Users Manual

41Features of your vehicle--D300800AHMHow vehicle audio worksAM and FM r adio signals are broadcastfrom tr ansmitter to wers located aroundyour city . They are intercepted b y theradio antenna on your vehicle. This signalis then received by the radio and sent toyour vehicle speakers.When a strong r adio signal has reachedyour vehicle, the precise engineer ing ofyour audio system ensures the best pos-sible quality reproduction. However, insome cases the signal coming to y ourvehicle may not be strong and clear. Thiscan be due to f actors such as the dis-tance from the radio station, closeness ofother strong r adio stations or the pres-ence of b uildings, bridges or other largeobstructions in the area.AM broadcasts can be receiv ed atgreater distances than FM broadcasts .This is because AM r adio w aves aretransmitted at lo w frequencies . Theselong, low frequency r adio waves can fol-low the curvature of the earth rather thantravelling str aight out into the atmos-phere. In addition, the y cur ve aroundobstructions so that they can provide bet-ter signal coverage.¢¢¢JBM001FM radio reception¢¢¢¢¢¢JBM002AM radio receptionFCC ID: TQ8-AM110HDGN
Features of your vehicle24FM broadcasts are tr ansmitted at highfrequencies and do not bend to follow theearth's surf ace. Because of this , FMbroadcasts gener ally begin to f ade atshort distances from the station. Also,FM signals are easily aff ected b y build-ings, mountains , or other obstr uctions.These can result in certain listening con-ditions which might lead you to believe aproblem e xists with y our r adio. The f ol-lowing conditions are nor mal and do notindicate radio trouble:• Fading - As y our vehicle mo ves a wayfrom the r adio station, the signal willweaken and sound will begin to f ade.When this occurs, we suggest that youselect another stronger station.• Flutter/Static -  Weak FM signals orlarge obstr uctions betw een the tr ans-mitter and y our r adio can disturb thesignal causing static or flutter ing nois-es to occur . Reducing the treb le le velmay lessen this eff ect until the distur-bance clears.• Station Sw apping - As a FM signalweakens, another more po werful sig-nal near the same frequency ma ybegin to pla y. This is because y ourradio is designed to lock onto the clear-est signal. If this occurs, select anotherstation with a stronger signal.• Multi-Path Cancellation - Radio signalsbeing received from se veral directionscan cause distor tion or flutter ing. Thiscan be caused b y a direct and reflect-ed signal from the same station, or b ysignals from tw o stations with closefrequencies. If this occurs , selectanother station until the condition haspassed.¢¢¢JBM004 JBM005JBM003FM radio station
43Features of your vehicleSatellite radio receptionYou may experience difficulties in receiv-ing SIRIUS satellite r adio signals in thefollowing situations.• If you are dr iving in a tunnel or a co v-ered parking area.• If you are driving beneath the top levelof a multi-level freeway.• If you drive under a br idge.• If you are dr iving next to a tall v ehicle(such as a tr uck or a b us) that b locksthe signal.• If you are driving in a valley where thesurrounding hills or peaks b lock thesignal from the satellite.• If you are dr iving on a mountain roadwhere is the signal b locked by moun-tains.• If y ou are dr iving in an area with talltrees that block the signal (30 ft. / 10mor more), f or example on an road thatgoes through a dense forest.• The signal can become w eak in someareas that are not co vered b y theSIRIUS repeater network.NOTE:There may be other unforeseen cir-cumstances leading to receptionproblems with the SIRIUS satelliteradio signal.SATELITE2SATELITE1
Features of your vehicle44Using a cellular phone or a two-wayradio   When a cellular phone is used inside thevehicle, noise may be produced from theaudio equipment. This does not meanthat something is wrong with the audioequipment. In such a case, use the cellu-lar phone at a place as f ar as possib lefrom the audio equipment.Care of disc• If the temper ature inside the car is toohigh, open the car windows for ventilationbefore using your car audio.• It is illegal to cop y and use MP3/WMAfiles without per mission. Use CDs thatare created only by lawful means.• Do not apply v olatile agents such asbenzene and thinner , nor mal cleanersand magnetic spr ays made f or ana-logue disc onto CDs.• To pre vent the disc surf ace from get-ting damaged. Hold and carr y CDs b ythe edges or the edges of the centerhole only.• Clean the disc surf ace with a piece ofsoft cloth before playback (wipe it fromthe center to the outside edge).• Do not damage the disc surf ace orattach pieces of stic ky tape or paperonto it.• Make sure on undesirable matter otherthan CDs are inser ted into the CDplayer (Do not inser t more than oneCD at a time).• Keep CDs in their cases after use toprotect them from scratches or dirt.• Depending on the type of CD-R/CD-RW CDs, certain CDs may not operatenormally according to man ufacturingcompanies or making and recordingmethods. In such circumstances, if youstill contin ue to use those CDs , the ymay cause the malfunction of y our caraudio system.✽✽NOTICE - Playing anIncompatible CopyProtected Audio CDSome copy protected CDs, which do notcomply with the international audio CDstandards (Red Book), may not play onyour car audio. Please note that if youtry to play copy protected CDs and theCD player does not perform correctlythe CDs maybe defective, not the CDplayer.CAUTIONWhen using a communication sys-tem such a cellular phone or a radioset inside the vehicle, a separateexternal antenna must be fitted.When a cellular phone or a radio setis used with an internal antennaalone, it may interfere with the vehi-cle's electrical system and adverse-ly affect safe operation of the vehi-cle.WARNINGDo not use a cellular phone whiledriving. Stop at a safe location touse a cellular phone.
47Features of your vehicle8. ButtonPress this button to enter SETUP mode ,If no action is tak en for 8 seconds, it willreturn to previous mode.In “SETUP” mode, rotate the TUNE knobto mo ve the cursor betw een items , andpush the TUNE knob to select.• MAINSelect this item to enter the Scroll andSDVC setup.• SCROLLSelect whether long file names arescrolled contin uously (On) or just once(Off).• SDVC (Speed Dependent Volume Control)Select this item to turn the SDVC featureOn or Off. If it is turned ON, volume levelis adjusted automatically according tothe vehicle speed.• MEDIASelect default display of MP3 pla y infor-mation. “Folder/File” or “Ar tist/Title” canbe selected.• SATSelect def ault displa y of SIRIUS mode .“Cat./Ch.” or “Artist/Title” can be select-ed.• CLOCKSelect this item to enter Cloc k setupmode. Adjust the hour and press thebutton to set. Adjust the min uteand press the  button to completeand exit from clock adjustment mode.Pressing the  button while inpower off , screen will allo w the user tomake immediately adjustments to theclock.SETUPENTERENTERSETUP
411Features of your vehicleNOTE:Order of playing files (folders) :1. Song playing order : to  sequen-tially.2. Folder playing order :❋If no song file is contained in thefolder, that folder is not displayed.
Features of your vehicle124CAUTION IN USING USB DEVICE• To use an external USB device,make sure the device is not con-nected when starting up the vehi-cle. Connect the device afterstarting up.• If you start the engine when theUSB device is connected, it maydamage the USB device. (USBflashdrives are very sensitive toelectric shock.)• If the engine is started up orturned off while the external USBdevice is connected, the externalUSB device may not work.• It may not play inauthentic MP3 orWMA files.1) It can only play MP3 files withthe compression rate between8Kbps~320Kbps.2) It can only play WMA musicfiles with the compression ratebetween 8Kbps~320Kbps.• Take precautions for static electrici-ty when connecting or disconnect-ing the external USB device.(Continued)(Continued)• An encrypted MP3 PLAYER is notrecognizable.• Depending on the condition ofthe external USB device, the con-nected external USB device canbe unrecognizable.• When the formatted byte/sectorsetting of External USB device isnot either 512BYTE or 2048BYTE,then the device will not be recog-nized.• Use only a USB device formattedto FAT 12/16/32.• USB devices without USB I/Fauthentication may not be recog-nizable.• Make sure the USB connectionterminal does not come in contactwith the human body or otherobjects.• If you repeatedly connect or dis-connect the USB device in a shortperiod of time, it may break thedevice.• You may hear a strange noisewhen connecting or disconnect-ing a USB device. (Continued)(Continued)• If you disconnect the external USBdevice during playback in USBmode, the external USB device canbe damaged or may malfunction.Therefore, disconnect the externalUSB device when the audio isturned off or in another mode. (e.g,Radio or CD)• Depending on the type and capacityof the external USB device or thetype of the files stored in the device,there is a difference in the timetaken for recognition of the device.• Do not use the USB device for pur-poses other than playing music files.• Playing videos through the USB isnot supported.• Use of USB accessories such asrechargers or heaters using USBI/F may lower performance orcause trouble.• If you use devices such as a USBhub purchased separately, thevehicle’s audio system may notrecognize the USB device. In thatcase, connect the USB devicedirectly to the multimedia termi-nal of the vehicle. (Continued)
413Features of your vehicle(Continued)• If the USB device is divided bylogical drives, only the music fileson the highest-priority drive arerecognized by car audio.• Devices such as MP3 Player/Cellular phone/Digital camera canbe unrecognizable by standardUSB I/F can be unrecognizable.• Charging through the USB maynot be supported in some mobiledevices.❋ A car exclusive cable (Provided orsold separately) is required to usethe iPod.• Some non-standard USB devices(METAL COVER TYPE USB) can beunrecognizable.• Some USB flash memory readers(such as CF, SD, microSD, etc.) orexternal-HDD type devices can beunrecognizable.• Music files protected by DRM(DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT)are not recognizable. (Continued)(Continued)• The data in the USB memory maybe lost while using this audio.Always back up important data ona personal storage device.• Please avoid using USB memoryproducts which can be used askey chains or cellular phoneaccessories as they could causedamage to the USB jack. Pleasemake certain only to use plug typeconnector products as shownbelow.
Features of your vehicle164✽✽NOTICE FOR USING THEiPod DEVICE• Some iPod models might not sup-port the communication protocoland the files will not be played. Supported iPod models: - iPod Mini- iPod 4th(Photo) ~ 6th(Classic)generation- iPod Nano 1st~4th generation- iPod Touch 1st~2nd generation• The order of search or playback ofsongs in the iPod can be differentfrom the order searched in theaudio system.• If the iPod disabled due to its ownmalfunction, reset the iPod. (Reset:Refer to iPod manual)• An iPod may not operate normallyon low battery.• Some iPod devices, such as theiPhone, can be connected through theBluetooth®wireless technology inter-face. The device must have audioBluetooth®wireless technology capa-bility (such as for stereo headphoneBluetooth®wireless technology). Thedevice can play, but it will not be con-trolled by the audio system.CAUTION IN USING THE iPod DEVICE• The Kia iPod Power Cable isneeded in order to operate iPodwith the audio buttons on theaudio system.The USB cable pro-vided by Apple may cause  mal-function and should not be usedfor Kia vehicles.❋ The Kia iPod Power Cable maybe purchased through your KiaDealership.• When connecting iPod with theiPod Power Cable, insert the con-nector to the multimedia socketcompletely. If not inserted com-pletely, communications betweeniPod and audio may be interrupted.• When adjusting the sound effects ofthe iPod and the audio system, thesound effects of both devices willoverlap and might reduce or distortthe quality of the sound.• Deactivate (turn off) the equalizerfunction of an iPod when adjust-ing the audio system’s volume,and turn off the equalizer of theaudio system when using theequalizer of an iPod. (Continued)(Continued)• When the iPod cable is connected,the system can be switched to AUXmode even without iPod deviceand may cause noise. Disconnectthe iPod cable when you are notusing the iPod device.• When not using iPod with caraudio, detach the iPod cable fromiPod. Otherwise, iPod may remainin accessory mode, and may notwork properly.• When connecting the iPod, use theUSB/AUX terminals.• When disconnecting the iPod,disconnect both the USB/AUX ter-minal.• The iPod exclusive cable must beconnected to both the USB/AUXterminals for iPod charging andoperations to be supported.Detachable USB/AUXAll-in-one USB/AUX
419Features of your vehicleSatellite Radio channels:SIRIUS Satellite Radio has o ver 130 chan-nels, including 69 channels of 100% com-mercial-free m usic, plus spor ts, ne ws, talkand enter tainment a vailable nationwide inyour v ehicle. For more inf ormation and acomplete list of SIRIUS Satellite Radiochannels, visit sir in the UnitedStates, in Canada, or callSIRIUS at 1-888-539-7474.Satellite Radio reception factors:To receive the satellite signal, y our vehi-cle has been equipped with a satelliteradio antenna located on the roof of yourvehicle. The v ehicle roof pro vides thebest location f or an unobstr ucted, openview of the sky, a requirement of a satel-lite radio system. Like AM/FM, there areseveral f actors that can aff ect satelliteradio reception performance:• Antenna obstr uctions: For optimalreception performance, keep the anten-na clear of sno w and ice b uild-up andkeep luggage and other mater ial as faraway from the antenna as possib le.• Terrain: Hills, mountains, tall buildings,bridges, tunnels , free way overpasses,parking gar ages, dense tree f oliageand thunderstor ms can interf ere withyour reception.SIRIUS Satellite Radio service:SIRIUS Satellite Radio is a subscr iption-based satellite r adio ser vice that broad-casts music, sports, news and enter tain-ment prog ramming to r adio receiv ers,which are a vailable f or installation inmotor v ehicles or f actory installed, aswell as f or the home , por table and wire-less de vices, and through an Inter netconnection on personal computer.Vehicles that are equipped with a f actoryinstalled SIRIUS Satellite Radio systeminclude:• Hardware and an introductory trial sub-scription ter m, which begins on thedate of sale or lease of the v ehicle.• For a small upg rade f ee, access toSIRIUS m usic channels , and otherselect channels over the Internet usingany computer connected to theInternet (U.S. customers only).For information on e xtended subscrip-tion ter ms, contact SIRIUS at 1-888-539-7474.NOTE:Satellite Radio requires SIRIUS®com-patible receiver and a subscription serv-ice fee after trial period.Vehicles without a factory-installedradio receiver require hardware pur-chase and installation. Please see yourdealer for further details. All fees andprogramming subject to change.Subscriptions governed by the SIRIUSTerms & Conditions available / service terms.Available only in the 48 contiguousUnited States and the District ofColumbia. Service available in Canada;see www.siriuscanada.caKIA shall not be responsible for anysuch programming changes.Satellite Radio Electronic SerialNumber (ESN): This 12-digit SatelliteSerial Number is needed to re-activ ate,modify or tr ack y our satellite r adioaccount. You will need this number whencommunicating with SIRIUS.SIRIUS Satellite Radio information (if equipped)
Features of your vehicle224NOTE:If you need more information aboutKia’s Bluetooth®wireless technology.Contact kia website “”(OWNERS>General Info>Bluetooth®wireless technology).CAUTION IN USINGBLUETOOTH®WIRELESSTECHNOLOGY CELLU-LAR PHONE• Do not use a cellular phone orperform Bluetooth®wireless tech-nology settings (e.g. pairing aphone) while driving.• Some  Bluetooth®wireless tech-nology-enabled phones may notbe recognized by the system orfully compatible with the system.• Before using Bluetooth®wirelesstechnology related features of theaudio system, refer your phone’sUser’s Manual for phone-sideBluetooth®wireless technologyoperations.•The phone must be paired to theaudio system to use Bluetooth®wireless technologyrelated fea-tures.• You will not be able to use thehands-free feature when yourphone (in the car) is outside ofthe cellular service area (e.g. in atunnel, in a underground, in amountainous area, etc.).(Continued)(continued)• If the cellular phone signal is pooror the vehicles interior noise istoo loud, it may be difficult to hearthe other person’s voice during acall.• Do not place the phone near orinside metallic objects, otherwise communications with Bluetooth®wireless technology system orcellular service stations can bedisturbed.• While a phone is connectedthrough Bluetooth®wireless tech-nology your phone may dis-charge quicker than usual foradditional  Bluetooth®wirelesstechnology-related operations.• Some cellular phones or otherdevices may cause interferencenoise or malfunction to audiosystem. In this case, store thedevice in a different location mayresolve the situation.• Please save your phone name inEnglish, or your phone name maynot be displayed correctly.
423Features of your vehicleBLUETOOTH®WIRELESS TECH-NOLOGY PHONE OPERATION(if equipped)1. button : Raises or lowers speak-er volume.2. : Mute the microphone during a call.3. button : Activates voice recognition.4. button : Places and transfers calls.5. button : Ends calls or cancels func-tions.■What is Bluetooth® wirelesstechnology?Bluetooth®wireless technology thatallows m ultiple devices to be connectedin a shor t r ange, lo w-powered de viceslike hands-free, stereo headset, steer ingremote control, etc. For more inf orma-tion, visit the Bluetooth®wireless technol-ogy website at■General Features• This audio system suppor ts Bluetooth®wireless technology hands-free andstereo-headset features.- HANDS-FREE f eature: Making orreceiving calls wirelessly throughvoice recognition.- STEREO-HEADSET  feature: Playingmusic from cellular phones (that sup-ports A2DP feature) wirelessly.• Voice recognition engine of theBluetooth®wireless technology systemsupports 3 types of languages:EnglishCanadian FrenchUS Spanish✽✽NOTICE• The phone must be paired to the sys-tem before using Bluetooth®wirelesstechnology features.• Only one selected (linked) cellular phonecan be used with the system at a time.• Some phones are not fully compatiblewith this system.• The Bluetooth®wireless technologyword mark and logos are registeredtrademarks owned by Bluetooth®SIG,Inc. and any use of such marks by Kiais under license. A Bluetooth®wirelesstechnology enabled cell phone isrequired to use Bluetooth®wirelesstechnology■Receiving a Phone CallWhen receiving a phone call, a r ingtoneis audib le from speak ers and the audiosystem changes into telephone mode.When receiving a phone call,  “Incomingcall” message and incoming phone num-ber (if a vailable) are displa yed on theaudio.• To Answer a Call:- Press  button on the steering wheel.• To Reject a Call:- Press  button on the steering wheel.• To Adjust Ring Volume:- Use VOLUME b uttons on the steer ingwheel.• To Transfer a Call to the Phone (PrivateCall):- Press and hold  button on thesteering wheel until the audio systemtransfers a call to the phone.MUTEVOLUME12435
Features of your vehicle244■Talking on the PhoneWhen talking on the phone, “Active Call”message and the other par ty’s phonenumber (if available) are displayed on theaudio.• To Finish a Call- Press button on the steer ing wheel.✽✽NOTICEIn the following situations, you or theother party may have difficulty hearingeach other:1. Speaking at the same time, your voicemay not reach each other parties.(This is not a malfunction.) Speakalternately with the other party on thephone.2. Keep the Bluetooth®wireless technolo-gy volume to a low level. High-levelvolume may result in distortion andecho.3. When driving on a rough road.4. When driving at high speeds.5. When the window is open.6. When the air conditioning vents arefacing the microphone.7. When the sound of the air condition-ing fan is loud.■Bluetooth®wireless technologyAudio Music StreamingThe audio system suppor ts Bluetooth®wireless technology A2DP (A udioAdvanced Distr ibution Profile) andAVRCP (A udio Video Remote ControlProfile) technologies.Both profiles pro vide steaming of m usicvia compatib le “PAIRED” Bluetooth®wireless technology Cellular phone.To stream m usic from the  Bluetooth®wireless technology cellular phone, playyour m usic files on y our cellular phoneaccording to y our cellular phone user’ smanual and press the  button onthe audio system until  “MP3 play” is dis-played on the LCD.The audio system head unit displa ys‘MP3 MODE’.NOTE:• In addition to streaming MP3 files,all music and sound files your cellu-lar phone supports can be playedby the audio system.• Bluetooth®  wireless technologycompatible cellular phones mustinclude A2DP and AVRCP capabili-ties.• Some A2DP and AVRCP compatibleBluetooth®  wireless technologycellular phones may not play musicthrough the audio system initially.These cellular phones  may need tohave the Bluetooth®  wireless tech-nology streaming enabled, forexample;i.e : Menu➟Filemanager➟Music➟Option➟Play via Bluetooth  • Please refer to User’s Guide foryour cellular phone for more infor-mation. To cancel Bluetooth®  wire-less technology cellular phonemusic streaming, stop music play-back on the cellular phone orchange the audio mode to AM/FM,SIRIUS, CD, iPod, ect.CD/AUX
425Features of your vehicle■Phone SetupAll Bluetooth®  wireless technology relat-ed oper ations can be perf ormed inPHONE menu.1) Push the  button to enterSETUP mode.2) Select  “Phone” item b y rotating theknob, then push the knob.3) Select desired item b y rotating theknob, then push the knob.• Pairing a phoneBefore using  Bluetooth®   wireless tech-nology features, the phone m ust bepaired (registered) with the audio sys-tem. Up to 5 phones can be paired withthe system.NOTE:• The pairing procedure of the phonevaries according to each phonemodel. Before attempting to pairphone, please see your phone’sUser’s Guide for instructions.• Once pairing with the phone is com-pleted, there is no need to pair withthat phone again unless the phoneis deleted manually from the audiosystem (refer “Deleting a Phone”section) or the vehicle’s informationis removed from the phone.➀Press  button to enter SETUPmode.➁Select “Phone”, then “Pair” in PHONEmenu.➂The audio displa ys “Device : [Name]passkey: 0000”➃Search and select the de vice name inyour mobile phone to starting the pair-ing process.NOTE:•  If the phone is paired with two ormore vehicles of the same model,some phones may not handleBluetooth®  wireless technologydevices of that name correctly. Inthis case, you may need to changethe name displayed on your phone.For example, if the vehicles' name isKMC CAR, you may need to changethe name displayed on you phonefrom KMC_CAR to JOHNS_CAR orKMC CAR_1 to avoid ambiguity.Refer to your phone User’s Guide, orcontact your cellular carrier or phonemanufacturer for instructions.• Connecting a phoneWhen the Bluetooth®  wireless technology sys-tem is enab led, the phone pre viously used isautomatically selected and re-connected.If youwant to select diff erent phone pre viouslypaired, the phone can be selected through“Select Phone” menu.Only a selected phone can be used withthe hands-free system at a time .➀Press  button to enter SETUPmode.➁Select “Phone”, then “Select” in PHONEmenu.SETUPSETUPTUNETUNESETUP
Features of your vehicle264➂Select desired phone name from the listshown.➃The  Bluetooth®   wireless technologywireless technology icon appears onthe upper side of audio displa y when aphone is connected.• Changing PriorityIf se veral phones are paired with theaudio system, the system attempts toconnect f ollowing order when theBluetooth®   wireless technology systemis enabled:1) “Priority” checked phone.2) Previously connected phone3) Gives up auto connection.➀Press  button to enter SETUPmode.➁Select “Phone”, then “Priority” in PHONEmenu.➂Select desired phone name from thelist shown.• Deleting a PhoneThe paired phone can be deleted.- When the phone is deleted, all the infor-mation associated with that phone isalso deleted (including phonebook).- If you want to use the deleted phone withthe audio system again, pair ing proce-dure must be completed once more.➀Press  button to enter SETUPmode.➁Select “Phone”, then “Delete” in PHONEmenu.➂Select desired phone name from the listshown.• ADVANCED MenuAfter pressing the  button, selectthe  “Phone” menu. while in PHONEmenu,  select  the “ Advanced” menu tomake  Bluetooth®   wireless technologyPhone settings .(The AD VANCED menumay diff er according to audio specifica-tions.)Incoming Volume (Bluetooth®  wirelesstechnology call volume adjustments)While in ADVANCED menu, press “In. Vol”Use the knob k ey to set the desired v ol-ume and select the bu tton.Contacts Sync (Automatic Phonebookdownload setting)While in AD VANCED menu, select“Contacts” To automatically sa ve thecontacts and call histor y in y our mobilephone each time y ou connect a mobiledevice, select ON. If you do not wish f orautomatic download, select OFF.It’s not  available to make a phone call byBluetooth®wireless technology audiosystem while the  phonebook is beingdownloaded.ENTERSETUPSETUPSETUP
427Features of your vehicleLanguage of Bluetooth®  wireless tech-nologyvoice recognitionWhile in AD VANCED menu, select“Language”. To change the language ,select the desired language and pressthe b utton.Bluetooth®  wireless technology sys-tem offWhile in AD VANCED menu, select“BT Off ” to turn off the  Bluetooth®  wire-less technology System.■Voice Recognition Activation• The voice recognition engine containedin the  Bluetooth®   wireless technologySystem can be activ ated in the f ollow-ing conditions:- Button ActivationThe v oice recognition system will beactive when the  button is pressedand after the sound of a Beep .- Active ListeningThe v oice recognition system will beactive f or a per iod of time when theVoice Recognition system has ask edfor a customer response.• The system can recognize single digitsfrom zero to nine while n umber greaterthan ten will not be recogniz ed.• The system shall cancel voice recogni-tion mode in f ollowing cases : Whenpressing the  button and sa ying“cancel” following the beep . When notmaking a call and pressing thebutton. When v oice recognition hasfailed 3 consecutive times.• At any time if you say “help”, the systemwill announce what commands areavailable.■Menu treeThe menu tree identifies a vailable voicerecognition Bluetooth®  wireless technol-ogy functions.ENTER Call [Name] Ex) Call John (at Home)Ex) Dial 911Dial [Number]RedialCall BackAdd entryPhonebookChange nameDelete nameBy phoneBy voiceCall By nameBy number
Features of your vehicle284■Making a Phone Call• Direct Calling ➀Press b utton.➁Say the following command.- Call <John> : Connects the call to John.- Call <John> on <Mobile> : Connectsthe call to John’s mobile phone number.- Call <John> at <Home> : Connectsthe call to john’s home number.- Call <John> in <Office> : Connectsthe call to John’s office number.Note:Calls can be immediately connectedto contacts who name or voice tag aresaved in the phonebook(or contacts).• Calling by NameA phone call can be made b y speakingnames registered in the audio system.➀Press b utton.➁Say “Call”.➂Say “By name” when prompted.➃Say desired name (in Phonebook orvoice tag).➄Say desired location (phone n umbertype). Only stored locations can beselected.➅ Say “Yes” to confirm and make a call.✽✽TipA shortcut to each of the following func-tions is available:1. Say “Call Name”✽✽Tip■Voice OperationTo get the best performance out of theVoice Recognition System, observe thefollowings:- Keep the interior of the vehicle asquiet as possible. Close the windowto eliminate surrounding noise(traffic noise, vibration sounds,etc), which may disturb recogniz-ing the voice command correctly.- Speak a command after a beepsound within 5 seconds. Otherwisethe command will not be receivedproperly.- Speak in a natural voice withoutpausing between words.- While receiving voice commands,press the  button on the steer-ing wheel remote controller to ter-minate guidance. Voice commandwill convert back to waiting modeto allow the user to say a new voicecommand.
429Features of your vehicle• Dialing by NumberA phone call can be made b y dialing thespoken numbers. The system can recog-nize single digits from zero to nine.➀Press b utton.➁Say “Call”.➂Say “By number” when prompted.➃Say desired phone numbers.➄Say “Dial” to complete the number andmake a call.✽✽TipA shortcut to each of the following func-tions is available:➀Say “Dial Number”➁Say “Dial <digit>”■Phone Book (In-Vehicle)• Adding entry by voicePhone n umbers and v oice tags can beregistered. Entries registered in thephone can also be transferred.➀Press b utton.➁Say "Phonebook".- The system replies with all a vailablecommands.- To skip the inf ormation message ,press  again and then a beep isheard.➂Say “Add Entry”.➃Say “By Voice” to proceed.➄Say the name of the entr y whenprompted.➅Say “Yes” to confirm.➆Say the phone n umber of that entr ywhen prompted.➇Say “Store” if phone n umber input isfinished.➈ Say a phone n umber type . “Home”,“Work”, “Mobile”, “Other” or “Default” isavailable.➉  Say “Yes” to complete adding entry.Say “Yes” to store additional locationfor this contact, or say “Cancel” to fin-ish the process.✽✽NOTICE-  The system can recognize single digitsfrom zero to nine. Numbers that areten or greater cannot be recognized.-  You can enter each digit individuallyor group digits together in preferredstring lengths.-  To speed up input, it is a good idea togroup all digits into a continuous string.- Recommend to enter the numbersconstituted an grouping within alldigit numbers to dial 995 / 734 / 0000-  The display corresponding to eachoperation appears on the screen as fol-lows:Input operation example:1. Say: “Nine, nine, five”➟ Display: “995”2. And say: “Seven, three, four”➟ Display: “995734”11
Features of your vehicle304• Adding Entry by Phone➀Press b utton.➁Say "Phonebook".➂Say "Add Entry" after prompt.➃Say "By Phone" to proceed.➄Say “Yes” to confirm.➅ Your phone will star t to tr ansferphone/contact list to the audio system.This process ma y tak e o ver 10 min-utes depending on the phone modeland number of entries➆Wait till the audio displa ys “TransferComplete” message.• Changing NameThe registered names can be modified.➀Press b utton.➁Say “Phonebook”.➂Say “Change Name” after prompt.➃Say the name of the entr y (voice tag).➄Say “Yes” to confirm.➅ Say new desired name.• Deleting NameThe registered names can be deleted.➀Press b utton.➁Say “Phonebook”.➂Say “Delete Name” after prompt.➃Say the name of the entr y (voice tag).➄Say “Yes” to confirm.■Bluetooth®Audio Speaker AdaptationSpeaker adaptation will improve perform-ance of v oice recognition system to aparticular user voice.This will deg rade the perf ormance f orother users.• Record➀Press b utton for 10sec.➁Say “Record profile”.➂Say “Yes”.➃Say the  word displayed on Radio.• Delete➀Press b utton for 10sec.➁Say “Delete profile”.➂Say “Yes”.
431Features of your vehicle■ Key matrixNo.ClassPaired H/PEmpty Disconnected1SHORTLONGSHORTSHORTLONG[10sec]LONG[10sec]Normal modeBT SETUP menuIncoming Call Outgoing Call Active Call 2nd CallNot Paired Not Connecting --Accept CallConnected-2nd call1st Call:waiting2nd Call:active2nd Call2nd Call:waiting1st Call:activeKEY------Transfer call:Private callEnd CallVR MODE CancelVR MODE CancelVR MODE CancelVR MODE Cancel Reject Call End Call End Call-Active--ActiveSpeakerAdaptation(Only English)-Active-Active-SpeakerAdaptation(Only English)------------23
9-17APPENDIXM & SOFT AMERICA MAP CENTERTEL : 888-757-0010WEBSITE : www.mapnsoft.comMAP DATABASE HOTLINEThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: ˍ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ˍ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ˍ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. ˍ Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by manufacturer could void your authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum 20 cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter unless authorized to do so by the FCC.

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