Honeywell orporated DR4208S Door Access Controller User Manual Digireader

Honeywell International Incorporated Door Access Controller Digireader

Installation Manual

                                                             P/N 7600022, REV. ADIGIREADER DR4208S INSTALLATION NOTESINTERNAL INTERFACE CABLEAn attached pigtail cable assembly provides the connection from the printed-circuit assembly  tothe access control unit wiring on DigiReader DR4208S.  The cable is color coded as follows:ROLOC NOITCNUF )esUteN-S( )esUdnageiW(deRCDV82+ot21+ lanimoNteN-SANANlanimoNdnageiWneerG)+ataD(AteN-S ESWhtiwesuroF sseccateN-S slenaplortnoc ANetihW)-ataD(BteN-SkcalBnruteRCDnruteRCDteN-SnruteRCDdnageiWdleihSdleihSlangiSdleihSteN-SnruteRCDdnageiWotdeiT:dleihSdnageiWeulB)0tuO(0ataDANslenaplortnocsseccadnageiWhtiwesuroFegnarO)1tuO(1ataDwolleY0DELnworB1DELDIP ADDRESS SWITCHThe DR4208S reader has a 5-position DIP-switch S1, (asshown to the right, with S-Net address 1 selected).NO123 45FFO)sgnitteS(1ShctiwS teN-S rosserddA noitcnuF)sgnitteS(1ShctiwS teN-S rosserddA noitcnuF1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5ffOffOffOffOffO0enil-ffOnO ffOffOffOffO1nO nO ffO nO ffO11ffO nO ffOffOffO2ffOffO nO nO ffO21nO nO ffOffOffO3nO ffO nO nO ffO31ffOffO nO ffOffO4ffO nO nO nO ffO41nO ffO nO ffOffO5nO nO nO nO ffO51ffO nO nO ffOffO6ffOffOffOffO nO 61nO nO nO ffOffO7ffO nO ffO nO nO )tib-62(F/IdnageiWffOffOffO nO ffO8nO nO ffO nO nO )tib-43(F/IdnageiWnO ffOffO nO ffO9ffO nO nO nO nO edoMOMEDffO nO ffO nO ffO01nO nO nO nO nO edoMTSET
DigiReader DR4208S Installation Notes                                                          P/N 7600022, REV. APHONE (510) 360-7800FAX (510) 360-7820an ISO 9001 certified company47102 Mission Falls CourtFremont, CA 94539-7818Contacting HoneywellPhone: 1-800-227-1667M-F 6:00am - 6:00pm (PST)E-mail: WSEHelp@wse.comInternet: http://www.wse.comWALL MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS (WITH SCREWS):• Mount the reader base to the wall, using the back of the unit as a drilling template. Use theWSE-supplied, 1¼" Flathead, #6-32 thread screws (or other means appropriate to the wallcomposition).• Put the DigiReader cover in place and secure the cover from the bottom with the suppliedscrew(s).FOR FURTHER DETAILS:Please consult theDigiReader Series Installation and Operation Manual,Part No.6600025.TAMPER• The DR4208S sends a tamper signal to an S-Net-based ACU when a tamper occurs.

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