Harman Kardon AVR125 User Manual RECEIVER Manuals And Guides L0208011
HARMAN KARDON Receivers Manual L0208011 HARMAN KARDON Receivers Owner's Manual, HARMAN KARDON Receivers installation guides
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arman/ Power for the Digital ardon° Revolution: AVR 125 AUDIO/VIDEO RECEIVER OWNER'S MANUAL harman/kardon AVR12S © ® ®®9 re= I I I L-_b-. I AVR 125 3 4 4 5 AUDIO/VIDEO Introduction SafetyInformation Unpacking Front-Panel Controls 7 9 11 14 Front-Panel Information Display Rear-Panel Connections RemoteControlFunctions Installation andConnections 14 14 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 20 21 21 21 21 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 27 SystemInstallation AudioEquipment Connections VideoEquipment Connections PowerConnections SystemConfiguration SpeakerSelectionandPlacement SystemSetup SpeakerSetup Configuring _e SurroundOff(Stereo)Modes Stereo-Direct (Bypass)Mode Stereo-Digital Mode OutputLevelAdjustment DelaySettings Additional InputAdjustments Operation BasicOperation SourceSelection VolumeControl SurroundModeChart SurroundModeSelection DigitalAudioPlayback Selectinga DigitalSource DigitalStatusIndicators NightMode TunerOperation TapeRecording OutputLevelTrimAdjustment 6-ChannelDirectInput DisplayBrightness Programming the Remote DirectCodeEntry AutoSearchMehod CodeReadout 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 31 RECEIVER MacroProgramming Programmed DeviceFunctions Punch-Through Programming VolumePunch-Through ChannelControlPunch-Through Transport ControlPunch-Through Resetting the RemoteMemory FunctionList 33 42 42 SetupCodeTables Troubleshooting Guide Processor Reset 43 Technical Specifications TypographicalConventions _n}rderto he_p_Duuseth_smanualwltiathe remotecontrolfronbuane_ con_o_s an(]rear-oane_ connections cer_a_r conventions havebeenuse(], EXAMPLE I:)o1(] _pe) in(]lcates a sDecificremotecon_roor fronbuaneleu_mn,or rear-Darlel connection _ack E XA 11PL E - (OCR_pe n(]lcamsa message thatis VISIDle on mefront-oanelnformationdisplay [] - (numberin _.s(]uare_ in(]lcates a sDecificfront-panelcon[rol O - (numberina circle in(]lcates a rear-oanel connection O - (numberinanova in(]icarus a UU[[On or in(]lca_or on the remora [] - liedern a s(]uareindicates an indicatorinthefront-oanelinformation (]lspla_ INTRODUCTION Thankyou for choosing HarmanKardon®!With the ourchaseof a HarmanKardonAVR125 youare aeout_ooeglnmanyyears}f listening enjoyment, The AVR125 hasbeencustom-designea _oprovideal _ne exammen_ anddetailof moviesoundtracks andever_ nuanceof musicalselections, OnboardDolby ®* Dig[al anaDTS®*decodingauowsyouto takeadvantage of a_gtalsoundtracks fromthe latestDVDreleasesand DigitalTelevision broadcasts, Descriptionand Features TheAVR125 is amongthe mostversatileandmultifeaturedAN receiversavauaele, incorporating a Wide rangeof listeningODUOnS, In additionto DolbyDigital andDTSdecodingfor digitalsources,a eroaa;holce of analogsurroundmodesareavallaoleforusewith sourcesSUCh asCD,VCRTVbroadcasts andthe AVR125's ownFM/AMtuner,Alongwiththe latest [ cloyProLogic®*IIdecodingtechnology, Dolby3 StereoandcustomHallandTheatermodes,on, • OnboardDolby®*Digitaland DTS®*Decoding UsingCrystal®*ChipTechnology WI-e complexdigitalsysmmsarehardat work ^!imln meAVR125 to makeall of thishappen,hoOkUD and oDeratlonareslmme,Color-keyed connectionsanda programmaele remoracontrolmaketheAVR125 easj to use,Toobtainthe maximumenjoymen_ from yournewreceiver,weurgeyou_o_aKea fewminutes to readthroughthismanual,Thiswill ensurethatconnectlons_ospeakers,sourceplaybackunitsanaother exmrnaaevlDeS aremaaeproperly, In aaaltlOn, afes m_nums spentlearningthefunctionsof thevarious controlsWillenaeleyouto takeadvantageof allBe powerTheAVR125 s aele_oaenver HarmanKardonreceiversofferLogc 7®*to createa wlaer,moreenvelcp_ngfieldenwronmem andmore 3efinedfly-oversandcans,AnotherHarmanKardon exclusiveisVMAx ®* whichusespropne_ary Drocessng_ocrea_e an open,spacioussoundfieldevenwhen ony twofrontspeakersareavailable, • Stereo-DigitalMode for ProgrammableBass Managementof Low FrequenciesBetween MainSpeakersandSubwoofer Inadditionto providinga widerangeof listening oo_ons,the AVR125 is easyto configureso thatit orovidesthe bestresultswithyourspeakersandssesificlistening-roorr environment, A Stereo-Direct moaebypasses_nealgl[alprocessor to preserveallof :he subtletiesof olderanalogtwo-channelmamnals whilebaSSmanagement, avaliaDie in:hesurroundana Stereo-Dig [almodes,irrprovesyouraemtl_o tailorthesoundto suit!ourroomacousticsor _asm, • Multiple Digital Inputsand Outputs yOUhaveanyquesuons aDOUI 711S3roauc[, ItS nstalauonor Iscseratlon,pleasesontactyourretaileror customns_auer, Theyareyourees_localsourcesof 'nformation, ' • HarmanKardon'sExclusiveLogic 7®*and VMAx_ Modes • DolbyLaboratories'Latest ProLogic®* II DecodingTechnology • Stereo-DirectModefor Two-ChannelSources BypassesDSPProcessingto Preservethe Integrityof Analog Materials • Front-PanelDigital Inputsfor EasyConnection to PortableDigital Devicesandthe Latest VideoGameConsoles • 6-ChannelDirect Input for UseWith DVDAudio Players.Other ProductsWith Internal SurroundDecodersor ExternalSurround Decoders • Color-CodedInput,Output and Speaker TerminalsComplyWith the Latest CEA Standardsfor EasyInstallation Forthe ultimateinflexibility, theAVR125features ;onnections forfourvideodevices,allw_thbothcom- TO THEUSER ThiseauiDment hasbeentestedandfoundto comply withthe limitsfor a ClassBdigitaladvice,pursuant _o Part15 of the FCCRules,These_m_m areaes_ jnea _oprovidereasonable promc_on againstinterference n a residential area,Thisdevicegeneramsanauses radiofrequencyenergyandif not ns_auea andused n accordance withthe instructions, it maycause nterference to radioorTVreceDuon, f thisunitdoescausenterference withTVor radio reception,youcan_ryto correctthe interference b_ oneor moreof the followincmeasures: A, Reorientor relocatethe recelwng_ntenna, B,Increasetheseparation De_weer theeauiDmem andthe receiver, C, Plug_neeauiDmem intoa differentoutletso that s no_on thesamecircuitasthe receiver. f necessary, consultthedealeror an exoanencea radio/TVtechnician foradditional suggestions, CAUTION: Changesor modifications to thiseauiDmen_ no_ expresslyapprovedDyharman consumergroup for comollanDe couldvoidthe user'sau_orl__o oDerate thiS eaulDment oositeandS-VideonDum,naua_ng the front-Dane nouts,TwoadditionalaudionDU[S areavauaDle _no _o_aof sixdig[alInDU[S maketheAVR125 capableof handlingallthe lamstalglta audiosources,CoaxanD Op_lDal algKalaudiooutputsarealsoavailable for aireD[ DonneD_lOn _oalgl[alreDorders, A videorecording OUtDUt anda s_x-channe r out maketheAVR125 virtuallyfuture-prootwitheverythingneeded_o accommoaam tomorrowsnewformatsrighton board, TheAVR125's powerfulamplifierusestraditional HarmanKardonhian-Durren_ ul[rawldeDandWldth designmcnno_ogles CAUTION HarmanRaraoninventeaBe high-fidelity receiver almostfiftyyearsago,Withstate-of-the-art circuitry andtime-honored circuitdesigns,theAVR125 is one if the finestreceiverseveroffered_, HarmanKardon, CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover (or back). No user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel. Pour le CANADA CORDEDECONNEXION CAATTENTION: POUREVITER LESCHOCSELECTRIQUES, INTRODUIRELA LAMELA PLUSLARGE DELA FICHE DANSLA BORNECORRESPONDANTE DELA PRISE ETPOUSSER JUSQU'AU FOND, ,_ within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to thewith presence of uninsulated The lightning flash arrowhead symbol, "dangerous voltage" within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons. For CANADA AC POWERCORDCONNECTION CAUTION: TO PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK,MATCHWIDE BLADEOFPLUGTOW DESLOT,FULLYNSERT, triangle is intended to alert the user to the The exclamation presence of important eoint operating within an eauilateral ana maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying me appliance. ,_ SAFETY INFORMATION Important Safety Information VerifyLine VoltageBeforeUse YourAVR125 hasbeenoeslgnedfor usewith120oItACcurrent.Connection to a inevoltageotherthan matforwhich[ is imenaeocancreama safeband firehazard_nomaydamagethe unlL ' youhaveanyquestions aboutthevoltagerequlremenm foryourspecificmodel,oraboutme linevoltageinyout area.contactyoursellingDealer beforeplugging theunit 'n[oa wal ouuet, Do NotUseExtensionCords Toavoidsafet',hazards,useonlyme Dowercoro a_[acneu to yourunit.Wedo notrecommend that extension cordsbeusedwiththisoroauc_Aswireal electricaldevices,dOnot rur DowerCOrdS unoerrugs or cardedor placeheaw objectson them.Bamaceg powercordsshouldbereDlaceaimmediately Dyan aumonzed servicecenterwitha cordmeeungfactory sDecifications. Handlethe AC PowerCordGently Whenalsconnecmg me DowercordfromanACoutet.alwayspUllme plug,neverDUllthecord.If youao not intendto usetheunitfor anyconmaerame lengl_ of time d_sconnec[ me p_ugfromtheAC outlet Do NotOpenthe Cabinet Thereareno user-servlceaDle componentsinsidethis product.Openingthe cabinetmaypresenta shock hazard,andan_modification to me productWillvoid yourguarantee."wamror anymetaloDJecI sucnasa paperCUD. w_reor a Stanleacclaen[a,fallsinsidethe unKdisconnect it fromthe AC Dowersourceimmeal- InstallationLocation • ToensureproberoDera[ion anoto avoloTneDo[en:ialforsafetyhazards,placethe uniton a firmand levelsurface.Whenplacingthe uniton ashelf De sertainthattheshelfandanj mou%nghardwaJ'e sanSUDDOr_ the weightofthe DroaucL • Reonemor relocamthe receivingantenna. • Increasethe seoara[ion oe_ween me equipment and receiver. • M_kecertainthatoroDerspaces orovloea0o7 aboveandbelowthe unitfor ventilation. Ifthis • Consultthe dealeror an exeenenceo radio/TVtechnclanfor helo oroouc[w Denstalleaina caDine[or omer enclosedarea makeDetrain thatthereissufficient airmovementwithinthe cabinet.UndersomecirDumstances afan mayDerequired • Eo not olacethe unitdwectlyon a carpemosurface, • Avoidinstallationr extremebhot or COldlocations. or an areathatISe>aoseoto olrec[sunlightor heatlr_ equlpmenL • Avoidmoistor humid Dcatlon& • Donot obstructthe ventilation slotson thetcDof Tneunit,or placeobjectsalrec[i}overthem. Cleaning Whenmeunitgetsa_r?,wipe_tw_t aclean,soft dry cloth."necessary, wipeit withasoftclot dampened withmildsoap,_ water,thena freshclot w_thclean water.Wipedry immediately withadr_cloth.NEVER usebenzeneaerosolcleaners, dinner._ICOhOI or anj omervolatileoeanlngagent.Donotuseabrasive cleanersastheymaydamagethefinishof metalData, A olasprayingnsectlclde neartheunit Moving the Unit Beforemovingme unl_Decertainto disconnect an_ nmrconnec[ion cordswit omercomDonenm, and makecertainma_you disconnect theunitfrorr me • Connectthe eouiDmem intoan CUtler on a clrcuK differentfromthatto whichthereceiveris connected. Ths oevJcecorralleswithPart15 of the FCCRules. Caerations SUeectto thefollowingtwoconoKions: _ls dewcemaynot causeharmfu nterference aria 2 miDoevlcemustacceotinterference received nc_uaJng interference thatmat causeungeslreo oDeratlor NOTE:Changesor modifications ma_causehis unitto fai to compl}WithPart15 of the FCCRules aNoma_volotne usersaumorl[y_ooDeramme eauDmem, Unpacking Thecar[orandsn_pplng matenals used_opromc_your newreceiveraunngshipmentwerespeciallydesigned to cushion_fromshockandvibration. Wesuggem Thatyousavethecar_onandpackingmaterialsforuse n snippingif youmoveor snoulame uniteverneed reDam -a minimizethe sizeof the cartonins_orage, youmay wishto flattenit.Thisisdonebycarefullyslittingme tare seamsonthe bottomandcollapsing the car_c n. Othercardboardinsertsma'.Deshred inme same manner.Packingmaterials matcannotDecollaosea shouldDesavedalongwiththe cartonin a plasticbag. a_el,_, andconsultanaumorlzea servicestauon. ACoutlet. _youao notwish_osavethe packagincmamrlalS. CATVor AntennaGrounding ' ar outsideantennaor cablesystemis connecma_c thisoroauc[Decertainthatit s grounded so asToDrOlaesomeprojectionaga_ns_ voKage surgesands[auc ImportantInformationfor the User ThiseaulDment hasbeentestedandfoundto comply wirethe limitsfora Class-BalgKaldevice,pursuan_ _o Part15 of the FCCRules.The milsare ]eslgneato pleasenotethatthecroon andothersectionsof the shippingpromotionarerec'.slable.Pleaserespectme envlronmem anddiscardthosemamrlalS at a COd, recyclingcenmr. charges.Section810 of the NationaElectrical Code. ANSI/NFPA No,70-1984, providesinformation with respectto propergrounding of the mastandsupporting s_uc[ure,grounalngofthe lead-inwireto anantenna dischargeunit,sizeof _rounalng conductorsiocauon of antennadischarge unit connection _ogrounding elec_roaes andreauirements ofthegroundingelectrode, orovlaereasonable protecuon againstharmfulinterferenceina residential ins_allauon, Thisequlpmemgenerads, usesandcanradiateradio-frequency energ_ana,if not ns[aHea anausedn accordance withthe instruc 1ions,maj causeharmfulinterference to radiocommunicatlon, However, thereisn( guarantee thatharmfu interference NIIInOToccurIr a oar[iCUlar installation. ' thiseauiDmenT acescauseharmfuinterference to raaloor mlevlslonreception,whichcan Deaemrm_nea byturningme equipmentoffandon the users encouraged to tr_m correctme nterference b; one or moreofthe followingmeasures Athis time youShOUld removethe DromcweDlaSIIC filmfromthe front-lane lens,Leavingthe filminmace _ ay affectthe performanceif yourremo_e control, NOTETO CATVSYSTEMINSTALLER: Thisreminder is orovlaeato callthe CATV(CableTV)system 'nstaiier s aFe%onto ar[icie820-4Cof the NECthat providesguidelines for propergroundingana,inoariicuiar,_Decifies thatthecaDiegroundShallbe connectedto the grounalngsysten-ofme bUildingas ClOSe [o me oointof cableentryaspossible FRONT- PANEL CONTROLS B m W [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] MainPowerSwitch SystemPowerControl PowerIndicator Headphone Jack SelectorButtons ToneMode SurroundModeSelector TuningSelector AM/FMSelector PresetStationsSelector [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] InputSourceSelector TuningModeSelector DigitalOptical3 Input DigitalCoax3 Input Video3 VideoInputJacks Video3 AudioInputJacks BassControl BalanceControl TrebleControl VolumeControl [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Set Button InputIndicators Delay DigitalInputSelector MainInformation Display ChannelSelectButton SpeakerSelectButton TestToneSelector SurroundModeIndicators RemoteSensorWindow [] Main Power Switch: Pressthisbuttonto appl_ power_o_neAVR125. When_neswltcnis dressed 'n.the unit _ olacedn a Standb,_ mode,as indicated eythe amberLEE[] surrounding the System PowerControl []. ThisbuttonMUSTbe sressedn _ooderam[ne unit.Toturn the unitoff anddreven_ the useof _neremoracon[rol thisswitchshouldoe n oeerauon, the indicatorwillturngreen.Shouldthe ind_cator _urnred turnTheunitoff usmj the Main PowerSwitch [] andcheckthe sdeakerwireconnectionsto makecertainthatthereareno short .:lrcu_m. semnc3 ofthe Bass[] andTreble[] comrolsmay Deusedto adjustthe outputsignals.When_neeu_or is dressedonceor twiceso thatthe wordsT 0 NE 0 U T appearinthe MainInformation Display[] theoutpu[signal_v be "flat".w_thout an_mass or _reDiealterationno matterhowthe ac[ualBassand [] HeadphoneJack:ThisJaCK mayDeused_olisten TrebleControls []il_ pressedunH [ DODS out fromthe front panelso that the word ]FF" ma Dereadat thetoo }f the switcr to theAVR125'soutputthrougha pairofheadphones. Becertainthattheheadphones havea standard s/4 s_ereo phoneplug.Thespeakers w automatical,oe turnedoff whenthe headphone JackISnuse. NOTE:Thisswitchis norma, eft nthe "ON"oosKion, [] SystemPowerControl:Whenthe Main Power Switch [] is"ONI'dressthisou_onto turnonthe AVR125: Dressi_againto turnthe unitoff.Notethat the PowerIndicator [] surrounding he switchw turn greenwhenthe unit ISE_ [] PowerIndicator:ThisLEDw De lumlnamdin amberwhen_neunitis inthe _tandbymodeto signal thatthe unit s read'._oDe_urneaon.Whentheunit is [] SelectorButtons:When/ouareestablishing the AVR125'sconfigura_on semngs, use_eseou_[ons _o selectfromthechoicesavailable, asshownintheMain InformationDisplay[] [] ToneMode:Pressing thisE)u[_on enaolesor diSaules_e BassandTrebletonecontrols.Whenthe UU[[On _SDressed so thatthewordsT 0 NE T N aDoea_ inthe MainInformation Display_"1, _e arean.asmd [] SurroundMode Selector:Pressthisbuttonm shangethesurroundmodeoyscrollingthrough_ne_s_ }f availablemodes.Depending on the_pe of input somemodesareno_alwaysavailable.(Seepage22 formoreinformation aoomsurroundmodes [] TuningSelector:Pressthe leftsideof the button to tunelower-frequency ma_lons andthe rightsideof :he ou[_on _o_unehigher-frequenG s[a_lons. Whena stationwit a s_rongslgna _reachedthe TUNED Indicator [] w Deilluminated inthe Main InformationDisplay[] FRONT- PANEL CONTROLS nManuatuningmode,tap Tneou_onlightlkandnote thatthetuner_v stepup onefrequency increment per DU_[On [ tess.Whenthe uumon is heldfora fewseconqsyou NIIInotethatthe unitwill quicklyaqvance _roughthe frequency band.Releasetandthe tuner w_STOD. nAutoTuningmode,eachcressofthe buttonwillsearchforthe nextstationwKnanacceptable signal.Pressandhold_neuu_ton to sk Dthroughthe acceotable stations.Whenthe buttons releaseqthe tuner Will r dT STO0 unIi [ reaches a s_auon wKr [] Video3 VideoInputJacks: ThesejacksmayDe usedforTempora'_ connection Tothe somoosite or Svlqeooutputof videogames,camcorqersor other portablevlqeoqroouc[s. [] Video3 AudioInputJacks: Theseaudio,acks mat Deuseqfor temDorar_ connecuon To iqeo gamesor portableaudio/vdeoDroquc[s SUCh ascamcomersanqDoHaole audioplayers ar acceptable frequency. ToswitchbackandforthbetweenTneAutoand Manualtuningmodes,pressthe TuningMode SelectorrP-_, [] AM/FM Selector:Pressing thisbuttonw_ au_omaTica j switchtheAVRt25 to theTunermode. Pressing i_againw switchbetweentheAM andFM frequency Bands.'.Seepage25 formoreinformation on _netuner, [] PresetStationsSelector:Pressthisbuttonto scro up or downthroughthe listof stationsthathave Beenenteredintothe oresetmemory.(Seepage25 formoreinformauon onTunerpresets. [] BassControl:Turnthiscontrolto modif_thelowfrequency ouTpu_ of theleft!rightchannels oyasmuchas = OdBwhenthe unitisinthe"Surround Off"mode.Set [nlscontrolToaSUITagle Position for_}urTasTe or roorr acousuc8 [] SpeakerSelectButton: PressthisDU_On TO beginthe orocessof configuring _neunit1omatchthe typeof speakersuseqinyourns[enlng room.iSee pages16-19 formoreinformatioron speakersetup andconfiguraTic - [] BalanceControl:TurnTnlscontrolTocnangeThe relawevolumeforthefrontleft!rightchannels, NOTE:Forproperooerationof the surroundmodes thiscontrolshouldDeat the mloooln[or 12 }'clock [] SurroundMode Indicators:A greenLEDwi gnTn frontof the surroundmodethats currem OOSI[IC q n use, [] TrebleControl:TurrThis controlTomodifythehigh frequency outputofthe left!rightchannels b};_smuchas +_19dBwhentheunit 3_nthe"Surround Off"mode.Set th_S controltoa suitablePosition for ,'ourTasTe or roof [] RemoteSensorWindow:Thesens}r behind thiswin(sowreceivesinfraredsignalsfromthe remote control.Aimtheremoteatthisareaanqdo not blOCK or cover_. acousucs cnangethe npu[oyssromng up or downthroughthe listof Input Indicators[] [] VolumeControl:Turnthisknobclockwiseto ncreaseTnevolumecounterclockwise to decreasethe [] TuningModeSelector:Press_ls DUTTOn TOselect Autoor ManuaTuning. Whenthe DU_On iSoresseq sc thattheAUTOIndicator[] ghts,thetunerwillsearch forthe nextstationw_thanacceptable sgna when_e TuningSelector[]_l_ is Dressed. Whenthe Du_[or 's Dresseq sothattheAUTOIndicator[] isnot i1[ eacnDressofthe TuningSelector[]_IP w_ 'ncreasethefrequency. ThisbuttonmasalsoDeuse(]To switchbetweenStereoandMonomodesforFMradio receotion. WhenweakreceoT_on is encountered Dress theDu_onum theSTEREOIndicator[] goesoutTo switchto MonoreceoTion. PressandhOldagainTo swl_crback1} STEREO mode.Seepage25 formore 'nformation onusingthetuner. .... volume.IftheAVR125 isrruTeqaqjusTing the VolumeControl []_) w au[omaucam_ release the unitfromthesilencedconqluOr [] DigitalCoax3 Input:Thisjackisusedforconnec[_on to the cutoutof oor[aDle auqloqevlces,vlqeo gameconsolesor otheroroquc[sthatnavea coax ]gl_alauqlc_Ck, [] ChannelSelectButton:Pressthisuumon To beginthe procassof t_imminothechannelcutoutevelsusingan exTerna auqlosource Formoreinformatlonon OUtDUT _evel TrimaqlusTmen[, seecage25. [] TestToneSelector:PressthisbuttonToDeg_n [ne processof adjusting the channelcutoutlevels usingthe internalTestToneasa reference.--ormore information on ouTpuT levelaqjusTmenT, seepage18 [] Input SourceSelector:PressthisDu_onTo [] DigitalOptical3 Input:Connectthe op_lca_ u@[al auqlocutoutof anauqloor vlqeodrOdUCt tOthisjack. When_e nDU[iSnotinuse.Decertainto ke63_ne DlaSTIC cadI_talledto aVOid qUSIconiamlnauon _aI '_ ghtdegradefutureoerformance. the rec@ver.Seepages7-8 fora comDteTe exD_anationof the Information Display. [] Set Button:Whenmakingshoices during_ne se_UD anqconfiguration process, dress_ls ou_[or Tcenterthedesiredsemngasshownin_neMain InformationDisplay[] ntotheAVR125's memory. ThesetouT,onma\alsoDeusedto changethedispla_ orightness. (Seepage26. [] Input Indicators:A greer LEDwignt ir frontof the nDUT Tna_ is currenuy celtSuseqasthe sourcefor TheAVR12£ [] Delay:Pressthisbu_tonto beginthe sequence of steDsrequwed Toenterqelaytimesettings.(See page19 for moreinformation on qelayTimes.) [] Digital InputSelector:Whenplayinga source thathasadigl_aOUTDUt. DressthisDU_On TO selec_ oe_ween the Optical[]@ an(]Coaxial_lJ@ Digital nou[sor ToselectThesourcesanaloginput (Seepages23-25 for moreinformation ondlgl[a audio. [] Main InformationDisplay:Thisq_splay delivers -essa_esandstatusnqloatlons to helpyouoperate FRONT-PANEL 0PT123 COAX123ANALOG o o o o o o 0 0, OOD OOPLII OOSST [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Bitsb-eam Indicators DTSModeIndicator DolbyDigitalIndicator DolbyProLogicII Indicator Dolby3 StereoIndicator/Stereo Indicator MainInformation Display DSPModeIndicator VMAxModeIndicators [] BitstreamIndicators:Whentheinputisa digital sourceoneoftheseindicators wi ightto displaytheseecifictypeof daasignalin_e. [] DTSModeIndicator:Thisindicatorlightswhena DTS-encoded sourceisplayingandDTSSurround oecodlne IS In use, [] DolbyDigitalIndicator:Thisindicatorlights whena DolbyDig[alsourceis BeingplayedandDolb_ [ igl[alsurrounddecodings in use, [] DolbyProLogic II Indicator:This no,cabot _lghts whenthe Dolb,ProLogc modehasbeenselected. [ IS 30SSlele _0 see De Dolbs°to Lo{_IC II indlca_o r simultaneous _withthe DolbyDig_alindlcaor,ever thoughthe DolbyDigkalsurroundmodehasbeen selectedThisis sue_oDe seecifications forDolL, Digitaprocessing, whichredulrethattheDolb} ProLoo,c modeDeusedany_lmea 2-channel Dolbysignals detected, • • _youdesire5.1-channelaudiochecktheaudio se_lncs inthe menusfor bothyourDVDplayerand yourDVDdiscto makesurethata 5,1-channelDolb_ [ igl[alsound_racKis avauaole andhasbeenselected [] Dolby3 StereoIndicator/StereoIndicator:The emlre_nd_caorgnuswhenthe Dolb 3 Stereomode nasBeenselected. WhenDe surroundmodesare turnedoff sothattwo-channel stereoplaybacks in use.or._De 'ST"indicatorw igm [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] o INFORMATION DISPLAY AUTO TUNED o o u o o DSP VMAxNF Logic7 ModeIndicators PresetNumber/Sleep Timer NightModeIndicator Speaker/Channel InputIndicators PresetIndicator SleepIndicator MemoryIndicator StereoIndicator [] Main InformationDisplay:Thisdisplayshows messages relall%to l_nesla_us, inou[sourcesurround mode._uner. volumeevel}r o_nerasuec_s of De AVR125'Sooeralon. [] DSPMode Indicator:Thisindicatorjhts whet an of thesurroundmodescreaedeyDigitalSignal Processingor DSPareinuse,Thesemodesinclude Hall1 Hall2. Theaterand5-ChanneStereo. [] VMAxMode Indicators:This ndicatorigntswhen the MAxmodeisinuse,V11Ax I= aBeearswhet xheFarFieldVMAxmodeisselectedV IIA × N aBeearswhenthe NearFieldVMAxmodeisselected (Seepage22 for a descrutionof theVMAxmodes, [] Logic 7 Mode Indicators:Thesend_ca[ors _gnt Nhenthe Logic7 modeis inuse LO 6 T ([ ? ([ aepearsfortheCinemaversionof Logc 7: LOGT ([ "211 anoearsforthe Musicversionof Logic7. (Seepage 22 for a descrotionof the Logic7 modes.) [] PresetNumber/SleepTimer:Whenthe tuneris n use,DesenumoersindicatetheseecificEreset memop,ocauoninuse,(Seepage25 for moreinformationon drese_ s_auons. Whenthe SleeEfunctions n use,Desenumberssnowhowmar. minutes remainbeforethe unitgoesintothe Standb,.mode. (Seepage21 for information on De SleeeFunction,/ [] Night Mode Indicator:Thisindicatorlightswhen theAVF125 is inthe Nign_mode.which_reserves De dynamicrangeof digitalprogrammanana_[low [] [] [] [] [] TunedIndicator AutoIndicator AnalogInputIndicator CoaxialDigitalInputIndicators OpticalDigitalInputIndicators volumelevels.Thismodeison, available withspecials encodedDolbyDigitalsources.(Seepage24 for a _escrxlon of the NightMode, [] Speaker/ChannelInput Indicators:Theseindicatorsaremultipurpose, indicating eitherthespeakertype selectedforeachchannelor theincomingdaa-slgna sonflguration. Theleft.cen_er, r jn[, ngn[surroundand eftsurroundsBeaker indicators arecorr9oseoof three Boxes. whilethesubwooferisa singlebox.Thecenter coxlightswhena 'sins speakerisselectebandthe _WO ou_erBoxeslightwhen"large"sFeakersareselecb eo Nhennoneofthe boxesare t forthecenter,sup roundor subwoofer channels, no sueakerhasbeen assigned to oneofthoseeositions. (Seepage17 for moreinformation on configuring speakers.Theletters nsloeeachofthe centerBoxesdisplayacweInpu_ channelsForstandard analoginputs,on_,_ De LandR w light,indicating a stereoinput.Whena d_l[alsource s playingDe indicators w lighttOdisplaythechannels oelngreceived a Dedlg_[ainput.WhenDe le_ers flash.Dedigitalinputhasbeeninterrupted. (Seepages _B-19 formoreinformation onthe Channeindicators. [] Preset Indicator:Thisindicatorlightswhenthe tuneris inuseto showthatthe PresetNumber/ SleepTimer [] is showingthe station'spreset memorynumber.(Seepage25 for moreinformation on_unererese_s.i [] SleepIndicator:Thisindicatorlightswhenthe Sleeefunctionis n use.Thenumbersinthe Reset Number/SleeB TimerIndicators WillShOW the m_nu[es FRONT-PANEL INFORMATION remainingbeforethe AVR125 goesintothe StandL. mooe Seepage21 for moreinformation [] Memory Indicator:Thisindicatorflasheswhen en[enng_rese[sanootherinformationintothe _uners memory, [] StereoIndicator:ThisindicatorigntswhenanFM s[a_lonisbeing_uneoins[ereo, [] TunedIndicator:Thisindicatorligntswher a s_a_lon is beingreceivedwithsufficientsignals_reng__oDro_e acceo_aele ns[enlng quan[y. [] Auto Indicator:This nolca_or tuner'sAutomodeisin use, lights whenthe [] AnalogInput Indicator:Thisinolca_or ilgntswher an anaoj nuu[sourcehasbeenseJec[eo [] CoaxialDigitalInput Indicators:Thesenolca[ors igntto showwhena CoaxiaDigitalnuuthaseeen selec[ea, [] Optical DigitalInput Indicators:Theseindicators igntto showwhenan OpticsDigitalInputhaseeen selec_ea NOTE:Seepage23 for information or assgnlngel[ner an analoginput}r oneof the digl[ainputsto the sourcecurre% r use, DISPLAY REAR-PANEL +e ¢¢ ,> i i i i iiii ii iiii i -L__ + -. CONNECTIONS Li__L__ 4_ ili ! e" v,+°÷°+ .i@, @ @,@,@m,,rm@@ @ m,+, ....... ,,+ ...... -,_o, ........ ......... -- SPEAKERS(8_A _ ! -- |_- [ ] _ _ _ I harman/kardon Co3 Co3 931531 /_; AC OUTLETS -- c us I : .... _'" I [ ] Q O AMAntenna FMAntenna i_) CDInPU[S TapeOutPutS TapeInpu[s Subwoofer}u_Du_ FrontSpeakerOutpum SurroundSpeakerOutDu[s FrontSpeakerOutE u_s i_) SurroundSpeakerOutpum FrontSpeakerOutE um SwitchedACAccessor.Outlet Jnswltched ACAccessoryOutlet AC PowerCord OpticalDigitalOutpu_ CoaxialDigitalOut_u_ VideoMonitorS-VideoOutpu_ i_) DVDS-VideoInou_ i_) CoaxialDigitalnmu_e _) Video1 S-VideoInDu_ Video1 S-VideoOumu_ OpticalDigitalnmu[._ Video2 S-VideoInDu[ 6-ChannelDirectIr_um videoMonitorComoosite VideoOutou[ _ DVDComposite video_neu[ O AMAntenna:Connect theAMloopantenna sup-Subwoofer Output:Connectthisjackto the linepliedwi_ thereceiver totheseterminals. Ifanexternal levelinputof a poweredsubwoofer. If anexternalsubAMantennaisused,makeconnections to theAM and wooferamplifieris used,connectthisjackto the subGNDterminalsinaccordance withtheinstructions supwooferamplifierinput, pliedwiththe antenna, _i_ FrontSpeakerOutputs:Connectthese FMAntenna:Connect thesuppliedindooror an outputsto the matching÷ or. terminalsonyourfront optional external FMantennatothisterminal, speakers. Whenmakingspeakerconnections, always makecertainto maintain correctpolaritybyconnecting CD Inputs:Connectthesejacksto theoutputof a the blackterminalto thenegative(_) terminalon the compactdiscplayeror CDchanger, speakers.Connectthewhiteterminalto the positive 0 TapeOutputsl connecttheselacksto RECORD/INPUT jacksof anaudiorecorder. TapeInputs-.connectthesejaCksiothe PLAY/OUT jacksof anaudiorecorder, use to (+) terminalonthe leftfrontspeaker, the redterminal the positive(+) terminalOntherightfrontspeaker andthegreenterminaltothe positive(+) terminalon the centerfrontspeaker.Newerspeakersmayhave matchingcolorterminalsinaccordance withthe new CEAspecifications, whileexistingspeake[stypically a redterminalforthe positive(+) speakerwire ._ DVDAudioInDu[s Video1 ComDosl[e video Irou[ video1 AudioInou[s Video1 Corr[osltevideoOutPut Video1 AudioOutoum Video2 Corn_OSlte videoInou! Video2 Audior Dun connection.(Seepage"14for moreinformation on speakerpolarity.) _i]_) SurroundSpeakerOutputs:Connectthese outputsto the matching+ or _ terminalson yourleft andrightsurroundspeakers. Whenmakingspeaker connections alwaysmakecertainto maintaincorrect polarityby Connecting theblackterminalto the negative(-) terminalonthe speakers.Connectthe blue terminalto the positive(÷) termina!on the !eftsurround speakerandthe grayterminalto the positive (+)terminalon the rightsurroundspeaker.Newer speakersmayhavematchingcolorterminalsinaccordancewiththe newCEAspecifications, whileexisting sPeakers typicallyUsea redterminalfor the Positive (÷) speakerwireconnection.(Seepage14 for more information on speakerpolarity.) REAR-PANEL CONNECTIONS SwitchedACAccessoryOutlet:Thisoutletmay be usedto poweranydeviceyouwishto haveturned on or off atthe sametimeasthe AVR125.Anydevice connectedto thisoutletwill beoff whentheAVR125 is intheStandbymode,andpowerwillbe suppliedto theoutletwhentheAVR125 is turnedon. UnswitchedACAccessoryOutlet:Thisoutlet maybe usedto poweranyAC device.Thepowerwill remainon atthisoutletregardless of whetherthe AVR125 is on or off. IMPORTANT NOTE:Thetotalpowerconsumption of all devicesconnectedto theaccessoryoutletsshould notexceed1O0watts.Donot connectpoweramplifiers or otherhigh-current drawdevicestotheseoutlets. ti_ AC PowerCord:ConnedtheACplugto an unswitched ACwalloutlet. i]_ Optical DigitalOutput:Connedthisjackto the matchingdigitalaudioinputconnectoron a digital recordersuchasa CD-Ror MiniDiscrecorder. CoaxialDigital Output:Connectthisjackto the matchingdigitalaudioinputconnectoron a digital recordersuchas aCD-Ror MiniDiscrecorder. _ VideoMonitorOutputs:Connedthesejacks to thecompositeor S-Videoinputof aTVmonitoror videoprojectorto viewthe outputof anystandard videosourceselectedbythereceiver'svideoswitcher. i_)_ DVDVideoInputs: Connectoneofthese jacksto the compositeor S-Videooutputjackson a DVDor othervideosource. i_) CoaxialDigitalInputs: Connedthecoaxdigital audiooutputfroma DVDplayer, HDTVreceiver, LD player, satellite receiver, cablebox,MiniDisc recorderor CDplayerto thesejacks.Thesignalmaybeeithera DolbyDigitalsignal,DTSsignalor astandard PCMdigital source.Donot connedthe RFdigitaloutputof an LDplayerto thesejacks. Video1 VideoInputs:Connedoneof these jacksto the PLAY/OUT compositeor S-Videojacks on aVCRor othervideosource. Video1 VideoOutputs:Connectoneofthese jacksto the RECORD/INPUT compositeor S-Video jackon aVCR. OpticalDigital Inputs:Connectthe opticaldigital audiooutputfroma DVDplayer,HDTVreceiver,LD player,satellitereceiver,cablebox,MiniDiscplayeror recorder, or CDplayerto thesejacks.Thesignalmay be eithera DolbyDigitalsignal,a DTSsignalor a standardPCMdigitalsource. €_)_ Video2 VideoInputs:Connectoneof these jacksto the PLAY/OUT compositeor S-Videojacks on a TV,VCRor othervideosource. _,) 6-ChannelDirect Inputs: Ifan externaldigital audiodecoderis used,connectthe outputsof that decoderto thesejacks. Thesejackshavebeencolor-codedasfollowsto assistyouin makingcorrectchannelconnections: FrontLeft White FrontRight Center SurroundLeft SurroundRight Subwoofer Red Green Blue Gray Purple DVDAudioInputs: Connedthesejacksto the analogaudiojackson a DVDplayeror othersource device. NOTE:Thedefaultsettingfortheaudioinputassociated withDVDis the CoaxialDigitalInput 1 i_). If you connectthe audiooutputsof a DVDplayerto the analogjacks,_, changethe inputsettingas shownon page20. _}) Video1 Audio Inputs:Connedthesejacksto the PLAY/OUT audiojackson aVCRor othervideo source. _X)Video1Audio Outputs:Connedthesejacksto the RECORD/INPUT audiojackson aVCR. (_) Video2 Audio Inputs:Connectthesejacksto the PLAY/OUT audiojackson aVCR,satellitereceiver, cablebox,videogameor othercompositevideo source. REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTIONS O 0 O 0 PowerOffButton IRTransmitter Window ProgramIndicator PowerOnButton InputSelectors AVRSelector 0 AM/FMTunerSelect TestButton SleepButton SurroundModeSelector NightMode ChannelSelectButton • Button • Button SetButton DigitalSelect • Button NumericKeys TunerMode DirectButton TuningUp/Down MacroButtons Transport Controls VCR TV CH. NIGHT SkipUp/DownButtons DiscSkipButton PresetUp/Down ClearButton MemoryButton Delay/Prev. Ch. • Button SpeakerSelect SpareButton VolumeUp/Down TV/VideoSelector 6-ChannelDirectInput @ Mute 0 TUNING PRESET NOTE:Thefunctionnamesshownherereferto each button'sfeaturewhenusedwith_e AVR125. Most buttonshaveadditional functionswhenusedwith otherdevices.Seepages31-32 fora listof these functions. AVR 125 REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTIONS IMPORTANT NOTE:TheAVR125'sremotemaybe programmed to controlup to sevendevices,including he AVR125. Beforeusingthe remote,rememberto pressthe InputSelectorButton_ hat correspondsto the unityouwishto operate.Inaddition, the AVR125'sremoteisshippedfromthefactoryto operatetheAVR125 andmostrecentHarmanKardon products.Theremoteis alsocapableof operatinga widevarietyof otherproductsusingthe controlcodes thatarepartof theremote.Beforeusingthe remote withotherproducts,followthe instructions on pages 27-30 to programthe propercodesforthe products inyoursystem. It isalsoimportant to rememberthatmanyof the buttonsonthe remotetakeondifferentfunctions, dependingon the productselectedusingthe DeviceControl Selectors. Thedescriptions shownhereprimarily detail thefunctionsofthe remotewhenit isusedto operate theAVR125. (Seepages31-32 for information about alternate functions forthe remote'sbuttons.) 0 PowerOff Button:Pressing thisbuttonturnsoff (placesintheStandbymode)the devicethatwaslast selectedbypressing oneofthe InputSelectors4_t. ToplacetheAVR125intheStandbymode,firstpress theAVRSelectorButton_ andthenpressthis button. IRTransmitterWindow:Pointthiswindow towards theAVR125v_enpressing buttonsonthe remoteto makecertainthatinfrared commands are properlyreceived. ProgramIndicator:Thisthree-colorindicator is usedto guideyouthroughthe processof programmingtheremote.(Seepages27-30 for information on programming the remote.) 0 PowerOn Button:Afterselecting a deviceby pressing oneofthe InputSelectors4_t, pressthis buttonto turnthedeviceon.ToturnontheAVR125, presstheAVRSelectorButton_. Input Selectors:Pressingoneof thesebuttons willperformthreeactionsatthe sametime.First,if the AVR125 is notturnedon,thiswill powerup theunit. Next,it willselectthesourceshownon the buttonas the inputto theAVR125. Finally, it will changethe remotecontrolsothatit controlsthedeviceselected. Afterpressingoneof thesebuttonsyou mustpress theAVRSelectorButton _ againto operatethe AVR125'sfunctionswiththe remote. AVRSelector:Pressing thisbuttonwillswitchthe remotesothatit willoperate theAVR125'sfunctions. If theAVR125 isintheStandbymode,it willalsoturnthe AVR125on. 0 AM/FMTunerSelect:Pressthisbuttonto select theAVR125's tunerasthe listening choice.Pressing thisbuttonwhenthetuneris alreadyin usewill switch betweentheAM andFMbands. Q TestButton:Pressthisbuttonto beginthe sequenceusedto calibrate theAVR125'soutputlevels. (Seepages18-19 for moreinformation on calibrating theAVR125.) SleepButton:Pressthisbuttonto placetheunit intheSleepmode.Afterthetime showninthe display, theAVR125 willautomatically go intothe Standby mode.Eachpressof the buttonchangesthe timeuntil turn-offinthefollowingorder: [__gp |min _ mln 40,_ 8() _ mill 30_ min 7() _ 6() _ mln mill mln . _OFF rn,n10 m2iOn '_ 5() 7 l Thisbuttonis alsousedto changechannels on your IV whentheIV is selected,andit is alsousedto end the processofcreatinga macrocommand. (Seepage 28 formoreinformation oncreatingmacros.) SurroundMode Selector:Pressthisbuttonto beginthe processofchangingthesurroundmode.After the buttonhasbeenpressed,usethe A/• Buttons qi_)qi_l to selectthe desiredsurroundmode.(See page22 for moreinformation.) Thisbuttonis also usedto tunechannelswhentheIV isselected,and duringthe processof erasingstoredmacrocommands.(Seepage28 for moreinformation on macros.) NOTE:TheSleepButton _ andSurround Mode Selector_ mayalsofunctionasthe Channel+ and- keyswhentheremoteis programmed for use withTVs,cableboxes,VCRs,satellitereceiversor other videodeviceswithtuners.Seepage29 for information on programming the remotefor ChannelControl Punch-Through capabilitysothatyoumaychange channelson a separate devicewhenthe remoteis inAVRmode. Night Mode:Pressthisbuttonto activatethe Nightmode.Thismodeis available inspeciallyencoded digitalsourcesto preservedialog(centerchannel) intelligibility at lowvolumelevels. ChannelSelectButton:Thisbuttonisusedto starttheprocessofsettingtheAVR125'soLMutlevelsto anexternal source.Oncethisbuttonis pressed, usethe A/• Buttonsqi_)qi_l to selectthechannelbeing adjusted, thenpresstheSet Button _, followedby the A/• Buttonsqi_)qi_l again,tochangethelevel setting.(Seepage25 formoreinformation.) A Button:Thismultipurpose buttonisusedto changeconfiguration settingssuchasoutputlevels. Whenchanging an itemsuchasthesurroundmodeor digitalinputdirectly, firstpressthefunctionor modeto bechanged(e.g.,presstheSurroundModeSelector to selecta surroundmodeorthe DigitalSelect Button @ to changethedigitalinput)andthenpress thisbuttonto scrollthroughthe listof available choices. • Button:Thisbuttonisusedto changethe settingduringsomeof the setupprocedures forthe AVR125. Set Button:Thisbuttonis usedto entersettings intothe AVR125's memory.It is alsousedinthe setupprocedures fordelaytime,speakerconfiguration andchanneloutputleveladjustment. DigitalSelect:Pressthisbuttonto assignoneof the digitalinputsi_)_l'_J_lJ to the sourcecurrently inuse.(Seepage23 for moreinformation on using digitalinputs.) • Button:Thismultipurpose buttonisusedto changeconfiguration settingssuchasoutputlevels. Whenchanging an itemsuchasthesurroundmodeor digitalinputdirectly, firstpressthefunctionor modeto bechanged(e.g.,presstheSurroundModeSelector to selecta surroundmodeorthe DigitalSelect Button @ to changethedigitalinput)andthenpress thisbuttonto scrollthroughthe listof available choices. NumericKeys:Thesebuttonsserveasa tenbuttonnumerickeypadto entertunerpresetpositions. Theyarealsousedto selectchannelnumberswhen TV hasbeenselectedon the remote,or to selecttrack numberson a CD,DVDor LDplayer,depending on howthe remotehasbeenprogrammed. TunerMode:Pressthisbuttonwhenthetuneris inuseto selectbetweenautomatictuningandmanual tuning.Inautomatictuningmode,the AUTOIndicator [] willbe lit, andonlystationswithacceptablesignal qualitymaybetunedbypressingthe TuningUp/ Down Buttons[_Jql_h Whenthe buttonis pressed sothatthe AUTOIndicator[] goesout,manual tuningmodeis engaged,andpressingthe Tuning Buttons _}P[_ will movethe frequency up or down insingle-stepincrements. Whenthe FMbandis in use,pressingthisbuttonwhena station'ssignalis weakwill changeto monauralreception.(Seepage 25 formoreinformation.) Direct Button:Whenthetuneris inuse,press thisbuttonto startthe sequencefordirectentryof a station'sfrequency. Afterpressing the buttonsimply pressthe properNumericKeys_ to selecta station. (Seepage25 formoreinformation on thetuner.) REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTIONS TuningUp/Down:Whenhe tunerisinuse,these buttonswilltuneup or downthroughtheselectedfrequencyband.IftheTunerModeButton _)E'_I has beenpressedsothattheAUTOIndicator[] is illuminated,pressing eitherofthe buttonswillcausethetuner to seekthe nextstationwithacceptable signalstrength forqualityreception. Whenthe AUTOIndicator[] is NOTilluminated, pressing thesebuttonswilltunestationsinsingle-step increments. (Seepage25 for more information.) AVR125 whenprocessing surroundsound.After pressing thisbutton,thedelaytimesareenteredby pressing the Set Button _ andthenusingthe A/v Buttonsqi_)qj_l to changethe setting.Press the Set Button _ againto completethe process. (Seepage19 for moreinformation.) MacroButtons:Pressthesebuttonsto storeor recalla "Macro", whichisa preprogrammed sequence of commands storedintheremote.(Seepage28 for moreinformation on storingandrecallingmacros.) SpeakerSelect: Pressthisbuttonto beginthe processof configuringtheAVR125's bassmanagementsystemfor usewiththe typeof speakersused inyoursystem.Oncethe buttonhas beenpressed, usethe A/'v Buttons qi_!_qj_lto selectthe channelyou wishto set up.Pressthe Set Button andthenselectanotherchannelto configure. When all adjustments havebeencompleted,pressthe Set Button _ twiceto exitthe settingsand returnto normaloperation.(Seepage17 for more information.) TransportControls:Thesebuttonsdo not have anyfunctions forthe AVR125, buttheymaybe programmedforthe forward/reverse playoperationof a widevarietyof CDor DVDplayers, andaudioor video cassetterecorders. (Seepage29 formoreinformation on programming theTransport Conb-ol Punch-Through capabilityofthe remote.) Skip Up/DownButton:Thesebuttonshaveno directfunctionwiththeAVR125, butwhenusedwith a compatibly programmed CDor DVDchanger, they willchangethe trackor chapterofthe disccurrently beingplayedinthechanger. DiscSkip Button:Thisbuttonhasno direct functionfor theAVR125, but whenusedwithacompatiblyprogrammed CDor DVDchanger, it will change the disccurrentlybeingplayedinthe changer. (See page28 for moreinformation on usingthe remote withotherdevices.) PresetUp/Down:Whenthe tuneris inuse, pressthesebuttonsto scrollthroughthe stationsprogrammedintotheAVR125's memory.Whensome sourcedevices,suchasCDplayers, VCRsandcassettedecks,areselectedusingthe deviceInput Selectors41_t,thesebuttonsmayfunctionas ChapterSteporTrackAdvance. ClearButton:Pressthisbuttonto clearincorrect enbieswhenusingtheremoteto directlyentera radio station's frequency. MemoryButton:Bessthisbuttonto enteraradio stationintotheAVR125'spresetmemory. Oncethe MemoryIndicator[] flashes,youhavefiveseconds to entera presetmemorylocationusingthe Numeric Keysqj]_. (Seepage25 for moreinformation.) Delay/PreyCh.: Pressthisbuttonto begin the processforsettingthe delaytimesusedbythe _. Button:Pressthisbuttontomangea setting or selection whenconfiguring manyoftheAVR125's settings. SpareButton:Thisbuttondoesnot haveany functionforthe operationof theAVR125, but it is availableforusewhenprogrammed withthe code fromanotherremote.(Seepage27 forinformation on programming the remotewithcodesfor other devices.) VolumeUp/Down:Pressthesebuttonsto raise or lowerthesystemvolume.Seepage29 for more information on programming the VolumePunchThroughcapabilityof the remote,whichallowsyouto changetheAVR125'svolumewhilethe remoteisset to conb-olanotherdevice. W/VideoSelector:Thisbuttondoesnot havea directfunctionontheAVR125, butwhenusedwitha compatiblyprogrammed VCR,DVDor satellitereceiver thathasa "IV/Video"function,pressingthisbuttonwill switchbetweenthe outputof the playeror receiver andthe externalvideoinputto thatplayer.Consultthe owner'smanualforyourspecificplayeror receiverfor the detailsof howit implements thisfunction. 6-ChannelDirect Input: Pressthisbuttonto selectthe component connectedto the 6-Channel DirectInput _ asthesource. Mute: Pressthisbuttonto momentarily silence theAVR125 or TVsetbeingconb-olled, dependingon whichdevicehasbeenselected. WhentheAVR125 ismuted,pressthisbuttonor usetheVolume Control [] _ to returnto the previousvolume level.WhentheAVR125 remoteis beingprogrammed to operateanotherdeviceor whenamacrocommand is beingprogrammed, thisbuttonispressedwiththe Input SelectorButton _ to beginthe programmingprocess.(Seepage27 formoreinformation on programming theremote.) INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS SystemInstallation Afterunpackinc theunit.andplacingKon aSOlid surface capableofsupporting itsweight,youWillneedto make theconnections to _buraudioandvideoequipment cableTVs_stem.Notethatif the antennaor connectlor uses300-ohmtwin-leadcable youmustuseme 300-ohm-to-75-ohmadaptorSUDE ed withtheunitto makethe connecuon, AudioEquipmentConnections Werecommend thatyouusehigh-qualit_ interconnect Cableswhenmakingconnections to sourceedu_omem andrecordersto oreservetne inmgrityofthe signals, 7, Ifyou havea DVD-Audio DrSACDp_ayer, or other componentthatincludesan oneoardsurround decoderand6-channelline-levelaudiooutputs,you ma_connecttheseaudiocutoutsto the 6-Channel Direct Inputs_,_.It s alsonecessary to connectthe Whenmakingconnections 10audioSOUrCe edulPmen[ coaxor opticaldigitaloutputor a BVBpla_er to coax or soeakersit is alwaysa goodpracticeto unplugthe or opticaldigitalinputson theAVR125 i_)_i'l_Ji'l_J unitfromtheACwalloutletThisorevenm anypOSSlPll- to takeadvantage of DolbyDigitaor DTSsoundtracks. [yof accidental y sendingaudioor transientsignalsto Connectthe DVDplayers wdeocutoutsto the DVD thesoeakersthatmaydamac_= them VideoInput Jacks _. Foraudio-on,sources, suchasDVDaudioor SACEselectthe 6-Channe 1. Connectthe analogoutputof a CDplayertothe Directnoutsource.Forvideosourcessucnasa DVD CDInputs selectthe DVDndUt NOTE:Whenthe C[ playerhasPOInfixedandvariampaudiooutoum[is des[to usethefixedcutout unlessyoufindthatthe input[0 the receiver_sso ow thatthe soundisnoisy,or so highthatthesigna is distorted, 2. Connectthe analogPlay/Out jacksof a cassette deck.MD.CD-Ror otheraudiorecorderto the Tape Input Jacks _ Connectthe analogRecord/In jacks on the recorderto theTapeOutputJacks 0 on the AVR125, 3. Connectthe outputof anyolctalsources1othe appropnam_nputconnectionson the AVR125 rear panel.Notethatthe Optical andCoaxialDigital Inputs i_)€_i"B'ti"_Jmay beusedwitha Bolby Digta or DTSsourcesuchasa DVDola!er.or the outputof a conventlonaCDor LDplayer'sPCM S/P-DIRoutput. 4, ConnecttheOpticalDigitalOutput_ or Coaxial DigitalOutputii_ onthemarpaneloftheAVR125to thematching digitalinputconnections on aCD-Ror MiniDisc recorde_: 5. Assemble the AM LOOP Antennasuooneawithtne unitasshownbelow.Connectit to the AM andGND ScrewTerminalsO. 8, Connectthefront cemerandsurroundSpeaker Outputs_})_ to the respective speakers. -a ensurethatall theaUdiOsignalsarecarriedto your sEeakerswithoutlossof clarit,or resolutionwesLjgestthatyou usehigi_ qualityspeakercable.Man,. brandsof cableareavailable andthecnolceof cable ma,_be influencedo,_[nedistancepetweenyour speakersandthereceiver,thetypeof speakersyou use.Dersona_ Ereferencesandotherfactors.Your dealeror ns[alleris aValUable resourceto consultn selectingthe prooercame, Degaroless of the brandof cableselectedwerecommendthat, Duusea caplecons_uc[ed of fine muitls_and:opperwitha gaugeof 14 orsmaller.Remember 1natinspecifying:anle._neowerthe numoe the thickerthe caole. Cablewitha gaugeof 16 ma,..Deusedforshortruns of lessthanten feet,Wedo notrecommend thatyou usecableswithanAWGequivalent of 18 or hgnerdue to the dower}ss anddegradation inperformance that Will OCCur, CablesthatareruninsidewallsshouldhavetheaDorooriatemarkingsto indicatelistingWl_UL.CSAor other appropnam restingagenc_SIandardS. Questions aboul runnm_cablesinsidewallsShOUld bereferredto your ns[aHer or a censeaelectricalcontractorwhoisfamilJarwiththe NECand/orthe aPEcablelOCal PUlldlng COdeS in!ourarea 6. Connectthe suuoliedFMantennato the FM Antenna(75 ohm)Connection_. TheFManmnna ma_alsobe an externalroofanmnnaan nsldecoweredor wire earlantennaor a connectionfroma When:onnectlngwiresto the _oeakers, Decertainto observeoroperpoland.Remember to connec_ _ne negative" or "black"wireto thesameterminalon boththereceiverandthe soeaker. TheAVR125 confon-nstothe atestCEA-recommended COlOr-Codlno forspeakerterminals. Accordingly. me POSllIVe I+ terminal,whichwaspreviously red s nowa soecific colorto asmstyou inmakingthecorrectconnections. ' your_9eakershavecolor-codedconnectionsmamn the terminalon theAVR125 to the liketerminalon yourspeakers,Forexistingspeakerswitha redmrmlnalfor the oosmve connectlortheconnections on the AVR125 areasfollows: FrontLeft= White FrontRight= Red Center= Green SurroundLeft= Blue SurroundRight= Gra_ Wh _ mostsoeakermanufacturers adhereto an ndustr.,conventionof usincblackterminalsfor negativeandred onesfor Eositlve,somemanufacturers mayvaryfromthisconfiguration. Toensureproper phaseandoptimalperformance, consultthe identification platoon yourspeakeror the soeaker'smanualtc verifypolarity. Ifyou dOno_knowhe oolarityofyour speaker,askyourdealerforadvicebeforeproceeding or consultthe soeaker'smanufacturer, We alsorecommendthattne engthof cableused to connectspeakerpairsde identical.Forexamole. usethe samelengthpieceof cableto connectthe fr)nt-left andfront-rigmor surround-leftandsurround-rght speakers,evenif the SEeakersarea differentdistancefrom theAVR125 9 Connections to a subwooferarenorma_ madevia a _ne-leveaudioconnection fromtne Subwoofer Output0 to the llne-levenEu1of a subwooferwith a PUll[-In am9lifier. Whena 9asslve subwooferis useG the connectionfirstgoesto a poweramplifier, which w_ Deconnectedto oneor moresubwooferspeakers, f youareusinga doweredsubwooferthatdoesnot haveline-levelinputconnections, followthe instructionsfurnishedwiththe sEeakerforconnection nformation, Video EquipmentConnections VideO eaulpmen[ is connecmanthesamemanneras auaLo components, Again,theuseof hign-qua_v merco_nectcames_srecommended to preserve %naEquamy, thoughanycompatibleVideO aewcema Deconnecteato anyvlaeoinput/wl_ theexceptionof the Video 1 OutputJacks _)1_}. whichmay0% de connectedto a Videorecorder),to makeprogramming devicecodes_ntothe remotecontroleasier,werecommendthatyOUconnectyourVCRto theVideo 1 Connectors(__)_, ! ourtelevision to the Video2 Connectors_ I_), andyourcable-TV converteror satellitereceiverto theVideo3 Connectorsi'_Ji']'_J, 1. Connecta VCR'saUdiO andvideoPlay/Outacksto the Video1 InputJacks _ onthe rearoanel, TheAudioandVideoRecord/inackson theVCR INSTALLATION shouldbe connectedto the Video1 Out Jacks i_)_)l_i) on theAVR125 2. Connectthe analogaudioandvideocutoutsofa mievlslon setor an,_oTnervideosourceto the Video2 Jacks _)_) _), PowerConnections Ths unit_sedu_DDed Wit tWOaccessor.AC outlets, Thej mayde usedTopoweraccessory]ewces.DUT the ShOUld not Deusedwithhign-current draweduIDmeritsuchas doweramplifiers. Thetotal soweruraN to eachOUTleT ma'_notexceed100 waits. 3. ConnectTheanalogaudioandvideodUmdUm ofa cableTVconverteror satellitereceiver, or ar,, Diner videosourceTotheVideo3 Jacks il_j[r_j on me frontdaneof theAVR125. TheSwitchedACAccessoryOutlet_ will reDe_ve poweronlywhenthe unit 3on.This 3recommended "or devicesthathaveno dowerswitDhor a mechanica dowerswitchthatms'.Deleftinthe 'ON'DOSltlOn 4. Connectthe analogaudioandvideoOumuts of a DVDor laserdiscplayerToTneDVDJacks i_)_. When_olglta audioconnectionis used for yourDVDp_as er the defaultconnections the CoaxialDigital Input 1 Jack i_). However. the connectionma} alsoDemadeToanyof the Optical _i"k"t }r Coaxiali_)i"B Digital Inputs, provided matme digitalInputsourceselectionis chancedas Shownon page23. If_ourDVDor DVD-Audio player 'noluoesanOnDOarO surrounddecoderand6-channe ne-_eve_ audioouTpuTs, yOUmayconnecttheseaudio OUmUtS tOhe 6-ChannelDirect Inputs_,_.When youwishTohearthisdecodedaudio,selectthe DVD ndUtfirstinorderto selectthe videos gnalfromthe DVDala_er,Tnenselectthe 6-ChanneDirectInDuT sourceforthe audio. NOTE:Man_aUdiOandvideoproductsgo Intoa 3tandb modewhenthe__reusedwithswitchedoutets._ndcannotbefull,.Turnedon uSlnD me OuTleT alonewithouta remotesontrocommand 5. Connectthe digitalaudioouTpum of a DVDpla!er sammm receivercameDOX or HDTVconverterto the aDDroDnam Opticalor CoaxialDigital Inputs 6, Connectthe VideoMonitorOutput _. 9.CKS on thereceiverto the comooslm}r S-VideoInDuT of yourm_ews_on monitoror waledprojector VIDEOCONNECTION NOTE: • 30mDOSlTe an(]S-Videosignalsmayo% Deviewed n theirnativeformats,TheAVR125 Willno]_convert signalsfromcomoositeto S-Videcor viceversa S-Videoinputsmay0% beviewedwhenthe AVR125 is connectedToa TVsetor videodisplay wth S-Videocapability. Ifyou usebothstandard comooslTe videoandS-Videosourcesinyour s_stem.iTis irrportanT Thatyou ;onnectbothan S-Videocableandastandardcomoosimvideo cable a coaxcablewithanRCAslugsnboth ends betweentheAVR125 andjourTVor projec Tor,Whenit is necessar_[omakebothtypeso] connections To.ourTVset.usedifferentin}utsif sosslole. Consultthe instructions for yourTVset o_ projectorfor moreinformation}n connecHnc both #pesof s _nals. TheUnswitchedAC AccessoryOutlet li_/v receivecoweraslongasTheunitis pluggedIn_oa coweredAC outlet, Finally, wnenall connections are;ompleTe, plughe PowerCord li_ intoa nonswlmned 120-voltAC wal outleT,YourealmostreadyToenjoythe AVR125! AND CONNECTIONS SYSTEM CONFIGURATION /Vhenallaudio,vlgeoandsjstemconnections have oeenmacethemareafewconfiguration aojus_menm _a_mustbe made.A fewminutessoemto correctly configureangcailoram the unitWilljrea_iyago_oyour istenlngexperience. SpeakerSelectionand Placement Theglacementof soeakereina multichanne home _eaters,.s_em canhavea no%eagle-oac_ on _ne quali_of soundreproduced. No matterwhich_ypeor orangof soeakerss used.the samemoge or orang of sgeakershouldbe usegfor the leftfront,cenmr angrightfront sbeakers. Thiscreatesa seamless frontsoundstageandeliminates the possIOlllbof dis_rac[ingsonicdisturbances thatoccurwhena soung movesacrossmismatched front-channespeakers. oosition.Againthe! ShOUld be locatedsothatthe oottomofthe camne_ is a_leasttwofeethigher_an the listeners'ears.Thesoeakereshouldbe no more Center Front Speaker thansixfeetbehindtherearof the seatingarea. Speaker A Front-Channd SoeaKer installation wmDirectViewTVSetsor Rear-Screen ProJectors TV Left Front SDeaKe_ or Prolection Screen Center Front Speaker Right Front Speaker SpeakerPlacement Depending on the typeof centerchannelsueakerin useangyourviewinggevlce,olacethe centersoeaker eitherdirectl,aooveor oelow\ ourTV or inthe cenrer oemg a perforatedfrontprojectionscreer Oncethe centerchannelsoeakeris installed,oosmon _e eftfrontangrght frontsFeakereso thatthe',are asfarawa fromoneanotherasthecenterchanne speakeris fromthe sreferred_smn_ng posmon. _gea_y, thefront-channel soeakere ShOUld be olacegso that theirtweetersareno morethan24" aboveor below thetweeterinthe centerchannel soeaker, Dependingon the specificsof yourroomacous%s gnuthe ype of speakersin use,youma_findthat 'magingis improve(]oymovingtheleftfrontandngn[ frontspeakersslightlyforwardof the centerchanne speaker.Ifpossible,ad JStallfrontIoudsoeakere so thattheyareaimedat earheightwhenyouareseamc 'n the s_enlng OOSlUOn. Js_ng _eseguidelines, you'llfindthatit takessome e>senmenm_lon _ofindthe correctocationforthefront speakers inyourparticular installation Don'tbeafraidto movethingsarounduml _e s,smmsoundscorrecL Ootimize yourspeakersso_at audiotransKions across thefrontofthe roomsoundsmootr _o _a[ sounds froma_soeakereaooearto arriveat the listening gos_tlonatthe sameume wmou[delayfromthe center soeakercomoareo_othe leftandrightspeakers). listening rOOF Oncethe soeakerehavebeenolacedinthe room andconnected-.heremaining stepsin_e se[uE orocessare_oprogramtheAVR125's bassmanagemen_s,,stemforthe typeof speakersusedin Jour sysmm,calleramthe cutoutlevels,angse_tne oela,_ _lmesusedo _nesurroundsoungorocessor. No more than 6 feel wnen rear-mounted speakers are used outiona! Rear-'Wall Mounting E Thedistancebetweentheleftandrigm soeaKers ShOUld Deeoualto thedistancefrom _nesea_/ng pos/son_ome wowingscreen,rou mayalsoexpenmemw/mplacing_neleftand r/gmspeakerss//gn[/}forwardof the center soeaKe£ Atleast 6 inches from ceiling At least 2 feet Surroundsoeakereshouldde }lacedon the sidewalls of the room a_or s_gnHyoenlndthe I_smnlng _OSl[l( n. Thecenmrof the seeakershouldface _n[o_neroom. Thest eakereshouldbe locatedso_a_the Bottomof _necaelne[s a_leas_ _wofeethigherthanthe listeners earswhenthe _smnere areseamgin_e desiredarea. fside-wallmountingis not practical. _nesoeakere may oe placeg on a rearwa , behind the s[enlng Subwooferesrooucenondirectional soung,sothe "sayoe Flacegalmos_ar,'whereir a room.Actua c acemen_ shouldoe oasegon roomsizeandShade andthe _pe of subwooferused.Onemethodof findng the oFNma ocationfora subwooferis _oDecn myplacingi_inthe frontof the room.aoou[six incnes froma wa_ }r nearthefront cornerof the room. Anothermethods _o_emporanly placethe subwoofer at _ournormalllsrenlrj _osmonandthenwalk aroundthe roomunt youfinda ssotwherethe subwoofersoundsbest.Placethe subwooferinthatSDOL YOU silouldalsofollowthe instructions of theSUbwoofer'smanufacturer, or you mayWiShto experimentwithme bestlocationfor asubwooferin ,our ,4 _" Oct, irealolacement of surroundsoeaKer YOU arenowreagyto powerup _e AVR125 to beglr thesefinalaous_menm. 1 Plugthe PowerCord_ suueL nto an unswitched AC 2. Pressthe MainPowerSwitch [] n unuii! atchesand_e worg'OFF }n me_ooof the switchg_saooears insidethe frontoanel.Note thatthe PowerIndicator [] Will_urnamber. nglcaungthat_e unitis inthe Standbymoge S.Remove the orotec[ive olastic filmfromthe frontsane ens.f leftinolace, the filmma, affect the serformance of .'ourremoracontrol 4. Insm_thethreesuo_edAAAba_enes_nthe remoteasshown.Becertainto followthe _ng/-/poian_ ndicatorethatareon the bottom of the batterycompar_menL SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 5.TurntheAVR125 on eiher bypressing the SystemPowerControl[] onhe frontpanel, or viahe remotebypressingtheAVRSelector 0 or anyof the Input Selectors00_ on theremote.ThePowerIndicator[] willturn greento confirmthathe unitison, andhe Main InformationDisplay[] willalsolightup. SystemSetup TheAVR125 featuresan advancedmemorysystem thatenablesyouto establish differentconfigurations forhe bassmanagement, digitalinput,surround mode,delaytimesandoutputlevelsforeachinput source.Thisflexibilityenablesyouto custom-tailor the wayinwhichyou listento eachsourceandhavethe AVR125 memorize thosesettings.Thismeans,for example,hat youmayusedifferentoutputlevelsor trimsfordifferentsources,or setdifferentspeaker configurations withthe resultantchangesto the bass management system.Oncethesesettingsaremade, theywill automatically berecalledwhenever you select thatinput. Thefactorydefaultsettingsforhe AVR125 haveall inputsconfigured for ananalogsource(exceptforthe DVDinput,whichhasthe CoaxialDigital Input 1 i_) ashe default),Stereoasthe surroundmode,all speakerpositionssetto "sma[' anda subwooferconnected.Beforeusingthe unit,youwill probablywant to changethe settingsfor mostinputssohat hey are properlyconfiguredto reflecthe useof digitalor analog inputs,the typeof speakersinstalledandhe surroundmodespecifics.Remember thatsincehe AVR125 memorizes thesettingsfor eachinputindividually,youwillneedto makehese adjustments for eachinputused.However, oncetheyaremade,further adjustment is onlyrequiredwhensystemcomponents arechanged. Onceyouhavecompletedthe settingsforthe first input,manysettingsmaybe duplicated forthe remaining inputs.Remember thatoncethe settingsare enteredforoneinput,theymustbe completedforall otherinputsourcesinyoursystem. SpeakerSetup Theseadjustments tellhe AVR125 whichtype of speakersareinuse.Thisis importantasit adjustshe settingshat determinewhichspeakersreceivelowfrequency(bass)information. Foreachof thesesettingsusethe L AR GE settingif he speakersfora particularpositionaretraditionalfull-rangeloudspeakersthatarecapableof reproducing soundsbelow lOOHz.Usehe SMAL L settingfor smaller,frequency-limited satellitespeakersthatdo not reproduce soundsbelowlOOHz.Notethatwhen"small"speakers areused,a subwooferis requiredto reproduce low-frequency sounds.Remember thatthe "large"and "small"descriptions do notreferto the actualphysical sizeof he speakers, butto heir abilityto reproduce low-frequency sounds.Ifyou areindoubtasto which categorydescribes yourspeakers,consulthe specificationsinthespeakers'owner'smanual,or askyour dealer. Wih he AVR125 turnedon,followthesestepsto configurethe speakers: 1. Putthe AVR125 inthe DolbyProLogicIImode bypressingthe SurroundModeSelector[] on the frontpanelor bypressingthe SurroundMode Selector_ onthe remote,untilD0 L B Y PRO LOGIC II- MOVIE appears inhe MainInformation Display[] andhe ProLogic II Indicator[] lights. 2. Presshe SpeakerSelectButton_ _ on the remoteor front panel.F NT S PKR will appearinthe MainInformation Display[]. 3. Presshe Set Button qi]_. 4. Presshe A/V Buttonsqi_)qi_l_onhe remote or theSelectorButtons[] on he frontpanel untileitherL AR GE or S MA L L appears, matchingthetypeof speakersyou haveatthe leftfrontandright-frontpositions,asdescribedbythe definitions showninthe precedingsection. WhenSMAL L is selected,low-frequency soundswill besentto thesubwooferoutputonly. Notethatif you choosehis option,andhere isno subwooferconnected, youwillnot hearanylowfrequencysoundsfrom he frontchannels. WhenL A RGE is selected,a full-rangeoutput will be sentto the front-leftandfront-rightoutputs, andNOlow-frequency signalswill be sentto he subwooferoutput. 5.Whenyouhavecompletedyourselectionforthe frontchannel,pressthe Set Button _ _, and thenpressthe A/V Buttonsqi_)qi_l_on he remoteor the SelectorButtons [] on thefront paneltochangethedisplayto C SPKR. 6. Pressthe Set Button _ W again,andusethe Air Buttonsqi_qi_l_ on he remote,or he SelectorButtons[] on he frontpanel,to select the optionthatbestdescribes yoursystembased onthe speakerdefinitions showninthe preceding section. WhenC SMAL L isselected,low-frequency center-channel soundswillbe sentto thesubwooferoutputonly.Notethatif youchoosethis optionandthereis no subwooferconnected, you will nothearanylow-frequency soundsfromhe centerchannelspeaker. WhenC L A RGE isselected,a full-rangeoutput willbe sentto the centerspeakeroutput,andNO center-channel low-frequency information will be sentto the subwooferoutput. NOTE:IfyouchooseLogic7 ashe surround modeforhe particularinputsourceforwhichyou areconfiguring yourspeakers, theAVR125 will not makethe LARGEoptionavailable forthe center speaker. Thisis dueto he requirements of Logic7 processing, anddoesnot indicate a problemwih yourreceiver. WhenC N0 NE isselected,no signalswill be sentto the centepchannel output. 7. Whenyou havecompletedyourselectionforhe centerchannel,pressthe Set Button _ _, andthenpressthe 4/_ Buttons_ _ onthe remoteor the SelectorButtons[] on the front panelto change thedisplayto SR SPKR. 8. Presshe Set Button _ _ again,andthen usethe A/V Buttonsqi_qi_l_ on the remoteor he SelectorButtons [] onthe frontpanelto selectthe optionthatbestdescribes yoursystem basedon he speakerdefinitions showninhe precedingsection. WhenS R S MA L L isselected,low-frequency surround-channel soundswillbe sentto the subwooferoutputonly.Notethatif youchoosehis optionandhere isno subwooferconnected, you willnot hearanylow-frequency soundsfromthe surroundspeaker. WhenS R L AR GE isselected,a full-rangeoutputwill be sentto the surround-channel outputs, andNOsurround-channel signalswill be sentto he subwooferoutput. WhenS R N 0 N E is selected,surroundsound information willbe splitbetweenthe front-leftand front-rightoutputs.Notethatfor optimalperformancewhenno surroundspeakersareinuse,he Dolby3 Stereomodeshouldbe usedinsteadof DolbyProLogicII. 9. Whenyouhavecompletedyourselectionfor the surroundchannel,presstheSet Button _ _, andthenpressA/V Buttons qi_)qi_l_onthe remoteor the SelectorButtons[] on he front panelto change thedisplayto S- W SPKR. 10. Pressthe Set Button _ _, andthenpress he A/V Buttonsqi_)qi_l_on the remoteor he SelectorButtons[] on the frontpanelto select he optionthatbestdescribesyoursystem. Thechoicesavailableforhe subwooferpositionwill dependonthe settingsforthe oher speakers,particularlythe frontleft!rightpositions. Ifthe frontleft!rightspeakersaresetto SMAL L, he subwooferwill automatically besetto SU B, whichis the "ON"position. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Ifthe frontleft!rightspeakemaresetto L A RGE, threeoptionsareavailable: • Ifno subwooferisconnectedto theAVR125, pressthe A/V Buttons qi_)_ on the remote so thatSW N0 NE appearsinthe Main InformationDisplayI-ii. Whenthisoptionis selected,all bassinformation willbe routedto the frontlefVright"main"speakers. • Ifa subwooferisconnectedto theAVR125, you havethe optionto havethe frontlefVright"main" speakersreproducebassfrequencies atall times, andhavethe subwooferoperateonlywhenthe AVR125 isbeingusedwitha digitalsourcethat containsa dedicatedLow-Frequency Effects,or LFE,soundtrack. Thisallowsyouto usebothyour mainandsubwooferspeakers to take advantage of the specialbasscreatedforcertainmovies. PressA/V Buttons qi_)_ onthe remote so thatSW (L F E) appearsinthe Main InformationDisplayI-ii. • Ifa subwooferisconnectedandyouwishto useit for bassreproduction in conjunction withthe main frontlefVrightspeakers,regardless ofthe typeof programsourceor surroundmodeyou arelisteningto, pressthe A/V Buttons qi_)_ onthe remotesothatL / R+ L F E appearsinthe MainInformationDisplayI-ii. Whenthisoption isselected,a "complete" feedwill be sentto the frontlefVright"main"speakers, andthesubwoofer willreceivebassfrequencies belowlOOHz. 11. Whenall speakerselections havebeenmade, pressthe Set Button _ _ to returnto normaloperation. Configuringthe SurroundOff (Stereo)Modes Forsuperiorreproduction of two-channel program materials, theAVR125 offerstwoStereomodes:an analogStereo-Direct modethatbypasses the digital signalprocessing circuitryfora completelyanalogsignalpaththatpreserves the purityof the originalsignal, anda digitalmodethatiscapableof providingbass management for optimaldistribution of the lowfrequenciesbetweensmallerspeakersanda subwoofer. Stereo-Direct(Bypass)Mode WhentheanalogStereo-Direct modeis selectedby pressingthe SurroundMode SelectorI_1_ until SURROUND OFF- STEREO scrolls acrosstheMain InformationDisplay[] andthe SurroundModeIndicator [] for %rroundOffis lit, theAVR125 will passthe analogsourcematerial directlythroughto the frontleftandrightspeakers, bypassing the digitalprocessing circuitry. Inthismode,thefront leftandrightspeakerswillautomatically be configured asLARGE, andit willnot be possible to configurethesespeakersasS MA L L Youmayconfigurethe subwooferas 0 N or 0 F F bypressingthe SpeakerSelectButton [] untilS - W SP KR appearsinthe MainInformation Display[]. PresstheA/V Buttons qi_)_ or the SelectorButtons[] to selectthe desired option,andthe Set Button F:i"l_ to enterthe selection. Stereo-DigitalMode Ifyourfrontleftandrightspeakersarenot capableof handlingafull-rangeinput,youmaypreferto take advantage of theAVR125's bassmanagement capability.Whenlisteninginthe Stereomode,pressthe SurroundMode Selector_i_ untilS UR R 0 UN D 0 F F - A / D M0 D E scrollsacross the Main InformationDisplay[], the Surround ModeIndicator [] for SurroundOffis litandboth the StereoIndicator[] andthe DSPMode Indicator[] arelit. Inthismode,the analoginputwill beconvertedto digitalandroutedto the digitalsignal processor for bassmanagement processing beforeit isconvertedbackto analogandoutputto the front leftandrightspeakers. Toconfigureyourfrontleftandrightspeakersinthis mode,pressthe SpeakerSelectButton []_ untilF N T SP KR appearsinthe MainInformation Display[], andthenpresstheSet Button F:i"l_. Pressthe A/V Buttonsqi_)_ or theSelector Buttons[] untileitherL A RGE or S MA L L appears,matchingthe typeof speakersyouhaveat the front-leftandfront-rightpositions,asdescribed on page17. properdirectionality andintensity. IMPORTANT NOTE:Listenersareoftenconfused aboutthe operationof the surroundchannels. While someassumethatsoundshouldalwaysbecoming from eachspeaker, mostof the timetherewill be little or no soundinthesurroundchannels. Thisis because theyareonlyusedwhena moviedirectoror sound mixerspecifically placessoundthereto create ambience, a specialeffector to continueactionfrom the frontof the roomto the rear.Whenthe outputlevelsareproperlyset,it is normalfor surroundspeakers to operateonlyoccasionally. Artificially increasing the volumeto the rearspeakersmaydestroythe illusion of anenvelopingsoundfieldthatduplicates the way you hearsoundina movietheateror concerthall. Beforebeginningthe adjustment process,makecertainthatallspeakerconnections havebeenproperly made.Thesystemvolumeshouldbesetto the level thatyouwilluseduringa typicallisteningsession. Finally,makecertainthatthe BalanceControl[] is setto thecenter"12 o'clock"position. Toassistinmakingspeakerconfiguration settings,the iconsintheSpeaker/ChannelInput Indicators[] changeasthe speakertypeis selectedat eachposition.Whenonlythe centericonboxcontaining the abbreviation forthespeakerpositionis lit,the speaker is setfor "sma['Whenthe innerboxandthetwo outerboxesarelit, thespeakeris setfor"large."When no indicatorappearsat a speakerlocation,thatposition is setfor "none"or "no"speaker. Forexample,inthe followingfigure,the leftfrontand rightfrontspeakersaresetfor "large,"the center,surroundleft(SL)andsurroundright(SR)speakersare setforsmall,anda subwooferis set,asshownbythe boxwiththe abbreviation "LFE", whichstandsfor"lowfrequencyeffects," WhenSMAL L is selected,low-frequency sounds will besentto the subwooferoutputonly,andthesubwooferspeakerwillautomatically beconfiguredas 0 N. Ifyouchoosethe SMAL L configuration and thereis no subwooferconnected, youwillnot hearany low-frequency sounds. WhenL A RGE is selected,a full-rangeoutputwill besentto thefront-leftandfront-rightspeakers,and NOlow-frequency signalswill besenttothe subwooferoutput. [LFE i Output Level Adjustment Outputleveladjustment is a keypartof theconfiguration processforanysurroundsoundproduct.It is particularlyimportantfora DolbyDigitalreceiversuchas theAVR125, ascorrectoutputlevelswill ensurethat you hearsoundtracksintheirproperplacewiththe Toadjustandcalibratethe outputlevels,followthese steps.Foraccuratecalibration, it isa goodideato maketheseadjustments whileseatedinyourfavorite listeningposition: SYSTEM CONFIGURATION -. PuttheAVR125 inthe DolbyProLogicii moae cy pressingtheSurroundMode Selector[] on Defront panel,or cy pressing De Surround ModeSelector_ onthe remoteunt DOLBY PRO LOGIC II-MOVIE scrollsacrossthe MainInformationDisplay[] andthe ProLogic II IndicatorsIll[] light. 0utcut _eve_ aajus[mem umngthetesttone_snot available_nthe StereomodesHoweve_n De Stereo-Digital mode.you may_rlmtheoutcut leVelS usingprogrammaterial, asaescrlceaon page25, 2. PresstheTest Button O on the remote, T ES T F L Od B will accearinthe Main InformationDisplay[] ariathe e_ersF L willflashonceeachsecona, 3.Thetestnoisewi _mmealamly ceglnto clrculam amongthe s9eakersir a clockwiserotation pausingateachpositionforthreeseconds,As De testnoiserotates.De sceakerEosiuonWillce NOTE:Thesubwooferout[ut levelisnot aajusmcle usingthetesttone.TochangeDe subwooferevel followDe SmCS for0utcu[ Leve TrimAajustment on page25, 6. WhenyouhaveaajusmaDe outputso thatall channels havethe sameleve,cressthe Test Button O onthe remoteto comcletethe aojus[mem. DelaySettings Dueto thedifferentdistancesbetweenthefront-chartne SEeakersandDe listeningposKioncomparedto :ne surrounasceakersandthe istenlngposmon. De amoumof timeit takesfor soundto reach,ourears fromthe font or surrounaspeakersmaydiffer.YOU ma,comcensate forthisdifference throughthe useof the delaysettingsto adjustthe smlngto tailorthe scesificsceakerclacemen[anaacousticconamonsr yourlisteningroomor hometheater. shownn the Main InformationDisplay[] Thefactorysemngs accrocriateformostroomscut someinstallations createanuncommondistance betweenthefont andsurroundsoeakersthatmar NOTE:Thisisa goodtimeto verifycat De sbeakershavebeenpropenyconnected. Asthe musethe arnvaof font-channelsoundsto cecome disconnected fromsurrouna-cnannel sounas. _es[noisecirculates,istento makecertainthat the soundcomesfromthesceakerDOSIU0n showninthe MainInformation Display.Ifthe soundfroma sceakerlocationdoesNOTmatch the COSl[ion nalcateanthe display, turnthe AVR125 off usincthe Main PowerSwitch [] andcheckthespeakerw_nngto makecertain thateachsdeaker_sconnectedto the correct ou[cu[terminal, Toresj,nchronize thefrontandsurroundchannels, fol0Wthesesmcs: 4.Aftercheckingfor sceakerclacement,letthe_est noiseclrculamandlistento seewhichchannel_ soundlouderthantheothers.Usin_the frontleft F L inthe display)sceakerasa reference cressDe _ Buttons qi_!_qi_i_ onDe remoteor the SelectorButtons [] on thefront cane_foreachchannelto ceglnto cnncthemt( the samelevel.Notethatwhenoneof the butionsis oushed,thetest noisearculauon w causeonthe channelbeingaojusmato giveyou timeto makethe acustment.Wher yourelease De cu_ontne circulation Willresumeafter15 seconas, 5.Continueto adjustthe individualsceakersunti they _11 havethesamevolume.Notethatacust-ents ShOUld ce madewm DeA/V Buttons _i_Dqi_l_ onthe remoteorthe Selector Buttons[] on the frontpanelonly.NOTthe mainvolumecontrols. Ther cressthe Set Button _ _1 to memorize the change,If_oL areusinga soundcressure(SPL/meterfor creclse evelaajus[men[, setDe volumesothatDe -eter reads75dB.C-Weignung Sicw. 1. Measure De a_stance fromthe listening/viewing cositionto thefrontsceakers. 2. Measure the alstancefromthe stoning/viewing C0SKIOD t0 the surround sceakers. 3. Subtractthedistancetothe surround sseakem fromthed_stance to thefrontsoeakers. Jela}for thecenterchanne measure De als[ance fromthe creferredllsmnlngpositioninthe centerof theroomto boththecenterchannels[ eakerand eitherthe leftor rlgntsFeaKer, Ifthe distancesareeoua_no furtherao;us[mem is recJlreaandthecenteraeia'_shouldce setto zero,If Dedistanceto thefrontspeakers_sg-eaterthanthe sistance to tne cenmrspeaker,youmaywishtOrepo sltlonthe speakersbymovingthe front-leftandfrontrightspeakerscloserto the is[enlngposl[_on or the senmrsceakerfurtherawa,fromDe istenlngcositlon. f reposl[ionlng of thesceakersis not posslcle, adjust the mnmraelaytime,aaalngonemllnsecona of center cnannelaelayforever_footCloserto the listening 3osKionDe centersceakeris thanthefrontsceaker, Forexamcle,f thefront-leftandfront-rightspeakers ire eacn10 feetfromthe _smn_ng posKioranaDe semercnannelspeakeris eightfeetaway.the delayis figureaas 10-8=2. suggestingan OCtlmal center ]ela',of twomilliseconds. Tosetthe delastimes,followthesesteEs: ". PuttheAVR125 inthe DolbyProLogicIIMoviesmoaecy pressingDe SurroundMode Selector[] onthe frontcanelor cy pressingthe SurroundMode Selector_ onDeremora unlDOLBY PRO LOGIC II- MOVIE accearsn the MainInformationDisplay[] ana the ProLogic II Indicator[] ugntsup, 2, PressDe DelayButton _ _ onthe remote or frontcanekThewordsS R D EL AY wi accearinthe Main InformationDisplay[] 3, PresstheSet Button _ a. Whensemngtne delaytimefor the Dolb_ Digitalsurroundmode.the opumalaela}_lmeis theresultof thatsubtraction. Forexamom,if the frontsEeakersare10 feetawa andthesurround sceakers arefive feet away, De optima delaytime isfiguredas10-5=5, ThusinDIS example, the dela!time forDolbyDigitalshould besetat fivemilliSeconds. b.Whensemngthedelaytimeforthe ProLogic modes,takethe resultof thesubtractiorano add15 to obtainthe optimaldelaytime,For examole, if thefront_beakersare10 feetawa, andthesurroundsoeakersarefivefeetawa,_, theoctlma ]elaytime s figuredas " }-5+15=20. Thus._nthisexaFr c e.the ProLogic delayshouldbe setat20 ...... seconds. NOTE:TheTheaterandHallmodesusea fixed,nonaajusmcle aelaytime. TheDolbyDigkalmodealsoinauaesaseearamseF t_ngforthe centerchanneldela, modesincethedis:rein natureof thesesignalsmakesthe locationof the :entercnannelsceakermorecritical.TocalculateDe 4. Adjustthe delaybmebypressingthe _/V Buttons li_D_i_i_on theremoteor the Selector Buttons [] on thefrontcaneluntilthe delaytime figurecalculama usingtheformulaenteredacove accears in De display, 5. If onlyanalogsourcesWillce usec no acustmen[ _sneededfor thecenterchanneldelaj inthat case cresstheSet Button _ _ to enterthe surrounddelaysettingsintotheAVR125's memory.However,if you N ce usingalgl[alsources andthe calculations outlinedaboveindicatethat the centerchanneldelayrequiresananjustmen[ continuewiththe followingstecs 6. Beforesettingthecenterchanneldela_time.make certaincat adigitalsourcehasbeenselected. 7 Selectthe DolbyDigitalmodebypressingeither the SurroundModeSelector[] on thefront canelor the SurroundMode Selector_ on the remoteunu DOLBY DIGITAL accears_ De Main InformationDisplay[] SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 8. Pressthe DelayButton _ _ on theremote or frontpanel.ThewordsSI_ ]) E L A ¥ will appearinthe Main InformationDisplayr-J. 9. Pressthe set Buttonqi]_, andthenimmediatelypressthe A/V Buttons qi_)qi_l_on the remoteor the SelectorButtons [] on thefront paneluntilthedesireddelaytimeforthe surround channelsis showninthe display. 10. Pressthe Set Button qi]_m withinthreesecondsafterthe desiredsettingisshown. 11. Pressthe A/V Buttons qi_)qi_l_on theremote onceso that([ T ]) EL AY appearsinthe Main InformationDisplayr-J. 12. Pressthe the Set Button _ _. 13. Pressthe A/V Buttons qi_)qi_l_on theremote or theSelectorButtons [] onthe frontpanel untilthe desireddelaytimeforthe centerchannel appearsinthedisplay. 14. Pressthe Set Button _ _ to enterthe setting intotheAVR125's memory. AdditionalInput Adjustments In additionto the majoradjustments describedinthe precedingpages,you mayalsowishto setthe typeof audiosource(analogor digital)to be usedwithan inputatthistime.Oncea specificaudiosourcetype is associated withanyofthe inputs,it willremaininthe memoryuntilit is changed,evenwhenanotherinputis selected. Toattachoneof thedigitalinputsto a specific source,followthesesteps: 1. Pressthe Digital Buttonqi_m. 2. Immediately pressthe A/V Buttonsqi_qi_l_ or SelectorButtons[] to scrollthroughthe listof available digitalinputsor theanaloginput. 3. Whenthe desiredinputtypeis showninboththe Main InformationDisplay[] andinthe Analog [/:_J,CoaxialDigital Input [] or Optical Digital Input [] Indicators,pressthe Set Button W to enterthesettingintotheunits memory. WhentheStereo-Direct (SurroundOff)modeis in use, youmayonlyselecttheanaloginputfora source. WhentheStereo-Digital modeisin use,youmay selectfrom anyof the digitalinputsthatyouhave connectedto yoursourcecomponents. Youmayalso"memorize" a specificsurroundmodeso thatit will alwaysbeusedwhenan inputisselected. TheAVR125 alwaysremembers the lastsurround modeusedwithanyinput,but duringthesetup processyou maywishto presetthe modesfor each source.Todo that,followthesesteps: 1. Selectan inputby pressingoneof the Input Selectors_ _ [] or theAM/FMTuner Selectqi_D. 2. PresstheSurround ModeSelectorql]_E_, and immediately pressthe A/V Buttons qi_)qi_l_or SurroundMode Selector[] to scrollthroughthe listof availablesurroundmodes.Notethatthe nameof eachmodewill scrollfrom rightto left acrossthe Main InformationDisplay[]. To avoidhavingthesystem"timeout"andexitthe selectprocess,be sureto pressthe A/V Buttons qi_qi_l_ or SurroundMode Selector[] to selectthenextmodeatanytimethe modename is displayed. 3. Whenthe desiredmodenameappearsinthe Main Information Display[] andinthe Surround Mode Indicators m, simplypausefor a few secondsto allowtheunitto "timeout_'Yourselectionwill be memorized andwill beactivatedeach timethe inputisselecteduntilanothermodeis selected. 4. Repeatthe processforeachofthe inputs. 5. Whenthe desiredSurroundmodehasbeen enteredforall inputs,pressthe Set Button qi]_. Oncethesettingsoutlinedonthe previouspageshave beenmade,theAVR125 is readyfor operation. While therearesomeadditional settingsto be made,these arebestdoneafteryouhavehadanopportunity to listen to a varietyof sourcesanddifferentkindsof programmaterial. Thesesettingsaredescribedon pages 21 through26 of thismanual.Inaddition,anyof the settingsmadeinthe initialconfiguration ofthe unit maybe changedat anytime.Asyou addnewor differentsourcesor speakers, or if youwishto changea settingto betterreflectyourlistening taste,simplyfollowthe instructions forchangingthe settingsforthat parameter, asshowninthissection. Havingcompletedthesetupandconfiguration process for yourAVR125,you areaboutto experience the finestinmusicandhometheaterlistening.Enjoy! OPERATION Onceyounavecomoletedthesetupandconfiguration of theAVR125. i_is slmE)_e _ooE)era_e andenjoy.The followingns_rucuons wmhepyou maximize _e enjoymen_of yournewreceiver _uncuon is programmed. TocanceltheSleeofunction. tressandholdhe SleepButton_l_ untilthe informationdisplayrevns _onormaorghtnessthe SleeoindicatornumE)ers alsaE)E)ear aria_e woras SLEEP 0 aE)E)ear in_neMainInformation Displayr-J Turningthe AVR125On or Off When/ou wluDeawayfromhomefor anextended • WhenusingtheAVR125forthefirsttime,youmust presstheMain PowerSwitch[] on _e frontDane toturntheuniton.Thisolacestheunitina Standb,. moa6asina_ca_ea E)theambercolorof thePower Indicator[] Oncetheunit s inStandby, youmas E)egln a ns_enlng sessionby pressing theSystem PowerControl[] onthefrontoanelor theAVB Selector_lP. NotethatthePowerIndicator[] _urngreenThiswillturnthe unitonandre_urn[ tothe inE)ut sourcethatwas_stused.TheunitmayalsoDe turnedon fromStandbybypressing anyof theInput SelectorButtons_lDqi_D_ onthe remoteor _ne InputSourceSelector[] on thefrontE)ane. E)eriod of timeit is alwaysa gooa_aea_ocompletely turntheunitoff withthefront-saneMain Power Switch [] NOTE:AfterE)ress_ng oneof theInput Selector thefront-panelInput SourceSelector[]. Eacl _ Etessof the buttonN move_neirE)u[selection throuonthe listofavallaE)le IndU[S. Basic Operation Buttons _l_i_ _ to turntheuniton. E)ress the AVRSelector0 to setthe remotecontrolto the AVR125'sfunctions. Toturnthe unitoffat the endof a s_enlnc session. s_mply pressthe SystemPowerControl[] on the frontE)anel or the PowerOff Button O on the remote.Powerwill beshutoff to anyequl_men_ pluggedin_o_nerear-saneSwitchedAC Outlet _ andthe PowerIndicator [] Will_urnamE)er. When_e remo_e is usea_o_urnthe unit"oft [ is ac[uauy p acingthe systemna Standb',mode.asine ca_eaE),_ theamuercolorof thePower Indicator[] • TcprogramtheAVR125forautomatic turn-oft. presstheSleepButton 0 onthe remote.Each pressofthe E)u[[on wl ]ecreasethetimebeforeshut downn thefollowingsequence F___90 ._) 80 _ rain rnin 70 _ rain 60 _ rain 50 rnin --I NOTE:A E)reset memoriesarelostif the unitis left turnedoff E)yusingthe Main PowerSwitch [] for morethar oneweek. 40 ,_) °rain 30 ,_} min 20 ,_) min 10 ,_) min OFF _ / ThesleeE) _lmeWillE)ealsplayedinthe Preset Number/SleepTimer Indicator[] _nait w coun_ downuntilthetimehaselaE)sea, Whenthe programmea sleeFtimehaselaE)sea, the unKwl _.u[oma[ical. turnoff. Notethatthefrontoane_ alspla_w aimto onehalfbrightness whenthe SleeE • AdJUS_ TheVOlUme _oacomfortableleVelusing_e front-E)anel Volume Control[] or remo_e Volume Up/Down _ E)u_ons. • Whens_enlngn oneof the Stereomodeswiththe surrouna circuitsoft.the BalanceControl [] ma!.De used_oanJSttherelawesounaowE)u_ between_ne frontleftandrightsseakers. • Toten-ooraruy silenceallsE)eaker outE)uts Dresstne Mute Button _. This A n_erruE)t the outE)u_ _oa soeakersandthe headphone JACK, but it willnot affect _nyrecoralngor auE)E)lng _na_ mayDeinprogress. Press_neMute Button _ againor aajustthe vc- Source Selection ume _.0 return to norma oDerauon, • TOse_ec_ a sourceE)ress anyofthe Source SelectorButtons _ID_i_D_ on the remote, • Duringa listeningsessionyoumaywishto adjusI the BassControl[] anaTrebleControl[] _osul_ yourns[ening _as_es or roomacoustics. • Thein[u_sourcema,.alsobe cnanyeaE)ypressing • ASthe nputis changed,theAVR125 wi automatical, switch_o_nedigitalinput(ifselected),surround mode.sE)eaker configuration, output_evels andnight odestatus_na_ wereenteredaunngtheconfiguration srocessforthatsource. • Thefront-caneVideo3 Inputs _J[r_lj mayE)e usea_oconnec[/ourcaE)le televisionconver[eror sa[elll[ereceiver,or youma_connecta devicesuchas avlaeogameor camcoraer_o,'ourhomeentertainmen_s,,s_enon a_emporars E)as_s. • AS the IRE)U[ source IS cnanoed,thenew nE)ut name wulmomen[aruy aE)E)ear inthe Main Information Display[] anda greenLEDwi gn_nextto the selectedinou[snameinthefront-panelInput Indicators[]. • Nhenan aUdiO sourceISselected,the as[VideO inputusedremainsroutedto the VideoI Outputs / I Volume Control andVideoMonitor Outputs_. This allowsyouto listento anaudioinEut suchasthe tunerwhilewatchingoneofthe videoinE)u_s. _ • Whenavideosourceisselectedthe waeosignalfo_ thatinE)u[ w be routedtothe VideoMonitorOutputs _ andwill beviewableon a TVmonitorco_neckedto theAVR125. • Toset thecutoutofthe AVR125 so_a_the ou_E)u_ s "flat withthetonecontrolsdeactivated. Dressthe ToneMode Button [] un[i the wordsT o n e 0 u 1: aE)E)ea_" momen_an,inthe MainInformation Display[] Toreturnthetonecontrols_oanacwe conaKioncressthe ToneMode Button [] untilthe _voras T o n e T n momen_an y appearinthe Main Information Display[]. • Foranva[eus_enlng, plugthe 1/4" stereoonone plugfroma pairof stereoheadE)hones intothefront panelHeadphoneJack [] Notethatwhenthe headphone's plugs connec[ea_newora HEADPHONE IN _ scrOllonceacrossthe MainInformationDisplay[] anaansE)eakers wl be silenced.Whenthe headphone plugis removea. the audiofeed_othe sE)eaKers WillDeres_orea. OPERATION Surround Mode Chart MODE FEATURES DELAYTIME RANGE DolbyDigital AvailableonlywithdigitalinputsourcesencodedwithDolbyDigitaldata.It provides upto fiveseparatemainaudiochannelsanda specialdedicatedLow-Frequency Effects channel. Center:Oms- 5ms DTS AvailableonlywithdigitalinputsourcesencodedwithDTSdata.Available on specialDVD, LDandaudio-onlydiscs,DTSprovidesupto fiveseparatemainaudiochannels anda special dedicatedlow-frequency channel. Delaytimenotadjustable DolbyProLogicII Movies Music Emulation DolbyProLogicII isthe latestversionof DolbyLaboratory's benchmarksurroundtechnology thatdecodesfull-range, discreteleft,center,right,rightsurroundandleftsurroundchannels from eithermatrixsurround-encoded programsor conventional stereosources. The DolbyProLogicII Moviesmodeisoptimizedformoviesoundtracks, whilethe ProLogicII Musicmodeshouldbe usedwithmusicalselections. The ProLogicIIEmulation mode re-creates originalProLogicprocessing forthosewhopreferthatpresentation. Movies:lOms- 25ms Music:Oms- 15ms Emulation: lOms - 25ms Logic7 C Logic7 M Logic7 is an advancedmodethatextractsthe maximumsurroundinformation from either surround-encoded programsor conventional stereomaterial.TheLogic7 C,or Cinema,mode shouldbe usedwithanysourcethatcontainsDolbySurroundor similarmatrixencoding. Logic7 C deliversincreased center-channel intelligibility, andmoreaccurateplacement of sounds withfadesandpansthataremuchsmootherandmorerealisticthanwithotherdecoding techniques. TheLogic7 M, or Music,modeshouldbe usedwithanalogor PCMstereosources. Logic7 M enhancesthe listeningexperience bypresenting a widerfrontsoundstage andgreater rearambience. BothLogic7 modesalsodirectlow-frequency information to the subwoofer (if installed andconfigured) to delivermaximumbassimpact. Delaytimenotadjustable Dolby3 Stereo Usesthe information containedina surround-encoded or two-channel stereoprogramto create centepchannel information. Inaddition,the information thatisnormallysentto the rear-channel surroundspeakersis carefullymixedinwiththe front-leftandfront-rightchannels for increased realism. Usethismodewhenyou havea centerchannelspeakerbutno surroundspeakers. Nosurroundchannels Theater TheTheatermodecreatesa soundfieldthatresemblestheacousticfeelingof a standard liveperformance theater. Delaytimenotadjustable Hall1 Hall2 ThetwoHallmodescreatesoundfieldsthatresemblea small(Hall1)or medium-sized (Hall2) concerthall. Delaytimenotadjustable VMAxNear VMAxFar Whenonlythe twofront-channel loudspeakers areused,Harman'spatentedVMAxmodedeliversa threedimensional soundspacewiththe illusionof "phantomspeakers"atthe centerandsurroundpositions. TheVMAxN,or NearField,modeshouldbe selectedwhenyourlisteningpositionis lessthanfivefeet fromthe speakers. TheVMAxF,or FarField,modeshouldbeselectedwhenyourlisteningpositionis greaterthanfivefeetfrom thespeakers. TheVMAxmodesarealsoavailable usingthe Headphone Jack I_lJ.Whenheadphones arebeingused,the FarFieldmodewillappearto pushthe soundfield awayfromyourears,reducingthe "insidethehead"sensation oftenexperienced whenusingheadphones. Nosurroundchannels 5-ChannelStereo Thismodetakesadvantage of multiplespeakers to placea stereosignalat boththefrontand backof aroom.Idealfor playingmusicinsituationssuchasa par_,it placesthesamesignal atthe front-leftandsurround-left, andfront-rightandsurround-right speakers. Thecenter channelis fed a summedmonomixof the in-phasematerialof the leftandrightchannels. Nodelayis available for thismode SurroundOff (Stereo) Thesemodesturnoff all surroundprocessing andpresentthe pureleft-andright-channel presentation Stereo-Direct (Bypass) of two-channel stereoprograms. TheStereo-Direct (Bypass)modemayonlybe usedwithanalogsource Stereo-Digital inputs,asit preserves the analogformatofthe audiosignalforits entirepathof travelthroughthe receiver to thespeakerandsubwooferoutputs,bypassing all digitalprocessing. Digitalbassmanagement isnot available in Stereo-Direct mode.TheStereo-Digital modecanbeusedwitheitherananalogor digitalinput, asthe signalundergoesdigitalbassmanagement to optimizethe distribution of the lowfrequencies betweenthe mainspeakersanda subwoofer. InitialSetting:Oms Surround:Oms- 15ms InitialSetting:Oms Nosurroundchannels OPERATION Surround Mode Selection Oneofthe mostimportantfeaturesof theAVR125 is its abilityto reproduce a fullmultichannel surround soundfieldfromdigitalsources,analogmatrixsurround-encoded programsandstandardstereoprograms.Inall,a totalof 16 listeningmodesareavailableon he AVR125. Selectionof asurroundmodeis basedon pemonal taste,aswellashe typeof programsoumematerial beingused.Forexample, motionpicturesorTVprogramsbearinghe logoof oneof he majorsurroundencodingprocesses, suchasDolbySurround ®*,DTS Stereo ®*or UltraStereo 'M*maybeplayedineitherthe DolbyDigital,DolbyProLogicIIor Logic7 Cinemasurroundmodesdepending on he sourcematerial. NOTE:Oncea programhasbeenencodedwih matrix surroundinformation, it retainsthesurroundinformation aslongasthe programisbroadcast instereo. Thus, movieswih surround soundmaybedecodedviaanyof he analogsurroundmodessuchasProLogicIIor Logic7, whentheyarebroadcast viaconventional TV stations, cable,payTVandsatellite transmission. Inaddition,a numberof made-for-television programs, sports broadcasts, radiodramasandmusicCDsarealso recordedinsurround sound.Youmayviewa listof heseprogramsatthe DolbyLaboratories Websiteat www.dolby.com. Evenwhena programisnot listedascarryingintentional surroundinformation, youmayfindhat he ProLogicII, Logic7, VMAxandhe Hallor Theatermodesoften deliverenveloping surroundpresentations throughthe useof thenaturalinformation presentinall stereorecordings.However, forstereo,bL_notsurround programs, we suggest thatyouexperiment withtheothermodes. Surroundmodesareselectedusingeiher thefront panelcontrolsor he remote.Toselecta surround modefromthe frontpanel,pressthe SurroundMode Selector[] to scrollup or downhroughthe listof availablemodes.Toselectasurroundmodeusinghe remote,pressthe SurroundMode Selectorql]_and thenpressthe A/T Buttonsqi_)qi_) to changehe mode.Asyou pressthe buttons,theSurroundmode namewillappearinthe Main InformationDisplay r-J, andan individual modeindicatorwillalsolightup r_['_Jr_Jr_r_[n[]. Asthe surroundmodes change,a greenLEDwill lightnextto thecurrent modeintheSurround ModeIndicators[] liston thefront panel. NOTE:Thenameof eachSurroundModewill scroll acrosshe MainInformationDisplay[] whilethe modesarebeingselected. Toavoidexitingfromthe surroundmodeselectionprocess,pushhe • or • Button qi_)qi_) whilea modenameis stillvisible. TheDolbyDigitalandDTSmodesmayonlybe selected whenadigitalinputisin use.Inaddition,whena digitalsourceis present,he AVR125 will automaticallyselectandswitchto thecorrectmode(DolbyDigital or DTS),regardless of he modethathasbeenpreviouslyselected.Formoreinformation onselectingdigital sources, seehe followingsectionof thismanual. Tolistento a programintraditional two-channel stereo, usinghe front-leftandfront-rightspeakersonly(plus he subwooferif installedandconfigured), followthe instructions shownaboveforusingthe remoteuntil SURR OFF appearsintheMain Information Display[]. TheStereo-Direct (Bypass)modemay onlybe selectedwhenananaloginputis inuse. Digital Audio Playback Digitalaudioisa majoradvancement overolderanalog matrixsurround systems. Itdelivers fivediscrete channels:left-front, center,right-front, left-surround andrightsurround.Eachchannel reproduces fullfrequency range (20Hzto 20kHz)andoffersdramatically improved dynamicrangeandsignificant improvements to signalto-noiseratios.Inaddition, digitalsystems havethecapabilityto deliveranadditional channel hat isspecifically devotedto low-frequency information. Thisishe ".1" channelreferred to v_enyouseehesesystems described as"5.1". Thebasschannelisseparate from he oher channels, butsinceit is intentionally bandwidthlimited,sounddesigners havegivenit hat unique designation. DolbyDigital DolbyDigital(originally knownasAC-3®) isa standard partof he DVDformat,andisalsopartofhe newdigital broadcasting systemandit isavailable wih manysatellite receivers andsomedigitalcableboxes,aswellaswih specially encodedLDdiscs. An optional,externalRFdemodulator is requiredto usetheAVR125to listento the DolbyDigitalsound tracksavailableon laserdiscs.Connectthe RFoutput of the LDplayerto he demodulator andthenconnectthe digitaloutputof the demodulator to the Optical or CoaxialInputsi_)_i'l_'ti'l_lJ of the AVR125. Nodemodulator is requiredfor usewith DVDplayersor DTS-encoded laserdiscs. DTS DTSis anoherdigitalaudiosystemthatiscapableof delivering5.1 audio.AlthoughbothDTSandDolby Digitalaredigital,theyusedifferentmehodsof encodinghe signals, andthustheyrequiredifferent decodingcircuitsto convertthe digitalsignalsback to analog. DTS-encoded soundtracksareavailableon select DVDandLDdiscs,aswellason specialaudio-only DTSdiscs.YoumayuseanyLDor CDplayer equippedwitha digitaloutputto playDTS-encoded discswih theAVR125. Allthatis requiredis to connectthe player'soutputto eiher he Optical or Coaxialinputonthe rearpaneli_)_ or frontpanel Inorderto listento DVDsencodedwithDTSsound tracks,the DVDplayermustbecompatiblewiththe DTSsignalas indicated bya DTSlogoonthe player's frontpanel.EarlyDVDplayersmaynot beableto play DTS-encoded DVDs. Thisdoesnot indicatea problem withtheAVR125, assomeplayerscannotpassthe DTSsignalthroughto he digitaloutputs.Ifyouarein doubtasto he capability of yourDVDplayerto handle DTSdiscs,consultthe player'sowner'smanual.Please notehat someDVDplayersareshippedwiththeir outputsetforDolbyDigitalonly.ToinsurethatDTS datais beingsentto he AVR,pleasecheckhe setup menusystemon yourDVDplayerto makecertainhat DTSdataoutputis enabled. Selecting a Digital Source Toutilizeeitherdigitalmodeyoumusthaveproperly connecteda digitalsourceto theAVR125. Connect he digitaloutputsfromDVDplayers, HDTVreceivers, satellitesystemsor CDplayersto he Opticalor CoaxialInputs i_)_i'l_'ti'l_lJ. Inorderto providea backupsignalanda sourceforanalogstereorecording,the analogoutputsprovidedon digitalsource equipment shouldalsobeconnectedto heir appropriateinputson theAVR125 rearpanel(e.g.,connect he analogstereoaudiooutputfrom a DVDto the DVDAudio Inputs_ on the rearpanelwhenyou connectthesource'sdigitaloutputs). Whenplayingadigitalsourcesuchas DVD,firstselect he sourceinputusinghe remoteor front-panelcontroisas describedon page21. Next,selectthedigital sourceby pressing the Digital Input SelectorButton qi_! andthenusingthe ,A/v Buttons qi_)qi_) onhe remoteor theSelectorButtons[] on the frontpanelto chooseanyofthe 0 P1"I C AL or C0 AX I AL inputs,ashey appearinthe Main InformationDisplay[], the Digital Input Indicators[][]. Whenthe digitalsourceisplaying, he AVR125 willautomatically detectwheherit is a multichannel DolbyDigitalor DTSsource,or a conventional PCMsignal,whichisthe standardoutput fromCDplayers. A Bitstream Indicator[] will light inthe Main InformationDisplay[] to confirmthat he digitalsignalis DolbyDigital,DTSor PCM OPERATION DigitalStatus Indicators Whent alg[al sourceis playing,theAVR125 senses _ne_ e of ul_s_eam aam_na_s present,using_nls 'nformationthe correctsurroundmodewillautomatiCalljbeselected.Forexample.DTSbitstreamsNU causetheunl[to swKcnto DTSaecoglng,andDolby Dig[al Dim[reams wl enableDolbyDigitaldecoalng Nhen_neunitsensesPCMdatatom CDsor LDs.you mayselec[ant of the standard surroundmouessuch asDolbyProLogicIIor LogC7. Sincethe rangeof avallaole sun'ounamouesis aeDendent onthe typeof aigKalaa_athatis oresem_e AVR125 usesa /ane[y of indicators to let ou knowwhattypeof signa is present,Thisw_ helpyOU_0unaers_ana thecnolce of modes Nhena alg[al sources playing,a Bitstream Indicator[] will lign_to showwhichtype if signalis playing ]): Whenthe DOLBYD indicatorghts.a Dolby Dig[al olm_rean' is oelngreceived.Depenalng on the se_ungs onthe sourceplayeranaspecificsurrouna 'nformation andnumberof channelsonthe disc.a numberof surroundmouesareqossible.Fordiscs Wl[hfu 5.1 aualo,onlythe DolbyDigitalandVMAx mouesareavailable, Whenthe DolbyDigitalsignalis on, rwo-cnannel, youmayalsoselectfromthe Locc 7 Cinema!Music. Hal 1/2.Theater.DolbyProLogic MoviesMusicor Emulationor Doltsj3 Stereomodes. NhentheAVR125sensesa 2,0-channelDob. Dig_m_ signal.]ne unKWl au_omaucally selectDolby ProLocc as_e surrounaprocessing moae,tna boththe DolbyDigital[] andDolbyProLogic II [] surrouna-mode ina_ca[ors wl ght inaccordance with_nereaulremenm of Dolb_Laooramnes definition,a 96/24 sgnalmayDesuppllea0% viaa alglm nDUL Inadditionto the bitstrean"inalca[ors, theAVF125 "eaturesa setof uniquecnanneHnDu[ nalca_ors that tellyouhowmanychannelsof digitalinformation are oeingrecelveaand/orwhetherthe algl[alslgna is _nmn'uDma. Theseindicators arethe L/C/R/SL/SR/LFE le_[ers that areinsidethe centerboxesof the Speaker/Channel Input Indicators[] inthefront DaneMain InformationDisplay[] Whenastandardanaloc signalis inuse.or lythe 'L"and"R"indicators w ight.ts analogsignalsnaveonlyleftandrightchartnels respecwely. Digitalsignals,however,mayhavetwo.fiveor sixseparatechannels, aepena_ng on the programma[anal, me me[noaof transmission andthe waj inwnlclli[ wasencoded,Whena agKalslgna s playing,_e lettersintheseindicators Wll in[ inresponse_o_e specificsignalbeingrecelvea,i_is -eormn__onora thatalthoujh DolbyDigital,for examFe. isreferredto asa "5.1" sTsmm,no_all DolbyDigitalDVDsor programsareencodedwith5.1 channels. Thusi[ is someumes normalfora DVDwitl-a DolbyDigital soundtrack to triggeronl_me 4: ana"R"indicators, NOTE:Man',DVDdiscsarerecordedwithboth"5.1" ana"2.0"versionsof the samesound-track, When playinga DVD.alwaysbe certainto checkthe typeof mamrlalon thedisc.Mostdiscsshowthis nformation n theformof a listing}r sonin the backof the disc acket.Whena discdoesoffermumblesouna_rack choicesyou mayhaveto makesomeadjus_menm _c yourDVDplayer(usuauy withthe "AudioSelect"button ]) T._: Whenthe DTSindicatorlignm,a DTSbitstream is beingreceived. Whenthe unitsensesthistypeof aam.or._the DTSmodema_Deusea. or ina menuscreenon the alsc _osenaafu 5.1 feedto theAVR125. It is alsopossibleforthe typeof signalfeed_ocnangeduringthe courseof a DVD playback.Insomecasesthe previewsof specialmare- PC 11:Whenthe PCMna_ca[or light&asmnaara PulseCodeModulation. or PCM.s gnal s Delnc received.Thisisthetypeof diglm_ aua_ouseauy cone%onalcon-Dac_alscarialaseraiscrecoralngs Nhena PCMbitstreamis Dresen_. a_mouesexcept DolbyDigtal andDTSareavailable, rlalWillOP_Derecoraeain2.0 aualc Williethe malr "ea_ure is avauaule in5,1 audio.As longasyourDVD playerissetfor 6-channeloutDu_theAVR125 w au_oma_lca.._ sensechangesto the bitstreamand channelcountandreflecttheminthesena_camrs. Whena hign-resolu_lon 96kHz/24-bitPCMsigna_is aemcmathe nameof thecurrentsourceinDu[foIoweaDV9I-,K. forexamole.])V]) / 91-,K WillDe olsplayeainthe Main InformationDisplay[]. This typeof programmamrla_ canbe foundon speclaB markeddiscs_na_ wererecoraequsinga highersampiingratethanthe 44kHzor 48kHztypicallyuse(]on compactdiscs,TheStereo-Digital (Surround O_ moaeWillDeavailable _oprocessa 96/24 signal.The Stereo-Analog moaeWill not De availablesince, Dy Thelettersuseduythe Speaker/ChannelInput Indicators[] alsoflashto indicatewhena bitstream hasbeeninterru_ma.Thiswi happenwhena die[a Irou_sourceisselecmabeforethe playback s_arm, or whena dig[alsourcesuchasa DVDis caused.The flashinoina_ca_om remlnayouthatthe playbackhas stoDDed dUetOthe aosenceof a digKalsignalanano_ througnan_faultof theAVR125.Thisis norma ana the dgKaplaybackwillresumeoncethe playbad s startedac-]in Night Mode A specialfeatureof DolbyDigitalisthe Nigh_mode, wbchenablesDolbyDigitalinpu_sources_oDeplayea backwithfulldialcguein[elllglOlll_ whilereducingthe minimumpeaklevelb!.]/_ to ]/3. ThisDrevenm aorup_lycudtransitions fromols[urelngo_ers wl[nou_ ................. of the digitalsource.TheNight -oae isavailable onlywhenDolbyDigitalsignalswith sDeclaaa_aarebeingplayea. TheNightmodemaybeengagedwhena DolL, DigitalDVDis playingbypressingthe Night Mode Button _ on_neremora.NextDressthe ,a,/v Buttons li_ to selecteitherthe mlaglerangeor maximum-corr sressionversionsof the Nightmode.To _urn_neNijht modeoff,pressthe A/v Buttons qi_qi_il_untilthe messageinthe Main Information Display[] reaas]) - R 0 f f. WI-anthe Night moaeisacwe.the NightMode Indicator [] w also {_nT IMPORTANT NOTESONDIGITALPLAYBACK: _ When_nealgKalpla_backsources smDDeaor ina PauseFastForwardor ChapterSearchmode,_ne aid[alaualoaa-,aWillmomenmruy stop,tna the cnanne[ qsKionle_ersnslaethe Speaker/ ChannelInput Indicators[] N flashThisis normalana Icesno[ nalcama oroblemwitheither theAVR125 or the sourcemacnlne. TheAVR125 w re[urn_oalgi[aip_ayback assoonas_neaam_s tvailableandwhenthe machine_sn as_anaara plasmoae. 2.AlthOL _ntheAVR125 wmaecogevlr_uaB al DVE swesCDsandHDTVsources,i[ s possible that somefuturedigitalsourcesmayno_Decompa_lDi6 withtheAVR125 3. Notethatno_all ]lgKallyencoaeaprogramscon[air full5.1-channelaudio.Consultthe programgulae thataccompanies the DVDor laserdiscto determinewhich_pe of audiohasbeenrecordedon the disc.TheAVR125 Willautomatically sensethe type sf digitalsurroundencoa_ng useaanaagjus[to accommoaam m 4. Whena alg[alsources playing,you mayno_De IDle_0selectsomeofthe analogsurrounamoues suchasDolbyProLogicII, Dolb_3 Stereo.Hall. Theateror Logic7. 5. Whena DolbyDigitalor DTSsourceis olaylna[ s not qOSSlDle IOmakean analogrecoralngusing the Tape_ _ndVideoI AudioOutputs_, However. the algl_al signalswmDesassedthrough to the Optical_ andCoaxial_) DigitalAudio Outputs OPERATION PCMAudioPlayback PCM PulseCodeModulatioristhe noncorrDressed ] gl_alaudioSys[emusedfor comdac[DISCS andlaser discs,Thedig[alclrcuKsn theAVR125 arecanableof hgn-quau_algltal4o-_nalocdecoding,andthej ma_ Desonnectea alrectly_othe digitalaudiooutputofyoui CDor LDplayer 2 PresstheAM/FMTunerSelectButton0 or AM/FM BandSelector[] againto switch between AM andFMsothatthedesiredfrequency Dana is selected, 3. PresstheTuningModeButton[] _nuaor aumrnauc _un_ng Tc stento a PCMdig_m_ source,firstselectthe irgutfor the desiredsource',e.g.CD),Next.pressthe Digital InputSelector[]@ andthenusetheA/V Buttons qi_)qi_) onthe remoteor theSelector Buttons[] on thefrontpanel,untilthe desiredchoice WhentheAUTOIndicator[] is not illuminated _netuneris n a manualmoaeanaWillS[Odatearl frequencyincrementintheseiecteaDana. appearsintheMain InformationDisplay[] Whena PCMsourceis playingthe POMIndicator [] wight, DuringPCMplayback,youma_seiec[ an_surroundmodeexceD_ DolbyDigtalor DTS, f a 96kHz/24-bitPCMsigna s aemc[ecthename of the currentsourceiroutfollowedby =1I.,K for examole]) V ]) / _1I.,K. wl DealsDlatedinthe Main Information Display[]. Youmayselectthe Stereo-Digl[aSurroundOffimodeto processthiS typeof signa. PlajbackfromPCMsourcesma aso benefitfromthe Logic7 Mode.Whenplayingbacka surround-encoded PCMsourcesucnasan LEor surrounaoencoaea CD NOTE:Whena Logic7 modeis Inusewitha Dolb_ Dgital2.0 dgltalinpu[source,thatmode ratherthar LCgic7. W_DeUSedO'_theAVRafterthe agila Dlls_reams Imerrupted foran_reasonsuchasstopping or pausingthe dgKaplayback,Note,also,thatLogic7 '_ notavallaD _ withalgltalplaybackunlessalwochanneDim[ream i_inuse. Tuner Operation TheAVR125'stuneris capableof tuningAM FMand :M Stereobroadcast stations.StationsmayDe[unea manuauy, or theymaybe storedasfavomestauoreresereandrecaed froma 30-Dosmormemory, Station Selection 1, Presshe AM/FMTunerSelectButton _i_ c theremo[eto selectthe tunerasan nDut,The _unerma,Deselectedfromthefront pane_ Dy eitheruressirg the InputSourceSelector[] untilthetuneris activeor oypressingtheAM/FM BandSelector [], _oselec! inautomatic _unincmode.theAUTOIndicator[] _s umlnamon theMain InformationDisplay[] _nathe _uner Willsloponly_.tthosestationsthat _vea s_gnas[rongenougn_obe received wff _ccep_aD_e quaw. Connections m_yDemadeto eitherthereap3ane Opticalor CoaxialInputsi_)_ or the front-oanel Opticalor CoaxialDigitalInputsi"l_Ji'l_lJ. usethe Logic7 C or Cinemamode,Wi-_r oiayinc [ruestoredrecoralnas, usethe LCglC7 M or Music modefor a wget sounds[age andincreased rearchanneambience, _ 4. Toselec[stations,cressthe TuningSelector Button []q_). WhentheAUTOIndicator[] is lumlnamaDressthe buttonandthenrelease_o causethetunerto searchforthe nexthignes[-or owest-frequenc! s_auon thathasanacceD_aDm signal.WhentuningFMstationsintheAutomode :ne _unerWillselec[on_stereostations.Tctune_o :he nextstauonDressthe buttonagain.Ifthe StereoIndicator[] s not umlnama.Dresstne TuningModeButton i'_l_ to activatethe manuamode.and_aDthe TuningSelector Button []_) to advanceonefrequencyncrementa_a time,or DressandhOldI[tOiocama SDe sificstation.Whenthe TUNEDIndicator[] ghts, -hestauonis propenytunedandShOUld Deheard withclarity, 5. Stationsma,.aso De_unedd_rec[__ne@erauto-a_lcor manua_uningmodeDypressingme Direct Button _, andthenpressing_ne NumericKeys _ thatcorresoona to the staon'sfrequency. The ]eslreastationw aummatl ca / DetuneD._you pressan incorrectuu_on whileenteringa directfrequency,presstheClear Button _ _ostar_over. NOTE:Whenthe FMreceDuon of a stationisweak au_o ]Uall_NIIIDencreaseaDyswl[cningto Mon¢ sue bypressinghe TuningMode Button []_ un[i the StereoIndicator[] goesout,This_ aso ....................... mode. PresetTuning Jslngthe remote,uoto 30 stationsmayDestored_r theAVRt 25's memoryforeasyreca_usingthefront sanecontrolsor the remote. o entera stationintothe memory, firsttunethe stalion usngme s_epsOU[llnea above.Then , Pressthe MemoryButton _ onthe remora. No_e _na_neMemoryIndicator[] w De umlnaedandflashinthe Main Information Display_-'-'_, 2,Withinfiveseconds,9ressthe Numeric Keys corresponding to the locationwhereyouwiShtO storethisstation'sfrequenc!Onceenmreathe erese[numberw _uoear_n_nePreset Number/SleepTime DisplayIll, 3, R@eatthe processaftertuninganya@monal s[atlons_oDeorese_. RecallingPresetStations • Tomanua selecta stationprewou%entereainthe xese[memory,Dressthe NumericKeys _ that corres[ona_othe aesireas_atlon s memon ocauon • Tomanuay tunethroughthe listof storedorese_ s[atlonsoneoy one.9ressme PresetStations SelectorButtonsi'_J_ onthe fronteanelor remora. Tape Recording r normaldEera_lon, the audioor VideOsource se_ecma forlisteningthroughtheAVR125 s sen[_o therecordcutouts,ThLsmeansthatanyprogramyou a_ewamnlngor ustenlng _oma_Derecordedsimply oyplacingmacnlnes connectedtothe OUtOU[S for TapeOutputs0 }r Video1 OutputsI_)_) n the Recordmode, Whena a gl[alaudiorecorderisconnecma_ome Optical_ or Coaxiali_) DigitalAudioOutputs, youmayrecordthe algl[alsgnalusinga CD-F MiniDiscor other_glmlrecordingsys[em. NOTESONRECORDING: • TheAVR125 convermanaognDumto a PCM algltasignal,enablingyou[o record_nematerla on a 3Dor MDrecorderconnec[eato oneofthe AVR125's DigitalAudioOutputs_li_. Thedigital recordermus_Decomoatiblewiththe oumu_ sgna %r example, the PCMdgita inputfroma 3Dplayer -ay be recordedona CD-Ror MiniDisc. uu_Dolb_ Digi[alor DTSsignasmayno_. • Pleasemake cer[aln that/ou are aware of an_ ccpyrlgnt resthc[ionson any maerla you cc py, UnauthorizedauDiicauonof copyrighted materialsis PrOhibitedOyfederallaw Output Level Trim Adjustment /orma oumu_leveadjustment for_neAVR125 es[auushea usingthe test_oneas oumneaon pages "8 and19. Insomecases,however._tma_Deaesir aDie_oadjustthe Cutoutleve_s usr _ programmatenal suchasa testdisc or a selec[ion_/ouarefamiliarwith. OPERATION Additionally, meoutpu__eve_ forthesubwoofercan onlyDeaajusteousingthis[ roceaure, Toadjusllthe ou[pu_eve_s usingprogrammaterial,firs1 setthe referencevolumeforthefront-leftandfrontrightchannelsusingtheVolumeControl[] I_). Whenthe 6-ChannelDirectinpu__sinuse,you may no_selec_a surrounamoaeasthe externaldecoder ae_ermlnes processing, in aaal[ion,thereisno sigma atthe recordoumumwhenthe 6-ChannelDirectinou_ IS In US6 }ncethe referenceleve hasbeenset. Dress_ne ChannelSelectButton li_)[] arianorathat F L L E VE L w aooearinthe Main Information Memory Backup DisplayI-_1.Tochangeme evel.firstcressthe Set Button ii1_1_1, aria_nenusethe SelectorButtons [] or the A/V Buttons li_)li_) to raiseor lower TheevekDONOTusethe volumecon_roastnlsw information ana_uneraresetsif the unit s acclaen_al unpluggea or suujecma_oa poweroumge.This memoBWilllaSIfor approxlmamls oneweek,after whiCht_meal nformationmustbe reenmrea. almrthe referencesetting. DisplayBrightness }ncethe changehasbeenmad6 cressthe Set Button Ii1_1_'1ana_en Dressthe Selector Buttons [] or _neA/v Buttons li_)_ _oselec[ _e nextoumu_cnanneliocauonthatyouwBnto adjust.Toadjus[_qesubwooferlevel sresstne SelectorButtons [] or theA/T Buttonsli_)li_i) untilSW LEVEL appearsin_neMain InformationDisplay[] Tr_AVR125's Main InformationDisplay_ s setat a defaultunghtness thatissufficientforviewing ina normalj t room.However.n somehometheater ins[allatlons, youmaywishto occasional,lowerthe erlgntness of the displa,_ or turn _off compleml! Tochangethe d_splay brightness, pressanaholdthe Set Button [] on thefrontpanelfor threeseconas untilthe message_nthe MainInformation Display [] readsVF ]) F UL L Withinfiveseconds.[ tess IheSelectorButtons[] on thefrontpanelum the aeslrea]lsplaybrightnessevelisshown.At thatooin_. [ tessthe Set Button [] _galnm enmrthe setting. WhenF UL L aoDears inme Main Information Pressthe Set Button_ [] when_nenameof _ne desiredchannelappearsintheMain Information Display[], ma followthe instructions snowneanle_ _oaajustthe leve Repeatthe uroceaureasneeaeaun_lallchannels requiringaajustment havebeenset.Whena _ajus_mentshavebeenmaaeananofurtheradjus_menm aremadeforfiveseconastheAVR125 will returnm norma ooeratlor NOTES: ,, Theou_pu_ leve_s mayDeseparamls trimmedforeach algKal 8naanalogsurrouna moae._youw8nto havedifferenttrimlevelsforasoecificmode.selectthatmode ana_en followthe ps[ruc_oPs _n_e sacsshownearlier: • _nStereo-Digital (SurroundOff)mode,onlythe front-left,front-rign[anasubwooferchannelsmayDe _nmmea. i_isnot oosmble to trimthe ou[ou[levelsIn Stereo-Direct mode.sincethatmoaebypasses_e agl[alclrcul[ryuseaforoutnu[-level _rlmmlng. 6-Channel Direct Input TheAVR225 iseauIDE edforfutureexpansion _rougnthe useof oouonal,exmrnalaaa)tersfor formatsthattheAVR225 mayno[ Decapablec" processing. Whenanadaptors connectedto the 6-ChannelDirect Inputs _,,_,youmayse_ec[[ oy pressingthe 6-Oh Direct Input Selector_. The 6-ChannelDirectinpu[mayalsoDeselec[eaoy pressingthe Input SourceSelectorButton [] on thefront caneum b ¢ H 91 R E C T aooears q _qeMain InformationDisplay[] anaa g eenLEE ignmnextto 6 CHinthe Input Indicators[]. Thisuroauc_is eau_uuea witha memorybackup systemthat_reservesthe systemconfiguration Display[], the displayisa_i_snormalorlon[hess. WhenH AL F auuears, the a_spla_ s at halfthe normalon_htnesslevel.When0 I=P"appears,allof the indicatorsintheMain Information Display[] N go dark.Note,however, thatthe greerLEDsforthe Input Indicators _ andthe SurroundMode Indicators_, asWellasT_ePowerIndicator [] w_ _wa;sremain__orem_na youtnattheAVR125 sst lurnea on, Oncethedesiredbrian[ness levelisselecma.._ remainineffectun_ [ is char_eaagainor untilthe unl[is_urneaoff, PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE Programming the Remote TheAVR125 is equippedwitha powerfulremote controlthatwill controlboththe receiver'sfunctions underthe InputSelector0 will flashthree timesbeforegoingdarkto confirmtheentry. 6. andmostpopularbrandsof audioandvideoequipment,includingCDplayers, cassettedecks,TVsets, cableboxes,VCRs,satellitereceivers andotherhome theaterequipment.Oncethe AVR125's remoteis programmed withthe codesforthe productsyouown, it is possibleto eliminatemostotherremotesand replacethemwiththe convenience of a single,universalremotecontrol. Asshippedfromthefactory,the remoteisfullyprogmmmedfor allAVR125 functions, aswellasthoseof mostHarmanKardonCDchangers, DVDplayers, CD recorders, CDplayersandcassettedecks.Inaddition, byfollowing oneofthe methodsbelow,you mayprogramthe remoteto operatea widerangeof devices fromothermanufacturers. Direct Code Entry Thismethodisthe easiestwayto programyour remoteto workwithdifferentproducts. 1. Usethe tablesinthefollowingpagesto determine thethree-digitcodeor codesthatmatchboththe producttype printedon the remoteabovethe InputSelector_ (e.g.,VCR,TV),andthe specificbrandname.Ifthereis morethanone numberfor a brand,makenoteof the different choices. 2. Turnon the unityouwishto programintothe AVR125 remote. 3. Pressandhold boththe Input Selector_ for the productyouwishto control(e.g.,VCR,TV)and the Mute Button _ atthe sametime.When the ProgramIndicator_ turnsamberand beginsflashing,andthe Input Selector_ turns red,releasethe buttons.It isimportantthatyou beginthe nextstepwithin20 seconds. 4. PointtheAVR125'sremotetowardstheunitto be programmed andenterthefirstthree-digitcode numberusingthe NumericKeys_. The ProgramIndicator_ willchangeto a flashing greento indicatethata codehasbeenentered. Ifthe unitturnsoff,thecorrectcodehasbeen entered.PresstheInput Selector_ again,and notethatthe redlightwillflashthreetimesbefore goingdarkto confirmtheentry. 5. Ifthe deviceto be programmed indoesNOTturn off,continueto enterthree-digitcodenumbers untilthe equipment turnsoff.Atthispoint,the correctcodehasbeenentered.Pressthe Input Selector_ againandnotethatthe redlight 7. Tryaftof thefunctionson theremoteto makecertainthatthe productoperatesproperly. Keepin mindthatmanymanufacturers usea numberof differentcombinations of codes,soit is agood ideato makecertainthatnot onlythe powercontrol,butthe volume,channelandtransportcontrols workastheyshould.Iffunctionsdo notwork properly,youmayneedto usea differentremote code. Ifa codecannotbe enteredto turnthe unit off,if the codeforyourproductdoesnot appearinthe tablesinthismanual,or if not all functionsoperate properly,try programming the remotewith the AutoSearchMethod. Auto SearchMethod Ifthe unityouwishto includeintheAVR125'sremote isnot listedinthe codetablesinthismanualor if the codedoesnotseemto operateproperly, youmaywish to programthecorrectcodeusingtheAutoSearch methodthatfollows: 1.Turnonthe unitthatyouwishto includeinthe AVR125 remote. 2. Pressthe InputSelector_ forthetypeof productto beentered(e.g.,VCR,TV)andthe Mute Button _ atthe sametime.Holdboth buttonsuntilthe redlightunderthe InputSelector stayslitandthe ProgramIndicator turnsamberandbeginsflashing.Notethatthe next stepmusttakeplacewhilethe redlightis on,and it mustbeginwithin20 secondsafterthe light appears. 3. PointtheAVR125remotetowardtheunitto be programmed andpresseitherthe • or • Button qi_)q[_).TheProgramIndicator_ will changeto aflashinggreento indicatethata code hasbeenentered.Eachpresswillsendoutathreedigitcodefromtheremote'sbuilt-indatabase. When the unitbeingprogrammed turnsoff,releasethe• or• Button qi_)q[_), asthatisyourindication thatthecorrectcodeis inuse. 4. Pressthe InputSelector41_ID, andnotethatthe redlightunderthe InputSelectorwillflashthree timesbeforegoingdarkto confirmtheentry. 5. Tryallof the functionsonthe remoteto makecertainthatthe productoperates. Keepinmindthat manymanufacturers usea numberof different combinations of codes,andit isa goodideato makecertainthatnot onlythe powercontrol works,butalsothatthe volume,channeland transportcontrolsfunctionproperly. If allfunctions do notworkproperly,youmayneedtoAutoSearchfora differentcode,or entera codeviathe DirectCodeEntrymethod. CodeReadout Whenthe codehasbeenenteredusingtheAuto Searchmethod,it isalwaysa goodideatofind outthe exactcodesothatit maybe easilyreenteredif necessary.Youmayalsoreadthe codesto verifywhich devicehasbeenprogrammed to a specificControl Selectorbutton. 1. Pressandhold boththe Input Selector_ for the deviceforwhichyouwishto findthe code andthe Mute Button _ at the sametime. Notethatthe ProgramIndicator _ will initally turn amber.Releasethe buttonsandbeginthe nextstepwithin20 seconds. 2. ResstheSet Button _). TheProgram Indicator_ willthenblinkgreenina sequence thatcorresponds to thethree-digit code,witha onesecondpausebetween digits.Countthe numberof blinksbetween pausestodetermine thedigitofthe code.Oneblinkisthenumber1, twoblinksindicate thenumber2, andsoforth,v_ile10 blinksareused to indicatea"01' Example: Oneblink,followedbya one-secondpause, followedbysixblinks,followedby aone-second pause,followedby10 blinksindicates thatthecode hasbeensetto 160. Forfuturereference, enterthe SetupCodesforthe equipment inyoursystemhere: DVD CD VID1/VCR VID2/TV VID3/CBL/SAT VID TAPE PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE MacroProgramming Macrosenableyouto easilyrepeatfrequem}used comelnat 3nsof commands withtheDressof a sino_e buttonon theAVR125 remotecon_rc I.Once[ rogrammea, a macroWillsendourUDtO19 different remotecodesIn a oreaetermlnea seauen[lal order. enaollng youto automatathe orocessofturningon yoursystem,changingdevicesor othercommontasks. TheAVR125 remoracanstoreUDtofiveseoara_e macrocommandseouences: oneNat isassoclaea WINthe PowerOn ButtonI_i, andfourmorethat areaccessedeypressing the MacroButtons _I. 1, Pressthe Mute Button _ Afterfollowingtnesesmos.eacht@e youpress theMacro 1 Button I_, theremoteN sets thePowerOn/Offcommand_o_e AVR125 Ene television andthe cableboxwitha singleout,or cress. ErasingMacroCommands Toerasethe sommanas _nathavebeenprogrammed intooneof the Macroou_onsfollowthesesteus ". Pressthe Mute Button _ andthe Macro Button _ thatcontainsthe commands/ou wishto erase, the remoracontroa_agram p£[ureoJustbeforethe FunctionLISImules.Notethateachbuttonhasa numperon i_ -D findoutwha_functiona 3articularou_onhasfor a specificdevicefindthe UU_[On numDeron the %nc[ionLIStandthenlookinthe columnfor_ne aewceyouarecontrolling. Forexample,out[ornumbet50 isthe Macro2 buttonfortheAVR125. DU[_ s the 'Favorite'out,orforman_caolemlewsorDoxes andsamlnmreceivers. Buttonnumber2° s the Del@ buttonfortheAVR125, buttheTimeDispw cut[on forCDplayers, andthe Macro Button _ to be programmed or the PowerOn Button 0 atthe sametime.Notethatthe last Input Selector0 pressedwill lign_red,andthe ProgramIndicator_ willflashamoer, 2 Enterthe s[eosforthe macrosequenceoy pressinat__ buttonfor theactuacommandsmu, Althoughthe macromaycontainUDto 19 steDs eachsu_[oncress,includingthoseused_ocnange dewces,coumsasa stuD.TheProgramIndicator I_I will flashgreen_oconfirmeachburrerDress asyouenmrcommands NOTE:Whileenterirg commands fcr PowerOn/Offof anyaewceduringa macrosequenceDressthe Mute Button _, DONOTcresstheactuaPowerButton, 3. Whenall the steoshavebeenenmreG[ ressthe Sleep Button _ to enterthe commands.The ProgramIndicatorI_I w flashgreenthree rimesandthenturnoff. 2, TheProgramIndicator I_ willflashameerand theLEDundertheAVRSelector0 willturnred, 3,Within10 seconds,Dressthe SurroundMode Selector/ChannelDownButton _, 4, Thered LEDunderthe AVRSelector_ willgo OUr,andthe ProgramIndicator I_I Will_urn greenandflashthreetimesbeforeit goesoul 5. Whenthe ProgramIndicatorI_I g}es our,the Macrohasoeeneras@ ProgrammedDeviceFunctions OncetheAVR125's remotehasbeenprogrammed for the codesof otherdevices,Dresstheappropriate Input Selector_ to changetheremotefromcontrolling theAVR125to controlling theadditional oroduct.Whet youpressan,_oneoftheselectors, it willbrieflflashin redto _ndlcate thatyouhaveshanged _nedeviceoelng son,roiled NOTE:ThenumoersUSed tO Jescribethe uu[[on functionsinthe sagramon page30 forthe DUmOSeS of describinghowa Du_onCoera_es area differentset 3f numbersthanthoseusedinthe restof _ls manual to describethe Du_onfunctionsfortheAVR125 Noteson Usingthe AVR125 Remote With Other Devices • Manufacturers mayusedifferentcodese_swithin thesameuroauc[ca_egor!suchasTVsetsor VCRs. Theymayalsocnangecodesfora cer[aln camgor_Iromonemodel/earm thenext.Forthat reason_is irroortantthat! oucheckto see Nhether the :odese_/ounaveenteredcEdramsas manycon[ro_s as possible, Ifi[ anoearsthat0% a fewfunctionscberate,checkto seewhetheranother codese[wl Horkwithmorebuttons, • Whena DU[_On Soresseaon theAVR125 remote the redilgntunderthe Input Selector_ for the Droauc_ oelngooeratedshouldflashbriefl/.Ifthe DeviceControlSelectorflashesforsorte put notall buttonsfora Dar[icular DroaucLI acesNOTind cama oroolerrwin the remotebutratherthatno functionisprogrammed forthe ou[_onoelng OUShed Example:Toprogramthe Macro1 Button_ so thatt turnson theAVR125 11/andaCable Box followthesestess • Sress_neMacro1 _ andMute _ Du_ons atthesame_lmean(]thenrelease_err Whenopera[_ng a deviceotherthantheAVR125. _e son_olsmayno_correspond exacuyto thefunction orintedontheremoteor button.Somecommands., SUCIastheVolumeContro.arethesameasthe_8_e w_ththeAVR125. OtherbuttonsWillChange theirfuno • TheProgramIndicator0 willflashamber, • PresstheAVRSelectorI_t. tlonsothatthes sorresE onaToa secondary_Deor theremote.Forexamde,the SleeoandSurrounc Punch-Through Programming • Press_e Mute Button _ to s[orethe AVRt25's PowerOncommand, • PresstheVlD2InputSelectorButton _ to in]lcatethenex_commandis_oDetrarksmmea _o theW. • Pressthe Mute Button _ to store_e W PowerOnCommand, • PresstheVID3InputSelectorButton _ _c nalca_e the nex_commandIstc Detrarsmit_ea _o me CableDO^, • Pressthe MuteButton _ to storetheCable DowerOncommand, • PresstheSleepButton _ to com_le_etne orocess andstorethemacroseauence, modeselec[orDu_ons alsofunctionasme ChannelJD andChanneDownbuttonswhenopera_ngmostTV se[s.VCRsor cableboxes.TheChannelUdDownr/allso,ionis printedalrec[l_or the remote.Forman manlardCDplayers, casse[mdecksVCRsandDVDfurslions,thestandardfunctionsonsareDrln_ea on_oDof _neDu_ons, TheAVR125'sremoramayDeprogrammed to contro_oneaewcesuchasaT_ whilesmuitaneous, ]lrectlngonlycertainfunctionsto anotherdevlc6SUCh asthe trans_ortcontrolsof a DVDola_er,withouthav ngto switchbackandfor_ betweennDu[s.YOU ma_ alsousethe remoteto con[roi_nesysmmvolumeon theAVRwithoutthe needto switd-betweenJifferent devices.Thisis called"Punch-Through. andm_ssectionwillshowyouhOWtOprogramthe remotefor thesefunctions. Forsomeoroauc8,however, the functionofa oar_icuar buttondoesnotfollowthe commandDrin_ea on the remote,inorderto seewhichfunctiona OU[IOn controlsconsultthe FunctionLIS[_aDles on pages31 anD32 Tousethosetables,firstcheckthe typeof deviceoelngcondonedle._.,TV,VCRI.Next,lookat NOTE:A programming forthe rem soaesneededtc oDeramsEecificdevicessucr asaTV.DVDcame cox sa[elll[ereceiverorVCR.shouldDecomole[ea beforeprogramming punch-through commanas, PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE VolumePunch-Through TheAVR125's remotemayee programmea _odeeramthe VolumeControl _ andMute _ funclionsof eithertheTVor the AVR125 inconunction HIthat. Dfthedevicescontrolledt, theremote.For examele,sincetheAVR125 m like, ee use(]asthe sounasysmmfor TVviewing,you maywishto have theAVR125's volumeactivated, althougitheremote s se_to runtheTV.EithertheAVR125 or TVvolume con_romat Deassoaa_e(] withar. ofthe remote's devices. To orogramthe remoteforVolumePunchThroua h followthesestems: 1, Pressthe InputSelector_ forthe unK_ouw eeusing(e.g.,TV)whenyouwishto haveVolume Punch-Through to youraudiosystemac[iveandbe MuteButton@ atthesametimeun_ltherea ghtappeamunaertheInputSelector_ ana r }mthattheProgramIndicator0 w flash _meer, 2, Press_e VolumeUpButton _ an(]nora_na_ _neProgramIndicator0 willstopflashing an(] sta'.ameer, 3, Presseitherthe AVRSelector_ or theInput Selector_), depending onwhichsystem s .olumecon[toyouwishto haveattachedforthe punch-thmugh mode,TheProgramIndicator w blinkgreenthree_lmesandthen1oou[_oconfirmthedataentry Example:Tohavetne AVR125'svolumecontro acwam(]eventhoughthe remoteis se[_ocontrol theT.. firstcresstheVideo/TVInput Selector andthe MuteButton _ atthesametime, Nex_DresstheVolumeUpButton _), followed bythe AVRInput Selectori[_), NOTE:Should;de wish_ore[urntheremoteto the originalconfiguration afterenteringa VolumePunchThmugn,youwillneea_oreeeatthe steesShOWn aeove,Howeve_ eressthe sameineutSelectoriF 3tees_ _nd3, , PresstheInput SelectorButton_ forthedevice youw eeusing(e.g.,VCR)whenyouwishto have ChannelPunch-Through acuveandtheMute Button _ a_thesame_lmeun_therea jht appearsunderthe InputSelector_ an(]the ProgramIndicator_ flashesameer. Example:Tocontrolthe transeort of a DVDplayer whilethe remoteisse__ocontroltheT_ firstDressthe VID2/TVInputSelectorButton _ andthe Mute Button _ at thesametime,Nextreleasethem _napressthe PlayButton _, followedbythe DVDInputSelectorButton 2. Press_neVolumeDownButton _. The ProgramIndicator_ willstopflashingandstay ameer. NOTE:ToremovetheChannelControlPunch-Throu(]h anare[urntheremoteto itsorginalconfiguration, repea_ thestagsshownabove,HoweveI(]tessthesameeu[:on n Stems1 an(]3 3, PressandreleasetheInput SelectorButton forthedevicethatwillbeusedto changethecnan............... Indicator_ willblinkgreen threetimesandthengo outto confirmthe data entry, Example:Tocontrolthechannels usingyourCable Boxor Satellite Receiver whiletheremoteissetto controltheVCR,firstoresstheVlD1/VCRInput SelectorButton_ andtheMute Button at thesametime,Nexl re_ease themanaDressthe VolumeDownButton _. followede! the VlD2/TVInputSelectorButton NOTE:Toremovethe Channel ControlPunch-Throug _ anare_urn the remo_e _oimorginalconfiguration, repea_ thestudsshownaeove,However. cressthesameeu[_oninStees1 and3, TransportControlPunch-Througl_ TheAVR125'sremotema! eeprogramme(] _ooeera_e sothattheTransportControlFunctions_ (Play, Stop.FastForward. Rewind.PauseandRecordfora VCRcassettedeck,DVDor CDWilloperaminconjunctionwithoneofthe otherdevicescontrollede_the remote,Forexample, whileusinganacontrolll%tileTV. youma_w_Sh _0s[ar_or stopyourVCRor DVDwithout having_ocnangetheaevlceselecma07theAVR1% or the remote, ToprogramtheremoraforTransoor_ ControlPunch-ThrouDh, followthesesteos: PresstheInput Selector_ br theaevlceyOL w_Deuslr] (e,g,,TV)whenyouwishtOhave Transeort ControPunch-Through acuveanathe Mute Button _ atthe sametimeuntiltherea _htappearsunaerthe InputSelector_ anathe ProgramIndicator_ flashes amber, ChannelControlPunch-Through TheAVR125's remotema,ee programme(] _ooperam sothatthechannelcontrolfunctionfor eitherthel_ caeleor sa_em_e receiverusean yoursystemmayDe use(]Inconunctionwithoneof theotherdevicescon2, PressthePlayButton_), TheProgram _OlleaeytheremoraForexample, whileusingan(]conIndicator_ willstopflashinganasm_amee [rOlling theVCR,youmat wishto changeChannels ona cableboxorsatellitereceiverwithouthavingto change 3, PressandreleasetheInput SelectorButton thedeviceselectedb',theAVR125 orthe remote,To fortheaewcewhose_ranseor[ mechanism willbe programtheremoteforChannelControlPunch-Through, con[rol_e(] (e.g,,DVD,CD),TheProgramIndicator follow_nesesmes: _ willblinkgreenthreeumesana_nengo ou[_o confirmthedataent_, Resetting the Remote Memory Asyouaaacomponenm to yourhometheatersysmm occasionally you ma,,WISh tOtotallyreprogram the remoracontrolwithouttheconfusiorof ay._comman(]s, macrosor "Punch-Through" programming thatyoumay havedone.Todothis.I[is _OSSlele to resm_neremora tothe originalfactorydefaults anacommanacoaese,. followir_ mesestops,Note.however, thatonce_ne remoraisrese[all commanas or co(]estha_youhave en[erea Will eeeraseaanaWillneea_oeeteen,ere(i: Pressanyofthe InputSelectorButtons_ ana _ne"0" Button_ a_tnesame_meunt_the ProgramIndicator_ eegnsto flashamber. 2, Pressthe "3" Button_ threetimes. 3,TheredLEEunderthe InputSelector_ willgo ou_andtheProgramIndicator_ willstopflashingana_urngreen 4, TheProgramIndicator_ wulremaingreenunu the remoteisreset.Notethatthismavtakeawhile, aependlng on hOWman_commanas areinthe -emor_ananeeato Deerase(], 5, WhentheProgramIndicator_ goesou[,the remotehasbeenresettothe factorysemngs, PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE harman/kardon AVR 125 Thediagramonthispageshows1hebuttonnumbem usedin1heFunctionListtableson pages31-32. Donot confuselhesenumberswith1hoseused lhroughoutthe restofthismanualto indicatethe specificbuttonsusedto operatetheAVR125's functions. Thekeyto 1hosebuttonnumbers,which areshowninsidean ovalisfoundon pages11-13. FUNCTION No. Button Name AVRFunction DVD CD/CD-R LIST Tape VCR(VID1) TV(VID1) CBL(VID3) SAT(VID3) i 1 PowerOn PowerOn PowerOn PowerOn PowerOn PowerOn PowerOn PowerOn PowerOn 2 PowerOff PowerOff PowerOff PowerOff PowerOff PowerOff PowerOff PowerOff PowerOff 3 Mute Mute Mute Mute Mute Mute Mute Mute Mute 4 AVR AVRSelect 5 DVD DVDInputSelect 6 CD CDInputSelect 7 Tape TapeInputSelect 8 rID1 Video1 Select 9 VID2 Video2 Select 10 VID3 Video3 Select 11 AM/FM TunerSelect ...... 12 6 CHInputSelect 13 Sleep Sleep ' 14 Test TestTone 15 TV 16 VolumeUp 17 SurroundSelect 18 Night NightModeSelect 19 Spare >0 VolumeDown DVDSelect CDSelect _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TapeSelect VCRSelect TVSelect VID3Select TV/DVD ' ' CDPSelect TVNCR VolumeUp InputLevelUp VolumeUp Surround ModeSelect CDRSelect Channel- VolumeDown input Level Down ' _2 Speaker/Menu SpeakerAdjust Menu Menu _3 • Move/Adjust Up Up Move/Adjust Left Left Set Enter Move/Adjust Down Right Down Digital InputSelect Subtitle DelayAdjust Return Time _6 _7 • >8 Digital/Exit P9 Delay/Prey.Ch. 30 1 TVNCR W/Cable W/Sat VolumeUp VolumeUp VolumeUp Channel- Channel- VolumeDown ' VolumeDown Title Set Channel+ _ ' ChannelTrim _5 Channel+ ...... Channel/Guide >4 Channel+ ' " " t t 1 1 31 2 2 2 32 3 3 3 33 4 4 14 34 5 5 5 35 6 6 t6 36 7 7 7 37 8 8 8 38 Tun-M 39 9 9 9 30 0 0 0 31 Memory 32 TuneUp TuneUp 33 Direct DirectTunerEntry _ i ' Info/Guide Menu Menu Menu Up Up Up Left Left Left Up Left Enter Enter Enter Enter Right Down Right Right Right Down Down Down Exit Exit Exit Exit PrevChannel PrevChannel PreyChannel 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 t VolumeDown Info/Guide '6 '6 6 7 8 7 8 8 TuningMode NextChapter i ..... TrackDirect 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 FUNCTION LIST No. ButtonName AVRFunction 44 Clear Clear 45 Preset Up PresetTuneUp 46 TuneDown TuneDown 47 48 D. Skip Preset Down Preset TuneDown 49 50 51 M3 52 M4 AngleSelect ' 53 Rewind R. Search R.Search Rewind Rewind 54 Play Play Play Play Play 55 FastForward R Search F.Search FastFwd FastFwd 56 Record Record Record Record 57 Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop 58 Pause Pause Pause Pause Pause 59 Skip Down Skip- Skip- _ Scan- 60 Skip Up Skip+ Skip+ _ Scan+ DVD Clear CD/CD-R Clear Stop Stop TV(VID1) Clear CBL(VID3) Clear SAT(VID3) Clear Sleep PPV Cancel Fav Fav Bypass Next Music AIt Day- Day- Day+ Day+ Page- Page- Page+ Page+ PrevChapter TrackIncrement DiscSkip SlowRev IntroScan M1 Open/Close Open/Close M2 SubtWe On/Off Repeat _ VCR(VID1) Clear SlowForward DiscSkip i Tape AudioSelect _ Cancel RandomPlay I I I _ ' SETUP CODE TABLE: Manufacturer/Brand Setup CodeNumber A MARK 103 192 123 164 045 103 084 205 123 059 123 045 045 O45 128 O45 172 ADMIRAL AKAI AMPRO ANAM AOC BLAUPUNKT BROKSONIC CANDLE CAPEHART CENTURION CENTRONIC CITIZEN CLASSIC CONCERTO CONTEC CORANDO CORONADO CRAIG CROWN CURTISMATHES CXC DAEWO0 DAYTRON DIGILINK DYNASTY DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FUNAI FUTURETECH GE GOLDSTAR GRUNDIG HALLMARK HARMANKARDON HITACHI INFINITY INKEL JBL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KAWASHO KEC KENWOOD KMC KTV LLOYTRON LODGENET 132 045 045 123 045 045 128 2OO O45 O63 115 045 O45 O45 087 101 193 128 201 123 148 125 148 115 019 079 173 O45 123 132 045 172 O69 132 160 103 123 106 128 109 112 122 123 128 132 157 132 128 158 159 087 132 102 105 106 108 111 114 116 119 132 123 128 132 139 157 158 159 162 205 121 103 123 110 128 128 133 132 145 159 163 128 132 144 147 123 128 132 145 087 134 206 128 171 132 204 123 173 132 162 127 128 132 TV SETUP CODE TABLE: Manufacturer/Brand SetupCodeNumber LOGIK LUXMAN L×I MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MATSUI MEMOREX METZ MGA MINERVA MITSUBISHI MTC NATIONAL NEC NtK£ ONKING ONWA OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PHILCO PHILIPS PIONEER PORTLAND PROSCAN PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RUNCO SAA SAMPO SAMSUNG SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SIEMENS SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDESIGN SPECTRICON SSS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TATUNG TECHNICS TECHWOOD O69 128 077 123 115 148 069 084 115 084 077 175 148 115 045 045 O45 O77 207 087 045 123 024 128 133 059 O87 045 115 045 152 183 059 124 054 045 128 077 084 069 117 045 103 O45 123 184 077 063 080 128 145 128 123 148 132 148 TV 145 148 128 123 28 115 176 177 121 23 128 160 167 168 79 23 180 125 181 182 208 148 115 128 123 132 209 169 123 132 128 210 211 128 145 213 132 148 214 122 128 132 165 128 123 196 153 132 128 197 180 133 196 145 123 128 128 132 145 128 132 132 145 128 132 130 136 128 194 128 145 148 212 148 197 161 163 SETUP CODE TABLE: Manufacturer/Brand SetupCodeNumber TEKNIKA 045 O69 156 190 128 O63 132 160 128 069 123 128 O45 069 103 TELERENT TERA THOMSON TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION VIDEOCONCEPTS VIDTECH WARDS YAMAHA YORK YUPITERU ZENITH ZONDA 069 115 123 128 TV/VCR 132 191 129 2O2 128 128 132 148 090 SETUP CODE TABLE: Manufacturer/Brand Setup CodeNumber AIWA AKAI 040 048 108 AMPRO ASA AUDIODYNAMICS BROKSONIC 076 134 018 048 110 147 CANDLE CANON CAPEHART CITIZEN CRAIG DAEWO0 134 135 135 140 094 134 045 116 017 094 104 DAYTRON DBX 094 018 048 DYNATECH EMERSON FISHER FUNAI GE 040 013 040 042 110 112 017 040 076 095 124 GOVIDEO GOLDSTAR HARMANKARDON 113 018 107 018 049 HITACHI JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC 040 048 018 045 048 018 048 111 132 KENWOOD LLOYD LXI MAGIN MAGNAVOX 020 040 020 045 040 048 040 109 126 VCR SETUP CODE TABLE: Manufacturer/Brand SetupCode Number MARANTZ MEMOREX MGA 018 017 049 MITSUBISHI MULTITECH NAD NATIONAL NEC NORDMENDE OPTIMUS ORION PANASONIC PHILCO PHILIPS PORTLAND PULSAR 049 131 040 139 140 018 048 048 159 147 125 150 167 172 040 040 075 094 076 QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC SALORA 001 134 095 017 020 125 140 142 158 159 124 125 157 172 020 040 045 159 SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCOTT SEARS 045 048 017 110 017 095 105 109 116 147 020 112 020 SHARP SONY SOUNDESIGN SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TASHICO TATJNG TEAC TEKNIKA THOMAS TMI4 TOSHIBA TOTEVISION JNITECH VECTOR RESEARCH VIDEOCONCEPTS VIDEOSONIC WARDS 129 156 080 129 040 040 040 017 040 134 048 040 }48 040 040 013 "12 155 045 045 018 018 040 045 040 045 112 YAMAHA ZENITH 018 040 020 040 076 040 048 07E 083 VCR SETUP CODE TABLE: Manufacturer/Brand ADCOM AIWA AKAI AUDIO TECHNICA AUDIOACCESS AUDIOFILE BSR CALIFORNIA AUDIO CAPETRONIC CARRERA CARVER CASIO CLARINETTE DENON EMERSON FISHER FRABA FUNAI GE GENEXXA GOLDSTAR HAITAI HARMANKARDON HITACHI INKEL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD LOTTE LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MCINTOSH MCS MITSUMI MODULAIRE NAD NAKAMICHI NEC NIKKO ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROTON QUASAR RADIOSHACK RCA 063 072 050 053 125 211 044 015 O7O O87 136 117 122 187 052 055 117 126 164 108 016 099 001 093 216 098 153 176 030 108 077 164 039 058 194 080 152 122 013 199 069 053 037 065 015 039 071 210 015 122 024 CodeNumber 069 111 118 156 177 184 170 109 140 122 166 188 093 068 143 144 145 185 025 054 190 218 219 196 078 079 148 151 176 178 191 192 193 166 074 200 197 201 198 055 038 089 075 138 094 045 091 109 149 100 046 092 119 209 112 171 099 158 175 104 183 202 212 204 203 123 131 161 162 109 126 081 213 093 150 087 214 002 141 166 186 213 108 147 195 062 181 102 113 084 098 215 CD SETUP CODE TABLE: ManufacturertBrand RCX REALISTIC SANSUI SANYO SCOTT SHARP SHERWOOD SONY SOUNDSTREAM SYMPHONIC TAEKWANG TEAC THETADIGITAL TOSHIBA VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR WARDS YAMAHA YORK Setup CodeNumber 169 058 093 095 104 105 047081 i34 i57 i72 033 068 082 108 058 105 114 003 041 058 095 103 115 116 118 124 059 110 177 011 058 085 086 039 013 074 097 151 087 125 130 095 019 031 053 061 122 166 Setup CodeNumber 061 019 051 003 004 OO5 CO1 OO6 005 055 064 O56 O59 023 062 009 048 024 030 044 056 041 065 060 003 004 003 004 053 054 028 043 045 003 004 009 058 030 063 005 055 064 108 164 i66 168 151 159 i05 133 SETUP CODE TABLE: Manufacturer/Brand APEXDIGITAL DENON GE GOLDSTAR HARMANKARDON JVC LG MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MITSUBISHI NAD ONKYO PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROCEED PROSCAN RCA SAMSUNG SHARP SONY THOMSON TOSHIBA YAMAHA ZENITH CD/DVD 132 167 180 i81 139 205 163 106 107 110 155 173 135 169 DVD 206 207 208 121 137 146 154 212 217 SETUP CODE TABLE: Manufacturer/Brand Setup CodeNumber ALPHASTAR ALPHASTAR DBS ALPHASTAR DSR BIRDVIEW CHANNEL MASTER CHAPARRAL CITOH DRAKE DXANTENNA ECHOSTAR ELECTRO HOME FUJITSU GENERAL INSTRUMENT HITACHI DBS HOUSTON TRACKER HUGHES JANIEL JERROLD KATHREIN LEGEND MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX NEXTWAVE NORSAT OPTIMUS PANASONIC PANASONIC DBS PANSAT PERSONAL CABLE PHILIPS PICO PRESIDENT PRIMESTAR ROA REALISTIC SAMSUNG SATELLITE SERVICE CO SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SONY STARCHOICE DBS STARCAST SUPERGUIDE TEECOM TOSHIBA UNIDEN ZENITH 472 450 442 425 320 315 360 313 331 395 392 324 303 455 463 437 366 454 410 453 317 461 453 423 373 466 366 457 420 418 375 407 381 412 301 349 442 335 339 405 459 347 327 330 302 323 384 321 316 322 380 325 361 451 317 352 397 318 362 452 413 481 379 483 453 463 477 478 484 329 311 334 323 365 403 454 468 474 468 484 365 473 369 370 371 468 458 475 465 390 460 348 387 391 461 349 394 409 470 351 354 355 485 469 404 454 439 480 388 423 333 426 332 385 393 462 350 419 381 383 389 403 466 479 480 SAT SETUP CODE TABLE: Manufacturer/Brand HARMANKARDON Setup CodeNumber 001 SETUP CODE TABLE: Manufacturer/Brand ABC ALLEGRO TAPE/CBL CBL Setup CodeNumber 001 111 AMERICAST 212 ARCHER 112 BELCOR 113 CABLESTAR 033 CITIZEN 111 COLOUR VOICE 085 OlGI 114 EAGLE 186 EASTERN 066 ELECTRICORD 039 EMERSON 112 FOCUS 116 G.I. 001 GCELECTRONICS 113 GEMINI 032 GENERAL 210 GENERAL INSTRUMENT 168 GOODMIND 112 HAMLIN 056 HITACHI 001 JASCO 111 JERROLD 001 LINDSAY 118 MACOM 191 MAGNAVOX 017 MOVIE TIME 035 NSC 035 OAK 197 PACE 179 PANASONIC 053 PANTHER 114 PHILIPS 013 PIONEER 001 POPULAR MECHANICS 116 PRELUDE 125 PRIMESTAR 162 RADIOSHACK 111 RCA 053 RECOTON 116 REGAL 056 011 113 090 070 011 017 096 097 060 099 100 101 117 175 208 188 002 011 017 073 096 097 162 168 188 210 019 068 039 190 176 177 189 214 019 020 085 090 041 119 171 209 112 213 214 099 100 101 208 SETUP CODE TABLE: Manufacturer/Brand Setup CodeNumber REMBRANT SAMSUNG SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SEAM SIGNATURE SPRUCER STARCOM STARGATE TANDY TELECAPATION TEXSCAN TFC TIMELESS TOCOM UNfrEECABLE UNIVERSAL VIDE)WAY VlEWSTAr_ ZENITH ZENTEK O32 072 183 121 001 053 002 125 024 028 036 122 123 170 01 033 124 019 065 186 203 188 081 177 189 011 163 205 034 039 042 113 211 025 08C 089 190 125 211 CBL TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE YourAVR125 receiverhasbeendesignedto providemanyyearsof trouble-freeservice.Intheevent_hatyouareexperiencing difficulties, pleasecheck_hesuggestions belowfor a possiblesolutionto yourproblem.Additional information on he AVR125, includingupdatedinformation anduserhints,is available fromourWebsiteat www.harmankardon.com. SYMPTOM CAUSE SOLUTION Unitdoesnot functionwhenMain PowerSwitchis pushed • NoAC Power • MakecertainAC powercordispluggedinto a liveoutlet • Checkto seewhetheroutletis switch-controlled Displaylights,butno sound or picture • Intermittent inputconnections • Makecertainhat all inputandspeakerconnections aresecure • PressMute button • Turnupvolumecontrol • Mute is on • Volumecontrolis down Unitturnson, butfront-panel displaydoesnot lightup • Displaybrightnessis turnedoff • Followthe instructions inhe DisplayBrightness section on page26 sothatthedisplayis setto VI= ]) I= UL L Nosoundfromanyspeaker; lightaroundpowerswitchis red • Amplifieris inprotectionmode dueto possibleshort • Amplifieris inprotectionmode dueto internalproblems • Checkspeakerwireconnections forshortsatreceiverand speakerends • ContactyourlocalHarmanKardonservicecenter,whichyou can locatebyvisitingourWebsiteat www.harmankardon.com Nosoundfromsurroundor centerspeakers • • • • • • • • Unitdoesnot respondto remotecommands • Weakbatteriesinremote • Wrongdeviceselected • Remotesensoris obscured • Changeremotebatteries • PresstheAVRselector • Makecertainfront-panelsensoris visibleto remote or connectremotesensor Intermittent buzzingintuner • Localinterference • Moveunitor antennaawayfrom computers, fluorescent lights,motorsor oher elecNcalappliances Lettersflashinthe channelindicator displayanddigitalaudiostops • Digitalaudiofeedpaused • Resumeplayfor DVD • Checkhat DigitalInputis selected Incorrectsurroundmode Inputis monaural Incorrectconfiguration Stereoor Monoprogrammaterial Processor Reset inthe rarecasewhereme unKsooeratlon or the ]lsplaysseemaonormathecauseme,.nvolvethe erraticoperation of thesystems memor',or microorocessor, Tocorrecttnisoroblem, first unplugtheunitfromthe AC wal ou[letan(]wail:el:_eas_ mreeminwes,Afterthe pause,reconnec_ theACDowercordandcheckthe unitsc Deration, Ifthe sjs_emstillmalfunctions+ a sysmm resev ma_.clearthe Droolem, TocleartneAVR125's entiresjsIem memorynclu(]'ng_unerpresem,ou[ou_levelsewn_s,delay_lmesa_(] speakerconfiguration data,first(]u[meunKinStandb', uypressingtheSystem PowerControlButtonP"], Selecta modeotherthanStereoor Dolby3 Stereo Thereis nosurroundinformation from monosources Checkspeakermodeconfiguratioin Thesurrounddecodermaynot createcenter-or rear-channel information fromnonencoded programs _ex_,Dressanaholdthe ToneMode [] buttonfor :hreeseconds. TheunitWillturnon awomatlcally ano(]lSpla_ the I_ES E1" rr?ssageinme Main Information Display[_. Notethatoncejou haveclearedme mem% ntnismanner.[_snecessar,toreestablish m sysmmconfiguration settingsan(]_unerpresem, Theresetwillnotaffectsemngs_na_ wereprogrammed intothe remotecontrol,Toresettheremotecontrol andrestoreit to itsfactor_, defaultsettings,olease followthe instructions or page29, f thesesteos(]ono_SOlVe me Droolemconsui_an authorized Hermanmar(]on servicecenter,Youcan locatethe servicecenterneares_ _oyou uyVlSlUNg OUI Websiteat www,harmankar(]on,cc _, MemoryBackup Ths urouuc[is eouiDDeo witha memoryoackupsysmmthatoreserves the systemconfiguration informa+ _onanozuneroresetsif the un__sacc_(]er [ai, unplugge(]or suojecm(]_oa poweroumge,Thismemor,.willlastfor aDorommamly oneweek,afterwhicf timeall informator mus[Dereemere(], TECHNICAL AudioSection StereoMode Continuous AveragePower(Fro) SPECIFICATIONS FMTunerSection 55 Wattsperchannel,@ < 0.07%THD,20Hz- 20kHz, bothchannelsdriveninto8 ohms Five-Channel SurroundModes PowerPerIndividualChannel FrontL&Rchannels: 45 Wattsperchannel @ < 0.07%THD,20Hz-2OkHzinto8 ohms Centerchannel: 45 Watts@ < 0.07% THD,20Hz-2OkHzinto8 ohms Surroundchannels: 45 Wattsperchannel @ < 0.07%THD,20Hz-2OkHzinto8 ohms InputSensitivity/Impedance Linear(High-Level) 200mV/47kohms Signal-to-Noise Ratio(IHF-A) 95dB SurroundSystemAdjacentChannelSeparation ProLogicII 45dB DolbyDigital(AC-3) 55dB DTS 55dB FrequencyRange UsableSensitivity Signal-to-Noise Ratio Distortion StereoSeparation Selectivity ImageRejection IF Rejection 87.5-108.0MHz IHF1.3!JV/13.2dBf Mono/Stereo 70dB/68dB Mono/Stereo 0.2%/0.3% 4OdD@ lkHz _+400kHz, 7OdD 8OdD 9OdD AMTunerSection FrequencyRange Signal-to-Noise Ratio UsableSensitivity Distortion Selectivity 520-1720 kHz 45dB Loop500!JV lkHz, 50% Mod0.8% _+lOkHz, 3OdD VideoSection Television Format NTSC InputLevel/Impedance 1Vp-p/75 ohms OutputLevel/Impedance 1Vp-p/75 ohms VideoFrequency Response IOHz-aMHz(-3dB) General FrequencyResponse @ lW (+ODD,-3dB) lOHz-lOOkHz HighInstantaneous CurrentCapability (HCC) _+25Amps Transient Intermodulation Distortion(TIM) Unmeasurable SlewRate 40V/!Jsec PowerRequirement PowerConsumption AC 120V/6OHz 68Widle,540W maximum (2 channelsdriven) Dimensions Widlh Height Depth Weight 17.3 inches(440mm) 6.6 inches(168mm) 15.4 inches(390mm) 23.8 Ib (lO.akg) Depthmeasurement includesknobs,buttonsandterminalconnections, Heightmeasurement includesfeetandchassis, Allfeaturesandspecifications aresubjectto changewithoutnotice, * Seethefo//owingtrademark acknowledgements: HarmanKardonandPowerfor the DigitalRevolution are registeredtrademarksof HarmanKardon,Inc, Manufactured underlicensefromDolbyLaboratories, "Dolbyi'"ProLogic"andthe Double-Dsymbol are registeredtrademarks of DolbyLaboratories, Confidential Unpublished Works, @1992-1999 DolbyLaboratories, Inc,All rightsreserved, "DTS"and"DTSDigitalSurround"are registered trademarksof DigitalTheaterSystems,Inc, UltraStereo is a trademarkof UltraStereoCorp, VMAxis a registeredtrademarkof HarmanInternational Industries, Inc,,andis an implementation of CooperBauckTransaural Stereounderpatentlicense, Logic7 is a registeredtrademarkof Lexicon,Inc,,a HarmanInternational Company, and HarmanInternational Industries, Inc,, Crystalis a registeredtrademarkof CirrusLogicCorp, harman/kardon ® H A HarmanInternational Company 250 CrosswaysParkDrive,Woodbury,NewYork 11797 vwvw.harmankardon.com © 2002 HarmanKardon,Incorporated PartNo,: OQX1A778Z
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