13.1/9.81 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.57/0.43 0.88/0.66 1.27/0.94 1.70/1.27 2900 (kW) 1.87 2.89 4.15 5.58 1450 (kW) 0.23 0.36 0.52 0.70 Volume 25 16.8/12.5 2.17/1.62 7.13 0.89 30 20.7/15.5 2.68/2.00 8.80 1.10 35 24.8/18.5 3.21/2.39 10.5 1.32 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 3500 +17 +5.5 1770 -11.5 2900 +12 +0.5 1450 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 21 AX 63-160 4 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 24.38 inches (619 mm) ft/min = cfm / 3.24 m/s = m³/s / 0.30 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 6.38 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.95 78 73 79 79 74 82 76 79 76 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.38/0.28 0.64/0.48 0.97/0.72 1.35/1.01 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.11/0.08 0.19/0.14 0.28/0.21 0.39/0.29 1450 (kW) 0.16 0.26 0.40 0.55 950 (kW) 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.16 Volume 25 1.79/1.34 0.52/0.39 0.74 0.21 30 2.28/1.70 0.66/0.49 0.94 0.26 35 2.86/2.14 0.83/0.62 1.17 0.33 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +12 +0.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +5 -5.5 950 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 22 AX 63-160 6 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 24.38 inches (619 mm) ft/min = cfm / 3.24 m/s = m³/s / 0.30 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 6.38 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.95 80 80 74 81 76 79 77 79 79 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.51/0.38 0.86/0.65 1.31/0.98 1.82/1.36 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.15/0.11 0.25/0.19 0.38/0.28 0.53/0.39 1450 (kW) 0.21 0.35 0.54 0.75 950 (kW) 0.06 0.10 0.15 0.21 Volume 25 2.41/1.80 0.70/0.52 0.99 0.28 30 3.09/2.31 0.89/0.67 1.27 0.36 35 3.88/2.89 1.12/0.84 1.59 0.45 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +10 -1.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +5 -6.5 950 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 23 AX 63-190 4 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 24.38 inches (619 mm) ft/min = cfm / 3.24 m/s = m³/s / 0.30 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 6.38 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.95 79 73 79 79 80 75 78 77 77 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.50/0.37 0.90/0.67 1.32/0.99 1.79/1.34 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.14/0.11 0.26/0.19 0.38/0.29 0.52/0.39 1450 (kW) 0.20 0.37 0.54 0.73 950 (kW) 0.06 0.10 0.15 0.21 Volume 25 2.33/1.74 0.67/0.50 0.96 0.27 30 2.98/2.22 0.86/0.64 1.22 0.34 35 3.77/2.81 1.09/0.81 1.55 0.44 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +11 -0.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +5 -6.5 950 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 24 AX 63-190 6 Blades Page Header AX 63-190 6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 24.38 inches (619 mm) ft/min = cfm / 3.24 m/s = m³/s / 0.30 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 6.38 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.95 79 74 80 77 76 81 78 78 79 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.74/0.56 1.28/0.96 1.84/1.37 2.42/1.81 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.22/0.16 0.37/0.28 0.53/0.40 0.70/0.52 1450 (kW) 0.31 0.53 0.75 0.99 950 (kW) 0.09 0.15 0.21 0.28 Volume 25 3.10/2.31 0.90/0.67 1.27 0.36 30 3.93/2.93 1.14/0.85 1.61 0.45 35 4.97/3.71 1.43/1.07 2.04 0.57 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +11 -0.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +5 -6.5 950 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 25 AX 63-275 6 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 24.38 inches (619 mm) ft/min = cfm / 3.24 m/s = m³/s / 0.30 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 6.38 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.95 78 73 80 81 76 80 81 78 81 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.75/0.56 1.30/0.97 1.89/1.41 2.53/1.89 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.22/0.16 0.38/0.28 0.55/0.41 0.73/0.55 2900 (kW) 2.45 4.27 6.20 8.31 1450 (kW) 0.31 0.53 0.77 1.04 Volume 25 3.26/2.43 0.94/0.70 10.7 1.34 30 4.10/3.06 1.18/0.88 13.5 1.68 35 5.08/3.79 1.47/1.10 16.7 2.09 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +10 -1.5 1170 -11.5 2900 +23 +11.5 1450 +5 -6.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 26 AX 63-275 9 Blades Page Header AX 63-275 9 Blades Impeller Diameter = 24.38 inches (619 mm) ft/min = cfm / 3.24 m/s = m³/s / 0.30 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 6.38 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 1.95 78 77 80 79 78 81 80 79 81 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 1.08/0.81 1.71/1.27 2.38/1.78 3.12/2.33 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.31/0.23 0.49/0.37 0.69/0.51 0.90/0.67 2900 (kW) 3.56 5.60 7.81 10.3 1450 (kW) 0.44 0.70 0.98 1.28 Volume 25 3.97/2.97 1.15/0.86 13.0 1.63 30 4.97/3.71 1.44/1.07 16.3 2.04 35 6.15/4.59 1.78/1.33 20.2 2.52 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +11 -0.5 1170 -11.5 2900 +23 +11.5 1450 +6 -5.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 27 AX 72-190 4 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 28.38 inches (721 mm) ft/min = cfm / 4.39 m/s = m³/s / 0.41 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 7.43 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 2.26 83 77 84 84 84 79 82 80 81 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.93/0.69 1.69/1.26 2.53/1.89 3.44/2.57 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.27/0.20 0.49/0.36 0.73/0.54 0.99/0.74 1450 (kW) 0.38 0.69 1.04 1.41 950 (kW) 0.11 0.20 0.29 0.40 Volume 25 4.51/3.36 1.30/0.97 1.85 0.52 30 5.82/4.34 1.68/1.25 2.39 0.67 35 7.45/5.56 2.15/1.61 3.06 0.86 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +11 -0.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +6 -5.5 950 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 28 AX 72-190 6 Blades Page Header AX 72-190 6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 28.38 inches (721 mm) ft/min = cfm / 4.39 m/s = m³/s / 0.41 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 7.43 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 2.26 84 79 83 85 86 81 83 82 83 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 1.43/1.07 2.33/1.74 3.44/2.56 4.73/3.53 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.41/0.31 0.67/0.50 0.99/0.74 1.37/1.02 1450 (kW) 0.59 0.96 1.41 1.94 950 (kW) 0.17 0.27 1.40 0.55 Volume 25 6.22/4.64 1.80/1.34 2.55 0.72 30 7.91/5.90 2.28/1.70 3.24 0.91 35 9.85/7.35 2.84/2.12 4.04 1.14 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +11 -0.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +6 -5.5 950 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 29 AX 72-275 6 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 28.38 inches (721 mm) ft/min = cfm / 4.39 m/s = m³/s / 0.41 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 7.43 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 2.26 84 78 85 86 80 85 82 85 85 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 1.29/0.97 2.23/1.67 3.33/2.49 4.60/3.44 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.37/0.28 0.65/0.48 0.96/0.72 1.33/0.99 2900 (kW) 4.25 7.33 10.9 15.1 1450 (kW) 0.53 0.92 1.37 1.89 Volume 25 6.08/4.53 1.75/1.31 19.9 2.49 30 7.77/5.79 2.24/1.67 25.5 3.19 35 9.81/7.32 2.83/2.11 32.2 4.02 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +11 -0.5 1170 -11.5 2900 +24 +12.5 1450 +6 -5.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 30 AX 72-275 9 Blades Page Header AX 72-275 9 Blades Impeller Diameter = 28.38 inches (721 mm) ft/min = cfm / 4.39 m/s = m³/s / 0.41 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 7.43 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 2.26 86 82 85 86 86 83 85 84 86 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 1.70/1.27 2.93/2.19 4.27/3.18 5.78/4.31 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.49/0.37 0.85/0.63 1.23/0.92 1.67/1.24 2900 (kW) 5.59 9.62 14.0 19.0 1450 (kW) 0.70 1.20 1.75 2.37 Volume 25 7.52/5.61 2.17/1.62 24.7 3.09 30 9.61/7.17 2.78/2.07 31.5 3.94 35 12.1/9.06 3.51/2.62 39.9 4.98 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +10 -1.5 1170 -11.5 2900 +23 +11.5 1450 +5 -6.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 31 AX 80-190 4 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 32.38 inches (822 mm) ft/min = cfm / 5.72 m/s = m³/s / 0.53 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 8.48 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 2.58 88 82 88 89 83 89 84 87 84 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 1.56/1.16 2.80/2.09 4.16/3.10 5.73/4.28 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.45/0.34 0.81/0.60 1.20/0.90 1.66/1.24 1450 (kW) 0.64 1.15 1.71 2.35 950 (kW) 0.18 0.32 0.48 0.66 Volume 25 7.63/5.69 2.20/1.64 3.13 0.88 30 9.95/7.43 2.88/2.14 4.08 1.15 35 12.8/9.55 3.70/2.76 5.25 1.48 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +11 -0.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +6 -5.5 950 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 32 AX 80-190 6 Blades Page Header AX 80-190 6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 32.38 inches (822 mm) ft/min = cfm / 5.72 m/s = m³/s / 0.53 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 8.48 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 2.58 89 89 84 90 85 89 87 88 87 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 2.20/1.64 3.88/2.89 5.87/4.38 8.12/6.06 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.64/0.47 1.12/0.84 1.70/1.26 2.35/1.75 1450 (kW) 0.90 1.59 2.41 3.33 950 (kW) 0.25 0.45 0.69 0.94 Volume 25 10.7/7.97 3.09/2.30 4.38 1.23 30 13.7/10.2 3.94/2.94 5.60 1.57 35 17.3/12.9 4.99/3.72 7.09 1.99 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +11 -0.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +6 -5.5 950 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 33 AX 80-275 6 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 32.38 inches (822 mm) ft/min = cfm / 5.72 m/s = m³/s / 0.53 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 8.48 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 2.58 88 83 89 89 84 89 88 86 88 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 2.43/1.81 4.45/3.32 6.44/4.80 8.55/6.38 1170 (Bhp/kW) 0.70/0.52 1.29/0.96 1.86/1.39 2.47/1.84 1450 (kW) 1.00 1.83 2.64 3.51 950 (kW) 0.28 0.51 0.74 0.99 Volume 25 11.0/8.21 3.18/2.37 4.51 1.27 30 14.0/10.4 4.04/3.02 5.74 1.61 35 17.9/13.4 5.18/3.87 7.36 2.07 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +11 -0.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +6 -5.5 950 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 34 AX 80-275 9 Blades Page Header AX 80-275 9 Blades Impeller Diameter = 32.38 inches (822 mm) ft/min = cfm / 5.72 m/s = m³/s / 0.53 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 8.48 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 2.58 90 90 86 89 90 87 89 87 89 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 3.54/2.64 5.62/4.20 8.29/6.18 11.4/8.49 1170 (Bhp/kW) 1.02/0.76 1.62/1.21 2.39/1.79 3.29/2.45 1450 (kW) 1.45 2.31 3.40 4.67 950 (kW) 0.41 0.65 0.96 1.31 Volume 25 14.8/11.1 4.28/3.20 6.08 1.71 30 18.7/14.0 5.40/4.03 7.67 2.16 35 23.1/17.2 6.66/4.97 9.46 2.66 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +10 -1.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +5 -6.5 950 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 35 AX 80-400 6 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 32.38 inches (822 mm) ft/min = cfm / 5.72 m/s = m³/s / 0.53 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 8.48 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 2.58 86 83 87 88 85 90 88 88 90 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 4.98/3.72 6.43/4.80 8.55/6.38 11.2/8.36 1170 (Bhp/kW) 1.44/1.07 1.86/1.39 2.47/1.84 3.24/2.42 1450 (kW) 2.04 2.64 3.51 4.60 950 (kW) 0.57 0.74 0.99 1.29 Volume Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] 25 14.4/10.7 4.14/3.09 5.88 1.65 30 17.9/13.4 5.18/3.86 7.35 2.07 35 21.9/16.3 6.32/4.71 8.97 2.52 rpm 1770 1170 1450 950 Inlet Sound LwA +11 +6 -5 dBA -0.5 -11.5 -5.5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 36 AX 80-400 9 Blades Page Header AX 80-400 9 Blades Impeller Diameter = 32.38 inches (822 mm) ft/min = cfm / 5.72 m/s = m³/s / 0.53 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 8.48 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 2.58 87 84 90 89 87 91 90 90 90 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 6.14/4.58 8.36/6.24 10.7/8.01 13.7/10.3 1170 (Bhp/kW) 1.77/1.32 2.42/1.80 3.10/2.31 3.97/2.96 1450 (kW) 2.54 3.43 4.40 5.64 950 (kW) 0.71 0.96 1.24 1.58 Volume Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] 25 17.4/13.0 5.02/3.74 7.13 2.00 30 21.7/16.2 6.26/4.67 8.89 2.50 35 26.5/19.8 7.66/5.72 10.9 3.06 rpm 1770 1170 1450 950 Inlet Sound LwA +10 +5 -5 dBA -1.5 -11.5 -6.5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 37 AX 90-275 6 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 36.38 inches (924 mm) ft/min = cfm / 7.22 m/s = m³/s / 0.67 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 9.52 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 2.90 93 93 87 93 88 93 89 92 92 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 3.76/2.81 6.26/4.67 9.39/7.00 13.1/9.78 1170 (Bhp/kW) 1.09/0.81 1.81/1.35 2.71/2.02 3.78/2.82 1450 (kW) 1.54 2.57 3.85 5.37 950 (kW) 0.43 0.72 1.08 1.51 Volume Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] 25 17.5/13.0 5.04/3.76 7.16 2.01 30 22.6/16.9 6.53/4.87 9.27 2.61 35 28.7/21.4 8.28/6.18 11.8 3.31 rpm 1770 1170 1450 950 Inlet Sound LwA +11 +5 -5 dBA -0.5 -11.5 -6.5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 38 AX 90-275 9 Blades Page Header AX 90-275 9 Blades Impeller Diameter = 36.38 inches (924 mm) ft/min = cfm / 7.22 m/s = m³/s / 0.67 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 9.52 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 2.90 95 94 90 94 93 90 93 91 93 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 5.03/3.75 8.89/6.63 13.0/9.66 17.4/13.0 1170 (Bhp/kW) 1.45/1.08 2.57/1.92 3.74/2.79 5.02/3.75 1450 (kW) 2.06 3.65 5.31 7.13 950 (kW) 0.58 1.03 1.49 2.01 Volume Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] 25 22.6/16.9 6.53/4.87 9.28 2.61 30 29.1/21.7 8.41/6.27 11.9 3.36 35 37.2/27.8 10.8/8.02 15.3 4.29 rpm 1770 1170 1450 950 Inlet Sound LwA +11 +5 -5 dBA -0.5 -11.5 -6.5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 39 AX 90-400 6 Blades Page Header Impeller Diameter = 36.38 inches (924 mm) ft/min = cfm / 7.22 m/s = m³/s / 0.67 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 9.52 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 2.90 91 88 93 92 94 89 93 91 93 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 6.36/4.75 10.4/7.72 14.4/10.8 18.9/14.1 1170 (Bhp/kW) 1.84/1.37 2.99/2.23 4.17/3.11 5.46/4.07 1450 (kW) 2.61 4.25 5.92 7.75 950 (kW) 0.73 1.19 1.66 2.18 Volume Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] 25 24.2/18.1 6.99/5.22 9.93 2.79 30 30.9/23.1 8.93/6.66 12.7 3.57 35 39.7/29.6 11.5/8.55 16.3 4.58 rpm 1770 1170 1450 950 Inlet Sound LwA +11 +5 -6 dBA -0.5 -11.5 -6.5 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 40 AX 90-400 9 Blades Page Header AX 90-400 9 Blades Impeller Diameter = 36.38 inches (924 mm) ft/min = cfm / 7.22 m/s = m³/s / 0.67 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 9.52 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 2.90 92 89 93 94 91 95 94 93 94 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 8.31/6.20 13.5/10.0 18.6/13.8 23.9/17.9 1170 (Bhp/kW) 2.40/1.79 3.89/2.90 5.36/4.00 6.91/5.16 1450 (kW) 3.41 5.52 7.61 9.82 950 (kW) 0.96 1.55 2.14 2.76 Volume Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] 25 30.0/22.3 8.65/6.45 12.3 3.45 30 36.9/27.6 10.7/7.96 15.2 4.26 35 45.3/33.8 13.1/9.75 18.6 5.22 rpm 1770 1170 1450 950 Inlet Sound LwA +10 +5 -6 dBA -1.5 -11.5 -6.5 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 41 AX 103-275 Page Header6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 40.38 inches (1026 mm) ft/min = cfm / 8.89 m/s = m³/s / 0.83 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 10.6 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 3.22 97 96 91 96 91 96 92 95 94 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 5.61/4.18 9.93/7.40 14.9/11.1 20.6/15.3 1170 (Bhp/kW) 1.62/1.21 2.87/2.14 4.30/3.21 5.94/4.43 1450 (kW) 2.30 4.07 6.11 8.43 950 (kW) 0.65 1.14 1.72 2.37 Volume 25 27.2/20.3 7.84/5.85 11.1 3.13 30 35.2/26.2 10.2/7.58 14.4 4.06 35 45.2/33.8 13.1/9.75 18.6 5.22 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +11 -0.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +5 -6.5 950 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 42 AX 103-275 Page Header9 Blades AX 103-275 9 Blades Impeller Diameter = 40.38 inches (1026 mm) ft/min = cfm / 8.89 m/s = m³/s / 0.83 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 10.6 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 3.22 99 98 94 97 97 94 96 93 96 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 8.58/6.40 13.8/10.3 20.0/14.9 27.3/20.3 1170 (Bhp/kW) 2.48/1.85 3.99/2.98 5.77/4.30 7.87/5.87 1450 (kW) 3.52 5.67 8.19 11.2 950 (kW) 0.99 1.59 2.30 3.14 Volume 25 36.1/26.9 10.4/7.77 14.8 4.16 30 46.8/34.9 13.5/10.1 19.2 5.40 35 59.8/44.6 17.3/12.9 24.5 6.90 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +10 -1.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +4 -7.5 950 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 43 AX 103-400 Page Header6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 40.38 inches (1026 mm) ft/min = cfm / 8.89 m/s = m³/s / 0.83 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 10.6 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 3.22 96 96 92 96 97 93 97 93 97 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 9.66/7.20 15.6/11.7 22.2/16.6 29.7/22.1 1170 (Bhp/kW) 2.79/2.08 4.51/3.37 6.41/4.78 8.57/6.39 1450 (kW) 3.96 6.41 9.10 12.2 950 (kW) 1.11 1.80 2.56 3.42 Volume 25 38.7/28.9 11.2/8.34 15.9 4.46 30 50.4/37.6 14.6/10.9 20.7 5.81 35 66.6/49.7 19.2/14.3 27.3 7.68 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +10 -1.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +5 -6.5 950 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 44 AX 103-400 Page Header9 Blades AX 103-400 9 Blades Impeller Diameter = 40.38 inches (1026 mm) ft/min = cfm / 8.89 m/s = m³/s / 0.83 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 10.6 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 3.22 96 97 93 98 98 94 97 96 98 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 12.8/9.51 21.9/16.3 29.7/22.2 37.8/28.2 1170 (Bhp/kW) 3.68/2.75 6.32/4.71 8.58/6.40 10.9/8.13 1450 (kW) 5.23 8.97 12.2 15.5 950 (kW) 1.47 2.52 3.43 4.35 Volume 25 47.6/35.5 13.7/10.3 19.5 5.49 30 60.8/45.3 17.6/13.1 24.9 7.01 35 82.1/61.2 23.7/17.7 33.7 9.47 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +11 -0.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +5 -6.5 950 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 45 AX 113-275 Page Header6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 44.5 inches (1130 mm) ft/min = cfm / 10.80 m/s = m³/s / 1.0 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 11.7 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 3.55 93 92 87 91 87 91 86 90 89 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1170 (Bhp/kW) 2.28/1.70 3.56/2.65 5.50/4.11 7.99/5.96 870 (Bhp/kW) 0.94/0.70 1.46/1.09 2.26/1.69 3.28/2.45 1450 (kW) 3.24 5.05 7.81 11.3 950 (kW) 0.91 1.42 2.20 3.19 Volume 25 11.0/8.17 4.50/3.36 15.6 4.37 30 14.3/10.7 5.90/4.40 20.4 5.73 35 18.2/13.6 7.49/5.59 25.9 7.28 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1170 +7 -4.5 870 -11.5 1450 +13 +1.5 950 +2 -9.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 46 AX 113-275 Page Header9 Blades AX 113-275 9 Blades Impeller Diameter = 44.5 inches (1130 mm) ft/min = cfm / 10.80 m/s = m³/s / 1.0 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 11.7 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 3.55 94 93 89 92 93 89 88 92 92 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1170 (Bhp/kW) 3.29/2.46 5.09/3.80 7.67/5.72 10.8/8.09 870 (Bhp/kW) 1.35/1.01 2.09/1.56 3.15/2.35 4.46/3.33 1450 (kW) 4.68 7.22 10.9 15.4 950 (kW) 1.32 2.03 3.06 4.33 Volume 25 14.6/10.9 6.01/4.48 20.8 5.84 30 19.0/14.2 7.81/5.83 27.0 7.59 35 25.2/18.8 10.3/7.71 35.7 10.0 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1170 +7 -4.5 870 -11.5 1450 +13 +1.5 950 +2 -9.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 47 AX 113-400 Page Header6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 44.5 inches (1130 mm) ft/min = cfm / 10.80 m/s = m³/s / 1.0 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 11.7 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 3.55 92 88 91 90 88 93 92 88 92 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1170 (Bhp/kW) 3.78/2.82 6.23/4.65 9.00/6.72 12.2/9.11 870 (Bhp/kW) 1.55/1.16 2.56/1.91 3.70/2.76 5.02/3.74 1450 (kW) 5.37 8.84 12.8 17.3 950 (kW) 1.51 2.49 3.60 4.88 Volume 25 16.0/12.0 6.60/4.92 22.8 6.41 30 20.7/15.4 8.51/6.35 29.4 8.27 35 26.6/19.8 10.9/8.15 37.8 10.6 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1170 +6 -5.5 870 -11.5 1450 +13 +1.5 950 +2 -9.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 48 AX 113-400 Page Header9 Blades AX 113-400 9 Blades Impeller Diameter = 44.5 inches (1130 mm) ft/min = cfm / 10.80 m/s = m³/s / 1.0 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 11.7 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 3.55 92 89 92 93 92 89 92 90 93 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1170 (Bhp/kW) 5.02/3.74 8.01/5.97 11.5/8.54 15.6/11.6 870 (Bhp/kW) 2.06/1.54 3.29/2.46 4.71/3.51 6.40/4.77 1450 (kW) 7.12 11.4 16.3 21.1 950 (kW) 2.00 3.20 4.57 6.22 Volume 25 20.5/15.3 8.42/6.28 29.1 8.17 30 26.3/19.6 10.8/8.07 37.4 10.5 35 33.3/24.8 13.7/10.2 47.3 13.3 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1170 +9 -2.5 870 -11.5 1450 +13 +1.5 950 +2 -9.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 49 AX 113-533 Page Header8 Blades Impeller Diameter = 44.5 inches (1130 mm) ft/min = cfm / 10.80 m/s = m³/s / 1.0 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 11.7 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 3.55 100 94 100 102 101 96 101 98 101 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 16.6/12.4 26.3/19.6 37.4/27.9 49.9/37.2 1170 (Bhp/kW) 4.80/3.58 7.60/5.67 10.8/8.05 14.4/10.8 1450 (kW) 6.81 10.8 15.3 20.5 950 (kW) 1.92 3.03 4.31 5.75 Volume 25 64.5/48.1 18.6/13.9 26.4 7.43 30 81.7/60.9 23.6/17.6 33.5 9.42 35 103/76.7 29.7/22.2 42.2 11.9 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +11 -0.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +5 -6.5 950 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 50 AX 113-533 AX 113-533 12 Blades Page Header12 Blades Impeller Diameter = 44.5 inches (1130 mm) ft/min = cfm / 10.80 m/s = m³/s / 1.0 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 11.7 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 3.55 101 97 99 101 98 101 100 100 102 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1770 (Bhp/kW) 23.8/17.7 36.8/27.5 51.2/38.2 67.3/50.2 1170 (Bhp/kW) 6.86/5.12 10.6/7.93 14.8/11.0 19.4/14.5 1450 (kW) 9.74 15.1 21.0 27.6 950 (kW) 2.74 4.24 5.91 7.76 Volume 25 85.4/63.7 24.7/18.4 35.0 9.85 30 106/78.9 30.5/22.8 43.4 12.2 35 129/96.2 37.3/27.8 52.9 14.9 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1770 +11 -0.5 1170 -11.5 1450 +5 -6.5 950 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 51 AX 123-400 Page Header6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 48.5 inches (1230 mm) ft/min = cfm / 12.80 m/s = m³/s / 1.19 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 12.7 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 3.87 94 94 90 93 90 95 95 90 94 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1170 (Bhp/kW) 5.66/4.22 8.89/6.63 13.0/9.70 18.0/13.4 870 (Bhp/kW) 2.33/1.74 3.66/2.73 5.34/3.99 7.39/5.51 1450 (kW) 8.04 12.6 18.5 25.5 950 (kW) 2.26 3.55 5.19 7.17 Volume 25 23.8/17.7 9.78/7.29 33.8 9.50 30 30.4/22.7 12.5/9.33 43.2 12.2 35 38.2/28.5 15.7/11.7 54.2 15.2 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1170 +8 -3.5 870 -11.5 1450 +14 +2.5 950 +3 -8.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 52 AX 123-400 Page Header9 BladesAX 113-533 12 Blades Impeller Diameter = 48.5 inches (1230 mm) ft/min = cfm / 12.80 m/s = m³/s / 1.19 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 12.7 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 3.87 95 95 91 95 94 92 95 93 96 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1170 (Bhp/kW) 7.85/5.86 13.0/9.72 18.1/13.5 23.8/17.8 870 (Bhp/kW) 3.23/2.41 5.36/4.00 7.45/5.56 9.79/7.30 1450 (kW) 11.2 18.5 25.7 33.8 950 (kW) 3.13 5.21 7.24 9.51 Volume 25 30.8/23.0 12.7/9.44 43.7 12.3 30 39.3/29.4 16.2/12.1 55.9 15.7 35 50.5/37.7 20.8/15.5 71.7 20.2 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1170 +7 -4.5 870 -11.5 1450 +14 +2.5 950 +3 -8.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 53 AX 123-533 Page Header8 Blades Impeller Diameter = 48.5 inches (1230 mm) ft/min = cfm / 12.80 m/s = m³/s / 1.19 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 12.7 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 3.87 94 88 95 95 96 91 96 93 96 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1170 (Bhp/kW) 7.64/5.70 12.2/9.09 17.3/12.9 23.0/17.2 870 (Bhp/kW) 3.14/2.34 5.01/3.74 7.11/5.31 9.45/7.05 1450 (kW) 10.9 17.3 24.6 32.7 950 (kW) 3.05 4.87 6.91 9.18 Volume 25 29.4/21.9 12.1/9.00 41.7 11.7 30 36.5/27.2 15.0/11.2 51.8 14.6 35 45.3/33.8 18.6/13.9 64.4 18.1 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1170 +7 -4.5 870 -11.5 1450 +13 +1.5 950 +2 -9.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 54 AX 123-533 Page Header12 Blades AX 123-400 9 Blades Impeller Diameter = 48.5 inches (1230 mm) ft/min = cfm / 12.80 m/s = m³/s / 1.19 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 12.7 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 3.87 96 91 93 95 95 93 95 95 97 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1170 (Bhp/kW) 10.4/7.74 15.9/11.8 22.2/16.6 29.4/22.0 870 (Bhp/kW) 4.27/3.18 6.52/4.87 9.13/6.81 12.1/9.03 1450 (kW) 14.7 22.5 31.6 41.8 950 (kW) 4.14 6.34 8.87 11.8 Volume 25 37.5/28.0 15.4/11.5 53.3 15.0 30 46.6/34.8 19.2/14.3 66.2 18.6 35 56.7/42.3 23.3/17.4 80.6 22.7 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1170 +7 -4.5 870 -11.5 1450 +13 +1.5 950 +3 -8.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 55 AX 140-400 Page Header6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 55.0 inches (1400 mm) ft/min = cfm / 16.50 m/s = m³/s / 1.53 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 14.4 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 4.39 96 94 96 94 99 98 96 94 98 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1170 (Bhp/kW) 8.72/6.51 13.7/10.2 20.1/15.0 27.9/20.8 870 (Bhp/kW) 3.59/2.68 5.62/4.20 8.24/6.15 11.5/8.55 950 (kW) 3.48 5.46 8.01 11.1 720 (kW) 1.52 2.38 3.49 4.85 Volume 25 37.7/28.2 15.5/11.6 15.1 6.56 30 50.1/37.4 20.6/15.4 20.0 8.72 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1170 +8 -3.5 870 -11.5 950 +2 -9.5 720 -6 -17.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 56 AX 140-400 Page Header9 BladesAX 123-533 12 Blades Impeller Diameter = 55.0 inches (1400 mm) Outlet Velocity Total Pressure Tip Speed ft/min = cfm / 16.50 m/s = m³/s / 1.53 ft/min = rpm X 14.4 m/s = rpm X 4.39 97 95 97 98 96 99 98 97 100 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1170 (Bhp/kW) 11.9/8.86 19.8/14.8 28.5/21.3 38.3/28.5 870 (Bhp/kW) 4.88/3.64 8.13/6.06 11.7/8.74 15.7/11.7 950 (kW) 4.74 7.89 11.4 15.3 720 (kW) 2.06 3.44 4.95 6.65 Volume 25 49.7/37.1 20.4/15.2 19.8 8.63 30 63.5/47.4 26.1/19.5 25.4 11.0 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1170 +9 -2.5 870 -11.5 950 +2 -9.5 720 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 57 AX 140-533 Page Header8 Blades Impeller Diameter = 55.0 inches (1400 mm) ft/min = cfm / 16.50 m/s = m³/s / 1.53 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 14.4 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 4.39 98 92 99 100 99 94 100 97 100 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1170 (Bhp/kW) 11.4/8.53 18.0/13.4 26.2/19.5 35.9/26.8 870 (Bhp/kW) 4.70/3.51 7.40/5.52 10.8/8.02 14.8/11.0 1450 (kW) 16.2 25.6 37.2 51.0 950 (kW) 4.57 7.19 10.5 14.4 Volume 25 47.3/35.3 19.4/14.5 67.1 18.9 30 60.2/44.9 24.7/18.5 85.5 24.0 35 74.6/55.7 30.7/22.9 106 29.8 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1170 +8 -3.5 870 -11.5 1450 +14 +2.5 950 +3 -8.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 58 AX 140-533 Page Header12 Blades AX 140-400 9 Blades Impeller Diameter = 55.0 inches (1400 mm) ft/min = cfm / 16.50 m/s = m³/s / 1.53 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 14.4 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 4.39 99 95 97 99 99 97 99 98 101 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1170 (Bhp/kW) 16.3/12.1 25.6/19.1 36.1/26.9 48.1/35.9 870 (Bhp/kW) 6.69/4.99 10.5/7.85 14.8/11.1 19.8/14.8 1450 (kW) 23.1 36.3 51.2 68.3 950 (kW) 6.49 10.2 14.4 19.2 Volume 25 62.0/46.2 25.5/19.0 88.0 24.8 30 77.2/57.6 31.7/23.7 110 30.8 35 98.5/73.5 40.5/30.2 140 39.3 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1170 +8 -3.5 870 -11.5 1450 +16 +4.5 950 +2 -9.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 59 AX 160-400 Page Header6 Blades Impeller Diameter = 63.0 inches (1600 mm) ft/min = cfm / 21.70 m/s = m³/s / 2.01 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 16.5 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 5.03 95 94 93 92 97 97 92 97 96 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 870 (Bhp/kW) 6.01/4.48 10.3/7.70 15.2/11.3 20.8/15.5 690 (Bhp/kW) 3.00/2.24 5.15/3.84 7.56/5.64 10.4/7.72 950 (kW) 5.84 10.0 14.7 20.2 720 (kW) 2.54 4.36 6.41 8.77 Volume 25 27.3/20.4 13.6/10.2 26.5 11.6 30 35.5/26.5 17.7/13.2 34.5 15.0 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 870 +6 -5.5 690 -11.5 950 +9 -2.5 720 +1 -10.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 60 AX 160-400 Page Header9 Blades AX 160-400 9 Blades Impeller Diameter = 63.0 inches (1600 mm) ft/min = cfm / 21.70 m/s = m³/s / 2.01 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 16.5 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 5.03 95 93 96 96 94 97 96 95 98 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 870 (Bhp/kW) 8.55/6.38 14.4/10.8 20.6/15.4 28.0/20.9 690 (Bhp/kW) 4.27/3.18 7.20/5.37 10.3/7.67 14.0/10.4 950 (kW) 8.31 14.0 20.0 27.2 720 (kW) 3.62 6.11 8.71 11.8 Volume 25 37.2/27.7 18.5/13.8 36.1 15.7 30 49.2/36.7 24.5/18.3 47.7 20.8 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 870 +6 -5.5 690 -11.5 950 +8 -3.5 720 +1 -10.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 61 AX 160-533 Page Header8 Blades Impeller Diameter = 63.0 inches (1600 mm) ft/min = cfm / 21.70 m/s = m³/s / 2.01 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 16.5 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 5.03 102 96 103 103 98 104 101 104 104 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1170 (Bhp/kW) 19.2/14.3 32.5/24.3 47.5/35.5 64.6/48.2 870 (Bhp/kW) 7.90/5.90 13.4/9.98 19.5/14.6 26.5/19.8 950 (kW) 7.68 13.0 19.0 25.8 720 (kW) 3.34 5.65 8.26 11.2 Volume 25 83.9/62.6 34.5/25.7 33.5 14.6 30 106/79.3 43.7/32.6 42.4 18.5 35 134/100 55.3/41.2 53.7 23.4 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1170 +9 -2.5 870 -11.5 950 +3 -8.5 720 -4 -15.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 62 AX 160-533 AX 160-533 12 Blades Page Header12 Blades Impeller Diameter = 63.0 inches (1600 mm) ft/min = cfm / 21.70 m/s = m³/s / 2.01 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure ft/min = rpm X 16.5 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 5.03 103 103 99 103 101 101 103 103 105 Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 1170 (Bhp/kW) 27.6/20.6 43.1/32.1 62.0/46.3 84.1/62.7 870 (Bhp/kW) 11.4/8.48 17.7/13.2 25.5/19.0 34.6/25.8 950 (kW) 11.0 17.2 24.8 33.6 720 (kW) 4.81 7.49 10.8 14.6 Volume 25 110/82.2 45.3/33.8 44.0 19.2 30 141/105 58.0/43.3 56.3 24.5 35 177/132 72.7/54.3 70.6 30.8 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] Inlet Sound rpm LwA dBA 1170 +8 -3.5 870 -11.5 950 +2 -9.5 720 -5 -16.5 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. 63 Selection Example and Warranty Performance: Volume - 0.5 m³/s Pressure - 170 Pa Static Pressure AX 31-160 4 Blades Power Frequency - 50 Hz AX 3 Impeller Diameter = 12.25 inches (311 mm) Results: Following the constant static pressure line a size 31 with 160 hub and 4 blades needs: ft/min = cfm / 0.82 m/s = m³/s / 0.08 Outlet Velocity Total Pressure 65 T Pre ft/min = rpm X 3.20 Tip Speed m/s = rpm X 0.98 67 68 67 • 15 degree blade pitch setting 66 • 2900 rpm motor 68 68 From the chart 67 • The operating efficiency is between 55 and 57% 69 Using 2900 Motor rpm and Peak Absorbed Power Table • 0.18 kW peak absorbed power Sound power falls between 68 and 66 LwA for the color matched 1770 rpm. Using the Inlet Sound table and estimating 67 LwA with 2900 rpm, the calculated sound power and pressure are: • Sound Power of 80 LwA • Sound Pressure of 68.5 dBA Air density = 1.2 kg/m³ Air density = 0.075 lbs/ft³ Peak Absorbed Power [Bhp/kW (60 Hz), kW (50 Hz)] Pitch Angle º rpm 5 10 15 20 3500 (Bhp/kW) 0.19/0.14 0.30/0.22 0.43/0.32 0.56/0.42 1770 (Bhp/kW) 0.03/0.02 0.04/0.03 0.06/0.04 0.07/0.05 2900 (kW) 0.08 0.13 0.18 0.24 1450 (kW) 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 Volume Air density = 1 Air density = 0 Sound Power A-Weighted [LwA] Sound Pressure [dBA] 25 0.71/0.53 0.09/0.07 0.30 0.04 30 0.88/0.66 0.11/0.09 0.37 0.05 35 1.07/0.80 0.14/0.10 0.45 0.06 rpm 3500 1770 2900 1450 Inlet Sound LwA +20 +13 -5 Peak Absorbed dBA +8.5 -11.5 +1.5 -16.5 3500 1770 2900 1450 Performance shown is for installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances in the airstream. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Sound power level ratings are shown in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LwA sound power levels for 100%, 50% and 0% of peak pressure in Installation Type B: Free inlet, Ducted outlet. dBA sound pressure values are weighted with 11.5 dB attenuation for each octave band at 5 feet. Performance sho Seal applies to a Sound power lev 0% of peak pres Building Value in Air Greenheck delivers value to mechanical engineers by helping them solve virtually any air quality challenges their clients face with a comprehensive selection of top quality, innovative airrelated equipment. We offer extra value to contractors by providing easy-to-install, competitively priced, reliable products that arrive on time. rpm (Bhp/kW) (Bhp/kW) (kW) (kW) pb C ilod arPageNumber And building owners and occupants value the energy efficiency, low maintenance and quiet dependable operation they experience long after the construction project ends. Our Warranty Greenheck warrants this equipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the purchase date. Any units or parts which prove defective during the warranty period will be replaced at our option when returned to our factory, transportation prepaid. Motors are warranted by the motor manufacturer for a period of one year. Should motors furnished by Greenheck prove defective during this period, they should be returned to the nearest authorized motor service station. Greenheck will not be responsible for any removal or installation costs. As a result of our commitment to continuous improvement, Greenheck reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Prepared to Support Green Building Efforts Supplement AX July 2004 R Copyright © 2004 Greenheck Fan Corp. P.O. Box 410 • Schofield, WI 54476-0410 • Phone (715) 359-6171 • 64
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