HAOLIYUAN R0300 802.11n Wireless Router User Manual WR8196 Manual

HAOLIYUAN (SHENZHEN) ELECTRONIC CO., LTD 802.11n Wireless Router WR8196 Manual

User manual

  1 / 21     802.11n Wireless Router                  R0300/WR366E                         V1.0     User Manual
  2 / 21  Chapter 1. Introduction   Thank you for choosing the Wireless Router. This router provides dedicated solution for Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) networks. your local wired or wireless network can share Internet access, files and fun for multiple PCs through one ISP account. It is an easy Web-based setup for installation and management. Even though you may not be familiar with the router, this guide will make configuring the router easy. Before installing the router, please look WKURXJKWKLVJXLGHWRNQRZDOOWKHURXWHU¶VIXQFWLRQV 1.1 Product Features   ƹ Includes Wireless AP, Router, 4-Port Switch, and Firewall in one   ƹ Supports WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) encryption method   ƹ Complies with IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.3 and IEEE 802.3u standards  ƹ Supports 64/128-bit WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA&WPA2 encryption methods   ƹ Provides one 10/100Mbps Auto-Negotiation Ethernet WAN port   ƹ Provides four 10/100Mbps Auto-Negotiation Ethernet LAN ports   ƹ Supports xDSL/Cable MODEM, static and dynamic IP in community networking   ƹ Supports Auto MDI/MDIX   ƹ Supports LAN access control over Internet connection     ƹ Supports WDS wireless network extension   1.2 Package contents   The following contents should be found in your box:     One Wireless Router     One power adapter for Wireless Router     Quick Installation Guide   Note: If any of the listed contents are damaged or missing, please contact the retailer from whom you purchased the product for assistance.
  3 / 21  1.3 Led Indicator and port description    The LED indicators displayed on the front panel, the status of these LED LQGLFDWRUV UHSUHVHQW WKH GHYLFH¶V ZRUNLQJ FLUFV )RU GHWDLOV SOHDVH UHIHU WRbelow: Name   Status   Description   Power  off   No Power  on   Power on  WAN/ LAN(1-4) off  There is no device linked to the corresponding port  on  Connected to a device through the corresponding port Flash  Sending or receiving data over corresponding port
  4 / 21  Chapter 2. Installation Preparation   2.1 Connecting the Router    2.2 Configure Computer   Follow the instructions below to configure a computer running Windows XP:   2.2.1 From the Start menu on your desktop, go to Settings, and then click on Network Connections.      2.2.2 In the Network Connections window, right-click on Local Area Connection, then click Properties.
  5 / 21     2.2.3 In the General tab of Local Area Connection Properties, Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) XQGHU³7KLVFRQQHFWLRQXVHVWKHIROORZing LWHPV´   Then click on the Properties button.     2.2.4 6HOHFW³Obtain an IP address automatically´DQGWKH³Obtain DNS server address automatically´by clicking the radio-button. Click OK .
  6 / 21    Chapter 3. Installation Guide   This User Guide recommendV XVLQJ WKH ³4XLFN ,QVWDOODWLRQ *XLGH´ IRUfirst-time installation, For advanced users, if you want to know more about this device and make use of its functions adequately, you need to read this chapter and configure advanced settings though the Web-based Utility.   3.1 Login the Router    Input the website in Internet explorer address column, User should see the login page, input the user name and password (default user QDPHDQGSDVVZRUGLV³admin´ORJin windows as below:  FOLFN³ok´EXWWRQHQWHUWKHmain page After your successful login, you can configure and manage the device. There are main menus on the left of the web-based utility. Submenus will be available after you click one of the main menus. On the right of the web-based utility, there are the detailed explanations and instructions for the corresponding page. To apply any settings you have altered on the page, please click the Apply changes button.
  7 / 21  3.2 Quick Installation Guide &OLFN³Router Setting´menu then show quick Installation window:   WAN Access Type: you can select Static IP, DHCP, PPPoE; Encryption: you can select WPA Mixed and None;
  8 / 21  3.3 Advanced setup 3.3.1 Operation Mode  3.3.2 Wireless Settings
  9 / 21  Disable wireless LAN Interface : Close wireless function . Band : you can select as below: 2.4G Hz(B):11b mode, rate is 11 Mbps 2.4G Hz (G):11g mode, rate is 54 Mbps 2.4G Hz(N):11n mode, rate is 150 Mbps(1T1R)300 Mbps(2T2R) 2.4G Hz (B+G):11b/g mode, rate is 11 Mbps and 54 Mbps 2.4G Hz(G+N):11g/n mode, rate is 54 Mbps,150 Mbps /300 Mbps 2.4G Hz(B+G+N):11b/g/n mode, rate is 11 Mbps,54 Mbps,150 Mbps /300 Mbps Mode: Can select one of AP,CLIENT,WDS,AP+WDS  Network Type : default is infrastructure, when Mode is Client , you also can set it to Ad-hocDŽ SSID: Wireless LAN status authentication name ,User can access the wireless networking through status authentication name only . Channel Width: you can select 20MHz and 40MHz. Channel Sideband: you can select Upper or Lower. default is Upper . Channel Number : the current channel router used.   Broadcast SSID: you can select Disable or Enable. default is Enable. Associated clients &OLFN³Show Active Clients´EXWWRQLWZLOOVKRZ³$FWLYH:LUHOHVV&OLHQW7DEOH´<RXFDQVHHWKHFOLHQW¶VVWDWXV Enable Mac Clone (Single Ethernet Client): Enable Mac Clone. Enable Universal Repeater Mode (Acting as AP and client simultaneously): Enable Universal Repeater Mode. SSID of Extended Interface: Only when the Enable Universal Repeater Mode is available. 3.3.3 Security Settings This page allows you setup the wireless security. Turn on WEP or WPA by using Encryption Keys could prevent any unauthorized access to your wireless network.
  10 / 21   Encryption: Support None ,WEP ,WPA2 ,WPA2 Mixed. Key Format: Support Passphrase ,Hex (64 characters) password : input 8~128 characters password. 3.3.4 LAN Settings This page is used to configure the parameters for local area network which connects to the LAN port of your Router. Here you may change the setting for IP address, subnet mask, DHCP, etc..  IP Address: WKH URXWHU¶V /$1 ,3 DGGUHVV  GHIDXOW LV,you can according request to change it . Subnet Mask: WKHURXWHU¶V/$1VXEQHWPDVNGHIDXOWLV
  11 / 21  Default Gateway: WKHURXWHU¶VGHIDXOWLV,you can according request to change it. DHCP: you can select one of Server,Disable,Client. Default is Server .that the DHCP Server can configure the TCP/IP protocol of your LAN computer automatically. For the Server mode, it must fill in the DHCP client address range. DHCP Client Range: default is Click to show client button to display the DHCP client information. Domain Name: default is Realtek. 802.1d spanning tree: you can select Disable or Enable. default is Disable. Clone MAC Address: you can input a MAC address for use clone function.  3.3.5 WAN Settings This page is used to configure the parameters for Internet network which connects to the WAN port of your Access Point. Here you may change the access method to Static IP, DHCP, PPPoE    by click the item value of WAN Access type. A. Static IP If your access type is Static IP, It means you have static IP address ISP supply, so you need to fill in follow details:  IP address7KHURXWHU¶V:$1,3DGGUHVVWKDWWKH,63VXSSO\,I\RXQRWVXUHcan check with ISP.
  12 / 21  Subnet Mask 7KH URXWHU¶V VXEQHW PDVN WKDW WKH ,63 VXSSO\ QRUPDOO\ LW LV  Default Gateway: Fill in yours gateway that the ISP supply, if you not sure can check with ISP.  B. DHCP Client If your access type is DHCP Client, then you can get the IP address from the ISP. it means you only need connect the ISP line with internet to the router¶s WAN port. You do not need to enter the information like other modes.  C. PPPoE If your access type is PPPoE, with ADSL virtual dialing, you need to fill in following details:
  13 / 21   User Name: Fill in ADSL access user name which supply by ISP, if you not sure can check with ISP. password: Fill in ADSL access password which supply by ISP, if you not sure can check with ISP.  3.3.6 Port Filtering Entries in this table are used to restrict certain types of data packets from your local network to Internet through the Gateway. Use of such IP filters can be helpful in securing or restricting your local network.
  14 / 21  Enable IP Filtering :Open IP address filtering function. Local IP Address : Input filtering IP address , as . Protocol : select the protocol type for the controlled data. Current Filter Table : display current IP filtering table .  3.3.7 MAC Control If you choose 'Allowed Listed', only those clients whose wireless MAC addresses are in the access control list will be able to connect to your Access Point. When 'Deny Listed' is selected, these wireless clients on the list will not be able to connect the Access Point. Default is disable.   3.3.8 Web Filtering Web filter is used to deny LAN users from accessing the internet. Block those URLs which contain keywords listed below.
  15 / 21   Enable URL Filtering : Open URL filtering function . URL Address : Input the filtering URL address. Current Filter Table :display current URL filtering table .  3.3.9 DMZ Host A Demilitarized Zone is used to provide Internet services without sacrificing unauthorized access to its local private network. Typically, the DMZ host contains devices accessible to Internet traffic, such as Web (HTTP ) servers, FTP servers, SMTP (e-mail) servers and DNS servers.  Enable DMZ: Open DMZ function . DMZ Host IP Address : Input DMZ host IP address.
  16 / 21  3.3.10 Site Survey This page provides tool to scan the wireless network. If any Access Point or IBSS is found, you could choose to connect it manually when client mode is enabled..   3.3.11 QoS Settings Entries in this table improve your online gaming experience by ensuring that your game traffic is prioritized over other network traffic, such as FTP or Web.
  17 / 21  3.3.12 Port Forwarding Entries in this table allow you to automatically redirect common network services to a specific machine behind the NAT firewall. These settings are only necessary if you wish to host some sort of server like a web server or mail server on the private local network behind your Gateway's NAT firewall.  Enable Port Forwarding: open port forwarding function   IP Address: Local IP Address Port Range: input forwarding port range ,as 22-120 . Protocol : select the protocol type for the controlled data. Current Port Forwarding Table :display current port forwarding table .  3.3.13 WDS Settings Wireless Distribution System uses wireless media to communicate with other APs, like the Ethernet does. To do this, you must set these APs in the same channel and set MAC address of other APs which you want to communicate with in the table and then enable the WDS.
  18 / 21   $W³Wireless´±!³Basic settings´SDJH6HWMode to WDS or AP+WDS type , and Enable WDS at WDS Settings page , fill in tKH:'6$3¶V0$&DGGUHVV&OLFN³Apply Changes´EXWWRQWRILQLVKVHWWLQJ  3.3.14 Upgrade Firmware This page allows you upgrade the Router firmware to new version. Please note, do not power off the device during the upload because it may crash the system.
  19 / 21  3.3.15 Save/Reload Settings This page allows you save current settings to a file or reload the settings from the file which was saved previously. Besides, you could reset the current configuration to factory default(click Reset button).   3.3.16 Password This page is used to set the account to access the web server of Router. Empty user name and password will disable the protection.
  20 / 21  3.3.17 Device Status This page shows the current status and some basic settings of the device.
  21 / 21  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  -- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  -- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  -- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  -- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  RF Exposure Warning Statements: The distance between user and products should be no less than 20cm during normal operations.

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