Harman Becker Automotive Systems BE2729 Navigation and Connectivity Box User Manual Display Audio Ext U 33A02U

Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc. Navigation and Connectivity Box Display Audio Ext U 33A02U

08 user guide

21. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATIONIntroductionThis manual explains the operation of the Display Audio system. Please readthis manual carefully to ensure proper use. Keep this manual in your vehicle atall times.The screen shots in this document and the actual screens of the Display Audiosystem differ depending on whether the functions and/or a contract existed andthe map data available at the time of producing this document.The Navigation System is one of the most technologically advanced vehicle ac-cessories ever developed. The system receives satellite signals from the GlobalPositioning System (GPS) operated by the U.S. Department of Defense. Usingthese signals and other vehicle sensors, the system indicates your present po-sition and assists in locating a desired destination.The navigation system is designed to select efficient routes from your presentstarting location to your destination. The system is also designed to direct youto a destination that is unfamiliar to you in an efficient manner. The system isdeveloped by “Harman International” using “Navteq” maps. The calculatedroutes may not be the shortest nor the least traffic congested. Your own person-al local knowledge or “short cut” may at times be faster than the calculatedroutes.The navigation system’s database includes Point of Interest categories to allowyou to easily select destinations such as restaurants and hotels. If a destinationis not in the database, you can enter the street address or a major intersectionclose to it and the system will guide you there.The system will provide both a visual map and audio instructions. The audio in-structions will announce the distance remaining and the direction to turn in ap-proaching an intersection. These voice instructions will help you keep your eyeson the road and are timed to provide enough time to allow you to maneuver,change lanes or slow down.Please be aware that all current vehicle navigation systems have certain limita-tions that may affect their ability to perform properly. The accuracy of the vehi-cle’s position depends on the satellite condition, road configuration, vehiclecondition or other circumstances. For more information on the limitations of thesystem, refer to page 66.DISPLAY AUDIO SYSTEM OWNER’S MANUALNAVIGATION SYSTEM
31. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATIONFor safety reasons, this manual indicates items requiring particular attentionwith the following marks.IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS MANUALCAUTION●This is a warning against anything which may cause injury to people if the warning isignored. You are informed about what you must or must not do in order to reduce the riskof injury to yourself and others.NOTICE●This is a warning against anything which may cause damage to the vehicle or its equip-ment if the warning is ignored. You are informed about what you must or must not do inorder to avoid or reduce the risk of damage to your vehicle and its equipment.
41. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATIONTo use this system in the safest possiblemanner, follow all the safety tips shownbelow.This system is intended to assist in reach-ing the destination and, if used properly,can do so. The driver is solely responsiblefor the safe operation of your vehicle andthe safety of your passengers.Do not use any feature of this system tothe extent it becomes a distraction andprevents safe driving. The first prioritywhile driving should always be the safe op-eration of the vehicle. While driving, besure to observe all traffic regulations. Prior to the actual use of this system, learnhow to use it and become thoroughly famil-iar with it. Read the entire Display Audiosystem Owner’s manual to make sure youunderstand the system. Do not allow otherpeople to use this system until they haveread and understood the instructions inthis manual.For your safety, some functions may be-come inoperable when driving. Unavail-able screen buttons are dimmed. Onlywhen the vehicle is not moving, can thedestination and route selection be done.While driving, listen to the voice instruc-tions as much as possible and glance atthe screen briefly and only when it is safe.However, do not totally rely on voice guid-ance. Use it just for reference. If the sys-tem cannot determine the current vehicleposition correctly, there is a possibility ofincorrect, late, or non-voice guidance.The data in the system may occasionallybe incomplete. Road conditions, includingdriving restrictions (no left turns, street clo-sures, etc.) frequently change. Therefore,before following any instruction from thesystem, look to see whether the instructioncan be done safely and legally.This system cannot warn about suchthings as the safety of an area, condition ofstreets, and availability of emergency ser-vices. If unsure about the safety of an ar-ea, do not drive into it. Under nocircumstances is this system a substitutefor the driver’s personal judgement.Use this system only in locations where itis legal to do so. Some states/provincesmay have laws prohibiting the use of videoand navigation screens next to the driver.SAFETY INSTRUCTION CAUTION●For safety, the driver should not operatethe Display Audio system while he/sheis driving. Insufficient attention to theroad and traffic may cause an accident.●While driving, be sure to obey the trafficregulations and maintain awareness ofthe road conditions. If a traffic sign onthe road has been changed, route guid-ance may not have the updated informa-tion such as the direction of a one waystreet.
TABLE OF CONTENTS61. CONTROLS AND FEATURES ........ 10OVERVIEW BUTTONS .........................  10SYSTEM FUNCTION INDEX................. 12TOUCH SCREEN OPERATION............ 141. NAVIGATION OPERATION ............ 20QUICK REFERENCE ............................ 20NAVIGATION SYSTEM FUNCTION INDEX.............................. 23MAP SCREEN OPERATION................. 25MAP ICONS........................................... 292. DESTINATION SEARCH................. 33DESTINATION SEARCH.......................  333. ROUTE GUIDANCE......................... 42STARTING ROUTE GUIDANCE ........... 42ROUTE GUIDANCE .............................. 44SETTING AND DELETING THE ROUTE........................................ 464. MY DESTINATIONS ........................ 52REGISTERING A ENTRY......................  52DISPLAYING AND EDITING THE ENTRY INFORMATION.............. 58SENDING STORED CONTACTS TO A USB MEMORY .......................... 605. NAVIGATION SETTING .................. 61MAP SETTINGS .................................... 61ROUTE SETTINGS ............................... 646. NAVIGATION SYSTEM INFORMATION .............................. 66LIMITATIONS OF THE NAVIGATION SYSTEM.............................................. 66MAP INFORMATION............................. 681. APPLICATIONS OPERATION........  74QUICK REFERENCE............................. 74PICTURE SLIDESHOW......................... 75EMAIL..................................................... 77CALENDAR............................................ 792. ENTUNE SERVICE .........................  80ENTUNE SERVICE................................ 80OPERATING NAVIGATION FUNCTION USING ENTUNE SERVICE................. 83OPERATING AN APPLICATION USING ENTUNE SERVICE................. 931. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION .....  100QUICK REFERENCE........................... 100SOME BASICS..................................... 102RADIO OPERATION............................ 106RADIO OPERATION (XM® Satellite Radio BROADCAST)......................... 112CD PLAYER OPERATION................... 117USB MEMORY/iPod OPERATION ...... 123AUX DEVICE OPERATION ................. 130Bluetooth® AUDIO OPERATION ......... 132STEERING SWITCHES ....................... 141AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATING HINTS.......................... 1441QUICK GUIDE2APPLICATION-“Map”3APPLICATION-THE OTHERS4AUDIO SYSTEM
71234567891. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION ................ 154QUICK REFERENCE ..........................  154HANDS-FREE SYSTEM .....................  157CONNECTING A Bluetooth® PHONE ...........................  161REGISTERING A ENTRY ...................  1652. TELEPHONE OPERATION........... 170CALLING ON A Bluetooth® PHONE ...  170RECEIVING CALLS ON A Bluetooth® PHONE ...........................  175TALKING ON A Bluetooth® PHONE ...  1763. SHORT MESSAGE FUNCTION .... 179SHORT MESSAGE FUNCTION..........  1791. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION ................................ 186VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM..............  1861. VEHICLE INFORMATION ............. 190QUICK REFERENCE ..........................  190FUEL CONSUMPTION .......................  191TIRE PRESSURE WARNING SYSTEM ...........................................  1931. SETUP OPERATION ....................  196QUICK REFERENCE .......................... 196GENERAL SETTINGS......................... 197DISPLAY SETTINGS........................... 200Bluetooth® SETTINGS......................... 202PHONE SETTINGS ............................. 209AUDIO SETTINGS............................... 210VEHICLE SETTINGS........................... 2111. REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM ......................................  214REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM OPERATION ..................................... 214DRIVING PRECAUTIONS (WITH REAR VIEW MONITOR GUIDE LINES) .................................. 218ALPHABETICAL INDEX...................  2225Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM6VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM7VEHICLE INFORMATION8SETUP9REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEMINDEX
101. CONTROLS AND FEATURES1. OVERVIEW BUTTONSzThe actual design and button position may differ depending on the vehicle. Fordetails, see Section 3 of “Owner’s Manual”.No. Name Function PageTouch screendisplayBy touching the screen with your finger, you cancontrol the selected functions. 14Disc slot Insert a disc into this slot. The CD player turns onimmediately. 117“TUNE SCROLL”knobTurn this knob to select radio station bands,tracks and files. Also, the knob can be used forselection from the list display.103“AUDIO” button Press this button to access the audio system. Theaudio system turns on in the last mode used.100, 102, 103 button* Press this button to pause or resume playing themusic. — button Press this button to access the Bluetooth®hands-free system. 154“SETUP” button Press this button to customize the function set-tings. 196
111. CONTROLS AND FEATURES1QUICK GUIDE*: If equipped“SEEK/TRACK”buttonPress the “ ” or “ ” button to seek up or down fora radio station, or to access a desired track or file.107, 114, 119, 121, 124, 137“CAR” button* Press this button to access the vehicle informa-tion system. 190“APPS” button Press to display a list of applications. 20, 74“PWR VOL” knob Press this knob to turn the audio system on andoff, and turn it to adjust the volume. 102 button Press this button to eject a disc. 117No. Name Function Page
121. CONTROLS AND FEATURES2. SYSTEM FUNCTION INDEXTo access the application system, pressthe  “APPS” button. The “Applications”menu screen will be displayed. The drivercan use the navigation system and the oth-er applications. For details, see page 19,73.To access the audio system, press the“AUDIO” button. The audio control screenwill be displayed. Audio sources: Radio,CDs, iPod, USB, AUX and Bluetooth® au-dio. For details, see page 99.To access the Bluetooth® hands-free sys-tem, press the   button. The drivercan make or receive phone calls withouttaking their hands off the steering wheel.For details, see page 153.To access the voice command system,press the   switch on the steeringwheel. The driver can operate the DisplayAudio system by giving a command. Fordetails, see page 185.APPLICATION SYSTEMAUDIO SYSTEMBluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEMVOICE COMMAND SYSTEM
131. CONTROLS AND FEATURES1QUICK GUIDETo access the vehicle information system,press the “CAR” button. Fuel consump-tion and tire pressure can be checked. Fordetails, see page 189.To customize the function settings, pressthe  “SETUP” button. The interface lan-guage can also be changed from the setupmenu. For details, see page 195.Shifting into the “R” position will automati-cally show the view behind the rear of thevehicle on the display screen. For details,see page 213.VEHICLE INFORMATION (IF EQUIPPED)SETUPREAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM
141. CONTROLS AND FEATURES3. TOUCH SCREEN OPERATIONzTo prevent damage to the screen, lightlytouch screen buttons on the screen withthe finger. When a screen button on thescreen is touched, a beep sounds. (To seta beep sound, see page 197.)zDo not use objects other than your fingerto touch the screen.1Touch the keys directly to input lettersor numbers.: Touch to delete one letter. Touchand hold to continue deleting letters.2Touch “OK”.This system is operated mainly by thescreen buttons on the screen.NOTICE●To prevent the 12-volt battery from beingdischarged, do not leave the system onlonger than necessary when the engineis not running.INFORMATION●If the system does not respond to atouch on a screen button, move the fin-ger away from the screen and thentouch it again.●Dimmed screen buttons cannot be oper-ated.●Wipe off fingerprints using a glass clean-ing cloth. Do not use chemical cleanersto clean the touch screen.●The displayed image may becomedarker and moving images may beslightly distorted when the display iscold.●Under extremely cold conditions, thescreen may not be displayed and thedata input by a user may be deleted.Also, the screen buttons may be harderthan usual to depress.●When you look at the screen throughpolarized material such as polarizedsunglasses, the screen may be dark andhard to see. If so, look at the screenfrom different angles, adjust the screensettings (See “DISPLAY SETTINGS” onpage 200.), or take off your sunglasses.INPUT SCREEN OPERATIONWhen searching for an address or aname, letters and numbers can be in-put via the screen.INFORMATION●Letters cannot be input while driving.INPUTTING LETTERS AND NUMBERSINFORMATION●When a character is input, a hint willappear displaying a possible match forthe word to be searched.●Currently unavailable screen buttons willbe dimmed.●When an entry is too long to be dis-played in the input field, the last sectionof the input text will be displayed withthe initial section displayed as “...”.●If the vehicle starts moving while lettersare being input, a warning message willbe displayed and letters cannot be input.Touch “Previous” to return to the previ-ous screen.
151. CONTROLS AND FEATURES1QUICK GUIDE■CHANGING BETWEEN LOWERCASE AND UPPER CASE1Touch  or .: Touch to enter in lower case.: Touch to enter in upper case.zEach time   or   is touched,input will change between upper case andlower case input.■INPUTTING SYMBOLS1Touch .2Touch   ( ) or  .X ( ) keyboard layoutXkeyboard layout 3Touch the symbol keys directly to inputsymbols.INFORMATION●In the following situations, the inputmode will automatically change betweenupper and lower case.• When the keyboard layout ischanged to upper case input, the lay-out will automatically change back tolower case input after one letter hasbeen entered.• When “/”,“&”,“.” or “(” is input, thekeyboard layout will automatically bechanged to upper case input.• When all characters are deleted, thekeyboard layout will automaticallychange to upper case input.
161. CONTROLS AND FEATURES1Enter letters.zIf a candidate entry text displayed in theinput field is what is desired, touch “OK”.zTouching   displays the candidateentry text list. The number of matchingitems is shown. Up to 300 items are dis-played.zThe list will be displayed automatically, ifthe number of matching entries is 5 orless.2Touch desired item.or  : Touch to shift to the next orprevious page.zBy touching and holding this screen but-ton, the screen can be scrolled up ordown. Scrolling will automatically stopwhen the top/bottom of the list is reached.:Touch to have entries that are toolong to fit in the current field scrolledautomatically from right to left.ENTERING FROM THE LIST OF MATCHING ENTRIESOn certain screens, a candidate entrytext or word prediction list based on theinput letters will be displayed. The de-sired item can be selected and en-tered.LIST SCREEN OPERATIONWhen a list is displayed, use the appro-priate screen button to scroll throughthe list.INFORMATION●While driving, changing pages will belimited.:This indicates the displayed screen’sposition.
171. CONTROLS AND FEATURES1QUICK GUIDE1Touch one of the character screen but-tons.CHARACTER JUMP BUTTONS IN LISTSSome lists contain character screenbuttons, “ABC”,“DEF” etc., which al-low a direct jump to list entries that be-gin with the same letter as thecharacter screen button.INFORMATION●Every time the same character screenbutton is touched, the list starting withthe subsequent character is displayed.
181. QUICK REFERENCE ....................  202. NAVIGATION SYSTEM FUNCTION INDEX ......................  233. MAP SCREEN OPERATION.........  25TO DISPLAY MAP SCREEN ................. 25MAP SCREEN OPERATION ................. 254. MAP ICONS...................................  29POI* ICONS ........................................... 291. DESTINATION SEARCH...............  33DESTINATION SEARCH ON THE “My Destinations” SCREEN................. 33DESTINATION SEARCH ON THE “Enter Destination” SCREEN............... 351NAVIGATION OPERATION2DESTINATION SEARCH*: Point of Interest
2191234578961. STARTING ROUTE GUIDANCE .................................. 42STARTING ROUTE GUIDANCE SCREEN .............................................  42SETTING THE ROUTE .........................  432. ROUTE GUIDANCE....................... 44ROUTE GUIDANCE SCREEN ..............  44VOICE GUIDANCE ...............................  453. SETTING AND DELETING THE ROUTE................................. 46SETTING FROM THE “Options” SCREEN .............................................  46ADDING DESTINATIONS.....................  49DETOURING A SEGMENT ON THE ROUTE................................................  511. REGISTERING A ENTRY .............. 52REGISTERING A NEW ENTRY............  522. DISPLAYING AND EDITING THE ENTRY INFORMATION............................ 58DISPLAYING AND EDITING THE ENTRY INFORMATION......................  583. SENDING STORED CONTACTS TO A USB MEMORY ................... 60SENDING STORED CONTACTS TO A USB MEMORY....................................  601. MAP SETTINGS ............................  61SETTING THE MAP .............................. 612. ROUTE SETTINGS .......................  64SETTING THE ROUTE OPTIONS ........ 641. LIMITATIONS OF THE NAVIGATION SYSTEM ..............  662. MAP INFORMATION.....................  683ROUTE GUIDANCE4MY DESTINATIONS5NAVIGATION SETTING6NAVIGATION SYSTEM INFORMATIONAPPLICATION-“Map”
201. NAVIGATION OPERATION1. QUICK REFERENCEX“Applications” menu screenThe navigation application and several other applications can be accessed bypressing the “APPS” button.When the “APPS” button is pressed, the “Applications” menu screen that was lastdisplayed is returned to. Touch   to display the “Applications” menu screen.No. Function PagePress to display a list of applications. “Map” provides the user with navigation, route calculation, destinationentry (manually or via voice recognition), turn by turn directions, andreal-time traffic.25Touch to view pictures stored on a USB memory. 75Touch to display Emails. 77Touch to access the connected phone’s calendar, tasks and notes. 79Touch to access the applications. 83, 85, 93Touch to close or delete the applications. 93, 94Touch to shift to the next or previous page. 
211. NAVIGATION OPERATION2APPLICATION-“Map”X“Navigation” menu screenTo display the “Navigation” menu screen, touch “Dest” on the map. From thisscreen, destinations can be entered and route-related settings can be changed.No. Function PageTouch to display the “My Destinations” screen.A destination can be entered by selecting an item from the list of storeddestinations, previous destinations or the addresses from the connect-ed phone’s phone book.33Touch to display the “Enter Destination” screen.A destination can be entered by address, POI or using advanced op-tions. It can also be added as a waypoint to a destination.35, 49Touch to display the “Traffic Messages” screen.Traffic messages function is using Entune service.It contains a list of traffic messages relating to the set route, all trafficmessages and warnings.86Touch to display the “Route Options” screen.The route preferences, avoidance criteria and traffic messages func-tion can be adjusted.64Touch the corresponding icon to change to the “My Destinations”, “En-ter Destination”, “Traffic Messages” or “Route Options” screen.33, 35, 49, 64, 86
221. NAVIGATION OPERATIONXOverview guidance screenNo. Function PageThis symbol indicates a map layout. Touching this symbol changes themap layout. 28Displays the distance, the estimated travel time to the destination, orthe estimated arrival time at the destination. 44Displays traffic information on the route. 86Displays the distance to the next turn with the arrow indicating the turndirection. 44Touch to display the “Options” screen. 46Touch to display the “Navigation” menu screen. 21Displays the current street name. 44Touch to display the “Applications” menu screen. 20, 74Touch to hear voice guidance and/or adjust the volume of voice guid-ance. 45Touch to change the map scale. 27
232APPLICATION-“Map”1. NAVIGATION OPERATION2. NAVIGATION SYSTEM FUNCTION INDEXXMapXRoute guidanceDisplaying maps PageViewing the map screen 25Displaying the current vehicle position 25Viewing the current vehicle position vicinity map 27Changing the scale 27Changing the map layout 27Displaying Point of Interest Icons 29Viewing traffic messages 86Searching destination PageSearching the destination 33Setting the entry registered with the system as the destination 33Before starting route guidance PageRecalculating the route 43Viewing alternative routes 42Starting route guidance 42Before starting or during route guidance PageViewing the route 46Adding destinations 49Recalculating the route 47Changing the estimated travel/arrival time display 63
241. NAVIGATION OPERATIONXMemory pointDuring route guidance PageStopping route guidance 46Adjusting route guidance volume 45Displaying the entire route map 46Memory point PageRegistering the entry 52Editing the entry 58Loading the entry from external devices 56
252APPLICATION-“Map”1. NAVIGATION OPERATION3. MAP SCREEN OPERATION1Press the “APPS” button.zWhen the “APPS” button is pressed, the“Applications” menu screen that was lastdisplayed will be returned to. Touch until the “Applications” menuscreen is displayed.2Touch “Map”.3Touch “Confirm”.zAfter about a few seconds, the “CAU-TION” screen automatically switches tothe map screen.zThe current vehicle position mark appears in the center of the map screen.TO DISPLAY MAP SCREEN INFORMATION●The “CAUTION” screen will be displayedwhen the screen is changed to the mapscreen for the first time after the engineswitch has been in the “ACC” or “ON”position.●If  “Map” is touched while the map isloading or an application is in use, apop-up window will be displayed. Whenthe loading process is complete, themap screen will be displayed.MAP SCREEN OPERATIONCURRENT VEHICLE POSITION DISPLAYWhen starting the navigation system,the current position is displayed first.This screen displays the current vehi-cle position and a map of the surround-ing area.
261. NAVIGATION OPERATION■CURRENT LOCATION AND GPS IN-FORMATION1Touch “Options” on the map.2Touch  “Location & GPS Informa-tion”.3An information screen will be dis-played.zOn this screen, the following information isdisplayed. INFORMATION●The vehicle icon can be changed. (Seepage 61.)●While driving, the current vehicle posi-tion mark is fixed on the screen and themap moves.●The current position is automatically setas the vehicle receives signals from theGPS (Global Positioning System). If thecurrent position is not correct, it is auto-matically corrected after the vehiclereceives signals from the GPS.●After 12-volt battery disconnection, or ona new vehicle, the current position maynot be correct. As soon as the systemreceives signals from the GPS, the cor-rect current position is displayed.Current location, geo-coordinates andGPS information are displayed.No. InformationThe information provided varies,depending whether the road cur-rently being travelled on is a free-way or a street.Latitude and LongitudeAmount of available satellitesand the altitude.
271. NAVIGATION OPERATION2APPLICATION-“Map”zIf a finger is continuously held on thescreen, the map will continue scrolling inthat direction until the finger is removed.zA street name or geo-coordinates of thetouched point will be shown, dependingon the scale of the map.zAfter the screen is scrolled, the mapremains centered at the selected locationuntil another function is activated. The cur-rent vehicle position mark will continue tomove along your actual route and maymove off the screen. When   istouched, the current vehicle position markreturns to the center of the screen and themap moves as the vehicle proceeds alongthe designated route.zWhen the scroll feature is used, the cur-rent vehicle position mark may disappearfrom the screen. Touch   to displaythe current vehicle position on the mapscreen.■MAP SCALE1Touch “+” or “-” to change the scale ofthe map screen.SCREEN SCROLL OPERATIONWhen any point on the map is touched,that point moves to the center of thescreen and is shown by the cursormark .zWhen “Calculate” is touched, the start-ing route guidance screen is displayed.(See page 42.)zWhen  “Save” is touched, the point isregistered in the “Stored” list on the “MyDestinations” screen. (See page 54.)MAP CONFIGURATIONSAny of the following map configura-tions can be selected.INFORMATION●The scale range is from 150 ft to 250miles.●After the scale has been changed, thenew scale indicator will be displayed inthe upper left area of the screen for awhile.
281. NAVIGATION OPERATION■MAP LAYOUT1Touch  or .2Touch the desired map layout.“3D Heading”: Touch to display 3D map.The direction of vehicle travel is always up.“2D Heading”: Touch to display 2D map.The direction of vehicle travel is always up.“2D North”: Touch to display 2D map. Re-gardless of the direction of vehicle travel,north is always up.X3D HeadingX2D HeadingX2D NorthThe map layout can be changed from“3D Heading”,“2D Heading” or “2DNorth”.zMap layout can be also changed by“Map Settings”. (See page 61.)
292APPLICATION-“Map”1. NAVIGATION OPERATION4. MAP ICONSzPOI icons are displayed on the map.■LIST OF POI ICONSXPublicPOI ICONSDISPLAY POI ICONSPoints of Interest such as gas stationsand restaurants can be displayed onthe map screen. Their location canalso be set as a destination.zYou can select a particular type of Pointof Interest displayed on the screen.(See page 61.)Icon NameLibraryCollege/UniversitySchoolTourist officeCemetery, funeral directorGovernment Office, Institution,City hall, Community gen.CommunityCourt housePlace of worshipAccommodation, Hotel/MotelPharmacyConvention Center, ExhibitionCenterFinance, BankCash DispenserPost OfficeBusiness, B. General, B. facilityMedical, Doctor, Health & CareAmbulance, Hospital/PolyclinicFire StationPolice StationPhone Box, CommunicationDentistVeterinarianIcon Name
301. NAVIGATION OPERATIONXTrafficXClubbingXSportIcon NameCar Dealer/Repairer, Repair Fa-cility, Repair General, Car Wash,Tire RepairCar DealerHighway ExitAirport, Dep. /Arrival, Ground, In-ternational, DomesticBus Terminal, Bus Stop, Trans-portation, Public Transp. Stop,Transport generalRailway StationMetropolitan TrainGas StationRent-a-Car,-Facility, -ParkingFerry TerminalParking, Open Parking Area, P.Area generalParking GarageOpen P.A. P+PRest AreaMotoring Organization, Automo-bile ClubMover, Moving CompanyMotorcycle DealerIcon NameMultiple POIBar, NightlifeLeisure, Cultural Center, The-ater, Music Center, Concert HallCinemaCasinoCafe/Bar, CafeRestaurant, French, Belgian,Chinese, German, Greek, Vege-tarian, Fast Food, Grill, SeaFood, Sandwich, Steak...Icon NameSport, Sport General, sport activ-itiesGolf CourseRace TrackStadium, Sports Center, Hippo-dromeWater SportsBowlingIcon Name
311. NAVIGATION OPERATION2APPLICATION-“Map”XLeisureIcon NameAmusement ParkWineryMuseumShopping, Market Place, Shop-ping Center, Factory OutletShop, Department Store, Drive-through-bottle-shopTourist Attractions, ImportantTourist AttractionsPark/Recreational AreaYacht Basin, HarbourCamping GroundGrocery StoreHistorical MonumentRV Park, CampingBookstoreHair & BeautyPhotographyShoestoreWine & LiquorClothingCleaning & LaundryIcon Name
321. NAVIGATION OPERATION1Touch the desired POI icon on themap.2Touch .XOne POIXMultiple POI3POI information will be displayed.DISPLAYING POI INFORMATIONzWhen “Calculate” is touched, the start-ing route guidance screen is displayed.(See page 42.)zWhen  “Save” is touched, the point isregistered in the “Stored” list on the “MyDestinations” screen. (See page 54.)zWhen   is touched, the registeredtelephone number is called.
332APPLICATION-“Map”2. DESTINATION SEARCH1. DESTINATION SEARCH1Touch “Dest” on the map.2Touch “My Destinations”.zThe “My Destinations” screen can be dis-played by touching   on any of the“Navigation” screens.3Touch the tab for the desired method.zPlease refer to the following pages for adescription of each operation.1Touch  “Stored” on the “My Destina-tions” screen.2Touch the desired entry.3The starting route guidance screen willbe displayed. (See page 42.)DESTINATION SEARCH ON THE “My Destinations” SCREENThere are several ways to search adestination.(a)Destination search by stored desti-nations(b)Destination search by previous des-tinations(c)Destination search by the connect-ed phone’s phone bookDESTINATION SEARCH BY “Stored”Destinations can be selected from thedestinations registered with the sys-tem. To use this function, it is neces-sary to register the entry. (See page52.)zTouch   to display and edit the entryinformation. (See page 58.)INFORMATION●If “Home” has not been registered, amessage will be displayed and thesetting screen will automaticallyappear. (See page 53.)
342. DESTINATION SEARCH1Touch “Previous” on the “My Destina-tions” screen.2Touch the desired entry.3The starting route guidance screen willbe displayed. (See page 42.)1Touch “Phone Book” on the “My Des-tinations” screen.2Touch the desired entry.3The starting route guidance screen willbe displayed. (See page 42.)DESTINATION SEARCH BY “Previous”A destination can be selected from thepast destination list.zTouch   to display and edit the entryinformation. (See page 58.)INFORMATION●The list can contain a maximum of100 entries. When the maximum isreached, the oldest destination isdeleted, making room for the new des-tination to be stored in the list.DESTINATION SEARCH BY “Phone Book”A destination can be set using theaddress of a contact from the phonebook of a connected cellular phone.Before using this function, connect aBluetooth® phone with a phone profile.(See page 203.)If a contact does not have address in-formation stored, the entry will bedimmed.zTouch  “Search Contact” to search bythe contact's name.zTouch   to display and edit the entryinformation. (See page 58.)INFORMATION●“Search Contact” cannot be oper-ated while driving.
352. DESTINATION SEARCH2APPLICATION-“Map”1Touch “Dest” on the map.2Touch “Enter Destination”.zThe “Enter Destination” screen can be dis-played by touching   on any of the“Navigation” screens.3Touch the tab for the desired method.zPlease refer to the following pages for adescription of each operation.1Touch “Address” on the “Enter Desti-nation” screen.2Touch “Country”.3Touch the desired country.4Touch  “State” and enter the desiredstate (USA and Mexico) or province(Canada).DESTINATION SEARCH ON THE “Enter Destination” SCREENThere are several ways to search adestination.(a)Destination search by address(b)Destination search by POI(c)Destination search by advancedDESTINATION SEARCH BY “Address”A destination can be searched using acity name or zip code.
362. DESTINATION SEARCH5Touch “City” or “Zip” to enter the cityname or zip code.zWhen either a “City” or “Zip” is entered,the other will be entered automatically.6Touch  “Street” to enter the streetname.7Touch “No.” to enter the street No.8Touch “Calculate Route”.9The starting route guidance screen willbe displayed. (See page 42.)■SEARCHING “By Category”1Touch  “POI” on the “Enter Destina-tion” screen.2Touch “By Category”.3Touch the desired item to search thearea. (See page 38.)4Touch the desired category.INFORMATION●“Calculate Route” can be selectedonce a “City” or “Zip” has beenentered. If “Calculate Route” istouched when only “City” or “Zip” hasbeen entered, a route search starts withthe center of the city entered as the des-tination.●While driving, screen buttons other than“Country” cannot be selected.DESTINATION SEARCH BY “POI”POIs in a specific area can besearched by category, name or fromthe map.
372. DESTINATION SEARCH2APPLICATION-“Map”5Touch   for the desired item.zIf you touch the desired item, the startingroute guidance screen will be displayeddirectly. (See page 42.)6Touch “Calculate”.7The starting route guidance screen willbe displayed. (See page 42.)■SEARCHING “By Name”1Touch  “POI” on the “Enter Destina-tion” screen.2Touch  “By Name” on the “POI”screen.3Touch the desired item to search thearea. (See page 38.)4Input POI name.5Touch “OK”.6Follow the steps “SEARCHING “ByCategory”” from “STEP 5”. (See page36.)zWhen  “Save” is touched, the point isregistered in the “Stored” list on the “MyDestinations” screen. (See page 54.)zWhen   is touched, the registeredtelephone number is called.INFORMATION●The POI search result list is sorted bydistance to the POI. The distance can besorted by the following methods:• When the search area is set to “AtCurrent Position”,“Around” or“Along Route”, the distance will becalculated from the current position tothe POI.• When the search area is set to “AtDestination”, the distance will becalculated from the destination to thePOI.INFORMATION●Searching  “By Name” cannot beoperated while driving.
382. DESTINATION SEARCH■SELECTING “By Map”1Touch  “POI” on the “Enter Destina-tion” screen.2Touch “By Map” on the “POI” screen.3Touch the desired item to search thearea. (See page 38.)4Touch the desired POI icon on themap.5Follow the steps “SEARCHING “ByCategory”” from “STEP 5”. (See page36.)■SELECTING THE SEARCH AREA1Touch “By Category”,“By Name” or“By Map”.2Touch the desired item to search thearea.“At Current Position”: Around the cur-rent position“Around”: Around the defined country(See page 39.)“At Destination”: Around the main desti-nation“Along Route”: Along the current routeINFORMATION●Depending on the current map scale,not all POI icons will be available forselection.INFORMATION●When route guidance is not in use, “AtDestination” and “Along Route” can-not be selected.●When  “At Destination” is selected,POIs around the destination will besearched. POIs around waypoints willnot be searched.
392. DESTINATION SEARCH2APPLICATION-“Map”XSelecting “Around” area1Touch “Country” to select a country.2Touch “State” and enter the desiredstate (USA and Mexico) or province(Canada).3Touch  “City” or “Zip” to enter thename or zip code.zWhen either a “City” or “Zip” is entered,the other will be entered automatically. 4Touch “Define as Search Area”.■ONLINE SEARCH■FUEL PRICESIf you select “Around”, touch “De-fine” to select the desired search area.INFORMATION●If only country is selected, a countrywidePOI search is possible.A destination can be selected via En-tune service. For detailed informationabout “Online Search”, see page 83.Fuel Prices function is using Entuneservice. It enables the navigation sys-tem to display current fuel prices andgas station locations, which can be setas a destination if desired.For detailed information about “FuelPrices”, see page 85.
402. DESTINATION SEARCH1Touch “Advanced” on the “Enter Des-tination” screen.2Touch the desired method to searchthe destination.zPlease refer to the following pages for adescription of each operation.■SELECTING ON MAP1Touch “Select Point on Map” on the“Advanced” screen.2Touch the desired point on the map.3Touch “Calculate”.4The starting route guidance screen willbe displayed. (See page 42.)DESTINATION SEARCH BY “Advanced”zWhen  “Save” is touched, the point isregistered in the “Stored” list on the “MyDestinations” screen. (See page 54.)
412. DESTINATION SEARCH2APPLICATION-“Map”■ENTER GEO-COORDINATES1Touch  “Enter Geo-coordinates” onthe “Advanced” screen.2Touch “N” or “S”.3Input the latitude (Degreesq, Minutes’,Seconds”).4Touch “W” or “E”.5Input the longitude (Degreesq, Min-utes’, Seconds”).6Touch “OK”.7Touch “Calculate”.8The starting route guidance screen willbe displayed. (See page 42.)■ENTER INTERSECTION1Touch  “Enter Intersection” on the“Advanced” screen.2Touch “Country” to select a country.3Touch  “State” and enter the desiredstate (USA and Mexico) or province(Canada). 4Touch “City” or “Zip” to enter the cityname or zip code. 5Touch  “Street” to input the name ofthe first intersecting street and thentouch “OK”.6Touch  “Street” to input the name ofthe second intersecting street and thentouch “OK”.7Touch “Start Calculation”.8The starting route guidance screen willbe displayed. (See page 42.)Geo coordinates can be entered inDMS format (Degreesq, Minutes’, Sec-onds”). Only coordinate values thatcan potentially exist are able to be en-tered. Impossible coordinate valuesand their relevant screen buttons willbe dimmed.zWhen  “Save” is touched, the point isregistered in the “Stored” list on the “MyDestinations” screen. (See page 55.)INFORMATION●If a destination that is not located on aroad is set, the vehicle will be guided tothe point on a road nearest to the desti-nation.●This function cannot be operated whiledriving.
423. ROUTE GUIDANCE1. STARTING ROUTE GUIDANCE1Touch “Start”.2Starts route guidance. (See page 44.)1Touch one of the three recommendedroutes to select it.2Start route guidance. (See page 44.)STARTING ROUTE GUIDANCE SCREENAfter searching the destination, thestarting route guidance screen will bedisplayed.According to the setting, either the nor-mal screen or route alternatives screenwill be displayed. (See page 64.)CAUTION●Be sure to obey traffic regulations andkeep road conditions in mind while driv-ing. If a traffic sign on the road has beenchanged, the route guidance may notindicate such changed information.NORMAL SCREENThe recommended route will be dis-played on the map.z“Preferences”: Touch to adjust theroute preferences before starting theroute guidance. (See page 43.)z“Avoid”: Touch to adjust the avoidancecriteria before starting the route guid-ance. (See page 43.)INFORMATION●The default recommended route can bechanged. (See pages 43 and 64.)●The arrival time or the remaining timewill be displayed in the upper right areaof the map. Each time the area istouched, the display switches betweendisplaying the arrival time and remainingtime.●Distance of the entire route is displayedon the map.●The starting route guidance screen willalways be displayed in 2D North.ROUTE ALTERNATIVES SCREENThree recommended routes are dis-played on the map.z“Avoid”: Touch to adjust the avoidancecriteria before starting the route guid-ance. (See page 43.)INFORMATION●The arrival time and distance of theentire route will be displayed in the list.●The starting route guidance screen willalways be displayed in 2D North.
433. ROUTE GUIDANCE2APPLICATION-“Map”1Touch “Preferences” on the startingroute guidance screen.2Touch the desired item.“Fast Route”: Touch to calculate the fast-est route.“Short Route”: Touch to calculate theshortest route.“Ecological Route”: Touch to calculatean ecological route.3The route will be recalculated.1Touch  “Avoid” on the starting routeguidance screen.2Touch the desired item.“Avoid Freeways”: Touch to avoidfreeways.“Avoid Toll Roads”: Touch to avoid tollroads.“Avoid Tunnels”: Touch to avoid tun-nels.“Avoid Ferries”: Touch to avoid ferries.“Avoid Border Crossings”: Touch toavoid border crossings.3Touch .4The route will be recalculated.SETTING THE ROUTESETTING THE ROUTE PREFERENCESSETTING THE AVOIDANCE CRITERIAINFORMATION●Setting the route preference and avoid-ance can be also changed from the“Route Options” screen. (See page 64.)
443. ROUTE GUIDANCE2. ROUTE GUIDANCEzOn this screen, the following information isdisplayed.■SIGNPOSTS ■LANE RECOMMENDATIONROUTE GUIDANCE SCREENWhile guiding the route, the followingscreen will be displayed.No. InformationDistance and travel/arrival time tothe destinationTraffic message on the route (Seepage 86.) The colored section of the bar re-duces as the vehicle approachesthe next turnDistance to the next turn with the ar-row indicating the turn directionThe name of the road currently be-ing travelled onGuidance routeCurrent positionWhen approaching the turn, a signpostwill automatically be displayed.When approaching a maneuver, thelane recommendation will automatical-ly be displayed.INFORMATION●If the vehicle goes off the guided route,the route will be recalculated.●For some areas, the roads have notbeen completely digitized in our data-base. For this reason, the route guid-ance may select a road that should notbe traveled on.●The above items will be displayeddepending on the map scale.●The displaying of the above items canbe switched off. (See page 61.)
453. ROUTE GUIDANCE2APPLICATION-“Map”zWhen   is touched while route guid-ance is active, the last navigationannouncement will be repeated.zAfter touching  , touch “+” or “-” toadjust the volume level of the navigationannouncements.zAfter touching “+” or “-”, short audibleinformation will be given to control the cur-rent volume level (e.g. turn up/turn down).VOICE GUIDANCEThe voice guidance provides variousmessages as you approach an inter-section, or other points where maneu-vering the vehicle is necessary.INFORMATION●The street names may not be pro-nounced correctly or clearly due to thetext to-speech function.●On freeways, interstates or other high-ways with higher speed limits, the voiceguidance will be made at earlier pointsthan on city streets in order to allow timeto maneuver the vehicle.●If the system cannot determine the cur-rent vehicle position correctly (in casesof poor GPS signal reception), the voiceguidance may be early or delayed.CAUTION●Be sure to obey the traffic regulationsand keep the road condition in mindespecially when you are driving on IPDroads. The route guidance may not havethe updated information such as thedirection of a one way street.
463. ROUTE GUIDANCE3. SETTING AND DELETING THE ROUTE1Touch “Options”.2Touch the desired items.zOn this screen, the following functions canbe operated.Routes can be checked, changed andrecalculated during route guidance.SETTING FROM THE “Options” SCREENChecking and setting routes is mainlyperformed from the “Options” screen.No. FunctionTouch to change the map setting.(See page 61.)Touch to stop the current route guid-ance.Touch to set the route preferencesand the avoidance criteria for theroute calculation. (See page 47.)(The current status is displayed onthe right of the item.)Touch to display a list of the differentsegments of the route. It is also pos-sible to define a detour. (See page47.) (The current status is displayedon the right of the item.)Touch to display the complete route.Touch to block a fixed distance onthe road ahead. (See page 48.) (Thecurrent status is displayed on theright of the item.)Touch to display the current loca-tion, geo-coordinates and GPS in-formation. (See page 26.)Touch to display the destination’s in-formation. (See page 48.)
473. ROUTE GUIDANCE2APPLICATION-“Map”1Touch  “Route Options For CurrentRoute” on the “Options” screen.2Touch the desired item to change theroute setting.“Preferences”: Touch to adjust the routepreferences. (See page 43.)“Avoid”: Touch to adjust the avoidancecriteria. (See page 43.)3The route will be recalculated.1Touch  “Route List” on the “Options”screen.2Touch the desired item to display thesegment.zGuidance arrow, street name, distance tothe point are displayed.3The detail of the segment is displayed. or  : Touch to display the next or pre-vious segment.SETTING THE ROUTE PREFERENCE OR AVOIDANCE CRITERIADISPLAYING THE ROUTE LISTA list of the different segments of theroute can be displayed.zTouch  “Detour” to detour the desiredsegment. (See page 51.)
483. ROUTE GUIDANCE1Touch  “Block Road Ahead” on the“Options” screen.2Touch the desired item to select thedesired detour distance.“Deactivate Block Road Ahead”: Touchto deactivate the function.“Block Next 1 mi” ~ “Block Next 12mi”:Touch to detour the next 1 mile ~ 12 milesof the current route (road).z“Deactivate Block Road Ahead” can beselected when the block road ahead func-tion has been activated.3The route will be recalculated.zA blocked route will be marked in the map.zAfter the blocked route has beendetoured, the block road ahead functionwill automatically be deactivated.1Touch “Destination Information” onthe “Options” screen.2The destination information screen willbe displayed.zOn this screen, the following information isdisplayed.BLOCK ROAD AHEADA fixed distance on the road ahead canbe blocked.DISPLAYING THE DESTINATION INFORMATIONThe destination information is dis-played.No. InformationAddress of destinationSelected route preferenceSelected avoidance criteriaArrival time, remaining time anddistance to destinationAddress of each waypoint (if en-tered)
493. ROUTE GUIDANCE2APPLICATION-“Map”1Touch “Dest” on the map.2Touch “Enter Destination”.zThe “Enter Destination” screen can be dis-played by touching   on any of the“Navigation” screens.3Touch “Waypoint” on the “Enter Des-tination” screen.4Touch the desired method to searchthe destination.zFor detailed information about searchingthe destination on the map, see page 33.XIf you search the destination by “EnterAddress”5Touch “Add as Waypoint”.XIf you search the destination by “SelectPoint on Map” or “Enter Geo-coordi-nates”5Touch “Add”.XIf you search the destination by the othermethods5Touch the desired entry.6Touch “Insert Waypoint” to select theposition of the waypoint.7The route will be recalculated.ADDING DESTINATIONSDestinations can be added and theroute changed accordingly.INFORMATION●In addition to the main destination, amaximum of 4 waypoints can be set.●The main destination is marked by  ,the waypoints are marked by  .
503. ROUTE GUIDANCE1Touch  “Show Destination List” onthe “Waypoint” screen.2Touch the desired destination to be ed-ited.3Touch desired item.zOn this screen, the following functions canbe operated.EDITING DESTINATIONSNo. FunctionTouch to register the point in the“Stored” list on the “My Destina-tions” screen. (See page 55.)Touch to change the order of thedestinations. Touch   or   tomove the destination up or down theorder displayed on the next screen.Touch to delete the destination.Touch to delete all waypoints.INFORMATION●If the main destination is deleted, thelast waypoint before the deleted destina-tion will become the new main destina-tion.
513. ROUTE GUIDANCE2APPLICATION-“Map”1Display the route list. (See page 47.)2Touch the desired segment to detour.3Touch “Detour”. or  : Touch to display the next orprevious segment.4The route will be recalculated.1Display the route list. (See page 47.)2Touch “Detours”.3Touch “Detour Off”.zIf there is more than one point to detour, alist of points to detour will be displayed.Select points from the list to canceldetouring them.4The route will be recalculated.DETOURING A SEGMENT ON THE ROUTEWhen detouring a segment, the detourroute can be changed.DETOURING THE SEGMENTCANCELLING THE DETOURED SEGMENT
524. MY DESTINATIONS1. REGISTERING A ENTRY1Touch “Dest” on the map.2Touch “My Destinations”.zThe “My Destinations” screen can be dis-played by touching   on any of the“Navigation” screens.3Touch  “Stored” on the “My Destina-tions” screen.4Touch “Create New Entry”.5Input the entry address. (See page 35.)6Touch “Save New Entry”.7Input the entry name.8Touch “OK”.9The entry is saved in the “Stored” list.REGISTERING A NEW ENTRYUp to 200 destinations can be regis-tered with this system.INFORMATION●This function cannot be operated whiledriving.REGISTERING FROM THE “My Destinations” SCREENzTouch   to display and edit the entryinformation. (See page 58.)
534. MY DESTINATIONS2APPLICATION-“Map”■REGISTERING “Home”1Touch “Home”.2Touch “Yes”.3Touch the desired method to searchthe point.zFor details about searching the point onthe map, see page 33.XIf you search the destination by “EnterAddress”4Touch “Save as Home Address”.XIf you search the destination by “SelectPoint on Map” or “Enter Geo-coordi-nates”4Touch “Save”.XIf you search the destination by the othermethods4Touch the desired entry from the list.5The entry is registered as “Home” inthe “Stored” list.If “Home” has not been registered,touching  “Home” allows a home ad-dress to be registered.zTouch   to display and edit the entryinformation. (See page 58.)
544. MY DESTINATIONS1Touch the desired point on the map.2Touch “Save”.3Follow the steps “REGISTERINGFROM THE “My Destinations”SCREEN” from “STEP 7”. (See page52.)1Search the point by “POI”. (See pages32 and 36.)2Touch “Save”.3Follow the steps “REGISTERINGFROM THE “My Destinations”SCREEN” from “STEP 7”. (See page52.)■REGISTERING FROM THE LIST ONTHE “Previous” OR “Phone Book”SCREEN1Search the point by “Previous” or“Phone Book”. (See pages 34 and 34.)2Touch   next to the desired item.3Touch “Add to Stored Destinations”.4Follow the steps “REGISTERINGFROM THE “My Destinations”SCREEN” from “STEP 7”. (See page52.)REGISTERING FROM THE MAPREGISTERING FROM POIREGISTERING FROM THE LISTINFORMATION●If the contact includes an address and aphone number, they will be stored in the“Stored” list on the “My Destinations”screen and “Contacts” screen. (Seepages 52 and 165.)
554. MY DESTINATIONS2APPLICATION-“Map”■REGISTERING FROM THE DESTI-NATION LIST1Display the “Show Destination List”screen. (See page 50.)2Touch the desired destination.3Touch “Add to Stored Destinations”.4Follow the steps “REGISTERINGFROM THE “My Destinations”SCREEN” from “STEP 7”. (See page52.)1Search the point by “Enter Geo-coor-dinates”. (See page 41.)2Touch “Save”.3Follow the steps “REGISTERINGFROM THE “My Destinations”SCREEN” from “STEP 7”. (See page52.)REGISTERING FROM GEO-COORDINATES
564. MY DESTINATIONS■LOADING ADDRESSES VIA A USBMEMORY1Open the cover of the USB/AUX portand connect a USB memory.zThe USB/AUX port is located on theinstrument panel, or in the console box orglove box etc. The location and design aredifferent depending on the vehicle. Fordetails, see the Pictorial index of “Owner’sManual”.2Touch “Dest” on the map.3Touch “Enter Destination”.zThe “Enter Destination” screen can be dis-played by touching   on any of the“Navigation” screens.4Touch “Advanced” on the “Enter Des-tination” screen.5Touch “Load Contacts from USB”.6The following screen will be displayedwhile loading the data.zTo cancel this function, touch “Cancel”.7The following screen will be displayedwhen loading is complete.8The entry is registered in the “Stored”list on the “My Destinations” screenand “Contacts” screen. (See pages 52and 165.)REGISTERING FROM AN EXTERNAL DEVICE“vCard” formatted data can be trans-ferred from a USB memory to this sys-tem. Transferred addresses andnumbers will be stored in the “Stored”list on the “My Destinations” screenand “Contacts” screen. (See pages 52and 165.)NOTICE●Do not turn off the engine while down-loading.
574. MY DESTINATIONS2APPLICATION-“Map”■LOADING ADDRESSES FROM APHONEINFORMATION●If a message similar to the one below isdisplayed, delete X item(s) in the“Stored” list on the “My Destinations”screen and “Contacts” screen to makeroom for the new destination(s). (Seepages 58 and 168.)Address and number will be stored inthe “Stored” list on the “My Destina-tions” screen and “Contacts” screen.(See pages 52 and 165.) For detailedinformation about “Load Addressesfrom Phone”, see page 91.
584. MY DESTINATIONS2. DISPLAYING AND EDITING THE ENTRY INFORMATION1Touch   next to the desired item onthe “My Destinations” screen.XThe entry options screen of “Stored” listXThe entry options screen of “Previous”listXThe entry options screen of “PhoneBook” list zOn this screen, the following functions canbe operated.DISPLAYING AND EDITING THE ENTRY INFORMATIONDetailed information of entries in thelist can be displayed or edited.NO. FunctionTouch to display the details ofthe entry information. (See page59.)Touch to change the entry name.(See page 59.)Touch to edit the address. (Seepage 59.)Touch to delete the entry.Touch to delete all entries.Touch to register the entry in the“Stored” list on the “My Destina-tions” screen and “Contacts”screen. (See page 54.)
594. MY DESTINATIONS2APPLICATION-“Map”1Touch  “Show Details” on the entryoptions screen.2This screen will be displayed.zThe address will be marked on the map. zThe address and a picture, if available, ofthe contact from the system’s phone bookwill be displayed.1Touch “Rename XX” on the entry op-tions screen.2Input the new name.3Touch “OK”.1Touch  “Edit Address” on the entryoptions screen.2Input the new address. (See page 35.)3Touch “Save Changes”.SHOW DETAILS OF THE ENTRYzWhen you touch “Start”, the startingroute guidance screen will be displayed.CHANGING THE ENTRY NAMEINFORMATION●This function cannot be operated whiledriving.EDITING THE ADDRESSINFORMATION●This function cannot be operated whiledriving.●If an entry that is transferred from a cel-lular phone is edited, the change willaffect the entry in the “Stored” list on the“My Destinations” screen and “Contacts”screen. (See pages 52 and 165.)
604. MY DESTINATIONS3. SENDING STORED CONTACTS TO A USB MEMORY1Open the cover of the USB/AUX portand connect a USB memory.zThe USB/AUX port is located on theinstrument panel, or in the console box orglove box etc. The location and design aredifferent depending on the vehicle. Fordetails, see the Pictorial index of “Owner’sManual”.2Press the “SETUP” button.3Touch “General”.4Touch  “Send Stored Contacts toUSB”.5The following screen will be displayedwhile sending the data.zTo cancel this function, touch “Cancel”.6The following screen will be displayedwhen sending data to the USB memoryis complete.SENDING STORED CONTACTS TO A USB MEMORYThe entries stored in the “Stored” liston the “My Destinations” screen and“Contacts” screen (See pages 52 and165.) can be transferred to a USBmemory.
612APPLICATION-“Map”5. NAVIGATION SETTING1. MAP SETTINGS1Touch “Options”.2Touch “Map Settings”.3Touch the item to be set.zOn this screen, the following functions canbe set.SETTING THE MAPNo. FunctionTouch to change the map layout.(See page 28.)Touch to set the display of POIicon categories. (See page 62.)Touch to change the vehicleicon. (See page 62.)Touch to change the screen to“Day” or “Night”. (See page63.)Touch to change the estimatedtime between “Arrival Time/Dis-tance” and “Remaining Time/Distance” to the destination.(See page 63.)Touch to set the display of theroute guidance arrow on or off.(See page 44.)Touch to set the display of thename of the road currently beingtravelled on to on or off. (Seepage 44.)Touch to set the display of sign-posts on or off. (See page 44.)Touch to set the display of thelane recommendation on or off.(See page 44.)Touch to set the display of thetraffic message icons on or off.(See page 44.)INFORMATION●The current setting of each item is dis-played on its right.●Selected item’s checkboxes will changeto   when the item has beenselected. All selected items will be acti-vated simultaneously.
625. NAVIGATION SETTING1Touch  “POIs on Map” on the “MapSettings” screen.2Select the POI categories.zOn this screen, the following functions canbe operated.3Touch .1Touch  “Vehicle Icons” on the “MapSettings” screen.2Touch the desired icon.3Touch .POIS ON MAPPOI categories displayed on the mapcan be selected.No. FunctionTouch to display all categories.Touch to hide all icons.Touch to display the selectedicons.Touch to select items from othercategories.VEHICLE ICONSThe vehicle icon can be changed.
635. NAVIGATION SETTING2APPLICATION-“Map”1Touch “Day/Night Mode” on the “MapSettings” screen.2Touch the desired item.“Automatic”: Touch to change the screento day or night mode depending on the po-sition of the headlight switch.“Day”: Touch to always display the map inday mode.“Night”: Touch to always display the mapin night mode.3Touch .1Touch  “Arrival Information” on the“Map Settings” screen.2Touch the desired item.“Off”: Touch to turn off the estimated time/distance.“Arrival Time/Distance”: Touch to dis-play the arrival time in the upper right areaof the map. The distance to the destinationwill also be displayed.“Remaining Time/Distance”: Touch todisplay the remaining time to reach thedestination in the upper right area of themap. The distance to the destination willalso be displayed.3Touch .DAY/NIGHT MODEThe screen can be changed to daymode or night mode.ARRIVAL INFORMATIONThe estimated time to the destinationcan be changed between arrival time/distance and remaining time/distance.It can also be turned off.
645. NAVIGATION SETTING2. ROUTE SETTINGS1Touch “Dest” on the map.2Touch “Route Options”.zThe “Route Options” screen can be dis-played by touching   on any of the“Navigation” screens.3Touch  “Preferences” on the “RouteOptions” screen.4Touch the desired item.“Route Type”: Touch to select the routetype between “Fast Route”,“ShortRoute” and “Ecological Route”.“Show Route Alternatives”: Touch todisplay 3 routes (fastest, shortest and eco-logical) on the map after a route calcula-tion.“Make a Round Trip”: Touch to have theroute automatically calculated back to thestarting point after the set destination hasbeen reached.zEntered waypoints will also be consideredon the way back to the starting point. 5Touch .SETTING THE ROUTE OPTIONSSETTING THE ROUTE CALCULATIONThe route preferences for the route cal-culation can be set.INFORMATION●“Show Route Alternatives” and“Make a Round Trip” are not select-able at the same time.
655. NAVIGATION SETTING2APPLICATION-“Map”1Touch “Dest” on the map.2Touch “Route Options”.zThe “Route Options” screen can be dis-played by touching   on any of the“Navigation” screens.3Touch “Avoid” on the “Route Options”screen.4Touch the desired item.“Avoid Freeways”: Touch to avoid free-ways.“Avoid Toll Roads”: Touch to avoid tollroads.“Avoid Tunnels”: Touch to avoid tunnels.“Avoid Ferries”: Touch to avoid ferries.“Avoid Border Crossings”: Touch toavoid border crossings.5Touch .SETTING THE AVOIDANCE CRITERIA FOR THE ROUTE CALCULATIONThe avoidance criteria for the route cal-culation can be set.
666. NAVIGATION SYSTEM INFORMATION1. LIMITATIONS OF THE NAVIGATION SYSTEMThe Global Positioning System (GPS) de-veloped and operated by the U.S. Depart-ment of Defense provides an accuratecurrent vehicle position, normally using 4or more satellites, and in some case 3 sat-ellites. The GPS system has a certain levelof inaccuracy. While the navigation systemwill compensate for this most of the time,occasional positioning errors of up to 300feet (100 m) can and should be expected.Generally, position errors will be correctedwithin a few seconds.The GPS signal may be physically ob-structed, leading to inaccurate vehicle po-sition on the map display. Tunnels, tallbuildings, trucks, or even the placement ofobjects on the instrument panel may ob-struct the GPS signals.The GPS satellites may not send signalsdue to repairs or improvements beingmade to them.Even when the navigation system is re-ceiving clear GPS signals, the vehicle po-sition may not be shown accurately orinappropriate route guidance may occur insome cases.zAccurate current vehicle position may notbe shown in the following cases:• When driving on a small angled Y-shaped road.• When driving on a winding road.• When driving on a slippery road such asin sand, gravel, snow, etc.• When driving on a long straight road.• When motorway and surface streets runin parallel.• After moving by ferry or vehicle carrier.• When a long route is searched duringhigh speed driving.• When driving without setting the currentposition calibration correctly.• After repeating a change of direction bygoing forward and backward, or turningon a turntable in the parking lot.• When leaving a covered parking lot orparking garage.• When a roof carrier is installed.• When driving with tire chains installed.• When the tires are worn.• After replacing a tire or tires.• When using tires that are smaller orlarger than the factory specifications.• When the tire pressure in any of the fourtires is not correct.This navigation system calculates thecurrent vehicle position using satellitesignals, various vehicle signals, mapdata, etc. However, an accurate posi-tion may not be shown depending onsatellite condition, road configuration,vehicle condition or other circumstanc-es.NOTICE●The installation of window tinting mayobstruct the GPS signals. Most windowtinting contains some metallic contentthat will interfere with GPS signal recep-tion of the antenna. We advise againstthe use of window tinting on vehiclesequipped with navigation systems.
676. NAVIGATION SYSTEM INFORMATION2APPLICATION-“Map”zInappropriate route guidance may occur inthe following cases:• When turning at an intersection off thedesignated route guidance.• If you set more than one destination butskip one of them, auto reroute will dis-play a route returning to the destinationthat was skipped.• When turning at an intersection for whichthere is no route guidance.• When passing through an intersectionfor which there is no route guidance.• During auto reroute, the route guidancemay not be available for the next turn tothe right or left.• It may take a long time to operate autoreroute during high speed driving. Inauto reroute, a detour route may beshown.• After auto reroute, the route may not bechanged.• An unnecessary U-turn may be shown orannounced.• A location may have multiple names andthe system will announce one or more.• Some routes may not be searched.• If the route to your destination includesgravel, unpaved roads or alleys, theroute guidance may not be shown.• Your destination point might be shownon the opposite side of the street.• When a portion of the route has regula-tions prohibiting the entry of the vehiclethat vary by time or season or other rea-sons.• The road and map data stored in thenavigation system may not be completeor may not be the latest version.INFORMATION●This navigation system uses tire turningdata and is designed to work with fac-tory-specified tires for the vehicle.Installing tires that are larger or smallerthan the originally equipped diametermay cause inaccurate display of the cur-rent vehicle position. The tire pressurealso affects the diameter of the tires somake sure the tire pressure of all fourtires is correct.
686. NAVIGATION SYSTEM INFORMATION2. MAP INFORMATIONEND-USER TERMSThe data (“Data”) is provided for yourpersonal, internal use only and not forresale. It is protected by copyright, andis subject to the following terms andconditions which are agreed to by you,on the one hand, and Harman(“Harman”) and its licensors (includingtheir licensors and suppliers) on theother hand.© 2011 NAVTEQ B.V., © Bundesamtfür Eich- und Vermessungswesen, ©EuroGeographics, source: © IGN 2009– BD TOPO®, Die Grundlagendatenwurden mitGenehmigung der zustaendigenBehoerden entnommen, ContainsOrdnance Survey data © Crowncopyright and database right 2010Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mailcopyright and database right 2010,Copyright Geomatics Ltd., Copyright ©2003; Top-Map Ltd., La Banca DatiItaliana è stata prodotta usando qualeriferimento anche cartografia numericaed al tratto prodotta e fornita dallaRegione Toscana., Copyright © 2000;Norwegian Mapping Authority, Source:IgeoE – Portugal, Informacióngeográfica propiedad del CNIG, Basedupon electronic data Ó National LandSurvey Sweden., TopografischeGrundlage:  Ó Bundesamt fürLandestopographie.. All rightsreserved.TERMS AND CONDITIONSPLEASE READ THIS END USERLICENSE AGREEMENTCAREFULLY BEFORE USING THENAVTEQ DATABASENOTICE TO THE USERTHIS IS A LICENSE AGREEMENT -AND NOT AN AGREEMENT FORSALE – BETWEEN YOU ANDNAVTEQ B.V. FOR YOUR COPY OFTHE NAVTEQ NAVIGABLE MAPDATA-BASE, INCLUDINGASSOCIATED COMPUTERSOFTWARE, MEDIA ANDEXPLANATORY PRINTEDDOCUMENTATION PUBLISHED BYNAVTEQ (JOINTLY “THEDATABASE”). BY USING THEDATABASE, YOU ACCEPT ANDAGREE TO ALL TERMS ANDCONDITIONS OF THIS END USERLICENSE AGREEMENT(“AGREEMENT”). IF YOU DO NOTAGREE TO THE TERMS OF THISAGREEMENT, PROMPTLY RETURNTHE DATABASE, ALONG WITH ALLOTHER ACCOMPANYING ITEMS,TO YOUR SUP-PLIER FOR AREFUND.OWNERSHIPThe Database and the copyrights andintellectual property or neighboringrights therein are owned by NAVTEQor its licensors. Ownership of the mediaon which the Database is contained isretained by NAVTEQ and/or yoursupplier until after you have paid in fullany amounts due to NAVTEQ and/oryour supplier pursuant to thisAgreement or similar agreement(s)under which goods are provided to you.
696. NAVIGATION SYSTEM INFORMATION2APPLICATION-“Map”LICENSE GRANTNAVTEQ grants you a non-exclusivelicense to use the Database for yourpersonal use or, if applicable, for use inyour business’ internal operations. Thislicense does not include the right togrant sub-licenses.LIMITATIONS ON USEThe Database is restricted for use inthe specific system for which it wascreated. Except to the extent explicitlypermitted by mandatory laws (e.g.national laws based on the EuropeanSoftware Directive (91/250) and theDatabase Directive (96/9)), you maynot extract or reutilize substantial partsof the contents of the Database norreproduce, copy, modify, adapt,translate, disassemble, decompile,reverse engineer any portion of theDatabase. If you wish to obtaininteroperability information as meant in(the national laws based on) theEuropean Software Directive, you shallgrant NAVTEQ reasonable opportunityto provide said information onreasonable terms, including costs, tobe determined by NAVTEQ.TRANSFER OF LICENSE You may not transfer the Database tothird parties, except when installed inthe system for which it was created orwhen you do not retain any copy of theDatabase, and provided that thetransferee agrees to all terms andconditions of this Agreement andconfirms this in writing to NAVTEQ.Multi-disc sets may only be transferredor sold as a complete set as providedby NAVTEQ and not as subset thereof.LIMITED WARRANTYNAVTEQ warrants that, subject to thewarnings set out below, for a period of12 months after acquisition of yourcopy of the Database, it will performsubstantially in accordance withNAVTEQ’s Criteria for Accuracy andCompleteness existing on the date youacquired the Database; these criteriaare available from NAVTEQ at yourrequest. If the Database does notperform in accordance with this limitedwarranty, NAVTEQ will use reasonableefforts to repair or replace your non-conforming copy of the Database. Ifthese efforts do not lead toperformance of the Database inaccordance with the warranties set outherein, you will have the option to eitherreceive a reasonable refund of theprice you paid for the Database or torescind this Agreement. This shall beNAVTEQ’s entire liability and your soleremedy against NAVTEQ. Except asexpressly provided in this section,NAVTEQ does not warrant nor makeany representations regarding the useof results of the use of the Database interms of its correctness, accuracy,reliability, or otherwise. NAVTEQ doesnot warrant that the Database is or willbe error free. No oral or writteninformation or advice provided byNAVTEQ, your supplier or any otherperson shall create a warranty or in anyway increase the scope of the limitedwarranty described above. The limitedwarranty set forth in this Agreementdoes not affect or prejudice anystatutory legal rights that you may haveunder the legal warranty againsthidden defects.
706. NAVIGATION SYSTEM INFORMATIONIf you did not acquire the Databasefrom NAVTEQ directly, you may havestatutory rights against the person fromwhom you have acquired the Databasein addition to the rights granted byNAVTEQ hereunder according to thelaw of your jurisdiction. The abovewarranty of NAVTEQ shall not affectsuch statutory rights and you mayassert such rights in addition to thewarranty rights granted herein.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYThe price of the Database does notinclude any consideration forassumption of risk of consequential,indirect or unlimited direct damageswhich may arise in connection withyour use of the Database. Accordingly,in no event shall NAVTEQ be liable forany consequential or indirect damages,including without limitation, loss ofrevenue, data, or use, incurred by youor any third party arising out of your useof the Database, whether in an action incontract or tort or based on a warranty,even if NAVTEQ has been advised ofthe possibility of such damages. In anyevent NAVTEQ’s liability for directdamages is limited to the price of yourcopy of the Database.THE LIMITED WARRANTY ANDLIMITATION OF LIABILITY, SETFORTH IN THIS AGREE-MENT, DONOT AFFECT OR PREJUDICE YOURSTATUTORY RIGHTS WHERE YOUHAVE ACQUIRED THE DATABASEOTHERWISE THAN IN THE COURSEOF A BUSINESS.WARNINGSThe Database may contain inaccurateor incomplete information due to thepassage of time, changingcircumstances, sources used and thenature of collecting comprehensivegeographic data, any of which maylead to incorrect results. The Databasedoes not include or reflect informationon - inter alia - neighborhood safety;law enforcement; emergencyassistance; construction work; road orlane closures; vehicle or speedrestrictions; road slope or grade; bridgeheight, weight or other limits; road ortraffic conditions; special events; trafficcongestion; or travel time.GOVERNING LAWThis Agreement shall be governed bythe laws of the jurisdiction, in which youreside at the date of acquisition of theDatabase. Should you at that momentreside outside the European Union orSwitzerland, the law of the jurisdictionwithin the European Union orSwitzerland where you acquired theDatabase shall apply. In all othercases, or if the jurisdiction where youacquired the Database cannot bedefined, the laws of the Netherlandsshall apply. The courts competent atyour place of residence at the time youacquired the Database shall havejurisdiction over any dispute arising outof, or relating to this Agreement,without prejudice to NAVTEQ’ right tobring claims at your then current placeof residence.
3731234567891. QUICK REFERENCE..................... 742. PICTURE SLIDESHOW ................. 75DISPLAYING THE PICTURES..............  75PLAYING PICTURE SLIDESHOWS .....  763. EMAIL ............................................ 77RECEIVING A NEW EMAIL ..................  77CHECKING “Email” ...............................  774. CALENDAR ................................... 79CHECKING CALENDAR .......................  791. ENTUNE SERVICE .......................  80BEFORE USING ENTUNE .................... 80AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE................. 82INITIALIZING PERSONAL DATA .......... 822. OPERATING NAVIGATION FUNCTION USING ENTUNE SERVICE .....................................  83ONLINE SEARCH.................................. 83FUEL PRICES ....................................... 85TRAFFIC MESSAGES........................... 86LOADING ADDRESSES FROM A PHONE................................................ 913. OPERATING AN APPLICATION USING ENTUNE SERVICE.........  93OPERATING AN APPLICATION ........... 93IF A MESSAGE APPEARS ON THE SCREEN ............................................. 951APPLICATIONS OPERATION 2ENTUNE SERVICEAPPLICATION-THE OTHERS
741. APPLICATIONS OPERATION1. QUICK REFERENCEX“Applications” menu screenThe navigation application and several other applications can be accessed bypressing the “APPS” button.When the “APPS” button is pressed, the “Applications” menu screen that was lastdisplayed is returned to. Touch   to display the “Applications” menu screen.No. Function PagePress to display a list of applications. “Map” provides the user with navigation, route calculation, destinationentry (manually or via voice recognition), turn by turn directions, andreal-time traffic.25Touch to view pictures stored on a USB memory. 75Touch to display Emails. 77Touch to access the connected phone’s calendar, tasks and notes. 79Touch to access the applications. 83, 85, 93Touch to close or delete the applications. 93, 94Touch to shift to the next or previous page. 
753APPLICATION-THE OTHERS1. APPLICATIONS OPERATION2. PICTURE SLIDESHOW1Open the cover of the USB/AUX portand connect a USB memory.zThe USB/AUX port is located on theinstrument panel, or in the console box orglove box etc. The location and design aredifferent depending on the vehicle. Fordetails, see the Pictorial index of “Owner’sManual”.2Press the “APPS” button to displaythe “Applications” menu screen.zIf the “Applications” menu screen is notdisplayed, touch   until it is dis-played.3Touch “Pictures”.4The slideshow starts automatically.: Touch to stop the slideshow.When the vehicle is stopped, picturesstored on a USB memory can beviewed.INFORMATION●Images cannot be viewed while driving.●When the vehicle starts moving whileviewing pictures, a pop-up window willbe displayed and pictures cannot be dis-played. Touch “Previous” to return tothe previous screen.●Available image data format: JPEG,PNG and BMPDISPLAYING THE PICTURESINFORMATION●All readable pictures on the device aredisplayed in chronological order. Theslideshow will repeat when it is finished.●The pictures will be changed every fewseconds.
761. APPLICATIONS OPERATION1Touch “Show”.2Operating switches will be displayed.“Hide”: Touch to close the slideshow op-tions.: Touch to pause the slideshow.: Touch to play the slideshowagain.: Touch to display the previouspicture.: Touch to display the next pic-ture.PLAYING PICTURE SLIDESHOWSA slideshow can be played, paused,and desired images can be selected.INFORMATION●When the slideshow is playing, thepause and skip screen buttons disap-pear automatically after a few seconds.
773APPLICATION-THE OTHERS1. APPLICATIONS OPERATION3. EMAIL1Press the “APPS” button to displaythe “Applications” menu screen.zIf the “Applications” menu screen is notdisplayed, touch   until it is dis-played.2Touch “Email”.zWhen the downloading of an Email hasbeen completed, the mail list will be dis-played.3Touch the desired Email.Incoming Emails to a connectedBluetooth® capable phone can bedownloaded. Before using thisapplication, connect the Bluetooth®phone with phone profile. (See page203.)RECEIVING A NEW EMAIL When a new Email is received, a pop-upwindow is displayed on the screen.zThis function can be set to “On” or“Off”. (See page 209.)CHECKING “Email”
781. APPLICATIONS OPERATIONzThe state of Email is shown by the follow-ing icons.: Unread mail: Read mail: Important mail4The text of the Email is displayed.: Touch to have the Email read out.To cancel this function, touch  .NOTICE●Do not turn off the engine while down-loading.INFORMATION●Email cannot be sent.
793APPLICATION-THE OTHERS1. APPLICATIONS OPERATION4. CALENDAR1Press the “APPS” button to displaythe “Applications” menu screen.zIf the “Applications” menu screen is notdisplayed, touch   until it is dis-played.2Touch “Calendar”.zWhen the downloading of the calendar iscomplete, the current day’s calendarentries will be displayed.3When a displayed schedule entry istouched, the entry’s detailed informa-tion is displayed.: Touch to display the previous day’sschedule.: Touch to display the following day’sschedule.: Touch to display the current day’stasks.: Touch to display the notes.Calendar entries, tasks and notes froma connected Bluetooth® capablephone can be downloaded. Beforeusing this application, connect theBluetooth® phone with phone profile.(See page 203.)CHECKING CALENDARNOTICE●Do not turn off the engine while down-loading.INFORMATION●Calendar entries cannot be edited.
802. ENTUNE SERVICE1. ENTUNE SERVICE1Perform user registration from the des-ignated web address.1Touch “enTune Username”.2Input the username and then touch“OK”.3Touch “enTune Password”.4Input the password and then touch“OK”.5Touch “Confirm Login Information”.zWhen “Remember Password” is on, theentered user login information will beremembered for every login.BEFORE USING ENTUNEUSER REGISTRATION When purchasing the vehicle, an emailaddress is registered at your Toyotadealer. If your email address was notregistered at your Toyota dealer, youremail address can be registered at theEntune website. A user registrationguidance email containing a web ad-dress will be sent.LOGIN PROCESS TO ENTUNE SERVICEIf the following screen is displayedwhen you use the Entune service, en-ter the login information.: Entune is available in the 48 states, D.C. and Alaska.
812. ENTUNE SERVICE3APPLICATION-THE OTHERS1Download the Entune application usingyour cellular phone.2Run the Entune application on yourcellular phone.3Enter a user name and password intothe Entune application on your cellularphone.REGISTERING THE DOWNLOADED ENTUNE APPLICATIONINFORMATION●If your email address was not registeredat your Toyota dealer when the vehiclewas purchased, an email address canbe registered at http://www.toyota.com/entune/.●Entune operational procedures can alsobe confirmed by visiting http://www.toyota.com/entune/.●This system supports the following ser-vice.• Bluetooth® SpecificationVer.1.1 or higher (Recommended: Ver.2.1 + EDR orhigher)•ProfilesHFP (Hands Free Profile)Ver.1.0 or higher(Recommended: Ver.1.5 or higher)DUN (Dial-Up Networking Profile)Ver.1.1 or higherPAN (Personal Area Network)Ver. 1.0PBAP (Phone Book Access Profile)Ver.1.0 or higherSSP (Serial Port Profile)MAP (Message Access Profile)•ApplicationPIM (Personal Information Manager)●If your cellular phone does not supportHFP, you cannot register the Bluetooth®phone, or use DUN/PAN or PBAP pro-files individually.●If the connected Bluetooth® phone ver-sion is older than recommended orincompatible, this function may not beused.
822. ENTUNE SERVICEzEntune is available in the 48 states,D.C. and Alaska.zThe following personal data can bedeleted and returned to their default set-tings:• Downloaded contents• Radio stations that were listened to• Input historyAVAILABILITY OF SERVICEINFORMATION●When using Entune, depending on thedetails of your cellular phone contract,data usage fees may apply. Confirmdata usage fees before using this ser-vice.●In this section, the required operationsto activate application, connect a cellularphone to the navigation system and reg-istration steps for Entune are explained.For details regarding Entune operationsand each of the application, refer tohttp://www.toyota.com/entune/.INITIALIZING PERSONAL DATAThe personal data used in applicationcan be reset. (See “DELETE PER-SONAL DATA” on page 199.)INFORMATION●Once initialized, data will be erased. Payclose attention when initializing the data.
833APPLICATION-THE OTHERS2. ENTUNE SERVICE2. OPERATING NAVIGATION FUNCTION USING ENTUNE SERVICE1Touch “Dest” on the map.2Touch “Enter Destination”.zThe “Enter Destination” screen can be dis-played by touching   on any of the“Navigation” screens.3Touch  “POI” on the “Enter Destina-tion” screen.4Touch “Online Search by Xxxx”.zOnline search can be entered on the“Applications” menu screen.zWhen the following screen is displayed,enter the user login information and thentouch  “Confirm Login Information”.(See page 80.)zWhen the cost warning or roaming warn-ing screen is displayed, touch “Con-tinue”. This function can be set to on oroff. (See page 208.)5Touch “Search Area”.6Select the desired search area.“At Current Position”: Touch to definethe area at the current position.“Define City”: Touch to define the area bycity name. Input the city name and thentouch “OK”.“From Map”: Touch to define the area onmap. Touch the desired city on the mapand then touch “Select”.“At Destination”: Touch to define thearea around the main destination. Whenroute guidance is not in use, “At Destina-tion” cannot be selected.ONLINE SEARCHA destination can be selected via on-line search.Before using this function, connect aBluetooth® phone with an internet pro-file. (See page 203.)
842. ENTUNE SERVICE7Touch “Enter Search Word”.8Input the search word and then touch“OK”.9The search results will be displayed.Touch the desired item.zUp to 20 items will be searched when per-forming an online search.“Download More”: Touch to search up to20 new items. Up to 60 items can be down-loaded.“Previous Results”: Touch to display theprevious result.“Next Results”: Touch to display the nextresult.10Touch “Calculate”.“Details”: Touch to display the details ofthe point information.: Touch to call the registered tele-phone number.11The starting route guidance screen willbe displayed. (See page 42.)INFORMATION●The color of   indicates if online con-nection is active or not. After a timeoutof 1 minute, an active online connectionwill automatically be terminated.
852. ENTUNE SERVICE3APPLICATION-THE OTHERS1Touch “Dest” on the map.2Touch “Enter Destination”.zThe “Enter Destination” screen can be dis-played by touching   on any of the“Navigation” screens.3Touch  “POI” on the “Enter Destina-tion” screen.4Touch  “Fuel Prices” on the “POI”screen.zWhen the login information screen is dis-played, enter the user login informationand then touch “Confirm Login Informa-tion”. (See page 80.)zWhen the cost warning or roaming warn-ing screen is displayed, touch “Con-tinue”. This function can be set to on oroff. (See page 208.)5Touch   for the desired item.zOn this screen, the following functions canbe operated.zIf you touch the desired item, the startingroute guidance screen will be displayeddirectly. (See page 42.)6Touch “Calculate”.7The starting route guidance screen willbe displayed. (See page 42.)FUEL PRICESIt enables the navigation system to dis-play current fuel prices and gas stationlocations, which can be set as a desti-nation if desired.Before using this function, connect aBluetooth® phone with an internet pro-file. (See page 203.)No. FunctionTouch to display search result listsorted by company brand.Touch to display search result listsorted by the price.Touch to display search result listsorted by the distance.Touch to select the desired fueltype.zWhen  “Save” is touched, the point isregistered in the “Stored” list on the “MyDestinations” screen. (See page 54.)zWhen   is touched, the registeredtelephone number is called.
862. ENTUNE SERVICE1Touch “Dest” on the map.2Touch “Traffic Messages”.zThe “Traffic Messages” screen can be dis-played by touching   on any of the“Navigation” screens or “Traffic” on the“Applications” menu screen.zWhen the login information screen is dis-played, enter the user login informationand then touch “Confirm Login Informa-tion”. (See page 80.)zWhen the cost warning or roaming warn-ing screen is displayed, touch “Con-tinue”. This function can be set to on oroff. (See page 208.)3Touch  “On Route”,“Show All” or“Warnings” to select the desired list. “On Route”: During route guidance, thetraffic messages relating to the set routewill be displayed.“Show All”: All traffic messages will bedisplayed.“Warnings”: Traffic messages with warn-ings will be displayed.4Touch the desired message.TRAFFIC MESSAGESIt contains a list of traffic messages re-lating to the set route, all traffic mes-sages and warnings.Before using this function, connect aBluetooth® phone with an internet pro-file. (See page 203.)DISPLAYING TRAFFIC MESSAGES
872. ENTUNE SERVICE3APPLICATION-THE OTHERSzOn this screen, the following information isdisplayed.5The traffic message will be displayed. or  : Touch to display next or pre-vious traffic message.: Touch to have the traffic messageread out. To cancel this function, touch.“More”: Touch to display all messages.■LIST OF TRAFFIC MESSAGEICONSNo. InformationStreet numberRoute segmentIf route segment is not available,information such as street name,city name, region or country willbe displayed.: Icon of an incident: Icon of an incident on theroute: Icon of an incident on thedetoured routeDistance to incidentIcon NameSlipperyBad weatherWindSnow fallTrafficHeavy trafficAccidentRoad constructionNarrow trackWarningBlockageSecurity checkpointInformation
882. ENTUNE SERVICE■DETOURING THE SEGMENT1Displaying the traffic information list.(See page 86.)2Touch  “On Route” on the “TrafficMessages” screen.3Touch the desired segment to detour.4Touch “Detour”. or  : Touch to display the next orprevious message.: Touch to have the traffic messageread out. To cancel this function, touch.“More”: Touch to display all traffic mes-sages.5The route will be recalculated.zThe mark of the TMC on the “On Route”screen changes into  .■CANCELLING THE DETOUREDSEGMENT1Touch the detoured segment on the“On Route” screen.2Touch “Detour Off”. or  : Touch to display the next orprevious message.: Touch to have the traffic messageread out. To cancel this function, touch.“More”: Touch to display all traffic mes-sages.3The route will be recalculated.zThe mark of the TMC on the “On Route”screen changes to  .DETOURING A SEGMENT FROM A TRAFFIC MESSAGE LISTIf a traffic message relates to the routebeing travelled, the desired segmentcan be detoured.
892. ENTUNE SERVICE3APPLICATION-THE OTHERS■IF “Automatic” IS SELECTED1The following screen will be displayed.2The route will be recalculated automat-ically.■IF “Manual” IS SELECTED1The following screen will be displayed.“Consider”: Touch to display with the cur-rent route, the TMC event and the sug-gested detour.“Ignore”: Touch to ignore the message.XIf “Consider” is selected2Touch “Ignore” or “Detour”.“Ignore”: Touch to ignore the message.“Detour”: Touch to recalculate the route.RECALCULATING THE ROUTE BY THE TRAFFIC MESSAGESYou will be informed about relevanttraffic messages on the route by a pop-up window.A pop-up window may differ dependingon the traffic message settings. (Seepage 91.)
902. ENTUNE SERVICE1Touch “Dest” on the map.2Touch “Route Options”.zThe “Route Options” screen can be dis-played by touching   on any of the“Navigation” screens.3Touch “Settings”.zPlease refer to the following pages for adescription of each setting.■SETTING “Radius Filter”1Touch  “Radius Filter” on the “Set-tings” screen.2Touch desired item.“Off”: Touch to deactivate the function.“6 mi” ~ “60 mi”: Touch to set the radiusfrom 6 miles to 60 miles.3Touch .TRAFFIC MESSAGE SETTINGSOnce the radius filter has been set,only traffic messages within the radiuswill be displayed in the traffic messagelist.
912. ENTUNE SERVICE3APPLICATION-THE OTHERS■SETTING “Dynamic Reroute”1Touch  “Dynamic Reroute” on the“Settings” screen.2Touch the desired item.“Off”: Touch to disable receiving trafficmessages and no reroute will be calculat-ed.“Automatic”: Touch to enable relevanttraffic messages on the route to be dis-played as a pop-up window and activateautomatic reroute calculation.“Manual”: Touch to enable relevant trafficmessages on the route to be displayed asa pop-up window but disable automatic re-route calculation. The user decides if re-route calculation is desirable or not.3Touch .1Touch “Dest” on the map.2Touch “Enter Destination”.zThe “Enter Destination” screen can be dis-played by touching   on any of the“Navigation” screens.3Touch “Advanced” on the “Enter Des-tination” screen.4Touch  “Load Addresses fromPhone”zWhen the login information screen is dis-played, enter the user login informationand then touch “Confirm Login Informa-tion”. (See page 80.)The method of reroute can be set.LOADING ADDRESSES FROM A PHONEAddresses and numbers will be storedin the “Stored” list on the “My Destina-tions” screen and “Contacts” screen.(See pages 52 and 165.)
922. ENTUNE SERVICEzWhen the cost warning or roaming warn-ing screen is displayed, touch “Con-tinue”. This function can be set to on oroff. (See page 208.)5The following screen will be displayedwhen loading is complete.6The entry is registered in the “Stored”list on the “My Destinations” screenand “Contacts” screen. (See pages 52and 165.)NOTICE●Do not turn off the engine while down-loading.INFORMATION●If a message similar to the one below isdisplayed, delete X item(s) in the“Stored” list on the “My Destinations”screen and “Contacts” screen to makeroom for the new destination(s). (Seepages 58 and 168.)
933APPLICATION-THE OTHERS2. ENTUNE SERVICE3. OPERATING AN APPLICATION USING ENTUNE SERVICE■OPENING AN APPLICATION1Press the “APPS” button to displaythe “Applications” menu screen.zIf the “Applications” menu screen is notdisplayed, touch   until it is dis-played.2Touch the desired application.zWhen the login information screen is dis-played, enter the user login informationand then touch “Confirm Login Informa-tion”. (See page 80.)zWhen the cost warning or roaming warn-ing screen is displayed, touch “Con-tinue”. This function can be set to on oroff. (See page 208.)zSeveral downloaded applications can beopened at the same time and the desiredapplication can be selected.z is displayed on the left side of applica-tion names that are currently open.3The application is opened. (on some applications): Touch to up-date the data■CLOSING AN APPLICATION1Touch .2Touch “Close” on the right side of theapplication to be closed.OPERATING AN APPLICATIONBefore using applications, connect theBluetooth® phone with an internetprofile. (See page 203.) If a Bluetooth®connection with an internet profile isnot currently active, applications will bedimmed.OPENING/CLOSING AN APPLICATION
942. ENTUNE SERVICE1Touch .2Touch “Delete” on the right side of theapplication to be deleted.zApplications that displayed “Delete” on theright side of the application can beremoved.3The following confirmation screen willbe displayed. Touch “Yes”.DELETING AN APPLICATION
952. ENTUNE SERVICE3APPLICATION-THE OTHERS: Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.IF A MESSAGE APPEARS ON THE SCREENWhen problems occur starting up the application player, a message will appear onthe screen. Referring to the table below to identify the problem, take the suggestedcorrective action.Message Display conditions Corrective action“This feature is unavailablewhile transferring contacts.”Contacts are being trans-ferred manually from thephone book.When the transfer of contactsis complete, perform the op-eration.“There is a problem with theBluetooth connection.For troubleshootingassistance, please visittoyota.com or call 1-800-331-4331.”The cellular phone cannot beconnected.Refer to http://www.toyota.com/entune/ toconfirm if the phone iscompatible or not.“This feature is unavailableduring a handsfree call.”A hands-free call is inprogress.After the hands-free call is fin-ished, perform the operation.To use the services, an activeapplication needs to be run-ning on your phone. For moreinformation, please visittoyota.com.The Entune application can-not be connected to SSP.Refer to http://www.toyota.com/entune/ toconfirm if the phone is SSPcompatible or not, and thenactivate the Entune applica-tion.Apps connection wasdropped.Please check your phone.Communication was discon-nected.After a few moments, retrythe operation.
981. QUICK REFERENCE ..................  1002. SOME BASICS............................  102TURNING THE AUDIO SYSTEM ON OR OFF....................................... 102CONTROLS USING THE “TUNE SCROLL” KNOB.................... 103SWITCHING AUDIO SOURCE............ 103DSP CONTROL ................................... 104TONE AND BALANCE......................... 1053. RADIO OPERATION ...................  106SWITCHING TO RADIO MODE........... 106PRESETTING A STATION .................. 106SELECTING A STATION..................... 107RADIO BROADCAST DATA SYSTEM ............................................ 107TRAFFIC ANNOUNCEMENT .............. 108USING HD Radio™ TECHNOLOGY.... 1091AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION
4991234567894. RADIO OPERATION (XM® Satellite Radio BROADCAST) ........................... 112HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO AN XM® Satellite Radio ..........................  112DISPLAYING THE RADIO ID..............  112SWITCHING TO SATELLITE RADIO MODE ...............................................  113CHANNEL CATEGORY ......................  113PRESETTING A CHANNEL ................  113SELECTING A CHANNEL...................  114DISPLAYING THE TITLE AND NAME .......................................  114IF THE SATELLITE RADIO TUNER MALFUNCTIONS..............................  1155. CD PLAYER OPERATION .......... 117INSERTING OR EJECTING A DISC...  117SWITCHING TO CD MODE ................  118PLAYING AN AUDIO CD ....................  118PLAYING A MP3/WMA DISC..............  1206. USB MEMORY/iPod OPERATION.............................. 123CONNECTING A USB MEMORY OR iPod ...........................  123SWITCHING TO USB OR iPod MODE ........................  124PLAYING A USB MEMORY OR iPod ...........................  1247. AUX DEVICE OPERATION.........  130CONNECTING A PORTABLE AUDIO DEVICE................................. 130SWITCHING TO AUX MODE .............. 131PLAYING A PORTABLE AUDIO DEVICE................................. 1318. Bluetooth® AUDIO OPERATION .............................  132SWITCHING TO Bluetooth®AUDIO MODE ................................... 133CONNECTING Bluetooth® AUDIO ...... 134PLAYING Bluetooth® AUDIO............... 1379. STEERING SWITCHES...............  141STEERING SWITCHES (WITH TWO DIRECTION STEERING SWITCH)........................ 141STEERING SWITCHES (WITH FOUR DIRECTION STEERING SWITCH)........................ 14210. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATING HINTS..................  144RADIO RECEPTION............................ 144iPod...................................................... 145USB MEMORY .................................... 146CARING FOR YOUR CD PLAYER AND DISCS....................................... 146MP3/WMA FILES................................. 148CD-R AND CD-RW DISCS .................. 149TERMS ................................................ 150Gracenote®.......................................... 151AUDIO SYSTEM
1001. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION1. QUICK REFERENCEzThe actual design and button position may differ depending on the vehicle. Fordetails, see Section 3 of “Owner’s Manual”.To access the audio system, press the “AUDIO” button. The audio system turnson in the last mode used.No. Name Function PageAudio controlscreenA selected audio source is displayed, and it canbe operated with the touch screen controls. Disc slot Insert a disc into this slot. The CD player turns onimmediately. 117“Source” Touch to select your desired audio sources. Theaudio source selection screen will be displayed. 103“TUNE SCROLL”knobTurn to select radio station bands, tracks andfiles. Also, the knob can be used for selectionfrom the list display.103“AUDIO” button Press to display the audio control screen. The au-dio system turns on in the last mode used. 102103 button* Press to pause or resume playing the music. 
1011. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEM*: If equipped“SEEK/TRACK”buttonPress the “ ” or “ ” button to seek up or down fora station, or to access a desired track or file.107, 114, 119, 121, 124, 137“PWR VOL” knob Press to turn the audio system on and off, andturn to adjust the volume. 102 button Press to eject a disc. 117No. Name Function Page
1021. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION2. SOME BASICS“AUDIO” button: Press this button to dis-play screen buttons for the audio system.“PWR VOL” knob: Press this knob to turnthe audio system on and off. Turn thisknob to adjust the volume. The systemturns on in the last mode used.This section describes some of the ba-sic features of the audio system. Someinformation may not pertain to yoursystem.Your audio system works when the en-gine switch is turned to the “ACC” or“ON” position.CAUTION●For vehicles sold in U.S.A. and Canada:Part 15 of the FCC RulesFCC Warning: Changes or modificationsin construction not expressly approvedby the party responsible for compliancecould void the user’s authority to operatethe equipment. Radio frequency expo-sure. This device is approved for MobileApplication only and, to comply withapplicable FCC radio frequency expo-sure regulations, must be used with adistance of at least 7.9 in. (20 cm)between the antenna and the body ofany person at all time during use.●Laser products• Do not take this unit apart or attempt tomake any changes yourself. This is anintricate unit that uses a laser pickup toretrieve information from the surface ofcompact discs. The laser is carefullyshielded so that its rays remain insidethe cabinet. Therefore, never try to dis-assemble the player or alter any of itsparts since you may be exposed tolaser rays and dangerous voltages.• This product utilizes a laser. Use ofcontrols or adjustments or perfor-mance of procedures other than thosespecified herein may result in hazard-ous radiation exposure.NOTICE●To prevent the 12-volt battery from beingdischarged, do not leave the audio sys-tem on longer than necessary when theengine is not running.TURNING THE AUDIO SYSTEM ON OR OFFINFORMATION●If the volume is adjusted while music ispaused or muted, the pause or mute willbe cancelled.
1031. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEMXRadio modeRadio stations can be tuned in manuallyusing this knob.XModes other than radioTracks, songs or files can be selected us-ing the knob.XWhen a list displayedWhen a list is displayed on the screen, turnthe “TUNE SCROLL” knob to move thecursor box to select a desired item fromthe list, and pressing the knob will play it.The track that is being played is highlight-ed.1Press the “AUDIO” button.zThe audio system turns on in the lastmode used.2Touch “Source” on the screen.3Touch a desired audio source.CONTROLS USING THE “TUNE SCROLL” KNOBSWITCHING AUDIO SOURCEINFORMATION●You cannot select dimmed screen but-tons. Connect the audio device beforeselecting.
1041. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION1Press the “AUDIO” button.2Touch  or  .XUSB memory/iPod and Bluetooth® au-dio modesXModes other than USB memory/iPodand Bluetooth® audio3Touch the “DSP” tab to display thisscreen.XWithout JBL sound systemXWith JBL sound system4Touch the desired screen button.XWithout JBL sound system1Touch  “On” of “Automatic SoundLevelizer”.2Touch “OK”.XWith JBL sound system1Touch  “High”,“Mid” or “Low” of“Automatic Sound Levelizer”.2Touch “OK”.1Touch “On” of “Surround”.2Touch “OK”.DSP CONTROLzDSP control can be set from the“Options” screen. Touch “Options” andthen touch “Sound Settings” on thenext screen.AUTOMATIC SOUND LEVELIZER (ASL)The system adjusts to the optimum vol-ume and tone quality according to ve-hicle speed to compensate forincreased vehicle noise.SURROUND FUNCTION (IF EQUIPPED)
1051. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEM1Press the “AUDIO” button.2Touch  or  .XUSB memory/iPod and Bluetooth® au-dio modesXModes other than USB memory/iPodand Bluetooth® audio3Touch the “Sound” tab to display thisscreen.4Touch the desired screen button.“Treble” “+” or “-”: To adjust high-pitched tones.“Mid” “+” or “-”: To adjust mid-pitchedtones.“Bass” “+” or “-”: To adjust low-pitchedtones.“Front” or “Rear”: To adjust the soundbalance between the front and rear speak-ers.“L” or “R”: To adjust the sound balancebetween the left and right speakers.5Touch “OK”.TONE AND BALANCETONEHow good an audio program sounds islargely determined by the mix of thetreble, mid and bass levels. In fact, dif-ferent kinds of music and vocal pro-grams usually sound better withdifferent mixes of treble, mid and bass.BALANCEA good balance of the left and right ste-reo channels and of the front and rearsound levels is also important.Keep in mind that when listening to astereo recording or broadcast, chang-ing the right/left balance will increasethe volume of one group of soundswhile decreasing the volume of anoth-er.zTone and balance can be set from the“Options” screen. Touch “Options” andthen touch “Sound Settings” on thenext screen.INFORMATION●The tone of each mode can be adjusted.
1061. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION3. RADIO OPERATION1Press the “AUDIO” button.zThe audio system turns on in the lastmode used.2Touch “Source” on the screen.3Touch “AM” or “FM” on the screen.1Tune in the desired station.2Touch one of the left side screen but-tons  (1-6) and hold it until a beep isheard. This sets the frequency to thescreen button. The station’s frequencywill be displayed in the screen button.zTo change the preset station to a differentone, follow the same procedure.zTouch   or   to change the presetpage.SWITCHING TO RADIO MODE PRESETTING A STATIONRadio mode has a mix preset function,which can store up to 36 stations (6station per page u 6 page) from any ofthe AM, FM or SAT bands.
1071. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEMPreset tuning: Touch one of the mix pre-set channels on the left side of the screento select the desired station. The screenbutton is highlighted and the station fre-quency appears on the screen.Manual tuning: Search for a desired radiostation by turning the “TUNE SCROLL”knob.Seek tuning: Press the “ ” or “ ” buttonof “SEEK/TRACK”. The radio will beginseeking up or down for a station of thenearest frequency and will stop when astation is found. Each time the button ispressed, the stations will be searched au-tomatically one after another.To scan all the frequencies: Touch“SCAN”. “SCAN” will appear on thescreen. The radio will find the next stationand stay there for 10 seconds if “All” or“HD Only” is selected, or 5 seconds if“Analog” is selected, and then scanagain. To stay tuned to a station and stopthe scanning, touch “SCAN”  again. (Toset the HD Radio™ system, see page210.)1Touch “Options”.SELECTING A STATIONTune in the desired station using one ofthe following methods.RADIO BROADCAST DATA SYSTEMThis audio system is equipped with Ra-dio Broadcast Data Systems (RBDS).RBDS mode allows text messages tobe received from radio stations that uti-lize RBDS transmitters.When RBDS is on, the radio can— only select stations of a particularprogram type,— display messages from radio sta-tions,— search for a stronger signal station.RBDS features are available onlywhen listening to an FM station thatbroadcasts RBDS information and the“FM info” indicator is on.SELECTING A DESIRED TYPE
1081. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION2Touch “TYPE >” or “< TYPE” to moveforward and backward through the pro-gram list. zOnce a program type has been set,“TYPE SEEK” will appear on the screen.zThe program list is in the following order:• Classical• Country• EasyLis (Easy Listening)• Inform (Information)•Jazz•News• Oldies• Other• Pop Music• Religion•Rock• R&B (Rhythm and Blues)• Sports•Talk• Traffic (Not available when “HD Radio™Settings” are set to analog)• Alert (Emergency Alert)3Touch “TYPE SEEK” and the systemwill start to seek for stations in the rele-vant program type.“Traffic”: Touch to seek a traffic programstation. “TRAF SEEK” will appear on thescreen.INFORMATION●If no relevant program can be found, “notype” will appear on the screen.TRAFFIC ANNOUNCEMENTA station that regularly broadcasts traf-fic information is automatically located.INFORMATION●If no traffic program station is found, “NoTraffic” will appear on the screen.●If a traffic program station is found, thename of the traffic program station willbe displayed for a while.
1091. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEM1Touch “HD Radio” to turn the indicatoron.zAs a user works through the analog radiostations, (where applicable) the radioreceiver will automatically tune from ananalog signal to a digital signal within 5seconds.zAn orange “HD)” logo indicator will be dis-played on the screen when in digital. The“HD)” logo will first appear in a gray colorindicating the station is indeed (an analogand) a digital station. Once the digital sig-nal is acquired, the logo will change to abright orange color.1Touch “Text”.2Information such as the artist name,song title, album title and music genrebeing listened to are displayed on thetext screen. zTo display messages from the station,touch “Additional information”.1Touch “Multicast”.zEach time “Multicast” is touched, thesupplemental program changes.zIf  “Multicast” is touched when tuned tothe last of the supplemental programs, themain program will be returned to.USING HD Radio™ TECHNOLOGYHD Radio™ Technology is the digitalevolution of analog AM/FM radio. Yourradio product has a special receiverwhich allows it to receive digitalbroadcasts (where available) inaddition to the analog broadcasts italready receives. Digital broadcastshave better sound quality than analogbroadcasts as digital broadcastsprovide free, crystal clear audio with noinformation, and a guide to availableradio stations and programming, referto www.hdradio.com.INFORMATIONMULTICASTOn the FM radio frequency most digitalstations have “multiple” or supplemen-tal programs on the FM station.
1101. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION1Touch  “Tag” to bookmark the musicinformation.2Open the cover and connect iPod us-ing an iPod cable.zThe USB/AUX port is located on theinstrument panel, or in the console box orglove box etc. The location and design aredifferent depending on the vehicle. Fordetails, see the Pictorial index of “Owner’sManual”.zTurn on the power of the iPod if it is notturned on.zOnce an iPod is connected, the music tagmoves from the radio into the iPod.zWhen the iPod is connected to iTunes, the“tagged” information of the songs whichwere tagged while listening to the radiocan be viewed. Then a user may decide topurchase the song or CD/Album whichhas been listened to on their radio.TAG INFORMATION●If tagging the music information fails,“Saving the HD Radio tag failed.” will bedisplayed on the screen. If this occurs,tag the information again.●HD Radio™ stations can be preset.
1111. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEMTROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEExperience Cause ActionMismatch of time alignmenta users may hear a shortperiod of programming re-played or an echo, stutteror skip.The radio stations analogand digital volume is notproperly aligned or the sta-tion is in ballgame mode.None, radio broadcast issue. Auser can contact the radio station.Sound fades, blending inand out.Radio is shifting betweenanalog and digital audio.Reception issue, may clear-up asthe vehicle continues to be driven.Touching “HD Radio” with the in-dicator off can force radio in an an-alog audio.Audio mute condition whenan HD2/HD3 multicastchannel has been playing.The radio does not haveaccess to digital signals atthe moment.This is normal behavior, wait untilthe digital signal returns. If out ofthe coverage area, seek a newstation.Audio mute delay when se-lecting an HD2/HD3 multi-cast channel preset.The digital multicast con-tent is not available untilHD Radio™ broadcast canbe decoded and make theaudio available. This takesup to 7 seconds.This is normal behavior, wait forthe audio to become available.Text information does notmatch the present song au-dio.Data service issue by theradio broadcaster.Broadcaster should be notified.Complete the form;www.ibiquity.com/automotive/report_radio_station_experiences.No text information shownfor the present selected fre-quency.Data service issue by theradio broadcaster.Broadcaster should be notified.Complete the form;www.ibiquity.com/automotive/report_radio_station_experiences.HD Radio Technology manufactured under license from iBiquity Digital Corpora-tion. U.S. and Foreign Patents. HD Radio™ and the HD, HD Radio, and “Arc” logosare proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corp.
1121. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4. RADIO OPERATION (XM® Satellite Radio BROADCAST)zIf “CH 000” is selected using the“TUNE SCROLL” knob, the ID code,which is 8 alphanumeric characters, willbe displayed. If another channel isselected, the ID code will no longer bedisplayed. The channel (000) displaysthe radio ID and the specific radio code.HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO AN XM® Satellite RadioTo listen to a satellite radio broadcastin the vehicle, a subscription to theXM® Satellite Radio service is neces-sary.An XM® Satellite Radio is a tuner de-signed exclusively to receive broad-casts provided under a separatesubscription. Availability is limited tothe 48 contiguous U.S. states andsome Canadian provinces.HOW TO SUBSCRIBEIt is necessary to enter into a separateservice agreement with XM® SatelliteRadio in order to receive satellitebroadcast programming in the vehicle.Additional activation and service sub-scription fees apply that are not includ-ed in the purchase price of the vehicleand digital satellite tuner.zFor complete information on subscrip-tion rates and terms, or to subscribe toXM® Satellite Radio:XU.S.A.Refer to www.siriusxm.com or call 1-800-967-2346.XCanadaRefer to www.xmradio.ca or call 1-877-209-0079.INFORMATION●XM® Satellite Radio is solely responsi-ble for the quality, availability and con-tent of the satellite radio servicesprovided, which are subject to the termsand conditions of the XM® SatelliteRadio customer service agreement.●Customers should have their radio IDready; the radio ID can be found by tun-ing to “channel 000” on the radio. Fordetails, see “DISPLAYING THE RADIOID” below.●All fees and programming are theresponsibility of XM® Satellite Radio andare subject to change.SATELLITE TUNER TECHNOLOGY NOTICEToyota’s satellite radio tuners areawarded Type Approval Certificatesfrom XM® Satellite Radio Inc. as proofof compatibility with the services of-fered by XM® Satellite Radio.DISPLAYING THE RADIO IDEach XM® tuner is identified with aunique radio ID. The radio ID is re-quired when activating an XM® serviceor when reporting a problem.
1131. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEM1Press the “AUDIO” button to displaythe audio control screen.zThe audio system turns on in the lastmode used.2Touch “Source” on the screen.3Touch “SAT” on the screen.1Touch “Options”.2Touch either “TYPE >” or “< TYPE” togo to the next or previous category.1Tune in the desired channel.2Touch one of the left side screen but-tons  (1-6) and hold it until a beep isheard. This sets the preset frequencyto the screen button. The Channelnumber will be displayed in the screenbutton.zTo change the preset channel to a differ-ent one, follow the same procedure.SWITCHING TO SATELLITE RADIO MODECHANNEL CATEGORYPRESETTING A CHANNEL
1141. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATIONPreset tuning: Touch the channel selectorscreen button (1-6) to listen to the desiredchannel. The selected screen button (1-6)is highlighted and its related informationappears on the right side of the screen.Manual tuning: Turn the “TUNE SCROLL”knob to select the next or previous channel.Turning the knob quickly allows rapid scroll-ing through the channel list.To select a channel within the currentcategory: Press the “ ” or “ ” button of“SEEK/TRACK”. The radio will change upor down to a channel within the currentchannel category.To scan the currently selected channelcategory: Touch “SCAN”. “SCAN” ap-pears on the screen. The radio will find thenext channel in the same channel catego-ry, stay there for a few seconds, and thenscan again. To select a channel, touch“SCAN” again.1Touching  “Text” displays the artistname and song title you are currentlylistening to.SELECTING A CHANNELTune in the desired channel using oneof the following methods.DISPLAYING THE TITLE AND NAMEINFORMATION●Up to 64 alphanumeric characters canbe displayed. (Some information will notbe fully displayed.)
1151. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEMIF THE SATELLITE RADIO TUNER MALFUNCTIONSWhen problems occur with the XM® tuner, a message will appear on the screen.Referring to the table below to identify the problem, take the suggested correctiveaction.Message ExplanationCk AntennaThe XM® antenna is not connected. Check whether the XM® an-tenna cable is attached securely.A short circuit occurs in the antenna or the surrounding antennacable. See a Toyota certified dealer for assistance.Ch UnauthYou have not subscribed to XM® Satellite Radio. The radio is be-ing updated with the latest encryption code. Contact XM® Satel-lite Radio for subscription information. When a contract iscanceled, you can choose “CH000” and all free-to-air channels.The premium channel you selected is not authorized. Wait forabout 2 seconds until the radio returns to the previous channel or“CH001”. If it does not change automatically, select anotherchannel. To listen to the premium channel, contact XM® SatelliteRadio.No Signal The XM® signal is too weak at the current location. Wait until yourvehicle reaches a location with a stronger signal.Loading The unit is acquiring audio or program information. Wait until theunit has received the information.Ch Off Air The channel you selected is not broadcasting any programming.Select another channel.----- There is no song/program title or artist name/feature associatedwith the channel at that time. No action is required.Ch UnavailThe channel you selected is no longer available. Wait for about 2seconds until the radio returns to the previous channel or“CH001”. If it does not change automatically, select anotherchannel.INFORMATION●Contact the XM® Listener Care Center at 1-800-967-2346 (U.S.A.) or 1-877-209-0079(Canada).
1161. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATIONNOTICE●This equipment has been tested andfound to comply with the limits for aclass B digital device, pursuant to Part15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protec-tion against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipmentgenerates, uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instruc-tions, may cause harmful interference toradio communications. However, thereis no guarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation.●If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television recep-tion, which can be determined by turningthe equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interfer-ence by one or more of the followingmeasures:• Reorient or relocate the receivingantenna.• Increase the separation between theequipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outleton a circuit different from that towhich the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experiencedradio/TV technician for help.●Information to user• Alternation or modifications carriedout without appropriate authorizationmay invalidate the user’s right tooperate the equipment.INFORMATION●This XM® tuner supports “AudioServices” (Music and Talk) of only XM®Satellite Radio and “Text Information*”linked to the respective “AudioServices”.*: Text Information includes, StationName, (Artist) Name, (Song) Title andCategory Name.
1174AUDIO SYSTEM1. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION5. CD PLAYER OPERATION1Insert a disc with the label side up.zWhen a disc is correctly inserted into theslot, the CD player will automatically startplaying from the first track or the first file ofthe first folder on a disc.1Press the   button.zThe disc will be ejected.The CD player can play audio CDs, CDtext and MP3/WMA discs.(a)Audio CD, CD text (see page 118)(b)MP3/WMA disc (see page 120)For appropriate discs for this player,see “AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATINGHINTS” on page 144.INSERTING OR EJECTING A DISCINSERTING A DISCINFORMATION●If the label is facing down, “Check DISC”will appear on the screen.●The player is intended for use with 12cm (4.7 in.) discs only. To play 8 cm (3in.) discs, use an adaptor.NOTICE●Do not stack up two discs for insertion,or it will cause damage to the CD player.Insert only one disc into the slot at atime.●Never try to disassemble or oil any partof the CD player. Do not insert anythingother than a disc into the slot.EJECTING A DISC
1181. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION1Press the “AUDIO” button.zThe audio system turns on in the lastmode used.2Touch “Source” on the screen.3Touch “DISC” on the screen.zIf a CD-TEXT disc is inserted, the title ofthe track and disc currently being playedwill be displayed.: Touch to pause the track.: Touch to resume playing the track.1Press and hold the “” or “” of the“SEEK/TRACK” button to fast forwardor reverse. When the button is re-leased, the player will start playingfrom that position.SWITCHING TO CD MODEINFORMATION●If no disc is in the slot, “DISC” cannotbe selected. Insert a disc into the slot.PLAYING AN AUDIO CDzWhen you touch  , you can adjustsound settings. (See pages 104 and105)INFORMATION●The progress bar indicator does notalways correspond to the actual elapsedplayback position.FAST FORWARD AND REVERSE
1191. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEM“SEEK/TRACK” button: Press the “ ” or“” of “SEEK/TRACK” button to select adesired track.“TUNE SCROLL” knob: Turn this knob toselect a desired track. Also, the knob canbe used for selection from the list display.Track list: A desired track can be selectedfrom a list.zTouch  “Tracks” on the screen. The listwill be displayed.zTouch a desired track. The player will startplaying the selected track from the begin-ning.zTouch   or   to scroll the list.zIf   appears to the right of titles, thecomplete titles are too long for the display.Touch this screen button to scroll to titles.SELECTING A DESIRED TRACKSelect a desired track using one of thefollowing methods.
1201. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION (Repeat mode): Use it to automat-ically repeat the track you are currently lis-tening to.zThe repeat mode changes as follows eachtime the screen button is touched. (Random mode): Use it for auto-matic random selection of the track.zThe random mode changes as followseach time the screen button is touched.zThe title of the file and folder currentlybeing played will be displayed.: Touch to pause the file.: Touch to resume playing the file.1Press and hold the “” or “” of the“SEEK/TRACK” button to fast forwardor reverse. When the button is re-leased, the player will start playingfrom that position.PLAYING REPEAT AND RANDOM ORDER: Repeating the track: OFF:Playing the tracks in ran-dom order:OFFPLAYING A MP3/WMA DISCzWhen you touch  , you can adjustsound settings. (See pages 104 and105)INFORMATION●The progress bar indicator does notalways correspond to the actual elapsedplayback position.FAST FORWARD AND REVERSE
1211. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEM“SEEK/TRACK” button: Press the “ ” or“” of “SEEK/TRACK” button to select adesired file.“TUNE SCROLL” knob: Turn this knob toselect a desired file. Also, the knob can beused for selection from the list display.File list: A desired file can be selectedfrom a list.zTouch “Files” on the screen. The list willbe displayed.zTouch a desired file. The player will startplaying the selected file from the begin-ning.zTouch  or  to scroll the list. zIf  appears to the right of titles, thecomplete titles are too long for the display.Touch this screen button to scroll to titles.1Touch  “Folders” on the screen. Thefolder list will be displayed.2Touch a desired folder from the list.The file list for the folder will be dis-played.zWhen a desired file is touched, the playerwill start playing the file.zTouch  or   to scroll the list.zIf  appears to the right of titles, thecomplete titles are too long for the display.Touch this screen button to scroll to titles.SELECTING A DESIRED FILESelect a desired file using one of thefollowing methods.SELECTING A DESIRED FOLDER
1221. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION (Repeat mode): Use it to automat-ically repeat the file or folder you are cur-rently listening to.zThe repeat mode changes as follows eachtime the screen button is touched. (Random mode): Use it for auto-matic random selection of the file.zThe random mode changes as followseach time the screen button is touched.PLAYING REPEAT AND RANDOM ORDER:Repeating the file:Repeating the folder:OFF:Playing the files on the fold-er in random order:Playing the files in all thefolders in random order:OFF
1234AUDIO SYSTEM1. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION6. USB MEMORY/iPod OPERATION1Open the cover of the USB/AUX portand connect a USB memory or iPodusing an iPod cable.zThe USB/AUX port is located on theinstrument panel, or in the console box orglove box etc. The location and design aredifferent depending on the vehicle. Fordetails, see the Pictorial index of “Owner’sManual”.zTurn on the power of the USB memory oriPod if it is not turned on.zIf a USB memory or iPod is inserted, itstarts playing automatically. As soon as itis ready to play, the audio control screen isshown automatically.The system enables users to enjoymusic played from a USB memory oriPod on the vehicle's speakers.CAUTION●Do not operate the player’s controls orconnect the USB memory or iPod whiledriving.NOTICE●Do not leave your portable player in thevehicle. The temperature inside may riseto a level that could damage the portableplayer.●Do not press down on or apply unneces-sary pressure to the portable playerwhile it is connected as this may dam-age the portable player or its terminal.●Do not insert foreign objects into theUSB port as this may damage the porta-ble player or its terminal.INFORMATION●This system has a charging function foriPods.●When the battery level of an iPod is verylow, the iPod may not operate. If so,charge the iPod before use.●Depending on the portable player that isconnected to the system, certain func-tions may not be available. If a functionis unavailable due to a malfunction, dis-connecting your portable player andreconnecting it may resolve the problem.●When an iPod does not operate, updatethe software of the iPod to the latest ver-sion, and then retry. For supported mod-els and software versions, see page145.●This system supports MTP devices.CONNECTING A USB MEMORY OR iPod
1241. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION1Press the “AUDIO” button.zThe audio system turns on in the lastmode used.2Touch “Source”.3Touch “USB” or “iPod”.■PLAY AND PAUSE: Touch to pause the song.: Touch to resume playing the song.SWITCHING TO USB OR iPod MODEINFORMATION●If no USB memory or iPod is connected,“USB” or “iPod” cannot be selected.Connect a USB memory or iPod to theUSB port.PLAYING A USB MEMORY OR iPodPLAYING A SONGThe title of the album, song and artistname of the song currently being lis-tened to will be displayed.zWhen you touch  , you can adjustsound settings. (See pages 104 and105)INFORMATION●The progress bar indicator does notalways correspond to the actual elapsedplayback position.●USB memory only: If the song’s datadoes not contain an ID3 tag, the file andfolder name will be displayed instead ofthe song and album title. Please notethat the file name will not include thefile’s extension.
1251. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEM■FAST FORWARD AND REVERSE1Press and hold the “” or “” of the“SEEK/TRACK” button to fast forwardor reverse. When the button is re-leased, the player will start playingfrom that position.■SELECTING A PLAYLIST1Touch “Browse”.2Touch the desired list.zTouch the desired item to display its list.Continue to touch the applicable screenbutton until its song list is displayed.3Touch the desired song.SELECTING A DESIRED SONGSongs can be sorted and selected fromvarious playlists.zThe selecting playlist screen is can bedisplayed from the “Options” screen.Touch  “Options” and then touch“Browse For Music” on the nextscreen.
1261. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION■SELECTING BY LIST1Touch “List”.2Touch the desired song.■SELECTING A DESIRED SONG US-ING “SEEK/TRACK” BUTTON OR“TUNE SCROLL” KNOB“SEEK/TRACK” button: Press the “” or“” of the “SEEK/TRACK” button to se-lect a desired song.“TUNE SCROLL” knob: Turn to select adesired song. INFORMATION●USB memory only: Files that do not con-tain song title and/or album informationwill be displayed as “Unknown” in the“Artist” and/or “Album” list.●While the media is being synchronized,a pop-up window is displayed. Whensynchronization is complete, a pop-upwindow will be displayed and the func-tion will be available. Touch “OK” toreturn to the previous screen.The desired song can be selected fromthe current playlist.zThe list is can be displayed from the“Options” screen. Touch “Options” andthen touch “Current Playlist” on thenext screen.
1271. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEM1Touch the cover art.2A list of all the songs from the albumwill be displayed.3Touch the desired song.1Touch “Play More Like This”.zA pop-up window is displayed until theplaylist is created. If you touch “Cancel”on the screen, the creation of the newplaylist is cancelled.zAs soon as the new playlist is ready, thefirst similar song starts playing.■“Play More Like This” SETTING1Touch “Options”.COVER ART FUNCTIONThe album, that the song currently be-ing listened to is from, is called up sothat a song from it can be selected.INFORMATION●If a song other than the one currentlybeing listened to is selected, the currentplaylist is updated and will include all thesongs from the album being listened to.●It may take time to display iPod coverart. Only iPod cover art that is saved inJPEG format can be displayed.●When Audio book or Podcast playlistsare selected, this function is not avail-able.PLAYING “PLAY MORE LIKE THIS” FUNCTIONThe system creates a new playlist con-taining songs similar to the one cur-rently being listened to.The size of the playlist of similar songscan be set.
1281. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION2Touch  “Play More Like This Set-tings”.3Touch the desired size of the playlist.4Touch .■FROM THE AUDIO CONTROLSCREEN1Touch  or . (Repeat mode): Use it to automatical-ly repeat the song you are currently listen-ing to.zThe repeat mode changes as follows eachtime the screen button is touched. (Random mode): Use it for automaticrandom order in the current playlist.zThe random mode changes as followseach time the screen button is touched.REPEAT AND RANDOM PLAY FUNCTIONSRepeat and random play functions areavailable.: Repeating the song:OFF: Playing the songs in randomorder:OFF
1291. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEM■FROM THE “Options” SCREEN 1Touch “Options”.2Touch “Random” or “Repeat Track”.zTo cancel repeat or random order, touch“Random” or “Repeat Track” again.INFORMATION●When “Random” is on, the songs in thecurrent playlist can be played in randomorder.
1301. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION7. AUX DEVICE OPERATION1Open the cover of the USB/AUX portand connect a portable audio device.zThe USB/AUX port is located on theinstrument panel, or in the console box orglove box etc. The location and design aredifferent depending on the vehicle. Fordetails, see the Pictorial index of “Owner’sManual”.Connecting a portable audio devicewith the AUX port enables users to en-joy music via the vehicle speakers.CAUTION●Do not connect a portable audio deviceor operate the device controls while driv-ing.NOTICE●Do not leave the portable audio devicein the car. In particular, high tempera-tures inside the vehicle may damage thedevice.●Do not push down on or apply unneces-sary pressure to the portable audiodevice while it is connected as this maydamage the device or its terminal.●Do not insert foreign objects into theAUX port as this may damage the porta-ble audio device or its terminal.CONNECTING A PORTABLE AUDIO DEVICE
1311. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEM1Press the “AUDIO” button.zThe audio system turns on in the lastmode used.2Touch “Source” on the screen.3Touch “AUX” on the screen.zOnly the volume can be adjusted usingthe audio system controls. The remainingcontrols need to be operated on the porta-ble audio device itself.SWITCHING TO AUX MODEINFORMATION●If no portable audio device is connected,“AUX” cannot be selected. Connect theportable audio device to the AUX port.PLAYING A PORTABLE AUDIO DEVICEzWhen you touch  , you can adjustsound settings. (See pages 104 and105)
1321. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION8. Bluetooth® AUDIO OPERATIONBluetooth is a registered trademark ofBluetooth SIG, Inc.The Bluetooth® audio system enablesusers to enjoy music played on a por-table player from the vehicle speakervia wireless communication.If your portable player does not supportBluetooth®, the Bluetooth® audiosystem will not function.CAUTION●Do not operate the player’s controls orconnect to the Bluetooth® audio systemwhile driving.NOTICE●Do not leave your portable audio playerin the car. In particular, high tempera-tures inside the vehicle may damage theportable audio player.INFORMATION●In the following conditions, the systemmay not function.• The portable audio player is turnedoff.• The portable audio player is not con-nected.• The portable audio player has a lowbattery.●Depending on the portable audio playerthat is connected to the system, certainfunctions may not be available.●It may take time, the phone connectionis carried out during Bluetooth® audioplay.INFORMATION●Portable audio players must correspondto the following specifications in order tobe connected to the Bluetooth® audiosystem. However, please note that somefunctions may be limited depending onthe type of portable audio player.• Bluetooth® SpecificationVer.1.1 or higher(Recommended: Ver.2.1+EDR orhigher)• ProfileA2DP (Advanced Audio DistributionProfile)Ver.1.0 or higher(Recommended: Ver.1.2 or higher)AVRCP (Audio/Video Remote Con-trol Profile)Ver.1.0 or higher(Recommended: Ver.1.4 or higher)
1331. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEM1Press the “AUDIO” button.zThe audio system turns on in the lastmode used.2Touch “Source” on the screen.3Touch “Bluetooth”.zIf a Bluetooth® audio device is not con-nected, the connecting Bluetooth® audioscreen will automatically appear.: Bluetooth is a registered trademark ofBluetooth SIG, Inc.CAUTION●FCC WARNING: Changes or modifica-tions not expressly approved by theparty responsible for compliance couldvoid the user’s authority to operate theequipment.●CAUTION: Radio Frequency RadiationExposureThis equipment complies with FCC radi-ation exposure limits set forth for uncon-trolled equipment and meets the FCCradio frequency (RF) Exposure Guide-lines in Supplement C to OET65 andRSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF)Exposure rules. This equipment hasvery low levels of RF energy that itdeemed to comply without maximumpermissive exposure evaluation (MPE).But it is desirable that it should beinstalled and operated with at least 20cm and more between the radiator andperson’s body (excluding extremities:hands, wrists, feet and ankles).●Co-location: This transmitter must not beco-located or operated in conjunctionwith any other antenna or transmitter.SWITCHING TO Bluetooth®AUDIO MODE
1341. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION■CONNECTING FROM THE SYSTEM 1Switching to Bluetooth® audio mode.(See page 133.)2Touch “Search Bluetooth Devices”.3Touch “Search for Bluetooth Devic-es”.zWhen a Bluetooth® device is currentlyconnected, a pop-up window is displayed.To disconnect it, touch “Yes”.: Bluetooth is a registered trademark ofBluetooth SIG, Inc.CONNECTING Bluetooth®AUDIOIn order to use the Bluetooth® audiosystem, it is necessary to pair a porta-ble player and connect the audio pro-file (A2DP) with the system. (In thismanual, pairing refers to a Bluetooth®device connecting with the system.Connecting refers to the paired de-vice’s profile(s) being connected to thesystem.)Once you have connected a devicewith audio profile (A2DP), you can en-joy your music on the vehicle’s audiosystem.If you have not yet connected a porta-ble player with audio profile (A2DP),you must first pair a portable playerwith audio profile (A2DP) according tothe following procedures. Connectyour portable player with audio profile(A2DP) after bringing the vehicle to acomplete stop.zSee “Bluetooth® SETTINGS” on page202 of additional registration when reg-istering.CONNECTING Bluetooth®AUDIO
1351. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEM4The following screen will be displayedwhile searching for a Bluetooth® de-vice.zTo cancel this function, touch “Cancel”.5Touch the device to be paired.zConnectable Bluetooth® devices are listedon the display.6The following screen will be displayed.zTo cancel this function, touch “Cancel”.7Confirm the PIN.XIf the device supports SSP (Secure Sim-ple Pairing)zConfirm the PIN displayed on the screen,and then touch “Accept”.XIf the device does not supports SSP (Se-cure Simple Pairing)zInput the PIN displayed on the screen intoyour portable player.8The following screen will be displayedwhen pairing is complete.9The system waits for connection re-quests coming from the paired device.All requested profiles are connectedautomatically.zIf the automatic connection failed, the fol-lowing screen will be displayed. Touch“Connect for Music”.zOnce a portable player has been con-nected, it will be automatically connectedwhenever the engine switch is in the“ACC” or “ON” position.INFORMATION●For details on device detection andoperation of the portable player, refer tothe manual that comes with the portableaudio player.
1361. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION■CONNECTING FROM THE DEVICE1Switching to Bluetooth® audio mode.(See page 133.)2Touch “Search Bluetooth Devices”.3Touch “Make Discoverable”.zWhen a Bluetooth® device is currentlyconnected, a pop-up window is displayed.To disconnect it, touch “Yes”.4The following screen will be displayed.zTo cancel this function, touch “Cancel”.: Bluetooth is a registered trademark ofBluetooth SIG, Inc.5Confirm the PIN.XIf the device supports SSP (Secure Sim-ple Pairing)zConfirm the PIN displayed on the screen,and then touch “Accept”.XIf the device does not supports SSP (Se-cure Simple Pairing)zInput the PIN displayed on the screen intoyour portable player.
1371. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEMzIf the Bluetooth® device is disconnectedon purpose, such as it was turned off, thisdoes not happen. Reconnect it manuallyusing either of the following methods:• Select a portable player again. (Seepage 206.)• Connect the audio profile. (See page203.)■PLAY AND PAUSE: Touch to pause the song.: Touch to resume playing the song.RECONNECTING Bluetooth®AUDIOIf a portable player is disconnected dueto poor reception from the Bluetooth®network when the engine switch is inthe “ACC” or “ON” position, the systemwill automatically reconnect the porta-ble player.PLAYING Bluetooth® AUDIOPLAYING A SONGThe title of the song, album and artistname of the song currently being lis-tened to will be displayed.zWhen you touch  , you can adjustsound settings. (See pages 104 and105)INFORMATION●The progress bar indicator does notalways correspond to the actual elapsedplayback position.●If the song’s data does not contain anID3 tag, the file and folder name will bedisplayed instead of the song and albumtitle. Please note that the file name willnot include the file’s extension.●Bluetooth® audio screen may differdepending on your device.
1381. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION■FAST FORWARD AND REVERSE1Press and hold the “ ” or “ ” of the“SEEK/TRACK” button to fast forwardor reverse. When the button is re-leased, the player will start playingfrom that position.■SELECTING A PLAYLIST1Touch “Browse”.2Touch the desired list.zTouch the desired item to display its list.Continue to touch the applicable screenbutton until its song list is displayed.3Touch the desired song.SELECTING A DESIRED SONGSongs can be sorted and selected fromvarious playlists.zThe selecting playlist screen is can bedisplayed from the “Options” screen.Touch  “Options” and then touch“Browse For Music” on the nextscreen.INFORMATION●Files that do not contain song title and/oralbum information will be displayed as“Unknown” in the “Artist” and/or “Album”list.●This function may not be availabledepending on the portable audio player.
1391. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEM■SELECTING BY LIST1Touch “List”.2Touch the desired song.■SELECTING A DESIRED SONG US-ING “SEEK/TRACK” BUTTON OR“TUNE SCROLL” KNOB“SEEK/TRACK” button: Press the “ ” or“”of the “SEEK/TRACK” button to selecta desired song.“TUNE SCROLL” knob: Turn to select adesired song. The desired song can be selected fromthe current playlist.zThe list is can be displayed from the“Options” screen. Touch “Options” andthen touch “Current Playlist” on thenext screen.INFORMATION●This function may not be availabledepending on the portable audio player.
1401. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION■FROM THE AUDIO CONTROLSCREEN1Touch  or . (Repeat mode): Use it to automatical-ly repeat the song you are currently listen-ing to.zThe repeat mode changes as follows eachtime the screen button is touched. (Random mode): Use it for automaticrandom order in the current playlist.zThe random mode changes as followseach time the screen button is touched.■FROM THE “Options” SCREEN1Touch “Options”.2Touch “Random” or “Repeat Track”.zTo cancel repeat or random order, touch“Random” or “Repeat Track” again.REPEAT AND RANDOM PLAY FUNCTIONSRepeat and random play functions areavailable.: Repeating the song:OFF: Playing the songs in randomorder:OFFINFORMATION●When “Random” is on, the songs in thecurrent playlist can be played in randomorder.
1414AUDIO SYSTEM1. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION9. STEERING SWITCHESzThe design and switch position may differdepending on the vehicle. For details, seethe Pictorial index of “Owner’s Manual”.zDetails of the specific switches, controls,and features are described below.Volume control switchzPress the “+” side to increase the volume.The volume continues to increase whilethe switch is being pressed.zPress the “-” side to decrease the vol-ume. The volume continues to decreasewhile the switch is being pressed. “” “” switchXRadioTo select a preset station: Press the “”or “ ” switch.To seek a radio station: Press and holdthe “” or “” switch until you hear a beep.If you press either the “” or “” switch inseek mode, the seek mode will be can-celled.XCD playerTo select a desired track or file:Pressthe “” or “” switch.To select a desired folder (MP3/WMA):Press and hold the “” or “” switch untilyou hear a beep.XUSB memory/iPodTo select a desired song: Press the “”or “ ” switch.Fast forward and reverse: Press andhold the “” or “” switch until you hear abeep.XBluetooth® audio playerTo select a desired song: Press the “”or “ ” switch.Fast forward and reverse: Press andhold the “” or “” switch until you hear abeep.“MODE” switchzPress the “MODE” switch to select anaudio mode. Each press changes themode sequentially if the desired mode isready to use.zTo turn the audio system on, press the“MODE” switch.zPress and hold the “MODE” switch untilyou hear a beep and the music will pauseor be muted. By the same operation, it isreleased.Some parts of the audio system can beadjusted with the switches on thesteering wheel.STEERING SWITCHES (WITH TWO DIRECTION STEERING SWITCH)No. SwitchVolume control switch“” “” switch“MODE” switch
1421. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATIONzThe design and switch position may differdepending on the vehicle. For details, seethe Pictorial index of “Owner’s Manual”.zDetails of the specific switches, controls,and features are described below.Volume control switchzPress the “+” side to increase the volume.The volume continues to increase whilethe switch is being pressed.zPress the “-” side to decrease the vol-ume. The volume continues to decreasewhile the switch is being pressed.“” “” “” “” switchXRadioTo select a preset station: Press the “”or “ ” side of the switch. Repeat this to se-lect the next preset station.To seek a station: Press and hold the “ ”or “ ” side of the switch until a beep isheard. Repeat this to find the next station.If either side of the switch is pressed dur-ing seek mode, seeking will be canceled.To change the preset page: The radio’spreset page can be changed by pressingthe “ ” or “ ” side of the switch.XCD playerTo select a desired track or file: Pressthe “ ” or “ ” side of the switch until thedesired track or file to play is selected. Toreturn to the beginning of the current trackor file, press the “ ” side of the switch oncequickly.To select a desired folder (MP3/WMA):Press the “ ” or “ ” switch to change tothe next or the previous folder.XUSB memory/iPodTo select a desired song: Press the “ ”or “ ” switch until the desired song is se-lected.Fast forward and reverse: Press andhold the “” or “” switch until you hear abeep.XBluetooth® audio playerTo select a desired song: Press the “ ”or “ ” side of the switch until the desiredsong is selected.Fast forward and reverse: Press andhold the “” or “” switch until you hear abeep.STEERING SWITCHES (WITH FOUR DIRECTION STEERING SWITCH)No. SwitchVolume control switch“” “” “” “” switch“MODE/HOLD” switchBack switchEnter switch
1431. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEM“MODE/HOLD” switchzPress the “MODE/HOLD” switch to selectan audio mode. Each press changes themode sequentially if the desired mode isready to use.zTo turn the audio system on, press the“MODE/HOLD” switch.zPress and hold the “MODE/HOLD” switchuntil you hear a beep and the music willpause or be muted. By the same opera-tion, it is released.Back switchzPress the back switch to return to the pre-vious screen.Enter switchzWhen in radio mode, pressing the enterswitch returns to the preset screen.zWhen in media mode, pressing the enterswitch returns to the list screen.
1441. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION10. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATING HINTSFading and drifting stations: Generally,the effective range of FM is about 25 miles(40 km). Once outside this range, you maynotice fading and drifting, which increasewith the distance from the radio transmit-ter. They are often accompanied by distor-tion.Multi-path: FM signals are reflective, mak-ing it possible for two signals to reach yourantenna at the same time. If this happens,the signals will cancel each other out,causing a momentary flutter or loss of re-ception.Static and fluttering: These occur whensignals are blocked by buildings, trees, orother large objects. Increasing the basslevel may reduce static and fluttering.Station swapping: If the FM signal youare listening to is interrupted or weakened,and there is another strong station nearbyon the FM band, your radio may tune in thesecond station until the original signal canbe picked up again.Fading: AM broadcasts are reflected bythe upper atmosphere  especially atnight. These reflected signals can interferewith those received directly from the radiostation, causing the radio station to soundalternately strong and weak.Station interference: When a reflectedsignal and a signal received directly from aradio station are very nearly the same fre-quency, they can interfere with each other,making it difficult to hear the broadcast.Static: AM is easily affected by externalsources of electrical noise, such as hightension power lines, lightening, or electri-cal motors. This results in static.NOTICE●To avoid damaging the audio system:• Be careful not to spill beverages overthe audio system.• Do not put anything other than onappropriate discs into the CD playerslot.INFORMATION●The use of a cellular phone inside ornear the vehicle may cause a noise fromthe speakers of the audio system whichyou are listening to. However, this doesnot indicate a malfunction.RADIO RECEPTIONUsually, a problem with radio receptiondoes not mean there is a problem withyour radio  it is just the normal resultof conditions outside the vehicle.For example, nearby buildings and ter-rain can interfere with FM reception.Power lines or telephone wires can in-terfere with AM signals. And of course,radio signals have a limited range, andthe farther you are from a station, theweaker its signal will be. In addition, re-ception conditions change constantlyas your vehicle moves.Here are some common receptionproblems that probably do not indicatea problem with your radio.FMAM
1451. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEMzCargo loaded on the roof luggage carrier,especially metal objects, may adverselyaffect the reception of XM® SatelliteRadio.zAlternation or modifications carried outwithout appropriate authorization mayinvalidate the user’s right to operate theequipment.z“Made for iPod” and “Made for iPhone”means that an electronic accessory hasbeen designed to connect specifically toiPod, or iPhone, respectively, and hasbeen certified by the developer to meetApple performance standards.zApple is not responsible for the operationof this device or its compliance with safetyand regulatory standards.ziPhone, iPod, iPod classic, iPod nano,iPod shuffle, and iPod touch are trade-marks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S.and other countries.Depending on differences between mod-els or software versions etc., some modelslisted above might be incompatible withthis system.iPad is not compatible with this system.XM®iPodABOUT iPodCOMPATIBLE MODELSModel Generation SoftwareVersioniPod 5G 1.3.0iPod classic1G 1.1.22G 2.0.12009 (160GB) 2.0.4iPod nano1G 1.3.13G 1.1.34G 1.0.45G 1.0.26G 1.0.0iPod touch1G iOS 3.1.32GiOS 3.1.3iOS 4.2.12009 (8GB)3G4G iOS 4.2.1iPhoneiPhone iOS 3.1.3iPhone 3G iOS 3.1.3iOS 4.2.1iPhone 3GSiPhone 4 iOS 4.2.1
1461. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATIONzUSB memory that can be used for MP3and WMA playback.• USB communication formats: USB 2.0FS (12 Mbps)• File formats: FAT 16/32 (Windows®)• Correspondence class: Mass storageclasszYour CD player is intended for use with4.7 in. (12 cm) discs only. To play 3 in. (8cm) discs, use an adaptor.zExtremely high temperatures can keepyour CD player from working. On hotdays, use air conditioning to cool the vehi-cle interior before you listen to a disc.zBumpy roads or other vibrations maymake your CD player skip.zIf moisture gets into your CD player, youmay not hear any sound even though yourCD player appears to be working. Removethe discs from the CD player and wait untilit dries.zUse only discs marked as shown above.The following products may not be play-able on your CD player.• SACDs• dts CDs• Copy-protected CDs•Video CDsXSpecial shaped discsXTransparent/translucent discsUSB MEMORYCARING FOR YOUR CD PLAYER AND DISCSCAUTION●CD player uses an invisible laser beamwhich could cause hazardous radiationexposure if directed outside the unit. Besure to operate the CD player correctly.Audio CDs
1471. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEMXLow quality discsXLabeled discs zHandle discs carefully, especially whenyou are inserting them. Hold them on theedge and do not bend them. Avoid gettingfingerprints on them, particularly on theshiny side.zDirt, scratches, warping, pin holes, orother disc damage could cause the CDplayer to skip or to repeat a section of atrack. (To see a pin hole, hold the disc upto the light.)zRemove discs from the CD player whenyou are not using them. Store them in theirplastic cases away from moisture, heat,and direct sunlight.zTo clean a disc: Wipe it with a soft, lint-free cloth that has been dampened withwater. Wipe in a straight line from the cen-ter to the edge of the disc (not in a circle).Do not use a conventional record cleaneror anti-static device.NOTICE●Do not use special shaped, transparent/translucent, low quality or labeled discssuch as those shown in the illustrations.The use of such discs may damage theplayer, or it may be impossible to ejectthe disc.●This system is not designed for use ofDual Disc. Do not use Dual Discbecause it may cause damage to theplayer.Correct Wrong
1481. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATIONzMP3 (MPEG Audio Layer 3) and WMA(Windows Media Audio) are audio com-pression standards.zThe MP3/WMA player can play MP3 andWMA files on CD-ROM, CD-R and CD-RW discs.The unit can play disc recordings compati-ble with ISO 9660 level 1,2 (Romeo Joliet)and UDF (2.01 or lower) file system.zWhen naming an MP3 or WMA file, addthe appropriate file extension (.mp3 or.wma).zThe MP3/WMA player plays back fileswith .mp3 or .wma file extensions as MP3or WMA files. To prevent noise and play-back errors, use the appropriate file exten-sions.zThe player can play only the first sessionusing multi-session compatible CDs.zMP3 files are compatible with the ID3 TagVer. 1.0, Ver. 1.1, Ver. 2.2, and Ver. 2.3formats. The unit cannot display disc title,track title and artist name in other formats.zUSB memory: MP3 files are compatiblewith the ID3 Tag Ver. 1.0, Ver. 1.1, Ver.2.2, Ver. 2.3 and Ver. 2.4 formats. The unitcannot display track title and artist namein other formats.zWMA files can contain a WMA tag that isused in the same way as an ID3 tag. WMAtags carry information such as track title,artist name.zThe sound quality of MP3/WMA files gen-erally improves with higher bit rates. Inorder to achieve a reasonable level ofsound quality, files recorded with a bit rateof at least 128 kbps are recommended.MP3 files:MPEG 1 AUDIO LAYER 3 32, 44.1, 48kHzMPEG2 AUDIO LAYER3 16, 22.05, 24kHzWMA files for WMA player:Ver. 7, 8, 9 CBR  32, 44.1, 48 kHzWMA files for USB memory:Ver. 7, 8, 9  HIGH PROFILE 32, 44.1, 48kHzMP3 files for MP3 player:MPEG1 LAYER3  32 to 320 kbpsMPEG2 LSF LAYER3  8 to 160 kbpsMP3 files for USB memory:MPEG 1 AUDIO LAYER 2, 3  32 to 320kbpsMPEG 2 AUDIO LAYER 2, 3  8 to 160kbpsWMA files for WMA player:Ver. 7, 8 CBR  48 to 192 kbpsVer. 9 CBR  48 to 320 kbpsWMA files for USB memory:Ver. 7, 8, 9 CBR  48 to 320 kbpszM3u playlists are not compatible with theaudio player.zMP3i (MP3 interactive) and MP3PRO for-mats are not compatible with the audioplayer.zThe player is compatible with VBR (Vari-able Bit Rate).zWhen playing back files recorded as VBR(Variable Bit Rate) files, the play time willnot be correctly displayed if fast-forward orreverse operations are used.zIt is not possible to check folders that donot include MP3/WMA files.MP3/WMA FILES SAMPLING FREQUENCYPLAYABLE BIT RATES
1491. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEMzMP3/WMA files in folders up to 8 levelsdeep can be played. However, the start ofplayback may be delayed when usingdiscs containing numerous levels of fold-ers. For this reason, we recommend creat-ing discs with no more than two levels offolders.zWMA files Ver. 9 depends on “WindowsMedia® Audio Standard”.zThe play order of the compact disc withthe structure shown on the left is as fol-lows:zMP3/WMA player: It is possible to play upto 192 folders or 255 files on one disc.zUSB memory:Maximum number of folder in device:3000Maximum number of files in one folder:255Maximum number of files in device: 9999zThe order changes depending on the PCand MP3/WMA encoding software youuse.zCD-R/CD-RW discs that have not beensubject to the “finalizing process” (a pro-cess that allows discs to be played on aconventional CD player) cannot beplayed.zIt may not be possible to play CD-R/CD-RW discs recorded on a music CDrecorder or a personal computer becauseof disc characteristics, scratches or dirt onthe disc, or dirt, condensation, etc. on thelens of the unit.zIt may not be possible to play discsrecorded on a personal computer depend-ing on the application settings and theenvironment. Record with the correct for-mat. (For details, contact the appropriateapplication manufacturers of the applica-tions.)zCD-R/CD-RW discs may be damaged bydirect exposure to sunlight, high tempera-tures or other storage conditions. The unitmay be unable to play some damageddiscs.zIf you insert a CD-RW disc into the MP3/WMA player, playback will begin moreslowly than with a conventional CD or CD-R disc.zRecordings on CD-R/CD-RW cannot beplayed using the DDCD (Double DensityCD) system.001.mp3 002.wmaFolder 1003.mp3Folder 2004.mp3005.wmaFolder 3006.mp3001. mp3 002. wma. . .  006. mp3CD-R AND CD-RW DISCS
1501. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATIONzThis is a general term that describes theprocess of writing data on-demand to CD-R, etc., in the same way that data is writ-ten to floppy or hard discs.zThis is a method of embedding track-related information in an MP3 file. Thisembedded information can include thetrack title, the artist’s name, the albumtitle, the music genre, the year of produc-tion, comments and other data. The con-tents can be freely edited using softwarewith ID3 tag editing functions. Althoughthe tags are restricted to the number ofcharacters, the information can be viewedwhen the track is played back.zWMA files can contain a WMA tag that isused in the same way as an ID3 tag. WMAtags carry information such as track title,artist name.zThis is the international standard for theformatting of CD-ROM folders and files.For the ISO 9660 format, there are twolevels of regulations.zLevel 1: The file name is in 8.3 format (8character file names, with a 3 characterfile extension. File names must be com-posed of one-byte capital letters and num-bers. The “_” symbol may also beincluded.)zLevel 2: The file name can have up to 31characters (including the separation mark“.” and file extension). Each folder mustcontain fewer than 8 hierarchies.zPlaylists created using “WINAMP” soft-ware have a playlist file extension (.m3u).zMP3 is an audio compression standarddetermined by a working group (MPEG) ofthe ISO (International Standard Organiza-tion). MP3 compresses audio data toabout 1/10 the size of that on conventionaldiscs.zWMA (Windows Media Audio) is an audiocompression format developed byMicrosoft®. It compresses files into a sizesmaller than that of MP3 files. The decod-ing formats for WMA files are Ver. 7, 8,and 9.TERMSPACKET WRITEID3 TAGWMA TAGISO 9660 FORMATm3uMP3WMA
1511. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATION4AUDIO SYSTEMGracenote®zMusic recognition technology andrelated data are provided byGracenote®. Gracenote is the industrystandard in music recognition technol-ogy and related content delivery. Formore information visitwww.gracenote.com.zGracenote® End User License Agree-mentThis application or device containssoftware from Gracenote, Inc. of Em-eryville, California (“Gracenote”). Thesoftware from Gracenote (the“Gracenote Software”) enables thisapplication to perform disc and/or fileidentification and obtain music-relatedinformation, including name, artist,track, and title information(“Gracenote Data”) from online serv-ers or embedded databases (collec-tively, “Gracenote Servers”) and toperform other functions. You may useGracenote Data only by means of theintended End-User functions of thisapplication or device.You agree that you will use GracenoteData, the Gracenote Software, andGracenote Servers for your own per-sonal non-commercial use only. Youagree not to assign, copy, transfer ortransmit the Gracenote Software orany Gracenote Data to any third party.YOU AGREE NOT TO USE OR EX-PLOIT GRACENOTE DATA, THEGRACENOTE SOFTWARE, ORGRACENOTE SERVERS, EXCEPTAS EXPRESSLY PERMITTEDHEREIN.You agree that your non-exclusive li-cense to use the Gracenote Data, theGracenote Software, and GracenoteServers will terminate if you violatethese restrictions. If your license termi-nates, you agree to cease any and alluse of the Gracenote Data, theGracenote Software, and GracenoteServers. Gracenote reserves all rightsin Gracenote Data, the GracenoteSoftware, and the Gracenote Servers,including all ownership rights. Underno circumstances will Gracenote be-come liable for any payment to you forany information that you provide. Youagree that Gracenote, Inc. may en-force its rights under this Agreementagainst you directly in its own name.The Gracenote service uses a uniqueidentifier to track queries for statisticalpurposes. The purpose of a randomlyassigned numeric identifier is to allowthe Gracenote service to count que-ries without knowing anything aboutwho you are. For more information,see the web page for the GracenotePrivacy Policy for the Gracenote ser-vice.
1521. AUDIO SYSTEM OPERATIONThe Gracenote Software and eachitem of Gracenote Data are licensed toyou “AS IS.” Gracenote makes no rep-resentations or warranties, express orimplied, regarding the accuracy of anyGracenote Data from in the GracenoteServers. Gracenote reserves the rightto delete data from the GracenoteServers or to change data categoriesfor any cause that Gracenote deemssufficient. No warranty is made thatthe Gracenote Software or GracenoteServers are error-free or that function-ing of Gracenote Software orGracenote Servers will be uninterrupt-ed. Gracenote is not obligated to pro-vide you with new enhanced oradditional data types or categoriesthat Gracenote may provide in the fu-ture and is free to discontinue its ser-vices at any time.GRACENOTE DISCLAIMS ALLWARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IM-PLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIESOF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TI-TLE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT.GRACENOTE DOES NOT WAR-RANT THE RESULTS THAT WILL BEOBTAINED BY YOUR USE OF THEGRACENOTE SOFTWARE OR ANYGRACENOTE SERVER. IN NOCASE WILL GRACENOTE BE LIA-BLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIALOR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ORFOR ANY LOST PROFITS OR LOSTREVENUES.copyright  © 2000 to presentGracenote
51531234567891. QUICK REFERENCE................... 1542. HANDS-FREE SYSTEM .............. 157USING THE PHONE SWITCH............  158ABOUT THE PHONE BOOK IN THIS SYSTEM ...........................................  159WHEN YOU RELEASE YOUR CAR ...  1593. CONNECTING A Bluetooth® PHONE................... 161CONNECTING A Bluetooth® PHONE ...........................  1614. REGISTERING A ENTRY ............ 165REGISTERING A NEW ENTRY..........  165REGISTERING A ENTRY AS “Speed Dials” ....................................  167DISPLAYING AND EDITING THE ENTRY INFORMATION....................  168SENDING STORED CONTACTS TO A USB MEMORY ........................  1691. CALLING ON A Bluetooth® PHONE................... 170BY DIAL...............................................  170BY “Stored” LIST ON THE “Contacts” SCREEN..........................  170BY PHONE BOOK...............................  171BY SPEED DIALS................................ 172BY CALL HISTORY ............................. 173CALLING USING A SHORT MESSAGE......................................... 173BY POI* CALL...................................... 1742. RECEIVING CALLS ON A Bluetooth® PHONE ..................  1753. TALKING ON A Bluetooth® PHONE ..................  176ADJUSTING THE RECEIVER VOLUME ........................................... 177SENDING TONES ............................... 177DIALING A SECOND NUMBER .......... 1771. SHORT MESSAGE FUNCTION ................................  179RECEIVING A NEW SHORT MESSAGE......................................... 179CHECKING RECEIVED SHORT MESSAGES ...................................... 179CHECKING SENT SHORT MESSAGES ...................................... 180SENDING A NEW SHORT MESSAGES ...................................... 1801BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION2TELEPHONE OPERATION3SHORT MESSAGE FUNCTIONBluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM*: Point of Interest
1541. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION1. QUICK REFERENCEX“Phone” menu screenzThe actual design and button position may differ depending on the vehicle. Fordetails, see Section 3 of “Owner’s Manual”.Pressing the  button allows access to the “Phone” menu screen.When the   button is pressed, the screen that was last displayed is returnedto. Touch   to display the “Phone” menu screen.No. Function PageTouch to display the “Dial By Number” screen.A call can be made by dialing the number. 155, 170Touch to display the “Contacts” screen.An entry from the list of contacts in the “Stored” screen, “Phone Book”or “Speed Dials” can be selected and called.170, 171, 172Touch to display the “Call History” screen.An entry from the missed, received or dial call lists can be selectedand called.173Touch to display the “Messages” screen.A list of received and sent short messages and a menu to create newshort messages can be displayed.179Touch to display the “Phone” menu screen. 
1551. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION5Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEMX“Dial By Number” screenTo display the “Dial By Number” screen, touch “Dial By Number” on the “Phone”menu screen, or touch   on any of the “Phone” screens. The “Dial By Number”screen can also be displayed by pressing the   switch on the steering wheel.No. Name FunctionShortcut keys Touch the corresponding icon to change to the “Dial By Number”,“Contacts”, “Call History” or “Messages” screen.The Name ofphone and pro-viderDisplaying name of the phone and provider. These information maynot be displayed depending on the phone.Number keys Touch to input a phone number.Save the num-ber screen but-tonTouch to register a phone number.Delete screenbutton Touch to delete an input phone number.Off hook screenbutton Touch to make a phone call.The receivingarea“R” is displayed when receiving in a Roaming area.xThe receiving area may not be displayed depending on thephone.
1561. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATIONThe amount ofbattery chargeleftThe six bars display the charge level of the phone’s battery.xThe amount displayed does not always correspond with theamount displayed on the cellular phone. The amount of batterycharge left may not be displayed depending on the phone. Thissystem does not have a charging function.xIf this information is not available from the connected phone, theicon will be shown with a question mark.The level of re-ceptionThe five bars display the level of reception.xThe level of reception does not always correspond with the leveldisplayed on the cellular phone.xThe level of reception may not be displayed depending on thephone.xIf this information is not available from the connected phone, theicon will be shown with a question mark.Bluetooth® con-nection The icon indicates an active BT-connectionShort messag-es information Displays short messages information.Missed calls in-formation Displays missed calls information.INFORMATION●An antenna for the Bluetooth® connection is built into the instrument panel. The systemmay not function when you use the Bluetooth® phone in the following conditions andplaces:• When the cellular phone is obstructed by certain objects (such as when it is behind theseat or in the glove box and console box).• When the cellular phone touches or is covered with metal materials.No. Name Function
1575Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION2. HANDS-FREE SYSTEMBluetooth® hands-free system allowsyou to make or receive a call withouttaking your hands off the steeringwheel by connecting your cellularphone.This system supports Bluetooth®.Bluetooth® is a wireless data systemby which you can call without yourcellular phone being connected with acable or placed on a cradle.The operating procedure of the systemis explained in this section.zFor registering and setting of the phone,see “Bluetooth® SETTINGS” on page202.CAUTION●Use a cellular phone or connect theBluetooth® phone only when safe andlegal to do so.NOTICE●Do not leave your cellular phone in thecar. The temperature inside may be highand damage the phone.●If the Bluetooth® phone is too close tothe system, quality of the sound maydeteriorate and connecting conditionmay go down.INFORMATION●If your cellular phone does not supportBluetooth®, this system will not function.●Depending on the cellular phone mod-els, some functions may be restricted.●In the following conditions, the systemmay not function.• The cellular phone is turned off.• The current position is outside thecommunication area.• The cellular phone is not connected.• The cellular phone has a low battery.• When outgoing is controlled, due toheavy traffic on telephone lines, etc.• When the cellular phone itself cannotbe used• When transferring the phone bookdata from the cellular phone●When using Bluetooth® audio andhands-free at the same time, the follow-ing problems may occur.• The Bluetooth® connection may becut.• Noise may be heard on theBluetooth® audio playback.●The Bluetooth® phone battery will burnout quickly when it is connected toBluetooth®.
1581. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATIONBluetooth is a registered trademark ofBluetooth SIG, Inc.zBy pressing the phone, you can receive acall or hang up without taking your handsoff the steering wheel.zBy pressing the volume switch, you canadjust the volume.zYou can use the microphone when talkingon the phone.INFORMATION●This system supports the following ser-vice.• Bluetooth® SpecificationVer.1.1 or higher (Recommended: Ver.2.1 + EDR orhigher)• ProfilesHFP (Hands Free Profile)Ver.1.0 or higher(Recommended: Ver.1.5 or higher)DUN (Dial-Up Networking Profile)Ver.1.1 or higherPAN (Personal Area Network)Ver. 1.0PBAP (Phone Book Access Profile)Ver.1.0 or higherSSP (Serial Port Profile)MAP (Message Access Profile)• ApplicationPIM (Personal Information Manager)●If your cellular phone does not supportHFP, you cannot register the Bluetooth®phone, or use DUN/PAN or PBAP pro-files individually.●If the connected Bluetooth® phone ver-sion is older than recommended orincompatible, this function may not beused.USING THE PHONE SWITCHThe actual design and switch positionmay differ depending on the vehicle.For details, see the Pictorial index of“Owner’s Manual”.
1591. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION5Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEMzThe following data is stored for every reg-istered phone. When another phone isconnecting, you cannot read the regis-tered data.• Phone book data• Call history datazYou can initialize the following data in thesystem.• Phone book data• Call history data• Speed dial data• Bluetooth® phone data• Volume setting• Bluetooth® settingINFORMATION●The other party’s voice outputs from thefront speaker. When the received callsor received voice outputs, the audiofrom the audio system will be muted.●Talk alternately with the other party onthe phone. If you talk at the same time,your voices may not reach each other. (Itis not a malfunction.)●Keep the volume of receiving voicedown. Otherwise, an echo will be heardand receiving voice can be heard out-side of the vehicle. When you talk on thephone, speak clearly towards the micro-phone.●In the following situations, your voicemay not reach the other party.• Driving on an unpaved road. (Due totraffic noise.)• Driving at high speed.• A window is open.• Turning the air-conditioning ventstowards the microphone.• The sound of the air-conditioning fanis loud.• There is an effect from the cellularphone network.ABOUT THE PHONE BOOK IN THIS SYSTEMINFORMATION●When you delete the phone, the above-mentioned data is also deleted.WHEN YOU RELEASE YOUR CARA lot of personal data is registeredwhen you use the Hands-free system.When you release your car, initializeyour data. (See “DELETE PERSONALDATA” on page 199.)INFORMATION●If you initialize it, the former state willnever come back again. Pay attentionwhen initializing the data.
1601. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATIONCAUTION●FCC WARNING: Changes or modifica-tions not expressly approved by theparty responsible for compliance couldvoid the user’s authority to operate theequipment.●CAUTION: Radio Frequency RadiationExposureThis equipment complies with FCC radi-ation exposure limits set forth for uncon-trolled equipment and meets the FCCradio frequency (RF) Exposure Guide-lines in Supplement C to OET65 andRSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF)Exposure rules. This equipment hasvery low levels of RF energy that itdeemed to comply without maximumpermissive exposure evaluation (MPE).But it is desirable that it should beinstalled and operated with at least 20cm and more between the radiator andperson’s body (excluding extremities:hands, wrists, feet and ankles).●Co-location: This transmitter must not beco-located or operated in conjunctionwith any other antenna or transmitter.
1615Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION3. CONNECTING A Bluetooth® PHONE■CONNECTING FROM THE SYSTEM1Press the   button.2Touch “Search Bluetooth devices”.3Touch “Search for Bluetooth Devic-es”.zWhen a Bluetooth® device is currentlyconnected, a pop-up window is displayed.To disconnect it, touch “Yes”.4The following screen will be displayedwhile searching for a Bluetooth® de-vice.zTo cancel this function, touch “Cancel”.: Bluetooth is a registered trademark ofBluetooth SIG, Inc.CONNECTING A Bluetooth®PHONEIn order to use the hands-free system,it is necessary to pair the phone andconnect the phone’s profile (HFP) withthe system. (In this manual, pairing re-fers to a Bluetooth® device connectingwith the system. Connecting refers tothe paired device’s profile(s) beingconnected to the system.)Once the profile has been connected,hands-free calls can be made.If you have not yet connected anyBluetooth® phones with phone profile(HFP), you must first pair your phonewith phone profile (HFP) according tothe following procedure. Connect yourBluetooth® phone with phone profile(HFP) after bringing the vehicle to acomplete stop.zSee “Bluetooth® SETTINGS” on page202 of additional registration when reg-istering.CONNECTING A Bluetooth®PHONE
1621. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION5Touch the device to be paired.zConnectable Bluetooth® devices will bedisplayed in the list.6The following screen will be displayed.zTo cancel this function, touch “Cancel”.7Confirm the PIN.XIf the device supports SSP (Secure Sim-ple Pairing)zConfirm the PIN displayed on the screen,and then touch “Accept”.XIf the device does not supports SSP (Se-cure Simple Pairing)zInput the PIN displayed on the screen intothe phone.8The following screen will be displayedwhen pairing is complete.9The system waits for connection re-quests coming from the paired device.All requested profiles are connectedautomatically.zIf the automatic connection failed, the fol-lowing screen will be displayed. Touch“Connect for Phone”.zOnce the Bluetooth® phone has been con-nected, it will be automatically connectedwhenever the engine switch is in the“ACC” or “ON” position.INFORMATION●For details on device detection and theoperation of your cellular phone, see themanual that comes with the cellularphone.
1631. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION5Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM■CONNECTING FROM THE DEVICE1Press the   button.2Touch “Search Bluetooth devices”.3Touch “Make Discoverable”.zWhen a Bluetooth® device is currentlyconnected, a pop-up window is displayed.To disconnect it, touch “Yes”.: Bluetooth is a registered trademark ofBluetooth SIG, Inc.4The following screen will be displayed.zTo cancel this function, touch “Cancel”.5Confirm the PIN.XIf the device supports SSP (Secure Sim-ple Pairing)zConfirm the PIN displayed on the screen,and then touch “Accept”.XIf the device does not supports SSP (Se-cure Simple Pairing)zInput the PIN displayed on the screen intothe phone.
1641. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATIONzIf the Bluetooth® phone is disconnectedon purpose, such as it was turned off, thisdoes not happen. Reconnect it manuallyusing either of the following methods:• Select the Bluetooth® phone again. (Seepage 206.)• Connect the phone profile. (See page203.)RECONNECTING THE Bluetooth® PHONEIf a Bluetooth® phone is disconnecteddue to poor reception from theBluetooth® network when the engineswitch is in the “ACC” or “ON” position,the system will automaticallyreconnect the Bluetooth® phone.
1655Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION4. REGISTERING A ENTRY1Touch “Contacts”.zThe “Contacts” screen can be displayedby touching   on any of the “Phone”screens.2Touch  “Stored” on the “Contacts”screen.3Touch “Create New Entry”.4Select one of 4 phone types (“Mo-bile”,“Home”,“Work” or “Other”)and input a number. : Touch to delete one number. Touchand hold to continue deleting numbers.zYou can enter a number for each phonetype.5Touch .6Input the entry name.7Touch “OK”.8The entry is registered in the “Stored”list.REGISTERING A NEW ENTRYUp to 200 numbers can be registeredwith this system.INFORMATION●This function cannot be operated whiledriving.REGISTERING FROM THE “Contacts” SCREENzTouch   to display and edit the entryinformation. (See page 168.)
1661. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION1Touch  “Dial By Number” on the“Phone” menu screen.zThe “Dial By Number” screen can be dis-played by touching   on any of the“Phone” screens.zYou can also press the   switch on thesteering wheel to display the “Dial ByNumber” screen.2Input the numbers.3Touch .4Follow the steps “REGISTERINGFROM THE “Contacts” SCREEN” from“STEP 6”. (See page 165.)1Search the entry by “Phone Book”.(See page 171.)2Touch   for desired item.3Touch  “Add to Stored Phone Num-bers”.4Follow the steps “REGISTERINGFROM THE “Contacts” SCREEN” from“STEP 6”. (See page 165.)1Searching the entry by “Call History”.(See page 173.)2Touch   next to the desired item.3Follow the steps “REGISTERINGFROM THE “Contacts” SCREEN” from“STEP 6”. (See page 165.)REGISTERING FROM THE “Dial By Number” SCREENINFORMATION●The phone type is registered as“Mobile”.REGISTERING FROM THE “Phone Book” SCREENINFORMATION●The phone type is registered as“Mobile”.●If the contact includes an address and aphone number, they will be stored in the“Stored” list on the “My Destinations”screen and “Contacts” screen. (Seepages 52 and 165.)REGISTERING FROM THE “Call History” SCREENINFORMATION●The phone type is registered as“Mobile”.REGISTERING FROM AN EXTERNAL DEVICE“vCard” formatted data can be trans-ferred from a USB memory to this sys-tem. Transferred addresses andnumbers will be stored in the “Stored”list on the “My Destinations” screenand “Contacts” screen. (See pages 52and 165.)
1671. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION5Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM1Touch “Contacts”.zThe “Contacts” screen can be displayedby touching   on any of the “Phone”screens.2Touch  “Speed Dials” on the “Con-tacts” screen.3Touch the desired speed dial screenbutton the phone number is to be reg-istered to.4Touch “Yes”.5Touch the desired list to select the en-try.6Touch the desired entry to register.zIf there are 2 or more phone numbers,touch the desired number in the list.7The entry is registered as “Speed Di-als”.REGISTERING A ENTRY AS “Speed Dials”Phone numbers from the list in the“Stored” screen and “Phone Book” canbe registered as speed dials. Up to 15speed dials can be registered.zTouch   to display and edit the entryinformation. (See page 168.)
1681. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION1Touch   next to the desired entryon the “Contacts” screen.XEntry options screen of the “Stored” and“Speed Dials” listXEntry options screen of the “PhoneBook” listzOn this screen, the following functions canbe operated.1Touch “Rename XX” on the entry op-tions screen.2Input the entry name.3Touch “OK”.DISPLAYING AND EDITING THE ENTRY INFORMATIONDetailed information of entries in thelist can be displayed or edited.No. FunctionTouch to display the details ofthe entry information.xTouch the desired entry to callit.Touch to change the entry name.(See page 168.)Touch to edit phone numbers.(See page 169.)Touch to delete the entry.Touch to delete all entries.Touch to register the entry in the“Stored” list on the “My Destina-tions” screen and “Contacts”screen. (See page 166.)INFORMATION●“Rename XX” and “Edit Phone Num-bers” cannot be operated while driving.CHANGING THE ENTRY NAME
1691. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION5Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM1Touch “Edit Phone Numbers” on theentry options screen.2Select one of 4 phone types and inputa number.: Touch to delete one number. Touchand hold to continue deleting numbers.zYou can edit a number for each phonetype.3Touch .EDITING PHONE NUMBERSINFORMATION●If an entry that is transferred from a cel-lular phone is edited, the change willaffect the entry in the “Stored” list on the“My Destinations” screen and “Contacts”screen. (See pages 52 and 165.)SENDING STORED CONTACTS TO A USB MEMORYThe entries stored in the “Stored” liston the “My Destinations” screen and“Contacts” screen can be transferredto a USB memory. (See page 60.)
1702. TELEPHONE OPERATION1. CALLING ON A Bluetooth® PHONE1Press the   switch on the steeringwheel.zThe “Dial By Number” screen can be dis-played by touching “Dial By Number”on the “Phone” menu screen or   onany of the “Phone” screens.2Touch the desired key to input thephone number.: Touch to delete one number. Touchand hold to continue deleting numbers.3Touch .4The connecting screen will be dis-played.zTo cancel the call, touch “End Call”.1Touch “Contacts”.zThe “Contacts” screen can be displayedby touching   on any of the “Phone”screens.2Touch  “Stored”  on the “Contacts”screen.After a Bluetooth® phone has beenconnected, a call can be made usingthe hands-free system. There are sev-eral methods by which a call can bemade. These are described below.BY DIALYou can call by inputting the phonenumber.zWhen   is touched, the number isregistered in the “Stored” list on the“Contacts” screen. (See page 166.)INFORMATION●This function cannot be operated whiledriving.BY “Stored” LIST ON THE “Contacts” SCREENCalls can be made using the “Stored”list on the “Contacts” screen. To usethis function, it is necessary to registerthe entry. (See page 165.)
1712. TELEPHONE OPERATION5Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM3Touch the desired entry.zIf there are 2 or more phone numbers,touch the desired number in the list.4The connecting screen will be dis-played.zTo cancel the call, touch “End Call”.1Touch “Contacts”.zThe “Contacts” screen can be displayedby touching   on any of the “Phone”screens.2Touch  “Phone Book” on the “Con-tacts” screen.3Touch the desired entry.zIf there are 2 or more phone numbers,touch the desired number in the list.zTouch   to display and edit the entryinformation. (See page 168.)BY PHONE BOOKCalls can be made using the phonebook data of the connected cellularphone. The phone book changes de-pending on the phone connected.If a contact does not have phone num-ber stored, the entry will be dimmed.You can update the Phone’s book list.(See page 209.)
1722. TELEPHONE OPERATION4The connecting screen will be dis-played.zTo cancel the call, touch “End Call”.1Touch “Contacts”.zThe “Contacts” screen can be displayedby touching   on any of the “Phone”screens.2Touch  “Speed Dials” on the “Con-tacts” screen.3Touch the desired entry.4The connecting screen will be dis-played.zTo cancel the call, touch “End Call”.zTouch  “Search Contact” to search bythe contact’s name. This function cannotbe operated while driving.zTouch   to display and edit the entryinformation. (See page 168.)INFORMATION●When a phone is connected for the firsttime, its phone book must be down-loaded. If the phone book can not bedownloaded, a pop-up window will bedisplayed.BY SPEED DIALSYou can call by “Speed Dial” numberlist. Registering number in the “SpeedDial” number list is to see page 167.zTouch   to display and edit the entryinformation. (See page 168.)
1732. TELEPHONE OPERATION5Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM1Touch “Call History”.zThe “Call History” screen can be displayedby touching   on any of the “Phone”screens.2Touch the desired list.“All”: Touch to display all numbers(missed, received and dialed).“Missed”: Touch to display missedcalls.“Received”: Touch to display receivedcalls.“Dialed”: Touch to display dialed num-bers.zThe state of a call is shown by the follow-ing icons.: Missed: Received: Dialed3Touch the desired entry.4The connecting screen will be dis-played.zTo cancel the call, touch “End Call”.1Touch “Call Sender”.2The connecting screen will be dis-played.zTo cancel the call, touch “End Call”.BY CALL HISTORYCalls can be made using one of the 4call lists functions.zWhen   is touched, the entry is reg-istered in the “Stored” list on the “Con-tacts” screen. (See page 166.)CALLING USING A SHORT MESSAGECalls can be made to a short messagesender’s phone number. (See page179.)
1742. TELEPHONE OPERATION1Touch .2The connecting screen will be dis-played.zTo cancel the call, touch “End Call”.BY POI CALLCalls can be made to a POI when itsdetails are displayed on the screen.(See pages 32 and 36.)
1755Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM2. TELEPHONE OPERATION2. RECEIVING CALLS ON A Bluetooth® PHONE1Press the   switch on the steeringwheel.“Accept”: Touch to talk on the phone.“Reject”: Touch to reject the call. zThe layout of the incoming call screenmay differ depending on the informationavailable from the connected phone.XSingle call2The ongoing screen is displayed. (Seepage 176.)XCall waiting2The ongoing screen is displayed. (Seepage 176.)zThe first call is put on hold.zThe second call’s information is displayedbelow the first call information.When a call is received, this screen isdisplayed and a sound is heard.zRingtone and ringtone volume can beset. (See pages 197 and 209.)INFORMATION●During international phone calls, theother party’s name may not be displayedcorrectly depending on the cellularphone which you have.
1762. TELEPHONE OPERATION3. TALKING ON A Bluetooth® PHONEXSingle callXCall waitingzOn this screen, the following functions canbe operated.While you are talking on a Bluetooth®phone, the ongoing screen is dis-played. The operations outlined belowcan be performed on this screen.NO. FunctionTouch to hang up the phone.xThe   switch on the steeringwheel can also be pressed tohang up the phone.Touch to dial a second number.(See page 177.)Touch to send a tone. (See page177.)Touch to put a call on hold. Tocancel this function, touch “Ac-tive call”.Touch to mute your voice. Tocancel muting your voice, touch“Unmute call”.Touch to transfer the call. Touch“Transfer to Phone” to changefrom Hands-free call to cellularphone call. Touch “Handsfreemode” to change from cellularphone call to Hands-free call.Displays a call duration.Touch to adjust the volume of theother party’s voice. (See page177.)Displays the name, number andpicture of the other party. The in-formation shown here may differdepending on the informationavailable from your phone.Touch to change parties.Touch to change to a conferencecall.INFORMATION●When you change from cellular phonecall to Hands-free call, the Hands-freescreen will be displayed and the call canbe operated on the screen.●Transferring methods will be differentdepending on the type of cellular phonewhich you have.●For the operation of the phone, see themanual that comes with your cellularphone.NO. Function
1772. TELEPHONE OPERATION5Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM1Touch .2Touch “-” or “+” to adjust the volumeof the other party’s voice.1Touch “Dial Pad”.2Inputting the numbers.zInput numbers are sent immediately astones.zTouch  “Quit” to return the previousscreen.1Touch “Dial”.2Touch the desired method to call.XIf “Dial Number” is selected3Input the number and then touch  .XIf “Dial From Contacts” is selected3Touch the desired method and thentouch the desired entry.ADJUSTING THE RECEIVER VOLUMEzThe receiver volume can also beadjusted using the switch on the steer-ing wheel.SENDING TONESDIALING A SECOND NUMBER
1782. TELEPHONE OPERATIONXIf “Dial From Call History” is selected3Touch the desired list and then touchthe desired entry.4The connecting screen will be dis-played.zTo cancel the call, touch “End Call”.5When a new call has been established,the following screen will be displayed.zThe first call is put on hold.zThe second call’s information is displayedbelow the first call information.■CHANGING PARTIES1Touch “Swap Calls”.zEvery time “Swap Calls” is touched, theparty who is on hold will be switched.■CHANGING TO A CONFERENCECALL1Touch “Link Calls”.INFORMATION●“Dial Number” cannot be operatedwhile driving.INFORMATION●If your cellular phone is not HFP Ver. 1.5compatible, this function can not beused.●Dialing a second number operation maydiffer depending on your phone com-pany and cellular phone.
1795Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM3. SHORT MESSAGE FUNCTION1. SHORT MESSAGE FUNCTION1Touch “Messages”.zThe “Messages” screen can be displayedby touching   on any of the “Phone”screens.2Touch “Inbox” on the “Messages”screen.3Touch the desired short message.zThe state of a message is shown by thefollowing icons.: New message: Read message: Unread message4The short message will be displayed.zOn this screen, the following functions canbe operated.Received messages can be forwardedfrom the connected Bluetooth® phone,enabling checking and replying usingthis system.RECEIVING A NEW SHORT MESSAGEWhen a new short message is re-ceived, a pop-up window is displayedon the screen.zThis function can be set to “On” or“Off”. (See page 209.)CHECKING RECEIVED SHORT MESSAGESNo. FunctionTouch   to have the shortmessage read out. To cancel thisfunction, touch  .Touch to call the sender.Touch to reply to the short mes-sage by free text.Touch to reply to the short mes-sage by template.
1803. SHORT MESSAGE FUNCTION1Touch  “Reply Free Text” or “ReplyTemplate”.2Input the short message.3Touch “OK”.4The short message will be sent.1Touch  “Messages” on the “Phone”menu screen.zThe “Messages” screen can be displayedby touching   on any of the “Phone”screens.2Touch  “Sent”  on the “Messages”screen.3Touch the desired short message.4The short message will be displayed.: Touch to have the short messageread out. To cancel this function, touch.1Touch  “Messages” on the “Phone”menu screen.zThe “Messages” screen can be displayedby touching   on any of the “Phone”screens.2Touch “Create New” on the “Messag-es” screen.3Touch  “Create Message” or “UseTemplate”.REPLYING THE SHORT MESSAGEINFORMATION●“Reply Free Text” cannot be selectedwhile driving.CHECKING SENT SHORT MESSAGESSENDING A NEW SHORT MESSAGES
1813. SHORT MESSAGE FUNCTION5Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM4Input the short message. (See page182.)5Touch “OK”.6Select the desired number/contact towhom the short message should besent.z“Enter Number”,“Select Contact” anda list of former recipients will be displayed.XIf “Enter Number” is selected7Enter the number.8Touch “OK”.9The short message will be sent.XIf “Select Contact” is selected7Touch the desired list.8Touch the desired contact.9The short message will be sent.XIf a recipient is selected7The short message will be sent imme-diately.INFORMATION●“Create Message” cannot be selectedwhile driving.
1823. SHORT MESSAGE FUNCTION■FROM THE “Create Message”SCREEN1Input the short message.2Touch “OK”.■FROM THE “Use Template”SCREEN1Touch the desired template.: Touch to delete the template.z10 messages have already been regis-tered to the message template screen.2Edit the short message.zThis screen is not displayed while driving.When a template is touched, the screenwill be changed to the recipient selectionscreen.3Touch “OK”.CREATE A NEW SHORT MESSAGEINFORMATION●The cursor’s position can be moved bytouching the desired location in the inputscreen. Touch   or   to scroll theinput screen up or down.●The short messages can contain up to160 characters. If the entered textexceeds the characters available for oneshort message, a new short messagewill begin automatically. This is indicatedby a separation line and an icon in theinput field, which is shown as soon asthere are only 10 characters left for theshort message.●The number of characters left for theshort message is displayed.●A maximum of 6 short messages can bewritten in series.
1833. SHORT MESSAGE FUNCTION5Bluetooth® HANDS-FREE SYSTEM1Touch “Prepare Template Message”.2Input the short message.3Touch “OK”.4The message is registered in the tem-plate list on the “Use Template”screen.REGISTER NEW TEMPLATESNew templates can be created. Up to15 templates can be registered.INFORMATION●This function is unavailable while driv-ing.
6185123467891. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM......  186USING THE VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM............................................ 186VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION ..................................... 1871VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATIONVOICE COMMAND SYSTEM
1861. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION1. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMXType A (Two direction steering switch)XType B (Four direction steering switch) Talk switchzPress the talk switch to start the voicecommand system.zPress and hold the talk switch to cancelthe voice command system. Back switchzPress the back switch to return to the pre-vious screen.The voice command system enablesthe navigation, audio and hands-freesystems to be operated using voicecommands.INFORMATION●Voice recognition language can bechanged.(See “SELECTING A LAN-GUAGE” on page 198)USING THE VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMThe actual design and switch positionmay differ depending on the vehicle.For details, see the Pictorial index of“Owner’s Manual”.STEERING SWITCHES FOR THE VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMMICROPHONEIt is unnecessary to speak directly intothe microphone when giving a com-mand.
1871. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION6VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM1Press the talk switch.2After a beep sounds, say the desiredcommand or touch the desired com-mand.: The icon will be displayed if the usercan speak a command.: Touch to adjust the volume of thevoice guidance volume.INFORMATION●Wait for the confirmation beep beforespeaking a command.●Voice commands may not be recognizedif:• Spoken too quickly.• Spoken at a low or high volume.• The windows are open.• Passengers are talking while voicecommands are spoken.• The air conditioning speed is set high.• The air conditioning vents are turnedtowards the microphone.●In the following conditions, the systemmay not recognize the command prop-erly and using voice commands may notbe possible:• The command is incorrect or unclear.Note that certain words, accents orspeech patterns may be difficult for thesystem to recognize.• There is excessive background noise,such as wind noise.VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATIONzThe voice command system is acti-vated, press the talk switch to skip thecurrent dialog state.zIn case of an activated speech recog-nizer waiting for input, press the talkswitch to restart the speech recognizer.
1881. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION■DISPLAYING THE COMMAND LISTSCREEN1Say  “More commands” or touching“More commands” on the voice com-mand main menu screen.2Say the desired command or touch thedesired command.3Say the desired command or touch thedesired command.zThe command list is read out and the cor-responding command is highlighted. Tocancel this function, press the talk switch.
71891234567891. QUICK REFERENCE ..................  1902. FUEL CONSUMPTION................  191FUEL CONSUMPTION (VEHICLES WITH HYBRID SYSTEM) .......................................... 191FUEL CONSUMPTION (VEHICLES WITH GASOLINE ENGINE) ........................................... 1913. TIRE PRESSURE WARNING SYSTEM....................................  193SHOWING THE TIRE PRESSURE SCREEN ........................................... 1931VEHICLE INFORMATIONVEHICLE INFORMATION
1901. VEHICLE INFORMATION1. QUICK REFERENCEzThe actual design and button position may differ depending on the vehicle. Fordetails, see Section 3 of “Owner’s Manual”.zThe “Information” screen shown above is displayed if the vehicle is equipped withboth a fuel consumption and a tire pressure warning system.*: If equippedFuel consumption information and tire pressure value can be displayed. To accessthe vehicle information system, press the “CAR” button.No. Name Function Page“Fuel Consumption”* Displays the “Trip Information”, “History” and“Energy Monitor” screen. 191“Tire Pressure”* Displays the “Tire Pressure” screen. 193“CAR” button* Press this button to access the vehicle informationsystem. 
1917VEHICLE INFORMATION1. VEHICLE INFORMATION2. FUEL CONSUMPTIONzEnergy monitorzTrip consumptionzHistory1Press the “CAR” button.2Touch “Fuel Consumption”.z“Trip Information” or “History” screen willbe displayed.zThe “Information” screen is not displayedif the vehicles not equipped with a tirepressure warning system.zIf the “Trip Information” screen is not dis-played, touch “Trip Information”.“Clear”: Trip information data can be de-lete by touching this screen button.“History”: “History” screen can be dis-played by touching this screen button.FUEL CONSUMPTION (VEHICLES WITH HYBRID SYSTEM)Fuel consumption such as shown be-low can be displayed on the screen.For details see Section 1-1 of “Owner’sManual”.FUEL CONSUMPTION (VEHICLES WITH GASOLINE ENGINE): If equippedTRIP INFORMATIONNo. NameAverage speedElapsed timeCruising rangePrevious fuel consumption perminuteCurrent fuel consumption perminuteINFORMATION●The trip information display indicatesgeneral driving conditions. Accuracyvaries with driving habits and road con-ditions.
1921. VEHICLE INFORMATIONzIf the “History” screen is not displayed,touch “History”.zThe average fuel consumption history isdivided by color into past averages andthe average fuel consumption since thelast reset.“Clear”: Past record data can be delete bytouching this screen button.“Update”: Reset the average fuel con-sumption to measure the current fuel con-sumption again.XVehicle with multi-information displayWhen you touch “Update”, the averagefuel consumption displayed in the multi-in-formation display will be reset at the sametime.“Trip Information”: “Trip Information”screen can be displayed by touching thisscreen button.HISTORYNo. NamePrevious fuel economy recordCurrent fuel economyBest recorded fuel economy
1937VEHICLE INFORMATION1. VEHICLE INFORMATION3. TIRE PRESSURE WARNING SYSTEMzTo confirm tire pressure values,touch “Yes”. To cancel and returnto the previous screen, touch“No”. (This screen will not beshown if the tire pressure screenis already being displayed.)1Press the “CAR” button.2Touch “Tire Pressure”.3The tire pressure value of eachtire will be displayed.XType AXType BzLow tire pressure values will bedisplayed in orange.zThe display pattern variesdepending on the vehicle. Somevehicles do not show the sparetire pressure.Vehicles equipped with a tire pres-sure warning system will display awarning screen in addition to awarning indication on the meter iftire pressure becomes low. For in-formation on the tire pressurewarning system, refer to “Owner’sManual”.SHOWING THE TIRE PRESSURE SCREENThe tire pressure value of each tirecan be confirmed using the tirepressure screen.: If equipped
81951234567891. QUICK REFERENCE ..................  1962. GENERAL SETTINGS ................  197SCREENS FOR GENERAL SETTINGS ........................................ 1973. DISPLAY SETTINGS ..................  200TURN OFF DISPLAY........................... 200CHANGING BETWEEN DAY AND NIGHT MODE ................................... 201ADJUST CONTRAST/BRIGHTNESS ................................... 2014. Bluetooth® SETTINGS ...............  202Bluetooth® FUNCTION ON/OFF.......... 202PAIRING A Bluetooth® DEVICE .......... 203DISPLAYING THE PAIRED DEVICE LIST .................................... 206SETTING PIN ...................................... 207SETTING THE INTERNET CONNECTION .................................. 2085. PHONE SETTINGS .....................  209SCREEN FOR PHONE SETTINGS..... 2096. AUDIO SETTINGS ......................  2107. VEHICLE SETTINGS ..................  2111SETUP OPERATIONSETUP
1961. SETUP OPERATION1. QUICK REFERENCEzThe actual design and button position may differ depending on the vehicle. Fordetails, see Section 3 of “Owner’s Manual”.*: Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.To customize the function settings, press the “SETUP” button.No. Name Function Page“General” Settings are available for language selection,operation sounds, etc. 197“Bluetooth*”Registering, removing, connecting and discon-necting Bluetooth® devices and settings areavailable for Bluetooth®.202“Display” Settings are available for contrast and bright-ness of the screen. 200“Phone” Settings are available for phone sound, phonebook, etc. 209“SETUP” button Press this button to display the “Setup” screen. 197, 200, 202, 209, 210, 211“Vehicle” Settings are available for vehicle customization. 211“Audio” Settings are available for HD Radio™ system. 210
1978SETUP1. SETUP OPERATION2. GENERAL SETTINGS1Press the “SETUP” button.2Touch “General”.3Touch the items to be set.4Touch “Save”.zOn this screen, the following functions areoperational.Settings are available for language se-lection, operation sounds, etc. SCREENS FOR GENERAL SETTINGSNo. FunctionYou can change the language.(See “SELECTING ALANGUAGE” on page 198.)“On” or “Off” can be selected tosound beeps.The personal data can be delet-ed. (See “DELETE PERSONALDATA” on page 199.)Touch to set the distance unit to“Kilometer” or “Mile”.
1981. SETUP OPERATION1Press the “SETUP” button.2Touch  “General” on the “Setup”screen.3Touch “Language”.4Touch the desired screen button.zThe previous screen will be displayed.zThe selectable languages may differdepending on the model or region.5Touch “Save”.Touch to change a keyboard lay-out. (See “SELECTING A KEY-BOARD LAYOUT” on page 199.)Touch to set the navigationprompt volume.Touch to set the phone volume.Touch to set the ringtone vol-ume.Touch to set the voice dialog vol-ume.The entries stored in the “Stored”list on the “My Destinations”screen and “Contacts” screen(See pages 52 and 165.) can betransferred to a USB memory.(See “SENDING STORED CON-TACTS TO A USB MEMORY” onpage 60.)“vCard” formatted data can betransferred from a USB memoryto this system. Transferred ad-dresses and numbers will bestored in the “Stored” list on the“My Destinations” screen and“Contacts” screen. (See “LOAD-ING ADDRESSES VIA A USBMEMORY” on page 56.)Touch to select on or off for day-light saving time.Touch to display the system in-formation.No. Function SELECTING A LANGUAGEThe desired language can be selected.
1991. SETUP OPERATION8SETUP1Press the “SETUP” button.2Touch  “General” on the “Setup”screen.3Touch “Delete Personal Data”.4Touch “Delete”.1Press the “SETUP” button.2Touch  “General” on the “Setup”screen3Touch “Keyboard Layout”.4Touch the desired keyboard layout.“QWERTY”: Latin characters, “QWER-TY”-Layout“ABC”: Latin characters, “ABC”-LayoutDELETE PERSONAL DATAINFORMATION●The following personal data can bedeleted or returned to their default set-tings:• Phone book data• Call history data• Speed dial data• Bluetooth® devices data• Phone sound setting• Bluetooth® setting• Sound settingSELECTING A KEYBOARD LAYOUT
2001. SETUP OPERATION3. DISPLAY SETTINGS1Press the “SETUP” button.2Touch “Display”.3Touch the items to be set.zPlease refer to the following pages foreach setting.1Press the “SETUP” button.2Touch  “Display” on the “Setup”screen.3Touch “Screen Off”.zThe display screen will be turned off. Toturn it on, press the “AUDIO”,“CAR” or“SETUP” button.You can adjust the contrast and bright-ness of the screen. You can also turnthe display off.TURN OFF DISPLAY
2011. SETUP OPERATION8SETUP1To display the screen in day modeeven with the headlight switch on,touch “Day Mode” on the adjustmentscreen for brightness and contrast con-trol.1Press the “SETUP” button.2Touch  “Display” on the “Setup”screen.3Touch  “General” or “Camera”, inwhich you want to make an adjust-ment.4Select  “Contrast” or “Brightness”using the   or  .5Adjust the contrast or brightness usingthe “+” or “-”.6After adjusting the screen, touch“OK”.CHANGING BETWEEN DAY AND NIGHT MODEDepending on the position of the head-light switch, the screen changes to dayor night mode.INFORMATION●If the screen is set in day mode with theheadlight switch turned on, this conditionis memorized even with the engineturned off.ADJUST CONTRAST/BRIGHTNESSScreen button Function“Contrast” “+” Strengthens the contrastof the screen“Contrast” “-” Weakens the contrast ofthe screen“Brightness” “+” Brightens the screen“Brightness” “-” Darkens the screen
2021. SETUP OPERATION4. Bluetooth® SETTINGS1Press the “SETUP” button.2Touch “Bluetooth”.3The following screen will be displayed.zPlease refer to the following pages for adescription of each setting.1Touch “Bluetooth”.2Touch “On” or “Off”.: Bluetooth is a registered trademark ofBluetooth SIG, Inc.To set up a Bluetooth® device. Bluetooth® FUNCTION ON/OFFThe Bluetooth® function can beswitched on or off.INFORMATION●When Bluetooth® function is off,“Search for Bluetooth Devices”,“Make Discoverable”,“Paired DeviceList”,“Set PIN for Pairing” and “Inter-net Connection” will be dimmed.
2031. SETUP OPERATION8SETUP1Touch “Search for Bluetooth Devic-es”.zWhen a Bluetooth® device is currentlyconnected, a pop-up window is displayed.To disconnect it, touch “Yes”.2The following screen will be displayedwhile searching for a Bluetooth® de-vice.zTo cancel this function, touch “Cancel”.: Bluetooth is a registered trademark ofBluetooth SIG, Inc.3Touch the device to be paired.zConnectable Bluetooth® devices will bedisplayed in the list.4The following screen will be displayed.zTo cancel this function, touch “Cancel”.5Confirm the PIN.XIf the device supports SSP (Secure Sim-ple Pairing)zConfirm the PIN displayed on the screen,and then touch “Accept”.XIf the device does not supports SSP (Se-cure Simple Pairing)zInput the PIN displayed on the screen intothe device.6The following screen will be displayedwhen pairing is complete.PAIRING A Bluetooth®DEVICEUp to 4 Bluetooth® devices can bepaired. A paired device can be con-nected to any of its supported profilessuch as phone, music and/or internet.CONNECTING FROM THE SYSTEM
2041. SETUP OPERATION7The system waits for connection re-quests coming from the paired device.All requested profiles are connectedautomatically.zInternet profile is not connected automati-cally. For details on connecting internetprofile, see “LOGIN PROCESS INTER-NET PROFILE” on page 205. zIf the automatic connection failed, the fol-lowing screen will be displayed. Touch thedesired profile to be connected.“Connect for Phone”: Touch to connectthe phone profile.“Connect for Music”: Touch to connectthe music profile. “Connect for Internet”,“Advanced”:Touch to connect the internet profile. Thescreen will be changed to the login pro-cess. (See page 205.)“Connect All”: Touch to connect all sup-ported profiles.zOnce you have connected the Bluetooth®device, it is automatically connectedwhenever the engine switch is in the“ACC” or “ON” position.INFORMATION●For details on device detection and theoperation of your Bluetooth® device, seethe manual that comes with theBluetooth® device.●The music profiles the paired devicesupports can be connected individuallyas desired. Some devices do not allowindividual profiles to be connected. Inthat case, a pop-up window is displayed.
2051. SETUP OPERATION8SETUP1Touch “Make Discoverable”.zWhen a Bluetooth® device is currentlyconnected, a pop-up window is displayed.To disconnect it, touch “Yes”.2The following screen will be displayed.zTo cancel this function, touch “Cancel”.3Confirm the PIN.XIf the device supports SSP (Secure Sim-ple Pairing)zConfirm the PIN displayed on the screen,and then touch “Accept”.XIf the device does not supports SSP (Se-cure Simple Pairing)zInput the PIN displayed on the screen intothe device.XIf “Connect for Internet” is selected1Touch “Connect for Internet”.2Touch the desired provider.zThis screen is displayed only when mak-ing the first connection.XIf “Advanced” is selected.1Touch “Advanced”.CONNECTING FROM THE DEVICELOGIN PROCESS INTERNET PROFILE
2061. SETUP OPERATION2Touch  “Confirm Provider Informa-tion”.zUser login information can be changed onthis screen. 1Touch “Paired Device List”.2Touch the desired device.zThe tone of the icons show which profilesthe device supports. (Dimmed icons arenot available.)zThe device’s currently connected profilesare highlighted.3The following screen will be displayed.zOn this screen, the following functions canbe operated.INFORMATION●When making the first connection,“Advanced” is not displayed.●When  “Remember User Login Infor-mation” function is on, the entered userlogin information will be remembered forevery login. (See page 208.)DISPLAYING THE PAIRED DEVICE LISTDevices can be disconnected andeach profile connection status can bechanged using the list.Up to 4 devices can be paired at thesame time.
2071. SETUP OPERATION8SETUP1Touch “Rename XX”.2Input the device name. 3Touch “OK”.1Touch “Delete Pairing”.2Touch “Yes”.1Touch the desired profile to be con-nected or disconnected.“Connect All”: Touch to connect all sup-ported profiles.“Disconnect All”: Touch to disconnect allsupported profiles.1Touch “Set PIN for Pairing”.2Input the desired number.zA 4 to 8-digit PIN can be selected.3Touch “OK”.CHANGING THE DEVICE NAMEDELETING A PAIRED DEVICECONNECTING OR DISCONNECTING PROFILESSETTING PINTo change the PIN.
2081. SETUP OPERATION1Touch “Internet Connection”.2Touch the desired items to be set.zOn this screen, the following functions canbe set.SETTING THE INTERNET CONNECTIONTo change the internet settings.No. FunctionTouch to turn the automaticdownload of addresses functionon or off. Touch to turn the show costwarning function on or off.When this function is activated, apop-up window will be displayedbefore using Entune service.Touch to turn the show roamingwarning function on or off. Whenthis function is activated, a pop-up window will be displayed be-fore using Entune service.Touch to turn the remember userlogin information function on oroff.When this function is activated,the entered user login informa-tion will be remembered for everyuser login.Touch to turn the automatic syn-chronization function on or off.INFORMATION●If  “Automatic Download ofAddresses” is activated, “Show CostWarning” and “Show Roaming Warn-ing” will be dimmed.
2098SETUP1. SETUP OPERATION5. PHONE SETTINGS1Press the “SETUP” button.2Touch “Phone”.3Touch the desired items to be set.zOn this screen, the following functions canbe set.Settings are available for ringtone se-lection, announce incoming short mes-sage and email, and “Stored” lists.SCREEN FOR PHONE SETTINGSNo. FunctionTouch to select a ringtone. Noringtone, the phone’s ringtoneand the system’s 4 ringtones areavailable for selection.Touch to turn the incoming shortmessage announcement func-tion “On” or “Off”.Touch to turn the incoming Emailannouncement function “On” or“Off”.Touch to update the phone bookof the connected phone. The up-dated list refers to the “Stored”list on the “My Destinations”screen and “Contacts” screen.(See pages 52 and 165.)
2101. SETUP OPERATION6. AUDIO SETTINGS1Press the “SETUP” button.2Touch “Audio”.3Touch “HD Radio Settings”.4Select the desired setting from “HDRadio/Analog Setting”.5Touch “Save”.HD Radio™ system can be set usingthe following procedure:Screen button Function“All”Touch to receive both an-alog and digital broad-casts.“HD Only” Touch to receive only digi-tal broadcasts.“Analog” Touch to receive only ana-log broadcasts.
2118SETUP1. SETUP OPERATION7. VEHICLE SETTINGS1Press the “SETUP” button.2Touch “Vehicle”.3Touch the desired items to be set.zFor a list of the settings that can bechanged, see “Owner’s Manual”.4After changing the settings, touch“Save”.zA message indicating that the settings arebeing saved will appear. Do not performany other operations while this message isdisplayed.Vehicle customization settings can bechanged.: If equipped
92131234567891. REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM OPERATION..............  214REAR VIEW MONITOR GUIDE LINES................................................ 215AREA DISPLAYED ON SCREEN........ 216THE REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM CAMERA ........................................... 2162. DRIVING PRECAUTIONS (WITH REAR VIEW MONITOR GUIDE LINES)...........................  2181REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEMREAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM
2141. REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM1. REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM OPERATION1To display the rear view image on thescreen, the shift lever is in the “R” posi-tion when the engine switch is in the“ON” position.zIf you move the shift lever out of the “R”position, the screen returns to the previ-ous screen.The rear view monitor system assiststhe driver by displaying an image of theview behind the vehicle while backingup.The image is displayed in reverse onthe screen. This allows the image toappear in the same manner as that ofthe rear view mirror.CAUTION●Never depend on the rear view monitorsystem entirely when backing up.Always make sure your intended path isclear.Use caution, just as you would whenbacking up any vehicle.●Never back up while looking only at thescreen. The image on the screen is dif-ferent from actual conditions. Depicteddistances between objects and flat sur-faces will differ from the actual dis-tances. If you back up while looking onlyat the screen, you may hit a vehicle, aperson or an object. When backing up,be sure to check behind and all aroundthe vehicle visually and with mirrorsbefore proceeding.●Do not use the system when the backdoor, trunk or tailgate is not completelyclosed.●Use your own eyes to confirm the vehi-cle’s surroundings, as the displayedimage may become faint or dark, andmoving images will be distorted, or notentirely visible when the outside temper-ature is low. When backing up, be sureto check behind and all around the vehi-cle visually and with mirror before pro-ceeding.●Do not use the system in the followingcases:• On icy or slick road surfaces, or insnow.• When using tire chains or emergencytires.• On an uneven road, such as a slope.XWith rear view monitor guide lines (Ifequipped)●Always check the vehicle surroundingarea, because the guide lines are ancil-lary lines.●The guide lines are ancillary lines anddo not change even if the steering wheelis turned.
2151. REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM9REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEMzGuidelines shown differ from those shownon the actual screen.Vehicle width extension guide lines(blue)zThese lines indicate the estimated vehiclewidth extension.Distance guide line (blue)zThis line indicates a position on theground about 3 ft. (1 m) behind on theground of the rear bumper of the vehicle.Distance guide line (red)zThis line indicates a position on theground about 1.5 ft. (0.5 m) behind on theground of the rear bumper of the vehicle.Vehicle center guide lines (blue)zThese lines indicate the estimated vehiclecenter on the ground.NOTICE●If the back of the vehicle is hit, the posi-tion and mounting angle of the cameramay change. Be sure to have the cam-era’s position and mounting anglechecked at your Toyota dealer.●As the camera has a water proof con-struction, do not detach, disassemble ormodify it. This may cause incorrect oper-ation.●If the temperature changes rapidly, suchas when hot water is poured on the vehi-cle in cold weather, the system may notoperate normally.●Do not strongly rub the camera lens. Ifthe camera lens is scratched, it can nottransmit a clear image.●Do not allow organic solvent, car wax,window cleaner or glass coat to adhereto the camera. If this happens, wipe it offas soon as possible.●If the tire size is changed, the area dis-played on the screen may change.●When washing the vehicle, do not applyintensive bursts of water to the cameraor camera area. Doing so may result inthe camera malfunctioning.INFORMATION●If the camera lens becomes dirty, it can-not transmit a clear image. If water drop-lets, snow, or mud adhere to the lens,rinse with water and wipe with a softcloth. If the lens is extremely dirty, washit with a mild cleanser and rinse.REAR VIEW MONITOR GUIDE LINES (IF EQUIPPED)Guide lines are displayed on thescreen.
2161. REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEMzThe actual camera location may differdepending on the vehicle. For details, seethe Pictorial index of “Owner’s Manual”.AREA DISPLAYED ON SCREENImage is displayed approximately levelon screen.INFORMATION●The area detected by the camera is lim-ited. The camera does not detectobjects which are close to either cornerof the bumper or under the bumper.Corners of bumperINFORMATION●The area displayed on the screen mayvary according to vehicle orientation orroad conditions.THE REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM CAMERAThe rear view monitor system camerais located as shown in the illustration.
2171. REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM9REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEMXOn some modelsIf a bright light (for example, sunlight re-flected off the vehicle body) is picked up bythe camera, the smear effect* peculiar tothe camera may occur.*: Smear effect  A phenomenon that oc-curs when a bright light (for example, sun-light reflected off the vehicle body) ispicked up by the camera; when transmit-ted by the camera, the light source ap-pears to have a vertical streak above andbelow it.INFORMATION●The camera uses a special lens. Thedistance of the image that appears onthe screen differs from the actual dis-tance.●In the following cases, it may becomedifficult to see the images on the screen,even when the system is functioning.• In the dark (for example, at night)• When the temperature near the lensis high or low• When water droplets are adhering tothe camera, or when humidity is high(for example, when it rains)• When foreign matter (for example,snow or mud) is adhering to the cam-era• When the camera has scratches ordirt on it• When the sun or the beam of head-lights is shining directly into the cam-era lens●When the camera is used under fluores-cent lights, sodium lights, or mercurylights etc., the lights and the illuminatedareas may appear to flicker.
2181. REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM2. DRIVING PRECAUTIONS (WITH REAR VIEW MONITOR GUIDE LINES)zWhen the grade behind the vehicle slopesup sharply, objects appear to be fartheraway than they actually are.zWhen the grade behind the vehicle slopesdown sharply, objects appear to be closerthan they actually are.zWhen any part of the vehicle sags due tothe number of passengers or the distribu-tion of the load, there is a margin of errorbetween the guide lines on the screen andthe actual distance/course on the road.In any of the following situations, thereis a margin of error between the guidelines on the screen and the actual dis-tance/course on the road.
2191. REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM9REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEMApprox. 1.5 ft. (0.5 m)The distance that appears on the screenbetween three-dimensional objects (suchas vehicles) and flat surfaces (such as theroad) and the actual distance differ as fol-lows.• In reality,   =   <   (  and   areequally far away;   is farther than and  ). However, on the screen, thesituation appears to be   <   <  .• On the screen, it appears that a truck isparking approximately 1.5 ft. (0.5 m)away. However, in reality if you back upto point  , you will hit the truck.
222ALPHABETICAL INDEXAAdding destinations.................................. 49“Address” ..................................................35Adjust contrast/brightness...................... 201“Advanced”................................................40“AM” ........................................................106Application operation ................................93Apps..........................................................93APPS button .......................................20, 74“Audio” ....................................................100Audio remote controls (steering switches) ............................. 141Audio system ............................................99Audio system operating hints................. 144Caring for your CD player and discs......................................... 146CD-R and CD-RW discs..................... 149iPod .................................................... 145MP3/WMA files................................... 148Radio reception .................................. 144Terms ................................................. 150USB memory...................................... 146B“Beep” .....................................................197Bluetooth®...............................132, 153, 202Bluetooth® audio .................................... 132Connecting Bluetooth® audio ............. 134Playing Bluetooth® audio player......... 137Sound setting.............................. 104, 105Switching to Bluetooth® audio mode............................................... 133Bluetooth® hands-free system ................153Bluetooth® settings ................................ 202Bluetooth® function ON/OFF.............. 202Displaying the paired device list ......... 206Pairing a Bluetooth® device................ 203Setting pin........................................... 207C“Calendar” .................................................79“Call History” ...........................................173Calling on a Bluetooth® phone............... 170By call history ..................................... 173By dial................................................. 170
223By phone book ...................................  171By POI call .........................................  174By speed dials.................................... 172By “Stored” list on the “Contacts” screen ...........................  170Calling using a short message........... 173CAR button .............................................190CD........................................................... 117Cellular phone......................................... 153Channel category.................................... 113Checking calendar...................................  79Connecting a Bluetooth® phone ............  161Connecting Bluetooth® audio ................. 134Controls using the “TUNE SCROLL” knob........................ 103D“Day / Night Mode”.................................... 61“Delete Personal Data” ........................... 197Destination search...................................  33On the “Enter Destination” screen........  35On the “My Destinations” screen..........  33Detour the segment on the route.......  51, 88Dial.......................................................... 170Displaying and editing the entry information.................................... 58, 168Displaying the radio ID............................112Displaying the title and name..................114Download application............................... 93Operating application ........................... 93DSP control.............................................104Automatic sound levelizer (ASL) .........104Surround function ...............................104EEject button.............................................117Email........................................................ 77Checking “Email”.................................. 77Receiving a new email ......................... 77“Enter Destination”....................................35F“FM” ........................................................106Fuel consumption....................................191History .................................................192Trip information ...................................191Function index...........................................12
224ALPHABETICAL INDEXG“General”.................................................197General settings..................................... 197HHD Radio™.............................................106HD Radio™ broadcasting .......................106Home ........................................................52How to subscribe to an XM®Satellite Radio .....................................112How to subscribe.................................112Satellite tuner technology notice .........112IIf the satellite radio tuner malfunctions ...115“Information” screen............................... 190Input screen ............................................. 14Inserting or ejecting a disc ......................117Ejecting a disc .....................................117Inserting a disc ....................................117iPod........................................................ 123About iPod.......................................... 145Compatible models..............................145iPod cover art..........................................127L“Language”..............................................197Limitations of the navigation system ........ 66List screen................................................ 16M“Map”.........................................................19Map icons................................................. 29POI icons.............................................. 29Traffic messages .................................. 86Map information ....................................... 68Map layout.................................................28Map screen .............................................. 25Map settings............................................. 61MP3.........................................................117MP3/WMA files........................................117Playable bit rates.................................148Sampling frequency.............................148Multicasting (only when listening to an HD Radio™ channel)..................109“My Destinations” ................................33, 52
225N“Navigation” menu screen........................  21Navigation operation.................................20Navigation setting .....................................61Navigation system .................................... 19O“Options” button........................................ 46Overview buttons and “Applications” menu screen............  20, 74Overview guidance screen ......................  22P“Phone”................................................... 154Phone book.............................................171Phone book data..................................... 159Phone settings.......................................  209Picture slideshow.....................................  75Displaying the pictures......................... 75Playing picture slideshows...................  76“Pictures”...................................................75Play/Pause button...................................100Playing a MP3/WMA disc........................120Playing repeat and random order........122Selecting a desired file ........................121Selecting a desired folder....................121Playing a USB memory/iPod...................124Repeat and random play functions......128Selecting a desired song.....................125Playing an audio CD ...............................118Playing repeat and random order........120Selecting a desired track.....................119Playing Bluetooth® audio ........................137Repeat and random play functions......140Selecting a desired song.....................138“POI” .........................................................29POI call ...................................................174POI icon ....................................................29Presetting a channel ...............................113Presetting a station .................................106PWR VOL knob.......................................102
226ALPHABETICAL INDEXQQuick guide.................................................9RRadio broadcast data system .................107Radio reception.......................................144AM.......................................................144FM .......................................................144XM®.....................................................145Rear view monitor system.......................213Recalculating the route by the traffic messages ................................... 89Receiving on a Bluetooth® phone.......... 175Reconnecting the Bluetooth® phone...... 164Registering a entry........................... 52, 165Displaying and editing the entry information................................ 58, 168Registering a entry as “Speed Dials” ............................. 167Registering a new entry................ 52, 165Sending stored contacts to a USB memory .................................... 60Registering “Home”.................................. 52Route guidance.........................................44Route guidance screen ............................ 44“Route Options”.........................................64Route preferences...............................43, 64Route settings .......................................... 64SSatellite radio (SAT)................................112Screens for general settings ...................197Delete personal data ...........................199Selecting a language...........................198“SEEK/TRACK” button............................100Selecting a channel.................................114Selecting a station...................................107Setting “Home” as the destination............ 33Setting the route....................................... 43Setup.......................................................195SETUP button .........................................196“Setup” screen........................................ 196Short message function ......................... 179Checking received short messages.... 179Checking sent short messages .......... 180Sending a new short messages ......... 180
227Showing the tire pressure screen ........... 193SMS message ........................................ 179“Speed Dials”.................................. 167, 172Starting route guidance screen................  42Steering switches.................................... 141Switching audio source........................... 103Switching to AUX mode.......................... 131Switching to Bluetooth® audio mode ...... 133Switching to CD mode ............................ 118Switching to radio mode .........................106Switching to satellite radio mode ............ 113Switching to USB or iPod mode.............. 124TTalking on the Bluetooth® phone...........  176Adjusting the receiver volume............  177Dialing a second number ................... 177Incoming call waiting..........................  175Sending tones ....................................  177Telephone............................................... 153Telephone (hands-free system for cellular phone)....................................  153About the phonebook in this system..................................  159Using the phone switch......................  158When you sell or dispose of the vehicle ............................................ 159Terms......................................................150ID3 tag.................................................150ISO 9660 format..................................150m3u .....................................................150MP3.....................................................150Packet write.........................................150WMA....................................................150WMA tag..............................................150To display map screen............................. 25Tone and balance ...................................105Balance ...............................................105Tone ....................................................105Traffic announcement .............................108Traffic message setting............................ 90“Traffic Messages” ....................................86“TUNE SCROLL” knob............................103Turn off display .......................................200Turning the audio system on or off .........102UUSB memory...........................................146USB memory/iPod ................................. 123Connecting a USB memory or iPod ... 123Playing a USB memory or iPod.......... 124Sound setting ............................. 104, 105Switching to USB or iPod mode ......... 124Using the phone switch...........................158
228ALPHABETICAL INDEXVVehicle information .................................189Voice command system......................... 185Voice guidance ........................................ 45Volume adjustment ...................45, 177, 197W“Waypoint”.................................................49When you release your car.....................159WMA ...............................................120, 148ZZoom in button..........................................27Zoom out button........................................27

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