Honeywell MKXXII Installation Manual MK II EGPWS For Rotorwing Aircraft User To The 9007811f 9995 4f22 9775 C9ea39d8fc10
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Airlines & Cvionics Products Honeywell International, Inc. 15001 N.E. 36 th Street Redmond, WA 98052 MK XXII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System for Rotorwing Aircraft Installation Manual 060-4314-225 Rev C Part Numbers: 965-1590-006 965-1590-008 965-1590-010 965-1590-011 Release Date: 12/14/00 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV:C SHEET 1 OF 254 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual This document is an unpublished work. Copyright 2000 Honeywell, International, Inc. All rights reserved. This document and all information and expression contained herein are the property of Honeywell International Inc., and is provided to the recipient in confidence on a “need to know” basis. Your use of this document is strictly limited to a legitimate business purpose requiring the information contained therein. Your use of this document constitutes acceptance of these terms. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 2 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Typed names constitute approval signatures. Actual signatures are on file at Honeywell in Redmond, WA. DRAWN Dennis Martin 12/8/00 CHECK Sara Stark 12/8/00 ENGR Dennis Martin 12/8/00 Dennis Martin 12/8/00 MFG QA APVD APVD REVISIONS SH REV ALL A DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED 8/9/01 S. Wright 8/9/01 D. Martin 3/22/02 D. Martin 3/22/02 R Gilliland 6/07/02 D Martin 6/7/02 T Curtis Added Software –008 Revisions. Reason: 01 Severity: 10 ALL B Added Software –010 Revisions. Reason: 01 Severity: 10 ALL C Added Software –011 Revisions. Reason: 01 Severity: 10 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 3 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 4 Honeywell MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I – GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................ 16 1.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 16 1.2 APPLICABILITY .................................................................................................................................... 16 1.3 HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ........................................................................................................... 16 1.4 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................... 17 1.5 DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT............................................................................................................... 18 1.5.1 MK XXII EGPWS Computer........................................................................................................ 19 1.5.2 MK XXII EGPWS Configuration Module .................................................................................... 19 1.5.3 GPS Antenna................................................................................................................................ 19 1.5.4 OAT Sensor.................................................................................................................................. 19 1.5.5 Smart Cable (PCMCIA Interface)................................................................................................ 20 1.6 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................... 21 1.7 UNITS SUPPLIED .................................................................................................................................. 22 1.7.1 MK XXII EGPWS......................................................................................................................... 22 note 1: -0XX defines the Application software version ......................................................................... 22 1.7.2 Configuration Module.................................................................................................................. 22 1.7.3 Smart Cable (PCMCIA Interface)................................................................................................ 22 1.8 INSTALLATION AND ACCESSORIES KITS .............................................................................................. 24 1.8.1 MK XXII EGPWS Installation Kits .............................................................................................. 24 1.8.2 RS-232 Cable ............................................................................................................................... 24 1.8.3 Smart Cable ................................................................................................................................. 24 1.8.4 Terrain Database Cards .............................................................................................................. 25 1.8.5 Flight History Card ..................................................................................................................... 25 1.9 ACCESSORIES REQUIRED BUT NOT SUPPLIED....................................................................................... 25 1.9.1 ARINC 453 Terrain Display wiring ............................................................................................. 25 1.9.2 GPS Antenna & cable .................................................................................................................. 26 1.9.3 Circuit Breaker ............................................................................................................................ 26 1.9.4 Annunciators & Switch/Annunciators.......................................................................................... 26 GPWS Warning (red) P/TEST; switch/annunciator assembly............................................................... 26 GPWS Caution (amber) G/S CANCLD switch/annunciator assembly.................................................. 27 LOW ALT / ON switch/annunciator assembly...................................................................................... 27 TERR INHIB / ON switch/annunciator assembly ................................................................................. 27 AUDIO INHIBIT / ON switch/annunciator assembly........................................................................... 27 GPWS INOP / TERR INOP annunciator assemblies............................................................................. 27 TERR DISPLAY / ON switch/annunciator assemblies ......................................................................... 27 1.10 COCKPIT SPEAKER (OPTIONAL)......................................................................................................... 27 1.11 TOOLS REQUIRED .............................................................................................................................. 2 8 1.11.1 Crimping Tool - P1, P2, P3 ...................................................................................................... 28 1.11.2 Contact Positioner - P1, P2, P3................................................................................................ 28 Proprietary notice on title page applies CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 5 Honeywell MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide 1.11.3 Insertion/Removal Tool - P1, P2, P3 .................................................................................... .... 28 1.11.4 Spare Contacts - P1, P2, P3 ...................................................................................................... 28 1.12 LICENSE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................... 28 SECTION II - INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................... ........................ 33 2.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 33 2.2 UNPACKING AND INSPECTING THE EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................... 33 2.3 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................. 33 2.3.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 33 2.3.2 MK XXII Computer Location....................................................................................................................... 34 2.3.3 MK XXII Computer Installation................................................................................................................... 34 2.3.4 Configuration Module Location .................................................................................................................. 35 2.3.5 Configuration Module Installation .............................................................................................................. 35 2.3.6 GPS Antenna location.................................................................................................................................. 44 2.3.7 GPS Antenna Installation ............................................................................................................................ 44 2.3.8 OAT Sensor Location................................................................................................................................... 44 2.3.9 OAT Sensor Installation............................................................................................................................... 44 2.3.10 Cockpit Annunciators / Switches................................................................................................................ 44 Description ............................................................................................................................................................ 45 Location................................................................................................................................................................. 46 Inhibit Switch Functions and Selection ................................................................................................................. 48 Terrain Inhibit ................................................................................................................................................ 48 Audio Inhibit (Timed) .................................................................................................................................... 48 Audio Inhibit (Not Described Above) ............................................................................................................ 48 Low Altitude Mode ........................................................................................................................................ 48 SECTION III – SYSTEM PLANNING .................................................................................................................................57 3.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 57 3.2 SYSTEM WIRING/ ELECTRICAL INTERFACES........................................................................................ 57 3.2.1 Primary Power Input ................................................................................................................................................57 3.2.2 Chassis Ground ........................................................................................................................................................57 3.2.3 GPS Antenna.............................................................................................................................................................58 3.2.4 Analog and Digital Inputs.........................................................................................................................................58 3.2.5 Discrete Inputs..........................................................................................................................................................58 3.2.6 Serial Outputs ...........................................................................................................................................................58 3.2.7 Audio Output.............................................................................................................................................................59 3.2.8 Discrete Outputs .......................................................................................................................................................59 3.2.9 Configuration Module...............................................................................................................................................59 3.3 CONFIGURABLE INTERFACES ............................................................................................................... 60 3.3.1 Category 1 - Aircraft / Mode Type Select .................................................................................................................60 Aircraft / Mode Type ............................................................................................................................. 60 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 60 Generic Helicopter with and without Torque......................................................................................... 60 Proprietary notice on title page applies CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 6 Honeywell MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide 3.3.2 Category 2 – Air Data Input Select....................................................................................... ....................................61 Instructions ........................................................................................................... ................................. 61 Examples ............................................................................................................... ................................ 62 Analog altitude and 500 ohm OAT ........................................................................................ ........... 62 Digital – ARINC 429 (Cat. 2 ID 5, 1, 6) ........................................................................................... 63 Digital –ARINC 575 (Cat. 2 ID 2) .................................................................................................... 64 Shadin 2000 (Cat. 2 ID 10) ............................................................................................................... 65 Digital – ARINC 429 Dual IOC Buses (Cat. 2. ID 255) ................................................................... 66 3.3.3 Category 3 – Position Input Select ...........................................................................................................................67 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 67 ARINC 743 Format ............................................................................................................................... 67 3.3.3.Examples .................................................................................................................................................. 68 ARINC 429 BUS (Cat. 3 ID 0,1,4,5)................................................................................................. 68 RS-232 Transmit-Receive, 9600 baud (Cat. 3 ID 3) ......................................................................... 68 Dual ARINC 429 BUS (Cat. 3 ID 255)............................................................................................. 69 3.3.4 Category 4 – Altitude Callouts .................................................................................................................................70 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 70 3.3.5 Category 5 – Audio Menu Select ..............................................................................................................................71 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 71 3.3.6 Category 6 – Terrain Display Select ........................................................................................................................72 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 72 TAD Selection ....................................................................................................................................... 72 Terrain Display Configuration Group.................................................................................................... 73 Display Input Control Group ................................................................................................................. 75 Output 429 Bus Group........................................................................................................................... 75 Example................................................................................................................................................. 75 3.3.7 Category 7 – Options Select Group #1 .....................................................................................................................81 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 81 Steep Approach (Not Available in the Mk XXII) .................................................................................. 81 TA&D Alternate Pop-up........................................................................................................................ 81 Peaks Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 82 Obstacle Awareness............................................................................................................................... 82 Bank Angle Callout Enabling ................................................................................................................ 82 WOW Reversal...................................................................................................................................... 83 GPS Altitude Reference......................................................................................................................... 83 3.3.8 Category 8 – Radio Altitude Input Select..................................................................................................................84 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 84 Example................................................................................................................................................. 84 Digital Radio Altitude Interface ........................................................................................................ 84 Analog Radio Altitude Interface........................................................................................................ 85 3.3.9 Category 9 – Navigation Inputs Select .....................................................................................................................86 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 86 Example................................................................................................................................................. 87 Proprietary notice on title page applies CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 7 Honeywell MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide Analog Glideslope Interface (cat. 9 ID 0,1,5) ................................................................................... 87 Digital Glideslope/Localizer Interface .............................................................................................. 88 Dual Glideslope Receiver.................................................................................................................. 88 3.3.10 Category 10 – Attitude Input Select ..................................................................................... ...................................89 Attitude Signals ...................................................................................................... ............................. 89 Instructions .......................................................................................................... ................................ 89 Example............................................................................................................... ................................ 90 Analog Roll Angle (Synchro)........................................................................................... ............... 90 Digital ARINC 429 High Speed.......................................................................................... ............ 91 3.3.11 Category 11 – Heading Input Select .......................................................................................................................92 Instructions .......................................................................................................................................... 92 Magnetic Heading................................................................................................................................ 92 Example............................................................................................................................................... 93 Analog Heading (Synchro) (CAT. 11 ID 0) ................................................................................. 93 Digital ARINC 429 High Speed................................................................................................... 94 3.3.12 Category 12 – Windshear Input Select ...................................................................................................................95 Instruction............................................................................................................................................ 95 3.3.13 Category 13 – Input / Output Discrete Type Select ................................................................................................96 Instruction............................................................................................................................................ 96 Input/Output Discretes......................................................................................................................... 96 Audio Inhibit Discrete ..................................................................................................................... 97 Landing Gear Discrete..................................................................................................................... 97 Weight ON Wheels (WOW) Discrete ............................................................................................. 97 Glideslope Cancel Discrete ............................................................................................................. 98 Mode 6 Low Volume Discrete ........................................................................................................ 98 Autopilot Engaged Discrete ............................................................................................................ 98 Terrain Awareness Inhibit ............................................................................................................... 99 Self Test Discrete .......................................................................................................................... 99 Glideslope Inhibit Discrete............................................................................................................ 99 Timed Audio Inhibit Discrete...................................................................................................... 100 Low Altitude Mode Select Discrete ............................................................................................ 100 Output Discretes.......................................................................................................................... 100 Lamp Format ............................................................................................................................... 100 GPWS INOP Discrete ................................................................................................................. 101 TAD INOP Discrete .................................................................................................................... 101 GPWS Warning Discrete............................................................................................................. 101 GPWS Alert Discrete .................................................................................................................. 101 Glideslope Cancel Discrete ......................................................................................................... 101 TCAS Inhibit Discrete................................................................................................................. 101 Terrain Display Select #1 & #2 Discrete ..................................................................................... 102 Timed Audio Inhibit Discrete...................................................................................................... 102 Low Altitude Mode Discrete ....................................................................................................... 102 3.3.14 Category 14 – Audio Output Level .......................................................................................................................104 Proprietary notice on title page applies CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 8 Honeywell MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide Instructions .......................................................................................................... .............................. 104 3.3.15 Category 15, Autorotation Threshold ..................................................................................... ..............................105 Instruction........................................................................................................... ............................... 105 SECTION IV – CONFIGURATION MODULE PROGRAMMING AND REGIONAL TERRAIN DATABASE LOADING........................................................................................................................................................109 4.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 109 4.2 HARNESS CHECKOUT AND POWER CHECK ........................................................................................ 109 4.3 UNIT INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................................... 109 4.4 EGPWC INITIALIZATION AND CONFIGURATION ............................................................................... 109 4.4.1 RS-232 Communication with the MK XXII EGPWS .................................................................. 109 4.4.2 EGPWC Front Panel Test Connector........................................................................................ 110 4.4.3 WinVIEWS ................................................................................................................................. 110 4.4.4 WinVIEWS Operation ................................................................................................................ 111 4.5 CONFIGURATION MODULE PROGRAMMING ....................................................................................... 111 4.5.1 CUW and CMR Commands ....................................................................................................... 113 4.5.2 Configuration Module Reprogramming..................................................................................... 114 4.6 REGIONAL TERRAIN DATABASE LOADING ........................................................................................ 115 4.6.1 Effectivity ................................................................................................................................... 115 4.6.2 Description ................................................................................................................................ 115 4.6.3 Approval .................................................................................................................................... 115 4.6.4 Material – Cost and Availability................................................................................................ 116 4.6.5 Accomplishment Instructions ..................................................................................................... 117 4.6.6 Verification of the Terrain Database Version............................................................................ 118 SECTION V – CERTIFICATION 124 5.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 124 5.2 CERTIFICATION PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................. 124 5.2.2 Equipment Location ...............................................................................................................................................124 5.2.3 FAA Requirements .................................................................................................................................................124 5.2.4 Ground Test ...........................................................................................................................................................124 5.2.5 Flight Manual Revision .........................................................................................................................................124 5.2.6 Flight Test ..............................................................................................................................................................125 5.2.7 Pilots Guide ...........................................................................................................................................................125 5.2.8 Failure Modes, Effects, and Safety Analysis ..........................................................................................................125 5.2.9 Existing STC’s .......................................................................................................................................................125 APPENDIX A.........................................................................................................................................................................127 CUSTOMER WORKSHEET ...............................................................................................................................................127 APPENDIX B .........................................................................................................................................................................139 SAMPLE WIRING DIAGRAMS.........................................................................................................................................139 Proprietary notice on title page applies CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 9 Honeywell MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide APPENDIX C..................................................................................................................... ....................................................143 WINVIEWS OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................ ...................143 APPENDIX D..................................................................................................................... ....................... 149 VENDOR DRAWINGS................................................................................................................ ............ 149 D 1-0 VENDOR CONTACT INFORMATION................................................................................................. 151 D1-1 EDMO................................................................................................................................. 153 D1-2 EMTEQ ............................................................................................................................... 154 GPS - RF Cable Sets......................................................................................................................... 154 TABLE 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 156 Table 2.A.1 Connectors (for TFLX cable series) - GPS ................................................................... 156 TABLE 2 (continued) .......................................................................................................................... 157 Table 2.B.1 Connectors (for PFLX cable series) – GPS.................................................................... 157 TOOL FRAME AND DIE PART NUMBERS....................................................................................... 158 INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS:........................................................................................................... 159 D1-3 Aerospace Optics ................................................................................................................ 160 AEROSPACE OPTICS INC.................................................................................................................... 160 LED LIGHTING ...................................................................................................................................... 160 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................166 E1 PART NUMBER..........................................................................................................................................................166 E2 PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................................................166 E3 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................................166 E4 ELECTRICAL INTERFACE ..................................................................................................................................167 E 4.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................167 E 4.2 Signal Interfaces ..............................................................................................................................................167 E 4.2.1 Grounds ...........................................................................................................................................................167 E 4.2.2 Primary Power Input .......................................................................................................................................167 E 4.2.3 DC Analog Inputs ............................................................................................................................................168 E 4.2.7 AC Analog Inputs.............................................................................................................................................170 E 4.2.9 ARINC 429/575 Digital Serial Bus Inputs .......................................................................................................172 E RS-232 / RS-422 Digital Serial Bus Inputs ..................................................................................................173 E 4.2.10 Discrete Inputs .............................................................................................................................................174 E 4.2.11 Configuration Module Interface ..................................................................................................................175 E 4.2.12 GPS Antenna Input ......................................................................................................................................175 E 4.2.13 OAT Voltage Reference Output....................................................................................................................176 E 4.2.14 Lamp Driver Outputs ...................................................................................................................................176 E 4.2.16 Audio Outputs ..............................................................................................................................................176 E 4.2.17 ARINC Digital Serial Output Busses ...........................................................................................................177 Proprietary notice on title page applies CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 10 Honeywell MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide E ARINC 429 Output Bus................................................................................................. ...........................177 E ARINC 453 Output Bus................................................................................................. ...........................178 E 4.2.18 FRONT PANEL TEST INTERFACE........................................................................................................................178 E RS-232 MAINTENANCE PORT (SERIAL PORT 4).............................................................................................178 E PCMCIA / SmartCable Port ....................................................................................................................179 E GSE Present Discrete Input .....................................................................................................................179 E 4.2.19 E5 FRONT PANEL STATUS INDICATORS .................................................................................................................179 AIRCRAFT APPLICATION DATA .......................................................................................................................180 E 5.1 CONFIGURATION TYPES........................................................................................................................................180 E 5.2 CONFIGURATION SELECTION ................................................................................................................................180 E 5.3 Configuration Selection Tables........................................................................................................................182 E 5.3.1 Category 1, Aircraft / Mode Type Select..........................................................................................................183 E 5.3.2 Category 2, Air Data Input Select....................................................................................................................189 E 5.3.3 Category 3, Position Input Select ...................................................................................................................195 E 5.3.4 Category 4, Altitude Callouts ..........................................................................................................................199 E 5.3.5 Category 5, Audio Menu Select........................................................................................................................201 E 5.3.6 Category 6, Terrain Display Select..................................................................................................................202 E 5.3.7 Category 7, Options 1 Select ...........................................................................................................................231 E 5.3.8 Category 8, Radio Altitude Input Select...........................................................................................................233 E 5.3.9 Category 9, Navigation Input Select ................................................................................................................236 E 5.3.10 Category 10, Attitude Input Select ...............................................................................................................238 E 5.3.11 Category 11, Heading Input Select ..............................................................................................................240 E 5.3.12 Category 12, Windshear Input Select...........................................................................................................241 E 5.3.13 Category 13, Input / Output Discrete Type Select .......................................................................................242 E 5.3.14 Category 14, Audio Output Level ................................................................................................................245 E 5.3.15 Category 15, Autorotation Threshold ..........................................................................................................246 E6 CONNECTOR INTERFACE ...................................................................................................................................247 E 6.1 E7 PINOUT FOR FRONT CONNECTORS SORTED BY PIN NUMBER .................................................................................247 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................252 Proprietary notice on title page applies CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 11 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION I GENERAL INFORMATION CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 12 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 13 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION I – GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION I – GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................ 16 1.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 16 1.2 APPLICABILITY .................................................................................................................................... 16 1.3 HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ........................................................................................................... 16 1.4 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................... 17 1.5 DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT............................................................................................................... 18 1.5.1 MK XXII EGPWS Computer........................................................................................................ 19 1.5.2 MK XXII EGPWS Configuration Module .................................................................................... 19 1.5.3 GPS Antenna................................................................................................................................ 19 1.5.4 OAT Sensor.................................................................................................................................. 19 1.5.5 Smart Cable (PCMCIA Interface)................................................................................................ 20 1.6 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................... 21 1.7 UNITS SUPPLIED .................................................................................................................................. 22 1.7.1 MK XXII EGPWS......................................................................................................................... 22 note 1: -0XX defines the Application software version ......................................................................... 22 1.7.2 Configuration Module.................................................................................................................. 22 1.7.3 Smart Cable (PCMCIA Interface)................................................................................................ 22 1.8 INSTALLATION AND ACCESSORIES KITS .............................................................................................. 24 1.8.1 MK XXII EGPWS Installation Kits .............................................................................................. 24 1.8.2 RS-232 Cable ............................................................................................................................... 24 1.8.3 Smart Cable ................................................................................................................................. 24 1.8.4 Terrain Database Cards .............................................................................................................. 25 1.8.5 Flight History Card ..................................................................................................................... 25 1.9 ACCESSORIES REQUIRED BUT NOT SUPPLIED....................................................................................... 25 1.9.1 ARINC 453 Terrain Display wiring ............................................................................................. 25 1.9.2 GPS Antenna & cable .................................................................................................................. 26 1.9.3 Circuit Breaker ............................................................................................................................ 26 1.9.4 Annunciators & Switch/Annunciators.......................................................................................... 26 GPWS Warning (red) P/TEST; switch/annunciator assembly............................................................... 26 GPWS Caution (amber) G/S CANCLD switch/annunciator assembly.................................................. 27 LOW ALT / ON switch/annunciator assembly...................................................................................... 27 TERR INHIB / ON switch/annunciator assembly ................................................................................. 27 AUDIO INHIBIT / ON switch/annunciator assembly........................................................................... 27 GPWS INOP / TERR INOP annunciator assemblies............................................................................. 27 TERR DISPLAY / ON switch/annunciator assemblies ......................................................................... 27 1.10 COCKPIT SPEAKER (OPTIONAL)......................................................................................................... 27 1.11 TOOLS REQUIRED .............................................................................................................................. 2 8 1.11.1 Crimping Tool - P1, P2, P3 ...................................................................................................... 28 1.11.2 Contact Positioner - P1, P2, P3................................................................................................ 28 1.11.3 Insertion/Removal Tool - P1, P2, P3 ........................................................................................ 28 1.11.4 Spare Contacts - P1, P2, P3 ...................................................................................................... 28 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 14 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 1.12 LICENSE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................... 28 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 15 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION I – GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Introduction The Honeywell MK XXII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (MK XXII EGPWS) provides alerts and warnings to prevent controlled flight into terrain (CFIT). This Installation Manual must be used in conjunction with the Interface Description Document (Appendix E) for the MK XXII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (MK XXII EGPWS) to select features and design the installation for this system. It is assumed that the user of this document is familiar with avionics installation practices and helicopter systems associated with the installation and operation of the MK XXII EGPWS. It also assumes access to pertinent aircraft wiring diagrams, modification records and manuals. The information contained herein, together with general procedures outlined in FAA AC.43.13 must be followed carefully to assure a safe, electrically sound, certifiable and operational installation. The contents of this document are for information and reference only and must not be construed as formal FAA approved work authorization. 1.2 Applicability This manual is applicable only to MK XXII EGPWS computers with the following part number: MK XXII 965-1590-0XX Part numbers 965-1590-0XX include an internal GPS card. 1.3 How To Use This Docu ment Section 1 provides a system overview. Section 2 provides mechanical installation and location information. Section 3 provides information and instructions for selecting required features of the EGPWS. Section 4 provides Configuration Module programming instructions. Section 5 provides certification requirements. Appendix A Customer Worksheet. Appendix B Sample Wiring Diagrams. Appendix C provides WinViews operation instructions. Appendix D Vendor drawings. Appendix E Interface Description Document CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 16 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 1.4 Reference Documents Following is a list of Honeywell reference documents: 965-1590-601 Product Specification for the MK XXII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) 993-1176-401 Interface Control Document (ICD) for the MK VI/VIII/XXII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System 965-1590-206 Outline, MK XXII EGPWC 060-4326-000 EGPWS Terrain Database Airport Coverage List 060-4314-009 Generic RWFM Supplement For EGPWS 060-4314-200 Mk XXII Helicopter-Enhanced GPWS Pilot’s Guide 060-4314-006 General Flight Test Procedure 060-4167-167 Installation Ground Test Procedure for the Mk XXII EGPWS for Rotary Wing Aircraft 060-4314-002 Failures Modes, Effects, and Safety Analysis 060-4314-011 Line Maintenance Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 17 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 1.5 Description of Equipm ent The MK XXII EGPWS is a rack mount ground proximity warning (GPWS) and terrain display (TAWS) computer. Some of the system features include: ♦ Basic Helicopter Ground Proximity Warning Modes 1-5 ♦ Mode 6 Altitude, Bank Angle, and Tail Strike Callouts ♦ Terrain and Obstacle Awareness alert and display ♦ Terrain map with runways ♦ Internal GPS card ♦ Front loading updateable database ♦ External Configuration Module ♦ Internal heater blanket for operation outside of the heated area of the aircraft Fig 1.0 MK XXII EGPWC CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 18 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 1.5.1 MK XXII EGPWS Comp uter The MK XXII EGPWS computer is available under P/N 965-1590-0XX with internal GPS. The MK XXII EGPWS computer is intended for Helicopters and provides a mixture of analog and digital interfaces. The type of supported displays is limited and includes some EFIS displays. The terrain database included with the MK XXII EGPWS computer are North America, South America, Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, Pacific, South Pacific, and Middle East regions and are comprises of terrain data (6 arc second where available), all known airports, many heliports and man-made obstacles (North America only). 1.5.2 MK XXII EGPWS Conf iguration Module The MK XXII EGPWS Configuration Module is available under P/N 700-1710-001 (Included in Installation Kits, see section 1.8). The MK XXII EGPWS uses a Configuration Module installed in the aircraft wiring to store aircraft/EGPWS interface configuration.Specifically, the module comes prewired and replaces part of the backshell of the (P2) connector that plugs into the front of the MK XXII computer. The Configuration Module is read by the EGPWS only during power up. The configuration is copied into Non Volatile Memory (NVM) of the EGPWS. The Configuration Module is programmable via an RS-232 interface with the EGPWS. The contents of the Configuration Module can also be read back via the same RS-232 interface. 1.5.3 GPS Antenna EGPWS installations using the internal GPS require an active GPS antenna and cabling. The GPS antenna should meet the following qualifications: Frequency: 1575.42 MHz Impedance: 50 ohms Gain: 33dB max, 26.5 dB preferred Power: 5 VDC Qualification: TSO C129 or C129a or C144 The following GPS antennas are found to be compatible with the EGPWS internal GPS card. Other GPS antennas may be found compatible, contact EGPWS engineering for assistance. It is the responsibility of the OEM or owner/operator (and ultimately the regulatory authorities) to assess the antenna acceptance criteria relative to ARINC, MIL, or other specifications. King KA 91 P/N 071-01545-0200 TSO-C129 King KA 92 P/N 071-01553-0200 TSO-C129 Sensor Systems P/N S67-1575-52 TSO-C129, ARINC 743A Sensor Systems P/N S67-1575-133 TSO-C129a, ARINC 743A 1.5.4 OAT Sensor The OAT sensor is available from Computer Instruments Corp. (CIC) P/N 05257. The EGPWS uses a separate OAT sensor (Outside Air Temperature) to measure outside air temperature on CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 19 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual aircraft that do not have another compatible source of outside air temperature. Outside Air Temperature is used by the EGPWS along with pressure altitude in computing Geometric Altitude. If Outside Air Temperature is not available, Geometric Altitude is computed using pressure altitude with a corresponding reduction in accuracy. Geometric Altitude is computed by the EGPWS to reduce or eliminate errors potentially induced in corrected barometric altitude by temperature extremes, non-standard altitude conditions, and altimeter miss-sets. Geometric Altitude also allows continuous EGPWS operation in QFE environments without crew intervention. 1.5.5 Smart Cable (PCMCIA Interface) The EGPWS Smart Cable (part number 951-0386-001) is a removable PCMCIA card interface. The Smart Card is compatible with any Honeywell supplied EGPWS PCMCIA style cards. The purpose of the Smart Cable in the EGPWS system is for upload of software and databases and also for download of EGPWS Flight History. The Smart Card loading operation will closely emulate that of an ARINC 615 Data Loader. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 20 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual FIGURE 1-1 MK XXII EGPWS SMART CABLE 1.6 Technical Characteris tics MK XXII EGPWS TSO Compliance: TSO-C92c, TSO-C151a, class A Physical size (HxWxD): 6.20” x 3.04” x 10.30” Weight: 3.9 pounds maximum Mounting: Standard 3 inch King Radio rack Temperature (operational): -55°C to +70°C (F2) Altitude range: 55,000 feet (F2) Cooling: No cooling necessary Shock: No shock mounting required Power Consumption (28 VDC): 3 Amps 9 watts – no warning +7 watts – with warning over 8 ohm speaker +3 watts – with GPS card +49 watts – with heater blanket on Configuration Module TSO Compliance: CAGE CODE: 97896 same as MK XXII EGPWS SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 21 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Physical size: 2.68” x 1.51” x 0.32” (fits Positronic connector backshell) Weight: <1 pound with connector and backshell Mounting: Mounts to Positronic connector backshell Temperature (operational): same as MK XXII EGPWS Altitude range: same as MK XXII EGPWS Cooling: No cooling necessary Shock: No shock mounting required Power Consumption (5 VDC): from MK XXII EGPWS GPS Antenna Sensor See Manufacturer’s specifications Appendix D. OAT Sensor See Manufacturer’s specifications Appendix D. 1.7 Units Supplied 1.7.1 MK XXII EGPWS The MK XXII EGPWS The part number for the units is as follows: 965-1590-0XX with Internal GPS card note 1: -0XX defines the Application software version 1.7.2 Configuration Module The MK XXII EGPWS Configuration Module is available in one version. When ordering the Configuration Module, order part number 700-1710-001. 1.7.3 Smart Cable (PCMCIA Interface) The MK XXII EGPWS Smart Cable is available in one version. The Smart Cable is used for Line Maintenance, only one Smart Cable is required for an installation house or operator. When ordering the Smart Cable, order part number 951-0386-001. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 22 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 23 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 1.8 Installation and Acces sories Kits NOTE: Not all installation kits are immediately available, contact Honeywell Order Administration (425-885-8719) for availability. 1.8.1 MK XXII EGPWS Insta llation Kits (A) New EGPWS installation with OAT and Internal GPS The MK XXII EGPWS Installation Kit #1, P/N 755-7013-001, contains the following parts: Vendor Name Vendor P/N Description QTY UM Honeywell P/N Positronic Ind. DD78F1OJVLC-15 P1 connector 1 EA 440-1158-009 Positronic Ind. RD50F1OJVLC-15 P2 connector 1 EA 440-1233-001 Amphenol 79075 GPS Antenna connector 1 EA 440-1239-001 Honeywell 700-1710-001 Configuration Module 1 EA 700-1710-001 Bendix/King 071-04003-0002 Computer Mounting Tray 1 EA 405-0383-001 CIC 05257 OAT Sensor 1 EA 107-1049-001 CIC 05257-TOMK OAT mounting Kit 1 EA 107-1049-002 CIC 05257-TPIK OAT Connector Kit 1 EA 107-1049-003 (B) New EGPWS installation with Internal GPS The MK XXII EGPWS Installation Kit #5, P/N 755-7013-005, contains the following parts: Vendor Name Vendor P/N Description QTY UM Honeywell P/N Positronic Ind. DD78F1OJVLC-15 P1 connector 1 EA 440-1158-009 Positronic Ind. RD50F1OJVLC-15 P2 connector 1 EA 440-1233-001 Amphenol 79075 GPS Antenna connector 1 EA 440-1239-001 Honeywell 700-1710-001 Configuration Module 1 EA 700-1710-001 Bendix/King 071-04003-0002 Computer Mounting Tray 1 EA 405-0383-001 1.8.2 RS-232 Cable The MK XXII EGPWS RS-232 Cable can be ordered using the following part numbers: NOTE: The RS-232 Cable can be built by the Installer/Operator per the description in Section 4.4.2 Vendor Name Vendor P/N Description QTY UM Honeywell P/N Honeywell 704-2617-001 RS-232 Cable 1 EA 704-2617-001 1.8.3 Smart Cable The MK XXII EGPWS Smart Cable can be ordered using the following part numbers: Vendor Name Vendor P/N Description QTY UM Honeywell P/N Honeywell 951-0386-001 Smart Cable 1 EA 951-0386-001 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 24 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 1.8.4 Terrain Database Card s The MK XII EGPWS Terrain Database Cards can be ordered using the following part numbers: Vendor Name Vendor P/N Description QTY UM Honeywell P/N Honeywell 424NAM North America 1 EA 718-1447-xxx Honeywell 424SAM South America 1 EA 718-1448-xxx Honeywell 424EUR Europe 1 EA 718-1449-xxx Honeywell 424EEU Eastern Europe 1 EA 718-1450-xxx Honeywell 424AFR Africa 1 EA 718-1451-xxx Honeywell 424PAC Pacific 1 EA 718-1452-xxx Honeywell 424ASI Asia 1 EA 718-1453-xxx Honeywell 424SPA South Pacific 1 EA 718-1457-xxx Honeywell 424MES Middle East 1 EA 718-1458-xxx Honeywell 402-6075-xxx Label, TDB Front Panel 1 EA 402-6075-xxx 1.8.5 Flight History Card The Flight History Card is a PCMCIA card that has been loaded with a down load instruction file to allow the down loading of flight history data from an EGPWS. Flight History files contain status information, fault history and flight data from 20 seconds prior to 10 seconds after a EGPWS caution or warning event. The card is used to aid in troubleshooting systems faults and or nuisance warnings. The MK XXII EGPWS Flight History Card can be ordered using the following part numbers: Vendor Name Vendor P/N Description QTY UM Honeywell P/N Honeywell * Flight History Download 1 EA * * For flight history download cards call Honeywell GPWS Hotline 1 800 813-2099 1.9 Accessories Required but not Supplied 1.9.1 ARINC 453 Terrain Dis play wiring The Terrain display wiring (ARINC 453) must meet the display manufacturer’s specifications including termination method. ARINC 453 buss wiring must meet the following requirements: • Cable length must be less than 300 feet (91.4 meters). • Wire to wire capacitance must not exceed 50 pF/foot. • Shielded twisted pair with not less than one twist per inch. • Impedance of 78 ohms ±10% at 1 MHz. Vendor Name Vendor P/N Description QTY UM Pic Wire&Cable D620224 ARINC 453 cable A/R EA Pic Wire&Cable D5102QX Hi Temp Quadraxial A/R EA Pic Wire&Cable D771553 MIL-STD 1553 Data Bus A/R EA ECS 4122021 ARINC 453 cable A/R EA CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 Honeywell P/N REV: C SHEET 25 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Vendor Name Vendor P/N Description QTY UM Emteq D 07002-100 ARINC 453 Cable A/R EA M17/176-00002 Military Specification A/R EA Honeywell P/N 1.9.2 GPS Antenna & cable The GPS Antenna & cable can be ordered from their manufacturers using the following part numbers: Vendor Name Vendor P/N Description QTY UM Honeywell P/N Bendix/King 071-01545-0200 KA 91 GPS Antenna 1 EA Bendix/King 071-01553-0200 KA 92 GPS Antenna 1 EA 300-1147-001 Comant CI 405-2 KA 92 GPS Antenna 1 EA 300-1147-001 Bendix/King 050-03318-0000 Antenna Installation Kit OPT EA 405-0432-001 Sensor Systems S67-1575-38 S67 GPS Antenna 1 EA Sensor Systems S67-1575-52 S67 GPS Antenna 1 EA Sensor Systems S67-1575-133 S67 GPS Antenna 1 EA Thermax M17/128-RG400 Coax Cable, RG400 A/R EA Coax Cable, RG-142 A/R EA Amp 225554-6 TNC Angle Plug, Male 1 EA 440-1239-001 Amphenol 79075 TNC Angle Plug, Male 1 EA 440-1239-001 Honeywell P/N 1.9.3 Circuit Breaker The Circuit Breaker needs to be a 3 Amp delayed action circuit breaker. Vendor Name Vendor P/N Description QTY UM Klixon (T.I.) 7277-2-3 3 Amp Circuit Breaker, 1 EA 1 EA EGPWS power +28 Klixon (T.I.) 7277-2-1 1 Amp Circuit Breaker, lamp power +28 1.9.4 Annunciators & Switc h/Annunciators The devices shown below are switch/annunciators and are representative of those used in some installations. The installer/customer is cautioned to verify regulatory approval of the annunciation devices installed. See Appendix D for Vendors. GPWS Warning (red) P/TES T; switch/annunciator assembly The ‘GPWS’ annunciator provides visual indication of an EGPWS alert. The GPWS warning (red) annunciator also has a switch that is used to manually initiate EGPWS Self Test. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 26 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual GPWS Caution (amber) G/S CANCLD switch/annunciator assembly. The ‘GPWS caution annunciator provides visual indication of an EGPWS alert. The EGPWS caution (amber) annunciator also has a switch that is used to manually inhibit EGPWS Mode 5 glideslope alerts. The bottom half of the annunciator provides visual indication that the mode 5 glideslope alerts have been canceled. LOW ALT / ON switch/annu nciator assembly The LOW ALT / ON switch/annunciator provides for manual selection of low altitude mode and visual indication that the Mk XXII EGPWS is in low altitude mode. TERR INHIB / ON switch/an nunciator assembly The ‘TERR INHIBIT’ switch/annunciator provides for manual selection of terrain inhibit mode and visual indication that the EGPWS Terrain functions have been inhibited. AUDIO INHIBIT / ON switch /annunciator assembly The ‘AUDIO INHIBIT’ switch/annunciator provides for manual selection of audio inhibit mode and visual indication that the EGPWS mode 6 functions have been inhibited. GPWS INOP / TERR INOP a nnunciator assemblies The ‘GPWS INOP’ annunciator provides visual indication that the EGPWS GPWS modes have a disabled function. The ‘TERR INOP’ annunciator provides visual indication that the EGPWS Terrain modes have a disabled function. TERR DISPLAY / ON switch /annunciator assemblies The ‘TERR DISPLAY’ switch/annunciator provides for manual selection of the terrain display and visual indication that the EGPWS Terrain Display has been selected for the associated display. 1.10 Cockpit Speaker (Opti onal) The MK XXII EGPWS can interface to an 8 ohm audio speaker for cockpit annunciation of aural alerts. Vendor Name Vendor P/N Description QTY UM Quam 30A05Z8 Audio Speaker 1 EA Utah SP-3A Audio Speaker 1 EA CTS 4AC3 Audio Speaker 1 EA CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 Honeywell P/N 300-0218-002 REV: C SHEET 27 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 1.11 Tools Required 1.11.1 Crimping Tool - P1, P 2, P3 Description UM QTY Vendor Name & Part Number Hand Crimping Tool EA 1 Positronic Ind. 9507 Hand Crimping Tool EA 1 Daniels AFM8 Hand Crimping Tool EA 1 Military M22520/2-1 1.11.2 Contact Positioner - P 1, P2, P3 Description UM QTY Vendor Name & Part Number Contact Positioner, Socket P1 EA 1 Positronic Ind. 9502-3 Contact Positioner, Socket P1 EA 1 Daniels K41 (for 22 to 28 AWG) Contact Positioner, Socket P1 EA 1 Military M22520/2-06 Contact Positioner, Socket P2 EA 1 Positronic Ind. 9502-5 Contact Positioner, Socket P2 EA 1 Daniels K13-1 (20-24 AWG) Contact Positioner, Socket P2 EA 1 Military M22520/2-08 Contact Positioner, Pin P3 EA 1 Positronics 9502-4 Contact Positioner, Pin P3 Contact Positioner, Pin P3 EA EA 1 1 Daniles Military K42 (22-28 AWG) M22520/2-09 1.11.3 Insertion/Removal Too l - P1, P2, P3 Description UM QTY Vendor Name & Part Number Removal Tool P1, P3 EA 1 Daniels DRK 95-22M Removal Tool P1, P3 EA 1 Military M81969/8-02 Removal Tool P2 EA 1 Daniels DRK145 Insertion Tool P1, P3 EA 1 Daniels DAK 95-22M Insertion Tool P1, P3 EA 1 Military M81969/8-01 Insertion Tool P2 EA 1 Daniels DAK145 Insertion/Removal Tool P1, P3 EA 1 Military M81969/1-04 Insertion/Removal Tool P2 EA 1 Military M81969/1-02 1.11.4 Spare Contacts - P1, P 2, P3 Description Mil Spec Part Number Contacts (P1) socket M39029/57-354 22-28 GA Wire Contacts (P2) socket Contacts (P3) Pin M39029/63-368 M39029/58-360 20-24 GA Wire 22-28 GA Wire 1.12 License Requirements There are no Radio license requirements for the MK XXII EGPWS. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 28 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 29 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION II INSTALLATION CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 30 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 31 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION II – INSTALLATION SECTION II - INSTALLATION .............................................................................................................................. 33 2.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 33 2.2 UNPACKING AND INSPECTING THE EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................... 33 2.3 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................. 33 2.3.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................ 33 2.3.2 MK XXII Computer Location....................................................................................................................... 34 2.3.3 MK XXII Computer Installation................................................................................................................... 34 2.3.4 Configuration Module Location .................................................................................................................. 35 2.3.5 Configuration Module Installation .............................................................................................................. 35 2.3.6 GPS Antenna location.................................................................................................................................. 44 2.3.7 GPS Antenna Installation ............................................................................................................................ 44 2.3.8 OAT Sensor Location................................................................................................................................... 44 2.3.9 OAT Sensor Installation............................................................................................................................... 44 2.3.10 Cockpit Annunciators / Switches................................................................................................................ 44 Description ............................................................................................................................................................ 45 Location ................................................................................................................................................................ 46 Inhibit Switch Functions and Selection ................................................................................................................. 48 Terrain Inhibit ................................................................................................................................................ 48 Audio Inhibit (Timed) .................................................................................................................................... 48 Audio Inhibit (Not Described Above)............................................................................................................ 48 Low Altitude Mode........................................................................................................................................ 48 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 32 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION II - INSTALLATION 2.1 Introduction This section contains suggestions and factors to consider before installing the Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System. Close adherence to these suggestions will assure satisfactory performance from the equipment. NOTE The conditions and tests performed on this article are minimum performance standards. It is the responsibility of those desiring to install this article either on or within a specific type or class of aircraft to determine that the aircraft installation conditions are within these performance standards. The article may be installed only if further evaluation by the applicant documents an acceptable installation and is approved by the Administrator. 2.2 Unpacking and Inspec ting the Equipment Exercise extreme caution when unpacking equipment. Perform a visual inspection of the unit for evidence of damage incurred during shipment. If a damage claim must be filed then save the shipping container and all packing materials to substantiate your claim. The claim should be filed as soon as possible. The shipping container and all packing materials should be retained in the event that storage or reshipment of the equipment is necessary. 2.3 Equipment Installation 2.3.1 General The following paragraphs contain information pertaining to the installation of the MK XXII EGPWS, including instructions concerning the location and mounting of the equipment. The equipment should be installed in the aircraft in a manner consistent with acceptable workmanship and engineering practices, and in accordance with the instructions set forth in this publication. To ensure the system has been properly and safely installed in the aircraft, the installer should make a thorough visual inspection and conduct an overall operational check of the system, on the ground, prior to flight. CAUTION AFTER INSTALLATION OF THE CABLING AND BEFORE INSTALLATION OF THE EQUIPMENT, A CHECK SHOULD BE MADE WITH THE AIRCRAFT PRIMARY POWER SUPPLIED TO THE MOUNTING CONNECTOR, TO ENSURE THAT POWER IS APPLIED ONLY TO THE PINS SPECIFIED IN THE INTERWIRING DIAGRAMS IN SECTION III. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 33 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 2.3.2 MK XXII Computer Loc ation Care should be exercised to avoid mounting components near equipment operating with high pulse current or high power outputs such as radar and satellite communications equipment. In general, the equipment should be installed in a location convenient for operation, inspection, and maintenance, and in an area free from excessive vibration, heat, and noise generating sources. The MK XXII EGPWS has an internal heater blanket therefore they can be mounted outside the heated area of the aircraft. The computers have been qualified for operation up to 50,000 feet and -55°C using the heater blanket. All mechanical installation drawings, connector assembly diagrams, interwiring diagrams, and connector pin assignment tables referenced in this section are located at the end of Section II, of the manual. Determine the mounting location for the system components following the guidelines below. The length of cables from the EGPWS connectors to other system units is not generally critical because unit interfaces are designed with high impedance inputs, low impedance outputs, and low noise susceptibility characteristics. The exception is the wires from the EGPWS Configuration Module, which was designed to be a part of the EGPWS connector backshell because of the requirement for short lead length. To allow for inspection or repair of the wiring of the connector assembly itself, sufficient lead length should be left so that EGPWS may be moved several inches. A bend should be made in the harness to allow water droplets that might form on the harness due to condensation, to drip off at the bend and not collect in the connector. Prior to installing any equipment, make a continuity check of all wires and cables associated with the system. Then apply power and check for proper voltages at system connectors, and then remove power before completing the installation. 2.3.3 MK XXII Computer Ins tallation The MK XXII EGPWS installation will conform to standards designated by the customer, installing agency, and existing conditions as to the unit location and type of installation. However, the following suggestions will assure a more satisfactory performance from the equipment. A. Plan a location on the aircraft so that the EGPWS is accessible for front panel maintenance controls. Check to be sure that there is adequate space in the front of the computer for connectors and cabling. B. Refer to Figure 2-2 and 2-3 for outline dimensions of the computer and mounting tray. C. Mount the EGPWS mounting tray in the aircraft radio rack or other location using the four screw mounting holes. Match drill the mounting holes using the Mounting Tray as a template. D. Ensure that the mounting tray is electrically bonded (less than 10 milli-ohm to aircraft ground). CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 34 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E. Slide the EGPWS unit in the mounting tray, and secure it using the Hold Down latch. F. (After Continuity and Power check) Attach the cable harness to the front panel connectors and lock connectors using the slide lock of the P1 & P2 connectors. The EGPWS should be wired according to the interconnect diagrams in Section III, of this manual. 2.3.4 Configuration Module Location The aircraft configuration is programmed into the EGPWS Configuration Module installed in the aircraft wiring. The Configuration Module is identified as Honeywell part number 700-1710-001. The Configuration Module is installed as one side of the P2 (50 pin) mating connector backshell and contains electrically reprogrammable memory for configuration storage. The Configuration Module when installed is wired directly to the appropriate pins in the P2 connector. 2.3.5 Configuration Module Installation The purpose of this procedure is to give an assembly sequence for assembly of the Configuration Module with the P2 connector and backshell. A. The P2 connector, Honeywell part number 440-1233-001, vendor part number RD50F1OJVLC-15, when ordered comes with 50 contacts and a plastic backshell (hood). B. The Configuration Module will replace the Backshell Plate. The Backshell Plate can be discarded. C. Wire the Configuration Module to the P2 connector using contacts provided with the connector. Wire per the following wire list: Wire Color P2 pin # Wire Color P2 pin # Violet P2-17 Black P2-50 Blue P2-16 White P2-49 Orange P2-33 Red P2-32 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 35 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual D. Position Slide Lock and Spring Clip onto connector. E. Install Backshell Housing onto connector. The Ground wire (used for ESD discharge) is terminated with shielded pigtails inside the backshell to the P2 connector. F. Organize and dress wire exiting from the backshell, route Configuration Module wires in a coil. Install Cable Clamp, do not tighten Cable Clamp screws. G. Secure the Configuration Module to the connector using screws provided. Tighten Cable Clamp screws as required. CONFIGURATION MODULE ASSEMBLY REQUIRED: Two items as follows: ITEM 1.0 Connector (P2) Positronic Ind. RD50F10JVLC-15 * ITEM 2.0 Configuration Module Honeywell 700-1710-001 * This item may be available from Honeywell under Part No. (440-1233-001) ITEM 1 DESCRIPTION: Connector P2 (Positronic Ind. PN RD50F10JVLC-15) is a packaged kit consisting of the following parts: 1.1 Connector, 50 socket D-Sub Qty - 1 1.2 Contacts, size 20 crimp Qty - 50 1.3 Backshell housing Qty - 1 1.4 Backshell plate Qty - 1 1.5 Screws, Phillips CSK Qty - 2 1.6 Spring Clip Qty - 1 1.7 Slide Lock Qty - 1 1.8 Screws, Slotted Qty - 2 1.9 Cable Clamp Qty - 1 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 36 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual INSTALLATION ASSEMBLY SEQUENCE STEP 1 Install all MK XXII system aircraft wiring to this connector using items 1.2 (Crimp Contacts) and item 1.1 (Connector). See figure 2-1.1 below. FIGURE 2-1.1 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A MK XXII EGPWS CONFIGURATION MODULE DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 37 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual STEP 2 Wire item 2.0 (Configuration Module). This part will replace item 1.4 (Backshell plate). Install the pre-crimped colored wires into item 1.1 (Connector) as shown in figure 2-1.2 below. FIGURE 2-1.2 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE MK XXII EGPWS CONFIGURATION MODULE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 38 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual STEP 3 Position item 1.7 (Slide lock) onto wired connector as shown in figure 2-1.3 below: FIGURE 2-1.3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE MK XXII EGPWS CONFIGURATION MODULE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 39 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual STEP 4 Install item 1.3 (Backshell Housing) onto connector using item 1.8 (Screws) as shown in figure 2-1.4 below: Ground Wire (used for electrostatic discharge {ESD} protection) is terminated with shielded pigtails of wires at this connector. FIGURE 2-1.4 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE MK XXII EGPWS CONFIGURATION MODULE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 40 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual STEP 5 Install item 1.6 (Spring Clip) as shown figure 2-1.5 below: FIGURE 2-1.5 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE MK XXII EGPWS CONFIGURATION MODULE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 41 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual STEP 6 Organize and dress wiring exiting from backshell. Route Configuration Module wires exiting from connector, then coil as shown in figure 2-1.6 below. Install item 1.9 (Cable Clamp) as shown. Do not tighten screws yet. FIGURE 2-1.6 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE MK XXII EGPWS CONFIGURATION MODULE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 42 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual STEP 7 Secure Configuration Module to connector assembly using item 1.5 (Screws) as shown in figure 2-1.7 below. Tighten Cable Clamp screws as required. FIGURE 2-1.7 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE MK XXII EGPWS CONFIGURATION MODULE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 43 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 2.3.6 GPS Antenna location The antenna must be mounted on top of the fuselage. Avoid mounting the antenna near any projections such as the rotor mast, or engine exhaust, where shadows could occur or high heat could damage the antenna. It is recommended that there be a separation of at least 3 feet between the GPS antenna and any VHF Comm antenna on the aircraft. The antenna baseplate must be level within ± 5° in both axis when the aircraft is level (level is defined as the aircraft attitude required when weighing the aircraft for weight and balance). If the antenna is tilted more than 5° or is mounted close to other objects that shadow it, loss of some of the satellites will occur and system performance may be degraded. See manufacturer’s drawing in Appendix D for specifications of antenna, antenna cables, and connector information. 2.3.7 GPS Antenna Installat ion Refer to manufacturer’s procedures or applicable STC documentation. 2.3.8 OAT Sensor Location The OAT sensor (CIC 05257) should be mounted on the underside (belly) of the aircraft or other convenient location meeting the following conditions. Avoid mounting the sensor where it can be affected by direct sunlight, or exhaust gases from engines or heaters. The probe tip should extend beyond the aircraft boundary layer into the turbulent airflow. See manufacturer’s drawing in Appendix D for specifications. 2.3.9 OAT Sensor Installatio n Refer to manufacturer’s procedures or applicable STC documentation. 2.3.10 Cockpit Annunciators / Switches This section provides information for selecting, locating and mounting of the MK XXII EGPWS Lighted annunciators / switches. NOTE: The nomenclature given for each lamp is an example only. Other manufacturers use nomenclature that is also acceptable. Refer to Honeywell Product Specification 9651590-601 for additional information and for electrical loads specification CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 44 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Description EGPWS warning GPWS P/TEST This assembly is illuminated with Red background and black or white letters. For dark cockpits black background and Red letters. The EGPWS warning annunciator is not normally dimmable. For Lamp Format 1 (I/O Discrete Type 128) the lamp is activated during any Mode 1 through Mode 4, and Terrain /Obstacle Awareness alerts and warnings. For Lamp Format 2 (I/O Discrete Type 129) the lamp is activated during Mode 1 and Mode 2 Pull Up, and Terrain /Obstacle Awareness warnings. This assembly also includes a momentary switch that will activate EGPWS Self Test. EGPWS caution GPWS G/S CANCLD This assembly is illuminated with Amber background and black or white letters, for dark cockpits black background and Amber letters. The EGPWS alert annunciator is not normally dimmable. For Lamp Format 1 (I/O Discrete Type 128) the lamp is activated during any Mode 5 alert. For Lamp Format 2 (I/O Discrete Type 129) the lamp is activated during any Mode 1 through Mode 4, and Terrain /Obstacle Awareness alerts. This assembly also includes a momentary switch that will activate glideslope cancel. LOW ALTITUDE LOW ALT ON This assembly is illuminated with black background and white, green, or blue letters. This assembly also includes a momentary switch that will activate / de-activate (cancel) EGPWS low altitude mode. TERRAIN INHIBIT TERR INHIB ON This assembly is illuminated with black background and white, blue, or green letters. This assembly also includes a alternate action switch that will activate ./ de-activate (cancel) Terrain inhibit mode. (Optional see section AUDIO INHIBIT AUDIO INHIB ON This assembly is illuminated with black background and white, blue, or green letters This assembly also includes a momentary switch that will activate ./ de-activate (cancel) Audio inhibit mode. (Optional see section GPWS system validity GPWS INOP TERR INOP This assembly is illuminated with black background and amber letters activated during any detected partial or total failure of the GPWS modes 1-5. And TA&D TERRAIN select TERR DISPLAY ON This assembly is illuminated with white background and activated after the flight crew has initiated the manual selection of the EGPWS terrain display for the associated cockpit display. This assembly also includes a momentary switch that will activate EGPWS Terrain display feature. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 45 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Location Cockpit layout, size and operator’s preference will determine if only one set of lights is used (i.e., mounted in the center), or if dual sets of lights are used (one set on each side), or a combination thereof is desired. For a typical example of cockpit light locations refer to Figure 2-7. For panel cutouts and assembly options see the manufacturer’s specifications in Appendix D. The following are recommended locations: GPWS warning (red) & GPWS alert (amber) These lights should be located together and in the flight crew’s “primary field of view”. This would include either the instrument panel or the edge of the glareshield. LOW ALTITUDE This light should be located in the flight crew’s “field of view” and within reach of both crewmembers. This light/switch may be located in an assembly with the GPWS red and GPWS amber lights and/or other EGPWS annunciators. TERR INHIBIT ON (Optional see section This light should be located in the flight crew’s “field of view” and within reach of both crewmembers. This light/switch may be located in an assembly with the TERR DISPLAY light(s) and/or other EGPWS annunciators. AUDIO INHIBIT ON (Optional see section This light should be located in the flight crew’s “field of view” and within reach of both crewmembers. This light/switch may be located in an assembly with the TERR DISPLAY light(s) and/or other EGPWS annunciators. TERR DISPLAY ON This light should be located near the associated cockpit display, in the flight crew’s “field of view” and within reach of one or both crewmembers. This light/switch may be located in an assembly with the TERR INHIBIT light(s) and/or other EGPWS annunciators. GPWS INOP This light should be located within crewmember’s “field of view” or with other system INOP lights of similar importance. It is recommended that this light not be located in the flight crew’s “primary field of view”. The reason being that in the event of a GPWS system failure at the beginning of a flight, this light will remain “ON” until the problem is fixed. TERR INOP This light should be located within at least one crewmember’s “field of view” or with other system INOP lights of similar importance. Note: Annunciators are available with split legend GPWS INOP / TERR INOP in one assembly. It is recommended that this light not be located in the flight crew’s “primary field of view”. The reason being that in the event of a GPWS system failure at the beginning of a flight, this light will remain “ON” until the problem is fixed. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 46 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual FIGURE 2-1.8 CAGE CODE: 97896 MK XXII EGPWS Annunciators/Switches Location SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 47 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Inhibit Switch Functio ns and Selection The Terrain Inhibit and Audio Inhibit functions are optional but it is recommended that one be used to inhibit the system during certain operations. The operator should evaluate the two options together with the Low Altitude Mode function and select the one that best fits his operational requirements. The Low Altitude Mode is also described below for reference. Terrain Inhibit The Terrain Inhibit will inhibit Terrain and Obstacle audio alerts and warnings. It will not deselect the Terrain Display. The switch is a toggle action, which must be pressed to turn ON and re-pressed to turn OFF. The switch lighting must be activated thru the switch contacts. This Inhibit is recommended for corporate transport operations. Audio Inhibit (Timed) The Timed Audio Inhibit will inhibit all audio output for a period of 5 minutes. It will not affect visual alert and warning outputs and will not deselect the terrain display. The switch is momentary and the lamp is illuminated by an output from the EGPWS. This inhibit is recommended for EMS and SAR operations. Audio Inhibit (Not Des cribed Above) The Audio Inhibit will inhibit all audio output as long as it is active. It will not affect visual alert and warning outputs and will not deselect the terrain display. The switch is a toggle action, which must be pressed to turn ON and re-pressed to turn OFF. The switch lighting must be activated thru the switch contacts. This Inhibit is NOT RECOMMENTED. Low Altitude Mode To allow for helicopter operations that require low altitude flight a Low Altitude function is enabled with a switch. This function is designed for flight at low altitude in VFR conditions. When this function is engaged Mode 2 and Mode 4 warning boundaries are significantly reduced and Terrain Advisory look ahead distances are reduced. . Low Altitude operation is defined as operation below 500 feet AGL. There are other circumstances where the use of the Low Altitude Mode is appropriate. Those include operation in a high-density metropolitan environment with high rise buildings, operation below 1250 feet AGL when the GPS is not operational or is providing poor accuracy. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 48 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual FIGURE 2-2 MK XXII EGPWS OUTLINE CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 49 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual FIGURE 2-3 MK XXII EGPWS MOUNTING TRAY Honeywell P/N 405-0383-001 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 50 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 51 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION III SYSTEM PLANNING CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 52 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 53 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION III – SYSTEM PLANNING SECTION III – SYSTEM PLANNING..................................................................57 3.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 57 3.2 SYSTEM WIRING/ ELECTRICAL INTERFACES........................................................................................ 57 3.2.1 Primary Power Input ................................................................................................................... 57 3.2.2 Chassis Ground ........................................................................................................................... 57 3.2.3 GPS Antenna................................................................................................................................ 58 3.2.4 Analog and Digital Inputs............................................................................................................ 58 3.2.5 Discrete Inputs............................................................................................................................. 58 3.2.6 Serial Outputs .............................................................................................................................. 58 3.2.7 Audio Output................................................................................................................................ 59 3.2.8 Discrete Outputs .......................................................................................................................... 59 3.2.9 Configuration Module ................................................................................................................. 59 3.3 CONFIGURABLE INTERFACES ............................................................................................................... 60 3.3.1 Category 1 - Aircraft / Mode Type Select .................................................................................... 60 Aircraft / Mode Type ............................................................................................................................. 60 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 60 Generic Helicopter with and without Torque......................................................................................... 60 3.3.2 Category 2 – Air Data Input Select.............................................................................................. 61 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 61 Examples ............................................................................................................................................... 62 Analog altitude and 500 ohm OAT ................................................................................................... 62 Digital – ARINC 429 (Cat. 2 ID 5, 1, 6) ........................................................................................... 63 Digital –ARINC 575 (Cat. 2 ID 2) .................................................................................................... 64 Shadin 2000 (Cat. 2 ID 10) ............................................................................................................... 65 Digital – ARINC 429 Dual IOC Buses (Cat. 2. ID 255) ................................................................... 66 3.3.3 Category 3 – Position Input Select .............................................................................................. 67 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 67 ARINC 743 Format ............................................................................................................................... 67 3.3.3.Examples .................................................................................................................................................. 68 ARINC 429 BUS (Cat. 3 ID 0,1,4,5)................................................................................................. 68 RS-232 Transmit-Receive, 9600 baud (Cat. 3 ID 3) ......................................................................... 68 Dual ARINC 429 BUS (Cat. 3 ID 255)............................................................................................. 69 3.3.4 Category 4 – Altitude Callouts .................................................................................................... 70 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 70 3.3.5 Category 5 – Audio Menu Select ................................................................................................. 71 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 71 3.3.6 Category 6 – Terrain Display Select ........................................................................................... 72 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 72 TAD Selection ....................................................................................................................................... 72 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 54 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Terrain Display Configuration Group.................................................................................................... 73 Display Input Control Group ................................................................................................................. 75 Output 429 Bus Group........................................................................................................................... 75 Example................................................................................................................................................. 75 3.3.7 Category 7 – Options Select Group #1 ........................................................................................ 81 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 81 Steep Approach (Not Available in the Mk XXII) .................................................................................. 81 TA&D Alternate Pop-up........................................................................................................................ 81 Peaks Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 82 Obstacle Awareness............................................................................................................................... 82 Bank Angle Callout Enabling ................................................................................................................ 82 WOW Reversal...................................................................................................................................... 83 GPS Altitude Reference......................................................................................................................... 83 3.3.8 Category 8 – Radio Altitude Input Select .................................................................................... 84 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 84 Example................................................................................................................................................. 84 Digital Radio Altitude Interface ........................................................................................................ 84 Analog Radio Altitude Interface........................................................................................................ 85 3.3.9 Category 9 – Navigation Inputs Select ........................................................................................ 86 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 86 Example................................................................................................................................................. 87 Analog Glideslope Interface (cat. 9 ID 0,1,5) ................................................................................... 87 Digital Glideslope/Localizer Interface .............................................................................................. 88 Dual Glideslope Receiver.................................................................................................................. 88 3.3.10 Category 10 – Attitude Input Select ..................................................................................... ...... 89 Attitude Signals ................................................................................................................................... 89 Instructions .......................................................................................................................................... 89 Example............................................................................................................................................... 90 Analog Roll Angle (Synchro).......................................................................................................... 90 Digital ARINC 429 High Speed...................................................................................................... 91 3.3.11 Category 11 – Heading Input Select.......................................................................................... 92 Instructions .......................................................................................................................................... 92 Magnetic Heading................................................................................................................................ 92 Example............................................................................................................................................... 93 Analog Heading (Synchro) (CAT. 11 ID 0) ................................................................................. 93 Digital ARINC 429 High Speed................................................................................................... 94 3.3.12 Category 12 – Windshear Input Select ...................................................................................... 95 Instruction............................................................................................................................................ 95 3.3.13 Category 13 – Input / Output Discrete Type Select ................................................................... 96 Instruction............................................................................................................................................ 96 Input/Output Discretes......................................................................................................................... 96 Audio Inhibit Discrete ..................................................................................................................... 97 Landing Gear Discrete..................................................................................................................... 97 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 55 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Weight ON Wheels (WOW) Discrete ............................................................................................. 97 Glideslope Cancel Discrete ............................................................................................................. 98 Mode 6 Low Volume Discrete ........................................................................................................ 98 Autopilot Engaged Discrete ............................................................................................................ 98 Terrain Awareness Inhibit ............................................................................................................... 99 Self Test Discrete .......................................................................................................................... 99 Glideslope Inhibit Discrete............................................................................................................ 99 Timed Audio Inhibit Discrete...................................................................................................... 100 Low Altitude Mode Select Discrete ............................................................................................ 100 Output Discretes.......................................................................................................................... 100 Lamp Format ............................................................................................................................... 100 GPWS INOP Discrete ................................................................................................................. 101 TAD INOP Discrete .................................................................................................................... 101 GPWS Warning Discrete............................................................................................................. 101 GPWS Alert Discrete .................................................................................................................. 101 Glideslope Cancel Discrete ......................................................................................................... 101 TCAS Inhibit Discrete................................................................................................................. 101 Terrain Display Select #1 & #2 Discrete ..................................................................................... 102 Timed Audio Inhibit Discrete...................................................................................................... 102 Low Altitude Mode Discrete ....................................................................................................... 102 3.3.14 Category 14 – Audio Output Level .......................................................................................... 104 Instructions ........................................................................................................................................ 104 3.3.15 Category 15, Autorotation Threshold ...................................................................................... 105 Instruction.......................................................................................................................................... 105 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 56 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION III – SYSTEM PLANNING 3.1 Introduction This section provides information for selecting features and wiring the electrical interfaces of the MK XXII EGPWS. Sample wiring diagrams for the most commonly used MK XXII EGPWS configurations are provided in Appendix B. Appendix E Section E 3 groups features (functions) into sets called Categories. This document follows the Category structure of the Appendix E . It provides descriptions of the features and instructions for selecting features and for determining the correct wiring. 1. Make a copy of Appendix E Table E 3. Use this table along with Appendix A Fig A-1.1, A1.2, and A1.3 to record feature selection and determine the wiring interface. 3.2 System Wiring/ Electr ical Interfaces System wiring is broken down into the following main components: - Electrical Interfaces (power and ground) - GPS Antenna - Analog and Digital Inputs - Discrete Inputs - Serial Outputs - Audio Outputs - Discrete Outputs - Configuration Module Many of these inputs and outputs will be defined as the Categories are selected for Configuration Module programming. Appendix E Table E 4 shows the typical usage for each pin, on the Left (J1), Right (J2) and Upper (J3) connectors. 3.2.1 Primary Power Input The MK XXII EGPWC requires a primary power input (28 VDC input power) and ground. The Primary power should be connected as follows. Pin Signal J1-40, J1-60 +28 VDC Input J1-41, J1-61 +28 VDC Return Recommended EGPWC Power Control Device: 3 Amp Delayed Action Circuit Breaker 3.2.2 Chassis Ground Chassis ground provides a redundant metal connection and should not be used as a normal current carrying conductor. Chassis ground should be connected as follows: CAGE CODE: 97896 Pin Signal J1-42, J1-53 GND SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 57 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.2.3 GPS Antenna A GPS antenna connector is available on the front of the MK XXII EGPWS 965-1590-0XX. 3.2.4 Analog and Digital Inp uts The analog and digital inputs to the MK XXII EGPWS are defined as the Categories are selected. Instructions for documenting these interfaces are provided with the Category selection instructions. Section 3.3 contains detailed category configuration information. 3.2.5 Discrete Inputs Additional information for some discretes is provided within the Category in which they are used. See section 3.3.13. 3.2.6 Serial Outputs The EGPWC provides for ARINC 453 and ARINC 429 serial outputs. Terrain display data is output on two ARINC 453 channels when the Terrain Awareness display function is enabled. Two ARINC 429 low speed output buses provided by the EGPWC. The ARINC 429 output data includes: 1. Internal data (data output for test purposes only such as internal logic booleans, Geometric Altitude, and Terrain Clearance information). 2. Alert/Warning status (Voice and Lamp activity can be provided to display systems and flight recorders). 3. Internal mode status. 4. Terrain display messages for TAD cockpit integration. Note: During EGPWS Self Test, the SSM of each output label is set to the Functional Test status code. For category configuration information see section 3.3.6. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 58 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.2.7 Audio Output The audio outputs consist of both an 8-ohm amplifier and a transformer isolated 600-ohm output. Audio output messages are provided as specified in the selected Audio Menu (Category 5) when inputs are valid and the audio inhibit discretes are not active. When audio inhibit is enabled, the output discrete(s) associated with suppressed message(s) are active. 3.2.8 Discrete Outputs The MK XXII EGPWS provides for up to twelve 0.5 amp (1 amp maximum) Ground/Open discrete outputs. The discrete outputs are defined in Appendix E Category 13. The discrete outputs are optional if the ARINC 429 output data is used for driving the alert/warning lamps via a symbol generator. Except for fully integrated cockpits, most Aircraft Types do not use the ARINC 429 output data for lamp control. (This data is typically sent to the Flight Data Recorder.) All outputs to lamps are driven by solid state switches to ground. These outputs can also be used as discrete drivers for other devices (e.g. terrain display switching). See section 3.3.13. 3.2.9 Configuration Module The EGPWS aircraft configuration is programmed into a configuration module installed in the aircraft wiring. This Configuration Module is identified as Honeywell part number 700-1710-001. The configuration module is installed as part of the P2 mating connector backshell and contains electrically reprogrammable memory for configuration storage. By this method the aircraft configuration is stored in the configuration module on the aircraft and each newly installed EGPWS computer does not require operator assisted programming before or during installation. The aircraft configuration in the Configuration Module can be changed at any time by use of the WinViews software, as explained in Section 4. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 59 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3 Configurable Interface s The following subsections define configurable interfaces for the EGPWS. Typical interface connection information and diagrams are provided. Use this in conjunction with Appendix E which has detailed interface configuration information. 3.3.1 Category 1 - Aircraft / Mode Type Select Category 1 specifies the general aircraft type, warning mode definitions, , fixed or retractable gear, and engine torque interface. Note: Category 15 will set the engine torque value used for autorotation mode. Aircraft / Mode Type The Aircraft Type identifies the aircraft as “Manufacture and Model”. The aircraft category defines configurable data that control performance. The configurable values are not user defined or controlled. Appendix E Table E 3.1.1 lists the combinations of Aircraft/Mode Types and identifies the first MK XXII EGPWS version in which the option was available (see the Effectivity entry), and describes the options available with each Aircraft/Model type (see Description column). Instructions 1. Using Appendix E Tables E 3, under Step/category 1 select Aircraft type. Using Table E 3.1.1 select ID number for your aircraft type and record that number on Table E 3 under Ident No. This number will be used for programming the configuration module. 2. Using Appendix E Table E 3.1.1 under Aircraft/Model Type Table use table E 3.1.1-x to determine the torque wiring interconnects and record it on Appendix A Fig A1-2. Note. Aircraft types 129, 130 and 138 with software version –010 and earlier are configured for the raw low level DC torque input. This interface will not work. With software version –011 these types are configured to use an external Buffer Amplifier provideing a gain of 30.23. For these applications it is recommended that either the No Torque configuration or the Shadin Converter configuration, described below, be used. Generic Helicopter with and without Torque For any airframe not listed in Appendix E table E 3.1.1 contact Honeywell GPWS hot line 1 800 813-2099. Generic helicopter types are provided for aircraft with torque interfacing problems. Category 1 ID type 146, 147, 148, and 149, allow interface to airframes without torque input,. These types do CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 60 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual not detect autorotation and thus do not provide the autorotation altitude callouts or advanced gear warnings. Mode 1 is inhibited in these types. The generic types are segregated into retractable and fixed gear configurations and tail strike warning profiles. Contact the Honeywell GPWS hot line 1 800 813-2099 for help in selecting the correct generic type. Category 1 ID types 150, 151, 152 and 153 are provided for applications where low level DC torque signals are externally amplified and scaled to a common 0.040 VDC per %. Category 1 ID types 154, 155, 156 and 157 are provided for applications where low level DC torque is scaled and converted to ARINC 429 using the Shadin DC Torque to 429 Converter, Part Number 933755-00. This is particularly applicable to S-76-A/A+/A++ /C, and Bell 407 aircraft. Contact the Honeywell GPWS hot line 1 800 813-2099 for help in selecting the correct generic type. 3.3.2 Category 2 – Air Data Input Select Category 2 defines the Air Data interface. The Air Data input currently defines 5 analog and 6 digital air data types. Instructions 1. Using Appendix E Table E 3, under Step/category 2 select Air Data Source. Using table E 3.1.2 and 3.1.2-x select the ID number for your air data source and record that number on Table E 3 under Ident No. for step 2. This number will be used during programming of the configuration module. 2. Using Appendix E Tables E 3.1.2-x, where x is the Air Data Type number, define the electrical interfaces required to support your Air Data Type. Using Table E 3.1.2-x determine the wiring interconnects and record it on Appendix A Fig A1-2. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 61 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Examples Analog altitude and 500 ohm OAT EGPWS MK XXII Uncorrected Barometric Altitude J1 Analog Air Data Computer (+) 62 Altitude Out (-) 43 Signal Common Baro Altitude Valid +28V BIT Out 9 +5V Excitation 25 (+) 63 500 ohm Temperature Probe Temp. Input (-) 44 Chassis Ground 53 Analog-ADC.vsd Cat 2 Uncorrected Baro Altitude Vendor Model ID Altitude Out Common BIT Out CIC 04077 0 J1-F J1-G J1-E Collins ADS-65 3 J1-12 J1-13 J1-5 CIC 02702 4 J1-A J1-B J1-E Honeywell AZ-241 11/12 J1-63 J1-11 J1-12 Honeywell AZ-242 11/12 J1A-40 J1A-11 J1A-12 Honeywell AZ-648 11/12 J1-J J1-G J1-U Honeywell AZ-800 11/12 J1A-78 J1A-10 J1A-34 Honeywell AZ-810 11/12 J1A-78 J1A-10 J1A-34 NOTE: The connector pin numbers given in the Table above are to the best knowledge of Honeywell EGPWS engineering. Please contact the manufacturer’s customer service to confirm your installation. NOTE: Honeywell AZ-810 should only be used as an analog source if it does not have a digital interface. NOTE: The CIC 02702 scaling was changed in –008 software. The analog barometric altitude conversion to barometric altitude rate noise problem was fixed in –008 software. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 62 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Digital – ARINC 429 (Cat. 2 ID 5, 1, 6) Air Data Type 1 (AZ-800 or equivalent) is a low speed, digital ARINC 429 signal having the air data labels 203, 206, 212, and 213. Air Data Type 5 (AZ-800 or equivalent) is a low speed, digital ARINC 429 signal having the air data labels 203, 204, 206, 212, and 213. Air Data Type 6 (AZ-800 or equivalent) is a low speed, digital ARINC 429 signal having the air data labels 203, 206, and 213. EGPWS MK XXII ARINC 429 Low Speed Air Data Bus J2 ARINC 429 Air Data A 39 A ARINC 429 Bus - Hi B 38 B ARINC 429 Bus - Lo Digital-ADC.vsd Cat 2 Bus 1 Bus 2 Vendor Model ID A B A B Sperry AZ-8XX 5* J1B-26 J1B-27 J1B-70 J1B-71 CIC 04471 5* J1-12 J1-13 CIC 02702 mod 6 * J2-J J2-K KDC 281 * P2811-5 P2811-6 KDC 481 * P4811-U P4811- i B&D 90004 5* J1-27 J1-9 B&D 2600 * 6 8 P2-29 P2-30 B&D 2601 * 14 13 B&D 2800 * P201-11 P201-28 Collins ADC 85/86 5* P2-9 P2-10 Shadin ADC-2000 5* J1-40 J1-22 (s/w mod 71.73.01) NOTE: The connector pin numbers given in the Table above are to the best knowledge of Honeywell EGPWS engineering. Please contact the manufacturer’s customer service to confirm your installation. * Category 2, ID 5, 1 or 6 depending on availability of labels 204 and 212. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 63 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Digital –ARINC 575 (Cat. 2 ID 2) Air Data Type 2 (ADC-80 or equivalent) is a low speed, digital ARINC 575 signal having the air data labels 203, 206, 212, and 213. J2 EGPWS MK XXII ARINC 575 Air Data Bus ARINC 575 Air Data A 39 A ARINC 575 Bus - Hi B 38 B ARINC 575 Bus - Lo ARINC575-ADC.vsd Cat 2 Bus 1 Bus 2 Vendor Model ID A B Collins ADC-80( ) 2 P3-35 P3-36 2 J1-27 J1-9 A B Collins ADC-82A B&D 90004 NOTE: The connector pin numbers given in the Table above are to the best knowledge of Honeywell EGPWS engineering. Please contact the manufacturer’s customer service to confirm your installation. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 64 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Shadin 2000 (Cat. 2 ID 10) Air Data Type 10 (Shadin 2000 or equivalent) is a low speed, digital ARINC 429 signal having the air data labels 203, 204, 206, and 212. Total Air Temperature is from a dedicated (EGPWS) 500ohm probe using +5 volt excitation from the MK XXII EGPWC. EGPWS MK XXII ARINC 429 Low Speed Air Data Bus ARINC 429 Air Data J2 A 39 A ARINC 429 Bus - Hi B 38 B ARINC 429 Bus - Lo J1 +5V Excitation 25 500 ohm Temperature Probe (+) 63 Temp. Input (-) 44 Chassis Ground 53 Shadin2000.vsd Cat 2 Bus 1 Bus 2 Vendor PN ID A B 962830-1,2,3 962830A-1,2,3 962830A-X-S-4 962830A-X-S-5 962830A-1-S-7(B212/412) 10 J2-7 J1-40 J2-8 J1-22 NOTE: A B 10 The connector pin numbers given in the Table above are to the best knowledge of Honeywell EGPWS engineering. Please contact the manufacturer’s customer service to confirm your installation. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 65 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Digital – ARINC 429 Dual IOC Buses (Cat. 2. ID 255) Air Data Type 255 (IOC bus or equivalent) is a dual, high speed, digital ARINC 429 signal having the air data labels 203, 204, 206, 210, 212, and 213. EGPWS MK VI / MK VIII ARINC 429 High Speed ARINC 429 High Speed J2 IOC Buses A 39 A B 38 B A 41 A B 40 B IOC Bus 1 IOC Bus 2 ARINC429-IOC.vsd Cat 2 Vendor Model IOC Bus 1 IOC Bus 2 ID A B 255 A4P1-1 A4P1-2 A B A4P101-1 A4P101-2 BD 100 IAPS L-IOC (L-GP-5) R-IOC (R-GP-5) NOTE: The connector pin numbers given in the Table above are to the best knowledge of Honeywell EGPWS engineering. Please contact the manufacturer’s customer service to confirm your installation. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 66 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3.3 Category 3 – Position Input Select Category 3 defines the Global Position System bus type and interface. GPS Input selection is available in the following formats: ARINC 429 low speed and ARINC 429 high speed in either ARINC 743 or 743A format, RS-232, and Internal GPS card. CAUTION Not all GPS receivers calculate Horizontal Figure of Merit (HFOM) and Vertical Figure of Merit (VFOM) correctly and thus are unacceptable sources of position. The following GPS systems are know to have FOM computational errors: Universal GPS-1000 Instructions 1. Using Appendix E Tables E 3, Under Step/category 3 select Position Input Source. Using table E 3.1.3 and E 3.1.3-x select ID number for your position input source and record that number on Table E 3 under Ident No. for step 3. This number will be used during programming of the configuration module. 2. Appendix E Tables E 3.1.3-x, where x is the position input type number, define the electrical interfaces required to support the position input type. Using Tables E 3.1.3-x determine the wiring interconnects and record it on Appendix A Fig A1-3. Note: See Category 7 to select GPS Altitude Reference (mean sea level or WGS-84) for ARINC 429 label 076. ARINC 743 Format This option provides the ability to specify the GPS input data format as ARINC 743 instead of the ARINC 743A data format. For ARINC 743A the VFOM is in feet and the HFOM is in nautical miles (nm). For ARINC 743 both VFOM and HFOM are in meters. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 67 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3.3.Examples ARINC 429 BUS (Cat. 3 ID 0,1,4,5) EGPWS MK XXII J2 ARINC 429 GPS Bus ARINC 429 GPS A 25 A ARINC 429 Bus - Hi B B ARINC 429 Bus - Lo 8 ARINC429-GPS.vsd Vendor Model GNS-XLS (17960-0203-) 429 GPS Alt ARINC Speed Ref. 743/743A A B Low MSL 743A J101-N5 * J101-N6 * or (17960-0102-) SM06 Bus 1 Bus 2 A B GNS-XL (18355-) SM06 Low MSL 743A J101-N5 J101-N6 HG2021GBXX H/L** MSL 743 J1-38 J1-39 J1-24 J1-25 HG2021GDXX H/L** MSL 743A J1-38 J1-39 J1-24 J1-25 NOTE: * The connector pin numbers given in the Table above are to the best knowledge of Honeywell EGPWS engineering. Please contact the manufacturer’s customer service to confirm your installation. GNS-XLS ARINC 429 bus also contains Range label ** Pin 21 open = high speed; Pin 21 GND = Low speed RS-232 Transmit-Receive, 9600 baud (Cat. 3 ID 3) EGPWS MK XXII RS – 232 GPS Bus J2 RS-232 GPS NC TX 45 RX 29 TX – Transmit Out CM 28 GND RX – Receive In RS232-GPS.vsd Vendor Model GARMIN GNS430 GPS Alt ARINC Ref. 743/743A MSL RS-232 RX TX GND N/A P4001-56 Chassis MSL N/A P9002-13 Chassis MSL N/A P941-6 Chassis Software Version 2.21 KLN 900 066-04034-0104 or 066-04034-0204 KLN 94 NOTE: The connector pin numbers given in the Table above are to the best knowledge of Honeywell EGPWS engineering. Please contact the manufacturer’s customer service to confirm your installation. The KLN 90B is not compatible with EGPWS. The GNS 430 software mod is also applicable to the GPS 400 and GNC 420 units. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 68 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Dual ARINC 429 BUS (Cat. 3 ID 255) NOTE: If GPS #2 is not installed in the aircraft, then GPS bus #1 must be connected in parallel to both EGPWS GPS input ports. J2 EGPWS MK XXII ARINC 429 GPS Bus ARINC 429 GPS Bus ARINC 429 GPS A 25 A Hi B 8 B Lo A 23 A Hi B B ARINC 429 Bus 1 ARINC 429 Bus 2 6 Lo ARINC429-DualGPS.vsd 429 GPS Alt ARINC Speed Ref. 743/743A A B GPS-1 (L-GPS-2) High MSL 743A A25BP1-6A A25BP1-6B GPS-2 (R-GPS-2) High MSL 743A Aircraft Model Bus 1 Bus 2 A B A24BP1-6A A24BP1-6B BD 100 NOTE: The connector pin numbers given in the Table above are to the best knowledge of Honeywell EGPWS engineering. Please contact the manufacturer’s customer service to confirm your installation. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 69 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3.4 Category 4 – Altitude Callouts Category 4 defines the Altitude Callout menu choices and Smart ‘500’ Callout selection along with Autorotation callout enablement. Appendix E Table E 3.1.4 defines the Altitude Callout Menu options and identifies the first MK XXII EGPWS version in which the option was available (see the Effectivity entry). The Altitude callout menus have selected combinations of “Minimums-Minimums”, Smart “500”, “200”, “100”, “50”, “40”, “30”, “20”, and “10”. Autorotation mode, and no altitude callouts may also be selected. Recommended selections are ID 133, 135 or 136. NOTE: For applications that use Category 1 (Aircraft Type) ID 146, 147, 148 or 149, where autorotation will not be detected, it is strongly recommended that a callout menu be selected that provides, as a minimum, 200 and 100 feet such as ID 132 or 136. The Altitude Callout menu provides altitude annunciation for descent below predefined altitudes (example: “One Hundred” is annunciated when descending through 100 feet radio altitude). A Smart “500” foot callout is available that will issue a “500” callout when the aircraft is 500’ AGL. This callout is active only during non-precision approaches or when the Glideslope or Localizer deviation is greater than 2 dots. “Minimums-Minimums” callout can be selected or deselected from these combinations by connecting or not connecting the Decision Height (DH) discrete (J1-33) of Category 8. Instructions 1. Using Appendix E Table E 3.1.4 , select the preferred Altitude Callout Menu Type (ID) that matches the feature preferences and version (part number) being installed. Using table E 3.1.4 select ID number for your Altitude callouts and record that number on Table E 3 under Ident No. for step 4. This number will be used during programming of the configuration module. 2. If the “Minimums-Minimums” callout will be used, use the electrical interfaces (pin-outs) for Radio Altitude Input Select Type (Category 8) shown in Appendix E Table E 3.1.8-x to generate the installation wiring diagrams. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 70 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3.5 Category 5 – Audio Menu Select Category 5 defines one Audio Menu options for Helicopters (ID 128). Instructions 1. Using Appendix E Tables E 3, Under Step/category 5 select Audio Menu. Using table E 3.1.5, select ID number for your audio menu and record that number on Table E 3 under Ident No. This number will be used for programming the configuration module. 2. Audio Menu has no bearing on Aircraft wiring interface CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 71 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3.6 Category 6 – Terrain Display Select Category 6 defines the Terrain Display options available. Appendix E Table E 3.1.6 defines the Terrain Display Select options (Display Configuration Group Tables, Display Input Control Group Tables and Output 429 Bus Group Tables) and identifies the first MK XXII EGPWS version in which the option was available (see the Effectivity entry). Note: TA&D mode enabling/disabling is controlled by Category 6. Chose ID 2 for aircraft without TA&D. Instructions 1. Using Appendix E Tables E3.1.6 and E 3.1.6-x select the Terrain Display Select Type (ID) that matches the aircraft configuration, feature preferences and version (part number) being installed. Record the ID number for the Terrain Display Select Type from Appendix E Table E 3 under the Ident No. heading for Step (Category) 6 . 2. Using the I D number Table E 3.1.6 as “x”, go to the Table E 3.1.6-x . The electrical interfaces (pin-outs) for the Display are shown in the Display Configuration Group, Display Input Control Group, and Output 429 Bus Group, Table E 3.1.6-x are used to generate the installation wiring diagrams. Determine the wiring interconnects and record it on Appendix A Fig A1-1. Figure 3.8-1 is an example of single tube Wx/Terrain display wiring connections. TAD Selection The Terrain Awareness & Display feature consists of a Terrain Awareness Alerting feature and a Terrain Awareness Display feature. The Terrain Awareness Alerting feature continuously computes terrain clearance envelopes ahead of the aircraft and issues alerts if the boundaries of these envelopes conflict with terrain elevation data in the terrain database. The Terrain Awareness Display feature displays the terrain data relative to aircraft altitude. A “False” entry in Appendix E Table E 3.1.6 for “TAD Disable” indicates that TA&D is ENABLED (the “Disable” is disabled). CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 72 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Terrain Display Configuration Group This option provides the ability to specify the type of Terrain Display compatible with the aircraft configuration. A definition of each of the entries in the Display Configuration Group tables is provided in the table below. Function Value Reference section Display Type Display manufacturer, model, etc. Sweep Type The type of sweep used for terrain data (fan, standard, etc.) Auto Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Mode TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True The TA&D Alternate Pop Up is set to The TA&D Alternate Pop Up is set to False or True in Category 7. If False, False or True in Category 7. If True, Pop Up behavior for the terrain Pop Up behavior for the terrain display is described here. display is described here. Category 7, Options Select Group #1 See Note 1 Peaks Enable: False Peaks Enable: True Peaks Enable is set to False or True Peaks Enable is set to False or True in Category 7. The effect of setting it in Category 7. The effect of setting it to False is described here. to True is described here. Describes if/when terrain display(s) can be manually selected Manual select Describes if/when terrain display(s) can be manually deselected Defines if the display data is automatically scaled and, if so, the scale used (such as 10 nautical miles) Indicates whether or not a moving marker is provided Describes where “TERR” and Peaks Elevations overlays will be located on the display screen. Indicates the priority for displaying terrain data. For example: Standard (PWS Warn, Terrain Warn, PWS Caution, Terrain Caution) Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display Priority Searchlights Defines the display bus type ‘KC Picture Bus’ (ASPB), ‘Honeywell Picture Bus’ or ‘ARINC 453’. Display bus type CHANNEL TX453-1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 CHANNEL TX453-2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 Notes: CONNECT TO: Indicates the correct connection for these pins CONNECT TO: Indicates the correct connection for these pins 1 Peaks Mode “(Not Available)” or “(Elevations via overlay)” shown here. Peaks mode “Not Available” means that this display type cannot display Peaks Mode. Table 0-1 Definition of Display Configuration Group Tables (Appendix E Section 5.3.6) CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 73 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A J1-32 J1-31 J1-54 DSD #2 Gnd Gnd J1-56 J1-57 A 453 #2 B DSD #1 Gnd J1-58 J1-59 A 453 #1 B J1-51 J2-41 J2-40 A B Range #2 Gnd J2-37 J2-36 A B Range #1 DWG NO: 060-4314-225 Momentary ON BRT/ DIM/ TEST 453 OUT DISPLAY RELAY ARINC 429 RANGE BUS FIGURE 3.3.6-1 Single Tube Wx/Terrain Display Terrain Display Select #1 Discrete Output Display Select Discrete #1 Input TERR Terrain Pop-Up Discrete Output ARINC 453 TERRAIN BUS #1 429 IN WX System R/T 453 WX / TERR BUS 429 Range Output Bus * Display relay specifications: - 4PDT - Continuous Duty Cycle - Pickup Voltage: 13.5 Vdc Max. - Dropout Voltage: 7.5 - 2.0 Vdc - Coil Resistance: nominal 500 Ohms (~100mA @ 28 Vdc) - Coil Rating: 26.0 Vdc (nominal) 34 Vdc (max.) - Contact V drop: < 125mV @ rated load - Contact current rating: 2 Amps resistive @ 28 Vdc 28 VDC TERRAIN SELECTED TERRAIN POP-UP A B A B Wx/TERR Display System Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual REV: C SHEET 74 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Display Input Control Group This input bus is connected to the display (or display controller) and transmits Range settings, Display Mode, and Display status to the MK XXII EGPWC. Output 429 Bus Group This output bus is commonly connected to EFIS and/or EICAS displays and Flight Recorders and transmits MK XXII EGPWC alert, fault, and mode status to other systems. Example CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 75 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 Lamp Test 28V Lamp Dimming Bus 3 B 57 REV: C MK XXII 965-1590-006 or later Terrain INOP (out) 55 Note: For interface and operation of the Honeywell Grimes TRA-45A see Honeywell TRA-45A Equipment Installation Manual P/N 34-40-01 Alternate Action A 1 A 56 SHEET 76 80-5145-X-2 TRA45.vsd KCPB Video in Range out TRA-45A Honeywell Grimes TRA-45A B 13 B B 59 TERR INHIB TERR INOP KCPB Video in Range out TRA-45A 80-5145-X-2 B 28 A J1 3 A 58 J1 B 40 A 41 A 13 B B 36 1 28 A J1 A 37 J2 Terrain Inhibit (in) 12 KCPB Video #2 Out KCPB Video #1 Out ARINC 429 Range #2 In ARINC 429 Range #1 In EGPWS Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 Lamp Test 28V Lamp Dimming Bus N6 B B 36 Q6 B A 41 REV: C SHEET 77 Q6 B B 57 MK XXII 965-1590-006 or later. Terrain INOP (out) 55 Note: GNS-XLS will not perform auto pop-up during Alert. For interface and operation of the GNS-XLS see Honeywell GNS-XLS System Installation Manual 006-10528-0000 GNS-XLS.vsd 17960-0203-XXXX KCPB Video in Range out GNS-XLS 17960-0203-XXXX KCPB Video in Range & GPS out GNS-XLS Honeywell GNS-XLS Q4 A A 56 Alternate Action N6 B B 59 TERR INHIB TERR INOP N5 A A 58 J1 B 40 J101 Q4 A B 8 A 25 N5 A J101 A 37 J2 Terrain Inhibit (in) 12 KCPB Video #2 Out KCPB Video #1 Out ARINC 429 Range #2 In ARINC 429 GPS In ARINC 429 Range #1 In EGPWS Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 Lamp Test 28V Lamp Dimming Bus REV: C SHEET 78 MK XXII 965-1590-006 or later. Terrain INOP (out) 55 Note: For interface and operation of the Avidyne FSD see Avidyne FSD Installation Manual P/N 600-0067 D98-00001-5X Avidyne.vsd KCPB Video in Range out AVIDYNE FSD 22 B B 57 Alternate Action A 4 A 56 TERR INHIB TERR INOP 35 B B 59 AVIDYNE FSD 17 A J5 KCPB Video in Range out D98-00001-5X 22 B A A 58 J1 B 40 A 41 4 35 B B 36 AVIDYNE FSD 17 A J5 A 37 J2 Terrain Inhibit (in) 12 KCPB Video #2 Out KCPB Video #1 Out ARINC 429 Range #2 In ARINC 429 Range #1 In EGPWS Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C B 57 A 56 B 59 A 58 Terrain INOP (out) 55 Terrain Inhibit (in) 12 Terrain Display Select (out) 54 MK XXII 965-1590-006 or later. NC NC J1 B 40 A 41 B 37 A 36 Terrain Display Select (in) 32 ARINC 453 Video #2 Out ARINC 453 Video #1 Out Range #2 In RS-422 Serial Range #1 In EGPWS J2 4 TERR INHIB TERR INOP momentary 3 Lamp Test 28V Lamp Dimming Bus Note: For interface and operation of the Honeywell Weather Radar Indicator WI-440, 660, 880 see Honeywell Service Bulletin 7007700-34-15 Alternate Action ON TERR 71 72 WU-440, 660, 880 Honeywell WRX R/T P N WXPD Bus SCI Bus SHEET 79 IntP880.vsd Integrated Primus 440/660/880 28V EGPWS PWR Bus WI-440, 660, 880 7007700-X1X X EGPWS Selected L M P G N F Honeywell Radar Indicator Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 open TERR momentary A B 57 A 56 REV: C MK XXII 965-1590-006 or later. Terrain INOP (out) 55 TERR INHIB TERR INOP 19 13 6 18 9 6 18 9 Lamp Test 28V Lamp Dimming Bus Terrain Status 32 Terrain Select J2 3 3 KCPB Video in Note: For interface and operation of the Avtech 6001 DSU see Avtech DSU Installation and Operation Procedure P/N 6001-1680 Alternate Action ON 2 13 16 12 16 SHEET 80 10 4 8 15 7 17 11 5 NC 4 8 15 7 17 11 5 P/N 6001-1 14 PrimusUDI.vsd AVTECH DSU 10 F MK L A GC P B V 1 AVTECH DSU Primus WXR UDI 12 J E S U T DHR 19 Range out 2 N 2 Display Invalid 48 B B 59 7 47 A 9 B 49 8 A 58 J1 B 40 J1 440, 650 w/ Lightning, 660, 670, 700, 880 B 36 A 41 450, 650 w/o Lightning, 800 90, 100, 200, 300, 300SL, 400, 500, AVQ30 PRIMUS SERIES A 37 Terrain Inhibit (in) 12 KCPB Video #2 Out KCPB Video #1 Out ARINC 429 Range #2 In ARINC 429 Range #1 In EGPWS J2 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3.7 Category 7 – Options Select Group #1 Category 7 enables/disables the following Options: Steep Approach (not available in MkXXII), TA&D Alternate Pop Up, Peaks Mode, Obstacle Awareness, Bank Angle, WOW Reversal, and GPS Altitude Reference. Appendix E Table E 3.1.7 defines the Options Select group and identifies the first MK XXII EGPWS version in which the option was available (see the Effectivity entry). Note: Disabling peaks mode is not an option in the Mk XXII Instructions 1. Review the sections below for information on Steep Approach, TA&D Pop Up, Peaks Mode, Obstacle Awareness, Bank Angle, WOW Reversal, and GPS Altitude Reference 2. Using Appendix E Tables E 3.1.7, select the preferred Category 7 (Options Select Group #1) ID that matches the aircraft configuration, features preferences and version (part number) being installed. Record the ID number for the Options Select Group #1 from Appendix E Table E 3 under the Ident No. heading for Step (Category) 7. This number will be used for programming the configuration module Steep Approach (Not Available in the Mk XXII) This feature is not applicable to MK XXII. TA&D Alternate Pop-up The Display Configuration Group Type (Category 6) defines default and alternate definitions for EGPWS alert “Pop-up” behavior, when no terrain displays are active or when a combination of terrain and non-terrain displays are active. (Some Display Configuration Group Types do not support an Alternate Pop-up definition.) Category 7 enables/disables Alternate Pop Up. Pop-Up and Defines whether EGPWC visual alerts will “pop-up” on displays not Alternate Pop-Up currently displaying terrain data. The entries are: False Selected terrain-compatible displays will switch to display surrounding terrain data. (Some displays will only Pop Up when display is in the proper mode.) True EGPWS alerts will not pop-up in terrain-compatible displays. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 81 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual For Helicopters TA&D Alternate Pop Up should always be set to False. Peaks Mode Peaks mode is an alternate means of displaying terrain data. The standard terrain display mode displays terrain relative to the aircraft altitude that is within the aircraft envelope (the terrain is above or not more than 2000 feet below the aircraft). The terrain display is typically blank during the cruise portion of a flight. Peaks mode provides increased situational awareness by providing the same information as the standard display mode as well as displaying terrain outside of the aircraft envelope and the highest and lowest elevations of terrain displayed. Peaks mode displays terrain based on the absolute terrain elevations. Disabling peaks mode is not an option in the Mk XXII. Peaks Mode is always selected. Obstacle Awareness The Obstacle Awareness feature adds a database of (man-made) obstacles that are greater than 100 feet taller than the surrounding terrain to the Terrain Awareness Alerting calculations. (The Terrain Awareness Alerting feature continuously computes terrain clearance envelopes ahead of the aircraft and issues alerts if the boundaries of these envelopes conflict with terrain elevation data in the terrain database.) Obstacle data is currently available for North America and parts of the Caribbean. Not all obstacles will be contained in the database. Category 7 enables Obstacle Awareness if TA&D is not disabled in Category 6. Note: TAD must be enabled if Obstacle Awareness is enabled. Honeywell strongly recommends the selection of Obstacle Awarness. Bank Angle Callout Enabling The Bank Angle feature provides protection for over banking during maneuvering on approach or climb-out and while at altitude.. The Bank Angle callout can be enabled or disabled as appropriate for this installation. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 82 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual WOW Reversal The WOW discrete input is defined in Category 13. The Category 7 control is used to reverse the defined logic to match aircraft wiring, if necessary. +28 VDC WOW discrete active position: WOW Reversal WOW Discrete (Category 13) Not Selected Selected WOW Discrete = +28V WOW Not WOW WOW Discrete = Open Not WOW WOW Ground seeking WOW discrete active position: WOW Reversal WOW Discrete (Category 13) Not Selected Selected WOW Discrete = GND WOW Not WOW WOW Discrete = Open Not WOW WOW GPS Altitude Reference The GPS Altitude (label 076, Category 3) may be referenced to mean sea level (MSL) or WGS84. Determine which reference the GPS position uses and set the GPS Altitude Reference accordingly in this Category. If using the internal GPS card select MSL. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 83 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3.8 Category 8 – Radio Altitude Input Select Category 8 defines the Radio Altitude and Decision Height interface. Instructions 1. Using Appendix E Tables E 3, under Step/category 8 select Radio Altitude Type. Using table E 3.1.8 and E 3.1.8-x select ID number for your Radio Altimeter and record that number on Table E 3 under Ident No. for step 8. This number will be used during programming of the configuration module. 2. Appendix E Tables E 3.1.8-x, where x is the Radio Altimeter Type number, define the electrical interfaces required to support each Radio Altimeter. Using Table E 3.1.8-x determine the wiring interconnects and record it on Appendix A Fig A1-1. 3. The Decision Height discrete (J1-33, Category 8) indicates to the MK XXII EGPWC whether the aircraft is above or below the selected Decision Height. This discrete is typically connected to the Decision Height output on the Radio Altimeter indicator. If the ‘MinimumsMinimums’ callout is not wanted the Decision Height discrete should be left open. Using Table E 3.1.8-x determine the wiring interconnects for Decision Height and record it on Appendix A Fig A1-1. Example Digital Radio Altitude Interface EGPWS MK XXII J2 ARINC 429 Radio Altitude Radio Altimeter R/T A 21 A B B 4 J1 DH Discrete (Gnd) Radio Altimeter Indicator DH 33 Vendor Model R/T Collins RAC-870 Indicator CAGE CODE: 97896 R/T Indicator SCALE DH A B ALI-55 ARINC 429 P1-V P1-2 P1-3 MP-B2 MP-B3 B C Honeywell ALA-52A Honeywell KRA 405B ARINC 429 ARINC 429 KNI-415/416 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A ARINC 429 M DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 84 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Analog Radio Altitude Interface EGPWS MK XXII J1 Analog Radio Altitude Radio Altimeter R/T (+) 64 + (-) 45 - ARINC 552, ALT 55, RT-200/300 Valid Radio Altitude Valid +28V 29 Radio Altimeter Indicator DH Discrete (Gnd) DH 33 Vendor Model R/T Collins ALT 55 (3) Indicator Indicator SCALE DH + - Valid ALI-55 ALT55 P1-V P1-57 P1-59 P1-49 P1-57 P1-59 P1-49 Collins ALT 50 -20 to 2100 ft Honeywell HG7502 R/T JG1072( ) ARINC 552 P1-e P4-47 P4-46 P4-27 Honeywell RT-300 (1) RA-315 ARINC 552 P1-F P1-X P1-N P1-Y Honeywell RT-200 (2) RA-215 -.4mV/ft P1-F P1-N P1-W P1-Y Honeywell KRA-405 KNI-415/416 ALT55 M P1-B P1-g S Honeywell KRA 405B KNI-415/416 ALT55 M E X j -4mV/ft G Z j ARINC 552A Z G j P1B-46 P1B-27 P1B-46 P1B-27 KRA 405B (2) 066-01153-0101 KRA 405B 066-01153-0202 Honeywell ALA-51A INA-51( ) ARINC 552 P2-e P1B- Collins 860F-1 339H-1/-2 ARINC 552 P1-e P1B- 47 47 NOTE 1: The following RT-300 part numbers meet ARINC 552 for the Auxiliary Output: 7001840 902, -906, -912, -916, -917, -918, -922, -926, -928, -932, -936, -937, and -938. Some RT200’s are also compatible, consult your Honeywell representative. NOTE 2: This is the precision output from the R/T. Note the + and – signals are swapped to convert the –4mV to +4mV. NOTE 3: The ALT-55 provides compromised EGPWS performance due to the average altitude tracking algorithm employed. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 85 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3.9 Category 9 – Navigation Inputs Select Category 9 selects the Glideslope and Localizer Deviation interfaces and Glideslope Validity and ILS Tuned discretes. Appendix E Table E 3.1.9 defines the Category 9 Navigation Inputs Select options (called Navigation Inputs Select Types) and identifies the first MK XXII EGPWS version in which the option was available (see the Effectivity entry). Instructions 1. Using Appendix E Tables E 3, E 3.1.9 and E 3.1.9-x as described above, select the Navigation Input Select Type that matches the aircraft configuration, feature preferences, and version (part number) being installed. 2. Record the ID number for the Navigation Inputs Select Type from Appendix E Table E 3 under the Ident No. heading for Step (Category) 9. This number will be used during programming of the configuration module. 3. Using the Navigation Inputs Select number from Appendix E Table E 3.1.9 as “x”, go to Appendix E Table E 3.1.9-x. .The electrical interfaces (pin-outs) for the Navigation Inputs Select Type are shown in Appendix E Table E 3.1.9-x and are used to determine the wiring interconnects and record it on Appendix A Fig A1-1. Navigation Inputs Select (Glideslope & Localizer Inputs) Glideslope Deviation is basic (required) and is available in analog and digital formats. Localizer Deviation is an enhancement (not required) and is available in digital format only. Glideslope Validity Glideslope Validity (+28V Super Flag) is required for Navigation Inputs Select 0 at pin J1-11. Glideslope Validity (Low Level) is required for Navigation Inputs Select 1 at pins J1-30 (+) and J1-10 (-). Digital 429 Glideslope interfaces (Navigation Inputs 2 & 3) do not require Glideslope Validity input. ILS Tuned Discrete Input #1 (+28V) and #2 (GND) The ILS Tuned Discrete indicates that an Instrument Landing System frequency has been selected on the Captain’s (or selected) ILS. The ILS Tuned Discretes #1 (+28V) and #2 (GND) are optional to each other. These discretes are used with the analog Glideslope inputs. When an ILS is tuned, the MK XXII EGPWS checks the Glideslope Validity discretes and monitors the Glideslope inputs. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 86 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Example Analog Glideslope Interface (cat. 9 ID 0,1,5) EGPWS MK XXII GS Deviation J2 + 65 +Up - 46 +Dn GS Valid +28 Super Flag +28V + 30 - 10 + GS Flag - (Low Level) +28 39 GND 20 Delayed ILS Mode ILS Energize Valid Vendor Model Honeywell ILS Tuned SuperFlag Low Level +28V Flag J1003-27 J1003-21 KNR 630 Honeywell GND J1002-18 J1003-22 P6342-50 P6342-34 KNR 634 P6342-18 P692-S KGM-691 P692-T Honeywell P601-e KNR 600A P601-q Collins TP-22 51RV-1 TP-21 P1-17 VIR-30, -31, -32 Honeywell +28V J1-9 P6341-17 P601-k P692-B P601-r P601-s BP-18 TP-8 TP-9 P2-40 P1-5 P1-1 J1001-56 J1001-90 J1001-23 TP-27 TP-21 BP-18 TP-8 TP-9 Honeywell P2-13 KN 53 P2-R P1-A74 P2-12 P2-P P2-14 P1-B64 RNZ 850 CAGE CODE: 97896 P6342-36 P692-C RNA-34A Honeywell J1003-8 P6342-35 P692-a VNS 41A Honeywell GS J1003-9 J1-13 P1001-60 Deviation +up/+dn Honeywell Collins GS Deviation 11 Low Level GS Valid ILS Tuned ILS Receiver P1-B79 P1-B75 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 87 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Digital Glideslope/Localizer Interface EGPWS MK VI / MK VIII J2 ARINC 429 ILS ILS Bus A ARINC 429 B Low Speed A 22 B 5 Vendor Model ARINC 429 Bus 1 ARINC 429 Bus 2 A B A B Honeywell KNR 634A P6342-41 P6342-42 P6342-44 P6342-45 Honeywell VNS 41A P1001-62 P1001-103 Honeywell RNA-34A P1024-24 P1024-28 P1024-21 P1024-25 P401 (403) –41 P401 (403) –42 P401 (403)-44 P401 (403)-45 P1-35 P1-36 P1-22 P1-23 Honeywell KN 40A(B) Collins VIR-432 Dual Glideslope Receiver An example of dual Glideslope receivers are shown on Fig A1-1 Appendix A CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 88 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3.10 Category 10 – Attitude Input Select Category 10 defines the Roll and Pitch Attitude interface. Attitude Signals Roll Angle is used for Bank Angle callout, Pseudo Altitude Algorithm and Terrain Awareness display. Pitch Angle is used for the Tail Strike alert. NOTE: For MD900 series aircraft where no Tail Strike alert is applicable, Pitch is not required, so a roll only configuration may be selected. Appendix E Table E 3.1.10 defines the Attitude Input Select type and identifies the first MK XXII EGPWS version in which the option was available (see the Effectivity entry). Instructions 1. Using Appendix E Tables E 3 and Table E 3.1.10 ,select the Attitude Input Select type that matches the aircraft configuration, feature preferences, and version (part number) being installed. 2. Record the ID number for the Attitude Input Select from Appendix E Table E 3.1.10 under the Ident No. heading for Step (Category) 10 on Table E 3. This number will be used for programming the configuration module 3. Using the Attitude Input Select ID number from Appendix E Table E 3.1.10 as “x”, go to Appendix E Table E 3.1.10-x. The electrical interfaces (pin-outs) for the Attitude Input Select Type are used to determine the wiring interconnects and record it on Appendix A Fig A1-3. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 89 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Example Analog Roll Angle (Synchro) EGPWS MK XXII J1 Roll Synchro Pitch Synchro Vertical Gyro X 1 Y 21 Z 2 X Y Roll Angle Z X Y Z X Y Pitch Angle Z 5 7 6 Vendor Model Attitude V/G Valid +28 X Y Z X Y Z Aeronetics RVG 801 P1-U P1-A P1-B P1-C P1-D P1-E P1-F P2-50 P2-51 P2-52 P2-42 P2-43 P2-44 A B C D E F J1B-C9 J1B-C10 J1B-C11 J1B-D9 J1B-D10 J1B-D11 P1-A P1-B P1-C P1-D P1-E P1-F Collins AHC-85( ) Collins 332D-11 P1-13 N Honeywell HG1075 Jet VG-208 King KVG-350 Pitch Synchro P1-U Roll Synchro HH X Y Z P Q R Litef LTR-81 MP-A11 MP-B1 MP-B2 MP-B3 MP-B4 MP-B5 MP-B6 Litef LCR-92& 93 Note 2 J3-11 J3-40 J3-26 J3-16 J3-39 J3-25 X Y Z P Q R Sperry VG-14A Note 3 Sperry VG-311 P1-45 P1-5 P1-4 P1-6 P1-7 P1-8 P1-9 Note 1: The connector pin numbers given in the table above are to the best knowledge of Honeywell EGPWS engineering. Please contact the manufacturer’s customer service to confirm your installation. Note 2: See LCR installation manual. Note 3: See airframe drawing. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 90 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Digital ARINC 429 High Speed Attitude Input ID 128 (Litef LCR 92S or equivalent) is a high speed, digital ARINC 429 signal having roll pitch angle, and roll pitch rate labels 325, 324, 327, and 326. EGPWS MK XXII AHRS 429 HS J2 AHRS A Roll Pitch B Angle A 23 B 6 Vendor Model 429 High Speed AHRS Litef LCR 92S CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 A B P2-23 P2-6 REV: C SHEET 91 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3.11 Category 11 – Heading Input Select Category 11 defines the Magnetic Heading interface. Appendix E Table E 3.1.11 defines the Heading Input Select types and identifies the first MK XXII EGPWS version in which the option was available (see the Effectivity entry). Instructions 1. Using Appendix E Tables E 3, E 3.1.11 and E 3.1.11-x, select Heading Input type that matches the aircraft configuration, feature preferences, and version (part number) being installed. 2. Record the ID number for the Heading Input Select from Appendix E Table E 3.1.11 under the Ident No. heading for Step (Category) 11 on Table E 3. This number will be used for programming the configuration module. 3. Using the Heading Input Select number from Appendix E Table E 3.1.11 as “x”, go to Appendix E Table E 3.1.11-x. The electrical interfaces (pin-outs) for the Heading Input Select Type are shown in Appendix E Table E 3.1.11-x are used to determine the wiring interconnects and record it on Appendix A Fig A1-3. Magnetic Heading Magnetic Heading is used for Terrain Awareness alert and display and for Envelope Modulation. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 92 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Example Analog Heading (Synchro) (CAT. 11 ID 0) EGPWS MK XXII J1 X 22 X Y 23 Z 3 Y Heading Z H H Heading Synchro 26 VAC Reference Directional Gyro 4 24 C Vendor Model C Heading Reference V/G Heading Ref Heading Synchro H C X Y Z P1-6 P1-7 P1-8 P1-9 P1-10 P2-57 P2-57 P2-34 P2-35 P2-36 P1-50 P1-6 P1-3 P1-25 P1-40 P1-24 Honeywell HG 1075 J1B-G2 J1B-F13 J1B-G13 J1B-E10 J1B-E11 J1B-E12 Honeywell KSG 105 P1-V P1-P P1-d P1-Z P1-W P1-T Jet DN-104 P2-31 P2-9 P2-10 P2-1 P2-2 P2-3 Litef LTR-81 MP-E15 MP-B12 MP-B13 MP-B9 MP-B10 MP-B11 Note 2 J3-05 J3-20 J3-13 J3-42 J3-28 Sperry C-14A P1-e P1-H P1-J P1-L P1-M P1-K Sperry C-14D P1-DD P1-X P1-Y P1-AA P1-BB P1-Z Aeronetics Model 9100 P1-28 Collins AHC-85( ) Collins DGS-65 Litef LCR 92/LCR-93 Sperry DG-234 P2-F P1-L P1-K P1-J Note 1: The connector pin numbers given in the table above are to the best knowledge of Honeywell EGPWS engineering. Please contact the manufacturer’s customer service to confirm your installation. Note 2: See LCR installation manual. Note 3: See airframe drawing. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 93 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Digital ARINC 429 High Speed Heading Input ID (Litef LCR 92S or equivalent) is a high speed, digital ARINC 429 signal having roll angle, pitch angle, roll rate, pitch rate, and heading labels 320, 325, 324, 327, and 326. EGPWS MK XXII AHRS 429 HS J2 AHRS A 23 A B B 6 Vendor Model Heading 429 High Speed AHRS A B Litef LCR 92S CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 94 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3.12 Category 12 – Windshear Input Select Category 12 defines the Windshear interface. Windshear is not applicable to MK XXII. Instruction Select ID 0 for all helicopter configurations. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 95 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3.13 Category 13 – Input / Output Discrete Type Select Category 13 defines the input and output discretes not defined as part of any of the other Categories. Appendix E Table E 3.1.13 defines the Input/Output discretes options and identifies the first MK XXII EGPWS version in which the option was available (see the Effectivity entry). Instruction 1. Using Appendix E Tables E 3, E 3.1.13, and E 3.1.13-x, select the Input/Output Discrete Type number that matches the aircraft configuration, feature preferences and version (part number) being installed. Note: Helicopter I/O Discrete options are Types 128 or 129. The difference is the Output Lamp format described below in section 2. Record the ID number for the Input/Output Discrete Select number from Appendix E Table 5.3.13 under the Ident No. heading for Step (Category) 13 in Appendix E Table E 3. This number will be used for programming the configuration module. 3. Using the Input/Output Discrete Type number from Appendix E Table E 3.1.13 as “x”, the ICD Table E 3.1.13-x. is used to determine the wiring interconnects, record it on Appendix A Fig A1-1, A1-2, and A1-3. Note: When there are two discrete pin choices for the same pin function in Appendix E Table E 3.1.13-x, use only the one that matches the aircraft wiring (use only the +28V and 0V or the Ground and Open definitions). Input/Output Discretes Additional information for the discretes is provided below. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 96 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Audio Inhibit Discrete The Audio Inhibit discrete is an optional input to maintain audio and visual prioritization. When activated, this discrete inhibits all audio (Ground Proximity and Terrain Awareness). Activation of the Audio Inhibit input for more than 60 seconds will result in the “All Modes Inhibit” fault. The Audio Inhibit discrete input can be connected to any or all of the following (as applicable to the aircraft configuration): - a separately labeled guarded cockpit switch For some existing GPWS installations, this discrete may have been tied to the analog Radio Altimeter Receiver-Transmitter Self-Test output. This connection is no longer required but may be left intact for this installation. Discrete Audio Inhibit +28 Position / Status Connector Pin Inhibit = +28V J1-36 Not Inhibit = Gnd/Open Honeywell does not recommend the use of this input for Helicopters. Landing Gear Discrete Landing Gear discrete is supplied by the Gear (or Gear handle) switch. The active position (+28V or GND) indicates “Gear Down” and should be connected to a contact that will indicate Gear Down when the Gear are lowered. Discrete Position / Status Connector Pin Landing Gear +28 Down = +28V J1-35 Not Down = Gnd/Open Landing Gear Gnd Down = Gnd J1-16 Not Down = +28V /Open For fixed gear or skid equipped aircraft this input is not required. Weight ON Wheels (WOW) Discrete The Weight on Wheels (WOW) discrete is supplied by the WOW system in the aircraft. Connection can be made to the actual OLEO switch or relay logic later in the aircraft wiring. For aircraft without WOW indication such as those with fixed gear or skids, this input discrete is not required. Discrete Position / Status Connector Pin WOW +28 On Ground = +28V J1-37 In Air = Gnd/Open WOW Gnd On Ground = Gnd J1-18 In Air = +28V /Open CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 97 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual NOTE: The logic sense of the WOW discrete can be reversed by selecting the WOW eversal option in Category 7, see section 3.3.7. Glideslope Cancel Discrete The Glideslope Cancel discrete provides the crew with the capability to manually cancel Mode 5 for an approach. This is automatically reset when the aircraft descends below 30 feet or ascends above 2000 feet or by selecting a non-ILS frequency. This discrete is typically supplied by a momentary action cockpit Glideslope mode manual inhibit switch, typically part of the Glideslope Lamp assembly (Below GS). Discrete Position / Status Connector Pin Glideslope Cancel Cancel = Gnd J1-15 Normal = Open Mode 6 Low Volume Discrete The Mode 6 Low Volume discrete permanently or temporarily modifies the volume of the Mode 6 altitude and bank angle callouts. This discrete operates independent of the Category 14 options. The Mode 6 Low Volume discrete is used to reduce the Mode 6 volume by 6dB from the volume level select in Category 14. This discrete is typically connected to ground to lower the volume an additional 6dB. In some installations, it is connected to the windshield wiper control to decrease the Mode 6 Volume level under normal conditions and automatically increase Mode 6 volume 6dB when the cabin noise increases due to the windshield wipers being on. Discrete Position / Status Mode 6 Low Volume Low Volume = Gnd Connector Pin J1-13 Not Low Volume = Open Autopilot Engaged Discrete For helicopters this discrete is currently not used. Discrete Position / Status Autopilot Engaged Engaged = +28V Connector Pin J1-8 Not Engaged = Open CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 98 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Terrain Awareness Inhibit The Terrain Awareness inhibit discrete, inhibits the Terrain Awareness modes in the MK XXII EGPWS. This discrete is typically connected to an “alternate action switch” in the cockpit. The recommended label for this switch is “Terrain Override” although labeling for this switch should be consistent with existing cockpit nomenclature. “Terrain Inhibited” will be annunciated during cockpit Self-Test if these functions are inhibited. Discrete Position / Status TA Inhibit Inhibit = Gnd Connector Pin J1-12 Not Inhibit = Open Self Test Discrete The cockpit Self Test discrete is provided to manually initiate test of the EGPWC, EGPWS aircraft interface, and to annunciate system configuration and status information. This discrete is typically supplied by a momentary action cockpit ‘push to test’ switch, typically part of the GPWS WARN Lamp assembly. This discrete must be momentarily connected to ground to activate the Self Test. Activation of this discrete continuously for more than 60 seconds will result in the ‘Self Test Invalid’ fault which will cause a GPWS INOP indication. Discrete Position / Status Self Test Self Test = Gnd Connector Pin J1-34 Normal = Open Glideslope Inhibit Discrete The Glideslope Inhibit Discrete, also known as the Backcourse Inhibit, provides an inhibit to the Glideslope alert when on a backcourse approach. The Glideslope Inhibit is usually connected to the Flight Director or FMS backcourse discrete output. Discrete Position / Status Connector Pin Glideslope Inhibit +28 Inhibit = +28V J1-38 Not Inhibit = Gnd/Open Glideslope Inhibit Gnd Inhibit = Gnd J1-19 Not Inhibit = +28V /Open CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 99 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Timed Audio Inhibit Discrete The Timed Audio Inhibit will cause the inhibiting of all audio messages for a period of 5 minutes or until reset. The discrete input is connected to a momentary lighted switch. When pressed the condition is latched in memory and will be reset after 5 minutes have elapsed or pressing the switch again or when landing. The switch lighting, indicating the Audio is Inhibited is driven by a discrete output described below. Discrete Timed Audio Inhibit Position / Status Momentary Toggle = Gnd Connector Pin J1-17 Normal = Open NOTE: Either the Timed Audio Inhibit or the Terrain Inhibit should be used depending on the aircraft operations. See discussion is section 1. Low Altitude Mode Select Discrete The Low Altitude Mode select is a required input and is used for cruise operation below 500 feet AGL and for operation in high density metropolitan environments such as tall buildings. When selected, the Low Altitude Mode inhibits Excessive Terrain Closure (Mode 2) warnings, retards the Terrain Clearance warnings (Mode 4), and reduces the Terrain look ahead distances and width. When selected, Low Altitude Mode may be de-selected by pressing the switch again. The Low Altitude select switch is a lighted momentary switch where the selected condition lighting is driven by an output discrete described below. Output Discretes The discrete outputs are defined in Appendix E Section 7.4. The MK XXII EGPWS supports two kinds of Ground/Open discrete outputs used to indicate various conditions. Monitor outputs are used to indicate failure conditions for the EGPW system. Monitor outputs default to an active state when there is a failure or if power is removed from the EGPWS (no connection if the EGPWC is removed from the rack). The Discrete Out Lamp driver outputs are used to indicate alert modes (GPWS WARN, BELOW GS, etc.) or mode control status (Terrain Display Select, etc.) of the EGPWS. Short-term current limit protection is provided on all drivers for output shorting conditions. Ground going output discretes may be connected together to produce a ‘wired OR’ function for the active low state of the outputs. If output discretes are ‘wire OR’d’ then diodes must be installed for isolation. Lamp Format The Lamp Format Type (configuration) is a function of the discrete output pin functions and defines the operation of the red and amber GPWS cockpit lamps. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 100 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual For Lamp Format Type 1, the amber “Below G/S” lamp is driven by the GPWS Alert (Glideslope only) discrete and the red “GPWS” lamp is driven by the remaining alerts and warnings. For Lamp Format Type 2, the red “EGPWS” lamp is driven by the GPWS Warning (Pull Up, Warning Terrain, and Warning Obstacle only) discrete and the amber “EGPWS” lamp is driven by the remaining alerts and warnings. GPWS INOP Discrete The GPWS INOP discrete (J1-72) indicates GPWS modes are inoperative. This feature activates a ‘GPWS INOP” lamp located in the cockpit within sight of the pilots. TAD INOP Discrete The TAD INOP discrete (J1-55) indicates, Terrain Awareness (TA), and Terrain Display are ‘Not Available’. This feature activates a ‘TERRAIN INOP” lamp located in the cockpit within sight of the pilots. GPWS Warning Discrete (Lamp Format Type 1 definition) GPWS Warning discrete (J1-78) will activate during any Mode 1 through Mode 4 alert or warning, Terrain Awareness caution/warning, and Obstacle Awareness caution/warning. This feature activates a ‘GPWS” lamp located in the cockpit within sight of each pilot. Note that Mode 6 does not activate any lamp outputs, only voices. GPWS Alert Discrete (Lamp Format Type 1 definition) GPWS Alert discrete (J1-77) will activate during Mode 5 Glideslope cautions only. This feature activates a ‘BELOW GS” red lamp located in the cockpit within sight of each pilot. Glideslope Cancel Discrete -Optional- Glideslope Cancel discrete (J1-76) will activate when the Glideslope Cancel discrete (momentary) has been pressed any time below 2000 feet Radio Altitude if the ILS is tuned. This feature activates a ‘G/S CAN” amber lamp located in the cockpit within sight of the pilots. TCAS Inhibit Discrete -Optional- TCAS Inhibit discrete (J1-69) will activate during any EGPWS voice annunciation. This output is used to inhibit TCAS from talking during EGPWS annunciation. This feature does not have a lamp associated with it. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 101 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Terrain Display Select #1 & #2 Discrete Terrain Display Select #1 & #2 discrete (J1-54 & J1-49) will activate after the related pilot has initiated manual selection of the Terrain Display Select (momentary) discrete #1 or #2 (J1-32 & J1-31, Category 6). This feature activates a ‘TERR” white lamp located in the cockpit within sight of each pilot. The lamp serves to remind the flight crew that this function is active. The select switches (J1-32 & J1-31) and the indicator lamps (J1-54 & J1-49) are commonly combined in switch-lamp assemblies mounted near the displays being selected. Timed Audio Inhibit Discrete The Timed Audio Inhibit discrete (J1-52) will activate after a Timed Audio Inhibit switch (momentary) is pressed in the cockpit. The discrete will stay active until the Timed Audio Inhibit latch resets after 5 minutes or the switch is pressed again or the aircraft lands. The discrete is used to light the ON status portion of the Timed Audio Inhibit lighted switch assembly. Low Altitude Mode Discrete The Low Altitude Mode discrete (J1-73) will activate after a Low Alt switch (momentary) is pressed in the cockpit. The discrete is used to light the ON status portion of the Low Altitude lighted switch assembly. The discrete will stay active as long as the Low Altitude Mode is selected. The Low Altitude Mode may be de-selected by pressing the Low Alt switch again. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 102 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table 0-1 MKXXII EGPWS – Example Cockpit Lights CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 103 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3.14 Category 14 – Audio Output Level Category 14 controls the Audio Output level for alert menu callouts (cautions and warnings). Refer to Category 13 for information on the Mode 6 Low Volume discrete. Appendix E Table E 3.1.14 defines the Audio Output Level options and identifies the first MK VI/VIII EGPWS version in which the option was available (see the Effectivity entry). Instructions 1. Using Appendix E Tables E 3 and E 3.1.14 as described above, select the Audio Output Level ID number that matches the feature preferences and version (part number) being installed. 2. Record the ID number for the Audio Output Level from Appendix E Table E 3.1.14 under the Ident No. heading for Step (Category) 14 in Appendix E Table E 3. The Nominal Volume Select is equivalent to MK XXII MAX volume level. The –6dB through –24 dB are successively lower volume from Nominal. The Nominal output is 4 watts rms into an 8ohm load and 100 milli-watts rms into a 600-ohm load. The audio output level for Mode 6 alerts can be reduced an additional 6 dB by activating the Mode 6 Low Volume discrete of Category 13. H L J1-70 J1-71 High level audio H L J1-75 J1-74 Low level audio 8 ohm 600 ohm Audio Panel FIGURE 3.16-1 Audio Interface Note: Because most helicopters use a full muff headset, cockpit speakers are not applicable. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 104 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3.3.15 Category 15, Autorotation Threshold Category 15 controls the Autorotation Threshold level used for Autorotation detection. Actual thresholds are determined during first of type flight. The thresholds are found in Table 3.1.15-1-1 below. Appendix E Table E 3.1.15 defines the Autorotation threshold options. Instruction 1. Using Table 3.1.15-1-1 below and Appendix E Tables E 3 and E 3.1.15 as described above, select the Autorotation threshold torque ID number that was determined during flight test. 2. Record the ID number for the Autorotation threshold torque Level from Table 3.1.15-1 or Table 3.1.15-1 below under the Ident No. heading for Step (Category) 15 in Appendix E Table E 3. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 105 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual AUTOROTATION THRESHOLD Aircraft Type ID Aircraft Model Threshold % Threshold ID 128 S-76 B/C+ 7.5 15 129 S-76C/A++ 7.5 15 130 S-76A/A+ 7.5 15 131 Bell 212 6 12 131 Bell 412 6 12 132 EC-155B 7.5 15 133 MD900 7.5 15 133 MD902 7.5 15 AS 365N3 7.5 15 6 12 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 Bell 412, DC Torque 142 143 144 145 Table 3.1.15-1: Autorotation Thereshold CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 106 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION IV CONFIGURATION MODULE PROGRAMMING AND REGIONAL TERRAIN DATABASE LOADING CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C 107 SHEET Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION IV – CONFIGURATION MODULE PROGRAMMING AND REGIONAL TERRAIN DATABASE LOADING SECTION IV – CONFIGURATION MODULE PROGRAMMING AND REGIONAL TERRAIN DATABASE LOADING .................................................................................................................109 4.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 109 4.2 HARNESS CHECKOUT AND POWER CHECK ........................................................................................ 109 4.3 UNIT INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................................... 109 4.4 EGPWC INITIALIZATION AND CONFIGURATION ............................................................................... 109 4.4.1 RS-232 Communication with the MK XXII EGPWS .................................................................. 109 4.4.2 EGPWC Front Panel Test Connector........................................................................................ 110 4.4.3 WinVIEWS ................................................................................................................................. 110 4.4.4 WinVIEWS Operation ................................................................................................................ 111 4.5 CONFIGURATION MODULE PROGRAMMING ....................................................................................... 111 4.5.1 CUW and CMR Commands ....................................................................................................... 113 4.5.2 Configuration Module Reprogramming..................................................................................... 114 4.6 REGIONAL TERRAIN DATABASE LOADING ........................................................................................ 115 4.6.1 Effectivity ................................................................................................................................... 115 4.6.2 Description ................................................................................................................................ 115 4.6.3 Approval .................................................................................................................................... 115 4.6.4 Material – Cost and Availability................................................................................................ 116 4.6.5 Accomplishment Instructions ..................................................................................................... 117 4.6.6 Verification of the Terrain Database Version............................................................................ 118 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C 108 SHEET Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION IV – CONFIGURATION MODULE PROGRAMMING AND REGIONAL TERRAIN DATABASE LOADING 4.1 Introduction The following procedures outline the steps necessary to accomplish a complete configuration of the MK XXII EGPWS. This section must be accomplished in the order presented to minimize errors in configuring and operating the system(s). If problems are encountered in performing these procedures, the installer may refer to aircraft wiring diagrams for harness troubleshooting or the aircraft maintenance manual to isolate faulty equipment. All discrepancies should be resolved before proceeding. This section will also load the Regional Terrain Database in MK XXII EGPWS that will be operating outside of the North American region. 4.2 Harness Checkout and Power Check Prior to installing any equipment, it is important to verify that all interfaces have been made and that power and ground at each unit connector is correct, using the wiring diagrams for the installation. Any discrepancies in the wiring must be resolved before proceeding. The wire harness should also be checked for proper clearance near any control cables and other potential areas that may cause binding and/or chafing. 4.3 Unit Installation After the harness check has been completed and any discrepancies have been resolved, the units should be installed into their respective racks, and all connections to the wiring harness should be made (connectors attached). Verify that all of the units are secure in their respective racks, panels, etc., and all harness connections are secure. Refer to aircraft installation drawings for the unit locations and mounting information. 4.4 EGPWC Initialization a nd Configuration The first time a MK XXII EGPWS is turned on in a new installation, the Configuration Module in the EGPWS harness must be programmed to the specific interface configuration for the aircraft. This programming is done via RS-232 cable connection between the EGPWC and a PC running the Honeywell WinViews software. This interface capability is provided to facilitate diagnostic and configuration functions with the EGPWC during post installation checkout. Refer to Appendix C for instructions related to using the WinViews software. 4.4.1 RS-232 Communicatio n with the MK XXII EGPWS The MK XXII EGPWS computer contains software that allows monitoring of its internal CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C 109 SHEET Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual parameters, for testing purposes, without altering its operation. The monitoring of these parameter values enables the operator to quickly determine if the EGPWC is using the correct signal and scaling. The communication link utilizes the RS-232 communication protocol configured as follows: 19200 Baud, No Parity, 8 Bits, and 1 Stop Bit 4.4.2 EGPWC Front Panel T est Connector The RS-232 interface with the EGPWC is accomplished via a test connector provided on the EGPWC front panel (J3). This provides access for a PC test monitor and portable data loading capabilities. The mating connector for the EGPWC test plug (P3) is a male, 15 pin, double density D-subminiature type (or equivalent). The connection between the PC serial port connector (with standard DB9) and the EGPWC RS232 interface is defined as follows: RS-232 Receive RS-232 Transmit RS-232 Ground EGPWS Front Connector (J3) Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 1 Standard (PC)* DB9 Connector Pin 3 Pin 2 Pin 5 *NOTE: Some PC Comm Ports have Pins 2 & 3 reversed from what is described above. Connector, AMP 748364-1 Pin Contact, 204370-2, QTY 4 Backshell, AMP 745854-5 Jackscrew, AMP 747784-3 Connector, AMP 205161-1 Grommet Set, AMP 747746-1 Socket Contact, AMP 205090-1, QTY 3 P3 PCOM 3 2 5 3 4 1 12 Length as required (5’ to 50’) 4.4.3 WinVIEWS (Windows Virtual Interface to the Enhanced Warning System) WinVIEWS is a software tool developed by Honeywell to communicate with the EGPWS. WinVIEWS provides a detailed status of the software configuration and input signals, which enables quick identification of system configuration, and is utilized for programming the system Configuration Module. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C 110 SHEET Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual To obtain a copy of the WinVIEWS software, contact: Honeywell or Aerospace Electronic Systems Honeywell Aerospace Electronic Systems PO Box 97001 PO Box 97001 Redmond, WA 98073-9701 USA Redmond, WA 98073-9701 USA Attn: Order Administration M/S 33 Attn: EGPWS Applications Engineering Phone: (425) 885-8719 Phone: (425) 885-3711 FAX: FAX: (425) 885-8988 (425) 885-2994 GPWS Hotline: (800) 813-2099 WinVIEWS can be sent via e-mail when an e-mail address is provided or downloaded from the web ( 4.4.4 WinVIEWS Operation 1. Connect the PC to the EGPWC using the RS-232 cable as described in section 4.4.2. 2. On the PC, start Windows 3.1, or higher. 3. Start the WinVIEWS.EXE program. 4. Use F6 to select the Terminal Mode. Various commands are available in this mode. Type “HELP” or “?” for a list of the commands available. 4.5 Configuration Module Programming The EGPWC reads the aircraft configuration from the Configuration Module, which is installed in the EGPWC connector. The Configuration Module must have the aircraft specific configuration ID string written to it before the EGPWS is operational. The ID string is defined by 15 separate categories listed in Appendix E Table 5.2, Category ID Selection Procedure. For programming the Configuration Module, the following procedure is used: 1. Verify EGPWC interface to P2 connector (including Configuration Module) and RS-232 interface to PC. 2. Power EGPWC and PC and start WinVIEWS. 3. With WinVIEWS active in the Terminal Mode, configuration sub-mode commands are available for programming purpose. Type “CFG” at the Terminal Mode prompt (>). At this point, the CFG> prompt is displayed and the program and EGPWC are ready for entering the program command and data string. Type “HELP” or “?” to display a list of the Terminal Mode commands and their description. “CUW” is the preface command for entering the ID string. 4. Using the Category ID’s as chosen from the Appendix E (refer to completed Table 5.2), create a command string with the following structure: CUW 0/15 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #/ CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C 111 SHEET Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual - CUW0 is the command and version number. CUW writes the category ID’s defined by version 0 definition (0 is the only version currently available) to the Configuration Module via the EGPWC without a CRC (checksum) value attached (this is generated by the EGPWC when the data is transmitted). - /15 indicates the beginning of the data string (/) with 15 being the number of categories to follow. - … / each Cat ID# is the chosen ID for the category from the Appendix E Table 5.2. The ending slash (/) indicates the end of the data string. Note: If 15 ID’s do not follow “/15”, the error message “Invalid Parameter. Not enough ID’s. Configuration update failed, please try again.” will be given. The value entered for each category must be an available ID for the associated category or a similar error message will be given. If the number of categories provided is less than 15 (e.g., “/8 # … #/” with eight ID’s defined), then the remaining categories (9 through 15) will be set to 0. After completing the data string as defined above, pressing ENTER the cursor will flash waiting for an answer “Y” or “N”. Pressing the Y (or y) key confirms the data and sends the data to the EGPWC to write to the Configuration Module. Note: Using Kermit or a similar terminal emulator pressing ENTER results in a question: “Confirm this data reflects configuration to be programmed (Y/N)”. Pressing the Y (or y) key confirms the data and sends the data to the EGPWC to write to the Configuration Module. Following the writing to the Configuration Module the EGPWC is automatically rebooted in order for the new configuration to take affect. Note: If when the ENTER key is pressed the question response is not given (cursor just moves to the next line), pressing any character key should provide the proper response. Pressing the N key results in the message “Command aborted – No configuration module change has been made”. If necessary, revise the data to correct or change as necessary and continue as above. The backspace key can be used to make corrections. 5. Following the successful writing to the Configuration Module (no error messages) and EGPWC reboot, pressing Control Z (Ctrl-Z) restarts the WinVIEWS Terminal Mode communication. 6. There are a couple ways to now confirm the Configuration Module programming with the following being the preferred. As above, type “CFG” to restart the Configuration sub-mode. At the CFG> prompt, type “CMR ”. Each category and its associated ID is read from the CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C 112 SHEET Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Configuration Module and listed on the PC screen. Alternately, when not in the Configuration sub-mode, the command “PS ” (Present Status) will display EGPWC and configuration data. 7. Configuration Module programming is complete. If the “CFG >” prompt is still present type “Exit ” to exit the Configuration sub-mode. 4.5.1 CUW and CMR Comm ands An example CUW command/data string, its definition, and the corresponding CWR list is provided below. CUW command/data string: CFG > CUW 0/15 128 3 2 134 128 3 29 1 0 2 0 0 129 0 15/ Above configuration defined: Category 1 Aircraft/Mode Type: Category 2 Air Data Type: Category 3 Position Type: Category 4 Altitude Callouts Menu: Category 5 Audio Menu: Category 6 Display Type: Category 7 Options Select Group #1: 128 3 2 134 128 3 29 (All Callouts) (Basic menu) (TA&D Alternate pop-up False) (Peaks Mode True) (Obstacle Awareness True) (Bank Angle True) (Weight on Wheels Reversal) (GPS Altitude Ref. MSL) Category 8 Radio Altitude Type: Category 9 Navigation Type: Category 10 Attitude Type: Category 11 Heading Type: Category 12 Windshear select Type: Category 13 Discrete I/O Type: Category 14 Audio Output Level Type: Category 15 Autorotation Threshold 1 0 2 0 0 129 0 15 CWR list: (based on the above configuration) CFG > CMR CONFIGURATION MODULE: Format Version: Category 1 ID: Category 2 ID: Category 3 ID: Category 4 ID: Category 5 ID: Category 6 ID: CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE 0 128 3 2 134 128 3 SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C 113 SHEET Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Category 7 ID: Category 8 ID: Category 9 ID: Category 10 ID: Category 11 ID: Category 12 ID: Category 13 ID: Category 14 ID: Category 15 ID: CRC: 29 1 0 2 0 0 129 0 15 527518533 4.5.2 Configuration Module Reprogramming Reprogramming the EGPWS Configuration Module is accomplished similar to the programming process above. Prior to reprogramming, the desired new configuration should be determined based on the MK XXII Installation Manual (Appendix E), document number 060-4314-225. For reprogramming the Configuration Module, the following procedure is used: 1. Verify EGPWC interface to P2 connector (including Configuration Module) and RS-232 interface to PC. 2. Power EGPWC and PC and start WinVIEWS. 3. With WinVIEWS active in the Terminal Mode, start the Configuration sub-mode by typing “CFG” at the prompt (>). At this point, either all the ID’s can be rewritten using the CUW command as before, or individual categories can be changed as follows: 4. At the CFG > prompt use the CAT command with the following structure: - CAT is the Appendix E Category to change (example 7) is the new ID to change to (example 92) is True or False for rebooting the EGPWC. Use “T” if only one category is to be changed and the EGPWC will reboot following . Use “F” if another individual ID is to be changed by another CAT operation. Example: CFG > CAT 7 92 T 5. After inputting the desired change information, pressing will transmit the data to the EGPWC to write to the Configuration Module. If a reboot is commanded (T), then the EGPWC will reboot at the completion of the write process. If a reboot is not commanded (F), then a message “Writing to configuration module … Category 7 ID updated successfully.” is given and the CFG > prompt is again displayed. At this point the Configuration Module has been changed, but the change will not be effective until the EGPWC is rebooted. Additional changes can be made with the final change set to command the EGPWC to reboot (or cycle EGPWC power to reboot). 6. Verification of the changes made is the same as before. As above, type “CFG” to restart the Configuration sub-mode. At the CFG > prompt, type “CMR ”. Each category and its CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C 114 SHEET Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual associated ID is read from the Configuration Module and listed on the PC display. Alternately, when not in the Configuration sub-mode, the command “PS ” (Present Status) will display the EGPWC and Configuration Module data. 7. Configuration Module reprogramming is complete. 4.6 Regional Terrain Data base Loading 4.6.1 Effectivity The MK XXII EGPWS (965-1590-0XX) are shipped from the factory with the North American Regional Terrain Database installed. Aircraft operating outside of the North American region will have to load one of the other eight Regional Terrain Databases before beginning the ground test. Use (operation) of a MK XXII EGPWS outside of the loaded Regional Terrain Database will result in the Terrain Awareness function being unavailable. 4.6.2 Description This modification consists of loading the PCMCIA card into the EGPWS either In The Aircraft or On The Bench. An optional verification procedure is provided. 4.6.3 Approval This procedure contains no modification information that revises the approved configuration and therefore does not require FAA or other regulatory agency approval. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C 115 SHEET Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 4.6.4 Material – Cost and Av ailability The Regional Terrain Database PCMCIA card is available at no charge to Operators that will be operating outside of the North America region. Order part from: Honeywell Aerospace Toulouse Office Centreda, Avenue Didier Daurat 31700 Blagnac, France Phone: (33) 5-6171-0079 Fax: (33) 5-6130-0497 Honeywell Airlines & Avionics Products Order Administration M/S 33 PO Box 97001 Redmond, WA 98073-9701 Phone: 425-885-8719 Fax: 425-885-8988 Vendor Name Vendor P/N Description QTY UM Honeywell P/N Honeywell 424NAM North America 1 EA 718-1447-XXX Honeywell 424 SAM South America 1 EA 718-1448-XXX Honeywell 424EUR Europe 1 EA 718-1449-XXX Honeywell 424EEU Eastern Europe 1 EA 718-1450-XXX Honeywell 424AFR Africa 1 EA 718-1451-XXX Honeywell 424PAC Pacific 1 EA 718-1452-XXX Honeywell 424SPA South Pacific 1 EA 718-1457-XXX Honeywell 424MES Middle East 1 EA 718-1458-XXX CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C 116 SHEET Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 4.6.5 Accomplishment Instr uctions Load the PCMCIA card data as described in paragraphs 4.6.5 A. or 4.6.5 B. below. Loading time will be approximately 70 minutes. A. Loading the PCMCIA Card Data with the Computer mounted in the Aircraft. (1) Connect the Smart Cable (Honeywell PN 951-0386-001) to the EGPWC J3 connector. (2) Ensure that the 28 VDC circuit breaker to the EGPWC is ON and that the COMPUTER OK LED on the EGPWC front panel is on. (3) Insert the PCMCIA card into the Smart Cable PCMCIA card slot. NOTE: Precautionary notes on the PCMCIA card, regarding insertion and/or removal while power is applied, should be ignored since the EGPWC automatically handles the application and removal of PCMCIA card power. (4) While the loading is in progress, the IN PROG LED on the Smart Card remains ON and the COMPUTER OK LED on the EGPWC is OFF. (5) When loading is complete the XFER COMP LED on the Smart Card turns ON. (6) Remove the PCMCIA card from the Smart Card slot. (7) After approximately 15 seconds the COMPUTER OK LED comes ON to indicate that the contents of the PCMCIA card were successfully transferred. (8) Remove the Smart Card connector from the EGPWC front panel J3 connector. (9) To perform the verification of the Terrain Database version, go to paragraph 4.6.6 below. B. Loading the PCMCIA Card Data with the Computer removed from aircraft (1) Locate a 28 VDC Power Supply with a minimum supply current of 2 amps. (2) With the Power Supply turned OFF, connect the Power Supply to the J1 connector of the EGPWC as follows: J1 connector Pin J1-40, J1-60 J1-41, J1-61 J1-42, J1-53 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A Pin Nomenclature 28 VDC (+) 28 VDC (-) Chassis GND DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C 117 SHEET Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual (3) Connect the Smart Cable (Honeywell PN 951-0386-001) to the EGPWC J3 connector. (4) Turn the Power Supply ON and verify the COMPUTER OK LED on front of the EGPWC panel is on. (5) Insert the PCMCIA card into the Smart Cable PCMCIA card slot. NOTE: Precautionary notes on the PCMCIA card, regarding insertion and/or removal while power is applied, should be ignored since the EGPWC automatically handles the application and removal of PCMCIA card power. (6) While the loading is in progress, the IN PROG LED on the Smart Card remains ON and the COMPUTER OK LED on the EGPWC remains OFF. (7) When loading is complete the XFER COMP LED on the Smart Card turns ON. (8) Remove the PCMCIA card from the Smart Card slot. (9) After approximately 15 seconds the COMPUTER OK LED comes ON to indicate that the contents of the PCMCIA card were successfully transferred. (10)Remove the Smart Card connector from the EGPWC front panel J3 connector. (11)To perform the verification of the Terrain Database version, go to paragraph 4.6.6 below. 4.6.6 Verification of the Ter rain Database Version Since the EGPWC software verifies the PCMCIA card loading process, this verification is to assure the operator/installer that the correct Regional Terrain Database version is installed. Terrain Database version verification is accomplished with the EGPWS Self Test (ST) function. The ST function may be initiated from the aircraft cockpit with the GPWS Test Switch. NOTE: Initiation of the cockpit ST function may vary from one aircraft to another. For example, the ST function may be initiated by pressing the GPWS (PULL-UP) light assembly, or by activating a separate ST switch. The EGPWS ST function has 6 levels that describe the current condition and configuration of the EGPWS, the fault and warning history, and the condition of the various inputs. To help navigate through the various levels, there are 2 cancel functions: SHORT CANCEL (press and hold the ST button for more than 0.5 seconds, but less than 2 seconds) and LONG CANCEL (press and hold the ST button for more than 2 seconds, but less than 8 seconds). The Short Cancel and Long Cancel functions operate differently, depending upon the ST level. To initiate a ST sequence, or CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C 118 SHEET Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual to continue from level-to-level, the ST button must also be ‘pressed and held’ for more than 0.5 seconds, but less than 2 seconds, which is identical to the Short Cancel function. Therefore, for simplicity, the phrase “Press ST Button” in the verification procedure means to press and hold the ST button for more than 0.5 seconds, but less than 2 seconds. The procedure guides the operator directly to ST Level 3, “System Configuration”, skipping most of ST Level 1 and Level 2. To verify the Regional Terrain Database that was just loaded into the EGPWC, perform these steps: NOTE: ‘On the Bench’, this test requires an audio speaker and a self test button. (1) Ensure the EGPWC power is ON (2) Press ST button to initiate ST Level 1. (3) After ST Level 1 message starts, Press ST button to cancel Level 1 and start Level 2. (4) After ST Level 2 message, “Current Faults”, is heard, Press ST button to cancel Level 2. (5) When the message, “Press to Continue”, is heard, Press ST button to start ST Level 3. (6) Verify the Terrain Database version annunciated in the following sequence: a) “SYSTEM CONFIGURATION” b) “PART NUMBER 965-1590-XXX” c) “MOD STATUS XX” d) “SERIAL NUMBER XXXX” e) “APPLICATION SOFTWARE VERSION XXXXX” f) “TERRAIN DATABASE VERSION XXXX” The following example of Terrain Database Version annunciation: “424NAM” (for NORTH AMERICA), “424EUR” (for EUROPE), or “424PAC” (for PACIFIC). Other versions will follow the same pattern. (7) Other messages that follow the Terrain Database Version can be ignored. When ST Level 3 finishes, the message “Press to Continue” is heard. If the ST button is not pressed again the ST sequence terminates. NOTE: If power was connected to the EGPWC per steps B1 through B4, perform shut-down per steps (7) and (8) following. (8) Turn Power Supply OFF. (9) Disconnect Power leads from the EGPWC. END OF TEST CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C 119 SHEET Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C 120 SHEET Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION V CERTIFICATION CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 121 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 122 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION V – CERTIFICATION 124 5.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 124 5.2 CERTIFICATION PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................. 124 5.2.2 Equipment Location .................................................................................................................. 124 5.2.3 FAA Requirements .................................................................................................................... 124 5.2.4 Ground Test .............................................................................................................................. 124 5.2.5 Flight Manual Revision ............................................................................................................ 124 5.2.6 Flight Test ................................................................................................................................. 125 5.2.7 Pilots Guide .............................................................................................................................. 125 5.2.8 Failure Modes, Effects, and Safety Analysis ............................................................................. 125 5.2.9 Existing STC’s .......................................................................................................................... 125 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 123 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SECTION V – CERTIFICATION 5.1 Introduction This section outlines the procedures required to obtain FAA approval for the MK XXII EGPWS installation. 5.2 Certification Procedur e Equipment Compatibi lity Careful consideration must be paid to the electrical characteristics of existing equipment or possible additions that will be interfaced to the MK XXII EGPWS, in order to ensure system compatibility. Section III of this manual provides system-planning guidelines, and defines the electrical characteristics of the EGPWS. The installing agency should contact Honeywell Product Support (800-813-2099), for information regarding the compatibility of equipment not listed in Section III or interface into any airframe not listed in Appendix E Table E 3.1.1. Normal business hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. 5.2.2 Equipment Location The EGPWS and associated indicators, annunciators, and switches should be clearly visible and within easy reach of the pilot(s). Refer to Section II of this manual for complete installation information. 5.2.3 FAA Requirements The installing agency should contact a local FAA Inspector who will determine whether the installation may be approved by Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) or by submitting FAA Form 337 with an applicable STC package. 5.2.4 Ground Test Honeywell has developed a generic Installation Ground Test Procedure for the MK XXII EGPWS, drawing number 060-4167-167. 5.2.5 Flight Manual Revisio n Honeywell has developed a generic Rotorwing Flight Manual Supplement for the MK XXII EGPWS, drawing number 060-4314-009. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 124 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 5.2.6 Flight Test Honeywell has developed a generic Flight Test procedure for the MK XXII EGPWS, drawing number 060-4314-006. The Flight Test procedure was developed for first of type installations, for these installations all sections of the Flight Test procedure shall be performed. For follow on installations of the same aircraft type and interface, the flight test is not required. When updating an STC to the current part number it is only necessary to flight test significant new features. The notice of change is available in Honeywell Service Bulletins. 5.2.7 Pilots Guide Honeywell has developed a Pilot’s Guide for the MK XXII EGPWS, drawing number 060-4314200 that provides a description of the modes and the controls of the EGPWS. 5.2.8 Failure Modes, Effects , and Safety Analysis Honeywell has developed a Failure Modes, Effects, and Safety Analysis document for the MK XXII EGPWS, drawing number 060-4314-002 that provides an analysis of the failure modes of the EGPWS. 5.2.9 Existing STC’s For more information and a list of existing STC’s see the EGPWS web site CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 125 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 126 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual APPENDIX A CUSTOMER WORKSHEET CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 127 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 127 Phone: N# Engine Type (model number): Installer: Contact: Notes: Other (specify) Weather Radar Controller Weather Radar R/T Weather Radar Indicator QTY SCALE: NONE MANUFACTURER CAGE CODE: 97896 Multifunction Display (MFD) EFIS Display Control Panel EFIS Display EFIS Symbol Generator SYSTEM SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 MODEL NO. REV: C PART NO. Please provide the following information for intended EGPWS display purposes (include any new displays planned): COCKPIT DISPLAYS: Aircraft Type (be specific): Model S/N Aircraft Operator: Contact: SHEET 128 Phone: SOFTWARE NO. The purpose for this work sheet is to obtain the necessary aircraft data for determining the specific interface configuration for the MK XXII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS). For defined MK XXII EGPWS interface data, refer to Honeywell document No. 060-4314-225, Installation Manual for the MK XXII For product description information, refer to Honeywell document No. 965-1590-601, Product Specification for the MK XXII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System. Contact Honeywell EGPWS Applications Engineering for assistance. ENHANCED GROUND PROXIMITY WARNING SYSTEM MK XXII EGPWS MFGR. CAGE CODE: 97896 MSL MODEL NO. * GPS Altitude Reference: WGS-84 Engine Torque DG Radio Altimeters ILS Receivers AHRS / IRU / INU VG GPS * Air Data Computers SYSTEM output data information for: SCALE: NONE PART NO. SIZE: A QTY OUTPUT DATA FORMAT – NOTES REV: C SHEET 129 (ARINC 429, 547, 552, 575, DC, synchro, potentiometer, discrete, etc. Identify available ARINC 429 labels) Use “N/A” if Not Applicable DWG NO: 060-4314-225 S/W PART NO. AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS INFORMATION: Please provide the manufacturer, model number, part number, software part number, quantity per aircraft, and ENHANCED GROUND PROXIMITY WARNING SYSTEM MK XXII EGPWS GND > ° < ° OPEN +28 VDC > ° < ° barometric altitude, corrected baro altitude, baro rate, computed airspeed, static air temperature or total air ADC Range Display CAGE CODE: 97896 Torque Engine 1 and 2 or FADEC SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 SHEET 130 altitude, latitude, longitude, ground speed, true track, true heading, mag variation, Nav mode, horizontal figure of FMS / GPS REV: C glideslope deviation / flag , localizer deviation / flag ILS / NAV receiver merit, horizontal integrity limit, vertical figure of merit magnetic heading, vertical velocity, pitch, roll IRS / AHRS temperature radio altitude, decision height PARAMETERS RADIO ALTIMETER SYSTEM Listed below are typical parameters from each system, which are required to implement the EGPWS functions. Note that this list is a typical example. Actual source systems may vary depending on aircraft configuration and selected options. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DH WOW Landing Gear Down Landing Gear Up PARAMETER Please check applicable boxes for both up and down positions. DISCRETE INPUTS: ENHANCED GROUND PROXIMITY WARNING SYSTEM MK XXII EGPWS CAGE CODE: 97896 Main Rotor RPM Rotational Frequencies: SCALE: NONE SIZE: A Distance from tail rotor blade (lowest point) to ground Distance from lowest point of tail or tail-skid to ground Distance from CG to center of Tail Rotor Distance from CG to Tail (Lowest point of tail or skid) Height of Nominal CG above ground Aircraft Tail Geometry: (be specific) Model: Manufacturer: GENERIC MODEL INFORMATION ENHANCED GROUND PROXIMITY WARNING SYSTEM MK XXII EGPWS DWG NO: 060-4314-225 No. Of Blades (Main Rotor) Height of Tail REV: C Tip of Tail to CG SHEET 131 Torque Engine SYSTEM SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 In % Torque (ARINC 429, RS 422, RS 232, synchro, DC, AC Signal Scale Factor DATA FORMAT CAGE CODE: 97896 Number of Engines ENHANCED GROUND PROXIMITY WARNING SYSTEM MK XXII EGPWS REV: C SHEET 132 NOTES CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 133 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 134 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 135 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 136 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 137 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual APPENDIX B SAMPLE WIRING DIAGRAMS CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 139 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV:C SHEET 140 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV:C SHEET 141 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV:C SHEET 142 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual APPENDIX C WinViews OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 143 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 144 Honeywell MK XXII Installation Manual APPENDIX C – WinViews Operation Instructions RS-232 COMMUNICATION WITH THE EGPWS The EGPWS contains software that allows monitoring of its internal parameters, for testing purposes, without altering its operation. The monitoring of these parameter values enables the operator to quickly determine if the correct signal and scaling is being used by the EGPWS computer. The communication link utilizes the RS-232 Communication Protocol configured as follows: 19200 Baud, No Parity, 8 bits, and 1 stop bit. The RS-232 interface with the EGPWS is accomplished via the J3 test connector on the front of the EGPWS. The connection between a PC (with a standard DB9 serial port connector) and the EGPWS RS-232 interface is defined as follows: (Please note that the EGPWS will activate its RS232 port only when it receives the command CONTROL Z after power is applied to the EGPWS. The CONTROL Z command is automatically sent by WinVIEWS) RS-232 Receive RS-232 Transmit RS-232 Ground EGPWS Front Connector Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 1 Standard DB9 Connector (for a PC)* Pin 3 Pin 2 Pin 5 *NOTE: Some PC Comm Ports have Pins 2 & 3 reversed from what is described above. The mating connector for the EGPWS J3 test connector is a male (pins) 15 pin double density Dsubminiature type, Positronics Industries (kit) part number ODD15M1OYOZ or the following individual parts: Nomenclature (AMP) Amp Part Number Military Part Number Connector Shell (HDP-22 Crimp Snap In Contact) 748364-1 reference MIL-C-24308 Size 22 DM Crimp Snap In Contacts Pin 0.030 204370-2 M39029/58-360 Backshell (Shielded Cable Clamp Assembly) 745854-5 Jackscrews, 2 required (4-40 Male Jackscrew Kit) 747784-8 Grommet Sets 747746-1 The following tools will work with Positronics, Amp, and Mil Spec Connectors: Insertion / Extraction Tool 91067-1 M81969/1-04 Hand Crimp Tool M22520/2-01 Positioner M22520/2-09 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 145 Honeywell MK XXII Installation Manual WinVIEWS OPERATION: Windows Virtual Interface to the Enhanced Warning System WinVIEWS software is a tool developed by Honeywell to monitor or view values within the EGPWS. The WinVIEWS software provides a monitor function that does not alter the operation of the EGPWS. The monitoring of values assists in the installation testing of the EGPWS by allowing the operator to quickly determine if the correct signal and scaling is being used by the EGPWS. Additionally, WinVIEWS provides a detailed status of the software configuration and input signals which enables quick identification of system anomalies. WinVIEWS software can be ordered as Honeywell part number 998-2846-500. A User’s Guide to WinVIEWS is available as Honeywell document number 998-2846-600. The software consists of the WinVIEWS executable file, a help file, and sample command files. The command file is a simple text file that should include each CVT Item used in this test procedure. A sample command file for this test procedure is found on the following page. The file must be a ‘Text Only’ type of file, such as those created in the Microsoft Windows Note Pad program. It should have a filename extension of .CMD. Once this file is loaded, WinVIEWS can automatically display the current value of each parameter listed in the file. Normal Operation for Ground Testing the EGPWS: STEP 1 - Connect the PC to the EGPWS via the RS-232 cable as defined above. STEP 2 - On the PC, start Windows 3.1, or higher. STEP 3 - Start the WinVIEWS program. STEP 4 - Under the File Menu select the “Load Command File” option and load the appropriate Command File. STEP 5 - Use F6 to select Data Display Mode. Each CVT Item listed in the Command File will be continuously updated at a rate of greater than once per second. The values shown for the CVT Items listed will be the test values. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 146 Honeywell MK XXII Installation Manual Command File: MK XXII_GTP.CMD The format for the WinVIEWS command file is: 1. ASCII Text Only; no spaces 2. A CVT Item as specified in the test procedure 3. Each CVT Item Name is followed by a or RawRA1 ARA1Val DHDsc RawBAlt1 RawBaroRt1 RawCAS1 RawSAT1 ILSTuned1 GnILSTuned1 RawAACGS1 AGS1Val GPSLatude1 GPSLngude1 RawGLat1 RawGLng1 RawGAlt1 RawVFOM1 RawHFOM1 RawGGSpd1 RawHil1 RawGTTk1 RawRoll1 RawPitch1 AnAtt1Val RawAACMHD AACMHDVal WOWDsc LandGrDsc GSCan AudInhDsc M6LwVolDsc GSInh GSlnhDsc TAWxRng1 TAWxRng2 TerrDis AnaTerrDis RawTorque1 RawTorque2 TacticalSel TAInop TAInop1 TAInop2 EngTorque1 EngTorque2 DispRngOut1 DispRngOut2 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE VF V V VF VF VF VF V V VF V VF VF VF VF VF VF VF VF VF VF VF VF V VF V V V V V V V V VF VF V V VF VF V C C C VF VF V V SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 147 Honeywell MK XXII Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 148 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual APPENDIX D VENDOR DRAWINGS CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 149 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 150 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual D 1-0 Vendor Contact Information The vendor contact information provided below is current at the time of publication of this document. AMP 2800 Fulling Mill Road MS 038-035 Middletown, PA 17507 800 806-0480 Barry Controls Burbank, CA 818 843-1000 United Kingdom: Surrey, England 44 (0932) 22-4122 Brighton, MA 616 787-1555 Germany: Raunheim, Germany 49 (6142) 43077/8/9 EDMO 5505 E. Rutter Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 1 800 235-3300 Electronic Cable Specialists and Electrical Conservation Systems, Inc. 5300 W Franklin Drive Franklin, WI 53132-8642 414 421-5300 EMTEQ, Inc. S84 W18693 Enterprise Drive Muskego, WI 53150 (888) 679-6170 (262) 679-6170 (262) 679-6175 Fax e-mail: Hollingsead International Sante Fe Springs, CA 213 921-3436 IDD Aerospace Redmond, WA 425 885-4353 ITT Cannon Santa Ana, CA 714 557-4700 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 151 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Korry Electronics 901 Dexter Avenue North Seattle, WA Attention: Airline Sales 206 281-1300 800 257- 8921 For orders and AOG requirements, contact: Sonya Cordova 206 281-3567 email: fax: 206 281-3576 SITA: SEAKEXD For engineering inquiries, contact: Tom Howard Bob Jacques Airline Business Manager Airline Business Manager 206 281-1458 206 281-3584 email: email: fax: 206 273-4128 fax: 206 273-4128 Master Specialties Co. Costa Mesa, CA 714 642-2427 Optima Wire 1120 Harpeth Industrial Ct. Franklin, TN 37064 615 599-3770 PIC Wire & Cable Supply N63 W22619 Main Street P.O. Box 330 Sussex, WI 53089-0330 414 246-0500 Fax: 414 246-0450 Sensor Systems, Inc. 8929 Fullbright Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 818 341-5366 Fax: 818 341-9059 StacoSwitch 1139 Baker Street Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4191 714-549-3041 Fax: 714-549-0930 West Coast Specialties CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE Cathy Harper Dan Sugg Also contact EDMO – Avionics Distributor for StacoSwitch P.O. Box 5010 Preston, WA 98050 425 222-3118 Fax: 425-222-3119 Contact: Bruce Maxwell, (Rep) 206-232-2871 Fax: 206-232-3174 SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 152 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual D1-1 EDMO EDMO Distributors (800)235-3300 – “One Stop Shopping” for the following EGPWS and TAWS support products: * MD41-12XX/13XX TAWS ACU’s from Mid-Continent Instruments * 90-44802-1 PMA’d TAWS ACU from West Coast Specialties * Eaton and StacoSwitch EGPWS split switch & annunciator kits * Shadin XYZ compass to RS-232/422 Converters * Shadin low cost Airdata computers * Solid State Altitude Encoders (most models) * GAE-1575 GPS Repeater for hangar testing * Installation Supplies CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 153 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual D1-2 EMTEQ EMTEQ, Inc. supports all EGPWS/TAWS systems manufactured by Honeywell, Inc. by offering products to help complete your installation. The installation provisions are fully compliant with ARINC specifications and standards. We have a full understanding of the system requirements for coaxial components, wire harnesses, Switchpanels and mounting accessories. ♦ Fully certified and tested RF cable sets for GPS ♦ Bulk coax cable (cut to length) and the necessary coax connectors to complete the installation on your own ♦ Avionics Trays ♦ Switchpanel and mounting hardware ♦ ARINC Rack Connectors, Circular Connectors, etc ♦ Wire harnesses GPS - RF Cable Sets EMTEQ performs the critical electrical testing for GPS cables using a Hewlett Packard 8753D Vector Network Analyzer. The state of the art equipment stores all profiles at the exact time the cables were tested. Comprehensive reports are supplied on all cable assemblies manufactured. Individual assemblies can be matched electrically to an original set of cables when necessary due to the assignment of unique serial numbers on all cable units. EMTEQ offers a unique option in the marketplace with a choice in two families of RF cable types to meet your specifications and budget. We offer Teflon ® (TFLX series) and PE (PFLX series) cables as shown in Table 1 (Table 1.A. Teflon ®; Table 1.B. Polyethylene (PE)) . Both types are Skydrol resistant, meet or exceed MIL-C-17, and meet or exceed FAA Flammability requirements. The characteristics of each option give you the choice that fits your requirements. Pricing will differ between the two options, so please call us to discuss your particular project requirements. This phone call may give you the competitive edge required to win your bid. We have this outcome in mind when we offered options to our customers. For each option, EMTEQ offers connectors to meet the system requirements. Connectors for PFLX and TFLX cable types are listed in Table 2. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 154 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE 1 Table 1.A. (Teflon ® Jacketed RF Coax) (High Temp) Cable Type O.D. Bend Radius Per 100 ft (inches) Minimum TFLX130-100 21.60 dB 0.130 “ ½” TFLX165-100 17.00 dB 0.161” 1 ¾” TFLX205-100 13.90 dB 0.195 “ 1 ¾” TFLX295-100 7.60 dB 0.205 “ 3.0 “ TFLX480-100 4.75 dB 0.480 “ 2.40 “ P/N Loss @ 1600 Mhz Table 1.B. (PE – Polyethylene Jacketed RF Coax) (85 C temp) Cable Type O.D. Bend Radius Per 100 ft (inches) Minimum PFLX195-500 14.00 dB 0.195 “ ½” PFLX240-500 11.00dB 0.242 “ ¾” PFLX340-500 7.59 dB 0.340 “ 1” PFLX500-500 4.27 dB 0.500 “ 1 ¼” P/N CAGE CODE: 97896 Loss @ 1600 Mhz SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 155 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE 2 Table 2.A.1 Connectors (for TFLX cable series) - GPS GPS Connector Application Description TFLX130-100 TFLX165-100 TFLX205-100 TNC male Antenna Straight TMS130-1 TMS165-1 TMS205-1 TNC male Antenna Right Angle TMR130-1 TMR165-1 TMR205-1 TNC female Disconnects Bulkhead Straight TFS130- 2 TFS165-2 TFS205-2 C male Antenna Straight CMS130-1 CMS165-1 CMS205-1 C male Antenna Right Angle CMR130-1 CMR165-1 CMR205-1 Application Description TFLX295-100 TFLX480-100 TNC male Antenna Straight TMS295-1 TMS488-1 TNC male Antenna Right Angle TMR295-1 TMR488-1 TNC female Disconnects Bulkhead Straight TFS295-2 TFS488-2 C male Antenna Straight CMS295-1 CMS488-1 C male Antenna Right Angle CMR295-1 CMR488-1 Type GPS Connector Type CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 156 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE 2 (continued) Table 2.B.1 Connectors (for PFLX cable series) – GPS GPS Connector Application Description PFLX195-500 PFLX240-500 PFLX340-500 TNC male Antenna Straight TMS195-1 TMS240-1 TMS340-1 TNC male Antenna Right Angle TMR195-1 TMR240-1 TMR340-1 TNC female Disconnects Bulkhead Straight TFS195-2 TFS240-2 TFS340-2 C male Antenna Straight CMS195-1 CMS240-1 CMS340-1 C male Antenna Right Angle CMR195-1 CMR240-1 CMR340-1 Type GPS Connector Application Description PFLX500-500 TNC male Antenna Straight TMS500-1 TNC male Antenna Right Angle TMR500-1 TNC female Disconnects Bulkhead Straight TFS500-2 C male Antenna Straight N/A Type CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 157 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Tool Frame and Die Part Numbers Mil-Spec P/N Daniels Cable Type for Hex Die P/N for Hex Die Tool Frame Die Hex PFLX195 M22520/5-19 Y142 M22520/5-01 (HX4) B Hex PFLX200 M22520/5-19 Y142 M22520/5-01 (HX4) B Hex PFLX240 M22520/5-43 Y141 M22520/5-01 (HX4) A Hex PFLX340 M22520/5-35 Y137 M22520/5-01 (HX4) A Hex PFLX500 M22520/5-21 Y149 M22520/5-01 (HX4) A Hex TFLX130 M22520/5-43 Y141 M22520/5-01 (HX4) A (ARINC) / B Hex TFLX165 M22520/5-19 Y142 M22520/5-01 (HX4) B Hex TFLX205 M22520/5-43 Y141 M22520/5-01 (HX4) A Hex TFLX295 M22520/5-35 Y137 M22520/5-01 (HX4) A Hex TFLX488 M22520/5-27 Y151 M22520/5-01 (HX4) A Hex CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 158 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Installation Considerations: Meeting the specifications when faced with a long cable run could be challenging at some times. Solutions typically are found when combining a Low Loss Cable (large OD) for the majority of the run with a “pig tail” at the box or antenna sides. The “pig tail” cable will have a small OD, and will be very flexible to make the installation in difficult areas easier. Please use the Tables above for additional information. You can also call EMTEQ’s knowledgeable staff at the below numbers to help in the configuration and meet your requirements. EMTEQ, Inc. S84 W18693 Enterprise Drive Muskego, WI 53150 (888) 679-6170 Toll Free (262) 679-6170 Fax: (262) 679-6175 e-mail: CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 159 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual D1-3 Aerospace Optics Aerospace Optics Inc. Aerospace Optics Inc. is pleased to support the Honeywell EGPWS/TAWS team with our line of Vivisun LED lighted switches and indicators. We would welcome the opportunity to assist with your installation and address your Honeywell EGPWS/TAWS lighting requirements. LED Lighting The Honeywell EGPWS/TAWS systems offer state-of-the-art performance. Accordingly, several recent innovations in LED cockpit lighting have emerged which truly complement the performance of the Honeywell Systems. Traditionally, lighted cockpit switches have used incandescent lamps which are known for the excessive face cap temperatures they generate. The lamps are also subject to high failure rates which degrades sunlight readability and creates reliability concerns. LED lighting resolves each of these limitations as they consume less than half the power of typical incandescent lamps and offer life-ofthe-aircraft reliability. However, the use of LED lighting also has a number of additional challenges, which can quickly dilute their utility. When using LED lighting in the past, sunlight readability and viewing angles were limited and uniform dimming required special pulse width modulation. Additionally, unprotected LEDs were susceptible to damage from transients and voltage spikes from severe electrical environments as defined in RTCA/DO160D. However, today, with the evolution of LED technology and innovative design techniques, it is possible to take advantage of the efficiencies afforded by LEDs while continuing to meet the lighting and environmental requirements of aircraft design. The Vivisun LED resolves each of these challenges including DO-160D compliance and standard voltage controlled dimming. LEDs are the lighting source for the future and the ideal compliment to the Honeywell EGPWS/TAWS Systems. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 160 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Please feel free to contact the Aerospace Optics Technical Sales Team for assistance in addressing the use of LED lighted switches and indicators. Aerospace Optics Inc. 3201 Sandy Lane Fort Worth TX, 76016 1-(888)VIVISUN- (848-4786) Toll Free Fax (817) 654-3405 e-mail : CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 161 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual D1-4 StacoSwitch StacoSwitch As a supplier of high reliability switches and indicators for avionics since 1958, StacoSwitch is proud to be integrated with many Honeywell products and divisions. Through our relationship with EDMO Distributors in Spokane, WA, we supply AV17 kits that include all the switches, annunciators, and crimp pins needed to complete the installation of your Honeywell EGPWS (TAWS) system. These kits meet all lighting and color requirements in the shortest and lightest switch and indicator units available on the market. EDMO stocks these kits and can even generate customized legend and color combinations with extremely fast delivery, usually within a couple days. StacoSwitch can also provide solutions to most switch needs that may arise, such as LED lighting, Night Vision (NVIS) compatibility, EMI/RFI shielding, watertight seals, Digital Dimming Modules that can dim both incandescent and LED lights with consistency, pushbutton guards, and customized-legend switch and indicator assemblies that can be packaged into impressive matrix mounts. Please check out our full line of products at It includes all the detailed information to help answer any questions you may have during an installation and also a link to EDMO. Contact Information: Dan Sugg – Vice President of Sales StacoSwitch 1139 Baker Street Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Phone: (714) 549-3041 Fax: (714) 549-0930 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 162 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual APPENDIX E INTERFACE DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 163 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 164 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................................166 E1 Part Number .............................................................................................................................................................166 E2 Purpose.....................................................................................................................................................................166 E3 System Overview .....................................................................................................................................................166 E4 ELECTRICAL INTERFACE ..................................................................................................................................167 E 4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................167 E 4.2 Signal Interfaces...............................................................................................................................................167 E 4.2.1 Grounds............................................................................................................................................................167 E 4.2.2 Primary Power Input ........................................................................................................................................167 E 4.2.3 DC Analog Inputs ............................................................................................................................................168 E 4.2.7 AC Analog Inputs ............................................................................................................................................170 E 4.2.9 ARINC 429/575 Digital Serial Bus Inputs.......................................................................................................172 E RS-232 / RS-422 Digital Serial Bus Inputs ..................................................................................................173 E 4.2.10 Discrete Inputs .............................................................................................................................................174 E 4.2.11 Configuration Module Interface...................................................................................................................175 E 4.2.12 GPS Antenna Input.......................................................................................................................................175 E 4.2.13 OAT Voltage Reference Output...................................................................................................................176 E 4.2.14 Lamp Driver Outputs ...................................................................................................................................176 E 4.2.16 Audio Outputs ..............................................................................................................................................176 E 4.2.17 ARINC Digital Serial Output Busses ...........................................................................................................177 E ARINC 429 Output Bus ...........................................................................................................................177 E ARINC 453 Output Bus ...........................................................................................................................178 E 4.2.18 Front Panel Test Interface ................................................................................................................................178 E RS-232 Maintenance Port (serial port 4)......................................................................................................178 E PCMCIA / SmartCable Port.....................................................................................................................179 E GSE Present Discrete Input......................................................................................................................179 E 4.2.19 Front Panel Status Indicators............................................................................................................................179 E5 AIRCRAFT APPLICATION DATA...........................................................................................................................180 E 5.1 Configuration Types.............................................................................................................................................180 E 5.2 Configuration Selection .......................................................................................................................................180 E 5.3 Configuration Selection Tables........................................................................................................................182 E 5.3.1 Category 1, Aircraft / Mode Type Select .........................................................................................................183 E 5.3.2 Category 2, Air Data Input Select ....................................................................................................................189 E 5.3.3 Category 3, Position Input Select ....................................................................................................................195 E 5.3.4 Category 4, Altitude Callouts...........................................................................................................................199 E 5.3.5 Category 5, Audio Menu Select .......................................................................................................................201 E 5.3.6 Category 6, Terrain Display Select ..................................................................................................................202 E 5.3.7 Category 7, Options 1 Select............................................................................................................................231 E 5.3.8 Category 8, Radio Altitude Input Select...........................................................................................................233 E 5.3.9 Category 9, Navigation Input Select ................................................................................................................236 E 5.3.10 Category 10, Attitude Input Select ...............................................................................................................238 E 5.3.11 Category 11, Heading Input Select...............................................................................................................240 E 5.3.12 Category 12, Windshear Input Select...........................................................................................................241 E 5.3.13 Category 13, Input / Output Discrete Type Select........................................................................................242 E 5.3.14 Category 14, Audio Output Level ................................................................................................................245 E 5.3.15 Category 15, Autorotation Threshold...........................................................................................................246 E6 CONNECTOR INTERFACE ......................................................................................................................................247 E 6.1 Pinout for Front Connectors sorted by pin number ..............................................................................................247 E7 DEFINITIONS.........................................................................................................................................................252 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 165 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual INTRODUCTION E1 PART NUMBER This document is the Interface Description for the MKXXII Helicopter Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) part number 965-1590-0XX. The MK XXII EGPWC 10 digit part number will identify the configuration of the EGPWC as follows: • 965-1590-XXX (example 965-1590-010) • XXX = Application Software (including Configuration Software) The Terrain Database (including the Envelope Modulation Database) Version is not identified in the 10-digit part number but with a separate identifier on the nameplate. All modification changes not affecting form, fit or function will be identified via “mod dots”. The digits identifying the Application software will match the respective version number of the Application software. E2 PURPOSE This Appendix describes all of the system external interfaces for the MK XXII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS). E3 SYSTEM OVERVIEW For more information please refer to the EGPWS Product Specification document 965-1590-601. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 166 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E4 ELECTRICAL INTERFACE E 4.1 INTRODUCTION The MK XXII EGPWS provides electrical interfaces for aircraft systems and to support maintenance functions. The interfaces are made via the front panel aircraft interface connectors, front panel maintenance/test port and front panel LED’s. A TNC coaxial connector is located on the front panel for internal GPS receivers in the 965-1590-0XX MK XXII EGPWC. The following sections describe the types of electrical interfaces provided in the EGPWC. See Section E 5 for the specific interface configuration capabilities of the MK XXII EGPWS. E 4.2 SIGNAL INTERFACES This section identifies and describes the number and characteristics of each interface type provided in the front aircraft interface connectors. The aircraft interface connectors are defined as P1 (78 pins) and P2 (50 pins). Section E 6 identifies the connector pin assignments. The signal mnemonic for each signal in Section E 6 is included in the following sections. All synchro inputs are brought in as three or five wire devices. No two wire absolute AC signals are available. All analog inputs provide broken wire detection on all input signal legs. Unless otherwise stated, the “Maximum reverse fault current” is defined as the current resulting from an internal component failure, with the input signal at zero volts. E 4.2.1 GROUNDS CHASSIS GROUND Used for redundant metal connection. This pin is internally connected to DC Ground (see section 0). Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): J1-42, J1-53 (GND) DC GROUND For discrete inputs and lamp driver outputs. These pins are also internally connected to Chassis Ground (see section 0). Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): (same as +28 VDC Return) J1-41, J1-61 (PWR_L) NOTE: All analog signals are differential input. E 4.2.2 PRIMARY POWER INPUT Nominal Input Normal Voltage Range Normal Surge Voltage Range Abnormal Voltage Range Abnormal Surge Voltage Range Normal Frequency Range Frequency Transients Power Requirements 28 VDC 22.0 to 30.3 VDC 15 – 40VDC (30 msec) 20.5 to 32.2 VDC 37.8 VDC (1sec); 46.3 VDC (100 msec) not applicable not applicable 9 Watts - No Warnings +7 Watts with warning voice over 8 Ω speaker +3 Watts with Internal GPS (includes antenna power)1 +49 Watts (typical) with heater blanket on2 3 Amp delayed action circuit breaker. Recommended Power Control Device Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): +28 VDC Input +28 VDC Return J1-40, J1-60 J1-41, J1-61 (PWR_H3) (PWR_L3) 1 Based on the Honeywell GPS Pxpress card specification and applies to 965-1590-0XX only. The heater blanket turns on at temperatures ≤ -23° C and turns off at temperatures ≥ -20° C. 2 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 167 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual 3 Note that this is not a floating input. +28 VDC must be applied to both PWR_H and +28 VDC Return to both PWR_L inputs. E 4.2.3 DC ANALOG INPUTS Unless otherwise specified, Input Signal accuracy is1% linearity +0.1% full scale offset. E RADIO ALTITUDE Quantity Input Impedance, each leg Maximum Reverse Fault Current Signal Range Input Voltage Range (VRA) Conversion Range (Vc) Input Filter Broken Wire Detect Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Signal (+) Return (-) E 1 > 83 KΩ < 200 µamps 0 to 2500 feet 37.7V ≥ VRA ≥ -2.5V 29.7V ≥ Vc ≥ -0.4V 0.1 Second Low Pass, ± 10% Input will be biased to less than -50 feet J1-64 J1-45 LOW LEVEL GLIDESLOPE Quantity Input Impedance, each leg Reverse Fault Current Signal Range Input Voltage Range Input Filter Input Type Common Mode Voltage Range (VCM) Broken Wire Detect Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): +Up, Below Beam, Fly Up +Down, Above Beam, Fly Down E (RALT_H) (RALT_L) 1 > 2.5 MΩ < 6.2 µamps ±12 Dots ±0.9VDC 0.1 Second Low Pass, ± 10% Differential 11V ≥ VCM ≥ -2V Input will be biased less than -15 dots J1-65 J1-46 (GSDEV_H) (GSDEV_L) LOCALIZER DEVIATION OR LOW LEVEL GLIDESLOPE VALIDITY This input can be configured as either a low level glideslope valid, or as a localizer deviation input. Installations that only have the low level validity signal for glideslope can not activate the analog localizer input. See section 5.3.9 for more information. Quantity Input Impedance, each leg Reverse Fault Current Input Filter Input Type Common Mode Voltage Range (VCM) Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): + - CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE 1 > 2.5 MΩ < 6.2 µA 0.1 Second Low Pass, ± 10% Differential 11V ≥ VCM ≥ -2V J1-30 J1-10 SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 (GS_VAL_H) (GS_VAL_L) REV: C SHEET 168 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual When used as a validity input: Active Voltage Range (Logic True) Inactive Voltage Range (Logic False) Broken Wire Detect +160 to +840 mVDC 0 to 50 mVDC Input will be biased less than –1 VDC When used as a localizer input: Signal Range Input Voltage Range Broken Wire Detect ±12 Dots ±0.9VDC Input will be biased less than -15 dots E 4.2.4 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDE Quantity Input Impedance, each leg Reverse Fault Current Input Voltage Range Input Filter Input Type Broken Wire Detect Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Signal (+) Return (-) E 4.2.5 1 > 83 KΩ < 200 µamps -0.18VDC to +15VDC 0.1 Second Low Pass, ± 10% Differential Input will be biased less than -3000 feet J1-62 J1-43 (ALT_H) (ALT_L) OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE Quantity Input Impedance, each leg Reverse Fault Current Input Voltage Range Input Filter Input Type Broken Wire Detect Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Signal (+) Return (-) 1 > 100 KΩ < 200 µamps +0.3 VDC to +0.6VDC 0.1 Second Low Pass, ± 10% Differential Input will be biased less than -80° C J1-63 J1-44 (OAT_H) (OAT_L) NOTE: For temperature probe voltage reference see section 0. E 4.2.6 CONFIGURATION DEFINED DC INPUTS Quantity Input Impedance, each leg Reverse Fault Current Input Voltage Range Input Filter Input Type Broken Wire Detect Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): #1 Signal (+) #1 Return (-) #2 Signal (+) #2 Return (-) CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE 2 > 83 KΩ < 200 µamps ±5 VDC 0.1 Second Low Pass, ± 10% Differential Input will be biased less than –6 VDC J1-26 J1-27 J1-66 J1-47 SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 (TORQUE_1H) (TORQUE _1L) (TORQUE _2H) (TORQUE _2L) REV: C SHEET 169 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 4.2.7 AC ANALOG INPUTS Unless otherwise specified, Input Signal accuracy is1% linearity +0.1% full scale offset E SYNCHRO ROLL ATTITUDE Quantity Input Impedance: X leg Input Impedance: Y leg Input Impedance: Z leg Maximum Reverse Fault Current Input Voltage Range Synchro Angle Range Reference Voltages Accuracy Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): X leg Y leg Z leg E 1 > 140 KΩ > 140 KΩ > 140 KΩ < 200 µamps ±11.8 VACRMS ± 20% (leg to leg) ±80 deg Not Required 2.5% linearity + 0.1% full scale offset J1-1 J1-21 J1-2 (SYN_1X) (SYN_1Y) (SYN_1Z) SYNCHRO MAGNETIC HEADING Quantity Input Impedance: X leg Input Impedance: Y leg Input Impedance: Z leg Maximum Reverse Fault Current Input Voltage Range Reference Voltages Accuracy Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): X leg Y leg Z leg CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE 1 > 140 KΩ > 140 KΩ > 140 KΩ < 200 µamps ±11.8 VACRMS ± 20% (leg to leg) ±26 VACRMS ± 20% (see 2.5% linearity + 0.1% full scale offset J1-22 J1-23 J1-3 SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 (SYN_2X) (SYN_2Y) (SYN_2Z) REV: C SHEET 170 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E CONFIGURATION DEFINED SYNCHRO INPUTS Quantity Input Impedance: X leg Input Impedance: Y leg Input Impedance: Z leg Maximum Reverse Fault Current Input Voltage Range Reference Voltages Accuracy Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): #1 X leg #1 Y leg #1 Z leg #2 X leg #2 Y leg #2 Z leg #3 X leg #3 Y leg #3 Z leg E 4.2.8 3 > 140 KΩ > 140 KΩ > 140 KΩ < 200 µamps ±11.8 VACRMS ± 20% (leg to leg) ±26 VACRMS ± 20% 2.5% linearity + 0.1% full scale offset J1-5 J1-7 J1-6 J2-1 J2-2 J2-18 J2-19 J2-20 J2-3 (SYN_3X) (SYN_3Y) (SYN_3Z) (SYN_4X) (SYN_4Y) (SYN_4Z) (SYN_5X) (SYN_5Y) (SYN_5Z) SIGNAL TIMING REFERENCE INPUTS These inputs accept 400 Hz AC signals, and detect the “zero crossings” of these signals. These zero crossings are used to time the conversion and input of AC signals. Absolute voltage level of these signals is not measured, but it must be within the range specified below. Voltage below the specified minimum value may result in intermittent or “jittery” zero cross detection. Timing reference signals are required for input of most AC devices (not required for roll). These references can be brought into the appropriate timing reference input, or the system can be configured to derive a reference from the signal. Timing reference signals are specified for synchro inputs requiring a range greater than ± 80 degrees. Inputs requiring less (i.e., Roll Attitude) are configured to derive a reference from the synchro input signal and do not require a separate reference voltage input. Quantity Input Impedance Maximum Reverse Fault Current A/C Input Signal Frequency Range Maximum Input Voltage Swing (differential) Maximum Input Voltage Swing (ref. to Gnd) Input Hardware Filtering Minimum Input Voltage Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): 26VAC Reference #1 H 26VAC Reference #1 C 26VAC Reference #2 H 26VAC Reference #2 C CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A 2 > 140KΩ each line to signal ground < 120 µamps 400 Hz, ±10% 50V between input legs 50V from any leg to signal ground None ± 0.5 VAC J1-4 J1-24 J2-34 J2-35 DWG NO: 060-4314-225 (26REF_1H) (26REF_1L) (26REF_2H) (26REF_2L) REV: C SHEET 171 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 4.2.9 ARINC 429/575 DIGITAL SERIAL BUS INPUTS Quantity Format Low Speed Data Rate High Speed Data Rate Direction of Information Flow Word/Frame Structure 8 DITS, ARINC 429/575 Low or high speed 1 12.0 KBPS to 14.5 KBPS 100 KBPS ± 1% Type ‘A’ broadcast for ARINC 429/575 Type ‘B’ 32 bit words consisting of 8 bits label and 24 bits data/status Refer to Section 6 of this document Data definition Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Receive #1 A leg Receive #1 B leg Receive #2 A leg Receive #2 B leg Receive #3 A leg Receive #3 B leg Receive #4 A leg Receive #4 B leg Receive #5 A leg Receive #5 B leg Receive #6 A leg Receive #6 B leg Receive #7 A leg Receive #7 B leg Receive #8 A leg Receive #8 B leg J2-37 J2-36 J2-39 J2-38 J2-41 J2-40 J2-25 J2-8 J2-21 J2-4 J2-22 J2-5 J2-23 J2-6 J2-24 J2-7 SSM/SDI Definition: 1 (429/422RX_1A) (429/422RX_1B) (429RX_2A) (429RX_2B) (429RX_3A) (429RX_3B) (429RX_4A) (429RX_4B) (429RX_5A) (429RX_5B) (429RX_6A) (429RX_6B) (429RX_7A) (429RX_7B) (429RX_8A) (429RX_8B) Refer to Section 6 of this document The bus speed is defined in the configuration selection, see Section 5 for details. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 172 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E RS-232 / RS-422 DIGITAL SERIAL BUS INPUTS Two full duplex RS-232 / RS-422 buses and a third RS-422 receiver are provided at the aircraft interface connectors. The RS-422 transceivers are electrically multiplexed with the RS-232 transceivers, and are selected through the configuration process. The third RS-422 receiver is electrically multiplexed with the ARINC 429 channel 1 receiver. The maintenance RS-232 bus is described in section 0. The specific characteristics (data rate, parity, data bits, stop bits) is defined in the configuration selection, see Section 5 and 6 for details. RS-422 cable termination will not be required for typical applications, see TIA/EIA-422-B Annex A. The RS-232 bus meets the characteristics specified in RS232C and supports the following characteristics: Data Rate Parity Data bits Stop bits Maximum Recommended Cable Length Data definition 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 or 38400 bits/Sec None, Odd or Even 7 or 8 1 or 2 15 meters Refer to Section 6 of this document The RS-422 bus meets the characteristics of TIA/EIA-422-B and supports the following characteristics: Data Rate Maximum Transceivers on Bus Receiver Input Impedance Word/Frame Structure Data definition E 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 12000, 19200 or 38400 bits/Sec 20 12 KΩ Refer to Section 6 of this document Refer to Section 6 of this document GPS RS-232 DIGITAL SERIAL BUS (SERIAL PORT 3) One port is provided for use with external or internal RS-232 GPS interfaces. This port is common with the GPS RS-422 port described in Section 0 and can only function as a RS-232 interface or a RS-422 interface but not both. Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Transmit Receive Common J2-45 J2-29 J2-28 (GPS_TXA) (GPS_RXA) (GND) NOTE: If an internal GPS configuration is used (965-1186-0XX, 965-1216-0XX or 965-1590-0XX) then the receive input will be non-functional. E GPS RS-422 DIGITAL SERIAL BUS (SERIAL PORT 3) One port is provided for use with external GPS interfaces. This port is common with the GPS RS-232 port described in Section 0 and can only function as a RS-232 interface or a RS-422 interface but not both. Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Transmit A leg Transmit B leg Receive A leg Receive B leg J2-45 J2-46 J2-29 J2-12 (GPS_TXA) (GPS_TXB) (GPS_RXA) (GPS_RXB) NOTE: If an internal GPS configuration is used (965-1186-0XX, 965-1216-0XX or 965-1590-0XX) then the receive input will be non-functional. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 173 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E AIR DATA RS-232 DIGITAL SERIAL BUS (SERIAL PORT 2) One port is provided for use with Air Data computer or Static Pressure Sensor interfaces. This port is common with the Air Data RS-422 port described in Section 0 and can only function as a RS-232 interface or a RS-422 interface but not both. Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Transmit Receive Common E J2-27 J2-11 J2-28 (ADC_TXA) (ADC_RXA) (GND) AIR DATA RS-422 DIGITAL SERIAL BUS (SERIAL PORT 2) One port is provided for use with Air Data computer or Static Pressure Sensor interfaces. This port is common with the Air Data RS-232 port described in Section 0 and can only function as a RS-232 interface or a RS-422 interface but not both. Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Transmit A leg Transmit B leg Receive A leg Receive B leg E J2-27 J2-44 J2-11 J2-10 (ADC_TXA) (ADC_TXB) (ADC_RXA) (ADC_RXB) SCI RANGE RS-422 DIGITAL SERIAL BUS (SERIAL PORT 1) One port is provided for use with the SCI range bus interfaces. This port is common with the ARINC 429 channel 1 port described in Section 0 and can only function as a RS-422 interface or an ARINC 429 interface but not both. Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Recieve A leg Recieve B leg E 4.2.10 J2-37 J2-36 (429/422RX_1A) (429/422RX_1B) DISCRETE INPUTS Discrete signals are intended for remote switching through the aircraft, and are therefore subject to being connected to other signals, and are also subject to transient voltage conditions. For these reasons, the following rules apply to each input, unless otherwise stated. Each input is capable of withstanding voltage transients of ± 600VDC for 10 µs, without damage. The +28 VDC discretes are internally biased via a pull down resistor, and are externally pulled up to +28VDC when active. The characteristics of each +28 VDC discrete input are as follows: +28 VDC Discrete Characteristics Quantity Active Voltage Range (Logic True) Inactive Voltage Range (Logic False) Diode Isolation Input Impedance Maximum Fault Current Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE 13 > +17 VDC < +4.4 VDC None > 95 KΩ < 60 µA See specific discrete in Category 13 SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C (28V_DISC_xx) SHEET 174 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual The Ground discretes are internally biased via a pull up resistor, and are externally pulled down to ground when active. The characteristics of each Ground discrete input are as follows: Ground Discrete Characteristics Quantity Active Voltage Range (Logic True) Inactive Voltage Range (Logic False) Diode Isolation Input Impedance Maximum Fault Current Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): E 4.2.11 15 < +3 VDC > 100 KΩ (to ground) or > +3.5 VDC Each input is diode isolated to prevent current sinking > 10 KΩ < 100 µA (at +28 VDC input) See specific discrete in Category 13 (GND_DISC_xx) CONFIGURATION MODULE INTERFACE System configuration is defined via a Configuration Module, which resides in the MKIV/VI/VIII/XXII EGPWS aircraft wiring harness backshell. The EGPWS Configuration Module contains the aircraft interface and functionality definitions specific to the installed aircraft. Refer to Section 5 for interface and functional definitions by category. Electrical Characteristics Data definition Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Clock Master Data Out Master Data In Configuration Module Select Configuration Module +5VDC Configuration Module +5VDC Return Refer to the EGPWS Configuration Module specification Refer to the EGPWS Configuration Module specification J2-32 (RED) J2-50 (BLK) J2-33 (ORN) J2-49 (WHT) J2-17 (VIO) J2-16 (BLU) (SPICLK) (SPIMOSI) (SPIMISO) (SPISEL_CM#) (SC_PWR) (GND) Output to Config Module Logic Low (nominal) Logic High (nominal) EMK4/6/8/22 EMK4/6/8/22 Clock Out 0V 5V Master Data Out 0V 5V Config Module Select 0V 5V INTERFACE OF EGPWS OUTPUTS TO CONFIGURATION MODULE E 4.2.12 GPS ANTENNA INPUT A GPS input connector is available on the front of the MK VI EGPWS (965-1186-0XX only), MK VIII EGPWS (965-12160XX only), MK XXII EGPWS (965-1590-0XX only), and MK IV EGPWS (965-1686-0XX only). Quantity Cable Length/Allowed Signal Loss Connector Type Low Level DC on RF Output Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A 1 Not more than 8 dB, at 1575.42 MHz, for cable and connector loss from antenna to unit. TNC +5 VDC ±5%, 50 mAmps maximum, Shield Ground. GPS ANT (COAX) DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 175 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 4.2.13 OAT VOLTAGE REFERENCE OUTPUT This output is an accurate voltage source for 500 Ω resistive temperature sensors. Quantity Output Voltage Nominal Load Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): 1 5.000 VDC ±10 mVDC (no load) 500 Ω J1-25 (OAT_REF) NOTE: This output has a source impedance of 4.42 KΩ, 0.1%. E 4.2.14 LAMP DRIVER OUTPUTS The MK IV, VI, VIII and XXII EGPWS supports two kinds of Ground/Open discrete outputs used to signal various discrete conditions. Monitor outputs are used to signal failure conditions for the MK IV, VI, VIII and XXII EGPWS. Monitor outputs default to an active state when there is a failure or if power is removed from the MK IV, VI, VIII and XXII EGPWS. The other Lamp Driver outputs are used to signal the alert or mode control status of the MK IV, VI, VIII and XXII EGPWS. Short-term current limit protection is provided on all drivers for output shorting conditions. Ground going output discretes may be connected together to produce a “wired OR” function for the active low state of the signals. If output discretes are “wired or’ed” then diodes must be installed for isolation. E MONITOR OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Quantity Type of Output: Max. Open Circuit Voltage: Current Limit Potential Across “Closed” Switch: Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): 3 Switch Closure to Ground 30 VDC 1 Amp 2.5 VDC Max See specific output in Category 13 (MON_OUT_xx) NOTE: Intended to operate with +28VDC lamp sources and will not operate with +5VDC lamp sources. E 4.2.15 DISCRETE OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Quantity Type of Output: Max. Open Circuit Voltage: Current Limit Potential Across “Closed” Switch: Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): E 4.2.16 9 Switch Closure to Ground 30 VDC 500 mAmp (typical) 1 VDC Max See specific output in Category 13 (DISC_OUT_xx) AUDIO OUTPUTS There are two audio outputs provided – one 8-ohm output and one 600-ohm output. There are several possible volume levels available with the MKIV/VI/VIII/XXII EGPWS as shown below, with maximum output being 4W (8Ω) or 100mW (600Ω). The actual audio level output by the EGPWS is dependent on several items: • Selection of nominal alert audio volume level (max, -6, -12, -18 or -24 dB) via Category 14. (Section 5.3.14) CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 176 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual • If a ‘soft’ Glideslope alert is being issued (given 6 dB below nominal alert volume level). • If a Self Test is in progress, alerts are given 6 dB below nominal alert volume level. • Selection of Mode 6 Low Volume Discrete (lowers callout volume by 6 dB - See Section 5.3.13). E HIGH LEVEL (SPEAKER) AUDIO OUTPUT The 8-ohm output is capable of driving a speaker directly but can also be used to drive other devices with equal or higher impedance. Quantity Maximum Power Output Nominal Output Impedance Load Impedance Number of Available Power Output Levels Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Signal (+) Return (-) E 1 4 Watts Nominal 8Ω 8Ω or greater 51 J1-70 J1-71 (AUD_HL_H) (AUD_HL_L) LOW LEVEL (INTERPHONE) AUDIO OUTPUT The 600-ohm output is capable of driving one 600-ohm load at the specified level (or at a reduced level). This output is primarily designed for headphones and interphone systems. Quantity Nominal Output Impedance Maximum Single Channel Power Output Available Power Output Levels Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Signal (+) Return (-) 1 600Ω ±10% 100 mW Nominal () 51 J1-75 J1-74 E 4.2.17 ARINC DIGITAL SERIAL OUTPUT BUSSES E ARINC 429 OUTPUT BUS (AUD_LL_H) (AUD_LL_L) The ARINC 429 output buses are defined in the terrain display select Section, output 429 bus group. Quantity Format Low Speed Data Rate High Speed Data Rate Direction of Information Flow Word/Frame Structure 2 DITS, ARINC 429 12.0 KBPS to 14.5 KBPS 100 KBPS ± 1% Type ‘A’ broadcast for ARINC 429 Type ‘B’ 32 bit words consisting of 8 bits label and 24 bits data/status Refer to Section 7 Data definition Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Bus #1 (A leg) Bus #1 (B leg) Bus #2 (A leg) Bus #2 (B leg) J2-43 J2-42 J2-26 J2-9 (429TX_1A) (429TX_1B) (429TX_2A) (429TX_2B) 2 2 Five Selectable levels excluding the Mode 6 Audio Reduction function. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 177 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E ARINC 453 OUTPUT BUS Quantity Format Data Rate Word/Frame Structure Data definition 2 1600 bit Manchester BI-phase per ARINC 708A 1 Mb per second Refer to Section 7.2 Refer to Section 7.2 Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Bus #1 (A leg) Bus #1 (B leg) Bus #2 (A leg) Bus #2 (B leg) J1-58 J1-59 J1-56 J1-57 E 4.2.18 (KCPB_1A) (KCPB_1B) (KCPB_2A) (KCPB_2B) FRONT PANEL TEST INTERFACE The MK IV, VI, VIII and XXII EGPWS provides a 15 pin (double density, D-Sub) test connector on the front panel, which provides interfaces for various test and maintenance functions. This connector provides the following interfaces. E RS-232 MAINTENANCE PORT (SERIAL PORT 4) One port is provided which meets the characteristics specified in RS232C. This bus can be used to read internal data from the MK IV, VI, VIII and XXII EGPWS for both bench, and aircraft testing or transmitting configuration data for selected EGPWS interfaces and options. Baud Rate Parity Data bits Stop bits Maximum Recommended Cable Length Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Transmit Receive Common CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A 19,200 None 8 1 15 meters J3-4 J3-3 J3-1 DWG NO: 060-4314-225 (RS232TXD_MON) (RS232RXD_MON) (GND) REV: C SHEET 178 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E PCMCIA / SMARTCABLE PORT One port is provided which meets the Motorola SPI characteristics. The PCMCIA / SmartCable interface allows for both the uploading, and downloading of internal MK IV, VI, VIII and XXII EGPWS information. Using this interface system, software and databases can be updated. Control of the upload/download process is accomplished by insertion of the PCMCIA card / SmartCable to the MK IV, VI, VIII and XXII EGPWS front panel test connector. LEDs are provided on the SmartCable for PCMCIA interface operation. The PCMCIA / SmartCable is not intended as an on-line/in-flight storage medium and must be removed after completion of the upload/download operation. Electrical Characteristics Data definition Maximum Recommended Cable Length Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): Clock Master Data Out Master Data In SmartCable Select SmartCable +5VDC SmartCable +5VDC Return PCMCIA Card Present SmartCable Ground Refer to the Motorola SPI specification Refer to the Motorola SPI specification 2 meters J3-7 J3-9 J3-8 J3-10 J3-6 J3-1 J3-2 J3-12, -13, -14 (SPICLK) (SPIMOSI) (SPIMISO) (SPISEL_SC#) (SC_PWR) (GND) (CARD_PRES#) (GND) NOTE: SmartCable +5VDC Return is common with RS-232 Maintenance Port common. E GSE PRESENT DISCRETE INPUT A discrete input for test and Ground Support Equipment is provided. Grounding this pin indicates to the EGPWS that test or Ground Support Equipment is connected to the system. Active Threshold Voltage (Logic True) Inactive Threshold Voltage (Logic False) Input Impedance Maximum Fault Current Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): E 4.2.19 < 0.8 VDC > 2.0 VDC > 20 KΩ < 500 µAmps J3-11 (GSE_PRES#) FRONT PANEL STATUS INDICATORS The MK XXII EGPWC front panel provides three LEDs for indicating system and LRU status. A yellow LED labeled “EXTERNAL FAULT” is activated when a signal fault external to the MK XXII EGPWS is detected. A green LED labeled “COMPUTER OK” is activated when the MK XXII EGPWS itself is okay. A red LED labeled “COMPUTER FAIL” is activated when the MK XXII EGPWS has detected an internal computer fault. Refer to Product Specifications 965-1590-601 for a detailed discussion of status indications, recommended maintenance actions, Self-Test activation and response. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 179 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E5 AIRCRAFT APPLICATION DATA This section describes the MK XXII EGPWS interfaces for aircraft applications. Section E 5.1 is a listing of the selection categories defining the various aircraft sensor interfaces and EGPWS functional options. Section E 5.2 describes how the Category ID’s are selected and programmed for the interface to aircraft sensors and EGPWS functional options. Section E 5.3 and its sub-sections define the specific aircraft interfaces available for the MK XXII EGPWS. E 5.1 CONFIGURATION TYPES The selection of the basic interfaces to the MK XXII EGPWS can be found in the following categories: Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Category 6 Category 7 Category 8 Category 9 Category 10 Category 11 Category 12 Category 13 Category 14 Category 15 Aircraft / Mode Type Select Air Data Input Select Position Input Select Altitude Callous Audio Menu Select Terrain Display Select Options 1 Select Radio Altitude Input Select Navigation Input Select Attitude Input Select Heading Input Select Windshear Input Select I / O Discretes Select Audio Output Level Autorotation Threshold E 5.2 CONFIGURATION SELECTION Each category provides information relative to aircraft interfaces or EGPWS functional options required or used for EGPWS operation. Each category must be defined for the specific aircraft application according to the available aircraft sensors or equipment and the intended EGPWS function. The choices provided are available in each category identified by an “ID” number. The ID number is selected for each category and is used to load the selected configuration in a configuration module installed in the aircraft wiring (physically part of one of the EGPWC mating connectors). For example, selecting Category 2, ID 1 defines the Air Data Input as ARINC 429 per Table E 3.1.2-1 in Category 2. With this ID programmed into the configuration module the EGPWC will look for and use the interface defined for this ID. Table E 3 can be used to record the selected ID for each category for later reference when programming the configuration module. This programming is accomplished using a programming software tool available from Honeywell or generating a data text string and transferring this data (in either case) via the EGPWC RS-232C to the configuration module. Once programmed, the configuration is available and read by any installed EGPWC on power up. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 180 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE E 3 CATEGORY ID SELECTION PROCEDURE Signal Selection Step (Category) Selects: 1 a) Aircraft Type b) Mode Type Selects: 2 a) Air Data Source Selects: 3 a) Position Source Selects: 4 a) Altitude Callouts Menu Selects: 5 a) Audio Menu Selects: 6 a) Display Config. Selects: 7 a) Steep Approach Enabled b) TA&D Alternate Pop Up c) Peaks Mode Enable d) Obstacle Awareness Enable e) Bank Angle Enable f) Weight on Wheels Reversal g) GPS Altitude Reference Selects: 8 a) Radio Altitude Source CAGE CODE: 97896 Instruction Using Table 5.3.1, and any sub-tables contained within, locate the Aircraft / Mode Type. Ident No. Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. _______ ID # Using Table 5.3.2, and any sub-tables contained within, locate the desired Air Data signal type. Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. Using Table 5.3.3, and any sub-tables contained within, locate the desired Position signal type. Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. Using Table 5.3.4 and any sub-tables contained within, locate the desired Altitude Call-Out Menu. Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. Using Table 5.3.5 and any sub-tables contained within, locate the desired Audio Menu type. Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. _______ Using Table 5.3.6 and any sub-tables contained within, locate the desired Display indicator type / range bus type. Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. _______ Using Table 5.3.7 and any sub-tables contained within, select the desired True or False condition for TA&D Alternate Pop Up, Obstacle Awareness Enable, Peaks Mode Enable, Bank Angle Enable, WOW Reversal Select, Steep Approach Enabled functions and GPS Altitude Reference type. Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. _______ ID # _______ ID # _______ ID # ID # ID # _______ ID # Using Table 5.3.8, and any sub-tables contained within, locate the desired Radio Altitude signal type. SCALE: NONE SIZE: A Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. DWG NO: 060-4314-225 _______ ID # REV: C SHEET 181 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Signal Selection Step (Category) Selects: 9 a) Glideslope and/or Localizer Source Selects: 10 a) Attitude Source Selects: 11 a) Magnetic Heading Source Selects: 12 Selects: a) 13 b) Input Discrete Functions a) Audio Output Level Selects: 15 a) Using Table 5.3.9, and any sub-tables contained within, locate the desired Navigation signal type. Ident No. Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. _______ ID # Using Table 5.3.10, and any sub-tables contained within, locate the desired Attitude signal type. Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. Using Table 5.3.11, and any sub-tables contained within, locate the desired Magnetic Heading signal type. Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. Using Table 5.3.12, no Windshear is available for helicopter applications. Please select ID 0. Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. Using Table 5.3.13, and any sub-tables contained within, locate the desired I / O Discrete type. Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. Autorotation Threshold _______ ID # _______ ID # 0 _______ ID # _______ ID # Output Discrete Functions Selects: 14 Instruction Using Table 5.3.14, and any sub-tables contained within, locate the desired Volume type. Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. Using Table 5.3.15, locate the desired Autorotation Threshold. This Category is used on helicopters only. Record the Ident (ID No.) on the space available on Ident column of this table. _______ ID # _______ ID # LIMITATIONS: The described use of the configuration module provides for maximum flexibility in selection of input sensors and output behavior. Every attempt has been made to avoid conflicts arising between categories and to reflect the known configurations of aircraft. However in the case of input sensors it should not be construed that all combinations are valid configurations. There may be configurations not supported by the EGPWS software configuration building process (which will cause the EGPWS to fail in an obvious manner). In general you can not have redundancy through the mixing of analog and digital sources, however redundant digital signals on different buses are permissable. As it is not practical to verify all possible sensor combinations, verification of particular sensor combinations is part of the installation certification process. If you intend to implement a sensor configuration not currently identified in Section E 3, please contact Honeywell or an authorized dealer/installer. E 5.3 CONFIGURATION SELECTION TABLES Configuration selection is defined by category (or group of functions or inputs). The Category number identifies the subsection where the details are defined. For example Air Data, Category 2, is defined in Section E 5.3.2, and Position Input Source, Category 3, is defined in Section E 5.3.3. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 182 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 5.3.1 CATEGORY 1, AIRCRAFT / MODE TYPE SELECT Category 1 defines the Aircraft Type. This determines the warning modes algorthm configuration, gear type and Torque Interface characteristics. The following table provides ID values for each of the basic helicopter type descriptions. For purposes of selecting an ID, use the “Description” provided in Table E 3.1.1 appropriate to the desired variables as given above. Refer to the identified Table E .3.1.1-X for the Engine Torque input requirements. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 183 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE E 3.1.1: HELICOPTER TYPE ID AND TORQUE INPUTS FOR EGPWS MK XXII ID 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 Reserved 141 142 Reserved Reserved 145 Torque Type Table (E 3.1.1-x) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 DESCRIPTION Effectivity App. Cfg. Helo, S-76B/C+, Retractable Gear Helo, S-76C/A++, Retractable Gear Helo, S-76A/A+, Retractable Gear Helo, Bell 212/412 Fixed Gear Helo, EC-155B, Retractable Gear Helo, MD 900, Fixed Gear Helo, Super Puma, Retractable Gear Helo, AS365 Dauphin N1, N2, Retractable Gear Helo, AS365 Dauphin N3, Retractable Gear Helo, Bell 430, Retractable Gear Helo, Bell 407, Fixed Gear Helo, Agusta 109E Power, Retractable Gear -003 -003 -003 -006 -006 -006 -008 -008 -008 -008 -008 -008 -003 -003 -003 -006 -006 -006 -008 -008 -008 -008 -008 -008 11 9 Bell 212/412, Fixed gear DC torque Bell 430, Fixed gear -010 -010 -010 -010 12 Coast Guard HH-65, Dauphin N2 Generic Helo, No Torque, Retractable Gear, Tail Strike Type 1 Generic Helo, No Torque, Retractable Gear, Tail Strike Type 2 Generic Helo, No Torque, Fixed Gear, Tail Strike Type 1 Generic Helo, No Torque, Fixed Gear, Tail Strike Type 2 Generic Helo, Common DC Torque, Retractable Gear, Tail Strike Type 1. Generic Helo, Common DC Torque, Retractable Gear, Tail Strike Type 2. Generic Helo, Common DC Torque, Fixed Gear, Tail Strike Type 1. Generic Helo, Common DC Torque, Fixed Gear, Tail Strike Type 2. Generic Helo, Shadin 429 Torque, Retractable Gear, Tail Strike Type 1. Generic Helo, Shadin 429 Torque, Retractable Gear, Tail Strike Type 2. Generic Helo, Shadin 429 Torque, Fixed Gear, Tail Strike Type 1. Generic Helo, Shadin 429 Torque, Fixed Gear, Tail Strike Type 2. -010 -010 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 -011 146 13 147 13 148 13 149 13 150 14 151 14 152 14 153 14 154 15 155 15 156 15 157 15 Note: For any airframe not listed in table E 3.1.1 and help selecting application ID contact Honeywell GPWS hot line 1 800 8132099. Category 1 ID type 146, 147, 148 and 149 allow interface to airframes without torque input, these installation will not provide autorotation detection and have Mode 1 inhibited. See section 3.3.1 for additional commentary and instructions. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 184 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E ENGINE TORQUE DATA SELECTION WHEN A SINGLE ENGINE HELICOPTER IS ADDED TO THIS SECTION, IT NEEDS TO BE TREATED AS IF THERE WERE TWO ENGINES VIA AIRCRAFT WIRING. THE SRD REQURIEMENTS ARE ALL WRITTEN FOR TWO ENGINES, BUT SINGLE ENGINES WERE ACCOUNTED FOR AS LONG AS THIS METHOD IS USED. TABLE E 3.1.1-0 TORQUE DATA SELECT 0 (S-76B/C+) CHANNEL RX429-8 CONNECT TO: Eng #1 (low speed) Fault Designation: ENGINE 1 BUS Bus Type: Basic A = J2-24 B = J2-07 CHANNEL RX429-5 (Note 1) A = J2-21 B = J2-04 Data Torque CONNECT TO: Eng #2 (low speed) Label 243 Data Torque Label 243 Sig. Bits 15 Range 799% Signal Type Basic Resolution 0.1 Rate (ms) 200 Resolution 0.1 Rate (ms) 200 Fault Designation: ENGINE 2 BUS Bus Type: Basic Sig. Bits 15 Range 799% Signal Type Basic Note 1: Digital Radar Altitude (type 2) can not be used with this configuration. TABLE E 3.1.1-1 TORQUE DATA SELECT 1 (S-76C/A++) SIGNAL Engine Torque #1 CONNECTION (+) = J1-26 (-) = J1-27 Engine Torque #2 (+) = J1-66 (-) = J1-47 SUMMARY DATA Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 1 Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 2 TABLE E 3.1.1-2 TORQUE DATA SELECT 2 (S-76A/A+) SIGNAL Engine Torque #1 CONNECTION (+) = J1-26 (-) = J1-27 Engine Torque #2 (+) = J1-66 (-) = J1-47 SUMMARY DATA Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 1 Validity: none Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 2 Validity: none TABLE E 3.1.1-3 TORQUE DATA SELECT 3 (BELL 212/412) SIGNAL Engine Torque #1 Engine Torque #2 CONNECTION (X) = J2-1 (Y) = J2-2 (Z) = J2-18 SUMMARY DATA Format: 5 Wire Synchro Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 1 Reference (H) = J2-34 (C) = J2-35 (X) = J2-19 (Y) = J2-20 (Z) = J2-3 Validity: none Reference (H) = J2-34 (C) = J2-35 Validity: none CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE Format: 5 Wire Synchro Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 2 SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 185 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE E 3.1.1-4 TORQUE DATA SELECT 4 (EC-155B, AS-365N3) CHANNEL RX429-8 CONNECT TO: Eng #1 (high speed) Fault Designation: ENGINE 1 BUS Bus Type: Basic A = J2-24 B = J2-07 CHANNEL RX429-5 (Note 1) A = J2-21 B = J2-04 Data Torque CONNECT TO: Eng #2 (high speed) Label 053 Data Torque Label 053 Sig. Bits 15 Range 0 to 180% Signal Type Basic Resolution 0. 0078125 Rate (ms) 20 Resolution 0. 0078125 Rate (ms) 20 Resolution 0.0078125 N/A Rate (ms) 250 250 Resolution 0.0078125 N/A Rate (ms) 250 250 Fault Designation: ENGINE 2 BUS Bus Type: Basic Sig. Bits 15 Range 0 to 180% Signal Type Basic Note 1: Digital Radar Altitude (type 2) can not be used with this configuration. TABLE E 3.1.1-5 TORQUE DATA SELECT 5 (MD900/902, AGUSTA 109E) CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 Note 1 A = J2-36 B = J2-37 CHANNEL RX422-2 Note 1 A = J2-10 B = J2-11 CONNECT TO: Eng #1 Fault Designation: ENGINE 1 BUS Bus Type: (RS-422 – 9600 baud) Data Torque Torque Valid CONNECT TO: Eng #2 Word 5 13 Data Torque Torque Valid Word 5 13 Sig. Bits 15 16 Range 256% N/A Signal Type Basic Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE 2 BUS Bus Type: (RS-422 – 9600 baud) Sig. Bits 15 16 Range 256% N/A Signal Type Basic Basic Note 1: This type is only compatible with display type 242 that uses RX429-8 for range control. SIGNAL Engine Torque #1 CONNECTION (+) = J1-26 (-) = J1-27 Engine Torque #2 (+) = J1-66 (-) = J1-47 TABLE E 3.1.1-6 TORQUE DATA SELECT 6 (SUPER PUMA) SUMMARY DATA Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 1 Validity: none Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 2 Validity: none SIGNAL Engine Torque #1 CONNECTION (+) = J1-26 (-) = J1-27 Engine Torque #2 (+) = J1-66 (-) = J1-47 CAGE CODE: 97896 TABLE E 3.1.1-7 TORQUE DATA SELECT 7 (AS365 DAUPHIN N1 & N2) SUMMARY DATA Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 1 Validity: none Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 2 Validity: none SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 186 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE E 3.1.1-8 TORQUE DATA SELECT 8 (AS365 DAUPHIN N3) CHANNEL RX429-8 CONNECT TO: Eng #1 (low speed) Fault Designation: ENGINE 1 BUS Bus Type: Basic A = J2-24 B = J2-07 CHANNEL RX429-5 (Note 1) A = J2-21 B = J2-04 Data Torque CONNECT TO: Eng #2 (low speed) Label 211 Data Torque Label 211 Sig. Bits 15 Range 799% Signal Type Basic Resolution 0.1 Rate (ms) 100 Resolution 0.1 Rate (ms) 100 Resolution 0.1 Rate (ms) 100 Resolution 0.1 Rate (ms) 100 Fault Designation: ENGINE 2 BUS Bus Type: Basic Sig. Bits 15 Range 799% Signal Type Basic Note 1: Digital Radar Altitude (type 2) can not be used with this configuration. TABLE E 3.1.1-9 TORQUE DATA SELECT 9 (BELL 430) CHANNEL RX429-8 CONNECT TO: Eng #1 (low speed) Fault Designation: ENGINE 1 BUS Bus Type: Basic A = J2-24 B = J2-07 CHANNEL RX429-5 (Note 1) A = J2-21 B = J2-04 Data Torque CONNECT TO: Eng #2 (low speed) Label 050 Data Torque Label 050 Sig. Bits 15 Range 0 to +126 Signal Type Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE 2 BUS Bus Type: Basic Sig. Bits 15 Range 0 to +126 Signal Type Basic Note 1: Digital Radar Altitude (type 2) can not be used with this configuration. TABLE E 3.1.1-10 TORQUE DATA SELECT 10 (BELL 407) SIGNAL Engine Torque #1 CONNECTION (+) = J1-26 (-) = J1-27 Engine Torque #2 (+) = J1-66 (-) = J1-47 SUMMARY DATA Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 1 Validity: none Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 2 Validity: none SIGNAL Engine Torque #1 CONNECTION (+) = J1-26 (-) = J1-27 Engine Torque #2 (+) = J1-66 (-) = J1-47 TABLE E 3.1.1-11 TORQUE DATA SELECT 11 (BELL 212/412) SUMMARY DATA Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 1 Validity: none Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 2 Validity: none CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 187 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SIGNAL Engine Torque #1 CONNECTION (+) = J1-26 (-) = J1-27 Engine Torque #2 (+) = J1-66 (-) = J1-47 TABLE E 3.1.1-12 TORQUE DATA SELECT 14 (COAST GUARD HH-65) SUMMARY DATA Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 1 Validity: none Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 2 Validity: none SIGNAL Engine Torque #1 Engine Torque #2 TABLE E3.1.1-13 : TORQUE DATA SELECT 15 (GENERIC FIXED TORQUE 20%) CONNECTION SUMMARY DATA No Connection Format: Fixed Internal Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: No Connection Format: Fixed Internal Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: SIGNAL Engine Torque #1 CONNECTION (+) = J1-26 (-) = J1-27 Engine Torque #2 (+) = J1-66 (-) = J1-47 TABLE E3.1.1-14 TORQUE DATA SELECT 16 (COMMON DC TORQUE) SUMMARY DATA Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 1 Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: ENGINE TORQUE 2 TABLE E3.1.1-15 TORQUE DATA SELECT 17 (GENERIC SHADIN DC TO 429 CONVERTER) CHANNEL RX429-8 CONNECT TO: Eng #1 (high speed) Fault Designation: ENGINE 1 BUS Bus Type: Basic A = J2-24 B = J2-07 Data Torque 1 Torque 2 Label 053 054 Sig. Bits 15 15 Range 0 to 180% 0 to 180% Signal Type Basic Basic Resolution 0. 0078125 0. 0078125 Rate (ms) 50 50 Note 1: The actual number of significant bits is 16 but 15 bits will support the data range. This is adjusted to make the input processing work with the actual MSB = to bit 29. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 188 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 5.3.2 CATEGORY 2, AIR DATA INPUT SELECT The following table provides identification of the Air Data source type. The entry in the Air Data Type corresponds to a table that provides detailed information on the configuration. For example, the details for Air Data Type #2 are found in Table E 3.1.2. In this category, only the following signals are defined: • • • • • Uncorrected Barometric Altitude in analog and/or RS-422 or ARINC 429 format, and associated validity. Temperature (Outside Air or Static Air) in analog or ARINC 429 format. Corrected Barometric Altitude in ARINC 429 format. Barometric Rate in ARINC 429 format. Computed Airspeed in ARINC 429 format. TABLE E 3.1.2: AIR DATA INPUT SELECT FOR EGPWS MKXXII ID Air Data Type 0 (Table E 3.1.2-x) 0 1 2 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 10 10 11 11 12 12 Description Effectivity Analog - altitude and 500Ω OAT (i.e., CIC 04077) Digital – ARINC 429 (i.e., Bendix KDC 281) Digital – ARINC 575 (i.e., Collins ADC-80, 81, 82) Analog - altitude and 500Ω OAT (i.e., Collins ADS-65) Analog - altitude and 500Ω OAT (i.e., CIC 02702) Digital – ARINC 429 with Corrected Altitude label 204 (i.e., Bendix KDC 481T) Digital – ARINC 429 without Baro Rate label 212 (i.e., Honeywell AZ-810) Digital – ARINC 429 and 500Ω OAT (i.e. Shadin 2000) Analog – altitude and 500Ω OAT (i.e., Honeywell AZ-241 or AZ-800 with additional OAT). (Note 1) Analog – altitude and internal constant for OAT (i.e., Honeywell AZ-800 or AZ-241). (Note 1) App. -001 Cfg. -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -003 -003 -004 -004 -006 -006 Note 1: The AZ-800 provides an OAT signal with reference provided by the ADC. This is not compatible with the EGPWS interface. The AZ-241 provides no OAT interface. The customer may either add an additional OAT probe (ID 11) or use the internal constant (ID 12). ID 11 is to be recommended in operations in temperature extremes. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 189 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE E 3.1.2-0: AIR DATA INPUT SELECT #0 Uncorrected Barometric Altitude CONNECTION SUMMARY DATA (+) = J1-62 (-) = J1-43 Format: DC with Validity Flag Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: BAROMETRIC ALTITUDE FAULT Validity: Barometric Alt Valid (+28V) Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: STATIC AIR TEMPERATURE FAULT Outside Air Temp Total Air Temperature 5 V = J1-25 Temp Input (probe element): (+) = J1-63 (-) = J1-44 Ground GND = J1-53 J1 25 (5 V Ref) 4.42 K Ohms OAT PROBE ELEMENT Probe element Excitation: Voat SIGNAL 63 + 44 Temp In 53 Chassis Gnd Note: Nominal 500 Ω Temperature Probe only. Resistance @ 0°C: 500Ω ± 0.6Ω Connection example: CIC Temperature Sensor, P/N 05257 (2 wire). Connect positive lead to both J1-25 and J1-63. Connect negative lead to both J1-44 and J153 (Chassis Ground). Other probes may have three contacts. Computed Airspeed PIN FUNCTION Barometric Altitude Validity Discrete (+28V) No Connection CONNECTION J1-9 N/A PIN TYPE Input Configuration Data Derive Baro Altitude Rate Substitute Ground Speed for Airspeed (airspeed is not available with this air data input) CHANNEL Polarity/Configuration References DESIGNATION REFERENCE 28V_DISC_08 >+17V = Valid 6.6.19 4.2.7 < +4.4V = Invalid Type Analog Summary Data Baro Altitude Rate is derived using Uncorrected Barometric Altitude. Baro Rate is not available with this air data source. TABLE E 3.1.2-1: AIR DATA INPUT SELECT #1 CHANNEL 429RX_2 A = J2-39 B = J2-38 CONNECT TO: ADC #1 (Low Speed) Format: ARINC 429 Data Uncorrected. Baro. Alt Computed Airspeed Barometric Rate Static Air Temperature Fault Designation: AIR DATA BUS Bus Type: Basic Label 203 206 212 213 Sig. Bits 17 14 11 11 Range ±131,072 FT ±1024 KTS ±32768 FPM 512 Degrees Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Basic Resolution 1.0 0.0625 16.0 0.25 Rate (ms) 31.3-62.5 62.5-125 31.3-62.5 250-500 Resolution 1.0 0.125 10.0 0.5 Rate (ms) 31.3-62.5 62.5-125 31.3-62.5 250-500 TABLE E 3.1.2-2: AIR DATA INPUT SELECT #2 CHANNEL 429RX_2 A = J2-39 B = J2-38 CONNECT TO: ADC #1 (Low Speed) Format: ARINC 575 Data Uncorrected. Baro. Alt Computed Airspeed Barometric Rate Static Air Temperature CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE Fault Designation: AIR DATA BUS Bus Type: Basic Label 203 206 212 213 SIZE: A Sig. Bits 17 13 11 10 Range ±131,072 FT ±1024 KTS ±20480 FPM ±512 Degrees DWG NO: 060-4314-225 Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Basic REV: C SHEET 190 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE E 3.1.2-3: AIR DATA INPUT SELECT #3 CONNECTION SUMMARY DATA (+) = J1-62 (-) = J1-43 Format: DC with Validity Flag Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: BAROMETRIC ALTITUDE FAULT Validity: Barometric Alt Valid (+28V) Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: STATIC AIR TEMPERATURE FAULT Outside Air Temp Total Air Temperature 5 V = J1-25 Temp Input (probe element): (+) = J1-63 (-) = J1-44 Ground GND = J1-53 J1 25 (5 V Ref) 4.42 K Ohms OAT PROBE ELEMENT Probe element Excitation: Voat SIGNAL Uncorrected Barometric Altitude 63 + 44 Temp In 53 Chassis Gnd Note: Nominal 500 Ω Temperature Probe only. Resistance @ 0°C: 500Ω ± 0.6Ω Connection example: CIC Temperature Sensor, P/N 05257 (2 wire). Connect positive lead to both J1-25 and J1-63. Connect negative lead to both J1-44 and J153 (Chassis Ground). Other probes may have three contacts. Computed Airspeed PIN FUNCTION Barometric Altitude Validity Discrete (+28V) No Connection CONNECTION J1-9 N/A PIN TYPE Input Configuration Data Derive Baro Altitude Rate CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE Substitute Ground Speed for Airspeed (airspeed is not available with this air data input) CHANNEL Polarity/Configuration References DESIGNATION REFERENCE 28V_DISC_08 >+17V = Valid 6.6.19 4.2.7 < +4.4V = Invalid Type Analog SIZE: A Summary Data Baro Altitude Rate is derived using Uncorrected Barometric Altitude. Baro Rate is not available with this air data source. DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 191 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE E 3.1.2-4: AIR DATA INPUT SELECT #4 Uncorrected Barometric Altitude CONNECTION SUMMARY DATA (+) = J1-62 (-) = J1-43 Format: DC with Validity Flag Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: BAROMETRIC ALTITUDE FAULT Validity: Barometric Alt Valid (+28V) Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: STATIC AIR TEMPERATURE FAULT Outside Air Temp Total Air Temperature 5 V = J1-25 Temp Input (probe element): (+) = J1-63 (-) = J1-44 Ground GND = J1-53 J1 25 (5 V Ref) 4.42 K Ohms OAT PROBE ELEMENT Probe element Excitation: Voat SIGNAL 63 + 44 Temp In 53 Chassis Gnd Note: Nominal 500 Ω Temperature Probe only. Resistance @ 0°C: 500Ω ± 0.6Ω Connection example: CIC Temperature Sensor, P/N 05257 (2 wire). Connect positive lead to both J1-25 and J1-63. Connect negative lead to both J1-44 and J153 (Chassis Ground). Other probes may have three contacts. Computed Airspeed PIN FUNCTION Barometric Altitude Validity Discrete (+28V) No Connection CONNECTION J1-9 N/A PIN TYPE Input Configuration Data Derive Baro Altitude Rate Substitute Ground Speed for Airspeed (airspeed is not available with this air data input) CHANNEL Polarity/Configuration References DESIGNATION REFERENCE 28V_DISC_08 >+17V = Valid 6.6.19 4.2.7 < +4.4V = Invalid Type Analog Summary Data Baro Altitude Rate is derived using Uncorrected Barometric Altitude. Baro Rate is not available with this air data source. TABLE E 3.1.2-5: AIR DATA INPUT SELECT #5 CHANNEL 429RX_2 A = J2-39 B = J2-38 CONNECT TO: ADC #1 (Low Speed) Format: ARINC 429 Data Uncorrected. Baro. Alt Corrected Baro. Alt Computed Airspeed Barometric Rate Static Air Temperature CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE Fault Designation: AIR DATA BUS Bus Type: Basic Label 203 204 206 212 213 SIZE: A Sig. Bits 17 17 14 11 11 Range ±131,072 FT ±131,072 FT ±1024 KTS ±32678 FPM ±512 Degrees DWG NO: 060-4314-225 Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Resolution 1.0 1.0 0.0625 16.0 0.25 REV: C Rate (ms) 31.3-62.5 31.3-62.5 62.5-125 31.3-62.5 250-500 SHEET 192 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE E 3.1.2-6: AIR DATA INPUT SELECT #6 CHANNEL 429RX_2 A = J2-39 B = J2-38 CONNECT TO: ADC #1 (Low Speed) Format: ARINC 429 Data Uncorrected. Baro. Alt Computed Airspeed Static Air Temperature Fault Designation: AIR DATA BUS Bus Type: Basic Label 203 206 213 Configuration Data Derive Baro Altitude Rate Sig. Bits 17 14 11 Range ±131,072 FT ±1024 KTS ±512 Degrees Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Type Resolution 1.0 0.0625 0.25 Rate (ms) 31.3-62.5 62.5-125 250-500 Summary Data Baro Altitude Rate is derived using Uncorrected Barometric Altitude. Baro Rate is not available with this air data source. Digital TABLE E 3.1.2-10: AIR DATA INPUT SELECT #10 5 V = J1-25 Temp Input (probe element): (+) = J1-63 (-) = J1-44 Ground GND = J1-53 Label 203 204 206 212 Sig. Bits Range Signal Type Resolution 17 ±131,072 FT Basic 1.0 17 ±131,072 FT Basic 1.0 14 ±1024 KTS Basic 0.0625 11 ±32678 FPM Basic 16.0 Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: STATIC AIR TEMPERATURE FAULT J1 25 Rate (ms) 31.3-62.5 31.3-62.5 62.5-125 31.3-62.5 (5 V Ref) 4.42 K Ohms Voat Probe element Excitation: Fault Designation: AIR DATA BUS Bus Type: Basic OAT PROBE ELEMENT CONNECT TO: CHANNEL ADC #1 (Low Speed) 429RX_2 Format: ARINC 429 A = J2-39 Data Uncorrected. Baro. Alt B = J2-38 Corrected Baro. Alt Computed Airspeed Barometric Rate Outside Air Temp Total Air Temperature 63 + 44 Temp In 53 Chassis Gnd Note: Nominal 500 Ω Temperature Probe only. Resistance @ 0°C: 500Ω ± 0.6Ω Connection example: CIC Temperature Sensor, P/N 05257 (2 wire). Connect positive lead to both J1-25 and J1-63. Connect negative lead to both J1-44 and J153 (Chassis Ground). Other probes may have three contacts. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 193 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE E 3.1.2-11: AIR DATA INPUT SELECT #11 CONNECTION SUMMARY DATA (+) = J1-62 (-) = J1-43 Format: DC with Validity Flag Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: BAROMETRIC ALTITUDE FAULT Validity: Barometric Alt Valid (+28V) Format: DC Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: STATIC AIR TEMPERATURE FAULT Outside Air Temp Total Air Temperature 5 V = J1-25 Temp Input (probe element): (+) = J1-63 (-) = J1-44 Ground GND = J1-53 J1 25 (5 V Ref) 4.42 K Ohms OAT PROBE ELEMENT Probe element Excitation: Voat SIGNAL Uncorrected Barometric Altitude 63 + 44 Temp In 53 Chassis Gnd Note: Nominal 500 Ω Temperature Probe only. Resistance @ 0°C: 500Ω ± 0.6Ω Connection example: CIC Temperature Sensor, P/N 05257 (2 wire). Connect positive lead to both J1-25 and J1-63. Connect negative lead to both J1-44 and J153 (Chassis Ground). Other probes may have three contacts. Computed Airspeed PIN FUNCTION Barometric Altitude Validity Discrete (+28V) No Connection CONNECTION J1-9 N/A Substitute Ground Speed for Airspeed (airspeed is not available with this air data input). PIN TYPE Input Configuration Data Derive Baro Altitude Rate CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE CHANNEL DESIGNATION REFERENCE 28V_DISC_08 Type Analog SIZE: A Polarity/Configuration >+17V = Valid < +4.4V = Invalid References 6.6.19 4.2.7 Summary Data Baro Altitude Rate is derived using Uncorrected Barometric Altitude. Although the AZ-241 provides Baro rate, the EGPWS does not have an analog connection available. DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 194 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE E 3.1.2-12: AIR DATA INPUT SELECT #12 SIGNAL CONNECTION Uncorrected Barometric Altitude (+) = J1-62 (-) = J1-43 Outside Air Temp No Connection Computed Airspeed No Connection PIN FUNCTION Barometric Altitude Validity Discrete (+28V) CONNECTION J1-9 SUMMARY DATA Format: DC with Validity Flag Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: BAROMETRIC ALTITUDE FAULT Validity: Barometric Alt Valid (+28V) Format: Internal Constant 250C and Valid. Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: Static Air Temperature. Substitute Ground Speed for Airspeed (airspeed is not available with this air data input). N/A CHANNEL DESIGNATION REFERENCE 28V_DISC_08 PIN TYPE Input Configuration Data Derive Baro Altitude Rate E 5.3.3 Type Analog Polarity/Configuration References >+17V = Valid < +4.4V = Invalid 6.6.19 4.2.7 Summary Data Baro Altitude Rate is derived using Uncorrected Barometric Altitude. Although the AZ-800 provides Baro rate, the EGPWS does not have an analog connection available. CATEGORY 3, POSITION INPUT SELECT The following table provides identification of the Position source signal. Each entry in the Position Input Type column has a corresponding table that provides detailed information on the configuration. For example, the details for Position Input Type #0 are found in Table E 3.1.3-0. In this category, only the following Position signals are defined: • • • • • • • • • • • Altitude Date Ground Speed Horizontal Figure of Merit (HFOM) Horizontal. Integrity Limit Latitude Position Longitude Position Sensor Status True Track Angle Universal Time Correlation Vertical Figure of Merit (VFOM) TABLE E 3.1.3: POSITION INPUT SELECT FOR EGPWS MKXXII ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 255 Position Input Type (TableE 3.1.3-x) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description GPS, ARINC 429 low speed, 743A format GPS, ARINC 429 low speed, 743 format GPS, Internal (RS-232 GPS-PXPRESS format) GPS, External (RS-232 GPS-PXPRESS format) GPS, ARINC 429 high speed, 743A format GPS, ARINC 429 high speed, 743 format Dual GPS, ARINC 429 high speed, 743 format Effectivity App. Cfg. -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -003 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -003 Note 1: The GPS Altitude Reference in Category 7, Options 1 Select must be properly applied for the appropriate GPS Position type. At the time of release of this document, all GPS sources except the Universal GPS1000 based systems are of CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 195 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual MSL type. The Universal GPS1000 based GPS sources are of WGS-84 type. If the internal GPS source (ID=2) is defined, the GPS altitude reference in Category 7 must be MSL. Note 2: Universal GPS 1000 does not calculate VFOM and HFOM correctly which makes it an unacceptble position source for helicopters. CHANNEL 429RX_4 A = J2-25 B = J2-8 TABLE E 3.1.3-0: POSITION INPUT TYPE 0 (LOW SPEED ARINC 743A GPS) CONNECT TO: Fault Designation: GPS BUS GPS (Low Speed) Bus Type: Basic per ARINC 743A-2 Sig. Bits Range Data Signal Type Label Latitude - Normal 110 20 ±180 Degrees Basic Longitude - Normal 111 20 ±180 Degrees Basic GPS Hor. Int. Limit 130 17 16 nm Basic 076 20 Basic Altitude ±131,072 FT 136 18 Basic VFOM 32768 ft 247 18 Basic HFOM 16 nm 112 15 Basic Ground Speed ±4096 Knots 103 15 Basic True Track Angle ±180 Degrees 273 19 Basic Sensor Status Discrete Wd 125 19 Basic **UTC Discrete Wd 260 19 Basic **Date Discrete Wd **This label is not required. Data used if present Resolution 0.00017166137695 0.00017166137695 0.00012207 0.125 0.125 0.000061035 0.125 0.0054931640625 n/a 0.1 min 1 day *Rate (ms) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Resolution 0.00017166137695 0.00017166137695 0.00012207 0.125 0.03125 0.03125 0.125 0.0054931640625 n/a 0.1 min 1 day *Rate (ms) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 *Slowest acceptable update rate in milliseconds. CHANNEL 429RX_4 A = J2-25 B = J2-8 TABLE E 3.1.3-1: POSITION INPUT TYPE 1 (LOW SPEED ARINC 743 GPS) CONNECT TO: Fault Designation: GPS BUS GPS (Low Speed) Bus Type: Basic per ARINC 743 Data Label Sig. Bits Range Signal Type Latitude - Normal 110 20 ±180 Degrees Basic Longitude - Normal 111 20 ±180 Degrees Basic GPS Hor. Int. Limit 130 17 16 nm Basic Altitude 076 20 ±131,072 FT Basic VFOM 136 15 1024 meters Basic HFOM 247 15 1024 meters Basic Ground Speed 112 15 ±4096 Knots Basic True Track Angle 103 15 ±180 Degrees Basic Sensor Status 273 19 Discrete Wd Basic **UTC 125 19 Discrete Wd Basic **Date 260 19 Discrete Wd Basic **This label is not required. Data used if present *Slowest acceptable update rate in milliseconds. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 196 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CHANNEL GPS_RXA GPS_TXA Internal TABLE E 3.1.3-2: POSITION INPUT TYPE 2 (INTERNAL RS-232 GPS) Internal GPS Fault Designation: INTERNAL GPS [XPGPS_Int] = 1 Bus Type: Basic (9600 baud) Data ID/byte Sig. Bits Range Signal Type Latitude 15/1-4 32 ±180 Degrees Basic Longitude 15/5-8 32 ±180 Degrees Basic HP Error 15/9-12 32 meters Basic Altitude 16/1-4 32 meters Basic VP Error 16/5-8 32 meters Basic Ground Speed 17/1-4 32 meters/sec Basic True Track Angle 17/5-8 32 360 Degrees Basic GPS State 1C/0 8 Discrete Wd Basic Integrity State 1C/1 8 Discrete Wd Basic Error Status 1C/6-7 8 Discrete Wd Basic Resolution real single-precision real single-precision real single-precision real single-precision real single-precision real single-precision real single-precision n/a n/a n/a *Rate (ms) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 TABLE E 3.1.3-3: POSITION INPUT TYPE 3 (EXTERNAL RS232 GPS, PXPRESS FORMAT) Internal GPS Fault Designation: GPS BUS [XPGPS_Int] = 0 Bus Type: Basic (9600 baud) Data ID/byte Sig. Bits Range Signal Type Resolution Latitude 15/1-4 32 ±180 Degrees Basic real single-precision Longitude 15/5-8 32 ±180 Degrees Basic real single-precision HP Error 15/9-12 32 meters Basic real single-precision Altitude 16/1-4 32 meters Basic real single-precision VP Error 16/5-8 32 meters Basic real single-precision Ground Speed 17/1-4 32 meters/sec Basic real single-precision True Track Angle 17/5-8 32 360 Degrees Basic real single-precision GPS State 1C/0 8 Discrete Wd Basic n/a Integrity State 1C/1 8 Discrete Wd Basic n/a Error Status 1C/6-7 8 Discrete Wd Basic n/a *Rate (ms) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 * Slowest acceptable update rate in milliseconds. Note: "MSL" reference must be selected when an internal GPS is utilized. Refer to Table 5.3.7 CHANNEL GPS_RXA GPS_TXA External J2-28 (cm) J2-45 (Tx) J2-29 (Rx) * Slowest acceptable update rate in milliseconds. CHANNEL 429RX_4 A = J2-25 B = J2-8 TABLE E 3.1.3-4: POSITION INPUT TYPE 4 (HIGH SPEED ARINC 743A GPS) CONNECT TO: Fault Designation: GPS BUS GPS (High Speed) Bus Type: Basic per ARINC 743A-2 Data Sig. Bits Range Signal Type Label Latitude - Normal 110 20 ±180 Degrees Basic Longitude - Normal 111 20 ±180 Degrees Basic GPS Hor. Int. Limit 130 17 16 nm Basic Altitude 076 20 ±131,072 FT Basic VFOM 136 18 32768 ft Basic HFOM 247 18 16 nm Basic Ground Speed 112 15 ±4096 Knots Basic True Track Angle 103 15 ±180 Degrees Basic Sensor Status 273 19 Discrete Wd Basic **UTC 125 19 Discrete Wd Basic **Date 260 19 Discrete Wd Basic **This label is not required. Data used if present Resolution 0.00017166137695 0.00017166137695 0.00012207 0.125 0.125 0.000061035 0.125 0.0054931640625 n/a 0.1 min 1 day *Slowest acceptable update rate in milliseconds. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 197 *Rate (ms) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CHANNEL 429RX_4 A = J2-25 B = J2-8 TABLE E 3.1.3-5: POSITION INPUT TYPE 5 (HIGH SPEED ARINC 743 GPS) CONNECT TO: Fault Designation: GPS BUS GPS (High Speed) Bus Type: Basic per ARINC 743 Data Label Sig. Bits Range Signal Type Latitude - Normal 110 20 ±180 Degrees Basic Longitude - Normal 111 20 ±180 Degrees Basic GPS Hor. Int. Limit 130 17 16 nm Basic Altitude 076 20 ±131,072 FT Basic VFOM 136 15 1024 meters Basic HFOM 247 15 1024 meters Basic Ground Speed 112 15 ±4096 Knots Basic True Track Angle 103 15 ±180 Degrees Basic Sensor Status 273 19 Discrete Wd Basic **UTC 125 19 Discrete Wd Basic **Date 260 19 Discrete Wd Basic **This label is not required. Data used if present Resolution 0.00017166137695 0.00017166137695 0.00012207 0.125 0.03125 0.03125 0.125 0.0054931640625 n/a 0.1 min 1 day *Rate (ms) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 *Slowest acceptable update rate in milliseconds. TABLE E3.1.3-255: POSITION INPUT TYPE 255 (DUAL HIGH SPEED ARINC 743A GPS) CHANNEL 429RX_4 A = J2-25 B = J2-8 CHANNEL 429RX_7 A = J2-23 B = J2-6 CONNECT TO: GPS #1 (High Speed) per ARINC 743A-2 Data Latitude - Normal Longitude - Normal GPS Hor. Int. Limit Altitude VFOM HFOM Ground Speed True Track Angle Sensor Status **UTC **Date **This label is not required. Data used if present CONNECT TO: GPS #2 (High Speed) per ARINC 743A-2 Data Latitude - Normal Longitude - Normal GPS Hor. Int. Limit Altitude VFOM HFOM Ground Speed True Track Angle Sensor Status **UTC **Date **This label is not required. Data used if present Fault Designation: GPS BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Label 110 111 130 076 136 247 112 103 273 125 260 Sig. Bits 20 20 17 20 18 18 15 15 19 19 19 Range ±180 Degrees ±180 Degrees 16 nm ±131,072 FT 32768 ft 16 nm ±4096 Knots ±180 Degrees Discrete Wd Discrete Wd Discrete Wd Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Resolution 0.00017166137695 0.00017166137695 0.00012207 0.125 0.125 0.000061035 0.125 0.0054931640625 n/a 0.1 min 1 day *Rate (ms) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Resolution 0.00017166137695 0.00017166137695 0.00012207 0.125 0.125 0.000061035 0.125 0.0054931640625 n/a 0.1 min 1 day *Rate (ms) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Fault Designation: GPS BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Label 110 111 130 076 136 247 112 103 273 125 260 Sig. Bits 20 20 17 20 18 18 15 15 19 19 19 Range ±180 Degrees ±180 Degrees 16 nm ±131,072 FT 32768 ft 16 nm ±4096 Knots ±180 Degrees Discrete Wd Discrete Wd Discrete Wd *Slowest acceptable update rate in milliseconds. Note: This configuration may not be selected if an AHRS configuration is required for Attitude and Heading information (refer to Category 10 type 1 and Category 11 type 1), due to the conflict with Channel 429RX-7. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 198 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 5.3.4 CATEGORY 4, ALTITUDE CALLOUTS The following table provides identification of the Altitude Callouts Menu. Each entry in the ID column corresponds to a particular menu selection. The Altitude Callouts menu consists of standard callout options and Autorotation Mode reversion callout options. ID’s 0 through 127 consist of standard callouts while ID’s 128 through 255 include standard callouts and reversion to a set of Autorotation callouts. Selecting ID 0 – 8 will result in the callouts listed being enunciated whether the aircraft is in autorotation or not. Selecting ID 128 – 137 will result in the identified standard callouts if the aircraft is not in autorotation and the autorotation callouts listed if the aircraft is in autorotation. The Autorotation Mode is defined by logic within the EGPWC for helicopter types identified in Category 1. Smart Callout activation (TRUE) is reflected by a “500” callout being spoken at the end of the selected callout menu sequence in the Long Level 1 Self-Test. In addition, the Callout menu ID number and the “Smart Callout Selected” configuration message, will both be given during level 3 Self-Test and in the RS232 Present Status display. ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 MENU TABLE E 3.1.4: ALTITUDE CALLOUTS FOR EGPWS MKXXII Smart Callout Autorotation3 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, “Smart 500”, 200, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20 ,10 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, “Smart 500”, 200 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, “Smart 500”, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20,10 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, “Smart 500” MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, 200, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20 ,10 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, 200 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20 ,10 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, “Smart 500”, 200, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20 ,10 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, “Smart 500”, 200 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, “Smart 500”, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20 ,10 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, “Smart 500” MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, 200, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20 ,10 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, 200 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20 ,10 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, 100 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS, 200, 100 MINIMUMS-MINIMUMS Effectivity App. Cfg. Callout Enable Selected False True -001 -001 False True -001 -001 False True -001 -001 False True -001 -001 False False -001 -001 False False -001 -001 False False -001 -001 False False -001 -001 True True4 -003 -003 True True 4 -003 -003 True True 4 -003 -003 True True 4 -003 -003 True False -003 -003 True False -003 -003 True False -003 -003 True False -006 -006 True True False False -006 -006 -006 -006 3 The AUTOROTATION callouts consists of: 200, 100 during Autorotation, if Autorotation Callout Enabled is True. 4 The Smart Callout function will not be given if in autorotation. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 199 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Note: Selecting an Altitude Callout ID without a minimums callout can be accomplished by leaving the Decision Height input discrete open or connected to +28VDC. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 200 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 5.3.5 CATEGORY 5, AUDIO MENU SELECT The following table provides identification of the Voice Menu type. Each entry in the Voice Menu column has a corresponding table that provides detailed information on the configuration. For example, the details for Voice Menu # are found in Table E 3.1.5-128. TABLE E 3.1.5: AUDIO MENU TYPE ID Audio Menu Type Description Effectivity App Cfg. . -006 -006 (Table E 3.1.5.-x) 128 128 Basic Helicopter Menu TABLE E 3.1.5-128: AUDIO MENU TYPE 128 (BASIC HELICOPTER) ALERT/WARNING CONDITION MODE 1 PULL UP MODE 2 PULL UP PREFACE MODE 2 PULL UP TERRAIN AWARENESS PREFACE TERRAIN AWARENESS WARNING OBSTACLE AWARENESS PREFACE OBSTACLE AWARENESS WARNING MODE 2 TERRAIN MODE 6 MINIMUMS MODE 6 ALTITUDE TERRAIN AWARENESS CAUTION OBSTACLE AWARENESS CAUTION MODE 4 TOO LOW TERRAIN TCF TOO LOW TERRAIN MODE 6 ALTITUDE CALLOUTS MODE 4 TOO LOW GEAR MODE 1 SINKRATE AUDIO MENU PULL UP TERRAIN TERRAIN PULL UP WARNING! TERRAIN WARNING! TERRAIN WARNING! OBSTACLE WARNING! OBSTACLE TERRAIN SELECTED CALLOUTS (See 5.3.4) ALTITUDE ALTITUDE (See 5.3.4) CAUTION TERRAIN (PAUSE) CAUTION TERRAIN CAUTION OBSTACLE (PAUSE) CAUTION OBSTACLE TOO LOW TERRAIN TOO LOW TERRAIN SELECTED CALLOUTS (See 5.3.4) TOO LOW GEAR SINKRATE Note: The basic warning is “SINKRATE (PAUSE) SINKRATE”. However, if the Mode 1 Pullup curve is violated only a single “Sinkrate” may occur prior to the pull up voice. MODE 3 DON’T SINK DON’T SINK (PAUSE) DON’T SINK MODE 5 GLIDESLOPE GLIDESLOPE MODE 6 APPROACHING DH SELECTED CALLOUTS (See 5.3.4) MODE 6 BANK ANGLE BANK ANGLE (PAUSE) BANK ANGLE, BANK ANGLE BANK ANGLE (AlliedSignal Algorithm at low altitudes) MODE 6 TAIL STRIKE TAIL TOO LOW TA&D INVALID ALERT BE ALERT TERRAIN INOP Note 1: These are the only voices that can interrupt. Note 2: The preface voices will always be given prior to the warning voice. Note 3: Voice message is continuous. Note 4: Voice message will repeat every 10 seconds. Note 5: Long Self-Test will only issue a single 'Sinkrate". CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C NOTES 1 1, 2 1 1, 2 1, 3 1, 2 1, 3 SHEET 201 4 4 5 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 5.3.6 CATEGORY 6, TERRAIN DISPLAY SELECT Section Overview The following table (5.3.6) has an identification number (ID) associated with each Terrain Display configuration. Each of the ID rows has a group number for the Display Configuration, the Input Control. The TA&D Pop Up Disable function is defined by a Boolean. The ID groups will completely identify a particular Terrain Display Interface. In this category the following signals are configured by the ID number: Signal Name Signal Type KCPB* or ARINC Terrain Display Bus: ARINC 429 or RS-422 Range Bus: Boolean TA&D Alternate Pop Up *KCPB is also known as AlliedSignal Picture Bus (ASPB) Defined By Display Configuration Group Display Input Control Group Defined directly in Table TABLE E 3.1.6: TERRAIN DISPLAY SELECT FOR EGPWS MKXXII ID E 3.1.6-xx 0 TAD and TCF Disable False 1 False 2 3 4 5 6 Reserved Reserved 9 10 12 True False False False False Application Notes KC Picture Bus (KCPB) (Note 1) No Display TAD And TCF Enabled TA&D / TCF Disabled Collins ProLine II (4x4) (Note 3) Bendix PPI-4A/4B (Note 2) Collins ProLine II (5x6) (Note 3) Collins ProLine II (5x4,5x5) (Note 3) Type Effectivity -006 -006 -006 -006 -006 -006 -006 False False False -006 Non-Integrated EFIS 40/50 (Honeywell/Bendix) -006 Integrated EFIS 40/50 (Honeywell/Bendix) -006 Collins WXI-701/711, without Auto Range Integrated Honeywell P880/660/440 -006 13 False (WXPD w/ SCI range) -006 14 False Bendix PPI-4A/4B without Auto Range (Note 2) Integrated Honeywell P880/660/440 -006 15 False (WXPD w/ SCI range and aircraft symbol on overlay) -010 16 False Bendix, IN182A, IN812A, (RDR 2000) -010 17 False Bendix, IN842A, IN862A, (RDR 2100) KC Picture Bus (KCPB) w/o presentation of Terrain -010 18 False Awareness Corrected Altitude (Note 1, Note 7) -011 235 False Collins ProLine 4 (Non-Intergrated) -011 236 False Collins ProLine 4 (Intergrated) -006 242 False KC Picture Bus (KCPB) (Note 1, Note 6) -006 246 False Non-Integrated EFIS 10 (Bendix/Honeywell) Honeywell EDZ705 (5x5), EDZ756 (5x6) with DC-811 -006 250 False range push button control -006 255 False Honeywell SPZ8000 (w/SCI range) (Note 4) Note 1: For a description of the KCPB features implemented in a particular software release, see Appendix B: KCPB Phased Implementation in the EGPWS Interface Methodology document 060-4303-000. Note 2: This configuration is applicable to RDR-4B with a mod that makes it capable of displaying blue. Note 3: Refer to Rockwell Collins Service Information Letter, EFIS 84/85/86 SIL 2-99 Dated March 16/99 or later revision, CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 202 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual for information describing the requirements to interface an EGPWS to the Collins Pro Line II system equipped with EFIS 84/85/86 Displays and WXR-350/840/700 or TWR-850 Weather Radar systems. Note 4: This interface only supports the SG-810 and SG-811 SPZ-8000. This display is defined for the –001 & -003 releases but can cause periodic resets of the EGPWS due to an internal SCI range problem. The –001 & -003 release should not be used for this display. Note 5: Peaks Enable is always true regardless of the selection from Category 7 Table 5.3.7. Note 6: This configuration is applicable to the Aircraft Type 133 (MD900/902) only. It is the only display configuration supported for that Aircraft Type. Note-7 With this configuration the EGPWC shall not overlay Terrain Awareness Corrected Altitude. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 203 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-0 KC Picture Bus DISPLAY CONFIGURATION GROUP 0 (KC PICTURE BUS2) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode (Elevations via overlay) Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 Value KC Picture Bus (KCPB) Curtain (Vertical or Horizontal scan) Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Caution or Warning Never Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enable: False Peaks Enable: True Peaks Off Peaks On None (Display Control Selection) None (Display Control Selection) Controlled by display response (if selected a 10 nm range will be used) None Controlled by display KCPB CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data DISPLAY INPUT CONTROL GROUP 0 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 CONNECT TO: KCPB-IND 429 out (range) Bus 1 (Low Speed) Data *Range Query/Continuous Response DSU Status Data (DSU only) *Key Press/Display Mode Fault Designation: KCPB BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Label 271 011 350 012 CONNECT TO: KCPB-IND 429 out (range) Bus 2 (Low Speed) Data *Range Query/Continuous Response DSU Status Data (DSU only) *Key Press/Display Mode Sig. Bits 11 Discrete Discrete Discrete Range 0.5-1023.5NM N/A N/A N/A Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Basic Resolution 0.5 N/A N/A N/A Rate (ms) 250 1000 1000 250 Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Basic Resolution 0.5 N/A N/A N/A Rate (ms) 250 1000 1000 250 Fault Designation: KCPB BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Label 271 011 350 012 Sig. Bits 11 Discrete Discrete Discrete Range 0.5-1023.5NM N/A N/A N/A OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) Integration notes: • KCPB is also known as ASPB (AlliedSignal Picture Bus). • Label 012 is optional. The current fault and fault history message “RANGE” for label 271 (Range) is not shown if Range Keys are requested on label 012 (Key Press/Display Mode). • When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 204 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table Table E 3.1.6-1 No Display – TAD and TCF Enabled OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Channel 429TX_1 (Low Speed) 429TX_2 Pins A = J2-43 B = J2-42 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 Comments Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x No Connection (No Data Output) Table Table E 3.1.6-2 TA&D / TCF Disabled OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Channel 429TX_1 (Low Speed) 429TX_2 CAGE CODE: 97896 Pins A = J2-43 B = J2-42 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A Comments Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x No Connection (No Data Output) DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 205 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table Table E 3.1.6-3 Collins ProLine II (4x4) DISPLAY CONFIGURATION GROUP 6 (COLLINS PRO-LINE II, 4X4) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode (Elevations via overlay) Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 Value Collins Pro-Line II (4x4) Display Standard with +/-60 degree limit Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Caution or Warning Never Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enabled: False Peaks Enabled: True Peaks Off Peaks On No No Yes; “TERR” located on the left side of display. Peaks Elevations located on the upper left side of Terrain image. Standard ARINC 453 CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator DISPLAY INPUT CONTROL GROUP 1 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 CONN PIN # J1-32 CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 1 (Low Speed) Data Range (Display Word 2) CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 2 (Low Speed) Data Range (Display Word 2) REFERENCE NAME GND_DISC_12 Label Sig. Bits Range 271 Discrete 5-320NM PIN FUNCTION Display Select Discrete #1 J1-31 GND_DISC_13 Display Select Discrete #2 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Label 271 Sig. Bits Discrete Range 5-320NM Signal Type Basic Resolution N/A Rate (ms) 100 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Signal Type Resolution Rate (ms) Basic N/A 100 Polarity/Configuration Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) Integration note: When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 206 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table Table E 3.1.6-4 Bendix PPI-4A/4B DISPLAY CONFIGURATION GROUP 1 (BENDIX RDR 4A/B PPI WITH MOD ) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode (Elevations via overlay) Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 Value Bendix PPI-4A/4B (MAP-MODE) Standard Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Caution or Warning Never Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enable: False Peaks Enable: True Peaks Off Peaks On Anytime Anytime Yes 10NM No Without Peaks: “TERR” located in the lower right corner. With Peaks: Peaks numbers located in the lower right corner. Standard ARINC 453 CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator DISPLAY INPUT CONTROL GROUP 1 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 CONN PIN # J1-32 CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 1 (Low Speed) Data Range (Display Word 2) CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 2 (Low Speed) Data Range (Display Word 2) REFERENCE NAME GND_DISC_12 Label Sig. Bits Range 271 Discrete 5-320NM PIN FUNCTION Display Select Discrete #1 J1-31 GND_DISC_13 Display Select Discrete #2 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Label 271 Sig. Bits Discrete Range 5-320NM Signal Type Basic Resolution N/A Rate (ms) 100 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Signal Type Resolution Rate (ms) Basic N/A 100 Polarity/Configuration Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) Integration note: When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 207 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-5 Collins ProLine II (5x6) DISPLAY CONFIGURATION GROUP 2 (COLLINS PROLINE II, 5X6) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode (Available as of -003) Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 Value Collins ProLine II (5x6) Standard with +/-60 degree limit Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Caution or Warning Never Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enabled: False Peaks Enabled: True Peaks Off Peaks On Anytime Anytime No No Yes; “TERR” is located on the right side of display. “TERR” and Peaks Elevations located on upper left side of Terrain image as of –003. Standard ARINC 453 CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator DISPLAY INPUT CONTROL GROUP 1 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 CONN PIN # J1-32 CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 1 (Low Speed) Data Range (Display Word 2) CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 2 (Low Speed) Data Range (Display Word 2) REFERENCE NAME GND_DISC_12 Label Sig. Bits Range 271 Discrete 5-320NM PIN FUNCTION Display Select Discrete #1 J1-31 GND_DISC_13 Display Select Discrete #2 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Label 271 Sig. Bits Discrete Range 5-320NM Signal Type Basic Resolution N/A Rate (ms) 100 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Signal Type Resolution Rate (ms) Basic N/A 100 Polarity/Configuration Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) Integration note: When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 208 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-6 Collins ProLine II (5x4,5x5) DISPLAY CONFIGURATION GROUP 3 (COLLINS PROLINE II, 5X4, 5X5) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode (Available as of –003) Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 Value Collins ProLine II (5x4, 5x5) Display Standard with +/-60 degree limit Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Caution or Warning Never Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enabled: False Peaks Enabled: True Peaks Off Peaks On No No Yes; “TERR” is located on the right side of display. “TERR” or Peaks Elevations located on upper left side of Terrain image as of -003. Standard ARINC 453 CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator DISPLAY INPUT CONTROL GROUP 1 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 CONN PIN # J1-32 CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 1 (Low Speed) Data Range (Display Word 2) CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 2 (Low Speed) Data Range (Display Word 2) REFERENCE NAME GND_DISC_12 Label Sig. Bits Range 271 Discrete 5-320NM PIN FUNCTION Display Select Discrete #1 J1-31 GND_DISC_13 Display Select Discrete #2 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Label 271 Sig. Bits Discrete Range 5-320NM Signal Type Basic Resolution N/A Rate (ms) 100 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Signal Type Resolution Rate (ms) Basic N/A 100 Polarity/Configuration Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) Integration note: When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 209 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-9 Non-Integrated EFIS 40/50 (Honeywell/Bendix) DISPLAY CONFIGURATION GROUP 7 (NON-INTEGRATED EFIS 40/50) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode (Peaks Elevations are in Terrain Image, replacing “TERR”) Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 Value Bendix Non-Integrated EFIS 40/50 Sweep range +/- 60 degrees Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up when display is in the Never Pop Up proper mode. Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enabled: False Peaks Enabled: True Peaks Off Peaks On Anytime WXR is on and display is in proper Mode Anytime No No Yes; “TERR” at upper right corner of display. Standard ARINC 453 CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator DISPLAY INPUT CONTROL GROUP 2 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 CONN PIN # J1-32 CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 1 (Low Speed) Data Mode (Display Word 1) Range (Display Word 2) Discrete Word (VP) CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 2 (Low Speed) Data Mode (Display Word 1) Range (Display Word 2) Discrete Word (VP) REFERENCE NAME GND_DISC_12 Label Sig. Bits Range 270 Discrete Mode, Tilt, Gain 271 Discrete 5-320NM 273 Discrete VP Mode, Bit 11 PIN FUNCTION Display Select Discrete #1 J1-31 GND_DISC_13 Display Select Discrete #2 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Label 270 271 273 Sig. Bits Discrete Discrete Discrete Range Mode, Tilt, Gain 5-320NM VP Mode, Bit 11 Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Resolution N/A N/A N/A Rate 100 ms 100 ms 100 ms Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Signal Type Resolution Basic N/A Basic N/A Basic N/A Polarity/Configuration Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Rate 100 ms 100 ms 100 ms OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) Integration note: When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 210 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-10 Integrated EFIS 40/50 (Honeywell/Bendix) DISPLAY CONFIGURATION GROUP 8 (INTEGRATED EFIS 40/50) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 Value Bendix Integrated EFIS 40/50 Sweep range +/- 90 degrees Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up on Terrain Caution or Never Pop Up Warning. Peaks Always Enabled The EFIS display supplies the Peak Elevations as stroked characters. The EFIS can be configured to place the Elevations on the bottom left or right side of the display. Anytime Anytime Yes, to 10 nm on Terrain Caution or Warning. No No, the display supplies a “TERR” mode annunciation. Standard ARINC 453 CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator DISPLAY INPUT CONTROL GROUP 2 CONN PIN # J1-32 CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 1 (Low Speed) Data Mode (Display Word 1) Range (Display Word 2) Discrete Word (VP) CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 2 (Low Speed) Data Mode (Display Word 1) Range (Display Word 2) Discrete Word (VP) REFERENCE NAME GND_DISC_12 Label Sig. Bits Range 270 Discrete Mode, Tilt, Gain 271 Discrete 5-320NM 273 Discrete VP Mode, Bit 11 PIN FUNCTION Display Select Discrete #1 J1-31 GND_DISC_13 Display Select Discrete #2 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Label 270 271 273 Sig. Bits Discrete Discrete Discrete Range Mode, Tilt, Gain 5-320NM VP Mode, Bit 11 Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Resolution N/A N/A N/A Rate 100 ms 100 ms 100 ms Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Signal Type Resolution Basic N/A Basic N/A Basic N/A Polarity/Configuration Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Rate 100 ms 100 ms 100 ms OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) Integration note: • Peaks Elevations are transmitted digitally to the display via Label 025 on the ARINC453 bus; they are then display as stroked charters on the bottom left or right of the display (depending on EFIS strapping). • To Pop Up for a Terrain Caution or Warning it is necessary for the EFIS to receive two discrete signals from the EGPWS (one to indicate that Terrain is selected and one to indicate that selection was due to an alert). The EFIS needs to distinguish between manual selection and alert conditions so it will know when it should autorange. Both EFIS and EGPWS start to autorange on a Caution or Warning to minimize any latency problem displaying status during an alert. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 211 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual • When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 212 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-12 Collins WXI-701/711, without Auto Range DISPLAY CONFIGURATION GROUP 10 (COLLINS WXI 701/711 PPI, WITHOUT AUTO RANGE) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 Value Collins WXI-701/711 PPI Fan Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Caution or Warning Never Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enable: False Peaks Enable: True Peaks Off Peaks On Anytime Anytime No No Without Peaks: “TERR” located at the bottom left of display. With Peaks: Peaks numbers lower left. Standard ARINC 453 CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator DISPLAY INPUT CONTROL GROUP 1 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 CONN PIN # J1-32 CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 1 (Low Speed) Data Range (Display Word 2) CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 2 (Low Speed) Data Range (Display Word 2) REFERENCE NAME GND_DISC_12 Label Sig. Bits Range 271 Discrete 5-320NM PIN FUNCTION Display Select Discrete #1 J1-31 GND_DISC_13 Display Select Discrete #2 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Label 271 Sig. Bits Discrete Range 5-320NM Signal Type Basic Resolution N/A Rate (ms) 100 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Signal Type Resolution Rate (ms) Basic N/A 100 Polarity/Configuration Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) Integration note: • Left/Right shift keys on the display are not to be used when displaying terrain. • When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 213 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-13 Integrated Honeywell P880/660/440 (WXPD w/ SCI range) Display Configuration Group 11 (Honeywell Integrated P880/660/440). Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 Value Honeywell Integrated P880/660/440 radar displays Honeywell Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Caution or Warning Never Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enable: False Peaks Enable: True Peaks Off Peaks On Anytime Anytime No Yes (across bottom of display) Yes, for Peaks Elevations only Honeywell picture bus CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator #1 CONNECT TO: Not supported for this display type DISPLAY INPUT CONTROL GROUP 3 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 CONNECT TO: SCI Bus 1 (RS-422 - 12K baud) Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 A = J2-36 B = J2-37 CONN PIN # J1-32 Data Range (Mode/Range Word) REFERENCE NAME GND_DISC_12 Label Sig. Bits Range 80 4 Discrete 2000NM PIN FUNCTION Display Select Discrete #1 Bus Type: Basic Signal Type Resolution Rate (ms) Basic N/A 100 Polarity/Configuration Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Channel 429TX_1 (Low Speed) 429TX_2 Integration note: CAGE CODE: 97896 Pins A = J2-43 B = J2-42 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A Comments Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x No Connection (No Data Output) DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 214 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-14 Bendix PPI-4A/4B without Auto Range DISPLAY CONFIGURATION GROUP 12 (BENDIX RDR 4A/B PPI WITHOUT AUTORANGE, WITH MOD ) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode (Elevations via overlay) Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 Value Bendix PPI-4A/4B (MAP-MODE) Standard Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Caution or Warning Never Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enable: False Peaks Enable: True Peaks Off Peaks On Anytime Anytime No No Without Peaks: “TERR” located in the lower right corner. With Peaks: Peaks numbers located in the lower right corner. Standard ARINC 453 CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator DISPLAY INPUT CONTROL GROUP 1 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 CONN PIN # J1-32 CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 1 (Low Speed) Data Range (Display Word 2) CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 2 (Low Speed) Data Range (Display Word 2) REFERENCE NAME GND_DISC_12 Label Sig. Bits Range 271 Discrete 5-320NM PIN FUNCTION Display Select Discrete #1 J1-31 GND_DISC_13 Display Select Discrete #2 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Label 271 Sig. Bits Discrete Range 5-320NM Signal Type Basic Resolution N/A Rate (ms) 100 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Signal Type Resolution Rate (ms) Basic N/A 100 Polarity/Configuration Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) Integration note: • When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 215 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-15 Integrated Honeywell P880/660/440 (Honeywell Integrated P880/660/440 with A/C symbol) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 Value Honeywell Integrated P880/660/440 radar displays with A/C symbol Honeywell Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Caution or Warning Never Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enable: False Peaks Enable: True Peaks Off Peaks On Anytime Anytime No Yes (across bottom of display) Yes, for Peaks Elevations only Honeywell picture bus CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator #1 CONNECT TO: Not supported for this display type TABLE DISPLAY INPUT CONTROL GROUP 3 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 CONNECT TO: SCI Bus 1 (RS-422 - 12K baud) Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 A = J2-36 B = J2-37 CONN PIN # J1-32 Data Range (Mode/Range Word) REFERENCE NAME GND_DISC_12 Label Sig. Bits Range 80 4 Discrete 2000NM PIN FUNCTION Display Select Discrete #1 Bus Type: Basic Signal Type Resolution Rate (ms) Basic N/A 100 Polarity/Configuration Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal TABLE OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 TRACEABILITY Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) Integration Notes: This display type overlays an inverted T aircraft symbol CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 216 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-16 Bendix IN182A/IN812A Radar display (RDR 2000) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode (Available -003) Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type Value Bendix IN182A/IN812A color Radar Display (RDR-2000 radar system) Sweep range +/- 50 degrees Reference section Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up when the display is in the Never Pop Up proper mode. Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enabled: False Peaks Enabled: True Peaks Off Peaks On Anytime WXR is on and display is in proper Mode Anytime No No Yes; “TERR” centered at top of display. “TERR” or Peaks Elevation located on upper right side of Terrain image as of –003. Standard ARINC 453 TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 CONNECT TO: A = J1-58 B = J1-59 Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 CONNECT TO: A = J1-56 B = J1-57 Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator Note : • This config group is similar to config group 4 except warning inhibited message not seen on the overlay Display Input Control Group 2 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 CONN PIN # J1-32 CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 1 (Low Speed) Data Mode (Display Word 1) Range (Display Word 2) Discrete Word (VP) CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 2 (Low Speed) Data Mode (Display Word 1) Range (Display Word 2) Discrete Word (VP) REFERENCE NAME GND_DISC_12 J1-31 GND_DISC_13 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 * Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Reference 6.2.25 6.2.18 6.2.26 Label 270 271 273 Sig. Bits Discrete Discrete Discrete Range Mode, Tilt, Gain 5-320NM VP Mode, Bit 11 Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Resolution N/A N/A N/A Rate 100 ms 100 ms 100 ms Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Reference 6.2.25 6.2.18 6.2.26 Reference 4.2.7 6.6.18 Reference 4.2.7 6.6.19 Label Sig. Bits Range 270 Discrete Mode, Tilt, Gain 271 Discrete 5-320NM 273 Discrete VP Mode, Bit 11 PIN FUNCTION Display Select Discrete #1 Display Select Discrete #2 Signal Type Resolution Basic N/A Basic N/A Basic N/A Polarity/Configuration Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Rate 100 ms 100 ms 100 ms When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 217 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Output 429 Bus Group 0 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x, 7.1.4.x, and 7.1.6.x1 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 218 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-17 Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode (Available -003) Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type Bendix IN842A/IN862A Radar display (RDR 2100) Value Bendix IN842A/IN862A color Radar Display (RDR-2100 radar system) Sweep range +/- 60 degrees Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up when display is in the Never Pop Up proper mode. Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enabled: False Peaks Enabled: True Peaks Off Peaks On Anytime WXR is on and display is in proper Mode Anytime No No Yes; “TERR” centered at top of display. “TERR” or Peaks Elevation located on upper right side of Terrain image as of –003. Standard ARINC 453 TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 CONNECT TO: A = J1-58 B = J1-59 Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 CONNECT TO: Reference section A = J1-56 Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator B = J1-57 Note : • This config group is similar to config group 5 except warning inhibited message not seen on the overlay CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 219 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Display Input Control Group 2 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 CONN PIN # J1-32 CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 1 (Low Speed) Data Mode (Display Word 1) Range (Display Word 2) Discrete Word (VP) CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 2 (Low Speed) Data Mode (Display Word 1) Range (Display Word 2) Discrete Word (VP) REFERENCE NAME GND_DISC_12 J1-31 GND_DISC_13 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 * Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Reference 6.2.25 6.2.18 6.2.26 Label 270 271 273 Sig. Bits Discrete Discrete Discrete Range Mode, Tilt, Gain 5-320NM VP Mode, Bit 11 Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Resolution N/A N/A N/A Rate 100 ms 100 ms 100 ms Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Reference 6.2.25 6.2.18 6.2.26 Reference 4.2.7 6.6.18 Reference 4.2.7 6.6.19 Label Sig. Bits Range 270 Discrete Mode, Tilt, Gain 271 Discrete 5-320NM 273 Discrete VP Mode, Bit 11 PIN FUNCTION Display Select Discrete #1 Display Select Discrete #2 Signal Type Resolution Basic N/A Basic N/A Basic N/A Polarity/Configuration Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Rate 100 ms 100 ms 100 ms When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. Output 429 Bus Group 0 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x, 7.1.4.x, and 7.1.6.x1 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 220 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-18 A ltitude Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode (Elevations via overlay) Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 K C Picture B us w /o presentation of Terrain A w areness C orrected Value Reference section KC Picture Bus (KCPB) Curtain (Vertical or Horizontal scan) Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Caution or Warning Never Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enable: False Peaks Enable: True Peaks Off Peaks On None (Display Control Selection) None (Display Control Selection) Controlled by display response (if selected a 10 nm range will be used) None Controlled by display KCPB CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data Integration Notes: • KCPB is also known as ASPB (AlliedSignal Picture Bus). • This Display Group is configured by the Display using response labels on its ARINC 429 data bus. Display Input Control Group 0 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 * * CONNECT TO: KCPB-IND 429 out (range) Bus 1 (Low Speed) Data *Range Query/Continuous Response DSU Status Data (DSU only) *Key Press/Display Mode CONNECT TO: KCPB-IND 429 out (range) Bus 2 (Low Speed) Data *Range Query/Continuous Response DSU Status Data (DSU only) *Key Press/Display Mode Fault Designation: KCPB BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Reference 6.2.35 6.2.23 6.2.36 6.2.24 Label 271 011 350 012 Sig. Bits 11 Discrete Discrete Discrete Range 0.5-1023.5NM N/A N/A N/A Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Basic Resolution 0.5 N/A N/A N/A Rate (ms) 250 1000 1000 250 Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Basic Resolution 0.5 N/A N/A N/A Rate (ms) 250 1000 1000 250 Fault Designation: KCPB BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Reference 6.2.35 6.2.23 6.2.36 6.2.24 Label 271 011 350 012 Sig. Bits 11 Discrete Discrete Discrete Range 0.5-1023.5NM N/A N/A N/A Label 012 is optional. The current fault and fault history message “RANGE” for label 271 (Range) is not shown if Range Keys are requested on label 012 (Key Press/Display Mode). When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 221 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Output 429 Bus Group 0 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x, 7.1.4.x, and 7.1.6.x1 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 222 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-235 Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode (Available as of -003) Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type Display Configuration (Collins ProLine II, 5x6, and ProLine 4) Value Collins ProLine II (5x6) Standard with +/-60 degree limit Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Caution or Warning Never Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enabled: False Peaks Enabled: True Peaks Off Peaks On Anytime Anytime No No Yes; “TERR” is located on the right side of display. “TERR” or Peaks Elevations located on upper left side of Terrain image as of -003. Standard ARINC 453 TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 CONNECT TO: A = J1-58 B = J1-59 Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 CONNECT TO: A = J1-56 B = J1-57 Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator Reference section Integration Notes: 1. Peaks Elevation numbers have been re-positioned to improve their presentation/visibility as of –010 release. Display Input Control Group CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 CONNECT TO: IOC #1 Bus (High Speed) Format: ARINC429 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 Data Range (Mode/Range Word) CONNECT TO: IOC #2 Bus (High Speed) Format: ARINC429 Label 155 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 Data Range (Mode/Range Word) Label 155 Fault Designation: IOC BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Sig. Bits Discrete Range 5-640NM Signal Type Basic Resolution N/A Rate (ms) 50 Resolution N/A Rate (ms) 50 Fault Designation: IOC BUS 2 BUS TYPE: BASIC * Sig. Bits Discrete Range 5-640NM Signal Type Basic When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. Output 429 Bus Group Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 223 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E3.1.6-236 Display Configuration (Collins ProLine IV, 5x6) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode (Available as of -011) Pop Down Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display Priority Display bus type Terrain Mode Annunciation Value Collins ProLine IV (5x6) Standard with +/-60 degree limit Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True No Effect No Effect Pop Up Controlled by Display Pop Up Controlled by Display Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enabled: False Peaks Enabled: True Peaks Off Peaks On Never Automatically pop down Anytime Anytime No No Yes; “TERR” is located on the right side of display. “TERR” and Peaks Elevations located on upper left side of Terrain image as of -011. Standard Standard ARINC 708 Standard TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 CONNECT TO: A = J1-58 B = J1-59 Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 CONNECT TO: A = J1-56 B = J1-57 Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator Display Input Control CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 CONNECT TO: IOC #1 Bus (High Speed) Format: ARINC429 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 Data Range (Mode/Range Word) CONNECT TO: IOC #2 Bus (High Speed) Format: ARINC429 Label 155 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 Data Range (Mode/Range Word) Label 155 Fault Designation: IOC BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Sig. Bits Discrete Range 5-640NM Signal Type Basic Resolution N/A Rate (ms) 50 Resolution N/A Rate (ms) 50 Fault Designation: IOC BUS 2 BUS TYPE: BASIC * Sig. Bits Discrete Range 5-640NM Signal Type Basic When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 224 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Output 429 Bus Group Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x, 7.1.4.x, and 7.1.6.x1 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 225 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-242 Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode (Elevations via overlay) Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 KC Picture Bus Display Configuration Group 0 (KC Picture Bus1) Value KC Picture Bus (KCPB) Curtain (Vertical or Horizontal scan) Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Caution or Warning Never Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enable: False Peaks Enable: True Peaks Off Peaks On None (Display Control Selection) None (Display Control Selection) Controlled by display response (if selected a 10 nm range will be used) None Controlled by display KCPB CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data Display Input Control Group 245 CHANNEL 429RX_8 A = J2-24 B = J2-07 CHANNEL 429RX_3 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 CONNECT TO: KCPB-IND 429 out (range) Bus 1 (Low Speed) Data *Range Query/Continuous Response DSU Status Data (DSU only) *Key Press/Display Mode CONNECT TO: KCPB-IND 429 out (range) Bus 2 (Low Speed) Data *Range Query/Continuous Response DSU Status Data (DSU only) *Key Press/Display Mode Fault Designation: KCPB BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Label 271 011 350 012 Sig. Bits 11 Discrete Discrete Discrete Range 0.5-1023.5NM N/A N/A N/A Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Basic Resolution 0.5 N/A N/A N/A Rate (ms) 250 1000 1000 250 Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Basic Resolution 0.5 N/A N/A N/A Rate (ms) 250 1000 1000 250 Fault Designation: KCPB BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Label Sig. Bits Range 271 11 0.5-1023.5NM 011 Discrete N/A 350 Discrete N/A 012 Discrete N/A OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) Integration Notes: • KCPB is also known as ASPB (AlliedSignal Picture Bus). • This Display Group is configured by the Display using response labels on its ARINC 429 data bus. • Label 012 is optional. The current fault and fault history message “RANGE” for label 271 (Range) is not shown if Range Keys are requested on label 012 (Key Press/Display Mode). • When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 226 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-246 Non-Integrated EFIS 10 (Bendix/Honeywell) DISPLAY CONFIGURATION GROUP 246 (BENDIX EFIS 10 DISPLAY, EFS86 RADAR SYSTEM) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 Value Bendix EFIS 10 Normal, Sweep range +/- 90 degrees Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Terrain Caution or Never Pop Up Warning.1 Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enable: False Peaks Enable: True Peaks Off Peaks On Anytime1 Anytime1 No No Yes; Without Peaks: “TERR” is located at the bottom left of the display. With Peaks: Peaks numbers are located at the lower left of the display. Standard ARINC 708/453 CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator #1 CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator #2 DISPLAY INPUT CONTROL GROUP 246 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 CONN PIN # J1-32 CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 1 (Low Speed) Data Mode (Display Word 1) Range (Display Word 2) CONNECT TO: WX-IND 429 out (range) Bus 2 (Low Speed) Data Mode (Display Word 1) Range (Display Word 2) REFERENCE NAME GND_DISC_12 Label Sig. Bits Range 270 Discrete Mode, Tilt, Gain 271 Discrete 5-320NM PIN FUNCTION Display Select Discrete #1 J1-31 GND_DISC_13 Display Select Discrete #2 A = J2-37 B = J2-36 CHANNEL 429RX_3 A = J2-41 B = J2-40 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Label 270 271 Sig. Bits Discrete Discrete Range Mode, Tilt, Gain 5-320NM Signal Type Basic Basic Resolution N/A N/A Rate 100 ms 100 ms Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 2 Bus Type: Basic Signal Type Resolution Rate Basic N/A 100 ms Basic N/A 100 ms Polarity/Configuration Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal Type 1 (Momentary) Gnd = Display Select Toggle Gnd = Normal OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) Integration note: • Either weather or a weather test pattern must be displayed before Terrain can be viewed. The white weather annunciation “WX” will still be present when terrain is displayed. • When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 227 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-250 Honeywell EDZ705 (5x5), EDZ756 (5x6) with DC-811 range push button control DISPLAY CONFIGURATION GROUP 250 HONEYWELL SPZ8000, EDZ705 (5X5), EDZ756 (5X6), EDZ605, EDZ805, AND EDZ806) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Value Honeywell (SPZ8000 new style - every fourth display line is blanked) Honeywell Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Caution or Warning Never Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enable: False Peaks Enable: True Peaks Off Peaks On Controlled by display system Controlled by display system Yes (10NM) Yes (Honeywell type) Yes for Peaks Elevations only. Honeywell picture bus Peaks Mode Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator #1 and MFD left channel CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator #2 and MFD right channel DISPLAY INPUT CONTROL GROUP 251 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 CONNECT TO: DC811 #1 A = J2-36 B = J2-37 CHANNEL 422RX_2 Data Range (Up/Down) CONNECT TO: DC811 #2 A = J2-10 B = J2-11 Data Range (Up/Down) Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 Bus Type: (RS-422 – 7.8125K baud) Label N/A Sig. Bits Range Signal Type Basic Resolution N/A Rate (ms) 100 Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 2 BUS TYPE: (RS-422 – 7.8125K BAUD) Label Sig. Bits Range Signal Type N/A Basic OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Resolution N/A Rate (ms) 100 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) Integration Notes: • The EGPWS ARINC 429 Output Bus must be connected to the display. • This display uses the following ARINC 429 labels from the EGPWS for annunciation: The Terrain display will annunciate: “TERR" in green or cyan (depending on the program) when the Terrain is selected and valid. “TERR” in amber if Terrain is selected and any of the following conditions are TRUE: • The EGPWS ARINC 429 output bus is missing or labels 050 and 051 are absent or unreadable for 2 seconds. • EGPWS ARINC label 051 bit 13 = 0 (“Terrain Display Valid” bit FALSE) • EGPWS ARINC label 050 bit 17 = 1 (“Terrain Inhibit” bit TRUE) Note - Per customer request for EDZ705 and EDZ756, the display does not go blank when Terrain is Inhibited, nor is an amber TERR presented. This change is part of the EFIS system • EGPWS ARINC labels are valid, but range in label 050 disagrees with range via SCI bus label 80 (Label 050 bits 11-14 contain the left display range and bits 15-18 contain the right). The display will be blanked when the amber “TERR” is present. The Terrain display will Pop Up to Terrain mode as follows: • If all the conditions indicated by for the amber “TERR” above are FALSE. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 228 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual • • • • • • • If the display is in normal MFD mode (not HSI backup, or SG backup) AND if Label 051 bit 11 transitions from 0 to 1 (rising edge), AND Checklist is not selected on the MFD, and TCAS Auto Pop Up is not occurring. The display will change to Map mode. The display will energize the Terrain selection relays. The display will annunciate “TERR”. The display will change to the range indicated by the EGPWS ARINC 429 Label 050. When interfacing to a single display controller configuration the bus must be connected to both EGPWS input channels. This prevents the EGPWS from reporting an external bus fault on the second channel. Note that the Channel 429_422RX_1 polarity is shown reversed from ARINC 429 application. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 229 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Table E 3.1.6-255 Honeywell SPZ8000 (w/ SCI range) Display Configuration Group 255 (Honeywell SPZ8000 older style) Function Display Type Sweep Type Auto Pop Up Peaks Mode (Elevations via overlay) Manual select Manual deselect Auto Range Moving Marker Overlay Page Display bus type TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #1 453TX_1 A = J1-58 B = J1-59 TERRAIN DISPLAY BUS #2 453TX_2 A = J1-56 B = J1-57 Value Honeywell (5x6) (SPZ8000) older style; does not blank every fourth weather radar display line. This interface supports SG-810 and SG811 SPZ8000 systems only. Honeywell Category 7, Options Select Group #1 TA&D Alternate Pop Up: False TA&D Alternate Pop Up: True Pop Up On Caution or Warning Never Pop Up Category 7, Options Select Group #1 Peaks Enable: False Peaks Enable: True Peaks Off Peaks On Controlled by SPZ8000 display system Controlled by SPZ8000 display system Yes (10 NM) Yes (Honeywell type) Yes, for Peaks Elevations (located on lower right side) Honeywell picture bus CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator #1 CONNECT TO: Terrain Display data to switching relay/Symbol Generator #2 (NOTE: Range setting always follows Display Bus #1). Display Input Control Group 255 CHANNEL 429_422RX_1 CONNECT TO: SCI Bus 1 (RS-422 - 12K baud) A = J2-36 B = J2-37 Data Range (Mode/Range Word) Fault Designation: DISPLAY BUS 1 Bus Type: Basic Label Sig. Bits Range 80 4 Discrete 2000NM OUTPUT 429 BUS GROUP 0 Signal Type Basic Resolution N/A Rate (ms) 100 Channel Pins Comments 429TX_1 (Low Speed) A = J2-43 B = J2-42 Transmits (Section 7) Label sets: 7.1.1.x, 7.1.2.x, 7.1.3.x and 7.1.4.x 429TX_2 A = J2-26 B = J2-9 No Connection (No Data Output) Integration Notes: • The EGPWS ARINC 429 Output Bus must be connected to the SPZ8000 display. • This display type may also be used for an integrated P880/660/440 display, but requires Auto Pop Up to be disabled and relay selection to be controlled directly from an alternate action switch (for new installations of P880/660/440 use ID 13). CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 230 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 5.3.7 CATEGORY 7, OPTIONS 1 SELECT The following table provides identification of the Options Select Group #1. Each entry in the ID column corresponds to a particular combination of TA&D Alternate Pop Up, Obstacle Awareness Enabled, Peaks Mode Enabled, Bank Angle Enable, Steep Approach Enabled, Flap / WOW Reversal and GPS Altitude Reference selection. Refer to section 7.5 for configuration messages that will be present for each option selected. Note: Peaks Mode Enable is always True regardless of the option selected. TABLE E 317: OPTIONS SELECT GROUP #1 ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 5 6 TA&D Alternate Pop Up False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False True True Peaks Mode Enabled5 False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True False False Obstacle Awareness Enabled False False False False False False False False True True True True True True True True False False False False False False False False True True True True True True True True False False Bank Angle Enable False False False False True True True True False False False False True True True True False False False False True True True True False False False False True True True True False False Weight On Wheels Reversal False False True True False False True True False False True True False False True True False False True True False False True True False False True True False False True True False False GPS Altitude Reference6 WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL Effectivity App . -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 Cfg. -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 Enables PEAKS mode display if display supports "MSL" reference must be selected when an internal GPS is utilized. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 231 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual ID 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 TA&D Alternate Pop Up True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True CAGE CODE: 97896 Peaks Mode Enabled5 False False False False False False False False False False False False False False True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True SCALE: NONE Obstacle Awareness Enabled False False False False False False True True True True True True True True False False False False False False False False True True True True True True True True SIZE: A Bank Angle Enable False False True True True True False False False False True True True True False False False False True True True True False False False False True True True True Weight On Wheels Reversal True True False False True True False False True True False False True True False False True True False False True True False False True True False False True True DWG NO: 060-4314-225 GPS Altitude Reference6 WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL WGS-84 MSL REV: C Effectivity App . -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 Cfg. -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 SHEET 232 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 5.3.8 CATEGORY 8, RADIO ALTITUDE INPUT SELECT The following table provides identification of the Radio Altitude type. The entry in the Radio Altitude Type corresponds to a table that provides detailed information on the configuration. For example, the details for Radio Altitude Type #1 are found in Table 0-1. ARINC 552, ALT 55 and digital ARINC 429 compatible Radio Altimeters are supported. ALT 50 Radio Altimeters are not supported due to the maximum 2000-foot operation CAUTION: ALT 55 radio altimeters use an avarage altitude tracking technique that does not track the nearest terrain. This can produce errors up to 200 to 300 feet in high bank turns and mountainous terrain. This characteristic may degrade EGPWS performance for Modes 1 thru 6. In this category, only the following signals are defined: • Radio Altitude source selection, input scaling, and associated validities. TABLE E 3.1.8: RADIO ALTITUDE INPUT SELECT FOR EGPWS MKXXII ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 Radio Altitude Type (Table E 3.1.8x) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Description Effectivity Analog Radio Altitude (ARINC 552) Analog (ALT 55) Digital Radio Altitude (ARINC 429) (Note 2) Analog Radio Altitude (RT-200/300) Analog (KRA 405) Analog (Alt 50) App. Cfg. -001 -001 -001 -001 -003 -010 -001 -001 -001 -001 -003 -010 Note 2: Digital Radio Altimeters can not be used on two engine Helicopters with Digital Torque. TABLE E 3.1.8-0: RADIO ALTITUDE INPUT SELECT TYPE 0 (ARINC 552) CONNECTION SUMMARY DATA (+) = J1-64 Format: ARINC 552 with Validity Flag (-) = J1-45 Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: RADIO ALTIMETER FAULT Validity: Radio Altitude Valid Discrete #1 (+28V) PIN FUNCTION CONNECTION PIN TYPE CHANNEL DESIGNATION Polarity/Configuration REFERENCE Radio Altitude Validity J1-29 Input 28V_DISC_07 >+17V = Valid Discrete #1 (+28V) <+4.4V = Invalid DH Discrete (Gnd) J1-33 Input GND_DISC_11 Gnd = Below DH Gnd = Above DH CONFIGURATION DATA Description Value SIGNAL Radio Altimeter #1 Out of Track Maximum Out of Track Minimum Pseudo Altitude Type Field Enable Type CAGE CODE: 97896 Pseudo altitude is only allowed to operate within these limits. Selects parameters for pseudo altitude engage logic Selects pseudo altitude field elevation SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 2800 -20 3 2 REV: C SHEET 233 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE E 3.1.8-1: RADIO ALTITUDE INPUT SELECT TYPE 1 (ALT 55) CONNECTION SUMMARY DATA (+) = J1-64 Format: Alt 55 with Validity Flag (-) = J1-45 Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: RADIO ALTIMETER FAULT Validity: Radio Altitude Valid Discrete #1 (+28V) PIN FUNCTION CONNECTION PIN TYPE CHANNEL DESIGNATION Polarity/Configuration REFERENCE Radio Altitude Validity J1-29 Input 28V_DISC_07 >+17V = Valid Discrete #1 (+28V) <+4.4V = Invalid DH Discrete (Gnd) Input GND_DISC_11 Gnd = Below DH J1-33 Gnd = Above DH CONFIGURATION DATA Description Value SIGNAL Radio Altimeter #1 Out of Track Maximum Out of Track Minimum Pseudo Altitude Type Field Enable Type Pseudo altitude is only allowed to operate within these limits. Selects parameters for pseudo altitude engage logic Selects pseudo altitude field elevation 2800 -20 4 2 TABLE E 3.1.8-2: RADIO ALTITUDE INPUT SELECT TYPE 2 (ARINC 429) CONNECT TO: Fault Designation: RADIO ALTIMETER BUS CHANNEL Left ( #1) LRRA 429RX_5 Bus Type: Basic (Low Speed) A = J2-21 Data Label Sig. Bits Range Signal Type Resolution B = J2-4 Radio Altitude 164 16 ±8192 FT Basic 0.125 PIN FUNCTION CONNECTION PIN TYPE CHANNEL DESIGNATION Polarity/Configuration REFERENCE DH Discrete (Gnd) J1-33 Input GND_DISC_11 Gnd = Below DH Gnd = Above DH TABLE E 3.1.8-3: RADIO ALTITUDE INPUT SELECT TYPE 3 (RT-200/300) CONNECTION SUMMARY DATA (+) = J1-64 Format: DC with Validity Flag (RT-200/300) (-) = J1-45 Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: RADIO ALTIMETER FAULT Validity: Radio Altitude Valid Discrete #1 (+28V) PIN FUNCTION CONNECTION PIN TYPE CHANNEL DESIGNATION Polarity/Configuration REFERENCE Radio Altitude Validity J1-29 Input 28V_DISC_07 >+17V = Valid Discrete #1 (+28V) <+4.4V = Invalid DH Discrete (Gnd) J1-33 Input GND_DISC_11 Gnd = Below DH Gnd = Above DH CONFIGURATION DATA Description Value SIGNAL Radio Altimeter #1 Out of Track Maximum Out of Track Minimum Pseudo Altitude Type Field Enable Type CAGE CODE: 97896 Pseudo altitude is only allowed to operate within these limits. Selects parameters for pseudo altitude engage logic Selects pseudo altitude field elevation SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 2800 -20 3 2 REV: C SHEET 234 Rate (ms) 25-50 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual TABLE E 3.1.8-4: RADIO ALTITUDE INPUT SELECT TYPE 4 (KRA 405) CONNECTION SUMMARY DATA (+) = J1-64 Format: Alt 55 with Validity Flag (-) = J1-45 Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: RADIO ALTIMETER FAULT Validity: Radio Altitude Valid Discrete #1 (+28V) PIN FUNCTION CONNECTION PIN TYPE CHANNEL DESIGNATION Polarity/Configuration REFERENCE Radio Altitude Validity J1-29 Input 28V_DISC_07 >+17V = Valid Discrete #1 (+28V) <+4.4V = Invalid DH Discrete (Gnd) Input GND_DISC_11 Gnd = Below DH J1-33 Gnd = Above DH CONFIGURATION DATA Description Value SIGNAL Radio Altimeter #1 Out of Track Maximum Out of Track Minimum Pseudo Altitude Type Field Enable Type Pseudo altitude is only allowed to operate within these limits. Selects parameters for pseudo altitude engage logic Selects pseudo altitude field elevation 2800 -20 3 2 Table E 3.1.8-5: Radio Altitude Input Select Type 5 (ALT 50) SIGNAL Radio Altimeter #1 PIN FUNCTION Radio Altitude Validity Discrete #1 (+28V) DH Discrete (Gnd) CONNECTION (+) = J1-64 (-) = J1-45 REFERENCE CONNECTION PIN TYPE J1-29 Input J1-33 Input CONFIGURATION DATA Out of Track Maximum Out of Track Minimum Pseudo Altitude Type Field Enable Type CAGE CODE: 97896 SUMMARY DATA Format: Alt 50 with Validity Flag Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: RADIO ALTIMETER FAULT Validity: Radio Altitude Valid Discrete #1 (+28V) CHANNEL DESIGNATION Polarity/Configuration REFERENCE 28V_DISC_07 >+17V = Valid <+4.4V = Invalid GND_DISC_11 Gnd = Below DH Gnd = Above DH Description Pseudo altitude is only allowed to operate within these limits. Selects parameters for pseudo altitude engage logic Selects pseudo altitude field elevation SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 Value 2100 -20 4 2 REV: C SHEET 235 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 5.3.9 CATEGORY 9, NAVIGATION INPUT SELECT The following table provides identification of the Navigation type. The entry in the Navigation Type corresponds to a table that provides detailed information on the configuration. For example, the details for Navigation Type #1 are found in Table 0-1. In this category, only the following signals are defined: • • Glideslope source selection. Localizer source selection. (optional for digital only) TABLE E 3.1.9: NAVIGATION INPUT SELECT FOR EGPWS MKXXII I D Navigation Inputs Select 0 (Table E 3.1.9x) 0 1 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 5 SIGNAL Glideslope Deviation PIN FUNCTION Glideslope Validity Discrete #1 +28V ILS Tuned Discrete #1 GND ILS Tuned Discrete #1 Description Analog Glideslope (ARINC 547) with +28V Validity Flag Analog Glideslope (ARINC 547) with Low Level Validity Digital Glideslope (ARINC 429) Digital Glideslope and Localizer (ARINC 429) Digital KN40 Glideslope and Localizer (ARINC 429) Analog Glideslope/Localizer (ARINC 547) with +28V Validity Flags Effectivity App. Cfg. -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -003 -001 -001 -003 -008 -008 TABLE E 3.1.9-0: NAVIGATION INPUTS SELECT 0 SUMMARY DATA Format: ARINC 547 with Validity Flag & ILS Select Input Type: Basic (+) = J1-65 (-) = J1-46 Fault Designation: GLIDESLOPE FAULT Validity: Glideslope Validity Discrete #1 (+28V) CHANNEL DESIGNATION Polarity/Configuration CONNECTION PIN TYPE REFERENCE J1-11 Input 28V_DISC_06 >+17V = Valid < +4.4V = Not Valid J1-39 Input 28V_DISC_01 >+17V = ILS Tuned < +4.4V = ILS Not Tuned J1-20 Input GND_DISC_01 Gnd = ILS Tuned Gnd = ILS Not Tuned CONNECTION CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 236 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SIGNAL TABLE E 3.1.9-1: NAVIGATION INPUTS SELECT 1 SUMMARY DATA Format: ARINC 547 with Low Level Validity & ILS Select (+) = J1-65 Input Type: Basic (-) = J1-46 Fault Designation: GLIDESLOPE FAULT Validity: Low Level Glideslope Deviation Validity Format: DC Input Type: Basic (+) = J1-30 Fault Designation: GLIDESLOPE LOW LEVEL VALIDITY FAULT (-) = J1-10 > 0.145V = Valid (typical active range is 0.16V to 0.84V) <= 0.145V = Invalid CHANNEL DESIGNATION Polarity/Configuration CONNECTION PIN TYPE REFERENCE J1-39 Input 28V_DISC_01 >+17V = ILS Tuned < +4.4V = ILS Not Tuned J1-20 Input GND_DISC_01 Gnd = ILS Tuned Gnd = ILS Not Tuned CONNECTION Glideslope Deviation Low Level Glideslope Deviation Validity PIN FUNCTION +28V ILS Tuned Discrete #1 GND ILS Tuned Discrete #1 TABLE E 3.1.9-2: NAVIGATION INPUTS SELECT 2 CHANNEL 429RX_6 A = J2-22 B = J2-5 CONNECT TO: ILS #1 (Low Speed) Data Glideslope CHANNEL 429RX_6 CONNECT TO: ILS #1 (Low Speed) A = J2-22 B = J2-5 Data Glideslope Localizer CHANNEL 429RX_6 A = J2-22 B = J2-5 CONNECT TO: ILS #1 (Low Speed) Data Glideslope Localizer ILS Select (VOR/ILS Freq) Fault Designation: ILS BUS Bus Type: Basic Label 174 Sig. Bits 12 Range ±0.8 DDM Signal Type Basic Resolution 0.0001953125 Rate (ms) 33.3-66.6 Signal Type Basic Basic Resolution 0.0001953125 0.00009765625 Rate (ms) 33.3-66.6 33.3-66.6 Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Resolution 0.0001953125 0.00009765625 Bit 14 = ILS Rate (ms) 33.3-66.6 33.3-66.6 167-333 TABLE E 3.1.9-3: NAVIGATION INPUTS SELECT 3 Fault Designation: ILS BUS Bus Type: Basic Label 174 173 Sig. Bits 12 12 Range ±0.8 DDM ±0.4 DDM TABLE E 3.1.9-4: NAVIGATION INPUTS SELECT 4 Configuration Data KN40 Nav Source SIGNAL Glideslope Deviation Localizer Deviation PIN FUNCTION Localizer Validity Discrete #1 Glideslope Validity Discrete #1 +28V ILS Tuned Discrete #1 GND ILS Tuned Discrete #1 Fault Designation: ILS BUS Bus Type: Basic Label 174 173 034 Sig. Bits 12 12 Discrete Range ±0.8 DDM ±0.4 DDM n/a Type True Reference Section SRD, 5.9.3.R41 TABLE E 3.1.9-5: NAVIGATION INPUTS SELECT 5 SUMMARY DATA Format: ARINC 547 with Validity Super Flag & ILS Select Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: GLIDESLOPE FAULT Validity: Glideslope Validity Discrete #1 (+28V) (+) = J1-30 Format: ARINC 547 with Validity Flag & ILS Select (-) = J1-10 Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: LOCALIZER FAULT Validity: Localizer Validity Discrete #1 (+28V) CHANNEL DESIGNATION Polarity/Configuration CONNECTION PIN TYPE REFERENCE J1-48 Input 28V_DISC_11 >+17V = Valid < +4.4V = Not Valid J1-11 Input 28V_DISC_06 >+17V = Valid < +4.4V = Not Valid J1-39 Input 28V_DISC_01 >+17V = ILS Tuned < +4.4V = ILS Not Tuned J1-20 Input GND_DISC_01 Gnd = ILS Tuned Gnd = ILS Not Tuned CONNECTION (+) = J1-65 (-) = J1-46 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 237 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 5.3.10 CATEGORY 10, ATTITUDE INPUT SELECT The following table provides identification of the Roll Attitude Angle type. The entry in the Attitude Input Select corresponds to a table that provides detailed information on the configuration. For example, the details for Attitude Input Select #1 are found in 0-1. In this category, only the following signals are defined: • • • • Roll Attitude Pitch Attitude TABLE E 3.1.10: ATTITUDE INPUT SELECT FOR EGPWS MK XXII 0 2 4 Attitude Input Select (Table 0-x) 0 2 4 128 128 ID Description Analog Roll (3-Wire Synchro) without validity Analog Pitch and Roll (3-Wire Synchro) Analog Roll(3-Wire Synchro) with validity (Note 1) Digital Pitch, Roll, Pitch Rate and Roll Rate (High Speed ARINC 429) (Note 3) Effectivity App. -001 -003 -003 Cfg. -001 -003 -003 -006 -006 Note 1: ID 4 may not be used with Category 13 (I/O Discrete Type) ID’s 2, or 3. This is due to a conflict with the validity discrete. ID 0 may be used instead with the Validity discrete left unconnected. Also, ID 4 are intended to be used with helicopter types that do not have the tail strike functionality (currently the MD-900 only). Note 2: ID 128 may only be used in conjunction with Category 11 (Magnetic Heading) ID 2. SIGNAL Roll Attitude SIGNAL Roll Attitude Pitch Attitude PIN FUNCTION Attitude Validity Discrete #1 TABLE E 3.1.10-0: ATTITUDE INPUT SELECT TYPE 0 SUMMARY DATA Format: 3 Wire Synchro (X) = J1-1 Input Type: Basic (Y) = J1-21 Fault Designation: ROLL FAULT Validity: None (Z) = J1-2 Reference: None TABLE E 3.1.10-2: ATTITUDE INPUT SELECT TYPE 2 CONNECTION SUMMARY DATA Format: 3 Wire Synchro with Validity Flag Input Type: Basic (X) = J1-1 (Y) = J1-21 Fault Designation: ROLL FAULT (Z) = J1-2 Validity: Attitude Validity Discrete #1 Reference: None Format: 3 Wire Synchro with Validity Flag (X) = J1-5 Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: PITCH FAULT (Y) = J1-7 (Z) = J1-6 Validity: Attitude Validity Discrete #1 Reference: None CHANNEL DESIGNATION Polarity/Configuration CONNECTION PIN TYPE REFERENCE J1-68 Input 28V_DISC_12 >+17V = Valid <+4.4V = Invalid CONNECTION CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C References 6.6.24 4.2.7 SHEET 238 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual SIGNAL Roll Attitude PIN FUNCTION Attitude Validity Discrete #1 TABLE E 3.1.10-4: ATTITUDE INPUT SELECT TYPE 4 SUMMARY DATA Format: 3 Wire Synchro with Validity Flag (X) = J1-1 Input Type: Basic (Y) = J1-21 Fault Designation: ROLL FAULT Validity: Attitude Validity Discrete #1 (Z) = J1-2 Reference: None CHANNEL DESIGNATION Polarity/Configuration CONNECTION PIN TYPE REFERENCE J1-68 Input 28V_DISC_12 >+17V = Valid <+4.4V = Invalid CONNECTION Summary Data 6.6.24 4.2.7 TABLE E 3.1.10-128: ATTITUDE INPUT SELECT TYPE 128 CHANNEL 429RX_7 A = J2-23 B = J2-6 CONNECT TO: AHRS (High Speed) Data Roll Angle Pitch Angle Body Roll Rate Body Pitch Rate CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE Fault Designation: AHRS BUS Bus Type: Basic Label 325 324 327 326 SIZE: A Sig. Bits 14 14 13 13 Range ±180 degrees ±180 degrees ±128 deg/sec ±128 deg/sec DWG NO: 060-4314-225 Signal Type Basic Basic Basic Basic REV: C Resolution 0.010986328125 0.010986328125 0.01562500 0.01562500 SHEET 239 Rate (ms) 10-20 10-20 10-20 10-20 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 5.3.11 CATEGORY 11, HEADING INPUT SELECT The following table provides identification of the Heading type. The entry in the Heading Input Select corresponds to a table that provides detailed information on the configuration. For example, the details for Magnetic Heading Input Select #1 are found in 0-1. In this category, only the following signals are defined: • Magnetic Heading TABLE E 3.1.11: HEADING INPUT SELECT FOR EGPWS MK XXII Heading Input Select ID Description Effectivity (Table E 3.1.11-x) 0 0 2 2 Analog Magnetic Heading (3-Wire Synchro with reference and validity discrete) High Speed ARINC 429 (Note 1) App. Cfg. -001 -001 -006 -006 Note 1: ID 2 is intended to be used in conjunction with Category 10 (Attitude) ID 128. SIGNAL Magnetic Heading PIN FUNCTION CONNECTION (X) = J1-22 (Y) = J1-23 (Z) = J1-3 Reference (H) = J1-4 (C) = J1-24 CONNECTION Magnetic Heading Validity Discrete TABLE E 3.1.11-0: HEADING INPUT SELECT 0 SUMMARY DATA Format: 5 Wire Synchro with Validity Flag Input Type: Basic Fault Designation: MAGNETIC HEADING FAULT Validity: Magnetic Heading Validity Discrete (+28V) Reference: Nominal 26 VAC CHANNEL DESIGNATION REFERENCE 28V_DISC_10 PIN TYPE J1-28 Input Polarity/Configuration >+17V = Valid < +4.4V = Invalid TABLE E 3.1.11-2: HEADING INPUT SELECT 2 CHANNEL 429RX_7 A = J2-23 B = J2-6 CONNECT TO: AHRS (High Speed) Data Magnetic Heading CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE Fault Designation: AHRS BUS Bus Type: Basic Label 320 SIZE: A Sig. Bits 15 Range ±180 degrees DWG NO: 060-4314-225 Signal Type Basic Resolution 0.0054931640625 REV: C SHEET 240 Rate (ms) 10-50 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 5.3.12 CATEGORY 12, WINDSHEAR INPUT SELECT The Windshear warning is not applicable to Helicopters. The following table provides the definition of Windshear Input Select ID 0, which is used for helicopter installations. ID Description 0 No Windshear CAGE CODE: 97896 TABLE E 3.1.12: WINDSHEAR INPUT SELECT Windshear INOP Disable Windshear Caution Voice Disable SCALE: NONE TRUE SIZE: A TRUE DWG NO: 060-4314-225 Effectivity App. Cfg. -003 -003 REV: C SHEET 241 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 5.3.13 CATEGORY 13, INPUT / OUTPUT DISCRETE TYPE SELECT The following table provides identification of the Input/Output Discrete Type. Each entry in the Input/Output Discrete Type column has a corresponding table that provides detailed information on the configuration. For example, the details for Input/Output Discrete Type #128 are found in Table E 3.1.13-128. TABLE E 3.1.13: INPUT/OUTPUT DISCRETE TYPE SELECT FOR EGPWS MK XXII ID Input/Output Discrete Type (Table E 3.1.13x) 128 128 129 129 CAGE CODE: 97896 Description Helicopter Input / output discrete definitions (Lamp Format 1) Helicopter Input / output discrete definitions (Lamp Format 2) SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 Effectivity App. Cfg. -003 -003 -003 -003 REV: C SHEET 242 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CONN PIN # J1-38 CHANNEL DESIGNATION REFERENCE 28V_DISC_02 J1-19 GND_DISC_02 J1-37 28V_DISC_03 J1-18 GND_DISC_03 J1-36 28V_DISC_04 J1-17 GND_DISC_04 TABLE E 3.1.13-128: INPUT/OUTPUT DISCRETE TYPE 128 PIN TYPE PIN FUNCTION Input Input Input Input Input Polarity/Configuration +28V Glideslope Inhibit Discrete >+17V = Inhibit <+4.4V = Not Inhibit Gnd = Inhibit Gnd = Not Inhibit >+17V = WOW <+4.4V = Not WOW Gnd = WOW Gnd = Not WOW >+17V = Inhibit <+4.4V = Not Inhibit Gnd = Audio Inhibit Toggle Gnd = Audio Inhibit Not Toggle >+17V = Gear Down <+4.4V = Gear Up Gnd = Gear Down Gnd = Gear Up Gnd = Cancel Toggle Gnd = Normal Gnd = Low Altitude Mode Select Gnd = Normal Gnd = Low Volume Gnd = Normal >+17V = Engaged <+4.4V = Not Engaged Gnd = Inhibit Gnd = Not Inhibit Gnd = Self-Test Toggle Gnd = Normal GND Glideslope Inhibit Discrete +28V WOW Discrete GND WOW Discrete +28V Audio Inhibit Discrete Timed Audio Inhibit Discrete Input J1-35 28V_DISC_05 J1-16 GND_DISC_05 J1-15 GND_DISC_06 J1-14 GND_DISC_07 Input Input Input +28V Landing Gear Discrete GND Landing Gear Discrete Glideslope Cancel Discrete (Note 1) Low Altitude Mode Select (Tactical) (Note 1) Input J1-13 GND_DISC_08 J1-8 28V_DISC_09 J1-12 GND_DISC_09 J1-34 GND_DISC_10 J1-72 J1-55 MON_OUT_1 MON_OUT_2 J1-78 DISC_OUT_1 Input Input Input Input Output Output Output J1-77 J1-76 J1-73 J1-69 J1-54 J1-51 DISC_OUT_2 DISC_OUT_3 DISC_OUT_4 DISC_OUT_5 DISC_OUT_6 DISC_OUT_8 Output Output Output Output Output J1-49 J1-52 J1-48 DISC_OUT_9 DISC_OUT_7 28V_DISC_11 J1-67 J2-15 J2-31 J1-50 GND_DISC_14 28V_DISC_13 GND_DISC_15 MON_OUT_3 Output Output Input Input Input Input Output Output Mode 6 Low Volume Discrete Autopilot Engaged Discrete #1 Terrain Awareness Inhibit Discrete (Note 2) Self-Test Discrete (Note 1) GPWS INOP Discrete TAD INOP Discrete Terrain Not Available GPWS Warning Discrete Terrain Awareness Caution or Warning Obstacle Awareness Caution or Warning GPWS Alert Discrete (Glideslope Only) Glideslope Cancel Discrete Low Altitude Mode Discrete (Tactical) TCAS Inhibit discrete Terrain Display Select #1 Discrete Terrain Awareness Caution or Warning Obstacle Awareness Caution or Warning Terrain Display Select #2 Discrete Timed Audio Inhibit Not Defined in this ID (Note 3). Gnd = Terrain Pop Up Gnd = Audio Inhibit Not Defined in this ID (Note 3). Not Defined in this ID (Note 3). Not Defined in this ID (Note 3). Not Defined in this ID (Note 3). Configuration Data Lamp Format Flashing Lamps Possible States Type 1,Type 2 True, False State Type 1 False Note 1: Provided by Momentary cockpit switch (non-latching) Note 2: Provided by Alternate cockpit switch (Latching) with guard if inhibiting Note 3: This discrete may be used in another category. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 243 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual CONN PIN # J1-38 CHANNEL DESIGNATION REFERENCE 28V_DISC_02 J1-19 GND_DISC_02 J1-37 28V_DISC_03 J1-18 GND_DISC_03 J1-36 28V_DISC_04 J1-17 GND_DISC_04 TABLE E 3.1.13-129: INPUT/OUTPUT DISCRETE TYPE 129 PIN TYPE PIN FUNCTION Input Input Input Input Input Polarity/Configuration +28V Glideslope Inhibit Discrete >+17V = Inhibit <+4.4V = Not Inhibit Gnd = Inhibit Gnd = Not Inhibit >+17V = WOW <+4.4V = Not WOW Gnd = WOW Gnd = Not WOW >+17V = Inhibit <+4.4V = Not Inhibit Gnd = Audio Inhibit Toggle Gnd = Audio Inhibit Not Toggle >+17V = Gear Down <+4.4V = Gear Up Gnd = Gear Down Gnd = Gear Up Gnd = Cancel Toggle Gnd = Normal Gnd = Low Altitude Mode Select Gnd = Normal Gnd = Low Volume Gnd = Normal >+17V = Engaged <+4.4V = Not Engaged Gnd = Inhibit Gnd = Not Inhibit Gnd = Self-Test Toggle Gnd = Normal GND Glideslope Inhibit Discrete +28V WOW Discrete GND WOW Discrete +28V Audio Inhibit Discrete Timed Audio Inhibit Discrete Input J1-35 28V_DISC_05 J1-16 GND_DISC_05 J1-15 GND_DISC_06 J1-14 GND_DISC_07 Input Input Input +28V Landing Gear Discrete GND Landing Gear Discrete Glideslope Cancel Discrete (Note 1) Low Altitude Mode Select (Tactical) (Note 1) Input J1-13 GND_DISC_08 J1-8 28V_DISC_09 J1-12 GND_DISC_09 J1-34 GND_DISC_10 J1-72 J1-55 MON_OUT_1 MON_OUT_2 J1-78 DISC_OUT_1 Input Input Input Input Output Output Output J1-77 DISC_OUT_2 Output J1-76 J1-73 J1-69 J1-54 J1-51 DISC_OUT_3 DISC_OUT_4 DISC_OUT_5 DISC_OUT_6 DISC_OUT_8 Output Output Output Output J1-49 J1-52 J1-48 DISC_OUT_9 DISC_OUT_7 28V_DISC_11 J1-67 J2-15 J2-31 J1-50 GND_DISC_14 28V_DISC_13 GND_DISC_15 MON_OUT_3 Output Output Input Input Input Input Output Output Mode 6 Low Volume Discrete Autopilot Engaged Discrete #1 Terrain Awareness Inhibit Discrete (Note 2) Self-Test Discrete (Note 1) GPWS INOP Discrete TAD INOP Discrete Terrain Not Available GPWS Warning Discrete Terrain Awareness Warning Obstacle Awareness Warning GPWS Alert Discrete Terrain Awareness Caution Obstacle Awareness Caution Glideslope Cancel Discrete Low Altitude Mode Discrete (Tactical) TCAS Inhibit discrete Terrain Display Select #1 Discrete Terrain Awareness Caution or Warning Obstacle Awareness Caution or Warning Terrain Display Select #2 Discrete Timed Audio Inhibit Not Defined in this ID (Note 3). Gnd = Terrain Pop Up Gnd = Audio Inhibit Not Defined in this ID (Note 3). Not Defined in this ID (Note 3). Not Defined in this ID (Note 3). Not Defined in this ID (Note 3). Configuration Data Lamp Format Flashing Lamps Possible States Type 1,Type 2 True, False State Type 2 False Note 1: Provided by Momentary cockpit switch (non-latching) Note 2: Provided by Alternate cockpit switch (Latching) with guard if inhibiting Note 3: This discrete may be used in another category. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 244 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 5.3.14 CATEGORY 14, AUDIO OUTPUT LEVEL The following table provides identification of the Audio Output Level Select. Each entry in the ID column corresponds to a particular nominal alert output level selection (Max, -6 dB, -12 dB, -18dB and –24dB). The nominal output is 4 Wrms for the 8-ohm output and 100 mWrms for the 600-ohm output. The Audio Output Level can be additionally reduced by 6dB with the Mode 6 Low Volume discrete (see Category 13). The output power level will be the nominal maximum output (4W or 100mW) reduced by the volume selection from Table 5.3.14 and the Mode 6 Low Volume discrete. TABLE E 3.1.14: AUDIO OUTPUT LEVEL ID 0 1 2 3 4 Volume Select Nominal -6 dB -12 dB -18 dB -24 dB CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 Effectivity App Cfg. -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 -001 REV: C SHEET 245 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E 5.3.15 CATEGORY 15, AUTOROTATION THRESHOLD The following table provides identification of the Autorotation Threshold. Each entry in the ID column corresponds to an engine torque threshold for autorotation. Each helicopter type has a unique engine torque percentage during autorotation based on the aerodynamic qualities of the aircraft. This value is not typically published or well known, thus it has been included as a configuration item in Table 10.3.15. Since a typical Autorotation Threshold value is between 5% and 10%, the values have been chosen from 0% to 15% in increments of 0.5%. TABLE E 3.1.15: AUTOROTATION THRESHOLD FOR EGPWS MK XXII 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE Autorotation Threshold % of Torque N/A 0.5 % 1.0 % 1.5 % 2.0 % 2.5 % 3.0 % 3.5 % 4.0 % 4.5 % 5.0 % 5.5 % 6.0 % 6.5 % 7.0 % 7.5 % 8.0 % 8.5 % 9.0 % 9.5 % 10.0 % 10.5 % 11.0 % 11.5 % 12.0 % 12.5 % 13.0 % 13.5 % 14.0 % 14.5 % 15.0 % SIZE: A Effectivity App. EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 Cfg. EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 EM22 -006 DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 246 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E6 CONNECTOR INTERFACE E 6.1 PINOUT FOR FRONT CONNECTORS SORTED BY PIN NUMBER TABLE E 4: PIN ASSIGNMENT FOR FRONT CONNECTORS SORTED BY PIN NUMBER Connector Pin J1-01 J1-02 J1-03 J1-04 J1-05 J1-06 J1-07 J1-08 J1-09 J1-10 J1-11 J1-12 J1-13 J1-14 J1-15 J1-16 J1-17 J1-18 J1-19 J1-20 J1-21 J1-22 J1-23 J1-24 J1-25 J1-26 J1-27 J1-28 J1-29 J1-30 J1-31 J1-32 J1-33 J1-34 J1-35 J1-36 J1-37 J1-38 J1-39 J1-40 J1-41 J1-42 J1-43 J1-44 J1-45 J1-46 J1-47 J1-48 J1-49 J1-50 J1-51 Channel Designation Reference SYN_1X SYN_1Z SYN_2Z 26REF_1H SYN_3X SYN_3Z SYN_3Y 28V_DISC_09 28V_DISC_08 GS_VAL_L 28V_DISC_06 GND_DISC_09 GND_DISC_08 GND_DISC_07 GND_DISC_06 GND_DISC_05 GND_DISC_04 GND_DISC_03 GND_DISC_02 GND_DISC_01 SYN_1Y SYN_2X SYN_2Y 26REF_1L OAT_REF TORQUE_1H TORQUE_1L 28V_DISC_10 28V_DISC_07 GS_VAL_H GND_DISC_13 GND_DISC_12 GND_DISC_11 GND_DISC_10 28V_DISC_05 28V_DISC_04 28V_DISC_03 28V_DISC_02 28V_DISC_01 PWR_H PWR_L GND ALT_L OAT_L RALT_L GSDEV_L TORQUE_2L 28V_DISC_11 DISC_OUT_9 MON_OUT_3 DISC_OUT_8 CAGE CODE: 97896 Signal Usage Summary* Roll Attitude Synchro (X leg) Roll Attitude Synchro (Z leg) Magnetic Heading Synchro (Z leg) 26VAC Reference #1 (H) Spare Synchro (X leg) Spare Synchro (Z leg) Spare Synchro (Y leg) Autopilot Engaged Discrete (+28VDC) Barometric Altitude Validity Discrete (+28VDC) Glideslope Deviation Low Level Validity (-) Glideslope Validity Discrete (+28VDC) Terrain Awareness and TCF Inhibit Discrete (Ground) Mode 6 Low Volume Discrete (Ground) Reserved Glideslope Cancel Discrete (Ground) Landing Gear Discrete (Ground) Audio Inhibit Discrete (Ground) or Timed Audio Inhibit Discrete Reserved Glideslope Inhibit Discrete (Ground) ILS Tuned Discrete (Ground) Roll Attitude Synchro (Y leg) Magnetic Heading Synchro (X leg) Magnetic Heading Synchro (Y leg) 26VAC Reference #1 (L) Air Temperature Reference (+5VDC) Engine Torque #1 (+) Engine Torque #1 (-) Magnetic Heading Validity Discrete (+28VDC) Radio Altitude Validity Discrete (+28VDC) Glideslope Deviation Low Level Validity (+) Display Selected Discrete #2 (Ground) Display Selected Discrete #1 (Ground) DH Discrete (Ground) Self Test Discrete (Ground) Landing Gear Discrete (+28VDC) Audio Inhibit Discrete (+28VDC) Reserved Glideslope Inhibit Discrete (+28VDC) ILS 1 Tuned Discrete (+28VDC) Power Input: 28 VDC (+) Power Input: 28 VDC (return) Chassis Ground Barometric Altitude (-) Air Temperature (-) Radio Altitude: ARINC 552 or ALT 55 (-) Glideslope Deviation - Low Level (+ down) Engine Torque #2 (-) Spare +28VDC Discrete Terrain Select Relay Output #2 Reserved Spare Lamp Output SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 247 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Connector Pin J1-52 Channel Designation Reference Signal Usage Summary* J1-53 J1-54 J1-55 J1-56 J1-57 J1-58 J1-59 J1-60 J1-61 J1-62 J1-63 J1-64 J1-65 J1-66 J1-67 J1-68 J1-69 GND DISC_OUT_6 MON_OUT_2 453TX_2A 453TX_2B 453TX_1A 453TX_1B PWR_H PWR_L ALT_H OAT_H RALT_H GSDEV_H TORQUE_2H GND_DISC_14 28V_DISC_12 J1-70 J1-71 J1-72 J1-73 J1-74 J1-75 J1-76 J1-77 J1-78 AUD_HL_H AUD_HL_L MON_OUT_1 DISC_OUT_4 AUD_LL_L AUD_LL_H DISC_OUT_3 DISC_OUT_2 DISC_OUT_1 Spare Output/ Timed Audio Inhibit /Windshear Warning Output** Temperature Probe GND Terrain Select Relay Output #1 TAD / TCF INOP Output (monitor) Terrain Display Output Data #2 (A leg) Terrain Display Output Data #2 (B leg) Terrain Display Output Data #1 (A leg) Terrain Display Output Data #1 (B leg) Power Input: 28 VDC (+) Power Input: 28 VDC (return) Barometric Altitude (+) Air Temperature (+) Radio Altitude: ARINC 552 or ALT 55 (+) Glideslope Deviation - Low Level (+ up) Engine Torque #2 (+) GPWS Inhibit (GND) Discrete or Attitude Validity Discrete Spare +28VDC Discrete Audio On (GND) Output or TCAS Inhibit Discrete (GND) Output High Level Audio Output - 8Ω (+) High Level Audio Output - 8Ω (-) GPWS INOP Output (monitor) Reserved Low Level Audio Output – 600Ω (-) Low Level Audio Output - 600Ω (+) Glideslope Cancel Output Glideslope Alert Output GPWS Warning Output J2-01 J2-02 J2-03 J2-04 J2-05 J2-06 J2-07 J2-08 J2-09 J2-10 J2-11 J2-12 J2-13 J2-14 J2-15 J2-16 J2-17 J2-18 J2-19 J2-20 J2-21 J2-22 J2-23 J2-24 J2-25 SYN_4X SYN_4Y SYN_5Z 429RX_5B 429RX_6B 429RX_7B 429RX_8B 429RX_4B 429TX_2B 422_232RX_2B 422_232RX_2A GPS_RXB Configurable Synchro #1 (X leg) Configurable Synchro #1 (Y leg) Configurable Synchro #2 (Z leg) Radio Altitude ARINC 429 Input (B leg) ILS ARINC 429 Input (B leg) Magnetic Heading/Roll ARINC 429 Input (B leg) Spare ARINC 429 Input (B leg) GPS ARINC 429 Input (B leg) EGPWS ARINC 429 Output #2 (B leg) Alt Display Display #2 or ADC RS-232 / 422 Input (B leg) Alt Display Range #2 or ADC RS-232 / 422 Input (A leg) GPS RS-232 / 422 Input (B leg) GND 28V_DISC_13 GND SC_PWR SYN_4Z SYN_5X SYN_5Y 429RX_5A 429RX_6A 429RX_7A 429RX_8A 429RX_4A ADC RS-232 Common Spare Discrete Input Configuration Module Power Return (Ground) Configuration Module Power (+5VDC) Configurable Synchro #1 (Z leg) Configurable Synchro #2 (X leg) Configurable Synchro #2 (Y leg) Radio Altitude ARINC 429 Input (A leg) ILS ARINC 429 Input (A leg) Magnetic Heading/Roll ARINC 429 Input (A leg) Spare ARINC 429 Input (A leg) GPS ARINC 429 Input (A leg) DISC_OUT_7 DISC_OUT_5 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 248 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Connector Pin Channel Designation Reference Signal Usage Summary* J2-26 J2-27 J2-28 J2-29 J2-30 J2-31 J2-32 J2-33 J2-34 J2-35 429TX_2A 422_232TX_2A GND GPS_RXA EGPWS ARINC 429 Output #2 (A leg) ADC RS-232 / 422 Output (A leg) GPS / ADC RS-232 / 422 Common GPS RS-232 / 422 Input (A leg) GND_DISC_15 SPICLK SPIMISO 26REF_2H 26REF_2L J2-36 429_422RX_1 J2-37 429_422RX_1 J2-38 J2-39 J2-40 J2-41 J2-42 J2-43 J2-44 J2-45 J2-46 J2-47 J2-48 J2-49 J2-50 429RX_2B 429RX_2A 429RX_3B 429RX_3A 429TX_1B 429TX_1A 422_232TX_2B GPS_TXA GPS_TXB Spare Discrete Input Configuration Module Serial Clock Configuration Module Serial Input 26VAC Reference #2 (H) 26VAC Reference #2 (L) Display Range #1 ARINC 429 (B leg) RS-422 Input (A leg) Display Range #1 ARINC 429 (A leg) RS-422 Input (B leg) Air Data ARINC 429 Input (B leg) Air Data ARINC 429 Input (A leg) Display Range #2 ARINC 429 Input (B leg) Display Range #2 ARINC 429 Input (A leg) EGPWS ARINC 429 Output #1 (B leg) EGPWS ARINC 429 Output #1 (A leg) ADC RS-232 / 422 Output (B leg) GPS RS-232 / 422 Output (A leg) GPS RS-232 / 422 Output (B leg) SPISEL_CM# SPIMOSI Configuration Module Serial Select Configuration Module Serial Output J3-01 J3-02 J3-03 J3-04 J3-05 J3-06 J3-07 J3-08 J3-09 J3-10 J3-11 J3-12 J3-13 J3-14 J3-15 GND CARD_PRES# RS232RXD_MON RS232TXD_MON SmartCable Power Return (Ground) PCMCIA Card Present EGPWS Monitor Port (RS232 Receive) EGPWS Monitor Port (RS232 Transmit) Reserved SmartCable Power (+5VDC) SmartCable Serial Clock SmartCable Serial Input SmartCable Serial Output SmartCable Serial Select GSE Present Ground Ground Ground Reserved GPS ANT SC_PWR SPICLK SPIMISO SPIMOSI SPISEL_SC# GSE_PRES# GND GND GND COAX GPS COAX connection *Refer to Category 13 where multiple uses are possible. CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 249 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Figure E 4, Front Panel Connector Orientation - J1, J2, J3, GPS ANT CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 250 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Figure E 4.1, Connector Pin References - J1, J2, J3 CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 251 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual E7 DEFINITIONS The following acronyms are provided for use with this document: Acronym AAAS ADC ADS AGL AHRS AIC AIMS AOA ASA ASL ATP BCD BIST BIT BITE BNR BOSS C/O CAA CAIMS CFDS CFIT CFM CISRD CMC COTS CP CRS CW DAA DADC DAU DC DDM DEVN DH DITS DME DO DSP DSU DSWC EEPROM EFCP EFIS EGPWC EGPWD EGPWS EICAS EMI ENB EPROM CAGE CODE: 97896 Interpretation Alternate Audio Alert Select Air Data Computer Air Data System Above Ground Level Attitude Heading Reference System Analog Input Controller Airplane Information Management System Angle of Attack AlliedSignal Aerospace Above Sea Level Acceptance Test Procedure Binary Coded Decimal Built in Self Test Built In Test Built In Test Equipment Binary Batch Oriented Simulation System Callouts Civil Aviation Authority Central Aircraft Information/Maintenance System Centralized Fault Display System Controlled Flight Into Terrain Cubic Feet per Minute CFDS Interface System Requirements Document Central Maintenance Computer Commercial Off the Shelf Control Panel Course Clockwise Digital/Analog Adapter Digital Air Data Computer Data Acquisition Unit Digital Command Difference in Depth of Modulation Deviation Decision Height Digital Information Transfer System Distance Measuring Equipment Discrete Output Digital Signal Processor Display Switching Unit Digital Stall Warning Computer Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EFIS Control Panel Electronic Flight Instrument System Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning Computer Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning Display Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System Engine Indication and Crew Alert System Electromagnetic Interference Enabled Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 252 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Acronym Interpretation F/T Functional Test F/W F/W FAA FCC FDR FIAS FMC FMS FPM FSEU FWC G/S GMT GPS GPW GPWS GT H/W HDG HDOP HSID I/O IAC ICD ILS INOP IOC IRS ISO IVS KT KTS LED LRRA LRU LSB LT MCP MDA MFD MKII MKV MKVI MKVII MKVIII MKXXII MLS MMU MSB N/A NCD ND NVM OMS P/N PAR Fail/Warning Fail/Warning Federal Aviation Administration Flight Control Computer Flight Data Recorder Flight Inspection Aircraft System Flight Management Computer Flight Management System Feet per Minute Flaps/Slats Electronic Unit Fault Warning Computer Glideslope Greenwich Mean Time Global Position System Ground Proximity Warning Ground Proximity Warning System Greater Than Hardware Heading Horizontal Dilution of Position Hardware/Software Interface Document Input/Output Integrated Avionics Computer Interface Control Document Instrument Landing System Inoperative Input/Output Concentrator Inertial Reference System International Standards Organization Inertial Vertical Speed Knots Knots Light Emitting Diode Low Range Radio Altimeter Line Replaceable Unit Least Significant Bit Less Than Mode Control Panel Minimum Barometric Altitude Multi-Functional Display Mark Two Warning Computer Mark Five Warning Computer Mark Six Warning Computer Mark Seven Warning Computer Mark Eight Warning Computer Mark Twenty Two Warning Computer Microwave Landing System Memory Management Unit Most Significant Bit Not Applicable No Computed Data Navigation Display Non Volatile Memory Onboard Maintenance System Part Number Parity CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 253 Honeywell MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual Acronym PC PCMCIA PFD PMAT PP PVM PWS QFE QNH RA RAM RDOP ROM RTCA RTS RWY S/T S/W SDI SDRD SIG SPC SRD SSM ST SWC TA&D TACAN TAD TBD TCAS TCF TERPS TK TLB TSO TTL UART USM UTC UUT VDC VDOP VHF VLSI VOR W/S WC WX CAGE CODE: 97896 Interpretation Personal Computer Personal Computer Memory Card Industry Association Primary Flight Display Portable Maintanence Access Terminal Program Pin Processor/Voice/Memory Predictive Windshear System Corrected Baro Alt relative to field elevation Corrected Baro Alt relative to sea level Radio Altitude Random Access Memory Radar Display Output Processing Read Only Memory Requirements and Technical Concepts for Aviation Ready to Transmit Signal Runway Self Test Software Source/Destination Identifier Software Design Requirements Document Significant Stall Protection Computer System Requirements Document Sign Status Matrix Self Test Stall Warning Computer Terrain Awareness & Display Tactical Air Navigation Terrain Awareness Display To Be Determined Traffic Collision Avoidance System Terrain Clearance Floor United States’ Standards for Terminal Instrument Procedures Track Translation Lookaside Buffer Technical Standing Order Tuned To Localizer Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Unsigned Magnitude Universal Time Correlation Unit Under Test Volts, DC Vertical Dilution of Precision Very High Frequency Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit VHF Omni-directional Range Windshear Warning Computer Weather SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C SHEET 254
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