Hame Technology A1 Wireless Router User Manual

Hame Technology Co., Limited Wireless Router

User Manual

1. RouterPowerSource&SupplyThereareonlytwo(2)sourcesofpowerforMPR‐A1Router:*ViaBattery.*ViaExternalPower.Note:Usually,thebatterycanlastforapproximately4hoursofusageperfullcharge.
1.1 ChargebatteryThereareseveralwaystochargethebatteryofMPR‐A1Router'sbattery:*ViaPC/NotebookUSBport.*ViaPoweradaptor(5V1.2A).*ViaGeneralmobilephonecharger.*Viacaradaptor.Stepstochargethebatteryasbelow:step1:TurnofftheMPR‐A1Router.step2:ConnectMini5pinoftheUSBChargeCabletoMPR‐A1Router'sDCpowerMicroUSBport.step3:ConnecttheotherendoftheUSBChargeCabletoeitherPC/NotebookUSBport,ortothePoweradaptorUSBport,Mobilephonechargercaradaptor.Note:1.Whilecharging,theMPR‐A1Router'sBatteryLightisinblue.2.Whenfullcharged,theMPR‐A1Router'sBatteryLightinnolight.3.WestronglyrecommendedtochargethebatteryusingDCadaptor,anditwilltakeapproximately3hourstocompletethecharging.1.2 ProvidepowersourcetoGadget:TheMPR‐A1Router'sUSBportisalsoabletoprovidepowersourcetochargebatteryofagadget.Stepstochargebatteryasbelow(illustratedwithiPhone):step1:ConnectiPhoneandMPR‐A1Router'sUSBportby30pinconnector.step2:TurnthepowerswitchoftheMPR‐A1RoutertoC.(Thisstepisoptional,suggesttoimplementittosavebatterycapacitywhenyounoneedrouterfunction).
Note:WhenMPR‐A1Router'sPowerSwitchturntoC,theMPR‐A1RouterwillbePower‐offandchargingthesmartphoneisbegun.WhentheMPR‐A1Router'sPowerSwitchturntoon,theMPR‐A1RouterwillbePower‐Onandthechargingofsmartphonewillalsobebegun.2. PackageContents*1xMPR‐A1*1xMicroUSBChargingCable*1xQuickInstallationGuide/WarrantyCardNote:1.Theillustrationsinthisdocumentmayappeardifferentfromyourmodel.2.Ifanyofaboveitemsisnotpackedinyourpackagewhenopen,pleaseconsultyourresellerimmediately.3.Usingapowersupplywithadifferentvoltageratingwillcausedamageandvoidthewarrantyforthisproduct.3. Overview
4. ComputerSettingEstablishNetworkConnectionStep1:Opencomputer'swirelessnetworkconnection,setthecomputerto“automaticallyobtainIPaddress”and“automaticallyobtainDNSserveraddress”.(Picture1&2).Step2:MakesureyourPChaveWIFIfunctionandWIFIstatusin“ON”condition.WhenWIFIconnected,click“Refreshnetworklist”,selecttherouter`swirelessnetworknameinthe“WirelessNetworkConnection”page(wirelessnetworkname(SSID):HAME_A1_XXXX),makesureWIFIconnectedandinternetaccess.Thenmeansyoucanuseinternet.Pleaseseepicture3&4.Note1:IfyourComputerordevicedoesn’thavetheWIFIfunction.PleaseuseRJ45cabletoconnectyourWIFIdeviceorPCwith3GRouterthroughLANport.Note2:Ifcan’tsurftheinternetsuccessfully,thenneedgotostep3.Step3:OpenthewebbrowserandinputIPaddress,PressEnter(Picture5).
Inputpassword"hame",ifyouwantchangepassword#1.#1:MPR‐A1Routerlogincredentialisrecommendedtochangetouserpreferablepassword,iflostpassword,pleasepressRouter?sResetbuttonmorethan5secondstoloadFactoryDefaultSettings.Thepasswordwillbebackto“hame”.5. HardwareInstallation,PleasemakesuretheMPR‐A1powerswitchin"R"MPR‐A1RouterisdesignedwithvariousmethodsofconnectionstotheInternet(eitherwayhardwareinstallationwillbedifferent),including:1. Connectvia3GUSBModem
step2.TurnonthepowerofMPR‐A1Router.step3.MakethecomputerconnecttheWIFISSIDofMPR‐A1(see4.ComputerSetting).step4.Thenyoucouldsurf.Ifyoucouldnotsurf,Plsdofollowingoperations:step1.Openabrowserandenterataddressbar.step2.Enterlogincredentialwithpasswordas"hame".step3.ClickInternet>WANNetwork.MakesurethattheDHCPisbeingselectedinWANConnectionType.5.ConnectviaWIFIHotspotBeforeyoubegin,pleasemakesureyouhavebelowitemsprepared:1.MPR‐A1Router.2.WIFIaccount.InstallationSteps:step1.TurnonthepowerofMPR‐A1Router.step2.MakethecomputerconnecttheWIFISSIDofMPR‐A1(see4.ComputerSetting).step3.Openabrowserandenterataddressbar.step4.Enterlogincredentialwithpasswordas"hame".step5.ClickInternet>WANNetwork.MakesurethattheWIFImodeisbeingselectedinWANConnectionType.ClickatGetAPlistfromair,thenselecttheSSIDthattheISPprovidesandtypethePassword,pressApply.6. ConfiguretheRouter(Web‐GUI)6.1ConnectionsStatus:Displaythecurrentnetwork'sconnectionstatus,includingSignalPerformance,NetworkMode,etc.ClickatHometofindoutmoredetails.6.2WIFIManagement:ToconfiguretheWiFioftheRouter,includingtoturnOnorOfftheWiFi,assignSSID,assign
7.CompatibilityTestList(USBModem)ID  Brand  Model Customer checked support Remarks  3G System 1  Aircard  932          HSPA 2  Aircard  951          HSPA 3  Aircard  V 721          HSPA 4  Aircard      2417C-U302          HSPA 5  Aircard      800h  Yes      TD-SCDMA 6  Aircard      Aircard901          TD-SCDMA 7  Aircard      DTM5731          TD-SCDMA 8 Alcatel   One Touch X060S Yes      HSPA 9 Alcatel  One Touch X200 Yes      HSPA 10  Anydata  ADU-520c  Yes      EV-DO 11  Anydata  ADU-520L  Yes      EV-DO 12  Anydata  ADU-555C  Yes      EV-DO 13  ASB  W720          HSPA 14  AT&T  AC885          HSPA 15  AT&T  N7NC885          HSPA 16 AT&T SIERRA WIRELESS         HSPA 17  Axesstel  MV-140A  Yes      HSPA 18  Axesstel  MV-140B      No USIM version EV-DO 19  b.mobile  locked          HSPA 20  Bandluxe  c120          HSPA 21  Bandluxe  c170          HSPA 22  Bandluxe  c180          HSPA 23  Bandluxe  c270          HSPA 24  Bandluxe  c321          HSPA 25  Brandluxe  C100S          HSDPA 26  Coolpad    CT180          EV-DO 27  Cricket  UM 185C  Yes      EV-DO 28  D-Link  DWM156          HSPA 29  D-Link  DWM-162-U5          EV-DO 30  D-Link  DWM-652  Yes      HSPA 31  D-Link  DWM-162-U5          EV-DO 32  Epivalley  SEC-8089  Yes      EV-DO 33  Franklin  CDU-680      No USIM version EV-DO 34  GI0322  HW V42          HSPA 35  Gold Space    E800          EV-DO
36  HAME  521K          EV-DO 37  HAME  521M      new version  EV-DO 38  HAME  521M      old version  EV-DO 39  HAME  521Q        EV-DO 40  HAME  526D          EV-DO 41  HAME  619U+          EDGE 42  HAME  620A          HSDPA 43  HAME  620C          HSDPA 44  HAME  621A          HSDPA 45  HAME  621B          HSDPA 46  HAME  621G          HSPA 47  HAME  621H          HSDPA 48  HAME  622A          HSDPA 49  HAME  622C          HSDPA 50  HAME  622G          HSPA 51  HAME  625A          HSDPA 52  HAME  628U          HSDPA 53  HAME  630A          HSPA 54  HAME  631G          HSPA 55  HAME  631N          HSPA 56  HAME  631Q          HSPA 57  HAME  632G          HSPA 58  HAME  638U          HSPA 59  HAME  T336          HSPA 60  HAME  511D          EV-DO 61 HAME  521D     Qualcomm chipset EV-DO 62  HAME  521D      VIA chipset  EV-DO 63 HOJY WIRELESS   ST ERICSSON       TD-SCDMA 64  Huawei  E156          EV-DO 65 Huawei  E1692       Needs customer testingEV-DO 66  Huawei  EC122          EV-DO 67  Huawei  EC1260          EV-DO 68  Huawei  EC1261          EV-DO 69  Huawei  EC1270          EV-DO 70  Huawei  EC167          EV-DO     Huawei  EC176          EV-DO     Huawei  EC177          EV-DO 71  Huawei  EC169          EV-DO 72  Huawei  EC226          EV-DO 73  Huawei  EC306          EV-DO
74  Huawei  EC306-2          EV-DO 75  Huawei  2910          HSPA 76  Huawei  E122          HSPA 77  Huawei  E153          HSPA 78  Huawei  E1552          HSDPA 79  Huawei  E156G          HSDPA 80 Huawei  E160     Data card locked, need customer confirm HSDPA 81  Huawei  E1612          HSPA 82  Huawei  E1630          HSDPA 83  Huawei  E166          HSDPA 84  Huawei  E169          HSDPA 85  Huawei  E170          HSPA 86 Huawei  E172     Data card locked, need customer confirm HSPA 87  Huawei  E173          HSPA 88  Huawei  E1750          HSPA 89  Huawei  E1752          HSPA 90  Huawei  E1752C          HSPA 91 Huawei  E1756C     Data card locked, need customer confirm HSPA 92  Huawei  E176          HSPA 93  Huawei  E1762          HSPA 94  Huawei  E176G          HSPA 95  Huawei  E1780          HSPA 96  Huawei  E1782          HSPA 97  Huawei  E180          HSPA 98  Huawei  E1820          HSPA+ 99  Huawei  E182E          HSPA+ 100  Huawei  E220          HSDPA 101  Huawei  E226          HSDPA 102  Huawei  E261          HSDPA 103  Huawei  E270          HSDPA 104  Huawei  E353          HSPA+ 105  Huawei  E510  Yes      HSPA 106  Huawei  E73          HSPA 107  Huawei  EC121          EV-DO 108  Huawei  EC189          EV-DO 109  Huawei  EG162G          EDGE 110  Huawei  ET127          TD-SCDMA
111  Huawei  ET128          TD-SCDMA 112  Huawei  ET128-2          TD-SCDMA 113 Huawei  MD_@     Data card locked, need customer confirm HSPA 114  Huawei  UMG1691          HSDPA 115  Huawei  UMG1831          HSDPA 116  HXI           EV-DO 117  IFOX  820          HSPA 118  Jadpad  TJP-W100          HSPA 119  Lenovo    W100          EV-DO 120  Lenovo   CE210          EV-DO 121  Linktop  lw273          HSDPA 122  Longcheer  WM71  Yes      HSPA 123  Micromax  MMX 300G          HSPA 124  NEXT  USB301          HSDPA 125  Novatel  MC930D          HSPA 126  Novatel  MC950D          HSPA 127  Novatel  MC990D          HSPA 128  Novatel  MC996D          HSPA 129  Option  225          HSPA 130  OPTION  GI0401          HSPA 131  Option  GI0431          HSPA 132  Option  GI0451          HSPA 133  Option  icon 210          HSPA 134  Option  U12          HSPA 135  Orange    GI0225          HSPA 136  Pantech  PX-500      No USIM version EV-DO 137  PROLINK  PSH101          HSPA 138 ROGERS  MD400     Data card locked, need customer confirm HSPA 139  SAMSUNG              HSPA 140  sanmu              HSPA 141  sentar modem  ILD72A          HSDPA 142  SIERRA WIRELESS  USB 301          EV-DO 143  SMART BRO              HSPA 144 Sony Ericsson  MD300     Data card locked, need customer confirm HSPA 145 sprint Mobile Broadband U720          EV-DO 146  telenor              HSPA
147  TimesPower  WM2080A-110          EV-DO 148  Tj  1602          EV-DO 149  Tj  1603          EV-DO 150  TXT  EV-88          EV-DO 151  TXT  W-11          HSPA 152  TXT  W-11          HSDPA 153  TXT  W-12          HSDPA 154  Vodafone  K3760          HSPA 155  Vodafone  E272          HSPA 156  Vodafone  K3520          HSDPA 157  Vodafone  K3565          HSDPA 158  Vodafone  K3565 (Rev2)          HDSPA 159  Vodafone  K3565-Z          HSPA 160 Vodafone  K3570-Z     Data card locked, need customer confirm HSDPA 161 Vodafone  K3571-Z     Data card locked, need customer confirm HSDPA 162  Vodafone  K3715          HSPA 163  Vodafone  K3760          HSPA 164  Vodafone  K3765          HSPA 165  Vodafone  K3765-Z          HSPA 166  Vodafone  CE1588          HSDPA 167  Wei wen  black          EV-DO 168  Wei wen  black      no need driver  EV-DO 169  ZTE  AC2726          EV-DO 170  ZTE  AC2728          EV-DO 171  ZTE  AC2736          EV-DO 172  ZTE  AC2746          EV-DO 173  ZTE  AC2766          EV-DO 174 ZTE  AC305     Data card locked, need customer confirm EV-DO 175  ZTE  AC560          EV-DO 176 ZTE  AC560     enganced version EV-DO 177  ZTE  AC580          EV-DO 178  ZTE  AC581          EV-DO 179  ZTE  AC582          EV-DO 180  ZTE  AC583          EV-DO 181  ZTE  AC590          EV-DO 182  ZTE  AC591          EV-DO
183  ZTE  AC682          EV-DO 184  ZTE  AC8710          EV-DO 185  ZTE  M801          HSPA 186  ZTE  MF100          HSPA 187 ZTE  MF100     other customer 's customization modem HSPA 188  ZTE  MF110          HSPA 189 ZTE  MF110     other customer's customization modem HSPA 190 ZTE  MF112     Data card locked, need customer confirm HSUPA 191  ZTE  MF180          HSDPA 192  ZTE  MF190          HSDPA 193  ZTE  MF190B          HSUPA 194  ZTE  MF190J          HSUPA 195  ZTE  MF192          HSDPA 196  ZTE  MF193          HSDPA 197  ZTE  MF196          HSDPA 198  ZTE  MF622          HSPA 199  ZTE  MF626          HSDPA 200  ZTE  MF627          HSDPA 201  ZTE  MF628          HSPA 202  ZTE  MF631          HSDPA 203  ZTE  MF633          HSDPA 204  ZTE  MF633BP+          HSDPA 205  ZTE  MF633R          HSDPA 206 ZTE  MF636     Data card locked, need customer confirm HSDPA 207  ZTE  MF637U          HSPA 208  ZTE  MF656A          HSPA 209  ZTE  MF668          HSPA 210  ZTE  MF668A          HSPA 211  ZTE  MF669          HSPA+ 212  ZTE  MF680          HSPA 213  ZTE  MF820D          HSPA 214  ZTE  MU 350          TD-SCDMA 215  ZTE  MU 351          TD-SCDMA 
FCC STATEMENT 1. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference. (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 2. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:    Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.    Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.    Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.    Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Caution.  Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information:  This Wireless Router meets the government's requirements for exposure to radio waves. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons regardless of age or health. FCC RF Exposure Information and Statement The SAR limit of USA (FCC) is 1.6 W/kg averaged over one gram of tissue. Device types: A1(FCC ID: R7FA1 has also been tested against this SAR limit. The highest SAR value reported under this standard during product certification for use at the body is 0.743W/kg. This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the handset kept 0.5cm from the body. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, use accessories that maintain a 0.5cm separation distance between the user's body and the back of the handset. The use of belt clips, holsters and similar accessories should not contain metallic components in its assembly. The use of accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, and should be avoided.

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