Hisense Electric LCDC0029 Part15 Subpart B-LED LCD TV User Manual ES G131517

Hisense Electric Co., Ltd. Part15 Subpart B-LED LCD TV ES G131517

W9HLCDC0029_User Manual 1-1

Download: Hisense Electric LCDC0029 Part15 Subpart B-LED LCD TV User Manual ES G131517
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Hisense Electric LCDC0029 Part15 Subpart B-LED LCD TV User Manual ES G131517
Document ID2257596
Application ID11o/6kYooodb+dArDl2LHA==
Document DescriptionW9HLCDC0029_User Manual 1-1
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize376.24kB (4702968 bits)
Date Submitted2014-05-03 00:00:00
Date Available2014-05-05 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-04-23 15:55:49
Producing SoftwareCorel PDF Engine Version 9.397
Document Lastmod2014-04-23 15:55:58
Document TitleES-G131517Ó¢ÎÄ
Document CreatorCorelDRAW Version 9.397
Document Author: ΢ÈíÓû§

Before using the TV, please read this manual
thoroughly and retaln it for future reference.
llllllllllllllllllllllllllll English
it Makes A Diff erence How and Where
it Use Your Fiat Panel Dispiay
Congratulations on your purchase! As you enjoy your new product, please
keep these safety tips in mind:
‘ Trie horne 'heoter enteito rirverit experience is o growmg 'iend and targer
Hot panet disptays are poputar purcriases However, ttat panet disptays
are not atways supported on the proper stands or instatted according to the
rnanutactu'er's recorrirriendations
0 :tat panet disptays that are trtapp’optta’ciy stuated an dressers, bookcases,
shetves, desks, speakers, chests or carts may tatt over and cause trttu'y
- Tne consumer etect'on cs industry is commi‘ted to ma< ng home entertoinrnent
ehioyabte ond sate
- One size ooes NOT ht ott Fottow the monutocturei’s recommendations
to the sate instottation and use or your tto- ponet disptoy
Caretutty read and unders'and 0H enctosed instructions for proper use oi
this product
Don't attow chitdreri to chrnb on or ptay With turriiture and teteVision sets
Dori't ptaco ttat parrot disptays err turniture tnat can eosity be used as steps,
sum as d chest ot drawers
Remember that chitdren can become excited white WotC'iing a orogratn,
espec city on a ”targer than hie” :tot panet disptay Core shoutd be taken to
piece or instatt trie disptoy Where it Cannot 0e oushed, putted over
or knocked down
Core shoutd be 'aken to route ott cords and cobtes connec'ed to the flat
panet disptay so triat triey cannot be puttoo or grabbed by curious chitdren
- Use a mount that has been recommended by the disptoy manutocturer
and/or hsted by on independent tabora'ory tsucn as UL, CSA, ETV)
. Fottow ott instructions supptied by the d‘sotoy ond wott mount morutocturers
- tt you wove ony doubts about your obitiy to sotety instaii your Hot ponet
disptoy, contac‘ your retciie' obout protessiorot instottotion.
- Moke sure that the wott where you are mounting the disptoy is appropriate, {.CmmsegAmwio
Some wott mounts are not des gned to be nounted '0 watts wr-h steet www,(E_org/sufe|y
studs or otd Cinder biock Construction t: you are unsure, con'act a
protessioriot instatter
I A nririirnurn ot two peopte are required tor ins'attatiori Fta' panet disptays
can be heavy
Important tructions
. Read these Instructions.
Keep these Instructions
Heed all warnings
. Follow all instructions.
Do not use this apparatus near water
Clean only with dry cloth
Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance
with the manufacturer's Instructions
Do not install hear any heat sources such as radiators,
heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (Including
amplifiers) that produce heat
Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or
groundingrtype plug A polarized plug has two blades with
one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two
blades and a third grounding prong The WIde blade or the
mud prong are provided for your safety If the provided
plug does not fit into your outlet. consult an electrician for
replacement of the obsolete outlet
to Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched
particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the
point where they exit from the apparatus
11. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the
12 Use only WIth cart, stand, tripod,
bracket, or table specified by the
manufacturer, or sold WIth the
apparatus When a cart is used,
use caution when moving the cart/ ‘
apparatus combination to avoid Injury SMZSA
from tiprover
13 Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when
unused for long perIods of time.
14. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
SerVIcing is required when the apparatus has been
damaged in any way, such as powerrsupply cord or plug
is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen
into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to
rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been
15. Apparatus should not be exposed to dripping or
splashing, and objects tilled WIth liquids, such as vases,
should not be placed on the apparatus.
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, withIn an
equilateral triangle Is intended to alert the user to the
presence of unInsulated dangerous voltage within the
product's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude
to constitute a risk of electric shock.
The exclamation point WIthin an equilateral triangle is
intended to alert the user to the presence of Important
operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in
the literature accompanying the appliance.
Ari outside antenna system should not be located in the
Vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric lIght or
power circuits, or where It can fall Into such power lines
or cIrcuIts. When installing an outside antenna system,
extreme care should be taken to keep from touching
such power lines or circuits, as contact with them might
be fatal.
Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords, as this
can result In a risk of fire or electric shock.
Do not push objects through any openings in this unIt,
as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out
parts that could result in fire or electric shock. Never spill
rwaI p or AN lPNVAGROUNmNG As m lHP
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or spray any type ot liquid into the unIt.
It an outside antenna or cable system Is connected to the
unit, be sure the antenna or cable system is grounded to
provide some protection against voltage surges and built-
up static charges, Section 810 of the National Electrical
Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, provides Information With respect
to proper grounding of the mast and supporting structure,
grounding of the lead-In wire to an antenna discharge
unIt, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna
discharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes, and
requirements for the grounding electrode.
When replacement parts are required. be sure the service
technician uses replacement parts specified by the
manufacturer or those that have the same characteristics
as the original part. Unauthorized substitutions may result
in fire, electric shock or other hazards.
Upon completion of any service or repairs to this unit,
ask the service technician to perform safety checks to
determine that the unit is in proper operating condition.
Important xstructlo
22. When you connect the product to other equipment, turn
off the power and unplug all of the equipment from the
wall outlet. Failure to do so may cause an electric shock
and serious personal injury. Read the owner's manual of
the other equipment carefully and follow the instructions
when making any connections.
Sudden high volume sound may cause hearing or
speaker damage. When you use headphones, (if the unit
is equipped with a headphone jack) keep the volume at a
moderate level. If you use headphones continuously with
high volume sound, it may cause hearing damage.
Moisture Will form in the operating section of the unit if the
unit is brought from cool surroundings into a warm room or
if the temperature of the room rises suddenly. When this
happens, unit's performance Will be impaired. To prevent
this, let the unit stand in its new surroundings for about an
hour before sWitching it on, or make sure that the room
temperature rises gradually.
Condensation may also form during the summer if the unit is
exposed to the breeze from an air conditioner. In such cases.
change the location of the unit.
F Do not press hard or iolt the LCD panel It may cause the
LCD panel glass to break and injury may occur.
F If the LCD panel is broken, make absolutely sure that you
do not touch the liquid in the panel. This may cause skin
If the liquid gets in your mouth. immediately gargle and
consult with your doctor. Also. if the liquid gets in your eyes
or touches your skin, consult With your doctor afler rinsing
for at least 15 minutes or longer in clean water
Possible Adverse Effects on LCD Panel:
If a fixed (nonrmoving) pattern remains on the LCD Panel
for long periods of time, the image can become permanently
engrained in the LCD Panel and cause subtle but permanent
ghost images This type of damage is NOT COVERED BY
YOUR WARRANTY Never leave your LCD Panel on for long
periods of time while it is displaying the following formats or
" Fixed Images, such as stock tickers. Video game patterns,
TV station logos. and websites
” SpeCial Formats that do not use the entire screen For
example, Viewing Ietterbox style (16-9) media on a normal
(4:3) display (black bars at top and bottom of screen); or
viewing normal style (4-3) media on a widescreen (16-9)
display (black bars on left and right sides of screen)
The following symptoms are not signs of malfunction
but technical limitation. Therefore we disclaim any
responsibility for these symptoms.
" LCD Panels are manufactured using an extremely high
level of preCision technology, however sometimes parts
of the screen may be missing picture elements or have
luminous spots.
This is not a sign ofa malfunction.
" Do not install the LCD Panel nearelectronic equipment that
produces electromagnetic Waves. Some equipment placed
too near this unit may cause interference.
" Effect on infrared devices - There may be interference
while using infrared devices such as infrared cordless
Declaration of Conformity
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the followmg two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference and (2)
This device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
End of life directives
Your TV also contains material that can be recycled and
reused. For disposal or recycling information, contact your
local authorities or the Electronic lndustries Alliance at
www.eia.org to find a recycler in your area
Non-active pixels
The LCD panel contains almost 3 million thin film transistors,
which provide exceptionally sharp video quality. Occasionally,
a few nonractive pixels may appear on the screen as a
fixed black (in the case of a dead pixel), blue, green, or red
point. These non-active pixels do not adversely affect the
performance of your TV, and are not considered defects.
Power source
1. The power cord is attached to the TV at the factory.
2. Connect the AC cord into an AC outlet.
Do not connect this unit to the power using any device
other than the supplied AC cord. This could cause fire,
electrical shock. or damage.
Do not use with a voltage other than the power voltage
specified This could cause fire, electrical shock. or
(D CAU110N
When this unit is not used for a long time. (e.g.. away on
a trip) in the interest of safety. be sure to unplug it from
the AC outlet.
Do not plug/unplug the AC cord when your hands are
wet. This may cause electrical shock.
Notices do portantes
. Lisez les instructions.
. Conservez les Instructions.
. Respectez lous les avertissements.
. Suivez toutes les directives.
N'utilisez pas cet appareil pres de l'eau
. Ne Ie nettoyez qu‘avec un linge sec.
. Ne bloquez pas les events. Effectuez l'installation
conformernent aux directives du labricant.
. Ne l'installez pas pres d‘une source de chaleur comme un
radiateur. un registre. une cuisiniere cu autre (y compris
un amplificateur) produisant de la chaleur.
N'enlevez pas ie dispositi' de sécurité de ia fiche polarisée
ou avec mise a la terre. Une fiche polarisee comporte
deux lamelles dent une est plus large oue l'autre. Une
fiche avec mise a la terre comporle deux Iarrielles et une
broche oe terre. La lamelle large et la broche de terre sont
fournies pourvotre se’curite’. Si Ia fiche ne convient pas a
la prise de courant, consultez un electricien et faites
remplacer Ia prise de courant.
0. Placez le cordon d’alimentation de facon a ce qu’il ne soit
pas écrasé ou pincé surloul au niveau de la fiche, des
prises et au point de sortie de l‘appareil.
1. N'utilisez que des peripheriques/ accessoires speCifies
par le labricant.
2. Ne l'utilisez ou'avec uri chariot,
un lrépied. un support ou une
table speciflee par le fabricant
ou vendue avec l'appareil Si
vous utilisez un chariot, soyez
prudent quand vous le depiacez
afin d’eviter que I’ensemble
chariot/teleViseur culbute.
3. Debranchez l‘appareil lors d‘un orage électnque ou s'iI
n'est pas utilise pendant urie periode prolongee.
4. Confiez Ie service a une personne qualiliée. Un service
est requis si l'appareil est endommagé d'une facon
ouelconque (cordon d'alirnentation ou fiche
endommagee, liquide renverse ou objet echappe dans
l‘appareil, appareil expose a la pluie ou a l‘numidite,
mauvais (onctionnerrient ou appareil echappe')
5. L'appareil ne devrait pas etre expose aux eclaboussures.
Ne placezjamais d'obiets remplis de liquide (comme un
vase) sur l'appareil.
6 Une antenne exlérieure ne devrail pas étre située a
proximite des lignes haule lension, d'uri eclairage
L'éclair avec symbole de fleche dans un triangle
equiiatéral avise i‘utilisateurde la presence d'une
tension dangereuse non isolee dans ie boiier du produit
et qui peut etre d'iritensite suffisante pour presenter un
risque de choc electrique.
Le poinl d'exclamation clans un triangle equilateral
avise I'utilisateur de la presence de directives
d'ulilisation et d'entretien (service) importanles dans la
documentation qui accompagne I'appareil.
électnque ou d'autres circuits électriques, ni la ou elle
pourrait s'ecraser contre des ligries ou circuits
électnques. Lors de l'installation d'une antenne
exterieure, il faut prendre les mesures necessaires pour
eViler de toucher les lignes ou circuits electriques car on
tel contact pourrait etre mortel.
Ne surchargez pas les prises murales rii les rallonges car
cela presente un risque d’incendie ou de choc e’lectrique.
N'iriserez aucun objet dans les ouvertures de l'appareil
carvous pourriez toucher un point de lension
dangereuse ou couri-circuiter urie piece resultant en un
incendie cu un choc électrique Ne renversez ni ne
pulverisez aucun liquide dans l'appareil.
LxsupLs as Miss ALA ls-(Rs unmsws ssLoN Ls
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Si une antenne ou un systerne de cable exterieur est
brancne a l’appareil, assurez-vous que l'antenne ou le
systeme est reiie a la terre aVin de proléger Conlre ia
sunension ou les decharges electrostatiques. La seclion
810 du Code national de l'électl’icité, ANSI/NFPA 70,
renseigne sur la mise a la terre appropriee du mat et de
la structure de soutien. la mise a la terre du lil conducteur
a une unite de decharge d‘anlenne. Ia taille des
conducteurs de terre, l’emplacement de l’unite de
décharge d‘anlenne. Ia connexion aux electrodes de terre
et les exigences concernant l‘e'lectrode de terre.
Sides pieces de rechange sont requises, assurezsvous
que Ie technicien n’utilise que les pieces specifiees par Ie
fabricant ou ayanl les memes caractéristiques oue les
pieces originales. Toute substitution non autorisee peut
presenter un risque d'iriceridie, de choc electrique ou
Une fois l‘eritretieri ou la reparation terminee, demandez
au technicien d'eflectuer une verification de sécurité afin
d'etablir si l’appareil fonctionrie correctement.
tices de 5 portantes
22. Si vous connectez le produit a un autre appareil,
eteignez-le et debranchez-le de la prise de courant.
Autrement vous risquez un choc electrique ou des
blessures graves. LiseZ le manuel de l'utilisateur de
l‘aulre appareil et suiveZ les directives de Connexion
23. Un son soudain d'intensité e'leve'e peut endommager
l‘oui'e ou les naut-parleurs. Si vous utilisez des ecouteurs
(appareil dote d‘une prise d’écouteurs), tenez l'intensite'
sonore a un niveau moyen. L'utilisation continue
d'ecouteurs a intensite sonore elevee peut endommager
De l'numidité peut se Vormer dans la partie lonctionnelle de
l'appareil si celui-ci passe d'un endroil frais a un endroit
chaud ou si la temperature de la piece s’e'l'eve subitement.
Dans pareil cas. le rendement de l’appareil peut diminuer.
Pour eviter une telle situation, laissez l'appareil s'ajuster au
niveau milieu pendant une heure environ avant de le mettre
en circuit Encore, assureszous que la temperature de la
piece s'eleve graduellement.
Une condensation peut aussi se former en ete si l‘appareil
est expose au courant d’air d‘un climatiseur. Dans pareil cas,
changez l'emplacement de l’appareil.
F N'appuyez pas fort sur l‘ACL et ne le secouez pas. Vous
risqueriez de briser Ie verre de I'ACL et de vous blesser
” Si l‘ACL est brisé. assurlevous de ne pas toucher le
liquide dans le panneau. Le liquide peut irriter la peau.
Si vous avalez du liquide, gargarisez-vous immediatement
et consultez un medecin. Si le liquide entre en contact
avec les yeux ou la peau, rincez-les pendant au moins 15
minutes a l'eau claire et consultez un medecin.
Effets nocifs possibles de I'écran ACL:
Si un motilfixe reste 5a l'écran pendant une longue durée,
l'image peut devenir impre'gne’e en permanence sur l‘écran
ACL et former une image fantfime subtile mais permanenle.
Ce type de dommage n'est PAS COUVERT PAR LA
GARANTlE. Ne laissez Jamais l’e'cran ACL allume pendant
une longue duree quand il affiche des images des types
’ images lixes Comme les resultats de la Bourse, les motils
de leu Vidéo, les logos de stations de television et les sites
r les formats spe’ciaux qui ne couvrent pas l‘écran entier
(format boite aux lettres [16:9] sur ecran normal [4:3]
(barres noires dans le haut et le pas) ou vue normale [4:3]
sur grand ecran [16.9] (barres noires sur la gauche et la
Les signes suivants ne proviennent pas d‘un mauvais
fonctionnement mais d‘une limite technique. Nous ne
pouvans done pas étre tenus responsables de tels
r Les ecrans ACL sont fabrique's avec un niveau
extremement eleve de precision mais certaines parties Ge
I'écran peuvent ne pas avoir d'éle'ments d'image cu
presenter des paints lumineux
II he s'agit pas d'un mauvais fonctionnement
’ N'installez pas l'ecran ACL pres d'un équipement
électronique qui génére des ondes électrornagnétiques car
cela pourrait causer une interference.
r Effet sur les appareils a infrarouge , il peuty avoir
interference quand on utilise uri appareil a infrarouges
comme un telephone sans fil a infrarouges.
Enoncé de fonccrmité
Cet appareil est conforme a la section 15 des réglements de
la FCC. Le fonctionnement est régi par deux conditions : (1)
l’appareil ne peut pas causer d'interierence nuisible et (2)
l’appareil doit acceptertoute interference recue, y compris
une interference qui peut entrainer un fonctionnement
Directives de
de vie
Volre televiseur contient des maleriaux qui peuvent élre
recycles et réutilisés. Pour l'elimination ou le recyclage.
contactez les autorite's locales ou |' Association du Recyclage
des Produits Electronic au http://www.eprassociation.ca pour
trouver un centre de recyclage dans votre region
Pixels inac es
L'écran ACL Comple pres de 3 millions de transistors en
couches minces Vournissant une qualite’ d'image
extremement elevée. A l‘occasion. des pixels inactits
peuvent apparaitre a l'écran sous forme de point fixe noir
(pixel mart), bleu, vert ou rouge. Ces pixels inactifs ne
nuisent pas au rendement de votre televiseur et ne sont pas
consideres un vice.
Alimentation electrique
1. Le cordon d'alimentation est branche’ au televiseura l'usine.
2. Brancnez le cordon dans une prise de courant
Ne branchez pas I'appareil a I'aide d'un clispositilr autre
que le cordon foumi Car cela présenterait Uri risque
d‘incendie. de choc électrique ou de dommage
N‘utilisez pas une tension autre que celle spécifie'e pour
l’appareil car cela présenterait un risque d’incendie, de
choc électrique ou de dommage
Pour des raisons de sécurité. debranchez l‘appareil de la
prise de courant si vous prevoyez ne pas l'utiliser
pendant une période prolongée (ex :voyage).
Ne branchefldebrancnez pas le cordon d'alimenlation si
vous avez les mains mouillees car cela pourrait
provoquer un choc e'lectrique
po Safety Instructions
When Installing the TV Against a Wall or Enclosed Area
Make sure that your TV has adequate air circulation. Allow enough space around the TV as shown below. Avoid operating the
TV at temperatures below Inadequate air 41°F (5“0).
Install with stand Install on the wall
4 India:
A Inches
2 as inches
(mm) 4 inches
(Saul um)
E «mes
‘W (10cm)
'._| $ 0— 4 50— Leave at least Ihis much
' IIIIIIIII I ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, s pace around the set.
Leave at least this much
space around the set 1132'???
Never install the TV set as follows:
Air circulation is blocked
Inadequate air circulation can lead to overheating of the TV and
ma cause dama e to our TV or cause a fire.
Leg ces
FCC Statement Energy Star
NOTE: Your Hisense TV is ENERGY STAR®
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with qualified in the “Energy saViV‘QS"
the limits for a class B digital Device, pursuant to part 15 mode. It meets strict energy
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide efficiency guidelines set by the U 5
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a Environmental Protection Agency
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and and Department Of Energy. ENERGY ENERGY R
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and STAR is a Joint program of these
used in accordance With the instructions, may cause harmful government agencies, designed to
interference to radio Communications. However, there is promote energy efficient products and practices. Changes to
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular certain features, settings, and functionalities Of this W (i e
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference TV GUidei Picture, Sound) can increase or change the power
to radio or television reception, which can be determined by consumption. Depending upon such changed settings, the
turning the equipment off and on, the user ,5 encouraged to power consumption may exceed the limits required for the
try to correct the interference by one or more of the folloWing ENERGV STAR qualification in the “Energy Savings" mode.
measures. 3 NOTE
" Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
" lncrease the separation between the equipment and the
" Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different
from that to which the receiver is connected
" Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician
for help.
The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV
interference caused by unauthorized modifications to
this equipment. Such modifications could void the user's
Where the MAINS plug or an appliance coupler is used
as the disconnect device, the disconnect device shall
remain readily operable.
This TV incorporates High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMlm)
technology. '-
HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC H 3 ml
Hisense and associated logos where applicable are registered trademarks of Hisense Group in the United States and/or other
countries All other trademarks are property cttheir respective owners 2011 Hisense USA, Corporation.All Rights Reserved .‘
Manufactured under license from Dolby Digital Laboratories Dolby Digital and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby ‘ ‘
Digital Laboratories I v
‘ Specifications subject to change without notice _
This television's factory default settings as shipped meet ENERGY STAR requirements.
This TV has an Auto Shut Off feature that Will automatically turn off the TV if there is no video signals detected Within 15 minutes
Additionally this TV has LED backlighting which has greater energy saving benefits versus conventional CCFL type TV

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Title                           : ES-G131517Ó¢ÎÄ
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