Honeywell orporated DR4201 DIGITAL KEY READER User Manual Digireader

Honeywell International Incorporated DIGITAL KEY READER Digireader


DigiReader SeriesP/N 6600025, REV. BX                                                                                                               1INTRODUCTIONThe DigiReader DR4200 Series Digital Proximity Readers (DigiReaders) are security devices thatreads digital credentials at ranges from 1 to 36 inches (2½ to 91 cm) depending upon the model andthe environmental conditions. DR4200 Series DigiReaders are bi-directional, so that a credential canbe read from either side of the sensor. DR4200 Series DigiReaders are used with the NexSentry 4100Family, SE818SC and SE422 ACUs operating as stand-alone devices or in conjunction with aNexSentry Manager, an SE6000 (a NexSentry Command Center NSCC) or an SE5850, (WSEaccess control host systems). Connection between DigiReaders and an ACU is over the WSEproprietary S-Net interface or over a Wiegand interface to a Wiegand ACU. The Wiegand data canbe either 26- or 34-bit Wiegand standard.CAUTION 1.   Read this manual carefully before attempting to wire in place a DR4200 SeriesDigiReader. The warranty is void if damage occurs to the unit as a result ofincorrect wiring.CAUTION 2.   The information in this manual is not intended to conflict with the building codes,electrical codes, fire codes, or safety codes required for any given installation.In all cases, the prevailing building codes must take precedence.
DigiReader Series2                                                                                                                P/N 6600025, REV. BXGENERAL SPECIFICATIONSTable 1: Digital Reader Specifications*See Table 1A  for details on DR4205 Readers1024RD 3024RD *seireS5024RD 6224RD 8324RDnoitpircseD/tsoctsewoLrofredaertsellams'hctiwsthgil'sgnitnuomepytytimixorplatigiDroodrofredaersnoillumsngisedtnereffiDsgnitnuomdna*seiresnihtiwytimixorplatigiDhtiwredaerdaerdesaercniegnarytimixorplatigiDhtiwredaerdaermumixamegnar)sehcnI(snoisnemiD2.0x7.0x8.12.1x5.7x8.1* 3.1x0.9x8.719.1x8.31x9.52).mC(snoisnemiD5.0x8.1x5.40.3x0.91x5.4* 2.3x9.22x2.548.4x0.53x8.56ycneuqerFtimsnarTnoitarepoxelpudlluf,zhK041ycneuqerFrevieceRzHk07revieceRnoitaludomeD langis)KSP(yeKtfihS-esahPelcyCdaeRdraCcesm001ecruoSrewoPAm08nahtssel,CDV42-61*6.0,CDV42-61lanimonpma7.0,CDV42-61lanimonpmaaivderewoPeriwriapdetsiwtten-SnoitapissiDrewoPsttaw2nahtsseL sttaw71nahtsseLsrellortnoC224ES,CS818otlA,seireS0014yrtneSxeNrellortnocotecafretnI snoitacinummocteN-S;584-SR,)dedleihs,GWA22(riapdetsiwtlauDsrotacidnIelbammargorp,)der-wolley-neerg(roloc-irtelgniSnoitcetorPrepmaTseYytidimuH %09ot%01)gnisnednoc-non(%09ot%01gnisnednoc *gnisnednoc%09ot%01(erutarepmeT)F°051ot13-051ot13-* 041ot4-(erutarepmeT)C°66ot53-66ot53-* 06ot02-tnemnorivnEylnoesuroodnIesuroodtuO/roodnI* esuroodtuOdnaroodnI).sbL(thgieW52.01<*5<01<)smargK(thgieW211.054.0<*3.2<5.4<tnailpmocADA lausivdnaelbidua,sseccaeerf-sdnah:edulcnisseccadelbasidgnisaerofserutaeflaicepS;seYsutatssseccaetacidniotsrotacidniegnaRdaeR.xaM 1024RD 3024RD 5024RD 6224RD 8324RD)stinU()sehcnI().mC()sehcnI().mC()sehcnI().mC()sehcnI().mC()sehcnI().mC(yeKardauQ5.1otpu8.3otpu3otpu6.7otpu4otpu01otpu31otpu33otpu22otpu55otpuyeKxeN5.1otpu8.3otpu3otpu6.7otpu4otpu01otpu31otpu33otpu22otpu55otpuyeKaruD5.1otpu8.3otpu4otpu01otpu6otpu51otpu22otpu55otpu63otpu19otpuetaMyeK1otpu5.2otpu1otpu5.2otpu2otpu5otpu21otpu03otpu51otpu83otpugaTaruD1otpu5.2otpu1otpu5.2otpu2otpu5otpu01otpu52otpu51otpu83otpu.noitallatsnifotnemnorivnelacisyhpnognidnepedyravyamegnardaermumixaM
DigiReader SeriesP/N 6600025, REV. BX                                                                                                               3DR 4205 SERIES SPECIFICATIONSTable 1A: DR4205 Series Specifications5024RD E5024RD MG5024RD K5024RD W5024RD EW5024RD MGW5024RDnoitpircseDlatigiDytimixorpredaerlatigiDytimixorprofredaeresulanretxelatigiDytimixorphtiwredaerfoytilibapacssalggniebdetnuomlatigiDytimixorphtiwredaerdetargetnifoorpretawrofdapyekdnaroodniesuroodtuodnageiWytimixorpredaerdnageiWytimixorprofredaeresulanretxednageiWytimixorphtiwredaerfoytilibapacssalggniebdetnuomsnoisnemiD)mc2.3x6.41x5.31("72.1x"47.5x"3.5timsnarTycneuqerF noitarepoxelpudlluf,zhK041revieceRycneuqerF zHk07revieceRnoitaludomeD langis)KSP(yeKtfihS-esahPelcyCdaeRdraCcesm001ecruoSrewoPAm08nahtssel,CDV42-61 Am08nahtssel,CDV42-8aivderewoPeriwriapdetsiwtten-SnoitapissiDrewoPsttaw2nahtsseLsrellortnoC224ES,CS818otlA,seireS0014yrtneSxeN dnageiWyrtneSxeN.seireS0014yrtneSxeNd'qeRtinUecafretnIotecafretnIrellortnocteN-S;584-SR,)dedleihs,GWA22(riapdetsiwtlauDsnoitacinummoc-SR,)dedleihs,GWA22(riapdetsiwTlauD-5tib-43ro-62;snoitacinummocteN-S;584dnageiWyrtneSxeN;dradnatsdnageiWeriwderiuqertinUecafretnIsrotacidnIelbammargorp,roloc-irtelgniSnoitcetorPrepmaTseYytidimuH %09ot%0gnisnednoc%001ot%5gnisnednoc%09ot%01gnisnednoc%001ot%5gnisnednoc%09ot%01gnisnednoc%09ot%5gnisnednoc%09ot%01gnisnednoc(erutarepmeT)F°051ot91051ot13-051ot91051ot13-051ot91051ot13-051ot91erutarepmeT)C°(66ot7-66ot53-66ot7-66ot53-66ot7-66ot53-66ot7-tnemnorivnE esuroodnIylnodezirehtaeW-hsalpsdnaroffoorpesuroodtuoesuroodnIylnodezirehtaeW-hsalpsdnaroffoorpesuroodtuoesuroodnIylnodezirehtaeW-hsalpsdnaroffoorpesuroodtuoesuroodnIylno)secnuO(thgieW51429151214291)smarG(thgieW024276235024043276235tnailpmocADA srotacidnilausivdnaelbidua,sseccaeerf-sdnah:edulcnisseccadelbasidgnisaerofserutaeflaicepS;seYsutatssseccaetacidniotmumixaMegnaRdaeR sledoM5024RDllA)stinU()sehcnI()sretemitneC(yeKardauQ4otpu01otpuyeKxeN4otpu01otpuyeKaruD6otpu51otpuetaMyeK2otpu5otpugaTaruD2otpu5otpu
DigiReader Series4                                                                                                                P/N 6600025, REV. BXBASIC OPERATIONDigiReaders emit a low-level 140-kHz field.  When a digital credential card is placed in this field, adigital chip embedded in the key uses the fields energy to become activated.  Once activated, thekey responds by broadcasting a 70-kHz signal, modulated with a key-specific code sequence, backto the reader. The reader receives this signal and converts it to a digital code which is then sent tothe Controller.  The Controller identifies the digital credential according to its code and makes eitheran access granted or an access denied decision.DR4205K (/W)  has a keypad on the face of the DigiReader. The key pad is used to enter the usersPersonal Identification Number (PIN). (See the appropriate Controller or security managementsystem manual for details on PIN assignment.)The user may enter his or her own PIN. The LED turns amber, and then the user presents a digitalcredential; or the user may first present the key, the LED turns amber, and then the user enters thePIN.  The time allotted for this procedure is defined by the PIN GRACE PERIOD which is set withthe Controller SYSTEM command.  (See the appropriate Controller or security management systemmanual for information on setting this parameter.)  If an error is made in entering the PIN, the usermay press the "*" key to clear the keypad and begin entry again.The keypad versions can be configured for keypad-only use or credential-only use. Refer to yourcontroller manual or security management system manual for details on setup and configuration.DR4200K is just the keypad part of the DR4205K.LED OPERATIONLED (S-NET OPERATION)When the DigiReader is on line, the LED is red during the ready state.  The TUNE command is usedto specify LED and beeper behavior when a valid key is presented. An equivalent of the tunecommand may be found in each WSE security management system system.DigiReaders have a single three-color LED that can be controlled by the Controller.  If power is appliedto the unit when not connected to a Controller, or improperly configured at the Controller, the LEDacts as follows:  Flashes red four times in four seconds, changes to steady amber for four secondsand then turns off for 52 seconds.  When a key is presented, the sensor beeps four times, and theLED flashes amber until the key is moved out of range. The flashing red, steady amber, off cyclethen resumes and repeats indefinitely while power is supplied.
DigiReader SeriesP/N 6600025, REV. BX                                                                                                               5LED (WIEGAND OPERATION)The LED is controlled to be red or green by the level of the Wiegand LED control input.120-OHM TERMINATION JUMPERThe internal jumper places 120 ohms of resistance between Data A and Data B for proper end-of-line termination.  Install the jumper only if the DR4200 Series DigiReader is the last device on thecable. If you are using:If you are using the DR4208, DR4226 or DR4238, an external 120 ohm, 1/4 watt resistor must beused. There is no internal jumper on these models. The jumper is only available on surface mounttechnology (SMT) models.INTERNAL INTERFACE CABLEAn attached cable provides the connection from the printed-circuit assembly and keyboard to theaccess control unit wiring on all DigiReaders except for the DR4201, DR4208, DR4226 and theDR4238.  The cable is color coded as follows:Table 3: Internal Interface CableROLOC NOITCNUF STNEMMOCdeRCDV82+ot61+)lanimoN(kcalBnruteRCDneerGAteN-SslenaplortnocsseccaESWhtiwesuroFetihWBteN-SslenaplortnocsseccaESWhtiwesuroFeulB0ataDslenaplortnocsseccadnageiWhtiwesuroFegnarO1ataDslenaplortnocsseccadnageiWhtiwesuroFwolleY0DELslenaplortnocsseccadnageiWhtiwesuroFnworB1DELslenaplortnocsseccadnageiWhtiwesuroFdleihSdleihSlangiS sseccadnageiWhtiwdesunehwnruteRCDoteiTslenaplortnocTable 2: Termination Jumpers
DigiReader Series6                                                                                                                P/N 6600025, REV. BXDR4201 READER INTERFACEThe DR4201 reader is connected into the system for S-Net and Wiegand input and output via anRJ45-telephone-jack-style 8-pin connector J1, located in the bottom left corner of the PC board, asshown in figure 1, and described in table 4, below:Figure 1:  DR4201 RJ45 S-Net/Wiegand 8-pin ConnectorniP1JnoitpircseD1CDV42+2AteN-S3BteN-S4nruteRV425)tceles2WpartS(0ataDdnageiWrodleihS61ataDdnageiW70DELdnageiW81DELdnageiWTable 4: DR4201 RJ45 S-Net/Wiegand Signal Pin DescriptionsNOTE: A mating connector is supplied with each DR4201 reader, but a crimping tool (not supplied)is required to crimp the connections.
DigiReader SeriesP/N 6600025, REV. BX                                                                                                               7ERUTCAFUNAM LACISYHPNOITPIRCSED EGUAG.tF0004<rewoPdnaataD elbaC&eriWtsewhtuoSyarG/971WSataD:rotcudnoC2rewoP:rotcudnoC2GWA22GWA61.tF005<rewoPdnaataD 2559nedleB9601nedleB dedleihSriaP-2 GWA81GWA61.tF005>ylnOataD1489nedleBdedleihSriaP-1GWA42.tF005>ylnOrewoP1439nedleB2431nedleB3439nedleBrotcudnoC2GWA81GWA61GWA41RECOMMENDED S-NET CABLEThe type of cable used for the S-Net will depend on the total length and the number of devicesconnected.  Table 5 lists WSE recommended cables.Table 5: Recommended S-Net CableSWITCHESThere are two switches on most DR4200 Series DigiReader printed circuit board, as follows,(refer to Figure 2): Switch SW1 is used to select between the S-Net or Wiegand operating modes. Switch SW2 is used to set the S-Net address.The DR4201 reader has a 5-position DIP-switch S1, which combines the functions of the rotaryaddress switches S1 and S2 used by the other DR4200 Series DigiReaders.  This is described inthe DR4201 ADDRESS DIP-SWITCH section, below.
DigiReader Series8                                                                                                                P/N 6600025, REV. BX*1WSlamroN()edoM*1WS(yeK/NIPedoM)2WS NOITCNUF06ro5,41sesserddateN-SlamicedaxehF-1)lamiced51-1(06ro5,42.. ... .06ro5,4E06ro5,4F**8**EroD,C**0lamiced61sserddateN-SFA tib-62dnageiWFB tib-43dnageiWFE edoMomeDFF ***edoMtseTFRDIGIREADER ADDRESSEach DigiReader must have a unique address.  SW1 is used to select the special reader modesof operation, (as shown in Table 6).  SW1 should be set to 0 for S-Net operation and F for Wiegandoperation. SW2 is set in the factory to 1 but may be set to an address between 1 and 15 (F).  Validaddresses may be limited by the controller; (see the appropriate controller manual).Figure 2:  Address SwitchWhen used with an SE422 controller, addresses 01 and 02 should be assigned to nodes 13/15 and14/16, respectively.Table 6:  Valid Switch Settings for Switches 1 and 2(* See the DR4205K SPECIAL OPERATING FEATURE section, below)(** See next page for S-Net address 16, Normal or PIN/Key explanation)(*** See the TESTING THE DIGIREADER LOCATION section, below)
DigiReader SeriesP/N 6600025, REV. BX                                                                                                               9DR4205K SPECIAL OPERATING FEATUREThe DR4205K reader has two modes of operation, dependent on the setting of address switch SW1,(which sets the upper byte of the address): the Normal Mode (SW1 = 0 or 8), and the PIN/Key Mode(SW1 = 4, 5 or  6 or C, D or E).  These two modes are described below.NORMAL MODEAddress switch SW1 set to 0, the DR4205K operates in its normal mode.  Address switch SW2is then set to the physical S-Net address of the DR4205K: 1 through 9 and A through F (addresses1 through 15).  In order to address the 16th reader in the normal mode, SW1 = 8 and SW2 = 0.Example: SW1 = 0 and SW2 = 1 to F sets normal mode for nodes #1-15;   SW1 = 8 and SW2 = 0 sets normal mode for node #16.Operation in Normal Mode:nDKR portion only enabled: the key is sent as a key, and no PIN is expected.nVIP portion only enabled: the PIN is sent as a PIN, with the number of PIN digits to beentered set in the SYSTEM command.  No key is expected.nBoth DKR and VIP portions enabled: the key is sent as a key, the PIN is sent as a PIN.Both key and PIN are expected (in either order).  The number of PIN digits to be enteredis set in the PIN DIGITS entry of the SYSTEM command.PIN/KEY MODEAddress switch SW1 set to 4, 5  or 6, the DR4205K operates in its 'PIN/Key' mode, where: eithera) the PIN will be sent as a key, or b) the key will be sent as a PIN. The number of digits in the PINnumber is determined by the 4, 5 or 6 of switch SW1, and, again, address switch SW2 determinesthe physical S-Net address of the DR4205K for nodes 1 to 15.  In order to address the 16th readerin the PIN/key mode, SW1 = C, D or E and SW2 = 0.  NOTE: C = 8 + 4, D = 8 + 5 and E = 8 + 6.Example: SW1-SW2 set as 41, 51 or 61, i.e. SW1 = 4, 5 or  6 and SW2 = 1 set node #1 in 'PIN/   Key' mode, for a 4-, 5- or 6-digit PIN, respectively; similarly for nodes 2 through 15; but   for node 16, for a 4-, 5- or 6-digit PIN, SW1-SW2 = C0, D0 or E0, respectively.Operation in PIN/Key Mode:nSW1 set to 4, 5, or 6 (or C, D or E): determines the number of PIN digits, 4, 5 or 6, (whichmust match the number of digits set in the PIN DIGITS entry of the SYSTEM command)..nDKR portion only enabled: the key is sent as a PIN.nVIP portion only enabled: the PIN is sent as a key.nBoth DKR and VIP portions enabled: the key is sent as a key, the PIN is sent as a PIN.Both key and PIN are expected (in either order).  The number of PIN digits to be enteredis set both in SW1 and in the PIN DIGITS entry of the SYSTEM command.  (Note that withboth the DKR and VIP portions enabled the operation is the same as for the normal mode.)
DigiReader Series10                                                                                                                P/N 6600025, REV. BXDR4201 ADDRESS DIP-SWITCHThe DR4201 reader has a single 5-position DIP-switch S1 for address selection, see figure 3, below,which demonstrates S-Net address 1 being selected.  Table 7, below, shows the possibleaddressing selections.Figure 3:  DR4201 Address DIP-Switch Showing S-Net Address 1 SelectedTable 7:  DR4201 Address DIP-Switch Selections)sgnitteS(1ShctiwSnoitcnuF/sserddAteN-S1 2 3 4 5nO ffOffOffOffO1ffO nO ffOffOffO2nOnOffOffOffO3ffOffO nO ffOffO4nO ffO nO ffOffO5ffO nOnOffOffO6nOnOnOffOffO7ffOffOffO nO ffO8nO ffOffO nO ffO9ffO nO ffO nO ffO01nOnOffO nO ffO11ffOffO nOnOffO21nO ffO nOnOffO31ffO nOnOnOffO41nOnOnOnOffO51ffOffOffOffO nO 61ffO nO ffO nOnO)tib-62(ecafretnIdnageiWffOffO nOnOnO)tib-43(ecafretnIdnageiWffO nOnOnOnOedoMOMEDnOnOnOnOnOedoMTSETNO12 3 45FFO
DigiReader SeriesP/N 6600025, REV. BX                                                                                                               11TAMPER SIGNAL (S-NET ONLY)DR4200 Series DigiReaders send a tamper signal to an S-Net-based Controller each time anaddress switch (SW1 or SW2, described above) is changed. Note that the DR4208, DR4226 andDR4238 have physical tamper switches.S-NET CONNECTIONSThe S-Net is an RS485 serial network for communication between the Controller and node devices.Typically, the cable used is two twisted pairs with an overall shield; one pair is for data, the otherpair is for DC power.  Terminate the last S-Net device with a 120-ohm, ¼ watt resistor or terminationjumper as shown in Figure 2.  The maximum S-Net length is 4000 feet (1200 meters).Figure 4:  S-Net WiringS-Net cable should only be installed in a daisy-chained fashion. WSE strongly recommendsreplacing all crimp lug/soldered splices by daisy-chained connections in and out of each device.(Note that up to two AD4305 NexStar RS485 Multiplexers may be used to simplify wiring and extenda network.)Where a pigtail cable is provided with reader, splices are required and the installer should try to keepthe splice within 3 feet of the reader, if possible, to allow splice inspection at the reader location.The type of cable used for the S-Net will depend on the total length and the number of devicesconnected. Separate twisted-pair cables should be used for data and power when the S-Net exceeds500 feet (152 meters).  See Table 4 for WSE recommended cables.
DigiReader Series12                                                                                                                P/N 6600025, REV. BXWIEGAND CONNECTIONSRefer to the following table for the proper wire size for a particular cable length to use in a DigiReaderWiegand application.(NOTE: For the DR4201, jumper W2 must be in place for Wiegand to be operative.)Table 8: Recommended Wiegand Cable GaugeDLEIHSHTIWELBACDNAGEIWROTCUDNOC-6eziSeriWmuminiMhtgneLmumixaMGWA22teeF002GWA02teeF003GWA81teeF005Figure 5: Typical Wiegand Connection
DigiReader SeriesP/N 6600025, REV. BX                                                                                                               13MOUNTING LOCATION (DR4201 READER)The DR 4201 reader is designed to be mounted in a single-gang switch-plate receptacle, attachedto the back of a single-gang switch plate cover, as shown in figures 6 and 7, below.Figure 6: DR4201 Front View (Mounted)(The DR 4201 reader'sLED mode indicator is visible through the plastic cover in the upper left corner.)Figure 7: DR4201 Side View (Mounted)
DigiReader Series14                                                                                                                P/N 6600025, REV. BXMOUNTING LOCATION (OTHER READERS)Use care when choosing the installation site. To avoid possible external sources of RF interference,do not locate the unit near motors, pumps, generators, DC-AC converters, AC switching relays, lightdimmers, or any other devices that emit an electronic radar frequency.  Do not locate the unit within10 feet (3 m) of a computer terminal.The DR4203 and DR4204 units are the only two readers that are specifically designed to be mountedon metal.  Metal in the vicinity of any of the other devices can reduce the read range.  In general,as the amount of metal in close proximity to the device increases, the reliable maximum read rangedecreases. For optimum operation, ensure that DigiReader has a minimum of 6 inches (15 cm)clearance at the rear and  surrounding sides, as shown in Figure 4.  Never cover the front of theDigiReader with any type of metal.Use the method appropriate to the mounting surface material; if required, use sealing compound tomaintain water-resistance.Figure 8: Mounting For Optimum Read Range
DigiReader SeriesP/N 6600025, REV. BX                                                                                                               15TESTING THE DIGIREADER LOCATIONIf RF interference is suspected at a particular location, check the site prior to mounting theDigiReader.  A DigiReader may respond in one of two ways in the presence of RF interference: The unit may beep and the LED illuminate with no access credential present. Credential reads may be inaccurate or slow.Use the following procedure to identify a location and position for DigiReader to minimizeinterference.1. Set the DigiReader address switches SW1 and SW2 to FF (test mode). Connect only the wires which provide power. Hold the DigiReader against the installation surface. Without presenting a credential to the reader, listen for beeps indicating RF interference.(Make sure you do not have a credential in your pocket or elsewhere, where it might bedetected.) The greater the number of beeps, the noisier the readers environment.2. Once a quiet (free of RF noise) location has been identified, connect the DATA A and DATA Bwires. Set switches SW1 and SW2 to the correct address.  The Controller must also beconnected to the S-Net and set up to read credentials. Present a valid credential to the unit. Verify that the credential can be read from the expected distance.3. The DigiReader may again be moved to optimize the read-range. If trouble persists, verify S-Net wiring and grounding. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as necessary to identify the optimum installation location.
DigiReader Series16                                                                                                                P/N 6600025, REV. BXGENERAL INSTALLATIONSee the procedures for the reader model and installation type below for additional instructions.Cable Preparation:1. Route the data and power cable to the DigiReader location and prepare the cable for attachmentto the DigiReader.2. Remove two inches of the plastic jacket and the shielding foil from the cable.3. Strip each wire back 1/4" for splicing to the DigiReader.DR4203, DR4205 Series and DR4208 Installation:1. S-Net cable on DigiReader may be routed from the back, bottom or the side of the DigiReader.The reader is pre-configured for cable installation through the back mounting plate.Note: S-Net cable is routed through the side on DR4205GM Reader only. (See Figures 9 and14, below).2. For readers other than DR 4205GM or DR 4203, remove the plastic notch from the bottom ofthe cover.  A rattail file may be used to enlarge the opening (Figure 9).Figure 9:  Cable Routing Configurations Splice the DigiReader interface cable to the controller wiring run according to Table 3.  If theDigiReader is the last S-Net device on the S-Net cable run, install the termination jumper asdirected on page 5, 120 OHM TERMINATION JUMPER. Set the address switch, as required.
DigiReader SeriesP/N 6600025, REV. BX                                                                                                               17DR4226 AND DR4238 INSTALLATION1. Route the data and power cable to the DigiReader location and prepare the cable for attachmentto  the DigiReader.2. Remove two inches of the plastic jacket and the shielding foil from the cable.3. Strip the wire back 1/4" for insertion into a crimp ring.  Tin the stripped and ground wire ends.4. Slip the Teflon tubing over the shield wire.5. Use crimp tool to attach the crimp rings to each wire.6. Make the five connections from the cable to the back of a DR4226 or DR 4238 reader using thepanhead screws.  If the DigiReader is the last device on the S-Net run, install the terminationresistor between the Data A and Data B connections.Table 9:  DR4208 / DR4226 / DR4238 Wire Connections7. Set the address switch, as required. The address switches on the DR4208 are on the insideof the unit.Figure 10: DR4226 / DR4238 Address Switch
DigiReader Series18                                                                                                                P/N 6600025, REV. BXWALL MOUNTING WITH SCREWS After completing all connections to the DigiReader, weatherize the cable connections bysealing the cable passage with a nonconductive silicone sealant. Verify the correct address switch settings for proper operation and configuration.DR4203 and DR4205 Series Mount the reader base to the wall. Use the four WSE-supplied, 1 1/4" Flathead, #6-32 threadscrews or other means appropriate to the wall composition. Put the DigiReader cover in place and secure with the two self-captive screws from the bottom.Figure 11: Securing DR4203 and DR4205 Series CoverDR 4203DR 4205
DigiReader SeriesP/N 6600025, REV. BX                                                                                                               19DR4226 and DR4238 Mount the reader to the wall using the four WSE-supplied, 1 1/4" flathead, #6-32 thread screwsor other means appropriate to the wall composition. Install the four rubber caps to cover the screw heads on the face of the reader.Figure 12: Mounting DR4226 and DR4238
DigiReader Series20                                                                                                                P/N 6600025, REV. BXWINDOW MOUNTING DR4205GMThis type of mounting is necessary for DR4205GM unit.1. Clean the window with glass cleaner or isopropyl alcohol and dry thoroughly.2. Spray or wipe the window with slightly soapy water.3. While the window is still wet, peel off the paper backing of the decal and press against the wetsection of the window and move around to release any air bubbles to assure maximum contactwith the window. Wipe dry any extra water coming out from the sides. See Figure 13.4. Once the reader and decal are in place, it may be necessary to temporarily tape the reader tothe window while the adhesive sets. It should take approximately 10 minutes.Figure 13: Placement of Decal and Reader onto Glass
DigiReader SeriesP/N 6600025, REV. BX                                                                                                               215. While the adhesive is setting, follow the general installation instructions on routing the cablethrough the side channel and addressing the unit. After determining which side the cable willbe routed through, drill a hole in that side of the front facia to match the pre-drilled slots in theback panel of the reader.Note: To find exact hole location for drilling, look for a circle of smooth area on the side of thefacia, where there is an absence of texture in the lexan material. Reference page 16 for cablinginstructions. Also see Figure 14 below.6. Secure the cover as shown in Figure 14.Figure 14: Routing the Cable and Attaching the Facia7. After the reader is securely set to the window, remove any masking tape used and clean thewindow surrounding the reader.
DigiReader Series22                                                                                                                P/N 6600025, REV. BXCONTACTING WSETelephone: 1-800-227-1667Monday through Friday6:00am - 6:00pm (PST)E-mail: WSEHelp@wse.comWeb Site:
DigiReader SeriesP/N 6600025, REV. BX                                                                                                               23Name of Manual: DigiReader Series: Installation and Operation ManualPart Number: P/N 6600025 Revision: BOrganization: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________OtherEquipment OrderedWith YourDigiReader(s):Evaluation of Manual:POOR FAIR ADEQUATE GOOD EXCELLENTOrganization: 12345NAContent: 12345NAStyle: 12345NAThoroughness: 12345NAClarity (Words): 12345NAClarity (Figures): 12345NAClarity (Tables): 12345NAWere you able / was your integrator able to setup your DigiReader(s)  by using this manual? Y N NAand/or Did you have to call Customer Service for help on oneor more issues? Y N NAWhat additional aid(s) did you use to bring up your equipment?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Other Comments(Positive): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Other Comments(Negative): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please tear off this sheet, fill it out, and return it within 3 months of system installation.
DigiReader Series24                                                                                                                P/N 6600025, REV. BX

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