Honeywell 8DL5817XT Three Zone Universal Transmitter User Manual Print
Honeywell International Inc. Three Zone Universal Transmitter Print
- 1. Installation Instructions Revised
- 2. Carton Install Info
Carton Install Info
EXHIBIT 7A B CFSSDL5817XT / 573F-5817XT CARTON INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS See inside of carton for installa on Pvawdesupmz gunnmIDnsWnInI ms mv swflcx sEYYINos AII.I.nIIIIIn.nI n mnIIIII me x.I amIHnumvmdmeamn awn/Ire: when DWI I, m Man Invnuwefl pIInw m Wm mm m -..II IIIII.I,Ie Icon. 4:”.an III: U'IIIMIIIIW rm n“. mam” MW W. WW I m I IIIIII In IIIIsnIIIII In no , E n _ Irv-wrung mu: whim”: WWW W b. h 5 any IIIXIIIIIIIW (2) cm WI mum a Ice “Man ImIImI . m- lZumSlc iwmmfll DIP mm BM" an ‘ my m b: mm ON ' M, W I I, m In M“. . .w. “I MmmmN GUIDELINES .nyknmmm In. ucm'vmullly In, We IInIpIoIqunn In,-.II,II.In any a, I". .In nu WI nI. IIS..II;II,IS SIIIXI my c Em. "We.“ W. m, m II Wm INIIIIII InIIIIIInq 4W II mm In.“ I, W m.“ WWI WWW mum-Ian In. m, an mn m “mm may I. mnnm II, “In: a III IIImInImInIImm In. IIII.IIng.I..I=, MIMI DIInnmIm pm I am “In; mm mm nIIIIIImIIIImIIII .IIanmn mm“: mI mm mm .m IInIIIIIIII war: I, Imnnnm .Mn am am ”SIIIIWIII m xIwraInmnm mans nmnqmnw WWII, I“. mImI mI Hm Inna-I IIIWI ImIImIW IIaIsnImIIIImI WI mngn . mm mm mwwwnm WWII; m. Imam cnss LOCKING m Amman mm (2) pm: MOUNYING muss <2) caNcEALED wwwe CASE ./ 4mm: 55¢ MI! a TM: am; .2“ M Inna; u“ an ahpund am No musMIss-ou mmarr z NORMALW cmsm LOOP 3 Fnsr nzsmnsz 4 NOYRANSMISSIONINHI T smr FOR comma: wImNc ACCESS Aux LOOP : mm: ALL map pmmnv map runsmssmn INNIEII’ m locmmm balmy Arm were «I Dnnl’v IaW won: MOUNYINS mam wmsmmn w conoL mm an new pm nnmmons Im nIoIc InmInIa-Ion ‘snwxr MUSY be enmIIad .: Inpm W. ‘RP Immm Rn ‘AII mp swwch paxmam mus! a. or; wnng enmIImcnl In mnIIoI Dam uuumma ANDWIRING I R-movumnxmm'xmvnw-r Inun :chan me am Won sInfi .na MI Imam WWI m mnr‘gzgu 7 5mm mummy pInuhom V'InsmM-vs mm. by thmg 2 “Imam agzInsI Iamn; I“ sIIu. annIng pm. un-IIIIu : mummy Irma“ "hunnhg DIm zI lv-rvxrmuflx puma Iac-han 4 Rnuu Wm Ihmugh cnnmzhd w. my nmII-m mm xIaIx nun." wnIng and Do NOT mnnm m. In Ian» I.InI MI: 5 Much "and“ la mcuwhg pm. Puss cu- IIgnnsI mm; pm. we xI a. WW Ionkmg lab ch60 e Dorm-CI momma“,II.nsnnIII.I,I.nnIn.I. ‘as meEmEmAMstER IS aEINa ALL my szmI FnsIrmNs swim» a: mummy m ms cnmnm ma mam“ PUI J) mosw cmcm mum: mm» APPROX snawn sETFoR I SINGLEYRANSMISSION ISEE sEmNGs mam nEsmNsE (mm Hamszc yawn“ In.) FAST mmm mar nsspcus: Ilapmx Smsw rum/Isa [WEI kwwg my wchTEs swm L W swwcH ma vmmmv LOOP DF’HDNS Aux LOOP mm 1) cmszu cImIr aansEc nzspansz APPROX wwwmomwm I» As SH 0N uwszmH COVER paws; smr mum may lHOddnS SNI‘INO ONV NOILVLNEWI'IOOO 210:1 ".0 cIRCuIr Imp://www.secumy.noneywen com/hsc/resources/wa n c cm" nnInm Igor FOR WARRANTV INFORMATION Go T uaaian/(w/samnasaJ/asu/uma Hamflauou Awnsas MM” duu wen .5 fire swam YRAMSMISSIOM PRIMARY LuuP anIanguIP swurcn pasIrInus mama mmsmssmu Imry . u: I upon mu m rmmavy ImF‘ Change a! 5m: COVER HOOKS I WIRING ACCESS BnEAKoL/r non swam szrcn 52mm 0 s 59v oowauv I a 'viz‘f’m IIaaunq‘ 'suoua nusu! m m IIaamu Awnmmaanau uoueuexsu! Mauve Atwnlrun JO] uouea 1c apgsu! aas "ammo mm m. aux mam “mu-I nan. III and-Ia 'axuafll‘wl Io (9.0ng IZ m.- I... mum“... a In»: Inn on 'wmq pun uoImIm m In m. :Mnunv: mama ummnda mm imsu- DI nan we save um I» ram 2“ DInous Aawmsulu m In; mu muaodwl ussn SI some sm HOIHM HJIM woumoo 3H1 uoj sNoImnmsNI EN; 01 Mafia WEISAS wuvw 3w AD sNoImem no: 900-02122 9/14 Rev. B 5817XT Interior
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