Hearth and Home Technologies RF-5A FIREPLACE REMOTE CONTROLS User Manual 100 906

Hearth & Home Technologies FIREPLACE REMOTE CONTROLS 100 906


1FORREVIEWONLYFCC REQUIREMENTSWARNING: CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS TOTHIS UNIT NOT EXPRESSLY APPROVED BYTHE PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCECOULD VOID THE USER'S AUTHORITY TOOPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pur-suant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harm-ful interference in a residential installation.  This equip-ment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordancewith the instructions, may cause harmful interferenceto radio communications.  However, there is no guaran-tee that interference will not occur in a particular instal-lation.Canadian Equipment RequirementsThis digital apparatus does not exceed the (Class A/Class B)* limits for radio noise emissions from digitalapparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulationsof the Canadian Department of Communications. Lepresent appareil numerique n'emet pas de bruitsradioelectriques depassant les limites applicables auxappareils numeriques (de la class A/de la class B)*prescrites dans le Reglement sur le brouillageradioelectrique edicte par le ministere des Communi-cations du Canada.This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry and Sci-ence Canada. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) this device may not cause interference,and (2) this device must accept any interference, in-cluding interference that may cause undesired opera-tion of the device.Hearth & Home Technologies Inc.20802 Kensington Boulevard, Lakeville, MN 55044 100-906E    4/06SMART-STAT-II Remote Control Kits- Installation and Operating Instructions -INTRODUCTIONThe remote control system can be operated thermo-statically or manually from the transmitter. The systemoperates on radio frequencies (RF) within a 20 foot range.Can be used with  DSI, IPI or Standing Pilot systems.This remote control kit has a hand held transmitter thatcan be used as a remote on/off or as a thermostat. Thetransmitter display shows the current room tempera-ture, target temperature, timer setting, on/off status,low battery indicator, current time and burner/valve op-eration. Electrical ratings for the receiver are: 110 VAC,60 Hz.If pertinent, see additional fireplace wiring diagrams onpages 8  to 10.INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONSThis remote control kit is tested and safe when installedin accordance with this installation manual. Installa-tion of this kit MUST be done by a qualified servicetechnician. It is the responsibility of the installer to readall instructions before starting installation and to followthese instructions carefully during installation. Modifi-cation of the remote control system or any of its com-ponents will void the warranty and may cause a firehazard.NOTE:  The factory installed junction box in thegas fireplace must be wired with 110 VAC beforeinstalling this kit.  See Installation Instructions sec-tion.CAUTION:  All wiring should be done by a qualifiedelectrician and shall be in compliance with local codesand with the National Electric Code ANSI/NFPA No.70-current (in the United States), or with the currentCSA C22.1 Canadian Electric Code (in Canada).WARNING:  DO NOT CONNECT 110-120 VACWIRING TO THE GAS CONTROL VALVE OFTHIS APPLIANCE.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1)•This device may not cause harmful interference.2)•This device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operationFCC NOTE:THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER'S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.
2FORREVIEWONLYFigure 1REMOTE RECEIVERImportant: The remote receiver should be posi-tioned close to front in right or left corner.The remote receiver is powered by 110-120VAC. It plugsinto a standard polarized duplex receptacle.Locating Receiver and Operating FunctionsThis remote receiver can be positioned under the fire-box in the control compartment of the fireplace if ambi-ent temperatures do not exceed 1700 F. This system isdesigned to remotely operate the gas valve.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSInstalling Electrical Service to the Junction BoxWARNING: TURN ELECTRICAL POWER OFFAT THE CIRCUIT BREAKER BEFORE BEGIN-NING THIS INSTALLATION.NOTE: Some appliances do not have a cover plate.Instead, there is a hole through which the Romex clampis attached to the outer wrap.1. Remove the electrical cover plate from the lowerside of the fireplace. Remove the knock-out fromthe plate and attach the Romex clamp (screws tothe outside) (see Figure 1).2. Feed the electrical service wiresthrough the Romex clamp and securethe wires to the clamp.3. Using the wire nuts provided, connectthe service wires to the junction box.The black wires to the black servicewire, the white wires to the white ser-vice wire, and the service ground wireto the ground stud of the junction box.4. Re-attach the cover plate to the out-side of the fireplace.WARNING: LEAVE ELECTRICALPOWER OFF AT THIS TIME.  DONOT RESTORE POWER UNTILTHE REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEMIS COMPLETELY INSTALLED.ACCESS HOLECOVERPLATE110 VACSERVICERECEIVER WIRING INSTRUCTIONSIncorrect wiring connections WILL cause damage to thegas valve or electronic module operating the gas appli-ance and may also damage the remote receiver.Wiring Millivolt ValvesConnect the remote receiver by connecting each of thetwo wires leading from the remote receiver to either ofthe two wire TH terminals on the gas valve (see Fig-ure 2). Normally it does not matter which wires go towhich terminal.Figure 2.  Wiring Millivolt ValvesAlternative Wiring for units with a wall switchDisconnect the wall switch wire from the TH terminal on the valve andconnect this wire to male connector supplied on the receiver. Con-nect remaining female connector from receiver to the TH terminal onthe valve.REMOTERECEIVERTHERMOPILE/PILOT LIGHTTERMINAL BLOCKON MILLIVOLT GAS VALVESTHTP                WALLSWITCHTP             TH
3FORREVIEWONLYWiring Electronic Spark IgnitionsThe remote control receiver can be wired, in series, to a24VAC transformer, which controls an electronic igni-tion module (see Figure 3).1. Connect the neutral wire from the 24VAC transformerto the TR (transformer) terminal on the ElectronicModule.2. Connect the hot wire from the 24VAC transformer toeither of the wires from the remote receiver.3. Connect the other wire from the receiver to the TH(thermostat) terminal on the Electronic Module.Figure 3.  Wiring Electronic Spark IgnitionsThe remote receiver has a 3-position slide switch: OFF/REMOTE/ON (see Figure 4).Figure 4.  Remote ReceiverNOTE: The remote receiver will only respond tothe transmitter when the 3-position slide button onthe remote receiver is in the Remote position. Ifthe system does not respond to the transmitter oninitial use, see section Matching Security Codes.1. With the slide switch in the ON position, the systemis on.2. With the slide switch in the REMOTE position, thesystem only operates if the remote receiver receivescommands from the transmitter.3. With the slide switch in the OFF position, the systemis off.NOTE: The slide switch should be placed in the OFFposition if you will be away from your home for an ex-tended period of time. Placing the switch in the OFFposition also functions as a safety “lock out” by turningthe system off and rendering the remote receiver inop-erative.TRANSMITTERImportant: Before operating remote control, trans-mitter and receiver must have matching securitycodes. See section ‘Matching Security Codes’.Important: Review ‘Communication-Safety Features’under ‘Transmitter Safety Features’ section. The com-munication safety features shut down the fireplace sys-tem when a potentially unsafe condition exists.Important:  Review ‘Auto Shutdown’ section. Thissafety feature shuts down the fireplace after 9 hours ofcontinuous operation, in ON mode only.Important: New or fully charged batteries are essen-tial for proper operation of the multi-function transmit-ter. The transmitter operates on 2 AAA-size 1.5V bat-teries. Use Alkaline batteries for longer battery life andmaximum operational performance.Insert 2 AAA-size 1.5V batteries into the battery com-partment on the back of the transmitter. When the bat-teries are correctly inserted, the screen will displaynumbers (see Figure 5 for LCD Display Screen).NOTE: If the transmitter is activated from a very coldcondition it may be necessary to allow the transmitterto stabilize to room temperature (could take up to 15minutes) before accurate room temperatures are dis-played on the screen.NOTE: LCD screen is equipped with a “backlite” foreasier viewing of LCD screen. Backlite illuminates whena function button is depressed. After 5 seconds elapses,LCD screen will return to its normal state.WIRETERMINALSON/OFFREMOTE SLIDE SWITCHELECTRONIC MODULETR THNEUTRALWIRE110/24VACTRANSFORMER24VACHOT WIRE120VACREMOTERECEIVER
4FORREVIEWONLYMATCHING SECURITY CODESIt may be necessary to program the remote receiver tothe security code of the transmitter upon initial use, ifbatteries are replaced, or if a replacement transmitteris purchased from your dealer. To program the remotereceiver:1. Set the slide button on the receiver to the REMOTEposition.2. Push the LEARN button (one beep will be heard) onthe top of the remote receiver.3. Then press the MODE button on the transmitter.Several beeps indicate the transmitter’s code hasbeen programmed into the receiver. When an exist-ing receiver is matched to a new transmitter, thenew security code will overwrite the old one. NOTE:When the LEARN button is depressed, “beeping”sounds should be heard. If no “beeping” is heardcheck to see that the receiver has 110-120VACpower to it.If you are unsuccessful in matching the security codeon the first attempt, wait 1-2 minutes before trying again.Figure 5.  Transmitter LCD Display Screen1. LOW - Battery power low. Replace batteries within two weeks.2. TIMER -  Indicates time remaining before system shuts off, when timer-programmed,9 - hour maximum setting.3. MODE - Indicates operation MODE of system. ON indicates the system is on, eithermanually or thermostatically. THERMO indicates the system will automatically cycleON/OFF, depending on programmed SET tem-perature. OFF indicates the entire system isturned off.4. SET - Indicates desired SET room temperaturefor THERMO operation.5. FLAME - Indicates burner/valve operational.6. CLOCK - Indicates the current time in AM/PM.7. ROOM - Indicates CURRENT room temperature.8. OF - Indicates degrees Fahrenheit (0C indicatesdegrees Celsius).Transmitter SettingsFlip open the plastic cover on the front of the transmit-ter to expose the “SET” buttons.NOTE: Flashing numbers on the display indicate thesystem is waiting for input, such as using the UP andDOWN buttons to program a new setting. If no changeis made to flashing digits within 15 seconds, the sys-tem will complete the procedure last programmed andreset the display to its normal state.Setting the Clock1. Press and hold the TIMER/TIME button on the trans-mitter for more than two seconds. The hour digit(s)will begin flashing (see Figure 5, Location #6).2. Press the UP or DOWN button until the desired houris displayed in AM or PM.3. After setting the desired hour, press and release theTIMER/TIME button again to set the minutes; theminute digits will begin flashing.4. Press the UP or DOWN button until the desired min-utes are displayed.5. Press and hold the TIMER/TIME button again formore than two seconds. The time digits will ceaseflashing, indicating the clock has been successfullyset. You may also press the SET button on the trans-mitter to stop the time digits from flashing and setthe time.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSTo operate the system, press the MODE button (Fig-ure 5) on the transmitter to select the operational MODEdesired.• ON indicates the system is on, either manually, timedor thermostatically.• THERMO indicates the system will automaticallycycle  ON/OFF, depending on programmed set tem-perature.• OFF indicates the entire system is turned off.14825673 ONOFFFLAMETIMERAMROOM SETFFTHERMOLCD DISPLAY SCREEN
5FORREVIEWONLYFigure 6.  Setting Button/Child Proof LockoutSetting 0F/0C ScaleThe factory setting for temperature is degrees Fahrenheit(0F). To change this setting to degrees Centigrade (0C):1. Remove the battery cover on the back of the trans-mitter and locate the “setting button” at the top cen-ter of battery compartment (see Figure 6).2. Push setting button and 0F will begin flashing on theLCD screen (see Figure 5, Location #4).3. Push the DOWN button on the transmitter to change0F to 0C.4. Push “setting button” on transmitter and Centigrade(0C) degree readings will display on LCD screen.5. Repeat this process to change back to Fahrenheit(0F) reading, this time  pushing the UP button.NOTE: LCD screen will return to normal state if set-ting button is not pushed within 15 seconds.Setting Desired Room Temperature -Thermo OperationsThis remote control system can be thermostaticallycontrolled when the transmitter is in the THERMO mode.(THERMO must be displayed on the screen). The trans-mitter will “sense” the room temperature every two min-utes automatically turning the fireplace ON or OFF ther-mostatically. To set the desired room temperature:1. Press the MODE button to place the transmitterinto THERMO mode. THERMO ON or OFF will dis-play.2. Press the UP or DOWN button to select the desiredroom temperature. The highest SET temperature is990 F (370 C). The lowest SET temperature is 450 F(70 C).NOTE: To prevent repeated thermo-cycling of the gasappliance, the sensing unit in the transmitter will onlyactivate the remote receiver when the temperaturechange exceeds 10 F (-170 C) above or below the SET(desired) temperature.When the transmitter is in the THERMO mode, it shouldbe kept away from direct sources of heat such as fire-places, incandescent lighting and direct sunlight. Leav-ing the transmitter in direct sunlight, for example, willcause it to read the room temperature higher than itactually is.Setting the Countdown TimerThis remote control system can operate with a built-incountdown timer when the transmitter is in the ON orTHERMO modes (THERMO or ON must be displayedon the LCD screen).1. Press and release the TIMER/TIME button on thetransmitter. The word TIMER and 0:15 flash on thescreen (see Figure 5, Location #2).2. Press the UP and DOWN button to begin advancingthrough each of the countdown time options. Avail-able countdown times are 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, 1hour, 1 hr 30 min, and each additional half hour upto nine hours.3. To set the TIMER, press the SET button on the trans-mitter. If the system is ON, it will remain on until the“time” has expired. If the system is in the THERMOmode, it will cycle on and off as the room tempera-ture requires until the “time” has expired.NOTE: When the timer is used in the THERMO mode,the THERMO operation will discontinue when the “time”has expired.Low/Battery IndicatorAn “X” outlined by a battery on the right side of the LCDscreen will appear when battery power has droppedsignificantly. At this time, approximately two weeks ofbattery power remains.
6FORREVIEWONLYTRANSMITTER SAFETY FEATURESIt is recommended that the TRANSMITTERS always belocated within a 20 foot operating range of the fireplace,preferably in the same room in which the fireplace sys-tem is located. The TRANSMITTER features severalsafety features that alert the user when the TRANSMIT-TER is placed outside the 20 foot normal operating range.Communication-Safety FeaturesThis remote control has a COMMUNICATION-SAFETYfunction built into its software. It provides an extra mar-gin of safety when the TRANSMITTER is out of the nor-mal 20 foot operating range of the receiver. It is alsoactivated when the batteries become weak or are re-moved from the transmitter.In the THERMO-UPDATING feature (only in theTHERMO or TIMER modes) the transmitter normallyreads the ROOM temperature every 2 minutes. In addi-tion to checking the temperature, the transmitter sendsa signal to the receiver indicating that the transmitterand its batteries are still active.In the COMMUNICATION-SAFETY feature, at all timesand in all OPERATING MODES the transmitter sends asignal every fifteen (15) minutes to the receiver, indicat-ing that the transmitter is within the normal operatingrange of 20 feet.Should the receiver NOT receive a transmitter signal every15 minutes (COMMUNICATION-SAFETY feature), the RE-CEIVER will begin a 2 HOUR (120 minute) countdowntiming function. If during this 2 hour period, the receiverdoes not receive a signal from the transmitter, the RE-CEIVER will shut down the fireplace being controlled bythe receiver. The RECEIVER will then emit a series ofrapid “beeps”. Then, after 10 rapid “beeps”, the RECEIVERwill continue to emit a single “beep” every 4 seconds untila transmitter signal is again received. The intermittent 4seconds beeping will go on indefinitely until reset.To “reset” the RECEIVER and operate the fireplace system:1. Press the MODE  button on  the transmitter. Theword ON must display on the LCD screen. The COM-MUNICATION -SAFETY operation is overridden andthe system will return to normal operation depend-ing on the MODE selected at the transmitter.We recommend the user check the batteries in theTRANSMITTER to make sure the voltage is no less than2.7 volts.Auto ShutdownThis remote control has an Auto Shutdown feature in-corporated into its system. When the transmitter MODEis in the ON position the fireplace will continuously op-erate for 9 hours. After 9 hours, the fireplace will shutdown. To relight the fireplace:1. Press the MODE button.The Auto Shutdown signal comes from the transmitter.The transmitter must be positioned within a 20 foot op-erating range for the Auto Shutdown feature to operate.SYSTEM CHECKMillivolt ValvesLight the appliance following the lighting instructionsthat came with the fireplace. Confirm that the pilot flameis on. It must be in operation for the main gas valve tooperate.1. Slide the 3-position button on the remote receiver tothe ON position. The main gas flame (i.e., the fire)should ignite.2. Slide the button to OFF. The flame should extinguish(the pilot flame will remain on).3. Slide the button to REMOTE (the center position),then press the MODE button on the transmitter tochange the system to ON. The main gas flame shouldignite.4. Press the MODE button on the transmitter to changethe system to OFF. The flame should extinguish (thepilot flame will remain on).5. Press the MODE button on the transmitter to changethe system to THERMO.6. Advance the SET temperature on the transmitterto a temperature of at least 10 F (-170 C) above theROOM temperature displayed on the LCD screenand the system flame will ignite.7. Set the SET temperature to at least 10 F (-170 C)below the room temperature and the system flamewill extinguish. Thereafter, it should continue to cycleon and off thermostatically approximately every twominutes as the ROOM temperature changes, butonly when the temperature differential between ROOMand SET temperatures differs at least 10 F (-170 C).The 10 F (-170 C) F differential is the factory setting.Child Proof Lockout (CP)The transmitter contains a “Child Proof” lockout featurethat prevents unauthorized use of the remote control.To access the “Child Proof” activation button, removecover on BACK of transmitter. To activate LOCKOUT:1. Press and hold in the “setting button” for 5 sec-onds. The letters CP will display on the LCD screen(see Figure 6). This prevents the activation of fire-place. When any function button is pressed ON/OFF etc. the letter CP will display on the LCDscreen.To deactivate LOCKOUT:1. Press and hold in the “setting button” for 5 sec-onds. The LCD will display CP until 5 seconds haveelapsed, and then the LCD screen will return to itsnormal state.
7FORREVIEWONLYElectronic Ignition System1. Slide the 3-position button on the remote receiver tothe ON position. The spark electrode should beginsparking to ignite the pilot (the pilot may ignite afteronly one spark). After the pilot flame is lit, the maingas valve should open and the main gas flame shouldignite.2. Slide the button to OFF. The main gas flame andpilot flame should BOTH extinguish.3. Slide the button to REMOTE (the center position).4. Then press the MODE button on the transmitter tochange the system to ON. The spark electrodeshould begin sparking to ignite the pilot. After thepilot is lit, the main gas valve should open and themain gas flame should ignite.5. Press the MODE button on the transmitter to OFF.The main gas flame and pilot flame should BOTHextinguish.6. Press the MODE button on the transmitter to changethe system to THERMO.7. Advance the SET temperature on the transmitter totemperature of at least 10 F (-170 C) above the roomtemperature displayed on the LCD screen and thesystem flame will ignite.8. Set the SET temperature to at least 10 F (-170 C)below the room temperature and the system will ex-tinguish. Thereafter, it should continue to cycle onand off thermostatically approximately every two min-utes as the ROOM temperature changes, but onlywhen the temperature differential between ROOM andSET temperatures differ at least 10 F (-170 C). The 10F (-170 C) differential is the factory setting.Timer OperationThe countdown timer will operate in either the manualON or THERMO mode. Once the fireplace system is inan operating mode, set the countdown timer to turn offin 15 minutes. The timer function will allow operation tocontinue until the “countdown time” on the LCD screenexpires. After 15 minutes elapses, the system shouldturn off.Limited WarrantyThis REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM is warrantedfor 12 months from the date of purchase or instal-lation to the original purchaser to be free from de-fects in materials and workmanship. Damage tothe SYSTEM caused by accident, misuse, abuse,or installation error whether performed by a con-tractor, service company, or owner, is not coveredby this warranty. Seller will not be responsible forlabor charges and/or damage incurred in installa-tion, repair, replacement or for incidental or con-sequential damages. Batteries and any damagecaused by them are not covered by this warranty.Some states, provinces, and nations do not allowexclusion or limitations of incidental or consequen-tial damages, so the above limitations or exclu-sions may not apply. This warranty gives you spe-cific legal rights. You may have other rights thatvary by state, province or nation.GENERAL INFORMATIONTransmitter Wall BracketThe transmitter can be hung on a wall using the bracketprovided. Locate the bracket on an inside wall sufficientlyfar away from direct sources of heat such as a fire-place, incandescent lighting, or sunlight so it detectsambient room temperatures, not a single heat source. Ifthe bracket is installed on a solid wood wall, drill 1/8inch pilot holes and install with the screws provided. If itis installed on a plaster/wallboard wall, first drill two 1/4inch holes into the wall, then use a hammer to tap inthe two plastic wall anchors flush with the wall, theninstall the screws provided.Battery LifeLife expectancy of the alkaline batteries in the transmit-ter should be at least one season. Check batteries an-nually. When the transmitter no longer operates the re-mote receiver from a distance it did previously (i.e., thetransmitter’s range has decreased) the batteries shouldbe checked.SpecificationsBatteries:   Transmitter - 3V 2 ea.;  AAA 1.5V, Alkaline      Receiver - 110-120 VAC; 60HzOperating Frequency:FCC ID No.’s: Transmitter -Receiver -Canadian ISC ID No.’s:Transmitter -Receiver -DESCRIPTION SERVICE PART NO.TRANSMITTER WALL HOLDER HTI-16-004RECEIVER HTI-13-004TRANSMITTER (Smart-Stat-HNG) HTI-12-004-HNGTRANSMITTER (Smart-Stat-HTL) HTI-12-004-HTLHARDWARE PACKAGE HTI-11-004Service Parts List

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