Users Manual

4 115Features of your vehicleDISPLAY SETTINGSPress the  key Select [Display]through  TUNE knob or  keySelect menu through  TUNE knobMode Pop up[Mode Pop up] Changes  /selection mode• During  On  state,  press  the  orkey  to  display  the  modechange pop up screen.Text Scroll[Text Scroll] Set  /•  : Maintains scroll•  : Scrolls only one (1) time.Media DisplayWhen  playing  an  MP3  file,  select  thedesired  display  info  from ‘Folder/File’ or‘Album/Artist/Song’.OffOnOffOnMEDIARADIOOffOn1SETUP
Features of your vehicle1164SOUND SETTINGSPress the  key Select [Sound]through  TUNE knob or  keySelect menu through  TUNE knobSound SettingsThis  menu  allows  you  to  set  the ‘Bass,Middle, Treble’ and the Sound Fader andBalance.Select  [Sound  Settings] Selectmenu  through TUNE  knobTurnTUNE knobleft/right to set• Bass, Middle, Treble :Selects the sound tone.• Fader, Balance : Moves the sound faderand balance.• Default : Restores default settings.❈ Back  : While  adjusting  values,  re-pressing  the  TUNE  knob  willrestore the parent menu.Virtual SoundThe  PoewrBass,  PowerTreble,  andSurround can be set.Select  [Virtual  Sound] Set  menuthrough    TUNE  knob Set / through TUNEknob• PowerBass  : This  is  a  sound  systemfeature that provides live bass.• PowerTreble  : This  is  a  sound  systemfeature that provides live tremble.• Surround : This is a sound system fea-ture that provides surround sound.Speed Dependent Volume ControlThis feature is used to automatically con-trol  the  volume  level  according  to  thespeed of the vehicle.Select  [SDVC] Set  in  4  levels  [Off/Low/Mid/High] of TUNEknobVoice Recognition VolumeAdjusts voice recognition volume.Select  [Voice  Recognition  Vol.] Setvolume of TUNEknobOffOn2SETUP
4 117Features of your vehicleCLOCK SETTINGSPress  the  key Select  [Clock]through  TUNE knob or  keySelect menu through  TUNE knobClock SettingsThis menu is used to set the time.Select [Clock Settings] Set throughTUNEknob Press TUNEknob❈ Adjust the number currently in focus toset the [hour] and press the tune knobto set the [minute].Calendar SettingsThis  menu  is  used  to  set  the  date(MM/DD/YYYY).Select  [Calendar  Settings] Setthrough TUNEknob Press TUNEknob❈ Adjust the number currently in focus tomake the settings and press the tuneknob to move to the next setting. (Setin order of Month/Day/Year) Clock Display when Power is OFFSelect  [Clock  Disp.(Pwr  Off)Set/  through  TUNE knob  : Displays time/date on screen  : Turn off.OffOnOffOn3SETUP
Features of your vehicle1184PHONE SETUPPress the  key Select [Phone]through  TUNE knob or  keySelect menu through  TUNE knobPair PhoneTo pair a Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyenabled mobile phone, authentication andconnection  processes  are  first  required.As  a  result, you cannot  pair  your  mobilephone while driving the vehicle. First parkyour vehicle before use.Select [Pair Phone] Set through  TUNEknob➀Search for device names as displayedon your mobile phone and connect.➁Input  the  passkey  displayed  on  thescreen. (Passkey : 0000)❈ The device name and passkey will bedisplayed  on  the  screen  for  up  to  3minutes. If  pairing  is  not  completedwithin the 3 minutes, the mobile phonepairing  process  will  automatically  becanceled.➂Pairing completion is displayed.❈ In  some  mobile  phones,  pairing  willautomatically be followed by connection.❈ It  is  possible  to  pair  up  to  fiveBluetooth®Wireless  Technologyenabled mobile phones.4SETUP
4 119Features of your vehiclePhone ListThe names of up to 5 paired phones willbe displayed.A [ ] is displayed in front of the currentlyconnected phone.Select  the  desired  name  to  setup  theselected phone.• Connecting a phoneSelect  [Phone  List] Select  mobilephone through  TUNE knob Select[Connect Phone]➀Select a mobile phone that is not cur-rently connected.➁ Connect the selected mobile phone.➂Connection completion is displayed.❈ If  a  phone  is  already  connected,  dis-connect  the  currently  connectedphone and select a new phone to con-nect.• Disconnecting a connected phoneSelect  [Phone  List] Select  mobilephone through  TUNE knob Select[Disconnect Phone]➀Select the currently connected mobilephone.➁ Disconnect  the  selected  mobilephone.➂Disconnection  completion  is  dis-played.• Changing  connection  sequence(Priority)This is used to change the order (priori-ty) of automatic connection for the pairedmobile phones.Select  [Phone  List] Select  [Priority]through  TUNE  knob Select  No. 1Priority mobile phone➀Select [Priority].➁ From  the  paired  phones,  select  thephone desired for No.1 priority.➂ The changed priority sequence is dis-played.❈ Once the connection sequence (priori-ty)  is  changed,  the  new  no. 1  prioritymobile phone will be connected.- when the no. 1 priority cannot be con-nected: Automatically attempts to con-nect  the  most  recently  connectedphone.- Cases  when  the  most  recently  con-nected  phone  cannot  be  connected:Attempts  to  connect  in  the  order  inwhich paired phones are listed.- The  connected  phone  will  automati-cally be changed to No. 1 priority.
Features of your vehicle1204• DeleteSelect  [Phone  List] Select  mobilephone through  TUNE knob Select[Delete]➀Select the desired mobile phone.➁Delete the selected mobile phone.➂Deletion completion is displayed.❈ When attempting to delete a currentlyconnected  phone,  the  phone  is  firstdisconnected.• When  you  delete  a  mobile  phone,  themobile  phone  contacts  will  also  beerased.• For stable Bluetooth®Wireless Technologycommunication, delete the mobile phonefrom the audio and also delete the audiofrom your mobile phone.Contacts DownloadThis  feature  is  used  to  download  con-tacts and call histories into the audio sys-tem.Select  [Contacts  Download] Selectthrough TUNEknob• The download feature may not be support-ed in some mobile phones.• If a different operation is performed whileContacts are being  downloaded,  down-loading  will  be  discontinued. Contactsalready downloaded will be saved.• When downloading  new  Contacts, deleteall previously saved Contacts before start-ing download.Auto DownloadWhen  connecting  a  mobile  phone,  it  ispossible  to  automatically  download  newContacts and Call Histories.Select  [Auto  Download] Set /through  TUNE knobAudio StreamingSongs  (files)  saved  in  your Bluetooth®Wireless Technology enabledmobile phonecan be played through the audio system.Select  [Audio  Streaming] Set  /through  TUNE knob• The Bluetooth®Wireless  Technologyaudio streaming feature may not be sup-ported in some mobile phones.Outgoing VolumeThis  is  used  to  set  the  volume  of  yourvoice  as  heard  by  the  other  party  whileon  aBluetooth®Wireless  Technologyenabled handsfree call.Select  [Outgoing  Volume] Set  vol-ume through TUNEknob❈ Even while  on  a  call,  the volume canbe  changed  by  using  the key.SEEKTRACKOffOnOffOn
4 121Features of your vehicleBluetooth®Wireless TechnologySystem OffThis  feature  is  used  when  you  do  notwish  to  use  the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology system.Select  [Bluetooth®Wireless  TechnologySystem  Off] Set  through  TUNEknob❈ If  a  phone  is  already  connected,  dis-connect the currently connected phoneand  turn  the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology system off.Using the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology SystemTo  use Bluetooth®Wireless  Technologywhen  the  system  is  currently  off,  followthese next steps.• Turning  On Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology through the  KeyPress the  key Screen Guidance❈ Moves to the screen where Bluetooth®Wireless Technology functions can beused and displays guidance.• Turning  On Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology through the  KeyPress the  key Select [Phone]through  TUNE knob or  key➀A  screen  asking  whether  to  turn  onBluetooth®Wireless Technology willbe displayed.➁ On the screen, select  to turn onBluetooth®Wireless Technology anddisplay guidance.❈ If  the Bluetooth®Wireless  Technologysystem  is  turned  on,  the  system  willautomatically  try  to  connect  the  mostrecently  connected Bluetooth®Wireless  Technology enaled mobilephone.Bluetooth®Wireless  Technology con-nection  may  become  intermittently      dis-connected in some mobile phones. Followthese next steps to try again.1) Turn the Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyfunction  within  the  mobile  phoneON/OFF and try to connect again.2) Turn the mobile phone power ON/OFF andtry to connect again.3) Completely  remove  the  mobile  phonebattery, reboot, and then try to connectagain.4) Reboot the audio system and try to con-nect again5) Delete  all  paired  devices  in  your  mobilephone  and  the  audio  system  and  pairagain for use.YES4SETUPSETUPPHONEPHONE
Features of your vehicle1224SYSTEM SETTINGSPress the  key Select [System]through tune knob or  key Selectmenu through  TUNE knobMemory InformationDisplays  currently  used  memory  andtotal system memory.Select [Memory Information] OKThe currently used memory is displayedon  the  left  side  while  the  total  systemmemory is displayed on the right side.Prompt FeedbackThis  feature  is  used  to  change  voicecommand feedback between Normal andExpert modes.Select  [Prompt  Feedback] Setthrough TUNEknob• Normal  : This  mode  is  for  beginnerusers and provides detailed instructionsduring voice command operation.• Expert  : This mode is  for  expert usersand  omits  some  information  duringvoice command operation. (When usingExpert mode, guidance instructions canbe  heard  through  the [Help]  or  [Menu]commands.LanguageThis menu is used to set the display andvoice recognition language.Select [Language] Set through  TUNEknob❈ The  system  will  reboot  after  the  lan-guage is changed.❈ Language support by region5SETUP
4 123Features of your vehicleHow vehicle audio worksAM and FM radio signals are broadcastfrom  transmitter  towers  located  aroundyour  city. They  are  intercepted  by  theradio antenna on your vehicle.This signalis then received by the radio and sent toyour vehicle speakers.When a strong radio signal has reachedyour  vehicle,  the  precise  engineering  ofyour audio system ensures the best pos-sible  quality  reproduction. However,  insome  cases  the  signal  coming  to  yourvehicle may not be strong and clear. Thiscan  be  due  to  factors,  such  as  the  dis-tance from the radio station, closeness ofother  strong  radio  stations  or  the  pres-ence of buildings, bridges or other largeobstructions in the area.AM  broadcasts  can  be  received  atgreater  distances  than  FM  broadcasts.This  is  because  AM  radio  waves  aretransmitted  at  low  frequencies. Theselong, low frequency radio waves can fol-low the curvature of the earth rather thantravelling  straight  out  into  the  atmos-phere. In  addition,  they  curve  aroundobstructions so that they can provide bet-ter signal coverage.FM  broadcasts  are  transmitted  at  highfrequencies and do not bend to follow theearth's  surface. Because  of  this,  FMbroadcasts  generally  begin  to  fade  atshort  distances  from  the  station. Also,FM  signals  are  easily  affected  by  build-ings,  mountains,  or  other  obstructions.These can result in certain listening con-ditions which might lead you to believe aproblem  exists  with  your  radio. The  fol-lowing conditions are normal and do notindicate radio trouble:¢ ¢ ¢¢ ¢ ¢JBM002AM reception¢¢¢JBM001FM receptionJBM003FM radio station
Features of your vehicle1244• Fading  -  As  your vehicle  moves  awayfrom  the  radio  station,  the  signal  willweaken  and  sound  will  begin  to  fade.When this occurs, we suggest that youselect another stronger station.• Flutter/Static  -  Weak  FM  signals  orlarge  obstructions  between  the  trans-mitter  and  your  radio  can  disturb  thesignal causing static or fluttering nois-es  to  occur. Reducing  the  treble  levelmay  lessen this effect until  the  distur-bance clears.• Station  Swapping  -  As  a  FM  signalweakens,  another  more  powerful  sig-nal  near  the  same  frequency  maybegin  to  play. This  is  because  yourradio is designed to lock onto the clear-est signal. If this occurs, select anotherstation with a stronger signal.• Multi-Path Cancellation - Radio signalsbeing received from several directionscan cause distortion or fluttering. Thiscan be caused by a direct and reflect-ed signal from the same station, or bysignals  from  two  stations  with  closefrequencies. If  this  occurs,  selectanother station until the  condition  haspassed.Using a cellular phone or a two-wayradio   When a cellular phone is used inside thevehicle, noise may be produced from theaudio  system. This  does  not  mean  thatsomething is wrong with the audio equip-ment. In  such  a  case,  use  the  cellularphone at a place as far as possible fromthe audio equipment.JBM005¢ ¢ ¢JBM004WARNINGDo  not  use  a  cellular  phone  whiledriving. Stop  at  a  safe  location  touse a cellular phone.
4 125Features of your vehicleSatellite radio receptionYou may experience difficulties in receiv-ing  SIRIUS  satellite  radio  signals  in  thefollowing situations.• If you are driving in a tunnel or a cov-ered parking area.• If you are driving beneath the top levelof a multi-level freeway.• If you drive under a bridge.• If you are driving next to a tall vehicle(such as a  truck or a bus) that blocksthe signal.• If you are driving in a valley where thesurrounding  hills  or  peaks  block  thesignal from the satellite.• If  you are driving  on  a  mountain  roadwhere  is  the  signal blocked by  moun-tains.• If  you  are  driving  in  an  area  with  talltrees that block the signal (30 ft. / 10mor more), for example on an road thatgoes through a dense forest.• The signal can become weak in someareas  that  are  not  covered  by  theSIRIUS repeater network.• There may be other unforeseen circum-stances leading to reception problemswith the SIRIUS satellite radio signal.SATELITE2SATELITE1
Features of your vehicle1264RADIO : FM, AM OR SIRIUSChanging RADIO mode (FM, AMor SIRIUS)Press the  key to change themode  in  order  of  FM1➟FM2➟AM➟SAT1➟SAT2➟SAT3.• When  the  power  is  off,  press  thekey to turn on the audio systemand receive radio broadcasts.• [Mode Pop up] On state : Displays thechange radio mode pop up screen.While  the  pop  up  screen  is  displayed,you  can  change  the  radio  mode(FM1➟FM2➟AM➟SAT1➟SAT2➟SAT3)  through  the  tune  knob  or  ~keys.Adjust VolumeTurn the  VOL knob left/right to adjustthe volume.SEEKPress the  key• Shortly  pressing  the  key  (under  0.8seconds): Changes the frequency.• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds): Automatically  searches  forthe next frequency.Preset SEEKPress the  key ~ • Shortly  pressing  the  key  (under  0.8seconds): Plays the frequency saved inthe corresponding key.• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds): Pressing  and  holding  thedesired  key  from  ~  willsave the currently playing broadcast tothe selected key and sound a BEEP.SCANPress the  key• Shortly  pressing  the  key  (under  0.8seconds): The  broadcast  frequencyincreases and previews each broadcastfor  5  seconds  each. After  scanning  allfrequencies, returns and plays the cur-rent broadcast frequency.• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds): Previews  the  broadcastssaved in Preset  ~  for 5 sec-onds each.Selecting through manual searchTurn the  TUNE knob left/right to adjustthe frequency.• FM : Changes by 200KHz• AM : Changes by 10KHz61SCANRADIO6161RADIOSEEKTRACKRADIO61RADIORADIO
4 127Features of your vehicleMENUWithin  key are the A.Store (AutoStore).A.StorePress  the  key Set  [A.Store]through  TUNE knob or  key.Saves  broadcasts  with  superior  recep-tion to  ~  keys. If no frequen-cies are received, then the most recentlyreceived frequency will be broadcast.611MENUMENU
Features of your vehicle1284Satellite Radio channels:SIRIUS Satellite Radio has over 130 chan-nels, including 69 channels of 100% com-mercial-free music, plus sports, news, talkand  entertainment  available  nationwide  inyour  vehicle. For  more  information  and  acomplete  list  of  SIRIUS  Satellite  Radiochannels,  visit  in  the  UnitedStates, in Canada, or callSIRIUS at 1-888-539-7474.Satellite Radio reception factors:To receive the satellite signal, your vehi-cle  has  been  equipped  with  a  satelliteradio antenna located on the roof of yourvehicle. The  vehicle  roof  provides  thebest  location  for  an  unobstructed,  openview of the sky, a requirement of a satel-lite radio system. Like AM/FM, there areseveral  factors  that  can  affect  satelliteradio reception performance:• Antenna  obstructions: For  optimalreception performance, keep the anten-na clear of snow and ice build-up andkeep luggage and other material as faraway from the antenna as possible.• Terrain: Hills, mountains, tall buildings,bridges,  tunnels,  freeway  overpasses,parking  garages,  dense  tree  foliageand  thunderstorms  can  interfere  withyour reception.SIRIUS Satellite Radio service:SIRIUS Satellite Radio is a subscription-based satellite radio service that broad-casts music, sports, news and entertain-ment  programming  to  radio  receivers,which  are  available  for  installation  inmotor  vehicles  or  factory  installed,  aswell as for the home, portable and wire-less  devices,  and  through  an  Internetconnection on personal computer.Vehicles that are equipped with a factoryinstalled  SIRIUS  Satellite  Radio  systeminclude:• Hardware and an introductory trial sub-scription  term,  which  begins  on  thedate of sale or lease of the vehicle.• For  a  small  upgrade  fee,  access  toSIRIUS  music  channels,  and  otherselect channels over the Internet usingany  computer  connected  to  theInternet (U.S. customers only).For information on extended subscrip-tion  terms,  contact  SIRIUS  at  1-888-539-7474.NOTE:Satellite  Radio  requires  SIRIUS®com-patible receiver and a subscription serv-ice fee after trial period.Vehicles  without  a  factory-installedradio  receiver  require  hardware  pur-chase and installation. Please see yourdealer  for  further  details. All  fees  andprogramming subject to change.Subscriptions  governed  by  the  SIRIUSTerms  &  Conditions  available / service terms.Available  only  in  the  48  contiguousUnited  States  and  the  District  ofColumbia. Service  available  in  Canada;see www.siriuscanada.caKIA  shall  not  be  responsible  for  anysuch programming changes.Satellite  Radio  Electronic  SerialNumber  (ESN): This  12-digit  SatelliteSerial  Number  is  needed  to  re-activate,modify  or  track  your  satellite  radioaccount. You will need this number whencommunicating with SIRIUS.SIRIUS Satellite Radio information (if equipped)
4 129Features of your vehicleSIRIUS RADIOUsing SIRIUS Satellite RadioYour  Kia  vehicle  is  equipped  with  a  3month  complimentary  period  of  SIRIUSSatellite  Radio  so  you  have  access  toover 130 channels of music, information,and entertainment programming.ActivationIn order to extend or reactivate your sub-scription  to  SIRIUS  Satellite  Radio,  youwill  need  to  contact  SIRIUS  CustomerCare  at  1-888-539-7474. Have  your  12digit  SID  (Sirius  Identification  Number)/ESN(Electronic Serial Number) ready. To retrievethe SID/ESN, turn on the radio, press the[SAT] button, and tune to channel zero.Please note that the vehicle will need tobe  turned  on,  in  Sirius  mode,  and  havean unobstructed view of the sky in orderfor the radio to receive the activation sig-nal.SEEKPress the  key• Shortly  pressing  the  key  (under  0.8seconds): select previous or next chan-nel.• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds): continuously  move  to  previ-ous or next channel.❈ If  the  “Category” icon  is  displayed,channels  are  changed  within  the  cur-rent category.SCANPress the  key•  Shortly  pressing  the  key  (under  0.8seconds): Previews each broadcast for5 seconds each❈ Press the  key again to contin-ue listening to the current frequency❈ If  the  “Category” icon  is  displayed,channels  are  changed  within  the  cur-rent category.CategoryPress the  key Set throughthe TUNEknob• The  display  will  indicate  the  categorymenus,  highlight  the  category  that  thecurrent channel belongs to.• In  the  Category  List  Mode,  press  thekey to navigate category list.• Press the tune knob to select the lowestchannel in the highlighted category.❈ If channel is selected by selecting cat-egory,  then  the  “CATEGORY” icon  isdisplayed at the top of the screen.CATFOLDERCATFOLDERSCANSCANRADIORADIO
Features of your vehicle1304PresetPress the  key ~ • Shortly  pressing  the  key  (under  0.8seconds): Plays the frequency saved inthe corresponding key.• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds): Pressing  and  holding  thedesired  key  from  ~  willsave  the  current  broadcast  to  theselected key and sound a BEEP.✽Troubleshooting1. Antenna ErrorIf this message is displayed, the anten-na  or antenna  cable  is  broken  orunplugged.  Please  consult  with  yourKia dealership. 2. Acquiring SignalIf this message is displayed,  it  meansthat  the  antenna  is  covered  and  thatthe  SIRIUS  Satellite  Radio  signal  isnot  available.  Ensure  the  antenna  isuncovered and has a clear view of thesky.Tune• Rotate  TUNE  knob  : Changes  thechannel number or scrolls category list.• Press  TUNE  knob  : Selects  themenu.MenuSelect  category  menu  through  theTUNE knob Press the  keySelect [ Info] through the  TUNEknob or  keyInfo (Information)Displays  the  Artist/Song  info  of  the  cur-rent song.1MENU6161RADIO
4 131Features of your vehicleCare of disc• If  the  temperature  inside  the  car  is  toohigh,  open  the  car  windows  to  ventilatebefore using the system.• It is illegal to copy and use MP3/WMAfiles  without  permission. Use  CDs  thatare created only by lawful means.• Do  not  apply  volatile  agents,  such  asbenzene and thinner, normal cleanersand  magnetic  sprays  made  for  ana-logue disc onto CDs.• To  prevent  the  disc  surface  from  get-ting damaged, hold CDs by the edgesor the center hole only.• Clean the disc surface with a piece ofsoft cloth before playback (wipe it fromthe center to the outside edge).• Do  not  damage  the  disc  surface  orattach pieces of sticky tape or paper.• Make  certain  only  CDs  are  insertedinto the CD player (Do not insert morethan one CD at a time).• Keep  CDs  in  their  cases  after  use  toprotect them from scratches or dirt.•Depending  on  the  type  of  CD-R/CD-RWCDs,  certain  CDs  may  not  operate  nor-mally according to manufacturing compa-nies or making and recording methods. Insuch  circumstances,  continued  use  maycause malfunctions to your audio system.✽NOTICE - Playing anIncompatible CopyProtected Audio CDSome copy protected CDs, which do notcomply  with    international  audio  CDstandards (Red Book), may not play onyour car audio. Please note that inabili-ties  to  properly  play  a  copy  protectedCD  may  indicate  that  the  CD  is  defec-tive, not the CD player.NOTE:Order of playing files (folders) :1. Song playing order : to  sequen-tially.2. Folder playing order :❋If  no  song  file  is  contained  in  thefolder, that folder is not displayed.
Features of your vehicle1324USING YOUR USB DEVICE• When using an external USB device,make sure the device is not connect-ed when starting up the vehicle.• If you start the engine when the USBdevice is connected, it may damagethe  USB  device. (USB  flashdrivesare very sensitive to electric shock.)Connect the device after starting up.• If the engine is started up or turnedoff while the external USB device isconnected, the external USB devicemay not work.• The System may not play inauthenticMP3 or WMA files.1) It can only play MP3 files with thecompression  rate  between8Kbps~320Kbps.2) It  can  only  play WMA  music  fileswith  the  compression  ratebetween 8Kbps~320Kbps.• Take  precautions  for  static  electricitywhen  connecting  or  disconnecting theexternal USB device.• An  encrypted  MP3  PLAYER  is  notrecognizable.• Depending  on  the  condition  of  theexternal USB device, the connectedexternal  USB  device  can  be  unrec-ognizable.• When the formatted byte/sector set-ting  of  External  USB  device  is  noteither 512BYTE or 2048BYTE, thenthe device will not be recognized.• Use only a USB device formatted toFAT 12/16/32.• USB  devices  without  USB  I/Fauthentication may not be recogniza-ble.• If you repeatedly connect or discon-nect the USB device in a short peri-od of time, it may break the device.• You may hear a strange noise whenconnecting  or  disconnecting  a  USBdevice.• If  you  disconnect  the  external  USBdevice during playback in USB mode,the external USB device can be dam-aged  or  may  malfunction. Therefore,disconnect  the  external  USB  devicewhen  the  audio  is  turned  off  or  inanother mode. (e.g, Radio, SIRIUS or CD)• Depending on the type and capacity ofthe external USB device or the type ofthe files stored in the device, there is adifference in the time taken for recogni-tion of the device.• Do not use the USB device for purposesother than playing music files.• Playing videos through the USB is notsupported.• If  you  use  devices  such  as  a  USBhub  purchased  separately,  the  vehi-cle’s  audio  system  may  not  recog-nize  the  USB  device. In  that  case,connect  the  USB  device  directly  tothe  multimedia  terminal  of  the  vehi-cle.• If the USB device is divided by logi-cal drives, only the music files on thehighest-priority  drive  are  recognizedby car audio.• Devices  such  as  MP3  Player/Cellular phone/Digital camera can beunrecognizable by standard USB I/Fcan be unrecognizable.• Charging  through  the  USB  may  notbe  supported  in  some  mobiledevices.(Continued)
4 133Features of your vehicle(Continued)• USB  HDD  or  USB  types  liable  toconnection  failures  due  to  vehiclevibrations are  not  supported. (i-sticktype)• Some  non-standard  USB  devices(METAL COVER TYPE USB) can beunrecognizable.• Some  USB  flash  memory  readers(such  as  CF,  SD,  micro  SD,  etc.)  orexternal-HDD  type  devices  can  beunrecognizable.• Music files protected by DRM (DIGI-TAL  RIGHTS  MANAGEMENT)  arenot recognizable.✽NOTICE - USB Jack Damage• The data in the USB memory may belost  while  using  this  audio.Always  back  up  important  data  on  apersonal storage device. • Please avoid using USB memory prod-ucts  which can  be  used as key chainsor cellular phone  accessories  as  theycould  cause damage to the USB  jack.Please  make  certain  only  to  use  plugtype  connector products  as  shownbelow.
Features of your vehicle1344BASIC METHOD OF USE :Audio CD / MP3 CD / USB /iPod / My MusicPress the  key to change the modmode  in  order  of  CD➟USB(iPod)➟AUX➟My Music➟BT Audio.The  folder/file  name  is  displayed on  thescreen.❈ The  CD  is  automatically  played  whena CD is inserted.❈ The  USB  music  is  automaticallyplayed when a USB is connected.Press the  key Select [ Display]through the  TUNE knob or  keySelect [Media Display] Media Display• [Media  Display]  : The  screen  displayinfo  can  be  changed  to  Album/Artist/Song name.RepeatWhile  song  (file)  is  playing(RPT) keyAudio CD, MP3 CD, USB, iPod, My Musicmode: RPT on screen• To  repeat  one  song  (Shortly  pressingthe key (under 0.8 seconds)): Repeatsthe current song.MP3  CD,  USB  mode: FLD.RPT  onscreen• To  repeat folder  (Pressing  and holdingthe key (over 0.8 seconds)): repeats allfiles within the current folder.❈ Press  the  key  again  to  turn offrepeat.RandomWhile  song  (file)  is  playing(RDM) keyAudio  CD,  My  Music  mode: RDM  onscreen• Random  (Shortly  pressing  the  key(under 0.8 seconds)): Plays all songs inrandom order.MP3  CD,  USB  mode: FLD.RDM  onscreen• Folder  Random  (Shortly  pressing  thekey (under 0.8 seconds)): Plays all fileswithin  the  current  folder  in  randomorder.iPod mode: ALB RDM on screen• Album  Random  (Shortly  pressing  thekey (under 0.8 seconds)): Plays all fileswithin albums of the current category inrandom order.MP3 CD, USB, iPod mode: ALL RDM onscreen All  Random  (pressing  and  holding  thekey (over 0.8 seconds)): Plays all files inrandom order.❈ Press  the  key  again  to  turn offrepeat.22111SETUPMEDIA
4 135Features of your vehicleChanging Song/FileWhile  song  (file)  is  playingkey• Shortly  pressing  the  key  (under  0.8seconds): Plays the  current  song  fromthe beginning.❈ If the  key is pressed againwithin 1 second, the previous song  isplayed.• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds): Rewinds the song.While  song  (file)  is  playingkey• Shortly  pressing  the  key  (under  0.8seconds): Plays the next song.• Pressing and holding the key (over 0.8seconds): Fast forwards the song.ScanWhile  song  (file)  is  playingkeyScans all songs for 10  seconds startingfrom the next song.❈ Press the  key again to turn off.❈ The SCAN function is not supported iniPod mode.Folder Search : MP3 CD, USBModeWhile  file  is  playing( ) (Folder Up) key• Searches the next folder.While  file  is  playing( )(Folder Down) key• Searches the previous folder.❈ If  a  folder is  selected  by pressing theTUNE knob, the first file within theselected folder will be played.❈ In  iPod  mode,  moves  to  the  ParentFolder.Searching Songs (File)• Turning TUNEknob  : Searches  forsongs (files)• Pressing  TUNE knob : Plays select-ed song (file).CATFOLDERCATFOLDERCATFOLDERCATFOLDERSCANSCANSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACKSEEKTRACK
Features of your vehicle1364MENU : Audio CDPress the CD MP3 mode  key toset  the  Repeat,  Random,  Informationfeatures.RepeatPress  the  key Set  [ RPT]through  the TUNEknob  or key to repeat the current song.❈ Press RPT again to turn off.RandomPress  the  key Set  [ RDM]through  the TUNEknob  or key  to  randomly  play  songs  withinthe current folder.❈ Press RDM again to turn off.InformationPress  the  key Set  [ Info]through  the TUNEknob  or key to display information of the cur-rent song.❈ Press  the  key to turn  off infodisplay.MENU : MP3 CD / USBPress the CD MP3 mode  key toset  the  Repeat,  Folder  Random,  FolderRepeat,  All  Random,  Information,  andCopy features.RepeatPress  the  key Set  [ RPT]through  the TUNEknob  or key to repeat the current song.❈ Press RPT again to turn off.Folder RandomPress the  key Set [ F.RDM]through  the TUNEknob  or key to randomly play songs within thecurrent folder.❈ Press F.RDM again to turn off.2MENU1MENUMENUMENU3MENU2MENU1MENUMENU
4 137Features of your vehicleFolder RepeatPress the  key Set [ F.RPT]through  the TUNEknob  or key  to  repeat  songs  within  the  cur-rent folder.❈ Press F.RPT again to turn off.All RandomPress the  key Set [ A.RDM]through the TUNEknob or  keyto randomly play all songs within theCD.❈ Press A.RDM again to turn off.InformationPress  the  key Set  [ Info]through  the TUNEknob  or key to display information of the cur-rent song.❈ Press  the  key to turn  off  infodisplay.CopyPress the  key Set [ Copy]through  the TUNEknob  or key. This  is  used  to  copy  the  current  songinto My Music. You can play the copiedMusic in My Music mode.❈ If another key is pressed while copyingis  in  progress,  a  pop  up  asking  youwhether  to  cancel  copying  is  dis-played.❈ If  another  media  is  connected  orinserted  (USB,  CD,  iPod,  AUX)  whilecopying is in progress, copying is can-celed.❈ Music will not be played while copyingis in progress.MENU : iPodIn  iPod  mode,  press  the  key  toset  the  Repeat,  Album  Random,  AllRandom, and Information features.RepeatPress  the  key Set  [ RPT]through  the TUNEknob  or key to repeat the current song.❈ Press RPT again to turn repeat off.Album RandomPress the  key Set [ Alb.RDM]through the  TUNE knob or  key.Plays albums within the currently playingcategory in random order.❈ Press Alb.RDM again to turn off2MENU1MENUMENU6MENUMENU5MENU4MENU3MENU
Features of your vehicle1384All RandomPress the  key Set [ A.RDM]through  the  TUNE knob  or key.Plays all songs within the currently play-ing category in random order.❈ Press A.RDM again to turn off.InformationPress  the  key Set  [ Info]through  the TUNEknob  or key.Displays information of the current song.❈ Press  the  key to turn  off infodisplay.• Some  iPod  models  may  not  supportcommunication  protocol  and  files  maynot properly play.Supported iPod models:- iPod Mini®- iPod 4th(Photo) ~ 6th(Classic)generation- iPod Nano®1st~4th generation- iPod Touch®1st~2nd generation• The  order  of  search  or  playback  ofsongs in the iPod can be different fromthe order searched in the audio system.• If the iPod disabled due to its own mal-function, reset the iPod. (Reset: Refer toiPod manual)• An  iPod  may  not  operate  normally  onlow battery.• Some  iPod  devices,  such  as  theiPhone, can be connected through  the-interface. The device must have audioBluetooth®Wireless  Technology  capa-bility  (such  as  for  stereo  headphoneBluetooth®Wireless Technology  ). Thedevice  can  play,  but  it  will  not  be  con-trolled by th eaudio system.• To use iPod features within the audio, usethe  cable  provided  upon  purchasing  aniPod device.• Skipping or improper operation may occurdepending  on  the  characteristics  of  youriPod/Phone device.• If  your  iPhone  is  connected  to  both  theBluetooth®Wireless  Technology  andUSB,  the  sound  may  not  be  properlyplayed. In  your  iPhone,  select  the  Dockconnector  or Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology to change  the sound output(source).• When  connecting  iPod  with  the  iPodPower Cable, insert the connector to themultimedia  socket  completely. If  notinserted  completely,  communicationsbetween  iPod  and  audio  may  be  inter-rupted.• When  adjusting  the  sound  effects  of  theiPod  and  the  audio  system,  the  soundeffects  of  both  devices  will  overlap  andmight  reduce  or  distort  the  quality  of  thesound.• Deactivate (turn off) the equalizer func-tion of an iPod when adjusting the audiosystem’s  volume,  and  turn  off  theequalizer  of  the  audio  system  whenusing the equalizer of an iPod.• When not using iPod with car audio, detachthe iPod  cable from iPod. Otherwise, iPodmay remain in  accessory mode,  and  maynot work properly.MENU4MENU3MENU
4 139Features of your vehicleMENU : My Music ModeIn My Music mode, press the  keyto set the Repeat, Random, Information,Delete, Delete All,  and  Delete  Selectionfeatures.RepeatPress  the  key Set  [ RPT]through  the  TUNE knob  or key.Repeats the currently playing song.❈ Press RPT again to turn repeat off.RandomPress  the  key Set  [ RDM]through the  TUNE knob or  key.Plays all songs within the currently play-ing folder in random order.❈ Press RDM again to turn random off.InformationPress  the  key Set  [ Info]through  the TUNEknob  or key.Displays information of the current song.❈ Press  the  key to turn  off  infodisplay.DeletePress  the  key Set  [ Delete]through  the  TUNE knob  or key.• Deletes currently playing fileIn  the  play  screen,  pressing  delete  willdelete the currently playing song.• Deletes file from list➀Select  the  file  you  wish  to  delete  byusing the  TUNE knob.➁ Press the  key and select thedelete menu to delete the selected file.Delete AllPress  the  key Set  [ Del.All]through the  TUNE knob or  key.Deletes all songs of My Music.Delete SelectionPress the  key Set [ Del.Sel]through  the  TUNE knob  or key.Songs within My Music are selected anddeleted.➀Select  the  songs  you  wish  to  deletefrom the list.➁ After selecting, press the  keyand select the delete menu.MENU6MENU5MENUMENU4MENUMENU3MENU2MENU1MENUMENU
Features of your vehicle1404My Music• Even  if  memory  is  available,  a  maxi-mum of 6,000 songs can be stored.• The  same  song  can  be  copied  up  to1,000 times.• Memory  info  can  be  checked  in  theSystem menu of Setup.AUXAUX is used to play external MEDIA cur-rently connected with the AUX terminal.AUX  mode  will  automatically  start  whenan  external  device  is  connected  to  theAUX terminal.If  an  external  device  is  connected,  youcan also press the  key to changeto AUX mode.❈ AUX  mode  cannot  be  started  unlessthere is an external device connectedto the AUX terminal.AUX• Fully insert the AUX cable into the AUXterminal for use.MEDIA
4 141Features of your vehicleNOTE:If  you  need  more  information  aboutKia’s Bluetooth®Wireless  TechnologyContact  kia  website  “”(OWNERS>General  Info>Bluetooth®Wireless Technology).What is Bluetooth® WirelessTechnology?Bluetooth®Wireless  Technology thatallows multiple devices  to  be connectedin  a  short  range,  low-powered  deviceslike hands-free, stereo headset, wirelessremote controller, etc. For more informa-tion,  visit  the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology website at• Bluetooth®Wireless  Technologyfea-tures  can  be  used  only  when  themobile  phone  has  been  paired  andconnected with the device. For moreinformation  on  pairing  and  connect-ing Bluetooth®Wireless  Technologyenabled mobile  phones,  refer  to  the“Phone Setup” section. When  a Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology mobile phone is connected,a ( ) icon will appear at the top of thescreen. If  a  ( )  icon  is  not  displayed,this  indicates  that  a Bluetooth®Wireless Technology enableddevice hasnot been connected. Your must connectthe  device  before  use. For  more  infor-mation  on Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology  mobile  phones,  refer  to  the“Phone Setup” section. Pairing  and  connecting  a Bluetooth®Wireless  Technology enabledmobilephone  will  work  only  when  theBluetooth®Wireless Technology optionwithin  your  mobile  phone  has  beenturned  on. (Methods  of  turning  on  theBluetooth®Wireless  Technologyenabledfeature may differ depending onthe mobile phone.) In some mobile phones, starting theignition  while  talking  throughBluetooth®Wireless Technologyhands-free call will result in the call becom-ing  disconnected. (Switch  the  callback  to  your  mobile  phone  whenstarting the ignition.) Some features may not be supportedin some Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyenabled mobile phone and devices. Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyopera-tion may be unstable depending on thecommunication state.• Do not  use  a  cellular  phone  or  per-form Bluetooth®Wireless Technologysettings (e.g. pairing a phone) whiledriving.• Some Bluetooth®Wireless Technology-enabled  phones may  not  be  recog-nized by the system or fully compati-ble with the system.• Before  using Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology related features of the audiosystem, refer your phone’s User’s Manualfor  phone-side Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology operations.(Continued)
Features of your vehicle1424(Continued)• The  phone  must  be  paired  to  theaudio  system  to  use Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyrelated features.• You will not be able to use the hands-free  feature  when  your  phone  (in  thecar)  is  outside  of  the  cellular  servicearea  (e.g. in  a  tunnel,  in  a  under-ground, in a mountainous area, etc.).• If the cellular phone signal is poor orthe vehicles interior noise is too loud,it  may  be  difficult  to  hear  the  otherperson’s voice during a call.• Do  not  place  the  phone  near  orinside metallic objects, otherwise communications  with Bluetooth®Wireless Technology system or cellu-lar service stations can be disturbed.• While  a  phone  is  connected  throughBluetooth®Wireless  Technology yourphone may discharge quicker than usualfor  additional Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology-related operations.• Some  cellular  phones  or  otherdevices  may  cause  interferencenoise  or  malfunction  to  audio  sys-tem. In this case, store the device ina  different  location  may  resolve  thecondition.• Phone  contact  names  should  besaved in English or they may not bedisplayed correctly.• If  Priority  is  set  upon  vehicle  igni-tion(IGN/ACC  ON),  the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology    phone  will  beautomatically connected.Even  if  you  are  outside,  theBluetooth®Wireless  Technology  -phone will be automatically connect-ed once you are in the vicinity of thevehicle.• If  you  do  not  want  automaticBluetooth®Wireless Technology-con-nection, turn the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology feature off.• The hands-free call volume and qual-ity  may  differ  depending  on  themobile phone type.
4 143Features of your vehicleBluetooth®Wireless  TechnologyAudioBefore  using Bluetooth®WirelessTechnologyaudio features• Bluetooth®Wireless  Technology audiomay  not  be  supported  depending  onthe  compatibility  of  your Bluetooth®Wireless  Technology  enabledmobilephone.• In  order  to  use Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology  enabled  audio,  you  mustfirst  pair  and  connect  the Bluetooth®Wireless  Technology enabled mobilephone.• Bluetooth®Wireless  Technologyaudiocan  be  used  only  when  the  [AudioStreaming] of Phone is turned  .❈ Setting Bluetooth®Wireless TechnologyAudio  Streaming  : Press  the key Select  [Phone]  through  the  tuneknob  or  key Select  [AudioStreaming]  through  the  TUNEknob Set /Starting Bluetooth®WirelessTechnologyAudio• Press  the  key  to  change  themode  in  order  of  CD➟USB➟AUX➟MyMusic➟BT Audio.• If  BT  Audio  is  selected, Bluetooth®Wireless Technologyaudio will start play-ing.❈ Audio may not automatically start play-ing in some mobile phones.Using the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnologyaudio features• Play / StopPress  the  TUNE  knob  to  play  andpause the current song.❈ The previous song / next song / play /pause functions may not be supportedin some mobile phones.MEDIAOffOn4SETUPOn
Features of your vehicle1444PHONEBefore  using  the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology enabled phone features• In  order  to  use Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology phone,  you  must  first  pairand  connect  the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology enabledmobile phone.• If the mobile phone is not paired or con-nected, it is not possible to enter Phonemode. Once a phone is paired or con-nected, the guidance screen will be dis-played.• If  Priority  is  set  upon  vehicle  ignition(IGN/ACC  ON),  the Bluetooth®WirelessTechnology enabled phone will be automat-ically  connected. Even  if  you  are  outside,the Bluetooth®Wireless  Technologyenabled  phone  will  be  automatically  con-nected  once  you  are  in  the  vicinity  of  thevehicle. If  you  do  not  want  automaticBluetooth®Wireless  Technology enabledphone  connection,  set  the Bluetooth®Wireless Technology power to OFF.Making a call using the steeringwheel remote controller(if equipped)1. ,  button : Raises or lowersspeaker volume.2. :Mode  Change  Each  time  thebutton pressed.3. :Turns the sound on and off.4. button : Places and transfers calls.5. button : Ends calls or cancels func-tions.6. button : Activates voice recognition.• Check call history and making call➀Shortly press (under 0.8 seconds) thekey on the steering remote con-troller .➁ The  call  history  list  will  be  displayedon the screen.➂Press the  key again to connect acall to the selected number.• Redialing the most recently called num-ber➀Press and hold (over 0.8 seconds) thekey on the steering remote con-troller.➁ The  most  recently  called  number  isredialed.❈ If call history does not exist, a screenasking whether to download call histo-ry is displayed. (The download featuremay not be supported in some mobilephones)MUTEMODEVOL _VOL +
4 145Features of your vehiclePhone MENUPress  the  key  to  display  threemenus  (Call  History,  Contacts,  PhoneSetup).Call historyPress  the  key Set  [ CallHistory] through the  TUNE knob orkey.The call history is displayed and can beused to select a number and make a call.If  call  history  does  not  exist,  a  screenasking  whether  to  download  call  historyis displayed. (The download feature maynot  be  supported  in  some  mobilephones)ContactsPress the  key Set [ Contacts]through the  TUNE knob or  key.The Contacts  are  displayed and can beused to select a number and make a call.❈ If  more  than  one  number  is  saved  toone  contact,  then  a  screen  showingthe mobile phone number, house andoffice number are displayed. Select thedesired number to make the call.❈ If Contacts do not exist, a screen ask-ing  whether  to  download  Contacts  isdisplayed. (The download feature maynot  be  supported  in  some  mobilephones)Phone SetupPress  the  key Set  [ PhoneSetup]  through  the  TUNE knob  orkey.The Bluetooth®Wireless  Technologyenabled mobile  phone  setup  screen  isdisplayed. For more information, refer to“Phone Setup”.3PHONE2PHONE1PHONEPHONE
Features of your vehicle1464Starting Voice Command• To  start voice  command,  shortly pressthe  key  on  the  steering  wheelremote controller.• If voice command is in [Normal Mode],then the system will say “Please say acommand. Beep”❈ If voice command is in [Expert Mode],then the system will only say a “Beep-”❈ Setting  Voice  command  [NormalMode]/[Expert Mode]:Press the  key Select [System]through  the  TUNE  knob  or key Select [Prompt Feedback] throughthe  TUNE  knob Set  [NormalMode]/[Expert Mode]• Say the voice command. For  proper  voice  recognition,  say  thevoice  command  after  the  guidancemessage and the “Beep” sound.5SETUPtion may not operate properly. Upon inputting your contacts, specialsymbols and numbers cannot be rec-ognized  by  voice. For  example,  “#John  Doe%&” will  be  recognized as“John Doe”.VOICE COMMAND• The voice recognition feature of thisproduct  supports  recognition  of  thecommands  listed  within  this  user’smanual. While using voice recognition, operat-ing the steering remote control or thedevice will terminate voice recognitionand  allow  you  to  manually  operatedesired functions. Position of the microphone is above thehead of the driver’s seat. Voice  recognition  may  not  functionproperly  due  to  outside  noise. Thefollowing  conditions  can  affect  theperformance of Voice Recognition:- When  the  windows and  sunroof  areopen- When  the  heating/cooling  system  ison- When passing a tunnel- When driving on rugged and unevenroads After  downloading Bluetooth®Wireless  Technology  contacts,  thesystem requires some times to con-vert the contacts into voice  informa-tion. During this time, voice recogni-
4 147Features of your vehicleSkipping the Guidance MessageWhile  the  guidance  message  is  beingstated, shortly press the  key (under0.8 seconds) to discontinue the guidancemessage and sound the “beep”.After the “beep”, say the voice command.Ending Voice Command• While using voice command, press andhold the  key (over 0.8 seconds) toend voice command.• While  using  voice  command,  pressingthe steering wheel remote controller ora different key will end voice command.• In a state where the system is waitingfor your voice command, say “cancel” or“end” to end voice command.• In a state where the system is waitingfor  your voice command, shortly pressthe  key (under 0.8 seconds) to endvoice command.
Features of your vehicle1484❈ Illustration on using voice commands• Starting voice command.Shortly pressing the  key (under 0.8 seconds):• Skipping Voice RecognitionShortly pressing the  key (under 0.8 seconds):• End voice command.Shortly pressing the  key (under 0.8 seconds):while guidance message is being statedContactsCancelMore HelpMore HelpPlease say a command.Please say a...More Help.You can say Radio, FM, AM, SIRIUS, Media,CD, USB, Aux, My Music, iPod, Bluetooth Audio,Phone, Call History or Contacts.Please say a command.More Help.You can say Radio, FM, AM, SIRIUS, Media,CD, USB, Aux, My Music, iPod, Bluetooth Audio,Phone, Call History or Contacts.Please say a command.Contacts.Please say the name of the Contacts you wantto call.Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep Beep.. (end beep)Shortly pressing the  key(under 0.8 seconds)
4 149Features of your vehicleVoice Command List• Common Commands:These are commands that can be used in all situations. (However, some commands may not be supported in special circumstances.)Command FunctionMore Help Provides guidance on commands that can beused anywhere in the system.Help Provides guidance on commands that can beused within the current mode.Call <Name> Calls <Name> saved in Contacts.Dial <Number> Call can be made by dialing the spoken numbers.Phone Provides guidance on Phone related commands.After  saying  this  command,  say  “Call  History”,“Contacts” to execute corresponding functions.Call History Displays the Call History screen.Contacts Displays  the  Contacts  screen. After  saying  thiscommand, say the name of a contact saved inthe Contacts to automatically connect the call.Dial Number  Display the Dial  number screen. After sayingthis command, you can say the number whatyou want to call.Redial Connects the most recently called number.Radio• When listening to the radio, displays the nextradio  screen. (FM1➟FM2➟AM➟SAT1➟SAT2➟SAT3➟FM1) • When listening to a different mode, displaysthe most recently played radio screen.FM• When  currently  listening  to  the  FM  radio,maintains the current state.• When listening to a different mode, displaysthe most recently played FM screen.Command FunctionFM1(FM One) Displays the FM1 screen.FM2(FM Two) Displays the FM2 screen.AM Displays the AM screen.FM Preset 1~6 Plays  the  most  recently  played  broadcastsaved in FM Preset 1~6.AM Preset 1~6 Plays the broadcast saved in AM Preset 1~6.FM 87.5~107.9 Plays the FM broadcast of the correspondingfrequency.AM 530~1710 Plays the AM broadcast of the correspondingfrequency.SIRIUS(Satellite)• When  currently  listening  to  the  SIRIUS,maintains the current state.• When listening to a different mode, displaysthe most recently played SIRIUS screen.SIRIUS(Satellite)Displays the selected SIRIUS screen.1~3SIRIUS Channel  Plays the selected SIRIUS channel.Media Moves  to  the  most  recently  played  mediascreen.Play Track 1~30 If  a  music  CD  has  been  inserted,  plays  thecorresponding track.CD Plays the music saved in the CD.(Call by Name)0~223
Features of your vehicle1504• FM/AM radio commands: Commands that can be used whilelistening to FM, AM radio.Command FunctionSearch CD Moves to the CD track or file selection screen.•For audio CDs, move to the screen and say thetrack number to play the corresponding track.• Moves to the MP3 CD file selection screen.After manually operate the  device to selectand play music.USB Plays USB music.Search USB Moves to the USB file selection screen. Aftermanually operate the device to select and playmusic.iPod Plays iPod music.Search iPod Moves to the iPod file selection screen. After,manually operate the device to select and playmusic.My Music Plays the music saved in My Music.Search My Music Moves to the My Music file selection screen.After  manually  operate  the  device  to  selectand play music.AUX (Auxiliary) Plays the connected external device.Bluetooth Audio Plays the music saved in connected Bluetooth®device.Mute Mutes the radio or music volume.Pardon? Repeats the most recent comment.Cancel (Exit) Ends voice command.Command FunctionPreset 1~6 Plays the broadcast saved in Preset 1~6.Auto Store Automatically  selects  radio  broadcast  fre-quencies with superior reception and saves inPresets 1~6.Preset Save 1~6 Saves  the  current  broadcast  frequency  toPreset 1~6.Seek up Plays the next receivable broadcast.Seek down Plays the previous receivable broadcast.Next Preset Selects  the  preset  number  next  to  the  mostrecently selected preset. (Example: When cur-rently listening to preset no. 3, then preset no.4 will be selected.)Previous Preset Selects  the  preset  number  previous  to  themost  recently  selected  preset. (Example:When currently listening to preset no. 3, thenpreset no. 2 will be selected.)Scan Scans receivable frequencies from the currentbroadcast and plays for 5 seconds each.Preset Scan Moves  to  the  next  preset  from  the  currentpresent and plays for 5seconds each.Information Displays the information of the current broad-cast.(This feature can be used when receivingRBDS broadcasts.)
4 151Features of your vehicle• Satellite  radio  commands: Commands  that  can  be  usedwhile listening to Satellite Radio.• Audio  CD  commands: Commands  that  can  be  used  whilelistening to Audio CD.Command FunctionChannel Up Plays  the  channel  next  to  the  current  broad-cast.Channel Down Plays  the  channel  previous  to  the  currentbroadcast.Next Preset Selects  the  preset  number  next  to  the  mostrecently selected preset. (Example: When cur-rently listening to preset no. 3, then preset no.4 will be selected.)Previous Preset Selects  the  preset  number  previous  to  themost recently selected preset.(Example: When  currently  listening  to  presetno. 3, then preset no. 2 will be selected.)Category Moves to the Category selection screen.Scan Scans  receivable  channels  from  the  currentbroadcast and plays for 5 seconds each.Preset 1~6 Plays the broadcast saved in Preset 1~6.Preset Save 1~6 Saves the current broadcast channel to 1~6.Information Displays the information of the current broad-cast.Command FunctionRandom Randomly plays the tracks within the CD.Random Off Cancels random play to play tracks in sequen-tial order.Repeat Repeats the current track.Repeat Off Cancels repeat play to play tracks in sequen-tial order.Next Track Plays the next track.Previous Track Plays the previous track.Scan Scans  the  tracks  from  the  next  track  for  10seconds each.Track 1~30 Plays the desired track number.Search Track Moves to the track selection screen. After, saythe track name to play the corresponding track.Information Displays the information screen of the currenttrack.
Features of your vehicle1524• MP3  CD  /  USB  commands: Commands  that  can  be  usedwhile listening to music files saved in CD and USB.• iPod Commands: Commands that can be used while playingiPod.Command FunctionRandom Randomly  plays  the  files  within  the  currentfolder.All Random Randomly plays all saved files.Random Off Cancels random play to play files in sequentialorder.Repeat Repeats the current file.Folder Repeat Repeats all files in the current folder.Repeat Off Cancels repeat play to play files in sequentialorder.Next File Plays the next file.Previous File Plays the previous file.Scan Scans the files from the next files for 10 sec-onds each.Search File Moves to the file selection screen.Search Folder Moves to the folder selection screen.Information Displays the information screen of the currentfile.Copy Copies the current file into My Music.Command FunctionAll Random Randomly plays all saved songs.Album Random Randomly  plays the songs within the currentcategory.Random Off Cancels random play to play songs in sequen-tial order.Repeat Repeats the current song.Repeat Off Cancels repeat play to play songs in sequen-tial order.Next Song Plays the next song.Previous Song Plays the previous song.Search Song Moves to the song selection screen.Information Displays the information screen of the currentsong.
4 153Features of your vehicle• My Music Commands: Commands  that  can  be used  whileplaying My Music.• Bluetooth®Wireless Technology Audio Commands:Commands that can be used while playing Phone Music.Command FunctionRandom Randomly plays all saved files.Random Off Cancels random play to play files in sequentialorder.Repeat Repeats the current file.Repeat Off Cancels repeat play to play files in sequentialorder.Next File Plays the next file.Previous File Plays the previous file.Scan Scans the files from the next files for 10 sec-onds each.Search File Moves to the file selection screen.Information Displays the information screen of the currentfile.Delete Deletes  the  current  file. You  will  bypass  anadditional confirmation process.Delete All Deletes  all  files  saved  in  My  Music. You  willbypass an additional confirmation process.Command FunctionPlay Plays the currently paused song.Pause Pauses the current song.
9-17APPENDIXM & SOFT AMERICA MAP CENTERTEL : 888-757-0010WEBSITE : www.mapnsoft.comMAP DATABASE HOTLINEThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: ˍ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ˍ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ˍ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. ˍ Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by manufacturer could void your authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. ,I&:DUQLQJ7KLVGHYLFHFRPSOLHVZLWK,QGXVWU\&DQDGDOLFHQFHH[HPSW566VWDQGDUGV2SHUDWLRQLVVXEMHFWWRWKHIROORZLQJWZRFRQGLWLRQVWKLVGHYLFHPD\QRWFDXVHLQWHUIHUHQFHDQGWKLVGHYLFHPXVWDFFHSWDQ\LQWHUIHUHQFHLQFOXGLQJLQWHUIHUHQFHWKDWPD\FDXVHXQGHVLUHGRSHUDWLRQRIWKHGHYLFH/HSUpVHQWDSSDUHLOHVWFRQIRUPHDX[&15G,QGXVWULH&DQDGDDSSOLFDEOHVDX[DSSDUHLOVUDGLRH[HPSWVGHOLFHQFH/H[SORLWDWLRQHVWDXWRULVpHDX[GHX[FRQGLWLRQVVXLYDQWHVODSSDUHLOQHGRLWSDVSURGXLUHGHEURXLOODJHHWOXWLOLVDWHXUGHODSSDUHLOGRLWDFFHSWHUWRXWEURXLOODJHUDGLRpOHFWULTXHVXELPrPHVLOHEURXLOODJHHVWVXVFHSWLEOHGHQFRPSURPHWWUHOHIRQFWLRQQHPHQW7KLVHTXLSPHQWFRPSOLHVZLWK)&&UDGLDWLRQH[SRVXUHOLPLWVVHWIRUWKIRUDQXQFRQWUROOHGHQYLURQPHQW7KLVHTXLSPHQWVKRXOGEHLQVWDOOHGDQGRSHUDWHGZLWKPLQLPXPFPEHWZHHQWKHUDGLDWRUDQG\RXUERG\7KLVWUDQVPLWWHUPXVWQRWEHFROORFDWHGRURSHUDWLQJLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKDQ\RWKHUDQWHQQDRUWUDQVPLWWHUXQOHVVDXWKRUL]HGWRGRVRE\WKH)&&

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