Honeywell 8DLTSSCBASE Security Base Control Unit User Manual Rev B

Honeywell International Inc. Security Base Control Unit Users Manual Rev B


Users Manual Rev B

TSSBU111011U Base Control Unit and  TSSKP112011U Wireless Bidirectional Alpha KeypadUser Guide BASE FEATURES Display The TSSBU111011U  (Base) i s a wi r el ess Con t r ol  U n i t  t hat  al l ows you  t o per for m  syst em ar mi n g an d di sar m i n g f u n ct i on s, as w el l  as t o mon i t or  t h e st at us of  y ou r  secu r i t y sy st em. TSSBU111011U w/Protective Door Removed LEDs LED Off Red Amber Green Flashing Green Flashing Amber Flashing Red Alternating Flashing POWER No AC AC BATTERY (see note 1) Low Battery/ Missing Battery Charging Battery - Normal In Programming - Red STATUS Not Ready Armed System Trouble Ready Device Trouble – Can Arm Device Trouble – Cannot Arm Alarm/Alarm Memory In Programming - Off NETWORK (see note 2)Not Configured No Ethernet Link Link but Not Connected to Alarm Receiver Ethernet Link In Programming - Green CELLULAR Not Configured No Connection or Bad Signal Good Signal Cell but No Data SIM Error In Programming - Off NOTE 1: D u r i n g Sl eep M ode on l y t h e BATTERY LED is active. NOTE 2: Th i s L E D  m ay r em ai n  i n  t h e Am ber  st at e f or  up t o 24 H ou r s u n t i l  a r epor t  i s sen t  and ack n ow l edged by t h e cen t r al  st at i on . CFS8DLTSSCBASE / 573F-TSSCBASEEXHIBIT 7A BPLEASE GO TO THE BOTTOM OF PAGE 7 FOR FCC / IC AGENCY STATEMENTS.
– 2 –KEYPAD FEATURES Display The TSSKP112011U (K eypad) i s a w i r el ess Keypad t h at  al l ows y ou  t o per f or m  you r  secu r i t y  sy st em  functions, as w el l  as t o di spl ay t he st at u s of  you r  secu r i t y syst em. TSSKP112011U w/ Protective Door Removed LEDs LED Off Red Amber Green Flashing Green Flashing Amber Flashing Red Alternating Flashing POWER Low Battery 5%/Missing Battery (when no AC) (Keypad's battery) Charging AC On Battery –Normal(no AC) Low Battery 20% (no AC) (Keypad's battery) In Programming - Red TROUBLE In Programming, No Trouble System Trouble Device Trouble STATUS Not Ready Armed Ready to Arm Alarm/Alarm Memory In Programming - Green NOTE: D u r i n g B at t er y  M ode on l y  t he POWER LED is active. PLEASE GO TO THE BOTTOM OF PAGE 7 FOR FCC / IC AGENCY STATEMENTS.
– 3 –KEYS A ccess t h e Base con t r ol  k eys by l i f t i n g up t h e door .  T h e Key pad k eys ar e con t i n u ou sl y back l i t  f or  ease of  use.  Access t h e Keypad keys by  op en i n g t h e sw i n g-dow n  door .  Th e Keypad k ey s ar e con t i n u ou sl y back l i t  f or  ease of  u se.  KEY DESCRI PTI ON  OFF Di sar m s t h e bu r gl ar y  por t i on  of  t h e sy st em, si l en ces al ar m s an d au di bl e t r ou bl e i ndi cat or s, an d cl ear s vi su al  al ar m t r ou bl e af t er  t h e pr obl em h as been  cor r ect ed. AWAY Compl et el y  ar m s bot h per i m et er  an d i n t er i or  bur gl ar y  pr ot ect i on by sen si n g an  i n t r u der 's m ov em en t s t h r ou gh  pr ot ect ed i n t er i or  ar eas as w el l  as gu ar di n g pr ot ect ed door s, w i ndow s, et c. L at e ar r i v al s can  en t er  t h r ou gh  an  en t r y del ay zon e (en t r an ce door ) without causing an al ar m  i f  t h e sy st em  i s di sar m ed bef or e t h e ent r y del ay t i m e expi r es. STAY A r ms t h e per i m et er  bur gl ar y  pr ot ect i on, guar di n g pr ot ect ed door s, w i n dow s an d ot her  per i m et er  pr ot ect i on poi n t s, and sou n ds an  al ar m  i f  on e i s open ed. A l so al l ow s aut om at i c bypassing of  cer t ai n ar eas w h i ch  per mi t s m ovem en t  w i t hi n  you r  h ou se wi t hou t  cau si n g an alarm. Late arrivals can enter through an entry delay zone (en t r ance d oor ) without cau si n g an  al ar m  i f  t he sy st em  i s di sar m ed bef or e t h e en t r y del ay t i me ex pi r es. MAX Ar ms i n m an n er  si m i l ar  t o AWA Y m ode, bu t  el i m i n at es t h e en t r y del ay per i od, t h u s pr ovi di n g m axi m u m  pr ot ect i on . A n  al ar m  w i l l  occu r  i m m edi at el y u pon  open i n g an y pr ot ect i on poi n t , i ncl u di n g en t r y del ay zon es (en t r an ce door s). T EST  (K eypad on l y) - T est s t h e sy st em  an d al ar m sou n der  i f  di sar m ed. BYPASS (K eypad on l y) - Rem ov es i n di v i du al  pr ot ect i on  zon es fr om bei n g m oni t or ed by t he sy st em. D i spl ays pr evi ousl y bypassed pr ot ect i on  zon es. INSTANT A r ms i n  m an n er  si m i l ar  t o ST A Y m ode, bu t  t ur ns of f t he en t r y del ay per i od, of f er i n g gr eat er  secu r i t y  w h i l e i n si de and n ot  expect i n g any  l at e ar r i v al s.  A n  al ar m  w i l l  occur  i mm edi at el y  u pon  open i n g an y  per i m et er  pr ot ect i on  poi n t , i ncl u di n g en t r y del ay zon es. CODE (K eypad on l y) - A l l ow s t h e en t r y of  addi t i on al  u ser  codes t h at  can be gi v en  t o ot h er  u ser s of  t h e sy st em. CHI ME (K ey pad on l y) - T u r n s on  and of f  t h e CH I M E  m ode. Wh en  on , an y en t r y  t h r ou gh  a pr ot ect ed del ay or  per i m et er  zon e w h i l e t h e sy st em  i s di sar m ed w i l l  cau se a t on e t o sou n d at the Keypad(s). READY (K ey pad on l y) - When depr essed pr i or  t o ar mi n g t h e sy st em, t h e Keypad will display all open  pr ot ect i on  zon es w i t hi n  t h e Keypad's h om e par t i t i on . T h i s k ey i s al so u sed t o di spl ay al l  zon e descr i pt or s t h at  h ave been  pr ogr am m ed f or  you r  sy st em , by  h ol di n g t h e k ey  dow n  f or  at  l east  5 secon ds. [#] (K eypad on l y ) - Per mi t s A RM I N G of  t h e sy st em  w i t hou t  u se of  a secu r i t y  code ("Qu i ck  Arm", i f  pr ogr am m ed). N u m er i c k eys 0-9U sed t o en t er  you r  i n di vi du al  secu r i t y access code(s). Speci al  function  k eysPanic alar m act i v at i on (Keypad on l y). The panic alar ms ar e activated by pr essing a Speci al  F u n ct i on K ey (see bel ow ). Pani c k ey f u n ct i on al i t y and t h e t ype of  pan i c al ar m s pr odu ced, i s det er m i n ed by  t h e con t r ol  pan el ’s capabi l i t y  and pr ogr amm i n g. (Check with your installer for the availability and assignment of these panic keys.) SPECIAL FUNCTION KEYS (KEYPAD ONLY) The A, B, and C k eys l ocat ed t o t h e l ef t  of t h e n u m er i c k eys can be pr ogrammed as Panic Alarm A ct i vat i on  k ey s. (Check with your installer for the availability and assignment of these panic keys.) Key Function A B C PLEASE GO TO THE BOTTOM OF PAGE 7 FOR FCC / IC AGENCY STATEMENTS.
– 4 –GENERAL OPERATION To mak e sur e t h e l at est  syst em st at us i s di spl ayed, pr ess t he [*]  k ey  bef or e an d af t er  en t er i ng each  command. HOW TO GET SYSTEM STATUS  The display continuously displays t h e pr esen t  secur i t y  sy st em  st at us. Wh en  t her e i s a chan ge i n  sy st em  st at u s (su ch  as goi n g f r om  an A RM ED  ST A Y t o DI SA RM E D ), i t  may t ak e up t o 20 secon ds f or  t h e di spl ay t o aut omat i cal l y  u pdat e t he st at us t o sh ow  t h e st at u s ch an ge. H ow ever , y ou  can  pr ess t h e [*]  k ey t o u pdat e t h e display immediately. ARMING THE SYSTEM To ar m  t h e sy st em i n  t h e A WA Y, ST A Y, I N ST A N T  or  M AX  mode, en t er  y ou r  u ser  code an d pr ess t h e n u m er i c k ey abov e t h e sel ect ed m ode. DISARMING THE SYSTEM To di sar m  t h e sy st em  en t er  y ou r  u ser  code + OFF k ey [1]. BYPASSING ZONES To bypass an individual zon e, en t er  you r  user  code + BYP ASS k ey  [6] + f aul t ed zon e n u m ber  of  t h e zon e t o be bypassed. T o by pass m u l t i pl e zones, en t er  t he com m an d st r i n g (u ser  code + B YPA SS k ey  [ 6]) then sequen t i al l y  en t er  t h e 3-di git  zon e n u m ber s of  t h e zon es t o be bypassed, u p t o f i ve zon es i n each com m an d. M u l t i pl e Zon e B ypass Exam pl e: u ser  code + B YPA SS [6] + 003 004 005 007 009. I f you want  t o bypass al l fault ed zones (F or ced B ypass), en t er  y ou r  user  code + BYPASS k ey  [6] + [#] + [0]. Th e F or ced B ypass f eat u r e must  be en abl ed by y ou r  i n st al l er :  [   ] yes       [   ] no USER CODES To Add a User IMPORTANT: T em por ar y u ser s should not be shown how to use any system function they do n ot  need t o k n ow  (e.g. bypassi ng pr ot ect i on  zon es). E n t er  M ast er  code + CODE key [8] + 2-t w o di gi t  user no.  + 4-di gi t  n ew  u ser ’s code.  U ser  nu m ber s 02 t hr ough 96 ar e availabl e w i t h  v ar i ous au t h or i t y l evel s. Note that User no. 01 i s u sed f or  t h e M ast er  code AUTHORITY LEVEL:  E n t er  M ast er  code + CODE k ey [8] + 2-di gi t  u ser  n o. + [ #]  + [1] + si ngl e-digit  aut hor i t y  l ev el . For  aut h or i t y l ev el s, see def i ni t i on s bel ow . Level Title Explanation N/A Master Reserved for user 01; Can perform all system functions and assign codes. 0 Standard User Can only perform security functions. Cannot perform system functions reserved for the master user. 1 Arm Only Can only arm the system. Cannot disarm or do other functions 2 Guest Can arm the system and bypass zones, but cannot disarm the system unless the system was armed with this code. This code is typically assigned to someone (e.g., babysitter or cleaner) who has a need to arm/disarm the system only at certain times.  3 Duress Code Intended for use when you are forced to disarm or arm the system under threat. When used, the system will act normally, but can silently notify the Central Monitoring Station of your situation, if that service has been provided. To Change a User's Code Changing the Master code Enter Current Master code + CODE key [8] + 01 + 4-digit new code + 4-digit new code again. Changing a User code En t er  M ast er  code + CODE k ey  [8] + 2-t w o di gi t  u ser  n o. + 4-di gi t  new  u ser ’s code. To Delete a User E n t er  M ast er  code + CODE k ey  [8] + 2-digi t  u ser  code t o be del et ed + # + 0. A single con f i r m at i on  t one w i l l  be hear d and t h e code i s n o l on ger  f u n ct i onal . PLEASE GO TO THE BOTTOM OF PAGE 7 FOR FCC / IC AGENCY STATEMENTS.
– 5 –CHIME MODE You r  syst em  can be set  t o al er t  y ou  t o t h e open i n g of  a door  or  w i n dow  w h i l e i t  i s di sar m ed by u si ng CH I M E  m ode. Wh en  act i v at ed, t h r ee t on es sou n d at  t h e K eypad w h en ev er  a pr ot ect ed per i met er  door  or  wi n dow  i s open ed, and t h e “N ot  Ready” m essage is displayed. Pressing the READY [*] key displays t h e open  pr ot ect i on  poi n t s. N ot e t h at  Ch i me m ode can  be act i v at ed on l y w h en  t h e sy st em  i s di sar m ed. 1. To turn Chime Mode on, ent er  t h e secu r i t y code an d pr ess t he CHIME k ey  [9].2. To turn Chime Mode off, en t er  t h e secu r i t y  code an d pr ess t h e CHI ME k ey again.KEYPAD TONES Wh en  t h e K eypad i s gen er at i n g a per i odi c beep (on ce per  m i n u t e), pr essi n g t h e [ * ]  k ey  pr ovi des m or e infor m at i on .  Wh en  t h e sy st em  i s ar m ed an d t h er e i s a t r ou bl e con di t i on , t h e K ey pad di spl ay s “D ev i ce T r oubl e” .  Pr essi n g t h e [ * ] k ey  pr ovi des m or e i n f or m at i on. QUICK EXIT To st ar t  Qu i ck  Ex i t  w h en  en abl ed. St ay  M ode – E n t er  U ser  code + ST A Y k ey. I nst an t  M ode – E n t er  U ser  code + I N ST AN T k ey   N ight -St ay  M ode – With the system armed in Night-St ay  M ode and t h e ex i t  del ay ex pi r ed, en t er  U ser  code + ST A Y k ey  + ST A Y k ey . HOST CHECK-IN I f H ost  Ch eck -I n i n t er val  i s set  t o 200 secon ds, “D ow n l oad Com /U pl oad Com pl et ed”  m essage i s di spl ayed at  t h e K eypad ev er y 200 secon ds.  TEST MODE U se T est  m ode t o ch eck  each  pr ot ect i on  poi n t  f or  pr oper  oper at i on . Test i ng sh oul d be con du ct ed w eek l y  t o en su r e pr oper  oper at i on. 1. D i sar m  t h e syst em  and cl ose al l  pr ot ect ed w i n dow s, door s, etc.2. En t er  t he M ast er  code + [ 5]  (T E ST ), t h en  pr ess 1.3. L i st en. Th e ex t er n al  sou n der  sh ou l d sou n d f or  abou t  1 secon d t h en  t ur n of f .4. Fau l t  al l  zon es i n t u r n an d l i st en f or  t h r ee beeps f r om  t he k eypad. I D of  each  f au l t ed point should appearon  t h e k eypad di spl ay. T h e di spl ay cl ear s w h en  t he zon e i s cl osed. N ot e t h at  i f  w i r el ess m ot i on  det ect or sar e u sed, t h er e i s a 3-m i n u t e del ay bet ween  act i vat i ons. T h i s con ser ves bat t er y  l i fe.5. Test  al l  sm ok e an d CO det ect or s following the manufacturer's instructions and check the display.6. Wh en  al l  zon es h ave been  ch eck ed an d ar e i n t act  (cl osed), t h er e sh ou l d be n o zon e i den t i f i cat i onn u m ber s di spl ayed on  t h e k eypad.7. Exit test  m ode: secu r i t y code + [ 1]  (OF F).NOT E S: •Th e k eypad sou n ds a si n gl e beep abou t  ever y 60 seconds as a r emi n der  t hat  t h e syst em i s i n  t he T estm ode. •A l ar m  m essages ar e n ot  sen t  t o y ou r  Cen t r al  St at i on  w h i l e Test  m ode i s on .•I f a pr obl em i s exper i en ced w i t h  an y pr ot ect i on poi n t  (no con f i r mi n g sou n ds, n o di spl ay), cal l  f or  ser v i cei m m edi at el y .•I f t he t est  m ode i s i nadv er t en t l y l ef t  act i ve, i t  aut om at i cal l y t u r n s of f  af t er  30 m i nu t es. D u r i n g t h e f i n alf i v e m i n u t es, t h e k ey pad w i l l  em i t  a dou bl e beep ev er y 30 secon ds.PLEASE GO TO THE BOTTOM OF PAGE 7 FOR FCC / IC AGENCY STATEMENTS.
– 6 –REPLACING THE BATTERY IN A WALL MOUNTED KEYPAD 1. Rem ove t he r et ai n i n g scr ew  at  t h e bot t om  of  t he Key pad.2. Pr ess upwar d w i t h  y ou r  t h u m bs on  t h e bot t om  edge of  t he Key pad h ousi n g an d sl i d e t h e Keypad up withrespect  t o t h e w al l  mounting plat e, r em ov i ng t h e Keypad fr om t h e w al l  mounting pl at e.3. Rem ove t he pow er  h ar ness on  t h e ol d bat t er y  pack  t h at  con n ect s t o t h e pr i n t ed ci r cu i t  boar d.4. L i f t  t h e ol d bat t er y pack  f r om t h e Keypad an d r epl ace w i t h t he n ew  bat t er y p ack .5. Conn ect  t he pow er  h ar n ess t o t he printed circuit board.6. Repl ace t h e Keypad on t o t h e w al l  m ou n t i n g pl at e an d secu r e wi t h t h e r et ai n i n g scr ew .N OT E : A f t er  r epl aci n g t h e bat t er y an d r eat t ach i ng t h e Keypad t o t h e m ou n t i n g pl at e, en t er  t h e 4-digit secu r i t y  code + OF F  sequ en ce t w i ce t o cl ear  an y t r ou bl e con di t i on . REPLACING THE BATTERY IN A DESK MOUNTED KEYPAD 1. Pl ace t h e Key pad f ace dow n  on  a l ev el  su r f ace.2. Rem ove t wo scr ew s an d l i f t  u p D esk  St an d u p and aw ay  fr om t h e Key pad t o ex pose t h e bat t er y pack .3. Rem ove t he pow er  h ar ness on  t h e ol d battery pack that connects to the printed circuit board.4. L i f t  t h e ol d bat t er y pack  f r om t h e Keypad an d r epl ace w i t h t he n ew  bat t er y pack .5. Conn ect  t he pow er  h ar n ess t o t h e pr i n t ed ci r cu i t  boar d.6. Pl ace t h e t abs on  t h e D esk  St an d i n t o t h e appr opr i at e sl ot s an d secu r e w i t h  t w o scr ews.N OT E : A f t er  r epl aci n g t h e bat t er y an d r eat t ach i ng t h e Keypad t o t h e m ou n t i n g pl at e, en t er  t h e 4-digit secu r i t y  code + OF F  sequ en ce t w i ce t o cl ear  an y t r ou bl e con di t i on . PLEASE GO TO THE BOTTOM OF PAGE 7 FOR FCC / IC AGENCY STATEMENTS.
– 7 –THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM While this system is an advanced design security system, it does not offer guaranteed protection against burglary or fire or other emergency. Any alarm system, whether commercial or residential, is subject to compromise or failure to warn for a variety of reasons. For example: •Intruders may gain access through unprotected openings or have the technical sophistication to bypass an alarm sensor or disconnect an alarm warningdevice.•Intrusion detectors (e.g., passive infrared detectors), smoke detectors, and many other sensing devices will not work without power. Battery-operated devices will not work without batteries, with dead batteries, or if the batteries are not put in properly. Devices powered solely by AC will not work if their ACpower supply is cut off for any reason, however briefly.•Signals sent by wireless transmitters may be blocked or reflected by metal before they reach the alarm receiver. Even if the signal path has been recentlychecked during a weekly test, blockage can occur if a metal object is moved into the path.•A user may not be able to reach a panic or emergency button quickly enough.•While smoke detectors have played a key role in reducing residential fire deaths in the United States, they may not activate or provide early warning for avariety of reasons in as many as 35% of all fires, according to data published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Some of the reasons smokedetectors used in conjunction with this System may not work are as follows. Smoke detectors may have been improperly installed and positioned. Smokedetectors may not sense fires that start where smoke cannot reach the detectors, such as in chimneys, in walls, or roofs, or on the other side of closed doors.Smoke detectors also may not sense a fire on another level of a residence or building. A second-floor detector, for example, may not sense a first-floor orbasement fire. Moreover, smoke detectors have sensing limitations. No smoke detector can sense every kind of fire every time. In general, detectors may not always warn about fires caused by carelessness and safety hazards like smoking in bed, violent explosions, escaping gas, improper storage of flammablematerials, overloaded electrical circuits, children playing with matches, or arson. Depending upon the nature of the fire and/or the locations of the smokedetectors, the detector, even if it operates as anticipated, may not provide sufficient warning to allow all occupants to escape in time to prevent injury ordeath•Passive Infrared Motion Detectors can only detect intrusion within the designed ranges as diagrammed in their installation manual. Passive InfraredDetectors do not provide volumetric area protection. They do create multiple beams of protection, and intrusion can only be detected in unobstructed areascovered by those beams. They cannot detect motion or intrusion that takes place behind walls, ceilings, floors, closed doors, glass partitions, glass doors, or windows. Mechanical tampering, masking, painting or spraying of any material on the mirrors, windows or any part of the optical system can reduce theirdetection ability. Passive Infrared Detectors sense changes in temperature; however, as the ambient temperature of protected area approaches thetemperature range of 90° to 105°F, the detection performance can decrease.•Alarm warning devices such as sirens, bells, or horns may not alert people or wake up sleepers if they are located on the other side of closed or partly opendoors. If warning devices sound on a different level of the residence from the bedrooms, then they are less likely to waken or alert people inside thebedrooms. Even persons who are awake may not hear the warning if the alarm is muffled from a stereo, radio, air conditioner or other appliance, or bypassing traffic. Finally, alarm warning devices, however loud, may not warn hearing-impaired people or waken deep sleepers.•Telephone lines needed to transmit alarm signals from a premises to a central monitoring station may be out of service or temporarily out of service.Telephone lines are also subject to compromise by sophisticated intruders.•Even if the system responds to the emergency as intended, however, occupants may have insufficient time to protect themselves from the emergencysituation. In the case of a monitored alarm system, authorities may not respond appropriately.•This equipment, like other electrical devices, is subject to component failure. Even though this equipment is designed to last as long as 10 years, theelectronic components could fail at any time. The most common cause of an alarm system not functioning when an intrusion or fire occurs is inadequate maintenance. This alarm system should be tested weekly to make sure all sensors and transmitters are working properly. Installing an alarm system may make one eligible for lower insurance rates, but an alarm system is not a substitute for insurance. Homeowners, property owners, and renters should continue to act prudently in protecting themselves and continue to insure their lives and property. We continue to develop new and improved protection devices. Users of alarm systems owe it to themselves and their loved ones to learn about these developments. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION & INDUSTRY CANADA STATEMENTS FOR TSSBU111011U FCC ID: CFS8DLTSSCBASE, IC: 573F-TSSCBASE, IC MODEL: TSSCBASE The user shall not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless authorized by the Installation Instructions or User's Manual. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. CLASS B DIGITAL DEVICE STATEMENT This equipment has been tested to FCC requirements and has been found acceptable for use. The FCC requires the following statement for your information: This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: •  If using an indoor antenna, have a quality outdoor antenna installed.•  Reorient the receiving antenna until interference is reduced or eliminated.•  Move the radio or television receiver away from the receiver/control.•  Move the antenna leads away from any wire runs to the receiver/control.•  Plug the receiver/control into a different outlet so that it and the radio or television receiver are on different branch circuits.•  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.INDUSTRY CANADA CLASS B STATEMENT This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. FCC / IC STATEMENT This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules, and RSS210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Cet appareil est conforme à la partie 15 des règles de la FCC & de RSS 210 des Industries Canada. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux conditions suivantes: (1) Cet appareil ne doit pas causer d’interférences nuisibles. (2) Cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence reçue y compris les interférences causant une réception indésirable. RF Exposure Warning – The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 7.8 inches (20 cm) from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedures.Mise en Garde -- Exposition aux Frequences Radio: L'antenne (s) utilisée pour cet émetteur doit être installée à  une distance de séparation d'au moins 7,8 pouces (20 cm) de toutes les personnes.PLEASE GO TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE FOR FCC / IC AGENCY STATEMENTS.
LIMITED WARRANTY Terms and Conditions Applying to Sale of Equipment 1. Limited Warranty.Any part of the system, including the wiring, installed under this Agreement which proves to be defective in material or workmanship within 90 days of the date of completion of installation will be repaired or replaced at ADT's option with a new functionally operative part. Labor and material required to repair or replace such defective components or to make mechanical adjustments to the system will be free of charge for a period of 90 days following the completion of the original installation. This warranty is extended only to the original consumer purchaser of the system and may be enforced only by such person. To obtain service under this warranty, call or write our local ADT Service Department at the telephone number or address found in your local yellow pages. Service pursuant to the warranty will be furnished only during ADT's normal working hours 8:00A.M. to 4:30P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Services rendered outside the normal working hours of ADT are not within the scope of this warranty and any services requested to be performed at such times shall be charged for at ADT's then applicable rates for labor and material. This warranty does not apply to the conditions listed below, and in the event customer calls ADT for service under the warranty and upon inspection it is found that one of these conditions has led to the inoperability or apparent inoperability of the system, a charge will be made for the service call of the ADT representative, whether or not he actually works on the system. Should it actually be necessary to make repairs to the system due to one of the "conditions Not Covered By Warranty", a charge will be made for such work at ADT's then applicable rates for labor and material.Conditions Not Covered By Warranty. Damage from accidents, acts of God, alterations, misuse, tampering or abuse.  B. Failure of the customer to properly close or secure a door, window, or other point protected by a burglar alarm device.  C. Failure of customer to properly follow operating instructions provided by ADT at time of installation or at a later date.  D. Trouble in leased telephone.  E. Trouble due to interruption of commercial power.  F. Battery replacements. This warranty is in lieu of all other express warranties. Any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are limited in duration to a period of 90 days from the date of completion of installation. The exclusive remedy of the customer hereunder shall be repair or replacement as stated above. Under no circumstances shall ADT be liable to the customer or any other person for incidental or consequential damages of any nature, including without limitation, damages for personal injury or damages to property, and, however occasioned, whether alleged as resulting from breach of warranty by ADT, the negligence of ADT, or otherwise, ADT's liability will in no event exceed the purchase price of the system. Some states may not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you, unless a longer period is required by applicable law. Any action against ADT in connection with a system must be commenced within one year after the cause of action has occurred. No agent, employee or representative of ADT or any other person is authorized to modify this warranty in any respect. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. 2. Installation.ADT agrees to install the equipment in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the following conditions: Customer will make premises available without interruption during ADT normal working hours 8:00A.M. to 4:30P.M., Monday through Friday, except Holidays.  B. Customer understands that the installation will necessitate drilling into various parts of the premises: ADT intends, generally, to conceal wiring in the finished areas of the premises; however, there may be areas which, due to construction, decoration, or furnishing of the premises, ADT determines, in its sole discretion, that it would be impractical to conceal wiring and, in such cases, wiring will be exposed.  C. Customer agrees to provide 110 VAC electrical outlets at designated locations for equipment requiring AC power.  D. Customer to provide for lifting and replacing carpeting, if required, for installation of floor mats or wiring. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the written permission of ADT Security Services. The material in this publication is for information purposes and subject to change without notice. ADT Security Services assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this publication. ADT Security Services 1501 Yamato Rd Boca Raton, FL 33431 Copyright © 2013 ÊK0667DŠ 800-13959  11/13  Rev. B PLEASE GO TO THE BOTTOM OF PAGE 7 FOR FCC / IC AGENCY STATEMENTS.

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