Harman Becker Automotive Systems BE2812 Automotive infotainment unit User Manual

Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc. Automotive infotainment unit

User Manual

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION ........................... 3TIPS, CONTROLS ANDGENERAL INFORMATION ........... 4TIPS............................................... 4MULTIMEDIA DEVICES:SUPPORTED AUDIO FILES ANDFORMATS...................................... 4NOTES ON TRADEMARKS............ 4EXTERNAL AUDIO SOURCES ....... 5ANTI-THEFT PROTECTION............ 5SAFETY SETTINGS........................ 6NAVIGATION ACTIVATION ............. 6GPS (Global Positioning System)RECEPTION................................... 6TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ...... 6BASIC LEVEL SYSTEM.................. 6MEDIUM LEVEL SYSTEM .............. 6BOSE HI-FI LEVEL SYSTEM .......... 6QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE ........ 8CONTROLS ON FRONT PANEL .... 8FRONT PANEL CONTROLSUMMARY TABLE ......................... 9STEERING WHEEL CONTROLS.. 10DESCRIPTION ............................... 10STEERING WHEEL CONTROLSUMMARY TABLE ......................... 11SWITCHING THE SYSTEMON/OFF ......................................... 12SWITCHING THE SYSTEMON/OFF ......................................... 12RADIO (TUNER) MODE.................. 12RADIO MODE SELECTION ............ 12SELECTING A FREQUENCYBAND ............................................ 12INFORMATION ON DISPLAY.......... 12PREVIOUS/NEXT RADIO STATIONFAST SEARCH............................... 12AM/FM RADIO STATION TUNING .. 13DAB RADIO ................................... 13SETTING THE PRESETS................ 13AUDIO SETTINGS.......................... 14MEDIA MODE ............................... 15AUDIO SOURCE SELECTION........ 15TRACK CHANGE (previous/next) ... 16TRACK FASTFORWARD/REWIND...................... 16TRACK SELECTION (Browse) ........ 16TRACK INFORMATION DISPLAY ... 16RANDOM TRACKREPRODUCTION........................... 17TRACK REPETITION...................... 17SOURCE Bluetooth ® ................. 17PAIRING A Bluetooth® AUDIODEVICE.......................................... 17USB/IPOD SUPPORT ................... 18USB/iPod MODE ........................... 18SD CARD SUPPORT .................... 18SD Card......................................... 18AUX SUPPORT ............................. 18PHONE MODE .............................. 19PHONE MODE ACTIVATION .......... 19MAIN FUNCTIONS......................... 19DISPLAYED INFORMATION ........... 19PAIRING A MOBILE PHONE .......... 19STORING NAMES/NUMBERS INTHE MOBILE PHONEPHONEBOOK................................ 20CONNECTION/DISCONNECTIONOF A MOBILE PHONE OR ABluetooth® AUDIO DEVICE.......... 20DELETION OF A MOBILE PHONEORABluetooth® AUDIODEVICE.......................................... 21SETTING A MOBILE PHONE OR ABluetooth® AUDIO DEVICE ASFAVOURITE.................................... 21TRANSMISSION OF PHONE DATA(PHONEBOOK AND RECENTCALLS) .......................................... 22DELETION OF PHONE DATA(PHONEBOOK AND RECENTCALLS) .......................................... 22MAKING A PHONE CALL .............. 22MANAGING AN INCOMING CALL . 23MAKING A SECOND PHONECALL ............................................. 23MANAGING TWO PHONE CALLS . 24ENDING A CALL ............................ 24REDIALLING .................................. 24CONTINUING A PHONE CALL ...... 24ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION OFTHE MICROPHONE....................... 24TRANSFERRING A CALL............... 24SMS MESSAGE READER .............. 24SMS MESSAGE OPTIONS ............ 25"MORE" MODE............................. 25CLOCK .......................................... 25MEDIA MODE ................................ 25COMPASS ..................................... 25OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE ............. 25SETTINGS ..................................... 25NAVIGATION MODE ..................... 28MAIN NAVIGATION MENU ............. 28WHERE TO? .................................. 28VIEW MAP .................................... 331
INFORMATION............................... 35DRIVING MODES.......................... 37DRIVING MODE (DNA)INFORMATION ACTIVATION .......... 37VOICE COMMANDS ..................... 38INFORMATION ON VOICECOMMANDS ................................. 38VOLUME LEVEL ADJUSTMENT..... 38USE OF THE VOICE COMMANDS. 38USE OF STEERING WHEELCONTROLS TO ACTIVATE VOICECOMMANDS ................................. 39VOICE SESSION STATUS .............. 39MULTIPLE CHOICE........................ 39GLOBAL VOICE COMMANDS ....... 41PHONE VOICE COMMANDS......... 42RADIO AM/FM/DAB VOICECOMMANDS ................................. 4MEDIA VOICE COMMANDS .......... 4NAVIGATION VOICE COMMANDS. 51SMS MESSAGE READER VOICECOMMANDS ................................. 52VOICE COMMANDS DURING ACALL ............................................. 5CUSTOMER SERVICENUMBER LIST .............................. 542683
INTRODUCTIONThe car is equipped with an infotelematic system designed according to the specific characteristics of the passenger compartment, with acustomised design that matches the style of dashboard.The system is installed in an ergonomic position for the driver and passenger, and controls can be quickly located from the graphical display onthe front, making the device easy to use.To increase protection against theft, the system has a protection system that only allows it to be used on the vehicle in which it was originallyfitted.The instructions for use are given below and we recommend you read them carefully and always keep them to hand (for example, in the glovecompartment).Enjoy reading. Happy motoring!The information in this publication is provided by way of example. Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A. can modify thespecifications of the vehicle model described in this publication at any time, for technical or marketing purposes. Forfurther information, contact an Alfa Romeo Dealership.3
TIPS, CONTROLSAND GENERALINFORMATIONTIPSRoad safetyLearn how to use the various systemfunctions before setting off.Read the instructions for the systemcarefully before setting off. 1) 2)Reception conditionsReception conditions changeconstantly while driving. Reception maybe interfered with by the presence ofmountains, buildings or bridges,especially when you are far away fromthe broadcaster.IMPORTANT The volume may beincreased when receiving traffic alertsand news.Care and maintenanceObserve the following precautionsto ensure the system is fullyoperational: 1)❒the display is sensitive to scratching,liquids and detergents. The displayshould not come into contact withpointed or rigid objects which coulddamage its surface. Do not presson the display when cleaning it.❒prevent any liquid from entering thesystem: this could damage it beyondrepair.Important informationIn the event of a fault, the system mustonly be checked and repaired by anAlfa Romeo Dealership.If the temperature is particularly low, thedisplay may take a while to reachoptimum brightness.If the car is stopped for a while and theexternal temperature is very high, thesystem may go into “thermalprotection” mode, suspendingoperation until the radio temperaturereturns to acceptable levels.MULTIMEDIA DEVICES:SUPPORTED AUDIOFILES AND FORMATSFor SD, USB and iPod sources thesystem can play files with the followingextensions and formats:❒.MP3 (32 – 320 kbps);❒.WAV;❒.WMA (5 – 320 kbps) mono andstereo;❒.AAC (8 – 96 kHz) mono and stereo;❒.M4A (8 – 96 kHz) mono and stereo;❒.M4B (8 – 96 kHz) mono and stereo;❒.MP4 (8 – 96 kHz) mono and stereo.For all sources, the system can alsoplay the following Playlist formats:❒.M3U❒.WPLNOTE It makes no difference whetherthe suffixes are written in capital orsmall letters.4
NOTES ON TRADEMARKSiPod, iTunes and iPhone are registeredtrademarks of Apple Inc.All other trademarks are the property oftheir respective owners.Apple is not responsible for theoperation of this device and of itsconformity with the safety rules andstandards.The DAB/DAB+/DMB Digital Radiofunction has been certified according tothe specifications of the "ARD" whitesticker, for Class A - Audio services.ARD is a trademark of the Associazioneper la Radiofonia Digitale in Italia.EXTERNAL AUDIOSOURCESOther electronic devices (e.g. iPod,PDA, etc.) can be used on the car.Some of them may causeelectromagnetic interference however.Disconnect these devices if the systemperformance worsens.NOTE The system supports onlyFAT32-formatted USB devices. Thesystem does not support devices with acapacity higher than 64 GB.ANTI-THEFTPROTECTIONThe system is equipped with ananti-theft protection system based onthe exchange of information with theelectronic control unit (Body Computer)on the car.This guarantees maximum safety andprevents the secret code from beingentered after the power supply hasbeen disconnected.If the check has a positive outcome, thesystem will start to operate, whereas ifthe comparison codes are not thesame or if the electronic control unit(Body Computer) is replaced, thesystem will ask the user to enter thesecret code according to the proceduredescribed in the paragraph below.Entering the secretcodeWhen the system is switched on, if thecode is requested, the display willshow "Please enter Anti-Theft Code"followed by the video page showinga keypad to enter the secret code.The secret code is made up of fourdigits, from 1 to 9: to insert the firstnumber of the code press thecorresponding key on the display. Enterthe other code digits in the same way.After entering the fourth figure, thesystem begins operating.If an incorrect code is entered, thesystem displays "Incorrect Code.Please Try Again" to notify the user ofthe need to enter the correct code.After the 3 available attempts to enterthe code, the system displays"Incorrect Code. Radio locked. Pleasewait 30 minutes": the waiting time isdisplayed. Once the text hasdisappeared you can start the codeentering procedure again.5
SAFETY SETTINGSYou are advised to use the safetysettings to make driving as safe aspossible.A few options among the safetysettings are listed below:❒display of menu buttons which areessential while driving;❒display of safety warnings;❒alert if speed limits are exceeded.For safer driving, use voice commandsto control navigation (see "Voicecommands" chapter).Important informationLook at the screen only when it isnecessary and safe. If you need to lookat the screen for a long time, pull overto a safe place so as not to bedistracted while driving.Immediately stop using the system inthe event of a fault. Otherwise thesystem might be damaged. Contact anAlfa Romeo Dealership as soon aspossible to have the system repaired.NAVIGATION ACTIVATIONPress the NAV button on the front panelto activate navigation mode.When navigation is activated for the firsttime, it is necessary to respond tosome configuration questions: respondby touching the screen.GPS (Global PositioningSystem) RECEPTIONThe GPS is a satellite system whichprovides worldwide information abouttime and position. The GPS isexclusively controlled by thegovernment of the United States ofAmerica, the only party responsible forthe availability and accuracy of thissystem. The operation of this navigationsystem can be influenced by anychange made to the availability andprecision of the GPS or by specificenvironmental conditions.When navigation is started for the firsttime, the system may require severalminutes to determine the GPS positionand display the current position onthe map. Afterwards the position will befound much more quickly (usually afew seconds are required).The presence of big buildings (or similarobstacles) may sometimes interferewith the GPS signal reception.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Model: VP4Maximum Power: 4 x 30W Operating Temp: -40C -> +65C  Rated Ambient Temp: 55COperation Voltage: 9 -> 16 VDC(13.4 Nominal)Weight: 1.58 kgDimensions: 234x150x100mmBASIC LEVEL SYSTEMStandard level audioFront speakers❒2× 38 mm tweeters;❒2× 165 mm mid-wooferspeakers.Rear speakers❒2× 165 mm full-range speakers.MEDIUM LEVEL SYSTEMMedium level audioFront speakers❒2× 38 mm tweeters;❒2× 165 mm mid-wooferspeakers.Rear speakers❒2× 38 mm tweeters;❒2× 165 mm mid-wooferspeakers.6
BOSE HI-FI LEVELSYSTEM(for versions/markets, where provided)HI-FI level audioFront speakers❒2× 39 mm tweeters;❒2× 165 mm mid-wooferspeakers;❒1 × tweddler (Centerfill) speaker fittedin the dashboard.Rear speakers❒2× 39 mm tweeters;❒2× 165 mm mid-wooferspeakers;❒1 × 8-channel amplifier;❒1 × bass box.The Bose Hi-Fi audio system has beencarefully designed to provide the bestacoustic performance and reproducesound like a live concert in all areasof the passenger compartment.The system faithfully reproducescrystalline high tones and full basstones.The complete range of sound isreproduced throughout the entirepassenger compartment so that theoccupants are enveloped with thefeeling of space experienced whenlistening to live music.The components used have beenpatented and make use of the mostsophisticated technology whilst at thesame time being easy to use by eventhe most inexperienced people.WARNING1) Follow the safety rules below:otherwise serious injuries mayoccur to the occupants or thesystem may be damaged.2) If the volume is too loud this canbe dangerous. Adjust the volumeso that you can still hearbackground noises (e.g. horns,ambulances, police vehicles, etc.).IMPORTANT1) Only clean the front panel and thedisplay with a soft, clean, dry,anti-static cloth. Cleaning andpolishing products may damagethe surface. Do not use alcohol orsimilar products to clean thepanel or the display.7
FRONT PANEL CONTROL SUMMARY TABLEButton Functions Mode1–Turn on Short button pressTurn off Short button pressAdjust volume Left/right rotation of knob2– Volume on/off (Mute/Pause) Short button press3– Display on/off Short button press4– Access to the Vehicle Settings menu Short button press5– Exit from selection/return to previous screen Short button press6 – BROWSEENTERScroll list or tune to a radio station Left/right rotation of knobConfirm displayed option Short button press7 – MOREAccess to the additional functions: display ofTime, Compass, Outside temperature, MediaPlayerShort button press8 – PHONE Phone data displaying Short button press9–NAV Access to Navigation menu Short button press10 – MEDIA Source selection Short button press11 – RADIO Access to Radio mode Short button press9
STEERING WHEEL CONTROLS(for versions/markets, where provided)DESCRIPTIONThe controls for the main system functions are present on the steering wheel to make things easier.The activation of the function selected is controlled, in some cases, by how long the button is pressed (short or long press) asdescribed in the table below.2A0K036510
STEERING WHEEL CONTROL SUMMARY TABLEButton Interaction❒Acceptance of incoming call❒Acceptance of the second incoming phone call and putting the active phone call on hold❒Activation of voice recognition for Phone function❒Interruption of the voice message in order to give a new voice command❒Interruption of voice recognition❒Rejection of incoming call❒Ending of call in progress❒Deactivate/reactivate the microphone during a phone conversation❒Activation/deactivation of the SD, USB/iPod, Bluetooth ® source Pause❒Activation/deactivation of radio Mute function+/– ❒Adjustment of the audio volume: hands-free, SMS message reader, voice announcements and musicsources❒Activation of voice recognition❒Interruption of the voice message in order to give a new voice command❒Interruption of voice recognition❒Short press (Radio mode): select next/previous station❒Long press (Radio mode): scan higher/lower frequencies until released❒Short press (SD, USB/iPod, Bluetooth ® mode): selection of previous/next track❒Long press (SD, USB/iPod, Bluetooth ® mode): fast forward/rewind until released or until the previous/next track is reached11
SWITCHING THESYSTEM ON/OFFSWITCHING THE SYSTEMON/OFFThe system switches on/off when the(ON/OFF) button/knob is pressed(1-fig. 1).The electronic volume adjustmentcontrol rotates continuously (360°) inboth directions, without stop positions.Turn the button/knob clockwise toincrease the volume or anticlockwise todecrease it.RADIO (TUNER) MODEThe system has the following tuners:AM, FM and DAB (for versions/markets,where provided).RADIO MODE SELECTIONPress the RADIO button (11-fig. 1) onthe front panel to activate Radio mode.The different tuning modes can beselected with the corresponding buttonon the display (see fig. 3).Up to 12 favourite radio stations can bestored in each mode.SELECTING AFREQUENCY BANDPress one of the buttons at the left ofthe display to select the frequencyband.The available frequency bands are AM,FM and DAB (for versions/markets,where provided).INFORMATION ONDISPLAYAfter the desired radio station isselected on the display (see fig. 3), thefollowing information is shown:At the top: stored radio station (preset)list. If the current station is in the list ofpresets, it will be highlighted on thedisplay.In the middle: the name of the currentradio station and the buttons forselecting the previous or next radiostation.At the bottom: the following buttons:❒"browse": search available radiostations❒"tune": manual radio station tuning(not available for DAB radio)❒"audio": access to the "Audiosettings" screen❒and : permits searching forthe desired radio station.SELECTING PREVIOUS/NEXTRADIO STATIONThe previous/next radio station can beselected using the following methods:❒turning the BROWSE ENTERbutton/knob (6-fig. 1)❒briefly pressing the orbuttons on the display❒pressing the or controls onthe steering wheel.Holding down the or buttonson the display activates rapid scrollingthrough the list of stations.3A0K200812
PREVIOUS/NEXT RADIOSTATION FAST SEARCHHold down the or buttons onthe display, or the correspondingsteering wheel controls, to carry out afast search: when the button isreleased, the first available radio stationis played.AM/FM RADIO STATIONTUNINGThe "tune" button can be used to selecta radio station directly.Press the "tune" button on the display,then select the first digit of the desiredradio station (see fig. 4).The graphic keyboard on the display isused to enter only the number thatcorresponds to the station.Using this method, the +and –buttonsallow you to fine-tune the frequency.To delete an incorrect number (andenter the correct station number) pressthe (Delete) button.After the last digit of the station isentered, the "tune" screen isdeactivated and the system tunes intothe selected station automatically.The screen will disappear automaticallyafter 5 seconds or can be deactivatedmanually by pressing the "GO" or(Delete) buttons.Partial radio stationselection ("GO")Press the "GO" button on the display totune into the selected radio stationand close the "Direct Tune" (manualtuning) screen.Exiting the "Direct Tune"screenPress the X or (Delete) button on thedisplay to return to the system’s mainscreen.DAB RADIO(for versions/markets, where provided)Once the DAB radio mode on thedisplay is selected, the information onthe current station is displayed (see fig.5) and the following functions will beavailable:The "browse" button isused to display:❒the list of all DAB stations;❒the list of stations filtered by"Genres";❒the list of stations filtered by"Ensembles" (broadcast group).Within each list, the "ABC" buttonallows the user to skip to the desiredletter in the list.The "Refresh" button requests anupdate of the DAB radio station list: theupdate may last from a few secondsto about two minutes.4A0K20185A0K203613
SETTING THE PRESETSPresets are available in all systemmodes and are activated by touchingone of the preset buttons located in theupper area of the display.If you are tuned into a radio station thatyou wish to store, hold down the buttonon the display which corresponds tothe desired preset until an acousticconfirmation signal is emitted.The system can store up to 12 radiostations in each mode: 4 of theseare displayed in the upper area.Press the "browse" button on thedisplay to show all the radio stationsstored in the selected frequency band.AUDIO SETTINGSThe Audio Settings menu, which can beaccesses by pressing the "audio"button at the bottom of the display, canbe used to change the followingsettings:❒"Equalizer" (for versions/markets,where provided)❒"Balance/Fader" (left/right andfront/rear audio balance adjustment)❒"Volume/Speed" (excluding versionswith Hi-Fi system) automaticspeed-dependent volume adjustment❒"Loudness" (for versions/markets,where provided)❒"Auto-On Radio".To exit the "audio" menu, press the/Done button.NOTE When a setting is changed, thebutton is replaced with the word"Done".Equalizer(for versions/markets, where provided)Select the "Equalizer" option on thedisplay to adjust the bass, medium andtreble tones.Then use the "+" or "–" buttons tomake the desired adjustments (see fig.6).Once the adjustments are complete,press the /Done button to return tothe "Audio" menu.Balance/FaderPress the "Balance/Fader" button toadjust the balance of the sound fromthe front and rear seat speakers.Press the or buttons to adjust thebalance of the front and rear speakers(see fig. 7).Press the or buttons to adjust thebalance of the speakers on the leftand the right side.The adjustment is also possible bymoving the symbol on the right sideof the display upwards/downwards/tothe left/to the right.Press the central "C" button to balancethe adjustments.Once the adjustments are complete,press the /Done button to return tothe "Audio" menu.10:10Settings > AudioSWTreble TrebleMid MidBass BassFM 99.60Balance/FadeEqualizerSpeedAdjusted Vol.6A0K203910:10Settings > AudioFM 99.60Balance/FadeEqualizerSpeedAdjusted Vol.SW7A0K203814
Volume/SpeedPress the "Volume/Speed" button tochoose between "Off" and "1", "2"or "3".The option selected is highlighted onthe display (see fig. 8).Choose "1", "2" or "3" to increase thevolume proportionally to the selectionmade.Once the adjustments are complete,press the /Done button to return tothe "audio" menu.Loudness(for versions/markets, where provided)Allows you to activate/deactivate the"Loudness" function, which improvesthe sound quality at low volumes.Auto-On RadioAllows you to set the radio behaviourwhen the ignition key is turned toMAR-ON.The options are radio on, radio off orrestore status when the ignition keywas last turned to STOP.MEDIA MODEAUDIO SOURCESELECTIONThis chapter describes the interactionmodes concerning the operation of SD,Bluetooth ®, AUX and USB/iPod.Press the "select source" button fig. 9:the display shows the screen forselecting the desired audio source fromthose available: SD, AUX, USB/iPod orBluetooth ® fig. 10.If no source is selected, the screendisappears after a few seconds and thedisplay shows the main screen again.10:10Settings > AudioAdjusts volume accordingto vehicle speedOff 123FM 99.60Balance/FadeEqualizerSpeedAdjusted Vol.SW8A0K2037repeat shuffleselectsourceAdd Devicebrowse9A0K204515
TRACK CHANGE(previous/next)Briefly press the button or the steeringwheel control or turn the BROWSEENTER button/knob (6-fig. 1) clockwiseto play the next track or briefly pressthe button or the steering wheel controlor turn the BROWSE ENTERbutton/knob anticlockwise to return tothe beginning of the selected track or tothe beginning of the previous track ifthis has been played for less than8 seconds.TRACK FASTFORWARD/REWINDPress and hold down the button tofast forward the selected track or keepthe button pressed to fast rewindthe track.The fast forward/rewind will stop oncethe button is released or when theprevious/next track is reached.TRACK SELECTION(Browse)Use this function to scroll through orselect the tracks on the active device.The choices available depend on thedevice connected.NOTE A few Bluetooth ® devices donot offer the possibility of scrollingtracks through all categories.Use the "ABC" button inside each list toskip to the desired letter within the list.NOTE This button may be disabledfor some Apple® devices.NOTE The "Browse" button does notallow any operation on an AUX device.NOTE Not all Bluetooth® devicesenable to scroll the information on thetracks. To consult the list of audioBluetooth ® devices and supportedfunctions, visit the www.alfaromeo.itwebsite (for Italy) or the www.alfaro-meo.com website (for other countries)or call Customer Service on00800.2532.0000 (the number mayvary depending on the country: pleaserefer to the reference table in the "Cus-tomer Service number list" paragraphherein).Press the "Browse" button to activatethis function on the source beingplayed.Turn the BROWSE ENTER (6-fig. 1)button/knob to select the desiredcategory and then press thebutton/knob to confirm the selection.Press the "X" button to cancel thefunction.NOTE The indexing time of a USBdevice can vary according to the mediainserted (in some cases it can take afew minutes).TRACK INFORMATIONDISPLAYPress the "Info" button to show on thedisplay the information on the trackbeing listened to for devices thatsupport the function.Press the "X" button to exit the screen.Media10 A0K201716
RANDOM TRACKREPRODUCTIONPress the ">" button then the "Shuffle"button to play the tracks on the SDcard, USB/iPod or Bluetooth ®inarandom order.Press the "Shuffle" button again todeactivate the function.TRACK REPETITIONPress the ">" button then the "Repeat"button to activate the function.Press the "Repeat" button again todeactivate the function.SOURCE Bluetooth®This mode is activated by pairing aBluetooth ® device containing musictracks with the system.PAIRING A Bluetooth®AUDIO DEVICETo pair a Bluetooth® audio device,proceed as follows:❒activate the Bluetooth® function onthe device;❒press the MEDIA button (10-fig. 1) onthe front panel;❒if the "Media" source is active, pressthe "Source" button;❒select the Bluetooth® mediasource;❒press the "Add Device" button;❒search for uconnect™ on the Blue-tooth® audio device (during the pair-ing stage a screen is displayedshowing the progress of the opera-tion);❒when requested by the audio device,enter the PIN code shown on thesystem display or confirm on thedevice the PIN displayed;❒if the pairing procedure is completedsuccessfully, a screen is displayed.Answer "Yes" to the question to pairthe Bluetooth® audio device asfavourite (the device will have priorityover all other devices that will bepaired subsequently). If "No" isselected, the priority is determinedaccording to the order of connection.The last device connected will havethe highest priority;❒an audio device can also be pairedby pressing the MORE button (7-fig.1) on the front panel and thenselecting "Settings" and "Bluetooth",or pressing the MEDIA button (10-fig.1) on the front panel and thenselecting "Device" and "Bluetooth".IMPORTANT If the Bluetooth® con-nection between mobile phone andsystem is lost, consult the mobilephone owner's handbook.17
USB/iPod SUPPORTUSB/iPod MODETo activate the USB/iPod mode insertthe corresponding device (USB or iPod)in the USB port fig. 11 present on thecar.If a USB/iPod device is inserted withthe system on, this starts playing thetracks present on the device.SD Card SUPPORTSD CardThe system is equipped with an SD andSD-HC card reader able to read/manage cards with SPI technology.To activate SD mode, insert an SD Cardin the dedicated slot on the car (see"USB/iPod Support" paragraph).IMPORTANT Only use SD cardsdedicated to a single function (e.g. SDcards for navigation only separatefrom SD cards for MP3 use only). Avoidtransferring content from one SD cardto another.AUX SUPPORTTo activate AUX mode, insert anappropriate device in the AUX socketon the car (see "USB/iPod Support"paragraph).3)Inserting a device with AUX outletsocket the system starts playing theAUX source connected, if it is alreadybeing played.Adjust the volume by the button/knob(1 - fig. 1) on the front or by thevolume adjustment control on theconnected device.As for the "Audio source selection"function, see the chapter "MediaMode".IMPORTANTThe functions of the device connectedwith the AUX socket are directlymanaged by the device itself: it is notpossible to change track/folder/playlistor control playing start/end/pausewith the controls on the front panel oron the steering wheel.Do not leave the cable of your portableplayer connected with the AUX socketafter disconnection, to avoid possiblehiss from the speakers.11 A0K062718
WARNING3) When inserting a device in theAUX socket, make sure that itdoes not obstruct the operation ofthe handbrake lever.PHONE MODEPHONE MODEACTIVATIONPress the PHONE button (8-fig. 1) onthe front panel to activate Phone mode.The following screen appears on thedisplay (see fig. 12).MAIN FUNCTIONSThe buttons on the display can be usedto:❒compose the phone number (usingthe graphic keypad on the display);❒display and call the contacts on themobile phone phonebook;❒display and call contacts from theregisters of previous calls;❒pair up to 10 phones to make accessand connection easier and quicker;❒transfer calls from the system to themobile phone and vice versa anddeactivate the microphone audio forprivate conversations.The mobile phone audio is transmittedthrough the car’s audio system; thesystem automatically mutes the radiowhen the Phone function is used.DISPLAYEDINFORMATIONWhen a phone is connected to thesystem, the display shows variousinformation (if available):❒status of roaming;❒network signal intensity;❒mobile phone battery charge;❒mobile phone name.To consult the list of mobile phones andsupported functions, visit thewww.alfaromeo.it website (for Italy) orthe www.alfaromeo.com website (forother countries) or call CustomerService on 00800.2532.0000 (thenumber may vary depending on thecountry: please refer to the referencetable in the "Customer Service numberlist" section herein).EmptyRedialEnd Confer.CallDis.Transfer.dialrecent calls TextMessagePhonebook settingsEmpty Empty Empty Empty12 A0K202419
PAIRING A MOBILEPHONEIMPORTANT Carry out this operationonly with car stationary and in safetyconditions; this function is deactivatedwhen the car is moving.The pairing procedure for a mobilephone is described below: alwaysconsult the handbook for the mobilephone in any case.To pair the mobile phone, proceed asfollows:❒activate the Bluetooth ® function onthe mobile phone;❒press the PHONE button (8-fig. 1) onthe front panel;❒if no phone is paired with the systemyet, the display shows a dedicatedscreen;❒select "Yes" to start the pairingprocedure then search for theuconnect™ device on the mobilephone (if "No" is selected, the Phonemain screen is displayed);❒when prompted by the mobilephone, use its keyboard to enter thePIN code shown on the systemdisplay or confirm on the mobilephone the PIN displayed;❒from the "Phone" screen you canalways pair a mobile phone bypressing the "Settings" button: pressthe "Add Device" button and proceedas described above;❒during the pairing stage a screen isdisplayed showing the progress ofthe operation;❒when the pairing procedure iscompleted successfully, a screen isdisplayed: answer "Yes" to thequestion to pair the mobile phone asfavourite (the mobile phone will havepriority over all other mobile phonesthat will be paired subsequently). If noother devices are paired, the systemwill consider the first associateddevice as favourite.NOTE The priority is determined according tothe order of connection for mobile phoneswhich are not set as favourites. The lastphone connected will have the highest priority.STORING NAMES/NUMBERS IN THEMOBILE PHONEPHONEBOOKBefore pairing your mobile phone, youmust make sure you have stored thenames you want to contact in thephonebook on your mobile phone sothat you can call them using the car'shands-free system.If your phonebook does not contain anynames, enter new names for the mostfrequently used numbers.For further details, consult your mobilephone owner's handbook.IMPORTANT The names in thephonebook not containing phonenumbers or name and surname will notbe displayed.20
CONNECTION/DISCONNECTION OF AMOBILE PHONE OR ABluetooth® AUDIO DEVICEConnectionThe system connects automatically tothe mobile phone paired with thehighest priority.To choose a specific mobile phone orBluetooth® audio device, proceed asfollows:❒press the button (4-fig. 1) or theMEDIA button (10-fig. 1) on the frontpanel, then "Source";❒select the "Tel./Blth" option on thedisplay;❒select the "Paired Phones" or "PairedAudio" list using the correspondingbutton on the display;❒select the specific device (mobilephone or Bluetooth® device);❒press the "Connect" button;❒during the connection stage a screenis displayed showing the progress ofthe operation;❒the device connected is highlighted inthe list.DisconnectionTo disconnect a specific mobile phoneor Bluetooth® audio device, proceedas follows:❒press the button (4-fig. 1) or theMEDIA button (10-fig. 1) on the frontpanel, then "Source";❒select the "Tel./Blth" option on thedisplay;❒select the "Paired Phones" or "PairedAudio" list using the correspondingbutton on the display;❒select the specific device (mobilephone or Bluetooth® device);❒press the "Disconnect" button.DELETION OF A MOBILEPHONE OR A Bluetooth®AUDIO DEVICETo delete a mobile phone or Blue-tooth® audio device from a list, pro-ceed as follows:❒press the button (4-fig. 1) or theMEDIA button (10-fig. 1) on the frontpanel, then "Source";❒select the "Tel./Blth" option on thedisplay;❒select the "Paired Phones" or "PairedAudio" list using the correspondingbutton on the display;❒select the device (mobile phone orBluetooth® device);❒press the "Delete Device" button;❒a confirmation screen will appear onthe display: press "Yes" to delete thedevice or "No" to cancel theoperation.21
SETTING A MOBILEPHONE OR A Bluetooth®AUDIO DEVICE ASFAVOURITETo set a mobile phone or Bluetooth®audio device as favourite, proceed asfollows:❒press the button (4-fig. 1) or theMEDIA button (10-fig. 1) on the frontpanel, then "Source";❒select the "Tel./Blth" option on thedisplay;❒select the "Paired Phones" or "PairedAudio" list using the correspondingbutton on the display;❒select the specific device (mobilephone or Bluetooth® device);❒press the "Make Favourite" button;❒the device selected is moved tothe top of the list.TRANSMISSION OFPHONE DATA(PHONEBOOK ANDRECENT CALLS)If your mobile phone has a function forsending the phonebook via Blue-tooth® technology.During the pairing procedure a screenwill appear with the request "Do youwant to download you phone data andrecent calls?".Answer "Yes" to copy the wholephonebook and the list of recent callsto the system.Answer "No" to carry out the operationlater on.After the first phone data transmission,the procedure for transmitting andupdating the phonebook (if supported)starts as soon as a Bluetooth® con-nection is established between mobilephone and system.Whenever a mobile phone is connectedto the system, a maximum of 1000contacts can be downloaded andupdated for each phone.Depending on the amount of itemsdownloaded from the phonebook, aslight delay can occur before the lastnames downloaded can be used. Up tothen the phonebook downloadedpreviously (if present) will be available.Only the phonebook of the mobilephone currently connected to thesystem can be accessed.The phonebook downloaded from themobile phone can neither be modifiednor be deleted through the system:changes will be transmitted andupdated in the system when the mobilephone is next connected.DELETION OF PHONEDATA (PHONEBOOK ANDRECENT CALLS)Select "Delete Phone Data" on thedisplay to delete the list of recent callsand the phonebook copy.MAKING A PHONE CALLThe operations described below canonly be accessed if supported bythe mobile phone in use.For all functions available, refer to themobile phone owner's handbook.A call can be made by:❒selecting the icon (mobilephone phonebook);❒selecting "Recent Calls";❒selecting the icon;❒pressing the "Redial" button.22
Dialling the phonenumber using the"keyboard" icon on thedisplayEnter the phone number using thegraphic keyboard displayed.Proceed as follows:❒press the PHONE button (8-fig. 1) onthe front panel;❒press the button on the displayand use the numbered buttons toenter the number;❒press the "Call" button to make acall.Dialling the phonenumber using the mobilephoneIt is possible to dial a phone numberwith the mobile phone and continueusing the system (never allow yourselfto be distracted while driving).When a phone number is dialled withthe keyboard of the mobile phone, theaudio of the call is played over yourcar's sound system.Recent callsThe list of the last calls made for eachof the following call types can bedisplayed:❒Calls received;❒Calls made;❒Calls without a reply;❒All calls.To access these types of call, press the"Recent Calls" button on the Phonemenu main screen.MANAGING ANINCOMING CALLCall controlsThe buttons on the display allow thefollowing phone call functions to bemanaged:❒Answer;❒End;❒Ignore;❒Put on hold/resume;❒Deactivate/activate the microphone;❒Transfer the call;❒Switch from one call to the other;❒Conference/merge two active calls.Answering a callWhen a phone call is received on themobile phone, the system deactivatesthe audio system (if active) and displaysa screen.Press the "Answer" button or thebutton on the steering wheelcontrols to answer.Rejecting a callPress the "Ignore" button or thebutton on the steering wheelcontrols to reject.Answering an incomingcall during aconversationTo answer an incoming call whilstanother phone conversation is inprogress, press the "Answer" button toput the ongoing call on hold andanswer the new incoming call.IMPORTANT Not all mobile phonesmay support the management of anincoming call when another phoneconversation is active.23
MAKING A SECONDPHONE CALLWhen a phone conversation is active, asecond phone call can be made asfollows:❒select the number/contact from thelist of recent calls;❒select the contact from thephonebook;❒press the "Hold" button and dial thenumber using the graphic keyboardof the display.MANAGING TWO PHONECALLSIf two calls are in progress (one activeand one on hold), it is possible toswitch between them pressing the "CallOn Hold" button or to merge the twocalls in a conference pressing the"Merge calls" button.NOTE Check whether the phone in usesupports the management of a secondcall and the "Conference" mode.ENDING A CALLPress the "End" button or thebutton on the steering wheelcontrols to end a call in progress.Only the ongoing call is ended and anycall on hold becomes the new activecall.Depending on the type of mobilephone, if the ongoing call is ended bythe caller, the call on hold may notbe activated automatically.REDIALLINGTo call the number/contact of last callmade, press the "Redial" button.CONTINUING A PHONECALLAfter the engine is switched off, it is stillpossible to continue a phone call.The call continues until it is endedmanually or for a maximum period ofabout 20 minutes.When the system is switched off thecall is transferred to the mobile phone.ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION OF THEMICROPHONEDuring a call the microphone can bedeactivated pressing the button onthe front panel (or on the steering wheelcontrols) or the "Mute" button on thedisplay.When the microphone is deactivated itis still possible to listen to the call inprogress.To reactivate the microphone, press thecorresponding button again.TRANSFERRING A CALLThe ongoing calls can be transferredfrom the mobile phone to the systemand vice versa without ending the calls.To transfer the call, press the "Transfer"button.24
SMS MESSAGE READERThe system can read the messagesreceived by the mobile phone.To use this function the mobile phonemust support the SMS exchangefunction via Bluetooth ®.If this function is not supported by thephone, the corresponding button isdeactivated (greyed out).When a text message is received, thedisplay will show a screen where theoptions "Listen", "Call" or "Ignore" canbe selected.The list of SMS messages receivedfrom the mobile phone can beaccessed by pressing the button.SMS MESSAGE OPTIONSDefault SMS messages are stored inthe system and can be sent to answera received message or as a newmessage.When receiving an SMS, the systemsalso allows the same message tobe forwarded."MORE" MODEPress the MORE button (7-fig. 1) on thefront panel to display (see fig. 13) thefollowing operating settings:❒Clock❒Media mode❒Outside temperature❒CompassCLOCKPressing the time at the middle of thetop of the display (see fig. 13) allowsyou to set the time.MEDIA MODEPressing the button (see fig. 13)allows you to display "Media mode"information.COMPASSPress the "Compass" button (see fig.13) to display the direction in which youare driving and "Navigation mode"information.OUTSIDE TEMPERATUREThe display (see fig. 13) shows theoutside temperature with the unit ofmeasurement defined in the settings(°C or °F).SETTINGSPress the button (4-fig. 1) on thefront panel to display the "Settings"menu (see fig. 14).NOTE The menu items displayed varyaccording to the versions.The menu comprises the followingoptions:❒Display❒Clock❒Safety & Driving Assist.❒Lights❒Doors & Locks13 A0K204025
❒Engine Off Options❒Audio❒Phone/Bluetooth❒Radio Setup❒System Information.DisplayThe "Display" menu shows thefollowing options:❒"Brightness" (this setting is notavailable when the display mode isset to "Automatic"): select"Brightness" and press the "+" or "–"buttons to adjust the displaybrightness with the headlights on oroff (the setting not correspondingto the active headlight conditionis greyed out).❒"Display Mode": allows thebrightness of the display to be setaccording to "Day", "Night" or"AUTO" status. In "Auto" mode thedisplay brightness is aligned to thatof the instrument panel.❒"Display Brightness Day/Night": pressthe "+" or "–" buttons to adjust thebrightness of the display to "Day" or"Night".❒"Set Language": allows you to selectone of the available languages.❒"Distance": allows you to select theunits of measurement for "Distance"("km" or "mi").❒"Fuel Consumption": allows you toselect the units of measurement forfuel consumption. If the unit ofmeasurement for distance is "km","km/l" or "l/100km" can be selected,while if the unit of measurement fordistance is "mi" (miles), "mpg" isset automatically.❒"Temperature": allows you to selectthe units of measurement fortemperature ("°C" or "°F").❒"Trip": allows you to activate/deactivate Trip B on the instrumentpanel display.❒"Voice Response Length": allows youto set the detail level of the voicemessages supplied by the systemand the suggestions displayed.❒"Touchscreen Beep": press therelevant button to activate/deactivatethe acoustic signal when the buttonson the display are pressed.ClockUse this function to set the clock."Set Time Hours": allows you to set thehours on the clock."Set Time Minutes": allows you to setthe minutes on the clock."Time Format": allows you to set thetime format to "12h" (12-hour) or "24h"(24-hour)."Show Time in Status Bar": allows youto activate/deactivate the clock onthe top part of the display."Sync time with GPS": allows you toactivate/deactivate time synchronisationvia GPS signal."Set Day": allows you to set the day."Set Month": allows you to set themonth."Set Year": allows you to set the year.Doors & LocksLightsSettingsClock14 A0K204126
Safety & Driving Assist.(for versions/markets, where provided)Rain sensorThe sensitivity of the rain sensor can beadjusted with this function (forversions/markets, where provided).Lights(for versions/markets, where provided)This function can be used to makethe following adjustments:❒"Headlamp sensor" (for versions/markets, where provided):adjustment of headlight activationsensitivity;❒"Day lights": activation/deactivation ofthe daytime running lights (DRLs) (forversions/markets, where provided);❒"Greeting Lights": activation/deactivation of the courtesy lights (forversions/markets, where provided);❒"Adaptive lights": activation/deactivation of the adaptive lights (forversions/markets, where provided).Doors & LocksUse this function to activate/deactivateautomatic door locking when the caris moving ("Autoclose" function).AudioThis option accesses the audio settingsmenu.For the description of the availablesettings, see the description in the"Audio settings" paragraph in the"Switching the system on/off" chapter.Engine Off Options"Radio off delay": permits the system tobe kept on for a preset time after theignition key is turned to STOP."Auto-On Radio": allows the choice ofwhether to switch on the radio or leaveit off when the car is started, or torecall the state of the radio when theengine was stopped.Phone/BluetoothSee the description in the "Connecting/disconnecting a mobile phone or aBluetooth® audio device" paragraphin the "Phone Mode" section.Radio SetupThis function can be used to configurethe following options:❒"Playing Traffic Announcement":activation/deactivation of automatictuning to traffic announcements ("TA"function);❒"Altern. Frequency": activation/deactivation of automatic tuning tothe strongest signal for the stationselected ("AF" function);❒"Regional": activation/deactivation ofautomatic tuning to a station whichbroadcasts regional news ("REG"function);❒"DAB Announc." (for versions/markets, where provided):activation/deactivation of automatictuning to DAB announcementsand selection of announcementcategories of interest from thoseavailable;❒"DAB to FM Linking": allows theDAB/FM link function to beactivated/deactivated;❒"FM to DAB Linking": allows theFM/DAB link function to bedeactivated.27
System InformationAllows some information on thesoftware installed to be shown.NAVIGATION MODEMAIN NAVIGATION MENUTo activate the main navigation menu,press the NAV button (9-fig. 1) onthe front panel, then press one of thefollowing buttons fig. 15:❒press the "Where To?" button tosearch or navigate to the destination;❒press the "View Map" button to viewthe map on the display;❒press the "Information" button toshow the information related tonavigation on the display;❒press the "Emergency" button tosearch for Hospitals, Police Stationsor Fire Stations located near thedestination. It is also possible to viewyour current position on the displayand save, in "Favourites", the locationof the Hospitals, Police Stations orFire Stations.The "Settings", "Stop", "Divert" and"Repeat" buttons are also present.Pressing the "Settings" button activatesthe navigation Settings Menu (seedescription in the "Settings Menu"paragraph).Pressing the "Stop" button duringnavigation interrupts it.Pressing the "Divert" button duringnavigation displays the possibledeviations from the set route.Pressing the "Repeat" button willrecalculate the journey towards the lastdestination selected.Where To? EmergencyView Map InformationSettings Stop Divert Repeat10:10 SW15 A0K202928
WHERE TO?From the Main Navigation Menu, pressthe "Where To?" button fig. 15 thenselect one of the following options toreach the destination:❒"Address": press this button tosearch for the destination by enteringthe number or name of the road;❒"Recent": press this button to recallpreviously entered addresses anddestinations;❒"Point of Interest": press thisbutton to calculate a journey toa Point of Interest (POI). Points ofInterest allow you to select adestination from a list of locationsand public places;❒"Favourites": press this button torecall previously stored addressesand destinations;❒"Intersection": press this button tonavigate to an intersection;❒"Go Home": press this button tocalculate or confirm a journey to yourhome address;❒"Trip": press this button to calculatea new journey or recall one which isalready stored;❒"GEO Coord": press this button toenter a journey using geographicalcoordinates. The coordinates can bedetermined with the help of thenavigation system’s GPS receiver;❒"Point on Map": press this button toselect a destination directly from theMap. You can select the road iconto rapidly enter the destinationwithout having to type the name ofthe city or the road itself;❒"Town Centre": press this button toreach the centre of the desire town;❒"Closest Towns": press this buttonto take a trip near a town. Thedisplay will show an alphabetical listof the towns: the navigation systemwill calculate the route to the centreof the selected town;❒"Trails": press this button to storethe route that you are taking in orderto recall it later on. Select "Stoptrail recording" to end the storageprocedure;❒"Phone Number": press this buttonto calculate a journey to a location orPoint of Interest (POI) using itstelephone number.You can press the button to returnto the previously active screen or the"X" button to exit.AddressTo enter a destination using its address,proceed as follows:❒from the Main Navigation Menu,press the "Where To?" button thenselect "Address". To change theState and/or the Town, press the"Select a state" and/or "SelectCountry" button and followthe procedure on the display;❒press the "Spell Town" or "SpellStreet" button to start the procedureof entering the address of thedestination;You can use "Spell Town" to enter andthen select the name of the town,then enter the name of the street andthe street number.You can use "Spell Street" to enter andthen select the name of the street,then enter the street number.After entering the Town/Street/Numbercorrectly, the navigation system willrequest confirmation of the destinationusing the "OK" button. Press the "Yes"button to confirm the selection andstart navigation to the set destination.29
If you press the "Recent" button duringnavigation, the navigation system willask you to select one of the followingoptions: "Cancel previous route", "Addas first destination" and "Add as lastdestination".RecentTo take a trip to one of the lastdestinations stored, press the "Recent"button in the Main Navigation Menu.Press the button with the name of thedesired destination then confirm theselection by pressing the "Yes" button:this will begin navigation to thedestination.To delete a destination from the list,press the button.To view the options for a destination,press the "Options" button, representedon the display by the icon.The following modifications can bemade to each destination:❒name entry❒telephone number entry❒moving upwards through the list❒moving downwards through the list❒postcode entry.Point of Interest (POI)To enter a destination using a Point ofInterest (POI), press the "Point ofInterest" button in the main NavigationMenu.The list of Points of Interest facilitatesthe selection of the destination,providing a list of locations and placesof interest to the public, i.e. Points ofInterest.One of the following categories ofPoints of Interest can be selected:❒Service stations❒Restaurants❒Hotels/Motels❒ATMs/Banks❒All POIs (Points of Interest)❒Enter Name.It is also possible to change the Point ofInterest search area by pressing the"Change Search Area" button.The display will present the followingsearch options:❒"Around Me"❒"In a Town"❒"Near Destination" (available onlyduring navigation)❒"Along Route" (available only duringnavigation).FavouritesTo take a trip to a destination which isalready stored, press the "Favourites"button in the Main Navigation Menu.Press the button with the name of thedestination, then confirm the selectionby pressing "Yes" to begin navigation.To delete a destination from the list,press the button.To save a destination in the"Favourites", press the "Add Favourite"button and follow the same procedurefor entering an address (see previouspages).To view the options for a destination,press the "Options" button, representedon the display by the icon.The following modifications can bemade to each destination:❒name entry❒telephone number entryIf you press the "Favourite" buttonduring navigation, the navigationsystem will ask you to select one of thefollowing options: "Cancel previousroute", "Add as first destination" and"Add as last destination".30
IntersectionTo enter a destination using anintersection, press the "Intersection"button in the main Navigation Menu.The display will show the name of thecurrent Country and Town.To change the Town and/or Country,press the appropriate button on thedisplay and follow the procedureindicated.The following screen shows the basicCountry and Town setting.You can use "Spell City" to enter andthen select the name of the town, thenenter the name of the street and theintersection number.You can use "Spell Street" to enter andthen select the name of the streetthen enter the intersection number.After entering the name of the town andthe number of the intersectioncorrectly, the navigation system willrequest confirmation of the destination.Press the "Yes" button to confirm andbegin navigation.If you press the "Intersection" buttonduring navigation, the navigationsystem will ask you to select one of thefollowing options: "Cancel previousroute", "Add as first destination" and"Add as last destination".Go HomeTo enter your home address, proceedas follows:❒press the "Go Home" button in themain Navigation Menu: if no addresshas been entered yet, press "Yes"to do so;❒to select the address, choose one ofthe following options: "Address","Recent", "Point of Interest","Favourites", "Intersection", "GEOCoord", "Point on Map", "TownCentre", "Closest Town", "PhoneNumber";❒after entering the address, press the"Save" button to save themodifications and begin navigation.The address entered will be stored andit will be possible to recall it at anytime by pressing the "Go Home" buttonin the main Navigation Menu.Changing/Clearing home addressTo change/clear your home address,proceed as follows:❒press the "Go Home" button in themain Navigation Menu;❒press the "Options" button on theMap;❒press the "Clear Home" button thenselect "Yes" to delete the address.To enter a new address, proceedaccording to the instructions above.TripsTo navigate to a destination which isalready stored, press the "Trips" buttonin the Main Navigation Menu.Then press the button with the name ofthe destination and finally select "Yes"to begin navigation.To add a new trip, proceed as follows:❒press the "Create new Trip" button;❒enter the name of the newdestination;❒select "Add Destination" to add thenew destination;❒to select the address, choose one ofthe following options: "Address","Recent", "Point of Interest","Favourites", "Intersection", "GEOCoord", "Point on Map", "TownCentre", "Closest Town", "PhoneNumber";❒if you wish to add other destinations,proceed in the same way. Everydestination is added to a list;To delete a destination from the list,press the button.31
To view the options for a destination,press the "Options" button, representedon the display by the icon.The following modifications can bemade to each destination:❒name entry❒telephone number entry❒moving upwards through the list.GEO CoordTo enter a destination using itsgeographical coordinates, press the"GEO Coord" button in the mainNavigation Menu.Proceed as follows:❒use the graphic keyboard to enter thelatitude fig. 16. Use the "<" and ">"buttons to select the digits specific tothe location. Then press the "OK"button to confirm the selection;❒proceed in the same way to enter thelongitude;❒then press the "Yes" button toconfirm the selection and beginnavigation.NOTE Press the "Format" button tochange the format for entering thelatitude/longitude.If you press the "GEO Coord" buttonduring navigation, the navigationsystem will ask you to select one of thefollowing options: "Cancel previousroute", "Add as first destination" and"Add as last destination".Point on MapTo enter a destination using a Point ofInterest (POI), press the "Point on Map"button in the main Navigation Menu.Proceed as follows:❒select the destination that you wantto reach on the display;❒press the bar in the middle of thedisplay to confirm the choice, orpress the "Details" button at the topright to display the locations availablenext to the point on the map;❒press the "Yes" button to confirm thedestination and begin navigation.If you press the "Point on Map" buttonduring navigation, the navigationsystem will ask you to select one of thefollowing options: "Cancel previousroute", "Add as first destination" and"Add as last destination".Town CentreTo begin navigation to a town centre,press the "Town Centre" button inthe main Navigation Menu thenproceed as follows:❒enter the name of the town you wishto reach;❒select the town from the list on thedisplay;❒press the "Yes" button to confirm thedestination and begin navigation.If you press the "Town Centre" buttonduring navigation, the navigationsystem will ask you to select one of thefollowing options: "Cancel previousroute", "Add as first destination" and"Add as last destination".147245°01’33.13”N580NSEOFormatOK36916 A0K204232
Closest townTo take a trip near a town, press the"Closest Town" button in the mainNavigation Menu then proceedas follows:❒select the town from the list on thedisplay;❒press the "Yes" button to confirm thedestination and begin navigation.If you press the "Closest Town" buttonduring navigation, the navigationsystem will ask you to select one of thefollowing options: "Cancel previousroute", "Add as first destination" and"Add as last destination".TrailsTo store a route, press the "Trails"button in the main Navigation Menu.To end storage, select "Stop TrailRecording".The route will be added to a specificlist, so that it can be recalled at anothertime.Phone NumberTo enter a destination using itstelephone number, press the "PhoneNumber" button in the main NavigationMenu then proceed as follows:❒enter the telephone number of thelocation you wish to reach;❒select the location from the list on thedisplay;❒press the "Yes" button to confirm thedestination and begin navigation.If you press the "Phone Number"button during navigation, the navigationsystem will ask you to select one ofthe following options: "Cancel previousroute", "Add as first destination" and"Add as last destination".Before confirming navigation bypressing the "Yes" button, you canselect various options from the list onthe display.❒"Options": press this button todisplay a list of options relating to thecurrent trip. To select one of theoptions, press it.❒"Avoid": press this button to selectthe types of route to avoid duringthe trip. To select one of the options,press it. Toll roads, tunnels andferries are built to reduce distancetravelled: avoiding these types ofroute may increase the trip distanceand time.❒"Save": press this button to save thedestination in "Favourites".Press the "Yes" button to confirm thedestination and begin navigation.NOTE For all the above options,pressing the button switches to thepreviously active screen, while pressingthe "X" button exits the screen.33
VIEW MAPPress the "View Map" button in themain Navigation Menu to display fig. 17the map relative to the current position.When the display shows the map, thefollowing options are available:❒"Menu": press this button to returnto the main Navigation Menu;❒"+/–": press the "+" or " –" button tozoom the map (it is not possible tozoom in on minor roads);❒"Time of Arrival/Time toDestination/Distance" (only duringnavigation): press this button at thetop right of the display to view one ofthe following options: "Time ofArrival", "Time to Destination","Distance".❒"Turn List" (only during navigation):press the list of possible deviationsalong the route at the middle ofthe top of the display. Select adeviation through the followingoptions: "Show on Map" or "AvoidStreet".❒"Options": press this button todisplay the following options:"2D North Up/Vista Mappa 2D/3D:press this button to select one of thethree possible map view options;"Settings": press this button to view allpossible settings on the display;"Repeat": press this button to repeatthe last voice command given;"Turn List": press this button to view thelist of possible deviations on thedisplay;"Stop Guidance": press this button tointerrupt navigation;❒"Where To?": press the middle ofthe bottom of the display to showthe position (using the geographicalcoordinates) relative to the currentposition. Press the "GPS" button toshow the GPS information. Press the"Save" button to save the positionin the "Favourites".You can press the button to returnto the previously active screen or the"X" button to exit.Settings MenuWhen the map is on the display, pressthe "Options" button then "Settings":the Settings menu will appear on thedisplay.It is also possible to access theSettings Menu by pressing the"Settings" button at the bottom left ofthe main Menu fig. 18.The following settings are available forthe Map:❒"Map Setup": press this button todisplay the options for customisingthe map display mode;OptiOptionsons17 A0K2043Where To? EmergencyView Map InformationSettings Stop Divert Repeat10:10 SW18 A0K202934
❒"Speed Limit": press this button toactivate/deactivate the acousticspeed limit exceeded signal andenter a speed limit (above which theacoustic signal is emitted);❒"Guidance": press this button todisplay the options for customisingnavigation;❒"DMS": press this button to changethe appearance of the GPS signal onthe display;❒"TMC Station List": press thisbutton to display the list of radiostations that transmit TMC (TrafficMessage Channel) traffic information.Map SetupAfter pressing the "Map Setup" button,the following options can be displayed:❒"2D" (or 3D)❒"Orientation"❒"Current Street"❒"Time of Arrival"❒"AutoZoom"❒"Show POI Icons"❒"POI Icon List"❒"3D Town Models"❒"3D Landmarks"❒"Digital Terrain Model"❒"Park Areas"❒"Railways"❒"Urban Areas"❒"River Names".Speed LimitAfter pressing the "Speed Limit" button,the following options can be displayed:❒"Announce Speed Limit Warning"❒"Over limit: XX km/h"❒"Show Safety Cameras on Map".GuidanceAfter pressing the "Guidance" button,the following options can be displayed:❒"Play Voice Guidance Prompts"❒"Nav Volume Adjustment"❒"Lane Recommendation"❒"Junction View"❒"TMC Route Mode"❒"TMC Avoidance Types"❒"Avoid"DMSAfter pressing the "DMS" button, thefollowing options can be displayed:❒"Decimal"❒"DMS"❒"DM".TMC Station ListAfter pressing the "TMC Station List"button, you can display the list of radiostations that transmit TMC (TrafficMessage Channel) traffic information.INFORMATIONPress the "Information" button in themain Navigation Menu to select fromthe following information:❒Traffic❒Where Am I?❒Trip ComputerYou can press the button to returnto the previously active screen or the"X" button to exit.35
Where Am I?To select "Where Am I?" information,press the "Information" button in themain Navigation Menu then select"Where Am I?"."Where Am I?" displays thegeographical coordinates of yourcurrent position:❒press the "GPS" button to show theGPS information.❒press the "Save" button to save theposition in the "Favourites".You can press the button to returnto the previously active screen or the"X" button to exit.EmergencyPress the "Emergency" button in themain Navigation Menu to select one ofthe following options for searchingfor fig. 19 and navigating towards adestination:❒"Hospital": press this button to set atrip to a hospital near the destination;❒"Police": press this button to seta trip to a police station near thedestination;❒"Fire Brigade": press this button toset a trip to a fire station near thedestination;Press the "Location" button to showyour exact position.Press the "Save" button to save theposition in the "Favourites".You can press the button to returnto the previously active screen or the"X" button to exit."Hospital"To search for a hospital near thedestination, press the "Emergency"button then select "Hospital": the list ofhospitals will be displayed."Police"To search for a police station near thedestination, press the "Emergency"button then select "Police": the list ofpolice stations will be displayed."Fire Brigade"To search for a fire station near thedestination, press the "Emergency"button then select "Fire Brigade": thelist of fire stations will be displayed.NotesFor the three options listed above, ifyou select "Yes" after making aselection, navigation will begin to thepredetermined destination.It is possible to search for a hospital orpolice/fire station using one of thefollowing options:❒Name❒Distance❒ABC (search)If you press the "Hospital", "Police" or"Fire Brigade" button during navigation,the navigation system will ask you toselect one of the following options:"Cancel previous route", "Add as firstdestination" and "Add as lastdestination".Pressing the button switches to thepreviously active screen: pressing the"X" button, on the other hand, exits theactive screen.LocatLocationiononSaveSaveaveEmermerEmermergencggyFire FirBrigaBrigadedePolicceeHospiHotal19 A0K204436
DRIVING MODESDRIVING MODE (DNA)INFORMATIONACTIVATIONWhen the driving mode is changedusing the "Alfa DNA" system, theinformation related to that mode isshown on the display."Dynamic" modeThe information shown on the display isas follows fig. 20:❒"Engine Set Up": PERFORMANCE(greater response + Overboost tomaximise the torque level - forversions/markets, where provided)❒"ESC": SPORT (interventionthresholds for more enjoyable, sportydriving, guaranteeing stability incase control of the car is lost.Improves traction whilst acceleratingon bends)❒"Q2" ("Electronic Q2" system): ON❒"Steering": SPORT (sports modeoperation)❒"Brakes": PREFILL (pre-positioning ofthe brake pads following rapidrelease of the accelerator pedal toenhance braking response, reducestopping distances and improvethe feel at the brake pedal)."Natural" modeThe information shown on the display isas follows fig. 21:❒"Engine Set Up": ECO (standardresponse)❒"ESC": NORMAL (interventionthresholds intended for comfort innormal conditions of use and normaldriving conditions)❒"Q2" ("Electronic Q2" system): OFF❒"Steering": COMFORT (operationintended for comfort in normalconditions of use)❒"Brakes": ECO (standard response)."All Weather" modeThe information shown on the display isas follows fig. 22:❒"Engine Set Up": CONTROL(standard response)20 A0K203321 A0K203422 A0K203537
❒"ESC": TRACTION (interventionthresholds that permit maximumsafety and control of the car even incritical road conditions)❒"Q2" ("Electronic Q2" system): ON❒"Steering": COMFORT (maximumcomfort)❒"Brakes": PREFILL (pre-positioning ofthe brake pads following rapidrelease of the accelerator pedal toenhance braking response, reducestopping distances and improvethe feel at the brake pedal).To return to the previous screen, pressthe "X" button or wait for about 5seconds. Alternatively, you can pressany button on the panel to exit.VOICE COMMANDSINFORMATION ON VOICECOMMANDSThe navigation system uses voicecommands for some or all of thefollowing functions:❒driving information;❒warnings that you set.Two types of voices are available duringnavigation:❒computer voices: they are generatedby the navigation system. They readresponses to voice commands andtraffic;❒human voices: which have beenrecorded by an actor and provideinstructions about the route.VOLUME LEVELADJUSTMENTThe volume of the navigation systemcan be adjusted on the main unit.Proceed as follows to activate/deactivate the navigation instructions:❒in the "Driving view": touch thecentral box of the status bar toactivate the navigation instructionaudio again (if previouslydeactivated);❒in the "Setting menu": touch"Settings" in the Main menu, thentouch "Turn on/off voice guidance".USE OF THE VOICECOMMANDSInstead of touching the screen, voicecan be used to give voice commandsto the navigation system.For example, just say "2D view" toswitch to the 2D view.To display the list of availablecommands, touch "Help" in the Mainmenu, then touch "What can I say?".Please follow the suggestions below tobe sure that the voice commands arealways recognised by the system:❒speak at a normal volume;❒always wait for the "beep" beforespeaking;❒the system is capable of recognisingthe voice commands given,irrespective of gender, tone of voiceand intonation of the person givingthe instructions;❒if possible, try and keep the noise inthe passenger compartment to aminimum;38
❒before giving voice commands, askother passengers not to talk. This isto prevent misunderstanding sincethe system may recognise otherwords (in addition to or different fromyour voice command) if severalpeople are speaking;❒for optimum operation it is advisableto close the windows and the sunroof (for versions/markets, whereprovided) to avoid externalinterference.IMPORTANT Voice commands mustalways be given in safe drivingconditions, in compliance with the lawsin force in the country where you aredriving.USE OF STEERINGWHEEL CONTROLS TOACTIVATE VOICECOMMANDS"Phone" buttonThe button on the steering wheelcontrols enable to activate the "Phone"voice recognition system to makecalls, display recent incomingand outgoing calls and phonebook, etc.Every time the button is pressed,there is a "beep" and the display showsa suggestion screen inviting the userto give a command."Voice" buttonThe button on the steering wheelcontrols activates the "Radio/Media"voice recognition system to:❒tune to a specific radio station;❒tune into a specific AM, FM and DABradio frequency (for versions/markets, where provided);❒play a track on a USB storagedevice/iPod/MP3 SD;❒play an album on a USB storagedevice/iPod/MP3 SD.Every time the button is pressed,there is a "beep" and the display showsa suggestion screen inviting the userto give a command.Quick use of voiceinteractionThe or buttons, when pressedduring a system voice message, allow avoice command to be given directly.For example, if the system is saying ahelp voice message and you knowthe command to be given to thesystem, pressing the or buttonsthe voice message is interrupted andyou can give the wished voicecommand directly (without having tolisten to the whole help voice message).The or buttons, if pressed whenthe system is waiting for a voicecommand by the user, close the voicesession.VOICE SESSION STATUSThe system displays the voice sessionstatus with specific icons:❒(green icon): displayed when thesystem is listening. In this case youcan give a voice command;❒(green icon): displayed whenthe system has interpreted the givenvoice command and its function isperformed. In this case you cannotgive a voice command;❒(yellow icon): displayed whenthe system is processing the givenvoice command. In this case youcannot give a voice command;❒(yellow icon): displayed whenthe system is saying a help,information or multiple choice voicemessage. In this case you cannotgive a voice command;❒(red icon): displayed when thevoice interaction is ended by theuser. In this case you cannot give avoice command.39
MULTIPLE CHOICEIn a few specific cases the systemcannot define univocally the given voicecommand and asks for choosingamong max. four alternatives.For example, if you ask to call a namein the phonebook and there are similarnames, the system will suggest anumerical list of the availablealternatives (see fig. 23), asking to saythe associated number.23 F0Y104640
26 A0J156243
27 A0J156344
28 A0J156445
30 A0J156647
32 A0J156849
33 A0J156950
Uconnect™ VOICE COMMAND PHONE voice commandsThe commands can be spoken from any screen after pressing button on the steering wheel.ßStart the vocalprocedure to senda predefined textmessage usingUconnect™systemSEND A MESSAGE TO12345678SEND AMESSAGE TOMario Rossi mobileShow messagingin box downloadedfrom phoneSHOWMESSAGE35 A0J157152SMS MESSAGE READER VOICE COMMANDS
CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER LISTThe following table shows the specific Customer Service numbers for each country.Country Universal FreephoneNumberNational FreephoneNumber Toll numberAustria 00800.2532.0000 +39.02.4441.2042Belgium 00800.2532.0000 (*) 0800 55666 +39.02.4441.2042Denmark 00800.2532.0000 (*) 80 608900 +39.02.4441.2042France 00800.2532.0000 0800 253200 +39.02.4441.2042Germany 00800.2532.0000 0800 2532000 +39.02.4441.2042Greece 80011500800 (*) +30 210 99 88 542Ireland 00800.2532.0000 1800253200 +39.02.4441.2042Italy 00800.2532.0000 800253200 +39.02.4441.2042Luxembourg 00800.2532.0000 (*) 800 28666Morocco 0801 001920The Netherlands 00800.2532.0000 +39.02.4441.2042Poland 00800.2532.0000 +39.02.4441.2042Portugal 00800.2532.0000 +39.02.4441.2042United Kingdom 00800.2532.0000 +39.02.4441.2042Spain 00800.2532.0000 900 253200 +39.02.4441.2042Sweden 00800.2532.0000 (*) 020100501 +39.02.4441.2042Switzerland 00800.2532.0000 0800 253200 +39.02.4441.2042(*) This number is not available for some mobile system operators.54
Regulatory Information This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and  (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Additional statement for Digital Devices / Computer Peripheral Devices FCC §15.105 statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. • This device/antenna must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all the persons and mustnot be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter, except in accordance with FCC and Industry Canada multi-transmitter product procedures. • Antenna gain including cable loss must not exceed 4.25 dBi in Cellular Band and 6.1 dBi in PCS band for RF exposurepurposes of 2.1091.RF exposure rules and regulations:
Europe Česky [Czech] Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc. tímto prohlašuje, že tento Automotive Infotainment Unit  je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/ES. Dansk [Danish] Undertegnede Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc. erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr Automotive Infotainment Unit overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF. Deutsch [German] Hiermit erklärt Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc., dass sich das Gerät Automotive Infotainment Unit  in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet. Eesti [Estonian] Käesolevaga kinnitab Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc. seadme Automotive Infotainment Unit  vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele. English Hereby, Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc., declares that this Automotive Infotainment Unit  is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Español [Spanish] Por medio de la presente Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc. declara que el Automotive Infotainment Unit  cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE. Ελληνική [Greek] ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑ Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc. ΔΗΛΩΝΕΙ ΟΤΙ Automotive Infotainment Unit ΣΥΜΜΟΡΦΩΝΕΤΑΙ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΙΣ ΟΥΣΙΩΔΕΙΣ ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΙΣ ΛΟΙΠΕΣ ΣΧΕΤΙΚΕΣ ΔΙΑΤΑΞΕΙΣ ΤΗΣ ΟΔΗΓΙΑΣ 1999/5/ΕΚ. Français [French] Par la présente Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc.  déclare que l'appareil Automotive Infotainment Unit  est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE. Italiano [Italian] Con la presente Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc.  dichiara che questo Automotive Infotainment Unit  è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE. Latviski [Latvian] Ar šo Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc.  deklarē, ka Automotive Infotainment Unit  atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem. Lietuvių [Lithuanian] Šiuo Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc.  deklaruoja, kad šis Automotive Infotainment Unit  atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas. Nederlands [Dutch] Hierbij verklaart Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc. dat het toestel Automotive Infotainment Unit  in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG. Malti [Maltese] Hawnhekk, Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc., jiddikjara li dan Automotive Infotainment Unit  jikkonforma mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC. Magyar [Hungarian] Alulírott, Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc.  nyilatkozom, hogy a Automotive Infotainment Unit  megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EC irányelv egyéb elõírásainak. Polski [Polish] Niniejszym Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc.  oświadcza, że Automotive Infotainment Unit  jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostałymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC. Português [Portuguese] Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc.  declara que este Automotive Infotainment Unit  está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE. Slovensko [Slovenian] Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc. izjavlja, da je ta Automotive Infotainment Unit  v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/ES. Slovensky [Slovak] Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc.  týmto vyhlasuje, že Automotive Infotainment Unit  spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES. Suomi [Finnish] Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc.  vakuuttaa täten että Automotive Infotainment Unit  tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen. Svenska [Swedish] Härmed intygar Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc.  att denna Automotive Infotainment Unit  står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG. Íslenska [Icelandic] Hér með lýsir Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc.  yfir því að Automotive Infotainment Unit  er í samræmi við grunnkröfur og aðrar kröfur, sem gerðar eru í tilskipun 1999/5/EC. Norsk [Norwegian] Harman Becker Automotive Systems, Inc.  erklærer herved at utstyret Automotive Infotainment Unit  er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF. The EC Declaration of Conformity is available at www.harman.com/EN-US/ContactUs/Pages/Compliance.aspx.
PARTS&SERVICESTECHNICAL SERVICES - SERVICE ENGINEERINGLargo Senatore G. Agnelli, 3 - 10040 Volvera - Turin (Italy)Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A.Print no. 604.38. - 1st Edition - 09/2013All rights reserved. Reproduction, even partial, is prohibited without written authorisationof Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A.624

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