Guangzhou EHang Intelligent Technology GBO-200 G-BOX User Manual

Guangzhou EHang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. G-BOX Users Manual

Users Manual

Operating ManualGHOSTDRONE 2.0 AerialGHOSTDRONE 2.0 created by EHang, Inc.GHOSTDRONE 2.0 Operating Manual includes packing list, assembly, parts andspecification information.Congratulations on purchasing your new GHOSTDRONE 2.0!For customer service and support, please e-mail support@ehang.comor contact our customer service hotline: you, and enjoy your GHOSTDRONE!TABLE OF CONTENTSInstroductionDiagram -------------------------------------------------03Packing List ---------------------------------------------03AssemblyPropellers -----------------------------------------------04Propeller Guards ---------------------------------------05Camera --------------------------------------------------05Gimbal ---------------------------------------------------07AccessoriesBattery ---------------------------------------------------09G-BOX ---------------------------------------------------12LED Indicator Light Instructions ----------------------14SpecificationsSpecifications ------------------------------------------15FAQFAQ ------------------------------------------------------17INTRODUCTIONWith dual-sensor flight controller and high efficiency dynamic system, GHOSTDRONE 2.0secures safer and more stable flight. Its smart battery LCD screen displays real-timebattery status information. Our GHOSTDRONE 2.0 Aerial version contains the 3-axisgimbal, which ensures the camera always steady and stable, helping you record theexciting moments in your life.
DiagramFront Indicator LightMotorSmart Flight BatteryGimbalAircraft BodyPropellerLanding GearPacking ListAircraft*1 Propeller*8 Propeller Guard*4Battery Charger*1 Info Package*1G-BOX*1 Tool Kit*1Note:The tool kit contains a USB charging cable, a battery charging cable, a wrench, a screwdriver, 4 vibration dampeners and 15 screws.Extra 4 propellers, 4 vibration dampers and 3 screws are provided for free.The USB cable is used to charge the G-BOX as well as connecting the GHOSTDRONE to aPC to update the aircraft’s firmware.ASSEMBLYAircraft Install the propellers Install the propeller guards Install the cameraPropellersGHOSTDRONE 2.0 uses 2-bladed 8.5-inch self-tightening propellers. Propeller nuts havetwo colors, silver and black. Each indicates different rotating directions.Icon ExplanationsLOCK: Tighten the propeller in this direction.
UNLOCK: Remove the propeller in this direction.Installation1. Put the aircraft upside down on soft surface to avoid scratches.2. Match the silver nut propellers with the L motors (with silver motor shaft), and tightenthe propellers according to the LOCK instructions.3. Attach the black nut propellers to the R motors in the same way.DisassemblingKeep the motor deadlocked in place with one hand and remove the propeller accordingto the UNLOCK instructions.Propeller GuardsIt is optional to use the propeller guards.Installation: Place the guards over the aircraft. Use the screwdriver to tighten the 3screws.Disassembling: Unscrew the three holding screws and remove the guard.Note: We recommend using propeller guards in a complex environment, such as crowd,group of buildings or obstacles.CameraThe gimbal is compatible with GoPro 3, GoPro 3+, GoPro 4 and EHang camera. Camera isnot included in the box.1. Remove the camera guard. Connect the gimbal black plug with the Camera USBinterface.2. Use the camera guard to fix the Camera lens, and tighten the screws.Completed AssemblyGimbalThe gimbal is preassembled and ready to use. If one needs to dissemble the gimbal,refer to the following instructions. The gimbal is compatible with GoPro 3, GoPro 3+,GoPro 4 and EHang camera.Gimbal spare parts3-Axis Gimbal *1 Plate Adapter *1 Adapter Cable *1 Copper Pillar *4 Screw *4Gimbal Assembly1. Put the aircraft upside down on a soft surface to avoid unnecessary scratches, and use
ascrewdriver to tighten four copper pillars on the bottom of the aircraft.2. Connect the gimbal wire to the P1 interface on the plate adapter.Plate Adapter Gimbal Gimbal Wire P1 Interface Plate Adapter3. Mount the plate adapter to the gimbal by using two screws.Screw Bottom Board of the Gimbal Plate Adapter(Upside down)4. Fix the gimbal base by tightening two screws on the other two copper pillars.5. Connect the plug of the adapter cable to the plate adapter P2 interface. Connect theother end of the cable to the aircraft.Gimbal Plate Adapter Adapter Cable Aircraft Completed AssemblyACCESSORIESBatteryImproper use of battery may lead to fire, explosion or other dangers. Please be familiarwith the product before using.The 4S lithium polymer battery is specially designed for the GHOSTDRONE 2.0, withcapacity of 4500mAh, voltage of 14.8V, charge-discharge management functionality anda smart display screen. The battery should only be charged by EHang charger.
Battery Structural DiagramLCD Screen Power Button Indicator LightPowering OnPress the power button, then press and hold the button again in 3 seconds until the lastletter “G” of logo “EHANG” appears on the screen. The LED indicator light turns on oncethe battery is turned on, referring to the diagram below.Remaining Total VoltageBattery Remaining CapacityBattery Capacity PercentageMain InterfaceNote: When the battery is powered off, press the power button to check the battery life.(Main interface will display for 3 seconds while the LED Indicator light stays off duringthe whole process.)When the battery is powered on, press the power button once to enter the secondaryinterface, referring to the picture below:Electronic CurrentBattery Lifespan PercentageNumber of Fully Chargeand Discharge CycleFour Battery Chamer’s VoltageSecondary InterfacePowering OffPress the power button, then press and hold again until the ‘!’ of ‘SEE YOU !’ sign
disappears on the screen.Battery ChargingConnect the battery to the charger, and then connect the charger to a wall socket (usethe plug if necessary). Once connected successfully, the LED indicator light flashes slowlyand the screen displays current capacity level as below:Battery Capacity PercentageRemaining Time to Fully Charge the BatteryCharging Electric CurrentRemaining Total VoltageFour Battery Chamer’s VoltageCharging InterfaceBattery DischargingWhen the battery is discharging, the LED indicator light stays on and the screen displaysas below:Remaining Battery Capacity PercentageRemaining Discharge TimeDischarge InterfaceDischarging CurrentTotal VoltageAccumulated Discharging TimeLED Indicator Light Instructions
Low frequency flash (Green) ChargingHigh frequency flash (Green) Low batterySolid green WorkingLight off StandbyWarningOnly the EHang original charger should be used to charge the battery.Do not use the batteries from other companies. EHang is not responsible for anydangerous accidents caused by third party batteries.Do not use the battery if it is inflated, damaged or deformed.Do not plug or unplug the battery into the aircraft when it is powered on, otherwise thebattery interface will be damaged.Recharge the battery only after it cools down to room temperature.Do not leave the battery on combustibles or unattended when charging.Do not charge or store the battery under direct sunlight.Do not use the battery in strong electrostatic or electromagnetic environments,otherwise the electronic protection devices might be damaged leading to dangerousaccidents.Do not use any conducting wires or any metallic substance that would cause batteryshort circuit.Do not attempt to dismantle the battery case.Do not attempt to dismantle, pierce or cut a battery.If the battery terminal gets dirty, please clean it with a dry cloth before using, or mightcause charging malfunction.Storage InstructionsThe battery should be stored in an environment with the temperature of 23±5°C.The battery must be stored in places away from children, water, fire and metal.If the battery is not being used for more than 1 week, keep the battery capacity between50% to 60%. Charge and discharge the battery once every two months.Do not discard batteries in general household waste. Damaged or unusable batteriesmust be disposed in containers specially reserved for this purpose. When disposing ofbatteries, follow appropriate local guidelines and regulations.G-BOXG-BOX is a wireless interface unit designed specifically for controlling and interfacingwith the GHOSTDRONE. GHOSTDRONE 2.0 G-BOX is compatible with both Android andiOS system.Each GHOSTDRONE is paired with one G-BOX. The GHOST App cannot operate theGHOSTDRONE without a G-BOX. Please store the G-BOX appropriately. If G-BOX ismissing, it will be necessary to replace a new G-BOX unit.G-BOX USB Power Cable
The USB port is for charge use only.Structural DiagramCharging PortPower IndicatorSwitchCharge/Battery Level IndicatorPower IndicatoriOS Android Communication IndicatorsMain Antenna DirectioniOS AndriodUsing the G-BOXPower OnPress the power button once.After the G-BOX turns on, the battery indicator, PWR and DATA indicators will turn on.After several seconds the battery indicators turns off to save battery.
Power OffHold the power button until the PWR indicator turns off.While ChargingThe four LEDs next to the power button flash in sequence.Fully ChargedThe left side LED flashes while the right three LEDs on the right are solid.Electric currentThe number of flashing LEDs indicates G-BOX's power levels.Switch/Battery Level Indicator Charging G-BOX (with battery charger)Note: You can charge the G-Box by connecting it to a PC with a USB cable. Whencharging through a USB adapter, the required input current is 500 mA or higher.ProcedurePress the Power ButtoniOS IndicatorAndroid IndicatorIndicator Status Explanation: Flash Off Solid①Turn on G-BOX;②Switch to iOS/Android;③Communication indicator shows the status;④When G-BOX connects with mobile phone/tablet successfully, the communicationindicator shows the corresponding status.Important TipKeep the G-BOX within your 3 meter’s radius during flight (We suggest keeping it inhand). If the G-BOX is not near you, you may lose connection with the GHOSTDRONE.
Best communication can be acquired when G-BOX’s main antenna is pointing to theGHOSTDRONE.Smartphone G-BOXAircraft Indicator Lights InstructionsOn GHOSTDRONE 2.0, there are four arm indicator lights and one front indicator light.The front indicator light displays multiple colors; the two front arm indicator lightsdisplay red; and the rear two lights display blue.The following chart describes the display status of the lights and their correspondingexplanation.Front Indicator Light:Front Arm Indicator Light:Rear Arm Indicator Light:LegendHigh FrequencyLow Frequency FlashMedium Frequency FlashSolid
Front Indicator Light Arm Indicator Light DescriptionsAfter powering on, front indicator light shows in white solid color then flashes in blueand green at high frequency until stopInitializingFlashes in yellow and blue at low frequency alternatelyWhen transmitter “Unlock” or “Throttle” Joystick position is incorrect, do not unlock.(Skip this status when not using transmitter.)Medium frequency flash (red) Unlock check not pass, do not unlock.Low frequency flash (yellow) GPS is not 3D locked. Unlock is only accessible inmanual mode.Low frequency flash (blue) GPS is 3D locked. Ready to unlock.Solid yellow GPS is not 3D locked. Unlock successful.Solid green GPS is 3D locked. Unlock successful.Low frequency flash (yellow)Low battery. (Not related to unlock or not.)Aircraft Indicator Light Status Information ChartTerminologies3D Lock: Lock aircraft’s current three-dimension location using GPS.High Frequency Flash: Flash rapidly at the frequency of 5 Hz.Medium Frequency Flash: Flash at the frequency of 2 Hz.Low Frequency Flash: Flash slowly at the frequency of 1 Hz.SPECIFICATIONSAircraft
Weight 1150 gShaft Distance 350 mmHeight 195 mmHover Accuracy horizontal: ±1, mvertical: ±0.2 mMaximum Tilt Angle ±45°Maximum Horizontal Speed 30 km/h (GPS mode) / 60 km/h (Manual mode)Maximum Ascend Speed 2.5 m/sMaximum Descend Speed 1.5 m/sMaximum Hover Time 25 minCommunication Frequency 2.400 GHz ~ 2.483 GHzMaximum Communication Distance 1000 mStable Transmission Distance 500 mOutput Power 255 W (Hover) 450 W (Maximum)Operating Temperature -10°C~40°CWind Resistance <10.7 m/s (24 mph)G-BOXCommunication Wi-Fi + Bluetooth + 2.4 GHz wireless data transmissionVoltage 3.7 VElectronic Current 1500 mAh
Live Stream VideoFrequency 5.725 GHz~5.850 GHzMaximum Operating Distance 1000 mStable Transmission Distance 500 mPropeller8.5-inch 2-bladed self-tightening propellersBatteryWeight 400 gType LiPo 4SVoltage 14.8 VCurrent 4500 mAh (67 Wh)Operating Temperature -10°C~ +40°CMaximum Charging Power 60 WCharging Time 60 min ~70 minBattery Charger
Input Voltage 100 V~240 VInput Current 2 A (max)Input Frequency 50/60 HzOutput Voltage 16.8 VOutput Current 3.8 ARated Power 60 WOperating Temperature 0°C~40°CStorage Temperature Storage Temperature3-Axis GimbalWeight 154 gAccuracy 0.09°Operating Voltage 12 VAngle Restrictions Roll Angle ±45°/ Pitch Angle -90°to +30°Supported Camera EHang camera, GoPro3, GoPro3+, GoPro4FAQ1. Is the G-BOX compatible with Android and iOS?Yes. GHOSTDRONE 2.0 G-BOX is compatible with both Android and iOS. Move the paddleto the desired operating system with G-BOX turned on.2. What’s the battery capacity? How long is the charging time?GHOSTDRONE 2.0 is equipped with 4500-mAh 4S Lithium polymer battery and an LCDscreen showing information including battery capacity, voltage, remaining capacity etc.The charging time is about 60 to 70 minutes which will also be shown on the screen forviewing conveniently.3. How to download the App?1. Go to to download Android/iOS App.2. Search “GHOSTDRONE” on Google Play to download Android App.3. Search “GHOSTDRONE”on App Store to download iOS App.4. How to use AVATAR App?AVATAR App is used to fly the aircraft with smart gesture control. Connect smartphonewith G-BOX and aircraft, and open AVATAR App. After the aircraft takes off, tilt the phoneforward to direct the aircraft flying forward; Tilt the phone backward to direct the
aircraft flying backward. Similar controls can apply for flying the aircraft leftward orrightward. The AVATAR smart gesture control is simpler and more intuitive, whichdefinitely brings you more fun.5. Can GHOSTDRONE 2.0 automatically dodge obstacles?Obstacle avoidance function is currently unavailable for GHOSTDRONE 2.0. Pleasebeware of the flying environment and it is highly recommended to fly the aircraft in anopen area.6. What will happen if “Lock” button is accidentally hit during flight?If the “Lock” button is pressed during flight, a confirmation dialog box will pop up. Theaircraft will be locked after confirmation. But it is still recommended to operatecautiously during flight.7. Can the propeller guards and landing gears be used at the same time?Yes. It is recommended to use the propeller guards in a complex environment, such ascrowd, group of buildings or obstacles to avoid unnecessary lost.8. What will happen if the smartphone goes out of battery during flight?The aircraft will return automatically if not receiving any command in 5 seconds.(Theaircraft battery life should be sufficient)9. How to update App and download user manual?Update reminder will automatically pop up on the App interface. You can also visitofficial website to download the latest App and user manual.Website: www.ehang.comBusiness Hour: Monday – Friday 10:00 A.M – 6:00 P.M (PST)Customer Service Phone: 888-800-7056Customer Service Email:
The SAR limit of Europe is 2.0 W/kg. Device types G-BOX has also been tested against this SARlimit. The highest SAR value reported under this standard during product certification worn on thebody is 0.343 W/kg. This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of theG-BOX kept 0cm from the body. To maintain compliance with RF exposure requirements, useaccessories that maintain a 0cm separation distance between the user's body and the back of theG-BOX. The use of belt clips, holsters and similar accessories should not contain metallic componentsin its assembly. The use of accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not comply with RFexposure requirements, and should be avoided.Regulatory ConformanceHereby, Guangzhou EHang Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd. declares that this device is in compliancewith the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.For the declaration of conformity, visit the Web site Observe the national local regulations in the location where the device is to be used. Thisdevice may be restricted for use in some or all member states of the European Union (EU)
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorizedmodifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate theequipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates usesand can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of thefollowing measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help- This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any otherantenna or transmitter.The SAR limit of USA (FCC) is 1.6 W/kg averaged over one gram of tissue. Device types G-BOX(FCC ID: 2ADPF-GBO-200) has also been tested against this SAR limit. The highest SAR valuereported under this standard during product certification when properly worn on the body is1.084W/kg. This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the G-BOX kept0cm from the body. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, use accessories thatmaintain a 0cm separation distance between the user's body and the back of the G-BOX. The use ofbelt clips, holsters and similar accessories should not contain metallic components in its assembly. Theuse of accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not comply with FCC RF exposurerequirements, and should be avoided.

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