Hp 076064 Rev C Users Manual DisplayMaker Esprit User

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DisplayMaker Legacy Esprit
User Manual

Part Number 076064 Rev C


Legal notices

© Copyright 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP
products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such
products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.
HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
Printed in the US
For additional technical support and user documentation please refer to:


Revision Log

The following is a list of major changes and additions that have
been made to this manual since it was first released.
See the accompanying Release Notes for specific changes to the
software and hardware between manual updates.
Release Date


Aug 2000

Manual first released.


Regulatory Statements

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the
interference at his or her own expense.
This equipment must be installed exactly as instructed in this
manual using only the components supplied. If a supplied component ever needs to be replaced, it must be replaced with the
same part supplied by the manufacturer. It is your responsibility
to follow these instructions in order to maintain compliance
with the FCC regulations. Changes or modifications not
expressly approved by ColorSpan Corporation could void your
authority to operate this equipment. In particular, this device
must be operated with shielded cables to maintain FCC
A booklet is available from the Federal Communications Commission entitled, How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems (#004-000-00345-4). Write to the U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.

DOC (Canada)

This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for
radio noise for digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Normes de Sècuritè (Canada)
Le présent appariel numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques
de la Classe A prescrites dans le réglements sur le brouillage
radioélectrique édictés par le Ministére des Communications du


Network Statement

The ColorSpan VideoNet port on this device is not intended to
be connected to a public telecommunications network. Connection of this device to a public telecommunications network in a
European Community Member State will be in violation of
national law implementing Directive 91/263/EEC on the approximation of laws of the Member States concerning telecommunication terminal equipment, including the mutual recognition of
their conformity.
Der VideoNet port ist nicht dafür vorgesehen an ein öffentliches
Telefonnetz angeschlossen zu werden. Der Anschluß dieses
Gerätes an ein öffentliches Telefonnetz in einem Mitgliedstaat
der EU, verstößt gegen nationale Gesetze zur Ausführung der
Direktive 91/263/EEC, die sich mit der Annäherung von
Gesetzen von Mitgliedstaaten beschäftigt, betreffend Telekommuniktionsanlagen und die gegenseitige Anerkennung ihrer


About This Manual

Read this manual to unpack, set up, and use the ColorSpan
DisplayMaker Esprit digital color printers.

Chapter 1 shows you how to unpack and assemble the
printer, and introduces you to its main features.


Chapter 2 shows you how to use the control panel.


Chapter 3 shows you how to install ink and media.


Chapter 4 shows you how to calibrate the printer.


Appendix A shows you how to troubleshoot common
printing problems.


Appendix B lists the printer’s technical specifications.

For further information, refer to the following ColorSpan

Quick Start Guide - START HERE to set up and install a brand
new ColorSpan print server or software RIP, and connect
and configure printers to it.


DisplayMaker Esprit Site Preparation Guide - explains how to
prepare your site for the printer’s arrival and installation.


DisplayMaker Esprit Installation and User Guide - a multimedia
“how-to” guide available on CD-ROM and videocassette.


ColorSpan Print Server Documentation - the System Control
User Guide, Printing Tools User Guides, and Print Server & Driver
Setup Guide show you how to print and RIP files through the
ColorSpan print server. If the printer is connected to a nonColorSpan print server (RIP), refer to the documentation
that accompanies the server.


Release Notes and Update Notes - late-breaking information,
update descriptions, and update instructions.

Further information about all ColorSpan products is also available over the Internet at the ColorSpan World Wide Web site at



This manual uses the following informational conventions:

A special technique or information that may help
you perform a task or understand a process.


Ein Hinweis beschreibt eine spezielle technik zur
Lösung einer Aufgabe oder enthällt Informationen,
die Ihnen eine Prozedur näher erläutert.


Alerts you to something that has the potential to
cause damage to hardware, software, or data.


Dieses Feld weist auf einen Umstand hin, der einen
Hardware-oder Software-Schaden oder Datenverlust
verursachen könnte.

WARNING Alerts you to something that has the potential to
cause physical harm to you or others around you.
WARNUNG Eine Warnung auf weist auf einen Umstand hin,
durch den Ihnen und anderen Personen ein physischer Schaden erwachsen könnte.
Other WARNING symbols used:
Electrical Hazard
Vorsicht steht unter Spannung
Lifting Hazard
Vorsicht beim Anheben



Revision Log.............................................................................................. iii
Regulatory Statements.............................................................................. iv
FCC-A .................................................................................................... iv
DOC (Canada)...................................................................................... iv
Telecommunications Network Statement.............................................. v
About This Manual ................................................................................... vi
Conventions............................................................................................. vii


Table of Contents

Getting Started
Operating Requirements ....................................................................... 1-2
Electrical............................................................................................. 1-2
Environmental.................................................................................... 1-2
Important Operating Notes ............................................................... 1-3
Safety Warnings ................................................................................. 1-4
Installation Checklist.............................................................................. 1-5
Unpacking and Assembly ...................................................................... 1-6
Unpacking.......................................................................................... 1-6
Stand Assembly.................................................................................. 1-8
Final Assembly ................................................................................... 1-9
Connecting Power and VideoNet .................................................... 1-11
Power ........................................................................................... 1-11
VideoNet ...................................................................................... 1-12
Power-Up Sequence......................................................................... 1-13
What’s Next?.................................................................................... 1-13
Workflow Overview ............................................................................. 1-14
Print Server................................................................................... 1-14
ColorMark Software RIP............................................................... 1-14
Parts Overview ..................................................................................... 1-15
Special Features ................................................................................... 1-18
Performance Features ...................................................................... 1-18
Ease-Of-Use Features ....................................................................... 1-18
Options ............................................................................................ 1-18




Using the Control Panel


Installing Ink and Media

Overview ................................................................................................ 2-2
Status Screen ...................................................................................... 2-2
Main Menu ........................................................................................ 2-2
Navigation Keys ................................................................................. 2-3
Printing Status.................................................................................... 2-4
Options .................................................................................................. 2-5
Advance Media .................................................................................. 2-5
Maintenance ...................................................................................... 2-5
Change Media ................................................................................... 2-5
Load Media Sheet .............................................................................. 2-5
Calibrate Printer ................................................................................. 2-6
Expert Settings ............................................................................... 2-6
Customize Settings............................................................................. 2-7
Settings .......................................................................................... 2-7
Modes ............................................................................................ 2-7
Restore All Defaults ........................................................................ 2-8
Upgrade ......................................................................................... 2-8
Printer Info ......................................................................................... 2-9
Field Service ....................................................................................... 2-9

Variable Mode Printing .......................................................................... 3-2
Installing Big Ink Packs .......................................................................... 3-6
Removing and Storing a Big Ink Pack .................................................. 3-10
Cleaning Ink Jets .................................................................................. 3-11
Evaluating Cartridge Performance After Cleaning........................... 3-12
Filling Depleted Cartridges and Resetting Vacuum......................... 3-13
Cleaning the Service Station ................................................................ 3-14
Adjusting the Print Head Height ......................................................... 3-16
Drying Times........................................................................................ 3-19
Loading Media ..................................................................................... 3-20
Loading Media Sheet ....................................................................... 3-21
Recalibration .................................................................................... 3-22
Cutting and Unloading Media............................................................. 3-23

Table of Contents


Calibrating the Printer




Technical Specifications

AutoSet Calibration................................................................................ 4-2
AutoBidi Calibration .............................................................................. 4-4
AutoTune Scheduling ............................................................................ 4-5
Quality Check Mode .......................................................................... 4-5
Media Feed Calibration ......................................................................... 4-6
Jet Status Lines ....................................................................................... 4-7
Expert Calibration Options .................................................................... 4-8
Manual Bidirectional Registration ......................................................... 4-9
Manual Head Registration ................................................................... 4-11
Manual Jet Mapping............................................................................ 4-14
Color Calibration ................................................................................. 4-16

Troubleshooting Checklist ..................................................................... A-2
Diagnostics ............................................................................................ A-5
ColorSpan Technical Support ................................................................ A-6
Help From Your Organization ........................................................... A-6
Help From ColorSpan ........................................................................ A-6
If All Else Fails .................................................................................... A-6

Specifications ......................................................................................... B-2
Supported Ink and Media.................................................................. B-4
Supplies and Accessories ....................................................................... B-6


Table of Contents



Table of Contents

Getting Started
This chapter shows you how to get started using your printer. It includes
these topics:

Getting Started


Operating Requirements (page 1-2)


Installation Checklist (page 1-5)


Unpacking and Assembly (page 1-6)


Workflow Overview (page 1-14)


Parts Overview (page 1-15)


Special Features (page 1-18)



Choose a location for the printer before you unpack it. Keep the
following requirements in mind:





See “Connecting Power and VideoNet” on page 1-11 for
detailed power requirements.


Use the supplied power cords. Plug them directly into a
grounded electrical outlet. Do not lengthen either power
cord with an extension cord; the resulting voltage drop
could damage the printer.


Make sure the line voltage does not vary more than 10
percent from the voltage marked on the back of the printer.
Install a voltage regulator or similar device if the power
source is not stable.


Unplug the printer during power failures. Wait for the power
to return before plugging it back in.


Connect the print server into a separate circuit from the


Make sure the room is well ventilated, with a temperature
between 60° and 90° F (16° to 32° C). The relative humidity should be between 10 and 80 percent, non-condensing.
Printing will slow automatically to aid drying in high humidity conditions.


Performance will improve slightly as conditions approach
70° F (21° C) and 50% relative humidity.


Store media and ink in an area with similar temperature and
humidity conditions as the printer.


Locate the printer close enough to the print server (RIP) so
that they can be connected with the required cable.


Locate the printer on a flat, level surface; otherwise, printing
problems from improper ink flow could occur.


Locate the printer where its normal operating noise will not
disturb quiet work areas.


This printer is not intended for use in a computer room.

Operating Requirements


DO NOT install the printer near humidifiers, refrigerators,
water faucets, heaters or similar equipment.


DO NOT install the printer in areas where the temperature
changes abruptly, such as near air conditioners or in the path
of direct sunlight.


DO NOT expose the printer to flames, dust or solvent

Refer to Appendix B for detailed specifications.

Important Operating

Operating Requirements


Wear cotton gloves (provided with each roll of ColorSpan
media) when loading media to prevent fingerprints that
could show after printing.


Protect the media at all times from creases and tears, and
ensure that the media is cut cleanly.


DO NOT touch the print head’s ink jet nozzles (the metal
plate on the bottom of the ink cartridge) with your fingers.
Any contaminants could clog the ink jet nozzles. The ink nozzles may be cleaned with a lint-free cloth.


DO NOT touch the electrodes on the back of the ink cartridge. This could result in a faulty electrical connection,
which would cause jets to misfire. If ink gets on the electrodes, clean them with a damp paper towel, or a lint-free


DO NOT set heavy objects on the power cord or printer
cable; do not bend the cables or force them into contorted


DO NOT place heavy objects anywhere on the printer.


Safety Warnings
To completely cut power from the printer, you must unplug
the power cords from the power outlets.

ZUGEFÜHRT. Um den Drucker komplett stromfrei zu
machen, müssen Sie den Netzstecker ziehen.

WARNING The printer is too heavy to be lifted safely by one person.
At least two persons are required to lift the printer:
DisplayMaker Esprit: 270 pounds (122 kg)

WARNUNG Der Drucker ist zu schwer für eine Person. Mindestens 2
Personen sind erforderlich um den Drucker anzuheben.
DisplayMaker Esprit: 122 kg

must be replaced only by ColorSpan authorized personnel,
and must be replaced only with the same or equivalent
type. Dispose of this lithium battery device in accordance
with local, state (or province), and Federal (or country)
solid waste requirements.

darf nur durch einen ColorSpan authorisierten Technicker
ausgewechselt werden und muss mit dem gleichen oder
einem gleichwertigen Typ Batterie ersetzt werden. Bitte
entsorgen Sie die Lithium Batterie gemäss Ihren Landesoder Bundesgesetzen.


Operating Requirements

Installation Checklist

Use the following checklist to install the printer. Detailed
instructions appear on the following pages in this manual and
the documentation that accompanies the server.


See Page in
this Manual


1. Select a location for the printer that meets its operating



2. Move the printer shipping carton to the operating location. (If
necessary, you may assemble the printer in a remote location,
then move it to its operating location.)



3. If you will be installing a ColorSpan Print Server (ColorMark Pro
or RIPStation), set it up now and power it on. This will allow the
server to perform its automatic one-time system setup while you
unpack and assemble the printer.



4. Inspect the external packaging for shipping damage, remove
packing material, account for parts.



5. Assemble the stand using the screws and screwdriver provided in
the accessory box.



6. Attach the stand to the printer.


7. Lock down the casters and tilt the assembled printer upright.


8. Attach the ink tray to the printer module, remove the internal
shipping foam and bands.



9. Connect power to the printer.



11. Adjust the print head carriage height.


12. Install inks.


13. Install media.


14. Perform an AutoSet calibration.


15. Connect the printer server to the printer.


16. Send a DiskDirect file to the printer (if using a ColorSpan print
server), then send an application file from a Macintosh or PC
workstation, to confirm a working network connection.


10. Power up the printer and observe the power-up sequence to con- 1-13
firm normal operation.


Refer to the Quick Start Guide that accompanies your
ColorSpan Server for instructions.

Installation Checklist


Unpacking and

This procedure assumes that the printer is in its final location.
See the Site Preparation Guide for moving and unpacking hints.
WARNING The printer is too heavy to be lifted safely by one
person. At least two persons are required to lift the
WARNUNG Der Drucker ist zu schwer für eine Person. Mindestens 2 Personen sind erforderlich um den Drucker


If you will be installing a ColorSpan Print Server
(ColorMark Pro or RIPStation), set it up now and
power it on. This will allow the server to perform its
automatic one-time new system check while you
unpack and assemble the printer.

1. Examine the shipping packaging for shipping damage.
Report any damage or apparent rough handling immediately
to the shipper.
2. Remove the bands that secure the box to the pallet and open
the top flaps of the box.
3. Remove the stand crossbar, which is packed on top of the
4. Remove the stand legs and accessory boxes, which are
packed together in the center of the pallet.
5. Remove the media spools, which are packed together under
the printer module.
6. Remove the corrugated support packaging (end pieces, center tower).
7. Remove the outer box from the pallet.
Do not remove the printer module from the pallet at this
time. The printer, resting on its back on the pallet, is at the
correct height and position for assembly to the stand.


Unpacking and Assembly


If possible, retain all shipping packaging for use if the
printer needs to be shipped to another location.
Replacement shipping packaging and instructions
are also available from ColorSpan Technical Support.

8. Refer to the following list to verify that you received all of the
parts and accessories.
Notify ColorSpan immediately if you are missing any of the
components listed below.
Main Box

Outside of Box:
◆ “Watch Me First” CD-ROM
◆ Unpacking & Assembly Diagram
Inside of Box:
◆ Printer Module
◆ (2) Stand legs
◆ (1) Stand crossbar
◆ (1) Media spool

Unpacking and Assembly

Accessory Box


Print Server Kit
(if ordered)

The print server parts list will vary by model.
Refer to the packing slip that accompanies
the server for details.

(1) Ink tray
(11) Phillips head screws, black
(4) Phillips head screws, silver
Service Station
Tool Holder
Head Height Adjustment Gauge
VideoNet or Ethernet cable
(1) Power cord
Power plug adapters
DisplayMaker Esprit User Manual
DisplayMaker Esprit Site Preparation Guide


Stand Assembly

1. Locate the stand legs " and #, the crossbar $, and the tool
holder ➍.
2. Using the Phillips head screwdriver and eight of the screws
provided, assemble the stand.
Start by positioning the two stand legs upright, at approximately the width of the crossbar. Align the holes on the
crossbar with the holes in the stand legs and the tool holder,
and secure them with the screws.

Fig. 1-1. Stand assembly


Unpacking and Assembly

Final Assembly

1. Gently tip the stand on its back. Protect the stand from being
scratched by the floor.
2. Position the printer module ➎ and stand for assembly as
shown in Fig. 1-2.

Fig. 1-2. Assemble the printer module and stand
3. Using the four SILVER Phillips head screws provided, attach
the stand to printer module. (See Fig. 1-2.)
WARNING The silver screws are required to provide a ground
connection to the printer. Failure to properly ground
the printer could result in damage to the printer or
injury to the operator.
WARNUNG Die silbernen Schrauben sind zur Erdung des
Druckers erforderlich. Ist der Drucker nicht korrekt
geerdet, sind Druckerbeschädigung oder
Benutzerverletzung nicht auszuschliessen.
4. Press the caster locks down to prevent the printer from
5. Tilt the assembled printer upright.
6. Unlock the casters and roll the printer to its final location.
Then lock down the casters.

Unpacking and Assembly


7. Locate the printer on a flat, level floor, with all four wheels of
the stand resting stationary on the floor. The printer must
remain stationary and level for proper ink flow and best print
8. Using three of the screws provided, attach the Big Ink Delivery System tray ➏. (See Fig. 1-3.)
There are two sets of mounting screw holes. Use the set of
holes closest to the center (farthest from the end) of the
Insert the three screws and tighten them most of the way,
then insert and drop the trays into place onto the screws,
then tighten the screws the rest of the way.

Fig. 1-3. Attach the ink tray
9. Remove the shipping bands from the long black chain connected to the print head carraige.
10. Remove the foam block that immobilizes the carriage for
11. Install the service station by inserting it into the rectangular
cutout inside the right endcap (behind the control panel).


Unpacking and Assembly

Connecting Power and
COMPONENTS. To completely cut power from the
printer, you must unplug the power cords from the
power outlets.
STROM ZUGEFÜHRT. Um den Drucker komplett
stromfrei zu machen, müssen Sie den Netzstecker

Connect the power cord ➑ from the printer’s power inlet to a
standard wall outlet. Non-U.S. installations may require one of
the included power plug adapters. Refer to Fig. 1-4 for the locations of the printer power inlet.

Unpacking and Assembly


Connect the printer to the print server with the included
VideoNet (for ColorSpan print servers) or Ethernet cable (nonColorSpan RIPs) ➐ (see Fig. 1-4).

Fig. 1-4. Power and RIP connections
Refer to the print server (RIP) documentation for instructions on
connecting the printer to the print server.


Unpacking and Assembly

Power-Up Sequence

Turn on the power switch to observe the typical power-up
1. The control panel backlight illuminates. Move the contrast
lever (located to the right of the control panel screen) up and
down until the control panel graphics and messages are easily
2. The printer runs a series of self-tests, and reports any errors it
3. The camera searches for the location of the installed media’s
home and far edges. If media is installed, this data tells the
printer the width of the installed media. If no media is installed,
the printer will prompt the user to load media when the next
print job is sent to the printer.
4. The control panel displays the following message:

What’s Next?

Unpacking and Assembly


To familiarize yourself with the printer, refer to the remainder of this chapter.


To proceed with installation, see Chapter 3, Installing Ink
and Media.


For a complete description of using the control panel, see
Chapter 2, Using the Control Panel.


Workflow Overview

Here is how a typical print job progresses from the client workstation to the printer.

Print Server
1. An artist sends a file to be printed from a client workstation.
2. The print job is received by the print server.
Once it reaches the print server, the print job may be reprioritized, combined with other jobs, re-routed, or otherwise
manipulated. Refer to the print server online help or manual
for instructions.
3. The print server RIPs the job.
The raster image processing (RIP) process translates the
PostScript language data that comprises the print job into
the data required by the printer.
4. The server sends the image to the printer for printing.

ColorMark Software RIP
1. An artist sends a file to to be printed to the ColorMark
Software RIP.
2. The software RIPs the job.
The raster image processing (RIP) process translates the
PostScript language data that comprises the print job into
the data required by the printer.
3. The ColorMark Software RIP sends the image to the printer
for printing.


Workflow Overview

Parts Overview




10 11 12












Fig. 1-5. Major parts of the printer

Parts Overview


Number Description

End cap (two places)


Stand - supports the printer.


Casters (four places) - enables easy movement of
printer, can be locked in place.


Encoder strip - allows precise positioning of the print
head carriage across the length of the platen.


Main carriage drive belt - moves the carriage across
the length of the platen.
Transport chain (not shown) - supports the ink supply



Top cover - protects the user from the rapid motion of
the print head during printing. A safety interlock switch
stops printing and cancels the print if the cover is


Platen - supports the media under the print heads
during printing.


Carriage - carries the ink jet cartridges (print heads)
across the length of the platen.


Head Height Adjustment Screw (two places) - raises
or lowers the carriage to accommodate thick and thin


Profiler docking station - holds the ink profilers, which
communicate characteristics about the ink to the print
server and color management system software.


Paper out switch - detects when the printer is out of
media, which generates a control panel message to the


Service station - catches excess ink from the ink jet cartridges, wipes and caps the cartridges to prevent drying and clogging while not in use.


Control panel - displays messages and allows control
of certain printer operations. Includes a contrast adjustment lever and audio feedback.


Electronics module - contains the printer’s power supply and control electronics. Includes a humidity sensor
to enable the printer to compensate for high-humidity
conditions by slowing the speed of printing.

Parts Overview

Number Description

Parts Overview


Tools - head height adjustment gauge and hex wrench,
for adjusting the height of the print head carriage.


Pinch rollers - grip the media during loading and


Big Ink Delivery System tray - holds Big Ink packs.


Media advance switch - enables user to manually
advance media during loading.


VideoNet port - connects printer to print server.


Power inlet - connects printer to electrical power.


Standby power switch - places printer in standby
mode (to disconnect from power, disconnect power


Media supply spool - holds the supply of media.


Special Features
Performance Features

Ease-Of-Use Features



The printer has several advanced automatic features to help you
produce the best printed output with the least effort.

AutoSet™ Calibration - automatically aligns cartridges in
the x-y directions and bidirectionally for precise positioning
of ink jet dots, also compensates for lost or misfiring jets by
correcting or substituting for them without slowing printing


Head height adjustment - allows the head height to be
adjusted to accomodate various media thicknesses.


Straight-through media path - allows the loading of cutsheet and rigid media.


Humidity sensor - slows printing in high humidity conditions to ensure drying, and alerts the user when ambient
humidity is outside of operating range.


Color Calibration - the RIP’s color management system can
use the printer’s on-board CCD camera to automatically
color calibrate ink and media selections in one step.


Media width sensing - automatically detects the width and
position of the media loaded, to ensure precise image placement.

These features are available for purchase from ColorSpan:

12-head operation - permits printing with three four-color
ink sets, two six-color sets, or one twelve-color set.


Dryer heater - assists drying prints in humid environments
or for collection on the motorized takeup system.


Motorized takeup system - assists with unattended printing
by collecting output on a takeup spool.

Special Features

Using the Control Panel
This chapter describes the functions of the control panel.

Using the Control Panel



The control panel shows you the printer’s current status, and
enables you to interact with the printer when changing media
and ink, respond to an error condition, or configure options.

Status Screen

The status screen displays when you are not accessing the
menus. It provides current printer status at a glance.

Media Width: 36.0 in.
Vacuum Fans: Maximum
Ink: Endura•Chrome Dye
OK 1x6 4-pass

Fig. 2-1 Ready screen

Main Menu

To display the main menu, press the a (Options) key. The main
menu is the access point for all other menus and functions.

Advance Media
Change Media
Load Media Sheet
Calibrate Printer
Customize Settings
Printer Info
Printer Troubleshooter
Field Service



Fig. 2-2. Main Menu



Navigation Keys

The following table shows you how to move through the menu
system and perform printer control functions.



OPTIONS - displays the main menu when not
printing, and displays the Queue Management
menu if pressed during printing.



PREVIOUS/Increment - highlights the previous
option, or increments a numeric value.
NEXT/Decrement - highlights the next option, or
decrements a numeric value.
MENU UP - returns to the previous menu (to the
main screen from the main menu).
MENU SELECT/Enter - proceeds to the next menu,
or selects the highlighted option.
PROCEED/Yes - from a menu function, executes
the function or indicates “yes.”
CANCEL/No - from a menu function, cancels the
function or indicates “no.” From a queue, deletes
the current file. During printing, cancels printing.
SELECT - chooses an option from a list.


Printing Status

During printing, the following screen appears. They show the
progress of any current printing or RIPing. You can press the h
(Cancel) key to cancel the currently printing job.

Printing 78%
Media Width: 36.0 in.
Vacuum Fans: Maximum
Ink: Endura•Chrome Dye
OK 1x6 4-pass

Fig. 2-3. Printing Status screen




When you press the a (Options) key from the printer control
panel, you can scroll through each of the options by pressing
the up or down arrows.

To select an option, press the e (Menu Select) key.


To go back to the previous level, press either the b, or the
h (Cancel) key.

Each of the control panel options is described in the following

Advance Media




Press the c key to advance the paper forward. When you
press and hold the c key, the paper moves faster. You can
also press the Media Advance switch on the rear of the
printer, below the left profiler docking station, to advance
the paper.


Press the b key to advance the paper back onto the supply
spool. When you press and hold the b key, the paper moves


Prime - Fires all jets by drawing a set of lines called “prime
bars.” This is a good way to inspect and prepare the jets for
printing after they have been idle for more than a few hours.


Access Print Heads - Selecting this option moves the carriage out of the service station so you can load one or more
Big Ink packs or clean the print heads. See “Installing Big Ink
Packs” on page 3-6 for instructions.


Access Service Station - Selecting this option moves the carriage out of the service station to a point left of the Access
Print Heads position.

Change Media

Selecting this option causes the printer to measure the width of
the media installed in the printer. This is also done automatically when the printer is powered on and before each print job.

Load Media Sheet

Selecting this option allows you to load a cut sheet of media,
rather than a roll-fed sheet. After selecting this option, stand in
front of the printer, and place the media as instructed by the
control panel. The printer will pull the sheet toward the rear of
the printer, and measure its width and starting position. See
“Loading Media Sheet” on page 3-21 for instructions.


Calibrate Printer

This menu consists of the following options:

AutoSet Calibration - runs the printer’s automatic jet mapping and x-y alignment routine. The printer prints a series of
calibration patterns, automatically reads each one, adjusts
the print heads’ alignment, and repeats this cycle until the
heads are aligned. When AutoSet is complete, press h (Cancel) repeatedly until the control panel displays “Ready to
receive.” For further information, see “AutoSet Calibration”
on page 4-2.


AutoBiDi - runs just the bidirectional calibration, and not the
entire AutoSet calibration, when the head speed and print
mode are changed.


AutoTune - if the optional takeup motor is installed, allows
you to schedule AutoSet to automatically run after a certain
number of prints have printed. For further information, see
“AutoTune Scheduling” on page 4-5.


Media Feed - allows you to calibrate the paper advance
accuracy. See for “Media Feed Calibration” on page 4-6 for


Jet Status Lines - prints the Jet Status Lines test pattern without prompting for calibration values.

Expert Settings
These calibration options should be used only at the direction of
ColorSpan Technical Support. They allow you to manually perform the various components of the automatic AutoSet calibration. Inaccurate judgments by the operator during these tests
could result in substandard output. In most cases, use AutoSet



Manual BiDi Registration - prints bidirectional alignment
patterns and allows you to report which pattern is the most
precise. This pattern allows adjustments of one pixel. See
“Manual Bidirectional Registration” on page 4-9 for instructions.


Manual Head Registration - prints a registration pattern and
allows you to register the position of each print head. This is
the manual version of AutoSet Calibration. See “Manual
Head Registration” on page 4-11 for instructions.


Manual Jet Mapping - prints a pattern that enables you to
identify which jets are not firing ink. See “Manual Jet Mapping” on page 4-13 for instructions.



Customize Settings

Reset Reg Data - resets all registration data to their factory
default values.

This menu consists of two submenus: Settings and Modes.


Takeup Direction - (available if takeup motor is installed)
allows you to wind the printed output onto the takeup spool
Image Inside or Image Outside.


Space Between Prints - allows you to set the amount of
blank space between prints.


Top Gutters - allows you to enable or disable the top gutter
pattern, which displays technical details about the print, outside the top edge of the print.


Side Gutters - allows you to enable or disable the side gutter pattern, which fires all jets in a narrow, medium, or wide
pattern at the right and left edges of the print, for troubleshooting purposes.


Service Station - allows you to specify the print head service station spit-and-wipe cycle: 30 seconds, 90 seconds
(default), or 30 seconds with spit only (no wipe).


Humidity Sensor - allows you to use the printer’s preprogrammed algorithm for slowing the print speed when the
ambient relative humidity is excessive, or allows you to specify a custom print speed. Slower print speeds allow adequate drying under higher ambient relative humidity.


Vacuum Fan Speed - allows you to control the speed (and
therefore suction power) of the vacuum fans. Maximum
speed is recommended for most media, but lighter or polyester film media may require a slower speed for best results.


AutoSet Summary - allows you to enable or disable the
printed summary of an AutoSet calibration.


Units - allows you to display values in U.S. or metric units of




Dryer Fan - allows you to disable the dryer fan (if installed)
to avoid streaking output on films such as ViewThrough


3x Mode - specifies the mode to use when the printer
detects that three four-color ink sets are loaded (if



1x/2x Mode - specifies the mode to use (2, 4, 6 or 8 passes)
when the printer detects that one or two ink sets are loaded.
See “Variable Mode Printing” on page 3-2 for a description
of print modes.


Quality Check Mode - when enabled, AutoSet will report
when calibration fails. This is designed to work with AutoTune scheduling (see “Media Feed Calibration” on page 46). This can give the operator a chance to print anyway, or
cancel printing so the problem can be resolved. You can
select a mode to suit your quality requirements:



OFF - no quality check is performed, all jobs will print
regardless of whether AutoSet was successful.


Attended Mode - user must press f (Proceed) to
acknowledge the error and print the job (if one is pending), or h (Cancel) to cancel printing.


Unattended Mode - no user acknowledgment of errors
is required. When AutoSet fails, print jobs are sent to the
ColorSpan print server’s Attention queue with a disposition of “Uncalibrated Printer.”

Camera Vision Mode - enables improved calibration for soft
signage (textile) media by causing the camera to read the
larger calibration targets designed for these media. Select
Textured for soft signage, or Normal for graphics media.
When you reload media, this mode automatically resets to
Normal (graphics media) mode.

Restore All Defaults
Select this option to restore all variables under Settings and
Modes to their default values.

Select this option to upgrade the printer to support 12-head
printing. This upgrade is available for purchase from ColorSpan.
The printer software supplies an upgrade code number, which
you give to ColorSpan Technical Support in exchange for an
“upgrade key” number. When you enter the upgrade key number, the printer enables 12-head printing.



Printer Info

Field Service


This option displays a screen with the following information:

Printer Model - model name of the printer.


Software Version - version number of the software installed
on the printer.


Company - company ID, used for OEM versions of the


Humidity - relative humidity as detected by the printer’s
humidity sensor.


Total RAM - amount of memory (RAM) installed in the


Takeup Motor Status - present or not present.


Drying Fans - present or not present.


Ethernet ID - the printer’s Ethernet address.


Link - connection speed and connection status (up or

These functions are for use by authorized service providers.




Installing Ink and Media
This chapter describes:

Installing Ink and Media


Variable Mode Printing (page 3-2)


Installing Big Ink Packs (page 3-6)


Removing and Storing a Big Ink Pack (page 3-10)


Cleaning Ink Jets (page 3-11)


Cleaning the Service Station (page 3-14)


Adjusting the Print Head Height (page 3-16)


Drying Times (page 3-19)


Loading Media (page 3-20)


Cutting and Unloading Media (page 3-23)


Variable Mode

The printer features a variety of print modes, each with a different speed and quality level. The following table summarizes the
features of each printing mode.

Color Set


High Speed

1 x 4 (CMYK)

600 dpi

3 x 4*

1 x 6 (CMYKOG,
600 dpi
2 x 6*


1 x 6 (C2M2YK)

1200 dpi (apparent)

2 x 6* (C2M2YK)
Film Quality

1 x 8 (C3M3YK)

1200 dpi (apparent)


1 x 8 (C2M2YKOG,

1200 dpi (apparent)

12 Color

1 x 12*

1800 dpi

*Available as an upgrade option.
The printer uses these techniques to balance print speed and
quality of a print:



Color Set - a four-color ink set consists of Cyan, Magenta,
Yellow, and Black inks. A Gamut+ set consists of Cyan,
Magenta, Yellow, and Black, plus two of Orange, Green,
Blue, or Red. A HiRes (six-color multidensity) set consists of
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black, plus medium densities of
Cyan and Magenta. A Film Quality (eight-color multidensity) set consists of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black, plus
medium and light densities of Cyan and Magenta. A twelvecolor set consists of all of these colors.


Passes - number of times the print head passes over a given
area of the image. 1x and 2x ink sets can be printed with 2,
4, 6, or 8 passes. 3x ink sets (available as an upgrade option)
can be printed in 3 or 6 passes.

Variable Mode Printing


Jet Replacement - jets on the print head that are misfiring or
not firing at all can be replaced with alternate jets.

Print quality (apparent resolution and smooth gradients) is
improved by increasing the number of passes or the number of
different ink colors. Print speed is increased by reducing the
number of passes or the number of different colors, and by
printing without jet replacement (High Speed mode only).
The printer will use the mode specified on the control panel (see
“Modes” on page 2-7 for instructions).

Fig. 3-1. Big Ink Pack positions for High Speed “1 x 4” and “2 x 4” ink sets

Variable Mode Printing


Fig. 3-2. Big Ink pack positions for Gamut+ “1 x 6” ink sets

Fig. 3-3. Big Ink pack positions for HiRes “1 x 6” ink sets


Variable Mode Printing

Fig. 3-4. Big Ink pack positions for HiRes+ “1 x 8” ink sets

Fig. 3-5. Big Ink pack positions for “1 x 12” ink sets

Variable Mode Printing


Installing Big Ink Packs

You may perform this procedure whenever no printing is in
1. Move the print head carriage to the access position.

To remove a Big Ink pack, refer to
“Removing and Storing a Big Ink
Pack” on page 3-10.

a. On the control panel, press the a (Options) key.
b. Press the c key to select Access Print Heads.
c. Press the e (Menu Select) key. This moves the print head
carriage into the access position.
2. Open the top cover of the printer.
3. Locate the set of Big Ink packs you will be loading.
Each Big Ink pack consists of the ink supply, ink tube, ink
cartridge, and profiler. You will repeat the following procedure to load each Big Ink pack. Start with a Black ink pack.
4. Ensure that the ink valve on the Big Ink pack you are installing is closed.
5. Insert the ink profiler into the docking station.
The ink ordinal number on the profiler and cartridge indicate their relative position in the printer. The cartridges
must always be positioned in order from lowest ID to highest ordinal number, from left to right (position 1 through
6), with like ordinal numbers adjacent to each other.
In order to print, there must always be at least one Big Ink
pack and profiler each of Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, and Black,
with a Black profiler and cartridge in position 1.
6. Place the Big Ink pack into its position in the ink tray.
Position the end of the box with the tube attached toward
the printer. Refer to the ink routing label in the printer for
the location of each Big Ink pack.
7. Uncoil the Big Ink tube from the Big Ink pack.
8. Smooth out any twists or kinks from the ink tube
9. Gently remove both pieces of protective tape from the ink cartridge. Save tape to seal a partially-used ink pack.
The hole on the bottom of the cartridge must be clear of all
tape and adhesive to work properly. Make sure that all tape
and adhesive is removed from the cartridge.


Installing Big Ink Packs

Ink Cartridge Handling Tips

Hold the ink cartridge only by the plastic body.


DO NOT touch the ink jet nozzles on the bottom of the cartridge.


DO NOT touch the electrodes on the back of the cartridge. The ink
cartridge is fired by an electrical signal. The electrodes that carry
this signal are easily contaminated.


DO NOT set the ink cartridge down anywhere before you install it.


DO NOT wipe the ink cartridge with any fiber-cellulose material,
such as a paper tissue.


with pigmented inks, rendering the cartridge unusable. For
stubborn clogs, see “Cleaning Ink Jets” on page 3-11.

10. Insert the bottom edge of the ink cartridge into position on
the print head carriage, then push the top of the ink cartridge
into position until you feel it snap into place in the holder.
You should feel a slight resistance as the cartridge snaps into
place. DO NOT force the ink cartridge. If it does not snap
easily into place, you may not have aligned it properly into
the print head. Push back on the cartridge to verify that it is
seated firmly.

Fig. 3-6. Loading a cartridge
11. Press the tube into the routing clips along the track.
Start at the cartridge end of the tube and work toward the
Big Ink pack trays. Do not apply tension where the tube
attaches to the ink cartridge, or ink leakage could occur.

Installing Big Ink Packs


The routing clips allow the tube to lay flat along the track.
Do not leave any slack in the hose along the track, but do
not place any tension on the tube.
Keep the tube in the same position along the entire length
of the track. This will enable you to replace any single Big
Ink pack, without the ink tubes becoming tangled with one
Do not allow the tubes to become crimped.
12. Loosely coil the excess ink tubing and neatly place it on top of
the Big Ink pack.
Keeping the ink tubes neatly organized will make it easier to
replace individual packs.
13. Repeat steps 4 through 12 for each of the remaining Big Ink
packs to be loaded.
14. Open the valves on all of the ink tubes, and ensure that there
are no kinks or obstructions in the tubes. Massage out the
crimp in the tube created by the valve.
15. Return the print head carriage to the service station.
The control panel should display the message “Press proceed
to park heads.” Press the f (Proceed) key. This moves the
print head carraige back to the service station.
16. If necessary, adjust the print head height.
For instructions, see “Adjusting the Print Head Height” on
page 3-16.


Installing Big Ink Packs

17. Load media.
For instructions, see “Loading Media” on page 3-20.
The first time you install media on a new printer, run a
Paper Feed Calibration. For instructions, see “Media Feed
Calibration” on page 4-6.
18. Run AutoSet.
For instructions, see Chapter 2, Using the Control Panel.
Run AutoSet whenever you install or replace a cartridge (for
example, after cleaning the cartridge or replacing a Big Ink
19. If you are loading ink for the first time or switching ink or
media types, perform a color calibration. For further information, see “Color Calibration” on page 4-16.

Installing Big Ink Packs


Removing and Storing
a Big Ink Pack

You can store partially-used Big Ink packs. This enables you to
switch between different types of ColorMark Big Ink as needed.
1. Close the valve on the ink tube.

Failure to close the valve completely will result in
leaking ink and possible loss of vacuum in the ink

2. Remove the profiler from the docking station.
3. Remove the ink pack, the tube, and the cartridge as a unit
from the printer.
Release the ink tube from its clips, starting at the Big Ink
pack and work your way toward the cartridge.
4. Keep the profiler with its Big Ink pack. The profilers are not
interchangeable, even between Big Ink packs of the same
Tape the profiler to the partially-used Big Ink pack, and store
them together in a Big Ink shipping carton if possible.
5. Retape the original sealing tape over the heads on each cartridge, and store the cartridges upright.
This prevents air from entering the tubes and minimizes
subsequent priming of the jets when placed back into


Removing and Storing a Big Ink Pack

Cleaning Ink Jets

In addition to running AutoSet, which compensates for missing
and misfiring ink jets, you should clean the jets as described in
the following paragraphs to keep them clear of accumulated ink.
The effectiveness of the high-resolution printing process used
by the printer can be impaired by cartridges that are improperly
maintained. Partially clogged nozzles may cause the jets to misfire intermittently, or deflect ink slightly in the wrong direction.
Cleaning will likely be required more often if the printer sits idle
for extended periods.
To clean ink jets:
1. On the control panel, press a (Options).
2. Press c twice to highlight Access Print Heads.
3. Press e (Menu Select).
The carriage moves out from the service station and stops.
The control panel displays this message:
Press proceed
to park heads
4. Open the printer’s top cover.
5. On one of the ink tubes, close the valve near the Big Ink pack.
Failing to do this can cause ink to flow backwards into the
Big Ink supply, which may keep the cartridge from refilling.
6. Release the ink jet cartridge from the print head carriage.
7. Gently wick the ink jet nozzles and wipe the electrical contacts with a nonfibrous, lint-free foam swab moistened with
water. DO NOT USE ALCOHOL, use plain water.
If you find excessive buildup on the bottom of the cartridge,
clean off the excess using a moistened pad, and then wipe
the bottom of the cartridge with the swab.
8. Replace the ink jet cartridge into the print head carriage.
9. Repeat this process for each cartridge.

Cleaning Ink Jets

When handling cartridges, do not to touch the contacts or orifice plate (jet nozzles) with your bare fingers. Also, take care not to use excessive force when
wiping the cartridges with the swabs or pads.


10. Open the valve on the hose near the Big Ink packs.
11. Clean the service station as described in “Cleaning the Service Station” on page 3-14.
12. Close the printer’s top cover.
13. Press the f (Proceed) key to park the heads.
14. Press the h (Cancel) key to return the printer to its ready
15. Perform an AutoSet calibration. For instructions, see Chapter
2, Using the Control Panel.

Evaluating Cartridge
Performance After

The Jet Status Lines test provides a quick method of determining
the effectiveness of (or the need for) cleaning. This test prints a
pattern of lines, each segment of which corresponds a single jet.
If there are any missing segments in the lines, then a cleaning is
recommended. If, however, the lines appear solid and consistent,
then cleaning is most likely not required at this time. See “Jet
Status Lines” on page 4-7 for instructions.
The AutoSet calibration can also indicate that cleaning is
needed. When AutoSet maps out a significant number of jets
due to D (missing), or X and Y (alignment) errors, it is probably
due to clogged and deflected jets. In this case, cleaning is recommended.


Cleaning Ink Jets

Filling Depleted
Cartridges and Resetting

Occasionally, you may find that the cartridge does not fill from
the Big Ink pack supply. The primary cause of this is failure to
open the clip on the ink pack tube after installing an ink pack. If
a cartridge leaks ink, it may have lost vacuum. To correct these
1. Have a paper towel ready to catch any leaking ink during this
This procedure may cause ink to drop on the floor.
2. Remove the ink tube from the routing clips on the track.
3. Remove the cartridge from the print head carriage. Do not
close the ink tube clip.
4. Move the cartridge, with the ink jets pointed up, below the
level of the ink pack (close to the floor), until ink and air bubbles begin to flow out of the ink jets.
5. Hold the cartridge in this position, and sharply squeeze the
sides of the cartridge repeatedly until no more air bubbles
emerge from the jets (when ink begins to flow from the jets).
6. To reset the vacuum, hold the cartridge, with the ink jets
pointed down (as when the cartridge is installed in the
printer), approximately three feet (90 cm) above the level of
the ink pack for exactly 10 seconds.
7. Reinstall the cartridge into the print head carriage.

Cleaning Ink Jets


Cleaning the
Service Station

The printer’s service station wipers should be cleaned daily, and
when switching between dye and pigment inks. This will help to
prevent dried ink from clogging the ink jets.



Fig. 3-7. Service station parts

To avoid contaminating the ink, keep water away
from the boots and boot holders during this procedure.

1. Once each day, press the a (Options) key to display the
main menu.
2. Press the c key repeatedly to highlight Access Service
3. Press the e (Menu Select) key.
This moves the print head carriage out to the center of the
platen. The control panel displays this message:
Press proceed to park heads.
4. Reach inside the right endcap (behind the control panel) and
lift the service station out of the printer.
Hold the service station level to avoid spilling any ink that
may be present.
5. Hold the service station with the wipers under a stream of
water, keeping the boots away from the water.
Rinse as much ink as possible from the wipers.
6. Blot any remaining water from the service station with a
clean, lint-free cloth.
To avoid contaminating the ink, be sure to dry all water
from the boots and boot holders.


Cleaning the Service Station

7. Reinstall the service station.
The service station fits inside a rectangular cut-out in the
Press the f (Proceed) key to park the print head carriage.

Cleaning the Service Station


Adjusting the
Print Head Height

To accommodate media with a wide range of thicknesses, you
can adjust the height of the print heads with the included head
height gauge and 5 mm hex wrench. The tools are stored in a
holder, which is located on the right stand leg under the control
To adjust the print head height, you turn the adjustment screws
on the right and left sides of the carriage until the gauge fits
under the carriage. When used according to these instructions,
the gauge positions the print heads approximately 0.050 inches
(1.27 mm), or 50 mils, above the media.
1. Determine which end of the head height gauge to use.



For media between 3 and 15 mils thick (0.076-0.381
mm), ensure that no media is loaded on the printer, or
at least is not on the platen. In this case, the head height
is measured from the platen. Use the gauge end marked
“0.003 - 0.015.” This will position the head 0.059 inches
(1.50 mm) above the platen.


For media between 15 and 30 mils thick (0.381-0.762
mm), ensure that no media is loaded on the printer, or
at least is not on the platen. In this case, the head height
is measured from the platen. Use the gauge end marked
“0.015 - 0.030.” This will position the head 0.072 inches
(1.82 mm) above the platen.


For media greater than 30 mils thick (0.762 mm), load
the media onto the printer. In this case, the head height
is measured from the media. Use the gauge end marked
“0.003 - 0.015.” This will position the head 0.059 inches
(1.50 mm) above the media.


For media which “bubbles” or doesn’t pull down flat
to the platen, raise the head height sufficiently to prevent the head from contacting the media.

Adjusting the Print Head Height

2. Use the hex wrench to turn one of the head height adjustment screws counterclockwise until the end of the gauge will
not fit under the carriage as shown in Fig. 3-8.
The access holes to the head height adjustment screws are
marked with white circles on top of the carriage.

Left (Cartridge Position 1)

Right (Cartridge Position 12)

Fig. 3-8. Head height measurement points
3. Turn the head height adjustment screw clockwise, until the
end of the gauge slides under the carriage and the raised
gauge step touches the carriage.

Do not allow the taller surface of the gauge to slide
under the print head carriage. Damage to the carriage could result.

Insert the gauge to this line or this line

Fig. 3-9. Head height gauge

Adjusting the Print Head Height


4. Remove the gauge and repeat steps 2 and 3 at the other side
of the carriage.
5. Verify the heights at both sides of the carriage and adjust if
6. Remove the gauge and return it and the wrench to their
holder on the printer stand.


Adjusting the Print Head Height

Drying Times

The amount of drying time required for a print depends on its
ink coverage, the number of print passes used, and the relative
humidity where the printer is being operated.
To illustrate these relationships, the following table shows the
results of a test in which a 300% coverage test pattern was
printed. The amount of time shown is the delay required at the
end of each swath (right-to-left or left-to-right motion) of the
print head carriage to ensure that the first three inches of the
print are dry by the time the leading edge of the print reaches
the floor. This delay is automatically implemented during printing (see “Customize Settings” on page 2-7).
This test was designed to illustrate an extreme ink coverage
example. Typically, coverage is around 100%, which significantly reduces drying time. Drying times can also be reduced by
using the optional heated dryer.
Relative Humidity



2 passes

2.5 sec

7 sec


4 passes

1 sec

4 sec

16 sec

6 passes


3 sec


8 passes

0 sec

1 sec


Print Passes

Drying Times


Loading Media

Wear cotton gloves during this procedure, or handle the media
only by its very outside edges. This will prevent skin oils from
being deposited on the media, which could render output quality unacceptable.

For best results, use genuine ColorSpan media.

Far side

Home side
Fig. 3-10. Installing media roll and collets onto the spool

1. Load the collet with the setscrew onto the spool, and tighten
the setscrew into the outside hole of the spool (if the media is
on a 3-inch core, position the collet to the inside hole of the
2. Load the media roll onto the spool so that it unrolls over the
top fo the spool.
See “Settings” on page 2-7 to set the takeup motor for Small
(2-inch) or Large (3-inch) cores.
3. Load and press the adjustable collet (without the pin) tightly
into the end of the cardboard media core.
4. From the rear of the printer, load the media and spool into
the printer’s supply spool holder.
Press the home side of the supply spool into the home side
holder (on the left from the rear of the printer), then swing
the far side of the supply spool into the far side holder (on
the right).
5. With your right hand, feed the leading edge of the media
into the printer’s pinch rollers and hold it in place until the
following step.


Loading Media


The printer automatically locates the right and left
edges of the media, so it is not necessary to align
the media edges to a reference mark on the platen.

6. With your left hand, press the Media Advance button to
advance media a few inches (several centimeters).
The Media Advance button is located to the left of the
installed supply spool, on the rear of the printer next to the
Big Ink pack tray and electronics enclosure.
7. Roll the media supply spool back sharply, about one-quarter
turn, so the media snaps flush onto the platen.
8. Ensure that the right and left edges of the media web are perpendicular to the sides of the printer, that the tension appears
uniform across the media web, and that the media is not
unrolling unevenly (“telescoping”) from the supply spool.

These checks ensure that the tension is uniform
across the width of the media. This is critical to
trouble-free printing.

9. On the control panel, press a (Options) to display the menu,
highlight Change Media, and press e (Menu Select).
This causes the printer to measure the width of the media.
10. You are now ready to begin printing.

Loading Media Sheet

When loading cut sheets of media, wear cotton gloves during, or
handle the media only by its very outside edges. This will prevent skin oils from being deposited on the media, which could
render output quality unacceptable.
1. On the control panel, press a (Options).
2. Press c three times to highlight Load Media Sheet.
3. Press e (Menu Select).
The control panel displays instructions for loading cut sheet
media into the printer. These instructions are:
4. Push the media sheet under the rollers.
Make sure that the right hand edge of the media sheet is centered between the two rightmost rows of vacuum holes on
the platen.

Loading Media


5. Adjust the head height if necessary.
6. Press b and c buttons to move the media under the rollers.
7. Close the cover on the printer.
8. Press the f (Proceed) key to AutoLoad the cut media sheet.


When changing media types, you should perform a color calibration (if supported by your printer or RIP). This compensates
for the differences between medias that affect color accuracy.
For further information, see “Color Calibration” on page 4-16.
When replenishing the media supply with the same type of
media, recalibration is unnecessary unless print quality has
changed noticeably.


Loading Media

Cutting and
Unloading Media

1. Use the control panel or press the MEDIA ADVANCE button to
advance the printed portion of the media past the cutter
anvil (on the front edge of the platen).
2. From the front of the printer, cut the media with a knife or
If you use a knife, you can insert it into the channel at the
front of the platen to ensure a straight cut.
3. Remove the print from the printer.

Cutting and Unloading Media



Cutting and Unloading Media

Calibrating the Printer
This chapter explains how to calibrate the printer for the best possible

Calibrating the Printer


AutoSet Calibration (page 4-2)


AutoBidi Calibration (page 4-4)


AutoTune Scheduling (page 4-5)


Media Feed Calibration (page 4-6)


Jet Status Lines (page 4-7)


Manual Bidirectional Registration (page 4-9)


Manual Head Registration (page 4-11)


Manual Jet Mapping (page 4-14)


Color Calibration (page 4-16)


AutoSet Calibration

AutoSetTM is an advanced printer calibration feature that uses an
onboard camera and sophisticated software to detect and compensate for variations in ink jet printing. It can be initiated by
the user or run automatically at specified intervals. AutoSet is
designed to be a “one-button” calibration, the only calibration
you need to run in most cases for superior quality output.
AutoSet consists of three separate functions:

AutoJet Calibration - detects and disables individual ink jets
that are misfiring or not firing at all. During subsequent
printing, the printer compensates for these jets by using
other jets in their place, ensuring maximum print quality
without reducing print speed.


Bidirectional Registration - ensures that every working jet
fires a pixel at precisely the same location, regardless of the
carriage’s direction of travel.


Head Registration - precisely aligns each cartridge in the
horizontal (x) and vertical (y) directions.


Clean cartridges always produce the best printed
output. Ensure that the cartridges and service station are clean before running an AutoSet calibration.


AutoSet does not work with transparent media such
as ColorMark ClearFilm. In this case, you should run
AutoSet on a white media that is similar in thickness
to the clear media, then switch to the transparent
media; or manually run the calibrations under the
Expert Settings menu using the transparent media.

To run AutoSet once:
1. Ensure that media is loaded on the printer.
2. On the control panel, press the a (Options) key to enter the
menu system.
3. Press the c key repeatedly to highlight the Calibrate Printer
4. Press f (Proceed).
The Calibrate Printer menu appears, with AutoSet highlighted.


AutoSet Calibration

5. Press f (Proceed).
The AutoSet calibration begins. First, AutoSet tests the jets
on each cartridge for electrical failure.

If any jets with electrical failures are found, the printer
displays a list of the failed jets. Then press e (Menu
Select) to run AutoSet.


If too many cartridges are found with an electrical failure, an accurate AutoSet calibration cannot be performed. Clean the electrical contacts, inspect the flex
cable, and reinstall the cartridge(s) specified on the control panel, then press d (Retry) run the electrical test

6. AutoSet prints a calibration pattern, then looks for missing
and deflected jets on each cartridge.

If a small number jets on any one cartridge are missing
or deflected, AutoSet will compensate for them during


If too many jets on any one cartridge are missing or
deflected, AutoSet marks the cartridge as out-of-specification. It then asks whether you want to view a list of
these cartridges.

7. When AutoSet completes, press the h (Cancel) key repeatedly until the Ready to receive message appears.

AutoSet Calibration


AutoBidi Calibration

Runs just the bidirectional calibration, and not the entire
AutoSet calibration, when the head speed and print mode are
When you change the print mode that includes a head speed
change, a message is displayed on the control panel asking if you
wish to run AutoBidi.
To run AutoBidi:
1. Press f (Proceed).
The AutoBidi procedure runs.
If you choose not to run AutoBidi:
1. Press h (Cancel).
The printer returns to the Modes menu.


AutoBidi Calibration

AutoTune Scheduling

AutoTune is available only when the optional takeup system is
installed. When you use the AutoTune scheduler to run AutoSet,
AutoSet always performs its three calibrations without prompting the user or canceling due to too many bad jets. You can use
the Quality Check Mode feature to handle AutoSet errors, with
or without user intervention.
To run AutoSet at specified intervals (AutoTune):
1. On the control panel, press the a (Options) key to enter the
menu system.
2. Press the c key repeatedly to highlight the Calibrate Printer
3. Press e (Menu Select).
The Calibrate Printer menu appears.
4. Press the c key repeatedly to display the “AutoTune” option.
5. Press e (Menu Select).
The control panel prompts you to specify an AutoTune
6. Press f (Proceed).
The control panel displays this message:
Run AutoSet every 0 prints.

7. Press the b key repeatedly to increment the AutoTune interval to the number of prints you desire.
8. Press f (Proceed).
9. Press the d (Menu Up) key repeatedly until the control panel
reads Ready.

Quality Check Mode

AutoTune Scheduling

When you run AutoSet manually, the software notifies you if
there are any jet or alignment problems so that they can be
addressed. When AutoTune runs AutoSet at scheduled intervals,
you can use the Quality Check Mode feature to handle AutoSet
errors. For instructions on setting the Quality Check Mode, see
page 2-8.


Media Feed

This calibration allows you to calibrate the accuracy of the
Media Feed process. You may want to do this when printed output must be precise, as when tiling output. This calibration is
not included in the AutoSet process.
To perform this procedure you need a one-meter metric ruler.
1. Press the a (Options) key on the control panel to display the
2. Press the c key repeatedly to highlight the Calibrate Printer
3. Press the e (Menu Select) key to display the Calibrate Printer
4. Press the c key repeatedly to highlight the Media Feed
Calibration option.
5. Press e (Menu Select).
The control panel displays this prompt:
Print media feed
calibration marks?

6. Press f (Proceed).
The printer prints a calibration page.
7. When the calibration page has printed, cut it from the printer
and lay it on a flat surface.
8. Measure the distance between the cross-shaped targets
The distance should be exactly 900 mm.
9. Using the control panel, enter the measured distance.
You can enter the distance to a precision of 0.5 mm.
10. Press f (Proceed).
Media feed calibration is complete.


Media Feed Calibration

Jet Status Lines

Jet Status Lines provides a quick assessment of which jets are not
firing properly. This test prints a pattern of lines, each segment
of which corresponds a single jet. If there are any missing segments in the lines, then a cleaning is recommended. If, however,
the lines appear solid and consistent, then cleaning is most
likely not required at this time.
1. Press a (Options) on the control panel to display the menus.
2. Press the c key to highlight the Calibrate Printer option.
3. Press f (Proceed) to display the Calibrate Printer menu.
4. Press the c key repeatedly to highlight the Jet Status Lines
5. Press f (Proceed).
The printer prints the Jet Status Lines pattern and a legend
for the possible status codes:
R - Not replaced
E - Electrical jet-out
D - Disqualified by camera
Y - Y error
X - X error
If a line appears with no code, the jet is working properly. If
a line appears with a code other than R, it has been identified and replaced by (reassigned to) other jets. If a line is
missing and appears with or without an R, it has not been
After printing is complete, the Calibrate Printer menu reappears.

Jet Status Lines


Expert Calibration

AutoSet is designed to be a “one button” calibration. Manually
performing the component calibrations of AutoSet is time-consuming and error-prone. They should only be performed as
directed by ColorSpan Technical Support.
If you decide to manually calibrate the printer, first clean the
print heads as described in “Cleaning Ink Jets” on page 3-11.
Next, perform one or more of the following calibrations:

Manual BiDi Registration prints bidirectional registration
patterns and allows you to report which pattern is the most
precise. For instructions, see “Manual Bidirectional Registration” on page 4-9.


Manual Head Registration (page 4-11) precisely aligns the
print heads relative to each other, for accurate colors and
precise registration of images.


Manual Jet Mapping (page 4-14) enables you to detect and
report nonfiring or misfiring ink jet nozzles, which enables
the printer to “fill in” for them.

After calibration, perform a color calibration (if supported by
your print server or RIP). This adjusts printing for variations in
ink, media, and local environment to ensure accurate color
matching. You should perform a color calibration when:

When you notice a shift (change) in color output


When changing ink types or sets


When changing media types


When changing print mode (only if the most precise color
matching is required)

For further information, see “Color Calibration” on page 4-16.


Expert Calibration Options

Manual Bidirectional

Bidirectional registration is a method to align each of the cartridges so that dot placement is accurate in both directions along
the X axis (along the direction of print head travel).
The bidirectional registration pattern consists of a series of vertical lines. Half the pixels in this pattern are printed in one direction, half of them in the other direction. When the pixels are
accurately aligned, the pattern is clear. When the dots are not
aligned, the pattern appears fuzzy and ill-defined.
1. When loading fabric, begin with step 7.
2. Press a (Options) on the control panel to display the menus.
3. Press the c key to highlight the Calibrate Printer option.
4. Press f (Proceed) to display the Calibrate Printer menu.
5. Press the c key repeatedly to highlight the EXPERT SETTINGS option.
6. Press f (Proceed) to display the EXPERT SETTINGS menu.
7. Press f (Proceed) to select Manual BiDi Registration, the
default option.
The control panel displays this prompt:
Print a calibration
page now?

8. Press f (Proceed).
9. Press the b or c keys to select the Extra-Coarse, Coarse,
Medium, or Fine pattern.
10. Press f (Proceed).
The printer prints a calibration page.
11. When the calibration page has printed, the control panel displays this prompt:

12. Examine the BiDi Registration pattern for the current head,
and determine which pattern is the closest to perfectly
Use a printer’s loupe to select the pattern, since the lines in
the patterns may be difficult to discern otherwise.

Manual Bidirectional Registration


In the example below, the best aligned pattern is +2.






Fig. 4-1. BiDi Registration pattern
13. Press the b or c control panel keys repeatedly until the
number next to the pattern that is closest to aligned perfectly
is displayed.
For example, if pattern +2 is the closest aligned, press the b
key to change the display to:

14. Press f (Proceed).
The control panel message increments the head number by
15. Repeat steps 12 through 14 for each of the twelve heads.
When you have entered registration values for all heads, the
control panel displays this message:

Bidirectional registration is complete.
16. Press the d (Menu Up) key repeatedly to return the printer
to its ready state.


Manual Bidirectional Registration

Manual Head

The printer creates images by firing dots of ink onto a sheet of
media. Precise positioning of each dot is essential for optimal
print quality. This is possible only if you register all ink cartridge
heads in the print head assembly to each other in both the X
(along the length of the platen) and Y (along the length of the
media) directions.
This is a two-part process:

Print a registration pattern.


Enter the X and Y registration data for each head.

1. Press a (Options) on the control panel to display the menus.
2. Press the c key to highlight the Calibrate Printer option.
3. Press f (Proceed) to display the Calibrate Printer menu.
4. Press the c key repeatedly to highlight the Expert Settings
5. Press f (Proceed) to display the Expert Settings menu.
6. Press the c key repeatedly to highlight the Manual Head
Registration option.
7. Press f (Proceed).
The control panel displays this prompt:
Print a calibration
page now?

If you have a calibration pattern from a recent print, you
can use it to calibrate the heads. Press h (Cancel) and go to
step 8.
If you need to print a new calibration pattern, press f (Proceed). The printer prints a calibration page.
8. When the calibration page has printed, the control panel displays this prompt:


9. Examine the X registration pattern for the current head, and
determine which pattern of colored and black lines are the
closest to perfectly aligned.

Manual Head Registration


Use a printer’s loupe to select the pattern, since the lines in
the patterns may be difficult to discern otherwise.



Fig. 4-1. Sample head calibration patterns.
In this example, pattern “+1” is aligned the closest,
so “+1” would be entered.
10. Press the b or c control panel keys repeatedly until the
number next to the pattern that is closest to aligned perfectly
is displayed.
For example, if pattern +2 is the closest aligned, press the b
key to change the display to:


If a print head is extremely out of alignment, there may be
no pattern in alignment. Since the black vertical bars are
five pixels apart, you can add +5 or -5 to a pattern number
to shift the colored bars right or left by one black bar. Alternatively, you can repeatedly perform an X calibration, which
will move the head in smaller increments, until the head is
11. Press f (Proceed).
The control panel message increments the head number by
12. Repeat steps 9 through 11 for each of the heads.
When you have entered registration values for all the heads,
the control panel displays this message:


X registration is complete. You are now ready to begin Y registration.
13. Examine the Y registration pattern for the current head, and
determine which pattern of colored and black lines are the
closest to perfectly aligned.


Manual Head Registration

14. Press the b or c control panel keys repeatedly until the
number next to the pattern that is closest to aligned perfectly
is displayed.
15. Press f (Proceed).
The control panel message increments the HEAD number by
16. Repeat steps 13 through 15 for each of the Y patterns.
When you have entered registration values for all of the patterns, the control panel displays this message:

17. Press f (Proceed) to return to the Head Registration menu.
18. Press h (Cancel) repeatedly to return the printer to its ready

Manual Head Registration


Manual Jet Mapping

Each of the ink cartridges used by the printer includes a print
head with over two hundred and forty ink jet nozzles (jets). If
any one of these jets is clogged or has a bad electrical connection, print quality may be affected. A certain number of non-firing jets is within the performance specifications of most printers
that use this technology.

For best results, before performing this procedure,
clean the print heads as described in “Cleaning Ink
Jets” on page 3-11.

Using a patent-pending technique, the printer “fills in” the pixels that were not printed by the non-firing jets, without reducing
print speed. The end result is that every print is made with no
missing pixels.
Autodetected missing jets (marked
with an E) sometimes can be recovered
by carefully wiping the electrical contacts on the cartridge and their corresponding contacts on the print head
carriage with a lint-free wipe moistened with plain water.

The printer automatically maps out missing jets that are not firing for electrical reasons. Jets that are missing or misfiring for
other reasons are usually detected during the AutoSet or AutoJet
calibrations. You may also map jets manually using the following procedure.
To report missing jets:
1. Press a (Options) on the control panel to display the menus.
2. Press the c key to highlight the Calibrate Printer option.
3. Press e (Menu Select) to display the Calibrate Printer menu.
4. Press the c key repeatedly to highlight the EXPERT SETTINGS
5. Press f (Proceed) to display the EXPERT SET TINGS menu.
6. Press the c key repeatedly to highlight the Manual Jet Mapping option.
7. Press e (Menu Select).
The control panel displays this message:
Print a jet test
page now?

8. Press f (Proceed).
The printer prints a jet test page. When the calibration page
has printed, the control panel displays a Map Jets Out menu
with these options:


Manual Jet Mapping


Report individual bad jets - enables you to select a head
number, then enter the number of one or more bad
(missing) jets.


Clear individual bad jets - enables you to remove a jet,
specified by head and jet number, from the list of bad


View current bad jets - enables you to list all of the bad
jets, by number, for each head.


Clear all bad jets - enables you to delete all previouslyreported bad jets from the lists for all heads.

9. Examine the jet test pattern for missing jets.
If a line segment is marked with an E (electrical failure) or U
(user specified jet out), or other letters or numbers, it has
already been detected by the software, so no further action
by you is required. This data, however, may be requested by
ColorSpan Technical Support to help diagnose printing

If the test detects (marks with an E) that more than
twelve jets are missing on any one print head, the
cartridge may be improperly seated. Try reseating
the cartridge and selecting View current bad jets
from the menu. If this does not correct the problem,
missing jets sometimes can be recovered by carefully wiping the electrical contacts on the cartridge
and their corresponding contacts on the print head
carriage with a lint-free wipe moistened with plain

10. Select an option from the menu.
If a line segment is missing or broken, report it to the
printer by selecting Report individual bad jets and pressing
b and c to select a head number and jet number.
11. When you have reported all missing jets, press h (Cancel).
12. Press f (Proceed) to return to the Manual Jet Mapping
13. Press the d (Menu Up) key repeatedly to return the printer
to its ready state.

Manual Jet Mapping


Color Calibration


In addition to the printer engine calibrations described in this
chapter, color calibration is necessary to ensure accurate color
matching and color consistency from print to print. Color calibration is a feature of the print server or RIP connected to the
printer. Refer to the documentation that accompanies the print
server for further information.

Color Calibration

This appendix explains how to prevent and diagnose printing problems
and provides information about getting help from ColorSpan.
For other software-specific troubleshooting procedures, refer to your
application software documentation or the other ColorSpan documentation listed on page vi of this manual.
If your printer is connected to a non-ColorSpan RIP or print server, refer
to the accompanying third-party documentation.




Before you troubleshoot your printer, make sure that it is properly installed as described in Chapter 1.
Follow the steps in this checklist to isolate and resolve printing
1. Does the printer’s power come ON?
YES: Go to question 2.
NO: The following could be the problem:

The power cable may not be plugged into an electrical


If the printer is plugged into a surge protector, the surge
protector may not be connected to power, or it may be
switched off.

2. Did the start-up sequence of the control panel display end
with the message “Ready”?
YES: Go to question 3.
NO: The following could be the problem:

There may be a hardware problem with the printer’s
internal components. Follow the diagnostic routine on
the control panel to determine the problem. Call
ColorSpan Technical Support as directed by the control

3. Can you send a file from the print server to the printer?
YES: Go to question 4.
NO: The following could be the problem:



The cable may not be securely connected between the
print server and the printer. Refer to the server’s documentation for more information.


The cable may be connected to the wrong port on the
print server. Refer to the server’s documentation for
more information.

Troubleshooting Checklist

4. Can you send (print or download) a document from a client computer to the server?
YES: Go to question 5.
NO: The following could be the problem:

The connection from the client to the local area network
may not be configured correctly. See your system administrator for assistance.


The cable between your computer or network and the
print server may not be securely connected at both ends.
Refer to the print server manual for more information.


Your computer may not be working properly. Run an
application that you know works correctly and print to
be sure.


The computer’s port may not be working properly. Print
to another output device that you know works correctly
(and is not connected to the print server) to check this.


There may be another error condition reported by the
print server.

5. Is the print quality good?
YES: Then the problem is not covered in this checklist.
Contact ColorSpan Technical Support.
NO: The following could be the problem:

Troubleshooting Checklist


The printer may need to be calibrated. See “AutoSet Calibration” on page 4-2 for instructions.


One or more ink jets may be clogged or not firing. See
“Cleaning Ink Jets” on page 3-11 for instructions.


If the print head is striking the media, check how the
media is tracking from the supply spool to the takeup
spool. The sides of the media should be parallel to the
sides of the printer, with no wrinkling or buckling. If necessary, reload the media. See “Loading Media” on page
3-20 for instructions.


Verify that the print head carriage is at the proper
height. See “Adjusting the Print Head Height” on page
3-16 for instructions.


One or more of the ink supply boxes may have lost vacuum, which prevents the ink cartridge from filling. See
“Filling Depleted Cartridges and Resetting Vacuum” on
page 3-13 for instructions.


6. Is the carriage hitting the media?



Be sure the media is installed straight.


Extend the media to the front of the platen before starting to print.


If small portions of media are lifting off the platen, make
sure the vacuum fans are set to “high”. If the problem
persists, raise the head height.


When running plastic media, the vacuum may need to
be reduced.

Troubleshooting Checklist



The printer includes a series of self-diagnostic tests designed to
help ColorSpan Technical Support solve printer hardware problems. If one of the tests encounters an error, and error message
appears, which includes:

Error code - always write down this code for future reference
by ColorSpan Technical Support.


Brief description of the error


A series of buttons that allow you to respond to the error. In
some cases, you can ignore the error or enter a further diagnostic routine. In other cases, you must restart the printer.


Technical Specifications
This chapter lists the printer’s specifications and information about
ordering supplies.

Technical Specifications





52-inch model:
Height: 50.5 inches (128 cm)
Depth: 33 inches (84 cm)
Length: 102 inches (259 cm)
62-inch model:
Height: 50.5 inches (128 cm)
Depth: 33 inches (84 cm)
Length: 112 inches (310 cm)


52-inch model: 245 pounds (111 kg)
62-inch model: 265 pounds (120 kg)

Electrical Power

100-120 VAC, 50-60 Hz (maximum), 4.0 A
(printer), 13.2 A (heater)
200-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz (maximum), 9 A
(printer and heater)
Power supply automatically switches voltage,
see “Connecting Power and VideoNet” on page
1-11 for detailed electrical requirements


Storage: 0–120° F (-17–49° C)
Operating: 60–90° F (16–32° C)


Storage: 10–80%, non-condensing
Operating: 10–80%, non-condensing,
40–60% optimum
Built-in humidity sensing automatically adjusts
printing speed to ensure adequate drying for
the combination of media and ink selected


Safety: UL, TUV, c-UL
Emissions: FCC-A, CE, VCCI-1



Color Set




1 x 4 (CMYK)

2*, 4, 6, 8


600 dpi




600 dpi

3 x 4**

3*, 3, 6


600 dpi

1 x 6 (CMYKOG,
2*, 4, 6, 8


600 dpi

2 x 6**


600 dpi

1 x 8 (CMYKOGRB) 2*


600 dpi

1 x 6 (C2M2YK)



1200 dpi

2 x 6**

2*, 4, 6, 8


1200 dpi


1 x 8 (C2M2YKOG,



1200 dpi


1 x 8 (C3M3YK)



1800 dpi

2*, 4, 6, 8


1800 dpi



12 Color 1 x 12**

2*, 4, 6, 8

Print speeds vary with humidity conditions and media/ink combinations.
* No jet replacement.
**12-head option is available for purchase from ColorSpan.



Supported Ink and Media


Slows printing in high-humidity environments
(within specifications) to improve drying.

Heated Drying

Available as an option for purchase from

Motorized Takeup

Available as an option for purchase from

Maximum Print

51.5 inches (131 cm)

Cut-Sheet Media

Printer can accommodate cut-sheet paper or rigid
media up to 1/8 inch (3 mm) thick. Any media to
be printed must have an inkjet coating.

Genuine ColorMark® inks and media have been tested and
selected for optimal performance on ColorSpan printers. They
are also supported by the ColorMark Color Management System
for optimal color matching. Additional inks and media may be
supported. Inks are available in a variety of dye-based and pigment-based formulations. Certain ink and media combinations
are not supported. Consult ColorSpan or your ColorSpan representative for details.

Supported ColorMark Ink Sets
Four-Color Printing

4-Color set: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black

Six-Color Printing

HiFi Set: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, Orange,
Green. Provides striking green and orange
R&B Set: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, Red,
Blue. Provides key colors most frequently
requested by corporate clients for logos
Advantage Set: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black,
Orange, Blue. Provides the widest gamut.
Multidensity Set: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black,
Medium Cyan, Medium Magenta



Eight-Color Printing

Film Quality
Multidensity Set: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black,
Medium Cyan, Medium Magenta, Light Cyan,
Light Magenta
Multidensity Set: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black,
Medium Cyan, Medium Magenta plus choice
of two of four additional colors: Red, Blue,
Orange, or Green.


Multidensity Set: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black,
Medium Cyan, Medium Magenta, Light Cyan,
Light Magenta, Red, Blue, Orange, Green

* Support for twelve-head printing is available as an option for purchase
from ColorSpan.
EPIC is a trademark of Kimberly-Clark Corporation.

Supported ColorMark Media

Satin Photobase PXS Paper
Glossy Photobase PXG Paper
Gloss Photopaper


Endura•ChromeTM Backlit Film
White Opaque Film

FineArtTM Media

FineArt UltraColor Canvas
FineArt Perma•ChromeTM Paper

Fabric Banner Media

EPIC Cotton Poplin Banner
EPIC Polyester Poplin Banner
EPIC Polyester Georgette Banner

Outdoor Media

Universal Adhesive Vinyl
Universal Photobase
Perma•Chrome WaterFastTM Vinyl
WaterFast Banner Vinyl
Perforated Window Vinyl
WaterFast Banner Tyvek
FIRST 4-Year Vinyl

Not all supported media are listed. Contact your ColorSpan representative for an updated listing.





3x Mode 2-7
4 Color Mode 2-8

Access Print Heads 2-5
Access Service Station 2-5
AutoJet Calibration 4-2
AutoSet Calibration 1-18, 2-6, 4-2
Quality Check Mode 2-8, 4-5
AutoSet Summary 2-7
AutoTune Scheduling 2-6, 4-5, 4-6
Quality Check Mode 4-5

Bidirectional Calibration 4-9
Bidirectional Registration 2-6, 4-2
Big Ink Packs
installing 3-6
removing 3-10

Calibrating the printer 4-1
Calibration 2-6, 4-1
AutoJet 4-2
AutoSet 1-18, 2-6, 4-2
AutoTune 2-6
Bidirectional Registration 2-6, 4-2, 4-9
color 4-16
Expert Options 4-8
Head Registration 2-6, 4-11
Paper Feed 4-6


Quality Check Mode 4-5
X-Y 4-2
Change Media 2-5
print heads 3-11
service station 3-14
Color calibration 4-16
ColorMark Profiler
installing 3-6
Control panel
3x Mode 2-7
4 Color Mode 2-8
Access Print Heads 2-5
Access Service Station 2-5
AutoSet Summary 2-7
Calibrate Printer 2-6
Change Media 2-5
Customize Settings 2-7
Display Humidity 2-9
Dryer 2-7
Dryer Fan 2-7
Ethernet ID 2-9
Field Service 2-9
Manual Jet Mapping 2-6
navigation keys 2-3
overview 2-2
Prime 2-5
Printer Info 2-9
printing status 2-4
Quality Check Mode 2-8
Restore All Defaults 2-8
Service Station 2-7
Side Gutters 2-7
Software Version 2-9
Space Between Prints 2-7
Takeup Direction 2-7
Takeup On/Off 2-4
Top Gutters 2-7
Total RAM 2-9
Units 2-7
Vacuum Fan Speed 2-7
Conventions vii
Customize Settings 2-7
Cut-sheet media 1-18, 2-5, B-4
Cutter 3-23



Diagnostics A-4
Display Humidity 2-9
Dryer 2-7, 3-23
Dryer Fan 2-7
Drying Fans 2-9

Ink cartridge
cleaning 3-11
handling tips 3-7
installing 3-7
Ink dryer 3-23
installing 3-6
Installation Checklist 1-5

Electrical requirements 1-2
Embedded software version 2-9
Environmental requirements 1-2
Ethernet 2-9
Ethernet ID 2-9
Expert Calibration Options 4-8


Jet replacement 3-3


FCC statement iv
Field service menu 2-9

Link 2-9
Load Media Sheet 2-5
Loading inks 3-6
Loading media 3-20



Gutter patterns 2-7

Manual Jet Mapping 2-6
cutting 3-23
loading 3-20
unloading 3-23
Media dryer 3-23
Media spool 3-20
Media width 1-18, 2-5

Head height adjustment 3-16
description 1-18
Head Registration 2-6, 4-11
Humidity sensor 1-18, 2-9




Network link 2-9

Safety warnings 1-4, 1-6, 1-9, 1-11
Service Station 2-7
Service station
accessing 2-5
cleaning 3-14
Side Gutters 2-7
Software Version 2-9
Space Between Prints 2-7
Specifications B-1
Straight-through media path 1-18, 2-5, B-4
Supplies and accessories B-6

Operating environment 1-2
Ordering supplies B-6

Paper Feed Calibration 4-6
Parts list 1-7
Parts overview 1-15
Prime 2-5
Print heads
accessing 2-5
cleaning 3-11
Print modes 3-2
installing 3-6

Quality Check Mode 2-8, 4-5

Regulatory statements iv
Related manuals vi
Relative humidity sensor 1-18, 2-9
Resetting cartridge vacuum 3-13
Restore All Defaults 2-8


Takeup Direction 2-7
Takeup Motor Status 2-9
Technical Support A-6
Top Gutters 2-7
Total RAM 2-9
Troubleshooting A-1

Units 2-7
Unloading media 3-23
Unpacking and Assembly 1-6

resetting cartridge 3-13
Vacuum Fan Speed 2-7
Variable Mode Printing 3-2

Warnings 1-4, 1-6, 1-9, 1-11
Workflow overview 1-14

X-Y Calibration 4-2




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Create Date                     : 2000:09:12 15:53:25
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.05 for Windows
Author                          : MacDermid ColorSpan, Inc.
Title                           : DisplayMaker Esprit User Manual
Creator                         : FrameMaker 5.5.2L11a
Modify Date                     : 2008:12:11 13:18:53-06:00
Subject                         : September 2000
Keywords                        : 0706064, Rev, A
Page Count                      : 98
Page Mode                       : UseOutlines
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools

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