Hitachi Maxell DP01 Digital Pen With Bluetooth User Manual

Hitachi Maxell Ltd Digital Pen With Bluetooth

User Manual

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Document ID401495
Application ID12vLpnxnrpktfjb8rFABdg==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize49.39kB (617338 bits)
Date Submitted2004-03-03 00:00:00
Date Available2004-03-02 00:00:00
Creation Date2004-01-22 15:19:13
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.05 for Windows
Document Lastmod2004-01-22 15:19:14
Document TitleUser Manual

Dlgltal Pen
Instructlon Manual
mankwaormlhmslfnour‘I-IihwmxdlDWFm't Thomughmdlngdmdhoqvmm
for pmlecllng m an armed u. m pm's mmmy.
m n sully lull-bus plm.
1)qu Pm Duh Raw-d Column
— —l
_ _l
flPflmr/V-vlflP-mlewulw mu 1‘; ,, mum/1mm “uh FIQCMYOWH ’7
Table of Contents
Important Inlormafion
Cautions lov Salely ..
Before Using v
Provided Accessories ,
Names 0' Pans H
Chargmg Battery
Using Dlgital Pen
Replacing Refill .
Inlarprelmg Opevalion Display Block
How to use the Pen with Bluefiuolh (DP-INS on‘y)
Tlouhlashouting .
Majuv Spaciflcauons u ,
fiwmwwanp—mwuum new pm: ' f ‘ mam/1mm Aamnmmmcu/m
Important Information
For Your Safely
\ device complies wilh Part 15 nflh: FCC Rules. Opemilm is subject (0 Ihe filllowiug Iwo ennumnns:
ice nuly nol cause harmful inlerlerencc, and (2) lhis device rnusl acupl uny inlelfelencc received,
including inlerlerence lliel my cunse undesired npenlinn,
Nola: This equipmcnl has hoe" Icsiud and found to comply with the limils fur a Class B dlgila] device, pursuant to
Perl [5 ufllic mc Rule. mere limils are designed lu provide reasonable puneclien agninsl nurrnful inlerfercuee
in a residenunl inslnll n. Th equipmenl genernrcs, uses, nncl cnn inuinle radio frequency energy and, ll nm
influlled and used in accurdance with the imlmclillm, may cnusz halmllll inlerlercncc lu mdin cummunicallons.
lluwever, mere is nu gunrunree um inlerlcrence will ncl occur In n pnnicular inslnllnlinn. If lnls equipmenl docs
cause unnnfnl lnlcrlerence In radio or lclcvisinn reeeplinn, wlrlcli can he delermined by turning me cquipmcnl nil
um! un, lllc user is encouraged in lry lo cancel lhe iulcrlcrcncc by one 0! man: nI'lIu: fnlluwing measures:
. Renrieru nr rclncnlc lne receiving anlcnnn,
- lncressc lne sepnenlinn hdwecn lue oqulpmenl and receiver.
- Cnnnccl lhc equip-“em inlo an nullcl un u circull dlffclcnl (mm luul m which lire receiver is canncclcd.
- Consnll lire dcultvm an experienced main/TV lecnnicinn fin help.
01min“ (0 "10 user: Chungewr modificzllluns nul Expmsly applnvcd hy Ihc manufacturer will line user's
nnlhnrily (0 nperale llle cquipmcnl.
Nola: In order lo Comply with FCC mdin- DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY
ficquency mdialion expnsure guidelines fur nu wilh FCC Rules (olfluclmngnfll'c Olimpatlbility
nncmllmllcd cxpusllru, nus device and ils anlennn Produels: Digilzll Pen
niusl mll he cn-luenleu ur nper |ng in Muuels anew/lull;
colljuncliun wilh any olner Anlenna or TrflchnmciMaxell
"mum.“ “Ibis nevlee nunplics wiul pan 15 of FCC Rules.
Operation is subjecl in me lnllowing Iwo cullljilimls:
(l) min device may no! cause harmful interference, and
LED Hummer, (2) misllerice muslaccq)! any inlerrerenec roccivcld.
Do NOT VIEW DIRECTLY WITH OPTICAL “MEG ifl'flfmmx ma! may cause luv-hired
cuss ml LED PRODUCT R“l"‘fls'mc PM”
} fiDrim-vyVerflBP-Ioiulifievl ”Emmi a... a mli'nl/m in n; Adah. Mum mm...
ll _asal.,ll,l l
Cautions for Safety
Do not look Inside the pen through the writing point:
Directly hulking nl lhe infrared lighl nnhe pcn could damage ynnr eyesight:
This product is for domestic use.
This digital pen Ila peclfiulmns lnr use in us, The snnwnre pmvided with ihisrllgnnl pen is in Englis .
provided warraniy is valid nnly in us liilnehi Maxcll shall he free hum any respnnsihlliiy fur anersales service
in foreign mnmries when ihe nigilal pen malfunctions or is ianliy in ihnse countries. or for any compensaiinn of
repair lees D0 nol resell this product in any foreign country.
Do not use this pen for any other purposes than wrltlng.
Be careiul with oil-based Ink:
Oil-based ink srarns on clothes may noi he rnmnvahle,
Do not write with the pen point facing up:
Hilliling Ihe pen wlih lhe pninl up my cnnse lhe ink tn leak.
Use only specified reillls,
Do not use the pen when there Is a malfunction:
Lfthc pen gencrnles smnke or smell. immediately stop using ihc pen, and lhsn mmovc Ihe puwcl supply. such as
ihn charger: Cnnilnning In nsn ihs pen could ennsrr n lire 0: cl Inc shriek.
WARNING: chcr nllcmpl to repair the pen by yourself: Thi always dnngemns.
Do not disassemble or modify the pen In any way, or remove the cover:
Dimmmhling m mndifying lhc pen or lhc charger could cause a fin: nr elucirie shudt: uigh vullngc device is
slolod inside the onvcr.
Handle the charger with care:
Ohscrvc ihe lnllpwing when handling the charger. Failure in dn so could resnlr in generaiinn of hear or a fire:
- Dr. nnl eharge the haiiery near fin: nr under direnr rays of hen sun.
. Do not use a charger olhcr ihan lhal speeilred (model PS-DP) charger).
Use the charger near an AC outlet:
Do not pln g ihc charger rmo an AC oullcl lhni Is not easily accessible, such as hchind chest, under dcsk.
Be carelul not to damage the charger case:
lnhe case is damaged by dropping rhe chargen unplug the charger from lhe AC outlet: Using ii as is could chnse
a fire or electric shock.
Use the charger only In a well-ventilated, spacious area:
Do nui use rhe charger in n cunfined spnee where ventilatinn is blocked, nr where i in. near niher nhyeers.
Using the charger in a small. clamped nren may resnli in uccumuhtinn in heal lnalrle ihe charger easel which
could damngc Ihc cast, and alse cause a fire, burns, electric shock or rnnllnnclinns.
Do not use a generally available electronic transformer:
Dr. inn connect lne charger in an eleeirnnic transformer rhal is generally available for overseas trips: Doing sn
Cllllltl cause a fire or electric shock.
Do not use the charger tor appliances other than this digital pen:
The charger is for ma exclusive use of lhis digilnl pen.
Do not Insert or pull out the power plug with wet hand:
Wet hand could cause cleclric shnck.
fiPnMVevflDP'lO‘UBflevll‘Ewd F...” ”77an ,, an/DI/mmls AdobePuthker7N/Wm
Jl—f¢,,L,, llIl-|
Do not damage the power cord:
Observe the following when handling the power card so its not to damage
- Do nttl cut it with ukrtifc, - Dllnlrthellt
- Do not twist it , Do not pull it.
— Do not forcibly bend it. - Do not modify II in any way.
- Do not place any heavy ohjeet or an tlhjecl with . Do not bundle it,
sharp cumcrmt it. . Do not cover tt wtth rug etc.
it the power cord is damaged, unplug it from the AC outlet, Using the damaged power cord as is could cause a
fire or electric shoclr.
Insert the power plug completely:
Incomplete inxcrlinn nf pnwel ping may generate heal due to detective contact, which could result in a tire,
Do not connect multiple devlces to one AC outlet:
Do not exceed the ratings when using the charger or connection devices: Exceeding ratings due to cenncction ei
multiple devices could result in u tire because at heut generation
Do not pull the power cord when unplugglng It:
Be sure to hold the plug when unplugging the power cord Pulling the cord may damage the card, which could
cruise it fire or electric shock.
Do not brlng the dlgllal pen or the power cord near a heater:
If used neur a healer lhz surface at the device or components inside will deteriorate, and could mime n fire or
electric shock
Always unplug the power cord lrorn the Ac outlet when not uslng the dlgltal pen tor a
long perlod:
Leaving the power plug mnnedcd to the AC outlet for a long time could cause a fire
Be careful not to trlp on the power cord or USB cable:
, fie If your leg is caught on the power cord or usa cahle, you may fall down or on injury could result.
Do not use the digital pen In an alrplane:
Never use the pen in an airplane because it could lnierlere with the sxlcty in flight (he sure to cap the pert and
turn it on before boarding a plane).
Do not use the dlgttal pen near a hlgh-preclslon electtortlc devlce:
Turn the digttsl pen oft hear any high-precision electronic device so as not to interfere with it.
(Examples of device that the pen could affect: Pacemaker, hearing aid or other modteal electronics, fin: alarm,
automatic deer, etc. lfyou are using a medical electronic device, consult the device matter or dealer roreireets trf
radio waves on such a device.)
Be careful ol Itching, rash and eczema:
Depending on your constitution or physieol condition, itching. tash or eczema may occur, li’ this happens,
immediately stop using the pea and consult a physician.
fiPrlmeurflflP>|fllUEfievlIlEpmd rams , l ‘ locum/21mm Adah-P-leMikerlcdlw-t
no not subject the dlglbel pen to Impact:
The digital pen is a precision device, Take gmi care nni in hit it ngniml a nuidiinjeel u. dnip ii,
No sand or dustl
Sand ni dusi entering the pen ill ihc charger will cause malfunctions
No water or olil
Wniei nr oil entering Ihc pen it! the charger will cause clcclnc shock or malfunctions.
Take care with ambient temperature
- in extremely hut in cold Icmpcmmles, lhe digital pen mly nul upcrnlc mirrnnliy,
- Du llai leave the pen in u closed vehicle [or a lung period nltimc: This may cause me pen in malfunatiun
Do not point the dlgital pen at the sun:
Direct sunlight cnlcling ine lens could cause me pen to malfunction.
Do not use the digital pen near TV or radio:
lnlcrfuencc may appear on TV screen in enici radio “made-1st
Do not use the dlgltnl pen In a place where there Is strong radio wave or magnetism:
If the digital pen is used ncflr strung mdin waves or magnensm, such as nem‘ a radii) wav: lowcrm electric
appliances incarporaiing a molar, the pen may not operate numialiy.
Do not ule the digital pen In a piece where there Is thick soot or steam:
Thick soul or sicani could damage ilie pen case arcnuiic mnlfunciiiinsl
Do not use the digital pen near corrosive gas:
The pails inside the pen could cormd: when used in u place where them is dense flxhilusl gas generated by
gasoline or diesel engines, 0. culmsive gus such as hydrogen sulfide, which cunld cause the pen to malfuneiinn.
Do not use the dlgltal pen near an ultrasonic humidifier:
- With same wnler in humidifitr. calcium and other chemicals dismlvtd in wale, could waiterm the air, and
while punieies could udlieie to iiie lens at this pen. which could tam: ii in WpElaIe ahnnrmally.
- ll mmsliire enters the pen, cundensalion could cause the pen in nperaie uhnmmaiiy.
Do not wipe the digital pen case with benzene or thinner:
The coming oi cast: mull] peel art in the case could be damaged.
] fimimem/emnpemluafiwilispmd Duefi i ‘ ZW/fli/ZD mm Mm PA'uM-ker70-l/Wln
- ili‘%llli_
Do not leave the digital pen under a very high temperature for a long period of time:
The reinpernure' ‘deu Llusell vellicieul ilullk can ll>=4> ' in 11.4 “N73 ‘cl under lhe slluug sun, lrlen
under such circummnees. ihe digital pen amid malfunciion ur rhe pen body could be deformed. Also. do non
cxpnsc rhe pen to dneei sunlight or place it near a healer.
Do not store the digital pen In a place where the humidity Is high or In a dusty place:
Dust entering the pen euuld cuuse maliunclions. ll ihe humidity is high, the lens enuhl necnnie moldy, and ihe
pen could heciuue unusable
Do not store the digital pen in a place sublect to strong magnetism or Intense vibrations:
This could cause mulrunciipus.
The digital pen has a sharp point, which could be a dangerous weapon. Never point It
at a person, and keep the pen out at the reach at children.
hlmmcl use at me pcn could cause an inplry.
Take great care that young children do not swallow the cap, rellll or tell" replacement
adapter by mistake.
if swallowed, irurnedmely eunsuli a physician
Repair an Dispose:
Please uslr for Hilachl Maxcil or our sules parlner or reseller it you wunr in repair or dispase your digital pen.
Nc recorded contents shall be subject tor compensallon:
l-liiuehi Mnxcll shall be free frnn. any respiinsi Illlice fm any rmpmper rumdlll and any damugcs from abnormal
l lemming snull uni he suhjecl fm’ compensation it uh: slignal pe fully, or if is mislahenly used by yuu.
Reliabiihy at this product:
1 - lvie dlgml pen is d gnu: und mannluciured 1m lmmc and general huiiuess n~e.Avmd using d In! npplicullons
(hill might huve a enns mulls fluenceon human lile and piupeny, nr ihai require high rciiahiilty.
l-iiinsh. deell will lml accepi any rexpunaib lly lru any accident from such applieuiiuns
- Examples oi applrcuilons that require high r lliiy for which ihe use or ihis digjtal pen is inappropriate:
Chemical planl canlrol, life suppon syslems. all-lrilffic con-ml,
fiPrimndevRDP-il’llusfiuvi”Ev-id aim ‘ ‘ mural/adhere AmbePuzM-ker7flrJ/Wm
.ij w
Before Using
- You can do the following wllh (ha dlgllal pan:
-The digital pen is an inlen’nce devlce ofnew concept.
1: you who clmmctcrs on a specified shcci or paper (PAPER) on which special pallcms are printed’ the digital
pen will unwed um hund-wriltcn characters m aim] m. (an. an 1mm: of pen, writing pressum. cm). 11m
comma digjlal um can he mummified m nnmnerdtvice, such as rc: um way, [he digiml pen m h: used as
an inpm device for PC, am.
mm are two models u'dlgilnl pen dtpemlmg m- m cquippcd imam-c:
Mode! use Bluahwm
(comormlng |o uss 1.1 mud-yd) (conkmnlng m Bluetoolh u madam)
Dp-m u Avaflanla unman-
DP-llfl B Ami-lie him
IaV pen can also be used for me purpose ufcertif' alien: n can rxugniu "who has mad: access“) which
nppllcmion" using m: pen m dam and Ihc am ofspcclal pununs on specified papcl (rum).
Provided Accessories
when unpacking, make sure that you have awl Iha fun-swing amassmes:
mum-v m-vwm um um- w-nou emu-min unwr-
3 nplmmm mm- 2 menu NOTEIOOKS MI ummm
fiamuWnnov—musfim ”(and P... s Eben/cum m m A“. PluM-fin mm.-
Names of Parts
Operauen mspray
Charging Battery
The battery has not been charged at rime olpwchasei Charge n before using the dig/[Bl gen.
Uncapping ms digiiaipsn films [he pen on: Be sure lo cap ix when charging
1 Ccnncct lilo powtr Cold (0 m: cllaigcr
2 Plug inn pnwcl curd inn. |||z AC uuflel‘
3 Connect lh: USE cattle in |hc charger.
4 lnscrl II“: US}! cahlc inln lhc USE
wnneclinn pen ollhc aigilai pen.
Charging will film, and Ihc balmy
indicalor in lha pen opeminn display will
blink gvcen in show lnal me halluy is being
(halgcd, um: ballery is cumplelely
discharged, iIWI ink: xppml. iu minules
In! an balmy indicnlm lo blink guen after
charging has slancd
ll will like appmx 2.5 hflllls in. file balluy to be complelely changed: The charge “me will my depending an inn
banal, rcnmining charge imi.
. Bum ands cum use cams have umannl shapes ofpiugs, Much speclflcallymfllchtha pews usa cmnecuon pen am
Ihe cnargsv raspscn'veiy Check lns shape aieacrl cable plug and make sure yw inserl “n pl-opslvy
. The signal pen can also he usqd in (warm cflunlnss “ril- pmnim charger can um a pamnsnlppiym 100240 VAC,
50/50 Hz n yw are in a wnnlry where m power plug oi charger m nol mm: uulls'. plumage in AC ping adapter
igsnerauy availabie] and use i
‘ ~ vw can an me osglw pen will- a rally Charged balhevylo' approx 2 hours
(ism-ryvmcn—mmafiwl IIEamK pm in man/mun m is Am. P-leMnkcv mum»
"IT 1 wig? IE—
Using Digital Pen
1 1\,m power on.
Ump lhc diylaj pm.
The pen wm vibrate [or n shun pcximl, and then m;
gm" mdicnlor Q) will Iighl.
2 Wm wun m; min] pm
All um wrmen by the dlgual pu- on PAPER Wm be
remain] in the pen. Tu slop writing, Bap lhe dlgiml
pan: The pen vull Ium “Fr.
3 Mark a box.
Us! PAPER on WNM ‘S wrmefl ‘PAPER embing HMO
me we wnmna van-wing wnm wrmng mm ugwau pen:
~ Wm: only Inside [he 9"er VlimE
thatched pomofl) on PAPER.
» Hold lhe pen so max me lens at pen pom laces m
PAPER. 1m on-maxm uvpm pain! is speufiea.
» Do nm blow me ms at pen paw \ /
durmg wriling
Tu mmk a box m. lh: paper, check n (g ), pm a slmkc (£1), nrjusl mp1! (5)th me digital pan: The
pen w1|l vim-c,
4 Turn pvwer as.
Cap m: digital pm
fiv- wwnw-musfim ”Ema p." n
mum/m m n Adobe vmumv WWW"
Replacing Refill
1 rush the Icfill mplmmem adflplcr Ihtouy| lhe refill.
2 mu m refill replacement adnpmr m remnvc the refill in (he
duecunn ufthe umwc
1 Hold me refill with yuuv fingers uuu inscn u iuu. the digilnl pen
2 Hold Ihe djgunl pen us shnwn in «he figur: wilh the refill m m Ihc film surface,
and Ihcn push «he pcn ngainsl u flat surface in nu; dilcclion unm arrvw.
- Be sure m use my me specified mun luv neplmmem,
» wnun Inserting he ran”. do not usa undue rum
. when lemmlng 1501”, Lake can m using face so mm in. will um run pay out sump-w
- Do not pmm the pen a! a man whenyou vepiacs me vefill.
mmmvmuwmuunm "Emu o... u wt mot/01,21 mw “use hymn» mum
l l l l ~ if, l,lI;|,,_ L
Interpreting Operation Display Block
The indicaluvs in line operariun display will inform you ol me slarus oi digilal pen.
0) El:
(11 (2) is)
sun-e oi Indlcflol sum oi fllgllal pen
Oil - The psn's power is oil
» Nu ballely power lor lrre ergnei pen
Lignre green - The aigilel pen is reedylo uses
- All wrinen eaia wll be slaved ln the man‘s memory.
Blinks green The dlgllal pen is in me sland’y slarus because rhe wrlrlng has slapped lor a while
(2) 51
Shin! ol Indlcilov skill! of d|Q|h| pl"
Blinks green The ulgrlal pen s oomrnuniealrng wllh enemal device. 1
ngnle reo An error occurred during wmmunlwlons line digital pen and external uevlee 7
cannot oornnrunlcale with each other or use sell/ices, emcl ’* ‘
iaiED r
sum oi Indlcllor status oi dlgllal pen
Blinks green The charger is conneclad ane lire banary ls bean charged. (Ii lhe gallery has no
remaining charge, ll will lake aeerox. |0 rnrnulea ler lire oenery rndioelor lo blink
green aner charging has slanea
ugnle green Charging is cornolere wilh rhe charge! eonneclea.
on Thls lneloalor goes 001 when lhe charger is disconnected arrer chargrng ls lrnleheo.
ellnke green slowly rne namely remaining level Is only 15% or lull charge, The oigrlal pen is enll usable,
oul charge the trolley as soon as possuble.
allnks led slowly Ballery is running our and rho algilai pen will go all soon: Needs a charge
fimrmnryvnIDF-IOIUEF-vl "Elma m. III mum/n In is Adm PtnM-hr r UJ/Wln
How to use the Pen with Bluetoofh (DP-1013 only)
Palr up Pen wllh Bluetuolh (master/slave)
1 Pen = Slave
1) m Blncumlh «r 11 Iccciving devic: him a “device-scanning" made)
2) Take Pcn's cap off.
3) Aim 3 while, Pcn responds in (he “dcvlcmsfinnnmg” signal min. mun-inn.
4) 5: 5) Please go Io (ht Next S|cp.
2 Pen : Mamr
1) Pm a receiving dcvicc into a “pairing" made.
3) Take Per-x» cap oflmd chzck lhc icnn for “Eluclnnlh pniring made" at n slylu cnrri
3) Pm rim “dcvlczrscanning” and make a pal! wim the lecclvcr, which Is in "painn
4) & 5) mm: go In \||= Nm Slep.
Next Siep
4) Euler Pan's PIN code for amhemicalianr
5) Pen “mm in.“ limes h) In you know Ihc anihnriicauan and pniring are crimpmnri.
Reglstratlon of Pen’s DIaI-up Access Polnt
Tn mglslcx your m's dial-up access poinr, ymx nncd pr: mflware ("Maxell nigh-A Fen siriin“). Fleau insinu nus
sufiwm by the enclosnd CD—ROM (hmugh Ihc follnwing snepn:
Bekvlu pmceuliug willi Ihi: inurrwing, pleaw make sum mm yrnr have cnmpleletl Ihe pairing uf your Pen with PC.
1. Connect Pen wl|h PC by USE.
1 - 1) Click “Anew" icon on Thsk Bin, open “Pen Comm] Panel", and select "Advanczd".
Mn”. WW", mum ”MW. inmm
“mam“; mm wewlddshmehmumhvmmvw mm”
‘ “mum“ "3n-ZiJM’]
). on. menmi mmrmh-flmtwfla rm rmmmrnn
Esmu in minim”. Mn
Wm M N in «m m- xn cam-m Mnmnmnnw w.-
a. w nay an n. urn
w-msn. nw n, )
r ruwrnwmwnnmmmnrmnMpmrmrmn
Armflsm‘mmd ~j Eran-up
fiPvm-wv-IIDP—mwBfi-v! us pin-a v... u - min/own w 19 Am. hum-m mum.
I - 2) Sclecl “Edit Sellings" af"lntr,mct Service vaider Swings", and you will sec “15? Scninp" scrum.
Msnum’ V V ' ‘ ‘ ' “
fish“! 5 mm USFl-vw ucwnw
nnnnu Santa vl-nwml
D u nlsm
nn um; mm
r . l
’ 52mm Sissm; nmw 055mm
mm m marl
“Mm-mum M
or: ] («a
l - 1) Enlcr ynurDial-up Telephane Number in “Dial smug nl'holll ss anmry' and
0) When yml cannni rmrl “Imam“ Sen/me semnnw (plem sec hclnw),
is.» 0mm nml
nasal“. mmls-nr» mm: m.
um H
w an. n llulllm . “may
-pr w-
lmu WM ,
h m..nmmr.m. .r.rr.:.rc Mm Wm, m m.
Dim nlmalulmm mm
go m Shaw Selling< rm lnlernel Serv es“, then check 4h: “Shnw Selling for lnlemel Serum“ check-box
and ruck "Apply" hunonl You will see “Inlemel Service Seulngx" nn your PC ween,
z. Dlsconnecl Pen and use
Pen is leady [or you m 1152. Try and npcla'c Pan along wilh application.
Important Notes for Use
, when “2mlr” occurs In Pen during use, pul an lhe cap once again and aner n shun while lake of! me cnp lo
make Pen opzrlhle,
~ If the nbuve “Cap-on dc Capmfl" measure dots not work, verso! the Pen and sin" using ngmn.
You can lrnd Re—scl Elmo" (a tiny hole-like farm) near 10 Plncc an Pan's bndy. Press «n: hula hy rmng n
sharp-pninl lop. Pen vibmlcs once. and ma rc-scl pmcts s mmpleled.
, During the pairing pmccsa, y"... Pen's lelephnne number (w lrh ls embedded in ma Pen and mm an access
In Serve!) may he hampered. and if mm is the case. please regular once again such relcpnonc number inlo
‘fian-rquIDF-Wlusfievl Itivmd Pu. ls naval/tn 1on Adan nmmm mum.
Check the following yourself before asking for repair 11 the digital pen sll/I does no! ape/ale normal/y. do
not repel: ll yourself, but consul: your dealer.
Sympwm Mubleaheollng page
Emery cannot be Please check whmhev lne charger and (he pflwer curd ale lo
clielged. properly counseled,
Pen vlbvaiss liming - Please check once again inel your paper is me “PAPER l l
writing and d) imitate! enabling Anew |unc1innaIiIV'.
ls Iil red. - Please make sule lhnl you! wlmng Is wllnin lhe emyllame on
(When me penis in inls lne PAPER
condition the Will's" - Please make sule that you are midlng the pen carrscliy, and
damn cannot be swred in make sure the pen‘s Iefls a. pen poll“ is facing the pawn
ine pen's memory) - il ihe snneee ol PAPER is meme 0, rubbed, lne pen cannel
store your wriling‘ Use anelher sheet el PAPER
Pan vibrates for 3 mm Since lrle Den Is pioeesslng llanenilselon, me psn‘s leaning -
pellun dullng wrlllng lunclmn cannol be used: Walt unlil me we lighl goes om.
and meal lndlcamr is lil
Pen does not vibrate The pen did not lecogilze the selullon Mark the bux again. if (he 15
even lheugn you mnlk pen sun does not recognize it fine! repealed lnee reset me pen
me Maglc hux
‘l , ~ ll (In: pen smps working while in use, mei (he pen by prneing the rest! switch whh a pin 01 olher pointed ‘ 7
, anung Ihr. reset swilch will nm em: any uf ilie suuke mm sinful in in: digital pen
While prewing ll-e resel ewiwli, do nin pul any prassnu on (he poinl em: pen.
fianpryvuMW-lmuafiefliIEplv-d Flu” i ‘ zoo-mum mie Anabapn‘QMWQIHM/Wm
Major Specifications
Models DP»|01UUSB mudel
DP-IOIB: Blumoolh 4 usa modei
Might 05:3 lbs (35 u;
Dimeus ns
wm- cap: 5 x1 x isms inch (752 {25x 20 mm) ..
Bluemolh fiandald (DPVIOI B only)
Conforming to Bluetoolh 1.‘ standard
Operaflng temperature 32404 ”F (No "<3 (no conflensallon)
uss standard Canlarmlng m uss m madam
Buill~m halls-y mnium pulymev rechargeablu bmlery
Pan mama lime mumz hours
Standby fime At least 10 hours (wimuur can)
Chalge lims Approx 2 5 hours
fianryvuflDP—vmus a." new Pm n
i 2001/01/20 10 |:| ma. mum” uni/w."
User nmlce
Emar me wuuwmg m
preparallm for any mung
ssrvloe needs:
G) Hitachi Maxell, Ltd 2004
fiPflmlerevflDP—mflfiflen us and
Dealer: TEL:
Purchase date:
( httg://
InstruCtion Manual DP~|0|UB Rev 1 “E Printed m Japan
w... as 7
zmA/owmmn Mouvu-Muwa/Wm (

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Create Date                     : 2004:01:22 15:19:13
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